PetreRadescu DIEPSP RezSiteEN

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PhD Thesis Summary:

PhD Professor:

PhD Student:

The strong link between psychic and somatic dimensions is a recognized factor, on the
one hand, in sports where the outcome of sports performance is accepted as being under the
influence of psychic structure and dynamics and, on the other hand, in medicine, in
psychiatric disorders, different physical exercises are a way of therapeutic intervention
(controlled breathing exercises used in panic attacks, fitness programs used in depressive
With this background, we sought the development and verification of a niche training,
at the limit of psychic comfort and somatic (motor) abilities: ultra-slow motion intelligent
training (USMIT). USMIT is seen as a way of dual, somatic and psychic intervention: 1. for
increasing performance of the motor cortex coordination center (reducing the impact of motor
cortex fatigue syndrome; 2. for reducing psychic impulsivity and remodeling the
The thesis is structured in three parts: the first part, the theoretical background of the
related conceptual aspects, the actuality of the topic, a critical analysis of its reflection in the
specialized literature and the positioning of the new type of training; the second part,
preliminary research on the definition and verification of the USMIT training program and
means of evaluation and training; the third part, the actual research that aimed to
individualize the training for the Romanian Olympic Biathlon Team, Men, 2017-2018.


two chapters: Chapter 1: Conceptual aspects; Actuality of the topic and critical analysis of its
reflection in the specialized literature (and 18 subchapters: Phenomenological analysis;
Theoretical clarifications and points of view; The problem of voluntary motor dynamics -
Psycho-motor response to the demands; The predominantly functional, dynamic, component

of the psycho-motor response to demand complex; The predominantly structural, component
of the psycho-motor response-to-demand complex; The somatic component; The psychic
component; The noetic component; The person; The background dynamics of these
dimensions; Potential and psychic capacity in sports; The model of individual structures and
functions; Counseling or psychotherapeutic interventions; Basic aspects in the coordination
of slow, super slow and ultra-slow movements; Performance in motor coordination - benefit
of the neuroplasticity phenomenon, result of ultra-slow motion intelligent training (USMIT);
Motor performance expression of complexity and psychosomatic unity; Fear - value for
performance sports; The background of relationship in the education process. Romanian
particularities; Culture, tradition as impact; Practical educational aspects; Rules for
maintaining dialogue; Observations and comments; Practical applications: USMIT, the "Psy"
training; Motor learning; Computerized feedback; Somatic development and limitation
components; Aspects related to the psycho-emotional component; The value of the USMIT
program as an impact, both in the motor and in the psychic structure); Chapter 2: Conclusions
of the first part.
As a result of literature review we obtained the following clarifications:
1. Clarifications of some fundamental notions for performance sport viewed through the
phenomenological perspective: capacity, potential, sport, performance career, performance,
qualitative-quantitative, motor capacity, speed, motor genius.
Sport is the human motor activity (motor act) that has its self as purpose and meaning;
where sport has itself as meaning, educational and social value is implicit;
2. A first functional, integrated description of the mental processing, of the current
problem solving in the sports game, based on phenomenology and existential paradigm, with
the following model: impression (perception of the given situation) - analysis (understanding
the impression, its value) - expression - expression evaluation - reset (opening for new);
3. Opening a new field of training, that of cortical-motor training, through ultra-slow
physical exercises performed at speeds between 0.5 and 2cm / sec, correlated with several
complete breathing cycles - USMIT;
4. Fundamental clarifications related with educational relation coach-player, based on
the personal typology, viewed from the perspective of the existential analysis, with a model
based on three basic features of the personality: histrionic, narcissistic and borderline;
5. Fundamental clarifications in the field of emotionality, the value of affection, of
feelings (fear, courage, and trust) for performance sport;
6. Clarifications regarding limitations and opportunities of the psychosomatic support
for performance in sports viewed through phenomenological analysis and supported by
traditional scientific research, emphasizing that talent does not predict success in career and
assiduous training does not guarantee it.


Chapter 3: Methodological, operational preliminary research framework; Chapter 4:
Study directions for preliminary research; Chapter 5: Results and discussions on
preliminary research; Chapter 6: Conclusions of preliminary research.

Research aim
The study itself, with its directions, will attempt to quantify the value of clinical
observations in sports practice, particularly the correlation between impulsiveness and
dedication, on the one hand, and motor performance in the ultra-slow tempo and on the other
hand, possible correlations between the psychic maturity and the sports cultural universe.

