Telbivudine Versus Lamivudine in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B

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original article

Telbivudine versus Lamivudine in Patients

with Chronic Hepatitis B
Ching-Lung Lai, M.D., Edward Gane, M.D., Yun-Fan Liaw, M.D.,
Chao-Wei Hsu, M.D., Satawat Thongsawat, M.D., Yuming Wang, M.D.,
Yagang Chen, M.D., E. Jenny Heathcote, M.D., Jens Rasenack, M.D.,
Natalie Bzowej, M.D., Ph.D., Nikolai V. Naoumov, M.D.,
Adrian M. Di Bisceglie, M.D., Stefan Zeuzem, M.D.,
Young Myoung Moon, M.D., Zachary Goodman, M.D.,
George Chao, Ph.D., Barbara Fielman Constance, R.N.,
and Nathaniel A. Brown, M.D., for the Globe Study Group*


From the University Department of Med- Reducing hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication to minimal levels is emerging as a key
icine, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong therapeutic goal for chronic hepatitis B.
(C.-L.L.); Middlemore Hospital, Auckland,
New Zealand (E.G.); Chang Gung Memo- Methods
rial Hospital, Chang Gung University Col-
lege of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan (Y.-F.L., In this double-blind, phase 3 trial, 1370 patients with chronic hepatitis B were ran-
C.-W.H.); Chiang Mai University, Chiang domly assigned to receive 600 mg of telbivudine or 100 mg of lamivudine once daily.
Mai, Thailand (S.T.); Xi Nan Hospital, Third The primary efficacy end point was noninferiority of telbivudine to lamivudine for
Military Medical University, Chongqing,
China (Y.W.); First Affiliated Hospital, Zhe- therapeutic response (i.e., a reduction in serum HBV DNA levels to fewer than 5 log10
jiang University, Hangzhou, China (Y.C.); copies per milliliter, along with loss of hepatitis B e antigen [HBeAg] or normaliza-
University of Toronto, Toronto (E.J.H.); tion of alanine aminotransferase levels). Secondary efficacy measures included his-
Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Ger-
many (J.R.); Sutter Health, San Francisco tologic response, changes in serum HBV DNA levels, and HBeAg responses.
(N.B.); University College, London (N.V.N.);
Saint Louis University, St. Louis (A.M.D.); Results
Saarland University Hospital, Homburg, At week 52, a significantly higher proportion of HBeAg-positive patients receiving
Germany (S.Z.); Yonsei University College
telbivudine than of those receiving lamivudine had a therapeutic response (75.3% vs.
of Medicine, Seoul, Korea (Y.M.M.); the
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 67.0%, P = 0.005) or a histologic response (64.7% vs. 56.3%, P = 0.01); telbivudine also
Washington, DC (Z.G.); and Idenix Phar- was not inferior to lamivudine for these end points in HBeAg-negative patients. In
maceuticals, Cambridge, MA (G.C., B.F.C.,
HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-negative patients, telbivudine was superior to lamivudine
N.A.B.). Address reprint requests to Dr.
Lai at the University Department of Med- with respect to the mean reduction in the number of copies of HBV DNA from base-
icine, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, line, the proportion of patients with a reduction in HBV DNA to levels undetectable
China, or at [email protected].
by polymerase-chain-reaction assay, and development of resistance to the drug. Ele-
*The other investigators in the Globe Study vated creatine kinase levels were more common in patients who received telbivudine,
Group are listed in the Appendix. whereas elevated alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels
were more common in those who received lamivudine.
N Engl J Med 2007;357:2576-88.
Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Among patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B, the rates of therapeutic
and histologic response at 1 year were significantly higher in patients treated with
telbivudine than in patients treated with lamivudine. In both the HBeAg-negative
and the HBeAg-positive groups, telbivudine demonstrated greater HBV DNA sup-
pression with less resistance than did lamivudine. ( number,

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Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Telbivudine versus Lamivudine in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B

or the approximately 400 million Me thods
people with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV)
infection, the risk of progression to end-stage Patients
complications such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular Men and women between 16 and 70 years of age
carcinoma has been correlated with persistent HBV who had HBeAg-positive or HBeAg-negative chron-
replication, as reflected by serum HBV DNA levels.1 ic hepatitis B were eligible to participate in the
Correspondingly, prolonged suppression of HBV study. The study investigators recruited the patients
replication with antiviral therapy has been linked from March 2003 until April 2004 after a review
to reduced risks of end-stage disease manifesta- of medical records and the completion of screen-
tions, a finding that underscores the importance ing procedures to establish their eligibility for the
of long-lasting HBV suppression as a primary treat- trial. Chronic hepatitis B was defined by detect-
ment goal.2-9 able serum hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg),
Multiple types of interferon, lamivudine, adefo- a serum alanine aminotransferase level 1.3 to
vir dipivoxil, entecavir, and telbivudine have been 10.0 times the upper limit of normal, a serum
approved for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. HBV DNA level greater than 6 log10 copies per
These agents vary with respect to antiviral and milliliter, and compatible pretreatment liver his-
clinical efficacy, resistance profiles, and tolerabil- tologic findings.
ity and safety.10 For long-term disease manage- Exclusion criteria included coinfection with
ment, the clinical challenge is to determine how hepatitis C, hepatitis D, or the human immuno-
to use available agents most effectively to obtain deficiency virus; evidence of hepatic decompen-
consistent, profound, and long-lasting HBV sup- sation, pancreatitis, or hepatocellular carcinoma;
pression with good safety and convenience in a previous treatment for hepatitis B with nucleo-
wide variety of health care settings. side or nucleotide analogues or both; treatment
Telbivudine (β-l-2′-deoxythymidine) is an orally with interferon or other immunomodulators with-
bioavailable l-nucleoside with potent and specific in the previous 12 months; other forms of liver
anti-HBV activity.11 In preclinical toxicologic test- disease; a serum creatinine level greater than 1.5
ing, telbivudine had no mutagenic or carcinogenic mg per deciliter (133 μmol per liter); a serum
effects and no appreciable embryonic or fetal toxic amylase or lipase level greater than 1.5 times the
effects — findings that are particularly relevant upper limit of normal; a prothrombin time pro-
for men and women in their reproductive years.12 longed by more than 3 seconds; a serum albumin
In initial clinical trials, treatment with telbivudine level less than 3.3 g per deciliter; and a bilirubin
led to reductions in serum HBV DNA levels that level greater than 2.0 mg per deciliter (34 μmol
were greater than those observed with lamivudine, per liter). Eligible patients with a serum alpha fe-
and resistance to telbivudine developed less fre- toprotein level greater than 50 ng per milliliter
quently than did resistance to lamivudine.13,14 required exclusion of underlying hepatocellular
The present international phase 3 trial, desig- carcinoma.
nated Globe, compared the safety and efficacy of
treatment with telbivudine with that of lamivu- Study design
dine, the most widely prescribed anti-hepatitis B This randomized, double-blind, active agent–con-
agent worldwide, in patients with chronic hepati- trolled trial was conducted at 112 academic cen-
tis B. Patients with hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)– ters in 20 countries. Eligible subjects were random-
positive chronic hepatitis B and those with HBeAg- ly assigned centrally in a 1:1 ratio to receive 600 mg
negative chronic hepatitis B were evaluated to of telbivudine or 100 mg of lamivudine once daily
assess differences in therapeutic outcomes that as oral tablets. Treatment assignments were strat-
may arise as a result of well-recognized differences ified according to HBeAg status (positive or neg-
in disease characteristics.10,15-17 Associations be- ative) and serum alanine aminotransferase level
tween early suppression of HBV replication and (>2.5 or ≤2.5 times the upper limit of normal).
subsequent efficacy and resistance outcomes were Within each stratum, patients were randomly as-
assessed.14,18,19 signed in block sizes of four. Study drugs were sup-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

