Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

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HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations



(A Development Portfolio for Planning and

Monitoring of Personal and Professional

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations




(A Development Portfolio for Planning and Monitoring of
Personal and Professional Objectives)







(Student ID No..........................................)

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Table of Contents
PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................................... 6
1. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (SWOT)................................................................................................... 7
PART – 1 – PERSONAL ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................... 7
PART – 2 – SETTING GOALS (SMART GOAL).................................................................................................... 8
PART – 3 – PERSONAL OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................. 9
P1. THE ESSENTIALS OF HR PROFESSIONAL.................................................................................................... 9
P2. AN ANALYSIS PERSONAL SKILLS AUDIT................................................................................................... 10
P2.1 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN.......................................................................................................... 10
P2.1.1THE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CIRCLE............................................................................................................11
P2.1 SMART ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................. 11
P2.2 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - STRATEGIST...............................................................................................12
M1. PROFESSIONAL SKILL AUDIT................................................................................................................. 12
D1. THE IMPORTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN...................................................................13
D1.1 LEADERSHIP..........................................................................................................................................14
D1.2 TIME MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................................................15
D1.3 STRESS MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................................15
D1.4 PRESENTATION SKILLS.............................................................................................................................15
D1.5 CHARRING THE MEETING..............................................................................................................................15
D1.6 PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD.........................................................................................................................15
D1.1 LEARNING CYCLE.........................................................................................................................................16
D1.2 LEARNING GOALS AND TRAINING...................................................................................................................16
D1.2 LEARNING STYLES...........................................................................................................................................17
D1.2.1. Diverging (feeling & watching- CE/RO)............................................................................................17
D1.2.2. Assimilating (watching and thinking – AC/RO)................................................................................17
D1.2.3. Converging (doing and thinking – AC/AE)........................................................................................17
D1.2.4. Accommodating (doing and feeling – CCE/AE)................................................................................17
PERFORMANCE........................................................................................................................................... 18
SCENARIO -2- LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT FOR “DELL”..............................................................18
................................................................................................................................................................... 19
P3.1 THE ORGANIZATIONAL AND INDIVIDUAL LEARNING.............................................................................................19
P3.2. THE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN.........................................................................................................19
M2. AN ANALYSIS OF THEORIES OF LEARNING CYCLE...................................................................................20
M2.1. IMPORTANCE OF IMPLEMENTING CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT......................................................20

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE.......................................................................................................................... 20
P5. HOW HPW ROLE TO CONTRIBUTE TO EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT............................................................21
M3. THE BENEFITS OF APPLYING HPW IN DELL’S ORGANIZATIONAL SITUATION............................................21
D2. THE JUDGING OF HPW AND MECHANISMS SUPPORT IN DELL................................................................22
D2.1. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE ..............................................................................................................................23
D2.2. CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................................23
D2.3. RECOMMENDATION....................................................................................................................................23
COMMITMENT CAN SUPPORT..................................................................................................................... 23
1. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................... 24
2. COLLABORATIVE WORKING..................................................................................................................... 24
3. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION.................................................................................................................. 24
P6 .DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT.................................................................24
M4. A CRITIQUE DECISIVE EVALUATION ON DIFFERENT APPROACHES..........................................................25
M4.1 JUDGMENT ON HOW DELL APPROACHES EFFECTIVE IN SUPPORT THE GOAL.......................................26
CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................................. 26
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................................................ 26
TABLE OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................................... 28
List of Tables...........................................................................................................................................................28

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations


The markets are getting more competitive due to internal and external factors and the success
depends on the capability of continuous expansion and advancement of collective and
individual capabilities of the people in organizations. The “Performance Development” is a
solution, besides that continuous development of the capabilities of HR by mentoring,
assignments and targeted training. The performance development can by capitalize strengths,
improve weaknesses and build capabilities.

