React in Patterns

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of Contents
Introduction 1.1
In brief 1.2

Communication 2.1
Input 2.1.1
Output 2.1.2
Event handlers 2.2
Composition 2.3
Using React's children API 2.3.1
Passing a child as a prop 2.3.2
Higher-order component 2.3.3
Function as a children, render prop 2.3.4
Controlled and uncontrolled inputs 2.4
Presentational and container components 2.5

Data flow

One direction data flow 3.1
Flux 3.2
Flux architecture and its main characteristics
Implementing a Flux architecture 3.2.2 3.2.1
Redux 3.3
Redux architecture and its main characteristics
Simple counter app using Redux 3.3.2 3.3.1

Good to know
Dependency injection 4.1
Using React's context (prior v. 16.3) 4.1.1
Using React's context (v. 16.3 and above) 4.1.2
Using the module system 4.1.3
Styling 4.2
The good old CSS class 4.2.1
Inline styling 4.2.2
CSS modules 4.2.3
Styled-components 4.2.4
Integration of third-party libraries 4.3
React and separation of concerns 4.4

Summary 5.1


React in patterns
A book about common design patterns used while
developing with React. It includes techniques for
composition, data flow, dependency management and

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In brief

In brief
This cookbook is targeting developers that already have a
basic understanding of what React is and how it works.
It's not meant to be used as a complete how-to guide but
as an introduction to popular concepts/design patterns.
Paradigms that more or less are introduced by the
community. It points you to an abstract thinking. For
example, instead of talking about Flux, it talks about data
flow. Instead of talking about higher-order components it
talks about composition.

The book is highly opinionated. It represents my own

understanding of the described patterns and it is possible
that they have a different interpretation around the web.
Have this in mind when arguing with someone and using
this book as an argument.

Also notice that English is not my native language. If you

see a typo or something sounds weird please contribute
here If you are
reading from a printed version of this book then feel free
to use a pen ¯\(ツ)/¯

In brief


Every React component is like a small system that
operates on its own. It has its own state, input and output.
In the following section we will explore these

The input of a React component is its props. That's how
we pass data to it:


// Title.jsx
function Title(props) {
return <h1>{ props.text }</h1>;
Title.propTypes = {
text: PropTypes.string
Title.defaultProps = {
text: 'Hello world'

// App.jsx
function App() {
return <Title text='Hello React' />;

The Title component has only one input (prop) - text .

The parent component ( App ) should provide it as an
attribute while using the <Title> tag. Alongside the
component definition we also have to define at least
propTypes . In there we define the type of every property

and React hints us in the console if something

unexpected gets sent. defaultProps is another useful
option. We may use it to set a default value of
component's props so that if the developer forgets to pass
them we have meaningful values.

React is not defining strictly what should be passed as a

prop. It may be whatever we want. It could even be
another component:


function SomethingElse({ answer }) {

return <div>The answer is { answer }</div>;
function Answer() {
return <span>42</span>;

// later somewhere in our application

<SomethingElse answer={ <Answer /> } />

There is also a props.children property that gives us

access to the child components passed by the owner of
the component. For example:

function Title({ text, children }) {

return (
{ text }
{ children }
function App() {
return (
<Title text='Hello React'>


In this example <span>community</span> in App

component is children in Title component. Notice that
if we don't return { children } as part of the Title 's
body the <span> tag will not be rendered.

(prior v16.3) An indirect input to a component may be also

the so called context . The whole React tree may have a
context object which is accessible by every component.

More about that in the dependency injection section.

The first obvious output of a React component is the
rendered HTML. Visually that is what we get. However,
because the prop may be everything including a function
we could also send out data or trigger a process.

In the following example we have a component that

accepts the user's input and sends it out ( <NameField
/> ).


function NameField({ valueUpdated }) {

return (
onChange={ event => valueUpdated(
value) } />
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {

this.state = { name: '' };

render() {
return (
valueUpdated={ name => this.setState({ nam
e }) } />
Name: { }

Very often we need an entry point of our logic. React

comes with some handy lifecycle methods that may be
used to trigger a process. For example we have an
external resource that needs to be fetched on a specific


class ResultsPage extends React.Component {

componentDidMount() {
render() {
if (this.props.results) {
return <List results={ this.props.results } />
} else {
return <LoadingScreen />

Let's say that we are building a search-results experience.

We have a search page and we enter our criteria there.
We click submit and the user goes to /results where we
have to display the result of the search. Once we land on
the results page we render some sort of a loading screen
and trigger a request for fetching the results in
componentDidMount lifecycle hook. When the data comes

back we pass it to a <List> component.

Final thoughts
It is nice that we may think about every React component
as a black box. It has its own input, lifecycle and output. It
is up to us to compose these boxes. And maybe that is


one of the advantages that React offers. Easy to abstract

and easy to compose.

Event handlers

Event handlers
React provides a series of attributes for handling events.
The solution is almost the same as the one used in the
standard DOM. There are some differences like using
camel case or the fact that we pass a function but overall
it is pretty similar.

const theLogoIsClicked = () => alert('Clicked');

<Logo onClick={ theLogoIsClicked } />

onChange={event => theInputIsChanged(
value) } />

Usually we handle events in the component that contains

the elements dispatching the events. Like in the example
below, we have a click handler and we want to run a
function or a method of the same component:

Event handlers

class Switcher extends React.Component {

render() {
return (
<button onClick={ this._handleButtonClick }>
click me
_handleButtonClick() {
console.log('Button is clicked');

That's all fine because _handleButtonClick is a function

and we indeed pass a function to the onClick attribute.
The problem is that as it is the code doesn't keep the
same context. So, if we have to use this inside
_handleButtonClick to refer the current Switcher

component we will get an error.

Event handlers

class Switcher extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { name: 'React in patterns' };
render() {
return (
<button onClick={ this._handleButtonClick }>
click me
_handleButtonClick() {
console.log(`Button is clicked inside ${ }`);
// leads to
// Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sta
te' of null

What we normally do is to use bind :

<button onClick={ this._handleButtonClick.bind(this)

click me

However, this means that the bind function is called

again and again because we may render the button many
times. A better approach would be to create the bindings

Event handlers

in the constructor of the component:

class Switcher extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { name: 'React in patterns' };
this._buttonClick = this._handleButtonClick.bind(
render() {
return (
<button onClick={ this._buttonClick }>
click me
_handleButtonClick() {
console.log(`Button is clicked inside ${ }`);

Facebook by the way recommends the same technique

while dealing with functions that need the context of the
same component.

The constructor is also a nice place for partially executing

our handlers. For example, we have a form but want to
handle every input in a single function.

Event handlers

class Form extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this._onNameChanged = this._onFieldChange.bind(t
his, 'name');
this._onPasswordChanged =
this._onFieldChange.bind(this, 'password');
render() {
return (
<input onChange={ this._onNameChanged } />
<input onChange={ this._onPasswordChanged }
_onFieldChange(field, event) {
console.log(`${ field } changed to ${ event.targ
et.value }`);

Final thoughts
There is not much to learn about event handling in React.
The authors of the library did a good job in keeping what's
already there. Since we are using HTML-like syntax it
makes total sense that we also have a DOM-like event

Event handlers


One of the biggest benefits of React is composability. I
personally don't know a framework that offers such an
easy way to create and combine components. In this
section we will explore a few composition techniques
which proved to work well.

Let's get a simple example. Let's say that we have an

application with a header and we want to place a
navigation inside. We have three React components -
App , Header and Navigation . They have to be nested

into each other so we end up with the following


<App> -> <Header> -> <Navigation>

The trivial approach for combining these components is to

reference them in the places where we need them.


// app.jsx
import Header from './Header.jsx';

export default function App() {

return <Header />;

// Header.jsx
import Navigation from './Navigation.jsx';

export default function Header() {

return <header><Navigation /></header>;

// Navigation.jsx
export default function Navigation() {
return (<nav> ... </nav>);

However, by following this approach we introduced a

couple of problems:

We may consider the App as a place where we do

our main composition. The Header though may have
other elements like a logo, search field or a slogan. It
will be nice if they are passed somehow from the
App component so we don't create hard-coded

dependencies. What if we need the same Header

component but without the Navigation . We can't
easily achieve that because we have the two bound


tightly together.
It's difficult to test. We may have some business logic
in the Header and in order to test it we have to
create an instance of the component. However,
because it imports other components we will probably
create instances of those components too and it
becomes heavy to test. We may break our Header
test by doing something wrong in the Navigation
component which is totally misleading. (Note: to
some extent shallow rendering solves this problem by
rendering only the Header without its nested

Using React's children API

In React we have the handy children prop. That's how
the parent reads/accesses its children. This API will make
our Header agnostic and dependency-free:


export default function App() {

return (
<Navigation />
export default function Header({ children }) {
return <header>{ children }</header>;

Notice also that if we don't use { children } in Header ,

the Navigation component will never be rendered.