plied in bottles containing telbivudine (Idenix able HBeAg. This composite end point captures
Pharmaceuticals) or overencapsulated lamivudine indicators of liver disease and viral suppression
tablets (GlaxoSmithKline). Primary data analyses used in clinical practice, similar to composite end
were specified for a 52-week treatment period, with points used in previous interferon and lamivudine
the cohort continuing into a second year for lon- trials.24-28
ger-term assessments. Histologic response, the key secondary efficacy
Patient histories were obtained, physical exami- end point, was defined as a reduction of at least
nations were conducted, and venipuncture sam- two points in the Knodell necroinflammatory
ples for laboratory assessments were obtained at score, with no worsening in the Knodell fibrosis
screening, at baseline, and at weeks 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, score. Other secondary efficacy measures includ-
24, 32, 40, 48, and 52. Standardized tests were ed changes in the serum HBV DNA level, HBeAg
performed centrally by Quintiles Transnational. and HBsAg loss and seroconversion, virologic re-
Serum HBV DNA levels were quantified by COBAS sponse (a serum HBV DNA level below 5 log10
Amplicor HBV Monitor (Roche Molecular Systems), copies per milliliter and HBeAg loss),29 and nor-
with a detection limit of 300 copies per milliliter. malization of the serum alanine aminotransfer-
Serum samples obtained at screening, baseline, ase level. Primary treatment failure was defined
and week 2 were prediluted at a 1:1000 ratio to as completion of at least 24 weeks of treatment
ensure that HBV DNA assessments were within without two consecutive measurements of serum
the assay’s linear range. Liver-biopsy specimens, HBV DNA levels below 5 log10 copies per milliliter.
collected before treatment and at week 52, were Safety evaluations included discontinuation of the
evaluated under blinded conditions by an indepen- study drug and analyses of adverse events and
dent expert with the use of the Knodell and Ishak graded laboratory abnormalities.
histologic scoring systems.20,21
The study was conducted in compliance with HBV genotyping, viral breakthrough,
the ethics principles of the Declaration of Hel- and resistance
sinki and was consistent with Good Clinical Prac- Viral breakthrough was defined as at least two
tice guidelines and applicable local regulatory re- consecutive determinations of an increase in HBV
quirements, including institutional-review-board DNA by at least 1 log10 copy per milliliter from
approval. All patients provided written informed nadir during 48 weeks of therapy, a definition con-
consent. The informed-consent forms discussed sistent with recent recommendations.30,31 Resis-
alternative treatment with interferon, lamivudine, tance was defined as viral breakthrough with treat-
and adefovir dipivoxil in countries where these ment-emergent resistance mutations.31 HBV DNA
therapies were available. Clinical data were col- was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
lected and monitored by Quintiles. The sponsors, from serum samples at screening or at baseline
Idenix Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Pharmaceu- from all patients, serum samples at week 48 from
ticals, conducted predefined statistical analyses; patients with viral breakthrough, and from pa-
the investigators had full access to the data and tients who received telbivudine and who had more
contributed substantially to study design, data col- than 3 log10 copies of residual HBV DNA per mil-
lection, and data analysis. The manuscript was liliter at week 52. The 344-codon reverse transcrip-
written in collaboration by the first and last au- tase domain of the HBV polymerase gene was
thors; all the other authors were actively involved sequenced at an independent laboratory (Delft
in review of the manuscript and approval of the Diagnostic Laboratory). This automated method
final version. The academic authors vouch for the detects potential resistance mutations that com-
veracity and completeness of the data and data prise at least 25% of the amplified viral DNA and
analyses. is consistent with previous methods.32-35

Study End points early antiviral response versus subsequent

The primary efficacy end point was therapeutic re- outcomes
sponse, defined as a reduction in the serum HBV Prespecified analyses assessed relationships be-
DNA level to fewer than 5 log10 copies per milli- tween early antiviral responses and efficacy and
liter, as recommended in available treatment guide- resistance outcomes at 1 year. Patients were cat-
lines,22,23 coupled with either normalization of the egorized at week 24 according to PCR analysis as
alanine aminotransferase level or loss of detect- being negative for serum HBV DNA, as having de-

