DLL - English 6 - Q1 - W3
DLL - English 6 - Q1 - W3
DLL - English 6 - Q1 - W3
Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding
various linguistics nodes to various linguistics nodes to various linguistics nodes to various linguistics nodes to of various linguistics nodes to
comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts.
Demonstrates understanding to Demonstrates understanding to Demonstrates understanding to Demonstrates understanding to Demonstrates understanding
A. Content Standards text types to listen for different text types to listen for different text types to listen for different text types to listen for different to text types to listen for
purposes from a variety of texts. purposes from a variety of texts. purposes from a variety of texts. purposes from a variety of texts. different purposes from a
variety of texts.
Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
text types in order to construct text types in order to construct text types in order to construct text types in order to construct Demonstrates understanding
feedback. feedback. feedback. feedback. of text types in order to
construct feedback.
The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...
Analyzes text types to effectively Analyzes text types to effectively Analyzes text types to effectively Analyzes text types to effectively Analyzes text types to
understand understand understand information/message understand information/message effectively understand
information/message (s) information/message (s) (s) (s) information/message (s)
Uses linguistic cues to effectively Uses linguistic cues to effectively Uses linguistic cues to effectively Uses linguistic cues to effectively Uses linguistic cues to
B. Performance Standards construct meaning from a construct meaning from a construct meaning from a variety construct meaning from a variety effectively construct meaning
variety of text for a variety of variety of text for a variety of of text for a variety of purposes. of text for a variety of purposes. from a variety of text for a
purposes. purposes. variety of purposes.
Uses literal information from text Uses literal information from text
Uses literal information from Uses literal information from heard to construct an appropriate heard to construct an appropriate Uses literal information from
text heard to construct an text heard to construct an feedback. feedback. text heard to construct an
appropriate feedback. appropriate feedback. appropriate feedback.
C. Learning Competencies/ Analyze sound devices (irony Infer meaning of idiomatic Determine tone, mood, and Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent
Objectives Write the LC code for and hyperbole) in a text heard expressions using- roots purpose of the author sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate
each structures: tenses of verbs structures: tenses of verbs
EN6LC-Ic-2.3.8 EN6V-Ic- EN6RC-Ic-6.5 EN6G-Ic-3.2 EN6G-Ic-3.2
EN6LC-Ic-2.3.7 EN6RC-Ic-6.6
Relate an experience EN6RC-Ic-6.7 Describe different forms and Describe different forms and
Observe politeness at all times appropriate to the occasion conventions of film and moving conventions of film and
Read aloud grade level pictures (direction) moving pictures (direction)
EN6LC-Ic-16 EN6OL-Ic-17 appropriate text with an accuracy
rate of 95-100% EN6VC-Ic-5.1.3 EN6VC-Ic-5.1.3
Show openness to criticism
EN6F-Ic-1.6 Show tactfulness when
EN6A-Ic-18 communicating with others
Figurative Language Idiomatic Expressions Determine the Purpose of the Tenses of Verb Tenses of Verb
(Irony and Hyperbole) (Using Roots) Authors
English for All Times Reading p. Growing in English Reading pp. English for All Times Reading pp.
3. Textbook pages
145 228-229 127-130
MISOSA MISOSA English 6 Determining the MISOSA Using the Simple Present MISOSA Using the Simple
Purpose of the Author Form of the Verb that Agrees with Present Form of the Verb that
BEAM English 6 DLP Module 12 the Subject in Number Agrees with the Subject in
4. Additional Materials for
Determining the Purpose of the Original File Submitted and Number
Learning Resource Portal
Author Formatted by DepEd Club
Member - visit depedclub.com for
pocket chart, activity cards, CD, chart, activity sheets, poem passage (tarpapel), paragraph activity cards, pocket chart tarpapel, activity sheets
B. Other Learning Resources
CD Player
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Write S in the blank if the figure Pick out a rolled paper in the Choose the right idiom from the Read the following paragraph and Say: As I flash the card, tell
presenting the new lesson of speech is a Simile, M if box. Read and tell whether if it is list to complete each sentence. pick out the action word in every whether if it is in the present,
Metaphor. Then, write the two irony or hyperbole. -with a golden heart sentence. past or future tense.
things being compared. -awakened on the right side of Peter and Paul help their
A. Her hair looks like the sun’s the bed parents at home. Every morning sits will sing
rays. -opened up they feed the ducks and chickens.
