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University of California.




Elementary Geometry





Copyright, 1887, by J. B. LippIncott Compant.


In preparing this edition of Chauvenet's Geometry

I have endeavored to compel the student to think and
to reason for himself, and I have tried to emphasize the
fact that he should not merely learn to understand and
demonstrate a few set propositions, hut that he should
acquire the power of grasping and proving any simple
geometrical truth that may he set before him ; and this

power, it must be remembered, can never be gained by

memorizing demonstrations. Systematic practice in de-
vising proofs of new propositions is indispensable.
On this account the demonstrations of the main propo-
sitions, which at first are full and complete, are gradually
more and more condensed, until at last they are some-
times reduced to mere hints, by the aid of which the
full proof is to be developed; and numerous additional
theorems and problems are constantly given as exercises
for practice in original work.
A syllabus, containing the axioms, the postulates, and
the captions of the main theorems and corollaries, has
been added to aid student and teacher in reviews and
examinations, and to make the preparation of new proofs
more easy and definite.

In the order of the propositions I have departed con-

siderably from the larger Chauvenet's Geometry, with
the double object of simplifying the demonstrations
and of giving the student, as soon as possible, the few
theorems which are the tools with which he must most
frequently work in geometrical investigation.
Teachers are strongly advised to require as full and
formal proofs of the corollaries and exercises as of the
main propositions, and to lay much stress upon written
demonstrations, which should be arranged as in the
illustrations given at the end of Book I.

In preparing a written exercise, or in passing a written

examination, the student should have the syllabus before
him, and may then conveniently refer to the propositions
by number. In oral recitation, however, he should quote
the full captions of the theorems on which he bases his
Cambridge, Mass., 1887.

Rectilinear Figures 12
Exercises on Book 1 49


The Circle. Ratio. Incommensurables. Doctrine of Limits.

Measure of Angles 55
Exercises on Book II 94

Theory of Proportion. Proportional Lines. Similar Poly-
gons 101
Exercises on Book III 125

Comparison and Measurement of the Surfaces of Recti-
linear Figures 130
Exercises on Book IV 146

Regular Polygons. Measurement of the Circle 149
Exercises on Book V 169

Miscellaneous Exercises on Plane Geometry 173

Syllabus of Plane Geometry. Postulates, Axioms, and

Theorems 182

The Plane. Diedral Angles. Polyedral Angles .... 195
Exercises on Book VI 220

Exercises on Book VII 254

The Three Bound Bodies. The Cylinder. The Cone.
The Sphere. Spherical Triangles. Spherical Poly-
gons 257
Exercises on Book VIII 287

Measurement of the Three Bound Bodies 290
Exercises on Book IX 308

Miscellaneous Exercises on Solid Geometry 309

Syllabus of Propositions in Solid Geometry. Theorems . 311



1. Every person possesses a conception of space indefi-
nitely extended in all directions. Material bodies occupy
finite, or limited, portions of space. The portion of space
which a body occupies can be conceived as abstracted from
the matter of which the body is composed, and is called a

geometrical solid. The material body filling the space is

called a physical solid. A geometrical solid is, therefore,

merely the fornij or figure, of a physical solid. In this work,

since only geometrical solids will be considered, we shall, for

brevity, call them simply solids, and we shall define them

formally, as follows

Definition. A solid is a limited or bounded portion of space,

and has length, breadth, and thickness.

2, The boundaries of a solid are surface^.

Definition. A surface is that which hae length and breadth,

but no thickness. 1

If a surface is bounded, its boundaries are lir^es.

If two surfaces intersect, their intersection is a line.

Definition. A line is that which has length, but neither

breadth nor thickness.

If a line is terminated, it is terminated by points.

If two lines intersect, they intersect in a point.
Definition. A point has position, but neither length, breadth,

nor thickness.

3. If we suppose a point to move in space, its path will

be a line, and it is often convenient to regard a line as the

path, or locus, of a moving point.

If a point starts to move from a given position, it must

move in some definite direction; if it continues to move in

the same direction, its path is a straight line. If the direc-

tion in which the point moves is continually changing, the
path is a curved line.

If a point moves along a line, it is said to describe the


By the direction of a line at any point we mean the direc-

tion in which a point describing the line is moving when it

passes through the point in question.

Definitions. A straight line is a line which -f f
has everywhere the same direction.
A curved line is one no portion of
which, however short, is straight.

A broken line is a line composed of

different successive straight lines.

4. Definitions. A plane surface, or

simply a plane, is a surface such that, if
any two points in it are joined by a
straight line, the line will lie wholly in
the surface.
A curved surface is a surface no portion of which, however
small, is plane.

5. Definitions. A geometrical figure is any combination of

points, lines, surfaces, or solids, formed under given condi-

tions. Figures formed by points and lines in a plane are

called plane figures. Those formed by straight lines alone

are called rectilinear^ or right-lined^ figures; a straight line

being often called a right line.

6. Definitions. Geometry may be defined as the science of

extension and position. More specifically, it is the science

which treats of the construction of figures under given con-

ditions, of their measurement and of their properties.
Plane geometry treats of plane figures.

The consideration of all other figures belongs to the geom-

etry of space, also called the geometry of three dimensions.

7. Some terms of frequent use in geometry are here de-


A theorem is a truth requiring demonstration. A lemma

is an auxiliary theorem employed in the demonstration of

another theorem. A problem is a question proposed for solu^

tion. An axiom is a truth assumed as self-evident. A postu-
late (in geometry) assumes the possibility of the solution of
some problem.
Theorems, problems, axioms, and postulates are all called


A corollary is an immediate consequence deduced from one

or more propositions. A scholium is a remark upon one or
more propositions, pointing out their use, their connection,

their limitation, or their extension. An hypothesis is a sup-

position, made either in the enunciation of a proposition or
in the course of a demonstration.

1. Definition. A jplane angle^ or simply an angle, is the
amount of divergence of two lines which meet in a point or

which would meet if produced (i.e., prolonged).

The point is called the vertex of the angle,
and the two lines the sides of the angle.
From the definition it is clear that the mag-
nitude of an angle is independent of the length of its sides.

An isolated angle may be designated by the letter at its

vertex, as " the angle O;" but when several angles are formed
at the same point by different lines, as OA, OB,
OC, we designate the angle intended by three 5
letters; namely, by one letter on each of its
sides, together with the one at its vertex, q— -i

which must be written between the other two.

Thus, with these lines there are formed three different angles,
which are distinguished as AOB, BOC, and AOG.
Two angles, such as AOB, BOO, which have the same
vertex and a common side OB between them, are called
BOOK I. 13

2. Definitions. Two angles are equal when one can be

superposed upon the other, so that the vertices shall co-
incide and the sides of the first shall fall along the sides of

the second.
Two angles are added by placing them in the same plane
with their vertices together and a side in common, care being
taken that neither of the angles is superposed upon the
other. The angle formed by the exterior sides of the two
angles is their sum.

3. A clear notion of the magnitude of an angle will be

obtained by supposing that one of its sides, as OjB, was at
first coincident with the other side OA^ and
that it has revolved about the point (turning
upon as the leg of a pair of dividers turns
upon its hinge) until it has arrived at the posi-
tion OB. During this revolution the movable side makes
with the fixed side a varying angle, which increases by in-

sensible degrees, that is, continuously ; and the revolving line

is said to describe^ or to generate^ the angle By con-«
tinning the revolution, an angle of any magnitude may be
4. Definitions. When one straight line meets another, so as
to make two adjacent angles equal, each of these angles is

called a right angle; and the first line is

said to be perpendicular to the second.

Thus, if ^ 00 and BOC are equal angles,

each is a right angle, and the line CO is

perpendicular to AB.
Intersecting lines not perpendicular are said to be oblique
to each other.
An acute angle is less than a right angle.
An obtuse angle is greater than a right angle.


5. Definition. Two straight lines lying in the same plane

and forming no angle with each other —that is, two straight
lines in the same plane which will not meet, however far

produced —are parallel.

6. Definitions. A plane triangle is a portion of a plane
bounded by three intersecting straight lines; as A 50. The
sides of the triangle are the portions of the

bounding lines included between the points of

intersection; viz., AB, BC, CA. The angles
of the triangle are the angles formed by the
sides with each other; viz., CAB, ABC, BCA. The three
angular points. A, B, C, which are the vertices of the angles,

are also called the vertices of the triangle.

If a side of a triangle is produced, the angle
which the prolongation makes with the adja-
cent side is called an exterior angle ; as A CD.
A triangle is called scalene (ABC) when no two of its sides

are equal isosceles (DEF) when two of its sides

; are equal
equilateral {GUI) when its three sides are equal.

A right triangle is one which has a right angle ; as MNP,

which is right-angled at ]V. The side MP, opposite to the
right angle, is called the hypotenuse.

The base of a triangle is the side upon which it is supposed


BOOK I. 15

to stand. In general, any side may be assumed as the base

but in an isosceles triangle BEF^ whose sides DE and DF
are equal, the third side EF is always called the base.
When any side ^(7 of a triangle has been adopted as the
base, the angle BA G opposite to it is* called

the vertical angle, and its angular point A

the vertex of the triangle. The perpen-
dicular AD let fall from the vertex upon
the base is then called the altitude of the triangle.
7. Definition. Equal figures are figures which can be made
to coincide throughout if one is properly superposed upon
the other.
Eoughly speaking, equal figures are figures of the same
size and of the same shape ; equivalent figures are of the

same size but not of the same shape; and similar figures
are of the same shape but not of the same size.


8. Postulate I. Through any two given points one straight

line, and only one, can be drawn.
Postulate II. Through a given point one straight line, and
only one, can be drawn having any given direction.
9. Axiom I. A straight line is the shortest line that can
be drawn between two points.
Axiom II. Parallel lines have the same direction.

10. At a given point in a straight line one perpendicular to
the line can be drawn, and but one.

Let be the given point in the line AB.

Suppose a line OD, constantly passing through 0, to
revolve about 0, starting from the position OA and stopping
at the position OB.
The angle which 01) makes with OA will at first be less
than the angle which it makes with OB, and will eventually
become greater than the angle made with
OB. ^ D
Since the angle DOA increases continu-

ously (3), the line OB must pass through ]/_

one position
...m which the angles DOA and
DOB are equal. Let OC he this position. Then 0(7 is

perpendicular to ^jB by (4).*

There can be no other perpendicular to AB at 0, for if
OD is revolved from the position 0(7 by the slightest amount
in either direction, one of the adjacent angles will be in-
creased at the expense of the other, and they will cease to
be equal.
11. Corollary. Through the vertex of any given angle one
line can be drawn bisecting the angle, and but one.

Suggestion. Suppose a line OD to revolve

about O, as in the proof just given.

* An Arabic numeral alone refers to an article in the same Book ; but

in referring to articles in another Book, the number of the Book is also



BOOK I. 17

12. All right angles are equal.

Let AOG and AIQfC be any two right angles.

Superpose A'CfC upon AOC^
placing the point (J upon the
point and making the line C/A'

fall along the line OA; then will

OC coincide with 00, for other- 5 B' (y

wise we should have two perpen-

diculars to the line AB at the same point 0, which, by Propo-
sition I., is impossible.
The angles A'C/C and AOC are then equal by definition (2).


13. The two adjacent angles which one straight line makes
with another are together equal to two right angles.

If the two angles are equal, they are right angles by

definition (4), and no proof is necessary.

If they are not equal, as AOD and BOD, still the sum of
AOD and BOB is equal to two right angles.
Let OC be drawn at perpendicular to
The angle AOD is the sum of the two
angles AOC and COD (2). Adding the
angle BOD, the sum of the two angles
AOD and BOD isthe sum of the three angles AOC, COD,
and BOD.
The first of these three is a right angle, and the other two
are together equal to the right angle BOC ; hence the sum
of the angles AOD and BOD is equal to two right angles.

14. Corollary I. The sum of all

angles having a common vertex^ and

formed on one side of a straight line, ^
is two right angles.

15. Corollary II. The sum of all

the angles that can be formed about

a point in a plane is four right


Theorem. —If a line is perpendicular to a second line, then
reciprocally the second line is perpendicular to the first.

16. Definition. When the sum of two angles is equal to a

right angle, each is called the complement

of the other. Thus, J) 0(7 is the comple-

ment of A ODj and A OD is the complement
of DOC.
When the sum of two angles is equal to b
two right angles, each is called the supple-

ment of the other. Thus, BOD is the supplement of AOD,

and AOD is the supplement of BOD.
It is evident that the complements of equal angles are
equal to each other ; and also that the supplements of equal

angles are equal to each other.

— : — :

BOOK I. 19

17. If the sum of two adjacent angles is equal to two right

angles^ their exterior sides are in the same straight line.

Let the sum of the adjacent angles AOD^ BOD, be equal

to two right angles ; then OA and OB are
in the same straight line.

For BOD is the supplement of A 02),

and is therefore identical with the angle
which OD makes with the prolongation of ^ (Proposition
Therefore OB and the prolongation of AO are the same

18. Every proposition consists of an hypothesis and a con-

clusion. The converse of a proposition is a second proposition

of which the hypothesis and conclusion are respectively the
conclusion and hypothesis of the first. For example, PropO'
sition III. may be enunciated thus
Hypothesis — if two adjacent angles have their exterior
sides in the same straight line, then Conclusion —the sum
of these adjacent angles is equal to two right angles.
And Proposition TV. may be enunciated thus
Hypothesis— if the sum of two adjacent angles is equal to
two right angles, then Conclusion —these adjacent angles
have their exterior sides in the same straight line.

Each of these propositions is, therefore, the converse of the


A proposition and its converse are, however, not always

both true.

19. If two straight lines intersect each other, the opposite (or
vertical) angles are equal.
Let AB and CD intersect in ; then will
the opposite, or vertical, angles AOG and
BOD be equal.
For each of these angles is, by Proposi-
tion III., the supplement of the same angle BOC, and hence,
they are equal (16).
In like manner it can be proved that the opposite angles
AOD and BOC are equal.
1. Theorem. — The line which bisects one of two vertical angles
bisects the other.

2. Theorem. — The straight lines which

bisect a pair of adjacent angles formed
by two intersecting straight lines are per-

pendicular to each other.

Suggestion. Prove EOH = FOH.


20. Two triangles are equal when two sides and the included

angle of the one are respectively equal to two sides and the

included angle of the other.

In the triangles ABC, DEF, AB be equal to DE, BC to


EF, and the included

angle B equal to the
included angle E; then
the triangles are equal.
For, superpose the
triangle ABC upon the triangle DEF, placing the point B
BOOK I. 21

upon the point E, and making the side BC fall along the
side EF. Then, since J5(7 is equal to EF by hypothesis, the
point G will fall upon the point F.
Since the angle B is equal to the angle E^ and the side
BG has been made to coincide with the side EF^ BA must
fall along ED^ by definition (2) ; and, as BA is equal to ED^
the point A will fall on the point D.
Since the point G has been proved to coincide with the
point F^ and the point A with the point D, the side GA must
coincide with the side FD^ by Postulate I. (8).

The two triangles have now been proved to coincide

throughout, and are equal, by definition (7).

21. Scholium. When two triangles are equal, the equal

angles are opposite to the equal sides.

22. Two triangles are equal when a side and the two adjacent

angles of the one are respectively equal to a side and the two

adjacent angles of the other.

In the triangles ABG, DEF, let BG be equal to EF, and

let the angles B and G adjacent to BGhe respectively equal
to the angles E and F
adjacent to EF; then
the triangles are equal.
superpose the \
\\ \ C E F F

triangle ABG upon the

triangle BEF, placing the point B upon the point E, and

making the side BG fall along the side EF.
Since J5(7 is equal to EF, the point G will fall upon the
point F.
Since the angle B is equal to the angle E, by hypothesis,

and the side 5(7 has been made to coincide with the side EF^
BA must fall along ED^ and the point A will fall somewhere
on the side ED, or on that side extended.
Since the angle G is equal to the angle P, by hypothesis,
and BC coincides with EF^ CA must fall along FD, and the
point A will fall somewhere on the line FD, or on that line
Since A has been proved to lie upon ED, and also upon
FD, it must coincide with the only point they have in com-
mon, the point D.
Hence the triangles coincide throughout, and are equal.

23. In an isosceles triangle the angles opposite the equal sides
are equal.

Let ^5 and AC he the equal sides of the isosceles triangle

ABC; then the angles B and C are equal.
Through the vertex A draw a line AD, bisect-
ing the angle BAC, and meeting the side BC t

atD. /
In the triangles ABD and ACD the side AB
is equal to the side AChy hypothesis, the side
AD is common, and the included angle BAD is equal to
the included angle CAD by construction. The triangles are
therefore equal, by Proposition YI., and the angle C of the
one is equal to the angle B of the other, by (21).
24. Corollary. The straight line bisecting the vertical angle

of an isosceles triangle bisects the base, and is perpendicular to

the base.

Theorem. —An equilateral triangle is also equiangular.
BOOK I. 23

25. Two triangles are equal when the three sides of the one

are respectively equal to the three sides of the other.

In the triangles ABC, DEF, let AB be equal to BE, AG

to DF, and BG to EF ; then
the triangles are equal.
For, suppose the triangle ^^ \ ^^
ABG to be placed so that its ^ ^ \^^
base ^(7 coincides with its equal
EF, but so that the vertex A
falls on the opposite side of EF from X), as at G, and join
D and 6^ by a straight line.

The triangle EBG is isosceles, since the side ED is equal

to the side EG by hypothesis; therefore the angles EBG
and EQD are equal, by Proposition YIII.
The triangle FBG is isosceles, since the side FI) equal is

to the side FG by hypothesis; therefore the angles FDG

and FGD are equal, by Proposition YIII.
If to the equal angles EDG and EGB we add the equal
angles FBG and FGB, the sums will be equal, and we have
the whole angle EBF equal to the whole angle EGF.
The two triangles EBF and EGF have now the side EB
equal to the side EG by hypothesis, the side BF equal to
the side FG by hypothesis, and the included angle EBF
proved equal to the included angle EGF. Hence the tri-

angles are equal, by Proposition YI.


Theorem. —A line drawn from the vertex of an isosceles tri-

angle to the middle point of the base is perpendicular to the base,

and bisects the vertical angle.


26. Two right triangles are equal when they have the hypote-

nuse and a side of the one respectively equal to the hypotenuse

and a side of the other.

In the right triangles ABC, A'B'G\ let the hypotenuse AB

be equal to the hypotenuse
A'B', and the side ^C be
equal to the side BC^ ; then
the triangles are equal.
Extend the side BC to D,
making CD equal to BC, and
join A and D ; and extend B'C^ to iX, making C^jy equal to
B'C, and join A' and IT.

The triangle ADC and the triangle ABC having the side
A in common ; the side CD equal to the side CB by con-
struction ; and the included angle A CD equal to the included

angle ACB, since they are adjacent angles and ACB is ^

right angle by hypothesis, are equal, by Proposition YI.
In like manner the triangle A!D^C' may be proved equal
to the triangle MB'C,
The triangles BAD and B'A!D^ having the side AB equal
to the side A!B! by hypothesis; the side BD equal to the
side B'D'^ because they were constructed the doubles oi BG
and B'C'^ which were equal by hypothesis; and the side AD
equal to the side A!D\ since they have been proved to be
equal respectively to the sides AB and A!B' ; are equal to
each other, by Proposition IX., and B is equal to B'.
The triangles ABC and A!B'C' have now been proved to
have two sides and the included angle of the one respectively
equal to two sides and the included angle of the other, and
are equal, by Proposition VI.
BOOK I. 25


27. If two angles of a triangle are equals the sides opposite to

them are equals and the triangle is isosceles.

Let the angles BAG and BCA of the triangle ABC be

equal, then are the sides AB and BG equal.
For, if AB and BG are not equal, one must
be greater than the other. Suppose AB greater
than BG.
Then cut oif from AB a part AD equal to
BG, and join D and G. Compare now the
triangle ADG with the whole triangle ABG, of which it is a

The two triangles have the side AC in common ; the side

AD equal to the side BG hy construction; and the included
angle A equal to the included angle BGA by hypothesis.
Therefore, by Proposition YI., the triangles ADG and ABG
are equal, which is impossible. Consequently, AB could not
have been greater than BG.
In like manner we can prove that BG cannot be greater
than AB.
Therefore, since neither can be greater than the other, AB
and BG are equal.


Theorem. —An equiangular triangle is also equilateral.

^ r n (h

28. If two angles of a triangle are unequal^ the side opposite
the greater angle is greater than the side opposite the less angle.

In the triangle ABC let the angle C be greater than the

angle B then AB is greater than A C.

For, suppose the line CD to be drawn, cutting

off from the greater angle a part BCD = B.

Then BDC is an isosceles triangle, by Propo-
and DC = DB. But in the triangle
sition XI.,

ADC we have ^D + DC > AC, by Axiom I. or, ;

putting DB for its equal DC,AD + DB:>AC;ovAB:>Aa

29. If two sides of a triangle are unequal, the angle opposite
the greater side is greater than the angle opposite the less side.

In the triangle ABC let the side AB be greater than the

side BC; then will the angle C be greater than
the angle A.
For, if C is not greater than J., it must be
equal to A or less than A.
C cannot be equal to A, for in that case AB ^ ^
and BC would be equal, by Proposition XI.
C cannot be less than J., for in that case AB would be
less than BC, by Proposition XII.
Therefore C is greater than A.

BOOK I. 27

the one respectively
30. If two triangles have two sides of
and the included angles unequal,
equal to two sides of the other,
the triangle which has the greater included
angle has the greater

third side.

Let ABC and ABB be the two triangles in which the sides

AB, AC are respectively equal to the

sides AB, AD, but the included angle

BAC is greater than the included angle
BAD; then ^Ois greater than BD.
For, suppose the line AE to be drawn,
bisecting the angle CAD and meeting BC
in E; join DE. AED and AEC are equal, by
The triangles

Proposition YI., and therefore ED = EC. But in the triangle

BDE we have
BE + ED:> BD, by Axiom I.,

and substituting EC for its equal ED,

BE+ EC> BD, or BC > BD.
31. If two triangles have two sides of the one respectively
equal to two sides of the other, and the third sides unequal, the
triangle which has the greater third side has the greater included


In the triangles ABC and DEF let AB = DE, AC = DF,

and let 5(7 be greater than EF
then will the angle A be greater
than the angle D.
For, if A were equal to D, BC
would be equal to EF, by Proposi-
tion YI. ; and if A were less than
D, BC would be less than EF, by Proposition XIY.

32. From a given pointy without a straight line^ one perpen-

dicular can be drawn to the line^ and but one.

Let AB be the given line and P the given point.

Take a second line DJS, and at some point F of DE let
a perpendicular be erected (Proposition I.). Superpose this
second figure upon the
p ^
first, placing the line

DF upon the line AB,

and then move the fig-

ure along, keeping DF ^ ^

always in coincidence
with AB, until the perpendicular FGr passes through P; we
shall then have a perpendicular to AB drawn through P.
Let PC in the figure below be this perpendicular.

No other perpendicular from P can be drawn to the line AB.

For, suppose that a second perpendicular FD could be drawn.
Extend FG to P', making GF' equal to PC, and join J>

The two triangles FGF and F'GF have
the side FG equal to the side F'G by con-
struction; the side GF common; and the
included angle FGF equal to the included
angle F'GD, by Proposition III. There-
fore, by Proposition YI., the triangles are

equal, and the angle FDG is equal to the

angle F'FG. But FDG is a right angle by hypothesis;
therefore F'DG must be a right angle, and FD and DF
must lie in the same straight line, by Proposition lY. ; and
we have two straight lines drawn between P and P', which,

by Postulate I., is impossible.

BOOK I. 29

Since this impossible result follows necessarily from the

assumption that a second perpendicular can be drawn from
P to AB, that assumption must be false.
1. Theorem. —A perpendicular let fall from the vertex of an
isosceles triangle upon the base bisects the base and bisects the

vertical angle.

2. Theorem. — Two right triangles are equal when they have

the hypotenuse and an adjacent angle of the one respectively

equal to the hypotenuse and an adjacent angle of the other.

Suggestion. Superpose the second triangle upon the first,

making the given equal angles coincide.

33. The perpendicular is the shortest line that can be drawn
from a point to a straight line.

Let PC be the perpendicular and PD

any oblique line from the point ^P to the
line AB. Then PC is shorter than PD.
Extend PC to P', making CP' equal to
PC, and join D and P'.
The triangles PCD and P'CD are equal,
by Proposition YI. Therefore P'B = PD.
PP' <^PP + DP', by Axiom I.

Therefore PC, the half of PP', is less than PD, the half
of PJ)P\
1. Theorem. — Two oblique lines drawn from a -point to a line,

and meeting the line at equal distances from the foot of the per-

pendicular from the given point, are equal.

2. Theorem. — Two equal oblique lines drawn from a point to

a line meet it at equal distances from the foot of the perpen-


34. If a perpendicular is erected at the middle of a straight
linCj then,

1st. Uvery point in the perpendicular is equally distant from

the extremities of the line ;

2d. Every point without the perpendicular is unequally distant

from the extremities of the line.

Let AB be a finite straight line and

CD a perpendicular at its middle point.
1st. Then is any point P on CD equi-
distant from A and B. For, join P and

A and P and J5.

The triangles FCA and FOB are equal,

by Proposition YI. ; therefore FA and FB are equal.

2d. Any point Q without the perpen-

dicular is unequally distant from A and
B. For, Q being on one side or the other
of the perpendicular, one of the lines QA,
QB must cut the perpendicular; let it

be QA and let it cut in P; joinFB. The straight line QB

is less than the broken line QFB^ by Axiom I. ; that is,

C^ < §P + FB. But FB = FA ; therefore QB <: QF +

FA, or QB < QA.
35. Definition. A geometric locus is the geometric figure
containing all the points which possess a common property,
and no others.

In this definition, points are understood to have a common

property when they satisfy the same geometrical conditions.

Thus, since all the points in the perpendicular erected at

the middle of a line possess the common property of being
equally distant from the extremities of the line (that is,

BOOK I. 31

satisfy the condition that they shall be equally distant from

those extremities), and no other points possess this property^
the perpendicular is the locus of these points; so that the
preceding proposition is fully covered by the following brief
The perpendicular erected at the middle of a straight line is

the locus of the points which are equally distant from the extrem-

ities of that line,

36. Uvery point in the bisector of an angle is equally distant

from the sides of the angle ; and every point not in the bisector,

but within the angle, is unequally distant from the sides of the
angle ; that is, the bisector of an angle is the locus of the points

within the angle and equally distant from its sides.

1st. Let AD be the bisector of the angle JBAC, P any

point in it, and PE, PF, the perpendicular
distances of P from AB and AC ; then
PE = PF.
For, the right triangles APE, APF,
having the angles PAE and PAF equal,

and AP common, are equal (32, Exercise

2) ; therefore PE = PF.
2d. Let Q be any point not in the bisector, but within
the angle; then the perpendicular distances QE and QH
are unequal.
For, suppose that one of these distances, as QE, cuts the
bisector in some point P; from P let PF be drawn perpen-
dicular to AC, and join QF. We have QJff <C QF also^

§P < §P + PF, or QF<iQP + PE, or QF < QE ^ there-

qe:< QE.

When the angle BAG is obtuse, the point Q, not in the

bisector, may be so situated that the perpendicular on one
of the sides, as AB, will fall at the

vertex A; the perpendicular QS is

then less than the oblique line QA.

Or, a point §' may be so situated
that the perpendicular §'^', let fall

on one of the sides, as AB, will meet

that side produced through the vertex A ; this perpendicular

must cut the side AC in. some point, K^ and we then have

Theorem, — The locus of the points equally distant from two
intersecting straight lines is the pair of lines which bisect all

the angles formed by the given lines.

(v. 19, Exercise 2.)

37. Definition. A broken line, as ABCBE^ is called convex

when no one of its component straight

lines, if produced, can enter the space ^

enclosed by the broken line, and the

straight line joining its extremities.

38. A convex broken line is less than any other line which
envelops it and has the same extremities.

Let the convex broken line AFQE have the same extrem-
ities A, E^ as the line ABODE, and be
enveloped by it; that is, wholly in- Ch
cluded within the space bounded by
ABCDE and the straight line AE.
For, produce AF and FG to meet the enveloping line in
BOOK I. 33

H and K. Imagine ABODE to be the path of a point

moving from A to E. If the straight line AH be substituted

forABCH, the path AHDE will be shorter than the path
ABODE, the portion HDE being common to both. If,

further, the straight line FK be substituted for FHDK, the

path AFKE will be a still shorter path from A to E. And
if, finally, GE be substituted for GKE, AFGE will be a still

shorter path. Therefore AFGE is less than any enveloping


39. Scholium. The preceding demonstration applies when

the enveloping line is a curve, or any species of line whatever.


40. If two oblique lines drawn from a point to a line meet the
line at unequal distances from the foot of the perpendicular, the
more remote is the greater.

Ist. If the lines lie on the same side of the perpendicular.

Let PO be the perpendicular and FD and FE the two

oblique lines,EO being greater than
DO; then is FE greater than FD.
For, produce FO to P', making OP'
equal to FO, and join P' with D and
with E.
The FDO and F'DO and
the triangles FEO and F^EO are equal,
by Proposition YI. ILence FD = F'D,
and FE = F'E.
FDF' is less thanFEF\ by Proposition XX. therefore ;

FE, the half of FEF\ is greater than FD, the half of


2d. If the lines lie on opposite sides of the perpendicular.

Let PC be the perpendicular and FD and PE the oblique

lines, EG being greater than CD.

Lay off CD' equal to CD, and

join P and D'. Then the triangles
PDC and PD'C are by Prop-

osition YI., and PD' =: PD.

But PD' is less than PE, by the
proof given above. Hence its equal PD is less than PE,
41. Two straight lines perpendicular to the same straight line

are parallel.

Let AB and CD be two lines per-

pendicular to the same line EF;
then are they parallel. For, if AB
and CD are not parallel, they must
meet if produced ; but this is impos-
sible, for in that case we should
have two perpendiculars from their
point of meeting to the same straight line EF, which is

contrary to Proposition XYI.

42. Through a given point one line, and only one, can be
drawn parallel to a given line.

Let A be the given point and —

BC the given line.

From A draw AD perpendicular ^

to BC, and through A draw AE

perpendicular to AD. AE and DC, being perpendicular to

BOOK I. 35

the same line AI), are parallel, by Proposition XXII. No

other line can be drawn through A parallel to BC^ for, by
Axiom II., it would have the same direction as AE^ and
therefore, by Postulate II., it would coincide with AE,


1. Theorem. —Lines having the same direction are parallel.

Suggestion. Suppose them to meet ; v. Postulate II.

2. Theorem. —Lines parallel to the same line are parallel to

each other.

43. Definitions. When two straight lines AB, CD, are cut
by a third EF, the eight angles formed
at their points of intersection are
named as follows :

The four angles, 1, 2, 3, 4, without

the two lines, are called exterior angles.
The four angles, 5, 6, 7, 8, within
the two lines, are called interior angles.
Two exterior angles on opposite sides of the secant line

and not adjacent —as 1, 3 —or 2, 4 —are called alternate-exterior


Two interior angles on opposite sides of the secant line

and not adjacent —as 5, 7 —or 6, 8 —are called alternate-interior


Two angles similarly situated with respect both to the

secant and to the line intersected by it are caUed correspond-
ing angles ; as 1, 5 — 6 — 7—
2, 3, 4, 8.

44. When two straight lines are cut by a third, if the alter-

nate-interior angles are equal, the two straight lines are parallel.

Let the line AB cut the lines CD and UF, making the
alternate-interior angles CAB and ABF equal ; then are CD
and FF parallel.
Through Gr, the middle
point of AB, draw GS per-
pendicular to CD, and cut-
ting FF in I.
Then the triangles AGH
and BGI, having the side AG equal to the side GB by-
construction, the angle GAH equal to the angle GBI^y
hypothesis, and the angle AGS equal to the angle IGB by-

Proposition Y., are equal, by Proposition YII. Therefore the

angle GIB is equal to the angle GHA. But GHA is a right
angle by construction ; hence GIB is a right angle, and CD
and FF are perpendicular to the same line HI, and are
therefore parallel, by Proposition XXII.
If FBA and BAD are the given equal alternate angles,
their supplements CAB and ABF are equal, and the proof
just given is valid.

If the given alternate-interior angles are right angles, the

lines are parallel, by Proposition XXII.
45. Corollary I. When two straight lines are cut by a third,
if a pair of corresponding angles are equal, the lines are parallel.

Suggestion. Show that in that case a pair of alternate-

interior angles are equal.

46. Corollary II. When two straight lines are cut by a

third, if the sum of two interior angles on the same side of the
secant line is equal to two right angles, the two lines are parallel.

BOOK I. 37

Suggestion. Show that a pair of alternate-interior angles

are equal.


47. If two parallel lines are cut by a third straight line, the

alternate-interior angles are equal.

Let the parallel lines CI> andEF be cut by the line AB

then will the angles CAB and ABF be equal.
For, if they are not equal,
draw through A sl line AG,
making the angles GAB and
ABF equal ; then, by Propo-
sition XXIV., GA and EF
are parallel, and we have
two parallels to the same line EF drawn through the same
point A, which is contrary to Proposition XXIII., and there-
fore impossible. Hence the angles CAB and ABF are equal.

48. Corollary I. If two parallel lines are cut by a third

straight line, any two corresponding angles are equal.

49. Corollary II. If two parallel lines are cut by a third

sum of the two interior angles on the same side
straight line, the

of the secant line is equal to two right angles.


Theorem. —A line perpendicular to one of two parallel lines is

perpendicular to the other.

/f^^ Off rn^.'^^^

/^ . ay

50. The sum of the three angles of any triangle is equal to

two right angles.

Let ABC he any triangle ; then the sum of its three angles
is equal to two right angles.
Produce BGj and through G draw C£J parallel to BA»
Since the line AG meets the parallel

lines AB and EG, the alternate-interior

angles AGJ3 and BAG are equal, by
Proposition XXV.
Since the line BD cuts the parallel
lines AB and EG, the corresponding angles EGD and ABG
are equal, by XXY., Corollary I.
Therefore the sum of the angles of the triangle is equal
to BGA-\- AGE + EGD, which is two right angles, by Propo-
sition III., Corollary I.

51. C0R01.LARY. If a side of a triangle is eoctended, the exterior

angle is equal to the sum of the two interior opposite angles.


Theorem. —If the sides

of an angle are respectively

perpendicular to the sides

of a second angle, the an-

gles are equal, or supple-

: ;

BOOK I. 39

52. Definitions. A polygon is a portion of a plane bounded

by straight lines ; as ABODE. The bounding

lines are the sides ; their sum is the perimeter

of the polygon. The angles which the adja-

cent sides make with each other are the angles

of the polygon; and the vertices of these
angles are called the vertices of the polygon.
Any line joining two vertices not consecutive is called a

diagonal; as AG.
53. Definitions. Polygons are classed according to the num-
ber of their sides
A triangle is a polygon of three sides.
A quadrilateral is a polygon of four sides.
A pentagon has five sides a hexagon, six a ; ; heptagon, seven

an octagon, eight ; an enneagon, nine j a decagon^ ten ; a dodec-

agon, twelve ; etc.

An equilateral polygon is one all of whose sides are equal

an equiangular polygon, one all of whose angles are equal.
54. Definition. A convex polygon is one no side of which,
when produced, can enter within the space enclosed by the
perimeter; as ABODE in (52). Each of the angles of such
a polygon is less than two right angles.
It is also evident from the definition that the perimeter

of a convex polygon cannot be intersected by a straight line

in more than two points.
A concave polygon is one of which two
or more sides, when produced, will enter
the space enclosed by the perimeter; as
MNOPQ, of which OP and QP, when ^
produced, will enter within the polygon.
The angle OPQ, formed by two adjacent re-entrant sides,

is called a re-entrant angle ; and hence a concave polygon is

^OTCLQiimQ^ cdXlQ^ 2i re-entrant polygon.

All the polygons hereafter considered will be understood
to be convex.


55, The sum of all the angles of any polygon is equal to twice
as many right angles, less four, as the figure has sides.

Join any point within the polygon to each of the ver-

tices, thus dividing the polygon into as many triangles as it

has sides.

The sum of the angles of these tri-

angles will, by Proposition XXYI.,

be twice as many right angles as the
figure has sides. But the angles of
the triangles form the angles of the
polygon plus the angles at 0, which
are equal to four right angles, by
Proposition III., Corollary II.


1. Theorem. —If each side of a polygon is extended, the sum

of the exterior angles is four right angles.

Suggestion. The sum of all the an-

gles, exterior and interior, is obvi-
ously twice as many right angles as
the figure has sides.

BOOK I. 41

56. Definitions. Quadrilaterals are divided into classes, as

Ist. The trapezium (J.), which has no two
of its sides parallel.

2d. The trapezoid (jB), which has two

sides parallel. The parallel sides are called

the hases^ and the perpendicular distance /^ ^ \ \

between them the altitude of the trapezoid.

3d. The parallelogram ( (7), which is bounded v r\

by two pairs of parallel sides. \ j \

The side upon which a parallelogram is

supposed to stand and the opposite side are called its lower
and upper bases. The perpendicular distance between the
bases is the altitude.
57. Definitions. Parallelograms are divided into species, as
1st. The rhomboid (a), whose adjacent 's*

sides are not equal and whose angles are \

not right angles.

2d. The rhombus^ or lozenge (&), whose sides

are all equal.

3d. The rectangle (c), whose angles are all

equal, and therefore right angles.

4th. The square (d), whose sides are all equal and
whose angles are all equal.

The square is at once a rhombus and a rectangle.


58. Two parallelograms are equal when two adjacent sides
and the included angle of the one are equal to two adjacent sides

and the included angle of the other.

AD == A'jy, and the angle BAD I

j ^/ j
= ^'J.'i/; then these parallelo- ^ ^ ^' ^
grams are equal.

For they may evidently be applied the one to the other, so

as to coincide throughout, (v. Proposition XXIII.)

59. Corollary. Two rectangles

are equal when they have equal bases

and equal altitudes.

60. The opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal and the
opposite angles are equal.

Suggestion. Draw a diagonal AC. ACB ^

and CAD are equal, by Proposition XXY. v.

CAB and AGD are equal, by Proposition

Hence the triangles ABC and ADC are equal, by Propo-
sition YII.
1. Theorem. — If one angle of a parallelogram is a right angle,
all the angles are right angles, and the figure is a rectangle.

2. Theorem. —If two angles

have the sides of one respectively
parallel to the sides of the other,

they are equal, or supplementary.

3. Theorem. — Two parallel

lines are everywhere equidistant.

BOOK I. 43

61. If two opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal and
parallel, the figure is a parallelogram.

Suggestion. Let AD be equal and parallel i^ ^

to BC. Draw a diagonal
ABC and
/ \
The triangles are equal, £
by Proposition YI. Therefore the angles
BAG and ACD are equal, and AB and CD are parallel, by
Proposition XXIY.

62. If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equals the

figure is a parallelogram.

Suggestion. Draw a diagonal, and prove the two triangles

63. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

Suggestion. The triangles AED and BEC
are equal, by Proposition YII.

1. Theorem. — The diagonals of a rectangle are equal.

2. Theorem. — The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular

to each other.
3. Theorem. —If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each
other, the figure is a parallelogram.
4. Theorem. —If the diagonals of a parallelogram are equal,

the figure is a rectangle.

5. Theorem. — If the diagonals of a parallelogram are perpen-

dicular to each other, the figure is a rhombus.



64. In writing out a demonstration, brevity of statement

and clearness of arrangement should be carefully studied,
and symbols and abbreviations may bo used with profit.

The following list is recommended


. • . therefore. Bef. definition.

= equal to. Fost postulate.

O equivalent to. Ax. axiom.

> greater than. Prop. proposition.

<; less than. Cor. corollary.

parallel to. Hyp. hypothesis.
perpendicular to. Cons. construction.
/_ angle. Adj. adjacent.

^ angles. Inc. included.

rt. /_ right angle. Alt.-int. alternate-interior.

l\ triangle. Sup. supplementary.

l^ triangles. Comp. complementary.

rt. I\ right triangle. Q.E.B, quod erat demonstran-

/ / parallelogram. dum (= which was

/ * / parallelograms. to be proved).

O circle.

BOOK I. 45

65. In arranging a written demonstration, it is well to

begin each statement on a separate line, giving the reason
for the statement at the end of the line, if it can be written
briefly, or in parenthesis immediately below the line, if it

cannot be written briefly. The following examples of demon-

strations prepared as written exercises, or for a written
examination, will serve as illustrations.


If two angles of a triangle are unequal^ the side opposite the

greater angle is greater than the side opposite the less angle.

In A ABC, let it be given that Z_ACBy /^B,

we are to prove AB > J. (7.

Draw CDj cutting off from /^ACB si part

/ BCD = /_B.
Then in /\ BCD we have
/ BCD = l^B. Cons.
BD = CD, Prop. XL
and BD + DA = CD ^ DA.
But AC<:CD-^DA. Ax. I.

^^^ AC<:^AB, Q. E. D.


When two straight lines are cut by a third, if the alternate*

interior angles are equal, the two straight lines are parallel.

Let AB cut CD and EF in the points A and B, making

/^BAG= /^ABF,
we are to prove CD to EF. \\

Through G, the middle point of AB, draw HI ]_ to CD.

Then in the A ^^^ and BGI
we have Aa^BG, Cons.
/_GAH= /_ GBI, Hyp.
/_AGH= /_^BGI. Prop. Y.
/\AGII=: ^BGI, Prop. YII.

/_ GIB = /_ GHA

(homologous angles of = A).
But / G^^isar^. /. Cons.
/_GIBiBSirt. /_,
and Him ]_to EF.
But J?7is_|_to CD. Cons.
CDand j^i^are||. Prop. XXII.
Q. E.D.
If the given equal ^ are ABE and BAD,
we have / ABE = /_ BAD, Hyp.
/ ABE + / ABF =2rt. /^, Prop. III.

/ BAD Z,S^0=2rt. ^.
-{- Prop. III.
/^ABF= /_BAC,
and the proof given above applies.
BOOK I. 47

If the given equal alt.-int. /^ are rt. ^ the two given lines
are I to the third line and are ||,
by Proposition XXII.


If one side of a triangle is extended^ the exterior angle is equal

to the sum of the two interior opposite angles.

In the /^ ABC let the side AC he extended,

we are to prove ^ BCD ^ /_A -\- /_B.
We have the sum of the adj. ^
BCD= 2rt. ^.
-{-BGA Prop. III.
But /_A + /^B+ /^BCA = 2rt. ^. Prop. XXYL
/^BCD== /_A-\- /^B. Q. E. B.


If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other the figure j

is a parallelogram.


In the quadrilateral ABCD^ let the diagonals AD and BG

bisect each other.
i We are to prove ABCD a / "] ,

In the ^ AEB and CED

we have GE = EB, Hyp.
ED = AE, Hyp.
/ CED= /_ AEB. Prop. Y.

A ^^^ = A C'^A I'rop. YI.

and OD = A^
(homologous sides of equal ^^
and /_EDC= Z_EAB
(homologous /» of equal /^).

But JE^DCand jEAJ5are alt.-int. ^.

CD is to AB,
Prop. XXIY.
and since CD = AB, Proved above.
^^CD is a O- ^^^P- ^^^'
Q. E. D.

k 1. The straight line AJEJ which bisects the angle

exterior to the vertical angle of an isosceles tri-

angle ABCis parallel to the base BC,

2. If from a variable point in the base of an isos-

1/ celes triangle parallels to the sides are drawn, a
parallelogram is formed whose perimeter is constant.