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Telbivudine versus Lamivudine in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B

tectable but fewer than 3 log10 copies of HBV DNA subpopulation. For secondary end points, treat-
per milliliter, as having from 3 to 4 log10 copies ment effects were compared, first for noninferi-
per milliliter, or as having more than 4 log10 cop- ority and then for superiority, according to a pre-
ies per milliliter. specified hierarchy.
Treatment comparisons of categorical end points
Statistical analysis were assessed by a weighted Cochran–Mantel–
The study design provided 99% power to demon- Haenszel method adjusted for randomization stra-
strate noninferiority of telbivudine to lamivudine ta. For continuous variables, analysis of variance
for therapeutic response, assuming a noninferi- was performed with each stratified group as a
ority criterion of 15 percentage points, with en- factor. Reported P values are two-sided and were
rollment of at least 600 HBeAg-positive and 400 not adjusted for multiple testing.
HBeAg-negative patients. Analyses were based on
all patients randomly assigned to treatment who R e sult s
received at least one dose of study medication.
Analyses of histologic response included all pa- Patients
tients with pretreatment liver-biopsy specimens Six hundred eighty-three patients were assigned
that could be evaluated, as in previous studies.32-35 to receive telbivudine and 687 to receive lamivu-
The primary analysis occurred at week 52, with dine; 3 patients declined to participate further af-
longer-term assessments at week 104. An indepen- ter undergoing randomization. The intention-to-
dent data and safety monitoring board and an ex- treat population consisted of 921 patients with
ternal data-analysis center monitored safety. The HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B and 446 pa-
patients, investigators, and sponsor remained un- tients with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B.
aware of treatment assignments throughout the The treatment groups were well matched at base-
study. line for demographic and disease characteristics
The study was intended to demonstrate effects (Table 1). Eighteen patients receiving telbivudine
in both HBeAg subpopulations or in the pooled (2.6%) and 32 receiving lamivudine (4.7%) with-
population, if trends in the subpopulations war- drew before week 52. Among these, two in the
ranted pooling. The primary end point was as- telbivudine group (0.3%) and eight in the lamivu-
sessed by a three-step method.36 First, both HBeAg dine group (1.2%) discontinued treatment because
subpopulations were analyzed separately with an of adverse events, clinical disease progression, or
alpha level of 0.04 (95.68% confidence interval). lack of efficacy. Two of these patients — one with
If both subpopulations met the noninferiority cri- myopathy in the telbivudine group and one with
teria (i.e., if confidence intervals for the treatment urticaria in the lamivudine group — discontinued
difference exceeded –15%), treatments would be treatment because of serious adverse events that
compared for superiority within each subpopula- possibly were related to the study drugs.
tion. If statistical significance was not established
within both HBeAg subpopulations, a statistical Therapeutic and Histologic Responses
test for interaction between the treatment group For all study end points, noninferiority criteria
and HBeAg subpopulations was planned, with were met for telbivudine as compared with lami-
significance defined at the alpha level of 0.15.37 vudine, allowing for superiority testing. Among
With no interaction, a statistical analysis for the HBeAg-positive patients at week 52, significantly
overall patient population would be performed more patients in the telbivudine group than in the
with an alpha level of 0.000933 to protect the over- lamivudine group had either a therapeutic or a
all alpha at 0.00125. histologic response (Table 2). Among HBeAg-neg-
Demonstration of noninferiority was a precur- ative patients, the rates of therapeutic and histo-
sor to superiority testing. For the primary efficacy logic response were similar in both treatment
end point, noninferiority criteria were met in both groups at week 52, and thus the noninferiority cri-
HBeAg subpopulations, but superiority was not teria were met.
established for the primary end point in the
HBeAg-negative population. HBeAg subpopula- HBV DNA Responses
tions were not pooled because of this statistical Among both HBeAg-positive patients and HBeAg-
interaction between treatment effect and HBeAg negative patients, reduction in serum HBV DNA

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics.*

Characteristic HBeAg-Positive Patients HBeAg-Negative Patients

Telbivudine Lamivudine Telbivudine Lamivudine
(N = 458) (N = 463) (N = 222) (N = 224)
Years of age — mean (range) 32 (16–63) 33 (16–67) 43 (17–68) 43 (18–68)
Male sex — no. (%) 333 (73) 351 (76) 174 (78) 177 (79)
Weight in kg — mean (range) 66 (38–126) 68 (38–150) 72 (42–123) 71 (45–148)
Race or ethnic group — no. (%)†
Chinese 265 (57.9) 265 (57.2) 116 (52.3) 102 (45.5)
Non-Chinese Asian 115 (25.1) 106 (22.9) 29 (13.1) 42 (18.8)
White 52 (11.4) 55 (11.9) 46 (20.7) 56 (25.0)
Black 4 (0.9) 7 (1.5) 3 (1.4) 3 (1.3)
Latino 2 (0.4) 4 (0.9) 2 (0.9) 4 (1.8)
Middle Eastern or Indian 8 (1.7) 7 (1.5) 6 (2.7) 4 (1.8)
Other 12 (2.6) 19 (4.1) 20 (9.0) 13 (5.8)
HBV genotype — no. (%)
A 24 (5.2) 31 (6.7) 12 (5.4) 14 (6.2)
B 129 (28.2) 113 (24.4) 59 (26.6) 59 (26.3)
C 259 (56.6) 258 (55.7) 89 (40.1) 86 (38.4)
D 42 (9.2) 54 (11.7) 57 (25.7) 64 (28.6)
Other or unknown 4 (0.9) 7 (1.5) 5 (2.3) 1 (0.4)
Serum alanine aminotransferase — IU/liter‡
Mean 146.4±5.37 158.9±6.30 137.0±6.94 143.7±8.74
Median (range) 111.0 (19–1137) 111.0 (25–1133) 99.0 (31–569) 98.5 (12–982)
Serum HBV DNA — log10 copies/ml
Mean 9.5±0.09 9.5±0.09 7.7±0.12 7.4±0.10
Median (range) 9.6 (3.8–16.0) 9.6 (3.6–16.1) 7.2 (3.0–13.0) 7.1 (3.7–12.1)
Liver histologic findings§
Mean total Knodell Histologic Activity 8.9 9.0 9.0 9.6
Index score
Mean Knodell necroinflammatory score 7.4 7.3 7.3 7.6
Mean Ishak fibrosis score 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.5

