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The Cybernetic Hypothesis

I 4

II 9

III 13

IV 17

V 24

VI 29

VII 34


IX 40

X 44

XI 48

“We can imagine a time when the machine of governance would replace — for better
or worse, who knows? — the insufficiency of the minds and devices of politics that
are customary today.”
— Father Dominique Dubarle, Le Monde, December 28th , 1948

“There is a striking contrast between the conceptual refinement and dedication char-
acterizing scientific and technical reasoning and the summary and imprecise style
that characterizes political reasoning… One even asks oneself whether this is a kind
of unsurpassable situation marking the definitive limits of rationality, or if one may
hope that this impotence might be overcome someday and collective life be entirely
— An encyclopedist cybernetician writing in the 1970s.

“There is probably no domain of man’s thinking or material activity that cybernetics
will not come to have a role in someday.”
Georges Boulanger, Dossier on Cybernetics: utopia or science of tomorrow in the world
today, 1968.

“The world circumscribing us [the “circumverse”] aims to have stable circuits, equal
cycles, the expected repetitions, and trouble-free compatibility. It intends to elimi-
nate all partial impulses and immobilize bodies. Parallel to this, Borges discussed the
anxiety of the emperor who wanted to have such an exact map of the empire that
he would have to go back over his territory at all its points and bring it up to scale,
so much so that the monarch’s subjects spent as much time and energy detailing it
and maintaining it that the empire ‘itself’ fell into ruins to the exact extent that its
cartographical overview was perfected — such is the madness of the great central
Zero, its desire to immobilize bodies that can only ever ‘be’ as representation.”
Jean-Francois Lyotard, Libidinal Economy, 1973.

“They wanted an adventure, and to live it out with you. In the end all that’s all that can be
said. They believed resolutely that the future would be modern: different, impassioning, and def-
initely difficult. Peopled by cyborgs and bare handed entrepreneurs, frenzied stock-marketeers
and turbine-men. And for those that are willing to see it, the present is already like that. They think
the future will be human, feminine even — and plural; so that everyone can really live it, so that
everyone participates in it. They are the Enlightenment men we’ve lost, infantrymen of progress,
the inhabitants of the 21st century. They fight against ignorance, injustice, poverty, and suffering
of all kinds. They go where it’s happening, where things are going on. They don’t want to miss
out on a thing. They’re humble and courageous, at the service of interests that are far beyond
them, guided by a higher principle. They can pose problems, and they can find solutions. They’ll
have us traversing the most perilous of frontiers, they’ll reach out a hand to pull us up onto the
shore of the future. They’re History marching forth, at least what’s left of it, because the hardest
part is over. They’re the saints and the prophets, true socialists. They’ve known for a long while
that May 1968 wasn’t a revolution. The true revolution is the one they’re making. Now it’s just a
matter of organization and transparency, intelligence and cooperation. A vast program! Then…”
Excuse me? What? What’d you say? What program? The worst nightmares, you know, are of-
ten the metamorphoses of a fable, fables PEOPLE tell their kids to put them to sleep and perfect
their moral education. The new conquerors, who we’ll call the cyberneticians, do not comprise
an organized party — which would have made our work here a lot easier — but rather a dif-
fuse constellation of agents, all driven, possessed, and blinded by the same fable. These are the
murderers of Time, the crusaders of Sameness, the lovers of fatality. These are the sectarians
of order, the reason-addicts, the go-between people. The Great Legends may indeed be dead, as

the post-modern vulgate often claims, but domination is still comprised of master-fictions. Such
was the case of the Fable of the Bees published by Bernard de Mandeville in the first years of the
18th century, which contributed so much to the founding of political economy and to justifying
the advances made by capitalism. Prosperity, the social order, and politics no longer depended
on the catholic virtues of sacrifice but on the pursuit by each individual of his own interests: it
declared the “private vices” to be guarantees of the “common good.” Mandeville, the “Devil-Man”
as PEOPLE called him at the time, thus founded the liberal hypothesis, as opposed to the reli-
gious spirit of his times, a hypothesis which would later have a great influence on Adam Smith.
Though it is regularly re-invoked, in a renovated form given it by liberalism, this fable is obso-
lete today. For critical minds, it follows that it’s not worth it anymore to critique liberalism. A new
model has taken its place, the very one that hides behind the names “internet,” “new information
and communications technology,” the “new economy,” or genetic engineering. Liberalism is now
no longer anything but a residual justification, an alibi for the everyday crimes committed by
Rationalist critics of the “economic creed” or of the “neo-technological utopia,” anthropologist
critics of utilitarianism in social sciences and the hegemony of commodity exchange, marxist
critics of the “cognitive capitalism” that oppose to it the “communism of the masses,” political
critics of a communications utopia that resuscitates the worst phantasms of exclusion, critics of
the critiques of the “new spirit of capitalism,” or critics of the “prison State” and surveillance
hiding behind neo-liberalism — critical minds hardly appear to be very inclined to take into
account the emergence of cybernetics as a new technology of government, which federates and
associates both discipline and bio-politics, police and advertising, its ancestors in the exercise
of domination, all too ineffective today. That is to say, cybernetics is not, as we are supposed to
believe, a separate sphere of the production of information and communication, a virtual space
superimposed on the real world. No, it is, rather, an autonomous world of apparatuses so blended
with the capitalist project that it has become a political project, a gigantic “abstract machine” made
of binary machines run by the Empire, a new form of political sovereignty, which must be called
an abstract machine that has made itself into a global war machine. Deleuze and Guattari link
this rupture to a new kind of appropriation of war machines by Nation-States: “Automation, and
then the automation of the war machine, only came truly into effect after the Second World War.
The war machine, considering the new antagonisms running through it, no longer had War as its
exclusive object, but rather it began to take charge of and make Peace, policy, and world order into
its object; in short: such is its goal. Thus we see the inversion of Clausewitz’s formula: politics
becomes the continuation of war, and peace will release, technologically, the unlimited material
process of total war. War ceases to be the materialization of the war machine, and rather it is the
war machine that itself becomes war itself materialized.” That’s why it’s not worth it anymore to
critique the cybernetic hypothesis either: it has to be fought and defeated. It’s just a matter of
The Cybernetic Hypothesis is thus a political hypothesis, a new fable that after the second
world war has definitively supplanted the liberal hypothesis. Contrary to the latter, it proposes
to conceive biological, physical, and social behaviors as something integrally programmed and
re-programmable. More precisely, it conceives of each individual behavior as something “piloted,”
in the last analysis, by the need for the survival of a “system” that makes it possible, and which
it must contribute to. It is a way of thinking about balance, born in a crisis context. Whereas
1914 sanctioned the decomposition of the anthropological conditions for the verification of the

liberal hypothesis — the emergence of Bloom and the bankruptcy, plain to see in flesh and bone
in the trenches, of the idea of the individual and all metaphysics of the subject — and 1917 sanc-
tioned its historical contestation by the Bolshevik “revolution,” 1940 on the other hand marked
the extinction of the idea of “society,” so obviously brought about by totalitarian self-destruction.
As the limit-experiences of political modernity, Bloom and totalitarianism thus have been the
most solid refutations of the liberal hypothesis. What Foucault would later call (in a playful tone)
“the death of Mankind,” is none other than the devastation brought about by these two kinds of
skepticism, the one directed at individuals, and the other at society, and brought about by the
Thirty Years’ War which had so effected the course of Europe and the world in the first half of the
last century. The problem posed by the Zeitgeist of those years was once again how to “defend
society” against the forces driving it towards decomposition, how to restore the social totality in
spite of a general crisis of presence afflicting it in its every atom. The cybernetic hypothesis corre-
sponds, consequently, to a desire for order and certitude, both in the natural and social sciences.
The most effective arrangement of a constellation of reactions animated by an active desire for
totality — and not just by a nostalgia for it, as it was with the various variants of romanticism —
the cybernetic hypothesis is a relative of not only the totalitarian ideologies, but also of all the
Holisms, mysticisms, and solidarities, like those of Durkheim, the functionalists, or the Marxists;
it merely takes over from them.
As an ethical position, the cybernetic hypothesis is the complement, however strictly opposed
to it, of the humanist pathos that has been back in vogue since the 1940s and which is nothing
more than an attempt to act as if “Man” could still think itself intact after Auschwitz, an attempt
to restore the classical metaphysics on the subject in spite of totalitarianism. But whereas the
cybernetic hypothesis includes the liberal hypothesis at the same time as it transcends it, human-
ism’s aim is to extend the liberal hypothesis to the ever more numerous situations that resist it:
It’s the “bad faith” of someone like Sartre, to turn one of the author’s most inoperative categories
against him. The ambiguity that constitutes modernity, seen superficially either as a disciplinary
process or as a liberal process, or as the realization of totalitarianism or as the advent of liberal-
ism, is contained and suppressed in, with and by the new governance mentality emerging now,
inspired by the cybernetic hypothesis. This is but the life-sized experimentation protocol of the
Empire in formation. Its realization and extension, with the devastating truth-effects it produces,
is already corroding all the social institutions and social relations founded by liberalism, and
transforming both the nature of capitalism and the possibilities of its contestation. The cyber-
netic gesture affirms itself in the negation of everything that escapes regulation, all the escape
routes that existence might have in the interstices of the norms and apparatuses, all the behav-
ioral fluctuations that do not follow, in fine, from natural laws. Insofar as it has come to produce
its own truths, the cybernetic hypothesis is today the most consequential anti-humanism, which
pushes to maintain the general order of things, all the while bragging that it has transcended the
Like any discourse, the cybernetic hypothesis could only check to verify itself by associating
the beings or ideas that reinforce it, by testing itself through contact with them, and folding
the world into its laws in a continuous self-validation process. It’s now an ensemble of devices
aspiring to take control over all of existence and what exists. The Greek word kubernèsis means
“the act of piloting a vessel,” and in the figurative sense, the “act of directing, governing.” In his
1981–1982 classes, Foucault insisted on working out the meaning of this category of “piloting”
in the Greek and Roman world, suggesting that it could have a more contemporary scope to it:

“the idea of piloting as an art, as a theoretical and practical technology necessary for existence,
is an idea that I think is rather important and may eventually merit a closer analysis; one can see
at least three types of technology regularly attached to this ‘piloting’ idea: first of all medicine;
second of all, political government; third of all self-direction and self-government. These three
activities (healing, directing others, and governing oneself) are quite regularly attached to this
image of piloting in Greek, Hellenic and Roman literature. And I think that this ‘piloting’ image
also paints a good picture of a kind of knowledge and practice that the Greeks and Romans had
a certain affinity for, for which they attempted to establish a tekhnè (an art, a planned system of
practices connected to general principles, notions, and concepts): the Prince, insofar as he must
govern others, govern himself, heal the ills of the city, the ills of the citizens, and his own ills; he
who governs himself as if he were governing a city, by healing his own ills; the doctor who must
give his advice not only about the ills of the body but about the ills of individuals’ souls. And so
you see you have here a whole pack of ideas in the minds of the Greeks and Romans that have to
do I think with one and the same kind of knowledge, the same type of activity, the same type of
conjectural understanding. And I think that one could dig up the whole history of that metaphor
practically all the way up to the 16th century, when a whole new art of governing, centered around
Reasons of State, would split apart — in a radical way — self government/medicine/government
of others — not without this image of ‘piloting,’ as you well know, remaining linked to this activity,
that activity which we call the activity of government.”
What Foucault’s listeners are here supposed to know well and which he refrains from pointing
out, is that at the end of the 20th century, the image of piloting, that is, management, became
the cardinal metaphor for describing not only politics but also all human activity. Cybernetics
had become the project of unlimited rationalization. In 1953, when he published The Nerves of
Government in the middle of the development of the cybernetic hypothesis in the natural sciences,
Karl Deutsch, an American university social sciences academic, took the political possibilities of
cybernetics seriously. He recommended abandoning the old concept that power was sovereign,
which had too long been the essence of politics. To govern would become a rational coordination
of the flows of information and decisions that circulate through the social body. Three conditions
would need to be met, he said: an ensemble of capturers would have to be installed so that no
information originating from the “subjects” would be lost; information handling by correlation
and association; and a proximity to every living community. The cybernetic modernization of
power and the expired forms of social authority thus can be seen as the visible production of what
Adam Smith called the “invisible hand,” which until then had served as the mystical keystone of
liberal experimentation. The communications system would be the nerve system of societies, the
source and destination of all power. The cybernetic hypothesis thus expresses no more or less than
the politics of the “end of politics.” It represents at the same time both a paradigm and a technique
of government. Its study shows that the police is not just an organ of power, but also a way of
Cybernetics is the police-like thinking of the Empire, entirely animated by an offensive concept
of politics, both in an historical and metaphysical sense. It is now completing its integration of
the techniques of individuation — or separation — and totalization that had been developing sep-
arately: normalization, “anatomo-politics,” and regulation, “bio-politics,” as Foucault calls it. I call
his “techniques of separation” the police of qualities. And, following Lukács, I call his “techniques
of totalization” the social production of society. With cybernetics, the production of singular sub-
jectivities and the production of collective totalities work together like gears to replicate History

in the form of a feigned movement of evolution. It acts out the fantasy of a Same that always man-
ages to integrate the Other; as one cybernetician puts it, “all real integration is based on a prior
differentiation.” In this regard, doubtless no one could put it better than the “automaton” Abra-
ham Moles, cybernetics’ most zealous French ideologue, who here expresses this unparalleled
murder impulse that drives cybernetics: “We envision that one global society, one State, could
be managed in such a way that they could be protected against all the accidents of the future:
such that eternity changes them into themselves. This is the ideal of a stable society, expressed by
objectively controllable social mechanisms.” Cybernetics is war against all that lives and all that is
lasting. By studying the formation of the cybernetic hypothesis, I hereby propose a genealogy of
imperial governance. I then counterpose other wisdom for the fight, which it erases daily, and by
which it will be defeated.

“Synthetic life is certainly one of the possible products of the evolution of techno-
bureaucratic control, in the same way as the return of the whole planet to the in-
organic level, is -rather ironically — another of the results of that same revolution,
which has to do with the technology of control.”
James R Beniger, The Control Revolution, 1986.