1. -start the ball rolling Paul washes the dishes after
walked spoke
2. _____ and ______ -be a star breakfast. On Saturday they clean
B. The river is like a big crawling the house. Paul scrubs the floor.
snake. 1. If you want to _______in the Peter dusts the tables and chairs. is
3. class, you have to study hard. On Sundays, they go to church. In reading
4. _____ and ______ 2. A famous basketball player was the afternoon, Peter usually goes
C. The room was a beehive of invited to _______ on the opening with nis friends to play basketball.
busy boys and girls. day of the sports fest.
5. 3. It takes one with an ______ to
6. _____ and ______ accept other’s opinions calmly.
4. Mother will go to the market, so
I’ll stay to ________ my baby
5. Mother Teresa was one lady
Arrange the jumbled words to Say to the learners: Picture showing a girl who is Catch the fish using a fishing rod.
form a sentence. Children, listen how I speak to reading. Find the fish with a verb printed
1. mountain is a Mother dishes you. on its body. Then, place it in the
of washing. Children, listen to me! (2x) Say: Tell something about the pocket chart.
2. brain size a He pea of has. (speak in a loud voice and the picture.
3. me over You the feather other speaks in a gentle voice). rea boy
B. Establishing a purpose for the ds
knocked. Let us say it together in 2 ways.
Marie nobody is kind so be Which way do you like to say it? bag
friends her that. Why? es
go sing
cat cooke
Listening to a radio broad Read the poem (on chart) Read the passage 1 and 2 Read the following sentences. Read the story and pay
casting. “Speak Gently” (written on tarpapel) 1. Her parents come from Tarlac. attention to the underlined
1. A bicycle is your best means of 2. They visit our village monthly. words.
Ask: What is the message of the transportation in China. There are 3. I cried bitterly when my dog
poem? so many people in the cities that died three years ago. Do you know about the
can create enormous traffic jams. 4. Mother brought me to my little frog that lived near a
Bikes on the other hand, are Aunt’s house a year after. pond? He never smiled. He
smaller and easier to manoeuvre. 5. In June, Melissa will be in High never laughed. He snapped at
C. Presenting examples/
And of course, you save gasoline. School. everyone. A little puppy with
instances of the new lesson
You absolutely must get a bike. 6. We shall visit in an agricultural a friendly smile stopped by.
2. Have you ever tried eating with collage four years from now. He wagged his tail. He flapped
chopsticks? As far as I’m his ears. But the little frog
concerned, people who use these snapped at him. A cricket with
are magicians. I am not a a friendly smile passed by. He
magician. I’m somebody who can’t rubbed his wings. He wished a
get this soup to stay in my song. But the little frog
chopsticks. frowned and snapped at him.
D. Discussing new concepts and Group the class into four. Give Ask: What do the following Ask: In no. 1, what is the author’s Say: From the sentences given, Group the class into three.
them activity card. Let them phrases mean? (power point) purpose? pick out the action words/verbs. Use activity sheets. (Role
answer and compare their work. - Is a little dropped in the heart’s In no 2, what is his purpose? Group them into three playing about the tenses of
deep well What is the author’s device to tenses. the verb based on the story
practicing new skills #1
-rule by love; rule by fear bring out his message? read.
-it’s love be sure to gain
-teach in accents soft and mild
E. Discussing new concepts and Say: Listen attentively. As I read Do the activity by group. Group yourself into 4. Give them Read each of the following
practicing new skills #2 the sentence, tell whether if its Group 1 activity sheets. sentences and write present, past
irony o hyperbole. 2 or future on the line.
3 Read the following paragraphs.
Have them answer and report it Determine the purpose of the 1. Betsy saw a black snake.
in the class. author in writing each paragraph _______
whether to entertain to inform, or 2. Gwen will go to school.
to persuade. _______
1. You’ll never get me up in one of 3. Mike eats ice cream. _______
those things; said Mandy, eying 4. Cindy will play basketball.
the huge hot-air balloon. Then she _______
took another picture. 5. Ashley feeds her three cats.
2. How to make pork curry: heat _______
oil and sauté pork with garlic,
onion, pork broth cube and curry.
Add eggplant and red pepper.
Pour evaporated milk and season
chili sauce.