It now becomes easier to test because we may render the

Header with an empty <div> . This will isolate the

component and will let us focus on one piece of our


Passing a child as a prop

Every React component receives props. As we mentioned
already there is no any strict rule about what these props
are. We may even pass other components.


const Title = function () {

return <h1>Hello there!</h1>;
const Header = function ({ title, children }) {
return (
{ title }
{ children }
function App() {
return (
<Header title={ <Title /> }>
<Navigation />

This technique is useful when a component like Header

needs to take decisions about its children but don't bother
about what they actually are. A simple example is a
visibility component that hides its children based on a
specific condition.

Higher-order component


For a long period of time higher-order components were

the most popular way to enhance and compose React
elements. They look really similar to the decorator design
pattern because we have component wrapping and

On the technical side the higher-order component is

usually a function that accepts our original component
and returns an enhanced/populated version of it. The
most trivial example is as follows:

var enhanceComponent = (Component) =>

class Enhance extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Component {...this.props} />

var OriginalTitle = () => <h1>Hello world</h1>;

var EnhancedTitle = enhanceComponent(OriginalTitle);

class App extends React.Component {

render() {
return <EnhancedTitle />;


The very first thing that the higher-order component does

is to render the original component. It's a good practice to
proxy pass the props to it. This way we will keep the
input of our original component. And here comes the first
big benefit of this pattern - because we control the input of
the component we may send something that the
component usually has no access to. Let's say that we
have a configuration setting that OriginalTitle needs:

var config = require('path/to/configuration');

var enhanceComponent = (Component) =>

class Enhance extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
title={ config.appTitle }

var OriginalTitle = ({ title }) => <h1>{ title }</h1

var EnhancedTitle = enhanceComponent(OriginalTitle);


The knowledge for the appTitle is hidden into the

higher-order component. OriginalTitle knows only that
it receives a prop called title . It has no idea that this
is coming from a configuration file. That's a huge
advantage because it allows us to isolate blocks. It also
helps with the testing of the component because we can
create mocks easily.

Another characteristic of this pattern is that we have a

nice buffer for additional logic. For example, if our
OriginalTitle needs data also from a remote server. We

may query this data in the higher-order component and

again send it as a prop.


var enhanceComponent = (Component) =>

class Enhance extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {

this.state = { remoteTitle: null };

componentDidMount() {
=> {
this.setState({ remoteTitle: data.title });
render() {
return (
title={ config.appTitle }
remoteTitle={ this.state.remoteTitle }

var OriginalTitle = ({ title, remoteTitle }) =>

<h1>{ title }{ remoteTitle }</h1>;
var EnhancedTitle = enhanceComponent(OriginalTitle);

Again, the OriginalTitle knows that it receives two

props and has to render them next to each other. Its only
concern is how the data looks like not where it comes
from and how.


Dan Abramov made a really good point that the actual

creation of the higher-order component (i.e. calling a
function like enhanceComponent ) should happen at a
component definition level. Or in other words, it's a bad
practice to do it inside another React component because
it may be slow and lead to performance issues.

Function as a children,
render prop
For the last couple of months, the React community
started shifting in an interesting direction. So far in our
examples the children prop was a React component.
There is however a new pattern gaining popularity in
which the same children prop is a JSX expression. Let's
start by passing a simple object.


function UserName({ children }) {

return (
<b>{ children.lastName }</b>,
{ children.firstName }

function App() {
const user = {
firstName: 'Krasimir',
lastName: 'Tsonev'
return (
<UserName>{ user }</UserName>

This may look weird but in fact is really powerful. Like for
example when we have some knowledge in the parent
component and don't necessary want to send it down to
children. The example below prints a list of TODOs. The
App component has all the data and knows how to

determine whether a TODO is completed or not. The

TodoList component simply encapsulate the needed

HTML markup.



function TodoList({ todos, children }) {

return (
<section className='main-section'>
<ul className='todo-list'>{, i) => (
<li key={ i }>{ children(todo) }</li>

function App() {
const todos = [
{ label: 'Write tests', status: 'done' },
{ label: 'Sent report', status: 'progress' },
{ label: 'Answer emails', status: 'done' }
const isCompleted = todo => todo.status === 'done'
return (
<TodoList todos={ todos }>
todo => isCompleted(todo) ?
<b>{ todo.label }</b> :


Notice how the App component doesn't expose the

structure of the data. TodoList has no idea that there is
label or status properties.

The so called render prop pattern is almost the same

except that we use the render prop and not children
for rendering the todo.

function TodoList({ todos, render }) {

return (
<section className='main-section'>
<ul className='todo-list'>{, i) => (
<li key={ i }>{ render(todo) }</li>

return (
todos={ todos }
todo => isCompleted(todo) ?
<b>{ todo.label }</b> : todo.label
} />


These two patterns, function as children and render prop

are probably one of my favorite ones recently. They
provide flexibility and help when we want to reuse code.
They are also a powerful way to abstract imperative code.

class DataProvider extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {

this.state = { data: null };

setTimeout(() => this.setState({ data: 'Hey ther
e!' }), 5000);
render() {
if ( === null) return null;
return (
<section>{ this.props.render( }

DataProvider renders nothing when it first gets mounted.

Five seconds later we update the state of the component

and render a <section> followed by what is render prop
returning. Imagine that this same component fetches data
from a remote server and we want to display it only when
it is available.


<DataProvider render={ data => <p>The data is here!</

p> } />

We do say what we want to happen but not how. That is

hidden inside the DataProvider . These days we used this
pattern at work where we had to restrict some UI to
certain users having read:products permissions. And we
used the render prop pattern.

permissionsInclude={[ 'read:products' ]}
render={ () => <ProductsList /> } />

Pretty nice and self-explanatory in a declarative fashion.

Authorize goes to our identity provider and checks what

are the permissions of the current user. If he/she is

allowed to read our products we render the ProductList .

Final thoughts
Did you wonder why HTML is still here. It was created in
the dawn of the internet and we still use it. That is
because it's highly composable. React and its JSX looks
like HTML on steroids and as such it comes with the same


capabilities. So, make sure that you master the

composition because that is one of the biggest benefits of

Controlled and uncontrolled inputs

Controlled and
uncontrolled inputs
These two terms controlled and uncontrolled are very
often used in the context of forms management.
controlled input is an input that gets its value from a single
source of truth. For example the App component below
has a single <input> field which is controlled:

class App extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { value: 'hello' };
render() {
return <input type='text' value={ this.state.val
ue } />;

The result of this code is an input element that we can

focus but can't change. It is never updated because we
have a single source of truth - the App 's component
state. To make the input work as expected we have to add

Controlled and uncontrolled inputs

an onChange handler and update the state (the single

source of truth). Which will trigger a new rendering cycle
and we will see what we typed.

class App extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { value: 'hello' };
this._change = this._handleInputChange.bind(this
render() {
return (
value={ this.state.value }
onChange={ this._change } />
_handleInputChange(e) {
this.setState({ value: });

On the opposite side is the uncontrolled input where we

let the browser handle the user's updates. We may still
provide an initial value by using the defaultValue prop
but after that the browser is responsible for keeping the
state of the input.

Controlled and uncontrolled inputs

class App extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { value: 'hello' };
render() {
return <input type='text' defaultValue={
ate.value } />

That <input> element above is a little bit useless

because the user updates the value but our component
has no idea about that. We then have to use Refs to get
an access to the actual element.

Controlled and uncontrolled inputs

class App extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { value: 'hello' };
this._change = this._handleInputChange.bind(this
render() {
return (
defaultValue={ this.state.value }
onChange={ this._change }
ref={ input => this.input = input }/>
_handleInputChange() {
this.setState({ value: this.input.value });

The ref prop receives a string or a callback. The code

above uses a callback and stores the DOM element into a
local variable called input . Later when the onChange
handler is fired we get the new value and send it to the
App 's state.

Using a lot of refs is not a good idea. If it happens in

your app consider using controlled inputs and re-think
your components.

Controlled and uncontrolled inputs

Final thoughts
controlled versus uncontrolled inputs is very often
underrated. However I believe that it is a fundamental
decision because it dictates the data flow in the React
component. I personally think that uncontrolled inputs are
kind of an anti-pattern and I'm trying to avoid them when

Presentational and container components

Presentational and
container components
Every beginning is difficult. React is no exception and as
beginners we also have lots of questions. Where I'm
supposed to put my data, how to communicate changes
or how to manage state? The answers of these questions
are very often a matter of context and sometimes just
practice and experience with the library. However, there is
a pattern which is used widely and helps organizing React
based applications - splitting the component into
presentation and container.

