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International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health

Kumar AK et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Aug;5(8):3624-3628

http://www.ijcmph.com pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20183109
Original Research Article

Assessment of gadgets addiction and its impact on health

among undergraduates
Aravind K. Kumar, Mayur S. Sherkhane*

Department of Community Medicine, SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad, Karnataka, India

Received: 04 June 2018

Revised: 09 July 2018
Accepted: 10 July 2018

Dr. Mayur S. Sherkhane,
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Technology has made our youth the most vulnerable group among today‟s population, because of their
accessibility and addiction to newer gadgets, which are cheap and easily available. Society has always been worrying
about the term „Drug Addiction‟ of our youth but „Gadget Addiction‟ is a more critical area of concern in the present
era and is a threat to the social infrastructure in the future. Addiction is an irrepressible urge which is accompanied by
loss of control leading to lower emotional intelligence indirectly deteriorating the academic and professional
performance as well as hampering their family life leading to life threatening problems in future.
Methods: Cross sectional study was done among 200 undergraduates using predesigned and pretested questionnaire.
Gadget dependency was analysed using 5-point Likert-scale. Descriptive statistics and chi-square test was used for
analysing the data collected.
Results: 71% belonged to 21-24 years age group. 73.5% were males and 43.5% belonged to class I socio-economic
status and 70% had normal BMI. 72.5% of subjects had first gadget at 16-20 years and 90.5% were using smart-
phones as a common gadget, of them, 50.2% were using for more than 7 hours a day. 61% had difficulty in day to day
work performance. Females were more prone compared to males (p=0.008).
Conclusions: High level of dependency was present with gadget addiction. Health action to be taken in form of
counselling about the pros and cons in the early phase can prevent future complications.

Keywords: Dependency, Gadget, Smart-phones, Undergraduates

INTRODUCTION diminished recognition of significant problems with one‟s

behaviours and interpersonal relationships, and a
Society has always been worrying about the term „Drug dysfunctional emotional response.2 Addiction refers to
Addiction‟ of our youth but „Gadget Addiction‟ is a more irrepressible urge which is often accompanied by loss of
critical area of concern in the present era and can be control. Research on impact of Internet addiction on
observed in today‟s scenario where the young young adults is in an early stage of development.3
generation‟s inclination towards the latest gadgets such as
Smart Phones, Tablets, Laptops and other electronic The term “gadget” refers to the portable electronic
gadgets is posing a threat to the social infrastructure in devices. Gadget usage has both pros and cons.
the future.1 Continuous use of gadget leads to many reported health
problems like eye straining, finger pain, backache, neck
Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently pain and sleep disturbances. Depending on the amount of
abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, time spent on gadget (duration and frequency), there are

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | August 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 8 Page 3624
Kumar AK et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Aug;5(8):3624-3628