* HBeAg denotes hepatitis B e antigen, and HBV hepatitis B virus. Plus–minus values are means ±SE.
† Race or ethnic group was self-assessed.
‡ The upper limit of normal for serum alanine aminotransferase was 48 IU per liter for men and 37 IU per liter for
§ The analysis included the 872 HBeAg-positive patients (94.7% of the total intention-to-treat population) with baseline
liver-biopsy findings that could be evaluated. The Knodell Histologic Activity Index score can range from 0 to 22, with
higher scores indicating more severe disease. The Knodell inflammatory score can range from 0 to 18, with higher
scores indicating more severe chronic hepatitis. The Ishak fibrosis score is based on a scale of 0 to 6, where 0 indicates
no fibrosis and 5 or higher indicates cirrhosis.

levels at week 52 was significantly greater in the by week 8 in HBeAg-negative patients (reductions
telbivudine group than in the lamivudine group of 4.36 log10 copies per milliliter for telbivudine
(Table 2). The difference was evident by week 12 and 4.08 log10 copies per milliliter for lamivudine,
in HBeAg-positive patients (reductions of 5.71 log10 P = 0.02), and it persisted through week 52 (Fig.
copies per milliliter for telbivudine and 5.42 log10 1A and 1B).
copies per milliliter for lamivudine, P = 0.01) and At week 52, the proportion of patients in whom

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Table 2. Efficacy Results at Week 52.*

Variable HBeAg-Positive Patients HBeAg-Negative Patients

Telbivudine Lamivudine Difference P Telbivudine Lamivudine Difference P
(N = 458) (N = 463) (95% CI) Value (N = 222) (N = 224) (95% CI) Value
Therapeutic response (%) 75.3 67.0 8.3 (2.4 to 14.2) 0.005 75.2 77.2 –2.0 (–10.2 to 6.1) 0.62
Histologic response (%) 64.7 56.3 8.4 (2.0 to 14.7) 0.01 66.6 66.0 0.6 (–8.3 to 9.5) 0.90
Serum HBV DNA (mean change in log10 cop- –6.45 –5.54 –0.91 (–1.20 to –0.61) <0.001 –5.23 –4.40 –0.83 (–1.20 to –0.45) <0.001
ies/ml from baseline)
Serum HBV DNA undetectable by PCR (%) 60.0 40.4 19.6 (13.3 to 25.8) <0.001 88.3 71.4 16.9 (9.6 to 24.1) <0.001
Alanine aminotransferase normalization (%) 77.2 74.9 2.3 (–3.3 to 7.9) 0.42 74.4 79.3 –4.9 (–13.0 to 3.2) 0.24
HBeAg loss (%) 25.7 23.3 2.4 (–3.2 to 8.1) 0.40 — — — —
HBeAg seroconversion (%) 22.5 21.5 1.0 (–4.5 to 6.4) 0.73 — — — —
Virologic response (%)† 25.7 22.8 2.9 (–2.8 to 8.5) 0.32 — — — —
Viral breakthrough (%)‡ 5.9 15.3 –9.4 (–13.4 to –5.5) <0.001 2.3 12.5 –10.2 (–15.0 to –5.5) <0.001

The New England Journal of Medicine

Viral resistance (%)§ 5.0 11.0 –6.0 (–9.5 to –2.5) <0.001 2.2 10.7 –8.5 (–12.9 to –4.0) <0.001

n engl j med 357;25  december 20, 2007

Primary treatment failure (%)¶ 4.7 13.4 –8.7 (–12.3 to –5.0) <0.001 0.4 2.7 –2.3 (–4.6 to 0.1) <0.06

* HBeAg denotes hepatitis B e antigen, CI confidence interval, HBV hepatitis B virus, and PCR polymerase chain reaction.
† A virologic response is defined as a reduction in serum HBV DNA to less than 5 log10 copies per milliliter, coupled with HBeAg loss.

Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

‡ A viral breakthrough is defined as an increase in serum HBV DNA to at least 1 log above the nadir value on two successive visits, assessed at week 48.
§ Viral resistance is defined as breakthrough with treatment-emergent resistance mutations confirmed by genetic sequencing at week 48. In the study protocol, viral breakthrough was de-
fined primarily as an increase in serum HBV DNA to at least 5 log10 copies per milliliter after reduction to below that level. During the course of the study, this definition was supersed-
Telbivudine versus Lamivudine in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B

ed by the simpler and more widely accepted definition that pertains to the data reported above. Resistance rates per protocol were 3.0% for telbivudine and 8.2% for lamivudine in
HBeAg-positive patients, and 2.1% for telbivudine and 8.5% for lamivudine (P<0.001) in HBeAg-negative patients.
¶ Primary treatment failure was considered to have occurred when serum HBV DNA levels remained above 5 log10 copies per milliliter through week 52.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

A HBeAg-Positive Patients B HBeAg-Negative Patients

0 0
P<0.001 at wk 52
P<0.001 at wk 52

Mean Change in Serum HBV DNA

Mean Change in Serum HBV DNA

from Baseline (log10 copies/ml)

from Baseline (log10 copies/ml)

−1 −1

−2 −2
−6.5 log10
−3 copies/ml −3
−4.4 log10
−4 −4 copies/ml
−5.5 log10 Lamivudine
−5 −5
Lamivudine Telbivudine
−5.2 log10
−6 −6 copies/ml
−7 −7
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
Week Week

C HBeAg-Positive Patients D HBeAg-Negative Patients

100 100
Patients with Undetectable Levels

Patients with Undetectable Levels

90 90
80 80
Telbivudine 71%
70 70
of HBV DNA (%)

of HBV DNA (%)

60 Telbivudine 60
50 50
40 40
30 Lamivudine 30
20 20
10 P<0.001 10 P<0.001
0 0
0 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 0 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
Week Week

Figure 1. Serum HBV DNA Levels from Baseline to Week 52.

