Drilling of Gas Hydrate Reservoirs: Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering September 2016

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Drilling of Gas Hydrate Reservoirs

Article  in  Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering · September 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.jngse.2016.09.058


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1 author:

Şükrü Merey



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Wellbore Stability Forecast with Application on Hydrate Reservoirs View project

Numerical Codes for Gas Hydrates View project

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Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 1167e1179

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Drilling of gas hydrate reservoirs

Şükrü Merey
Middle East Technical University, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Ankara, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: With the consumption of conventional hydrocarbon reserves and advancement in drilling technology,
Received 9 August 2016 recently there is a high interest in gas hydrates in the world. Due to lack of experience and sensitive
Received in revised form nature of gas hydrates, drilling in gas hydrate reservoirs were considered as risky. However, recent
16 September 2016
drilling data in gas hydrates shows that successful drilling operations in gas hydrate reservoirs are
Accepted 21 September 2016
possible with some special measurements such as specially designed drilling fluid and cement slurry etc.
Available online 23 September 2016
In this study, open-hole riserless drilling, drilling with riser in marine environment, logging while
drilling, drilling fluid, cement and coring systems used in hydrate exploration are explained.
Gas hydrates
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167
2. Gas hydrate well location selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1168
2.1. Logging while drilling (LWD) in gas hydrate wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1170
3. Drilling in gas hydrate reservoirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1170
4. Drilling fluid selection in gas hydrate wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1172
5. Casing cementing in gas hydrate wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1173
6. Coring in gas hydrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1174
7. Discussion about drilling in gas hydrate wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1175
8. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1176
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1176

1. Introduction attached by solid hydrogen bonds at low temperatures and high

pressures. The gas and water molecules are tightly bonded by van
With the consumption of conventional oil and gas reservoirs, der Waals force on the other hand (Sloan and Koh, 2008; Carroll,
recently unconventional gas reservoirs such as gas hydrates and 2009; Ye and Liu, 2013; Merey and Sınayuç, 2016b). Although
shale gas have become very popular. Moreover, these reservoirs are natural gas might include methane and other impurities such as
considered as less harmful for the environment (Kok and Merey, ethane, propane etc., 99% of gas hydrate reservoirs includes 100%
2014). Gas hydrates are ice-like structures formed at high pres- methane (Kvenvolden, 2002; Demirbas, 2010; Collett et al., 2015).
sure and low temperature conditions. Basically, gas molecules Methane gas hydrates are commonly observed in marine envi-
(methane, ethane, propane, etc.) are trapped in the cage structure ronment and permafrost regions. However, it is considered that
formed by water molecules. The latticed water molecules are approximately 99% of methane (CH4) hydrates are found in marine
environment (Max et al., 2013; Ruppel, 2014). As shown in Fig. 1, gas
hydrates are mostly located on near shore area in marine envi-
ronment because these regions are organic rich and temperature,
E-mail address: [email protected].

1875-5100/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1168 Ş. Merey / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 1167e1179

Fig. 1. Gas hydrate distribution map (SBC, 2015).