3. The sum of the four lines drawn to the vertices of a quadri-

f^ lateral from any point except the intersection of the diagonals, is

greater than the sum of the diagonals.
^ 4. The lines drawn from the extremities of the base of an isos-

celes triangle to the middle points of the opposite sides are equal.
6. The perpendiculars from the extremities of the base of an

isosceles triangle upon the opposite sides are equal.
6. The bisectors of the base angles of an isosceles triangle are

7. A perpendicular let fall from one end of the base of an isos-
celes triangle upon the opposite side makes with the base an
angle equal to one-half the vertical angle.
8. If the vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is one-half as

great as an angle at the base, a line bisecting a base angle will

divide the given triangle into two isosceles triangles.
9. If two isosceles triangles have the sides of one equal to the

sides of the other, and the base of one double the altitude of the
*/ other, the two triangles are of the same size.
c d 5 49

10. If from a variable point P

in the base of an
isosceles triangle perpendiculars, PM^ PN^
to the sides are drawn, the sum of and PM PN
is constant, and equal to the perpendicular from
C upon AB.
Suggestion, The triangles PNC and PEC are
equal, by Proposition VII.

11. The line joining the feet of perpendiculars let fall from the

extremities of the base of an isosceles triangle upon the opposite

sides is parallel to the base.

12. If BE bisects the angle ^ of a triangle

ABC^ and CE bisects the exterior angle ACD^
the angle E is equal to one-half the angle A,

13. The medial line to any side of a triangle is less

than the half sum of the other two sides.

y Definition. A line joining a vertex of a triangle
with the middle point of the opposite side is called
a medial line.

If from two points,

14. A
and -B, on the
same side of a straight line JfiV, straight
lines, APj BPy are drawn to a point in P
that line, making with it equal angles APM
V and BPN^ the sum of the lines AP and BP
is less than the sum of any other two lines,
AQ and BQ^ drawn from A and B to any
other point Q in MN.

/ 16.If the medial line from the vertex of a triangle to the base
^ is equal to one-half the base, the vertical angle is a right angle.

^ 16. The altitude of a triangle divides the vertical angle into

two parts, whose difference is equal to the difference of the base
angles of the triangle.
BOOK I. 51

17. The perpendicular erected at the middle point

^ of one side of a triangle meets the longer of the

other two sides.

18. Lines drawn from a point within

a triangle to the extremities of the base

include an angle greater than the verti-
cal angle of the triangle, (v. Proposi-
tion XXVI., Corollary.)

19. The sum of the angles at the vertices of

a five-pointed star (pentagram) is equal to
two right angles.

20. The three perpendiculars erected at the

middle points of the sides of a triangle meet
in the same point.
Suggestion. The point of intersection of
EH and FK
is equidistant from the three
vertices, and therefore must lie on DQ
(Proposition XVIII.).

21. The three bisectors of the three an-

gles of a triangle meet in the same point.

Suggestion. The point of intersection of
BE and CF is equidistant from the three
sides, and therefore must lie on AD
(Proposition XIX.).

22. The bisectors oftwo external angles of a triangle and the

bisector of the remaining internal angle meet in a point.

23. If from the diagonal BD of a square ABCD,

BE cut off equal to BC,
is and EF is drawn per-
pendicular to BDy then DE = EF= FG,

24. In a trapezoid, the straight line joining A D Q

the middle points of the non-parallel sides is /
parallel to the bases, and is equal to one-half
their sum.
Suggestion. Draw HO parallel to AB^ and

extend ^Z). DOF= Offi^CProposition VII.),
and EFHB is a parallelogram, by Proposition XXX.

25. If the sides of a trapezoid which are

"^ not parallel are equal, the base angles are
equal and the diagonals are equal.

through the four vertices of a quadrilateral lines are

26. If
^ drawn parallel to the diagonals, they will form a parallelogram
twice as large as the quadrilateral.

27. The three perpendiculars from

^ the vertices of a triangle to the op-
posite sides meet in the same point.
Suggestion. Draw through the
three vertices lines parallel to the
opposite sides of the triangle. By
the aid of the three parallelograms
ABCB', ABA'C, and ACBG', prove
that the sides of A'B^C are bisected
by -4, -B, and C, See now Exercise 20.
28. If a straight line drawn parallel to the base

^ of a triangle bisects one of the sides, it also bisects

the other side and the portion of it intercepted

between the two sides is equal to one-half the base.

Suggestion. Draw DF
parallel to C. See now A
Proposition VII. and Proposition XXIX.

y 29. The straight line joining the middle points of two sides of
a triangle is parallel to the third side. {v. Exercise 28.)

vT 30. The three straight lines joining the middle points of the
sides of a triangle divide the triangle into four equal triangles.

31. In any right triangle, the straight line

drawn from the vertex of the right angle to the
middle of the hypotenuse is equal to one-half
the hypotenuse, (v. Exercise 28.) b
BOOK I. 53

/^ 32. The straight lines joining the middle

points of the adjacent sides of any quadrilat-
eral form a parallelogram whose perimeter is
equal to the sum of the diagonals of the quad-
rilateral (Exercise 29).

33. If Eand -Pare the middle points of the

/ opposite sides, AD, BC, of a parallelogram
ABCD, the straight lines BE, DF, trisect the
diagonal AC (Exercise 28).
/^ 34. The four bisectors of the angles
of a quadrilateral form a second quad-
rilateral, the opposite angles of which
are supplementary.
If the first quadrilateral is a paral-
lelogram, the second is a rectangle.
If the first is a rectangle, the second
is a square.

36. The point of intersection of the diagonals of a parallelogram

bisects every straight line drawn through it and terminated by
the sides of the parallelogram.

36. If from each vertex of a parallelogram

B c

the same given distance is laid ofi" on a side
of the parallelogram, care being taken that 1
no two distances are laid off on the same
side, the points thus obtained will be the
vertices of a new parallelogram. A A'

37. If from two opposite vertices of a par- D

allelogram equal distances are laid off on
the sides adjacent to those vertices, the
points thus obtained will be the vertices
of a parallelogram.
£: :--)
A A'

38. The three medial lines of a triangle

m.eet in the same point.
Suggestion. Let O be the point of inter-
section of AD
and BE, and H
and O the
middle points of OB and OA. Hence prove
OD = ^AD and OE = ^BE. In like man-
ner the point of intersection of AD and CE
can be shown to cut off one-third of AD.

89.The intersection of the straight

lines which join the middle points of
opposite sides of any quadrilateral is
the middle point of the straight line
which joins the middle points of the
diagonals (Exercise 29).




Through any two given points one straight line, and only one, can
be drawn.

Through a given point one straight line, and only one, can be drawn
having any given direction.

A straight line is the shortest line that can be drawn between two
Parallel lines have the same direction.


At a given point in a straight line one perpendicular to the line can

be drawn, and but one.
Corollary. Through the vertex of any given angle one straight line
can be drawn bisecting the angle, and but one.

All right angles are equal.

The two adjacent angles which one straight line makes with another
are together equal to two right angles.
Corollary I. The sum of all the angles having a common vertex, and
formed on one side of a straight line, is two right angles.
Corollary IL The sum of all the angles that can be formed about a
point in a plane is four right angles.

If the sum oftwo adjacent angles is two right angles, their exterior
sides are in the same straight line.

If two straight lines intersect each other, the opposite (or .

angles are equal.

Two triangles are equal when two sidesand the included ang^v w; ihtt
one are respectively equal to two sides and the included angk of the
Two triangles are equal when a side and the two adjacent angles «)f the
one are respectively equal to a side and the two adjacent angh "


In an isosceles triangle the angles opposite the equal sides are equal.
Corollary. The straight line bisecting the vertical angle of an isosceles
triangle bisects the base, and is perpendicular to the base.


Two triangles are equal when the three sides of the one are respectively
equal to the three sides of the other.


Two right triangles are equal when they have the hypotenus : •.

side of the one respectively equal to the hypotenuse and a sid(


If two angles of a triangle are equal, the sides opposite to tt

equal, and the triangle is isosceles.


If two angles of a triangle are unequal, the side opposite the

angle is greater than the side opposite the less angle.

If two sides of a triangle are unequal, the angle opposite the
side is greater than the angle opposite the less side.

If two triangles have two sides of the one respectively equal ' wo
sides of the other, and the included angles unequal, the triangle
has the greater included angle has the greater third side.


If two triangles have two sides of the one respectively equal to two
sides of the other, and the third sides unequal, the triangle which has the
greater third side has the greater included angle.

From a given point, without a straight line, one perpendicular can be
3ut one.

The perpendicular is the shortest line that can be drawn from a point
to a straight line.

If a perpendicularis erected at the middle of a straight line, then

ever}^ pointon the perpendicular is equally distant from the extremities

of the line and every point not on the perpendicular is unequally

distant from the extremities of the line.

Every an angle is equally distant from the
point in the bisector of
sides of the angle and every point not in the bisector, but within the

angle, is unequally distant from the sides of the angle; that is, the
bisector of an angle is the locus of the points within the angle and
equally distant from its sides.

A convex broken line is less than any other line which envelops it

and has the same extremities.

If two oblique lines drawn from a point to a line meet the line at
unequal distances from the foot of the perpendicular, the more remote
is the greater.

straight lines perpendicular to the same straight line are parallel. f
Through a given point one line, and only one, can be drawn parallel
to a given line.
BOOK 11.

1. Definitions, A circle is a portion of a plane bounded t)y
a curve, all the points of which are equally distant from a
point within it called the centre.

The curve which bounds the circle is

called its circumference.

Any straight line drawn from the cen-

tre to the circumference is called a

Any straight line drawn through the

centre and terminated each way by the circumference is

called a diameter.

In the figure, is the centre, and the curve ABCEA is

the circumference of the circle; the circle is the space in-

cluded within the circumference; OA, OBy OC, are radii;
-4.0(7 is a diameter.
By the definition of a circle, all its radii are equal; also
all its diameters are equal, each being double the radius.
If one extremity, 0, of a line OA is fixed, while the line
revolves in a plane, the other extremity, J., will describe a
circumference, whose radii are all equal to OA.
2. Definitions. An arc of a circle is any portion of its cir-

cumference ; as DEF.
A chord is any straight line joining two points of the cir-

cumference; as DF. The arc DFF is said to be subtended

by its chord DF.

If two triangles have two sides of the one respectively equal to two
sides of the other, and the third sides unequal, the triangle which has the
greater third side has the greater included angle.

From a given point, without a straight line, one perpendicular can be
drawn to the line, and but one.

The perpendicular is the shortest line that can be drawn from a point
to a straight line.

If a perpendicular is erected at the middle of a straight line, then
ever}'- point on the perpendicular is equally distant from the extremities

of the line ; and every point not on the perpendicular is unequally

distant from the extremities of the line.

Every point an angle is equally distant from the
in the bisector of
sides of the angle and every point not in the bisector, but within the

angle, is unequally distant from the sides of the angle; that is, the
bisector of an angle is the locus of the points within the angle and
equally distant from its sides.

A convex broken line is less than any other line which envelops it

and has the same extremities.

drawn from a point to a line meet the line at
If two oblique lines
unequal distances from the foot of the perpendicular, the more remote
is the greater.

Two straight lines perpendicular to the same straight line are parallel.

Through a given point one line, and only one, can be drawn parallel
to a given line.
BOOK 11.

1. Definitions. A circle is a portion of a plane bounded Dy
a curve, all the points of which are equally distant from a
point within it called the centre.

The curve which bounds the circle is

called its circumference.

Any straight line drawn from the cen-

tre to the circumference is called a

Any straight line drawn through the

centre and terminated each way by the circumference is

called a diameter.

In the figure, is the centre, and the curve ABCEA is

the circumference of the circle; the circle is the space in-

cluded within the circumference; OA^ OB, OC, are radii;
J. 0(7 is a diameter.
By the definition of a circle, all its radii are equal; also
all its diameters are equal, each being double the radius.
If one extremity, 0, of a line OA is fixed, while the line
revolves in a plane, the other extremity. A, will describe a
circumference, whose radii are all equal to OA.
2. Definitions. An arc of a circle is any portion of its cir-

cumference ; as DEF.
A chord is any straight line joining two points of the cir-

cumference ; as DF. The arc DEF is said to be subtended

by its chord DF.

Every chord subtends two arcs, which together make up

the whole circumference. Thus, DF subtends both the arc
DBF and the arc DGBAF. When an
arc and its chord are spoken of, the arc
less than a semi-circumference, as DFF,
is always understood, unless otherwise

A segment is a portion of the circle

included between an arc and its chord;

thus, by the segment DFF is meant the space included
between the arc BF and its chord.
A sector is the space included between an arc and the two
radii drawn to its extremities ; as A OB.
3. From the definition of a circle it follows that every
point within the circle is at a distance from the centre which
is less than the radius ; and every point without the circle is

at a distance from the centre which is greater than the

radius. Hence the locus of all the points in a plane which
are at a given distance from a given point is the circumference

of a circle described with the given point as a centre and with

the given distance as a radius.
4. Postulate. A circumference may be described with any
point as centre and any distance as radius.


5. Two circles are equal when the radius of the one is equal
to the radius of the other. \

Let the second circle be superposed upon the first, so that

its centre falls upon the centre of the first ; then will the two
circumferences coincide throughout.

For, if any point of either circumference falls outside of

the other circle, the line joining it with the common centre

must cross the circumference of that circle.

The whole line will be a radius of one circle, the portion

of it within the other circle will be a radius of that other
circle, and we shall have two unequal radii, which is con-

trary to our hypothesis.


6. Every diameter bisects the circle and its circumference.

Let AMBN be a circle whose centre is

; then any diameter AOB bisects the

circle and its circumference.

For, if the figure ANB be turned
about AB as an axis and superposed
upon the figure AMB^ the curve ANB
will coincide with the curve AMB, since

all the points of both are equally distant from the centre.
(v. Proof of Proposition I.) The two figures then coincide

throughout, and are therefore equal in all respects. There-

fore AB divides both the circle and its circumference into
equal parts.
7. Definitions. A segment equal to one-half the circle, as the
segment AMB, is called a semicircle. An arc equal to half
a circumference, as the arc AMB, is called a semi-circum-



8. In equal circles^ or in the same circle^ equal angles at the

centre intercept equal arcs on the circumference.

Let 0, 0\ be the centres of equal circles, and AOB, A'O'B',

equal angles at these centres ; then
the intercepted arcs AB^ A'B', are

For the angle 0' may be super-

posed upon, and made to coincide
with, its equal 0. The extrem-
ities of the arc A'B' will then fall on the extremities of the
arc ABj and the arcs must coincide throughout and be equal,

since the radii are equal, (y. Proof of Proposition I.)

9. Corollary. Conversely, in the same circle, or in equal

circles, equal arcs subtend equal angles at the centre.

10. Definition. A fourth part of a cir-

cumference is called a quadrant. It is

evident from the preceding theorem that

a right angle at the centre intercepts a
quadrant on the circumference.
Thus, two perpendicular diameters,
AOC, BCD, divide the circumference
into four quadrants, AB, BC, CD, DA.


11. In equal circles, or in the same circle, equal arcs are sub-
tended by equal chords.

Let 0, 0', be the centres of equal circles, and AB, A!B\

equal arcs ; then the chords AB, A!B', are equal.

For, drawing the radii to the extremities of the arcs, the

angles and 0' are equal (Propo- ^ ^
sition III., Corollary), and conse- /^\~/^
quently the triangles AOB, A'0'B\ [
are equal (Proposition YI., Book

I.). Therefore AB = A'B',

If the arcs are in the same circle the demonstration is


12. Corollary. Conversely, in equal circles, or in the same

circle, equal chords subtend equal arcs,


1. Theorem. —A diameter is greater than

any other chord.

2. Theorem. — The shortest line that can be

drawn from a point within a circle to the cir-

cumference is a portion of the diameter drawn

through the point.

13. In equal circles, or in the same circle, the greater of twfr

unequal arcs is subtended by the greater chord, the arcs being

each less than a semi-circumference.

Let the arc AC he greater than the arc AB ; then the chord
AC iQ greater than the chord AB.
Superpose the arc AB upon the
arc AC, placing centre upon cen-
tre A
and upon A; B must fall

between A and C, since AB is less


than AC. Draw now the radii OA, 0J5, 0(7. In the triangles
AOG and AOB the angle AOG is

obviously greater than the angle

AOB; therefore, by Proposition
XIV., Book I., the chord Aa is

greater than the chord AB.

14. Corollary. Conversely, in

equal circles, or in the same circle, the greater of two unequal

chords subtends the greater arc.

Suggestion, v. Proposition XY., Book I.

15. The diameter perpendicular to a chord bisects the chord
and the arcs subtended by it.

The triangles ACQ, BCO, are equal, by Proposition X.,

Book I. Therefore AC=CB.

The triangles AOD, BOB, are equal, by 1

Proposition VI., Book I. Therefore AD = / /

BD, and hence, by Proposition IV., Corol- 1
1 /
lary, the arc AD is equal to the arc BD.

In the same way we can prove the arc

AD' equal to the arc BD'. ^

16. Corollary I. The perpendicular

erected at the middle point of a chord passes through the centre

of the circle, (v. Proposition XVIII., Book I.)

17. Corollary II. When two circumferences intersect, the

straight line joining their centres bi-

sects their common chord at right


Suggestion. Erect a perpendicular

at the middle point of the common

chord, (v. Corollary I.)


Theorem. — The locus of the middle points of a set of parallel

chords is the diameter perpendicular to the chords.


18. In the same circle, or in equal circles, equal chords are

equally distant from the centre ; and of two unequal chords, the
less is at the greater distance from the centre.

1st. Let AB, CD, be equal chords; OE, OF, the perpen-
diculars which measure their distances

from the centre ;

For, since the perpendiculars bisect

then OE = OF. ^ ^^
f ^L^-'^^'^x
the chords, ^^ = (7i^; hence (Propo- ^LrCT^T^. I

sition X., Book I.) the right triangles I

...--"'''/V /
AOE and COF are equal, and OE z= ^V-v^ y^
OF. M>%^
2d. Let CG, AB, be unequal chords ;

OE, OH, their distances from the centre ; and let CG be less

than ^5; then OlfyOE.

For, since chord AB > chord CG, we have arc AB > arc
CG ; so that if from C we draw the chord CD = AB, its

subtended arc CD, being equal to the arc AB, will be greater
than the arc CG. Therefore the perpendicular OS will

intersect the chord CD in some point I. Drawing the per-

pendicular OF to CD, we have, by the first part of the
demonstration, OF = OE. But OH > 01, and 01 > OF
(Proposition XYIL, Book I.) ; still more, then, is OS > OF,
or OS^OE.
If the chords be taken in two equal circles, the demonstra-
tion is the same.

19. Corollary. Conversely^ in the same circle^ or in equal

circles^ chords equally distant from the centre are equal ; and

of two chords unequally distant from the centre, that is the

greater whose distance from the centre is the less.


Theorem. — The least chord that can be

drawn in a circle through a given point is

the chord perpendicular to the diameter

through the point
Suggestion, v. Proposition XYII., Book I.


20. Definitions. A tangent is an indefinite straight line
which has but one point in common
with the circumference; as ACB.
The common point, C, is called the

point of contact, or the point of tan-

gency. The circumference is also
said to be tangent to the line AB
at the point C,
A secant is a straight line which
meets the circumference in two points ; as JEF.
Two circumferences are tangent to each other when they
are both tangent to the same straight line

at the same point.

21. Definition. A rectilinear figure is said

to be circumscribed about a circle when all

its sides are tangents to the circumference.

In the same case, the circle is said to be
inscribed in the figure.


22. A straight line cannot intersect a circumference in more

than two points.

For, if the line could intersect the circumference in three

points, the radii drawn to these points would meet the line

at unequal distances from the perpendicular let fall from the

centre of the circle upon the line, and would be unequal, by
Proposition XXL, Book I.


23. A straight line tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the

radius drawn to the point of contact.

For any other point of the tangent, 2)^/

as D, must lie outside of the circle, and ^y\\ X
therefore the line OD^ joining it with a^^ \1 \
the centre, must be greater than the I
q ]

radius 0(7, drawn to the point of con- V /

tact. ^
OCiSj then, the shortest line that can
be drawn from to the tangent AB, and is therefore perpen-
dicular to AB, by Proposition XYII., Book I.
24. Corollary I. A perpendicular to a tangent line drawn
through the point of contact must pass through the centre
of the

25. Corollary II. If two circumferences are tangent to each

other, their centres and their point of contact lie in the same
straight line.

Suggestion. Through their point of contact draw a line

perpendicular to the tangent at that point, (v. Corollary I.)


26. When two tangents to the same circle intersect, the dis-

tances from their j)oint of intersection to their points of contact

are equal.

Eor the right triangles OAP and

OBP (Proposition IX.) are equal,
by Proposition X., Book I.

1. Theorem. —In any circumscribed quadrilateral, the sum of
two opposite sides is equal to the sum of the other two opposite sides,

2. Theorem. —If two circumferences are tangent, and from any

point, P, of the tangent at their point of contact, tangents are

drawn to the two circles, the points of contact of these tangents

are equally distant from P.

27. Two parallels intercept equal arcs on a circumference.

We may have three cases

1st. When the parallels AB, CI), are
both secants, then the intercepted arcs
AG and BB are equal. For, let OM be
the radius drawn perpendicular to the
parallels. By Proposition YI., the point
M is at once the middle of the arc AMB
and of the arc CMD, and hence we have

AM = BM and CM = DM,
whence, by subtraction,

AM— CM= BM — DM,

that is,
AG = BD.


2d. When one of the parallels is a secant, as AB, and the

other is a tangent, as EF at Jf, then the intercepted arcs
AM and BM are equal. For the radius OM drawn to the
point of contact is perpendicular to the tangent (Proposition
IX.), and consequently perpendicular also to its parallel AB ;
therefore, by Proposition YI., AM = BM.
3d. When both the parallels are tangents, as JSF at Mj
and GH at iV, then the intercepted arcs MAN" and MBN
are equal. For, drawing any secant AB parallel to the tan-
gents, we have, by the second case,
AM = BM and AN = BM, G/^
<^ \ —
whence, by addition, ( ^ \
that is,

V \

and each of the intercepted arcs in this case is a semi-circum-
As the measurement of magnitude is one of the principal
objects of geometry, it will be proper to premise here some
principles in regard to the measurement of quantity in

28. Definition. To measure sl quantity of any kind is to find

how many times it contains another quantity of the same
kind, called the unit.
Thus, to measure a line is to find the number expressing
how many times it contains another line, called the unit of
length, or the linear unit.

The number which expresses how many times a quantity

contains the unit is called the numerical measure of that
« «


29. Definition. The ratio of two quantities is the quotient

arising from dividing one by the oth-er : thus, the ratio of A
to B is ~.

To find the ratio of one quantity to another is, then, to

find how many times the first contains the second; there-
fore it is the same thing as to measure the first by the
second taken as the unit (28). It is implied in the defini-

tion of ratio that the quantities compared are of the same


Hence, also, instead of the definition (28), we may say that

to measure a quantity is to find its ratio to the unit.

The ratio of two quantities is the same as the ratio of their

numerical measures. Thus, if P denotes the unit, and if P
is contained m times in A and n times in B^ then

A mP m
B~~nP~ n

30. Definition. Two quantities are commensurable when there

is some third quantity of the same kind which is contained
a whole number of times in each. This third quantity is

called the common measure of the proposed quantities.

Thus, the two lines A and B are commensurable if there
is some line, (7, which is contained a
whole number of times in each, as, ^' '
^ '
' ' ' '

for example, 7 times in J., and 4 times ————

£< • « «

in B. —

The ratio of two commensurable

quantities can, therefore, be exactly expressed by a number,

whole or fractional (as in the preceding example by -), and

is called a commensurable ratio.



Two quantities are incommensurable when

31. Definition.

they have no common measure. The ratio of two such

quantities is called an incommensurable ratio.

If A and B are two incommensurable quantities, their ratio

is still expressed by -

32. Problem. To find the greatest common measure of two

quantities. The well-known arithmetical process may be ex-
tended to quantities of all kinds. Thus, suppose AB and CD
are two straight lines whose common measure is required.
Their greatest common measure can-
not be greater than the less line CD. ' '

Therefore let CD be applied to AB as Cr—T-pD
many times as possible, suppose three
times, with a remainder EB less than CD. Any common
measure of AB and CD must also be a common measure of
CD and EB ; for it will be contained a whole number of
times in CD, and in AE^ which is a multiple of OD, and
therefore to measure AB it must also measure the part
EB. Hence the greatest common measure of AB and CD
must also be the greatest common measure of CD and EB,
This greatest common measure of CD and EB cannot be
greater than the less line EB ; therefore let EB be applied
as many times as possible to CD, suppose twice, with a
remainder FD. Then, by the same reasoning, the greatest
common measure of CD and EB^ and consequently also
that of AB and CD, is the greatest common measure of
EB and FD. Therefore let FD be applied to EB as many
times as possible: suppose it is contained exactly twice in
EB without remainder; the process is then completed, and
we have found FD as the required greatest common meas-
. ;


The measure of each lin-e, referred to FD as the unit, will

then be as follows : we have

EB = 2FD,
CD = 2EB +FD = 4FD + FD = 6FD,
AB = SCD + EB= WFD + 2FD = 17FD.
The proposed lines are therefore numerically expressed, in

terms of the unit FD, by the numbers 17 and 5 j and their

.. . 17
ratio IS -—
33. When the preceding process is applied to two quanti-
ties and no remainder can be found which is exactly con-
tained in a preceding remainder, however far the process bo
contmued, the two quantities have no common measure ; that
is, they are incommensurable, and their ratio cannot be exactly
expressed by any number, whole or fractional.
34. As the student often has difficulty in realizing the
possibility of an incommensurable ratio, and imagines that if

two lines are given it must be possible to take a divisor so

small that it will go exactly into each of them, it seems
worth while to consider at some length an important exam-
ple, —namely, the ratio of the diagonal of a square to one of
the sides.
Let the method of (32) be applied
to finding the common measure of the
diagonal and a side of the square
AO 18 clearly less than twice AB
i.e., than AB -^ BC. Lay off on J. (7

AB\ equal to AB. Our problem is now

reduced to finding a common measure of B'C and AB, or its

equal, CB.

Erect at B' a perpendicular B'A' to AC. A'B\ B'C, and

A'B are all equal (y. Exercise 23, we Book I.). If, then,
lay off CB" CB\ B'G goes into BC twice, with a
equal to
remainder B"A'^ by which we must proceed to divide B'C.
But A' B'C is half a square, precisely similar to ABC^ and in
performing the division of B'C, or its equal, A'B'^ by A'B"^
we are merely repeating, on a smaller scale, the process just
performed in dividing BC loy B'C This will lead us to
another repetition, on a still smaller scale, and so on indefi-
nitely, and we shall never reach an exact division. The
diagonal and the side of a square have then no common
divisor, and are absolutely incommensurable.
35. Although an incommensurable ratio cannot be exactly

expressed by a number, a number can be found by the fol-

lowing method that will approximately express it, and the

approximation may be made as close as we choose.

Suppose that - denotes the ratio of two incommensurable

quantities, A and B. Let B be divided into n equal parts,

n being some number taken at pleasure ; and then let A be
divided by one of these parts. Suppose A is found to con-
tain this divisor m times, with a remainder, which, of course,

is less than the divisor; then - is an approximation to the

value of - and an approximation that

, may be made as close

as we please by taking a sufficiently great value of n.

For, if X is the magnitude of one of the parts into which

B is divided, we have
B = nXj while A^ mx and < (m -|- l)x.
B nx nx


that is,

Hes between ^ and ^ +

n n n

and by increasing n we may make -, which is the difference

between two numbers, one less and one greater than -, as

small as we choose, and may thus make the less number -


as close an approximation to the value of

- as we please.

As a numerical example, take the ratio of the diagonal of

a square to one of the sides (34). If the side is divided into
three equal parts, the diagonal will contain one of these parts

four times, with a remainder less than the divisor. - is then

an approximation, though a very rough one, to the value of

4 5
the ratio in question, which must lie between - and -.
o o
If the side is divided into five equal parts, the diagonal
will contain seven of them, and - is a closer approximation.
141 1414
and are still closer approximations.
100 1000
36. Definition. A proportion is an equation between two

itios. Thus, if the ratio
- is equal to the ratio —
, the


4= B'

is a proportion. It may be read, " Eatio of ^ to jB equals

ratio of A' to 5'," or, "J. is to B as A' is to B'r



A proportion is often written as follows

where the notation A B : is equivalent to A -i- B. When

thus written, A and B' are called the extremes^ B and A' the
means, and B' is called a fourth proportional to A, B and A' ;
the first terms, A and A\ of the ratios are called the ante-

cedents ; the second terms, B and B\ the consequents.

When the means are equal, as in the proportion

A:B = B:C,
the middle term B is called a mean proportional between A
and Cj and C is called a 3f/^^r^ proportional to ^ and j5.

37. In cases where it is necessary to prove the equality of

incommensurable ratios, it is usually best to employ what is

called the method of limits.

. 38. Definitions. A variable quantity, or simply a variable, is

a quantity whose value is supposed to change.
A constant quantity, or simply a constant, is a quantity
whose value is fixed.

The value of a variable may be changed at pleasure, in

which case an independent variable or it may be
it is called ;

changed by changing at pleasure the value of some other

variable or variables on which it depends, and in this case it

is called a dependent variable.

39. Definition. If, by changing in some specified way the

variable on which it depends, we can make a dependent vari-
we please to some given constant, but
able approach as near as
can never make the values of the variable and the constant
exactly coincide ; or, in other words, if we can make the dif-

ference between the variable and the constant as small as we

please, but cannot make it absolutely zero, the constant is called
the limit of the variable under the circumstances specified.


40. For example, consider the fraction -, where n is sup-

posed to be an independent variable, Le.^ one whose value
may be changed arbitrarily and to any extent, —the fraction
- is then a dependent variable. By increasing n at pleasure, _

may be made to approach as near as we please to the value

zero, but can never be made exactly equal to zero.

We say, therefore, that zero is the limit of -, as n is indefi-

nitely increased.
Again, the numerical approximation to the value of an
incommensurable ratio (v. 35) is a dependent variable^ depend-
ing upon the arbitrarily chosen number, n, of equal parts
into which the denominator of the ratio is divided, and it

has been shown to differ from the actual value of the ratio
by an amount less than -. By increasing n at pleasure we
can make this difference as small as we please, but can never
make it absolutely zero, for in that case we should have
found a common measure of the incommensurable numerator
and denominator of the given ratio.

The actual value of an incommensurable ratio is, then, the

limit approached by the approximation described in (35), as
n is indefinitely increased.

41. The usefulness of the method of limits flows entirely

from the following fundamental theorem, the truth of which
is almost axiomatic.
Theorem. —If two variables dependent upon the same variable
are so related that they are always equals no matter what value
is given to the variable on which they depend^ and if as the inde-
pendent variable is changed in some specified way, each of them
approaches a limit, the two limits must be absolutely equal.
For, in considering two variables that are and that always


remain equal to each other, we are dealing with a single vary-

ing value, i.e., their common value, and it — is clear that a

single variable cannot be made to approach as near as we

please to two diiferent constant values at the same time, as
if it is once brought between the two values in question,
afterward, in approaching nearer to one, it must inevitably
recede from the other.
The student should study this demonstration in connection

with that of Proposition XII., which follows.

42. In the same circle, or in equal circles, two angles at the

centre are in the same ratio as their intercepted arcs.

Let AOB and AGO be two angles at the centre of the same
circle, or at the centres of
equal circles; AB and AC,
their intercepted arcs ; then
1st. Suppose the arcs to have a common measure, x, which
is contained m times in AB and n times in A C Then AB =t
mx and AC = nx, and
AB rnx m
AC nx n
Apply the measure x AB and AC, and draw radii
to the arcs

to the points of division. The angle AOB is thus divided

into m parts, and the angle AOC into n parts, all of which

are equal, by Proposition III., Corollary. Call any one of these

smaller angles y ; then JLO^ = my and AOC == ny, and
AOB rny m
AOC ny n'

Therefore A^ = ^,
or (v. 36) AOB AOC =z AB
: : AC.

2d. If the arcs are incommensurable, suppose the arc AG

to be divided into any arbitrarily chosen number, w, of equal
parts, and let one of the parts

be applied as many times as

possible to the arc AB ; let B'
be the last point of division,
and draw the radius OB'.
By construction, the arcs AB'
and AG are commensurable. Therefore, by the proof above,

AOB' ^ A^

If, now, we change n the number of parts into which AG

is divided, AB' and AOB' will change, and consequently
AOB' , AB' .|| , AOB' . AB' ..
""^ ^^^^ '^"^^'- ^^^ "'' '^'^ ^""^-
bles depending upon the same variable, n.

By increasing n at pleasure we can make each of the

equal parts into which AC is divided as small as we please,

and consequently the remainder B'B, which is necessarily

less than one of these parts, can be made as small as we
please. It cannot, however, be made zero, for the arcs AB
and AG are incommensurable, by hypothesis.
It is clear, then, that if n is indefinitely increased, AB' will

have AB for its limitj and A OB' will have A OB for its limit
IS the limit of
-j^^ -j^,

is the limit of 41?',
as n is indefinitely increased.


As the two variables
— , both depending upon

n, are always equal, no matter what the value of w, and each

approaches a limit as n is indefinitely increased, the two
limits in question are absolutely equal (41). Hence



43. The numerical measure of an angle at the centre of a

circle is the same as the numerical measure of its intercepted arc^
if the adopted unit of angle is the angle at the centre which

intercepts the adopted unit of arc.

Let AOB be an angle at the centre

0, and AB its intercepted arc. Let
-10(7 be the angle which is adopted as
the unit of angle, and let its intercepted
arc AC he the arc which is adopted as
the unit of arc. By Proposition XII., we have

But the first of these ratios is the measure (28) of the angle
AOB referred to the unit AOC; and the second ratio is the

measure of the arc J.J5 referred to the unit AC. Therefore,

with the adopted units, the numerical measure of the angle
AOB is the same as that of the arc AB.
44. Scholium I. This theorem, being of frequent applica-
tion, is usually more briefly, though less accurately, expressed
t>y saying that an angle at the centre is measured by its inter-

cepted arc. In this conventional statement of the theorem,

the condition that the adopted units of angle and arc cor-
respond to each other is understood ; and the expression " is

measured by" is used for " has the same numerical measure

45. Scholium II. The right angle is, "by its nature, the most
simple unit of angle ; nevertheless custom has sanctioned a
different unit.

The unit of angle generally adopted is an angle equal to

^ part of a right angle, called a degree, and denoted by the
symbol °. The corresponding unit of arc is ^^^ part of a
quadrant (10), and is also called a degree.

A right angle and a quadrant are therefore both expressed

by 90°. Two right angles and a semi-circumference are both
expressed by 180°. Four right angles and a whole circum-
ference are both expressed by 360°.

The degree (either of angle or arc) is subdivided into

minutes and seconds, denoted by the symbols and " a minute' :

being -^ part of a degree, and a second being -^ part of a

minute. Fractional parts of a degree less than one second
are expressed by decimal parts of a second.
An angle, or an arc, of any magnitude is, then, numeri-

cally expressed by the unit degree and its subdivisions.

Thus, for example, an angle equal to ^ of a right angle, as

well as its intercepted arc, will be expressed by 12° 51'


46. Definition. When the sum of two arcs is a quadrant

(that is, 90°), each is called the complement of the other.

When the sum of two arcs is a semi-circumference (that

is, 180°), each is called the supplement of the other. See (I.,

: ;


47. Definitions. An inscribed angle is one whose vertex is

on the circumference and whose sides are

chords ; as BA C.
In general, any rectilinear figure, as

ABCj is said to be inscribed in a circle

when its angular points are on the circum*

ference; and the circle is then said to be
circumscribed about the figure.
An angle is said to be inscribed in a segment when its vertex
is in the arc of the segment, and its sides pass through the
extremities of the subtending chord. Thus, the angle BAG
is inscribed in the segment BAG.


48. An inscribed angle is measured by one-half its intercepted


There may be three cases

1st. Let one of the sides AB of the inscribed angle BAG
be a diameter; then the measure of the
angle BAG is one-half the arc BG.
For, draw the radius OG. Then, AOG
being an isosceles triangle, the angles OAG
and OGA are equal (I., Proposition YIII.).
The angle BOG, an exterior angle of the
triangle AOG, is equal to the sum of the
interior angles OAG and OGA (I., Proposition XXYI., Cor-
ollary), and therefore double either of them. But the an-
gle BOG, at the centre, is measured by the arc BG (44)
therefore the angle OAG is measured by one-half the arc


2d. Let the centre of the circle fall within the inscribed
angle BAG ; then the measure of the angle BAC is one-half
of the arc BC.
For, draw the diameter AD. The meas-
ure of the angle BAB by the first case,

one-half the arc BD and the measure of


the angle GAD is one-half the arc GD

therefore the measure of the sum of the
angles BAD andGAD is one-half the sum
of the arcs BD and GD ; that is, the measure of the angle
BAG is one-half the arc BG.
3d. Let the centre of the circle fall without the inscribed
angle BAG ; then the measure of the angle
BAG is one-half the arc BG.
For, draw the diameter AD. The meas-
ure of the angle BAD by the first case,

one-half the arc BD and the measure of


the angle GAD is one-half the arc GD ;

therefore the measure of the difference of c D

the angles BAD and GAD is one-half the

difference of the arcs BD and GD ; that is, the measure of
the angle BAG is one-half the arc BG.

49. Corollary. An angle inscribed in a

semicircle is a right angle.


Theorem. — The opposite angles of an inscribed quadrilateral

are supplements of each other.



50. An angle formed hy a tangent and a chord is measured

by one-half the intercepted arc.

Let the angle BAC be formed by

the tangent AB and the chord AC;
then it is measured by one-half the
intercepted arc AMC.
For, draw the diameter AD. The
angle BAD, being a right angle (Prop-
osition IX.), is measured by one-half
the semi-circumference AMJD ; and the angle CAD is meas-
ured by one-half the arc CD; therefore the angle BAC,
which is the difference of the angles BAD and CAD, is

measured by one-half the difference of AMD and CD ; that

is, by one-half the arc AMC.
Also, the angle B'AC is measured by one-half the inter-

cepted arc ANC. For, it is the sum of the right angle B'AD
and the angle CAD, and is measured by one-half the sum
of the semi-circumference AND and the arc CD ; that is, by
one-half the arc ANC.


Prove Proposition XY. by the aid of

this figure, OE being a radius perpendic-
ular to A C.
Suggestion. Complements of the same
angle are equal.



51. An angle formed by two chords^ intersecting within the
circumference^ is measured by one-half the sum of the arcs inter-

cepted between its sides and between the sides of its vertical angle.

Let the angle AEC be formed by the chords AB, CD, in-

tersecting within the circumference ; then

will it be measured by one-half the sum
of the arcs AG and BD^ intercepted be-

tween the sides of AEG and the sides of

its vertical angle BED,

For, join AD. AEG is equal
The angle
to the sum EDA and EAD, and these angles
of the angles
are measured by one-half of AG and one-half of BD, re-
spectively therefore the angle AEG is measured by one-half

the sum of the arcs AG and BD.


Prove Proposition XYI. by the aid of this

figure, DF being draT\jn parallel to AB. (v.

Proposition XI.)

52. An angle formed by two secants, intersecting without the
circumference, is measured by one-half the difference of the inter-

cepted arcs.

Let the angle BA G be formed by the se-

cants AB and AG; then will it be measured
by one-half the difference of the arcs BG
and DE.
For, join GD. The angle BDG is equal
to the sum of the angles DAG and AGD
therefore the angle A is equal to the differ-

ence of the angles BDC and ACD. But these angles are
measured by, one-half of BG and one-half of JDE respec-
tively; hence. the angle A is measured by one-half the differ-

ence of BG aad DB,


Prove Proposition XYII. by the aid of Proposition XI.,

drawing a suitable figure.

53. An angle formed by a tangent and a secant is measured
by half the difference of the intercepted arcs.

For the angle A is equal to BDG minus

ABD, by I., Proposition XXYI., Corollary.

54. Corollary. An angle formed by two

tangents is measured by half the difference of
the intercepted arcs.


1. Prove Proposition XYIII. and its Corollary by the aid

of Proposition XI.
2. Theorem. —If through the point of contact of two tangent

circles, two secants are drawn, the

chords joining the points where the
secants cut the circles are parallel.

Suggestion. FED = CEa,

. • . DBE = GAE.
Consider, also, the case where
the given circles are internally

Heretofore our figures have been assumed to be constructed
under certain conditions, although methods of constructing
them have not been given. Indeed, the precise construction
of the figures was not necessary, inasmuch as they were only
required as aids in following the demonstration of principles.
We now proceed, first, to apply these principles in the solu-
tion of the simple problems necessary for the construction
of the plane figures already treated of, and then to apply
these simple problems in the solution of more complex ones.
All the constructions of elementary geometry are effected
solely by the straight line and the circumference, these being
the only lines treated of in the elements ; and these lines are

practically drawrij or described, by the aid of the ruler and

compasses, with the use of which the student is supposed to
be familiar.


65. To bisect a given straight line.

Let AB be the given straight Kne.

"With the points A and B as centres, and with a radius
greater than the half of AB, describe arcs
intersecting in the two points D and E. D

Through these points draw the straight line

DJS, which bisects AB at the point G. For,

J) and B being equally distant from A and
B, the straight line DE is perpendicular to
AB at its middle point (I., Proposition




56. At a given point in a given straight line, to erect a perpen-

dicular to that line.

Let AB be the given line and G the given .^ ..^


Take two points, D and B, in the line

and at equal distances from C. With D J"d o Fb

and E as centres, and a radius greater than
DCov GEj describe two arcs intersecting in F. Then CF is

the required perpendicular (I., Proposition XYIII.).

57. Another solution. Take any point
O, without the given line, as a centre.

and with a radius equal to the distance ^y

from O to C, describe a circumference
intersecting J.jB in G and in a second
**• -''

point D. Draw the diameter DOE^

and join EG. Then EG will be the required perpendicular
for the angle EGD^ inscribed in a semicircle, is a right angle
(Proposition XIY., Corollary).
This construction is often preferable to the preceding, es-
pecially when the given point G is at, or near, one extremity
of the given line, and it is not convenient to produce the line
through that extremity. The point O must evidently be so
chosen as not to lie in the required perpendicular.




58. From a given point without a given straight line, to lei

fall a perpendicular to that line.

Let AB be the given line and G the
given point.
With C as a centre, and with a radius a —"-^^ —I
sufficiently great, describe an arc in-

tersecting AB in D and E. With D

and E as centres, and a radius greater
than the half of DE^ describe two arcs intersecting in F.
The line CF is the required perpendicular (I., Proposition
59. Another solution. With any point in the line AB as a
centre, and with the radius 0(7, describe

an arc GDE intersecting AB in D.

With i) as a centre, and a radius equal li)

to the distance DC, describe an arc in- ^

tersecting the arc CDE in E. The line /%

CE is the required perpendicular. For,
the point I) is the middle of the arc CJDE^ and the radius
OD drawn to this point is perpendicular to the chord CE
(Proposition YI.).


60. To bisect a given arc or a given angle.

Ist. Let AB be a given arc.

Bisect its chord AB by a perpendicular, as
in (55). This perpendicular also bisects the
arc (Proposition YI.).

2d. Let BAC be a given angle. With

^ as a centre, and with any radius, de-

scribe an arc intersecting the sides of the

angle in D and E, With D and E as

centres, and with equal radii, describe
arcs intersecting in F. The straight line
AF bisects the arc DE^ and consequently also the angle
61. Scholium. By the same construction, each of the halves
of an arc, or an angle, may be bisected ; and thus, by succes-
sive bisections, an arc, or an angle, may be divided into 4, 8,

16, 32, etc., equal parts.


62. At a given point in a given straight line, to construct an

angle equal to a given angle.