Let's start with a simple example that illustrates the

problem and then split the component into container and
presentation. We will use a Clock component. It accepts
a Date object as a prop and displays the time in real time.

class Clock extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { time: this.props.time };
this._update = this._updateTime.bind(this);
render() {
const time = this._formatTime(this.state.time);

Presentational and container components

return (
{ time.hours } : { time.minutes } : { time.s
econds }
componentDidMount() {
this._interval = setInterval(this._update, 1000)
componentWillUnmount() {
_formatTime(time) {
var [ hours, minutes, seconds ] = [
].map(num => num < 10 ? '0' + num : num);

return { hours, minutes, seconds };

_updateTime() {
time: new Date(this.state.time.getTime() + 1000

ReactDOM.render(<Clock time={ new Date() }/>, ...);

Presentational and container components

In the constructor of the component we initialize the

component's state which in our case is just the current
time value. By using setInterval we update the state

every second and the component is re-rendered. To make

it looks like a real clock we use two helper methods -
_formatTime and _updateTime . The first one is about

extracting hours, minutes and seconds and making sure

that they are following the two-digits format. _updateTime
is mutating the current time object by one second.

The problems
There are couple of things happening in our component. It
looks like it has too many responsibilities.

It mutates the state by itself. Changing the time inside

the component may not be a good idea because then
only Clock knows the current value. If there is
another part of the system that depends on this data
it will be difficult to share it.
_formatTime is actually doing two things - it extracts

the needed information from the date object and

makes sure that the values are always presented by
two digits. That's fine but it will be nice if the
extracting is not part of the function because then it is
bound to the type of the time object (coming as a

Presentational and container components

prop). I.e. knows specifics about the shape of the

data and at the same time deals with the visualization
of it.

Extracting the container

Containers know about data, its shape and where it
comes from. They know details about how the things work
or the so called business logic. They receive information
and format it so like is easy to be used by the
presentational component. Very often we use higher-order
components to create containers because they provide a
buffer space where we can insert custom logic.

Here's how our ClockContainer looks like:

// Clock/index.js
import Clock from './Clock.jsx'; // <-- that's the p
resentational component

export default class ClockContainer extends React.Co

mponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { time: props.time };
this._update = this._updateTime.bind(this);
render() {
return <Clock { ...this._extract(this.state.time
) }/>;

Presentational and container components

componentDidMount() {
this._interval = setInterval(this._update, 1000)
componentWillUnmount() {
_extract(time) {
return {
hours: time.getHours(),
minutes: time.getMinutes(),
seconds: time.getSeconds()
_updateTime() {
time: new Date(this.state.time.getTime() + 100

It still accepts time (a date object), does the

setInterval loop and knows details about the data

( getHours , getMinutes and getSeconds ). In the end

renders the presentational component and passes three
numbers for hours, minutes and seconds. There is
nothing about how the things look like. Only business

Presentational and container components

Presentational component
Presentational components are concerned with how the
things look. They have the additional markup needed for
making the page pretty. Such components are not bound
to anything and have no dependencies. Very often
implemented as a stateless functional components they
don't have internal state.

In our case the presentational component contains only

the two-digits check and returns the <h1> tag:

// Clock/Clock.jsx
export default function Clock(props) {
var [ hours, minutes, seconds ] = [
].map(num => num < 10 ? '0' + num : num);

return <h1>{ hours } : { minutes } : { seconds }</



Presentational and container components

Splitting the components in containers and presentation

increases the reusability of the components. Our Clock
function/component may exist in application that doesn't
change the time or it's not working with JavaScript's Date
object. That's because it is pretty dummy. No details
about the data are required.

The containers encapsulate logic and we may use them

together with different renderers because they don't leak
information about the visual part. The approach that we
took above is a good example of how the container
doesn't care about how the things look like. We may
easily switch from digital to analog clock and the only one
change will be to replace the <Clock> component in the
render method.

Even the testing becomes easier because the

components have less responsibilities. Containers are not
concern with UI. Presentational components are pure
renderers and it is enough to run expectations on the
resulted markup.

Final thoughts
The concept of container and presentation is not new at
all but it fits really nicely with React. It makes our
applications better structured, easy to manage and scale.

Presentational and container components

One direction data flow

One-way direction data

One-way direction data flow is a pattern that works nicely
with React. It is around the idea that the components do
not modify the data that they receive. They only listen for
changes of this data and maybe provide the new value
but they do not update the actual data. This update
happens following another mechanism in another place
and the component just gets re-rendered with the new

Let's for example get a simple Switcher component that

contains a button. If we click it we have to enable a flag in
the system.

One direction data flow

class Switcher extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { flag: false };
this._onButtonClick = e => this.setState({
flag: !this.state.flag
render() {
return (
<button onClick={ this._onButtonClick }>
{ this.state.flag ? 'lights on' : 'lights of
f' }

// ... and we render it

function App() {
return <Switcher />;

At this moment we have the data inside our component.

Or in other words, Switcher is the only one place that
knows about our flag . Let's send it out to some kind of a

var Store = {
_flag: false,
set: function(value) {
this._flag = value;

One direction data flow

get: function() {
return this._flag;

class Switcher extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { flag: false };
this._onButtonClick = e => {
this.setState({ flag: !this.state.flag }, () =
> {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={ this._onButtonClick }>
{ this.state.flag ? 'lights on' : 'lights of
f' }

function App() {
return <Switcher onChange={ Store.set.bind(Store)
} />;

One direction data flow

Our Store object is a singleton where we have helpers

for setting and getting the value of the _flag property. By
passing the setter to the Switcher we are able to update
the data externally. More or less our application workflow
looks like that:

Let's assume that we are saving the flag value to a back-

end service via the Store . When the user comes back
we have to set a proper initial state. If the user left the flag
as true we have to show "lights on" and not the default
"lights off". Now it gets tricky because we have the data in
two places. The UI and the Store have their own states.
We have to communicate in both directions from the store
to the switcher and from the switcher to the store.

One direction data flow

// ... in App component

value={ Store.get() }
onChange={ Store.set.bind(Store) } />

// ... in Switcher component

constructor(props) {
this.state = { flag: this.props.value };

Our workflow changes to the following:

All this leads to managing two states instead of one. What

if the Store changes its value based on other actions in
the system. We have to propagate that change to the

One direction data flow

Switcher and we increase the complexity of our app.

One-way direction data flow solves this problem. It

eliminates the multiple places where we manage states
and deals with only one which is usually the store. To
achieve that we have to tweak our Store object a little
bit. We need logic that allows us to subscribe for changes:

var Store = {
_handlers: [],
_flag: '',
subscribe: function(handler) {
set: function(value) {
this._flag = value;
this._handlers.forEach(handler => handler(value)
get: function() {
return this._flag;

Then we will hook our main App component and we'll re-
render it every time when the Store changes its value:

One direction data flow

class App extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {

this.state = { value: Store.get() };

Store.subscribe(value => this.setState({ value }
render() {
return (
value={ this.state.value }
onChange={ Store.set.bind(Store) } />

Because of this change the Switcher becomes really

simple. We don't need the internal state and the
component may be written as a stateless function.

One direction data flow

function Switcher({ value, onChange }) {

return (
<button onClick={ e => onChange(!value) }>
{ value ? 'lights on' : 'lights off' }

value={ Store.get() }
onChange={ Store.set.bind(Store) } />

Final thoughts
The benefit that comes with this pattern is that our
components become dummy representation of the store's
data. There is only one source of truth and this makes the
development easier. If you are going to take one thing
from this book I would prefer to be this chapter. The one-
direction data flow drastically changed the way of how I
think when designing a feature so I believe it will have the
same effect on you.


I'm obsessed by making my code simpler. I didn't say
smaller because having less code doesn't mean that is
simple and easy to work with. I believe that big part of the
problems in the software industry come from the
unnecessary complexity. Complexity which is a result of
our own abstractions. You know, we (the programmers)
like to abstract. We like placing things in black boxes and
hope that these boxes work together.

Flux is an architectural design pattern for building user

interfaces. It was introduced by Facebook at their F8
conference. Since then, lots of companies adopted the
idea and it seems like a good pattern for building front-
end apps. Flux is very often used with React. Another
library released by Facebook. I myself use
React+Flux/Redux in my daily job and I could say that it is
simple and really flexible. The pattern helps creating apps
faster and at the same time keeps the code well

Flux architecture and its main



The main actor in this pattern is the dispatcher. It acts as

a hub for all the events in the system. Its job is to receive
notifications that we call actions and pass them to all the
stores. The store decides if it is interested or not and
reacts by changing its internal state/data. That change is
triggering re-rendering of the views which are (in our
case) React components. If we have to compare Flux to
the well known MVC we may say that the store is similar
to the model. It keeps the data and its mutations.

The actions are coming to the dispatcher either from the

views or from other parts of the system, like services. For
example a module that performs a HTTP request. When it
receives the result it may fire an action saying that the
request was successful.

