Arine Shrimp Biofloc Systems - Basic Management Practices

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Robert Rode, Purdue
Marine Shrimp Biofloc Systems:
University, Aquaculture
Research Lab Manager,
Department of Forestry
Basic Management Practices
and Natural Resources,
Purdue University Over the past few years an increasing Water Quality
number of marine shrimp enterprises have No matter what system is used, shrimp
started up in Indiana. These operations must have good water quality for health and
garner attention because of their lower growth.
capital costs, their variable scale of
production, and shrimp’s high market price. Shrimp, like other aquatic organisms raised
at higher than natural densities, affect the
Based on feedback from a 2014 meeting quality of the water they live in. Controlling
with Indiana shrimp farmers, it appears this environment to maintain optimum
that both novice and experienced farmers conditions reduces stress levels, improves
need more technical knowledge. This growth, and reduces the risk of mortality.
publication summarizes basic management Recommended ranges for water quality
practices for the majority of farmers raising parameters for shrimp culture are listed
marine shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in in Table 1. Owner/operators must manage
Indiana based on the most current literature these parameters on an hourly, daily, or
available. weekly basis with either infrastructure
and equipment or additions to the rearing
The predominant method of rearing shrimp system.
in Indiana uses the biofloc water treatment
system for dealing with the metabolic wastes A number of water quality testing kits/
associated with production. The majority of probes are available at various prices.
the discussion to follow deals with this kind Whatever the testing mechanism, the kit
of system. must be for saltwater applications. Methods
of controlling water quality will be described
later in this text.
FNR-495-W • Marine Shrimp Biofloc Systems: Basic Management Practices

Table 1. Marine shrimp water quality parameters. From Plı´nio et al. (2014), Ray et al. (2014), Samocha et al. (2010) and Yong-Chin et al. (2003).
Parameter Amount Recommendation
Temperature 28˚C Lower temperatures have slower growth; too high temperatures cause stress.
Salinity 10+ g/l Tolerant of 4-35 g/l. Higher salinity helps buffer other WQ parameters.
Oxygen 5+ mg/l 5 mg/l to saturation reduces stress on individuals.
Alkalinity 160 mg/l+ Moderates swings in pH.
pH 7.5 Preferably above 7.0. Tied to alkalinity.
Un-Ionized Ammonia 0.03 mg/l Toxic form of ammonia. Percentage of total ammonia changes with pH, alkalinity/salinity
and temperature.
Nitrite ≤5-25mg/l Limits rise with increasing salinity 15-35 g/l.
Nitrate ≤150 mg/l Higher levels increase stress and result in poor growth.
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 400-500 mg/l Too little causes poor production; too much causes gill irritation.
Suspended Solids (SS) 10-14 mg/l Too much may result in anaerobic potential.

Biofloc Systems Table 2. Common growth parameters for shrimp grown in indoor biofloc
Biofloc systems remove metabolic wastes from aquatic systems. From Ray et al. (2014) and Samocha (2010).
production systems. They replace biofilters in a classic Stocking rate 250-500/m²
clear water Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS).
Bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrate are cultured in Stocking size PL 11+, 1+g/individual
the main rearing tank as opposed to in a separate vessel. Feed rate 3–6% body weight
The bacteria form aggregates or colonies (called bioflocs)
suspended in the water column. This is done for several Feed conversion 1.2–1.8:1
reasons. Eliminating the biofilter reduces costs and saves Growth rate per individual 1.3–2.0 g/week
floor space. In the case of shrimp, the biofloc becomes an Rearing period 80 days
additional feed source, which decreases the feed conversion
ratio of commercial feeds, again reducing costs. Final weight 22 g (20/lbs., 20 count)
Survival 85–95%
Shrimp Stocking and Feeding
Shrimp are stocked in biofloc systems at densities ranging Production 5–9kg/m³
from 250 to 500 post-larvae (PLs) per square meter.
Production for these systems ranges from 3–7 kg/m² and/ Shrimp are stocked in single batches of like-size post-
or 3–9 kg/m³. Feed conversions should range from 1.2:1 larvae (PLs). Feeding is based on calculations of biomass,
to 1.6:1. Microbial proteins in the biofloc generally add feed conversion, mortality, weekly gain per individual, and
0.25–0.5 additional growth units for every one unit of percentage body weight feeding. Feed rate is adjusted after
commercial feed. Production parameters for these systems routine sampling for uneaten feed on the bottom of the
are shown in Table 2. tank using a dip net one-half hour after feeding. Less than
optimum water quality parameters can also be an indicator
that feed is less than optimum. Feed can be dispersed either
by hand or with a mechanical device such as a belt feeder.
Feeding by hand is best for dispersing the feed over a wide
area of the tank allowing all individuals to obtain food.
Automated feeders can be used when the operator is not