Serum samples were analyzed for ICM HBV DNA content. The lower limit of detection of 2ndthe assay was 300 copies per
REG F FIGURE: 1 of 3
milliliter. Panels A and B show the reduction of serum HBV DNA levels from baseline 3rd to week 52, plotted as mean
(±SE) log10 change from baseline values. For patients with HBeAg-positiveRevisedchronic hepatitis B, the data represent
Line 4-C
the means for 457 and 462 patientsEMail
in theARTIST:
telbivudine lamivudine groups,SIZE
ts and H/T respectively, at baseline, and for 443
H/T 33p952. For patients with HBeAg-nega-
and 444 patients in the telbivudineEnon
and lamivudine groups,Combo respectively, at week
tive chronic hepatitis B, the data represent the means for 221 and 224 patients in the telbivudine and lamivudine
groups, respectively, at baseline, and for 219has
Figure patients in each
been redrawn andtreatment group
type has been at week 52. Panels C and D show the
proportion of patients with undetectable levels ofPlease
HBV DNA according to polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) assays,
check carefully.
maintained from the point of first occurrence through week 52.
JOB: 35725 ISSUE: 12-20-07

serum HBV DNA levels were undetectable by dine than with lamivudine among both HBeAg-
PCR assay was significantly greater in the telbivu- positive and HBeAg-negative patients, but the dif-
dine group than in the lamivudine group among ference was significant only for HBeAg-positive
HBeAg-positive patients (60.0% vs. 40.4%, P<0.001) patients (Table 2).
and HBeAg-negative patients (88.3% vs. 71.4%,
P<0.001) (Table 2). The mean time required for HB e A g and HB s A g Responses
serum HBV DNA to become undetectable by PCR Among HBeAg-positive patients, 25.7% of those
assay was significantly shorter in the telbivudine in the telbivudine group and 23.3% of those in
group than in the lamivudine group among the lamivudine group had HBeAg loss (P = 0.40)
HBeAg-positive patients (34 weeks vs. 39 weeks, and 22.5% of those in the telbivudine group and
P<0.001) and HBeAg-negative patients (20 weeks 21.5% of those in the lamivudine group had HBeAg
vs. 26 weeks, P<0.001) (Fig. 1C and 1D). Primary seroconversion (P = 0.73) (Table 2). Among the 69%
treatment failure was less frequent with telbivu- of patients with pretreatment alanine aminotrans-

2582 n engl j med 357;25  december 20, 2007

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Telbivudine versus Lamivudine in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B

ferase levels at least twice the upper limit of nor- 11.0% and 10.7% of HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-
mal — a group generally considered the best can- negative patients who received lamivudine, re-
didates for treatment22,23 — HBeAg loss occurred spectively (P<0.001 for both comparisons).
in 30.8% and 26.2% of patients receiving telbivu- Consistent with previous reports, M204I was
dine and lamivudine, respectively (P = 0.22), and the only signature mutation associated with tel-
HBeAg seroconversion occurred in 26.6% and bivudine resistance; secondary mutations L80I/V
24.1%, respectively (P = 0.49). Less than 1% of pa- and L80I/V + L180M accompanied M204I in 2.2%
tients in each treatment group had HBsAg sero- and 0.3%, respectively, of the patients who re-
conversion. ceived telbivudine.14,38,39 Overall, the M204I mu-
tation was detected in 46 of the 115 patients who
Biochemical Response received telbivudine and who had serum HBV DNA
The rates of normalization of serum alanine ami- levels of at least 1000 copies per milliliter at
notransferase at week 52 were high (levels more week 52 (including patients with viral break-
than 70%) in both treatment groups, with results through), representing 6.8% of all telbivudine re-
meeting noninferiority criteria in the HBeAg- cipients in the study. Variants harboring mutations
positive and in the HBeAg-negative subgroups at the A181 and L229 codons were detected spo-
(Table 2). radically, with 16 and 6 occurrences, respectively,
among the 115 telbivudine recipients with de-
Additional Histologic Analyses tectable HBV DNA, but these were not associated
Among HBeAg-positive patients, the mean Knodell with viral breakthrough without concomitant de-
Histologic Activity Index scores (range, 0 to 22, tection of M204I. Lamivudine resistance was based
with higher scores indicating more severe disease) on the signature mutations M204I and M204V;
improved by 3.92 and 3.64 points in patients re- M204V was accompanied by the L180M second-
ceiving telbivudine and in those receiving lami- ary mutation, whereas M204I was seen alone or
vudine, respectively (difference, 0.28; 95% con- with the secondary mutation L80I/V.31,39
fidence interval [CI], –0.23 to 0.79); among
HBeAg-negative patients, the scores improved by Early Viral Suppression and 1-Year Efficacy
3.85 and 3.73 points, respectively (difference, 0.12; Outcomes
95% CI, –0.59 to 0.82). Among HBeAg-positive pa- The distribution of patients according to HBV DNA
tients with marked pretreatment bridging fibro- levels at week 24 (Fig. 2) is consistent with the
sis or cirrhosis and who had Ishak fibrosis scores greater viral suppression observed with telbivu-
of 4 to 6 (where 0 indicates no fibrosis and 6 in- dine (Fig. 1). At week 24, more patients in the tel-
dicates cirrhosis), the Ishak fibrosis scores im- bivudine group than in the lamivudine group were
proved to between 0 and 3 in 68% of patients negative for HBV DNA according to PCR, where-
receiving telbivudine and 61% of patients receiv- as residual HBV DNA levels greater than 4 log10
ing lamivudine (difference, 7%; 95% CI, –16 to copies per milliliter were more frequent in patients
29%); the corresponding figures for HBeAg-neg- in the lamivudine group than in those in the tel-
ative patients were 59% and 46% (difference, 13%; bivudine group.
95% CI, –14 to 40%). In contrast, among patients In the combined treatment groups, low HBV
with baseline Ishak fibrosis scores of 0 to 3, pro- DNA levels at week 24 were associated with fa-
gression to a score greater than 3 by week 52 oc- vorable 1-year efficacy outcomes (Fig. 3A). Of
curred in only 1% of patients in either HBeAg HBeAg-positive patients at week 24, 41% with un-
subgroup who were taking either telbivudine or detectable levels of HBV DNA on PCR underwent
lamivudine. seroconversion by week 52 as compared with 4%
of patients with more than 4 log10 copies of HBV
Breakthrough and Resistance DNA per milliliter. Similar correlations were ob-
Viral breakthrough and genotypic resistance were served between HBV DNA levels at week 24 and
significantly less common in patients receiving the proportion of patients with alanine transami-
telbivudine than in those receiving lamivudine (Ta- nase normalization at week 52.
ble 2). Resistance developed in 5.0% and 2.3% of At week 24, in HBeAg-positive patients in both
HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-negative patients who treatment groups combined, resistance occurred
received telbivudine, respectively, as compared with in only 2% of patients who were negative for HBV