Implementing a Flux


As every other popular concept Flux also has some

variations. Very often to understand something we have to
implement it. In the next few sections we will create a
library that provides helpers for building the Flux pattern.

The dispatcher
In most of the cases we need a single dispatcher.
Because it acts as a glue for the rest of the parts it makes
sense that we have only one. The dispatcher needs to
know about two things - actions and stores. The actions
are simply forwarded to the stores so we don't necessary
have to keep them. The stores however should be tracked
inside the dispatcher so we can loop through them:

That's what I started with:


var Dispatcher = function () {

return {
_stores: [],
register: function (store) {
this._stores.push({ store: store });
dispatch: function (action) {
if (this._stores.length > 0) {
this._stores.forEach(function (entry) {;

The first thing that we notice is that we expect to see an

update method in the passed stores. It will be nice to

throw an error if such method is not there:

register: function (store) {

if (!store || !store.update) {
throw new Error('You should provide a store that
has an `update` method.');
} else {
this._stores.push({ store: store });


Bounding the views and the stores

The next logical step is to connect our views to the stores
so we re-render when the state in the stores is changed.

Using a helper
Some of the flux implementations available out there
provide a helper function that does the job. For example:

Framework.attachToStore(view, store);

However, I don't quite like this approach. To make

attachToStore works we expect to see a specific API in

the view and in the store. We kind of strictly define new

public methods. Or in other words we say "Your views and
store should have such APIs so we are able to wire them
together". If we go down this road then we will probably
define our own base classes which could be extended so
we don't bother the developer with Flux details. Then we


say "All your classes should extend our classes". This

doesn't sound good either because the developer may
decide to switch to another Flux provider and has to
amend everything.

With a mixin
What if we use React's mixins.

var View = React.createClass({

mixins: [Framework.attachToStore(store)]

That's a "nice" way to define behavior of existing React

component. So, in theory we may create a mixin that does
the bounding for us. To be honest, I don't think that this is
a good idea. And it looks like it's not only me. My reason
of not liking mixins is that they modify the components in
a non-predictable way. I have no idea what is going on
behind the scenes. So I'm crossing this option.

Using a context


Another technique that may answer the question is

React's context. It is a way to pass props to child
components without the need to specify them in every
level of the tree. Facebook suggests context in the cases
where we have data that has to reach deeply nested

Occasionally, you want to pass data through the

component tree without having to pass the props
down manually at every level. React's "context"
feature lets you do this.

I see similarity with the mixins here. The context is

defined somewhere at the top and magically serves props
for all the children below. It's not immediately clear where
the data comes from.

Higher-Order components concept

Higher-Order components pattern is introduced by
Sebastian Markbåge and it's about creating a wrapper
component that returns ours. While doing it, it has the
opportunity to send properties or apply additional logic.
For example:


function attachToStore(Component, store, consumer) {

const Wrapper = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return consumer(this.props, store);
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
_handleStoreChange() {
if (this.isMounted()) {
this.setState(consumer(this.props, store));
render() {
return <Component {...this.props} {...this.sta
te} />;
return Wrapper;

Component is the view that we want attached to the

store . The consumer function says what part of the

store's state should be fetched and sent to the view. A

simple usage of the above function could be:


class MyView extends React.Component {


ProfilePage = connectToStores(MyView, store, (props,

store) => ({
data: store.get('key')

That is an interesting pattern because it shifts the

responsibilities. It is the view fetching data from the store
and not the store pushing something to the view. This of
course has it's own pros and cons. It is nice because it
makes the store dummy. A store that only mutates the
data and says "Hey, my state is changed". It is not
responsible for sending anything to anyone. The
downside of this approach is maybe the fact that we have
one more component (the wrapper) involved. We also
need the three things - view, store and consumer to be in
one place so we can establish the connection.

My choice
The last option above, higher-order components, is really
close to what I'm searching for. I like the fact that the view
decides what it needs. That knowledge anyway exists in
the component so it makes sense to keep it there. That's
also why the functions that generate higher-order


components are usually kept in the same file as the view.

What if we can use similar approach but not passing the
store at all. Or in other words, a function that accepts only
the consumer. And that function is called every time when
there is a change in the store.

So far our implementation interacts with the store only in

the register method.

register: function (store) {

if (!store || !store.update) {
throw new Error('You should provide a store that
has an `update` method.');
} else {
this._stores.push({ store: store });

By using register we keep a reference to the store

inside the dispatcher. However, register returns
nothing. And instead of nothing it may return a
subscriber that will accept our consumer functions.


I decided to send the whole store to the consumer

function and not the data that the store keeps. Like in the
higher-order components pattern the view should say
what it needs by using store's getters. This makes the
store really simple and there is no trace of presentational

Here is how the register method looks like after the


register: function (store) {

if (!store || !store.update) {
throw new Error(
'You should provide a store that has an `updat
e` method.'
} else {
var consumers = [];
var subscribe = function (consumer) {

this._stores.push({ store: store });

return subscribe;
return false;

The last bit in the story is how the store says that its
internal state is changed. It's nice that we collect the
consumer functions but right now there is no code that


executes them.

According to the basic principles of the flux architecture

the stores change their state in response of actions. In the
update method we send the action but we could also

send a function change . Calling that function should

trigger the consumers:


register: function (store) {

if (!store || !store.update) {
throw new Error(
'You should provide a store that has an `updat
e` method.'
} else {
var consumers = [];
var change = function () {
consumers.forEach(function (consumer) {
var subscribe = function (consumer) {

this._stores.push({ store: store, change: change

return subscribe;
return false;
dispatch: function (action) {
if (this._stores.length > 0) {
this._stores.forEach(function (entry) {, entry.change);


Notice how we push change together with store inside

the _stores array. Later in the dispatch method we call
update by passing the action and the change function.

A common use case is to render the view with the initial

state of the store. In the context of our implementation this
means firing all the consumers at least once when they
land in the library. This could be easily done in the
subscribe method:

var subscribe = function (consumer, noInit) {

!noInit ? consumer(store) : null;

Of course sometimes this is not needed so we added a

flag which is by default falsy. Here is the final version of
our dispatcher:

var Dispatcher = function () {

return {
_stores: [],
register: function (store) {
if (!store || !store.update) {
throw new Error(
'You should provide a store that has an `u
pdate` method'
} else {
var consumers = [];


var change = function () {

consumers.forEach(function (consumer) {
var subscribe = function (consumer, noInit)
!noInit ? consumer(store) : null;

this._stores.push({ store: store, change: ch

ange });
return subscribe;
return false;
dispatch: function (action) {
if (this._stores.length > 0) {
this._stores.forEach(function (entry) {, entry.change);

The actions


You probably noticed that we didn't talk about the actions.

What are they? The convention is that they should be
simple objects having two properties - type and
payload :

payload: {
username: '...',
password: '...'

The type says what exactly the action is and the

payload contains the information associated with the

event. And in some cases we may leave the payload


It's interesting that the type is well known in the

beginning. We know what type of actions should be
floating in our app, who is dispatching them and which of
the stores are interested. Thus, we can apply partial
application and avoid passing the action object here and
there. For example:


var createAction = function (type) {

if (!type) {
throw new Error('Please, provide action\'s type.'
} else {
return function (payload) {
return dispatcher.dispatch({
type: type,
payload: payload

createAction leads to the following benefits:

We no more need to remember the exact type of the

action. We now have a function which we call passing
only the payload.
We no more need an access to the dispatcher which
is a huge benefit. Otherwise, think about how we
have to pass it to every single place where we need
to dispatch an action.
In the end we don't have to deal with objects but with
functions which is much nicer. The objects are static
while the functions describe a process.


This approach for creating actions is actually really

popular and functions like the one above are usually
called action creators.

The final code

In the section above we successfully hide the dispatcher
while submitting actions. We may do it again for the
store's registration:

var createSubscriber = function (store) {

return dispatcher.register(store);

And instead of exporting the dispatcher we may export

only these two functions createAction and
createSubscriber . Here is how the final code looks like:

var Dispatcher = function () {

return {
_stores: [],


register: function (store) {

if (!store || !store.update) {
throw new Error(
'You should provide a store that has an `u
pdate` method'
} else {
var consumers = [];
var change = function () {
consumers.forEach(function (consumer) {
var subscribe = function (consumer, noInit)
!noInit ? consumer(store) : null;

this._stores.push({ store: store, change: ch

ange });
return subscribe;
return false;
dispatch: function (action) {
if (this._stores.length > 0) {
this._stores.forEach(function (entry) {, entry.change);


module.exports = {
create: function () {
var dispatcher = Dispatcher();

return {
createAction: function (type) {
if (!type) {
throw new Error('Please, provide action\'s
} else {
return function (payload) {
return dispatcher.dispatch({
type: type,
payload: payload
createSubscriber: function (store) {
return dispatcher.register(store);

If we add the support of AMD, CommonJS and global

usage we end up with 66 lines of code, 1.7KB plain or 795
bytes after minification JavaScript.