pressure conditions are appropriate for gas hydrate formation. Previously, there are many reviews on the gas hydrate produc-
Since 1970s, many gas hydrate reservoir calculations have been tion methods, marine gas hydrate geochemistry, and seismic sur-
done in the world with very unlimited data such as sediment type, veys (Kvenvolden, 1995; Koh and Sloan, 2007; Makogon, 2010; Sun
organic content, gas hydrate stability zone, temperature, pressure, et al., 2014; Xu and Li, 2015; Chong et al., 2016). However, there are
etc. Hence, there are big differences in these reserve calculations not any review summarizing drilling activities in this area. There-
because of different assumptions made by different scientists fore, in this review, it is aimed to summarize and discuss the drilling
(Johnson, 2011; Chong et al., 2016). However, even the most con- operations in gas hydrate reservoirs.
servative estimates place the amount of gas contained within hy-
drate deposits at least two times larger than the global estimates of
conventional natural gas of 4.4  1014 standard m3 (Koh et al., 2. Gas hydrate well location selection
There are mainly four production methods for gas hydrates: During the exploration of gas hydrate reservoirs, seismic sur-
depressurization, thermal injection, carbon dioxide (CO2) injection veys, gas seepages, gas plumes, gas hydrate mounds in marine
and chemical injection Depressurization method is mainly to environment, temperature and pressure profiles are evaluated
decrease reservoir pressure below hydrate equilibrium pressure (Majumdar et al., 2016; Beaudoin et al., 2014; Barnard et al., 2016).
and dissociate gas hydrates. Thermal injection is applied by According to the results of these exploration studies, possible
increasing reservoir temperature with hot water or steam and drilling locations are determined. Temperature and pressure profile
disrupt hydrate equilibrium conditions. CO2 hydrate is the most of marine environment and permafrost settings are quite important
stable compared to CH4 hydrate so there is a replacement of CO2 to understand the thickness of gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ)
and CH4 and this provides CH4 production (Chen et al., 2015a; Xu where gas hydrate reservoirs likely to exist. As shown in Fig. 2, in
and Li., 2015; Abbasov et al., 2016; Merey and Sınayuç, 2016c). marine environment, from sea surface to sea floor, temperature
Recently, many gas hydrate exploration and production projects decreases and then it increases in sediments. In marine environ-
have been implemented because of their abundance potential ment, CH4 hydrate is stable if sea depth is higher than 300e400 m
(Arora et al., 2015; Merey and Sınayuç, 2016a). Several production (Demirbas, 2010; Thakur and Rajput, 2011). Below the depth where
wells and injection wells in Mallik Field, Canada have been drilled. blue curve and orange curve intersect in Fig. 2, CH4 hydrate is not
Depressurization and thermal injection production methods were stable and if gas exists below this depth, it is free gas in pores. For
tested in this field (Takahashi et al., 2001; Collett et al., 2009). example, an average temperature increase by 3  C per 100 m
Similarly, the first offshore gas hydrate well was tested in 2013 by sediment depth (geothermal gradient), when drilling at a water
depressurization production method and 120,000 m3 CH4 was depth of 300 m, we can expect to find a 300-m-thick hydrate layer.
produced in 6 days in Nankai Field, Japan (Saeki, 2014). CO2 injec- At 1000 m water depth, the layer will be 600 m thick (Rinkel, 2013;
tion production method was firstly tested in Ignik Sikumi Field, Majorowicz et al., 2013).
Alaska by injecting 77.5% N2 and 22.5% CO2 and CO2-CH4 replace- In order to consider gas hydrate as an energy source, gas hy-
ment was observed. During the test, 855 Mscf of CH4 and 1136.5 bbl drates should be evenly distributed in sediments. Especially, gas
water were produced (Schoderbek et al., 2013; Kvamme, 2016). As hydrates in coarse sand reservoirs are considered as target gas
well as production tests from gas hydrate reservoirs, some coun- hydrate reservoirs for gas production. Therefore, gas hydrates
tries such as USA, Japan, India, Korea, China and Turkey are formed as mound near sea floor are not currently considered as an
currently conducting gas hydrate exploration activities, mainly, energy source (Moridis et al., 2008, 2013; Kurihara et al., 2011;
seismic survey, drilling exploration wells, coring, logging etc. Merey and Sınayuç, 2016a). Mainly, there are three gas hydrate
(Boswell et al., 2012; Saeki, 2014; Sahay and Johnson, 2014; Singh reservoirs: Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 as seen in Fig. 3. At the same
and Prakash, 2015; Ryu et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2015; Max and conditions, Class 1 reservoirs are the most promising in terms of gas
Johnson, 2016). production because free gas zone below hydrate zone eases the
depressurization of gas hydrate reservoir (Kurihara et al., 2011;
Ş. Merey / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 1167e1179 1169

Fig. 2. Stability conditions for gas hydrates (Beaudoin et al., 2014).

Fig. 3. Types of gas hydrate reservoirs.

Moridis et al., 2013; Xu and Liu, 2015; Merey and Sınayuç, 2016a; 2009; Max et al., 2013; Boswell, 2014; Vadakkepuliyambatta
Boswell and Collett, 2016; Chong et al., 2016). et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2015b; Miwa et al., 2016; Merey and
Class 1 gas hydrate reservoirs are commonly found near the Sınayuç, 2016a):
bottom of GHSZ and below gas hydrate section, there is a free gas
section because pressure and temperature conditions are outside of ➢ Gas hydrate stability zone (appropriate temperature and pres-
gas hydrate equilibrium conditions at free gas section (Kucuk et al., sure conditions)
2015; Merey and Sınayuç, 2016a). Due to phase difference between ➢ Organic rich sediments (especially near shore area in marine
gas hydrate section and free gas section near GHSZ, there is a environments)
seismic anomaly which is called bottom simulating reflectance ➢ BSRs
(BSR). BSR lines are commonly used to determine the gas hydrate ➢ High gas hydrate saturation and avoiding shallow gas
reservoirs (Vadakkepuliyambatta et al., 2015; Kucuk et al., 2015; ➢ Gas seepages and plumes near the study area
Kim et al., 2016; Majumdar et al., 2016). According to Majumdar ➢ Mud volcanoes, pockmarks and mound near the study area
et al. (2016), BSR increases the chances of finding gas hydrates by
2.6 times as opposed to drilling outside a BSR. Hence, the following Logging while drilling is an important operation to select dril-
criteria are investigated to determine gas hydrate reservoir location ling test and production well locations:
and to drill exploration and/or production wells (Pohlman et al.,
1170 Ş. Merey / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 1167e1179

