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Heriana et al. Kesmas: National Public Health Journal.

2018; 12 (4): 153-158 Kesmas: National Public Health Journal


Determinants of Tourism and HIV/AIDS Incidence in

West Java

Determinan Pariwisata dan Kejadian HIV/AIDS di Jawa Barat

Cecep Heriana*, Sohel Rana**, Rossi Suparman***, Dera Sukmanawati*

*Institute of Health Sciences Kuningan, Kuningan, Indonesia, **Bridge of Community Development Foundation,
Bangladesh, ***Linggarjati Public Hospital of Kuningan District, Kuningan, Indonesia

Indonesia defined as tourist destination where the international and domestic tourists enjoy the tourist attractions. Prostitution existing in tourism place may
increase the prevalence of HIV/AIDS. The incidence and the spread of AIDS in many areas in West Java become a problem for tourism industry. These issues
become acute in locations where sexual attraction is used as a determinant of tourist portability. The aim of this study was to determine relation between
tourism and the incidence of HIV/AIDS in West Java. Non-reactive research design was used to collect secondary data from the Statistics Indonesia (Badan
Pusat Statistik) in 2016 from 26 districts/cities in West Java. This study was conducted in January - October 2016. This study applied univariate and bivariate
analysis methods with Spearman’s statistical test and multivariate analysis (multiple logistic). Bivariate analysis results showed that the number of star hotels,
visit to accommodation, and average guest per day had p value < 0.05. Results of multivariate analysis showed that accommodation visits had p value < 0.05.
In conclusion, tourism determinants associated with the incidence of HIV/AIDS are the number of star hotels, visits to hotel, and the average guest per day.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, tourism, hotels

Indonesia sebagai tujuan wisata yang dapat dinikmati oleh wisatawan domestik maupun internasional. Prostitusi yang ada di tempat wisata dapat
meningkatkan prevalensi HIV/AIDS. Kejadian dan penyebaran AIDS di berbagai daerah di Jawa Barat menjadi masalah bagi industri pariwisata.Permasalahan
ini menjadi sangat akut di lokasi dimana daya tarik seksual digunakan sebagai penentu portabilitas wisatawan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui
hubungan determinan pariwisata dengan kejadian HIV/AIDS di Jawa Barat. Desain non reactive research menggunakan data sekunder dari Badan Pusat
Statistik tahun 2016 dengan sampel sebanyak 26 kabupaten/kota di Jawa Barat yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari-Oktober 2016. Penelitian ini meng-
gunakan metode analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik Spearman dan analisis multivariat (regresi linear). Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan
bahwa jumlah hotel berbintang, kunjungan ke akomodasi, dan rata-rata tamu per hari memiliki nilai p < 0.05. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa
kunjungan ke hotel memiliki nilai p < 0.05. Sebagai kesimpulan, determinan pariwisata yang berhubungan dengan kejadian HIV/AIDS yaitu jumlah hotel
berbintang, kunjungan ke hotel dan rata-rata tamu per hari.
Kata kunci: HIV/AIDS, pariwisata, hotel

How to Cite: Heriana C, Rana S, Suparman R, Sukmanawati D. Correspondence: Cecep Heriana, Institute of Health Sciences Kuningan, Lingkar
Determinants of tourism and HIV/ AIDS incidence in West Java. Kesmas: Kadugede Street No. 2 Kuningan, Phone: +62232875847, E-mail: cecepheri-
National Public Health Journal. 2018; 12 (4): 153-158. (doi:10.21109/ [email protected]
Received: December 3rd 2016
kesmas.v12i4.1293) Revised: January 24th 2018
Accepted: February 7th 2018

Copyright @ 2018, Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, p-ISSN: 1907-7505, e-ISSN: 2460-0601, Accreditation Number: 32a/E/KPT/2017, http://journal.fkm.ui.ac.id/kesmas
Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 2018; 12 (4): 153-158