Wrapping up


We have a module that provides two helpers for building a

Flux project. Let's write a simple counter app that doesn't
involve React so we see the pattern in action.

The markup
We'll need some UI to interact with it so:

<div id="counter">

The span will be used for displaying the current value of

our counter. The buttons will change that value.

The view


const View = function (subscribeToStore, increase, d

ecrease) {
var value = null;
var el = document.querySelector('#counter');
var display = el.querySelector('span');
var [ increaseBtn, decreaseBtn ] =

var render = () => display.innerHTML = value;

var updateState = (store) => value = store.getValu

subscribeToStore([updateState, render]);

increaseBtn.addEventListener('click', increase);
decreaseBtn.addEventListener('click', decrease);

It accepts a store subscriber function and two action

function for increasing and decreasing the value. The first
few lines of the view are just fetching the DOM elements.

After that we define a render function which puts the

value inside the span tag. updateState will be called
every time when the store changes. So, we pass these
two functions to subscribeToStore because we want to
get the view updated and we want to get an initial
rendering. Remember how our consumers are called at
least once by default.


The last bit is calling the action functions when we press

the buttons.

The store
Every action has a type. It's a good practice to create
constants for these types so we don't deal with raw



Very often we have only one instance of every store. For

the sake of simplicity we'll create ours as a singleton.

const CounterStore = {
_data: { value: 0 },
getValue: function () {
return this._data.value;
update: function (action, change) {
if (action.type === INCREASE) {
this._data.value += 1;
} else if (action.type === DECREASE) {
this._data.value -= 1;


_data is the internal state of the store. update is the

well known method that our dispatcher calls. We process

the action inside and say change() when we are done.
getValue is a public method used by the view so it

reaches the needed info. In our case this is just the value
of the counter.

Wiring all the pieces

So, we have the store waiting for actions from the
dispatcher. We have the view defined. Let's create the
store subscriber, the actions and run everything.

const { createAction, createSubscriber } = Fluxiny.c

const counterStoreSubscriber = createSubscriber(Coun
const actions = {
increase: createAction(INCREASE),
decrease: createAction(DECREASE)

View(counterStoreSubscriber, actions.increase, actio


And that's it. Our view is subscribed to the store and it

renders by default because one of our consumers is
actually the render method.


A live demo
A live demo could be seen in the following JSBin,output. If that's not
enough and it seems too simple for you please checkout
the example in Fluxiny repository It
uses React as a view layer.

The Flux implementation discussed in this section is

available here Feel free to
use it in a browser directly or as a npm dependency.


Redux is a library that acts as a state container and helps
managing your application data flow. It was introduced
back in 2015 at ReactEurope conference (video) by Dan
Abramov. It is similar to Flux architecture and has a lot in
common with it. In this section we will create a small
counter app using Redux alongside React.

Redux architecture and its

main characteristics


Similarly to Flux architecture we have the view

components (React) dispatching an action. Same action
may be dispatched by another part of our system. Like a
bootstrap logic for example. This action is dispatched not
to a central hub but directly to the store. We are saying
"store" not "stores" because there is only one in Redux.
That is one of the big differences between Flux and
Redux. The logic that decided how our data changes lives
in pure functions called reducers. Once the store receives


an action it asks the reducers about the new version of

the state by sending the current state and the given
action. Then in immutable fashion the reducer needs to
return the new state. The store continues from there and
updates its internal state. As a final step, the wired to the
store React component gets re-rendered.

The concept is pretty linear and again follows the one-

direction data flow. Let's talk about all these pieces and
introduce a couple of new terms that support the work of
the Redux pattern.

The typical action in Redux (same as Flux) is just an
object with a type property. Everything else in that object
is considered a context specific data and it is not related
to the pattern but to your application logic. For example:


const action = {
visible: false

It is a good practice that we create constants like

CHANGE_VISIBILITY for our action types. It happens that

there are lots of tools/libraries that support Redux and


solve different problems which do require the type of the

action only. So it is just a convenient way to transfer this

The visible property is the meta data that we

mentioned above. It has nothing to do with Redux. It
means something in the context of the application.

Every time when we want to dispatch a method we have

to use such objects. However, it becomes too noisy to
write them over and over again. That is why there is the
concept of action creators. An action creator is a function
that returns an object and may or may not accept an
argument which directly relates to the action properties.
For example the action creator for the above action looks
like this:

const changeVisibility = visible => ({


// { type: CHANGE_VISIBILITY, visible: false }

Notice that we pass the value of the visible as an

argument and we don't have to remember (or import) the
exact type of the action. Using such helpers makes the
code compact and easy to read.


Redux provides a helper createStore for creating a
store. Its signature is as follows:

import { createStore } from 'redux';

createStore([reducer], [initial state], [enhancer]);

We already mentioned that the reducer is a function that

accepts the current state and action and returns the new
state. More about that in a bit. The second argument is
the initial state of the store. This comes as a handy
instrument to initialize our application with data that we
already have. This feature is the essence of processes
like server-side rendering or persistent experience. The
third parameter, enhancer, provides an API for extending
Redux with third party middlewares and basically plug
some functionally which is not baked-in. Like for example
an instrument for handling async processes.

Once created the store has four methods - getState ,

dispatch , subscribe and replaceReducer . Probably the

most important one is dispatch :



That is the place where we use our action creators. We

pass the result of them or in other words action objects to
this dispatch method. It then gets spread to the reducers
in our application.

In the typical React application we usually don't use

getState and subscribe directly because there is a

helper (we will see it in the next sections) that wires our
components with the store and effectively subscribe s for
changes. As part of this subscription we also receive the
current state so we don't have to call getState ourself.
replaceReducer is kind of an advanced API and it swaps

the reducer currently used by the store. I personally never

used this method.

The reducer function is probably the most beautiful part of
Redux. Even before that I was interested in writing pure
functions with an immutability in mind but Redux forced
me to do it. There are two characteristics of the reducer
that are quite important and without them we basically
have a broken pattern.

(1) It must be a pure function - it means that the function

should return the exact same output every time when the
same input is given.


(2) It should have no side effects - stuff like accessing a

global variable, making an async call or waiting for a
promise to resolve have no place in here.

Here is a simple counter reducer:

const counterReducer = function (state, action) {

if (action.type === ADD) {
return { value: state.value + 1 };
} else if (action.type === SUBTRACT) {
return { value: state.value - 1 };
return { value: 0 };

There are no side effects and we return a brand new

object every time. We accumulate the new value based
on the previous state and the incoming action type.

Wiring to React components

If we talk about Redux in the context of React we almost
always mean react-redux module. It provides two things
that help connecting Redux to our components.

(1) <Provider> component - it's a component that

accepts our store and makes it available for the children
down the React tree via the React's context API. For


<Provider store={ myStore }>

<MyApp />

We usually have a single place in our app where we use


(2) connect function - it is a function that does the

subscribing for updates in the store and re-renders our
component. It implements a higher-order component.
Here is its signature:


mapStateToProps parameter is a function that accepts the

current state and must return a set of key-value pairs (an

object) that are getting send as props to our React
component. For example:

const mapStateToProps = state => ({

visible: state.visible


mapDispatchToProps is a similar one but instead of the

state receives a dispatch function. Here is the place

where we can define a prop for dispatching actions.

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({

changeVisibility: value => dispatch(changeVisibili

mergeProps combines both mapStateToProps and

mapDispatchToProps and the props send to the

component and gives us the opportunity to accumulate

better props. Like for example if we need to fire two
actions we may combine them to a single prop and send
that to React. options accepts couple of settings that
control how the connection works.

Simple counter app using

Let's create a simple counter app that uses all the APIs


The "Add" and "Subtract" buttons will simply change a

value in our store. "Visible" and "Hidden" will control its

Modeling the actions

For me, every Redux feature starts with modeling the
action types and defining what state we want to keep. In
our case we have three operations going on - adding,
subtracting and managing visibility. So we will go with the

const ADD = 'ADD';


const add = () => ({ type: ADD });

const subtract = () => ({ type: SUBTRACT });
const changeVisibility = visible => ({

Store and its reducers


There is something that we didn't talk about while

explaining the store and reducers. We usually have more
then one reducer because we want to manage multiple
things. The store is one though and we in theory have
only one state object. What happens in most of the apps
running in production is that the application state is a
composition of slices. Every slice represents a part of our
system. In this very small example we have counting and
visibility slices. So our initial state looks like that:

const initialState = {
counter: {
value: 0
visible: true

We must define separate reducers for both parts. This is

to introduce some flexibility and to improve the readability
of our code. Imagine if we have a giant app with ten or
more state slices and we keep working within a single
function. It will be too difficult to manage.