Even if the origins of the Internet device are today well known, it is not uncalled for to high-
light once again their political meaning. The Internet is a war machine invented to be like the
highway system, which was also designed by the American Army as a decentralized internal
mobilization tool. The American military wanted a device which would preserve the command
structure in case of a nuclear attack. The response would consist in an electronic network capable
of automatically retaking control over information itself if nearly the whole of the communica-
tions links were destroyed, thus permitting the surviving authorities to remain in communication
with one another and make decisions. With such a device, military authority could be maintained
in the face of the worst catastrophes. The Internet is thus the result of a nomadic transformation
of military strategy. With that kind of a plan at its roots, one might doubt the supposedly anti-
authoritarian characteristics of this device. As is the Internet, which derives from it, cybernetics
is an art of war, the objective of which is to save the head of the social body in case of catastrophe.
What stands out historically and politically during the period between the great wars, and which
the cybernetic hypothesis was a response to, was the metaphysical problem of creating order
out of disorder. The whole of the great scientific edifice, in terms of what it had to do with the
determinist concepts of Newton’s mechanical physics, fell apart in the first half of the century.
The sciences, at that time, were like plots of territory torn between the neo-positivist restoration
and the probabilist revolution, and slowly inching its way towards a historical compromise so
that the law could be re-established after the chaos, the certain re-established after the proba-
ble. Cybernetics passed through this whole movement — which began in Vienna at the turn of
the century, and was transported to England and the United States in the 1930s and 1940s, and
constructed a Second Empire of Reason where the idea of the Subject, up to that time considered
indispensable, was absent. As a kind of knowledge, it brought together an ensemble of hetero-
geneous discourses all dealing with the practical problems of mastering uncertainty. Discourses
fundamentally expressing, in the various domains of their application, the desire for a restoration
of one order, and furthermore the maintenance thereof.
Underlying the founding of Cybernetics was a context of total war. It would be in vain to
look for some malicious purpose or the traces of a plot: one simply finds a handful of ordinary
men mobilized by America during the Second world war. Norbert Wiener, an American savant
of Russian origin, was charged with developing, with the aid of a few colleagues, a machine
for predicting and monitoring the positions of enemy planes so as to more effectively destroy
them. It was at the time only possible at the time to predict with certitude certain correlations

between certain airplane positions and certain airplane behaviors/movements. The elaboration
of the “Predictor,” the prediction machine ordered from Wiener, thus required a specific method
of airplane position handling and a comprehension of how the weapon interacts with its target.
The whole history of cybernetics has aimed to do away with the impossibility of determining at the
same time the position and behavior of bodies. Wiener’s innovation was to express the problem
of uncertainty as an information problem, within a temporal series where certain data is already
known, and others not, and to consider the object and the subject of knowledge as a whole, as a
“system.” The solution consisted in constantly introducing into the play of the initial data the
gap seen between the desired behavior and the effective behavior, so that they coincide when
the gap closes, like the mechanism of a thermostat. The discovery goes considerably beyond the
frontiers of the experimental sciences: controlling a system would in the end require a circulation
of information to be instituted, called feed-back, or retro-action. The wide implications of these
results for the natural and social sciences was exposed in 1948 in Paris in a work presented
under the foreboding name of Cybernetics, which for Wiener meant the doctrine of “control and
communication between animal and machine.”
Cybernetics thus emerged as a simple, inoffensive theory of information, a theory for handling
information with no precise origin, always potentially present in the environment around any
situation. It claims that the control of a system is obtained by establishing an optimum degree of
communication between the parties to it. This objective calls above all for the continuous extortion
of information — a process of the separation of beings from their qualities, of the production of
differences. In other words, as it were, mastery of a uncertainty would arise from the proper rep-
resentation and memorization of the past. The spectacular image, binary mathematical encoding
— invented by Claude Shannon in Mathematical Theory of Communication in the very same year
that the cybernetic hypothesis was first expressed — on the one hand they’ve invented memory
machines that do not alter information, and put incredible effort into miniaturizing them (this
is the determinant strategy behind today’s nanotechnology) and on the other they conspire to
create such conditions on the collective level. Thus put into form, information would then be
directed towards the world of beings, connecting them to one another in the same way as com-
modity circulation guarantees they will be put into equivalence. Retro-action, key to the system’s
regulation, now calls for communication in the strict sense. Cybernetics is the project of recre-
ating the world within an infinite feedback loop involving these two moments: representation
separating, communication connecting, the first bringing death, the second mimicking life.
The cybernetic discourse begins by dismissing as a false problem the controversies of the 19th
century that counterposed mechanist visions to vitalist or organicist visions of the world. It pos-
tulates a functional analogy between living organisms and machines, assimilated into the idea of
“systems.” Thus the cybernetic hypothesis justifies two kinds of scientific and social experiments.
The first essentially aimed to turn living beings into machines, to master, program, and determine
mankind and life, society and its “future.” This gave fuel for a return of eugenics as bionic fantasy.
It seeks, scientifically, the end of History; initially here we are dealing with the terrain of control.
The second aims to imitate the living with machines, first of all as individuals, which has now
led to the development of robots and artificial intelligence; then as collectives — and this has
given rise to the new intense circulation of information and the setting up of “networks.” Here
we’re dealing rather with the terrain of communication. However much they may be socially
comprised of highly diversified populations — biologists, doctors, computer scientists, neurolo-
gists, engineers, consultants, police, ad-men, etc. — the two currents among the cyberneticians

are perfectly in harmony concerning their common fantasy of a Universal Automaton, analogous
to Hobbes’ vision of the State in Leviathan, “the artificial man (or animal).”
The unity of cybernetic progress arises from a particular method; it has imposed itself as the
world-wide method of universal enrollment, simultaneously a rage to experiment, and a prolifer-
ating oversimplification. It corresponds to the explosion of applied mathematics that arose subse-
quent to the despair caused by the Austrian Kurt Godel when he demonstrated that all attempts to
give a logical foundation to mathematics and unify the sciences was doomed to “incompleteness.”
With the help of Heisenberg, more than a century of positivist justifications had just collapsed.
It was Von Neumann that expressed to the greatest extreme this abrupt feeling that the founda-
tions had been annihilated. He interpreted the logical crisis of mathematics as the mark of the
unavoidable imperfection of all human creations. And consequently he laid out a logic that could
only come from a robot! From being a pure mathematician, he made himself an agent of scientific
crossbreeding, of a general mathematization that would allow a reconstruction from below, in
practice, of the lost unity of the sciences of which cybernetics was to be the most stable theoret-
ical expression. Not a demonstration, not a speech, not a book, and no place has not since then
been animated by the universal language of explanatory diagrams, the visual form of reasoning.
Cybernetics transports the rationalization process common to bureaucracy and to capitalism up
onto the plane of total templating (modeling). Herbert Simon, the prophet of Artificial Intelligence,
took up the Von Neumann program again in the 1960s, to build a thinking automaton. It was to
be a machine equipped with a program, called expert system, which was to be capable of handling
information so as to resolve the problems that every particular domain of technique had to deal
with, and by association, to be able to solve all the practical problems encountered by humanity!
The General Problem Solver (GPS), created in 1972, was the model that this universal technique
that gathered together all the others, the model of all models, the most applied intellectualism,
the practical realization of the preferred adage of the little masters without mastery, according
to which “there are no problems, there are only solutions.”
The cybernetic hypothesis progresses indistinctly as theory and technology, the one always
certifying the other. In 1943, Wiener met John Von Neumann, who was in charge of building
machines fast and powerful enough to carry out the Manhattan Project that 15,000 scholars and
engineers, and 300,000 technicians and workers were working on, under the direction of the
physicist Robert Oppenheimer: the modern computer and the atomic bomb, were thus born to-
gether. From the perspective of contemporary imagining, the “communications utopia” is thus
the complementary myth to the myth of the invention of nuclear power and weaponry: it is al-
ways a question of doing away with being-together (the ensemble of beings) either by an excess of
life or an excess of death, either by terrestrial fusion or by cosmic suicide. Cybernetics presents
itself as the response most suited to deal with the Great Fear of the destruction of the world
and of the human species. And Von Neumann was its double agent, the “inside outsider” par
excellence. The analogy between his descriptive categories for his machines, living organisms,
and Wiener’s categories sealed the alliance between cybernetics and computer science. A few
years would pass before molecular biology, when decoding DNA, would in turn use that theory
of information to explain man as an individual and as a species, giving an unequalled technical
power to the experimental genetic manipulation of human beings.
The way that the systems metaphor evolved towards the network metaphor in social discourse
between the 1950s and 1980s points towards the other fundamental analogy constituting the cy-
bernetic hypothesis. It also indicates a profound transformation of the latter. Because if PEOPLE

talked about “systems,” among cyberneticians it would be by comparison with the nervous sys-
tem, and if PEOPLE talk today about the cognitive “network” sciences, THEY are thinking about
the neuronal network. Cybernetics is the assimilation of the totality of the phenomena that exist
into brain phenomena. By posing the mind as the alpha and omega of the world, cybernetics has
guaranteed itself a place as the avant-garde of all avant-gardes, the one that they will now all for-
ever be running after. It effectively implements, at the start, the identity between life, thought, and
language. This radical Monism is based on an analogy between the notions of information and
energy. Wiener introduced it by grafting onto his discourse the discourse of 19th century thermo-
dynamics; the operation consisted in comparing the effect of time on an energy system with the
effect of time on an information system. A system, to the extent that it is a system, is never pure
and perfect: there is a degradation of its energy to the extent that it undergoes exchanges, in the
same way as information degrades as it is circulated around. This is what Clausius called entropy.
Entropy, considered as a natural law, is the cybernetician’s Hell. It explains the decomposition
of life, disequilibrium in economy, the dissolution of social bonds, decadence… Initially, specula-
tively, cybernetics claimed that it had thus opened up a common ground on which it would be
possible to carry out the unification of the natural and human sciences.
What would end up being called the “second cybernetics” was the superior project of a vast
experimentation on human societies: anthropotechnology. The cybernetician’s mission is to fight
the general entropy threatening living beings, machines, and societies; that is, to create the exper-
imental conditions for a permanent revitalization, endlessly restoring the integrity of the whole.
“The important thing isn’t that mankind is present, but that it exists as a living support for tech-
nical ideas,” says Raymond Ruyer, the humanist commentator. With the elaboration and devel-
opment of cybernetics, the ideal of the experimental sciences, already at the origins of political
economy via Newtonian physics, would once again lend a strong arm to capitalism. Since then,
the laboratory the cybernetic hypothesis carries out its experiments in has been called “contem-
porary society.” After the end of the 1960s, thanks to the techniques that it taught, this ‘second
cybernetics’ is no longer a mere laboratory hypothesis, but a social experiment. It aims to construct
what Giorgio Cesarano calls a stabilized animal society, in which “[concerning termites, ants,
and bees] the natural presupposition is that they operate automatically, and that the individual
is negated, so the animal society as a whole (termite colony, anthill, or beehive) is conceived of as
a kind of plural individual, the unity of which determines and is determined by the distribution
of roles and functions — all within the framework of an ‘organic composite’ where one would be
hard pressed to not see a biological model for the teleology of Capital.”

“You don’t have to be a prophet to acknowledge that the modern sciences, in their
installation within society, will not delay in being determined and piloted by the new
basic science: cybernetics. This science corresponds to the determination of man as
a being the essence of which is activity in the social sphere. It is, in effect the theory
whose object is to take over all possible planning and organization of human labor.”
Martin Heidegger, The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thought, 1966

“But cybernetics on the other hand, sees itself as forced to recognize that a general
regulation of human existence is still not achievable at the present time. This is why
mankind still has a function, provisionally, within the universal domain of cybernetic
science, as a “factor of disturbance.” The plans and acts of men, apparently free, act
as a disturbance. But very recently, science has also taken over possession of this
field of human existence. It has taken up the rigorously methodical exploration and
planning of the possible future of man as an active player. In so doing, it figures in
all available information about what there is about mankind that may be planned.
Martin Heidegger, The Origin of Art and the Destination of Thought, 1967

In 1946, a conference of scientists took place in New York, the objective of which was to ex-
tend the cybernetic hypothesis to the social sciences. The participants agreed to make a clear
disqualification of all the philistine philosophies that based themselves on the individual or on
society. Socio-Cybernetics was to concentrate on the intermediary phenomena of social feedback,
like those that the American anthropological school believed it had found at the time between
“culture” and “personality,” to put together a characterization of the various nations, intended for
use by American soldiers. The operation consisted in reducing dialectical thought to an obser-
vation of processes of circular causality within what was considered a priori to be an invariable
social totality, where contradiction and non-adaptation merged, as in the central category of cy-
bernetic psychology: the double bind. As a science of society, cybernetics was intended to invent
a kind of social regulation that would leave behind the macro-institutions of State and Market,
preferring to work through micro-mechanisms of control — preferring devices. The fundamental
law of socio-cybernetics is as follows: growth and control develop in inverse proportion to each
other. It is thus easier to construct a cybernetic social order on the small scale: “the quick re-
establishment of balance requires that inconsistencies be detected at the very location where
they are produced, and that corrective action take place in a decentralized manner.” Under the
influence of Gregory Bateson, the Von Neumann of the social sciences, and of the American so-
ciological tradition, obsessed by the question of deviance (the hobo, the immigrant, the criminal,
the youth, me, you, him, etc.), socio-cybernetics was aimed, as a priority, towards studying the
individual as a feedback locus, that is, as a “self-disciplined personality.” Bateson became the so-
cial editor in chief of the second half of the 20th century, and was involved in the origins of the

“family therapy” movement, as well as those of the “sales techniques training” movement devel-
oped at Palo Alto. Since the cybernetic hypothesis as a whole calls for a radically new physical
structuring of the subject, whether individual or collective, its aim is to hollow it out. It disqual-
ifies as a myth individual inwardness/internal dialogue, and with it all 19th century psychology,
including psychoanalysis. It’s no longer a question of removing the subject from the traditional
exterior bonds, as the liberal hypothesis had intended, but of reconstructing the social bonds by
depriving the subject of all substance. Each person was to become a fleshless envelope, the best
possible conductor of social communication, the locus of an infinite feedback loop which is made
to have no nodes. The cyberneticization process thus completes the “process of civilization,” to
where bodies and their emotions are abstracted within the system of symbols. “In this sense,”
writes Lyotard, “the system presents itself as an avant-garde machine that drags humanity along
after it, by dehumanizing it so as to rehumanize it at another level of normative capacities. Such
is the great pride of the deciders, such is their blindness… Even any permissiveness relative to the
various games is only granted on the condition that greater performance levels will be produced.
The redefinition of the norms of life consists in an amelioration of the skills of the system in
matters of power.”
Spurred on by the Cold War and its “witch hunts,” the socio-cyberneticians thus tirelessly
hunted down the pathological couched behind the normal, the communist sleeping in everybody.
In the 1950s, to this effect, they formed the Mental Health Federation, where an original and
quasi-final solution was elaborated to the problems of the community and of the times: “It is
the ultimate goal of mental health to help people to live with their peers in the same world…
The concept of mental health is co-extensive with international order and the global community,
which must be developed so as to make men capable of living in peace with each other.” By re-
thinking mental problems and social pathologies in terms of informatics, cybernetics gave rise
to a new politics of subjects, resting on communication and transparency to oneself and to others.
Spurred on by Bateson, Wiener in turn began thinking about a socio-cybernetics with a scope
broader than the mere project of mental hygiene. He had no trouble affirming the defeat of the
liberal experimentation: on the market information is always impure and imperfect because of
the lying implicit in advertising and the monopolistic concentration of the media, and because of
the ignorance of the State, which as a collective contains less information than civil society. The
extension of commodity relations, by increasing the size of communities and feedback chains,
renders distortions of communication and problems of social control ever more probable. The
past processes of accumulation had not only destroyed the social bonds, but social order itself
appeared cybernetically impossible within capitalism. The cybernetic hypothesis’ stroke of luck
can thus be understood in light of the crises encountered by 20th century capitalism, which ques-
tioned once again the supposed “laws” of classical political economy — and that was where the
cybernetic discourse stepped into the breach.
The contemporary history of economic discourse must be looked at from the angle of this in-
creasing problem of information. From the crisis of 1929 to 1945, economists’ attention was focused
on questions of anticipation, uncertainty regarding demand, adjustments between production
and consumption, and forecasts of economic activity. Smith’s classical economics began to give
out like the other scientific discourses directly inspired by Newton’s physics. The preponderant
role that cybernetics was to play in the economy after 1945 can be understood in light of Marx’s
intuitive observation that “in political economy the law is determined by its contrary, that is, the
absence of laws. The true law of political economy is chance.” In order to prove that capitalism was

not a factor in entropy and social chaos, the economic discourse gave primacy to a cybernetic
redefinition psychology starting in the 1940s. It based itself on the “game theory” model, devel-
oped by Von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern in 1944. The first socio-cyberneticians showed
that homo economicus could only exist on the condition that there would be a total transparency
of his preferences, regarding himself and others. In the absence of an ability to understand the
whole ensemble of the behaviors of other economic actors, the utilitarian idea of a rationality of
micro-economic choices is but a fiction. On the impetus of Friedrich von Hayek, the utilitarian
paradigm was thus abandoned in preference to a theory of spontaneous mechanisms coordinat-
ing individual choices, acknowledging that each agent only has a limited understanding of the
behaviors of others and of his or her own behaviors. The response consisted in sacrificing the au-
tonomy of economic theory by grafting it onto the cybernetic promise of a balancing of systems.
The hybrid discourse that resulted from this, later called “neo-liberal,” considered as a virtue the
optimal market allocation of information — and no longer that of wealth — in society. In this
sense, the market is but the instrument of a perfect coordination of players thanks to which the
social totality can find a durable equilibrium. Capitalism thus becomes unquestionable, insofar as
it is presented as a simple means — the best possible means — of producing social self-regulation.