Processed feed is still the most important addition for good

growth of shrimp even in a biofloc system. Shrimp feed


FNR-495-W • Marine Shrimp Biofloc Systems: Basic Management Practices

should be purchased from a reputable manufacturer and be consumed by shrimp and converted into growth.
stored properly. Diets change over the production cycle Heterotrophic bacteria need carbon for ammonia to
with pellet size increasing from approximately 1.5 mm up be assimilated. In addition to the commercial feed, a
to 2.5 mm as the shrimp mature. Protein and fat content supplemental source of carbon must be added in order
may remain around 40/9 throughout the growing season. to stimulate production of the heterotrophic bacteria and
If PLs are smaller than recommended, a smaller particle reduce the nitrogenous waste.
size and higher protein feed is warranted. Please check with
feed and PL suppliers as to recommended starter feeds. Shrimp feed has a carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio of
approximately 7–10:1. Heterotrophic bacteria would prefer
An example for calculating daily feed allowance might be a ratio of approximately 12–15:1. Simple sugars or starches
as follows: are added to increase the ratio and promote bacterial
growth. Additives have included molasses, sugar, sucrose,
A 16 ft. pool approximately 3 ft. deep is stocked with and dextrose. Some producers use glycerin. The simpler
300 PLs per square meter at an average size of 1 g each. the sugar, the quicker is the response from the bacteria.
How much would the daily feed allowance be after Application rates will vary with the protein content of the
four weeks? Using values from Table 2, the theoretical feed and composition of the carbon source, but a good rule
biomass of shrimp is found. of thumb is that for every 1 kg of feed, about 0.5–1 kg of
carbon source is required. Higher protein feed will need
Starting size of shrimp (1.0 g) x 4 weeks’ growth higher carbon supplementation. Actual applications must
(1.5 g/week) = 7 g individual shrimp take into consideration the levels of ammonia and nitrites
in the water.
Sampling should confirm this.

Diameter of the tank is 16 ft. and converting to meters,

16 ft. is about 5 m,

A = π (2.5 m)² = 20 m²

Stocking 300 shrimp per m² in 20 m² gives us 6,000

individuals at 7 g each or 42,000 g or 42 kg.

If we assume 10% mortality, that is reduced to 37,800 g

or 37.8 kg.

Feeding at 4% of body weight would be 37,800 g x 0.04

= 1,512 g or 1.51 kg per day in week four.

Feed can be parceled out continuously or in multiple

feedings per day. The choice has to do with mechanization
and management style. Shrimp have small intestinal
tracts, so multiple small feedings or continuous feeding
of the daily feed allowance is recommended. Feeding
done multiple times per day maximizes utilization and
uniformity of biological processes of waste treatment.

Biofloc Management
The biofloc in the shrimp-rearing tank should be
considered a dynamic living organism and must be
managed as such. A description of the biofloc and how to
“feed” and support the biofloc follows.

The major component of biofloc is heterotrophic bacteria.

The function of the biofloc is to reduce the nitrogenous
metabolic waste (ammonia, nitrite) produced by shrimp
feeding and production. Ammonia consumed by Imhoff cones are used to measure the settleable solids (biofloc), which indicate the
heterotrophic bacteria becomes protein, which can then quantity of biofloc in the tank.


FNR-495-W • Marine Shrimp Biofloc Systems: Basic Management Practices

The choice of carbon source is dependent on price, Oxygen additions may be combined with the need to keep
availability, ease of application, and efficacy. The carbon biofloc in suspension. Without mixing, heterotrophic
source should be diluted prior to application no matter bacteria colonies will sink and lose the ability to remove
the physical state. Solids should be liquefied so as not to ammonia. Mixing is accomplished with the same devices
sink directly to the bottom and become unavailable. Some that add oxygen, namely airlifts, diffuser stones, venturi
liquids, such as molasses, could sink directly to the bottom aspirators, and water pumps. The choice of aeration/
as well. Dilution allows for gradual application from a oxygenation methods depends on production level and
holding/dilution tank through a small aperture valve centralization of equipment. High production levels
over time to spread the carbon throughout the tank. This may require use of pure oxygen supplementation. Use of
same method can be used for alkalinity applications to be low-pressure, high-volume air blowers can be sized to
discussed later in the text. cover the needs of multiple tanks driving both airlifts and
diffusers. Likewise, water pumps can drive multiple venturi
Suspended solids are measured to determine the gross aspirators, but are usually sized for individual large tanks.
quantity of the biofloc for shrimp production. Suspended
solids are measured using Imhoff settling cones. Cones With high biofloc respiration rates comes production of
have a one-liter volume. The cone is filled, allowed to high carbon dioxide levels (CO₂). Any of the methods
settle for 10–20 minutes and reading taken by reading the of aeration/oxygenation will drive CO₂ from the water
graduations on the cone. Shrimp biofloc should maintain column. Therefore, CO₂ usually is not an issue for shrimp.
settleable solids at 10–15 mg/l. Readings should be taken at However, CO₂ may build up in the atmosphere, depending
least once weekly. on the amount of air exchange through the building.
Operators need be aware of this both to protect the
Increasing the heterotrophic bacteria population personnel in the building from CO₂ poisoning and because
also increases the total oxygen demand of the tank. if building air is used for aeration, CO₂ also may ultimately
Heterotrophic bacteria require oxygen for life processes build up in the water column.
such as ammonia assimilation. Additionally, solids in
the water column reduce the ability of that water to hold High feed rates leading to large biofloc populations can
as much oxygen. Oxygen must be added either through be detrimental to shrimp. Total suspended solids (TSS)
aeration with atmospheric air and perhaps supplemental over 500 mg/l can irritate the gills and stress shrimp.
compressed or liquid oxygen. Popular aeration devices Controlling high TSS can be accomplished by using foam
include airlifts, air diffuser stones, venturi aspirators, and fractionation and/or some type of settling basin such
water pumps. Supplemental oxygen can be incorporated as a swirl separator, radial flow settler, simple clarifiers,
into venturi aspirators or diffuser stones. etc. These devices can limit the occurrence of high TSS,
but do not remove it entirely. Therefore, any method
must be controlled either by timing of operation or flow
rate through the devices. Good control of solids can be
achieved by turning over the rearing tank water every
3–4 days. Clarifiers are sized to contain 1%–5% of system
volume and are operated with a flow rate that gives 20–30
minutes of residency time (Hargreaves).