LO1.What employee knowledge, skills and behaviors needed by HR


The quality outcomes come from only when quality people management exists and HR has a
major role to shape the HR. The problems mainly faced by line managers and leadership and
they are the vital players and in front of the challenges in people management, besides that it
influence the micro factors too to shape people. In addition the relation between employer
and employee relationship, psychological contract, voice for securing employee contract and
engagement. Furthermore, the factors like breaching psychological contract, organizational
structure and culture pressure the shaping of people to bring positive results like skills
development, accountability, productivity, financial performance, innovation and also overall
performance and achievement of goals. (CIPD, 2017)1

The HR Professionals hunt only good heads after by screening the essentials including tact.
If the KSACS = TDR = Success of Job, where KSAC = knowledge, skills, abilities, cultural
ground and strategy fit. TDR= tasks, duties and responsibilities

Scenario.1.The Portfolio of planning, monitoring the achievement of

personal and professional objectives.

The HR manager has to perform in an ongoing organization on recruiting, managing and

directing and deals with the issues on compensation performance management and
organizational progress, therefore the HR manager required organizational skills,
communication skills, discretion, and multitasking and conflict management skills.

In order to perform outstanding, the HR Professionals should have competencies in human

resource knowledge, commitment to ongoing HR Learning, communication skill in HR
critical thinking skills, ethical approach for HR and last but not least HR organization skills.

Therefore, to develop a portfolio is an important to succeed in personal and professional life,

portfolio is the collection of living and changing records that shows the completed tasks
skills, experience and attributes, besides that it emboss the best works together with life
experience , achievements and values.

CIPD, 2017. [Online]
Available at:
8731.pdf[Accessed 21 Novemmber 2018].

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

1. Personal Development Plan (SWOT)

Part – 1 – Personal Analysis
Name… Department: HR Department Organization. NOKIA

Date of Personal Development Plan Completed. 30/11/2018

Table 1-Personal Analysis


1.1My HR Profession and basic skills are 1. It was difficult to maintain my physical
relevant. fitness during academic and work time.
2. I am confident to hire people and manage 2. Occasionally loosing temper when deals
them up to retirement. with subordinates.
3.My computer and software knowledge is 3. I need more technical knowledge to do
perfect based on my career hiring process of technical people
4. When I selected to lead a group of people, 4. Required to focus on more time
I demonstrated as a good group leader management
5. When I was attended a leadership course
it assessed me as a good leader

I can have management programs, seminars 1. Pending works and personal commitments
sponsored by the company I work for need to manage.
2. The annual company appraisal process 2. climate conditions badly affecting my time
guaranteed positive feedback. and health
3. Higher study opportunities are available at
ease and the financial prostitution is sound.

““SWOT” analysis is a tool used for analyzing the situation for decision making, it is a
frame work of reviewing strategy, position and direction of an individual or an organization
and it is used for business planning, strategic planning, competitor analysis, business and
product development, research report, team building more over personal skill development.”


The strengths may vary one person to other also it shows the skills acquired, certifications
achieved , educational qualifications and connections with influencers and what else can do
better than most off others. In addition, what other personal resources can right of entry and
considering strength in oneself.


HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

It is what task exempted because of lack of confidence, if what others considering

weaknesses that unconfident about skill development and education and other weakest area
like negative work habits and how handling skills.

1.3 Opportunities
The new gateway to approach the successes is the opportunities like technology, software,
internet, industry growth and opportunities in market. In addition, proposal from specialists,
strategic connections more over benefits from network, education, conferences, and
additional languages.

1.4 Threats

Threats are the realized future obstacles that in opposite or existing still the moment such
as , competitors, confront from changes also threat of shifting technological, The SWOT
analysis be able to prepare based on the reflected oneself, further more the analysis provides
information and can recognize the wants to be perform and place problems to position.