Like in 1929, the planetary movement of contestation of 1968, and, moreover, the post-1973
crisis present for political economy once more the problem of uncertainty, this time on an exis-
tential and political terrain. High-flown theories abound, with the old chatterbox Edgar Morin
and “complexity” theory, and Joel de Rosnay, that eccentric simpleton, and “society in real-time.”
Ecologist philosophy as well was nourished by this new mystique of the Great Totality. Now total-
ity was no longer an origin to be rediscovered, but a future to build. For cybernetics it is no longer
a question of predicting the future, but of reproducing the present. It is no longer a question of static
order, but of a dynamic self-organization. The individual is no longer credited with any power
at all: his knowledge of the world is imperfect, he doesn’t know his own desires, he is opaque to
himself, everything escapes him, as spontaneously cooperative, naturally empathetic, and fatally
in interdependent as he his. He knows nothing of all this, but THEY know everything about him.
Here, the most advanced form of contemporary individualism comes into being; Hayekian phi-
losophy is grafted onto him, for which all uncertainty, all possibilities of any event taking place
is but a temporary problem, a question of his ignorance. Converted into an ideology, liberalism
serves as a cover for a whole group of new technical and scientific practices, a diffuse “second
cybernetics,” which deliberately erases the name it was originally baptized with. Since the 1960s,
the term cybernetics itself has faded away into hybrid terms. The science explosion no longer
permits any theoretical unification, in effect: the unity of cybernetics now manifests itself practi-
cally through the world itself, which it configures every day. It is the tool by which capitalism has
adjusted its capacity for disintegration and its quest after profit to one another. A society threat-
ened by permanent decomposition can be all the more mastered when an information network,
an autonomous “nervous system” is in place allowing it to be piloted, wrote the State lackeys
Simon Nora and Alain Minc, discussing the case of France in their 1978 report. What PEOPLE
call the “New Economy” today, which brings together under the same official nomenclature of
cybernetic origin the ensemble of the transformations that the western nations have undergone
in the last thirty years, is but an ensemble of new subjugations, a new solution to the practical
problem of the social order and its future, that is: a new politics.

Under the influence of informatization, the supply and demand adjustment techniques origi-
nating between 1930–1970 have been purified, shortened, and decentralized. The image of the
“invisible hand” is no longer a justificatory fiction but is now the effective principle behind the
social production of society, as it materializes within computer procedures. The Internet simulta-
neously permits one to know consumer preferences and to condition them with advertising. On
another level, all information regarding the behavior of economic agents circulates in the form
of headings managed by financial markets. Each actor in capitalist valorization is a real-time
back-up of quasi-permanent feedback loops. On the real markets, as on the virtual markets, each
transaction now gives rise to a circulation of information concerning the subjects and objects of
the exchange that goes beyond simply fixing the price, which has become a secondary aspect.
On the one hand, people have realized the importance of information as a factor in production
distinct from labor and capital and playing a decisive role in “growth” in the form of knowledge,
technical innovation, and distributed capacities. On the other, the sector specializing in the pro-
duction of information has not ceased to increase in size. In light of its reciprocal reinforcement
of these two tendencies, today’s capitalism should be called the information economy. Informa-
tion has become wealth to be extracted and accumulated, transforming capitalism into a simply
auxiliary of cybernetics. The relationship between capitalism and cybernetics has inverted over
the course of the century: whereas after the 1929 crisis, PEOPLE built a system of information
concerning economic activity in order to serve the needs of regulation — this was the objective
of all planning — the economy after the 1973 crisis put the social self-regulation process came to
be based on the valorization of information.

“If motorized machines constituted the second age of the technical machine, cyber-
netic and informational machines form a third age that reconstructs a generalized
regime of subjection: recurrent and reversible ‘humans-machines systems’ replace
the old nonrecurring and nonreversible relations of subjection between the two el-
ements; the relation between human and machine is based on internal, mutual com-
munication, and no longer on usage or action. In the organic composition of capital,
variable capital defines a regime of subjection of the worker (human surplus value),
the principal framework of which is the business or factory. But with automation
comes a progressive increase in the proportion of constant capital; we then see a
new kind of enslavement: at the same time the work regime changes, surplus value
becomes machinic, and the framework expands to all of society. It could also be said
that a small amount of subjectification took us away from machinic enslavement,
but a large amount brings us back to it.”
Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, 1980

“The only moment of permanence of a class as such is that which has a consciousness
of its permanence for itself: the class of managers of capital as social machine. The
consciousness that connotes is, with the greatest coherence, that of apocalypse, of
Giorgio Cesarano, Survival Manual, 1975

Nothing expresses the contemporary victory of cybernetics better than the fact that value
can now be extracted as information about information. The commodity-cybernetician, or “neo-
liberal” logic, extends over all activity, including that which is still not commodified, with an
unflagging support of modern States. More generally, the corollary to the precarization of capi-
talism’s objects and subjects is a growth of circulation in information on their subject: this is as
true for unemployed workers as it is for cops. Cybernetics consequently aims to disturb and control
people in one and the same movement. It is founded on terror, which is a factor in its evolution
— the evolution of economic growth, moral progress — because it supplies an occasion for the
production of information. The state of emergency, which is proper to all crises, is what allows
self-regulation to be relaunched, and to maintain itself as a perpetual movement. Whereas the
scheme of classical economy where a balance of supply and demand was to permit “growth” and
thusly to permit collective well-being, it is now “growth” which is considered an endless road
towards balance. It is thus just to critique western modernity as a “infinite mobilization” the des-
tination of which is “movement towards more movement.” But from a cybernetic point of view,
the self-production that equally characterizes the State, the Market, robots, wage workers, or the
jobless, is indiscernible from the self-control that moderates and slows it down.
It comes across clearly then that cybernetics is not just one of the various aspects of contempo-
rary life, its neo-technological component, for instance, but rather it is the point of departure and

arrival of the new capitalism. Cybernetic Capitalism — what does that mean? It means that since
the 1970s we’ve been dealing with an emerging social formation that has taken over from Fordist
capitalism which results from the application of the cybernetic hypothesis to political economy.
Cybernetic capitalism develops so as to allow the social body, devastated by Capital, to reform
itself and offer itself up for one more process of accumulation. On the one hand capitalism must
grow, which implies destruction. On the other, it needs to reconstruct the “human community,”
which implies circulation. “There is,” writes Lyotard, “two uses for wealth, that is importance-
power: a reproductive use and a pillage use. The first is circular, global, organic; the second is
partial, death-dealing, jealous… The capitalist is a conqueror, and the conqueror is a monster, a
centaur. His front side feeds off of reproducing the regulated system of controlled metamorphoses
under the law of the commodity-talion, and its rear side off of pillaging overexcited energies. On
the one hand, to appropriate, and thus preserve, that is, reproduce in equivalence, reinvest; on
the other to take and destroy, steal and flee, hollowing out another space, another time.” The
crises of capitalism, as Marx saw them, always came from a de-articulation between the time of
conquest and the time of reproduction. The function of cybernetics is to avoid crises by ensuring
the coordination between Capital’s “front side” and “rear side.” Its development is an endogenous
response to the problem posed to capitalism — how to develop without fatal disequilibrium arising.
In the logic of Capital, the development of the piloting function, of “control,” corresponds to
the subordination of the sphere of accumulation to the sphere of circulation. For the critique
of political economy, circulation should be no less suspect than production, in effect. It is, as
Marx knew, but a particular case of production as considered in general. The socialization of
the economy — that is, the interdependence between capitalists and the other members of the
social body, the “human community” — the enlargement of Capital’s human base, makes the
extraction of surplus value which is at the source of profit no longer centered around the relations
of exploitation instituted by the wage system. Valorization’s center of gravity has now moved
over to the sphere of circulation. In spite of its inability to reinforce the conditions of exploitation,
which would bring about a crisis of consumption, capitalist accumulation can still nevertheless
survive on the condition that the production-consumption cycle is accelerated, that is, on the
condition that the production process accelerates as much as commodity circulation does. What
has been lost to the economy on the static level can be compensated on the dynamic level. The
logic of flows is to dominate the logic of the finished product. Speed is now taking primacy
over quantity, as a factor in wealth. The hidden face of the maintenance of accumulation is the
acceleration of circulation. The function of the control devices is thus to maximize the volume of
commodity flows by minimizing the events, obstacles, and accidents that would slow them down.
Cybernetic capitalism tends to abolish time itself, to maximize fluid circulation to the maximum:
the speed of light. Such is already the case for certain financial transactions. The categories of
“real time,” of “just in time,” show clearly this hatred of duration. For this very reason, time is our
This propensity towards control by capitalism is not new. It is only post-modern in the sense
that post-modernity has been confused with the latest manifestation of modernity. It is for this
reason that bureaucracy developed at the end of the 19th century and computer technology de-
veloped after the Second World War. The cybernetization of capitalism started at the end of
the 1870s with the growing control of production, distribution, and consumption. Information
regarding these flows has since then had a central strategic importance as a condition for val-
orization. The historian James Beniger states that the first control-related problems came about

when the first collisions took place between trains, putting commodities and human lives in
peril. The signalization of the railways, travel time measurement and data transmission devices
had to be invented so as to avoid such “catastrophes.” The telegraph, synchronized clocks, or-
ganizational charts in large enterprises, weighing systems, roadmaps, performance evaluation
procedures, wholesalers, assembly lines, centralized decision-making, advertising in catalogues,
and mass communications media were the devices invented during this period to respond, in all
spheres of the economic circuit, to a generalized crisis of control connected to the acceleration of
production set off by the industrial revolution in the United States. Information and control sys-
tems thus developed at the same time as the capitalist process of transformation of materials was
growing and spreading. A class of middlemen, which Alfred Chandler called the “visible hand”
of Capital, formed and grew. After the end of the 19th century, it was clear enough to PEOPLE
that expectability [had] become a source of profit as such and a source of confidence. Fordism and
Taylorism were part of this movement, as was the development of control over the mass of con-
sumers and over public opinion via marketing and advertising, in charge of extorting from them
by force, and then putting to work, their “preferences,” which according to the hypotheses of the
marginalist economists, were the true source of value. Investment in organizational or purely
technical planning and control technologies became more and more salable. After 1945, cyber-
netics supplied capitalism with a new infrastructure of machines — computers — and above all
with an intellectual technology that permitted the regulation of the circulation of flows within
society, and making those flows exclusively commodity flows.

That the economic sectors of information, communication, and control have taken ever more
of a part in the economy since the Industrial Revolution, and that “intangible labor” has grown
relative to tangible labor, is nothing surprising or new. Today these account for the mobilization
of more than 2/3 of the workforce. But this isn’t enough to fully define cybernetic capitalism.
Because its equilibrium and the growth depend continually on its control capacities, its nature
has changed. Insecurity, much more than rarity, is the core of the present capitalist economy. As
Wittgenstein understood by looking at the 1929 crisis — and as did Keynes in his wake — there
is a strong bond between the “state of trust” and the curbing of the marginal effectiveness of
Capital, he wrote, in chapter XII of General Theory, in February 1934 — the economy rests defini-
tively on the “play of language.” Markets, and with them commodities and merchants, the sphere
of circulation in general, and, consequently, business, the sphere of production as a place of the
anticipation of coming levels of yield, do not exist without conventions, social norms, techni-
cal norms, norms of the truth, on a meta-level which brings bodies and things into existence
as commodities, even before they are subject to pricing. The control and communications sec-
tors develop because commodity valorization needs to have a looping circulation of information
parallel to the actual circulation of commodities, the production of a collective belief that objec-
tivizes itself in values. In order to come about, all exchanges require “investments of form” —
information about a formulation of what is to be exchanged — a formatting that makes it pos-
sible to put things into equivalence even before such a putting of things into equivalence has
effectively taken place, a conditioning that is also a condition of agreement about the market.
It’s true for goods, and it’s true for people. Perfecting the circulation of information will mean
perfecting the market as a universal instrument of coordination. Contrary to what the liberal
hypothesis had supposed, to sustain a fragile capitalism, contracts are not sufficient unto them-
selves within social relations. PEOPLE began to understand after 1929 that all contracts need to

come with controls. Cybernetics entered into the operation of capitalism with the intention of
minimizing uncertainties, incommensurability, the kinds of anticipation problems that can inter-
fere in any commodity transaction. It contributes to consolidating the basis for the installation
of capitalism’s mechanisms, to oiling Capital’s abstract machine.
With cybernetic capitalism, the political moment of political economy subsequently dominates
its economic moment. Or, as Joan Robinson understands it looking from the perspective of eco-
nomic theory, in her comments on Keynes: “As soon as one admits the uncertainty of the forecasts
that guide economic behavior, equilibrium has no more importance and History takes its place.”
The political moment, here understood in the broader sense of that which subjugates, that which
normalizes, that which determines what will happen by way of bodies and can record itself in
socially recognized value, what extracts form from forms-of-life, is as essential to “growth” as
it is to the reproduction of the system: on the one hand the capture of energies, their orienta-
tion, their crystallization, become the primary source of valorization; on the other hand, surplus
value can be extracted from any point on the bio-political tissue on the condition that the latter
reconstitutes itself incessantly. That the ensemble of expenditures has a tendency to morph into
valorizable qualities also means that Capital permeates all living flows: the socialization of the
economy and the anthropomorphosis of Capital are two symbiotic, indissoluble processes. In or-
der for these processes to be carried out, it suffices and is necessary that all contingent action
be dealt with by a combination of surveillance and data capture devices. The former are inspired
by prison, insofar as they introduce a centralized system of panoptical visibility. These have for
a long while been monopolized by the modern State. The latter, the data capture devices, are
inspired by computer technology, insofar as they are part of the construction of a decentralized
real-time gridding system. The common intent of these devices is total transparency, an absolute
correspondence between the map and the territory, a will to knowledge accumulated to such
degree that it becomes a will to power. One of the advancements made by cybernetics has con-
sisted in enclosing its surveillance and monitoring systems upon themselves, guaranteeing that
the surveillers and the monitorers are themselves surveilled and/or monitored, with the devel-
opment of a socialization of control which is the trademark of the so-called “information society.”
The control sector becomes autonomous because of the need to control control, since commodity
flows are overlaid by their double, flows of information the circulation and security of which
must in turn be optimized. At the summit of this terracing of control, state control, the police,
and the law, self-legitimating violence, and judicial authority play the role of controllers of last
resort. The surveillance one-upmanship that characterizes “control societies” is explained in sim-
ple terms by Deleuze, who says: “they have leaks everywhere.” This incessantly confirms the
necessity for control. “In discipline societies, one never ceased to recommence (from school to
barracks, etc…) [the disciplinary process], whereas in control societies nothing is ever finished.”
Thus there is nothing surprising about the fact that the development of cybernetic capi-
talism has been accompanied by the development of all the forms of repression, by hyper-
securitarianism. Traditional discipline, the generalization of a state of emergency — emergenza —
are transplanted to grow inside a whole system focused on the fear of any threat. The apparent
contradiction between the reinforcement of the repressive functions of the State and the neo-
liberal economic discourse that preaches “less State” — and permits Loïc Wacquant for instance
to go into a critique of the liberal ideology hiding the increasing “penal State” — can only be
understood in light of the cybernetic hypothesis. Lyotard explains it: “there is, in all cybernetic
systems, a unity of reference that permits one to measure the disparity produced by the introduc-

tion of an event within the system, and then, thanks to such measurement, to translate that event
into information to be fed into the system; then, in sum, if it is a regulated ensemble in homeosta-
sis, to annul that disparity and return the system to the quantities of energy or information that
it had before… Let’s stop here a moment. We see how the adoption of this perspective on society,
that is, of the despotic fantasies of the masters, of placing themselves at the supposed location of
the central zero, and thus of identifying themselves with the matrix of Nothingness… must force
one to extend one’s idea of threat and thus of defense. Since what event would NOT be a threat from
this point of view? All are; indeed, because they are disturbances of a circular nature, reproducing
the same, and requiring a mobilization of energy for purposes of appropriation and elimination.
Is this too ‘abstract’? Should I give an example? It is the very project that is being perpetrated in
France on high levels, the institution of an operational Defense of the territory, already granted
an operating Center of the army, the specific focus of which is to ward off the ‘internal’ threat,
which is born within the dark recesses of the social body, of which the “national state” claims
to be the clairvoyant head: this clairvoyance is called the national identification registry; … the
translation of events into information for the system is called intelligence, … and the execution of
regulatory orders and their inscription into the “social body,” above all when the latter is racked
by some kind of intense emotion, for instance by the panicked fear which would seize hold of it
if a nuclear war were to be triggered (or if some kind of a wave of protest, subversion, or civil
desertion considered insane were to hit) — such execution requires an assiduous and fine-grained
infiltration of the transmission channels in the social ‘flesh,’ or, as some superior officer or other
put it quite marvelously, the ‘police of spontaneous movements.’” Prison is thus at the summit
of a cascade of control devices, the guarantor of last resort that no disturbing event will take
place within the social body that would hinder the circulation of goods and persons. The logic
of cybernetics being to replace centralized institutions and sedentary forms of control by tracing
devices and nomadic forms of control, prison, as a classical surveillance device, is obviously to
be expanded and prolonged with monitoring devices such as the electronic bracelet, for instance.
The development of community policing in the English speaking world, of “proximity policing” in
France, also responds to a cybernetic logic intended to ward off all events, and organize feedback.
Within this logic, then, disturbances in a given zone can be all the better suppressed/choked off
when they are absorbed/deadened by the closest system sub-zones.
Whereas repression has, within cybernetic capitalism, the role of warding off events, predic-
tion is its corollary, insofar as it aims to eliminate all uncertainty connected to all possible futures.
That’s the gamble of statistics technologies. Whereas the technologies of the Providential State
were focused on the forecasting of risks, whether probabilized or not, the technologies of cyber-
netic capitalism aim to multiply the domains of responsibility/authority. Risk-based discourse is
the motor for the deployment of the cybernetic hypothesis; it is first distributed diffusely so as
then to be internalized. Because risks are much more accepted when those that are exposed to
them have the impression that they’ve chosen to take them on, when they feel responsible, and
most of all when they have the feeling that they control them and are themselves the masters of
such risks. But, as one expert admits, “zero risk” is a non-existent situation: “the idea of risk weak-
ens causal bonds, but in so doing it does not make them disappear. On the contrary; it multiplies
them. …To consider danger in terms of risk is necessarily to admit that one can never absolutely
protect oneself against it: one may manage it, tame it, but never annihilate it.” It is in its perma-
nence in the system that risk is an ideal tool for affirming new forms of power, to the benefit of
the growing stranglehold of devices on collectives and individuals. It eliminates everything that