2.1. Logging while drilling (LWD) in gas hydrate wells marine gas hydrate drilling expeditions are mostly to collect core
and log data from gas hydrate reservoirs and use these cores for
Gas hydrates dissociate when temperature and or pressure mainly the following analysis (Bohrmann et al., 2007; Jiang et al.,
outside of gas hydrate stability zone. Hence, with conventional 2011; Kim et al., 2012; Hyodo et al., 2013; Wei et al., 2015):
coring methods, gas hydrates in the core dissociate at rig floor.
Logging while drilling is considered as a quick way to investigate ➢ Sediment analysis (sediment types, grain size analysis, etc.)
the sediments where gas hydrate exists instead of long coring op- ➢ Geochemical analysis (TOC analysis, 13C analysis, pore water Cl
erations (Collett, 1992; Cook et al., 2009; Sahay and Johnson, 2014). analysis, etc.)
In Gulf of Mexico, many scientific wells were drilled with LWD ➢ Saturation determination (hydrate saturation, water and gas
method to get many scientific data such as gas hydrate saturation, saturation)
lithology, fractures, etc. By using the LWD equipment of Schlum- ➢ Rock analysis (porosity, permeability and rock strength, etc.)
berger, gamma ray log, density log, NMR porosity log, resistivity log,
and sonic logs were taken in Gulf of Mexico (Collett et al., 2009; Most of marine gas hydrate drilling expeditions are currently
Cook et al., 2009; Guerin et al., 2009; McConnell et al., 2009). being held for exploration purposes because scientists plan to get
Table 1 lists the behavior of well logs in gas and gas hydrate many information about gas hydrate reservoirs with these wells
zones. Hence, gas hydrate zones can be determined with LWD. and then finally they plan to drill production test and observations
Resistivity log shows high peaks in the sediments where gas hy- wells (Collett et al., 2015). Hence, especially in offshore drilling,
drate exists. Fig. 4 shows that gas hydrate saturation are highest most shallow gas hydrate exploration wells are drilled without
where resistivity log values are high. As well as log data, drilling riser. Many exploration wells (holes) were drilled in Gulf of Mexico,
data such as drilling rate can be used to determine gas hydrate Nankai Field (Japan) and Krishna-Godawari basin (India) without
zone. Generally, in gas hydrate sections, the relative drilling rate risers (McConnell et al., 2009; Moridis et al., 2010; Tanahashi, 2011;
decreases, due to the solid nature of the gas hydrate (Collett, 1992). Rach, 2008). However, for production test wells and observation
wells, drilling in offshore were mostly completed with riser as in
3. Drilling in gas hydrate reservoirs Nankai Field (Japan) (Takahashi et al., 2005; MH21, 2008; Fujii et al.,
In the world, currently, there is much experience of drilling for Fig. 5 illustrates offshore gas hydrate well drilling with and
conventional oil and gas explorations both in offshore and onshore without risers. Mostly, drilling without riser is conducted for
environment. However, especially, drilling gas hydrate wells is still shallow exploration and scientific purposes. For gas hydrate ex-
immature. Hence, scientists mostly evaluate the drilling in gas plorations, many wells (holes) are drilled this way where there are
hydrates with only little data related to gas hydrates and their strong BSRs. Generally, logging while drilling (LWD) and coring
guesses. There is a common idea that drilling gas hydrate reservoirs operations are conducted in these riserless drilling as in Gulf
is quite risky. Some of these risks are listed as (Yakushev and Collett, Mexico and India (McConnell et al., 2009; Moridis et al., 2010; Rach,