Part – 2 – Setting Goals (SMART GOAL)

Table 2-Setting Goals
What do I want to What do I have to do? What supports and How will I measure success? Target date
do? resources will I need? for review
More knowledge to Complete management Local training centre a) Course assessment Past 31st
attain to manage course for 4 weekends and young managers b) Young managers March report
external activities and attend company courses course report
young managers c) Line managers
programs appraisal report
d) Midyear assessment
and appraisal report

Build confidence of To take Advice from 1. By Formal and informal Past 31st
department team and Line Manager and appraisal. March report
build confidence and team feedback 2. By Self-appraisal
trust on me

To recognize key training Need to talk priorities 1. Prioritisation of goals forms Past 31st
opportunities in the with line managers part of my appraisal process. March report
Business. and agree with them
Forecast of Events and 2. Ensure that I have attended
de conflict with work all the agreed high priority
and social life training.
Acquire more Acquire knowledge from Senior co-workers During development program- Past 31st
leadership qualities experienced managers Mentoring and performance March report
and gain their friendship appraisal.
and trust

To Improve my To attend fitness club, To take Advice from The improved fitness levels will Every
personal fitness exercises and build Gym Fitness be self-evident. Improved Quarter ,
more stamina Instructors Personal Fitness biannually
and yearly

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Achieve core To Complete mandatory Secure bonus benefits as 31 March

business skills. organisation update appropriate Yearly

Volunteering to lead ad Line manager Feedback from the team End of the
To build confidence hoc cross functional members and program program
as a leader programs manager

Acquire further business Make Use of training

To build and analysis and processes opportunity and excellent Young Managers
Improve planning and use this in working revision. course report
and decision- environment to advance
making skills. complex decision

Part – 3 – Personal Objectives

Table 3-Personal Objectives
Short Term Goals – for coming 12 months
To complete post gradual level diplomas to eligible in complex decision making process in
business activities and to be in confidence to the present area of work.

Medium Term Goals- for coming next 2 – 3 years

To be get responsibility for leading and managing a small team of in hold up of a demanding
business project and to take on in partisan some functions of a cross-functional project team
which gives me significant business exposure.
Longer Term Goals - for above 3 years
To acquire doctoral degree from good university and become owner of a firm that provides
service render of business strategist, strategy adviser and decision maker in complicated
business problems.

(Chartered Management Institute, 2018)

P1. The essentials of HR Professional

The HR Manager should have some essentials and it should let the manager to be ideal to
build teams. The HR manager To be inspirational and to be authentic self then the others to
be taken, impress others with HR knowledge, in addition stay updated and top of the game.
Be specialist in HR and let others reach to you and create success. In addition HR optimists
expect it to change and inspire others and bring success to the firm. Start change from HRM,
it will reflect on people also give recognition and credit to others. The following are some

1) Inspire other people

2) Take Risks
3) Get out of your office
4) Be a full partner
5) Understand the numbers
6) Be flexible

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

7) Become tech-savvy
8) Be a good communicator
9) Have a vision (SHRM, 2018)

P2. An analysis personal skills Audit

The personal skills audit let us to know the knowledge, skills and behavior of oneself and it is
vital to screen the approaches of learning style and for this listed strengths and weaknesses in
learning style questionnaire and identified the style, it has vital part in training skills and
development programs. Therefore, all to be responsive to learning style of team members.
The learning style identified for this author was “accommodating” and it is align of concrete
experience and active experimentation.

Figure 1-Personal Skill Audit

The skill audit shows this author is good in personal skills.

P2.1 Personal Development Plan
The strengths and weaknesses recognized when the skill audit and solved questionnaires and
to achieve higher in personal and professional life needed to overcome those negative factors,
such as a SMART analysis will do to solve it more clearly.

Aim Aim refers the general goal and the aim of the author
Objective Objectives refer that “SMART” goal
Tactics Tactics refers the methods used to achieve the objectives.

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Aim refers the general goal and the aim of the author is to achieve a top-level position in a
multinational company within the next three years. Objectives refer that “SMART” goal, such
as to get a good pass in the examination with distinction. However, Tactics refers that the
methods used to achieve the objectives.

P2.1.1The personal development circle

The circle of all procedures follows for the success of developed personal development plan.
It provides a clear vision and strategic route from establishment of purpose or direction and
identification of development needs and opportunities to prepare action plan. In addition, to
undertake development plan and record outcomes for review. In short, it is the road map to
planning and execution and result evaluation reminder of the personal development plan.