adverse effects like physiological, psychological, social The study was conducted from June 2017 to August 2017
and emotional.4 for a period of three months. Prior to data collection the
purpose of the study was explained and written consent
There is relationship between excessive internet use and was taken from all the study participants on voluntary
loneliness, antisocial values and lower emotional basis. Predesigned and pretested questionnaire was used
intelligence and depression.5 Social network sites, online to collect socio-demographic profile, BMI and data
games, video-sharing sites and gadgets, such as iPods and regarding gadget usage.
smart-phone phones are now fixtures of youth culture
(UNICEF, 2011).6 To analyze gadget dependency 5-point Likert-scale was
used, where 5 refer to strongly agree and 1 refers to
The dependency of people on these technological gadgets strongly disagree. The score in this 5-points scale varied
and services provided by these has reached at such a level from 10 to 50. The score between 34-50 is regarded as
that, without these, they are unable to think a step high dependency, 17-33 moderate and 10-16 low
forward in the direction of their growth. The degree of dependency.
dependency is leading to addiction of the tech-devices
and services. Youth (15-24 years) is the most vulnerable Data collected was entered in Microsoft excel software
group among the population to be addicted to and analyzed using SPSS v22. Descriptive statistics like
technology.7 India‟s youth population is 231 million and frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation
so provides a large market for gadget companies.8 were calculated. Chi square test was applied. P value less
than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
The main concerns are about emissions of radio
frequency (RF) radiation from smart-phone phones and RESULTS
base stations that receive and transmit signals. There are
two direct ways by which health could be affected as a A total of 200 study participants were interviewed and
result of exposure to RF radiation: thermal (heating) data was collected. The study population comprised 147
effects caused mainly by holding smart-phone phones (73.5%) males and 53 (26.5%) females, their age ranged
close to the body, and possibly non-thermal.9 Extensive from 18-28 years (mean 21.44±2.02 years).
usage of gadgets especially smart-phones has an effect on
human‟s upper extremities, back and neck.10 Table 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of the
study participants (n=200).
Studies in this area show a significant association
between the total times spent using smart-phone device Characteristics Number Percentage (%)
each day and relative health problems. Using internet Age group
through gadget has always been favourably regarded as 18-20 56 28.0
informative, convenient, resourceful and capable of 21-24 142 71.0
producing economical as well as social benefits. 25-28 02 1.0
However, criticisms encircling its negative effects are
rapidly arising. Evidences from studies conducted
Female 53 26.5
revealed that excessive and unmanageable use of the
Internet is associated with social, psychological and Male 147 73.5
occupational impairment.11 The present study was done to Religion
assess gadget addiction among the undergraduates and its Hindu 147 73.5
impact on their health. Muslim 30 15.0
Christian 20 10.0
METHODS Others (Sikhs, Jains) 03 1.5
Socioeconomic status*
A cross sectional study was conducted among individuals I 87 43.5
who had passed 12th standard in the age group of 18-28 II 48 24.0
years and presently pursuing graduation and residing in III 45 22.5
urban area of Dharwad city, which is the field practice IV 17 8.5
area of department of community medicine, attached to a
V 03 1.5
tertiary care hospital.
Individuals more than 18 years and less than 28 years and Underweight (<18.50) 16 8.0
exposed or using any one type of gadget. Individuals Normal (18.5-24.99) 140 70.0
residing in the study area for more than one year and Overweight (25-29.99) 33 16.5
willing to participate on voluntary basis after giving a Obese (≥30) 11 5.5
written informed consent will be included in the study. * SES- as per modified BG prasad classification, 2016
Individuals who don‟t compile with the inclusion criteria
will be excluded.

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | August 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 8 Page 3625
Kumar AK et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Aug;5(8):3624-3628

Table 1 shows the socio-demographic characteristics of was regarded as addictive use in the present study. Out of
the study participants. The mean age was 21.44±2.02 90.5% study subjects it was found that majority 50.2%
years. Out of 200 study participants, majority 73.5% were were using smart-phones for more than 7 hours a day. It
males, 43.5% belonged to class I socioeconomic status. was also found that majority 42.5% of study participants
Majority 70% of study participants had normal BMI, used gadgets for social networking, 14% for work and
followed by 16.5% overweight and 5.5% obese. 13.5% for entertainment for more than 7 hours a day.

Table 2 shows information of gadget used by study Table 4 shows the dependency ratio categorized into low,
participants. Majority 80% had received their first gadget moderate and high. Majority 55% were moderately
as a gift from family members, 72.5% got their first dependent and 45% were high dependent on gadgets. The
gadget at age 16-20 years. Most commonly used gadget table also depicts the factors affecting dependency ratio
was found to be smart phones, with 90.5% of study in which gender was found to be significantly associated
participants using it. with gadget dependency (χ2=6.889, df=1, p=0.008).
Factors like age, SES and BMI were not found to be
Table 3 describes the purpose of using each gadget significantly associated with gadget dependency.
against duration. Use of gadgets for more than 7 hours

Table 2: Information of gadget used by study participants (n=200).