1992; Maurer, 2000; Tan et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2007; Amodu, 2008). On the contrary, drilling with riser are conducted for injec-
2008; Khabibullin et al., 2010; Liang et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2015; tion, observation and production test wells as in Nankai Field
Golmohammadi and Nakhaee, 2015): (Takahashi et al., 2005; MH21, 2008) These wells are drilled ac-
cording to the data gained in riserless drilling. Table 2 summarizes
➢ Plugging of borehole due to gas hydrate formation operational differences in drilling with and without riser for gas
➢ Blowout because of sudden gas hydrate dissociation hydrate exploration.
➢ Slope failure risk due to sudden gas hydrate dissociation Compared to conventional oil and gas reservoirs in marine
➢ Wellbore stability problems and wellbore collapse risks due to sediments, gas hydrates exist in shallower sea sediments (Max and
the loose sediments after gas hydrate dissociation. Johnson, 2016). Fig. 6 illustrates the difference between the drilling
depths of gas hydrate and conventional deep-water oil and gas
After the beginning of 2000, many exploration, injection and deposits when sea depth is assumed as 2500 m. Hence, gas hy-
production test wells were drilled in gas hydrate reservoirs both in drates exist inside shallow sea sediments. However, expensive
marine environment and permafrost. In permafrost, many pro- drilling ships and semisubmersible rigs are mostly designed to be
duction and injection test wells were drilled in Mallik Field (Can- used for deep marine conventional oil and gas exploration. Hence,
ada), Qing-Tibet Plateau (China), Ignik Sikimu Field (USA) (Saeki, there is an idea to use specifically designed submersible rigs for gas
2014; Zhang et al., 2014; Schoderbek et al., 2013). In marine envi- hydrate exploration because these rigs are considered as cheaper
ronment, many gas hydrate wells were also drilled in Gulf of and much practical compared to drilling ships and semi-
Mexico (USA), Nankai Field (Japan), Krishna Godavari Basin (India), submersible rigs (Spagnoli and Freudenthal, 2013; Freudenthal and
Ulleung Basin (Korea), South China Sea (China) and Mount Elbert Wefer, 2013; SBC, 2015; Abid et al., 2015). In 2001, submersible-
(Alaska North Slope) (Collett et al., 2012a; MH21, 2008; Sahay and deployed micro-drill was developed by Texas A&M University for
Johnson, 2014; Ryu et al., 2013; Shengxiong et al., 2015; Lee et al., a project in order to obtain samples from shallow gas hydrates in
2011). Around 99% of gas hydrate reservoirs are found in marine Gulf of Mexico (NAP, 2004). Similarly, the sea floor drill rig MeBo is
sediments (Max et al., 2013; Ruppel, 2014). The aim of recent a robotic drill rig that is deployed on the sea bed and remotely
controlled from the research vessel and it was developed at the
MARUM Research Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at
Table 1 Bremen University as shown in Fig. 7. Many coring operations for
Well logs in gas and gas hydrate zones (Sahay and Johnson, 2014).
gas hydrate exploration were conducted with MeBo rig. New
Gas zone Gas hydrate zone version of MeBo is capable of drilling a depth of 200 mbsf
Resistivity Increase Increase ((Spagnoli and Freudenthal, 2013; Freudenthal and Wefer, 2013;
NMR porosity Decrease Decrease Freudenthal et al., 2015). With the development of technology,
Acoustic velocity Decrease Increase these kinds of rigs are likely to be used widely for marine gas hy-
Neutron porosity Decrease Increase drate exploration.
Density porosity Increase Increase
Ş. Merey / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 1167e1179 1171