Redux comes with a helper that allows us to target a

specific part of the state and assign a reducer to it. It is
called combineReducers :


import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux'


const rootReducer = combineReducers({

counter: function A() { ... },
visible: function B() { ... }
const store = createStore(rootReducer);

Function A receives only the counter slice as a state

and needs to return only that part. Same for B . Accepts
a boolean (the value of visible ) and must return a

The reducer for our counter slice should take into account
both actions ADD and SUBTRACT and based on them
calculates the new counter state.

const counterReducer = function (state, action) {

if (action.type === ADD) {
return { value: state.value + 1 };
} else if (action.type === SUBTRACT) {
return { value: state.value - 1 };
return state || { value: 0 };

Every reducer is fired at least once when the store is

initialized. In that very first run the state is undefined
and the action is { type: "@@redux/INIT"} . In this case


our reducer should return the initial value of our data - {

value: 0 } .

The reducer for the visibility is pretty similar except that it

waits for CHANGE_VISIBILITY action:

const visibilityReducer = function (state, action) {

if (action.type === CHANGE_VISIBILITY) {
return action.visible;
return true;

And at the end we have to pass both reducers to

combineReducers so we create our rootReducer .

const rootReducer = combineReducers({

counter: counterReducer,
visible: visibilityReducer

Before moving to the React components we have to
mention the concept of a selector. From the previous
section we know that our state is usually divided into
different parts. We have dedicated reducers to update the
data but when it comes to fetching it we still have a single


object. Here is the place where the selectors come in

handy. The selector is a function that accepts the whole
state object and extracts only the information that we
need. For example in our small app we need two of those:

const getCounterValue = state => state.counter.value

const getVisibility = state => state.visible;

A counter app is too small to see the real power of writing

such helpers. However, in a big project is quite different.
And it is not just about saving a few lines of code. Neither
is about readability. Selectors come with these stuff but
they are also contextual and may contain logic. Since they
have access to the whole state they are able to answer
business logic related questions. Like for example "Is the
user authorize to do X while being on page Y". This may
be done in a single selector.

React components
Let's first deal with the UI that manages the visibility of the


function Visibility({ changeVisibility }) {

return (
<button onClick={ () => changeVisibility(true)
<button onClick={ () => changeVisibility(false
) }>

const VisibilityConnected = connect(

dispatch => ({
changeVisibility: value => dispatch(changeVisibi

We have two buttons Visible and Hidden . They both

fire CHANGE_VISIBILITY action but the first one passes
true as a value while the second one false . The

VisibilityConnected component class gets created as a

result of the wiring done via Redux's connect . Notice that

we pass null as mapStateToProps because we don't
need any of the data in the store. We just need to
dispatch an action.


The second component is slightly more complicated. It is

named Counter and renders two buttons and the counter

function Counter({ value, add, subtract }) {

return (
<p>Value: { value }</p>
<button onClick={ add }>Add</button>
<button onClick={ subtract }>Subtract</button>

const CounterConnected = connect(

state => ({
value: getCounterValue(state)
dispatch => ({
add: () => dispatch(add()),
subtract: () => dispatch(subtract())

We now need both mapStateToProps and

mapDispatchToProps because we want to read data from

the store and dispatch actions. Our component receives

three props - value , add and subtract .

The very last bit is an App component where we

compose the application.


function App({ visible }) {

return (
<VisibilityConnected />
{ visible && <CounterConnected /> }
const AppConnected = connect(
state => ({
visible: getVisibility(state)

We again need to connect our component because we

want to control the visibility of the counter. The
getVisibility selector returns a boolean that indicates

whether CounterConnected will be rendered or not.

Final thoughts
Redux is a wonderful pattern. Over the years the
JavaScript community developed the idea and enhanced
it with couple of new terms. I think a typical redux
application looks more like this:


By the way we didn't mention the side effects

management. It is a whole new story with its own ideas
and solutions.


We can conclude that Redux itself is a pretty simple

pattern. It teaches very useful techniques but
unfortunately it is very often not enough. Sooner or later
we have to introduce more concepts/patterns. Which of
course is not that bad. We just have to plan for it.

Dependency injection

Dependency injection
Many of the modules/components that we write have
dependencies. A proper management of these
dependencies is critical for the success of the project.
There is a technique (most people consider it a pattern)
called dependency injection that helps solving the

In React the need of dependency injector is easily visible.

Let's consider the following application tree:

Dependency injection

// Title.jsx
export default function Title(props) {
return <h1>{ props.title }</h1>;

// Header.jsx
import Title from './Title.jsx';

export default function Header() {

return (
<Title />

// App.jsx
import Header from './Header.jsx';

class App extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
this.state = { title: 'React in patterns' };
render() {
return <Header />;

The string "React in patterns" should somehow reach the

Title component. The direct way of doing this is to pass

it from App to Header and then Header pass it down to

Dependency injection

Title . However, this may work for these three

components but what happens if there are multiple

properties and deeper nesting. Lots of components will
act as proxy passing properties to their children.

We already saw how the higher-order component may be

used to inject data. Let's use the same technique to inject
the title variable:

Dependency injection

// inject.jsx
const title = 'React in patterns';

export default function inject(Component) {

return class Injector extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
title={ title }

// -----------------------------------
// Header.jsx
import inject from './inject.jsx';
import Title from './Title.jsx';

var EnhancedTitle = inject(Title);

export default function Header() {
return (
<EnhancedTitle />

The title is hidden in a middle layer (higher-order

component) where we pass it as a prop to the original
Title component. That's all nice but it solves only half of

Dependency injection

the problem. Now we don't have to pass the title down

the tree but how this data reaches the inject.jsx helper.

Using React's context (prior

v. 16.3)
In v16.3 React's team introduced a new version of the
context API and if you are going to use that version or
above you'd probably skip this section.

React has the concept of context. The context is

something that every React component has access to. It's
something like an event bus but for data. A single store
which we access from everywhere.

Dependency injection

// a place where we will define the context

var context = { title: 'React in patterns' };

class App extends React.Component {

getChildContext() {
return context;
App.childContextTypes = {
title: React.PropTypes.string

// a place where we use the context

class Inject extends React.Component {
render() {
var title = this.context.title;
Inject.contextTypes = {
title: React.PropTypes.string

Notice that we have to specify the exact signature of the

context object. With childContextTypes and
contextTypes . If those are not specified then the

context object will be empty. That can be a little bit

frustrating because we may have lots of stuff to put there.

Dependency injection

That is why it is a good practice that our context is not

just a plain object but it has an interface that allows us to
store and retrieve data. For example:

// dependencies.js
export default {
data: {},
get(key) {
register(key, value) {[key] = value;

Then, if we go back to our example, the App component

may look like that:

Dependency injection

import dependencies from './dependencies';

dependencies.register('title', 'React in patterns');

class App extends React.Component {

getChildContext() {
return dependencies;
render() {
return <Header />;
App.childContextTypes = {
data: React.PropTypes.object,
get: React.PropTypes.func,
register: React.PropTypes.func

And our Title component gets it's data through the


// Title.jsx
export default class Title extends React.Component {
render() {
return <h1>{ this.context.get('title') }</h1>
Title.contextTypes = {
data: React.PropTypes.object,
get: React.PropTypes.func,
register: React.PropTypes.func

Dependency injection

Ideally we don't want to specify the contextTypes every

time when we need an access to the context. This detail
may be wrapped again in a higher-order component. And
even better, we may write an utility function that is more
descriptive and helps us declare the exact wiring. I.e
instead of accessing the context directly with
this.context.get('title') we ask the higher-order

component to get what we need and pass it as props to

our component. For example:

// Title.jsx
import wire from './wire';

function Title(props) {
return <h1>{ props.title }</h1>;

export default wire(Title, ['title'], function resol

ve(title) {
return { title };

The wire function accepts a React component, then an

array with all the needed dependencies (which are
register ed already) and then a function which I like to

call mapper . It receives what is stored in the context as a

raw data and returns an object which is later used as
props for our component ( Title ). In this example we just

Dependency injection

pass what we get - a title string variable. However, in a

real app this could be a collection of data stores,
configuration or something else.

Here is how the wire function looks like:

export default function wire(Component, dependencies

, mapper) {
class Inject extends React.Component {
render() {
var resolved =
var props = mapper(...resolved);

return React.createElement(Component, props);

Inject.contextTypes = {
data: React.PropTypes.object,
get: React.PropTypes.func,
register: React.PropTypes.func
return Inject;

Inject is a higher-order component that gets access to

the context and retrieves all the items listed under

dependencies array. The mapper is a function receiving

the context data and transforms it to props for our


Dependency injection

Using React's context (v. 16.3

and above)
For years the context API was not really recommended by
Facebook. They mentioned in the official docs that the
API is not stable and may change. And that is exactly
what happened. In the version 16.3 we got a new one
which I think is more natural and easy to work with.