Figure 2-Personal Development Circle

P2.1 SMART Analysis

The SMART is the method used to achieve the goals and it defines the goals to be specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic and timely, besides that, it provides a direction to what one
want to achieve and a well formulated goal is easy to achieve and understand every one.

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Figure 3-SMART - Analysis

Table 4-Setting Goals- Plotted answers for the following questions

What do I want to do? What do I have to do? What supports and resources will I need? How will I measure success? Target
date for review

Specific Always be specific, generic goals will not help because it will not help
personally and if adapt the goal for apply for what need then it is valuable.
What do I want to do?

Measurable Is it possible to quantify? What to achieve should be measurable, it may be a

degree or more sales etc.
What do I have to do?

Achievable The Target must challenge and motivate to complete a work and do not set it
very it should be achievable.
What supports and resources will I need to achieve it?
Realistic The goal should not too ambitious; it should be more realistic, no body not just
become successfully over night.
How will I measure success?

Timely Maintain deadline to finish the piece of work timely- don’t PROCASTINATE
Target date for review

P2.2 Professional development Plan - Strategist

M1. Professional Skill Audit

The professional skill Audit helps to find the professional reflection and evaluation. The
employees required minimum skills and qualities to work in with a team:-

1) Communication
2) Honesty
3) Technical competency
4) Work ethically
5) Flexibility
6) Determination and persistence
7) Harmony with co-workers
8) Enhance skills and knowledge
As an employee, the author done a

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Figure 4-Detailed Skill Audit

Professional Skill 1 2 3 4 5

Communication 1

Honesty 1

Technical competency 1

Work ethically 1

Flexibility 1

Determination and 1


Harmony with co-workers 1

Enhance skills and 1


Teamwork. 1

Willingness to learn. 1

problem solving 1

decision making

Score Bad Not Bad Average Good Very Good

0 1 1 5 5

D1. The Importance of Professional Development Plan

As an employee in mid level management it is important to audit managerial skills and if is

not up to standard to be developed it.

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

“”The reflecting or recounting is what experienced and the evaluation or judging is that
what worked or not worked from that experience.””

The author should have to develop all of the professional skills (Figure 5-Professional Skill Audit)
In order to achieve the future goals (Table 5-Setting Goals)

Figure 6-Professional Skill Audit

Professional Skill 1 2 3 4 5


Time Management 1

Stress Management 1

Presentation Skills 1

Charring the Meeting 1

Problem Solving Method 1

Score Bad Not Bad Average Good Very Good

D1.1 Leadership

“’A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John C. Maxwell””2

The leader shout be ideal and to develop leadership qualities.

The leadership means influence people with communication and the leadership emerged from
self-awareness and more other than functions:-
1) technical proficiency


HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

2) responsibility for actions

3) decision making power
4) role model
5) knowing people
6) communicative
7) responsibility on workers
8) team building
9) resource utilization
10) allocation of responsibilities
11) moreover supervision
12) accomplishment of responsibility
13) challenges the process
14) share the vision
15) motivate others to act
16) model the way and encourage the heart

D1.2 Time Management

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.”
― Charles Darwin, the Life & Letters of Charles Darwin

Once lost time is it lost forever, therefore to manage time is vital in personal and professional
life that means manage the time and change the behaviour of one and time management let
One helps to organized and to be cool.

D1.3 Stress Management

“Calmness is the cradle of power.” —Josiah Gilbert Holland
To control over ones emotions is the stress management it may thought emotions, work,
family, heavy work schedules, or relationships. The stress management required for the role
of leadership otherwise it has a negative effect on performance, therefore measure the reasons
behind it and control and manage it properly.

D1.4 Presentation Skills

The leader is not only a good listener but also a good teacher too and has god presentation
skills. The leader is the one who motivate people and let them to solve the problems. He
should develop presentation skills, maintained and communicated for both of organizational
and personal benefits.