Fig. 4. Hydrate saturations from Archie's equation and LWD porosity and resistivity logs in Hole WR 313-G for the target sand layers from 2700 to 2900 fbsf (Cook et al., 2009).

Fig. 5. A) Riserless offshore gas hydrate well drilling B) Offshore gas hydrate drilling with riser.

Table 2
Comparison of offshore drilling with and without riser for gas hydrates (Kolle and Max, 2000; McConnell et al., 2009; Guerin et al., 2009; Moridis et al., 2010; Demirbas, 2010;
Ryu et al., 2013; Rogers, 2015).

Drilling Drilling operations

Without riser ➢ Drilling is conducted without riser for fast LWD and coring operations
➢ Mostly seawater is used as drilling fluid unless there is flow inside the well.
➢ Cuttings are transported from the bottom of well to seafloor and near sea floor, debris forms.
➢ No casing is set into the well.
➢ Mostly wells are abandoned with sea water after LWD operations.
➢ If there is flow from well to seafloor (observed by ROV vehicle camera in Fig. 5) heavy drilling fluid or cement plug are pumped into well then well is
With riser ➢ Drilling is conducted with riser and wellhead is also used.
➢ Generally, specially designed drilling fluid for gas hydrates is used to avoid any dissociation effect on gas hydrates.
➢ Cuttings are transported to the offshore rig via drilling fluid.
➢ Specially designed casings are inserted and they are cemented with specially designed cement for gas hydrates.
➢ Mostly these wells are drilled for production tests and observation wells in order to investigate the feasibility of gas hydrate production methods.
1172 Ş. Merey / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 1167e1179

slope failure, wellbore collapse, kick, and other health and safety
problems (Maurer, 2000; Liang et al., 2014; Fink, 2015). As well as
the main functions of drilling fluid such as cutting transports, etc.,
drilling fluid in gas hydrate well should not affect gas hydrate
During riserless LWD drilling in Gulf of Mexico nearly 182.88
mbsf, many wells were drilled and mostly sea water was used as
drilling fluid. Most of the problems were the similar problems
observed in every shallow marine drilling. Rarely near BSRs where
free gas exists, gas flow through the sea floor was observed via ROV
camera then the weight of sea water was increased with weighing
additives to kill wells. The wells drilled in Gulf of Mexico obviously
shows that gas hydrate in sediments are not very sensitive and they
do not dissociate immediately. Hence, many successful drilling,
coring and LWD operations were completed in Gulf of Mexico
(Guerin et al., 2009; McConnell et al., 2009; Cook et al., 2009).
It is important to separate exploration well and production test
wells in gas hydrates. Exploration wells drilled without riser is
mainly to investigate lithology and gas hydrate properties with
LWD and coring operations, then wells are abandoned. Therefore,
the stability of well is not very important for long term. However,
during drilling of production test wells and observation wells, the
stability of wells is quite important and wellbores should be less
affected during drilling because these wells are subject to long
production tests. Hence, during drilling production test wells and
observation wells, all necessary measures should be taken. For this
reason, instead of using sea water, specially designed drilling fluid
should be used. Table 3 shows the drilling fluid compositions used
in different gas hydrate field trials and some experimental studies.
During drilling, drilling fluid temperature should be kept near the
temperature of gas hydrate sediments (Fink, 2015). In Mallik Field
(permafrost) during the drilling of production test wells, lecithin-
Fig. 6. Drilling depths of gas hydrate and conventional deep-water oil and gas deposits water solution was used because lecithin is an effective additive
if sea depth is 2500 m (Adapted from Max and Johnson, 2016). to keep gas hydrate formation stable during drilling (Burger et al.,
2006). In Nankai Field, KCl polymer and sepiolite drilling mud
were used during drilling of gas hydrate wells. Although in gas
4. Drilling fluid selection in gas hydrate wells hydrate zones, there were no borehole enlargement, these en-
largements were observed in other non-hydrate layers (MH21,
Drilling fluid design is very crucial in all drilling operations. 2008). Compared to KCl mud, sepiolite mud is mostly used during
Different than conventional oil and gas wells, in gas hydrate wells, riserless gas hydrate drilling expeditions as in NGHP Expedition in
there is also a risk of dissociating gas hydrate which might cause India (Collett et al., 2012b). Sepiolite mud is mostly used to increase

Fig. 7. Schematic overview of the major components of the MeBo (Freudenthal and Wefer, 2013).
Ş. Merey / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 1167e1179 1173

Table 3
Drilling fluid composition in gas hydrate field trials.

Field Purpose Drilling fluid

Mallik Field, Canada (Burger et al., 2006) Production test wells and injection wells 6 weight % lecithin-water solution and a water based drilling fluid
(Telnite, KCl/polymer system)
Nankai Field, Japan (MH21, 2008) production test wells and observation wells KCl-polymer mud and sepiolite drilling fluid
NGHP Expedition, India (Collett et al., 2012b) Scientific expedition wells Sepiolite drilling fluid
Ignik Sikimu Permafrost Field, USA Production test well Oil-based drilling mud
(Schoderbek et al., 2013)