Let J. be the given point in the straight

line AB, and the given angle.
With as a centre, and with any radius,

describe an arc MJS^ terminated by the sides

of the angle. With A as a centre, and with

the same radius, OM, describe an indefi-

nite arc BC. With ^ as a centre, and with

a radius equal to the chord of MJ^, de-
scribe an arc intersecting the indefinite arc BC in D. Join
AI). Then the angle BAD is equal to the angle 0. For
the chords of the arcs MN and BD are equal; therefore
these arcs are equal, and consequently also the angles
and A.


63. Through a given point, to draw a parallel to a given

straight line.

Let A be the given point, and JBC ^

the given line. ,\
From any point B in BO draw the a/.— \

straight line BAD through A. At the


point A, by the preceding problem, b

construct the angle DAE equal to the

angle ABC. Then AB is parallel to BC (I., Proposition

XXIY., Corollary L).

64, Scholium. This problem is, in practice, more accurately

solved by the aid of a triangle, con-
structed of wood or metal. This
triangle has one right angle, and its

acute angles are usually made equal

to 30° and 60°.

Let A be the given point, and

BG the given line. Place the tri-

angle, BJFD, with one of its sides

in coincidence with the given line

BO. Then place the straight edge of a ruler, MN, against

the side EF of the triangle. Now, keeping the ruler firmly
fixed, slide the triangle along its edge until the side ED
passes through the given point A. Trace the line EAD along
the edge ED of the triangle ; then it is evident that this line
will be parallel to BG.

Prohlem. Two angles of a triangle being given, to find the

third, (v. I., Proposition XXYI., and I., Proposition III., Cor-
ollary I.)

65. Two sides of a triangle and their included angle being

given, to construct the triangle.

y &
Let 6 and c be the given sides, and Xj^

A their included angle.

Draw an indefinite line AE, and

construct the angle EAF=^A. On
AE take AC = b, and on AF take
AB = c; join BC. Then ABC is
the triangle required ; for it is formed with the data.
With the data, two sides and the included angle, only one
triangle can be constructed ; that is, all triangles constructed
with these data are equal, and thus only repetitions of the
same triangle (I., Proposition YL).
66. Scholium. It is evident that one triangle is always pos-
sible, whatever may be the magnitude of the proposed sides
and their included angle.

67. One side and two angles of a triangle being given, to

construct the triangle.

Two angles of the triangle being given, ^^ ^^^^

the third angle can be found; and we c

shall therefore always have given the

two angles adjacent to the given side.

Let, then, c be the given side, A and B

the angles adjacent to it.

Draw AB = c at J. make an angle BAD = A, and

a line ;

at B an angle ABE = B. The lines AD and BE intersecting

in we have ABC as the required triangle.

With these data but one triangle can be constructed (I.,

Proposition YIL).


68. Scholium. If the two given angles are together equal

to or greater than two right angles, the problem is impos-
sible ; that is, no triangle can be constructed with the data
for the lines AD and BG will not intersect on that side of
AB on which the angles have been constructed.
69. The three sides of a triangle being given, to construct the

Let a, bj and c be the three given sides. 6. .

Draw BC = a; with (7 as a centre and *

a radius equal to b describe an arc ; with

.B as a centre and a radius equal to c de-
scribe a second arc intersecting the first

in A. Then ABC is the required triangle.

With these data but one triangle can be constructed (I.,

Proposition IX.).
70. Scholium. The problem is impossible when one of the
given sides is equal to or greater than the sum of the other
two (I., Axiom I.).

7L Two sides of a triangle and the angle opposite to one of

them being given, to construct the triangle.

i a

1st. When the given angle A is

acute, and the given side a, oppo- r/

site to it in the triangle, is less than VwiXo
the other sjiven side c. X 7 I \
Construct an angle DAE = A. ^ ^,' '^z, ^
In one of its sides, as AD, take
AB = c; with J5 as a centre and a radius equal to a, describe

an arc which (since a <^ c) will intersect AE in two points, C"

and C", on the same side of A. Join BC and BG", Then

either ABC or ABC" is the required triangle, since each is

formed with the data ; and the problem has two solutions.

There will, however, be but one solution, even with these

data, when the side a is so much less than the side c as to be
just equal to the perpendicular from B upon AE. For then
the arc described from -S as a centre, and with the radius a,

will touch AE m2i single point, (7, and the required triangle
will be ABG^ right angled at C.
2d. When the given angle A is

either acute, right, or obtuse, and

the side a opposite to it is greater
than the other given side c.

The same construction being "^(""a' ^^^

made as in the first case, the arc
described with j5 as a centre, and with a radius equal to a,

will intersect AE in only one point, C, on the same side of A.

Then ABC will be the triangle required, and will be the only-
possible triangle with the data.

The second point of intersection, C", will fall in EA pro-

duced, and the triangle ABC thus formed will not contain
the given angle.
72. Scholium. The problem is impossible when the given
angle A is acute and the proposed side opposite to it is less

than the perpendicular from B upon AE; for then the arc
described from B will not intersect AE.
The problem is also impossible when the given angle is

right, or obtuse, if the given side opposite to the angle is less

than the other given side ; for either the arc described from
B would not intersect AEj or it would intersect it only when
produced through A.



Problem. — The adjacent sides of a parallelogram and their

included angle being given, to construct the parallelogram.

73. To find the centre of a given circumference, or of a given

Take any three points, A, B, and (7, in

the given circumference or arc, and join

them by chords AB, BC. The perpen-
diculars erected at the middle points of
these chords will intersect in the required
centre (Proposition YI., Corollary I.).

74. Scholium I. Only one solution is possible ; for, since the

centre is equidistant from B and (7, it must lie in the perpen-

dicular erected at the middle point of BC (I., Proposition

XYIII.), and since it is equidistant from A and B, it must lie

in the perpendicular erected at the middle point of AB ; and

these perpendiculars can have but one point in common.
75. Scholium IL The same construction serves to describe
a circumference which shall pass through three given points,
Aj B, C; or to circumscribe a circle about a given triangle,
ABC; that is, to describe a circumference in which the given
triangle shall be inscribed (47).

76. Scholium III. It follows from Scholium 1. that three

points not in the same straight line will determine a circum-
ference, i.e, through three points not in the same straight
line one circumference, and only one, can be drawn.
Hence two circumferences cannot intersect in more than
two points; for if they had three points in common they
would coincide throughout.


77, At a given point in a given circumference^ to draw a tan-

gent to the circumference.

Let A be the given point in the given

circumference. Draw the radius OA^ and
at A draw BAC perpendicular to OA
BG will be the required tangent (Propo-

sition IX.).

If the centre of the circumference is

not given, it may first be found by the

preceding problem, or we may proceed
more directly as follows : take two points,
D and E^ equidistant from A; draw the
chord DE^ and through A draw BAC
parallel to BE. Since A is the middle
point of the arc BE^ the radius drawn
to A will be perpendicular to BE (Proposition YI.), and con-
sequently also to BG ; therefore jBC is a tangent at A,

78. Through a given point without a given circle^ to draw a
tangent to the circle.

Let be the centre of the given circle

and P the given point.

Upon OP, as a diameter, describe a cir-
cumference intersecting the circumference
of the given circle in two points, A and A'.

Draw PA and PA\ both of which will be

tangent to the given circle. For, drawing
the radii OA and OA', the angles OAP and OA'P are right

angles (Proposition XIY., Corollary) ; therefore PA and PA^

are tangents (Proposition IX.).
In practice, this problem is accurately-

solved by placing the straight edge of a

ruler through the given point and tangent
to the given circumference, and then tracing
the tangent by the straight edge. The pre-
cise point of tangency is then determined
by drawing a perpendicular to the tangent
from the centre.
79. Scholium, This problem always admits of two solutions.


Problem. — To draw a
common tangent to two
given circles.

Suggestion. For an ex-

terior common tangent, in

the larger circle draw a
concentric circle whose
radius is the difference of the
radii of the given circles. For
an interior common tangent,
about one of the circles draw
a concentric circle whose ra-
dius is the sum of the radii of
the given circles.

80. To inscribe a circle in a given triangle.

LetABC be the given triangle. Bisect any two of its

angles, as B and by straight lines meet-


ing in 0. From the point let fall per-

pendiculars OX), OE^ OF, upon the three

sides of the triangle ; these perpendiculars
will be equal to each other (I., Proposi-
tion XIX.). Hence the circumference of
a circle, described with the centre 0, and
a radius = OD, will pass through the three points D, E, F,
will be tangent to the three sides of the triangle at these

points (Proposition IX.), and will therefore be inscribed in

the triangle.


Problem. — Upon a given straight line, to describe a segment

which shall contain a given angle.
Suggestion. Through one end of the given
line AB draw a line BC, making with it

the given angle. The two lines will be

one a chord and the other a tangent.
Hence the centre of the circle can be

1. If two circumferences are tangent in-
ternally, and the radius of the larger is the
diameter of the smaller, then any chord of
the larger drawn from the point of contact
is bisected by the circumference of the
smaller {v. Proposition XIV., Corollary, and
Proposition VI.).

2. If two equal chords intersect within a circle, the segments

of one are respectively equal to the segments of the other. What

is the corresponding theorem for the case where the chords meet
when produced?
3. Acircumference described on the hypotenuse of a right tri-
angle as a diameter passes through the vertex of the right angle.
(v. Proposition XIV., Corollary.)

4. The circles described on two sides of a triangle as diameters

intersect on the third side.

Suggestion, Drop a perpendicular from the opposite vertex upon
the third side.
5. The perpendiculars from the angles upon the opposite sides

of a triangle are the bisectors of the angles of the triangle formed

by joining the feet of the perpendiculars.
Suggestion. On the three sides of the given triangle as diam-
eters describe circumferences, {v. Exercise 3, Proposition XIV.,
and I., Proposition XXVI.).
6. If a circle is circumscribed about an equilateral triangle, the

perpendicular from its centre upon a side of the triangle is equal

to one-half of the radius.

7. The portions of any straight line which

are intercepted between the circumferences
of two concentric circles are equal.

8. Two circles are tangent internally

at P, AB of the larger circle
and a chord
touches the smaller at C; prove that PC
bisects the angle APB.
Suggestion. = BCP, BPQ =
BAP, BCP—BAP = APC Propo- (I.,

sition XXVI., Corollary).

9. If a triangle ABC
is formed by the intersection of three

tangents to a circumference, two of

which, A3f and AN, are fixed, while
the third, BC, touches the circumfer-
ence at a variable point P, prove that
the perimeter of the triangle ^^C
constant, and equal to AM
-\- AN, or

2AN (Proposition X.).

Also, prove that the angle P
0(7 is

10. If through one of the points of intersection of two circum-

ferences a diameter of each circle is drawn, the straight line
which joins the extremities of these diameters passes through the
other point of intersection, and is parallel to the line joining the
Suggestion. Draw the common chord and the line joining the
centres, (v. Proposition VI., Corollary II., and Exercise 29,
Book I.)

11. The difference between the hy-

potenuse of a right triangle and the

sum of the other two sides is equal to
the diameter 'of the inscribed circle.


12. A circle can be entirely sur-

rounded by six circles having the
same radius with it.

13. The bisectors of the vertical angles of all triangles having

the same base and equal vertical angles have a point in common.
Suggestion, The triangles may all be inscribed in the same

14. If the hypotenuse of a right triangle is double one of the

sides, the acute angles of the triangle are 30° and 60° respectively.
15. If, from a point whose distance from the centre of a given
circle isequal to a diameter, tangents are drawn to the circle,
they will make with each other an angle of 60°.

16. Find the locus of the centre of a circumference which passes
through two given points, (v. I., Proposition XVIII.)

17. Find the locus of the centre of a circumference which is

tangent to two given straight lines, {v. I., Proposition XIX.)

18. Find the locus of the centre of a circumference which is

tangent to a given straight line at a given point of that line, or

to a given circumference at a given point of that circumference.

19. Find the locus of the centre of a circumference passing

through a given point and having a given radius.

20. Find the locus of the centre of a circumference tangent to

a given straight line and having a given radius.
21. Find the locus of the centre of a circumference of given
radius, tangent externally or internally to a given circumference.

22. A
straight line MN, of given length,
is placed with its extremities on two
given perpendicular lines ^^, CD; find
the locus of its middle point P
31, Book I.).

23. A
straight line of given length is inscribed in a given circle;
find the locus of its middle point, {v. Proposition VII.)

24. A
straight line is drawn through a
given point A^ intersecting a given circum-
ference in B
and C; find the locus of the
middle point, P, of the intercepted chord
Note the special case in which the point
A is on the given circumference.

25. From any point ^ in a given circumference, a straight line

-4P of fixed length is drawn parallel to a given line MN ; find
the locus of the extremity P, {v. I., Proposition XXX.)

From one extremity -4 of a fixed

diameter ABy any chord AC is drawn,
and at (7 a tangent CD. From P, a per-
pendicular BD to
the tangent is drawn,
meeting AC in
Find the locus of P.
Suggestion. (Draw radius OC. v. I.,
Exercise 28.)

27. The base BC

of a triangle is given, and
the medial line BE, from jB, is of a given
length. Find the locus of the vertex A.
Suggestion. Draw AO
parallel to EB. Since
BO=BC, O is a fixed point; and since AO
= 2BEy OA is a constant distance.

The most useful general precept that can be given, to aid the
student in his search for the solution of a problem, is the follow-
ing Suppose the problem solved, and construct a figure accord-

ingly study the properties of this figure, drawing auxiliary lines


when necessary, and endeavor to discover the dependence of the

problem upon previously solved problems. This is an analysis
of the problem. The reverse process, or synthesis^ then furnishes
a construction of the problem. In the analysis, the student's in-
genuity will be exercised especially in drawing useful auxiliary
lines in the synthesis, he will often find room for invention in

combining in the most simple form the several steps suggested by

the analysis.
The analysis frequently leads to the solution of a problem by
the intersection of loci. The solution may turn upon the deter-
mination of the position of a particular point. By one condition
of the problem it may appear that this required point is neces-
sarily one of the points of a certain line this line is a locus of

the point satisfying that condition. A

second condition of the
problem may furnish a second locus of the point and the point

is then fully determined, being the intersection of the two loci.

Some of the following problems are accompanied by an analysis
to illustrate the process.
28. To determine a point whose distances from two given inter-
secting straight lines, AB^
A^B\ are given. •.... c
Analysis. The locus of
all the points which are at
a given distance from AB
two parallels to
consists of
ABy CE, and DF, each at
the given distance from
AB, The locus of all the
points at a given distance from A^B^ consists of two parallels,
C^E^ and D^F^^ each at the given distance from A^B\ The re-
quired point must be in both loci, and therefore in their inter-
section. There are in this case four intersections of the loci, and
the problem has four solutions.
Construction. At any point of AB, as A, erect a perpendicular
CD, and make AC = AD = the given distance from AB
; through
O and 2) draw parallels to AB. In the same manner, draw par-
allels to A^B^ at the given distance A^C =
A'D\ The intersec-

tion of the four parallels determines the four points P^, Pj? P^^ ^4»
each of which satisfies the conditions.

29. Given two perpendiculars, AB and CD, \
intersecting in O, to construct a square, one \ /
of whose angles shall coincide with one of
the right angles at O, and the vertex of the ^^ \
/'o '\ \
opposite angle of the square shall lie on a
given straight line EF, (Two solutions.) y*.

30. In a given straight line, to find a point equally distant from

two given points without the line.
31. To construct a square, given its diagonal.

32. Through a given point P within a given angle, to draw a

straight line, terminated by the sides of the anglfe, which shall
be bisected at P. {v. Exercise 28, Book I.)
33. Given two straight which caimot be produced to
lines their
intersection, to draw a third which would pass through their
intersection and bisect their contained angle.
Suggestion. Find two points equidistant from the two lines.
(v. I., Proposition XIX.)

34. Given the middle point of a chord in a given circle, to draw

the chord.
36. To draw a tangent to a given circle which shall be parallel
to a given straight line.
36. To draw a tangent to a given circle, such that its segment
intercepted between the point of contact and a given straight
line shall have a given length.
Suggestion. The tangent, the radius drawn to the point of con-
tact, and a line drawn from the centre to the end of the tangent
form a right triangle, two of whose sides are known. simple A
construction gives the hypotenuse.
In general there are four solutions. Show when there will be
but two also, when no solution is possible.

37. Through a given point within or without a given circle, to

draw a straight line, intersecting the circumference, so that the
intercepted chord shall have a given length. (Two solutions.)
{v. Exercise 23 and Section 78.)
38. Construct an angle of 60°, one of 120°, one of 30°, one of 150°,
one of 45°, and one of 135°.


39. Construct a triangle, given the base, the angle opposite to

the base, and the altitude.
Analysis. Suppose
quired triangle. The side
BAC to be the re-
BC being fixed ^ 7^^.

^\\ ^
in position and magnitude, the vertex A is // ^X; 1

to be determined. One locus of A is an k.^^ '^-vV

arc of a segment, described upon AB, con- ^ ^
taining the given angle. Another locus
of J. is a straight line MN drawn parallel to ^(7, at a distance
from it equal to the given altitude. Hence the position of A will
be found by the intersection of these two loci, both of which are
readily constructed.
Limitation. If the given altitude were greater than the perpen-
dicular distance from the middle of ^C
to the arc BAC, the arc
would not intersect the line MN, and there would be no solution
The limits of the data within which the solution of any prob-
lem is possible should always be determined.
40. Construct a triangle, given the base, the medial line to the
base, and the angle opposite to the base.
41. With a given radius, describe a circumference, 1st, tangent

to two given straight lines 2d, tangent to a given straight line


and to a given circumference 3d, tangent to two given circum-


ferences 4th, passing through a given point and tangent to a


given straight line 5th, passing through a given point and tan-

gent to a given circumference 6th, having its centre on a given


straight line, or a given circumference, and tangent to a given

straight line, or to a given circumference. (Exercises 19, 20, 21.)
42. Describe a circumference, 1st, tangent to two given straight
lines, and touching one of them at a given point (Exercises 17,
18) 2d, tangent to a given circumference at a given point and

tangent to a given straight line 3d, tangent to a given straight


line at a given point and tangent to a given circumference (Exer-

cise 18) 4th, passing through a given point and tangent to a

given straight line at a given point 5th, passing through a given


point and tangent to a given circumference at a given point.

43. Draw a straight line equally distant from three given points.
When will there be but three solutions, and when an indefinite
number of solutions ?
44.Inscribe a straight line of given length between two given
circumferences, and parallel to a given straight line. {v. Exer-
cise 25.)


1. Definition. One quantity is said to be proportional to

another when the ratio of any two values, A and JB, of the

first, is equal to the ratio of the two corresponding values

A' and 5', of the second ; so that the four values form the
proportion (II., 36)

B B''

This definition presupposes two quantities, each of which

can have various values, so related to each other that each
value of one corresponds to a value of the other. An exam-
ple occurs in the case of an angle at the centre of a circle
and its intercepted arc. The angle may vary, and with it

also the arc ; but to each value of the angle there corresponds
a certain value of the arc. It has been proved (II., Proposi-
tion XII.) that the ratio of any two values of the angle is

equal to the ratio of the two corresponding values of the

arc ; and, in accordance with the definition just given, this
proposition would be briefly expressed as follows :
" The angle
at the centre of a circle is proportional to its intercepted arc."
2. Definition. One quantity is said to be reciprocally propor-
tional to another when the ratio of two values, A and B^ of
the first, is equal to the reciprocal of the ratio of the two
«* 101

corresponding values, A' and B\ of the second, so that the

four values form the proportion

A^B^ ^. _^ ^
B A' '

For example, if the product p of two numbers, x and y, is

given, so that we have

xy=p, ^

then X and y may each have an indefinite number of values,

but as X increases y diminishes. If, now, A and B are two
values of rr, while A' and B' are the two corresponding values
of ?/, we must have
A XA' = p,
BX B' = p,
whence, by dividing one of these equations by the other,

B^ B'~ '

and therefore
A _ J_ ^ ^' .

B A^ A"

that is, two numbers whose product is constant are reciprocally


3. Let the quantities in each of the couplets of the pro-


j = §,ovA:B = A':B', [1]

be measured by a unit of their own kind, and thus expressed


by numbers (II., 28) ; let a and h denote the numerical meas-

ures of A and B, a' and h' those of A' and B' ; then (II., 29)

A^a A!. =9l

B 6'
B' b"

and the proportion [1] may oe replaced by the numerical pro-


4. Conversely, if the numerical measures a, 6, a', h\ of four

quantities, A^ J5, A\ B', are in proportion, these quantities

themselves are in proportion, provided that A and B are

quantities of the same kind, and J.' and B' are quantities of
the same kind (though not necessarily of the same kind as A
and B) ; that is, if we have

a\h = a' :h\

we may, under these conditions, infer the proportion

A:B = A' :B'.

5. Let us now consider the numerical proportion

a\h = a' :h\

Writing it in the form

and multiplying both members of this equality by hh\ we

ah' = a'b,

whence the theorem : the product of the extremes of a (numer-

icaT) proportion is equal to the product of the means.



Corollary. If the means are equal, as in the proportion

a : b = b : Cj we have b^ = ac, whence b = j/ac; that is, a

mean proportional (II., 36) between two numbers is equal to the
square root of their product.
6. Conversely, if the product of two numbers is equal to the

product of two others, either two may be made the extremes, and
the other two the means, of a proportion. For, if we have given
ab' = a^bj

then, dividing by bb', we obtain

= ^'ora:b
= a':b\
Corollary. The terms of a proportion may be written in

any order which will make the product of the extremes

equal to the product of the means. Thus, any one of the
following proportions may be inferred from the given equal-
ity ab' = a'b
a :b =a' :b\
a :a'=b :6',

b :a=b' :a'.

b :b' =a :a',

U '.
a' =b '.a, etc.

Also, any one of these proportions may be inferred from any


7. Definitions. When we have given the proportion

a-.b = a' :b',

and infer the proportion

a: a' =b :¥,
the second proportion is said to be deduced by alternation.

When we infer the proportion

b : a = b' '. a',

this proportion is said to be deduced by inversion.



8. It is important to observe that when we speak of the

products of the extremes and means of a proportion, it is

implied that at least two of the terms are numbers. If, for
example, the terms of the proportion

A:B=A': B'
are all lines^ no meaning can be directly attached to the
products ^ X ^'j ^X A\ since in a product the multiplier
at least must be a number.
But if we have a proportion such as

A B=m \ : n^

in which m and n are numbers, while A and B are any two

quantities of the same kind, then we may infer the equality

nA = mB.
Nevertheless, we shall, for the sake of brevity, often speak
of the product of two lineSj meaning thereby the product of the

numbers which represent those lines when they are measured hy a

common unit
9. If A and B are any two quantities of the same kind,
and m any number whole or fractional, we have, identically,

mA A
mB~ B'
that is, equimultiples of two quantities are in the same ratio as

the quantities themselves.

Similarly, if we have the proportion

A:B = A':B%
and if m and n are any two numbers, we can infer the pro-
mA mB =
: nA' nB\ :

mA nB =
: mA' nB\ :

10. Composition and Division. If we have given the pro-

portion -
A = B'

, we have, by alternation,
A' B''

Let r be the common value of these two ratios ; then

4, = r,and|=r,
A = rA', and B == rB\

Adding the second equation to the first, we have

+ B^KA'+B'),
A_±B_ ^ A^B_
A' + B' A' B''

The proportions ^^±|-, = A, and ^,i|, = | are said to

be formed from the given proportion

A:B^=A':B\hj composition.
If we subtract the equation = rB' from A =
B rA!^ we have
A—B = — B'), r(^Al
whence, as above,
A —B ^A
A' — B' A"
A —B ^B
A' — B' B"
two proportions which are said to be formed from the given
A B = A' B^hj division.
: :

11. Definition. A continued proportion is a series of equal

ratios, as

A:B=zA' :B'=:A" B" = : A'" : B"' = etc.

. . ;


12. Let r denote the common value of the ratio in the

continued proportion of the preceding article ; that is, let

B B' B" B"'

then we have
A=::Br, A'=B'r, A" = B'^r, A"' = B'^'r, etc.,

and, adding these equations,

A-{.A' + A''+ A'" + etc. = (B-{-B' + B" + B'" + etc.) r,

^ + ^^+^"+^"^+etc. ^^^A^A^^^^^,
BJ^B'^B^'^ B"' + etc. B B'
that is, the sum of any number of the antecedents of a continued
proportion is to the sum of the corresponding consequents as any
antecedent is to its consequent.
In this theorem the quantities J., 5, (7, etc., must all be
quantities of the same kind.
If, instead of a continued proportion, we have an ordinary
proportion, the theorem just proved obviously holds good.

13. If we have any number of proportions, as

a '.
h =^ c '.

a'-.h' = c' : d\
a" :
6" = c" : d'\ etc.

then, writing them in the form

a c a! c^ a" c"
h~ d' h'~d" W~dr' '

and multiplying these equations together, we have

aa' a" . . c d d' . .

hh'h'' ...~ dd'd'\.:

aaW ...'.hh'h" ... = cdd'...:dd'd"...]
that is, if the corresponding terms of two or more proportions
are multiplied together, the products are in proportion.

If the corresponding terms of the several proportions are

equal, that is, ii a z= a' = a", b = = b' V'^ etc., then the mul-
tiplication of two or more proportions gives

that is, if four numbers are in jprojportion^ like powers of these

numbers are in proportion.


14. A parallel to the base of a triangle divides the other two
sides proportionally.

Let DE be a parallel to the base, BC, of the triangle ABC;


1st. Suppose the lines J.J5, AD, to have # i^

a common measure which is contained m

times in AB and n times in AD. Then /

AB_m L A
AD n ^ ^o
Apply this measure to AB, and through
the points of division draw lines parallel to the base BC o^
the triangle ; then through the points of intersection of these
lines with A G draw lines parallel to AB. The small triangles

thus formed are all equal, by Propositions XXIX. and YII.,

Book I. Hence the m parts into which ACiQ divided are all

equal, and, as AE contains n of these parts,

AC ^m
AE n'

2d. If AB and AD are incommensurable, let AD be divided

into any arbitrarily chosen number n of
equal parts, and let AB be divided by one ^
of these parts. Let B' be the last point of A
division, 5 '5 beinff of course less than the di- / \
visor. Through B' draw B' C parallel to DE, / \ ~

Since AB' and AD are commensurable, / \

W=— I \
— -, and this holds true no matter i//-— -\c"
AD AE t \
what value may be given to n. By taking
a sufficiently great value for we can make B' come as near

''is we please to B ; but we cannot make B' and B coincide,

since no divisor of AD can divide AB without remainder.
AB' and AC, and consequently
AC , are then
^ ^ AD AE'
variables dependent upon the same variable, n; and, as we
have seen above, they are equal, no matter what value is

given to n. If n is indefinitely increased,

has the limit
AC has the limit
Therefore, by the fundamental theorem in the Doctrine of

Limits (41, Book II.), these limits are equal, and therefore
AD~ AE' \
Compare this reasoning with that in II., 42. \

Show that in Proposition AD DB = AE EC
I. : : Q>. 10),

and also that


15. Conversely, if a straight line divides two sides of a tri-

angle proportionally, it is parallel to the third side.

Let DE divide the sides AB, AC, of the tri-

angle ABC, proportionally; then DE is par-

allel to BC
For, if DE is not parallel to BC, let some
other line DE', drawn through D, be parallel
to BC. Then, by Proposition I.,

But, by hypothesis, we have


whence it follows thatAE' = AE, which is impossible unless

DE' coincides with DE. Therefore DE is parallel to BC.


1. Theorem. — The line bisecting the vertical angle of a triangle

divides the base into segments proportional to the adjacent sides

of the triangle.

Suggestion. Through B draw

a line parallel to the bisector
and extend the side CA to meet
it. The triangle EAB is isos-

celes. .'.AE = AB. CE and

CB are divided proportionally (Proposition I.). Hence CD :

DB = CA : AB.
2. Prove the converse of Exercise I. (v. Proposition II.)

16. Definitions. Two polygons are similar when they are
mutually equiangular and have their homologous sides pro-

In similar polygons, any points, angles, or lines, similarly

situated in each, are called homologous.

The ratio of a side of one polygon to its homologous side

in the other is called the ratio of similitude of the polygons.


17. Two triangles are similar when they are mutually equi-


Let ABC, A'B'C, be mutually

equiangular triangles, in which y^i -4'

A=A', B = B\ C= C; then / / ^f
these triangles are similar. / / / /

For, superpose the triangle b c b! c

A'B'C upon the triangle ABC,
making the angle A' coincide with its equal, the angle A, and
let B' fall at h and C at e. Since the angle Abe is equal to
B, he is parallel to BC (I., Proposition XXIY., Corollary I.),

and we have (Proposition I.)

AB:Ah=AC '.Ac,
If, now, we superposeA'B'C upon ABC, making B' co-

incide with B, we may prove, in the same manner, that

and, combining these proportions,
AB ^ AC_ ^ BC_ PJ-,
A'B' A'C B'C '- ^

Therefore the homologous sides are proportional, and the tri-

angles are similar (16).


18. Scholium I. The homologous sides lie opposite to equal


19. Scholium II. The ratio of similitude (16) of the two

similar triangles is any one of the equal ratios in the con-
tinued proportion [1].


Theorem. — The altitudes of two similar triangles are to each

other in the ratio of similitude of the triangles.


20. Two triangles are similar when an angle of the one is

equal to an angle of the other, and the sides including these
angles are proportional.

In the triangles ABC, A'B'C, ^
let A = A', and yf /j
AB AC , .X / X /
A'B' A'C' / Bf G'

then these triangles are similar. ^ ^

For, place the angle A' upon its

equal angle A ; let B' fall at h, and C at c. Then, by the

Ah Ac

Therefore he is parallel to BC (Proposition II.), and the tri-

angle Ahc is similar to ABC (Proposition III.). But Ahc is

equal to A'B'C; therefore A'B'C is also similar to ABC.


21. Two triangles are similar when their homologous sides are

In the triangles ABC, A'B'C, let

AB_^AG_^BG_, ry.
A'B A'C B'G" •-

then these triangles are similar. ^
For, take Ah == A!B', and Ac '
/I /I
= ^'(7', and join .6 and c. /^ / / /
Abe is similar to ABC, by Prop- y^'
J n c
osition lY. Therefore b o

AB BO -, or
Ab be '
A'B' be

But, by hypothesis,
A'B' B'C'

The triangle A!B'G' is then equal to Abe, by I., Proposition

IX., and is consequently similar to ABC.

22. If two polygons are composed of the same number of tri-

angles similar each to each and similarly placed, the polygons

are similar.

Let the polygon ABCD, /"^^^•^^^^

etc., be composed of the tri- ^/:;.'.. \^ A'k::y.. \n
angles J.5 (7, A CD, etc.; and \ '"^^^
let the polygon A'B'C'D\ V-^-^""''^
etc., be composed of the
triangles A'B'C\ A'C'D\ etc., similar to ABC, ACD, etc.,
2^ 10*

respectively, and similarly placed; then the polygons are


1st. The polygons are

mutually equiangular. For,
the homologous angles of
the similar triangles are
equal ; and any two corre-

sponding angles of the poly-

gons are either homologous angles of two similar triangles,
or sums of homologous angles of two or more similar trian-
gles. Thus, B = B\; BCD = BCA -f ACD = B'C'A' +
A'C'D'=B'C'D' ; etc.

2d. Their homologous sides are proportional. For, from

the similar triangles, we have
AB ^ BG ^ AC ^ CD ^ AD ^ DE ^ ^'
A'B' B'C A'C CD' A'D' D'E' ^

Therefore the polygons fulfil the two conditions of similarity

(16). \y—
23. Conversely, two similar polygons may be decomposed into

the same number of triangles similar each to each and similarly


Let ABCD, etc., A'B'C'D', etc., be two similar polygons.

From two homologous ver-
tices, A and A', let diag-

onals be drawn in each

polygon; then the poly-
gons will be decomposed
as required.
For, 1st. We have, by the definition of similar polygons,

Angle B = B\ and
A'B' B'C

therefore the triangles J.5(7and A^B'C are similar (Proposi-

tion lY.).

2d. Since ABC and A!B'G' are similar, the angles BGA and
B'C'A! are equal; subtracting these equals from the equals
BCD and B'C'I)\ respectively, there remain the equals ACJ)
and A' CD', Also, from the similarity of the triangles ABC
and A'B'C, and from that of the polygons, we have

A'C B'C CD''

therefore the triangles ACD and A' CD' are similar (Propo-
sition lY.).

Thus, successively, each triangle of one polygon may be

shown to be similar to the triangle similarly situated in the


24. The 'perimeters of two similar polygons are in the same

ratio as any two homologous sides.

For we have (see preceding figures)

^^ ^^ ^^ etc.;
A'B' B'C CD'
whence (12)

-{- -{- etc. ^ AB ^ BC etc.
A'B' + B'C+ CD' + etc. A'B' B'C

; :


25. If a perpendicular is drawn from the vertex of the right

angle to the hypotenuse of a right triangle

1st. The two triangles thus formed are similar to each other
and to the whole triangle
2d. The perpendicular is a mean proportional between the seg-

ments of the hypotenuse ;

3d. Each side about the right angle is a mean proportional
between the hypotenuse and the adjacent segment.

Let G be the right angle of the triangle

ABC, and CD the perpendicular to the
hypotenuse; then,
1st. The triangles ACD and CBD are
similar to each other and to ABC. For the triangles ACD
and ABC have the angle A common, and the right angles
ADCj ACBj equal; therefore they are mutually equiangular,
and consequently similar (Proposition III.). For a like

reason CBD is similar to ABCj and consequently also to

2d. The perpendicular CD is a mean proportional between
the segments AD and DB. For the similar triangles ACD,
CBD, give
AD:CD = CD : BD.

3d. The side J. (7 is a mean proportional between the hy-

potenuse AB and the adjacent segment AD. For the similar
triangles, ACD, ABC, give

In the same way the triangles CBD and ABC give


26. Scholium. If the lengths of the lines in the figure

above are expressed in terms of the same unit, the results

just obtained may be written (5, Corollary)

Vlf =ABX I>B,

TO' = AB X AD,
'mJ' = AB X BD.
27. Corollary. If from any point in the circumference of a
circle a perpendicular is let fall upon a diameter, the perpen-
dicular is a mean proportional between the segments of the diam-


Suggestion. Draw the chords A C and CB,

(v. 11., Proposition XIY., Corollary.)

'< '
28. The square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right
triangle is the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two

sides, the three lengths being expressed in terms of the same unit.

Let ABC be right angled at C; then

Xg' = TO' + BU'.

For, by Proposition IX., we have
TU' = AB X AD, and 277' = AB X BD,
the sum of which is

AJ]' + 'mj'=.AB X {AD ^ BD) = AB X AB = A^.

29. Scholium I. By this theorem, if the numerical measures
of two sides of a right triangle are given, that of the third
is found. For example, if ^(7= 3, BO = 4; then AB =
1/ [3^ + 4^ = 5.

If the hypotenuse, AB, and one side, AC, are given, we

have BC^ = TB'' — X0\' thus, if there are given AB = b,

AC = 3, then we find BO = ^^[5^ — 3'] = 4.


30. Scholium II. If J. is the diagonal of a square ABCD,

we have, by the preceding theorem,


and, extracting the square root,

AC =
-j£ \/^= 1.41421 + ad inf.

Since the square root of 2 is an incommensurable number, it

follows that the diagonal of a square is incommensurable with

its side. (v. II., 34.)

31. Definition. The projection of a point

A upon an indefinite straight line XY is

the foot P of the perpendicular let fall

from the point upon the line.

The projection of a finite straight line AB upon the line XY

is the distance FQ between the projections of the extremities
oi AB.
If one extremity B of the line AB is in

the line- XY^ the distance from B to P (the

projection of A) is the projection of AB on
XY; for the point B is in this case its own


1. Theorem. —In any triangle, the square of the side opposite

to an acute angle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other

two sides diminished by twice the product of one of these sides

^dnd the projection of the other upon that side.


Suggestion. Let (7 be the acute angle in question in Fig. 1

or Fig 2.
A Fig. 1.

== + (5(7 PCy, Fig. or

XF' 1,

-^'^ XF'
+ (PC
== 2T^ + TO' + :BT' - 2BC X Pc;
YiQ. 2.

= Xa' + IB^C — 2BC X PC,

2. Theorem. — J/i an obtuse angled triangle,

the square of the side opposite to the obtuse

angle is equal to the sum of the squares of the

other two sides, increased by twice the product

of one of these sides and the projection of the

other upon that side.


32. If two chords intersect within a circle, their segments are
reciprocally proportional.

For the triangles APB' and A'PB are mu-

tually equiangular (II., Proposition XIY.),
and therefore similar (Proposition III.).

AP : A'P = PB' : PB.

33. Scholium. If the lengths of the lines in

question are expressed in terms of the same unit, the result

above can be written


and the proposition may be stated : if through a fixed point
within a circle any chord is drawn, the product of the lengths of
its segments is the same whatever its direction.

Theorem. —Either segment of the least chord

that can he drawn through a fixed point is a

mean proportional between the segments of any
other chord drawn through that point, (v.

II., 19, Exercise.)

34. If two secants intersect without a circle, the whole secants
and their external segments are reciprocally proportional.

For the triangles PAB^ and PA'B are mu-

tually equiangular (II., Proposition XIY.),
and therefore similar. Consequently

PB : PB' = PA' : PA.

35. Corollary. If a tangent and a secant

intersect, the tangent is a mean proportional
between the whole secant and its external seg-

Suggestion. Show that the triangles PA T
and PTB are similar.

36. Scholium. If the lengths of the lines

are expressed in terms of the same unit,

the result of (34) can be written PB X PA

= PB' X PA\ and Proposition XII. can be stated :
if through
a fixed point without a circle a secant is drawn, the product of
the lengths of the whole secant and its external segment has the

same value in whatever direction the secant is drawn.


Theorem. — If from any point on the common chord of two
intersecting circles^ produced^ tangents are drawn to the two
circles^ the lengths of these tangents are equal.

37. To divide a given straight line into any given number of
equal parts.

Let AB be the given line. Through A draw

an indefinite line AX^ upon which lay off the
given number of equal distances, each distance
being of any convenient length ; through M the
last point of division on AX draw MB^ and
through the other points of division of AX
draw parallels to MB^ which will divide AB
into the required number of equal parts. This
follows from the first part of the proof of Proposition I.

38. To divide a given straight line into parts proportional to

two given straight lines.

Let it be required to divide AB

into parts proportional to M and N,
From A draw the indefinite line AX^
upon which lay off AG = M and CD
= N. BB^ and through G draw
GE parallel to DB. Then we shall
have AE :JEB=AC:GD, by Propo-
sition I.


Problem. — To divide a given straight line

into parts proportional to given straight

lines. ...•'5

39. To find a fourth proportional to three given straight lines.

Let it be required to find a fourth pro-

portional to M, JV, and P. Draw the in-

AY, making an angle

definite lines AJT,

with each other. Upon AJC lay off AB

= =
M, AD N; and upon ^ Ylay off ^(7
= P; join BG, and draw BE parallel to
BC ; then AEi^ the required fourth pro-

For we have (Proposition I.)

: AE, or M W= P
: : AE.
Prohlem.- To find a third proportional to tvx) given straight

40. To find a mean proportional between two given straight

Let it be required to find a mean pro-
portional between M and N. Upon an
indefinite line lay ofl AB=M,BG = JSF;

upon AG describe a semi-circumference,

and at B erect a perpendicular, BD, to
AG. Then BD is the required mean proportional (Proposi-
tion IX., Corollary).


41. Definition. When a given straight line is divided into

two segments such that one of the segments is a mean pro-
portional between the given line and the other segment, it is

said to be divided in extreme and mean ratio.

Thus, AB is divided in extreme and mean ratio ^

H —
at C,ii AB\AC=:AG : CB.

42. To divide a given straight line in extreme and mean ratio.

Let AB be the given straight line. At B erect the per-

pendicular BO equal to one-half of AB. With the centre
and radius OB^ describe a circumference,
and through A and draw AO cutting
the circumference first in D and a second
time in D'. Upon AB lay ofl AG == AD.
Then AB is divided at C in extreme and
mean ratio.

For we have (Proposition XIL, Corollary) ^

^J •
AD' :AB=AB:AD or AC, [1]

whence, by division (10),

AD' — AB:AB = AB — AC:Aa,

or, since DD' =20B = AB, and therefore AD' — AB = AD^
— DD' = AD=AC,
and, by inversion (7),

that is, AB is divided at C in extreme and mean ratia


43. On a given straight line^ to construct a polygon similar to

a given polygon.

Let it be required to construct upon A'B' a polygon similar

Divide AB CDEF mio tri-
angles by diagonals drawn
from A.Make the angles
B'A'C and A'B'C equal
to BAG and ABC respec-
tively; then the triangle
A'B'C will be similar to ABC (Proposition III.). In the
same manner construct the triangle A'D'C similar to ADC,
A'WD' similar to AED, and A'E'F' similar to AEF. Then
AIB'C'D'E'F' is the required polygon (Proposition YL).
; ;


(1 1. If lines are intersected by any number of par-
two straight
the corresponding segments of the two lines are pro-
allel lines,
portional, {v. Proposition I.)
2. The diagonals of a trapezoid divide each other into segments

which are proportional.

In a triangle any two sides are reciprocally proportional to

the perpendiculars let fall upon them from the opposite vertices.
4. The perpendiculars from two vertices of a triangle upon the

opposite sides divide each other into segments which are recipro*
cally proportional.
6. If the three sides of a triangle are respectively perpendicular
to the three sides of a second triangle, the triangles are similar.
6. If ABC and A^BO are two triangles Laving
acommon base BC and their vertices in a line
AA^ parallel to the base, and if any parallel to
the base cuts the sides AB
and ^ C in Z> and jE7,
and the sides A^B and A^C in D^ and E^^ then
DE=^J)'E' (Proposition III.).
""7. If two sides of a triangle are divided propor-

tionally, the straight lines drawn from correspond-

ing points of section to the opposite angles intersect
on the line joining the vertex of the third angle
and the middle of the third side.
Suggestion. Draw the line ADE
through the in-
tersection of B^C and BC^. B'E'D and CED are

EC DC B'DC^ and BDC are
B'E' B'D
DC BC ^ AB^C^ and ABC are similar
BC ^ AB AB'E' and ABE are similar
B'C AB'' AB' B'E'
Hence EC BE and BE = EC,
B'E' B'E'
11* 125


8. The difference of the squares of two sides of any triangle is

equal to the difference of the squares of the projections of these

j--^ sides on the third side (Proposition X.).
^ 9. J[ffrom any point in the plane df a polj[gon\peitoendiculars
^"^^ -^alfe^rawn to all the sides, the two siiml of\the^qu\res of the iW
alternate segments of the sides are equkl. ^

\J 10. If through a point P

in the circum-
ference of a circle two chords are drawn,
the chords and the segments cut from them
by a line parallel to the tangent at are re-P
ciprocally proportional.
Suggestion, Prove PAB and Pba similar.
-^ -41
11. If three circles int^fSect, their three
common chords pass through the same
point, {v. Proposition XI.)

12. If two tangents are drawn to a circle

at the extremities of a diameter, the por-
tion of any third tangent intercepted be-
tween them is divided at its point of con-
tact into segments w^hose product is equal
to the square of the radius.
Suggestion. Prove AOB a right triangle.

13. The perpendicular from any point of a cir-

cumference upon a chord is a mean proportional

between the perpendiculars from the same point
upon the tangents drawn at the extremities of
the chord.
Suggestion. PBD and PAE are similar ; .