is at stake in conflicts by obligatorily bringing individuals together around the management of
threats that are supposed to concern all of them in the same way. The argument that THEY would
like to make us buy is as follows: the more security there is, the more concomitant production of
insecurity there must be. And if you think that insecurity grows as prediction becomes more and
more infallible, you yourself must be afraid of the risks. And if you’re afraid of the risks, if you
don’t trust the system to completely control the whole of your life, your fear risks becoming con-
tagious and presenting the system with a very real risk of defiance. In other words, to fear risks
is already to represent a risk for society. The imperative of commodity circulation upon which
cybernetic capitalism rests morphs into a general phobia, a fantasy of self-destruction. The con-
trol society is a paranoid society, which easily explains the proliferation of conspiracy theories
within it. Each individual is thus subjectivized, within cybernetic capitalism, as a Risk Dividual,
as some enemy or another [a “whatever enemy”] of the balanced society.
It should not be surprising then that the reasoning of France’s François Ewald or Denis Kessler,
those collaborators in chief of Capital, affirms that the Providential State, characteristic of the
Fordist mode of social regulation, by reducing social risks, has ended up taking responsibility
away from individuals. The dismantling of social protection systems that we’ve been seeing since
the start of the 1980s thus has been an attempt to give responsibility to each person by making
everyone bear the “risks” borne by the capitalists alone towards the whole “social body.” It is, in
the final analysis, a matter of inculcating the perspective of social reproduction in each individ-
ual, who should expect nothing from society, but sacrifice everything to it. The social regulation
of catastrophes and the unexpected can no longer be managed by simple social exclusion, as it
was during the Middle Ages in the time of lepers, the logic of scapegoating, containment, and
enclosure. If everybody now has to become responsible for the risks they make society run, it’s
only because they couldn’t exclude so many anymore without the loss of a potential source of
profit. Cybernetic capitalism thus forcibly couples the socialization of the economy and the in-
crease of the “responsibility principle.” It produces citizens as “Risk Dividuals” that self-neutralize,
removing their own potential to destroy order. It is thus a matter of generalizing self-control,
a disposition that favors the proliferation of devices, and ensures an effective relay. All crises,
within cybernetic capitalism, are preparations for a reinforcement of devices. The anti-GMO protest
movement, as well as the “mad cow crisis” of these last few years in France, have definitively
permitted the institution of an unheard of tracking of Dividuals and Things. The accrued profes-
sionalization of control — which is, with insurance, one of the economic sectors whose growth
is guaranteed by cybernetic logic — is but the other side of the rise of the citizen as a political
subjectivity that has totally auto-repressed the risk that he or she objectively represents. This is
how Citizen’s Watch contributes to the improvement of piloting devices.
Whereas the rise of control at the end of the 19th century took place by way of a dissolution
of personalized bonds — which gave rise to PEOPLE talking about “the disappearance of com-
munities” — in cybernetic capitalism it takes place by way of a new soldering of social bonds
entirely permeated by the imperative of self-piloting and of piloting others in the service of so-
cial unity: it is the device-future of mankind as citizens of the Empire. The present importance of
these new citizen-device systems, which hollow out the old State institutions and drive the nebu-
lous citizen-community, demonstrates that the great social machine which cybernetic capitalism
has to comprise cannot do without human beings no matter how much time certain incredulous
cyberneticians have put into believing it can, as is shown in this flustered epiphany from the
middle of the 1980s:

“Systematic automation would in effect be a radical means of surpassing the physical or men-
tal limitations that give rise to the most common of human errors: momentary losses of vigilance
due to fatigue, stress, or routine; a provisional incapacity to simultaneously interpret a multitude
of contradictory information, thus failing to master situations that are too complex; euphemiza-
tion of risk under pressure from circumstances (emergencies, hierarchical pressures…); errors
of representation giving rise to an underestimation of the security of systems that are usually
highly reliable (as might be the case of a pilot who categorically refuses to believe that one of
his jet engines is on fire). One must however ask oneself whether removing the human beings —
who are considered the weakest link in the man/machine interface — from the circuit would not
definitely risk creating new vulnerabilities and necessarily imply the extension of those errors
of representation and losses of vigilance that are, as we have seen, the frequent counterpart of
an exaggerated feeling of security. Either way, the debate deserves to remain open.”
It certainly does.

“The eco-society is decentralized, communitarian, and participatory. Individual re-
sponsibility and initiative really exist in it. The eco-society rests on the plurality of
ideas about life, life styles and behaviors in life. The consequence of this is that equal-
ity and justice make progress. But also there is an upheaval in habits, ways of think-
ing, and morals. Mankind has invented a different kind of life, in a balanced society,
having understood that maintaining a state of balance is more of a delicate process
than maintaining a state of continual growth is. Thanks to a new vision, a new logic
of complementarity, and new values, the people of eco-society have invented an eco-
nomic doctrine, a political science, a sociology, a technology, and a psychology of
the state of controlled equilibrium.”
Joel de Rosnay, The Macroscope, 1975

“Capitalism and socialism represent two kinds of organization of the economy, de-
riving from the same basic system, a system for quantifying value added. … Looking
at it from this angle, the system called ‘socialism’ is but the corrective sub-system
applied to ‘capitalism.’ One may therefore say that the most outdated capitalism is
socialist in certain ways, and that all socialism is a ‘mutation’ of capitalism, destined
to attempt to stabilize the system via redistribution — the redistribution considered
necessary to ensure the survival of all, and to incite everyone to a broader consump-
tion. In this sketch we call a kind of organization of the economy that would be
designed so as to establish an acceptable balance between capitalism and socialism
‘social capitalism.’”
Yona Friedman, Realizable Utopias, 1974.

The events of May 68 gave rise to a political reaction in all western societies that PEOPLE
hardly recall the scope of today. Capitalism was very quickly restructured, as if an army were
being put on the march to war. The Rome Club — multinationals like Fiat, Volkswagen, and Ford
— paid sociologists and ecologists to determine what products corporations should give up man-
ufacturing so that the capitalist system could function better and be reinforced. In 1972, the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued a report commissioned by said Rome Club, called
Limits to Growth, which made a big splash because it recommended stopping the process of cap-
italist accumulation, including in the so-called developing countries. From the lofty heights of
domination, THEY demanded “zero growth” so as to preserve social relations and the resources
of the planet, introducing qualitative components into their analysis of development, against the
quantitative projections focusing on growth, and demanding — definitively — that it be entirely
redefined; that pressure grew until it burst in the 1973 crisis. Capitalism seemed to have made
its own self-critique. But I’m only bringing up the army and war again because the MIT report,
put together by the economist Dennis H. Meadows, was inspired by the work of a certain Jay

Forrester, who in 1952 had been assigned by the US Air Force to the task of putting together
an alert and defense system — the SAGE system — which would for the first time coordinate
radars and computers in order to detect and prevent a possible attack on American territory by
enemy rockets. Forrester had assembled infrastructure for communications and control between
men and machines, for the first time allowing them a “real time” interconnection. After that he
had been named to the MIT school of management, to extend his skills in matters of systems
analysis to the economic world. He applied the same principles of order and defense to business;
he then went over cities and finally the whole of the planet with these principles, in his book
World Dynamics, which ended up an inspiration to the MIT reporters. And so, the “second cyber-
netics” was a key factor in establishing the principles applied in this restructuring of capitalism.
With it, political economy became a life science. It analyzed the world as an open system for the
transformation and circulation of energy flows and monetary flows.
In France, an ensemble of pseudo-savants — the eccentric de Rosnay and the blathering Morin,
but also the mystic Henri Atlan, Henri Laborit, René Passet and the careerist Attali — all came
together to elaborate, in MIT’s wake, Ten Commandments for a New Economy, an “eco-socialism,”
as they called it, following a systematic, that is, cybernetic, approach, obsessed by the “state of
equilibrium” everything and everyone. It is useful, a posteriori, when listening to today’s “left”
and the “left of the left,” to remember certain of the principles de Rosnay posited in 1975:

1. Preserve the variety of spaces and cultures, bio-diversity and multi-culturality.

2. Beware not to open or allow leakage of the information contained in the regulation loops.

3. Re-establish the equilibrium of the system as a whole through decentralization.

4. Differentiate so as to better integrate, since as Teilhard de Chardin, the visionary in chief of

all cyberneticians said, “all real integration is based on prior differentiation. …Homogene-
ity, mixture, syncretism: this is entropy. Only union within diversity is creative. It increases
complexity, and brings about higher levels of organization.”

5. To evolve: let yourself be attacked.

6. Prefer objectives and projects to detailed programming.

7. Know how to utilize information.

8. Be able to keep constraints on the system elements.

It is no longer a matter — as PEOPLE could still pretend to believe in 1972 — of questioning

capitalism and its devastating effects; it is more a question of “reorienting the economy so as to
better serve human needs, the maintenance and evolution of the social system, and the pursuit of
a real cooperation with nature all at once. The balanced economy that characterizes eco-society
is thus a ‘regulated’ economy in the cybernetic sense of the term.” The first ideologues of cyber-
netic capitalism talked about opening a community-based management of capitalism from below,
about making everyone responsible thanks to a “collective intelligence” which would result from
the progress made in telecommunications and informatics. Without questioning either private
property or State property, THEY invite us to co-management, to a kind of control of business

by communities of wage-workers and users. The cybernetic reformist euphoria was at such ex-
tremes in the beginning of the 1970s that THEY could even evoke the idea of a “social capitalism”
(as if that hadn’t been what we’ve had since the 19th century) without even trembling anymore,
and defend it as did the architect ecologist and graphomaniac Yona Friedman, for instance. Thus
what PEOPLE have ended up calling “third way socialism” and its alliance with ecology — and
PEOPLE can clearly see how powerful the latter has become politically in Europe today — was
crystallized. But if one had to refer to just one event that in those years exposed the torturous
progress towards this new alliance between socialism and liberalism in France, not without the
hope that something different would come out of it, it would have to be the LIP affair. With those
events all of socialism, even in its most radical currents, like “council communism,” failed to take
down the liberal arrangement and, without properly suffering any real defeat to speak of, ended
up simply absorbed by cybernetic capitalism. The recent adherence of the ecologist Cohn-Bendit
— the mild-mannered ‘leader’ of the May 68 events — to the liberal-libertarian current is but a
logical consequence of a deeper reversal of “socialist” ideas against themselves.
The present “anti-globalization” movement and citizen protest in general show no break with
this training by pronouncements made thirty years ago. They simply demand that it be put into
place faster. Behind the thundering counter-summits they hold, one can see the same cold vision
of society as a totality threatened by break-up, one and the same goal of social regulation. For them
it is a matter of restoring the social coherence pulverized by the dynamics of cybernetic capital-
ism, and guaranteeing, in the final analysis, everyone’s participation in the latter. Thus it is not
surprising to see the driest economism impregnate the ranks of the citizens in such a tenacious
and nauseating manner. The citizen, dispossessed of everything, parades as an amateur expert
in social management, and conceives of the nothingness of his life as an uninterrupted succes-
sion of “projects” to carry out: as the sociologist Luc Boltanski remarks, with a feigned naiveté,
“everything can attain to the dignity of a project, including enterprises which may be hostile to
capitalism.” In the same way as the “self-management” device was seminal in the reorganization
of capitalism thirty years ago, citizen protest is none other than the present instrument of the
modernization of politics. This new “process of civilization” rests on the critique of authority
developed in the 1970s, at the moment when the second cybernetics crystallized. The critique of
political representation as separate power, already co-opted by the new Management into the
economic production sphere, is today reinvested into the political sphere. Everywhere there is
only horizontality of relations, and participation in projects that are to replace the dusty old
hierarchical and bureaucratic authority, counter-power and decentralization that is supposed to
defeat monopolies and secrecy. Thus the chains of social interdependence can extend and tighten,
chains which are sometimes made of surveillance, and sometimes of delegation. Integration of
civil society by the State, and integration of the State by civil society more and more work to-
gether like gears. It is thus that the division of the labor of population management necessary for
the dynamics of cybernetic capitalism is organized — and the affirmation of a “global citizenship”
will, predictably, put the finishing touches on it.
After the 1970s socialism was just another democratism anymore, now completely necessary
for the progress of the cybernetic hypothesis. The ideal of direct democracy and participatory
democracy must be seen as the desire for a general expropriation by the cybernetic system of
all the information contained in its parts. The demand for transparency and traceability is but a
demand for the perfect circulation of information, a progressivism in the logic of flux that rules
cybernetic capitalism. Between 1965 and 1970, a young German philosopher, presumed to be the

inheritor of “critical theory,” laid the foundations for the democratic paradigm of today’s contes-
tation by entering noisily into a number of controversies with his elders. Habermas countered
the socio-cybernetician Niklas Luhmann, hyper-functionalist systems theoretician, by counter-
posing the unpredictability of dialogue, arguments irreducible to simple information exchanges.
But it was above all against Marcuse that this project of a generalized “ethics of discussion”
which was to become radicalized in the critique of the democratic project of the Renaissance.
Marcuse explained, commenting on Max Weber’s observations, that “rationalization” meant that
technical reasoning, based on the principles of industrialization and capitalism, was indissolubly
political reasoning; Habermas retorted that an ensemble of immediate intersubjective relations
escaped technology-mediated subject-object relations, and that in the end it was the former that
framed and guided the latter. In other words, in light of the development of the cybernetic hy-
pothesis, politics should aim to become autonomous and to extend the sphere of discourse, to
multiply democratic arenas, to build and research a consensus which in sum would be emanci-
patory by nature. Aside from the fact that he reduced the “lived world” and “everyday life” —
the whole of what escaped the control machine, to social interactions and discourses, Habermas
more profoundly ignored the fundamental heterogeneity of forms-of-life among themselves. In
the same way as contracts, consensus is attached to the objective of unification and pacification
via the management of differences. In the cybernetic framework, all faith in “communicational
action,” all communication that does not assume the possibility of its impossibility, ends up serv-
ing control. This is why science and technology are not, as the idealist Habermas thought, sim-
ply ideologies which dress the concrete tissue of inter-subjective relations. They are “ideologies
materialized,” a cascade of devices, a concrete government-mentality that passes through such
relations. We do not want more transparency or more democracy. There’s already enough. On
the contrary — we want more opacity and more intensity.
But we can’t be done dealing with socialism (expired now as a result of the cybernetic hy-
pothesis) without mentioning another voice: I want to talk about the critique centered around
man-machine relations that has attacked what it sees as the core of the cybernetics issue by
posing the question of technology beyond technophobia — the technophobia of someone like
Theodore Kaczynski, or of Oregon’s monkey-man of letters, John Zerzan — and technophilia,
and which intended to found a new radical ecology which would not be stupidly romantic. In
the economic crisis of the 1970s, Ivan Illich was among the first to express the hope for a re-
establishment of social practices, no longer merely through a new relations between subjects, as
Habermas had discussed, but also between subjects and objects, via a “reappropriation of tools”
and institutions, which were to be won over to the side of general “conviviality,” a conviviality
which would be able to undermine the law of value. Simondon, philosopher of technology, used
this same reappropriation as his vaulting stick to transcend Marx and Marxism: “work possesses
the intelligence of the elements; capital possesses the intelligence of groups; but it is not by unit-
ing the intelligence of elements and of groups that one can come up with an intelligence of the
intermediary and non-mixed being that is the technological individual… The dialogue of capital
and labor is false, because it is in the past. The socialization of the means of production cannot
alone give rise to a reduction in alienation; it can only do so if it is the prior condition for the
acquisition, on the part of the human individual, of the intelligence of the individuated techno-
logical object. This relationship of the human individual to the technological individual is the
most difficult to form and the most delicate.” The solution to the problem of political economy, of
capitalist alienation, and of cybernetics, was supposed to be found in the invention of a new kind

of relationship with machines, a “technological culture” that up to now had been lacking in west-
ern modernity. Such a doctrine justified, thirty years later, the massive development of “citizen”
teaching in science and technology. Because living beings, contrary to the cybernetic hypoth-
esis’ idea, are essentially different from machines, mankind would thus have the responsibility
to represent technological objects: “mankind, as the witness of the machines,” wrote Simondon,
“is responsible for their relationship; the individual machine represents man, but man represents
the ensemble of machines, since there is no one machine for all the machines, whereas there
can be a kind of thinking that would cover them all.” In its present utopian form, seen in the
writings of Guattari at the end of his life, or today in the writings of Bruno Latour, this school
claimed to “make objects speak”, and to represent their norms in the public arena through a “par-
liament of Things.” Eventually the technocrats would make way for the “mechanologues,” and
other “medialogues”; it’s hard to see how these would differ from today’s technocrats, except
for that they would be even more familiar with technological life, citizens more ideally coupled
with their devices. What the utopians pretended not to know was that the integration of tech-
nological thinking by everybody would in no way undermine the existing power relations. The
acknowledgement of the man-machines hybridity in social arrangements would certainly do no
more than extend the struggle for recognition and the tyranny of transparency to the inanimate
world. In this renovated political ecology, socialism and cybernetics would attain to their point of
optimal convergence: the project of a green republic, a technological democracy — “a renovation
of democracy could have as its objective a pluralistic management of the whole of the machinic
constituents,” wrote Guattari in the last text he ever published — the lethal vision of a definitive
civil peace between humans and non-humans.