viscosity to transport cuttings from the bottom of the well to the hydration) of Class A, Class G and Class H are shown. These cements
sea floor and it is mostly used with saline or seawater. Its harm to are commonly used in conventional oil and gas reservoirs.
environment is negligible (Alvarez et al., 2011; Andrews et al., Because of high heat of hydration of conventional well cements,
2016). specially designed cement slurry is necessary to avoid gas hydrate
Grigg and Lynes (1992) proposed that oil-based mud could help dissociation after casing cementing in gas hydrate wells. Therefore,
control the formation of gas hydrates instead of water-based mud. these specially designed cements for gas hydrates should have
In Ignik Sikimu field (permafrost), CO2-CH4 swapping production (Halliburton; Schlumberger; Schoderbek, 2011; Silpngarmlert,
method was planned to be tested (Kvamme, 2016). While drilling 2011; Schoderbek et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014):
the production test well in this field, oil based drilling fluid was
used during drilling of gas hydrate sections because it was ➢ Lower heat of hydration than conventional cements
considered that oil based mud does not affect gas hydrate stability ➢ Lower thermal conductivity than conventional cements
and does not cause gas hydrate dissociation. Moreover, there is no ➢ Superior anti-gas migration performance than conventional
risk of oil based mud to freeze in cold surface conditions of Alaska cements
(Schoderbek et al., 2013). ➢ Low density for oceanic hydrate deposits as well as high
compressive strength
5. Casing cementing in gas hydrate wells
Some cement types used in Mallik Field, Ignik Sikumi field and
Nankai field are shown in Table 4. Temperature is an important
Casing and cementing operations are quite important for the
parameter for gas hydrate wells. Hence, it is important to monitor
wellbore stability and especially for conventional oil and gas res-
reservoir temperature in gas hydrate sections during cementing,
ervoirs, wells might produce more than 50 years so successful
perforation and production tests. The distributed temperature
casing and cementing operations are necessary (Bourgoyne et al.,
sensing (DTS) and array-type RTD (Resistance Temperature De-
1986). During gas hydrate explorations for scientific purposes,
tector) are connected from the outside of casings to monitor the
mostly riserless open-hole wells are drilled and no casing is
transient temperature profiles (Schoderbek et al., 2013; Wang et al.,
inserted to these well because the main objectives of these wells
2014). For example, Ignik Sikumi field, cementing plan was to
are to get log data and core data of marine sediments where gas
mix 5  F bulk cement with 37  F lake water to yield a 40  F slurry.
hydrates exists. However, if there is water and/or gas flow through
However, slurry temperature increased to approximately 80  F after
sea floor detected by ROV camera, cement plug is pumped into
mixing of ingredients and shearing to ensure uniform properties.
wells to stop flows. In Gulf of Mexico, many cement plugs are
Then, this slurry was pumped to the well and maximum recorded
inserted to openholes during gas hydrate expeditions. Mostly, near
temperature was 75  F at 2483 ft by DTS. Hydrate-bearing strata in
BSRs and GHSZ, gas flow was observed but in gas hydrate section,
the Sagavanirktok Upper C Sandstone naturally cooled back into the
no flow was observed so gas hydrate zones were not affected
hydrate stability zone within 18 h to its original temperature nearly
during drilling in Gulf of Mexico expeditions (Claypool et al., 2005;
42  F (Schoderbek, 2011; Schoderbek et al., 2013). Similarly, to the
McConnell et al., 2009; Guerin et al., 2009; Collett et al., 2012a).
heat released during cementing, during perforations, heat is
Different than gas hydrate scientific expeditions, casing and
released and it causes hydrate dissociation. Fig. 10 shows the
cementing operations are essential for gas hydrate production, in-
change of gas hydrate reservoir temperature after perforation with
jection and observation wells. In Fig. 8, the well profiles and casings
time in Ignik Sikumi production test well. The temperature
of a pilot well in Nankai field, CO2-CH4 production test well in Ignik
changed after cementing in Nankai field is also shown in Fig. 11 and
Sikimu and 5L-38 well in Mallik Field are shown. During casing
cementing caused almost 10  C increase. Although gas hydrate
settlements and cementing operations in these wells, the problems
reservoir temperature is increased by cementing and perforation
such as sudden dissociation of gas hydrate, kick, poor cementing
and gas hydrate dissociates, the reservoir temperature and gas
and wellbore collapse, etc. were not observed in these wells during
hydrate stability conditions turns back to almost its original con-
short-term well monitoring (MH21, 2008; Schoderbek et al., 2013;
ditions in closed system after some waiting times.
Fercho, 2002). These successful gas hydrate well drilling activities
Although the completion cementing operations in gas hydrate
are important to show that drilling and completion operations for
sections were applied for almost all gas hydrate production test
gas hydrates are not as risky as it is considered. In order to un-
wells, it was not implemented in the first marine gas hydrate
derstand the long term success of casing and cementing operations,
production test in Nankai Through. Instead of it, gravel packing
long-term well monitoring is necessary during long-term gas pro-
operations were conducted to keep the production test section as
duction from gas hydrate wells.
stable as possible. The main reason of this was to test gas produc-
In conventional oil and gas wells, the heat released after casing
tion from the marine gas hydrate sediments for the first time
cementation is not important because reservoir temperature is also
without any formation damage during cementing. After 120,000
high (Bourgoyne et al., 1986; Nelson, 1990). However, the heat
standard m3 CH4 production in 6 days with depressurization pro-
released after the hydration of cement might influence gas hydrate
duction method, 1060 ft3 sands were produced and then produc-
zones because gas hydrate reservoir temperature is quite low
tion test was terminated to solve these problems (Terao et al.,
(Wang et al., 2014). In Fig. 9, the heat evolution (or heat of
1174 Ş. Merey / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 1167e1179