D1.5 Charring the Meeting

The successful meetings mostly obligated to the successful charring of the leader, it obtained
from learning, practicing and experience, and obviously, it leads to organizational

D1.6 Problem Solving Method

Management is decision making, decision-making skills are vital, and it may be in computer
science, engineering, mathematics, artificial intelligence, psychology. Solve this by defining
the problem, generate alternatives, evaluation and select and implement.

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

D1.1 Learning Cycle

The learning cycle includes four steps such as concrete experience, reflective observation,
abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. These used in business for process
improvement approaches to boost the culture of continuous improvement. When once the
experimentation finishes, the learning cycle begins again with new one from the base of
experience achieved.

D1.2 Learning Goals and Training

““According to (Kolb, 1984)"learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through

the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping
experience and transforming it."” 3

Refers to the Kolb’s experimental learning theory represents a four stage learning cycle, such
1. Concrete experience is a new experience, a situation encountered, or a re-
interpretation of existing experience.
2. Reflective observation of new experience is that particular importance of the
inconsistencies between experience and understanding.
3. Abstract conceptualization is the indication gives ascend to one new idea or the
modification of an active conceptual concept that a person achieved or learned from own
4. Active experimentation is that the learner applies own ideas and to the universe around
to see what happens.

(Simply, 2018)

Figure 7- Kolb's Learning Cycle

Kolb, D., 1984. Experimental Learniig. In: Experience as the source of Learning and Development.

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

D1.2 Learning Styles

To understand one is learning style depends how one enables to be leaning as per the
preferred method that is in one extent or another every one respond to and needs off the
stimulus off whole type of learning styles.

The four type of learning style are as follows.

D1.2.1. Diverging (feeling & watching- CE/RO)

The diverging type people able to see things from different prospective and are very sensate,
they prefer to watch rather than do and attend to gather information and then use imagination
to solve the problem. They are good at viewing concrete situations from many various

Kolb called these people “diverging” due to they are performing better in situations because
idea generation occur there and they have cultural interests and interested in absorb

D1.2.2. Assimilating (watching and thinking – AC/RO)

They involves a concise logical approach and given importance to ideas and concepts rather
than people, they need explanation other than practical opportunity and they excel to
understanding wide ranging information and organize it in a clear logical format. They are
less focussed on people and given interest to ideas and abstract concepts. These people
interested with more logically sound theories than approaches based on practical value. This
approach is vital in information and science careers and they prefer lectures, reading,
exploring analytical models and think too.

D1.2.3. Converging (doing and thinking – AC/AE)

This type people able to solve problems with their learning for practical issues and they
prefer technical tasks and less concerned people and interpersonal aspects. They enable
specialist and technology abilities and experiments with new ideas and work with practical

D1.2.4. Accommodating (doing and feeling – CCE/AE)

They are hands-on and relies on intuition rather than logic, they uses other’s analysis and
Take practical and experiential approach, besides they are attracted to new challenges and
experiences and carrying out plans. They act on ‘gut’ and instinct logical analysis and rely on
others for information than own to execute.

Figure 8-Learning Style

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Figure 9-Learning Style Evaluation

Reflective Observation
Active Experimentation (Watching)

Concrete Experience Accommodating (CE/AE) Diverging (CE/RO)


Abstract Conceptualization Converging (AC/AE) Assimilating (AC/RO)


LO2. Evaluating and Implementing ‘learning and development’ to

make sustainable business performance

Scenario -2- Learning and development report for “DELL”

ABC Consulting Pvt. Ltd

(The leading strategy consultant in U.K)
The Director of HR, M/S. Dell Technologies Inc, U.S.A


I would like to thanks the management of Dell to dedicate this report for appointing us as
your consultant to prepare Learning and Development, besides that support from HR

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

department and whole staff those who co-operated for the research, analysis, interactive
communication, and co-operation throughout the research gratefully acknowledged.

