Menstrual Hygiene and Practices
Menstrual Hygiene and Practices
Menstrual Hygiene and Practices
University of Sunderland –HSSM-31-Applied Research Methods & Project Management
(University of Sunderland)
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University of Sunderland –HSSM-31-Applied Research Methods & Project Management
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH..............................................................................................................................5
1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES......................................................................................................................................6
1.4 THE SCOPE OF THE RESEARCH............................................................................................................................7
1.5 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESEARCH..................................................................................................................8
1.6 THE LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH....................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2 – LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 A REVIEW PRELIMINARY THEORIES OF STUDIES....................................................................................................10
CHAPTER 3 – RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................... 12
3.1 THE RESEARCH APPROACH, STRATEGY AND PHILOSOPHY.......................................................................................12
3.1.1. The Types and Sources of Data...........................................................................................................13
3.1.2 The Data Collection Tools..................................................................................................................13
3.1.3 Sampling Techniques.........................................................................................................................14
3.1.4 The Techniques of Data Analysis.......................................................................................................14
3.1.5 The Presentation of Data...................................................................................................................14
3.2 THE ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH..................................................................................................14
3.3 SCHEDULE FOR THE PROPOSED RESEARCH........................................................................................................15
3.4 THE REFLECTION ON PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................................15
3.5 EXPECTED RESULTS.......................................................................................................................................15
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................................................ 16
APPENDICES............................................................................................................................................... 17
APPENDICE-1- SCHEDULE FOR THE PROPOSED RESEARCH............................................................................17
APPENDICE-2- MENSTRUAL CYCLE............................................................................................................... 19
APPENDICE-3- FEMALE STRUCTURE............................................................................................................. 19
APPENDICE-3- VAGINA ANATOMY............................................................................................................... 20
Appendice-4- Questionnaire for Accessing Menstrual Hygiene............................................................................21
List of Tables
List of Figures
University of Sunderland –HSSM-31-Applied Research Methods & Project Management
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Menstruation is a natural process of human body where discharge of blood and mucosal
tissue from innermost lining of uterus through vagina and the problem of menstrual hygiene
is insufficiently acknowledged, due to that proper awareness has not taken. The use of
sanitary napkins and washing genital area are extremely vital practices to maintain menstrual
hygiene. The unhygienic menstrual practices leads to health problems in women and it may
cause reproductive tract infection and pelvic inflammatory disease.
The menstruation and menstrual practices misted up by social or religious practices and it
impose socio-cultural restrictions to girls and women globally. The menstruation is a
scientific fact happens monthly, even though females facing severe challenges for managing
that monthly reality. There are myths, stigma and gender norms still existing around
menstruation and these factors make worse adolescent females and force them to be ignorant
of this scientific fact and it result not only in hygienic health practices but also resulted in
unfavourable health problems.
Therefore, managing these practices can achieve the avoidance of taboos, restrictions, myths,
shame surrounding, teasing and negative feelings of dignity. If it not managed period-shame
it embedded in gender inequality, besides that cultural and religious customs about
menstruation are frequently caused for discrimination and it affect female’s status and dignity
in the society. The restrictions as well as off-putting attitudes to menstruation affect females’
self respect.
If these negative attitudes on menstruation exists, it will affect negatively females’ life, for
instance a female student miss academic days due to scarcity in menstrual hygienic supplies
and women will miss work hours, besides that usage of improvised menstrual materials for
hygiene can lead to infection state. The menstruation is a discomfort period of teasing,
shaming and exclusion from daily activities affects their dignity. Females may less
participative in menstruation period at school, work and daily activities because of pain,
discomfort and fear of leaks. To sum up, with the negative attitude on menstruation, it can
affect all aspects of females, such as education, health, economics and their contribution
University of Sunderland –HSSM-31-Applied Research Methods & Project Management
The recent article by (Rajanbir Kaur, 2018) argued that, mnestruation and practices is still
facing challenges of different social, cultural and religious restrictions and those are big
barriers for menstrual hygiene management and therefore it should be promoted through
awareness and menstrual hygiene management. This paper will review the knowledge about
menstrual hygiene and practices among women and it improve the menstrual hygiene
management of women.
Refers to (Hart, 1998) “ Research is the creation of new knowledge, using an appropriate
process, to the satisfaction of the users of the research”.
According to the Water Aid’s survey, there are still some taboos and misconception
in UK that 8.9% of women believes that not engage in sports during menstruation
and 17% of women believes that they cannot become pregnant in menstruation
period. The scientifically dismissed facts still they believe due to their ignorance
and poverty, besides that 15% of women age 16 to 24 said that they cannot afford
the price of sanitary pads and the disposal of sanitary pads was a burden. More
over 31% of women having emotions about leakage in work place or at school and
22% of women stay at home during menstruation. More over large number of
women feels pain, anxiety, angry and depression.
The reason for this research is to access knowledge and better understands the
menstrual hygiene practices among females and investigate how the social,
cultural, religious restrictions that barriers their menstrual hygiene management
and if so how it impact on their education, health, finance, dignity and social
participation. This research will address the gap and it benefits to women for better
manage their menstrual hygiene management and stay away from taboos as well as
University of Sunderland –HSSM-31-Applied Research Methods & Project Management
misconception about menstruation, besides that the outcome put in force and
strengthen women in socially.