Fig. 8. Gas hydrate well profiles: a) Nankai Field (MH21, 2008) b) Ignik Sikimu Field (Schoderbek et al., 2013) c) Mallik Field- Mallik 5L-38 (Fercho, 2002).

Fig. 9. Heat evolution for different types of cement (Pang et al., 2013).

Table 4
Specially designed cements used in some fields.

Casing Cement type Wait on cement

Mallik Field (Fercho, 2002) 7 Production casing @ 1200 m BJ lightweight polarset cement 16.5 h
Ignik Sikimu test well (Schoderbek et al., 2013) 75/800  4½00 tapered and instrumented Specially designed low heat-of-hydration cement 18 h
casing string
Nankai Field (Takahashi and Tsuji, 2005) 9 5/800 Casing Halliburton's tuned light cement system 10 days

2014). Moreover, for the long gas production from gas hydrate where there is gas hydrate potential and mostly BSR lines are used
sections with depressurization method, there is a need of to determine the drilling locations in marine environment. How-
completion cement in production section because geomechanical ever, only LWD and BSR data is no enough to characterize gas hy-
stability of the sediments decreases enormously after gas hydrate drate in marine sediments. In order to design a production well and
dissociation (Hyodo et al., 2014a, 2014b). to select production methods, many core data are needed. These
core data are mainly pressure, temperature, permeability, porosity,
6. Coring in gas hydrates pore water chlorine content, gas hydrate saturation, etc. (De Lange
and Brumsack, 1998; Bahk et al., 2013; Suzuki et al., 2015). Pressure
LWD method is very important to characterize the sediments coring system is essential while coring in gas hydrate sediments
Ş. Merey / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 1167e1179 1175

Fig. 10. Temperature of the hydrate-bearing interval during the perforation procedure as recorded by DTS (Schoderbek et al., 2013).

7. Discussion about drilling in gas hydrate wells

For many years, gas hydrates haven been seen as a treat for
conventional and oil well drilling and transmission of gas and oil
with pipelines. However, with the decline of conventional oil and
gas reserves, gas hydrates are considered as a future potential en-
ergy resource because of its vast amount of gas hydrate reserves
especially in marine sediments. Compared to conventional oil and
gas reservoir drilling and production activities, there is almost no
experience in gas hydrates. In this study, a few drilling activities in
gas hydrate wells both in permafrost and marine environment are
summarized. 99% of gas hydrates are available in marine environ-
ment. During drilling of marine gas hydrate wells in field trial
projects in the following marine rigs were used:
Fig. 11. DTS and RTD temperature transients during the cementing Stage in Nankai
Field (Wang et al., 2014).
➢ Drilling Vessel Uncle John for Gulf of Mexico, USA (Conte and
Bloys, 2005)
because gas hydrate dissociates at surface if pressure cannot be ➢ The deep-sea drilling vessel Chikyu for Nankai Through, Japan
kept constant. There are different pressure coring systems but all of and Krishna Godavari field, India (MH21, 2008; Demas and
these systems aim to transfer cores to surface without any change Collett, 2016)
(Abid et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2016). In Table 5, some features of ➢ D/V Fugro Synergy drilling ship for Ulleung Basin, Korea (Chun
commonly used pressure coring system used recently. Mostly ball et al., 2011)
valve type pressure coring systems were used in gas hydrate
studies. However, less than 60% hydrate-bearing sediment pressure All of these drilling vessels and the drilling equipment on these
cores can be retrieved by pressure corers based on mechanical vessels were designed to drill in deep marine sediments for con-
(ball) valves because of sealing failures (Zhang et al., 2016). Fig. 12-a ventional oil and gas exploration. Daily rent of drilling vessels
shows the stuck ball valve of PTCS and pressure of core could not be might change from $272,000 to $521,000 depending on the prop-
maintained. Recently, ice-valve-pressure coring system has been erties of drilling vessels in Spring 2015 (Max and Johnson, 2016).
proposed as an alternative to valve valve-type pressure coring Gas hydrates are in shallow marine sediments and also mostly
system. Fig. 12-b shows the basic scheme of ice-valve-pressure sediments in shallow marine area are loose and easy to drill. Hence,
coring system. Mainly, ice is formed as valve at the bottom. small drilling ships might be specially designed to drill marine
Zhang et al. (2016) proposed that water solution with more than 7% sediments less than 1 km or submersible robotic drilling systems
bentonite mass concentration, ice valve can sustain pressures up to like MeBo might be designed and developed to drill for gas hydrate
47 MPa. sediments in marine environment. However, demand and supply