Research objectives
1. Highlighting the possibility of evaluating neuromuscular control by Cartesian
motion analysis, based on the coordinating component, precision, of motion capacity (St1).
2. Validation of the theoretical classification of ultra slow movements (St1, St2).
3. Validation and adjustment of KinectX and KinectX Pro systems as ultra slow
Cartesian analysis systems (St1-St6).
4. Testing the consistency (persistence of precision when coordinating a body motion)
of the motor cortex control center in the absence of overload (St2).
5. Testing the correlation between the ability to dedicate to what athletes do
(temperament and impulse) and precision in motion coordination (St1-St4, St6).
6. Clarifying correlations between mental tone, psychic components (self-distancing,
reality retention, freedom in decision, involvement and dedication in one's life) and precision
in movement coordination (St3).
7. Define the practical guide to using KinectX and KinectX Pro.
8. The phenomenological understanding of the psychic (mental) resources needed for
ultra slow motion training and the elaboration of the practical training guide (St5).
9. Validated under controlled conditions of a first Ultra Slow Motion Intelligent
Training program (St6).

Research tasks
1. Establishing the general working plan, starting from the theoretical background.
2. Establishing, evaluating and adjusting work protocols.
3. Drawing up the calendar detail plan (see the research stages) and the detailed material
resources plan.
4. Elaboration protocols for assessment, testing, analysis and for volunteers.
5. Establishing collaborations with specialists involved in the research process.
6. Establish collaboration with experts and external partners involved in the development of
KinectX Pro (KXP) and KinectX (KX) Cartesian assessment systems.

Research hypotheses
1. The mental (psychic) training translated in mental balance correlates with high precision in
body motion coordination;
2. The ultra-slow motion exercise program (USMIT) increases and stabilizes body motion
3. Higher and more persistent body motion coordination associates with increase, specific
competitive performance.

Research methods: interview with or without scales and questionnaires;

phenomenological observation; analysis of predominantly objective data (tests,
questionnaires, statistical scales and correlations: the Student t test - Excel, MS Office 2014)
and predominantly subjective (phenomenological observation specialized for the psychic
component, in particular); experiment; assessment (testing) for psychic evaluation and motor
evaluation (KinectX Pro and KinectX).

Research subjects
A total of 183 subjects (from significant sports history to specialists with psychological
training) participated in preliminary research, over 497 tests for precision in coordination
(with or without computerized feedback). A subgroup of 24 subjects was a common
denominator for trials 1-3 (St1, St2 and St3).

Research period
Preliminary research was conducted between November 2015 and June 2017.

Research location
Bucharest (National University of Physical Education and Sport, RBARN), Galati
(East European Mental Health Conference), Oradea (SARTISS), Craiova (Brains Software

Evaluation tests
1. Precision in coordination testing with the motion Cartesian evaluation system, of the
KinectX Pro;
2. Testing precision in coordination with specific tennis tests;
3. Testing reaction speed and discriminatory reaction speed;
4. Psychological tests: Existential Scale (ESK) and Perceived Wellness Survey (PWS);
5. Sensory Organization Test - SOT, NeuroCom System 8.6.0;
6. Parameters proposed for analysis were: heart rate (HR), oxygen saturation;

Conclusions for Part II

Results of the preliminary research are promising (see Tab. 9) and require a series of
prospective group assessments for different sporting disciplines for the use of the ultra-slow
motion training method as a specific training method for the precision in coordination,
coordination at the limit of human possibilities and, secondary, to assess the impact of this
type of training on the ability of "being in the zone", to transcend.

Tab. 9. Analysis of null hypotheses and assumptions for St1-St6 (S1-S6) trials

Null hypotheses
#1 Existential Scale (ESK) and Perceived Wellness Survey (PWS), reaction rate (VRad,
VRDad) and KinectX Pro tests (PIKI 4.0) do not show a correlation factor.
#2 Following a specific ultra-slow motion program (USMIT, 60/90/180 days) does not
change the VRad, VRDad, KinectX Pro (PIKI 4.0) results, nor does a standard precision
assessment used in the sports club (EvSTD-Club ).
Testing hypotheses (TH) Results TH
S1 #1 Speed is an intermediate motion capacity, aspect that Validated
results from a qualitative, Cartesian analysis in ultra slow
Ultra-slow motion and KinectX Pro can be quantified by Validated
setting specific parameters.
There is a particular psychological impact, important, Validated
associated with ultra slow exercise, highlighted by the
phenomenological analysis, resulting from the difficulty of
performing an ultra slow exercise.
S2 #1 Partially invalidated Psychic maturity is associated with the degree and type of Validated
professional activity.
Significant correlations Response speed and discriminatory response speed Not Validated
were noted between ESK correlate with some psychic tests (ESK) or with precision
parameters and KinectX Pro in coordination (KinectX Pro tests).
tests.. The precision in coordination (KinectX Pro tests) is Validated
related to some temperamental features (ESK scale).
There is a particular psychological impact, important, Validated
associated with ultra slow exercise, highlighted by the
phenomenological analysis, resulting from the difficulty of
performing an ultra slow motion exercise.