Let's use the same example with the string that needs to
reach a <Title> component.

We will start by defining a file that will contain our context


// context.js
import { createContext } from 'react';

const Context = createContext({});

export const Provider = Context.Provider;

export const Consumer = Context.Consumer;

createContext returns an object that has .Provider and

.Consumer properties. Those are actually valid React

classes. The Provider accepts our context in the form of

a value prop. The consumer is used to access the

Dependency injection

context and basically read data from it. And because they
usually live in different files it is a good idea to create a
single place for their initialization.

Let's say that our App component is the root of our tree.
At that place we have to pass the context.

import { Provider } from './context';

const context = { title: 'React In Patterns' };

class App extends React.Component {

render() {
return (
<Provider value={ context }>
<Header />

The wrapped components and their children now share

the same context. The <Title> component is the one
that needs the title string so that is the place where we
use the <Consumer> .

Dependency injection

import { Consumer } from './context';

function Title() {
return (
({ title }) => <h1>Title: { title }</h1>

Notice that the Consumer class uses the function as

children (render prop) pattern to deliver the context.

The new API feels easier to understand and eliminates

the boilerplate. It is still pretty new but looks promising. It
opens a whole new range of possibilities.

Using the module system

If we don't want to use the context there are a couple of
other ways to achieve the injection. They are not exactly
React specific but worth mentioning. One of them is using
the module system.

As we know the typical module system in JavaScript has

a caching mechanism. It's nicely noted in the Node's

Dependency injection

Modules are cached after the first time they are

loaded. This means (among other things) that every
call to require('foo') will get exactly the same object
returned, if it would resolve to the same file.

Multiple calls to require('foo') may not cause the

module code to be executed multiple times. This is
an important feature. With it, "partially done" objects
can be returned, thus allowing transitive
dependencies to be loaded even when they would
cause cycles.

How is that helping for our injection? Well, if we export an

object we are actually exporting a singleton and every
other module that imports the file will get the same object.
This allows us to register our dependencies and later
fetch them in another file.

Let's create a new file called di.jsx with the following


Dependency injection

var dependencies = {};

export function register(key, dependency) {

dependencies[key] = dependency;

export function fetch(key) {

if (dependencies[key]) return dependencies[key];
throw new Error(`"${ key } is not registered as de

export function wire(Component, deps, mapper) {

return class Injector extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this._resolvedDependencies = mapper(
render() {
return (

Dependency injection

We'll store the dependencies in dependencies global

variable (it's global for our module, not for the whole
application). We then export two functions register and
fetch that write and read entries. It looks a little bit like

implementing setter and getter against a simple

JavaScript object. Then we have the wire function that
accepts our React component and returns a higher-order
component. In the constructor of that component we are
resolving the dependencies and later while rendering the
original component we pass them as props. We follow the
same pattern where we describe what we need ( deps
argument) and extract the needed props with a mapper

Having the di.jsx helper we are again able to register

our dependencies at the entry point of our application
( app.jsx ) and inject them wherever ( Title.jsx ) we

// app.jsx
import Header from './Header.jsx';
import { register } from './di.jsx';

register('my-awesome-title', 'React in patterns');

class App extends React.Component {

render() {
return <Header />;

Dependency injection


// -----------------------------------
// Header.jsx
import Title from './Title.jsx';

export default function Header() {

return (
<Title />

// -----------------------------------
// Title.jsx
import { wire } from './di.jsx';

var Title = function(props) {

return <h1>{ props.title }</h1>;

export default wire(

title => ({ title })

If we look at the Title.jsx file we'll see that the actual

component and the wiring may live in different files. That
way the component and the mapper function become
easily unit testable.

Dependency injection

Final thoughts
Dependency injection is a tough problem. Especially in
JavaScript. Lots of people didn't realize that but putting a
proper dependency management is a key process of
every development cycle. JavaScript ecosystem offers
different tools and we as developers should pick the one
that fits in our needs.


Styling React components

React is a view layer. As such it kind of controls the
markup rendered in the browser. And we know that the
styling with CSS is tightly connected to the markup on the
page. There are couple of approaches for styling React
applications and in this section we will go through the
most popular ones.

The good old CSS class

JSX syntax is pretty close to HTML syntax. As such we
have almost the same tag attributes and we may still style
using CSS classes. Classes which are defined in an
external .css file. The only caveat is using className
and not class . For example:

<h1 className='title'>Styling</h1>

Inline styling


The inline styling works just fine. Similarly to HTML we are

free to pass styles directly via a style attribute.
However, while in HTML the value is a string, in JSX it
must be an object.

const inlineStyles = {
color: 'red',
fontSize: '10px',
marginTop: '2em',
'border-top': 'solid 1px #000'

<h2 style={ inlineStyles }>Inline styling</h2>

Because we write the styles in JavaScript we have some

limitations from a syntax point of view. If we want to keep
the original CSS property names we have to put them in
quotes. If not then we have to follow the camel case
convention. However, writing styles in JavaScript is quite
interesting and may be a lot more flexible than the plain
CSS. Like for example inheriting of styles:


const theme = {
fontFamily: 'Georgia',
color: 'blue'
const paragraphText = {
fontSize: '20px'

We have some basic styles in theme and with mix them

with what is in paragraphText . Shortly, we are able to use
the whole power of JavaScript to organize our CSS. What
matters at the end is that we generate an object that goes
to the style attribute.

CSS modules
CSS modules is building on top of what we said so far. If
we don't like the JavaScript syntax then we may use CSS
modules and we will be able to write plain CSS. Usually
this library plays its role at bundling time. It is possible to
hook it as part of the transpilation step but normally is
distributed as a build system plugin.

Here is a quick example to get an idea how it works:


/* style.css */
.title {
color: green;

// App.jsx
import styles from "./style.css";

function App() {
return <h1 style={ styles.title }>Hello world</h1>

That is not possible by default but with CSS modules we

may import directly a plain CSS file and use the classes

And when we say plain CSS we don't mean that it is

exactly like the normal CSS. It supports some really
helpful composition techniques. For example:

.title {
composes: mainColor from "./brand-colors.css";



Styled-components took another direction. Instead of

inlining styles the library provides a React component. We
then use this component to represent a specific look and
feel. For example, we may create a Link component that
has certain styling and use that instead of the <a> tag.

const Link = styled.a`

text-decoration: none;
padding: 4px;
border: solid 1px #999;
color: black;

<Link href=''>Google</Link>

There is again a mechanism for extending classes. We

may still use the Link component but change the text
color like so:

const AnotherLink = styled(Link)`

color: blue;

<AnotherLink href=''>Facebook</An

For me styled-components are probably by far the most

interesting approach for styling in React. It is quite easy to
create components for everything and forget about the


styling. If your company has the capacity to create a

design system and building a product with it then this
option is probably the most suitable one.

Final thoughts
There are multiple ways to style your React application. I
experienced all of them in production and I would say that
there is no right or wrong. As most of the stuff in
JavaScript today you have to pick the one that fits better
in your context.

Integration of third-party libraries

Third-party integration
React is probably one of the best choices for building UI.
Good design, support and community. However, there are
cases where we want to use an external service or we
want to integrate something completely different. We all
know that React works heavily with the actual DOM and
basically controls what's rendered on the screen. That's
why integrating of third-party components may be tricky.
In this section we will see how to mix React and jQuery's
UI plugin and do it safely.

The example
I picked tag-it jQuery plugin for my example. It transforms
an unordered list to input field for managing tags:



Integration of third-party libraries

To make it work we have to include jQuery, jQuery UI and

the tag-it plugin code. It works like that:

$('<dom element selector>').tagit();

We select a DOM element and call tagit() .

Now, let's create a simple React app that will use the

// Tags.jsx
class Tags extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
// initialize tagit
render() {
return (
<ul ref="list">
(tag, i) => <li key={ i }>{ tag } </li>

Integration of third-party libraries

// App.jsx
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {

this.state = { tags: ['JavaScript', 'CSS' ] };

render() {
return (
<Tags tags={ this.state.tags } />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#co


The entry point is our App class. It uses the Tags

component that displays an unordered list based on the
passed tags prop. When React renders the list on the
screen we know that we have a <ul> tag so we can
hook it up to the jQuery plugin.

Force a single-render
The very first thing that we have to do is to force a single-
render of the Tags component. That is because when
React adds the elements in the actual DOM we want to

Integration of third-party libraries

pass the control of them to jQuery. If we skip this both

React and jQuery will work on same DOM elements
without knowing for each other. To achieve a single-
render we have to use the lifecycle method
shouldComponentUpdate like so:

class Tags extends React.Component {

shouldComponentUpdate() {
return false;

By always returning false here we are saying that our

component will never re-render. If defined
shouldComponentUpdate is used by React to understand

whether to trigger render or not. That is ideal for our

case because we want to place the markup on the page
using React but we don't want to rely on it after that.