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

in previous studies.32,34,41 Grade 3 or 4 elevations

Undetectable <3 log10 3–4 log10 >4 log10 in creatine kinase levels (at least seven times the
copies/ml copies/ml copies/ml
upper limit of normal), which were observed in
HBeAg-Positive Patients (%) 7.5% of patients in the telbivudine group and 3.1%
Telbivudine 45 13 18 24 of those in the lamivudine group, decreased spon-
taneously during drug treatment to grade 2 or
Lamivudine 32 14 17 36 lower by the next visit in 66.7% of the patients
in the telbivudine group and 73.9% of those in
HBeAg-Negative Patients (%)
the lamivudine group. Patterns of clinical adverse
Telbivudine 80 8 7 5 events, including infrequent muscle-related symp-
toms, correlated poorly with elevations in creatine
Lamivudine 71 9 11 9 kinase levels and were similar in the two study
groups. Myopathy, characterized by muscle pain
Figure 2. Serum HBV DNA Levels after 24 Weeks of Treatment. and weakness and moderately elevated creatine
The distribution
of patients
AUTHOR: with
LaiHBeAg-positive chronic
1st B and kinase levels before and during treatment, was
those with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B among four viral-load
REG F FIGURE: 2 of 3
2nd cate- reported in one patient 11 months after initiation
gories (in log10CASE 3rd
copies of HBV DNA per milliliter) is shown at week 24
according to treatment group. HBV DNA
Revised of telbivudine. When telbivudine was discontin-
Linewas classified
4-C as undetectable
on the basis of PCR assays. Because ofH/T rounding,
H/Tpercentages may not ued, creatine kinase levels returned to normal
Enon 22p3
total 100. Combo within 1 month and symptoms resolved over a
AUTHOR, PLEASE NOTE: period of 9 to 12 months.
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset.
Please check carefully. Grade 3 or 4 elevations in alanine aminotrans-
DNA on PCR, as compared with 15% of patients ferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels dur-
JOB: 35725 viral loads above 4 logISSUE:
10 copies per milliliter
12-20-07 ing treatment were less frequent in the telbivudine
(Fig. 3A). A similar pattern was evident for HBeAg- group than in the lamivudine group (Table 3).
negative patients. The pattern of relationships be- Grade 3 or 4 elevations in alanine aminotrans-
tween HBV DNA levels at week 24 and subsequent ferase levels were noted in 13.1% of patients re-
resistance was similar for telbivudine and lamivu- ceiving lamivudine and 12.5% of patients receiv-
dine. However, viral suppression was significantly ing telbivudine who had viral breakthrough. One
greater and resistance was less frequent in the patient with lamivudine resistance had liver fail-
telbivudine group than in the lamivudine group ure and received a liver transplant. After week 24,
within each viral-load category at week 24 (Fig. alanine aminotransferase flares of at least 500 IU
3B). Multivariate regression analyses identified vi- per liter and at least twice the baseline value were
ral load at week 24 as the most significant pre- more common with lamivudine (2.2%) than tel-
dictor of 1-year efficacy outcomes and resistance. bivudine (0.4%).

Safety and adverse events Dis cus sion

The frequencies of adverse events through week
52 were similar for patients who received telbivu- In patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepati-
dine and for those who received lamivudine (Ta- tis B, telbivudine was superior to lamivudine for
ble 3). Serious adverse events (defined according the primary and key secondary efficacy end points
to criteria adapted from the Division of AIDS, of therapeutic response and histologic response;
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Dis- in HBeAg-negative patients, telbivudine and lami-
eases40), regardless of attributability to study vudine achieved similar rates of therapeutic and
drug, were reported for 18 patients in the telbi- histologic response. In both HBeAg-positive and
vudine group (2.6%) and 33 in the lamivudine HBeAg-negative patients, telbivudine had greater
group (4.8%). antiviral efficacy than did lamivudine. The mech-
Elevations in creatine kinase levels through anism underlying the effect of pretreatment HBeAg
week 52 were more common in recipients of tel- status on therapeutic and histologic response is
bivudine than in recipients of lamivudine (Table 3). uncertain, but it may derive from the lower base-
Creatine kinase levels were elevated in 15% of line HBV DNA levels and high viral clearance
study patients before treatment, a finding consis- rates observed in HBeAg-negative patients. Re-
tent with the frequent elevations in creatine kinase sults may differ with longer-term follow-up, as
levels reported in patients who received placebo treatment-related differences in antiviral potency

2584 n engl j med 357;25  december 20, 2007

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Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Telbivudine versus Lamivudine in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B

HBeAg Seroconversion Undetectable Levels of HBV DNA
100 100
HBeAg+ 90 89 HBeAg+
90 90 83
80 HBeAg−
80 80 74
Response at 1 Yr (%)

70 70 63
60 60 54
50 41 50
40 40 36

30 26 30
20 13 20
10 4 10
0 0
Undetectable <3 3–4 >4 Undetectable <3 3–4 >4
Serum HBV DNA Level at Wk 24 (log10 copies/ml)

Alanine Aminotransferase Normalization Resistance

100 HBeAg+ 100 HBeAg+
90 89
90 83 HBeAg− 90 HBeAg−
80 74 80
Response at 1 Yr (%)

70 63 70
60 54 60
50 50 43
40 36 40
30 30 26

20 20 13 15
10 10 6
2 1
0 0
Undetectable <3 3–4 >4 Undetectable <3 3–4 >4
Serum HBV DNA Level at Wk 24 (log10 copies/ml)

70 Telbivudine Lamivudine
HBeAg-Positive HBeAg-Negative
Resistance at Wk 48 (%)

20 15 17
10 11
8 6 7
10 3
1 2 0 2
Undetectable <3 3–4 ≥4 Undetectable <3 3–4 ≥4
Serum HBV DNA Level at Wk 24 (log10 copies/ml)

Figure 3. Effect of Early Viral Suppression on Treatment Outcomes.