Executive Summary

The question of overall performance of an organization and the question of how the employee
performance in an organization contributes to take part to achieve the strategy goal are
interconnected. The raises question addresses by how people are managed and treated at
work, it is the main factor of overall performance and achievement of strategic goals


The changes are occurring in internally and externally and to compete with these changes
people and those who manage them to be changed. The personal and professional changes to
be taking place, even though only an organization exists in excellence. Therefore, we
designed this learning program to teach HR about the need of personal and professional
development, besides that the route map shows the implementation process.


1. The Higher adoption of HR brings dynamic effect in productivity.

2. The Clear vision with integrated values produces positive results.
3. Develop people and group makes the organization sustainable.

P3. Distinguish between organizational and individual learning,

training, and development.
The personal development is activities of build human capital such as with personal
development plans and professional development is builds groups with professional skills.
Explained in (L0-1)
Personal development is the basic and adding professional qualities benefits the organization
to reach optimization.

P3.1 the Organizational and Individual Learning

Self-learning or lifelong learning and professional skill development requires both personal
and professional success the success of the organization as whole.

P3.2. the training and Development Plan

The complete set of training and development plan and material includes the following:-
1. Training needs assessment
2. Adult learning principles
3. Developed learning objectives
4. Designed training materials
5. Developed training materials
6. Implementation process of training

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

7. Evaluation and methods of training

8. Necessary repetition of training

P4. The importance of continuous learning and professional

Need for continuous learning and professional development is for to drive the organisation to
sustainable business performance and to zenith of its strategic goals achievement. Explained
in (L0-1)

M2. An analysis of theories of learning cycle

To understand one is learning style depends how one enables to be leaning as per the
preferred method that is in one extent or another every one respond to and needs off the
stimulus off whole type of learning styles. (Explained in (L0-1), D1.2 Learning Styles.

M2.1. Importance of Implementing Continuous Professional


““According to Kolb (1984) "learning is the process whereby knowledge is created

through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of
grasping experience and transforming it."”

Continuous learning means achieving knowledge and skills life long, an ongoing learning
involves with tasks, review goals, strategies and outcomes. It is essential to perform and
succeed needs achieve experience and create knowledge for personal and professional
life. The success of organizations on its employee’s hands and to achieve it needed
continuous professional development. (Alan Chapman, 2012)4

LO3. Different Application of HPW and its contribution employee

engagement and competitive advantage
The HPW is an approach to manage organizations and aims more and better employee
engagements and commitments for obtain high level of performance and it designed to
enhance and engage in their work and utilize their full effort.

Figure 10- HPW and People

Alan Chapman. (2012, October 21). businessballs. Retrieved October 21, 2012, from

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

P5. How HPW role to contribute to employee engagement

The High Performance Work System is group of management practices and it attempt to
create an environment within an organization where there is employees have higher
responsibility and involvement.

P5.1. How MPW roles in competitive advantages in DELL’s specific

Organizational situation.
The detailed analysis of DELL shows that:-
1. Required strategically planned approach in functional areas
2. Psychological and scientific approaches required to solve human problems.

The peoples are the base of the change and the change adopted by people by self-changing
and by organizational changing, so it is vital that handle people with care and it is precious.
Figure 11- HPW and People

M3. The benefits of applying HPW in DELL’s Organizational situation

The benefits of HPW in Dell are-
1. Development of employee empowerment, motivation and skills
2. Organizational empowerment, achievement of strategic goals

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

3. Stakeholders overall satisfaction

Figure 12-MPW- Benefits

Source: -
3966-4d15-a4ad fe93d6eae41c&acdnat=1543557614_d4a0f2b5602822f405b066768bd6c502

D2. The judging of HPW and mechanisms support in DELL

The judging process finds it that to avoid such as autocratic manner, sudden change of topic
when others are not ready, aggressiveness and negative comments, besides that no focus on
task or group problems, critic nature and no alternative suggestions. To solve these issues
HPW Support DELL.