The research Journal (Nair P, 2007), reveal that, 92% of girls faced restrictions in
worshipping on menstruation and 70% were restricted from household activities
and 56% restricted from eat oily, cold and spich foods and 1.6% avoided bathing
and 74.8% used homemade sanitary pads and 24% used ready-made pads and 1.5
% used cotton wool and finally 10 number of girls said they are not observe any
knid of restrictions. But a recent study report (Rajanbir Kaur, 2018) found that,
there is only little, incomplete and inaccurate knowledge about menstruation and
hygiene practices are there and it is the main hindrance in the way of menstration
hygiene management. The girls as well as women have very few or ignored about
reproductive tract infections that causes because of ignorance of individual
hygiene throughout menstruation time.
According to Amanda Klasing from Human Rights Watch said that , “People who
make policy and run programs – and even human rights advocates – often don’t fully
understand the impact a woman’s monthly period may have on her ability to go about her life
if she doesn’t have what she needs to manage it. By breaking the silence around
menstruation, women can identify barriers they face in managing it.” (Menstrual Hygiene
Day, 2019)
University of Sunderland –HSSM-31-Applied Research Methods & Project Management
The proposed research will carries out at a maximum of 3 months and the evidence
collection conducted through questionnaires from University of Sunderland at their
multi continental students participation campus in London, therefore the data
reflects a multi continental nature. The data covers only female students and the
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research literature covers only published research works, articles, website contents,
periodicals and published books in English language, besides that scarcity of
finance and time frame limits the research.
The importance of this research is the result, that brings new knowledge and it
provides answer to the raised question “Menstrual Hygiene and Practices” or it fills
the knowledge gap. It is not only vital to end users of the research result but also
especially those who focused on promotion of menstruation and hygiene
management awareness. It will help all the women to improve their lives.
1. It will helpful for solving problems and improve the situation and helpful to
achieve menstrual hygiene problem.
4. It will help government and local bodies for planning and policy making for
empowering women
6. It will help governments and local bodies for planning and budgeting to
provide sufficient affordable and acceptable menstrual management
University of Sunderland –HSSM-31-Applied Research Methods & Project Management
Besides that the report explains the sign and systems of menstruation such as
headache, acne, bloating, and pain in low abdomen, tiredness, mood changes, food
carving, breast soreness and diarrhea. Moreover menstrual cycle is hormonal
driven circle and day 1 is the first day of period and day 14 is approximate day for
ovulate and if the egg not fertilized the hormone level finally drop at about day 25
and egg starts to dissolves and they the cycle starts again at the day about 30,
besides that menstruation starts day 1 and ends in 3 to 5 days in menstrual cycle.
The average age of starting menstruation is 12 and it varies 8 to 15 and stops at 45
to 55.
Figure 1- Menstrual Cycle
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The 2009 published research report (Rajni Dhingra, 2009), “Knowledge and Practices
Related to Menstruation among Tribal (Gujjar) Adolescent Girls”, reported that management
of menstruation that, majority of 96% having a poor management of menstruation hygiene,
such as use of dirty cloth, improper washing of used cloth and not proper drying mechanisms
and 3% of the subjects said they having proper menstruation management, such as using
fresh cloth during menstruation days and proper disposal.
But a study in 2016 (Shyam Sundar Budhathoki, 2018) , on “Menstrual hygiene management
among women and adolescent girls in the aftermath of the earthquake in Nepal”, find out
that and concluded that, Both the women and girls were depending on locally available
menstruation hygiene materials immediately after earthquake. It reveals that previous
experience and practice of using local materials or resources that can reusable and that
sanitary cloth were a remedy to address the menstruation hygiene need immediate after
disaster. (Shyam Sundar Budhathoki, 2018).
This study was a mixed method study and design and setting was with a total number of
sample population of 117 women and adoloscent girls in 3 villages. The research was a
quantitative and evidence collected through semi-structured questionaire and it was obtained
ethical approval.
The research response rate was 92.1% eligible persons and the socio demographic
characteristics of those participants were 65% were having some schooling and 10% were
undergone university education and 70% were married. The 67% were reported using
reusable cloth for menstrual hygiene material or sanitary absorbent during their period before
earthquake and more than 80% respondents were changed their sanitary absorbents two or
more times daily when menstruation.
The gone through and referenced research projects are conducted in different countries, it
consists of economically backward countries and also in village areas. The communication
systems are very less or the access to communication facility also very low. So the result may
bias or without a research the situation can guess what may be the result. Therefore the
necessity of a research conducted to the modern globalized world with a modern society and
technology controlled world for this everlasting phenomena of menstruation and hygiene
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management is necessary, besides that the sample population is from different continent and
countries and it discloses a multi continental report about the topic.