The outcomes at week 48 (i.e., resistance) or week 52 (i.e., HBeAg seroconversion, alanine aminotransferase nor-
malization, or undetectable levels of HBV DNA according to PCR assay) were assessed according to the category of
residual viral load at week 24. Panel A shows
the percentage
AUTHOR: Lai of patients RETAKE
within each1stviral-load category at week 24
in whom the indicated efficacy endREG points were achieved at 1 year. Data are presented
F FIGURE: 3 of 3
2nd for the combined telbivudine
and lamivudine treatment groups. CASEPanel B shows the percentage of patients within3rdeach viral-load category at week
24 in whom resistance developed by 1 year, according to treatment
Line group. HBV denotes hepatitis B virus, and
HBeAg hepatitis B e antigen. ARTIST: ts H/T H/T 33p9 Enon
and resistance assume greater importance for de- part to the greater antiviral
efficacy of telbivu-
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset.
termining therapeutic outcomes.
findings, data con- dine.
Please check Consistent with in vitro
The lower resistance rates observed with telbi- cerning clinical resistance confirm the M204I
JOB: 35725 ISSUE: 12-20-07
vudine than with lamivudine are probably due in mutation as the primary basis for telbivudine re-

n engl j med 357;25  december 20, 2007 2585

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Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

drugs and may also apply to other agents for

Table 3. Clinical Adverse Events and Laboratory Abnormalities to Week 52.
hepatitis B. The greater viral suppression achieved
Telbivudine Lamivudine with more potent drugs predicts improved clini-
Event (N = 680) (N = 687) cal outcomes overall.8,10 Future studies of patients
Clinical adverse events — %* with suboptimal responses may determine wheth-
Any adverse event 73 69 er early treatment modification, using drugs with
Upper respiratory tract infection 12 12 complementary resistance profiles, can improve
Headache 10 12 subsequent outcomes.
The adverse event data in this trial were con-
Nasopharyngitis 10 10
sistent with previous findings and preclinical toxi-
Fatigue 10 9
cologic data12,14,42 and suggest that telbivudine
Increased blood creatine kinase 8 6 and lamivudine have similar safety profiles. On-
Postprocedure pain 6 5 treatment aminotransferase flares after the first
Cough 6 6 6 months of treatment were less frequent with
Upper abdominal pain 5 7 telbivudine, in accord with the lower incidence of
Influenza 5 5
viral breakthrough. Elevations in creatine kinase
levels were more frequent with telbivudine but
Diarrhea 5 4
were not predictive of muscle-related adverse
Nausea 5 4 events. The occurrence of myopathy in a patient
Dizziness 4 5 treated with telbivudine suggests that any persis-
Dyspepsia 2 5 tent, unexplained muscle-related symptoms should
Grade 3 or 4 laboratory abnormalities be evaluated promptly.
— no. (%)† As for all agents, the clinical role of telbivu-
Alanine aminotransferase 25 (3.7) 43 (6.3) dine will be determined by efficacy, safety, and
Aspartate aminotransferase 18 (2.6) 32 (4.7) resistance considerations. Lamivudine was cho-
Creatine kinase 51 (7.5) 21 (3.1)
sen as the comparator in this trial because it was
the treatment of choice when the trial was initi-
Lipase 12 (1.8) 22 (3.2)
ated. Telbivudine has not been compared di-
Amylase 1 (0.1) 2 (0.3)
rectly with other recently approved agents, such
Absolute neutrophil count 13 (1.9) 9 (1.3) as entecavir. However, in separate trials, both
Platelet count 5 (0.7) 4 (0.6) telbivudine and entecavir have shown greater
Total bilirubin 0 2 (0.3) antiviral effects than have adefovir and lamivu-
dine.33,35,43,44 One year of treatment with pegylated
* All clinical adverse events occurring in at least 5% of patients in either treat- interferon has also been shown to be superior to
ment group are listed, regardless of their attributability to the study drug.
† The severity of laboratory abnormalities was graded according to criteria adapt- 1 year of lamivudine when efficacy is assessed
ed from the Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Dis­ 24 weeks after both agents have been stopped.24,25
eases.40 Grade 3 elevations in aminotransferase levels are those 3 to 10 times However, we are unaware of any trials that have
baseline; grade 4 elevations in aminotransferase levels are those at least 10 times
baseline or accompanied by evidence of hepatic failure. Grades 3 and 4 elevations compared the efficacy of 1 year of pegylated in-
in creatine kinase levels are those at least 7 times the upper limit of normal. terferon with that of longer-term treatment with
nucleoside or nucleotide analogues.
Maintaining safety and antiviral efficacy is
sistance, in contrast to lamivudine resistance, critical with extended therapy. Loss of response
which is associated with either the M204I or the due to cumulative resistance, treatment failure,
M204V mutation.38 HBV with either of these mu- or both has been observed with all nucleoside or
tations is less susceptible to inhibition by nucle- nucleotide therapies for hepatitis B. Within 4 years
oside analogues but remains sensitive in vitro to after initiation of treatment, the cumulative inci-
the nucleotide analogues adefovir and tenofovir.31 dence of lamivudine resistance approaches 70%.39
This study confirms previously described as- Adefovir resistance was observed in 29% of HBeAg-
sociations between greater reductions in HBV DNA negative patients after 5 years of treatment and
levels at week 24 and better subsequent therapeu- in 16 of 38 HBeAg-positive patients with viro-
tic outcomes, including lower resistance.14,18,19 logic failure after 110 to 279 weeks.45 With en-
These relationships were similar for both study tecavir, cumulative resistance was 0.8% at 4 years