“Just like modernization did in a prior era, today’s post-modernization (or informa-
tization) marks a new way of becoming human. Regarding the production of souls,
as Musil put it, one would really have to replace the traditional technology of indus-
trial machines with the cybernetic intelligence of information and communications
technologies. We will need to invent what Pierre Levy has called an ‘anthropology
of cyberspace.’”
Michael Hardt & Toni Negri, Empire, 1999.

“Communication is the fundamental ‘third way’ of imperial control… Contemporary

communications systems are not subordinate to sovereignty; on the contrary, it is
sovereignty that appears to be subordinate to communications… Communication is
the form of capitalist production in which capital has succeeded in entirely and glob-
ally subjugating society to its regime, suppressing all the possible ways of replacing
Michael Hardt & Toni Negri, Empire, 1999.

The cybernetic utopia has not only sucked all the blood out of socialism and its force as an
opposition by making it into a “proximity democratism.” In the confusion-laden 1970s, it also
contaminated the most advanced Marxism, making its perspective inoffensive and untenable.
“Everywhere,” wrote Lyotard in 1979, “in every way, the Critique of political economy and the
critique of the alienated society that was its corollary are used as elements in the programming of
the system.” Faced with the unifying cybernetic hypothesis, the abstract axioms of potentially rev-
olutionary antagonisms — class struggle, “human community” (Gemeinwesen) or “social living”
versus Capital, general intellect versus the process of exploitation, “multitudes” versus “Empire,”
“creativity” or “virtuosity” versus work, “social wealth” versus commodity value, etc. — defini-
tively serve the political project of a broader social integration. The critique of political economy
and ecology do not critique the economic style proper to capitalism, nor the totalizing and sys-
temic vision proper to cybernetics; paradoxically, they even make them into the engines driving
their emancipatory philosophies of history. Their teleology is no longer that of the proletariat
or of nature, but that of Capital. Today their perspective is, deeply, one of social economy, of
a “solidarity economy,” of a “transformation of the mode of production,” no longer via the so-
cialization or nationalization of the means of production but via a socialization of the decisions
of production. As writers like for example Yann Moulier Boutang put it, it is in the end a matter
of making recognized the “collective social character of the creation of wealth,” that the profes-
sion of living as a citizen be valorized. This pretend communism is reduced to no more than an
economic democratism, to a project to reconstruct a “post-Fordist” State from below. Social coop-
eration is presented as if it were a pre-ordained given, with no ethical incommensurability and
no interference in the circulation of emotions, no community problems.

Toni Negri’s career within the Autonomia group, and the nebula of his disciples in France and
in the anglo world, show just how much Marxism could authorize such a slippery slide towards
the will to will, towards “infinite mobilization,” sealing its unavoidable eventual defeat by the
cybernetic hypothesis. The latter has had no problem plugging itself into the metaphysics of
production that runs throughout Marxism and which Negri pushed to the extreme by considering
all affects, all emotions, all communications — in the final analysis — as labor. From this point
of view, autopoïesis, self-production, self-organization, and autonomy are categories which all
play a homologous role in the distinct discursive formations they emerged from. The demands
inspired by this critique of political economy, such as the demand for a guaranteed minimum
income and the demand for “citizenship papers for all” merely attack, fundamentally, the sphere
of production. If certain people among those who today demand a guaranteed income have been
able to break with the perspective of putting everyone to work — that is, the belief in work
as a fundamental value — which formerly still had predominance in the unemployed workers’
movements, it was only on condition — paradoxically — that they’d be able to keep the restrictive
definition of value they had inherited, as “labor value.” Thus they were able to ignore just how
much they contributed, in the end, to the circulation of goods and persons.
It is precisely because valorization is no longer assignable to what takes place solely in the
production sphere that we must now displace political gestures — I’m thinking of normal union
strikes, for example, not even to mention general strikes — into the spheres of product and infor-
mation circulation. Who doesn’t understand by now that the demand for “citizenship papers for
all” — if it is satisfied — will only contribute to a greater mobility of the labor force worldwide?
Even American liberal thinkers have understood that. As for the guaranteed minimum income,
if that were obtained, would it not simply put one more supplementary source of income into
the circuit of value? It would just represent a formal equivalent of the system’s investment in its
“human capital” — just another loan in anticipation of future production. Within the framework
of the present restructuring of capitalism, the demand for a guaranteed minimum income could
be compared to a neo-Keynesian proposal to relaunch “effective demand” which could serve as a
safety net for the hoped-for development of the “New Economy.” Such reasoning is also behind
the adherence of many economists to the idea of a “universal income” or a “citizenship income.”
What would justify such a thing, even from the perspective of Negri and his faithful flock, is a
social debt contracted by capitalism towards the “multitudes.” When I said, above, that Negri’s
Marxism had in the end operated, like all other Marxisms, on the basis of an abstract axiom con-
cerning social antagonism, it’s only because it has a concrete need for the fiction of a united
social body. In the days when he was most on the offense, such as the days he spent in France
during the unemployed workers’ movement of winter 1997–1998, his perspectives were focused
on laying the foundation for a new social contract, which he’d call communist. Within classical
politics, then, Negriism was already playing the avant-garde role of the ecologist movements.
So as to rediscover the intellectual circumstances explaining this blind faith in the social body,
seen as a possible subject and object of a contract, as an ensemble of equivalent elements, as a
homogeneous class, as an organic body, one would need to go back to the end of the 1950s, when
the progressive decomposition of the working class in western societies disturbed marxist theo-
reticians since it overturned the axiom of class struggle. Some of them thought that they could
find in Marx’s Grundrisse a demonstration, a prefiguring of what capitalism and its proletariat
were becoming. In his fragment on machines, Marx envisaged that when industrialization was
in full swing, individual labor power would be able to cease being the primary source of surplus

value, since “the general social understandings, knowledge” would become the most immediate
of productive powers. This kind of capitalism, which PEOPLE call “cognitive” today, would no
longer be contested by a proletariat borne of large-scale manufacturing. Marx supposed that such
contestation would be carried out by the “social individual.” He clarified the reasoning behind
this unavoidable process of reversal: “Capital sets in motion all the forces of science and nature;
it stimulates cooperation and social commerce so as to liberate (relatively speaking) the creation
of wealth from labor time… These are the material conditions that will break up the foundations
of capital.” The contradiction of the system, its catastrophic antagonism, came from the fact that
Capital measures all value by labor time, while simultaneously diminishing it because of the pro-
ductivity gains granted it by automation. Capitalism is doomed, in sum, because it demands — at
the same time — more labor and less labor. The responses to the economic crisis of the 1970s, the
cycle of struggles which in Italy lasted more than ten years, gave an unexpected blow of the whip
to this teleology. The utopia of a world where machines would work instead of us appeared to
be within reach. Creativity, the social individual, the general intellect - student youth, cultivated
dropouts, intangible laborers, etc. — detached from the relations of exploitation, would be the
new subject of the coming communism. For some, such as Negri or Castoriadis, but also for the
situationists, this meant that the new revolutionary subject would reappropriate its “creativity,”
or its “imagination,” which had been confiscated by labor relations, and would make non-labor
time into a new source of self and collective emancipation. Autonomia was founded as a political
movement on the basis of such analyses.
In 1973, Lyotard, who for a long while had associated with Castoriadis within the Socialism
or Barbarism group, noted the lack of differentiation between this new marxist, or post-marxist,
discourse and the discourse of the new political economy: “The body of machines which you call
a social subject and the universal productive force of man is none other than the body of mod-
ern Capital. The knowledge in play within it is in no way proper to all individuals; it is separate
knowledge, a moment in the metamorphosis of capital, obeying it as much as it governs it at the
same time.” The ethical problem that is posed by putting one’s hopes in collective intelligence,
which today is found in the utopias of the autonomous collective use of communications net-
works, is as follows: “we cannot decide that the primary role of knowledge is as an indispensable
element in the functioning of society and to act, consequently, in place of it, if we have already
decided that the latter is itself just a big machine. Inversely, we can’t count on its critical func-
tion and imagine that we could orient its development and spread in such a direction if we’ve
already decided that it is not an integral whole and that it remains haunted by a principle of
contestation.” By conjugating the two nevertheless irreconcilable terms of such an alternative,
the ensemble of heterogeneous positions of which we have found the womb in the discourse
of Toni Negri and his adepts (which represents the point of completion of the marxist tradition
and its metaphysics) is doomed to restless political wandering, in the absence of any destination
other than whatever destination domination may set for it. The essential issue here — an issue
which seduces many an intellectual novice — is that such knowledge is never power, that this
understanding is never self-understanding, and that such intelligence always remains separate
from experience. The political trajectory of Negriism is towards a formalization of the informal,
towards rendering the implicit explicit, making the tacit obvious, and in brief, towards valorizing
everything that is outside of value. And in effect, Yann Moulier Boutang, Negri’s loyal dog, ended
up dropping the following tidbit in 2000, in an idiotic cocaine-addict’s unreal rasp: “capitalism,
in its new phase, or its final frontier, needs the communism of the multitudes.” Negri’s neutral

communism, the mobilization that it stipulates, is not only compatible with cybernetic capitalism
— it is now the condition for its effectuation.
Once the propositions in the MIT Report had been fully digested, the “growth” economists
highlighted the primordial role to be played by creativity and technological innovation — next to
the factors of Labor and Capital — in the production of surplus value. And other experts, equally
well informed, learnedly affirmed that the propensity to innovate depended on the degree of
education, training, health, of populations — after Gary Becker, the most radical of the economi-
cists, PEOPLE would call this “human capital” — and on the complementarity between economic
agents (a complementarity that could be favored by putting in place a regular circulation of infor-
mation through communications networks), as well as on the complementarity between activity
and environment, the living human being and the non-human living thing. What explains the cri-
sis of the 1970s is that there was a whole cognitive and natural social base for the maintenance of
capitalism and its development which had up to that time been neglected. Deeper still, this meant
that non-labor time, the ensemble of moments that fall outside the circuits of commodity valoriza-
tion — that is, everyday life — are also a factor in growth, and contain a potential value insofar as
they permit the maintenance of Capital’s human base. PEOPLE, since then, have seen armies of
experts recommending to businesses that they apply cybernetic solutions to their organization of
production: the development of telecommunications, organization in networks, “participatory”
or project-based management, consumer panels, quality controls — all these were to contribute
to upping rates of profit. For those who wanted to get out of the crisis of the 1970s without ques-
tioning capitalism, to “relaunch growth” and not stop it up anymore, would consequently need
to work on a profound reorganization of it, towards democratizing economic choices and giving
institutional support to non-work (life) time, like in the demand for “freeness” for example. It is
only in this way that PEOPLE can affirm, today, that the “new spirit of capitalism” inherits the
social critique of the years 1960–1970: to the exact extent that the cybernetic hypothesis inspired
the mode of social regulation that was emerging then.
It is thus hardly surprising that communications, the realization of a common ownership of
impotent knowledge that cybernetics carries out, today authorizes the most advanced ideologues
to speak of “cybernetic communism,” as have Dan Sperber or Pierre Levy — the cybernetician-
in-chief of the French speaking world, collaborator on the magazine Multitudes, and author of
the aphorism, “cosmic and cultural evolution culminate today in the virtual world of cyberspace.”
“Socialists and communists,” write Hardt and Negri, have for a long time been demanding free
access and control for the proletariat over the machines and materials it uses to produce. How-
ever, in the context of intangible and biopolitical production, this traditional demand takes on
a new aspect. Not only do the masses use machines to produce, the masses themselves become
more and more mechanical, and the means of production more and more integrated into the
bodies and minds of the masses. In this context, reappropriation means attaining free access to
(and control over) knowledge, information, communication, and feelings/emotions, since those
are some of the primary means of biopolitical production.” In this communism, they marvel, PEO-
PLE wouldn’t share wealth, they’d share information, and everybody would be simultaneously
a producer and consumer. Everyone will become their own “self-media”! Communism will be a
communism of robots!
Whether it merely breaks with the individualist premises about economy or whether it con-
siders the commodity economy as a regional component of a more general economy — which is
what’s implied in all the discussions about the notion of value, such as those carried out by the

German group Krisis, all the defenses of gift against exchange inspired by Mauss, and ‘the anti-
cybernetic energetics of someone like Bataille, as well as all the considerations on the Symbolic,
whether made by Bourdieu or Baudrillard — the critique of political economy, in fine, remains
dependent on economicism. In a health-through-activity perspective, the absence of a workers’
movement corresponding to the revolutionary proletariat imagined by Marx was to be dealt with
by the militant labor of organizing one. “The Party,” wrote Lyotard, “must furnish proof that the
proletariat is real and it cannot do so any more than one can furnish proof of an ideal of thought.
It can only supply its own existence as a proof, and carry out a realistic politics. The reference
point of its discourse remains directly unpresentable, non-ostensible. The repressed disagreement
has to do with the interior of the workers’ movement, in particular with the form taken by recur-
ring conflicts on the organization question.” The search for a fighting class of producers makes
the Marxists the most consequential of the producers of an integrated class. It is not an irrelevant
matter, in existential and strategic terms, to enter into political conflict rather than producing
social antagonism, to be a contradictor within the system or to be a regulator within it, to create
instead of wishing that creativity would be freed, to desire instead of desiring desire — in brief,
to fight cybernetics, instead of being a critical cybernetician.
Full of a sad passion for one’s roots, one might seek the premises for this alliance in historical
socialism, whether in Saint-Simon’s philosophy of networks, in Fourier’s theory of equilibrium,
or in Proudhon’s mutualism, etc. But what the socialists all have in common, and have for two
centuries, which they share with those among them who have declared themselves to be commu-
nists, is that they fight against only one of the effects of capitalism alone: in all its forms, socialism
fights against separation, by recreating the social bonds between subjects, between subjects and
objects, without fighting against the totalization that makes it possible for the social to be as-
similated into a body, and the individual into a closed totality, a subject-body. But there is also
another common terrain, a mystical one, on the basis of which the transfer of the categories of
thought within socialism and cybernetics have been able to form an alliance: that of a shame-
ful humanism, an uncontrolled faith in the genius of humanity. Just as it is ridiculous to see a
“collective soul” in the construction of a beehive by the erratic behavior of bees, as the writer
Maeterlinck did at the beginning of the century from a Catholic perspective, in the same way the
maintenance of capitalism is in no way dependent upon the existence of a collective conscious-
ness in the “masses” lodged within the heart of production. Under cover of the axiom of class
struggle, the historical socialist utopia, the utopia of the community, was definitively a utopia of
One promulgated by the Head on a body that couldn’t be one. All socialism today — whether it
more or less explicitly categorizes itself as democracy-, production-, or social contract-focused —
takes sides with cybernetics. Non-citizen politics must come to terms with itself as anti-social as
much as anti-state; it must refuse to contribute to the resolution of the “social question,” refuse
the formatting of the world as a series of problems, and reject the democratic perspective struc-
tured by the acceptance of all of society’s requests. As for cybernetics, it is today no more than the
last possible socialism.