Table 5
Features of different pressure coring system (Adapted from Abid et al., 2015).

Pressure core system Coring tool Coring system Sealing mechanism Core length, m Core diameter, mm Working pressure MPa

Pressure core barrel (PCB) Wireline Rotary Ball valve 5.8 58 34.4
Pressure temperature corer system (PTCS) Wireline Rotary Ball valve 3 66.7 24
High pressure temperature corer (HPTC) Wireline Rotary Ball valve 3.5 54 35
Hybrid pressure coring system Wireline Rotary Ball valve 3.5 51 35
HYACE Wireline Rotary Flapper valve 1 50.8 21
1176 Ş. Merey / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 (2016) 1167e1179

Fig. 12. a) Stuck valve of PTCS (Abid et al., 2015) b) Schematic of the wire line ice-valve-based pressure corer (Luo et al., 2015).

balance is important for the development of these technologies. from gas hydrate reservoirs. Hence, currently the cost of drilling
Currently, the number of gas hydrate wells drilled in a year is very operations is second important. The most important one is to find
low and they are mostly for test purposes. When new production best gas hydrate production method and understand many un-
methods are found and gas production is possible from gas hy- known parameters. If these unknowns are found with many trial
drates, these technologies might be developed when demand and field projects, there will be attempts to decrease cost of drilling
increases. operations for gas hydrate wells and there will be a gas hydrate
Similar to deep-water drilling vessels, the capacities of casings, sector renting specially designed drilling vessel or submersible
drill pipes, mud pumps, power units, etc. used during the drilling of robotic drillers, drilling equipment, production equipment, logging
gas hydrate field trial wells are quite high for shallow marine gas equipment, etc.
hydrate reservoirs. By decreasing the diameter of drilling bits, drill
pipes and the capacity of hook system, pumps and power systems, 8. Conclusion
the cost of drilling of gas hydrate wells might be decreased and
these reserves might be feasible. For instance, Kolle and Max (2000) With the consumption of conventional gas reservoirs and
proposed that a lightweight, composite drill rig could be deployed development of drilling, logging and coring technology, many
from a dynamically-positioned workboat at a cost of around countries and scientists have focused on the gas hydrate explora-
$10,000 per day. They proposed that drilling equipment (i.e. tions because there are enormous gas reserves in gas hydrates.
continuous length of mild steel tubing with a diameter of Although there are many challenges in gas hydrate exploration,
25 mme100 mm or more that is coiled onto a reel), supplies and recently many successful gas hydrate wells have been drilled in
manpower cost $10,000 and gathering lines cost $10,000 in 2000. marine environment and permafrost. Almost one decade ago, it was
The estimated cost per km of gathering well for a simple, coiled considered that drilling in gas hydrate reservoirs was quite risky.
tubing drilling system would be on the order of $30,000 according However, recent drilling expeditions in marine environment and
to the calculation of Kolle and Max (2000). permafrost show that gas hydrate does not dissociate immediately
Currently, the aims of available gas hydrate drilling and pro- and most of the drilling problems faced were similar to those
duction trials are to understand: observed in conventional drilling operations. It is obvious that
special cares should be taken to maintain gas hydrate reservoirs as
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