PB^PD PCE and PAD are similar

Hence ^
= PA

14. If two circles touch each other, secants drawn through their
point of contact and terminating in the two circumferences are
divided proportionally at the point of contact, {v. II., 54, Exer-
cise 2.) ^ - '

15. If two circles are tangent exter- ^f :z X

nally, the portion of their common
tangent included between the points
of contact is a mean proportional be-
tween the diameters of the circles.
Suggestion. Show that OBO^ is a right

16. If a fixed circumference is cut by any circumference which

passes through two fixed points, the com-
mon chord passes through a fixed point.
Suggestion. PA PB =
. PT^ PD =
by Proposition XII. and Corollary. Join P
with (7^, and show that PC^ will cut both
circles at the same distance from P, and
will be their common chord. "^ ''-::.-.-.-...-=''£ ^

17. a fixed point O, a straight line OA is
drawn to any point in a given straight line JJfJV,
and divided at P
in a given ratio n (ie, so m :

that OP:PA='m:n); find the locus of P. (v.

Proposition II.)

18. From a fixed point O, a straight line

OA drawn to any i:)oint in a given cir-
cumference, and divided at P in a given
ratio ; find the locus of P.
Suggestion. PC is a fixed length.

19. Find the locus of a point whose distances from two given

straight lines are in a given ratio. (The locus consists of two

straight lines.)


yy- 20. Find the locus of the points which divide the various chords
of a given circle into segments whose product is equal to a given
constant, k'^ (33, Exercise).

21. Find the locus of a point the sum of whose distances from

two given straight lines is equal to a given constant, k. {v, I.,

Exercise 10.)

22. Find the locus of a point the difference of whose distances

from two given straight lines is equal to a given constant, k.
Suggestion, Reduce it to I., Proposition XIX., by drawing a
third line parallel to the more distant of the given lines at a
distance from it equal to k,

To divide a given straight line into three segments. A, B,
and such that A and B shall be in the ratio of two given
straight lines M
and iV, and B and C shall be in the ratio of two
other given straight lines P and Q.

24. Through a given point, to draw a straight line so that the

portion of it intercepted between two given straight lines shall
be divided at the point in a given ratio.
Suggestion. Through the point draw a line parallel to one of
the given lines, {v. II., Exercise 32.)

25. Through a given point, to draw a straight line so that the

distances from two other given points to this line shall be in a
given ratio.
Suggestion. Divide the line joining the two other given pointe

26. To determine a point whose distances from three given in-

deiinite straight lines shall be proportional to three given straight
lines. (Exercise 19.)
4LJ' A
27. In a given triangle ABC, to inscribe a
square DEFQ. (Exercises 6 and II., 29.)

BOOK m. 129

^ 28. Griven two circumferences inter-

secmng in -4, to draw through A a
i l^ant, JSACj such that AB shall be
TO AO in Si given ratio.
Suggestion. Divide 00^ in the given
ratio, (v. Exercise 1.)

29. To aescribe a circumference passing through two given

points A and B and tangent to a
given circumference O.
Analysis. Suppose ATB
is the re-
guired circumference tangent to the
given circumference at T, and
any circumference passing through A
and B
and cutting the given circum-
ference in C and D. The common
chords AB
and CD^ and the common
tangent at T^ all pass through a com-
mon point P
(Exercise 16) from ;

which a simple construction may be inferred. There are two

solutions given by the two tangents that can be drawn from P.

<| 30. To describe a circumference passing through two given

points and tangent to a given straight line. (Two solutions.)
{v. Proposition XII., Corollary.)

31. To describe a circumference passing through a given point

and tangent to two given straight lines, {v. Exercise 13.)


>^ir BOO
1. Definition. The area of a surface is its numerical meas-
ure, referred to some other surface as the unit ; in other words,

it is the ratio of the surface to the unit of surface (II., 29).

The unit of surface is called the superficial unit. The most

convenient superficial unit is the square whose side is the
linear unit.

2. Definition. Equivalent figures are those whose areas are

3. Parallelograms having equal bases and equal altitudes are

Let ABCD and AJECF be two

parallelograms having equal bases
and equal altitudes. ^ ^
Superpose the second upon the
first, making the equal bases coincide. Since the altitudes
are equal, the upper bases will lie in the same straight line.

The triangles ABE and CDF are equal (I., Proposition YL).
If the triangle CDF is taken from the whole figure, ABFC,
the first parallelogram ABCD is left; if the equal triangle
ABE is taken from the same figure, the second parallelogram
AECF is left. The magnitudes of the two parallelograms
are therefore equal, and the parallelograms are equivalent.
4. Corollary. Any parallelogram is equivalent to a rectangle
having the same base and the same altitude.

BOOK IV. 131


5. Two rectangles having equal altitudes are to each other as

their bases.
Let ABCD and AEFD be two
rectangles having equal altitudes

then are they to each other as

AB : AE.
1. Suppose the bases have a common measure which is
contained m times in AB and n times in AK Then we have

Apply this measure to the two bases, and through the points
of division draw perpendiculars to the bases. The two rec-

tangles are thus divided into smaller rectangles, all of which

are equal, by I., Proposition XXYIIL, Corollary, and of
which ABCD contains m AEFD contains n.
and Then
and consequently
2. If the bases are incommensurable, divide AE in any
arbitrarily chosen number n of
equal parts, and apply one of c c

these parts to AB. Let B' be the

last point of division, B'B being £f B
of course less than the divisor.

Since AB' and AE are commensurable, we have

and this holds, no matter what the value of n. If, now,
AE ,

n is increased at pleasure, we can make J5'J5, and consequently

B'BGG'j as small as we please, but
cannot make them absolutely zero.
Hence, as n is indefinitely in-

creased, AB for its limit,

AB' has Bf B
AB'C'D has ABGD for its Hmit,

has for its limit.


AB' ——
has for its limit.

Therefore, by II., Theorem^ Doctrine of Limits,

AEFD ^. (^v. IL, 42, and III., 14.)

6. Corollary. Two rectangles having equal bases are to each

other as their altitudes.

Note. In these propositions, by " rectangle" is to be under-

stood " surface of the rectangle."


7. Any two rectangles are to each other as the products of their

bases by their altitudes.

Let B and i2' be two rec-

tangles, k and k their bases,

h and h' their altitudes ; then

B kXh

For, let >S^ be a third rectan-

gle, having the same base k

BOOK IV. 133

as the rectangle -B, and the same altitude h! as the rectangle

R' ; then we have, by Proposition II., Corollary, and Propo-

sition II.,

S h" R' k"

and multiplying these ratios, we find

R' Ji'X h''

8. Scholium. It must be remembered that by the product

of two lines is to be understood the product of the numbers
which represent them when they are measured by the linear

unit (III., 8).


9. The area of a rectangle is equal to the product of its base

and altitude.

Let R be any rectangle, k its base,

and h its altitude numerically ex-

pressed in terms of the linear unit

and let Q be the square whose side
is the linear unit ; then, by Proposition III.,

R _k X h
=k X h.
Q IX 1

But since Q is the unit of surface, -

R = the numerical meas-

ure, or area, of the rectangle, R, (1) ; therefore

Area of R= k X h.


10. Scholium I. When the base and altitude are exactly

divisible by the linear unit, this proposition is rendered evi-

dent by dividing the rectangle into squares

each equal to the superficial unit. Thus, if

the base contains 7 linear units and the alti-

tude 5, the rectangle can obviously be divided

into 35 squares each equal to the superficial

unit ; that is, its area = 5x7. The propo-

sition, as above demonstrated, is, however, more general,
and includes also the cases in which either the base or the
altitude, or both, are incommensurable with the unit of

11. Scholium II. The area of a square, being the product

of two equal sides, is the second power of a side. Hence it is

that in arithmetic and algebra the expression " square of a

number" has been adopted to signify "second power of a
We may also here observe that many writers employ the
expression "rectangle of two lines" in the sense of "product
of two lines," because the rectangle constructed upon two
lines is measured by the product of the numerical measures
of the lines.


12. The area of a parallelogram is equal to the product of its

base and altitude.

For, by Proposition I., the parallelogram is equivalent to a

rectangle having the same base and the same altitude.
BOOK IV. { I '^ < / ' 135


13. The area of a triangle is equal to half the product of its

base and altitude.

Let ABC be a triangle, k the numerical f-

measure of its base BC^h that of its alti- •'' ^^^^"^^^ / •*

tude AB^ and 8 its area \

then B^~h o""d

For, through A draw AE parallel to CB, and through B draw
B£J parallel to CA. The triangle ABC is one-half the paral-
lelogram AEBC (I., Proposition IX.); but the area of the
parallelogram =k y^ h ; therefore, for the triangle, we have
S=lk X h.

/ 14. Corollary I. A triangle is equivalent to one-half of any

i^parallelogram having the same base and the same altitude.

J 15, Corollary II. Triangles having equal bases and equal

\laltitudes are equivalent.

16. CoROLLA'feY III. Triangles having equal altitudes are to

each other as their bases ; and triangles having equal bases are
to each other as their altitudes.

17. The area of a trapezoid is equal to the product of its alti^

tude by half the sum of its parallel bases.

Let ABCD be a trapezoid ; MN= h, its

altitude ; AD = a, BC = b, its parallel

bases ; and let S denote its area ; then

S=i(^a + b)X h.

For, draw the diagonal AC. The altitude of each of the

triangles ABC and ABC is equal to h, and
their bases are respectively a and b ; the A M
area of the first is ^ a y^ h^ that of the
second is ^ 6 X ^ ; and the trapezoid being
the sum of the two triangles, we have b n o

S=iaXh-]-ibXh = i(a + b)Xh.

18. Scholium. The area of any polygon may be found by
finding the areas of the several triangles into which it may
be decomposed by drawing diagonals from any vertex.
The following method, however, is usually preferred, espe-
cially in surveying. Draw the longest
AD of the proposed polygon
ABCDEF; and upon AD let fall the
perpendiculars BM^ CW, UP, FQ.
The polygon is thus decomposed into
right triangles and right trapezoids,
and by measuring the lengths of the
perpendiculars and also of the distances AM, MN^ ND, AQ,
QP, PD, the bases and altitudes of these triangles and trape-
zoids are known. Hence their areas can be computed by the
preceding theorems, and the sum of these areas will be the
area of the polygon.

19. Similar triangles are to each other as the squares of their

homologous sides.

Let ABC, A'B'C, be similar tri-

angles; then

BOOK IV. 137

Let AD and A'D' be the altitudes ; then

ABC _ ^AD X BC _ 4^ '^

A'B'C ^A'D' X B'C A'D' B'C

But the triangles ABB and A'D'B' are similar (III., Propo
sition III.) ] therefore

A'D' A'B"

and from the similarity of ABC and A'B'G\

B'C A'B"

AB BC ^ TB''
A'B' ^ B'G' A^''
and we have
ABC ^ X5'

\ I

^ Theorem. — Ti^o triangles having an angle of the one equal to

an angle of the other are to each other as the products of the ^
sides including the equal angles. L^

Suggestion. Let ABE and ABC be the two

triangles. Draw BE^ and compare the two
triangles with AEB. (v. Proposition YI.,
Corollary III.)



20. Similar polygons are to each other as the squares of their
homologous sides.

Let ABCDEF, A' B' CD'E'F' , be two similar polygons,

and denote their surfaces
by /Sand >S"; then b ^ ^ c' •

For, let the polygons be p

decomposed into homolo-
gous similar triangles (III., Proposition YII.). The ratio of

the surfaces of any pair of homologous triangles, as ABC and

A'B'C, ACD and A' CD', etc., will be the square of the ratio

of two homologous sides of the polygons (Proposition YIII.)

therefore we shall have


A'B'C A' CD' A'D'E' A'E'F' Z^'
Therefore, by addition of antecedents and consequents (III.,

ABC + ACD + ADE + AEF ^S^ Z^

A'B'C + A' CD' + A'D'E' + A'E'F' S' ATB"^'


21. The square described upon the hypotenuse of a right tri-

angle is equivalent to the sum of the squares described on the

other two sides.

BOOK IV. 139

Let the triangle ABC
be right angled at C; then
square AIT, described upon the
hypotenuse, is equal in area to
the sum of the squares AF and
£D, described on the other two

For, from C draw CP perpen-

dicular to AB and produce it to
meet KH in Z. Join CK, BG.
Since ACF and ACB are right
angles, CF and CB are in the
same straight line (I., Proposition
lY.) and for a similar reason
; AG and CD are in the same
straight line.
In the triangles OAK, GAB,
we have AK equal to AB,
being sides of the same square;
AC equal to AG, for the
same reason; and the angles CAK,
GAB, equal, being each
equal to the sum of the angle GAB
and a right angle; there-
fore these triangles are equal
(L, Proposition VI.).
The triangle CAK and the rectangle AL have the same
base AK; and since the vertex C is upon
LP produced, they
also have the same altitude; therefore
the triangle CAK is
equivalent to one-half the rectangle
AL (Proposition VI '
Corollary I.).
The GAB and the square AF have the same base
AG; and smce the vertex B is upon
FG produced, they also
have the same altitude therefore
;the triangle GAB is equiva-
lent to one-half the square
AF (Proposition VI., Corollary I
But the triangles CAK, GAB, have
been shown to be equal •

therefore the rectangle AL is equivalent to the square AF

In the same way it is proved that the rectangle BL is
equivalent to the square BD.

Therefore the square AH^ which is the sum of the rec-

tangles AL and BL, is equivalent
to the sum of the squares AF and
22. Scholium. This theorem is

ascribed to Pythagoras (born

about 600 B.C.), and is commonly
called the Pythagorean Theorem.
The preceding demonstration of
it is that which was given by
Euclid, in his Elements (about
300 B.C.).

It is important to observe that we may deduce the same

result from the numerical relation XS^ ==:AC^ -\- ^FU^ already
established in III., Proposition X. For, since the measure
of the area of a square is the second power of the number
which represents its side, it follows directly from this numer-

ical relation that the area of which AB^ is the measure is

equal to the sum of the areas of which AC and BTf are the


1. Theorem. —If the three sides of a right triangle be taken as

the homologous sides of three similar polygons. constructed upon

them, then the polygon constructed upon the hypotenuse is equiva-

lent to the sum of the polygons constructed upon the other two
sides, (v. Proposition IX.)
2. Theorem. — The squares on the sides of a right triangle are
proportional to the segments into which the hypotenuse is divided

by a perpendicular let fall from the vertex of the right angle,

(v. Figure, Proposition X.)

BOOK IV. 141



23. To construct a triangle equivalent to 4: given polygon.

Let ABCDEF be the given polygon.

Take any three consecutive vertices,

as J., 5, (7, and draw the diagonal AC'

Through B draw BP parallel to AO
Wk meeting DC produced in P; join AP.
The triangles APG, ABC, have the
same base AG ; and since their vertices,

P and 5, lie on the same straight line BP parallel to AG^

they also have the same altitude ; therefore they are equiva-
lent. Therefore the pentagon APDEF is equivalent to the
hexagon ABGDEF. Now, taking any three consecutive ver-
tices of this pentagon, we shall, by a precisely similar con-
struction, find a quadrilateral of the same area ; and, finally,
by a similar operation upon the quadrilateral we shall find a

triangle of the same area.

Thus, whatever the number of the sides of the given poly-

gon, a series of successive steps, each step reducing the num-
ber of sides by one, will give a series of polygons of equal

areas, terminating in a triangle.

24. To construct a square equivalent to a given parallelogram

or to a given triangle. ^ ^

1st. Let J. (7 be a given parallelogram, k its \ ^i \

base, and h its altitude.

Find a mean proportional x between h and j


k, by III., 40. The square constructed upon

X will be equivalent to the parallelogram, since x^ =h y^ k.

2d. Let ABC be a given triangle, a its base, and h its

Find a mean proportional x between a
and ih; the square constructed upon x
n will be equivalent to the triangle, since ^ a u

=aX i h = i ah. I 1

25. Scholium. By means of this problem

and the preceding, a square can be found equivalent to any-
given polygon.

26. To construct a square equivalent to the sum of two or more
given squares, or to the difference of two given squares.

1st. Let m, w, ^, q, be the sides of given

Draw AB = m, and BC = n, perpendic- Pi-

ular to each other at B; join AC. Then

(Proposition X.) ZU^ ^ m^ -\- n\
Draw CD = p perpendicular to A (7, and
join AD. Then AJf = TU' + p' = m' +
n^ + _p^
Draw DB = q perpendicular to AD, and
join AK Then TE^ = Jlf q' = -\- m,'

n^ _|_ p^ _|_ ^2 Therefore the square con-

structed upon AE will be equivalent to the sum of the

squares constructed upon m, 7i, p, q.

In this manner may the areas of any number of given
squares be added.
2d. Construct a right angle ABC, and lay
off BA = n. With the centre A and a radius
= m, describe an arc cutting BCinC. Then
:ro' = zu^ - zs' m' therefore the square con-
structed upon BC will be equivalent to the
difference of the
squares constructed upon m and n.

Prohlem.^Upon a given straight line, to construct a
equivalent to a given rectangle.


27. To construct a rectangle, having given its area and the

sum of two adjacent sides.

Let MN be equal to the given sum of

the adjacent sides of the
required rec- ^ .^
tangle and let the given area be that of

the square whose side ^

i,,..^.^::C:r\9 —


Upon MJSr as a diameter describe a

semicircle. At M erect MP = AB per-
pendicular to MN, and draw PQ parallel to MN, intersecting
he circumference in From Q
Q. let fall QR perpendicular
to MN; then MR
and RN are the base and altitude of the

28. To find two straight lines in the ratio
of the areas of two
given polygons, •

squares be found equal in
area to o
the given polygons
respectively (23 and
24). the sides of the right
angle '^ [ ^_j,
ACB, take CA and CB equal to the sides
of these squares, join AB,
and let fall CD perpendicular to
' — '


AB. Then, by (III., 26), we have lU' = AD X AB, VF^

= JDB X AS- Hence

IV ^ AD .


therefore AD and DB are in the ratio of the areas of the

given polygons.


Problem. — To find a square which shall he to a given square

in the ratio of two given straight lines, (y. 28.)


29. To construct a polygon similar to a given polygon P and

equivalent to a given polygon Q.


P and

Let a be any
and iV,

squares respectively equal in area

(23 and 24).
side of P,
the sides of

and find
Q/n I
^ 1 I
^ 1

a fourth proportional a' to Mj i^T,

\ p' |

and a; upon a', as a homologous ^


side to a, construct the polygon P'
similar to P; this will be the required polygon. For, by
jsr a"

therefore, taking the letters P, Q, and P', to den0te the areas

of the polygons,
Q W' a''

BOOK IV. 145

But, the polygons P and P' being similar, we have, by

(Proposition IX,),

P' a'^

and comparing these equations, we have P' = Q.

Therefore the polygon P' is similar to the polygon P and
equivalent to the polygon Q, as required.


Problem. — To construct a polygon similar to a given polygon^

and whose area shall he in a given rhtio to that of the given

polygon, (v. 28, Exercise, an^III., 43.) ^

J # i.^

G k ^^^ IS

D f

^r ^ 1. Two' triangles are equivalent if they have two sides of the

(^r'^^iiAM) one respectively equal to two sides of the other, and the included
At angle of the one equal to the supplement of the included angle
of the other.
-—^^Vz. The two opposite triangles formed by joining any point in
the interior of a parallelogram 4o its four vertices are together
equivalent to one-half the parallelogram.
3. The triangle formed by joining the middle point of one of

the non-parallel sides of a trapezoid to the extremities of the

opposite side is equivalent to one-half the trapezoid, {v, I., Ex-
ercise 24.)
4. The figure formed by joining consecutively the four middle

points of the sides of any quadrilateral is equivalent to one-half

the quadrilateral, (v. I., Exercise 32.)
„V. 6. If in a rectangle ABCDwe draw
the diagonal AC^ inscribe a circle in the
triangle ABC^ and from its centre draw
OE and Oi^ perpendicular to andAD
DC respectively, the rectangle willOD
be equivalent to one-half the rectangle
C 6. The area of a triangle is equal to

one-half the product of its perimeter by

the radius of the inscribed circle.

7. The area of a rhonabus is one-half the product of the diag-


BOOK IV. 147

- '" 8. The straight line joining the middle points of the parallel
sides of a trapezoid divides it into two equivalent figures.

(4:'j ^. Any line drawn through the point of intersection of the diag-
onals of a parallelogram divides it into two equal quadrilaterals.
10. In an isosceles right triangle either leg is a mean propor-
tional between the hypotenuse and the perpendicular upon it
from the vertex of the right angle.
11. If two triangles have an angle in common, and have equal

areas, the sides about the equal angles are reciprocally propor-
\'^' The perimeter of a triangle is to a side as the perpendicular
. .Ivt
fronythe opposite vertex is to the radius of the inscribed circle.
: (v.yExercise 6.)
f yi3. Two quadrilaterals are equivalent when the diagonals of ,

V one are respectively equal and parallel to the diagonals of the I

14. The sum of the perpendiculars from any point within an
equilateral convex polygon upon the sides is constant.
y^ Suggestion.
Join the point with the vertices of the polygon.
15. The lines joining two opposite vertices of a parallelogram
^ with the middle points of the sides form a parallelogram whose
^^^area one-third the a^ea of the given parallelogram.

A ^.^ 16. The sum of the squares on the segments of two j)erpendic-
ular chords in a circle is equivalent to the square on the diameter.
17. Let ABC be any triangle, and
"^ upon the sides AB, AC, construct
parallelograms AD, AF, of any mag-
nitude or form. Let their exterior
*^ sides DE, FG, meet in M; join MA,
^ and upon BC construct a parallelo-
gram BK, whose side BH
is equal
and parallel to MA, Then the par-
allelogram BK
is equivalent to the
of the parallelograms and AD
AF, {v. Proposition I.)
From this deduce the Pythagorean Theorem.
«y^^ V 18. Prove, geometrically, that th^ square described upon the

sum of two straight lines is equivalent to the sum of the squares

described on the two lines plits twice their rectangle.
Note. By the "rectangle of two lines" is here meant the rec-
tangle of which the two lines are the adjacent sides.
QV' 19. Prove, geometrically, that the square described upon the

difference of two straight lines is equivalent to the sum of the

squares described on the two lines minus twice their rectangle.
Prove, geometrically, that the rectangle of the sum and the
difference oftwo straight lines is equivalent to the difference of
the squares of those lines.

21. To construct a triangle, given its angles and its area (eq

to that of a given square).

Suggestion. Construct any triangle having the given angles.
The problem then reduces to (29).
.4 22. Given any triangle, to construct an isosceles triangle of the
same area, whose vertical angle is an angle of the given triangle.
{v. 19, Exercise.)
Given any triangle, to construct an equilateral triangle of

he same area. {v. Exercise 21.)

24. Bisect a given triangle by a parallel to one of its sides, (v.

Proposition VIII. and 28.)

V 25. Bisect a triangle by a straight line drawn through a given
point in one of its sides, (v. 19, Exercise.)
26. Inscribe a rectangle of a given area in a given circle.
u Suggestion. Draw a diagonal of the rectangle. The problem
can then be reduced to inscribing in the given circle a right
;riangle of given area.
27. Given three points, A, B^ and (7, to find a fourth point P,
such that the areas of the triangles APB, APC, BPG, shall be
equal. (Four solutions.) (v. III., Exercise 19.)




1. Definition. A regular polygon is a polygon which is at

once equilateral and equiangular.

The equilateral triangle and the square are simple exam-
ples of regular polygons. The following theorem establishes

the possibility of regular polygons of any number of sides.


2. If the circumference of a circle be divided into any number

of equal parts, the chords joining the successive points of division
form a regular polygon inscribed in the circle ; and the tangents

drawn at the points of division form a regular polygon circum^

scribed about the circle.

Let the circumference be divided into

the equal arcs AB, BC, GD^ etc. ; then,
1st, drawing the chords AB, BC, CD,
etc., ABGD, etc., is a regular inscribed
polygon. For its sides are equal, being
chords of equal arcs ; and its angles are
equal, being inscribed in equal segments.

2d. Drawing tangents at A, B, C, etc., the polygon GHK^

etc., is a regular circumscribed polygon. For, in the triangles
AGB, BHC, CKD, etc., we have AB = BC = CD, etc., and
the angles GAB, GBA, HBC, HOB, etc., are equal, since each

is formed by a tangent and chord and is measured by half

of one of the equal parts of the circum-
ference (II., Proposition XY.) ; therefore
these triangles are all isosceles and equal
to each other. Hence we have the an-
gles a = H= K, etc., and AG = GB
=.BH = HG = CK, etc., from which,
by the addition of equals, it follows that
GH = HK, etc.
3. Corollary I. If the vertices of a regular inscribed poly-
gon are joined with the middle points of the arcs subtended by the
sides of the polygon, the joining lines will form a regular inscribed
polygon of double the number of sides.
4. Corollary II. If at the middle points of the arcs joining
adjacent points of contact of the sides of a regular circumscribed
polygon tangents are drawn, a regular circumscribed polygon of
double the number of sides will be formed.

5. Scholium. It is evident that the area of an inscribed

polygon is less than that of the inscribed polygon of double
the number of sides ; and the area of a circumscribed polygon
is greater than that of the circumscribed polygon of double
the number of sides.
Theorem. — If a regular polygon is inscribed in a circle, the

tangents drawn at the middle points of

the arcs subtended by the sides of the c


inscribed polygon form a circumscribed e/7 \

regular polygon, whose sides are par-
/\ u

V \f
allel to the sides of the inscribed poly-
gon, and whose vertices lie on the radii
drawn to the vertices of the inscribed V"^'-^ ^^\/

BOOK V. 151


6. A circle may be circumscribed about any regular polygon

and a circle may also be inscribed in it.

Let ABCD ... be a regular polygon.

Through A' and B\ the middle points
of AB and BG^ draw perpendiculars,
and connect 0, their point of intersec-

tion, with all the vertices of the poly-

gon and with the middle points of all

the sides.
triangles OA'B and OB'B are equal, by I., Proposition
X. OB'B and OB'G are equal, by I., Proposition YI. The
angle OBB' is one-half of ABG ; 005' is one-half of the


equal angle BGD. Hence the triangles OB'G and OGG' are
equal, by I., Proposition YI. By continuing this process we
may prove all the small triangles equal. 0, then, is equidis-
tant from all the vertices, and therefore with as a centre a

circle may be circumscribed about the polygon. is also

equidistant from all the sides, and therefore with as a

centre a circle may be inscribed in the polygon.

7. Definitions. The centre of a regular polygon is the common
centre, 0, of the circumscribed and in-

scribed circles.
The radius of a regular polygon is

the radius, OJ., of the circumscribed


The apothem
the inscribed

the radius, O-ff, of vv ^E

The angle at the centre is the angle, AOB, formed by radii

drawn to the extremities of any side.


8. The angle at the centre is equal to four right angles

divided by the number of sides of the

9. Since the angle ABC is equal to
twice ABO, or toABO + BAO, it fol-
lows that the angle ABC of the poly-
gon is the supplement of the angle at
the centre.


10. Begular 'polygons of the same number of sides are similar,

Ijet ABCI)JE,A'B'C'iyE\
be regular polygons of the
same number of sides then ;

they are similar.

For, 1st, they ape mutu-

ally equiangular, since the

magnitude of an angle of
either polygon depends only on the number of the sides (8

and 9), which is the same in both.

2d. The homologous sides are proportional, since the ratio

AB : A'B' is the same as the ratio BG : B'C, or CD : CD',


Therefore the polygons fulfil the two conditions of simi-


11. Corollary. The perimeters of regular polygons of the

same number of sides are to each other as the radii of the cir-

cumscribed circles, or as the radii of the inscribed circles ; and

their areas are to each other as the squares of these radii, (y,

III., Proposition YIII., and lY., Proposition IX.)


BOOK V. 153

12. The area of a regular polygon is equal to half the product

of its perimeter and apothem.

For straight lines drawn from the centre to the vertices

of the polygon divide it into equal triangles whose bases are

the sides of the polygon and whose common altitude is the
apothem. The area of one of these triangles is equal to
half the product of its base and altitude ; therefore the sum
of their areas, or the area of the polygon, is half the product
of the sum of the bases by the common altitude; that is,

half the product of the perimeter and apothem.


Theorem. — The area of any polygon circumscribed about a

circle is half the product of its perimeter by the radius of the


13. An arc of a circle is less than any line which envelops it

and has the same extremities.

Let AKB be an arc of a circle, AB its

chord ; and let ALB, AMB, etc., be any

lines enveloping it and terminating at A
and B.
Of all the lines AKB, ALB, AMB, etc.,

which can be drawn (each including between itself and the

chord AB the segment, or area, AKB), there must be at least
one minimum or shortest line, since all the lines are obviously
not equal.Now, no one of the lines ALB, AMB, etc., envel-
oping AKB, can be such a minimum for, drawing a tangent ;

CKL to the arc AKB, the ImeAGJCLB is less than ACLDB


therefore ALB is not the minimum and ; in the same way it

is shown that no other enveloping line can

be the minimum. Therefore the arc AKB
is the minimum.
14. Corollary. The circumference of a
circle is less than the perimeter of any poly-
gon circumscribed about it.

15. Scholium. The demonstration is applicable when AKB

is any convex curve whatever.


16. If the number of sides of a regular polygon inscribed in a

circle be increased indefinitely, the apothem of the polygon will

approach the radius of the circle as its limit.

Let AB be a side of a regular polygon in-

scribed in the circle whose radius is OA;

and let OD be its apothem.
Whatever the number of sides of the poly-
gon OB < OA, by Proposition XYII.

OA < AD + OD (I., Axiom I.) .. OA — OD •

<, AD, and
consequently OA — OD <^ AB.
The perimeter of the polygon is manifestly less than the
circumference of the circle. If n is the number of sides of

the polygon, AB is less than one-nth of the circumference.

by taking a sufficiently great value of n, we can
make AB, and consequently OA —
OD, as small as we please.
Since OA —
OD can be made as small as we please by
increasing the number of sides of the polygon, but cannot be

made absolutely zero, OA is the limit of OD, as the number

of sides of the polygon is indefinitely increased (II., 39).
BOOK V. 155

17. The circumference of a circle is the limit which the perim-
eters of regular inscribed and circumscribed polygons approach
when the number of their sides is increased indefinitely ; and the

area of the circle is the limit of the areas of these polygons.

Let AB and CD be sides of a regular in-

scribed and a similar circumscribed polygon

(v. Proposition I., Exercise) ; let r denote the
apothem OE, R the radius OF^ p the perim-
eter of the inscribed polygon, P the perim-
eter of the circumscribed polygon. Then we
have (Proposition III., Corollary)

whence, by division (III., 10),

P — p __ R — r
or P
Now, we have seen in Proposition YI. that by increasing
the number of sides of the polygons the diiference R r may —
be decreased at pleasure ; consequently, since —P does
- not in-
crease, —P X (-^ —
- r), or P — p, may be decreased at pleasure.
But P being always greater, and p always less, than the cir-

cumference of the circle, the difference between this circum-

ference and either P or ^ is less than the difference P -~ p^
and consequently may be made as small as we please by
increasing the number of sides of the polygons, and sinco it

obviously cannot be made absolutely zero, the circumference

is the common limit of P and p, as the number of sides of

the polygons is indefinitely increased.


Again, let s and S denote the areas of two similar inscribed

and circumscribed polygons. The difference
between the triangles COD and A OB is the
±\^ ^\/«
trapezoidCABD, the measure of which is
^ (CD + AB) X ^^; therefore the difference
between the areas of the polygons is
Now, by increasing the number of sides of the polygons the
quantity P X {^ — 0) ^^^ consequently also S — 5, may be
decreased at pleasure. But S being always greater, and 5
always less, than the area of the circle, the difference between
the area of the circle and either S ov s is less than the differ-
ence S— 5, and consequently may also be made as small as
we please by increasing the number of sides of the polygons,
and since it obviously cannot be made absolutely zero, the

area of the circle is the common limit of S and 5, as the

number of sides of the polygons is indefinitely increased.

18. The circumferences of two circles are to each other as their
radii, and their areas are to each other as the squares of their


Let B and B' be the radii

of the circles, C and 0' their

circumferences, S and S' their


Inscribe in the two circles

similar regular polygons of any

arbitrarily chosen number, n, of sides ; let P and P' denote
BOOK V. 157

the perimeters, A and A' the areas, of these polygons ; then,

the polygons being similar, we have (Proposition III., Corol-

P^^ A^ R^
P' J2" A' B'^'

no matter what the value of n. ^

' Up
As we change n, P and -- X P' change, but remain always

equal to each other.

As n is indefinitely increased, P approaches the limit 0, and
7? 7?
^^ X P' approaches the limit ^^ X C". Therefore, by II.,

Theorem of Limits, these limits are equal, and we have

c = |xo',

^ = ?L
C B!'

In the same way we may prove

S' It''

19. Corollary I.The circumferences of circles are to each

other as their diameters, and their areas are to each other as the
squares of their diameters.
Suggestion. D = 2P, if D is the diameter and R the ra-

20. Corollary II. The ratio of the circumference of a circle

to its diameter is constant ; that is, it is the same for all circles.

For, from
O = 2R
— —— , we have at once

2B 2B''

This constant ratio is usually denoted by tt, so that for any

circle whose diameter is 2R and circumference G we have

2R '

21. Scholium. The ratio r is incommensurable (as can be

proved by the higher mathematics), and can therefore bo
expressed in numbers only approximately. The letter tt,

however, is used to symbolize its exact value.

22. Definitions. Similar arcs are

those which subtend equal angles

at the centres of the circles to
which they belong.
Similar sectors are sectors whose /
bounding radii include equal angles. ^ / ^ '^^^ . Z^^-^^Ce^


Theorem. — Similar arcs are to each other as their radii, and

similar sectors are to each other as the squares of their radii.

Suggestion. The arcs are like parts of their respective cir-

cumferences, and the sectors like parts of their circles.
BOOK V. 159


23. The area of a circle is equal to half the product of its

circumference by its radius.

Let the area of any regular polygon cir-

cumscribed about the circle be denoted by

A, its perimeter by P, and its apothem,
which is equal to the radius of the circle, by
B ; and let S be the area and C the circum-
ference of the circle. Then A= ^F y^ R
(Proposition IY.)j ^^ matter what the number of sides of
the polygon. If we change the number of sides of the
polygon, A and i PX -K change, but remain always equal to
each other.
As the number of sides is indefinitely increased, A ap-
proaches the limit S^ and ^ P X ^ the limit ^C X R- There-
fore, by II., Theorem of Limits, these limits are equal, and
we have
>Sf=^(7xP. [1]

24. Corollary. The area of a circle is equal to the square

of its radius multiplied by the constant number tz.

Suggestion. If we substitute for C in [1] its value 27zR

(20), we have


Theorem. — The area of a sector is equal to half the product

of its arc by the radius.

Suggestion. Compare the sector with the whole circle.


25. To inscribe a square in a given circle.
Draw any two diameters A C, BJ), per-
pendicular to each other, and join their
extremities by the chords ABj BC, CD,
DA; then ABCD is an inscribed square.

26. Corollary. To circumscribe a square about a circle,

draw tangents at the extremities of two perpendicular diam-

eters AC, BD.
27. Scholium. In the right triangle ABO we have AB' =
'UA' + 'UB'=2'UA\ whence AB =OA.y^, by which the
side of the inscribed square can be computed, the radius

being given.


28. To inscribe a regular hexagon in a given circle.

Suppose the problem solved, and let

ABCDEF be a regular inscribed hexa-

Draw the radii OA and OB. The
angle A OB is measured by \ of the cir-

cumference, and therefore contains 60°.

OAB and OBA are therefore together equal to 180° — 60°,
or 120° ; and, since they are equal, each is 60°, and the tri-

angle OAB is equilateral, and th^gfor^the side of the in-

scribed regular hexagon is equal to thfe radius of the circle.

BOOK V. 161

Consequently, to inscribe a regular hexagon, apply the

radius to the circle six times as a chord.
29. Corollary. To inscribe an equilateral triangle^ join the

alternate vertices of the regular hexagon.

30. Scholium. Since OB bisects the arc ABC, it bisects the

chord AG Bit right angles ; and since in the isosceles triangle

A OB, AH is perpendicular to the base, it bisects the base,

that is, the apothem of an inscribed regular triangle is equal
to one-half the radius.
In the right triangle AHO, AH^ = WC — OTT' = TJA^ —

whence AC =^ OA-^/S, by which the side of the inscribed tri-

angle can be computed from the radius.

The apothem of the regular inscribed hexagon is equal to



31. To inscribe a regular decagon in a given circle.

Suppose the problem solved, and let

ABC .,. . . Jv be a regular inscribed deca-

Join AFj BGr ; since each of these
lines bisects the circumference, they are
diameters and intersect in the centre 0.
Draw BK intersecting OA in M.
The angle AMB measured by half is

the sum of the arcs KF and AB (II., Proposition XYI.),

I 14*


that is, )by two divi^ns of the circumference ; the inscribed

angle^ikHJ^ is measured by half the arc
BF^ —that is, also, by two divisions;

therefore AMB is an isosceles triangle,

and MB = AB.
Again, the inscribed angle MBO is

measured by half the arc KG, — ^that is,

by one division ; and the angle MOB at

the centre has the safne measure ; there-

fore 0MB is an isosceles triangle, and OM = MB = AB.

The inscribed angle MBA, being measured by half the arc
AK, —that is, by one division, — is equal to the angle AOB.
Therefore the isosceles triangles AMB and A OB are mutually
equiangular and similar, and give the proportion

OA XAM = A^=(m\-
that is, the radius OA is divided in extreme and mean ratio

at Jf (III., 41) ; and the greater segment OJf is equal to the

side AB of the inscribed regular decagon.

Consequently, to inscribe a regular decagon, divide the
radius in extreme and mean ratio (III., 42), and apply the
greater segment ten times as a chord.

32. Corollary. To inscribe a regular

pentagon join the alternate vertices of

the regular inscribed decagon.

BOOK V. 163

33. To inscribe a regular pentedecagon in a given circle.

Suppose AB is the side of a f

regular inscribed pentedecagon, ^n*-- - -y^
or that the arc AB is ^ of the ^'^^===*==>.-^i^i;:i^^^'''^

JSTow, the fraction J^. == i. _ -i^ ; therefore the arc AB is the
difference between \ and -^ of the circumference. Hence,
if we inscribe the chord AG equal to the side of the regular
inscribed hexagon, and then CB equal to that of the regular
inscribed decagon, the chord AB will be the side of the
regular inscribed pentedecagon required.
34. Scholium. Any regular inscribed polygon being given,
a regular inscribed polygon of double the number of sides

can be formed by bisecting the arcs subtended by its sides

and drawing the chords of the semi-arcs (Proposition I., Cor-

ollary I.). Also, any regular inscribed polygon being given^

a regular circumscribed polygon of the same number of sides

can be formed (Proposition I.). Therefore, by means of the
inscribed square, we can inscribe and circumscribe, succes-
sively, regular polygons of 8, 16, 32, etc., sides ; by means of
the hexagon, those of 12, 24, 48, etc., sides ; by means of the
decagon, those of 20, 40, 80, etc., sides ; and, finally, by means
of the pentedecagon, those of 30, 60, 120, etc., sides.

Until the beginning of the present century, it was sup-

posed that these were the only polygons that could be con-
structed by elementary geometry that ; is, by the use of the
straight line and circle only. Gaxjss, however, in his Disqui-

sitiones Arithmeticce^ Lipsise, 1801, proved that it is possible,

by the use of the straight line and circle only, to construct

regular polygons of 17 sides, of 257 sides, and in general of

>)'' nxXcj__ ^M3 -u^^JM "

164 -

any number oF'sT^Fg which can be^ expressed by 2" + !> ^

being an integer, provided that 2" + 1 is a prime number.

35. Given the perimeters of a regular inscribed and a similar

• circumscribed polygon, to compute the perimeters of the regular

inscribed and circumscribed polygons of double the number of
Let AB he a side of the given
inscribed polygon, and CD a side
\ ^^^^P"-^4
of the similar circumscribed poly-
gon, tangent to the arc
middle point B.

Join AE, and at

\ \


A and B draw the tangents AF

and BG ; then AE is a side of the
regular inscribed polygon of double the number of sides, and
FG is a side of the circumscribed polygon of double the
number of sides.

Denote the perimeters of the given inscribed and circum-

scribed polygons by p and P, respectively ; and the perimeters
of the required inscribed and circumscribed polygons of
double the number of sides by y and P', respectively.
Since 0(7 is the radius of the circle circumscribed about
the polygon whose perimeter is P, we have (Proposition III.,
p OA OE'
and since OF bisects the angle COE, we have (III., 15, Ex-
p FE'
BOOK V. 165

whence, by composition,
P+p^ CF-\-FE ^ CE

2p 2FE Fa'
I^ow, FG is a side of the polygon whose perimeter is P', and
is contained as many times in F' as GE is contained in P;
hence (III., 9)
and therefore
P+P P^
2p F'

F+p m
Again, the right triangles AES and EFW are similar, since
their acute angles EAS and FEJ}^ are equal, and give
Since AH and AE are contained the same number of times
in p and p\ respectively, we have
AH ^p ,

AE ^'
and since EN and EF are contained the same number of
times in »' and P', respectively, we have
^^ EW^p^,
therefore we have

p'=y^^lxrT\ ^2^
Therefore, from the given perimeters p and P we compute
P' by the equation [1], and then with p and P' we compute
p' by the equation r2"|.



36. To compute the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its

diameter^ approximately.

Method op Perimeters. —In this method, we take the

diameter of the circle as given and compute the perimeters
of some inscribed and a similar circumscribed regular poly-
gon. We then compute the perimeters of inscribed and cir-

cumscribed regular polygons of double the number of sides,

by Proposition XIY. Taking the last-found perimeters as

given, we compute the perimeters of polygons of double the
number of sides by the same method ; and so on. Each com-
putation gives us, of course, a pair of values between which
the value of the circumference must lie. As we continue the
process, these values will come nearer and nearer to the

actual value of the circumference (Proposition YII.), and we

may thus obtain as close an approximation to that value as
we please.
Taking, then, the diameter of the circle as given = 1, let

us begin by inscribing and circumscribing a square. The"

= 4 X ? X i/^= 2y^ (27)
perimeter of the inscribed square

J that of the circumscribed square = 4 therefore, putting


p = 2^2 =t 2.8284271, S r I '^ '

} we find, by Proposition X., for the perimeters of the circum-

scribed and inscribed regular octagons.

P' = ^P^^ = 3.3187085,

p' = yp xP' = 3.0614675.
BOOK V. 167

Then, taking these as given quantities, we put

P = 3.3137085, p = 3.0614675,
and find by the same formulae for the polygons of 16 sides

P' == 3.1825979, / = 3.1214452.

Continuing this process, the results will be found as in the


Number Perimeter of Perimeter of

of sides. circumscribed polygon. inscribed polygon.

4 4.0000000 2.8284271
8 3.3137085 3.0614675
16 3.182.5979 3.1214452
32 3.1517249 3.1365485
64 3.1441184 3.1403312
128 3.1422236 3.1412773
256 3.1417504 3.1415138
512 3.1416321 3.1415729
1024 3.1416025 3.1415877
2048 3.1415951 3.1415914
4096 3.1415933 3.1415923
8192 3.1415928 3.1415926

From the last two numbers of this table we learn that the
circumference of the circle whose diameter is unity is less

than 3.1415928 and greater than 3.1415926 ; and since, when

the diameter = 1, we have (7 == tt (20), it follows that

TT = 3.1415927
within a unit of the seventh decimal place.

* The computations have been carried out with ten decimal places in
order to insure the accuracy of the seventh place, as given in the table.


37. Scholium. Archimedes (bom 287 b.c.) was the first to

assign an approximate value of ;:. By a method similar to

that above, he proved that its value is between 3^ and 3^J,
or, in decimals, between 3.1428 and 3.1408; he therefore as-

signed its value correctly within a unit of the third decimal

place. The number 3^, or %^^ usually cited as Archimedes'
value of Tz (although it is but one of the two limits assigned
by him), is often used as a sufficient approximation in rough
Metius (a.d. 1640) found the much more accurate value

1^, which correctly represents even the sixth decimal place.

