Importance of Affective Learning Targets
Importance of Affective Learning Targets
Importance of Affective Learning Targets
• Effective learning: The term 'effective learning' describes methods of teaching and
learning that actively involve children in their own learning and personal
development. Think of it as children learning how to learn, rather than simply
parroting information or copying techniques from teachers or other children.
Productivity in any field depends very little on our education system. Productivity
follows spontaneity. One who is passionate enough to work spontaneously without
feeling burdened by parents, society, situations and responsibility will surely
influence the society beneficially, leading to the upliftment of our society.
1. Communicate.
2. Talk to them about career realities.
3. Don't pressure them to do too much.
4. Stay in touch with the school
5. Be supportive and involved.
"The affective domain describes the way people react emotionally and their ability to
feel another living thing's pain or joy. Affective objectives typically target the
awareness and growth in attitudes, emotion, and feelings.
Peer Relationship: students will share their ideas, in a small group discussion.
Taking a stand: Ask students to stand on the spot along the line that represents
their opinion, telling them that if they stand at either extreme, they are absolute in
their agreement or disagreement. They may stand anywhere between the two
extremes, depending on how much they do or do not agree with the statement .
Functioning in a group:
Students benefit from working on a skill or learning target in small groups with others
who are at different ability levels in that skill, likely through developing a growth
mindset around the target skill and through gaining a better understanding of their
own strengths.
Prosocial behaviour : This model proposes that these factors contribute to creating
a classroom climate that is more conducive to learning and that promotes positive
developmental outcomes among students.
Friendship: As they are learning how to be a good friend, they’ll talk about valuable
traits like being honest, caring, and dependable. To wrap up the lesson, students will
work together to create a class agreement about friendship that can be posted for
everyone to see.
Conflct resolution: Conflict is part of school life, which implies that teachers must
have the skills to manage conflict constructively.
Classroom: The ideal classroom is a positive place where a student can come to
work toward specific goals set before them in the class objectives. The teacher is to
be positive, organized, outgoing, confident, and compassionate. ... The classroom
community gives the students the opportunity to get to know their fellow students
• lowelllucero.blogspot
•Anderson, H., Moore, D., Anaya, G., & Bird, E. (2005). Student learning
outcomes assessment: A component of program assessment.
•De Guzman, E. S. & Adamos, J. L. (2015). Assessment of learning 1. QC:
Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.