S.E. Waldo Brooklyn NY, She Helped Edit Some of The
S.E. Waldo Brooklyn NY, She Helped Edit Some of The
S.E. Waldo Brooklyn NY, She Helped Edit Some of The
As far as we know this fact has not been discussed in the biographies of
Vivekananda: But Swami Vivekananda's death occurred a few hours after the
aphelion in 1902 (an aphelion is the point on the orbit of the earth, or any
other body in orbit about the sun, that is farthest from the sun; the opposite of
a perihelion. It generally occurs each year on different days in the first week of
July) .
2. Sri Aurobindo writes: It is a fact that I was hearing constantly the voice
of Vivekananda speaking to me for a fortnight in the jail in my solitary
meditation and felt his presence [.] The voice spoke only on a special
and limited but very important field of spiritual experience and it ceased
as soon as it had finished saying all that it had to say on that subject.
3. One day it was Sivaji and the Marathas and the year's wandering as a
Sanyasin, that won him home to Raigarh. "And to this day" said the
Swami,(June,1898) "authority in India dreads the Sannyasin, lest he
conceal beneath his yellow garb another Sivaji."-- Sister Nivedita
4. To know Vivekananda was to love him, and to know him well was to
revere him.–S.E. Waldo Brooklyn NY, she helped edit some of the
Swami's major books and published lectures, including significantly,
Raja Yoga. And it was her notes that form the basis of his Inspired
5. Harriet Monroe the founder of Poetry A Magazine of Verse, through
which she introduced many of America 's now famous poets attended
the World's Fair in 1893 and years later in her autobiography, A Poet's
Life, recorded her impressions of the Parliament of Religions and of
Swami Vivekananda: The Congress of Religions was a triumph for all
concerned, especially for its generalissimo, the Reverend John H.
Barrows, of Chicago 's First Presbyterian Church, who had been
preparing it for two years. When he brought down his gavel upon the
"world's first parliament of religions" a wave of breathless silence swept
over the audience-it seemed a great moment in human history,
prophetic of the promised new era of tolerance and peace. On the stage
with him, at his left, was a black-coated array of bishops and ministers
representing the various familiar Protestant sects and the Russian
Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches; at his right a brilliant group of
strangely costumed dignitaries from afar-a Confucian from China, a Jain
from India, a theosophist from Allahabad, a white-robed Shinto priest
and four Buddhists from Japan, and a monk of the orange robe from
6. K. Sundarama Iyer ”The Swami's towering personality and
marvellous career must be said to mark an epoch in history whose full
significance can become discernible only in some distant future time.
But to those who have had the privilege of knowing him intimately, he
seems to be only comparable to some of those immortal spiritual
personages who have shed an undying lustre on this Holy Land . It is
very pleasant to have recorded these personal reminiscences, meagre
as they are, and even though they can add little or nothing to our
knowledge of the Master, who enchanted and enchained the heart of
human society in the East and in the West in his time and generation.
Chicago September 1893 . This is the picture from which the famous
poster of 'Vive Kananda, the Hindoo Monk' was made and which was
most likely circulated at the World's Fair during the Parliament of
Religions (September 11- 27, 1893).The writing on the left is in
Vivekananda's handwriting: 'one infinite pure and holy - beyond thought
beyond qualities I bow down to thee'. Photograph taken by Thomas
1926 - 10 July:
Best Quotes
The worm that crawls under your feet today is a God to be.
Each individual has to work out his own salvation; there is no other way,
and so also with nations.
The strong, the well-knit, the young, the healthy, the daring alone are fit
to be Yogis.