“Theory means getting off on immobilization… What gives you theoreticians a hard
on and puts you on the level with our gang is the coldness of the clear and the
distinct; of the distinct alone, in fact; the opposable, because the clear is but a dubious
redundancy of the distinct, expressed via a philosophy of the subject. Stop raising
the bar, you say! Escaping pathos — that’s your pathos.”
Jean-François Lyotard, Libidinal Economy, 1975

When you’re a writer, poet or philosopher it’s customary to talk about the power of the Word
to hinder, foil, and pierce the informational flows of the Empire, the binary enunciation ma-
chines. You’ve heard the eulogists of poetry clamoring that they’re the last rampart against the
barbarism of communication. Even when he identifies his position with that of the minor litera-
tures, the eccentrics, the “literary lunatics,” when he hunts down the idiolects that belabor their
tongues to demonstrate what escapes the code, so as to implode the idea of comprehension itself,
to expose the fundamental misunderstanding that defeats the tyranny of information, the author
who knows himself to be acted through, spoken through, and traveled through by burning inten-
sities, is for all that no less animated, when seated before his blank page, by a prophetic concept
of wording. For me, as a “receiver,” the shock effect that certain writings have deliberately dedi-
cated themselves to the quest for starting in the 1960s are in this sense no less paralyzing than the
old categorical and sententious critical theory was. Watching from my easy chair as Guyotat or
Guattari get off on each line, contorting, burping, farting, and vomiting out their delirium-future
makes me get it up, moan, and get off only very rarely; that is, only when some desire sweeps me
away to the shores of voyeurism. Performances, surely, but performances of what? Performances
of a boarding school alchemy where the philosopher’s stone is hunted down amid mixed sprays
of ink and cum. Proclaiming intensity does not suffice to engender the passage of intensity. As for
theory and critique, they remain cloistered in a typeface of clear and distinct pronouncements,
as transparent as the passage ought to be from “false consciousness” to clarified consciousness.
Far from giving into some mythology of the Word or an essentialization of meaning, Burroughs,
in his Electronic Revolution proposed forms of struggle against the controlled circulation of pro-
nouncements, offensive strategies of enunciation that came to light in his “mental manipulation”
operations that were inspired by his “cut-up” experiments, a combination of pronouncements
based on randomness. By proposing to make “interference/fog” into a revolutionary weapon, he
undeniably introduced a new level of sophistication to all prior research into offensive language.
But like the situationist practice of “detournement”/media-hijacking, which in its modus operandi
is in no way distinguishable from “recuperation”/co-optation — which explains its spectacular
fortune — “interference/fog” is merely a relative operation. This is also true for the contempo-
rary forms of struggle on the Internet which are inspired by these instructions of Burroughs’:
piracy, virus propagation, spamming… all these can in fine only serve to temporarily destabilize
the operation of the communications network. But as regards the matter we are dealing with

here and now, Burroughs was forced to agree, in terms inherited — certainly — from theories of
communication that hypostatized the issuer-receiver relationship: “it would be more useful to try
to discover how the models of exploration could be altered so as to permit the subject to liberate
his own spontaneous models.” What’s at issue in any enunciation is not whether it’s received but
whether it can become contagious. I call insinuation — the illapsus, according to medieval philos-
ophy — a strategy consisting in following the twists and turns of thought, the wandering words
that win me over while at the same time constituting the vague terrain where their reception will
establish itself. By playing on the relationship of the sign to what it refers to, by using clichés
against themselves, like in caricatures, by letting the reader come closer, insinuation makes possi-
ble an encounter, an intimate presence, between the subject of the pronouncement and those who
relate to the pronouncement itself. “There are passwords hidden under slogans,” write Deleuze
and Guattari, “words that are pronounced as if in passing, components of a passage; whereas
slogans mark points of stoppage, stratified and organized compositions.” Insinuation is the haze
of theory and suits a discourse whose objective is to permit struggles against the worship of
transparency, attached at its very roots to the cybernetic hypothesis.
That the cybernetic vision of the world is an abstract machine, a mystical fable, a cold eloquence
which continually escapes multiple bodies, gestures, words — all this isn’t enough to conclude its
unavoidable defeat. What cybernetics needs in that regard is precisely the same thing that main-
tains it: the pleasure of extreme rationalization, the burn-scars of “tautism” [tautological autism],
the passion for reduction, the orgasm of binary flattening. Attacking the cybernetic hypothesis —
it must be repeated — doesn’t mean just critiquing it, and counterposing a concurrent vision of the
social world; it means experimenting alongside it, actuating other protocols, redesigning them from
scratch and enjoying them. Starting in the 1950s, the cybernetic hypothesis has been the secret
fascination of a whole generation of “critical” thinkers, from the situationists to Castoriadis, from
Lyotard to Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari. One might map their responses in this way: these first
opposed it by developing their thought process outside it, overhanging it, and these second by
thinking within the heart of it, on the one hand “a metaphysical type of disagreement with the
world, which focuses on super-terrestrial, transcendent worlds or utopian counter-worlds” and
on the other hand “a poïetic type of disagreement with the world, which sees the path to freedom
within the Real itself,” as Peter Sloterdijk summarizes. The success of all future revolutionary ex-
perimentation will essentially be measured by its capacity to make this conflict obsolete. This
begins when bodies change scale, feel themselves deepen, are passed through by molecular phe-
nomena escaping systemic points of view, escaping representations of their molarity, make each
of their pores into a seeing machine clinging to the temporal evolutions of things instead of a
camera, which frames, delimits, and assigns beings. In the lines that follow I will insinuate a
protocol for experimentation, in an attempt to defeat the cybernetic hypothesis and undo the
world it perseveringly persists in constructing. But like for other erotic or strategic arts, its use
isn’t something that is decided on nor something that imposes itself. It can only originate in
something totally involuntary, which implies, of course, a certain casual manner.

“We also lack that generosity, that indifference to fate, which, if it doesn’t give any
great joy, does give one a familiarity with the worst of degradations, and will be
granted us by the world to come.”
Roger Caillois

“The Imaginary pays an ever higher price for its strength, while from beyond its
screen the possible Real shines through. What we have today, doubtless, is but the
domination of the Imaginary, having made itself totalitarian. But this is precisely its
dialectical and ‘natural’ limit. Either, even desire itself and its subject, the process
of attaining corporeality of the latent Gemeinwesen, will be burnt away at the final
stake, or all simulacra will be dispelled: the extreme struggle of the species rages on
against the managers of alienation and, in the bloody sunset of all these ‘suns of the
future’ a truly possible future will at last begin to dawn. Mankind, in order to truly
Be, now only needs to make a definitive break with all ‘concrete utopias.’
Giorgio Cesarano, Survival Manual, 1975

All individuals, groups, all lifestyles/forms-of-life, cannot fit into the feedback loop. There are
some that are just too fragile. That threaten to snap. And there are some that are just too strong…
that threaten to break shit.

These temporal evolutions,

as an instance of breakage,
suppose that at a given moment of lived experience, bodies go through the acute
feeling that it can all abruptly come to an end,
from one moment to the next,
that the nothingness,
that silence,
that death are suddenly within reach of bodies and gestures.
It can end.
The threat.

Defeating the process of cybernetization, toppling the empire, will take place through opening
up a breach for panic. Because the Empire is an ensemble of devices that aim to ward off all events,
a process of control and rationalization, its fall will be perceived by its agents and its control
apparatus as the most irrational of phenomena. The lines that follow here give a cursory view
of what such a cybernetic view of panic might be, and indicate a contrario its effective power:
“panic is thus an inefficient collective behavior because it is not properly adapted for danger (real
or supposed); it is characterized by the regression of mentalities to an archaic, gregarious level,
and gives rise to primitive, desperate flight reactions, disordered agitation, physical violence,

and general acts of self- or hetero-aggressivity: panic reactions show the characteristics of the
collective soul in a altered state of perception and judgment; alignment on the basis of the most
unsophisticated behaviors; suggestibility; participation in violence without any idea of individual
Panic makes the cyberneticians panic. It represents absolute risk, the permanent potential
threat that the intensification of relations between lifestyles/forms-of-life presents. Because of
this, it should be made as terrifying as the appointed cybernetician himself endeavors to show
it being: “panic is dangerous for populations; it increases the number of victims resulting from
an accident by causing inappropriate flight reactions, which may indeed be the only real reason
for deaths and injuries; every time it’s the same scenario: acts of blind rage, trampling, crush-
ing…” the lie in that description of course is that it imagines panic phenomena exclusively from
a sealed environment: as a liberation of bodies, panic self-destructs because everyone tries to get
out through an exit that’s too narrow.
But it is possible to envision that there could be, as happened in Genoa in July 2001, panic to a
degree sufficient to fuck up the cybernetic programming and pass through various social groups/
milieus, panic that would go beyond the annihilation stage, as Canetti suggests in Mass and Power
: “If we weren’t in a theater we could all run away together like a flock of threatened animals, and
increase the energy of our escape with our movement in the same direction. An active mass fear of
this kind is the great collective event lived by all herd animals and who save themselves together
because they are good runners.” In this sense I see as political fact of the greatest importance
the panic involving more than a million persons that Orson Welles provoked in 1938 when he
made his announcement over the airwaves in New Jersey, at a time when radiophonics were still
in early enough a state that people gave its broadcasts a certain truth value. Because “the more
we fight for our own lives the more it becomes obvious that we are fighting against the others
hemming us in on all sides,” and alongside an unheard of and uncontrollable expenditure, panic
also reveals the naked civil war going on: it is “a disintegration of the mass within the mass.”
In panic situations, communities break off from the social body, designed as a totality, and
attempt to escape it. But since they are still physically and socially captive to it, they are obliged
to attack it. Panic shows, more than any other phenomenon, the plural and non-organic body
of the species. Sloterdijk, that last man of philosophy, extends this positive concept of panic:
“from a historical perspective, the fringe elements are probably the first to develop a non hys-
terical relationship with the possible apocalypse. …Today’s fringe consciousness is characterize
by something that might be called a pragmatic relationship with catastrophe.” To the question:
“doesn’t civilization have as a precondition the absence or even exclusion of the panic element,
to the extent that it must be built on the basis of expectations, repetitions, security and insti-
tutions?” Sloterdijk counters that “it is only thanks to the proximity of panic experiences that
living civilizations are possible.” They can thus ward off the potential catastrophes of the era by
rediscovering a primordial familiarity with them. They offer the possibility of converting these
energies into “a rational ecstasy through which the individual opens up to the intuitive idea: ‘I
am the world’.” What really busts the levees and turns panic in into a positive potential charge,
a confused intuition (in con-fusion) of its transcendence, is that each person, when in a panic sit-
uation, is like the living foundation of his own crisis, instead of undergoing it like some kind of
exterior inevitability. The quest after active panic — the “panic experience of the world” — is thus
a technique for assuming the risk of disintegration that each person represents for society, as a
risk dividual. It is the end of hope and of all concrete utopias, forming like a bridge crossing over

to a state of waiting for/expecting nothing anymore, of having nothing more to lose. And this is
a way of reintroducing — through a particular sensibility to the possibilities of lived situations,
to their possibilities of collapse, to the extreme fragility of their organization — a serene relation-
ship with the flight forward movement of cybernetic capitalism. In the twilight of nihilism, fear
must become as extravagant as hope.
Within the framework of the cybernetic hypothesis, panic is understood as a status change
in the self-regulating system. For a cybernetician, any disorder can only come from there hav-
ing been a discrepancy between the pre-set behaviors and the real behaviors of the system’s
elements. A behavior that escapes control while remaining indifferent to the system is called
“noise,” which consequently cannot be handled by a binary machine, reduced to a 0 or a 1. Such
noises are the lines of flight, the wanderings of desires that have still not gone back into the
valorization circuit, the non-enrolled. What we call “the Imaginary Party” is the heterogeneous
ensemble of noises which proliferate beneath the Empire, without however reversing its unstable
equilibrium, without modifying its state, solitude for instance being the most widespread form
of these passages to the side of the Imaginary Party. Wiener, when he laid the foundation for the
cybernetic hypothesis, imagined the existence of systems — called “closed reverberating circuits”
— where the discrepancies between the behaviors desired by the whole and the real behaviors of
those elements would proliferate. He envisaged that these noises could then brutally increase in
series, like when a driver/pilot’s panicked reactions make him wreck his vehicle after he’s driven
onto an icy road or hit a slippery spot on the highway. The overproduction of bad feedbacks
that distort what they’re supposed to signal and amplify what they’re supposed to contain —
such situations point the way to a pure reverberatory power. The present practice of bombarding
certain nodal points on the Internet network with information — spamming — aims to produce
such situations. All revolt under and against Empire can only be conceived in starting to amplify
such “noises,” capable of comprising what Prigogine and Stengers — who here call up an anal-
ogy between the physical world and the social world — have called “bifurcation points,” critical
thresholds from which a new system status becomes possible.
The shared error of Marx and Bataille with all their categories of “labor power” or “expendi-
ture” was to have situated the power to overturn the system outside of the circulation of com-
modity flows, in a pre-systemic exteriority set before and after capitalism, in nature for the one,
and in a founding sacrifice for the other, which were the springboards from which one could
think through the endless metamorphosis of the capitalist system. In issue number one of the
Great Game [Le Grand Jeu], the problem of equilibrium-rupture is posed in more immanent, if
still somewhat ambiguous, terms: “This force that exists, cannot remain unemployed in a cosmos
which is full like an egg and within which everything acts on and reacts to everything. So then
there must be some kind of trigger or lever that will suddenly turn the course of this current of
violence in another direction. Or rather in a parallel direction, but on another plane thanks to a
sudden shift. Its revolt must become the Invisible Revolt.” It is not simply a matter of the “invisi-
ble insurrection of a million minds” as the celestial Trocchi put it. The force that we call ecstatic
politics does not come from any substantial outsideness, but from the discrepancy, the small vari-
ation, the whirling motion that, moving outward starting from the interior of the system, push
it locally to its breaking point and thus pull up in it the intensities that still pass between the
various lifestyles/forms-of-life, in spite of the attenuation of intensities that those lifestyles effec-
tuate. To put it more precisely, ecstatic politics comes from desires that exceed the flux insofar
as the flux nourishes them without their being trackable therein, where desires pass beneath the

tracking radar, and occasionally establish themselves, instantiating themselves among lifestyles
that in a given situation are playing the role of attractors. It is known that it is in the nature of
desire to leave no trace wherever it goes. Let’s go back to that moment when a system at equi-
librium can topple: “in proximity to bifurcation points,” write Prigogine and Stengers, “where
the system has a ‘choice’ between two operating regimes/modes, and is, in proper terms, neither
in the one nor the other, deviation from the general law is total: the fluctuations can attain to
the same heights of grandeur that the average macroscopic values can… Regions separated by
macroscopic distances correlate together: the speed of the reactions produced there regulate one
another, and local events thus reverberate through the whole system. This is when we truly see
a paradoxical state, which defies all our ‘intuition’ regarding the behavior of populations, a state
where the smallest differences, far from canceling each other out, succeed one another and prop-
agate incessantly. The indifferent chaos of equilibrium is thus replaced by a creative chaos, as
was evoked by the ancients, a fecund chaos from which different structures can arise.”
It would be naive to directly deduce, in this scientific description of the potential for disorder,
a new political art. The error of the philosophers and of all thought that deploys itself without
recognizing in itself, in its very pronouncement, what it owes to desire, is that it situates itself
artificially above the processes that it is aiming to discuss, even when it is based on experience;
something Prigogne and Stengers are not themselves immune to, by the way. Experimentation,
which does not consist in completed experiences but in the process of completing them, is located
within fluctuation, in the heart of the noise, lying in wait for the bifurcation. The events that take
place within the social, on a level significant enough to influence fates in general, are comprised
of more than just a simple sum of individual behaviors. Inversely, individual behaviors can no
longer have, alone, an influence on fates in general. There remain, however, three stages, which
are really one, and which, even though they are not represented, are felt by bodies anyway as
immediately political problems: I’m talking about the amplification of non-conforming acts, the
intensification of desires and their rhythmic accord; the arrangement of territory, even if “fluctu-
ations cannot invade the whole system all at once. They must first take place within a particular
region. Depending on whether this initial region has smaller than critical dimensions or not…
the fluctuation will either regress, or, contrarily, it will invade and overtake the whole system.”
So there are three questions, then, which require investigation in view of an offensive against
the Empire: a question of force, a question of rhythm, and a question of momentum.