S3 #1 Partially invalidated The precision in coordination (KinectX Pro tests) is Validated
related to some temperamental features (ESK scale).
Significant correlations There is a particular psychological impact, important, Validated
were noted between ESK associated with ultra slow exercise, highlighted by the
parameters and KinectX Pro phenomenological analysis, resulting from the difficulty of
tests. performing an ultra slow exercise.
S4 #1 The KinectX Pro evaluation and training system can Validated
produce valid and consistent results.
The KinectX Pro evaluation system has manageable Validated
advantages and limitations by controlling some test
S5 #1 Exercises and ultra-slow motion exercises have a specific Validated
psychological impact that is highlighted by the
phenomenological analysis, resulting from the difficulty of
motion coordination.
A general guide can be made for psychic and somatic, Validated
feelings and sensations generated by the execution of an
ultra slow body motion.
S6 #2 Invalidated The USMIT program generates an increase in the Validated
precision of body motion coordination assessed by
Significant correlations have KinectX Pro testing.
been highlighted between The USMIT program generates an increase in sports Validated
the USMIT program, performance, assessed by specific tests.
KinectX Pro testing and
sports performance.

In addition, due to the sustained correlations for different target groups, between
mental (psychic) tone and precision in body motion coordination, a new way for research
opens: a training (USMIT) that can influence impulsiveness, temperament, and brings clear
benefits to quality of life through psychological balance.


EXERCISE IMPACT - PSYCHIC STRUCTURE consists of six chapters: Chapter 7: The
methodological framework, operational of experimental research; Chapter 8: Processing and
interpretation of experimental research results; Chapter 9: Conclusions of experimental
research; Chapter 10: Research limitations; Chapter 11: Conclusions; Chapter 12: Elements
of originality, practical use of research and dissemination of results.

Research aim
The aim of the research was to increase the athletes' performance in competitive
performance during the 2018 Winter Olympics, using, on the one hand, an attitude, an
approach to international competition (the biathlon world championship and the European
biathlon championship, the 2017- 2018) as a basic training opportunity, and on the other
hand, a specific ultra slow motion training (USMIT) associated with a psychological
counseling and training program based on phenomenological, existential analysis.

Research objectives
1. Clarifying the reality of the sports performance career, "releasing" the motivation for this
approach and finding the mental (psychic) resources to support the effort for performance.
2. Attenuating and changing the attitude towards failure by discovering the universal,
educational valences of performance training and their use in other areas of life (a possible
other career).
3. Discovering the joy of living, the value of relationships and own value, for young
performance athletes, either in success or in failure.

4. Validation of cognitive motor exercise packages and associated phenomenological analysis
as beneficial in the impulse control process.
5. Establish specific physical and psychological training lines with significant impact on the
cortex centers of body motion coordination and expression in: increasing the precision in
coordination and the persistence of this precision.

Research tasks
1. Valuing the information obtained in the preliminary research by integrating them into the
training programs (intervention) used in the experimental research.
2. Evaluating the biathlon training needs, the polygon test and their correlation with the
individual needs of the subjects involved in the experimental research.
3. Establishing the timetable for the implementation of the experimental research according to
the competition calendar and the needs imposed by the objectives of the national biathlon
group of Romania.
4. Obtaining informed cooperation agreement with the Romanian Ski and Biathlon Federation
and obtaining the personal information agreement for the athletes participating in the
experimental research.
5. Implementation of experimental training programs, collection, processing and
interpretation of data for the training and competition period, season 2017-2018.
7. Drawing up and presenting reports of evolution of individual performance for the subjects
participating in the study and collecting the subjective impressions, the degree of satisfaction
with these results.
6. Clarifying the findings of the experimental research.

Research hypothesis
Ultra-slow motion exercises (USME) and phenomenological-existential training
programs increase competitive performance by increasing and persisting precision in

Research methods: interview or based or not on scales and questionnaires;

phenomenological observation; analysis of predominantly objective data (tests,
questionnaires, statistical scales and correlations: the Student t test - Excel, MS Office 2014)
and predominantly subjective data (phenomenological observation specialized for the psychic
component, in particular); experiment; assessment (testing) for mental (psychic) evaluation
and motion evaluation (KinectX Pro and KinectX).

Research subjects
Seven performance athletes with relatively similar history, with varying degrees of
experience (from a first edition in the world championship to more than 5 editions), members
of the national and Olympic Romanian biathlon team, were selected. They participated in all
stages of the study.

Research period
The research was conducted during the 2017-2018 competitive season (Olympic year)
for a 10-month, , with major goal competition included in February 2018.

Research location
Biathlon Training Camp, Grădiştei Cheile, Romania;
Biathlon Training Camp, Pârâul Rece, Romania;
Biometric tests were conducted at the Izvorani Olympic Training Center.