It is easily remembered by observing that the denominator

and numerator written consecutively, thus, 113 355, present


the first three odd numbers each written twice.

More recently, the value has been found to a very great

number of decimals, by the aid of series demonstrated by

the Differential Calculus. Clausen and Dase, of Germany
(about A.D. 1846), computing independently of each other,
carried out the value to two hundred decimal places, and
their results agree to the last figure. The mutual verifica-

tion thus obtained stamps their results as thus far the best

established value to the two-hundredth place. (See Schu-

macher's Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 589.) Other com-
puters have carried the value to over five hundred places,
but it does not appear that their results have been verified.
The value to fifteen decimal places is

TT = 3.141592653589793.
For the greater number of practical applications, the value
t: = 3.1416 is sufficiently accurate. *~—


^1. An equilateral polygon inscribed in a circle is regular.
^ 2. An equilateral polygon circumscribed about a circle is reg-
ular if the number of its sides is odd.
^ 3. An equiangular polygon inscribed in a circle is regular if the
number of its sides is odd.

\ 4. An equiangular polygon circumscribed about a circle is reg-


\i 6. The area of the regular inscribed triangle is one-half the area

of the regular inscribed hexagon.

/ 6. The area of the regular inscribed hexagon is three-fourths of

that of the regular circumscribed hexagon.

7. The area of the regularinscribed hexagon is a mean propor-
tional between the areas of the inscribed and circumscribed equi-
lateral triangles.

(L \ 8. A plane surface may be entirely covered (as in the construc-

tion of a pavement) by equal regular polygons of either three,
four, or six sides.

9. A may be entirely covered by a combination

plane surface
of squares and regular octagons having the same side, or by
dodecagons and equilateral triangles having the same side.
10. If squares be described on the sides of a regular hexagon,
and their adjacent external vertices be joined, a regular dodeca-
gon will be formed.
11. The diagonals of a regular pentagon form a regular pentagon.
12. The diagonals joining alternate vertices of a regular hexagon
enclose a regular hexagon one-third as large as the original hex-
agon. .

15 169



13. The area of the regular inscribed octagon is equal to the

product of the side of the inscribed square by the diameter.

Suggestion. A
quarter of the octagon is the sum of two triangles
having as a common base the side of the inscribed square, and
having the radius as the sum of their altitudes.

14. Thearea of a regular inscribed

dodecagon is equal to three times the
square of the radius.

15. Prove the correctness of the following

If AB and CD are two perpendicular
diameters in a circle, and E
the middle
point of the radius 0(7, and if EFis taken
equal to EA^ then OF
is equal to the side
of the regular inscribed decagon, and AF
is equal to the side of the regular inscribed
pentagon, {v. III., 42.)

16. From any point within a regular polygon of n sides, per-

pendiculars are drawn to the several sides prove that the sum

of thea^ perpendiculars is equal to n times the apothem.

Suggestion. Join the point with the vertices of the polygon, and
obtain an expression for the area in terms of the perpendiculars :

then see Proposition IV.

17. The side of the regular inscribed triangle is equal to the
hypotenuse of a right triangle of which the sides of the inscribed
square and of the regular inscribed hexagon are the sides, {v.
IV., Proposition X.)

18. If a is the side of a regular decagon inscribed in a circle

whose radius is i?,
a =| (1/5-1).
Suggestion. By (31),
- =
a H a
BOOK V. 171-

19. If a = the side of a regular polygon inscribed in a circle

whose radius is i?, and a' = the side of the
regular inscribed polygon of double the c
number of sides, then
7 a"

a^2 =r{2R — VU^ 0,

a \ '''

Suggestion. ABC and ADO are similar.

Hence ^= ^ and ^UfVbut 37)^

= {2RY — a'\
20. If a = the side of a regular pentagon inscribed in a circle
whose radius is i?, then

21. If a =
the side of a regular octagon inscribed in a circle
whose radius is B^ then
a = BV2 — y±
22. If a = the side of a regular dodecagon inscribed in a circle
whose radius is i2, then


23. The side of the regular inscribed pentagon is equal to the

hypotenuse of a right triangle whose sides are the radius and the
side of the regular inscribed decagon.

24. The area

of a ring bounded by two concentric circumfer-
ences equal to the area of a circle having for its diameter a
chord of the outer circumference tangent to the inner circumfer-

25. If on the legs of a right triangle,

as diameters, semicircles are described
external to the triangle, and from the
whole figure a semicircle on the hypot-
enuse is subtracted, the remainder is
equivalent to the given triangle.


26.on the two segments into which a diameter of a given

circle isdivided by any point, as diameters,
semi-circumferences are described lying on op-
posite sides of the given diameter, the sum of
their lengths is equal to the length of a semi-
circumference of the given circle, and a line
which they form divides the circle into two
parts whose areas are to each other as the seg-
ments of the given diameter.

If a diameter of a given circle

is divided into n equal parts, and
through each point of division a
curved line of the sort described in
the last problem is drawn, these lines
will divide the circle into n equivar
lent parts.

28. If a circle rolls around the

circumference of a circle of twice
its radius, the two circles being
always tangent internally, the
locus of a fixed point on the cir-
cumference of the rolling circle
is a diameter of the fixed circle.

^^vsIfUA-^ygasguareis subdivided into n^

equal squares, nbSngany^^i^vm^number, and
in each of these smaller squares a circle is in-
scribed, the sum of their areas is equal to the
area of the circle inscribed in the original

1. The sum of the three straight lines drawn from
any point within a triangle to the three vertices is
less than the sum and greater than the half sum
of the three sides of the triangle.

2. If one of the acute angles of a right triangle is double the

other, the hypotenuse is double the shortest side.

3. If from any point within an equilateral

triangle perpendiculars to the three sides are

drawn, the sum of these lines is constant, and
equal to the perpendicular from any vertex
upon the opposite side.

4. Lines drawn from one vertex of a

parallelogram to the middle points of the

opposite sides trisect a diagonal.

6. The bisectors of the angles con-

tained by the opposite sides (produced)

of an inscribed quadrilateral intersect
at right angles.



6. If AOB is any given angle at the

centre of a circle, and if can be BC
drawn meeting AO
produced in C, and
the circumference in Z>, so that CD shall
be equal to the radius of the circle, then
the angle C will be equal to one-third the
angle AOB.
Note, There is no method known of drawing J5(7, under these
conditions, and with the use of straight lines and circles only,
AOB being any given angle so that the trisection of an angle^ in

general, is a problem that cannot be solved by elementary geom-


7. If through P, one of the points

of intersection of two circumfer-
ences, any two secants, APB^ CPD^
are drawn, the straight lines, AC,
DB, joining the extremities of the
secants, make a constant angle PJ,
equal to the angle 3fPN formed by
the tangents at P.

8. If a figure is moved may be brought from one

in a plane, it
position to any other by revolving about a certain fixed point
that is, by causing each point of the figure to move in the circum-
ference of a circle whose centre is the fixed point.

9. If a square DEFO
is inscribed in a right triangle ABC, so
that a side DE
coincides with the hypotenuse BC
(the vertices F
and O being in the sides AC
and AB), then the side DE
is a
mean proportional between the segments and BD EC
of the

10. If the middle points of the sides of a triangle are joined by

straight lines, the medial lines of the triangle thus formed are
the medial line^ of the original triangle, and the perpendiculars
from, the verticesupon the opposite sides are the perpendiculars
at the middle poihts of the sides of the original triangle.

11. If O is the centre of the circle circumscribed about a triangle

ABC, and P is the intersection of the perpendiculars from the

angles upon the opposite sides, the perpendicular from O upon
the side JSC is equal to one-half the distance AP.

12. In any triangle, the centre of the circumscribed circle, the

intersection of the medial lines, and the intersection of the per-
pendiculars from the angles upon the opposite sides, are in the
same straight line and the distance of the first point from the

second is one-half the distance of the second from the third.

13. If two the points A and B, and through

circles intersect in
A any secant CAD is drawn terminated by the circumferences at
C and i), the straight lines BC and BD
are to each other as the
diameters of the circles.

14. If through the middle point of each diagonal of any quad-

rilaterala parallel is drawn to the other diagonal, and from the
intersection of these parallels straight lines are drawn to the
middle points of the four sides, these straight lines divide the
quadrilateral into four equivalent parts.

15. If three straight lines Aa, Bb, Ce^

drawn from the vertices of a triangle ABC
to the opposite sides, pass through a com-
mon point O within the triangle, then

Oa Ob ,0g ^.

Aa"^ Bb~^ Cc

16. If from any point O within a tri-

angle ABC any three straight lines, Oa,
Ob, Oc, are drawn to the three sides, and
through the vertices of the triangle three
straight lines, Aa^, Bb\ Co', are drawn
parallel respectively to Oa, Ob, Oc, then

Oa ^^\\ Q^ —I
Aa^ T Bb' "^ Cc'

17.The area of a circle is a mean proportional between the

areas ofany two similar polygons, one of which is circumscribed
about the circle and the other isoperimetrical with the circle.
{Galileo^ 8 Theorem.)

18. Two diagonals of a regular pentagon, not drawn from a

common vertex, divide each other in extreme and mean ratio.
; ;



19. The angle ACB is any inscribed an-

gle in a given segment of acircle ^C is ;

produced to P, making CP equal to GB

find the locus of P.

20. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is given in magnitude

and position ; find the locus of the centre of the inscribed circle.

21. The base BC of a triangle ABC is given in position and

magnitude, and the vertical angle J. is of a given magnitude
find the locus of the centre of the inscribed circle.

From a given point O, any straight line OA

isdrawn to a given straight line MN^ and OP is
drawn making a given angle with OA^ and such
that OP is to OA in a given ratio ; find the locus
of P.
With the same construction, if is so taken OP
that the product OP. OA is equal to a given con-
stant find the locus of P.

23. From
a given point O, any straight
line OA
drawn to a given circumfer-
ence, and OP is drawn making a given
angle with OA, and such that OP is to
OA in a given ratio
find the locus of P.

the same construction, if OP is

so taken that the product OP. OA is
equal to a given constant find the locus of P.

24. One vertex of a triangle whose angles are given is fixed,

while the second vertex moves on the circumference of a given
circle what is the locus of the third vertex ?

25. Through A, one of the points of intersection of two given

circles, any secant is drawn cutting the two circumferences in the
points B and C; find the locus of the middle point of BG.


26. Describe a circle through two given points which lie outside
a given line, the centre of the circle to be in that line. Show
when no solution is possible.

27. In a given circle, inscribe a chord of a given length which

produced shall be tangent to another given circle.

28.Through P, one of the points of intersection of two circum-

ferences,draw a straight line, terminated by the circumferences,
which shall be bisected in P.

29.Through one of the points of intersection of two circum-

ferencesdraw a straight line, terminated by the circumferences,
which shall have a given length.

30. In a given triangle ABC, to inscribe

a parallelogram DEFO, such that the adja-
cent sides DE
and DO
shall be in a given
ratio and contain a given angle.

31. Construct a triangle, given its base, the ratio of the other
two sides,and one angle.

32. To determine a point in a given arc of a circle, such that

the chords drawn from it to the extremities of the arc shall have
a given ratio.

33. To find a point within a given triangle, such that the three
straight lines drawn from it to the vertices of the triangle shall
make three equal angles with each other.

34. Inscribe a trapezoid in a given circle, knowing its area and

the common length of its inclined sides.

35. To construct a triangle, given one angle, the side opposite

to that angle, and the area (equal to that of a given square).

36. Divide a given circle into a given number of equivalent

parts, by concentric circumferences.
Also, divide it into a given number of parts proportional to
given lines, by concentric circumferences.

37. A circle being given, to find a given number of circles whose

radii shall be proportional to given lines, and the sum of whose
areas shall be equal to the area of the given circle.

38. In a given equilateral triangle, inscribe three equal circles

tangent to each other and to the sides of the triangle.
Determine the radius of these circles in terms of the side of the

39. In a given circle, inscribe three equal circles tangent to each

other and to the given circle.
Determine the radius of these circles in terms of the radius of
the given circle.

Note.—The following approximate values are close enough for

ordinary purposes tt 2^2^ ^2: =
||, |/8 |f, /S ff. =
Radius = =
of earth =
3960 miles.
40. The vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is 36°, and the
length of the base is 2 feet find the base angles, the length of

the bisector of a base angle, and the length of a side of the given
triangle. Ans. TZ°, 2 feet, (1 V5) feet. +
41. One angle of a triangle the including sides are 8 feet
is 60°,

and 8 feet ; find the area and the third side.

Ans. 61/3 square feet, 7 feet.
.^ '
V 42. The three sides of a triangle are 9 inches, 10 inches, and 17
Lo inches, its area is 36 square inches find the area of the inscribed

^^ circle. Ans. 47r.

"^ (/ 43. The adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 12 feet and 14 feet,
the area is 120 square feet ; find the long diagonal.
Ans. 24 feet.

44. The area

of a right triangle is 6 square feet, the length of
the hypotenuse is 5 feet find the other sides.

Ans. 3 feet, 4 feet.

45. ©btain a formula connecting the length of a chord ^, its
distance from the centre c?, and the radius r.

Ans. - = r^ — cP,
Obtain a formula for the length ^ of a common tangent to
two given tlie radii r, r'', and the distance between the
centres d. Ans. {r r^y 4-^ —
^2 for external tangent.=
[r -f r^f + ^ = c^ for internal tangent.
Through what angle does the hour-hand of a clock move in

1 hour? in
1 minute? Through what angle does the minute-
hand move in 1 minute ?
What angle do the hands of a clock make with each other at
ten minutes past three ? at quarter of six ? Ans. 35°, 97° 30^.



48. Two secants cut each other without a circle, the intercepted
arcs are 12° and 48° what is the angle between the secants ?

Two chords intersect within the circle, a pair of opposite inter-

cepted arcs are 12° and 48° what is the angle between the chords ?

49.Tw^o tangents make with each other an angle of 60° re- ;

quired the lengths of the arcs into which their points of contact
divide the circle, given radius equals 7 inches.
Ans. 14| inches, 29^ inches.
60. Aswimmer whose eye is at the surface of the water can
just see the top of a stake a mile distant the stake proves to be ;

8 inches out of water required the radius of the earth.


Am. 3960 miles.

61. Apassenger standing on the deck of a steamer about to
start observes that his eye is on a level with the top of the wharf,
which he knows to be 12 feet high when they have steamed 8^ ;

miles the wharf disappears below the horizon required the radius ;

of the earth. Ans. 3974 miles.

62. How many miles is the light of a light-house 150 feet high
visible at sea ? A7is. 15.

63. Onapproaching Portland from the sea, Mount Washington

is first visible 12 miles from shore Portland is 85 miles from ;

Mount Washington required the height of the mountain.


Ans. 6270 feet.

64. The latitude of Leipsic is 51° 21^ that of Venice 45° 26^ and
Venice is due south of Leipsic ; how many miles are they apart?
Use 4000 miles as the earth's radius. Ans. 413 miles.

66. The latitude of the Peak of Teneriffe is about 30° N. the ;

rising sun shines on its summit on the 21st of March 9 minutes

before it shines on its base ; required the height of the mountain.
Ans. About 12,000 feet.

66. Aquarter-mile running-track 10 feet wide, with straight

parallel sides and semicircular ends, is to be laid out in a rectan-
gular field 220 feet wide. How long must the field be in order
that a runner, keeping in the middle of the track, may have one-
quarter of a mile to cover? how much can he gain by keeping
close to the inner edge of the track ? what is the area of the field ?
of the portion encircled by the track? of the track itself?
Ans. 550 feet 31f feet 121,000 square feet 97,428^ square feet
; ; ;

13,200 square feet.

67. The fly-wheel of an engine is connected by a belt with a

smaller wheel driving the machinery of a mill. The radius of the


fly-wheel is 7 feet of the small wheel, 21 inches. How many


revolutions does the small wheel make to one of the fly-wheel ?

The distance between the centres of the two wheels is 10^ feet.
What is the length of the connecting band ?
Ans. 51 feet 2 inches.

58. If from each vertex of a regular polygon as a centre, with

a radius equal to one-half the side, an arc is described outward

from side to side of the polygon, an ornamental figure much
used in architecture is formed. Such a figure formed on a polygon
of numerous sides is often used as a rose-window.
The figure bounded by three arcs is called a trefoil by four

arcs, a quatre-foil;by five arcs, a cinque-foil.

Find the area of a tre-

given the distance be-

tween the centres of adja-

cent arcs equal to 21 inches.
Ans. 7.338 square feet.

69. A rose-window
of six lobes is to be
placed in a circular
space 42 feet in diam-
eter. How many
square feet of glass
will it contain ?
Ans. 1123.8 square


Postulate I.

Through any two points one straight line, and only one, can
be drawn.
Postulate II.

Through a given point one straight line, and only one, can be
drawn having any given direction.
Axiom I.

A straight line is the shortest line that can be drawn between

two points.
Axiom II.

Parallel lines have the same direction.

Proposition I.

At a given point in a straight line one perpendicular to the line

can be drawn, and but one.
Corollary. Tiirough tlie vertex of any given angle one straight
line can be drawn bisecting the angle, and but one.

Proposition II.

All right angles are equal. ' -^

Proposition III.

The two adjacent angles which one straight line makes with
another are together equal to two right angles.
Corollary I. The sum of all the angles having a common ver-
tex, and formed on one side of a straight line, is two right angles.
Corollary II. The sum of all the angles that can be formed
about a point in a plane is four right angles.

Proposition IV.
If the sum of two adjacent angles is two right angles, their
exterior sides are in the same straight line.

Proposition V.
If two straight lines intersect each other, the opposite (or ver-
tical) angles are eq^ual.
Proposition VI.
Two triangles are equal when two sides and the included angle
of the one are respectively equal to- two sides and the included
angle of the other.

Proposition VII.
Two triangles are equal when a side and the two adjacent
angles of the one are respectively equal to a side and the two
adjacent angles of the other.

Proposition VIII.
In an isosceles triangle the angles opposite the equal sides are
Corollary. The straight line bisecting the vertical angle of an
isosceles triangle bisects the base, and is perpendicular to the base.

Proposition IX.
Two triangles are equal when the three sides of the one are
respectively equal to the three sides of the other.

Proposition X.
Two right triangles are equal when they have the hypotenuse
and a side of the one respectively equal to the hypotenuse and a
side of the other.

Proposition XI.
If two angles of a triangle are equal, the sides opposite to them
are equal, and the triangle is isosceles.

Proposition XII.
If two angles of a triangle are unequal, the side opposite the
greater angle is greater than the side opposite the less angle.

Proposition XIII.
If two sides of a triangle are unequal, the angle opposite the
greater side is greater than the angle opposite the less side.

Proposition XIV.
If two have two sides of the one respectively equal to
two sides of the other, and the included angles unequal, the tri-
angle which has the greater included angle has the greater third

Proposition XV.
If two triangles have two sides of the one respectively equal to
two sides of the other, and the third sides unequal, the triangle
which has the greater third side has the greater included angle.

Proposition XVI.
From a given point without a straight line one perpendicular
can be drawn to the line, and but one.

Proposition XVII.
The perpendicular is the shortest hne that can be drawn from
a point to a straight line.

Proposition XVIII.
is erected at the middle of a straight line,
If a perpendicular
then every point on the perpendicular is equally distant from the
extremities of the line, and every point not on the perpendicular
is unequally distant from the extremities of the line.

Proposition XIX.
Every point in the bisector of an angle is equally distant from
the sides of the angle and every point not in the bisector is un-

equally distant from the sides of the angle that is, the bisector

of an angle is the locus of the points within the angle and equally
distant from its sides.

Proposition XX,
A convex broken line is less than any ether line which envelops
it and has the same extremities.

Proposition XXI.
If two oblique lines drawn from a point to a line meet the line
at unequal distances from the foot of the perpendicular, the more
remote is the greater.
Proposition XXII.
Two straight lines perpendicular to the same straight line are

Proposition XXIII.
Through a given point one line, and only one, can be .drawn
parallel to a given line.

Proposition XXIV.
When two straight lines are cutby a third, if the alternate-
interior angles are equal, the two straight lines are parallel.
Corollary I. When two straight lines are cut by a third, if a
pair of corresponding angles are equal, the lines are parallel.
Corollary II. When two straight lines are cut by a third, if the
sum of two interior angles on the same side of the secant line is
equal to two right angles, the two lines are parallel.

Proposition XXV.
If two parallel lines are cut by a third straight line, the alter-
nate-interior angles are equal.
Corollary I. If two parallel lines are cut by a third straight

line, any two corresponding angles are equal.

Corollary II. If two parallel lines are cut by a third straight
line, the sum of the two interior angles on the same side of the
secant line is equal to two right angles.

Proposition XXVI.
The sum of the three angles of any triangle is equal to two
right angles.
Corollary. If one side of a triangle is extended, the exterior
angle is equal to the sum of the two interior opposite angles.

Proposition XXVII.
The sum of all the angles of any convex polygon is equal to
twice as many right angles, less four, as the figure has sides.

Proposition XXVIII.
Two parallelograms are equal when two adjacent sides and the
included angle of the one are equal to two adjacent sides and the
included angle of the other.
Corollary. Two rectangles are equal when they have equal
bases and equal altitudes.

Proposition XXIX.
The opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal, and the oppo-
site angles are equal.
Proposition XXX. '

If two opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal and parallel,

the figure is a parallelogram.

Proposition XXXI.
If the opposite sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the figure is a
Proposition XXXII.
The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.


A circumference may be described with any point as centre and
any distance as radius.
Proposition I.

Two circles are equal when the radius of the one is equal to the
radius of the other.
Proposition II.

Every diameter bisects the circle and its circumference.

Proposition III.

In equal circles, or in the same circle, equal angles at the centre

intercept equal arcs on the circumference.
Corollary. Conversely, in the same circle, or in equal circles,
equal arcs subtend equal angles at the centre.

Proposition IV.
In equal circles, or in the same circle, equal arcs are subtended
by equal chords.
Corollary. Conversely, in equal circles, or in the same circle,
equal chords subtend equal arcs.

Proposition V.
In equal circles, or in the same circle, the greater of two un-
equal arcs is subtended by the greater chord, the arcs being each
less than a semi-circumference.
Corollary. Conversely, in equal circles, or in the same circle
the greater of two unequal chords subtends the greater arc.

Proposition VI.
The diameter perpendicular to a chord bisects the chord and
the arcs subtended by it.
Corollary I. The perpendicular erected at the middle point of
a chord passes through the centre of the circle.
Corollary II. When two circumferences intersect, the straight
line joining their centres bisects their common chord at right
Proposition VII.
In the same circle, or in equal circles, equal chords are equally
distant from the centre and of two unequal chords the less is at

the greater distance from the centre.

Corollary. Conversely, in the same circle, or in equal circles,
chords equally distant from the centre are equal and of two ;

chords unequally distant from the centre, that is the greater

whose distance from the centre is the less.

Proposition VIII.
A straight line cannot intersect a circle in more than two points.
Proposition IX.
A straight line tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius
drawn to the point of contact.
Corollary I. A
perpendicular to a tangent line drawn through
the point of c(mtact must pass through the centre of the circle.
Corollary II. If two circumferences are tangent to each other,
their centres and their point of contact lie in the same straight


Proposition X.
When two tangents to the same circle intersect, the distances
from their point of intersection to their points of contact are
Proposition XI.
Two parallels intercept equal arcs on a circumference.

Doctrine of Limits. —Theorem.

If two variables dependent upon the same variable are so re-
lated that they are always equal, no matter what value is given
to the variable on which they depend, and if, as the independent
variable is changed in some specified way, each of them ap-
proaches a limit, the two Umits must be absolutely equal.

Proposition XII.
In the same circle, or in equal circles, two angles at the centre
are in the same ratio as their intercepted arcs.

Proposition XIII.
The numerical measure of an angle at the centre of a circle is
the same as the numerical measure of its intercepted arc, if the
unit of angle is the angle at the centre which intercepts the
adopted unit of arc.
Proposition XIV.
An inscribed angle is measured by one-half its intercepted arc.
Corollary. An angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle.
Proposition XV.
An angle formed by a tangent and a chord is measured by one-
half the intercepted arc.

Proposition XVI.
An angle formed by two chords intersecting within the circum-
ference is measured by one-half the sum of the arcs intercepted
between its sides and between the sides of its vertical angle.

Proposition XVII.
An angle formed by two secants intersecting without the cir-
cumference is measured by one-half the difference of the inter-
cepted arcs.

Proposition XVIII.
An angle formed by a tangent and a secant is measured by one-
half the difference of the intercepted arcs.
Corollary. An angle formed by two tangents is measured by
one-half the difference of the intercepted arcs.


Proposition I.

A parallel to the base of a triangle divides the other two sides

Proposition II.

If a straight line divides two sides of a triangle proportionally,

it is parallel to the third side.

Proposition III.

Two triangles are similar when they are mutually equiangular.

Proposition IV.
Two triangles are similar when an angle in the one is equal to
an angle in the other, and the sides including these angles are
Proposition V.
Two triangles are similar when their homologous sides are
Proposition VI.
If two polygons are composed of the same number of triangles,
similar each to each and similarly placed, the polygons are
Proposition VII.
Two similar polygons may be decomposed into the same num-
ber of triangles, similar each to each and. similarly placed.

Proposition VIII.
The perimeters of two similar polygons are in the same ratio as
any two homologous sides.

Proposition IX.
If a perpendicular is drawn from the vertex of the right angle
to the hypotenuse of a right triangle :

1st. The two triangles thus formed are similar to each othei
and to the whole triangle ;

2d. The perpendicular is a mean proportional between the seg^

ments of tlie hypotenuse ;

3d. Each side about the right angle is a mean proportional be-
tween the whole hypotenuse and the adjacent segment.
Corollary. If from any point in the circumference of a circle a
perpendicular is let fall upon a diameter, the perpendicular is a
mean proportional between the segments of the diameter.

Proposition X.
The square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle
is the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides,
the three lengths being expressed in terms of the same unit.

Proposition XI.
If two chords intersect within a circle, their segments are re-
ciprocally proportional.

Proposition XII.
If two secants intersect without a circle, the whole secants and
their external segments are reciprocally proportional.
Corollary. If a tangent and a secant intersect, the tangent is a
mean proportional between the whole secant and its external

Proposition I.

Parallelograms having equal bases and equal altitudes are

Corollary. Any parallelogram is equivalent to a rectangle
having the same base and the same altitude.

Proposition II.

Two rectangles having equal altitudes are to each other as their

Corollary. Two rectangles having equal bases are to each other
as their altitudes.
Proposition III.

Any two rectangles are to each other as the products of their

bases by their altitudes.

Proposition IV.
The area of a rectangle is equal to the product of its base and
Proposition V.
The area of a parallelogram is equal to the product of its base
and altitude.
Proposition VI.
The area of a triangle is equal to half the product of its base
and altitude.
Corollary I. A
triangle is equivalent to one-half of any paral-
lelogram having the same base and the same altitude.
Corollary II. Triangles having equal bases and equal altitudes
are equivalent.
Corollary III. Triangles having equal altitudes are to each
other as their bases, and triangles having equal bases are to each
other as their altitudes.

Proposition VII.
The area of a trapezoid is equal to the product of its altitude by
half the sum of its parallel bases.

Proposition VIII.
Similar triangles are to each other as the squares of their homol-
ogous sides.
Proposition IX.
Similar polygons are to each other as the squares of their homol-
ogous sides.
Proposition X.
The square described upon the hypotenuse of a right triangle
is equivalent to the sum of the squares described on the other
two sides.

Proposition I.

If the circumference of a circle be divided into any number of

equal parts, the chords joining the successive points of division
form a regular polygon inscribed in the circle and the tangents

drawn at the points of division form a regular polygon circum-

scribed about the circle.
Corollary I. If the vertices of a regular inscribed polygon are
joined with the middle points of the arcs subtended by the sides
of the polygon, the joining Unes will form a regular inscribed
polygon of double the number of sides.
Corollary II. If at the middle points of the arcs joining ad-
jacent points of contact of the sides of a regular circumscribed
polygon tangents are drawn, a regular circumscribed polygon
of double the number of sides will be formed.

Proposition II.

A circle may be circumscribed about any regular polygon, and

a circle may also be inscribed in it.

Proposition III.

Regular polygons of the same number of sides are similar.

Corollary. The perimeters of regular polygons of the same
number of sides are to each other as the radii of the circumscribed
circles,or as the radii of the inscribed circles ; and their areas are
to each other as the squares of these radii.

Proposition IV.
The area of a regular polygon is equal to half the product of
Its perimeter and apothem.

Proposition V.
An arc of a circle is less than any line which envelops it and
has the same extremities.
Corollary, The circumference of a circle is less than the perim-
eter of any polygon circumscribed about it.

Proposition VI.
If the number of sides of a regular polygon inscribed in a circle
be increased indefinitely, the apothem of the polygon will ap-
proach the radius of the circle as its limit.

Proposition VII.
The circumference of a circle is the Umit which the perimeters
of regular inscribed and circumscribed polygons approach when
the number of their sides is increased indefinitely and the area

of the circle is the limit of the areas of these polygons.

Proposition VIII.
The circumferences of two circles are to each other as their
radii,and their areas are to each other as the squares of their
Corollary I. The circumferences of circles are to each other as
their diameters, and their areas are to each other as the squares
of their diameters.
Corollary II. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
diameter is constant.

Proposition IX.
The area of a circle is equal to half the product of its circum-
ference by its radius.
Corollary. The area of a circle is equal to the square of its
radius multiplied by the constant number tt.

In Plane Geometry we have considered merely figures com-

posed of lines and points, all of which are supposed to lie in

the same plane (v. Introduction, 5 and 6), and in the proposi-
tions and definitions of the preceding five books it has been
tacitly assumed that the figures in question are plane figures.

In many of the propositions and definitions this limitation is

essential to the truth of the proposition ; for example. Propo-

sitions I. and XXII., Book I., and Definition 20, Book II. In
others the demonstration given is inconclusive without the
limitation in question, although the proposition is true even
when the limitation is removed; for example. Exercise 1,

Proposition XXIII., Book I. While in propositions concern-

ing equal polygons, which depend for their proof directly or
indirectly upon a superposition of one polygon upon the
other, the limitation is obviously of no importance; for ex-
ample. Propositions YI., YII., and IX., Book I. It is, then,
important, when we use the theorems of Plane Geometry in
proving theorems of the Geometry of Space, to satisfy our-
selves that they are still true in the figures with which we are


1. Definition. A plane has already been defined as a surface
such that the straight line joining any two points in it lies

wholly in the surface.

Thus, the surface ikfiV" is a plane, if, A /

and B being any two points in it, the /—4- ?-

straight line AB lies wholly in the sur-


The plane is understood to be indefinite in extent, so that,

however far the straight line is produced, all its points lie

in the plane. But to represent a plane in a diagram, we

are obliged to take a limited portion of it, and we usually
represent it by a parallelogram supposed to lie in the plane.

2. Definition. A plane is said to be determined by given lines

or points when one plane, and only one, can be drawn con-
taining the given lines or points.

K^^Through any given straight line a plane may be passed
hut the line will not determine the plane.

Let AB be a given straight line. r~

A straight line may be drawn in aJ. /I B
L- 1
any plane, and the position of that
plane may be changed until the
line drawn in it is brought into coincidence with AB. We
shall then have a plane passed through AB ; and this plane

may be turned upon AB as an axis, and made to occupy-

as many different positions as we
choose, and as in each of these
positions it is a plane through AB,
we may have as many planes as lL

we choose through AB ; conse-

quently AB does not determine (2) a plane.


/ 4. ^ plane is determined^ 1st, by a straight line and a point

/ without that line ; 2d, by two intersecting straight lines ; 3d, by

7 three points not in the same straight line ; 4th, by two parallel
! straight lines.

Ist. Through a given line AB a

plane may be passed, and may then / <?

be turned upon AB as an axis, until

it contains a given point G. If it is

then turned by the smallest amount

in either direction, it ceases to contain C. Therefore on©
plane, and only one, can be drawn containing a given line

and a given point without that line.

2d. Through one of the lines ABj and a point C of the

other, one plane, and only one, can be

drawn. This plane will contain AG

(1), and no other plane through AB

3d. If three points. A, Bj 0, are

given, any plane containing them
must contain one of them and the line joining the other two
(1) J
and one, and only one, such plane can be drawn.
BOOK VI. 197

4th. Two parallels, AB, CD, lie in the same plane, by Defi-

nition (I., 5) ; there is, then, one plane

containing them. There is only one,
for through AB and a point B of
CD only one plane can be passed. ^
^fo) Corollary. The intersection of

two planes is a straight line. For if two points of the in-

tersection be joined by a straight line, that line must lie in

both planes^ by (1) ; and no point outside of this line can be

common to the two planes, by Proposition II. ; therefore the
straight line in question is the line of intersection of the two
planes. ^


6. Definition. A straight line is perpendicular to a plane
when it is perpendicular to every straight line drawn in the
plane through its foot ; that is, through the point in which it

meets the plane.

In the same case, the plane is said to be perpendicular to

the line.
Cy From a given point without a plane, one perpendicular to

the plane can he drawn, and hut one ; and the perpendicular is

the shortest line that can he drawn from the point to the plane.

Let A be the given point, and JOT the


be drawn from
obviously not
must, then, be
Consider the various lines that can
to MN.
of the same length
among them
These lines are

either one
; there
. y
^^ p

minimum line, or a set of equal shortest

lines. There cannot be a set of equal
shortest lines. For, suppose that AB and AB' are two such

lines. Join BB'. Then, since AB and AB'' Sire equal lines

drawn from A to BB\ they cannot be per-

pendicular to BB' (I., 'Proposition XYI.),
and consequently they are longer than the
Proposition XYII., which
AC from A to
BB\ by
contrary to
1., - J

the hypothesis that they were shorter
than any other lines that could be drawn ^
from A to J/iV. There is therefore one,
and but minimum line from A to the plane/ Let AP be

that minimum line then AP is perpendicular to any straight


line BF drawn in the plane through its foot P. For, in the

plane of the lines AP and JEF, ^P is the shortest line that
can be drawn from A to any point in FF, since it is the
shortest line that can be drawn from J. to any point in the

plane MN; therefore AP is perpendicular to FF (I., Propo-

sition XYII.). Thus AP is perpendicular to any^ that to is,

every, straight line drawn in the plane through its foot, and
is therefore perpendicular to the plane.
There can be no other perpendicular from A to the plane

MN; for, if there were, both lines would be perpe-ndicular

to the line joining the points where they met the plane, and
we should have two perpendiculars from a point to a line,

which is contrary to I., Proposition XYI.

vj) Corollary. At a given point in a plane one perpendicular

can be erected to the plane, and but one.

Let ilOTbe the plane and P

the point.
Let Jif'iV' be any other
plane, A' any point without it,

and A'P' the perpendicular

from A' to this plane. Suppose the plane Al'N^ to be applied
BOOK VI. 199

to the plane MN with the point P' upon P, and let AP be

the position then occupied by the perpendicular A'P'. We
then have one perpendicular, J.P, to the plane MN^ erected
at P. There can be no other : for let PB be another perpen-
dicular at P. Then AP and PB are both perpendicular to
PC, the line of intersection of MN with the plane deter-
mined by the two lines AP and BP^ at the same point, and
lie in the same plane with^ P(7, ^and this is contrary to I., j


^lr^li' ^x^::..--^rar^)
the distance of a point from a plane is

meant the shortest distance; hence it is the perpendicular

distance from the point to the plane.


1. Theorem. — Oblique lines drawn from a point to a plane,

and meeting the plane at equal distances from the foot of the

perpendicular, are equal i and of two oblique lines meeting the

plane at unequal distances from the foot of the perpendicular

the more remote is the greater.

2. Theorem. —Equal oblique lines

from a point to a plane meet the

plane at equal distances from the foot
of the perpendicxdar ; and of two un-
equal oblique lines the greater meets
the plane at the greater distance from
the foot of the perpendicular.


(^O) If a straight line is perpendicular to each of two straight

lines at their point of intersection^ it is perpendicular to the plane

of those lines.

Let AP be perpendicular toPB and

P(7, at their intersection P ; then AP is
perpendicular to the plane MN which
contains those lines.
For, let PD be any other straight
line drawn through P in the plane MN.
Draw any straight line BDG intersect-
ing PB, PC, PD, in J5, (7, D; produce W
AP to A', making PA' = PA, and join a^

A and A' to each of the points B, C, D,

Since BP is perpendicular to AA', at its middle point, we
have BA = BA' (I., Proposition XYIII.), and for a like
reason CA = GA' ; therefore the triangles ABC, A'BC, are
equal (I., Proposition IX.), and the angle ABD is equal to
the angle A'BD. The triangles ABD and A'BD are equal
(I., Proposition YI.), and AD = A'D. Hence the triangles
APD and A'PD are equal (I., Proposition IX.). Therefore
the adjacent angles APD and A'PD are equal, and PD is

perpendicular to AP. AP, then, is perpendicular to any^

that is, to every, line passing, through its foot in the plane

MNp and is consequently perpendicular to the plane.

\l|t Corollary I. At a given point of g, straight line one
plane can he drawn perpendicular to the line, and hut one.

Let AP be the line, and P the point. Through AP pass

two planes, and in each of these planes draw through P a
line perpendicular to AP. The plane determined by these
BOOK VI. 201

two lines is perpendicular to AF at P, by Proposition

No other perpendicular plane can

be drawn through P, for, if it could,

a plane containing AF would inter-

sect the two perpendicular planes

in lines which would lie in the same

plane with J.P, and be perpendic-
ular to AF at the same point, ^
* ^
4^**v -^"^
which is contrary to I., Proposi-( \ yj^^-^tj^ ok.^^v^"'^'

tion I. * ^-^'H
X QS^ Corollary II. Through a given point without a straight
line one plane can he drawn perpendicular to the line, and but

In the plane determined by the point and the line draw a

perpendicular from the point to the line, and through the
foot of this perpendicular draw, in any second plane passing
through the given line, a second perpendicular to the line.

The plane of these two perpendiculars is obviously a plane

passing through the given point and perpendicular to the
given line.

No second perpendicular plane can be drawn through thtj

given point, for the plane determined by the line and the
point would cut the two perpendicular planes in lines which
would be two perpendicular lines from the given point to the
given line, which is contrary to I.. Proposition XYL . , ,


1. Theorem. —All the perpendiculars that can be drawn to a-

straight line at the same point lie in a plane perpendicular to the

line at the point.


2. Theorem. —If from the foot of a

perpendicular to a plane a straight line

is drawn at right angles to any line of

the plane, and its intersection with that

line is joined to any point of the perpen-

dicular, this last line will be perpendic-

ular to the line of the plane.


13. Definitions. A straight line is parallel to a plane when it

cannot meet the plane, though both be indefinitely produced.

In the same case, the plane is said to be parallel to the line.
Two planes are parallel when they do not meet, both being
indefinite in extent.


(14) Two lines in space having the same direction are par-

Let AB and CD be two lines having

. the same direction. Through AB and any
point E of CD pass a plane, and in this ^ e d
plane draw through E a line parallel to
y'^^.y^ '^^' This line will have the same direction as AB (I.,

'^^^^ /^ ^jSp^iom II.), and consequently the same direction as CD, and
^>-^^ must therefore coincide with CD, by I., Postulate 11. Hence,- ^

AB and CD are parallel, (f"^^ T''- ff ^•

^•' '^-^.
f tT^l^
15. Corollary. Two lines paraltet to the seme lirie are par-
allel to each other. For they have the same direction.

<ISJ If two straight lines are parallel, every plane passed
through one of them and not coincident with the plane of the
parallels is parallel to the other.

BOOK VI. 203

Let AB and CD be parallel lines, and MW any plane passed

through CD then the line AB and

the plane MN are parallel.

For the parallels AB, CD, are in
the same plane, A CDB, which in-
tersects the plane MN in the line
CD; and since AB cannot leave
this plane, if it meets MN at all it must meet it in some
point common to the two planes; that^i^, in some point of
CD, which is contrary to the hypothesis that AB and CD
are parallel.
17. Corollary I. Through any given straight line a plane
can be passed parallel to any other given straight line.

Let UK and AB be the two given

lines. In the plane determined by AB
and any point S of UK let HL be
drawn parallel to AB ; then the plane
MNj determined by SK and HL, is par-
allel to AB, by Proposition YI.
18. Corollary II. Through any given point a plane can Ir*

passed parallel to any two given straight lines in space.

Let be the given point, and AB

and CD the given straight lines. In
the plane determined by the given
point and the line AB let a 06 be
drawn through parallel to AB
and in the plane determined by the
point and the line CD let cOd be
drawn through parallel to CD;
then the plane determined by the lines ab and cd is parallel
to each of the lines AB and CD, by Proposition VI.


Theorem. —If a straight line and a plane are parallel^ the

intersection of the plane and a plane passed through the given

line is parallel to the given line. (v. Figure of Proposition VI.)

(10} Planes perpendicular to the same straight line are parallel

to each other.

The planes MW, PQ, perpendicular to the jn

same straight line AB, cannot meet ; for, if /

they met, we should have through a point L N
of their intersection two planes perpendic-
ular to the same straight line, which is im-
possible (Proposition IV., Corollary II.); /

therefore these planes are parallel.

1 \(\
I q

^2J The intersections of two parallel planes with any third

plane are parallel.

MW and PQ be parallel planes,

Let r y\ y

and AD any plane intersecting them \ /^^ '\ \

in the lines AB and CD; then AB A \~

and CD are parallel. p \ \i)
For the lines AB and CD cannot \ \ / \
meet, since the planes in which they ^
^ ^
are situated cannot meet, and they
are lines in the same plane AD ; therefore they are parallel.

Theorem. — Parallel lines intercepted between parallel planes
are equal.
BOOK VI. 205

21. A straight line perpendicular to one of two parallel planes

is perpendicular to the other.

Let MW and FQ be parallel planes, and let

the straight line AB be perpendicular to PQ;

then it will also be perpendicular to MN.
For through A draw any straight line AG
in the plane JOT, pass a plane through AB
and AC, and let BD be the intersection of
this plane with PQ. Then AC and BD are
parallel (Proposition YIII.) ; but AB is per-
pendicular to BD (6), and consequently also to AC; there-

fore AB, being perpendicular to any line AC which it meets

in the plane JfiV", is perpendicular to the plane JOT.
22. Corollary. Through any given point one plane can be

passed parallel to a given plane, and but one.

Suggestion. Drop a perpendicular line from the point to the

plane, and then pass a plane through the point perpendicular
to this line.
23. If two angles, not in the same plane, have their sides

respectively parallel and lying in the same direction, they are

BQual and their planes are parallel.

Let BAC, B'A'C, be two angles lying
in the planes MN, M'N' ; and let AB,
AC, be parallel respectively to A'B',

A!C', and in the same directions.

1st. The angles BAC and B'A!C' are

equal. Take the distances A!B' and AB
equal, and A!C' and AC equal, and join
BC and B' C . Draw now the lines AA',
BB', and Cp'. The quadrilaterals AB' and AC are parallel-

ograms, by I., Proposition XXX. Therefore BB' and CC

are equal and parallel to AA'. They are
then equal and parallel to each other
(Proposition Y., Corollary), and BC is a
parallelogram. Hence BC = B'C\ and
the triangles A5(7and A'B'C are equal,
by I., Proposition IX. Consequently
the angles BAG dmd. B'A'C are equal.

2d. The planes MN and M'N' are

parallel. For MN parallel
is to A'B'
and A'C\ by Proposition YI., and therefore, since if it met
M'N' the line of intersection would have to cut one or the
other of the intersecting lines A!B'^ A!G\ it is parallel to



Yf one of two parallel lines is perpendicular to a plane,

the other is also perpendicular to that plarie.