2586 n engl j med 357;25  december 20, 2007

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Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Telbivudine versus Lamivudine in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B

according to an analysis of 120 of the 663 pa- Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Hu-
man Genome Sciences, Roche, Pharmasett, and Novartis; and Dr.
tients not previously treated with nucleosides from Bzowej, consulting fees from Idenix Pharmaceuticals and Gilead
phase 3 trials.46 Similarly, cumulative telbivu- Sciences, lecture fees from Idenix Pharmaceuticals and Novartis
dine resistance is likely to increase as therapy is Pharmaceuticals, and grant support from Idenix Pharmaceuti-
cals, Gilead Sciences, Roche, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Vertex
extended. Long-term studies are needed to un- Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and Schering-Plough. Dr.
derstand the cumulative prevalence and clinical Naoumov reports being an employee of Novartis Pharmaceuticals
effect of resistance to these agents. and receiving consulting fees from Gilead Sciences, Roche, Idenix
Pharmaceuticals, and Novartis Pharmaceuticals, lecture fees
The multiple therapeutic choices now available from GlaxoSmithKline, Schering-Plough, Idenix Pharmaceuti-
for hepatitis B will enhance the ability of clini- cals, and Novartis Pharmaceuticals, and grant support from Ide-
cians to maintain long-term control of HBV rep- nix Pharmaceuticals and Gilead Sciences. Dr. Di Bisceglie reports
receiving consulting fees from Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Roche,
lication, ultimately improving clinical outcomes Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Bristol-Myers
for more patients. These results support telbivu- Squibb, Pharmasset, Metabasis Therapeutics, SciClone Pharma-
dine as an effective therapy for patients with ceuticals, and Chiron Corporation and grant support from Roche
Pharmaceuticals, Gilead Sciences, and Vertex Pharmaceuticals;
chronic hepatitis B. Dr. Zeuzem, consulting fees from Gilead Sciences, Roche, Idenix
Supported by Idenix Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Pharma- Pharmaceuticals, and Novartis Pharmaceuticals and lecture fees
ceuticals. from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, Roche, Idenix Phar-
Dr. Lai reports receiving consulting fees from Bristol-Myers maceuticals, and Novartis Pharmaceuticals; and Dr. Goodman,
Squibb, Idenix Pharmaceuticals, and GlaxoSmithKline, lecture consulting fees from Schering-Plough and Gilead Sciences and
fees from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Idenix Pharmaceuticals, and grant support from Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
GlaxoSmithKline, and grant support from Bristol-Myers Squibb, SciClone Pharmaceuticals, New England Research Institutes, and
Idenix Pharmaceuticals, and Novartis Pharmaceuticals; Dr. Gane, GlaxoSmithKline. Dr. Chao reports having been an employee of
consulting fees from Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Novartis Pharma- Idenix Pharmaceuticals until June 2006 and holding equity in
ceuticals, and GlaxoSmithKline and lecture fees from Novartis Idenix Pharmaceuticals and Bristol-Myers Squibb. Dr. Brown re-
Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline; Dr. Liaw, consulting fees ports being a former employee of Idenix Pharmaceuticals and
from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche, Schering-Plough, and Novar- holding equity in Idenix Pharmaceuticals. Ms. Fielman Constance
tis, lecture fees from Bristol-Myers Squibb and Novartis, and reports being a full-time employee of Idenix Pharmaceuticals and
grant support from Roche, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis, and holding equity in Idenix Pharmaceuticals. No other potential
SciClone Pharmaceuticals; Dr. Heathcote, consulting fees from conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Idenix Pharmaceuticals and Novartis Pharmaceuticals and grant We thank Richard Boehme, Ph.D., for assistance with manu-
support from Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Gilead Sciences, Debio, script preparation.

In addition to the authors, the Globe Study Group included the following investigators: North America — N. Afdhal, M. Bennett, S.
Chan, M. Fried, J. Galati, N. Gitlin, E. Godofsky, S.H. Han, T. Hassanein, N. Hilzenrat, M. Khalili, P. Kwan, S. Lee, A. Lok, P. Lynch,
A. Min, G. Minuk, M. Mutchnick, T. Nguyen, C. O’Brien, R. Pollard, R. Reindollar, M. Shiffman, M. Tong, N. Tsai, F. Wong; Europe
— M. Beaugrand, A. Boron-Kaczmarska, M. Bourliere, M. Buti, Y. Cakaloglu, G. Calleri, J. Crespo Garcia, M. Diago, G. Dusheiko, A.
Gladysz, J.D. Grange, S. Gurel, P. Husa, S. Karayalcin, O. Ovunc Kurdas, T. Mach, M. Manns, D. Mutimer, G. Papatheodoridis, A.
Perperas, T. Poynard, M. Rizzetto, M. Rodriguez Garcia, D. Samuel, J. Sperl, A. Tran, C. Trepo, P. Urbanek, M. Volfova, J.P. Zarski; Asia
— K. Akarawong, T.T. Chang, Y.C. Chao, M. Cho, H. Choi, G. Choudhuri, A. Chutaputti, J.Y. Han, Y. He, J.L. Hou, C.W. Hsu, S.G.
Hwang, J.D. Jia, P. Kar, B.S. Kim, D.J. Kim, P. Komolmit, S.T. Lai, C.M. Lee, N.W.Y. Leung, S.G. Lim, W.L. Lu, P. Luengrojanakul, J.
Niu, B. Prabhakar, R.R. Rai, S.K. Sarin, E.K. Teo, M. Wan, S.M. Wu, D.Z. Xu, J.Z. Xu, W.L. Yang, Y.K. Yin, X.Q. Zhou, L. Zhu; Austra-
lia and New Zealand — P. Angus, D. Crawford, G. Farrell, J. George, C. Moyes, S. Roberts, W. Sievert, S. Strasser, F. Weilert.

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