“That’s what generalized programs sharpen their teeth on; on little bits of people, on
little bits of men who don’t want any program.”
Philippe Carles, Jean-Louis Comolli, “Free Jazz: Out of Program, Out of Subject, in
Out Field”, 2000

“The few active rebels should have the qualities of speed and endurance, be ubiqui-
tous, and have independent sources of provisions.”
T.E. Lawrence, “Guerrilla” Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume X, 1926

These questions, seen from the neutralized and neutralizing perspective of the laboratory ob-
server or of the chat-room/salon, must be reexamined in themselves, and tested out. Amplifying
the fluctuations: what’s that mean to me? How can deviance, mine for example, give rise to disor-
der? How do we go from sparse, singular fluctuations, the discrepancies between each individual
and the norm, each person and the devices, to futures and to destinies? How can what capitalism
routs, what escapes valorization, become a force and turn against it? Classical politics resolved
this problem with mobilization. To Mobilize meant to add, to aggregate, to assemble, to synthe-
size. It meant to unify little differences and fluctuations by subjecting them to a great crime, an
un-rectifiable injustice, that nevertheless must be rectified. Singularities were already there. They
only had to be subsumed into a unique predicate. Energy was also already there. It just needed
to be organized. I’ll be the head, they’ll be the body. And so the theoretician, the avant-garde,
the party, have made that force operate in the same way as capitalism did, by putting it into
circulation and control in order to seize the enemy’s heart and take power by taking off its head,
like in classical war.
The invisible revolt, the “coup-du-monde” [world coup] that Trocchi talked about, on the con-
trary, plays on potential. It is invisible because it is unpredictable in the eyes of the imperial sys-
tem. Amplified, the fluctuations relative to the imperial devices never aggregate together. They
are as heterogeneous as desires are, and can never form a closed totality; they can’t even form into
a “masses,” which name itself is just an illusion if it doesn’t mean an irreconcilable multiplicity
of lifestyles/forms-of-life. Desires flee; they either reach a clinamen or not, they either produce
intensity or not, and even beyond flight they continue to flee. They get restive under any kind
of representation, as bodies, class, or party. It must thus be deduced from this that all propaga-
tion of fluctuations will also be a propagation of civil war. Diffuse guerrilla action is the form
of struggle that will produce such invisibility in the eyes of the enemy. The recourse to diffuse
guerrilla action taken by a fraction of the Autonomia group in 1970s Italy can be explained pre-
cisely in light of the advanced cybernetic character of the Italian govern-mentality of the time.
These years were when “consociativism,” which prefigured today’s citizenism, was developing;
the association of parties, unions, and associations for the distribution and co-management of
Power. This sharing is not the most important thing here; the important thing is management

and control. This mode of government goes far beyond the Providential State by creating longer
chains of interdependence between citizens and devices, thus extending the principles of control
and management from administrative bureaucracy.
It was T.E. Lawrence that worked out the principles of guerrilla war from his experience of
fighting alongside the Arabs against the Turks in 1916. What does Lawrence tell us? That the
battle itself is no longer the only process involved in war, in the same way as the destruction
of the heart of the enemy is no longer its central objective; a fortiori if this enemy is faceless,
as is the case when dealing with the impersonal power materialized in the Empire’s cybernetic
devices: “The majority of wars are contact based; two forces struggling to remain close to one
another in order to avoid any tactical surprises. The war of the Arabs had to be a rupture based
war: containing the enemy with the silent threat of a vast desert unknown to it and only reveal-
ing themselves at the moment of attack.” Deleuze, though he too rigidly opposed guerrilla war,
posed the problem of individuality and war, and that of collective organization, clarified that it
was a question of opening up space as much as possible, and making prophecies, or rather of
“fabricating the real instead of responding to it.” The invisible revolt and diffuse guerrilla war do
not sanction injustices, they create a possible world. In the language of the cybernetic hypothesis,
I can create invisible revolt and diffuse guerrilla war on the molecular level in two ways. First
gesture: I fabricate the real, I break things down, and break myself down by breaking it all down.
This is the source of all acts of sabotage What my act represents at this moment doesn’t exist for
the device breaking down with me. Neither 0 nor 1, I am the absolute outsider/third party. My
orgasm surpasses devices/my joy infuriates them. Second gesture: I do not respond to the human
or mechanical feedback loops that attempt to encircle me/figure me out; like Bartleby, I’d “prefer
not to.” I keep my distance, I don’t enter into the space of the flows, I don’t plug in, I stick around.
I wield my passivity as a force against the devices. Neither 0 nor 1, I am absolute nothingness.
Firstly: I cum perversely. Secondly: I hold back. Beyond. Before. Short Circuiting and Unplugging.
In the two cases the feedback does not take place and a line of flight begins to be drawn. An
external line of flight on the one hand that seems to spread outwards from me; an internal line of
flight that brings me back to myself. All forms of interference/fog come from these two gestures,
external and internal lines of flight, sabotage and retreat, the search for forms of struggle and for
the assumption of different forms-of-life. Revolution is now about figuring out how to conjugate
those two moments.
Lawrence also tells how it was also a question that it took the Arabs a long time to resolve
when fighting the Turks. Their tactics consisted basically in “always advancing by making small
hits and withdrawing, neither making big drives, nor striking big blows. The Arab army never
sought to keep or improve their advantage, but to withdraw and go strike elsewhere. It used
the least possible force in the least possible time and hit the most withdrawn positions.” Pri-
macy was given to attacks against war supplies, and primarily against communications chan-
nels, rather than against the institutions themselves, like depriving a section of railway of rail.
Revolt only becomes invisible to the extent that it achieves its objective, which is to “deny all
the enemy’s goals,” to never provide the enemy with easy targets. In this case it imposes “pas-
sive defense” on the enemy, which can be very costly in materials and men, in energies, and
extends into the same movement its own front, making connections between the foci of attack.
Guerrilla action thus since its invention tends to be diffuse. This kind of fighting immediately
gives rise to new relationships which are very different than those that exist within traditional
armies: “we sought to attain maximum irregularity and flexibility. Our diversity disoriented the

enemy’s reconnaissance services… If anyone comes to lack conviction they can stay home. The
only contract bonding them together was honor. Consequently the Arab army did not have disci-
pline in the sense where discipline restrains and smothers individuality and where it comprises
the smallest common denominator of men.” However, Lawrence did not idealize the anarchist
spirit of his troops, as spontaneists in general have tended to do. The most important thing is
to be able to count on a sympathetic population which then can become a space for potential
recruitment and for the spread of the struggle. “A rebellion can be carried out by two percent
active elements and 98 percent passive sympathizers,” but this requires time and propaganda op-
erations. Reciprocally, all offensives involving an interference with the opposing lines imply a
perfect reconnaissance/intelligence service that “must allow plans to be worked out in absolute
certainty” so as to never give the enemy any goals. This is precisely the role that an organization
now might take on, in the sense that this term once had in classical politics; serving a function of
reconnaissance/intelligence and the transmission of accumulated knowledge-powers. Thus the
spontaneity of guerrilleros is not necessarily opposed to organizations as strategic information
collection tanks.
But the important thing is that the practice of interference, as Burroughs conceived it, and
after him as hackers have, is in vain if it is not accompanied by an organized practice of recon-
naissance into domination. This need is reinforced by the fact that the space where the invisible
revolt can take place is not the desert spoken of by Lawrence. And the electronic space of the
Internet is not the smooth neutral space that the ideologues of the information age speak of it as
either. The most recent studies confirm, moreover, that the Internet is vulnerable to targeted and
coordinated attacks. The web matrix was designed in such a way that the network would still
function if there were a loss of 99% of the 10 million routers — the cores of the communications
network where the information is concentrated — destroyed in a random manner, as the Ameri-
can military had initially imagined. On the other hand, a selective attack, designed on the basis
of precise research into traffic and aiming at 5% of the most strategic core nodes — the nodes
on the big operators’ high-speed networks, the input points to the transatlantic lines — would
suffice to cause a collapse of the system. Whether virtual or real, the Empire’s spaces are struc-
tured by territories, striated by the cascades of devices tracing out the frontiers and then erasing
them when they become useless, in a constant scanning sweep comprising the very motor of the
circulation flows. And in such a structured, territorialized and deterritorialized space, the front
lines with the enemy cannot be as clear as they were in Lawrence’s desert. The floating character
of power and the nomadic dimensions of domination thus require an increased reconnaissance
activity, which means an organization for the circulation of knowledge-powers. Such was to be
the role of the Society for the Advancement of Criminal Science (SASC).
In Cybernetics and Society, when he foresaw, only too late, that the political use of cybernet-
ics tends to reinforce the exercise of domination, Wiener asked himself a similar question, as a
prelude to the mystic crisis that he was in at the end of his life: “All the techniques of secrecy,
interference in messages, and bluffing consist in trying to make sure that one’s camp can make
a more effective use than the other camp of the forces and operations of communication. In this
combative use of information, it is just as important to leave one’s own information channels open
as it is to obstruct the channels that the opposing side has at its disposal. An overall confidential-
ity/secrecy policy almost always implies the involvement of much more than the secrets them-
selves.” The problem of force reformulated as a problem of invisibility thus becomes a problem of
modulation of opening and closing. It simultaneously requires both organization and spontaneity.

Or, to put it another way, diffuse guerrilla war today requires that two distinct planes of consis-
tency be established, however meshed they may be — one to organize opening, transforming the
interplay of lifestyles/forms-of-life into information, and the other to organize closing, the resis-
tance of lifestyles/forms-of-life to being made into information. Curcio: “The guerrilla party is the
maximum agent of invisibility and of the exteriorization of the proletariat’s knowledge-power;
invisibility towards the enemy cohabiting with it, on the highest level of synthesis.” One may
here object that this is after all nothing but one more binary machine, neither better nor worse
than any of those that are at work in cybernetics. But that would be incorrect, since it means not
seeing that at the root of these gestures is a fundamental distance from the regulated flows, a
distance that is precisely the condition for any experience within the world of devices, a distance
which is a power that I can layer and make a future from. It would above all be incorrect because
it would mean not understanding that the alternation between sovereignty and unpower cannot
be programmed, that the course that these postures take is a wandering course, that what places
will end up chosen — whether on the body, in the factory, in urban or peri-urban non-places —
is unpredictable.

“The revolution is the movement, but the movement is not the revolution”
Paul Virilio, Speed and Politics, 1977

“In a world of regulated scenarios,

minutely pre-calculated programs,
impeccable music scores,
well-placed choices and acts,
what puts up any obstacles, what
hangs back, what wobbles?
Wobbliness indicates the body.
Of the body.
This limping/wobbling indicates a weak-heeled man.
A God held onto him there. He was God by the heel. The Gods limp whenever they
aren’t hunchbacked.
The dysfunction is the body. What wobbles, hurts, holds up poorly, the exhaustion
of breath, the miracle of balance. And music holds up no more than man.
Bodies have still not been properly regulated by the law of commodities.
They don’t work. They suffer. They get worn out. They get it wrong. They escape.
Too hot, too cold, too near, too far, too fast, too slow.”
Philippe Carles, Jean-Louis Comolli, “Free Jazz: Out of Program, Out of Subject, in
Out Field”, 2000

People have often insisted — T.E. Lawrence is no exception — on the kinetic dimensions of pol-
itics and war as a strategic counterpoint to a quantitative concept of relations of force. That’s the
typical guerrilla perspective as opposed to the traditional perspective. It’s been said that if it can’t
be massive, a movement should be fast, faster than domination. That was how the Situationist
International formulated their program in 1957: “it should be understood that we are going to be
seeing and participating in a race between free artists and the police to experiment with and develop
the new techniques of conditioning. The police already have a considerable head start. The outcome
depends on the appearance of passionate and liberating environments, or the reinforcement —
scientifically controllable and smooth — of the environment of the old world of oppression and
horror… If control over these new means is not totally revolutionary, we could be led towards
the police-state ideal of a society organized like a beehive.” In light of this lattermost image, an
explicit but static vision of cybernetics perfected as the Empire is fleshing it out, the revolution
should consist in a reappropriation of the most modern technological tools, a reappropriation
that should permit contestation of the police on their own turf, by creating a counter-world with
the same means that it uses. Speed here is understood as one of the important qualities of the
revolutionary political arts. But this strategy implies attacking sedentary forces. In the Empire,

such forces tend to fade as the impersonal power of devices becomes nomadic and moves around,
gradually imploding all institutions.
Conversely, slowness has been at the core of another section/level of struggles against Capi-
tal. Luddite sabotage should not be interpreted from a traditional marxist perspective as a sim-
ple, primitive rebellion by the organized proletariat, a protest action by the reactionary artisans
against the progressive expropriation of the means of production given rise to by industrializa-
tion. It is a deliberate slow down of the flux of commodities and persons, anticipating the central
characteristic of cybernetic capitalism insofar as it is movement towards movement, a will to
potential, generalized acceleration. Taylor conceived the Scientific Organization of Labor as a
technique for fighting “soldiering/go-slow” phenomena among laborers which represented an
effective obstacle to production. On the physical level, mutations of the system also depend on
a certain slowness, as Prigogine and Stengers point out: “The faster communications within the
system are, the bigger is the proportion of insignificant fluctuations incapable of transforming
the state of the system: therefore, that state will be all the more stable.” Slowdown tactics thus
have a supplementary potential in struggles against cybernetic capitalism because they don’t
just attack it in its being but in its process itself. But there’s more: slowness is also necessary to
putting lifestyles/forms-of-life that are irreducible to simple information exchanges into relation
with each other. It expresses resistance of relations to interaction.
Above and beyond speed and slowness in communications, there is the space of encounters
which allow one to trace out an absolute limit to the analogy between the social world and the
physical world. This is basically because two particles never encounter one another except where
their rupture phenomena can be deduced from laboratory observations. The encounter is that
durable instant where intensities manifest between the forms-of-life present in each individual. It
is, even above the social and communications, the territory that actualizes the potentials of bodies
and actualizes itself in the differences of intensity that they give off and comprise. Encounters are
above language, outside of words, in the virgin lands of the unspoken, in suspended animation,
a potential of the world which is also its negation, its “power to not be.” What is other people?
“Another possible world,” responds Deleuze. The Other incarnates the possibility that the world
has of not being, of being otherwise. This is why in the so-called “primitive” societies war takes
on the primordial importance of annihilating any other possible world. It is pointless, however, to
think about conflict without also thinking about enjoyment, to think about war without thinking
about love. In each tumultuous birth of love, the fundamental desire to transform oneself by
transforming the world is reborn. The hate and suspicion that lovers excite around them is an
automatic defensive response to the war they wage, merely by loving each other, against a world
where all passion must misunderstand itself and die off.
Violence is the first rule of the game of encounters. And it polarizes the various wanderings of
desire that Lyotard invokes the sovereign freedom of in his book Libidinal Economy. But because
he refuses to admit that enjoyments agree together on a particular territory to precede them
and where forms-of-life can mix and move together; because he refuses to understand that the
neutralization of all intensities is itself a kind of intensification — that of the Empire, no less —
because he can’t deduce from this that while they are inseparable, life impulses and death im-
pulses are not neutral relative to a singular Other, Lyotard in the end cannot go beyond the most
cybernetization-compatible hedonism: relax, let yourself go, let out your desires! Enjoy, enjoy;
there’ll always be something left! There’s no doubt that conduction, abandon, and mobility in
general can heighten the amplification of deviations from the norm as long as they acknowledge