Refers to (Hart, 2003) methodology is, “system of methods and rules to facilitate the
collection and analysis of data. It provides the starting point for choosing an approach made
up of theories, ideas, concepts, and definitions of the topic, therefore the basic of a critical
activity consisting of making choices about the nature and character of the social world
(assumptions), this should not be confused with, techniques of research, the application of
The research method is quantitative questionnaire survey and statistical grounded theory
methods used to study and it include planning, designing and collection of data and analysing
also drawing meaningful interpretation and reporting of the research findings.
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The research will collect primary quantitative data through pre-structured questionnaires from
students in Sunderland University at London campus. The questionnaire seek answers for
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The evidence collection carried out with qualitative questions and compiled to quantitative
for analysis. The evidence collection planned to collect 50 female students and rest of the
demographic details available after collection of pre-test due the selection of nature of
sampling. The students are from different continents studying in London Campus. The
quantitative data analysis aims to collecting small amount of data and it used for a large
number of cases to solve.
In this section you should indicate how the anticipated outcomes will be
interpreted to answer the research question. It is extremely beneficial to anticipate
the range of outcomes from your analysis, and for each know what it will mean in
terms of the answer to your question.
The research will be carried out according to the ethical research principles stipulated by
professional associations. As a responsible researcher it will be carried out without any
unnecessary interaction and behave with integrity, besides that follows the proper code of
conduct and without plagiarism. More over respect the participant’s right of participation,
right to withdraw, right to get informed consent, right to anonymity and maintain
confidentiality and accessibility of data. The process of data related with human subjects and
sampling, it will be maintaining accuracy and protection of data.
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The proposed research carried out with the attached detailed schedule for 6 months of work
since starting of overall preliminary works (Appendice-1), the below table(Table-2) shows
summarized form of scheduled to finalise in 3 months.
Table 2-Schedule for the proposed research
As part of the healthcare study required carrying out a research in the subject area Applied
Research Methods and Project Management gives an opportunity to add additional
knowledge with academic theories and practical, therefore this topic selection in academic
area of study with research opportunity gives more clear view about the topic and the
research will be strengthen to handle research works independently in future. The present
continuing literature area on topic provided deep awareness and the continuing applied
research enforcing knowledge with how to define goals and objectives, design methodology,
determine feasibility, develop instruments, selection of sample, conducting pilot test, revise
instruments and finally it conduct data collection and analysis for submission. IT will be not
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only helpful to acquire knowledge individually for self extreme but also contributing new
knowledge to the academic level.
The outcome of this research result address the research gap and this new knowledge will
helps to improve the present menstrual hygiene management of women and it is important to
end users, such as governments, local bodies, social workers, healthcare professionals,
researchers, students and educational institutions, more over it has commercial value in
knowledge market.
The government can use it for policy making and it will improve the menstrual hygiene
management. The new knowledge and evidence provides will be added knowledge to health
professionals and social workers to handle the social issue with more confidence., more over
new methodology and analysis useful for researchers to improve the future researches and
new theories and concept make social changes. The new knowledge allows users more
efficiently solve the problems and improve the situation, besides that it will help to develop
more improved techniques or models to better the situation in socially.
The new research result improves other areas of knowledge like social science can interfere
in society for changes with this new knowledge and women empowerment organizations will
use it for to build the women more strengthen and researchers can use it for to add knowledge
on it with their future works. It will help government bodies for planning and decision for
manage the issue in menstrual hygiene and health care issues. It will strengthen the society
and it let women and girls to access the sufficient infrastructure facilities for sanitation with
menstrual hygiene supplies and change dispose menstrual hygiene materials. The new
knowledge provides awareness about menstruation and hygiene issues to the public and it
make social construction.
The end users of this research knowledge will change the present situation of
menstrual hygiene and practices after publishing the result and it will be measured
with random questionnaire survey will proof how much changes brought by the
research knowledge.
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14 weeks “Refine your question in light of the kind of data you are may be
able to collect and the way such a question is embedded in a
theoretical frame”.
PHASE I b—Early Administration
20 weeks “Identify and contact relevant data or support sources. This could
be institutions, archives, organizations, or people who may facilitate
your research once you are in the field”.
18 weeks “Begin budget research (living expenses, travel, etc.) and visa and
residency requirements.”
14 weeks “Begin research protocol process 13 weeks Request transcripts
(especially from other schools); Revise CV”
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3-4 days “Print final copy and collect materials (allow time for last-minute
catastrophes) “
2-3 days “Submit proposal”
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Confidentiality Statement
This is a confidential unanimous survey and
nobody knows what you wrote on the survey ,
besides that it is your choice to participate or not
but we really like your participation
(Please tick the responses that are true for you )
1 Have you started your period? Yes No Don’t Know
2 Is menstruation a disease? Yes No Don’t Know
3 Is the menstrual blood comes from the womb? Yes No Don’t Know
4 Is women stop menstruating as they grow very old? Yes No Don’t Know
5 Are the pregnant women menstruating? Yes No Don’t Know
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Yes No Don’t Know
Are you happy During your period days?.
Yes No Don’t Know
Are you afraid of leaking during your period in class
Is the menstruation pad giving you confidence? Yes No Don’t Know
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