Information on gadget Number Percentage

Source (brought by)
Family 160 80.0
Relatives 11 5.5
Self 20 10.0
Friends 09 4.5
Age in years at first gadget
<10 12 6.0
11-15 35 17.5
16-20 145 72.5
>21 08 4.0
Gadget commonly used
Smartphone 181 90.5
Computer 10 5.0
Television / others 09 4.5

Table 3: Number of hours spent and purpose of individual gadgets.*

Gadgets (n=200)
Smartphone Computer Television/others
Time (hours)
No. (n=181) % No. (n=10) % No. (n=9) %
1-2 25 13.8 0 0 1 11.1
3-4 21 11.7 2 20.0 4 44.4
5-6 44 24.3 5 50.0 1 11.1
>7 91 50.2 3 30.0 3 33.4
Purpose and duration *
Social network Work Entertainment
Time (hours)
No. % No. % No. %
1-2 45 22.5 78 39.0 87 43.5
3-4 33 16.5 30 15.0 46 23.0
5-6 37 18.5 25 12.5 40 20.0
>7 85 42.5 28 14.0 27 13.5
* multiple responses.

Majority 61% of study participants had difficulty in day 39% hearing, 20% physical activity, 12% sleep
to day work performance, 57.5% vision, 43% breathing, disturbance and 1.5% had thinking problems respectively.

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | August 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 8 Page 3626
Kumar AK et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Aug;5(8):3624-3628

Table 4: Comparison of demographic characteristics in relation to dependency ratio (n=200).

Dependency ratio (5-Point likert-scale)

Dependency status Score Number Percentage (%)
Low 10-16 00 0.0
Moderate 17-33 110 55.0
High 34-50 90 45.0
Moderate High Total
Variables χ2 df P
No. % No. % No. %
18-20 36 64.3 20 35.7 56 28.0
21-24 74 52.1 68 47.9 142 71.0 4.873 2 0.087
25-28 00 0.0 02 1.0 02 1.0
Female 21 39.7 32 60.3 53 26.5
6.889 1 0.008
Male 89 60.5 58 39.5 147 73.5
I 48 55.2 39 44.8 87 43.5
II 24 50.0 24 50.0 48 24.5
2.915 3 0.404
III 29 64.5 16 35.5 45 22.5
IV+V 09 53.0 11 48.0 20 10.0
Underweight 07 44.0 9 56.0 16 8.0
Normal 77 55.0 63 45.0 140 70.0
4.176 3 0.243
Overweight 22 67.0 11 33.0 33 16.5
Obese 04 36.0 07 64.0 11 5.5

DISCUSSION consistence with a study done in Sweden, where frequent

smart-phone phone use was associated with sleep
The present study was aimed to find out the magnitude of disturbances and symptoms of depression were
gadget dependency among the undergraduate students. experienced by both men and women.15 This shows that
lack of rest to the body leads to exhaustion and directly
In our study prevalence of high dependency was found to decreases the quality of performing activities.
be 45%, which was more when compared to a study done
in Delhi12 where the prevalence was 22% and a study CONCLUSION
done in Changsha, China13 the prevalence was found to
be 21.3%. The difference in findings could be because of Dependency with gadgets was high, which was at 45%
conduct of latter studies among the undergraduates of among study subjects and majority were in age group of
different disciplines of different universities and the 21-24 years and most of them belonged to class I
former urban based study was conducted at a community socioeconomic status. Preventive measures are needed to
level, where the real picture of gadget addiction has been be streamlined to tackle the growing issue of gadget
retrieved. addiction. To reduce this problem of future, health
education sessions should be implemented and given to
In our study majority 90.5% of the study participants all school going children and adolescents regarding pros
were found to be using smart-phones, among them 57.5% and cons of gadget usage and its health effects. This may
had problems related to vision, 39% hearing problems be imparted in form of lectures, health talks and if
and 20% had reduced physical activity. This was similar required counseling sessions at an individual level.
to a study done in Karachi, where 88.5% owned smart- Implementing preventive interventions at early age of life
phones, among whom 71% reported problems with not only reduces the problems but also will increase the
concentration on day to day activities, 36.5% hearing awareness about usage of gadgets in a better educational
problems and 7% had problems related to vision.14 This and purposeful way.
shows that usage of gadgets have common effects over

Our study also found that majority 61% had difficulty in We thank the all the undergraduate students for
day to day work performance, 12% disturbed sleep and participating and sparing their valuable time.
10.5% concentrating or thinking problems. It was in

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Kumar AK et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Aug;5(8):3624-3628

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