Evaluation tests
1. Precision in coordination testing with the Cartesian evaluation system of the KinectX Pro
2. Testing precision in coordination with specific biathlon tests.
3. Testing reaction speed and discriminatory reaction speed.
4. Psychological tests: Existential Scale (ESK) and Perceived Wellness Survey (PWS);
5. Other tests: VO2max tests (maximum oxygen consumption) and HR max (maximum heart
rate), heart rate, waist, oxygen saturation at the dominant hand (right).

Conclusions of Part III

Results of the study support the existence of a new category of training, the ultra-slow
motion intelligent training (USMIT), which promises to open a specific chapter in sports
training planning, by increasing the efficiency of precision in coordination with persistently
high precision and reducing the resources needed to achieve superior results at this chapter.
We can say that USMIT is, compared to Super Slow Training, "the ultimate exercise
In relation with statistical results obtained for the team activity, in the context of the
objectives of the national biathlon group and the historical dynamics, on the one hand, and
the phenomenological analysis of each case (athlete), on the other hand, we have considered
three hypotheses of null:
NH1: the USMIT-LNB2018 program does not influence precision in motor
NH2: the USMIT-LNB2018 program does not influence the results for a macro-cycle
(does not affect the competitive outcome of the Biathlon National Team at the Winter
Olympics in 2018);
NH3: The counseling program with existential analytical background does not
influence the results in competition for a macro-cycle (does not influence the competition
outcome of the national biathlon group at the Winter Olympics in 2018).
USMIT together with intervention programs of counseling and psychotherapy, with
existential analytical background, increase competitive performance by increasing and
persisting precision in coordination and by improving psychological tone.
Based on these data, USMIT can be seen as a viable way to combat cortical motor
fatigue syndrome.
Corresponding to phenomenological, personal, existential analytical positions,
intelligent training through ultra-slow motion (USMIT) can become an instrument of
intervention in personality structure, in managing impulsivity and remodeling the
temperamental component.
All these observations support the opportunity to increase sport performance through
better management of athletes' resources by mobilizing an unused potential and transforming
it into explicit capabilities.

Documentation and realization of the preliminary and the experimental research
regarding the physical - mental structure duality allowed us:
1. Clarifications of some fundamental notions for performance in sports, seen through the
phenomenological perspective: capacity, potential, sport, performance career, performance,
qualitative-quantitative, motion capacity, speed, motion genius.
2. A first functional description, integrated, of the mental processing, of the current problem
solving in the sports game, phenomenological based and also existential analytical based.

3. Opening a new training area, that of cortical-motor training, through ultra-slow motion
4. Fundamental clarifications related with educational relation coach-player, based on the
personal typology, viewed from the perspective of the existential analysis model.
5. Fundamental clarifications in the field of emotionality, the value of affection, of feelings
(fear, courage, and trust) for performance sport.
6. Clarifications regarding limitations and opportunities of the psychosomatic support for
performance in sports viewed through phenomenological analysis and supported by
traditional scientific research.
7. Due to the sustained correlations, for different target groups, between mental (psychic)
tone and precision in motor coordination, a research direction opens, regarding a workout
(USMIT) that can influence impulsiveness, temperament and that can bring clear benefits to
the quality of life through psychological balance.
8. Establishment of a new training class, ultra-slow motion intelligent training (USMIT),
promise to open a new chapter in sports training planning, increasing the efficiency of high-
precision in coordination and reducing the resources needed to achieve superior results in this
field. .
9. USMIT (as the "last practice protocol") can be seen as a viable way to combat motor cortex
fatigue syndrome.
10. In conjunction with phenomenological-personal, analytical existential positions,
intelligent training through ultra slow motion (USMIT) can become a tool of intervention in
the personality structure, impulse management and remodeling of the temperamental
11. All these promising results require a series of prospective group assessments for different
sports disciplines in order to capitalize on the USMIT method as a specific training method
for precision in coordination, coordination at the limit of human possibilities and secondary
for the assessment of the impact of this type of training on the ability to "be in the zone", to
12. The remarks advocate the opportunity to increase sports performance through better
management of athletes' resources by mobilizing an unused potential and transforming it into
explicit capabilities.
13. Duality of the impact between physical exercise and psychic structure, understood as a
reflection of antagonistic tension, generated by the clash between the two functional, somatic
and psychic dimensions, is a reality, hindering the use of available resources and, implicitly, a
reduction in performance.


1. Attitude towards and understanding of the value of fear for high-performance sport.
2. An algorithm for preparation of daily routine as a support for competitive confrontation.
3. Intelligent training through ultra slow motion, the basic component and individualized
component for the specific sporting branch.
4. Phenomenological approach and existential analytical applications in the psychological
training of high-performance athletes.
5. Development of the training and evaluation systems in KinectX Pro and KinectX for
precision in body motion coordination.

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