Let AB^ A'B\ be parallel lines, and . ?. 1r

let AB be perpendicular to the plane

to MN.
For, let
then A'B^

is also perpendicular

and A' be the intersections

of these lines with the plane ; through
i^ A' W N

A' draw any line A'C in the plane MN, and through A draw
AG parallel to A'G' and in the same direction. The angles
BAG, B'A'G', are equal (Proposition X.) ; but BAG m 2i right
angle, since BA is perpendicular to the plane; hence B'A'G'
is a right angle ; that is, B'A' is perpendicular to any line
A'G' drawn through its foot in the plane MN, and is conse-
quently perpendicular to the plane.
V(" »*\- V ,'


\ -^V^-.c.I3t>v^5r-v <^
BOOK VI. 207

25. Corollary. Two straight lines perpendicular to the same

plane are parallel to each other,


Theorem. — Two parallel planes are everywhere equally distant,


26. Definition. When two planes meet and are terminated
by their common intersection, they form a diedral angle.

Thus, the planes AE, AF^ meeting in AB^ and

terminated by AB^ form a diedral angle.
The planes AE^ AF, are called the faceSy and
the line AB the edge, of the diedral angle.
A diedral angle may be named by four letters,
one in each face and two on its edge, the two
on the edge being written between the other two ; thus, the
angle in the figure may be named DABC.
When there is but one diedral angle formed at the same?
edge, it may be nariied by two letters on its edge ,-
thus, in

the preceding figure, the diedral angle DABC may be named

the diedral angle AB.
27. Definition. The angle CAD formed hj two straight lines
AC, AD, drawn, one in each face of the diedral angle, per-
pendicular to its edge AB at the same point, is called the

plane angle of the diedral angle.

1. Theorem. —All plane angles of the same diedral angle are
equal, (v. Proposition X.)
2. Theorem. —If a plane is drawn perpendicidar to the edge
uj a diedral angle, its intersections with the faces of the diedral

angle form the plane angle of the diedral angle.


28. A diedral angle DABG may be conceived to be gener-

ated by a plane, at first coincident with a fixed plane AE,
revolving upon the line A^ as an axis until it comes into the
position AF. In this revolution a straight line CA, perpen-
dicular to AB, generates the plane angle CAD.

29. Definition. Two diedral angles are equal when they

can be placed so that their faces shall coincide.
Thus, the diedral angles CABD,
G'A'B'D', are equal, if, when the D'

edge A'B' is applied to the edge c

AB and the face A'F' to the face
AF^ the face A'E' also coincides Br Ff

with the face AE. E'

Since the faces continue to co-
incide when produced indefinitely, it is apparent that the
magnitude of the diedral angle does not depend upon the
extent of its faces, but only upon their relative position.
30. Definition. Two diedral angles GABD, DABEj which
have a common edge AB and a common plane
BD between them, are called adjacent.
Two diedral angles are added together by
placing them adjacent to each other. Thus, the
diedral angle GABE is the sum of the two diedral ,,^
angles GABD and DABE.
31. Definition. Two planes are perpen- cA
dicular when the plane angle of the di- /
edral angle which they form is a right M
angle. The diedral angle is then called
a right diedral angle. VI N
~ 1

BOOK VI. 209


(^ Two diedral angles are equal if their plane angles are


Let the plane angles CAD and 1/

C'A'D' of the diedral angles CABD, C

C'A'B'D', be equal; then are the
diedral angles equal. B' F'

For, superpose C'A'B'iy upon

CABD, making the plane angle
C'A'D' coincide with its equal CAD ; then the planes of
these angles will coincide (Proposition II.). A'B' and AB^
being now perpendicular to the same plane at the same point,
must coincide (Proposition III., Corollary) ; and, finally, the

planes B'C and 50 will coincide, and B'D' and BD (Propo-

sition 11.) . Therefore the diedral angles are equal.


331 Two diedral angles are in the same ratio as. their plane

Let CABD and GEFH be two '

V- - -1

diedral angles; and let CAD and

GEH be their plane angles. 1



Suppose the plane angles have 1




a common measure, contained m F

^^^^ -ij

times in CAD and n times in

GEH; we have, then,
CAD ^m

Apply this measure to CAD and GEH^ and through the

lines of division and the edges of the given diedral angles
o 18*

pass planes, thus dividing CABD into m and GEFII into n

smaller diedral angles. Each of
these small diedral angles has one
of the parts into which CAD is

divided, or one of the parts into

which GEH is divided, as its

plane angle, because AB is per- ?Fr::rl
^^-\ \i
pendicular to the plane of CAD,
and EF to the plane of GEH, by
Proposition lY. These small diedral angles are, then, all

equal, by Proposition XII., and we have


The proof is extended to the case where the given planej

angles are incommensurable, by the method exemplified in

the proof of II., Proposition XII., of III., Proposition I., and

of IV., Proposition II.

34. Scholium. Since the diedral angle is proportional to its

plane angle (that is, varies proportionally with it), the plane
angle is taken as the measure of the diedral angle, just as an
arc is taken as the measure of a plane angle. Thus, a diedral
angle will be expressed by 45° if its plane angle is expressed
by 45°, etc.


V^Sa If a straight line is perpendicular to a plane, every plane

passed through the line is also perpendicular to that plane.
BOOK 211
Let AB be perpendicular to the plane MJSf; then any plane
PQ, passed through AB, is also perpendic-

ular to JfiV.
For, at B draw BC^ in the plane MWj
perpendicular to the intersection BQ. Since
AB is perpendicular to the plane 3IW, it is

perpendicular to BQ and BG; therefore

the angle ABC is the plane angle of the
diedral angle formed by the planes PQ and MN; and since
the angle ABC is a right angle, the planes are perpendicular
to each other.


(^g) If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a straight

line drawn in one of them, perpendicular to their intersection, is

perpendicular to the other.

Let the planes PQ and JfZV be perpendic-

ular to each other and at any point B of

their intersection BQ let BA be drawn, in

the plane PQ, perpendicular to BQ; then

BA is perpendicular to the plane 3fN.
For, drawing BC, in the plane MW, per-

pendicular to BQ, the angle ABC is a right angle, since it is

the plane angle? of the right diedral angle formed by the two
planes ; therefore AB, perpendicular to the two straight lines

BQ, BC, is perpendicular to their plane MW (Proposition


37. Corollary I. If two planes are perpendicular to each

other, a straight line drawn through any point of their intersec-

tion perpendicular to one of the planes will lie in the other, (v.

Proposition III., Corollary.)


38. Corollary II. If two planes are perpendicular^ a straight

line let fall from any point of one plane perpendicular to the

other will lie in the first plane, (v. Proposition III.)

39. If two intersecting planes are each perpendicular to a
third plane, their intersection is also perpendicular to that plane.

Let the planes PQ, BS, intersecting in

the line AB, be perpendicular to the plane

MN ; then AB is perpendicular to the
plane M]Sf.
For, if from any point A of A B a per-
pendicular be drawn to MNj this perpen-
dicular will lie in each of the planes PQ
and BS (Proposition XY., Corollary II.),

and must therefore be their intersection AB.

fwi Through any given straight line a plane can be passed
perpendicular to any given plane.

Let AB be the given straight line, and

MW the given plane. From any point A
of AB let AC he drawn perpendicular to
and through
This plane
AB and A C pass a plane
is perpendicular to MN EE3
(Proposition XIY.).
Moreover, since, by Proposition XY., Corollary IL, any
plane passed throughAB perpendicular to MN must contain
the perpendicular the plane AD is the only plane per-
A C, a
pendicular to MN that can be passed through AB, unless AB
is itself perpendicular to MN, in which case every plai^
through AB is perpendicular to MN. ^
. .

BOOK VI. 213


Theorem. — The locus of the

points equally distant from

two given -planes is ttie plane
bisecting the diedral angle be-

tween the given planes, (v.

I., Proposition XIX.)

41. Definitions. The projection of a

point A upon a plane MN is the foot a
of the perpendicular let fall from A
upon the plane.

The projection of a line ABODE . .

upon a plane MN is the line abcde . .

containing the projections of all the

points of the line ABODE . . . upon the
(42^ The projection of a straight line upon a plane is a straight

Let AB be the given straight line,

and MI^ the given plane. The plane

Ab, passed through AB perpendicular
to' the plane MN, contains all the per-
pendiculars let fall from points of AB
upon MN (Proposition XY., Corollary /V ^ i^u\t i *^

II.); therefore these perpendiculars all t^t^^ .


meet the plane MN in the intersection ab of the perpeiidic- i ,

ular plane with MN. The projection of AB upon the plane
MN is, consequently, the straight line ab.

43. Scholium. The plane Ah is called the projecting plane of

the straight line AB upon the plane MN.
44. The acute angle which a straight line makes with its own
projection upon a plane is the least angle which it makes with
any line of that plane.

Let Ba be the projection of the straight

line BA upon the plane MN, the point B
being the point of intersection of the line
BA with the plane ; let BC be any other
straight line drawn through B in the

plane; then the angle ABa is less than

the angle ABC.
For, take BG = Ba, and join AC. In the triangles ABa,
ABC, we have AB common, and Ba = BC; but Aa <i AC,
since the perpendicular is less than any oblique line ; therefore
the angle ABa is less than the angle ABC(1., Proposition XY.).
45. Definition. The acute angle which a straight line makes
with its own projection upon a plane is called the inclination

of the line to the plane, or the angle of the line and plane.

46. Definition. Two straight lines AB,

CD, not in the same plane, are regarded
as making an angle with each other which
is equal to the angle between two straight

lines Ob, Od, drawn through any point O

in space, parallel respectively to the two

lines and in the same directions.

47. From the preceding definition, it follows that when a

straight line is perpendicular to a plane, it is perpendicular to all

the lines of the plane, whether the lines pass through its foot

or not.
; ;

BOOK VI. 215

48. Definition. When three or more planes meet in a com-
mon point, they form a polyedral angle.
Thus the figure S-ABCD, formed by the
planesASB, BSC, CSD, DSA, meeting in
the common point S^ is a polyedral angle.
The point S is the vertex of the angle
the intersections of the planes SA^ SB,
etc., are its edges; the portions of the
planes included between the edges are its faces ; the angles
ASB^ BSG, etc., formed by the edges, are its face angles.
A triedral angle is a polyedral angle having but three faces,
which is the least number of faces that can form a polyedral

49. In a polyedral angle every pair of adjacent edges form

a face angle, and every pair of adjacent faces form a diedral
angle. These face angles and diedral angles are the parts of
the polyedral angle.
50. Definition. Two polyedral angles are equal when their
faces and edges can be made to coincide, if one angle is suit-

ably superposed upon the other.

Of course it follows that corresponding parts of two equal
polyedral angles are equal.
51. Definition. Two polyedral angles are symmetrical if the
parts of one are respectively equal to the parts of the other
but the corresponding parts succeed each other in the two
angles in inverse order. When two polyedral angles are
(symmetrical, it is impossible to superpose one upon the other
in such a way as to bring corresponding parts together. One
figure is, so to speak, right-handed and the other left-handed.

52. Definition. A polyedral angle S-ABCD is convex, when

any section, ABCD, made by a plane cutting all its faces, is

a convex polygon (I., 54).


)-The sum of any two face angles of a triedral angle is

greater than the third.

The theorem requires proof only when the third angle

considered is greater than each of the others.
Let S-ABC be a triedral angle in which
the face angle ASC is greater than either
ASB or BSC; then ASB + BSG > ASC.
For in the face ASC draw SD making the
angle ASD equal to ASB, and through any
point D of SB draw any straight line ADC
cutting SA and SG; take SB = SD, and join AByBG.
The triangles ASD and ASB are equal, by the construction
(I., Proposition YI.), whence AD = AB. Now, in the tri-

angle ABC, we have


and, subtracting the equals AB and AD,

BC > DC;

therefore, in the triangles BSC and DSC, we have the angle

BSC > DSC (I., Proposition XY.), and adding the equal
angles ASB and ASD, we have ASB + BSC >-ASC.
BOOK VT. 217


[5^ The sum of the face angles of any convex polyedral angle
is less than four right angles.

Let the polyedral angle S be cut by a plane, making the

section ABCDE^ by hypothesis, a convex
polygon. From any point within this
polygon draw OA, OB, OC, OB, OK
The sum of the angles of the triangles
ASB, BSC, etc., which have the common
vertex S, is equal to the sum of the an-
gles of the same number of triangles
A OB, BOO, etc., which have the common r>

vertex 0. But in the triedral angles formed at A, B, 0, etc.,

by the faces of the polyedral angle and the plane of the
polygon, we have (Proposition XX.)


SBA + SBC> ABC, etc. j

hence, taking the sum of all these inequalities, it follows that

the sum of the angles at the bases of the triangles whose
vertex is S is greater than the sum of the angles at the
bases of the triangles whose vertex 0; therefore the sum

of the angles at >S^ is less than the sum of the angles at 0;

that is, less than four right angles.

55. If two triedral angles have the three face angles of the one
respectively equal to the three face angles of the other^ the cor-

responding diedral angles are equal.

In the triedral angles S and s, let ASB = ash, ASC = asc,

and BSC = bsc ; then the diedral angle SA is equal to the

diedral angle sa.


.^ On the edges of these angles take the six equal distances

SA, SB, SC, sa, sb, sc, and draw AB, BC, AC, ah, he, ac. The
isosceles triangles SAB and sab are equal, having an equal
angle included by equal sides, hence AB = ah ; and for the

same reason, BG = hc, AC = ac ; therefore the triangles

ABC and abc are equal.

At any point D in SA, draw DE in the face ASB and DF

in the face ASC, perpendicular to SA; these lines meet AB
and AC, respectively, for, the triangles ASB and ASC being
isosceles, the angles SAB and SAC are acute; let E and F
be the points of meeting, and join EF. Now on sa take sd
= SB, and repeat the same construction in the triedral
angle s.

The ADE and ade are equal, since AB = ad, and

the angles at A and B are equal to the angles at a and d;
hence AE = ae and BE = de. In the same manner we have
BOOK VI. 219

AF = of and DF = df. Therefore the triangles AEF and

aef are equal (I., Proposition YI.)j and we have FF = ef.

Finally, the triangles FDF and edf, being mutually equilat-

eral, are equal; therefore the angle FDF, which measures
the diedral angle SA, is equal to the angle edf, which meas-
ures the diedral angle sa, and the diedral angles SA and sa
are equal (Proposition XII.). In the same manner it may
be proved that the diedral angles SB and SO are equal to
the diedral angles sb and sc, respectively.

Scholium. It follows that the polyedral angles >S^ and s are

either equal or symmetrical. Both cases are represented in

the figure.

1. If a straight line AB
is parallel to a plane JfJV, any plane
perpendicular to the line ABis perpendicular to the plane 3lJS\
(v. Proposition VI., Exercise.)
2. If a plane is passed through one of the diagonals of a paral-

lelogram, the perpendiculars to this plane from the extremities

of the other diagonal are equal.
3. If the intersections' of a number of planes are parallel, all the

perpendiculars to these planes, drawn from a common point in

space, lie in one plane.
Suggestion. Through the common point pass a plane perpen-
dicular to one of the intersections, {v. Proposition XV., Corol-
lary II.)
4. If the projections of a number of points on a plane are in a
straight line, these points are in one plane.
5. If each of the projections of a line AB upon two intersecting
planes is a straight the line
line, AB
is a straight line.
6. Two straight lines not in the same plane being given 1st, a :

common perpendicular to the two lines can be drawn 2d, the ;

common perpendicular is the short- .

est distance between the two lines. o e d

Suggestion. Let AB
and CD be ,1 1

the two given lines. Pass through

AB a plane MNparallel to CX>, and
through ABand CD pass planes /i / i

perpendicular to MN. Their inter- l'\

section Co is the required common
perpendicular. CD and cd are par-
allel, by 18, Exercise.
2d. Any other line BF
i\ '
AB and CD is greater than JEIT, the perpendicular from to cd B
(Proposition XV.), and therefore greater than Cc.

7. If two straight lines are intersected by

three parallel planes, their corresponding

segments are proportional, {v. Proposition

8. A plane passed through the middle point of the common

perpendicular to two straight lines in space, and parallel to both
these lines, bisects every straight line joining a point of one of
these Hues to a point of the other, {v. Exercise 7.)
9. In any triedral angle, the three planes bisecting the three

diedral angles intersect in the same straight line. {v. 40, Exer-
10. In any triedral angle, the three planes
passed through the edges and the bisectors
of the opposite face angles respectively in-
tersect in the same straight line.
Suggestion. Lay off equal distances SAj
SB, SC, on the three edges, and pass a plane
through Aj B, C. The intersections of the
three planes in question with ABCsive the
medial lines of ABC, and have a common intersection, and the line
joining this common intersection with S lies in the three planes.
11. In any triedral angle, the three planes passed through the

bisectors of the face angles, and perpendicular to these faces

respectively, intersect in thesame straight line.
Suggestion. Use the same construction as in Exercise 10. Then
the intersections of the three planes with ABC are perpendicular
to the sides of ABC at their middle points, and have a common
12. In any triedral angle, the three planes

passed through the edges, perpendicular to

the opposite faces respectively, intersect in
the same straight line.
Suggestion. At any point A of one of the
edges, draw a plane ABC perpendicular to
the edge SA. The intersections of the three
planes with ABC are the perpendiculars
from the vertices of ABC^ upon the oppo-
site sides, and have a common intersection, {v. Proposition XVI.)

13. Find the locus of the points in space which are equally

distant from two given points.

14. Locus of the points which are equally distant from two

given straight lines in the same plane.

15. Locus of the points which are equally distant from three

given points.
16. Locus of the points which are equally distant from three
given planes, {v. 40, Exercise.)
17. Locus of the points which are equally distant from three
given straight lines in the same plane.
\ 18. Locus of the points which are equally distant from the three
edges of a tried ral angle (Exercise 11).
19. Locus of the points in a given plane which are equally dis-

tant from two given points out of the plane.

20. Locus of the points which are equally distant from two
given planes, and at the same time equally distant from two
given points.

In the solution of problems in space, we assume, 1st, that a —
plane can be drawn passing through three given points (or two in-
tersecting straight lines) and its intersections with given straight
lines or planes determined; and, 2d, that a perpendicular to a
given plane can be drawn at a given point in the plane, or from
a given point without it. The actual graphic construction of the
solutions belongs to Descriptive Geometry.
21. Through a given straight line, to pass a plane perpendicular

to a given plane, (v. Proposition XVII.)

22. Through a given point, to pass a plane perpendicular to a
given straight line.
Suggestion. If the given point is in the given line, pass two
planes through the given line, and draw in each of them, through
the given point, a line perpendicular to the given line. The plane
determined by these lines is the perpendicular plane required.
{v. Proposition IV.)
If the given point is not in the given line, pass a plane through
itand the given line, and in this plane, through the given point,
draw a line parallel to the given line. A plane through the given
point, perpendicular to this second line, is the plane required, (v.
Proposition XI.)
BOOK VI. 223

23. Through a given point, to pass a plane parallel to a given

plane, Proposition IX., Corollary.)

24. To determine that point in a given straight line which is

equidistant from two given points not in the same plane with
the given line. (v. Exercise 13.)
25. To find a point in a plane which shall be equidistant from
three given points in space.
26. Through a given point in space, to draw a straight line
which shall cut two given straight lines not in the same plane.
Suggestion. Pass a plane through the given point and through
one of the given lines the line through the given point and the

point where the plane cuts the second given line is the solution
27. Through a given point, to draw a straight line which shall
meet a given straight line and the circumference of a given circle
not in the same plane. (Two solutions in general.)
28. In a given plane and through a given point of the plane, to
draw a straight line which shall be perpendicular to a given line
in space.
Suggestion. Draw a plane through the given point and perpen-
dicular to the given line. Its intersection with the given plane is
the solution required.
29. Through a given point ^ in a plane, to draw a straight line
AT in that plane, which shall be at a given distance PT from a
given point P without the plane.
Suggestion. Drop a perpendicular from P
to the plane, and with
the foot of this perpendicular as a centre, and with a radius equal
to a side of a right triangle whose hypotenuse is PT, and whose
other side is the length of the perpendicular, describe a circum-
ference in the plane. A
tangent from A to this circumference is
the solution required, {v. 12, Exercise 2.)
30. Through a given point A, to draw to a given plane a M
straight line which shall be parallel to a given plane N
and of a
given length.
1. Definition. A polyedron is a geometrical solid bounded
by planes.

The bounding planes, by their mutual intersections, limit

each other, and determine the faces (which are polygons),

the edgeSj and the vertices of the polyedron. A diagonal of a
polyedron is a straight line joining^ any two of its vertices

not in the same face.

The least number of planes that can form a polyedral
angle is three ; but the space within the angle is indefinite in

extent, and it requires a fourth plane to enclose a finite por-

tion of space, or to form a solid ; hence the least number of
planes that can form a polyedron is four.

2. Definition. A polyedron of four faces is called a tetra-

edron ; one of six faces, a hexaedron ; one of eight faces, an

octaedron ; one of twelve faces, a dodecaedron ; one of twenty
faces, an icosaedron.

3. Definition. A polyedron is convex when the section

formed by any plane intersecting it is a convex polygon.
All the polyedrons treated of in this work will be under-

stood to be convex.
4. Definition. The volume of any polyedron is the numer-
ical measure of its magnitude, referred to some other poly-
edron as the unit. The polyedron adopted as the unit is

called the unit of volume.

To measure the volume of a polyedron is, then, to find its

ratio to the unit of volume.


The most convenient unit of volume is the cube whose

edge is the linear unit.
5. Definition. Equivalent solids are those which have equal


6. Definitions. A prism is a polyedron two of whose oppo-
site faces, called hases^ are in parallel planes,
and whose lateral edges (that is, the edges
intersecting the bases) are all parallel to the
same line.

From this definition werreadily deduce the

following consequences :

1st. Any two lateral edges of a prism are

parallel (VI., Proposition Y., Corollary).

2d. All the lateral faces of a prism are parallelograms (YI.,

Proposition YIII.). Hence all the lateral edges are equal.
3d. The bases of a prism are equal polygons (YI., Proposi-

tion X.).
The lateral faces of' a prism constitute its lateral or convex

The altitude of a prism is the perpendicular distance be-

tween the planes of its bases (YI., Proposition IX.)
A triangular prism is one whose base is a triangle ; a quad-
rangular prism, one whose base is a quadrilateral ; etc.

7. Definitions. A right prism is one whose lateral

edges are perpendicular to the planes of its faces

(YI., Proposition XI.)

In a right prism, any lateral edge is equal to

the altitude.
The lateral faces of a right prism are perpen-
dicular to the bases (YI., Proposition XIY.)

An oblique prism is one whose lateral edges are oblique to

the planes of its bases.

In an oblique prism, a lateral edge is greater than the altitude.

8. Definition. A regular prism is a right prism whose bases
are regular polygons.

8. Definition. Ifaprism,A5CZ)jE^-JF;
is intersected by a plane GK, not
pj^rallel to its base, the portion of

the prism included between the base

and this plane, namely, \A 5 (7D.&-
QHIKLy is called a truncated prism.

10. Definition. A right section of a prism is the section made

by a plane passed through the prism perpendicular to one of

its lateral edges.

A right section is perpendicular to all the lateral edges
(YI., Proposition XI.) and to all the lateral faces (YI., Propo-

sition XIY.) of the prism.

11. Definition. A parallelopiped is a prism
whose bases are parallelograms. It is there-

fore a polyedron all of whose faces are par-

From this definition and YI., Proposi-

tion X., it is evident that any two oppo-

site faces of a parallelopiped are equal parallelograms.
12. Definition. A right parallelopiped is a par-
allelopiped whose lateral edges are perpendic-

ular to the planes of its bases. Hence, by YI.,

6, its lateral faces are rectangles ; but its bases
may be either rhomboids or rectangles.

A rectangular parallelopiped is a right parallelepiped whose

bases are rectangles. Hence it is a parallelopiped all of

whose faces are rectangles.

13. Definition. A cube is a rectangular parallelo-

piped whose edges are all equal. Hence its faces

are all squares.


14. The sections of a prism made by parallel planes are equal


For the portion of the prism in-

cluded between the two sections is a

new prism (6). Therefore its bases,

which are the sections in question,

are equal.
15. Corollary. Any section of a
prism made by a plane parallel to the

base is equal to the base.


Theorem. —In a rectangular parallelopiped, the four diagonals

are equal to each other ; and the square of a diagonal is equal
to the sum of the squares of the three edges which meet at a
common vertex.


16. The lateral area of a prism is equal to the product of the
perimeter of a right section of the prism by a lateral edge.

Let AD' be a prism, and GHIKL a

right section of it; then the area of
the convex surface of the prism is equal
to the perimeter GHIKL multiplied by
a lateral edge AA'.
For, the sides of the section GHIKL^
being perpendicular to the lateral edges
AA', BB' (YI., 6), etc., are the altitudes

of the parallelograms which form the

convex surface of the prism, ifwe take as the bases of these
parallelograms the lateral edges AA\ BB\ etc., which are all
equal (6). Hence the area of the sum of these parallelo-
grams is
GH X AA' -\-HIX BB' + etc.
= {GH-\-HI+ etc.) X AA'.

17. Corollary. The lateral area of a right prism is equal

to the product of the perimeter of its base by its altitude.

18. Two prisma are equal, if three faces including a triedral
angle of the one are respectively equal to three faces similarly
'placed including a triedral angle of the other,—

Let the triedral angles A

and a of the prisms ABCDE-
A\ abcde-a', be contained by-

equal faces similarly placed,

namely, ABCDE equal to
abcde, AB' equal to ab', and
AE' equal to aef ; then the
prisms are equal.

For, superpose the second prism upon the first, making the
base ahcde coincide with the equal base ABCDE. Since the
diedral angles ah and AB are equal and ae and AE are equal
(YI., Proposition XXII.), the plane ah' will coincide with the
plane AB'^ and the plane ae' with the plane AE', Hence the
intersection aa' will fall along the intersection AA', As the
faces ah' and AB' are equal, and have now been suitably
superposed, they must coincide throughout^ and a'h' will
coincide with A'B'. For the same reason,^ a'e' will coincide

with A'E'. Consequently, the plane determined by a'h' and

aV, namely, the plane of the upper base of the second prism,
will coincide with the plane of the upper base of the first

prism. Any lateral edge, as eef^ will fall along the corre-

sponding lateral edge EE'^ for they are now parallel to the
same line AA'^ and have a point e of one coinciding with a
point E of the other. They have thus the same direction

^ and a point in common, and must coincide throughout^ by I.,

Postulate II.
Since all the lateral edges of the second prism coincide
with the corresponding lateral edges of the first,, the planes
of all the corresponding lateral faces must coincide. There-
fore, as all the corresponding faces of the two prisms coincide
(the bases included), the prisms are equal.

19. Corollary I. Two truncated prisms are equal, if three

faces including a triedral angle of the one are respectively equal
to three faces similarly placed including a triedral angle of the
other. For the preceding demonstration applies whether the
planes A'B'C'D'E' and a'h'c'dle are parallel or inclined to the
lower bases.
20. Corollary II. Two right prisms are equals if they have
equal bases and equal altitudes.



In the case of right prisms, it is not necessary to add the
condition that the faces shall be
similarly placed ; for if the two
right prisms ABC-A! ^ dbc-a\ can-
not be made to coincide by placing
the base ABC upon the equal base
ahc ; yetj by inverting one of the
prisms and applying the base
ABC to the base a'6V, they will

V 21. Any oblique prism is equivalent to a right prism whose

base is a right section of the oblique prism, and whose altitude is

equal to a lateral edge of the oblique prism.

JjQtABCDE-A^hG the oblique prism.

At any point F in the edge AA\ pass
a plane perpendicular to AA' and
forming the right section FGHIK.
Produce AA' to F\ making FF' z=
AA\ and through F' pass a second
plane perpendicular to the edge AA',
intersecting all the faces of the prism
produced, and forming another right
section F'G'H'I'K' parallel and equal
to the first. The prism FGHIK-F' is a right prism whose
base is the right section and whose altitude FF' is equal to
the lateral edge of the oblique prism.
The solid ABCDE-F is a truncated prism which is easily
shown to be equal to the truncated prism A'B'C'D'E'-F'
(Proposition III., Corollary I.). Taking the first away from
the whole solid ABCDE-F', there remains the right prism

taking the second away from the same solid, there remains
the oblique prism ; therefore the right prism and the oblique
prism have the same volume ; that is, they are equivalent.


26. Any parallelopiped is equivalent to a rectangular parallel-

opiped of the same altitude and an equivalent base.

Let ABGD^A' be
any oblique parallel-

opiped whose base is

and altitude
Produce the edges
in AB produced
take FG = AB, and
through F and G
pass planes FF'FI, GG'H'H, perpendicular to the produced
edges ; then the given parallelopiped and the right parallelo-
piped FF'FI-H are equivalent, by Proposition lY.
Produce, now, the edges of this second parallelopiped ZF,
FF\HG, H'G'; in IF produced take NK^IF, and through
.N and K pass planes KLL'K' smd NMM'N' perpendicular
to the produced edges. Then the second parallelopiped and
the parallelopiped NMM'W-K are equivalent, by Proposi-
tion lY. Consequently, the given parallelopiped and the
parallelopiped NMM'N'-K are equivalent. The last-named
parallelopiped is a right parallelopiped, by construction, since
the face KLL'K' was drawn perpendicular to the lateral
edges. Moreover, as the planes KL' and KN' are perpendic-
ular, the first to KI, the second to AG, they are perpendicular
to the plane AHK, by YI., Proposition XIY., and their inter-

section KK' is perpendicular to AHK(Y1.^ Proposition XYI.)>

and therefore to KL
(YL, 6). Hence the ^ ^' '' ^'

base KLL'K' is a
rectangle, and the
par allelopiped
Xii'X'-iV^is a rec-

tangular parallelopi-
ped. If, now, we
take KIjMN as its

base, its altitude is

equal to that of the given parallelopiped, since the planes

AUK and A'H'K' are parallel; and its base is equivalent
to ABGD^ since each of them is equivalent to FGHI (lY.,
Proposition I.).

23. The plane passed through two diagonally opposite edges

of a parallelopiped divides it into two equivalent triangular


Let ABCD-A' be any parallelopi-

ped the plane
; A CCA', passed through
its opposite edges AA' and CC, divides
it into two equivalent triangular prisms
ABC-A' and ADC-A\
Let FGHI be any right section of

the parallelopiped, made by a plane

perpendicular to the edge A A'. The
intersection, FH, of this plane with the plane AC is the
diagonal of the parallelogram FGHI, and divides that par-
allelogram into two equal triangles, FGH and FIH. The
oblique prism ABG-A' is equivalent to a right prism whose

base is the triangle FGH and whose altitude is AA' (Propo-

sition lY.); and the oblique prism ADC-A' is equivalent to
a right prism whose base is the triangle FIH and whose alti-
tude is AA\ The two right prisms are equal (Proposition
III., Corollary II.) therefore the oblique prisms, which are

respectively equivalent to them, are equivalent to each other.

24. Tioo rectangular parallelopipeds having equal bases are to
each other as their altitudes.
Let P and Q be two rectangular
parallelopipeds having equal bases,
and let AB and CD be their alti-
\ N
tudes. !\

Ist. Suppose the altitudes have \ K

a common measure, which is con-
\ I\
tained m times in AB and n times \ \
in CD. Then we have
AB ^m
CD~ n'
Apply this measure to AB and CJ), and through the poinds
of division draw planes perpendicular to AB and CD. P
will thus be divided into m, and Q into n, smaller parallelo-
pipeds, all of which will be equal, by Proposition I., Corol-
lary, and Proposition III., Corollary II. Hence
P m
Q n'
i Q CD'
The proof may be extended to the case where the altitudes
are incommensurable, by the method exemplified in the proof


of II., Proposition XII., of III., Proposition I., and of lY.,

Proposition II.

^'25. Scholium, The three edges of a rectangular parallelo-

$ piped which meet at a common vertex are called its dimen-

sions j and the preceding theorem may be expressed as follows
Two rectangular parallelopipeds which have two dimensions
in common are to each other as their third dimensions.

^6. T.0 rectangular parallelopi,e,s Kaun, e.ual aUitudes

J are to each other as their bases.

Let a, b, and c be the three dimen- Q

sions of the rectangular parallelo-


piped P; m, w, and c those of the F^


rectangular parallelopiped Q; the J

c, or the altitude, being
rA A

Construct B, sl third rectangular
parallelopiped, having the dimensions

m, b, and c.

If a and m are taken as the alti-

tudes of P and JR, their bases are

equal, and, by Proposition YII.,

P^ a
1^ m*
If b and n are taken as the altitudes of R and §, theii
bases are equal, and, by Proposition VII.,

R^b, .

Q n'
and, multiplying these ratios together,

P^ a X b '

Q m X n

BOOK vir. 235

But a y^ b is the area of the base of P, awFm

awRft X w is the
area of the base of Q; therefore P and Q are in the ratio

of their bases.
27. Scholium. This proposition may also be expressed as

Two rectangular parallelopipeds which have one dimension in
common, are to each other as the products of the other two


28. Any two rectangular parallelopipeds are to each other as

the products of their three dimensions.

Let a, by and c be the three dimen-

sions of the rectangular parallelo-
p \ K
piped P; m, n, and p those of the
L._P_ !

rectangular parallelopiped Q. C 1

Construct P, a third rectangular

parallelopiped, having the dimen-
sions a, 6, and p. By Proposition \ K
YII. we have
P c
and by Proposition YIII.,

P _ axb ,

Q m Xn'
and, multiplying these ratios together,

P axb X c

Q mXnXp


The volume of a rectangular parallelopiped is equal to the
product of its three dimensions, the unit of volume being the cube

whose edge is the linear unit.

Let a, b, c, be the three dimen-
sions of the rectangular parallelo- \ K
piped P; and let Q be the cube
whose edge is the linear unit. The i

three dimensions of Q are each

equal to unity, and we have, by
the preceding proposition,

p ax b X c
= aXbXc.
Q 1 X 1 X 1

Now, Q being takeA as the unit of volume, -

is the numer-

ical measure, or volume of P, in terms of this unit (4);

therefore the volume of P
is equal to the product ^ X ^ X <^-

30. Scholium I. Since the product a X b represents the

base, when c is called the altitude, of the parallelopiped, this

proposition may also be expressed as follows

The volume of a rectangular parallelopiped is equal to the

product of its base by its altitude.

31. Scholium II. When the three dimen- ^ ^"^^^

t\ V. v. ^
sions of the parallelopiped are each ex-
actly divisible by the linear unit, the truth
of the proposition is rendered evident by
dividing the solid into cubes, each of which
is equal to the unit of volume. Thus, if

the three edges which meet at a common

vertex A are, respectively, equal to 3, 4, and 5 times the linear

unit, these edges may be divided respectively into 3, 4, and 5


equal parts, and then planes passed through the several points
of division at right angles to these edges will divide the solid
into cubes, each equal to the unit cube, the number of which
is evidently 3x4x5-
But the more general demonstration, above given, includes

also the cases in which one of the dimensions, or two of

them, or all three, are incommensurable with the linear unit.

32. Scholium III. If the three dimensions of a rectangular

parallelopiped are each equal to <2, the solid is a cube whose
edge is a, and its volume is a X <^ X <^ = <^' ; or, the volume
of a cube is the third power of its edge. Hence it is that in
arithmetic and algebra the expression " cube of a number"
has been adopted to signify the " third power of a number."

33. The volume of any parallelopiped is equal to the product n/
of the area of its base by its altitude.

For, by Proposition Y., the volume of any parallelopiped is

equal to that of a rectangular parallelopiped having an equiv-

alent base and the same altitude (30).


34. The volume of a triangular prism is equal to the product

of its base by its altitude.

Let ABC-A' be a triangular prism.

In the plane of the base complete the
parallelogram ABGD, and then through
D draw a line DD' parallel to AA\ and
through DD' and CO', and DD' and
AA\ pass planes, thus constructing the

parallelopiped ABCD-D'. The given prism is half of the

parallelepiped, by Proposition YI., and
it has the same altitude.
The volume of the parallelopiped is

equal to its base BD multiplied by its

altitude (Proposition XI.) ; therefore

the volume of the triangular prism is

equal to its base ABC, the half of BD,

multiplied by its altitude.

. 35. Corollary. The volume of any prism is equal to the

product of its base by its altitude.

Let ABCDE-A' be any prism. It may

be divided into triangular prisms by planes
passed through a lateral edge AA' and the
several diagonals of its base. The volume
of the given prism is the sum of the vol-
umes of the triangular prisms, or the sum
of their bases multiplied by their common ''-

altitude, which is the base ABODE of the given prism multi-

plied by its altitude.

36. Definitions. A pyramid is a polyedron bounded by a
polygon and triangular faces formed by
the intersections of planes passed through b
the sides of the polygon and a common
point out of its plane ; as S-ABGDE.
The polygon, ABODE, is the base of
the pyramid; the point, S, in which the
triangular faces meet, is its vertex; the
triangular faces taken together constitute
its lateral, or convex, surface; the area of

this surface is the lateral area; the lines SA^ SB^ etc., in

which the lateral faces intersect, are its lateral edges. The
altitude of the pyramid is the perpendicular distance SO from
the vertex to the base.
A triangular pyramid is one whose base is a triangle; a
quadrangular pyramid, one whose base is a quadrilateral ; etc.

A triangular pyramid, having but four faces (all of which

are triangles), is a tetraedron ; and any one of its faces may
be taken as its base.

37. Definitions. A regular pyramid is one whose base is a

regular polygon, and whose vertex is in the

perpendicular to the base erected at the centre A

of the polygon. This perpendicular is called

the axis of the regular pyramid.

From this definition it can be readily shown
that the lateral edges of a regular pyramid are /
all equal, and hence that the lateral faces are /''

equal isosceles triangles,

The slant height of a regular pyramid is the
perpendicular from the vertex to the base of any one of its

lateral faces. It is the common altitude of all the lateral


38. Definitions. A truncated pyramid is the portion of a

pyramid included between its base and a plane cutting all its

lateral edges.

When the cutting plane is parallel to the base, the trun-

cated pyramid is called a frustum of a pyramid. The altitude

of a frustum is the perpendicular distance between its bases.

In a frustum of a regular pyramid, the lateral faces are

equal trapezoids; and the perpendicular distance between
the parallel sides of any one of these trapezoids is the slant
height of the frustum.

39. If a pyramid

is cut by a plane parallel to its base : 1st,

the edges and the altitude are divided proportionally ; 2d, the

section is a polygon similar to the base.

Let the pyramid S-ABCDE, whose alti-

tude is SOj be cut by the plane abode par-

allel to the base, intersecting the lateral
edges in the points a, 6, c, d^ e, and the alti-

tude in ; then
1st. The edges and the altitude are dir
voided proportionally.

Pass a plane through the altitude SO

and any lateral edge SA, cutting the base
in AO and the section in ao. By YI.,

Proposition YIII., _,ab, be, cd, . . . ao are parallel respectively

to AB, BC, CD, ...AO. Therefore, by III., Proposition I.,

8a Sb Sc Sd So

2d. The section abode and the base are similar. For they
are mutually equiangular, by YI., Proposition X., and by
similar triangles we have

ab Sa be Sb cd Sc
AB ~'SA' BC~ 'SB' CD ~ SC
ab bc_ cd

and the homologous sides of the polygons are proportional.

Therefore the section and the base are similar.



40. Corollary 1. If a pyramid is cut by a plane parallel to

its base, the area of the section is to the area of the base as the

square of its distance from the vertex is to the square of the

altitude of the pyramid.

abcde ^ a^ ^^ jy^ Proposition IX.
ABODE Z3^' -^

ab ,
Sa So
abcde So

41. Corollary II. If two pyramids have equal altitudes and

equivalent bases, sections made by planes parallel to their bases

and at equal distances from their vertices are equivalent.


The a regular pyramid equal to the

42. lateral area of

product of the perimeter of its base


by one-half its slant V


For, let S-ABCDE be a regular pyr-

amid the ;
lateral faces SAB, SBC, etc.,
being equal isosceles triangles, whose
bases are the sides of the regular poly-
gon ABCDE and whose common alti-

tude is the slant height SH, the sum

of their areas, or the lateral area of
the pyramid, is equal to the sum of
AB, BC, etc., multiplied by \SH.
L g 21

43. Corollary. The lateral area of the frustum of a regular

pyramid is equal to the half sum of the perimeters of its bases

multiplied by the slant height of the frustum.


44. If the altitude of any given triangular pyramid is divided

into equal parts, and through the points of division planes are

passed parallel to the base of the pyramid, and on the sections

made by these planes as upper bases prisms are described having

their edges parallel to an edge of the pyramid and their altitudes

equal to one of the equal parts into which the altitude of the
pyramid is divided, the total volume of these prisms will approach

the volume of the pyramid as its limit as the number of parts

into which the altitude of the pyramid is divided is indefinitely


Let S-ABC be the given trian-

gular pyramid, whose altitude is

A T. Divide the altitude AT into

any number of equal parts Ax,
xy, etc., and denote one of these
parts by h. Through the points
of division x, y, etc., pass planes
parallel to the base, cutting from
the pyramid the sections DBF,
GUI, etc. Upon the triangles
DEF, GHI, etc., as upper bases, construct prisms whose
lateral edges are parallel to SA, and whose altitudes are each
equal to h. This is effected by passing planes through EF,
HI, etc., parallel to SA. There will thus be formed a series

of prisms DEF-A, GSI-Dj^tc, inscribed in the pyramid.


/(^ rror^ tWIvI^A


Again, upon the triangles ABC^ DEF, GHI^ etc., as lower

bases, construct prisms whose lateral edges are parallel to

SAj and whose altitudes are each equal to h. This also is

effected by passing planes through BG, JSF, HI^ etc., parallel

to SA. There will thus be formed a series of prisms ABC-D,

DEF-G, etc., which may be said to be circumscribed about

the pyramid.
The total volume of the inscribed prisms is obviously less
and the total volume of the circumscribed prisms is obviously
greater than the volume of the pyramid.
Each inscribed prism is equivalent to the circumscribed
prism immediately above it, since they have the same base
and equal altitudes. Consequently, the difference between
the total volume of the inscribed prisms and the total volume
of the circumscribed prisms is the volume of the lowest cir-

cumscribed prism ABC-D, and therefore the difference be-

tween the total volume of the inscribed prisms and the
volume of thp pyramid is less than the volume of ABC-D.
"By increasing at pleasure the number of parts into which
the altitude AT iswe can make the volume of

ABC-D as small as we please, since we diminish its altitude

at pleasure without changing its base. Therefore we can
make the difference between the total volume of the in-
scribed prisms and the volume of the pyramid as small as
we please ; but, as we have seen above, we cannot make it

absolutely zero. Hence the volume of the pyramid is the

limit of the total volume of the inscribed prisms, as the
number of parts into which the altitude AT ia divided is

indefinitely increased.

45. Two triangular pyramids having equivalent bases and
equal altitudes are equivalent.

Let S-ABC and 8'-A'B^C' be two triangular pyramids

G A!

having equivalent bases ABC^ A'B'C'^ in the same plane, and

a common altitudeA T.
Divide the altitude A T into any arbitrarily chosen number
n of equal parts, Ax^ xy^ yz^ etc., and through the points of
division pass planes parallel to the plane of the bases, inter-

secting the two pyramids. In the pyramid S-ABG inscribe

a series of prisms whose upper bases are the sections BEF,
GHIj etc., and in the pyramid S'-A'B'C inscribe a series of
prisms whose upper bases are the sections D'B'F'., G'HT,
etc. Since the corresponding sections are equivalent (Propo-
sition XIII., Corollary II.), the corresponding prisms, having
equivalent bases and equal altitudes, are equivalent; there-
fore the sum of the prisms inscribed in the pyramid S-ABG
is equivalent to the sum of the prisms inscribed in the
pyramid S'-A'B'C; that is, if we denote the total volumes
of the two series of prisms by V and F', we have

no matter what the value of n. If we vary w, V and F'

obviously vary.
If n is indefinitely increased, V has the volume of the pyr-

amid S-ABG, and F' the volume of the pyramid S'-A'B'C,

as its limit (Proposition XY.). Therefore, by III., Theorem
of Limits, these volumes are equal.

i|fp A triangular pyramid is one-third of a triangular prism
of the same base and altitude.