Initializing the plugin

React gives us an API for accessing actual DOM nodes.
We have to use the ref attribute on a node and later
reach that node via this.refs . componentDidMount is the
proper lifecycle method for initializing the tag-it plugin.
That's because we get it called when React mounts the
result of the render method.

Integration of third-party libraries

class Tags extends React.Component {

componentDidMount() {
this.list = $(this.refs.list);
render() {
return (
<ul ref='list'>
(tag, i) => <li key={ i }>{ tag } </li>

The code above together with shouldComponentUpdate

leads to React rendering the <ul> with two items and
then tag-it transforms it to a working tag editing widget.

Controlling the plugin using


Integration of third-party libraries

Let's say that we want to programmatically add a new tag

to the already running tag-it field. Such action will be
triggered by the React component and needs to use the
jQuery API. We have to find a way to communicate data
to Tags component but still keep the single-render

To illustrate the whole process we will add an input field to

the App class and a button which if clicked will pass a
string to Tags component.

Integration of third-party libraries

class App extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {

this._addNewTag = this._addNewTag.bind(this);
this.state = {
tags: ['JavaScript', 'CSS' ],
newTag: null
_addNewTag() {
this.setState({ newTag: this.refs.field.value })
render() {
return (
<p>Add new tag:</p>
<input type='text' ref='field' />
<button onClick={ this._addNewTag }>Add</b
tags={ this.state.tags }
newTag={ this.state.newTag } />

Integration of third-party libraries

We use the internal state as a data storage for the value

of the newly added field. Every time when we click the
button we update the state and trigger re-rendering of
Tags component. However, because of

shouldComponentUpdate we have no any updates on the

screen. The only one change is that we get a new value

of the newTag prop which may be captured via another
lifecycle method - componentWillReceiveProps :

class Tags extends React.Component {

componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
this.list.tagit('createTag', newProps.newTag);

.tagit('createTag', newProps.newTag) is a pure jQuery

code. componentWillReceiveProps is a nice place for

calling methods of the third-party library.

Here is the full code of the Tags component:

Integration of third-party libraries

class Tags extends React.Component {

componentDidMount() {
this.list = $(this.refs.list);
shouldComponentUpdate() {
return false;
componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
this.list.tagit('createTag', newProps.newTag);
render() {
return (
<ul ref='list'>
(tag, i) => <li key={ i }>{ tag } </li>

Final thoughts

Integration of third-party libraries

Even though React is manipulating the DOM tree we are

able to integrate third-party libraries and services. The
available lifecycle methods give us enough control on the
rendering process so they are the perfect bridge between
React and non-React code.

React and separation of concerns

React and separation of

Years ago when Facebook announced their JSX syntax
we had a wave of comments how this was against some
of the well established good practices. The main point of
most people was that it violates the separation of
concerns. They said that React and its JSX are mixing
HTML, CSS and JavaScript which were suppose to be

In this article we will see how React and its ecosystem

has quite good separation of concerns. We will prove that
markup, styles and logic may live in the same JavaScript
land and still be separated.

React components render to DOM elements. Nothing
stops us to use the good old class attribute and attach a
CSS class to the produced HTML element. The only one
difference is that the attribute is called className instead
of class . The rest still works which means that if we
want we may put our styles into external .css files.

React and separation of concerns

Following this approach we are not breaking the

separation of concerns principle and still build a React
app using JSX.

// assets/css/styles.css
.pageTitle {
color: pink;

// assets/js/app.js
function PageTitle({ text }) {
return <h1 className='pageTitle'>{ text }</h1>;

The "problem" became a problem when developers

started talking about "CSS in JavaScript". Back in 2014
this looked weird and wrong. However, the next couple of
years showed that this is not that bad. Let's take the
following example:

React and separation of concerns

function UserCard({ name, avatar }) {

const cardStyles = {
padding: '1em',
boxShadow: '0px 0px 45px 0px #000'
const avatarStyles = {
float: 'left',
display: 'block',
marginRight: '1em'
return (
<div style={cardStyles}>
<img src={avatar} width="50" style={avatarStyl
es} />

This is the pain point. The place where we are mixing

CSS and markup or we may say mixing styling and
structure. To solve the issue let's keep UserCard still
responsible for the structure, but extract the styling out
into dedicated components Card and Avatar :

React and separation of concerns

function Card({ children }) {

const styles = {
padding: '1em',
boxShadow: '0px 0px 45px 0px #000',
maxWidth: '200px'
return <div style={styles}>{children}</div>;
function Avatar({ url }) {
const styles = {
float: 'left',
display: 'block',
marginRight: '1em'
return <img src={url} width="50" style={styles} />

Then UserCard component becomes simpler and has no

styling concerns:

function UserCard({ name, avatar }) {

return (
<Avatar url={avatar} />

React and separation of concerns

So, as we can see, it is all matter of composition. React

even makes our applications more compact because
everything is defined as a reusable components and lives
in the same context - JavaScript.

There are bunch of libraries that help writing maintainable

CSS in JavaScript (and to be more specific in React
ecosystem). I have experience with Glamorous and
styled-components and they both work really well. The
result of such libraries is usually a ready for use
component that encapsulates the styling and renders a
specific HTML tag.

Very often we write logic inside our React components
which is more then clicking a button and showing a
message. The snippet below demonstrates a component
that fetches data from a fake API and renders users on
the screen.

React and separation of concerns

class App extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {

this.state = {
loading: false,
users: null,
error: null
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ loading: true }, () => {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(users => this.setState({ users, loadin
g: false }))
.catch(error => this.setState({ error, loadi
ng: false }));
render() {
const { loading, users, error } = this.state;

if (isRequestInProgress) return <p>Loading</p>;

if (error) return <p>Ops, sorry. No data loaded.
if (users) return{ name }) => <p>{na
return null;

React and separation of concerns

Quite a lot of things are happening isn't it. When first

rendered the component shows nothing - null . Then we
get the life-cycle componentDidMount method fired where
we set the loading flag to true and fire the API
request. While the request is in flight we display a
paragraph containing the text "Loading" . In the end, if
everything is ok we turn loading to false and render list
of user names. In case of error we display "Ops, sorry.
No data loaded" .

Now I agree that the App component is kind of violating

the separation of concerns. It contains data fetching and
data representation. There are couple of ways to solve
this problem but my favorite one is FaCC (Function as
Child Components). Let's write a FetchUsers component
that will take care for the API request.

React and separation of concerns

class FetchUsers extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {

this.state = {
loading: false,
users: null,
error: null
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ loading: true }, () => {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(users => this.setState({ users, loadin
g: false }))
.catch(error => this.setState({ error, loadi
ng: false }));
render() {
const { loading, users, error } = this.state;

return this.props.children({ loading, users, err

or });

The very first thing that we notice is that the constructor

and componentDidMount method are just copy-pasted from
the App component. The difference is that we render

React and separation of concerns

nothing (no data representation) but call the children as

a function passing the status/result of the request. Having
FetchUsers we may transform our App into a stateless


function App() {
return (
{({ loading, users, error }) => {
if (loading) return <p>Loading</p>;
if (error) return <p>Ops, sorry. No data loa
if (users) return{ name }) => <p>
return null;

At this point our markup is separated from the logic. We

still operate with the same data and as a bonus we have
this reusable FetchUsers component that may be
dropped anywhere.


React and separation of concerns

JSX syntax is following the XML/HTML semantics and as

such comes with a huge benefit - composability. My
opinion is that React is one level up over the HTML
because it allows us to group complex markup into a
single component. For example we have a <header> with
some <h1> , <nav> and <p> tags inside. We may easily
create a <Header> component and put all those bits
inside. We still keep them together but now they are easy
to move around. Perhaps, there are places where we
write some logic directly into the markup like so:

function CallToActionButton({ service, token }) {

return <button onClick={ () => service.request(tok
en) } />;

<CallToAction server={ service } token={ token } />

In such cases I again recommend to use composition and

remove any app logic concerns out of the presentation.

function CallToActionButton({ onButtonClicked }) {

return <button onClick={ onButtonClicked } />;

<CallToAction server={ () => service.request(token)

} />

React and separation of concerns

It is just a matter of spotting those bits and change them

on time.

No, I don't think that React is against the separation of
concerns. It is all about design and composition. There
are patterns that help us to compose and logically
separate our apps. We can still write well organized
programs with clearly defined responsibilities.


React became one of the most popular libraries for
building UIs. It comes with a great API which is simple
and powerful. The tricky part though is that React itself is
not always enough for building complex applications.
There are concepts that we must know to make it right.
Design patterns that are introduced by the community and
work well at scale. This book teaches most of those
patterns in a slightly opinionated style. I hope you liked it


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