Figure 13-HPW-High Performance

Source: -
3966-4d15-a4ad fe93d6eae41c&acdnat=1543557614_d4a0f2b5602822f405b066768bd6c502

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

D2.1. Competitive Advantage

The HPW helps for commitment in strategy, motivation of people, values to people,
performance system, besides that it associated with HRM attitude of employees and high use
of HR practices and a clear vision with integrated values. Therefore, it can affect positively
HR to achieve higher performance and productivity. The competitive environment needs
competitive HR to overcome new competitive tactics developed globally.

D2.2. Conclusion
The HR is the most valuable asset of an organization and invest on them brings high
performance and productivity and it let organization achieve zenith.

D2.3. Recommendation
To achieve high performance DELL to be implement the Learning and Performance program.

NB. The training and Development Plan (P3.2.) enclosed.

Date 7th December 2018

Yours faithfully

(Managing Director)
ABC Consulting Pvt. Ltd

LO4. An Appraise of the ways in which the factors of high performance

culture and commitment can support

Scenario -3 - The factors of high performance, culture and

The main points of high performance culture creation depends how to get the destination of
strategic goal and what the way selected to reach there within a specific time. In common, the
main elements are-
1. Define what winning look like
2. Set out perfect culture
3. Set stretch targets
4. Connect to big picture
5. Develop ownership mentality
6. Improve through transparency
7. Increase performance through HR engagements
8. Story telling
9. Internal communication

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

10. Take time to celebrate.5


1. Performance Management
It is the management of creating work environment or which one able to perform at their best
of abilities.

2. Collaborative Working
It is also known as join or partnership working, such as two or more organizations works
together with options of net works and alliances through joint delivery of projects to complete

3. Effective Communication
It means that know not only the employee but also chose the right message and channel for
communication. It is one of the reflection points of culture in an organization and the
business pivot on effectual communication. The communication plan development is
essential for strategy outline.

P6 .Different Approaches to performance management

The approaches to performance management is comparative method, attribute approach,
behavioral approach, result approach and quality approach.
Figure 14-Measuring performance approach


HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Source: -

P6.1. How collaborative working support high performance culture

and commitment

The collaborative working brings more organizations together, that means more HR and more
culture come together, it brings more creative thoughts and stops obstacles in business and
lead it to perfection.

M4. A critique decisive evaluation on different Approaches

“Performance management is the process of identifying, measuring, managing, and

developing the performance of the human resources in an organization”

Performance appraisal, on the other hand, is the ongoing process of evaluating employee
performance. Performance appraisals are reviews of employee performance over time

(, 2018)6

Figure 15-Critic Decisive Evaluation

6, 2018. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 28 November 2018].

HND Level-5 - Business Management – Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

M4.1 Judgment on how DELL approaches effective in support the goal

The DELL control and manages its organizational and situational factors. (Fig.15)
Figure 16-organizational and situational characteristics

To recapitulate, building an organization with authenticity of develops people with values and
group capacity and group skills lead the organization healthy.

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Table of Figures
Figure 1-Personal Skill Audit...................................................................................................10
Figure 2-Personal Development Circle....................................................................................11
Figure 3-SMART - Analysis....................................................................................................12
Figure 4-Detailed Skill Audit...................................................................................................13
Figure 6-Professional Skill Audit.............................................................................................14
Figure 7- Kolb's Learning Cycle..............................................................................................16
Figure 8-Learning Style...........................................................................................................17
Figure 9-Learning Style Evaluation.........................................................................................18
Figure 10- HPW and People.....................................................................................................20
Figure 11- HPW and People.....................................................................................................21
Figure 12-MPW- Benefits........................................................................................................22
Figure 13-HPW-High Performance..........................................................................................22
Figure 14-Measuring performance approach...........................................................................24
Figure 15-Critic Decisive Evaluation.......................................................................................25
Figure 16-organizational and situational characteristics..........................................................26

List of Tables
Table 1-Personal Analysis..........................................................................................................7
Table 2-Setting Goals.................................................................................................................8
Table 3-Personal Objectives.......................................................................................................9
Table 4-Setting Goals- Plotted answers for the following questions.......................................12
in order to achieve the future goals (Table 5-Setting Goals)...................................................14


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