Let S-ABC be a triangular pyramid. Through A and C

draw the lines AE and CD parallel to BS,
Through AE and CD, which are parallel, by
VI., Proposition V., Corollary, pass a plane, and
through S pass a second plane parallel to ABC.
The prism ABC-E has the same base and alti-

tude as the given pyramid, and we are to prove

that the pyramid is one-third of the prism.

Taking away the pyramid S-ABC from the
prism, there remains a quadrangular pyramid whose base is

the parallelogram ACDE and vertex S. The plane SEC^

passed through SE and SC^ divides this pjrramid into two
triangular pyramids, S-AEC and S-ECD, which are equiva-
lent to each other, since their triangular bases AEC and ECD
are the halves of the parallelogramA CDEj and their common
altitude is the perpendicular from S upon the plane ACDE

(Proposition XVI.). The pyramid S-ECD may be regarded

as having ESD as its base and its vertex at C; therefore it

is equivalent to the pyramid S-ABC, which has an equivalent

base and the same altitude. Therefore the three pyramids
into which the prism is divided are equivalent to each other,
and the given pyramid is one-third of the prism.
21* ;

47. Corollary. The volume of a triangular pyramid is equal

to one-third of the product of its base by its altitude.

48. The volume of any pyramid is equal to one-third of the

V product of its base by its altitude.

For any pyramid, S-ABCDB, may be di-

vided into triangular pyramids by passing

planes through an edge SA and the diagonals
ABj ACj etc., of its base. The bases of these
pyramids are the triangles which compose
the base of the given pyramid, and their
common altitude is the altitude SO of the
given pyramid. The volume of the given ^

pyramid is equal to the sum of the volumes of the triangular

pyramids, which is one-third of the sum of their bases multi-

plied by their common altitude, or one-third of the product

t of the base ABODE by SO.

tte altitude
The volume of any polyedron may be found
49. Scholium.
by dividing it into pyramids, and computing the volumes of
these pyramids separately. The division may be effected by
taking a point within the polyedron and joining it with all

the vertices. The polyedron will then be decomposed into

pyramids whose bases will be the faces of the polyedron, and
whose common vertex will be the point taken within it.

60. A frustum of a triangular pyramid is equivalent to the

sum of three pyramids whose common altitude is the altitude of

the frustum, and whose bases are the lower base, the upper base,

and a mean proportional between the bases, of the frustum.

'^ '

BOOK vir. ;,'; 247

Let ABC-D be a frustum of a triangular pyramid, the

plane DEF being parallel to the base ABC.
Through the vertices A, B, and ^ J'
C pass a plane ^-E^C, and through // y^\/ \
the vertices E, D, and pass a /y^ ' \y^\ \
plane ^DC, dividing the frustum /^ I / /'
into three pyramids. ^C^^/i'J!jf---j53^^'^
The first of these, ABG-E, has ^^^l^""'^'^
for its base the lower base of the (^^^

frustum, and for its altitude the altitude of the frustum ; the
second, DEF-C, has for its base the upper base of the frus-
tum, and for its altitude the altitude of the frustum. It

remains to show that the third, ACD-E, is equivalent to a

pyramid having for its altitude the altitude of the frustum,

and for its base a mean proportional between the bases of

the frustum.
Through E in the plane ABED draw a line EEf parallel to
AD, and through E', D, and C pass a plane. EE' is parallel

to the plane ACFD, by YI., Proposition YI. Therefore the

pyramids ACD-E and ACD-E' are equivalent, since they
have the same base and equal altitudes. If we take D as
the vertex and AE'C as the base of ACD-E' , it has for its

altitude the altitude of the frustum.

Through F in the plane ACFD draw FF' parallel to AD,

AE'F'-D is a prism, and consequently its bases DEF and
AE'F' are equal^ and E'F' is parallel to EFy and therefore
to 5a
AE'F' ^ AF'
since the triangles AE'F' and AE'C have the same altitude.

AE'C = AE' n ..
same reason.
-j^-, for the
AJjC ab

by III., Proposition I.



and the base of the pyramid AE'C-D is a mean proportional

between the bases of the frustum.
^1. Corollary. A frustum of any pyramid is equivalent to

the sum of three pyramids whose common altitude is the altitude

of the frustum, and whose bases are the lower base, the upper
base, and a mean proportional between the bases, of the frustum.

Suggestion, Let ABCDE-F be a frustum of any pyramid

S-ABCDE. Construct a triangular pyramid, S'-A'B'C,
having the same altitude as S-ABCDE, and a base A'B'C
equivalent to ABODE and in the same plane with it. Let
the plane of the upper base of the given frustum be pro-
duced to cut the triangular pyramid in F'G'T. The upper
bases of the frustums are equivalent, by Proposition XIII.)

Corollary II., and the frustums themselves are equivalent,

since the pyramids are equivalent and the pyramids above
the frustums are equivalent.

52. A truncated triangular prism is equivalent to the sum of
three pyramids whose common base is the base of the prism^ and
whose vertices are the three vertices of the inclined section.
Let ABC-BEF be a truncated tri-

angular prism whose base is ABC and

inclined section BEF.
Pass the planes AEC and DEC,
dividing the truncated prism into the
three pyramids E-ABC, E-ACI), and
The first of these pyramids, E-ABC^ has the base ABC
and the vertex E.
The second pyramid, E-A CD, is equivalent to the pyramid
B-ACB ; for they have the same base ACB, and the same
altitude, since their vertices E and B are in the line EB
parallel to this base. But the pyramid B-ACB is the same
as B-ABC ; that is, it has the base ABC and the vertex B.
The third pyramid, E-CBF, is equivalent to the pyramid
B-ACF ; for they have equivalent bases CBF and ACF in

the same plane, and also the same altitude, since their ver-
tices E and B are in the line EB parallel to that plane. But
the pyramid B-ACF is the same as F-ABC; that is, it has
the base ABC and the vertex F.
Therefore the truncated prism is equivalent to three pyra-
mids whose common base is ABC and whose vertices are E^
D, and F,



53. Definition. A regular polyedron is one whose faces are

all equal regular polygons and whose polyedral angles are all

equal to each other.


64.. Only five regular (convex^ polyedrons are possible.

(^The faces of a regular polyedron must be regular polygons,

and at least three faces are necessary to form a polyedral \

angle ; moreover, the sum of the face angles of a polyedral /

angle must be less than four right angles )(YI., Proposition

1st. The simplest regular polygon is the equilateral tri-

angle, and, since each angle of an equilat-

eral triangle is an angle of 60°, three equi-

lateral triangles «an be combined to form

a polyedral angle. It is probable, then,
that a regular polyedron can be formed
bounded by equilateral triangles and hav-
ing three at each vertex.
There is such a regular polyedron. It

has four faces, and is called the regular


Since four angles of 60° are less than four right angles,
four equilateral triangles can be combined to form a polyedral

angle. It is probable, then, that a regu-

lar polyedron can be formed bounded by-

equilateral triangles and having four at

each vertex.
There is such a regular polyedron.
It has eight faces, and is called the regu-

lar octaedron.

Since five angles of 60° are less than four right angles,
five equilateral triangles can be combined
to form a polyedral angle. It is probable, then, that a reg-

ular polyedron can be formed bounded by

equilateral triangles and having five at each
There is such a regular polyedron. It

has twenty faces, and is called the regular


No regular polyedrons bounded by equi-

lateral triangles and having more than five at a vertex are
possible. For six or more angles of 60° cannot form a poly-
edral angle.
2d. The next regular polygon to the equilateral triangle,
in order of simplicity, is the square, each of whose angles is

a right angle.
Three right angles can be combined to form
a polyedral angle. It is probable, then, that a
regular polyedron can be formed bounded by
squares and having three at each vertex.
There is such a regular polyedron. It has
six faces, and is called the cuhe^ or the regular hexaedron.

No regular polyedrons bounded by squares and having

more than three at a vertex are possible. For four or more
right angles cannot form a polyedral angle.


3d. The next regular polygon is the regular pentagon, each

of whose angles contains 108° (I., Proposition XXYII.).
Three angles of 108° each can be combined to form a poly-
edral angle. It is probable, then, that a
regular polyedron can be formed bounded
by regular pentagons and having three
at each vertex.
There is such a regular polyedron.
It has twelve faces, and is called the

regular dodecaedron.
!No regular polyedrons bounded by
regular pentagons and having more than three at a vertex
are possible. For four or more angles of 108° cannot be
combined to form a polyedral angle.
4th. Each angle of the regular hexagon contains 120°. No
regular polyedron can be formed bounded by hexagons. For
three or more angles of 120° cannot be combined to form a
polyedral angle.
No regular polyedron can be formed bounded by reg-

ular polygons of more than six sides. For it follows, from

I., 55, Exercise, that the greater the number of sides in a

regular polygon the greater the magnitude of its angles, and

since, as we have seen, the angles of a hexagon are too great
to allow the existence of a polyedral angle whose plane faces

are regular hexagons, those of any regular polygon of more

than six sides will be too great.
Therefore the only possible regular polyedrons are the five
we have figured.

55. Scholium I. It must be observed that we have not

attempted to prove that the five regular polyedrons are pos-
sible. This can be done by showing how to construct them
but the investigation is difficult and tedious.

56. Scholium II. The student may derive some aid in com-

prehending the preceding discussion of the regular polyedrons

by constructing models of them, which he can do in a very
simple manner, and at the same time with great accuracy, as

Draw on card-board the following diagrams ; cut them out

entire, and at the lines separating adjacent polygons cut the
card-board half through ; the figures will then readily bend
into the form of the respective surfaces, and can be retained
in that form by gluing the edges. V
Tetraedron. Octaedron.


1. The volume of a triangular prism is equal to the product of

the area of a lateral face by one-half the perpendicular distance

of that face from the opposite edge.

2. The lateral surface of a pyramid is greater than the base.

Suggestion. Join the projection of the vertex on the base with

the corners of the base.

3. At any point in the base of a regular pyramid a perpendic-

ular to the base is erected which intersects the several lateral faces
of the pyramid, or these faces produced. Prove that the sum of
the distances of the points of intersection from the base is con-
Suggestion. The distances in question are proportional to the
distances of the foot of the perpendicular from the sides of the
base, and these distances have a constant sum. {v. V., Exer-

cise 16.)

4. Two tetraedrons which have

a triedral angle of the one equal

to a triedral angle of the other,
are to each other as the products
of the three edges of the equal
triedral angles, {v. IV., 19, Ex-

6. In a tetraedron, the planes passed through the three lateral

edges and the middle points of the edges of the base intersect in
a straight line.

Suggestion. The intersections of the planes with the base are

medial lines of the base. Therefore they intersect in the line
joining the vertex with the point of intersection of the medial
lines of the base.

6. The lines joining each vertex of a tetraedron with the point

of intersection of the medial lines of the opposite face all meet in

a point, which divides each line in the ratio 1 4. :

Note. This point is the centre of gravity

of the tetraedron.
Suggestion. If AFand DG are two of /

the lines in question,, they must intersect, /

since they both lie in the plane passed /g
through AD and the middle point E
of ^V/
the opposite edge. Moreover, since EF M
= lED and EG = lEA (I., Exercise 38),
GFis, parallel to AD and is equal to ^AD. C
Whence HF = iHA and GH = iHD.
The lines through C and B will also each cut off \ of AF, Hence
the four lines have a common intersection.

7. The straight lines joining the middle points of the opposite

edges of a tetraedron all pass through the centre of gravity of

the tetraedron, and are bisected by the centre of gravity, {v. III.,
Exercise 7.) ^
8. The plane which bisects a diedral angle of a ie^raedron

divides the opposite edge into segments which are proportional

to the areas of the adjacent faces.
Suggestion. Consider the volumes of the two parts into which
the tetraedron is divided.

9. If a, 6, e, d, are the perpendiculars from the vertices of a

tetraedron upon the opposite faces, and a\ 6'', g\ d^, the perpen-
diculars from any point within the tetraedron upon the same
faces respectively, then

Suggestion. Join the point in question with the vertices of the
tetraedron, and compare the volumes of the four tetraedrons thus
obtained with the volume of the given tetraedron.


10. The altitude of a regular tetraedron is equal to the sum of

the four perpendiculars let fall from any point within it upon the
four faces.

11. Any lateral face of a prism is less than the sum of the other
lateral faces, {v. Proposition II.)

12. Given three indefinite straight lines in space which do not
intersect, to construct a parallelopiped which shall have three of
its edges on these lines, {v. VI., Exercise 8.)

13. Within a given tetraedron, to find a point such that planes

passed through this point and the edges of the tetraedron shall
divido^lie tetraedron into four equivalent tetraedrons. {v. Exer-
cise 6.)
1. Op the various solids bounded by curved surfaces, but
three are treated of in Elementary Geometry, —namely, the
cylinder^ the cone^ and the sphere^ which are called the three
2. Definitions. A cylindrical surface is a curved surface gen-
erated by a moving straight line which continually touches a
given curve, and in all of its positions is parallel to a given

fixed straight line not in the plane of the curve.

Thus, if the straight line Aa moves so as continually to

touch the given curve ABCD, and so

that in any of its positions, as ^6,

Cc, Dd, etc., it is parallel to a given

fixed straight line 3im, the surface

ABCDdcba is a cylindrical surface.
If the moving line is of indefinite
length, a surface of indefinite extent
is generated.
The moving line is -called the generatrix ; the curve which
it touches is called the directrix. Any straight line in the
surface, as Bb^ which represents one of the positions of the
generatrix, is called an element of the surface.
To draw an element through any given point of a cylin-

drical surface, it is sufficient to draw a line through the point

parallel to the given fixed straight line, or parallel to ap

element (I., Postulate II.).

r . 22* 257


In this general definition of a cylindrical surface, the direc-

trix may be any curve whatever. Hereafter we shall assume

it to be a closed curve, and usually a
circle, as this is the only curve whose
properties are treated of in element-
ary geometry.
3. Definition. The solid Ad bounded
by a cylindrical surface and two par-
allel planes, ABD and ahd^ is called

a cylinder ; its plane surfaces ABD,

abd, are called its bases; the curved surface is sometimes
called its lateral surface; and the perpendicular distance
between its bases is its altitude.

The elements of a cylinder are all equal.

A cylinder whose base is a circle is called a circular cylinder.

4. Definition. A right cylinder is one whose

elements are perpendicular to its base.

5. Definition. A right cylinder with a circular m\-

base, as ABCa, is called a cylinder of revolution,

because it may be generated by the revolution

of a rectangle A Ooa about one of its sides, Oo,

as an axis ; the side Aa generating the curved ^

surface, and the sides OA and oa generating

the bases. The fixed side Oo is the axis of the cylinder.
The radius of the base is called the radius of the cylinder.

6. Every section of a cylinder made by a plane passing through
an element is a parallelogram.

Let Bb be an element of the cylinder Ac ; then the section

BbdD, made by a plane passed through Bb, is a parallelogram.

The line Dd in which the cutting plane intersects the

curved surface a second time is an ele-

ment. For, if through any point D of

this intersection a straight line is drawn
parallel to Bh^ this line, by the definition
of a cylindrical surface, is an element of
the surface, and it must also lie in the

Bd ; therefore this
plane element, being
common to both surfaces, is their intersection.

The lines BD and hd are parallel (VI., Proposition YIII.),

and the elements Bh and Dd are parallel ; therefore Bd is a


7. Corollary. Every section of a right cylinder made by a

plane perpendicular to its base is a rectangle.


8. The bases of a cylinder are equal.

Let BD be the straight line joining two points of the

perimeter of the lower base, and let a
plane passing through BD and the ele-

ment Bb cut the upper base in the line

bd ; then BD = bd (Proposition I.).

Let A be any third point in the perim-

eter of the lower base, and Aa the corre-

sponding element. Through the parallels

Aa and Bb pass a plane, and through Aa *^

and Dd pass a plane. Then AB = ab and AD = ad (Propo-

sition I.) ; and the triangles ABD^ abdj are equal. Therefore,
if the upper base be applied to the lower base with the line
bd in coincidence with its equal BD^ the triangles will co-
incide and the point a will fall upon A; that is, any point a
of the upper base will fall on the perimeter of the lower base,

and consequently the perimeters will coincide throughout.

Therefore the bases are equal.

9. Corollary I. Any two parallel sec- »w/.^^ /

tions of a cylindrical surface are equal. /-^^^^^i^V
For these sections are the bases of a A>-^^- /
cylinder. / .../^/'^

10. Corollary II. All the sections of a circular cylinder

parallel to its bases are equal circles; and the straight line

joining the centres of the bases passes through the centres of all
the parallel sections. This line is called the axis of the cylinder.

Suggestion. In the base draw two diameters, and through

these diameters and elements of the cylinder pass planes.
They will cut all the sections in diameters, and their line of
intersections will pass through all the centres.

11. Definition. A tangent plane to a cylinder is a plane which

passes through an element of the curved surface without cut-
ting the surface. The element through which it passes is

called the element of contact

12. Definition. A conical surface is a curved surface gener
ated by a moving straight line which continually touches a
given curve, and passes through a given fixed point not in
the plane of the curve.
Thus, if the straight line SA moves so as continually to
touch the given curve ABGD, and in all its positions, SB, SC,
SBj etc., passes through the given fixed point aS, the surface
S-ABCD is a conical surface.
; ;


The moving line is called the generatrix ; the curve which

it touches is- called the directrix.

Any straight line in the surface, as

SBj which represents one of the posi-

tions of the generatrix, is called an

element of the surface. The point S
is called the vertex.

The straight line joining any point

of a conical surface with the vertex
is obviously an element.
If the generatrix is of indefinite
length, as ASa^ the whole surface generated consists of two
symmetrical portions, each of indefinite extent, lying on
opposite sides of the vertex, as S-ABGD and S-abcd, which
are called nappes ; one the upper, the other the lower, nappe.

13. Definition. The solid S-ABCD, bounded by a conical

surface and a plane ABD cutting the surface, is called a cone
its plane surface ABD is its base, the point is its vertex, and

the perpendicular distance SO from the vertex to the base is

its altitude.

A cone whose base is a circle is called a circular cone. The

straight line drawn from the vertex of a circular cone to the

centre of its base is the axis of the cone.

14. Definition. A right circular cone is a cir-

cular cone whose axis is perpendicular to its

base, as S-ABCD.
The right circular cone is also called a cone

of revolution, because it may be generated by

the revolution of a right triangle, SA 0, about
one of its perpendicular sides, SO, as an axis
the hypotenuse SA generating the curved surface, and the
remaining perpendicular side OA generating the base.


15. Every section of a cone made by a plane passing through

its vertex is a triangle.

Let the cone S-ABCD be cut by a

plane SBC^ which passes through the
vertex S and cuts the base in the straight
line BC ; then the section SBC is a tri-

angle; that is, the intersections SB and

SG with the curved surface are straight

For the straight lines joining S with B and C are elements

of the surface, by the definition of a cone, and they also lie

in the cutting plane ; therefore they coincide with the inter-

sections of that plane with the curved surface ; and BG^ being
the intersection of two planes, is a straight line.

16. If the base of a cone is a circle^ every section made ty a
plane parallel to the base is a circle.

Let the section abc, of the circular

cone S-ABGj be parallel to the base.
Let be the centre of the base, and
let be the point in which the axis SO
cuts the plane of the parallel section.
Through SO and any number of ele-

ments SAj SBj etc., pass planes cutting

the base in the radii OA^ OB, etc., and
the parallel section in the straight lines oa, ob, etc. Since oa
is parallel to OA, and ob to OB, we have

ofi So „„j ob So „i^ ^ oa ob


But OA = OB, therefore oa = oh ; hence all the straight

lines drawn from o to the perimeter of the section are equal,

and the section is a circle.

17. Corollary. The axis of a circular cone passes through

the centres of all the sections parallel to the base,

18. Definition. A tangent plane to a cone is a plane which

passes through an element of the curved surface without

cutting this surface. The element through which it passes
is called the element of contact.

19. Definition. A sphere is a solid bounded by a surface all

the points of which are equally distant from a point within,

called the centre.

A sphere may be generated by the revolu-

tion of a semicircle ABC about its diameter
J. (7 as an axis ; for the surface generated

by the curve ABC will have all its points

equally distant from the centre 0.
A radius of the sphere is any straight
line drawn from the centre to the surface.

A diameter is any straight line drawn through the centre and

terminated both ways by the surface.
Since all the radii are equal and every diameter is double
the radius, all the diameters are equal.
20. Definition. It will be shown that every section of a
sphere made by a plane is a circle ; and, as the greatest pos--
sible section is one made by a plane passing through the
centre, such a section is called a great circle. Any section
made by a plane which does not pass through the centre is

called a small circle.


21. Definition. The poles of a circle of the sphere are the

extremities of the diameter of the sphere which is perpen-
dicular to the plane of the circle j and this diameter is called

the axis of the circle.


22. Every section of a sphere made by a plane is a circle.

1st. If the -plane passes through

the centre of the sphere, the lines .^-^^---^
joining points on the perimeter of aJifs//.V}liyss^\c
the section with the centre of the / ^^^vHI]^?'^ \
sphere are radii of the sphere, and ^F;---— --^------^

are therefore all equal. Consequently \ j J

it is a circle with its centre at 0. X,^^ I ^^/
2d. If the plane does not pass ^
through the centre of the sphere, as
abcj draw a diameter EOD pei*pendicular to the section and
meeting it at o. If points a, b, c, of the perimeter are joined
with 0, and also with 0, the triangles aeO, boO, coO, are all

equal (I., Proposition X.). Therefore ao, bo, co, etc., are all

equal, and the section is a circle with its centre at o.

23. Corollary I. The axis of a circle on a sphere passes

through the centre of a .circle.
24. Corollary II. All great circles of the same sphere are

25. Corollary III. Every great circle divides the sphere into
two equal parts.
Suggestion. Superpose one part upon the other, (v. II.,

Proposition II.)

26. Corollary IY. Any two great circles on the same sphere

bisect each other ; for the common inter-

section AB of their planes passes through

the centre of the sphere and is a diame-
ter of each circle.

27. Corollary Y. An arc of a great

circle may he drawn through any two given

points of the surface of the sphere^ and,

unless the points are the opposite eoctremities

of a diameter, only one such arc can he drawn; for the two
points, together with the centre 0, determine the plane of a
great circle whose circumference passes through the points.
If, however, the two given points are the extremities A
and 5 of a diameter of the sphere, the position of the circle
is not determined, for the points J., 0, and B, being in the

same straight line, will not determine a plane (YI., Proposi-

tion I.).

28. Corollary YI. An arc of a circle may he drawn through

any three given points on the surface of the sphere; for the

three points determine a plane which cuts the sphere in a



Theorem. — The greater the distance of the plane of a small

from the centre of the sphere, the less the circle.

li 23

29. All the points in the circumference of a circle of the sphere

are equally distant from either of its poles.

Let abed be any circle'of the sphere,

and PP' the diameter of the sphere „/^'Wt'^' — ^\j
perpendicular to its plane; then, by I %.
the definition (21), P and P' are the ^^^
poles of the circle ahcd^ and, by Prop- \ \^

osition Y., Corollary I., FT' passes \

through 0, the centre of ahcd. Join ^1^
P with any points, a, 6, c, on the cir-

cumference of the circle. Then Pa, P6, Pc, are equal, since
the triangles Poa, Tob^ Poc^ are equal, by I., Proposition VI.
Hence all the points of the circumference abed are equally
distant from the pole P. For the same reason, they are
equally distant from the pole P'.
30. Corollary I. All the arcs of great circles drawn from a
pole of a circle to points in its circumference are equal, since
their chords are equal chords in equal circles.

By the distance of two points on the surface of a sphere

is usually understood the arc of a great circle joining the two
points. The arc of a great circle drawn from any point of a
given circle abc, to one of its poles, as the arc Pa, is called

the polar distance of the given circle, and the distance from
the nearest pole, is usually understood.
31. Corollary II. The polar distance of a great circle is a
quadrant ; thus, PA, PB, etc., P'A, P'B, etc., polar distances

of the great circle ABCD, are quadrants ; for they are the

measures of the right angles A OP, BOP, AOP', BOP', etc.,

whose vertices are at the centre of the great circles PAP'j

PBP', etc.

In connection with the sphere, by a quadrant is usually to

be understood a quadrant of a great circle.

32. Corollary III. If a point on the surface of a sphere is

at a quadrant's distance from each of two given points of the

surface which are not opposite extremities of a diameter, it is the

pole of the great circle passing through them.

Suggestion. P be at a quadrant's distance from B and
C; then FOB and POC are right angles, and FO is perpen-
dicular to the plane ABCD.
33. Scholium. By means of poles, arcs of circles may be
drawn upon the surface of a sphere with the same ease as
upon a plane surface. Thus, by revolving the arc Fa about
the pole P, its extremity a will describe the small circle abd ;
and by revolving the quadrant FA about the pole P, the
extremity A will describe the great circle ABD.
If two points, B and (7, are given on the surface, and it is

required to draw the arc ^C, of a great circle, between them,

it will be necessary first to find the pole P of this circle ; for

which purpose, take B and G as poles, and at a quadrant's

distance describe two arcs on the surface intersecting in P.

The arc BC can then be described with a pair of compasses,

placing one foot of the compasses on P and tracing the arc
with the other foot. The opening of the compasses (distance
between their feet) must in this case be equal to the chord
of a quadrant ; and to obtain this it is necessary to know the
radius of the sphere.

34. Definition. A plane is tangent to a sphere when it has

but one point in common with the surface of the sphere,
35. Definition. Two spheres are tangent to each other when
their surfaces have but one point in common.

36. A plane tangent to a sphere is perpendicular to the radius
drawn to the point of contact.

For any other line drawn from

the centre of the sphere to the
plane must reach beyond the sur-
face of the sphere, and therefore
must be greater than the radius.

The radius is, then, the shortest

line that can be drawn from the
centre of the sphere to the plane,
and is consequently perpendicular to the plane (YI., Proposi-
tion III.).

37. Corollary. Conversely, a plane perpendicular to a

radius of a sphere at its extremity is tangent to the sphere.

38. Scholium. Any straight line A T, drawn in the tangent

plane through the point of contact, is tangent to the sphere.

Any two straight lines, AT, A T\ tangent to the sphere at
the same point A, determine the tangent plane at that point.

39. The intersection of two spheres is a circle whose plane is

perpendicular to the straight line joining the centres of the

spheres, and whose centre is in that line.

Through the centres and (7 of

the two spheres let any plane be

passed, cutting the spheres in great
circles which intersect each other in

the points A and B ; the chord AB

is bisected at G by the line 0(7 at
right angles (II., Proposition YI., Corollary II.). If we now


revolve the plane of these two circles about the line 0(7, the
circles will generate the two spheres, and the point A will

describe the line of intersection of their surfaces. Moreover,

since the line AC will, during this revolution, remain perpen-
dicular to 0(7, it will generate a circle whose plane is per-
pendicular to 0(y, and whose centre is C.

40. Definition. The angle of two curves passing through the
same point is the angle formed by the two tangents to the
curves at that point.
This definition is applicable to any two intersecting curves
in space, whether drawn in the same plane or upon a surface
of any kind.

M. The angle of two arcs of great circles is equal to the angle
of their planes^ and is measured by the arc of a great circle

described from its vertex as a pole and included between its sides
(produced if necessary).

Let AB and AB' be two arcs of >^ j,

great circles, AT and A T' the tan- / i

gents to these arcs at A^ and the / j W \b
centre of the sphere. TA and T'A ^L^ 4*r~"f3)^
lie in the planes of their arcs, and \^^~~"^
I /
are perpendicular to the radius OA X^^ ! J/
drawn to their point of contact. ^
They form, then, the plane angle
measuring the diedral angle formed by the planes of the arcs
but,by (40), the angle which they form is equal to the angle
of the two arcs.

Now let CO' be the arc of a great circle described from A

as a pole aiid intersecting the arcs
AB^ AB' (produced if necessary),

in G and C. The radii OG and

OG' are perpendicular to J.0, since
the arcs AG, AG', are quadrants
(Proposition YI., Corollary II.);

therefore the angle GOG' is a plane

angle of the diedral angle A 0, and
is equal to TAT', or to BAB', and it is obviously measured
by the arc GG'.

42. Corollary. All arcs of great circles drawn through the

pole of a given great circle are perpendicular to its circumfer-
ence ; for their planes are perpendicular to its plane (YI.,

Proposition XIY.).

43. Definition. A spherical polygon is a portion of the sur-

face of a sphere bounded by three or more arcs of great

circles, as ABGD.
Since the planes of all great circles pass
through the centre of the sphere, the planes
of the sides of a spherical polygon form, at
the centre 0, a polyedral angle of which
the edges are the radii drawn to the ver-
tices of the polygon, the face angles are

angles at the centre measured by the sides of the polygon,

and the diedral angles are equal to the angles of the polygon
(Proposition IX.).
Since in a polyedral angle each face angle is assumed to be
less than two right angles, each side of a spherical polygon
will be assumed to be less than a semi-circumference.
BOOK viir. 271

A spherical polygon is convex when its corresponding poly-

edral angle at the centre is convex (VI., 52).
A diagonal of a spherical polygon is an arc of a great circle

joining any two vertices not consecutive.

44. Definition. A spherical triangle is a spherical polygon

of three sides. It is called right angled^ isosceles^ or equilat-

eral^ in the same cases as a plane triangle.

45. In consequence of the relation established between
polyedral angles and spherical polygons (43), it follows that
from any property of polyedral angles we may infer an anal-
ogous property of spherical polygons.
Eeciprocally, from any property of spherical polygons we
may infer an analogous property of polyedral angles.
The latter is in almost all cases the more simple mode of
procedure, inasmuch as the comparison of figures drawn on
the surface of a sphere is nearly if not quite as simple as the
comparison of plane figures.

46. Arcs of great circles on the same sphere can be super-

posed and made to coincide just as straight lines are super-
posed and made to coincide. We have merely to place one
point of the first arc on some given point of the second, and,
keeping this point fixed, to turn the first arc about it as a
pivot, until some second point in the arc not diametrically

opposite the fixed point falls on the second arc. The two
arcs must then coincide throughout, by Proposition Y., Corol-

lary Y.
Equal angles formed by arcs of great circles on the surface
of the same sphere can be superposed and made to coincide
just as equal plane angles are superposed and made to co-

incide ; that is, if the vertex of the first angle is placed upon
the vertex of the second, and one side of the first placed
upon the corresponding side of the second, the other side of

the first will coincide with the other side of the second. For,

if the two given angles are equal, their diedral angles are
equal (Proposition IX.). If the vertices of the angles co-
incide, the edges of the diedral angles coincide ; if a side of

the first angle is placed on a side of the second, one face of

the first diedral angle coincides with one face of the second.
The remaining faces of the diedral angles must then coincide,

and consequently the remaining sides of the given angles


47. Definition. Two spherical triangles are symmetrical if

all the parts of one are respectively equal to the parts of the
other, but the corresponding parts are arranged in opposite

orders in the two triangles.

Two symmetrical triangles, as ABC^ ABC'j
in the figure cannot be made to coincide;

for, to bring the vertex C upon the corre-

sponding vertex C, the second triangle would

have to be turned over, and the two convex
surfaces would thus be brought together.
48;^here is, however, one exception to the
last remark, —namely, the case of symmetrical isosceles trian-
gles, ABC is an isosceles
Por, if
spherical triangle and AB = AC,
then, in its symmetrical triangle,
we have A'B' = A!C\ and con-
sequently AB = A'C, AG =
A'B\ and, since the angles A and
A' are equal, if AB be placed on A'G\ AG will fall on its

equal A'B\ and the two triangles will coincide through-


49. Definition. If from the vertices of a spherical triangle

as poles, arcs of great circles are described, these arcs form
/}l\ /4

by their intersection a second triangle, which is called the

polar triangle of the first.

Thus, if Aj B, and C are the poles of the

arcs of great circles, B'C'j A'C\ and A'B\
respectively, A'B'C is the polar triangle of
Since all great circles, when completed,
intersect each other in two points, the arcs

jB'C", A'C, A'B\ if produced, will form three

other triangles ; but the triangle which is taken as the polar
triangle is that whose vertex A\ homologous to A, lies on
the same side of the arc BC as the vertex A; and so of the

other vertices.


50y^f the first of two spherical triangles is the polar triangle

of the second, then, reciprocally, the second is the polar triangle

of the first.

Let A'B'C be the polar triangle of ABC;

then is ABC the polar triangle of A'B'C,
For, since A is the pole of the arc B'C,
the point 5' is at a quadrant's distance from
A; and, since C is the pole of the arc A'B',
the point ^' is at a quadrant's distance from
C; therefore B' is the pole of the arc AC
(Proposition YI., Corollary III.). In the same manner it is

shown that A' is the pole of the arc BC, and C" the pole of
the arc AB. Moreover, A and A' are on the same side of

B'C\ B and B' on the same side of A'C, C and C on the

same side of A'B' ; therefore ABC is the polar triangle of
: ;


5lX/« t.o polar triangles, ea^U anyle of one is measure, l>y

the supplement of the side lying opposite to it in the other.

Let ABC and A'B'C be two polar tri-

Let the sides AB and AC, produced if

necessary, meet the side B'C in the points h

and c. The vertex A being the pole of the

arc he, the angle A is measured by the arc he
(Proposition IX.).
Now, B ' being the pole of the arc Ac, and
C the pole of the arc Ah^ the arcs B'c and G'h are quadrants
hence we have

B'C -\- he =^B'c -\- C'h = Si semi-circumference.

Therefore he, which measures the angle A, is the supplement

of the side B'G\
In the same manner it can be shown that each angle of
either triangle is measured by the supplement of the side

lying opposite to it in the other triangle.

.52. Scholium. Let the angles of the trian-

gle ABC be denoted by A, B, and C, and let

the sides opposite to them, namely, BC, AC,

and AB, be denoted by a, h, and c, respec-

tively. Let the corresponding angles and

sides of the polar triangle be denoted by A',

B', C, a', h', and c\ Also let both angles and

sides be expressed in degrees. Then the preceding theorem
gives the following relations

A +a'=B -\-h':=^C +c'^ 180°.

A' +a :=:^B' -\rh =C' + c = 180°.



53. Two triangles on the same sphere are either equal or sym-

metrical, when two sides and the included angle of one are re-

spectively equal to txoo sides and the included angle of the other.

In the triangles ^50 and DEF, let the

angle A be equal to the angle D, the side
AB equal to the side DE, and the side

AG equal to the side DF.

1st. When the parts of the two trian-
gles are in the same order, ABC can be
applied to DEF^ as in the corresponding

case of plane triangles (I., Proposition

VI.), and the two triangles will coincide ; therefore they are

2d. When the parts of the two

triangles are in inverse order, let

DE'F be the symmetrical triangle

of BEF, and therefore having its

angles and sides equal, respectively,

to those of DEF. Then, in the
triangles ABC and DE'F, we shall

have the angle BAC equal to the

angle E'DF, the side AB to the side DE', and the side
AG to the side DF, and these parts arranged in the same
order in the two triangles ; therefore the triangle ABG is

equal to the triangle DE'F, and consequently symmetrical

with DEF,
54. Scholium. In this proposition, and in the propositions
which follow, the two triangles may be supposed on the same
sphere, or on two equal spheres.



55. Two triangles on the same sphere are either equal or sym-
metrical^ when a side and two adjacent angles of one are equal
respectively to a side and two adjacent angles of the other.

Let the triangles ABC

and BEF have the side a
equal to the side d^ and the c' / "^ X6'
angles B^ C, equal respec-
tively to the angles E, F
then are the triangles equal.
Construct the polar tri-

angles of ABC and DEF. We have h' = e', c' = /', and A' ==
D\ by Proposition XI. Then A'B'C and D'E'F' are equal
or symmetrical, by Proposition XII. Therefore their polar
triangles ABC, DEF, are equal or symmetrical.
58. Scholium. The proposition might be proved by direct
superposition, as in I., Proposition YII.


57. Two triangles on the same sphere are either equal or sym-
metrical, when the three sides of one are respectively equal to the
three sides of the other.

For if their vertices are joined with the centre of the

sphere, the triedral angles thus formed have the three face
angles of the one respectively equal to the three face angles
of the other, and consequently, by VI., Proposition XXII., their
corresponding diedral angles are equal. The given triangles
are, then, mutually equilateral and mutually equiangular, and
are equal or symmetrical.

BOOK vni. 277

58. Scholium. The proposition can be proved as in I., Prop-

osition IX.


59. If two triangles on the same sphere are mutually equi-

angular, they are also mutually equilateral, and are either equal

or symmetrical. .

'^'"'^ ^^^^^
Let the spherical trian-

gles M and JV be mutually

Let M' be the polar tri-

angle of M, and iV' the polar triangle of iV. Since M and

N are mutually equiangular, their polar triangles M' and iV'

are mutually equilateral (Proposition XL); therefore, by

Proposition XIY., the triangles M^ and N' are mutually equi-
angular. But M' and iV' being mutually equiangular, their
polar triangles M and iV are mutually equilateral. Conse-
quently, M and N are equal or symmetrical.

60. Scholium. It may seem to the student that the pre-

ceding property destroys the analogy which subsists be^^een
plane and spherical triangles, since two mutually equiangular
plane triangles are not necessarily mutually equilateral. But
in the case of spherical triangles the equality of the sides

follows from that of the angles only upon the condition that
the triangles are constructed upon the same sphere or on
equal spheres ; if they are constructed on spheres of diiferent
radii, the homologous sides of two mutually equiangular tri-

angles will no longer be equal, but will be proportional to the

radii of the sphere ; the two triangles will then be similar, as
in thje case of plane triangles.


1. Theorem. — In an isosceles spherical triangle the angles

opposite the equal sides are equal.

2. Theorem. — The arc drawn from the vertex of an isosceles

spherical triayigle to the middle point of the base is perpendicular

to the base, and bisects the vertical angle.

3. Theorem. —If two angles of a spherical triangle are equal,

the triangle is isosceles.


61. Any side of a spherical triangle is less than the sum of

the other two.

Let ABC be a spherical triangle;

then any. side, as AC, is less than the
sum of the other two, AB and BC. /
For, in the corresponding triedral /

angle formed at the centre of the /^'l-"''''

sphere,we have the angle AOC less o**'

than the sum of the angles AOB and

BOC (VI., Proposition XX.) ; and since the sides of the tri-

angle measure these angles, respectively, we have AC <^ AB

+ BC.

1. Theorem. —If two angles of a spherical triangle are un-

equal, the side opposite the greater angle is greater than the side

opposite the less angle, (v. I., Proposition XII.)

2. Theorem. —If two sides of a spherical triangle are unequal,
the angle opposite the greater side is greater than the angle oppo-

site the less side. (v. L, Proposition XIII.)


62. The sum of the sides of a convex spherical polygon is less

than the circumference of a great circle.

For the sum of the face angles of the corresponding poly-

edral angle at the centre of the sphere is less than four right
angles (YI., Proposition XXI.).


^ 63.

than two, and

The sum of
less than
the angles of a spherical triangle
six, right angles.
is greater

For, denoting the angles of a spherical tri-

angle by A, B, C, and the sides respectively

opposite to them in its polar triangle by a', ^<

h', d, we have (Proposition XI.)

A= 180° — o!, J?=: 180° — 0= 180° —c',


the sum of which is

A^ B -^C ^ 540° — {a! + +

6' c').

But a' ^y -\- c' <i 360° (Proposition XYII.) ; therefore A+

B -\- G ^ 180° ; that is, the sum of the three angles is

greater than two right angles. Also, since each angle is

less than two right angles, their sum is less than six right

64. Scholium. A spherical triangle may have two or even

three right angles j also two or even three obtuse angles.


65. Two symmetrical spherical triangles are equivalent.

Let ABG and A'B'C be symmetrical spherical triangles.

Let P be the pole of the

small circle passing through
A, B, and C (Proposition
Y., Corollary YI.). Then
the arcs PA, PB, PC, are
equal (Proposition YL, Cor-
ollary I.), and divide ABG
into three isosceles trian-


Through A' and B' in the triangle A'B'C draw arcs mak-
ing with A'B' angles equal respectively to PAB and PBA,
and join P\ their point of intersection, with G'. The isos-

celes triangle PAB is equal to the triangle P'A'B\ by Propo-

sition XIII. and (48). The isosceles triangle PBG is equal
to the triangle P'B'G\ by Proposition XII. and (48). The
isosceles triangle PGA is equal to the triangle P'G'A\ by
Proposition XIY. and (48). Hence ABG and A'B'C' are
If the pole P should fall

without the triangle ABG, the

triangle would be equivalent
to the sum of two of the isos- \p pv— -/--

celes triangles diminished by

the third ; but, as the same
thing would occur for the sym-
metrical triangle, the conclu-
sion would be the same.

66. Definition. If a spherical triangle ABC

has two right angles, B and (7, it is called a

hi-rectangular triangle ; and, since the sides AB

and J. (7 must each pass through the pole of BO
(Proposition IX., Corollary), the vertex A is
that pole, and therefore AB and A C are quadrants.
67. Definition. A lune is a portion of the sur-
face of a sphere included between two semi-
circumferences of great circles ; as AMBNA.
The two angles of a lune are equal, since
each is equal to the diedral angle formed by
the planes of the arcs of the lune ; and the
lune is equal to the sum of two equal bi-rectan-
gular triangles, each of which has the angle of the lune for its
third angle.
Theorem. — Two lunes on the same sphere or on equal spheres
re equal if their angles are equal.

68. If two arcs of great circles intersect on the surface of a
hemisphere^ the sum of the opposite spherical triangles which they
form is equivalent to a lune whose angle is the angle between the
arcs in question.

Let the arcs ACA', BCB\ intersect

on the surface of the hemisphere
ABA'B'C. Then will the triangles
ABG^ AIB'C^ be together equivalent
to a lune whose angle is A GB.
For, continue the arcs ACA\ BCB\
until they intersect in C A' C = AC,
B'C ^^ BCy and A'B' = AB, since they subtend equal angles.

The triangles A'B'C and ABC are

then equal or symmetrical, by Propo-
sition XIY., and are in either case
equivalent (Proposition XIX.). There-
fore ABC and A'B'C are together
equivalent to A'B'C + A'B'C; that
is, to the lune CA'C'B\


69. Definition. A degree of spherical surface, or, more briefly,
u spherical degree, is -^ of the surface of a hemisphere. It

is a convenient unit in measuring the surfaces of spherical

figures. Like the degree of arcs, it is not a unit of absolute
magnitude, but depends upon the size of the sphere on which
the figures are drawn.
It may be conveniently conceived as a bi-rectangular spher-
ical triangle whose third angle is an angle of one degree.

70. A lune is to the surface of the sphere as the angle of the

lune is to four right angles.

Let AWBMA be a lune, and let

MNP be the great circle whose poles

are the extremities of the diameter
Since the angle of the lune is meas-
ured by the arc MW, the angle of the
lune is to four right angles as the arc

MN is to the whole circumference MNPM.