3. Unfortunately, many species of
bats are endangered or already
extinct. It is vital that we join
forces to protect the bats that
remain. Bats feed on harmful
insect pests. They are also
responsible for up to 95% of the
residing of the tropical rain
forests. Without those forests our
delicate balance of oxygen and
moisture could be destroyed.
F. Developing mastery Listening through CD and CD Read and analyze the sentences. Read each paragraph. Think about Choose the correct letter of the Encircle the correct verb form
(Leads to Formative player. Underline the idioms. the authors’ purpose in writing verb to match the tenses in the in the parenthesis.
Assessment 3) Pupils will listen carefully. Then, 1. The foreigner can easily get them. Write E if the purpose is to parenthesis 1. We (wake, woke, will wake)
answer the given questions. along with the native. entertain, I if to inform, P if to 1. Marion ________ at Jacob to up early to catch the first trip
2. The sampaguita in your car persuade. stop running. (past tense) to Baguio City.
gives off a sweet smell. 1. The earth is made up of three a. yelled b. yells c. will yell 2. Mother (will prepare,
3. Eden has a very attractive get layers: the crust, the mantle and 2. Cathy ______cookies every prepare, prepared) breakfast
up. the core. week. (present tense) with different fruits.
4. We have to look up to our The outer layer, called the crust, is a. baked b. bakes c. will bake 3. My sister (works, will work,
parents. between 16 and 40 kilometers 3. Charles _____ the ball to worked) eight hours a day in
5. My mother looks forward to thick. It floats on a thicker layer Claudia. (future tense) the office.
coming of my sister from Hawaii. known as the mantle, which is 4. Glen _____ a picture of a dog. 4. Father (scolded, scolds, will
2,895 kilometers thick. The core, (past tense) scold) the children for coming
which is 3,475 kilometres thick, is a. painted b. paints home late.
surrounded by the mantle. c. will paint 5. We (rushes, rushed, will
The innermost part is solid (the 5. Make _______ the baby to the rush) the production of school
inner core) while the outer part is car. (future) paper for submission.
liquid (the outer core). a. carried b. carries
2. An old man suffering from a c. will carry
nagging back ache went to see his
doctor. The doctor wrote the
prescription and told the man to
apply it on his back.
After a week, he came back still
complaining about the pain. The
doctor asked him if he followed
the directions.
The man turned and on his back
was the prescription firmly posted.
3. At no time in history have
humans produced so much waste.
Ours is a throw-away society. No
matter which area is examined, it
is found that for health, safety,
advertising, or other reasons, we
produce more waste. We have to
implement ways to make use of
people’s waste to prevent further
damage to humanity.
4. The year is 2020. Global warfare
is raging. Not one country against
another. This is all-out war-
humans against computers. Back
in 2018 – what seems ages ago –
the Athan Computer Group
perfected a revolutionary new
chip that enabled computers to
learn. And learn they did – at a
rate incomprehensible to humans.
5. Residents of a small village in
Nueva Vizcaya can now look
forward to a continuous supply of
clean and safe water with the
completion of a water system
project. The new water system in
Barangay Bangaan here, which
was funded by the
Church of Jesus Christ of the
Latter-Day Saints, was formally
inaugurated last week.
G. Finding practical application Cite examples of irony and Think of common idioms that Read the paragraphs. Determine Write a sentence using an action Write a short paragraph
of concepts and skills in daily hyperbole. you can use to relate your own the purpose of the author in verb in the correct tense. about your favourite
living experience on the last occasion writing each paragraph. 1.past tense _________ teleserye using the tenses of
happened in your life. 1. Once upon a time in a far away 2.present tense________ the verb.
village there lived a beautiful 3. future tense_________
maiden named Ursula. All the men 4. past tense__________
in the village wanted to win her 5. present tense_______
heart. But Ursula only loves one
man and he is Artemio.
2. Our city is getting dirty, people
do not show concern anymore. Yet
people are the ones largely
responsible for all the dirt and
mess in the city. Let us work
together hand in hand in making
this place beautiful once more,
you can do it. Together we can
make something out of it.
3. Preparing salad is very easy.
First gather all your ingredients.
Next dice the ingredients in the
size desired then pour the cream
and mix thoroughly. Refrigerate.