Removal of TSS can also remove alkalinity and nitrate

from the system. Alkalinity can be recovered by allowing
sediments to undergo either partial or full anaerobic
decomposition. Nitrate can be reduced by removing solids
from the system. Anaerobic decomposition has several
benefits as well as drawbacks. Not only can alkalinity be
recovered, but nitrate can be removed by conversion to
nitrogen gas, which is released to the atmosphere.

Anaerobic decomposition needs space. In simple anaerobic

decomposition, sludge forms in some portion of the
In this shrimp tank the airlifts along the side and aerator in the middle mix biofloc system, is allowed to go anaerobic for a short period of
throughout the water column. time, and then is removed from the system. An example of
this would be emptying a settling basin sporadically. Solids


FNR-495-W • Marine Shrimp Biofloc Systems: Basic Management Practices

can be removed from the system to a separate container/ Reusing Biofloc System Water
vessel, allowing anaerobic conditions to occur and then Shrimp are grown in single batch units. Prior to final
decanting off the “clean” water after sedimentation of complete harvest, the producer must decide what to
solids. When we use these simple methods, the timing do with the water from the harvested system. It can
and success of anaerobic decomposition is highly variable. be pumped and stored for reuse or discharged to an
One of the potential dangers of anaerobic digestion is the appropriate site—or some combination of storage and
possible production of hydrogen sulfide (H₂S). Like CO₂, discharge. Likewise, any sludge collected from settling
in tightly enclosed spaces H₂S can be a danger to both basins or anaerobic respirators must also be disposed
shrimp and humans. of through some means. Land application is not
recommended, as few plants can tolerate salt levels in
Only a portion of the alkalinity tied to heterotrophic the soil. For possible means of disposal, please contact
bacteria can be recaptured by anaerobic decomposition. the Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Alkalinity must be supplemented by additions of sodium (IDEM) or the appropriate agency, if outside of Indiana.
bicarbonate. Alkalinity should be maintained above 150
mg/l and measured at least twice per week. Alkalinity There are conflicting research results as to amount of
helps maintain pH above 7.0, so if daily pH readings possible heavy metal buildup in biofloc waters and, more
fall below desired levels a quick check of alkalinity and importantly, in the flesh of shrimp raised in these waters,
additions of sodium bicarbonate are warranted. As a which have been used repeatedly for the production of
guide, it is expected that 0.25 kg of sodium bicarbonate shrimp. In their research, Tzachi Samocha and others
would be added for every kilogram of feed entering the found no accumulation of heavy metals in water or culture
system. Researcher Tzachi Samocha has created a good media stored for reuse. In other recent research, Leffler
guide for additions of sodium bicarbonate, soda ash, and Brunson found that arsenic, cooper, iron, manganese,
and sodium hydroxide to control alkalinity and pH. As molybdenum, selenium, and zinc all increased significantly
with carbohydrate additions, sodium bicarbonate should in the water over the course of an 18-week grow-out
be mixed with water and added to the rearing system period. Likewise, arsenic, lead, molybdenum, and selenium
gradually for efficient uptake. increase significantly in the shrimp flesh over the same
period. Samocha suggested that preliminary observations
show that accumulations may be a factor of feed used. In
any case, producers need be aware that the amounts of
significant compounds will increase and/or decrease over
time in a biofloc system. This may impact the performance
of shrimp and their quality.

Information used in this publication was primarily based
on the papers and presentations of John Hargreaves,
Andrew Ray, and Tzachi Samocha. One of the best sources
of information is a group of presentations given at the
Aquaculture America Meeting held in Seattle, Washington,
in 2014 and available at
Biofloc/bilfloc.html. This includes an economic analysis
based on research findings and data presented above.
Marine white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) from a biofloc system.

Nov 2014

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