Ist. Suppose that MN and the circumference have a com-


mon measure which is contained m times in MN and n times

in MNPM. Then
MN _ m
MNPM~~ n

Apply the measure to the circumference, and through the

points of division and the axis AB pass planes; they will
divide the whole surface of the sphere into n equal lunes (67,
Exercise), of which the given lune ANBMA will contain m.
surface of sphere w'
and we have
surface of sphere MNFM'
2d. We can extend the proof to the case where MN and
MNPM are incommensurable by our usual method, (v. YII.,
Proposition YII.)
71. Corollary. The area of a lune is expressed by twice its

angle, the angular unit being the degree, and the unit of surface

the spherical degree.

For, by (69), the area of the surface of the sphere is 720

spherical degrees. We have, then, if S is the area and A
the angle of the lune,
S ^ A ,

720 360
72. Scholium. If the angle A contains a whole number of
degrees, and each of the parts of the arc MN in the figure
above is one degree, each of the small lunes is made up of
two spherical degrees, and the lune AMBN obviously con-
tains twice as many spherical degrees as the arc MN contains
degrees of arc.

73. The area of a spherical triangle is equal to the excess of
the sum of its angles over two right angles.

For, let ABC be a spherical triangle.

Complete the great circle ABA^B', and
produce the arcs AC and BC to meet
this circle in A' and B\
We have, by the figure,

ABC + A'BC = lune A,

ABC + AB'C=luneB,
and, by Proposition XX.,
ABC + A'B'C = lune C.

The sum of the firstmembers of these equations is equal to

twice the triangle ABC, plus the four triangles ABC, A'BC,
AB'C, A'B'C, which compose the surface of the hemisphere,
whose area is 360 spherical degrees.
Therefore, denoting the area of the triangle ABC by T,

we have (Proposition XXI., Corollary)

2T + 360° = 2A-\-2B + 2(7,

T+ 180° = A + B-^ C,
T= A-i- B + C— 180°.

74. Scholium. The excess of the sum of the angles of a

spherical triangle over two right angles is sometimes called
its spherical excess.
Theorem. — The area of a spherical polygon
is measured by the sum of its angles minus
the product of two right angles multiplied by

the number of sides of the polygon less two.


75. Scholium. It must not be forgotten that Propositions

XXI. and XXII. merely enable us to express our areas in
spherical degrees ; that is, in terms of yj^ of the surface of
the whole sphere. If the area is required in terms of the
ordinary unit of surface (lY., 1), the area of the surface of
the sphere must first be given in terms of the unit in question.


76. The shortest line that can be drawn on the surface of a
sphere between two points is the arc of a great circle^ not greater

than a semi-circumference, joining the two points.

Let AB be an arc of a great circle, less

than a semi-circumference, joining any

two points A and B of the surface of a
sphere ; and let C be any arbitrary point
taken in that arc. Then we say that
the shortest line from A to B, on the sur-

face of the sphere, must pass through C.

From A and B as poles, with the polar distances AC and

BCj describe circumferences on the surface ',
these circumfer-
ences touch at C and lie wholly without each other. For,
let Mhe any point other than C in the circumference whose
pole is A, and draw the arcs of great circles AM, BM, form-
ing the spherical triangle A MB. We have, by Proposition
XYI., AM + BM > AB, and subtracting from the two
members of this mequality the equal arcs AM and AC, wq
have BM > BC; therefore ikf lies without the circumference
whose pole is B.

Now let AFGB be any line from A to 5, on the surface of

the sphere, which does not pass through the point C, and
which therefore cuts the two circumfer-
ences in different points, one in F^ the
other in G. Then a shorter line can be
drawn from A to B^ passing through G.

For, whatever may be the nature of the

line AF^ an equal line can be drawn from
Ato C; since, if AC and AF be conceived
to be drawn on two equal spheres having
a common diameter passing through A, and therefor" having
their surfaces in coincidence, and if one of these spfh^res be
turned upon the common diameter as an axis, the point A
will be fixed and the point F will come into coincidence with

C; the surfaces of the two spheres continuing to coincide,

the line AF will then lie on the common surface between A

and C. For the same reason, a line can be drawn from B to

0, equal to BG. Therefore a line can be drawn from A to B,

through G, equal to the sum of AF and BG, and consequently

less than AFGB. The shortest line from A to B therefore

passes through C; that is, through any, or every, point in

AB. Consequently it must be the arc AB itself.

1. A SPHERE can be circumscribed about any tetraedron.
Suggestion. The locus of the points
equally distant from A, B^ and C is the
perpendicular EM erected at the centre
of the circle circumscribed about ABC
(VI., Exercise 15.) The locus of the
points equally distant from B^ C, and D
is tne perpendicular FN^ and both EM
and FN lie in the plane perpendicular to
BC Sit its middle point, since that plane

contains all the points equally distant

from B and C. EM FN
and therefore
intersect, and O, their point of intersec-
tion, is equally distant from the four ver-
tices of the tetraedron. There is only one such point. Therefore
only one sphere can be circumscribed about a tetraedron.
2. The perpendiculars erected at the centres of the four faces

of a tetraedron meet in a point.

3. A
sphere can be inscribed in any tetra-
Suggestion, The locus of the points equally
distant from two faces of the tetraedron is
the plane bisecting the diedral angle be-
tween them.

4. The planes bisecting the six diedral angles of a tetraedron

intersect in a point.

6. Locus of the points in space which are at a given distance

from a given straight line.

6. Locus of the points which are at the distance a from a point

Ay and at the distance b from a point B.

7. Locus of the centres of the spheres which are tangent to

three given planes.

8. Locus of the centres of the sections of a given sphere made

by planes passing through a given straight line.

Suggestion. Pass a plane through the centre of the sphere per-
pendicular to the given straight line. Then see II., Exercise 24.

9. Locus of the centres of the sections of a given sphere made

by planes passing through a given point.

10. Through a given point on the surface of a sphere, to pass a
plane tangent to the sphere, (v. Proposition VII., Corollary.)

11. Through a given straight line without a sphere, to pass a

plane tangent to the sphere.

Suggestion. Through the centre of the sphere pass a plane per-
pendicular to the given line. In this plane, from its point of
intersection with the line, draw a line tangent to the circle in
which the plane cuts the sphere. A
plane through the tangent
line and the given line is the tangent plane required. (Two solu-

12. Through a given point without a sphere, to pass a plane

tangent to the sphere.

13. To cut a given sphere by a plane passing through a given

straight line so that the section shall have a given radius.

SuggeMion. Pass a plane through the centre of the sphere per-
pendicular to the given line. Then v. II., Exercise 37.


14. To construct a spherical surface with a given radius— Ist,

passing through three given points 2d, passing through two


given points and tangent to a given plane, or to a given sphere ;

3d, passing through a given point and tangent to two given planes,
or to two given spheres, or to a given plane and a given sphere
4th, tangent to three given planes, or to three given spheres, or to
two given planes and a given sphere, or to a given plane and
two given spheres.

15. Through a given point on the surface of a sphere, to draw a

great circle tangent to a given small circle.

Suggestion, With the pole of the small circle as a pole, and with
a polar distance equal to the polar distance of the small circle
plus a quadrant, describe a second small circle. With the given
point as a pole describe a great circle. A
point of intersection of
this great circle with the second small circle will be the pole of
the great circle required.

16. To draw a great circle tangent to two given small circles.

17. At a given point in a great circle, to driaw an arc of a great

circle which shall make a given angle with the first.

1. Definition. The area of the convex, or lateral, surface

of a cylinder is called its lateral area.

2. Definition. A prism is inscribed

in a cylinder when its base is inscribed

in the base of the cylinder and its

lateral edges are elements of the cyl-

inder. It follows that the upper base

of the prism is inscribed in the upper
base of the cylinder.
To inscribe, then, a prism of any
given number of lateral faces in a cylinder, we have merely to
inscribe in the base a polygon of the given number of sides,
and through the vertices of the polygon to draw elements
of the cylinder. Planes passed through adjacent elements
will form the lateral faces of the prism which is obviously
wholly contained in the cylinder.
3. Definition. A prism is circum-

scribed about a cylinder when its

base is circumscribed about the

base of the cylinder and its lateral

edges are parallel to elements of

the cylinder.
It follows that its lateral faces

are tangent to the lateral faces of

the cylinder (YIII., 11) ; for any
face, as AB'y contains the element bb\ since it contains the
BOOK IX. 291

parallel line AA^ and the point b (YI., Proposition II.), and,

by YIII., Proposition I., it cannot cut the surface of the cyl-

inder again jinless AB cuts the base again ; and that its upper
base is circumscribed about the upper base of the cylinder.
The cylinder is obviously wholly contained in the prism.

4. Definition. A right section of a

cylinder is a section made by a plane
perpendicular to its elements asabcdef. ;

The intersection of the same plane

with an inscribed or circumscribed
prism is a right section of the prism.

5. Definition. Similar cylinders of revolution are those which

are generated by similar rectangles revolving about homolo-
gous sides.
6. If a prism whose base is a regular polygon be inscribed
in or circumscribed about a given cylinder^ its volume will ap-

proach the volume of the cylinder as its limit, and its lateral sur-

face will approach the lateral surface of the cylinder as its limit

as the number of sides of its base is indefinitely increased.

For, if we could make the base

of the prism exactly coincide with
the base of the cylinder, the prism
and the cylinder would coincide
throughout, and their volumes
would be equal and their lateral

surfaces equal.
But, by increasing the number
of sides of the base of the prism.

we can make it come as near as we please to coinciding with

the base of the cylinder (Y., Propo-
sition YII.) ; we can then make
the prism and cylinder fail of co-
incidence by amount
as small an
as we choose. Consequently, by
increasing at pleasure the number
of sides of the base of the circum-
scribed or inscribed prism, we can
make the difference between the
volumes of prism and cylinder,

and between the lateral surfaces

of prism and cylinder, as small as we choose, but cannot make

it absolutely zero.
7. Scholium. The proposition just proved is true when the

base of the prism is not a regular polygon ; but it is only for

the case of the regular polygon that a rigorous proof has
been given in Book V.

8. The lateral area of a cylinder is equal to the product of

the perimeter of a right section of the cylinder by an element of

the surface.

Let ABCBEF be the base and AA'

any element of a cylinder, and let the
curve abcdef be any right section of
the surface. Denote the perimeter of
the right section by P, the element
AA' by E^ and the lateral area of the

cylinder by S.

Inscribe in the cylinder a prism

ABCDEFA' of any arbitrarily chosen
BOOK rx. 293

number n of faces. The right section, abcdef, of this prism

will be a polygon inscribed in the right section of the cylin-
der formed by the same plane (4). Denote the lateral area

of the prism by s, and the perimeter of its right section by

p; then, the lateral edge of the prism being equal to E, we
have (VII., Proposition II.)

s = pX E,

no matter what the value of n. If n is indefinitely increased,

s approaches the limit JS (Proposition I.), and p X E, the

limit PX E. Therefore, by III., Theorem of Limits,

S =PX E.

9. Corollary I. The lateral area of a cylinder of revolution

is equal to the product of the circumference of its base by its


This may be formulated,

if R is the radius of the base and H the altitude U

10. Corollary II. The lateral ^
areas of similar cylinders of revo-
lution are to each other as the
squares of their altitudes, or as the
squares of the radii of their bases.

S _ 2t.R.H
s 27:r.h

H = --
^ = -—, smce R- = H

r h r*

by (5).



11. The volume of a cylinder is equal to the product of its

base by its altitude.

Let the volume of the cylinder be

denoted by F, its base by B, and its

altitude by S. Let the volume of an

inscribed prism be denoted by F', and
its base by J5'; its altitude will also be
-H, and we shall have (VII., Proposi-
tion XIL, Corollary)

no matter what the number of faces of the prism.

If the number of faces of the prism is indefinitely in-

creased, F' has the limit F, and ^' X -S" the limit BX S,

v = bxb:.

12. Corollary I. For a cylinder of revolution this proposition

may be formulated^ V = izB^.H. (Y., Proposition IX., Corol-

13. Corollary II. The volumes of similar cylinders of revo-

lution are to each other as the cubes of their altitudes^ or as the

cubes of their radii.

14. Definition. The area of the convex, or lateral, surface
of a cone is called its lateral area.

15. Definition. A pyramid is inscribed

in a cone when its base is inscribed in

the base of the cone and its vertex

coincides with the vertex of the cone.
It follows that the lateral edges of

the pyramid are elements of the cone.

An inscribed pyramid is wholly con-
tained within the cone.
16. Definition. A pyramid is circum-
scribed about a cone when its base is circumscribed about the
base of the cone and its vertex co-
incides with the vertex of the cone.
Any lateral face, as SAB^ of the
pyramid is tangent to the cone ; for,

since it passes through a and S^ it

contains the element Sa^ and it can-

not cut the convex surface again
without cutting the perimeter of
the base again (YIII., Proposition

The cone is then wholly contained within the pyramid.

17. Definition. A truncated cone is

the portion of a cone included be-

tween its base and a plane cutting
its convex surface.
When the cutting plane is par-
allel to the base, the truncated cone
is called a frustum of a cone; as
ABCD-abcd. The altitude of a frus-
tum is the perpendicular distance
Tt between its bases.

If a pyramid is inscribed in the cone, the cutting plane


determines a truncated pyramid inscribed in the truncated

cone ; and if a pyramid is circumscribed about the cone, the
cutting plane determines a truncated pyramid circumscribed
about the truncated cone.
18. Definition. In a cone of revolution
all the elements are equal, and any ele-

ment is called the slant height of the


In a cone of revolution the portion

of an element included between the par-
allel bases of a frustum, as Aa^ or Bh^ is

called the slant height of the frustum.

19. Definition. Similar cones of revolu-

tion are those which are generated by similar right triangles

revolving about homologous sides.


20. If a 'pyramid he inscribed in or circumscribed about a

given cone, its volume will approach the volume of the cone as its

limit, and its lateral surface will approach the convex surface
of the cone as a limit, as the number of faces of the pyramid is

indefinitely increased.

The demonstration is precisely the same as that of Propo-

sition I., substituting cone for cylinder and pyramids for

21. Corollary. A frustum of a cone is the limit of the in-

scribed and circumscribed frustums of pyramids, the number of

whose faces is indefinitely increased.
BOOK IX. 297

22. The lateral area of a cone of revolution is equal to the

product of the circumference of its base by half its slant height.

Suggestion. Circumscribe a regular

pyramid about the cone, and then sup-
pose the number of its faces to be
indefinitely increased, (y. YII., Prop-

osition XIY.)
23. CoROLLAEY I. Thc proposition
may be formulated, S = tcRI/, where
E is the radius of the base and L the
slant height.

24. Corollary II. The lateral areas

of similar cones of revolution are to each other as the squares

of their slant heights, or as the squares of their altitudes, or as
the squares of the radii of their bases.


25. The lateral area of a frustum of a cone of revolution is

equal to the half sum of the circumferences of its bases multi*

plied by its slant height.

Suggestion. Circumscribe the frus-

tum of a regular pyramid about the

frustum of the cone (17), and sup-
pose the number of its faces indefi-
nitely increased, (y. YII., Proposi-
tion XIY., Corollary.)

26. Corollary I. The proposition

may be formulated, S = t:{B -\- r)L,
if R and r are the radii of the bases
and L is the slant height.

27. Corollary II. The lateral area of a frustum of a cone

of revolution is equal to the circumfer-
ence of a section equidistant from its ]

bases multiplied by its slant height. jji

Suggestion, IKz= ^(om + OM). (v.

Exercise 24, Book I.)


28. The volume of any cone is equal to one-third of the product

of its base by its altitude.

Suggestion. Inscribe a pyramid in

the cone, and suppose the number of
its faces to be indefinitely increased.

(v. VII., Proposition XVIII.)

29. Corollary I. For a cone of
revolution, the proposition may be for-

mulated, V= InW^.H.
30. Corollary II. Similar cones of
revolution are to each other as the cubes of their altitudes, or as

the cubes of the radii of their bases.


Theorem. —A frustum of any cone is

equivalent to the sum of three cones whose

common altitude is the altitude of the frus-

tum, and whose bases are the lower base,

the upper base, and a mean proportional
between the bases of the frustum, (v. VII., Proposition XIX.,
BOOK IX. 299

31. Definition. A spherical segment is a portion of a sphere

included between two parallel planes.

The sections of the sphere made by the parallel planes are

the bases of the segment ; the distance between the planes is

the altitude of the segment.

Let the sphere be generated by the revo-
lution of the semicircle EBF about the axis

EF; and let Aa and Bb be two parallels,

perpendicular to the axis. The solid gener-

ated by the figure ABba is a spherical seg-

ment ; the circles generated by Aa and Bb

are its bases ; and ab is its altitude.

If two parallels Aa and TE are taken, one

of which is a tangent at E^ the solid generated by the figure

EAa is a spherical segment having but one base, which is the

section generated by Aa. The segment is still included be-

tween two parallel planes, one of which is the tangent plane
at E, generated by the line ET.
32. Definition. A zone is a portion of the surface of a
sphere included between two parallel planes.
The circumferences of the sections of the sphere made by
the parallel planes are the bases of the zone ; the distance
between the planes is its altitude.

A zone is the curved surface of a spherical segment.

In the revolution of the semicircle EBF about EFy an arc
AB generates a zone ; the points A and B generate the bases
of the zone ; and the altitude of the zone is ab.

An arc, EA, one extremity of which is in the axis, gener-

ates a zone of one base, which is the circumference described

by the extremity A.

33. Definition. When a semicircle revolves about its diam-

eter, the solid generated by any sector of the semicircle is

called a spherical sector.

Thus, the semicircle EBF revolves
about EFj the circular sector COD generates
a spherical sector.
The spherical sector is bounded by three
curved surfaces; namely, the two conical
surfaces generated by the radii 00 and OD,
and the zone generated by the arc CD. This
zone is called the base of the spherical sector.

OD may, however, coincide with OF, in which case the

spherical sector is bounded by a conical surface and a zone
of one base.
-Again, 00 may be perpendicular to OF, in which case the
spherical sector is bounded by a plane, a conical surface, and
a zone.

V 34. The area of the surface generated by a straight line re-

volving about an axis in its plane, is equal to the projection of

the line on the axis multiplied by the circumference of the circle

whose radius is the perpendicular erected at the middle of the

line and terminated by the axis.

Let AB be the straight line revolving

about the axis J^Y; ab its projection on
the axis ; 01 the perpendicular to it, at its
middle point 7, terminating in the axis;
then area AB = ab X circ. 01.
For, draw IK perpendicular and AH
parallel to the axis. The area generated
BOOK IX. 301

by AB is that of the frustum of a cone ; hence (Proposition


VI., Corollary II.)

AB = AB X circ. IK.

The triangles ABH and lOK are sinxjlar, being mutually

equiangular, and we have rCj-^] /

AH^IK ab_^IK,
circ^ = ^(Y., Proposition YIIL),

ah circ. IK

A B^ circ.OI'
au X
;x^ = AB X
circ. 01
ui jljd ;<, IK.
circ. in..
~~^ q
Therefore _^--^ Jp V'-'x
area AB = ah X 01 AN

circ. \ '

If AB meets XY^ the surface generated is a conical sur-

face ; but the proposition still holds, as may be easily proved.
(v. Proposition Y.)
If AB is parallel to the axis, the result is the same. (y.

Proposition II., Corollary I.)

35. The area of a zone is equal to the product of its altitude

by the circumference of a great circle.

Let the sphere be generated by the revo- ^^.^^
lution of the semicircle EBF about the axis /(i

EF ; and let the arc AD generate the zone b/^-—X^

whose area is required. I

Jj^t the arc AD be divided into any num- ^V'

ber of equal parts. AB^ BG, CD, and draw ^^—
the chords AB, BC, etc. These chords are

all equal, since they subtend equal ares ; and the perpendic-
ulars at their middle points all pass through
the centre of the semicircle, and are equal
(II., Proposition YII.).
Let abj he, etc., be the projections of these
chords on the axis. Then, by Proposition

area AB = ab X cire. 01,

area BC == be X cire. 01,
area CD =z ed X cire. 01.

Hence the sum of these areas, which is the area generated

by the broken line ABCD, is equal to

(ab + 6c + cd) X cire. 01;

that is, to ad X cire. 01.

Calling the area generated by the broken inscribed line, 8y
we have
S= ad X cire. 01,

no matter what the number of the equal parts into which the
arc AD is divided. If, now, we increase the number of parts
indefinitely, 01 will approach the radius of the sphere, and
cire. 01 the circumference of a great circle as its limit, and
S will approach the surface of the zone as its limit. There*
surfaee of zone = ad X cireumferenee of great eirele.

36. Corollary. The proposition may be formulated,

S= 2tzR.H,

where R is the radius of the sphere and II Ihe altitude of

the zone.

A'- cJ-r K'J+

BOOK IX. 303

^ t

The area of the surface of

diameter by the circumference of a great

a sphere is equal to the product

This follows directly from Proposition IX., since the sur«

face of the whole sphere may be regarded as a zone whose
altitude is the diameter of the sphere.
38. Corollary I. This may be formulated^

S = 27: B X2R = 4:nR\

._ Hence the surface of a sphere is equivalent to four great circles. '

39. Corollary II. The surfaces of two spheres are to each

other as the squares of their diameters^ or as the squares of their


40. Scholium. The area of a spherical degree on a sphere

whose radius is R is -^ (^IH., 69), and, by the aid of this

value, we may readily reduce the area of a spherical polygon

to ordinary square measure. .

41. The volume of a sphere is equal to the area of its surface
multiplied by one-third of its radius.

Circumscribe a polyedron about

the sphere. This may be done by
taking at pleasure points on the sur-
face of the sphere, and drawing
tangent planes at these points. The
circumscribed polyedron wholly con-
tains the sphere, and is greater than
the sphere. Join all the vertices of the polyedron with the
centre of the sphere, and pass planes through the edges of
the polyedron and these lines, thus dividing the polyedron

into pyramids, each of which has its vertex at the centre of

the sphere, and has a face of the poly-
edron as its base, and has, therefore,

the radius of the sphere for its alti-

tude (YIII., Proposition YII.). The

volume of any one of these pyramids ^
J^ \pJh
is then one-third of the product of a
face of the polyedron by the radius
of the sphere, and the sum of the
volumes of the pyramids, or the whole volume of the poly-
edron, is one-third of the product of the sum of the faces

of the polyedron by the radius of its sphere ; that is, one-third

of the product of the whole surface of the polyedron by the

radius of the sphere. Representing the surface of the poly-
edron by s, and its volume by u, we have
V = IBs,
and this equation holds no matter what the number of the
faces of the polyedron.
If, now, we increase the number of faces of the polyedron
by drawing additional tangent planes to the sphere, we de-

crease the volume v, for each new tangent plane cuts off a
corner of the polyedron. We may carry on indefinitely this
process of shaving down the polyedron, and may thus make
the difference between its volume and the volume of the
sphere as small as we please ; but we cannot make the two
volumes absolutely coincide. As the two volumes approach
coincidence, the two surfaces also approach coincidence. If,

now, S is the surface and V the volume of the sphere, S is the

limit of s and Y the limit of v, as the number of faces of the

circumscribed polyedron is indefinitely increased. Therefore,

by III., Theorem of Limits,

BOOK IX. 305

42. Corollary I. The result of this proposition may be for-


F = p'

43. Corollary II. The volumes of two spheres are to each

other as the cubes of their radii, or as the cubes of their diameters.


44. The volume of a spherical sector is equal to the area of

the zone which forms its base multiplied by one-third the radius

of the sphere.

The proof is analogous to the proof of Proposition XI.

The form of the circumscribed polyedron is, however, some-
what more complicated, as it will be bounded by a surface
made up of plane faces tangent to the zone of the spherical
sector, and by two pyramidal faces tangent to, or inscribed in,

the two conical surfaces of the spherical sector.

45. Definition. A spherical pyramid is a f. ^^

solid bounded by a spherical polygon and y^ \ /\

the planes of the sides of the polygon ; as ^ \ /\,'''

0-ABCD. The centre of the sphere is the \ // \ /

vertex of the pyramid the spherical poly- '^~

j •

gon is its base.


Theorem. — The volume of a spherical pyramid is equal to the

area of its base multiplied by one-third of the radius of the
u 26*

46. To find the volume of a spherical segment.

Any spherical segment may be obtained from a spherical

sector by adding to it, or subtracting from it, cones having as
bases the bases of the segment.
For example, let us consider a segment of
two bases which does not contain the centre
of the sphere. The segment generated by
the revolution of ABGD about OC may be '

obtained by taking the cone generated by

OAD from the sum of the cone generated by
OBG and the spherical sector generated by OAB.
Call OC /, ODp, DC h, AD BC and OA E, r, r', and the
volume of the segment F. Then we have the simple relations

h P —Pi
r' + p' K*, r'^ + p"" B\

The area of the zone of the segment is 27ri2.^ (Proposition

IX., Corollary). Hence ,

^ ^^/{

V = ^T:hB^ + i7r/r"-— Upr" (Proposition XII., and Proposi-

- .T^~--^:;r2r:^^ ^ tion YII., C orollayg I.),

y = !;:(/ -"^ + %^^^i§^'^i -


i^p(^ -%^
V = (/ - p)7:R' - UG" -^ p% [1]

a convenient formula when the distances of the bases of the

segment from the centre of the sphere are given.
Another convenient formula can be obtained by introducing
in [1] A, r, and / in place of j? and p'. We have

F=(/-;>)|[3iJ' (y + /j' + i'0]-



2/i> + ;>'-


= f(iP - /' + - - 1 = 3JP - Kr" + /^ -

iJ' r")

and we have


This formula is convenient when the areas of the bases of

the segment are given, and it may be put into words as
The volume of a spherical segment is equal to the half sum
of its bases multiplied by its altitude plus the volume of a sphere
of which that altitude is the diameter, .



1. Give a strict proof of Proposition I. and Proposition IV. for

the volumes of cylinder and cone, by showing that the difference

between the volumes of the inscribed and circumscribed figures
can be decreased at pleasure.
2. Assuming that if a solid has a plane face the area of that face

is less than the rest of the surface of the solid, prove, first, that
if two convex solids have a plane face in common, and one solid
is wholly included by the other, its surface is less than that of the
other {v. V., 13), and then give a strict proof of Proposition I. and
Proposition IV. for the surfaces of cylinder and cone.
8. The volumes of a cone of revolution, a sphere, and a cylinder

of revolution are proportional to the numbers 1, 2, 3 if the bases

X of the cone and cylinder are each equal to a great circle of the
sphere, and their altitudes are each equal to a diameter of the
4. An equilateral cylinder (of revolution) is one a section of
which through the axis is a square. An equilateral cone (of
revolution) one a section of which through the axis is an equi-
lateral triangle. These definitions premised, prove the following
I. The total area of the equilateral cylinder inscribed in a

sphere is a mean proportional between the area of the sphere and

the total area of the inscribed equilateral cone. The same is true
of the volumes of these three bodies.
II. The total area of the equilateral cylinder circumscribed
about a sphere is a mean proportional between the area of the
sphere and the total area of the circumscribed equilateral cone.
The same is true of the volumes of these three bodies.
5. If h is the altitude of a segment of one base in a sphere whose

radius is r, the volume of the segment is equal to Trh'^H — ^h),

6. The volumes of polyedrons circumscribed about the same

sphere are proportional to their surfaces.

308 .



1. A PERPENDICULAR let fall from the middle point of a line

upon any plane not cutting the line is equal to one-half the sum
of the perpendiculars let fall from the ends of the line upon the
same plane.
2. The perpendicular let fall from the point of intersection of

the medial lines of a given triangle upon any plane not cutting
the triangle is equal to one-third the sum of the perpendiculars
from the vertices of the triangle upon the same plane.
3. The perpendicular from the centre of gravity of a tetraedron

upon any plane not cutting the tetraedron is equal to one-fourth

the sum of the perpendiculars from the vertices of the tetraedron
upon the same plane.
4. The volume of a truncated triangular prism is equal to the

product of the area of its lower base by the perpendicular upon

the lower base let fall from the intersection of the medial lines of
the upper base.

6. The volume of a truncated parallelopiped is equal to the

product of the area of its lower base by the perpendicular from

the centre of the upper base upon the lower base.

6. ABCD is any tetraedron, and O any point within it, and
if the straight lines AO^ BO^ CO^ DO, are produced to meet the
faces in the points a, 6, c, d, respectively, then

Aa'^ Bb~^ Cc Dd

/7. the three

right are
face angles of the vertical triedral angle of a
angles, and the lengths of the lateral edges
are represented by a, 6, and and of the altitude by p, then

8. If the three face angles of the vertical triedral angle of a

tetraedron are right angles, the square of the area of the base is
equal to the sum of the squares of the areas of the lateral faces.

9. The perpendicular from the middle point of the diagonal of

a rectangular parallelepiped upon a lateral edge bisects the edge,

and is equal to one-half of the projection of the diagonal upon
the base.

10. A straight
line of a given length moves so that its extremi-
ties areconstantly upon two given perpendicular but non-inter-
secting straight lines what is the locus of the middle point of the

moving line ?

11. To cut a given polyedral angle of four fac^s by a plane so
that the section shall be a parallelogram.

^\ 12. To cut a cube by a plane so that the section shall be a regular


13. To find the ratio of the volumes generated by a rectangle

revolving successively about its two adjacent sides.



Proposition I.

Through any given straight line a plane may be passed, but

the line will not determine the plane.

Proposition II.

A plane is determined, 1st, by a straight line and a point with-

out that line 2d, by two intersecting straight lines 3d, by three
; ;

points not in the same straight line 4th, by two parallel straight

Corollary, The intersection of two planes is a straight line.

Proposition III.

From a given point without a plane one perpendicular to the

plane can be drawn, and but one and the perpendicular is the

shortest line that can be drawn from the point to the plane.
Corollary. At a given point in a plane one perpendicular can be
erected to the plane, and but one.

Proposition IV.
If a straight line perpendicular to each of two straight lines

at their point of intersection, it is perpendicular to the plane of

those lines.
Corollary I. At a given point of a straight line, one plane can
be drawn perpendicular to the line, and but one.
Corollary II. Through a given point without a straight line,
one plane can be drawn perpendicular to the line, and but one.

Proposition V.
Two lines in space having the same direction are parallel.
Corollary, Two lines parallel to the same line are parallel to
each other.
Proposition VI.
If two straight lines are parallel, every plane passed through
one of them and not coincident with the plane of the parallels is
parallel to the other.
Corollary I. Through any given straight line a plane can be
passed parallel to any other given straight line.
Corollary II. Through any given point a plane can be passed
parallel to any two given straight lines in space.

Proposition VII.
Planes perpendicular to the same straight line are parallel to
each other.
Proposition VIII.
The intersections of two parallel planes with any third plane
are parallel.
Proposition IX.
A straight line perpendicular to one of two parallel planes is
perpendicular to the other.
Corollary. Through any given point one plane can be passed
parallel to a given plane, and but one.

Proposition X.
If two angles, not in the same plane, have their sides respec-
tively parallel and lying in the same direction, they are equal
and their planes are parallel.

Proposition XI.
If one of two parallel lines is perpendicular to a plane, the
other is also perpendicular to that plane.
Corollary. Two straight lines perpendicular to the same plane
are parallel to each other.

Proposition XII.
Two diedral angles are equal if their plane angles are equal.

Proposition XIII.
Two diedral angles are in the same ratio as their plane angles.

Proposition XIV.
If a straight line isperpendicular to a plane, every plane passed
through the line is perpendicular to the plane.

Proposition XV.
If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a straight line
drawn in one of them, perpendicular to their intersection, is
perpendicular to the other.
Corollary I. If two planes are perpendicular to each other, a
straight line drawn through any point of their intersection per-
pendicular to one of the planes will lie in the other.
Corollary II. If two planes are perpendicular, a straight line
let fall from any point of one plane perpendicular to the other
will lie in the first plane.

Proposition XVI.
If twointersecting planes are each perpendicular to a third
plane, their intersection is also perpendicular to that plane.

Proposition XVII.
Through any given straight line a plane can be passed perpen-
dicular to any given plane.

Proposition XVIII.
The projection of a straight line upon a plane is a straight line.

Proposition XIX.
The acute angle which a straight line makes with its own pro-
jection upon a plane is the least angle it makes with any line of
that plane.
Proposition XX.
The sum of any two face angles of a triedral angle is greater
than the third.
Proposition XXI.
The sum of the face angles of any convex polyedral angle is
less than four right angles.

Proposition XXII.
If two have the three face angles of the one re-
triedral angles
spectively equal to the three face angles of the other, the corre-
sponding diedral angles are equal.

Proposition I.

The sections of a prism made by parallel planes are equal poly-

Corollary. Any section of a prism made by a plane parallel to
the base is equal to the base.

Proposition II.

The lateral area of a prism

equal to the product of the perim-
eter of a right section of the prism by a lateral edge.
Corollary. The lateral area of a right prism is equal to the
product of the perimeter of its base by its altitude.

Proposition III.

Two prisms are equal, if three faces including a triedral angle

of the one are respectively equal to three faces similarly placed
including a triedral angle of the other.
Corollary I. Two truncated prisms are equal, if three faces in-
cluding a triedral angle of the one are respectively equal to three
faces similarly placed including a triedral angle of the other.
Corollary II. Two ri^ht prisms are equal if they have equal
bases and equal altitudes.

Proposition IV.
Any oblique prism is equivalent to a right prism whose base is
a right section of the oblique prism, and whose altitude is equal
to a lateral edge of the oblique prism.

Proposition V.
Any parallelopiped is equivalent to a rectangular parallelopiped
of the same altitude and an equivalent base.

Proposition VI.
The plane passed through two diagonally opposite edges of a
parallelopii^ed divides it into two equivalent triangular prisms.

Proposition VII.
Two rectangular parallelepipeds having equal bases are to each
other as their altitudes.

Proposition VIII.
Two rectangular parallelepipeds having equal altitudes are to
each other as their bases.

Proposition IX.
Any two rectangular parallelopipeds are to each other as the
products of their three dimensions.

Proposition X.
The volume of a rectangular parallelopiped is equal to tne
product of its three dimensions, the unit of volume being the
cube whose edge is the linear unit.

Proposition XI.
The volume of any parallelopiped is equal to the product of the
area of its base by its altitude.

Proposition XII.
The volume of a triangular prism is equal to the product of its

base by its altitude.

Corollary. The volume of any prism is equal to the product of
its base by its altitude.

Proposition XIII.
If a pyramid cut by a plane parallel to its base, 1st, the edges
and the altitude are divided proportionally 2d, the section is a

polygon similar to the base.

Corollary I. If a pyramid is cut by a plane parallel to its base,
the area of the section is to the area of the base as the square of
its distance from the vertex is to the square of the altitude of the
Corollary II. Iftwo pyramids have equal altitudes and equiva-
lent bases, sectionsmade by planes parallel to their bases and at
equal distances from their vertices are equivalent.

Proposition XIV.
The lateral area of a regular pyramid is equal to the product of
the perimeter of its base by half its slant height.
Corollary. The lateral area of the frustum of a regular pyra-
mid is equal to the half sum of the perimeters of its bases multi-
plied by the slant height of the frustum.

Proposition XV.
If the altitude of any given triangular pyramid is divided into
equal parts, and through the points of division planes are passed
parallel to the base of the pyramid, and on the sections made by
these planes as upper bases prisms are described having their
edges parallel to an edge of the pyramid and their altitudes equal
to one of the equal parts into which the altitude of the pyramid
is divided, the total volume of these prisms will approach the
volume of the pyramid as its limit as the number of parts into
which the altitude of the pyramid is divided is indefinitely
Proposition XVI.
Two triangular pyramids having equivalent bases and equal
altitudes are equivalent.

Proposition XVII.
A triangular pyramid is one-third of a triangular prism of the
same base and altitude.
Corollary. The volume of a triangular pyramid is equal to one-
third of the product of its base by its altitude.

Proposition XVIII.
The volume of any pyramid is equal to one-third of the product
of its base by its altitude.

Proposition XIX.
A frustum of a triangular pyramid is equivalent to the sum of
three pyramids whose common altitude is the altitude of the frus-
tum, and whose bases are the lower base, the upper base, and a
mean proportional between the bases of the frustum.
Corollary. A frustum of any pyramid is equivalent to the sum
of three pyramids whose common altitude is the altitude of the
frustum, and whose bases are the lower base, the upper base, and
a mean proportional between the bases of the frustum.

Proposition XX.
A truncated triangular
prism is equivalent to the sum of three
pyramids whose common base is the base of the prism and whose
vertices are the three vertices of the inclined section.

Proposition XXI.
Only five regular (convex) polyedrons are possible.

BOOK Till.
Proposition I.

Every section of a cylinder made by a plane

passing through
an element is a parallelogram.
Corollary. Every section of a right cylinder made by a plane
perpendicular to its base is a rectangle.

Proposition II.

The bases of a cylinder are equal.

Corollary I. Any two parallel sections of a cylindrical surface
are equal.
Corollary II. All the sections of a circular cylinder parallel to
its bases are equal circles, and the straight line joining the centres
of the bases passes through the centres of all the parallel sections.

Proposition III.

Every section of a cone made by a plane passing through its

vertex is a triangle.
Proposition IV.
If the base of a cone is a circle, every section made by a plane
parallel to the base is a circle.
Corollary. The axis of a circular cone passes through the centres
of all the sections parallel to the base.

Proposition V.
Every section of a sphere made by a plane is a circle.
Corollary I. The axis of a circle on a sphere passes through
the centre of the circle.
Corollary II. All great circles of the same sphere are equal.
Corollary III. Every great circle divides the sphere into two
equal parts.
Corollary IV. Any two great circles on the same sphere bisect
each other.
Corollary V. An arc of a great circle may be drawn through any
two given points on the surface of a sphere, and, unless the points
are the opposite extremities of a diameter, only one such arc can
be drawn.
Corollary VI. An arc of a circle may be drawn through any
three given points on the surface of a sphere.

Proposition VI.
All the points in the circumference of a circle on a sphere are
equally distant from either of its poles.
Corollary I. All the arcs of great circles drawn from a pole of a
circle to points in its circumference are equal.
Corollary II. The polar distance of a great circle is a quadrant.
Corollary III. If a point on the surface of a sphere is at a quad-
rant's distance from each of two given points of the surface,
which are not opposite extremities of a diameter, it is the pole
of the great circle passing through them.

Proposition VII.
A plane tangent to a sphere is perpendicular to the radius
drawn to the point of contact.
Corollary. A
plane perpendicular to a radius of a sphere at its
extremity is tangent to the sphere.

Proposition VIII.
The intersection of two spheres is a circle whose plane is per-^
pendicular to the straight line joining their centres, and whose
centre is in that line.
Proposition IX.
The angle two arcs of great circles is equal to the angle of
their planes,and is measured by the arc of a great circle described
from its vertex as a pole and included between its sides (produced
if necessary).
Corollary. All arcs of great circles drawn through the pole of a
given great circle are perpendicular to its circumference.

Proposition X.
If the first of two spherical triangles is the polar triangle of the
second, then, reciprocally, the second is the polar triangle of the
Proposition XI.
In two polar triangles, each angle of one is measured by the
supplement of the side lying opposite to it in the other.

Proposition XII.
Two triangles on the same sphere are either equal or symmet-
rical when two sides and the included angle of one are respectively
equal to two sides and the included angle of the other.

Proposition XIII.
Two triangles on the same sphere are either equal or symmet-
rical when
a side and the two adjacent angles of one are respec-
tively equal to a side and the two adjacent angles of the other.

Proposition XIV.
Two triangles on the same sphere are either equal or symmet-
when the three sides of one are respectively equal to the
three sides of the other.

Proposition XV.
If two triangles on the same sphere are mutually equiangular,
they are mutually equilateral, and are either equal or symmet-

Proposition XVI.
Any side of a spherical triangle is less than the sum of the
other two.
Proposition XVII.
The sum of the sides of a convex spherical polygon is less than
the circumference of a great circle.

Proposition XVIII.
The sum of the angles of a spherical triangle is greater than
two, and less than six, right angles.

Proposition XIX.
Two symmetrical spherical triangles are equivalent.

Proposition XX.
If two arcs of great circles intersect on the surface of a hemi-
sphere, the sum of the opposite spherical triangles which they
form is equivalent to a lune whose angle is the angle between the
arcs in question.
Proposition XXI.
A lune is to the surface of the sphere as the angle of the lune is
to four right angles.
Corollary. The area of a lune is expressed by twice its angle,
the angular unit being the degree, and the unit of surface the
spherical degree.

Proposition XXII.
The area of a spherical triangle is equal to the excess of the
sum of its angles over two right angles.
Proposition XXIII.
The shortest line that can be drawn on the surface of a sphere
between two points is the arc of a great circle, not greater than a
semi-circumference, joining the two points.

Proposition I.

If a prism whose base is a regular polygon be inscribed in or

circumscribed about a given cylinder, its volume will approach
the volume of the cylinder as its limit, and its lateral surface will
approach the lateral surface of the cylinder as its limit as the
number of sides of its base is indefinitely increased.
Proposition II.
The lateral area of a cylinder is equal to the
product of the
perimeter of a right section of the cylinder by an element of the
Corollary I. The lateral area of a cylinder of revolution is equal
to the product of the circumference of its base by its altitude.
This may be formulated,

Corollary II. The lateral areas of similar cylinders of revolu-

tion are to each other as the squares of their altitudes, or as the
squares of the radii of their bases.

Proposition III.
The volume of a cylinder is equal to the product of its base by
its altitude.
Corollary I. For a cylinder of revolution this may be formu-

Corollary II. The volumes of similar cylinders of revolution

are to each other as the cubes of their altitudes, or as the cubes
of their radii.

Proposition IV.
If a pyramid be inscribed in or circumscribed about a given
cone, its volume will approach the volume of the cone as its limit,
and its lateral surface will approach the convex surface of the
cone as its limit as the number of faces of the pyramid is indefi-
nitely increased.
Corollary, A
frustum of a cone is the limit of the inscribed and
circumscribed frustums of pyramids, the number of whose faces
is indefinitely increased.

Proposition V.
The lateral area of a cone of revolution is equal to the product
of the circumference of its base by half its slant height.
Corollary I. This proposition may be formulated,

S = ^RL.
Corollary II. The lateral areas of similar cones of revolution
are to each other as the squares of their slant heights, or as the
squares of their altitudes, or as the squares of the radii of their
Proposition VI.
The lateral area of a frustum of a cone of revolution is equal to
the half sum of the circumferences of its bases multiplied by its
slant height.
Corollary I. This proposition may be formulated,

Corollary II. The lateral area of a frustum of a cone of revolu-
tion is equal to the circumference of a section equidistant from its

bases multiplied by its slant height.

Proposition VII.
The volume of any cone is equal to one-third the product of its
base by its altitude.
Corollary I. For a cone of revolution this proposition may be
Corollary II. Similar cones of revolution are to each other aa
the cubes of their altitudes, or as the cubes of the radii of their

Proposition VIII.
The area of the surface generated by a straight line revolving
about an axis in its plane is equal to the projection of the line
on the axis multiplied by the circumference of the circle whose
radius is the perpendicular erected at the middle of the line and
terminated by the axis.

Proposition IX.
The area of a zone is equal to the product of its altitude by the
circumference of a great circle.
Corollary. This proposition may be formulated,

Proposition X.
The area of the surface of a sphere is equal to the product of^
itsdiameter by the circumference of a great circle.
Corollary I. This may be formulated,

S = 27ri2 X2B = ^TzB^,-

Hence the surface of a sphere is equivalent to four great circles.
Corollary II. The surfaces of two spheres are to each other aa
the squares of their diameters, or as the squares of their radii.

Proposition XI.
The volume of a sphere is equal to the area of its surface multi-
pliedby one-third of its radius.
Corollary I. This proposition may be formulated,

Corollary II. The volumes of two spheres are to each other as

the cubes of their radii, or as the cubes of their diameters.

Proposition XII.
The volume of a spherical sector is equal to the area of the zone
which forms its base multiplied by one-third the radius of the
sphere. ^__


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