what interrupts flows within the very heart of circulation itself. In light of the acceleration that
cybernetics gives rise to, speed and nomadism can only be secondary developments beside the
primary slow-down policies.
Speed upholds institutions. Slowness cuts off flows. The kinetic problem, properly speaking, in
politics, thus isn’t about choosing between two kinds of revolt but about abandoning oneself to a
pulsation, of exploring other intensifications besides those that are commanded by the temporal-
ity of urgency. The cyberneticians’ power has been their ability to give rhythm to the social body,
which tends to prevent all respiration. Canetti proposes that rhythm’s anthropological genesis is
associated with racing: “Rhythm is at its origin a rhythm of feet; it produces, intentionally or not,
a rhythmic noise.” But this racing is not predictable as a robot’s would be; “the two feet never
land with the same force. The difference between them might be more or less vast, depending on
personal dispositions and moods. But you can also go faster or more slowly, run, suddenly stop,
jump…” This means that rhythm is the opposite of a program, that it depends on forms-of-life, and
that speed problems can be dealt with by looking at rhythm issues. All bodies, insofar as they are
wobbly, have a certain rhythm that shows that it is in their nature to hold untenable/unholdable
positions. This rhythm, which comes from the limping/wobble of bodies, the movement of feet,
Canetti adds, is — furthermore — at the origins of writing, in the sense that it started with the
tracks left by animals in motion, that is, of History in motion. Events are the appearance of such
traces and making History means improvising in search of a rhythm. Whatever credit we give to
Canetti’s demonstrations, they do indicate — as true fictions do — that political kinetics can be
better understood as the politics of rhythm. This means, a minima, that the binary techno-rhythm
imposed by cybernetics must be opposed by other rhythms.
But it also means that these other rhythms, as manifestations of ontological wobbliness, have
always had a creative political function. Canetti himself also discusses how on the one hand “the
rapid repetition by which steps are added onto steps gives the illusion that there’s a larger number
of beings present. They do not move from place to place, they carry on their dance always in the
same location. The noise made by their steps does not die, it is repeated and echoes out for a
long time, always with the same resonance and the same vivacity. They make up for their small
size in number by their intensity.” On the other hand, “when their trampling is reinforced, it is
as if they had called for backup. They exercise a force of attraction on everybody in the area, a
force that doesn’t stop as long as they continue their dance.” Searching for good rhythm, then,
opens things up for an intensification of experience as well as for numerical increase. It is an
instrument of aggregation as well as an exemplary action to be imitated. On the individual scale
as well as on the social scale, bodies themselves lose their sense of unity in order to grow as
potential weapons: “the equivalence of the participants ramifies out into the equivalency of their
members. Everything mobile about a human body takes on a life of its own, each leg, each arm
lives as if for itself alone.” The politics of rhythm is thus the search for a reverberation, another
state, comparable to trance on the part of the social body, through the ramification of each body.
Because there are indeed two possible regimes of rhythm in the cybernetized Empire. The first,
which Simondon refers to, is that of the technician-man, who “ensure the integrative function and
prolong self-regulation outside of each monad of automatism,” technicians whose “lives are made
up of the rhythm of the machines surrounding them, and that connect them to each other.” The
second rhythm aims to undermine this interconnective function: it is profoundly dis-integrating,
rather than merely noisy. It is a rhythm of disconnection. The collective conquest of this accurate
dissonant tempo must come from a prior abandon to improvisation.

“Lifting the curtain of words, improvisation becomes gesture,
an act still unspoken,
a form still unnamed, un-normed, un-honored.
To abandon oneself to improvisation
to liberate oneself already — however beautiful they may be -
from the world’s already-present musical narratives.
Already present, already beautiful, already narratives, already a world.
To undo, o Penelope, the musical bandaging that forms
our cocoon of sound,
which is not the world, but is the ritual habit of the world.
Abandoned, it offers itself up to what floats outside and around meaning,
around words,
around the codes;
it offers itself up to the intensities,
to reserve, to enthusiasm, to energy,
in sum, to the nearly-unnamable.
…Improvisation welcomes threats and transcends them,
it dispossesses them of themselves and records their potential and risk.”

“It’s the haze, the solar haze, filling space. Rebellion itself is a gas, a vapor. Haze is
the first state of nascent perception and produces the mirage in which things climb
and drop, like the movement of a piston, and men rise and hover, suspended by a
cord. Hazy vision, blurred vision; a sketch of a kind of hallucinatory perception, a
cosmic gray. The gray splits in two, and gives out black when shadow wins out or
light disappears, but also gives out white when the luminous itself becomes opaque.”
Gilles Deleuze, “Shame and Glory: T.E. Lawrence,” Critic and Clinic, 1993.

“No one and nothing gives an alternative adventure as a present: there’s no possible
adventure besides that of conquering a fate. You can’t wage this conquest without
starting from that spatio-temporal place where ‘your’ things stamp you as one of
Giorgio Cesarano, Survival Manual, 1975

From the cybernetic perspective, threats cannot be welcomed and transcended a fortiori. They
must be absorbed, eliminated. I’ve already said that the infinitely renewed impossibility of this
annihilation of events is the final certainty that practices of opposition to the device-governed
world can be founded on. Threat, and its generalization in the form of panic, poses an unsolv-
able energetic problem for the holders of the cybernetic hypothesis. Simondon thus explains that
machines with a high information outflow and control their environment with precision have a
weak energetic output. Conversely, machines that require little energy to carry out their cyber-
netic mission produce a poor rendering of reality. The transformation of forms into information
basically contains two opposing imperatives: “information is in one sense that which brings a
series of unpredictable, new states, following no predefined course at all; it is thus that which
requires absolute availability from an information channel with respect to all the aspects of mod-
ulation that it routes along; the information channel should in itself have no predetermined form
and should not be selective… On the opposite hand, information is distinct from noise because in-
formation can be assigned a certain code and given a relative uniformization; in all cases where
noise cannot be immediately/directly brought down to below a certain level, a reduction of the
margin of indetermination and unpredictability in information signals is made.” In other words,
for a physical, biological, or social system to have enough energy to ensure its reproduction, its
control devices must carve into the mass of the unknown, and slice into the ensemble of possi-
bilities between what is characterized by pure chance, and has nothing to do with control, and
what can enter into control as hazard risks, immediately susceptible to a probability calculation.
It follows that for any device, as in the specific case of sound recording devices, “a compromise
should be made that preserves a sufficient information output to meet practical needs, and an
energy output high enough to keep the background noise at a level that does not disturb the
signal levels.” Or take the case of the police as another example; for it, this would just be a matter

of finding the balance point between repression — the function of which is to decrease social
background noise — and reconnaissance/intelligence — which inform them about the state of
and movements in society by looking at the signals it gives off.
To provoke panic first of all means extending the background interference that imposes itself
when the feedback loops are triggered, and which makes the recording of behavioral discrepan-
cies by the ensemble of cybernetic apparatuses costly. Strategic thinking grasped the offensive
scope of such interference early on. When Clausewitz was so bold as to say, for example, that
“popular resistance is obviously not fit to strike large-scale blows” but that “like something va-
porous and fluid, it should not condense anywhere.” Or when Lawrence counterposed traditional
armies, which “resemble immobile plants,” and guerrilla groups, comparable to “an influence, an
idea, a kind of intangible, invulnerable entity, with no front or back, which spreads everywhere
like a gas.” Interference is the prime vector of revolt. Transplanted into the cybernetic world, the
metaphor also makes reference to the resistance to the tyranny of transparency which control
imposes. Haze disrupts all the typical coordinates of perception. It makes it indiscernible what is
visible and what is invisible, what is information and what is an event. This is why it represents
one of the conditions for the possibility of events taking place. Fog makes revolt possible. In a
novel called “Love is Blind,” Boris Vian imagined what the effects of a real fog in existing rela-
tions. The inhabitants of a metropolis wake up one morning filled by a “tidal wave of opacity” that
progressively modifies all their behaviors. The needs imposed by appearances quickly become
useless and the city is taken over by collective experimentation. Love becomes free, facilitated by
a permanent nudity of all bodies. Orgies spread everywhere. Skin, hands, flesh; all regain their
prerogative, since “the domain of the possible is extended when one is no longer afraid that the
light might be turned on.” Incapable of prolonging a fog that they did not contribute to the for-
mation of, they are relieved when “the radio says that experts have noted that the phenomenon
will be returning regularly.” In light of this everyone decides to put out their own eyes so that life
can go on happily. The passage into destiny: the fog Vian speaks of can be conquered. It can be
conquered by reappropriating violence, a reappropriation that can even go as far as mutilation.
This violence consists entirely in the clearing away of defenses, in the opening of throughways,
meanings, minds. “Is it never pure?” asks Lyotard. “Is a dance something true? One could still
say yes. But that’s not its power.” To say that revolt must become foglike means that it should
be dissemination and dissimulation at the same time. In the same way as the offensive needs to
make itself opaque in order to succeed, opacity must make itself offensive in order to last: that’s
the cipher of the invisible revolt.
But that also means that its first objective must be to resist all attempts to reduce it away with
demands for representation. Fog is a vital response to the imperative of clarity, transparency,
which is the first imprint of imperial power on bodies. To become foglike means that I finally
take up the part of the shadows that command me and prevent me from believing all the fictions
of direct democracy insofar as they intend to ritualize the transparency of each person in their
own interests, and of all persons in the interests of all. To become opaque like fog means rec-
ognizing that we don’t represent anything, that we aren’t identifiable; it means taking on the
untotalizable character of the physical body as a political body; it means opening yourself up to
still-unknown possibilities. It means resisting with all your power any struggle for recognition.
Lyotard: “What you ask of us, theoreticians, is that we constitute ourselves as identities, as man-
agers. But if there’s one thing we’re sure of, it’s that this operation (of exclusion) is just a cheap
show, that incandescences are made by no one, and belong to no one.” Nevertheless, it won’t

be a matter of reorganizing a few secret societies or conquering conspiracies like free-masonry,
carbonarism, as the avant-gardes of the last century envisioned — I’m thinking mostly of the Col-
lege of Sociology. Establishing a zone of opacity where people can circulate and experiment freely
without bringing in the Empire’s information flows, means producing “anonymous singularities,”
recreating the conditions for a possible experience, an experience which will not be immediately
flattened out by a binary machine assigning a meaning/direction to it, a dense experience that
can transform desires and the moments where they manifest themselves into something beyond
desire, into a narrative, into a filled-out body. So, when Toni Negri asked Deleuze about commu-
nism, the latter was careful not to assimilate it into a realized and transparent communication:
“you ask whether societies of control or communication would give rise to forms of resistance
capable of giving a new chance for a communism conceived as a ‘transverse organization of free
individuals.’ I don’t know; perhaps. But this would be impossible if minorities got back hold of
the megaphone. Maybe words, communication, are rotten. They’re entirely penetrated by money:
not by accident, but by their nature. We have to detourn/misuse words. Creating has always been
something different from communicating. The important thing is maybe to create vacuoles of non-
communication, interrupters who escape control.” Yes, the important thing for us is to have opacity
zones, opening cavities, empty intervals, black blocs within the cybernetic matrix of power. The
irregular war waged against the Empire, on the level of a given place, a fight, a riot, from now
on will start with the construction of opaque and offensive zones. Each of these zones shall be
simultaneously a small group/nucleus starting from which one might experiment without being
perceptible, and a panic-propagating cloud within the ensemble of the imperial system, the coor-
dinated war machine, and spontaneous subversion at all levels. The proliferation of these zones
of offensive opacity (ZOO), and the intensification of their interrelations, will give rise to an
irreversible disequilibrium.
As a way of showing the kinds of conditions needed to “create opacity,” as a weapon and
as an interrupter of flows, it is useful to look one more time to the internal criticisms of the
cybernetic paradigm. Provoking a change of status/state in a physical or social system requires
that disorder, deviations from the norm, be concentrated into a space, whether real or virtual.
In order that behavioral fluctuations become contagious, it is necessary that they first attain a
“critical mass,” the nature of which is clarified by Prigogine and Stengers: “It results from the
fact that the ‘outside world,’ the environment around the fluctuating region, always tends to
deaden the fluctuation. Critical mass measures the relationship between the volume, where the
reactions take place, and the contact surface, the place of linkage. Critical mass is thus determined
by a competition between the system’s ‘power of integration’ and the chemical mechanisms
that amplify the fluctuation within the fluctuating subregion.” This means that all deployment of
fluctuations within a system is doomed to fail if it does not have at its disposition a local anchor, a
place from which the deviations that arise can move outwards, contaminating the whole system.
Lawrence confirms it, one more time: “The rebellion must have an unassailable base, a place
sheltered not only from attack but from the fear of attack.” In order for such a place to exist, it
has to have “independent supply lines,” without which no war is conceivable. If the question of the
base is central to all revolt, it is also because of the very principles on the basis of which systems
can attain equilibrium. For cybernetics, the possibility of a contagion that could topple the system
has to be absorbed/deadened by the most immediate environment around the autonomous zone
where the fluctuations take place. This means that the effects of control are more powerful in the

periphery closest to the offensive opacity zone that creates itself around the fluctuating region.
The size of the base must consequently grow ever greater as proximity monitoring is upheld.
These bases must also be as inscribed in the space itself as in people’s minds: “The Arab re-
volt,” Lawrence explains, “was to be found in the ports of the red sea, in the desert, or in the
minds of the men who supported it.” These are territories as much as they are mentalities. We’ll
call them planes of consistency. In order that offensive opacity zones can form and be reinforced,
there need to be planes like that, which connect deviations together, which work like a lever and
fulcrum to overturn fear. Autonomy, historically — the Italian Autonomia group of the 1970s for
example, and the Autonomy that is possible is none other than the continual movement of per-
severance of planes of consistency that establish themselves as unrepresentable spaces, as bases
for secession from society. The reappropriation by the critical cyberneticians of the category
of autonomy/self-rule — along with the ideas deriving from it, self-organization, auto-poïesis,
self-reference, self-production, self-valorization, etc. — is from this point of view the central ide-
ological maneuver of the last twenty years. Through the cybernetic prism, giving oneself one’s
own laws, producing subjectivities, in no way contradict the production of the system and its
regulation. By calling for the multiplication of Temporary Autonomous Zones (TAZ) in the real
world and in the virtual world ten years ago, Hakim Bey became the victim of the idealism of
those who wanted to abolish politics without having thought about it first. He found himself
forced to separate out a place for hedonistic practice within the TAZ, to separate out a place for
the “anarchist” expression of forms-of-life from the place of political resistance, from the form
of the struggle. If autonomy is here thought of as something temporary, it is because thinking
about its duration would require conceiving of a struggle that merges with all of life; envisioning
for example the transmission of warrior knowledge. Bey-type Liberal-anarchists are unaware of
the field of intensities in which their sovereignty cries out to be deployed and their project of
a social contract with no State at root postulates the identity of all beings since in the end it is
about maximizing pleasures in peace until the end of time. On the one hand. On the one hand
the TAZ are defined as “free enclaves,” places whose law is freedom, good things, the Marvelous.
On the other, the secession from the world that they issue from, the “folds” that they lodge them-
selves in between the real and its encoding, would not come into being until after a succession
of “refusals.” This “Californian Ideology,” by posing autonomy as an attribute of individual or
collective subjects, deliberately confuses two incommensurable planes: the “self-realization” of
persons and the “self-organization” of society. This is because autonomy, in the history of philos-
ophy, is an ambiguous notion that simultaneously expresses liberation from all constraints and
submission to higher natural laws, and can serve to feed the hybrid and restructuring discourses
of the “anarcho-capitalist” cyborgs.
The autonomy I’m talking about isn’t temporary nor simply defensive. It is not a substantial
quality of beings, but the very condition of their becoming/future. It doesn’t leave the supposed
unity of the Subject, but engenders multiplicities. It does not attack merely the sedentary forms
of power, like the State, and then skim over the circulating, “mobile,” “flexible” forms. It gives
itself the means of lasting and of moving from place to place, means of withdrawing as well as
attacking, opening itself up as well as closing itself off, connecting mute bodies as bodiless voices.
It sees this alternation as the result of an endless experimentation. “Autonomy” means that we
make the worlds that we are grow. The Empire, armed with cybernetics, insists on autonomy for it
alone, as the unitary system of the totality: it is thus forced to annihilate all autonomy whenever
it is heterogeneous. We say that autonomy is for everyone and that the fight for autonomy has to

be amplified. The present form taken on by the civil war is above all a fight against the monopoly
on autonomy. That experimentation will become the “fecund chaos,” communism, the end of the
cybernetic hypothesis.

The Anarchist Library

The Cybernetic Hypothesis

Retrieved on May 29, 2010 from cybernet.jottit.com


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