What is irony and hyperbole? Complete the fish bone map to Ask: What are the purposes of the Complete the chart below. Complete the chart below.
remember idioms. author in writing a
paragraph/passage. Simple Use Simple Use
Tense Tense
1. Present To express: 1. Present To express:
H. Making generaliz and
abstractions about the lesson
2. Past To express: 2. Past To express:
I. Evaluating learning Draw a triangle ( ) in the blank if Put your “heart” in the right Read the passages, on the blank Choose the correct tenses of the Match Column A with Column
the sentence is irony and square place. before the number write author’s verb that best complete each B. Choose the correct verb to
( ) if it is hyperbole. T wears his heart on his purpose. sentence below. complete each sentence.
1. I really enjoy her company but sleeve 1. I’m sorry I was not able to 1. Sam sits down and _______ Column A
I can’t go with her anymore. R heart to heart attend your birthday party. My (write, writes) in his notebook. ___1. He _______ television
2. He’s so hungry that he could E have hearts of stone mother was rushed to the hospital 2. The energetic puppy ______ only on weekends.
eat a house. H to lose heart because she was complaining of (is, was) happy yesterday. ___2. The post man _____ us
3. Mother is washing a mountain A by heart having a chest pain. I hope to visit 3. Mrs. Smith ______ (sang, will our letters every day.
of dishes. you this coming summer vacation. sing) a song in the talent show ___3. Jenny ______ his class
4. Marilou is so kind that nobody 1. When you try and fail, it is 2. Fossils are usually formed on next month. because of the heavy traffic
befriends her. easy ________. hard rocks. Prints on rocks are not 4. They _______ (talk, talked) this morning.
5. He’s such a poor fellow he 2. They must _______ to say no easily destroyed or washed away. three hours last night. ___4. After an hour, ______
could eat dish. to the kitten’s cries. Plants, insects and bodies of 5. My baby sister ________ jogging to eat breakfast.
3. Good actors know their lines animals are sometimes buried in (speaks, speak) the first time ___5. Agriculturists _______
_________ so their acting is layers of sedimentary rocks. yesterday. in the cultivation of fields.
good. Because of heat and pressure,
4. Mom and I had a _______ talk they become parts of the Column B
about the problems. hardened rocks. a. brings
5. Ted cares so much for Jill that 3. Kites come in many shapes and b. will miss
he __________. sizes. They can be constructed c. stopped
from a large variety of materials, d. watches
from the simplest, such as paper e. engage
or cloth, to the most advanced,
such as carbon fibre and tear-
proof sail sheet.
4. A thesaurus is a dictionary of
synonyms and antonyms. It is a
special dictionary that given a
listing of words with words that
are similar and opposite in
meaning. This book is important to
everyone who wishes to
communicate his ideas precisely
and vividly by using different
5. What is El Niño? It is a Spanish
word which means little boy or
child Jesus. Peruvian Anchovy
fisherman used the term
traditionally to describe the
appearance of warm ocean
current following the South
American Coast. El Niño is a large
oceanic fisherman that developed
in the Pacific Ocean and which is
associated with extreme climate
Read the poem “The Child in Complete the sentences with Write 4-5 sentences following the Study the sentences in the Use the following verbs in a
Me”. Pick out the figurative the appropriate idiom in the box concept of the purpose required. paragraph. Correct the wrong sentence.
languages that are found in the TOPIC: The services offered by verb forms. 1. will buy
poem. raining cats and dogs your barangay in promoting the 2. speak
call in cleared the air
rubbed elbows health and safety of the people. It is Clean-up Day at 3. talked
well-to-do family PURPOSE: To inform Poblacion, Marbel. The people 4. will dance
come to light started early in the morning. The 5. travels
men cleared the canals and the
J. Additional activities for
1. The truth will always ____. dirty places. Young boys and girls
application or remediation
2. The streets are flooded, it’s sweep the streets. As usual, the
__________. little children played as they
3. She was born to a ______. amuse the tired folks.
4. My sister will _______ me for
a visit.
5. The president __________
between Mar Roxas and Jojo
V. REMARKS ___ out of ___ pupils did not ___ out of ___ pupils did not ___ out of ___ pupils did not ___ out of ___ pupils did not ___ out of ___ pupils did not
reach the ML reach the ML reach the ML reach the ML reach the ML
A. No. of Learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who have
caught up with the lessons
D, No. of Learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other