Introduction the case in Indonesia. Data of HIV/AIDS cases in West

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Java accumulatively since 1987 up to March 2013 pres-
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) diseases are still ent 7,621 HIV cases and 4,131 AIDS cases. Based on
health problems in many countries in the world with the this data, the trend of increasing HIV transmission has
high rates of transmission, morbidity, and mortality. occurred in 2008 as much as 67% of new HIV and AIDS
Data of HIV cases globally in 2011 indicate that 34 mil- cases dominated by injecting drug use. While in 2012,
lion people are living with HIV with details of 30.7 mil- new cases of HIV and AIDS are dominated by heterosex-
lion of those people are adults, 16.7 million of those in- ual factor amounted to 64% of the total cases. HIV and
fected are women, and 3.3 million children are under 15 AIDS in West Java spread across all districts/cities with
years of age. There are 2.5 million new HIV-infected peo- the highest data of cases in Bandung City, Bekasi City
ple consisting of 2.2 million adults and 330,000 children and Sukabumi City, while the area with the lowest case
under the age of 15 years. Meanwhile, the number of of HIV/AIDS is Banjar City until the end of 2012 with
deaths due to AIDS is 1.8 million people consisting of 11 cases recorded.10
1.5 million adults and 230,000 children under the age of Factors affecting on the increasing prevalence of HIV
15 years.1 and AIDS are tourism industry and tourists’ visits.
HIV is retrovirus that infects cells of human immune Tourist is a person who visits in an area outside his/her
system, especially CD4 positive T-cells and macrophages residence for at least 24 hours driven by a variety of pur-
of the major components of the cell immune system, and poses, such as vacation, recreation, sports, business, vis-
destroys or disrupts its function. This viral infection re- iting friends and family, missions, attending meetings,
sults in a persistent decline in the immune system, which conferences, visits for health, study, and religion
will lead to immune deficiency and this is the AIDS. Thus reasons.7 HIV prevalence is increasing rapidly in areas
HIV infection has been determined as the cause of AIDS known as tourist destinations including sex industry.5
with indicators of HIV level in the body and the inci- This increase in prevalence is affected by visits to tourist
dence of certain infections. This suggests that HIV infec- attractions enjoyed by tourists, visits to hotels as tempo-
tion has developed into AIDS.2 rary residence of tourists, and many star hotels including
Conditions that support the increasing prevalence of tourists’ per-day visit.11
HIV in a region are the sex industry in tourism activity By the increase in visit to tourist attractions and ac-
and the high mobility of tourists, who take travels and commodation (hotel) by tourists in the last 30 years, it is
visits to tourist destinations.3-5 In current situation, hu- almost impossible that the spread of infectious disease
man trafficking, sexually transmitted infections, pressure transmission can be prevented.12 The risk of HIV infec-
from local communities, and threats to image changes in tion will be increased if condoms are unavailable in star
tourist destinations cannot be avoided.6 The number of hotels and unqualified. Regarding the actual use of con-
tourists visiting the tourist attractions in Indonesia con- doms, a study found only 34% of sex tourists from
tinues to increase from year to year around 10% annually Switzerland consistently use condoms while abroad. A
where Bali contributes the highest among several total of 28% of men in the Melbourne clinic, Australia,
provinces. Indonesia as a tourist destination, which has reported the consistent use of condom during sexual in-
various forms of tourist destinations that can enjoy both tercourse while traveling in Asia, and sexually transmit-
domestic and international tourists, has a risk as an area ted diseases were identified in 73% of men examined.5
that may increase the prevalence of HIV and AIDS. This The incidence and the spread of AIDS in various regions
is evident from HIV data that shows the increasing trend become a problem for district/city areas with regional in-
annually.4 Based on cumulative data of AIDS cases in come mainly from the tourism industry. These problems
Indonesia, as many as 22,726 cases spread across 32 become acute in locations where sexual attraction is used
provinces. The highest case is dominated by productive as a determinant of tourist portability. The tourism in-
ages, such as the age of 20-29 years (47.8%), followed dustry and tourism policy makers have just began to see
by the age group of 30-39 years (30.9%), and the age the problem of the impact of tourism associated with the
group of 40-49 years (9.1%). Of the total, as many as incidence of AIDS, which has so far not been explored or
4,250 cases (18.7%) died.8 certainly defined yet. The complex problems emerging
West Java Province that has many destinations at- from between tourism and AIDS deserve a systematic in-
tracting tourists to visit also has a risk of the increasing depth study. The aim of study was to determine the rela-
HIV and AIDS cases. Study by Heriana,9 finds a relation tion between tourism and the incidence of HIV/AIDS in
between classification of area (tourism/non-tourism) West Java.
around district/city in West Java and the prevalence of
HIV and AIDS. Based on national data, West Java is in- Method
cluded into eight provinces with the highest number of This study used non-reactive research design by using

Heriana et al, Determinants of Tourism and HIV/ AIDS Incidence in West Java

secondary data, which is the results of Statistics Dependent variable was the incidence of HIV and AIDS
Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik) survey in 2017 con- in West Java Province.
ducted in West Java Province. Data were collected in the
form of secondary data obtained from several related in- Results
stitutions including data of HIV and AIDS cases, the Based on univariate analysis results, the number of
number of hotels, the number of visits to tourist attrac- visits to tourist attractions, accommodations, star hotels
tions, the total of accommodation visits and the average and average visitors per day can be seen. The average vis-
number of visitors per day in districts/cities over West its to tourist attractions in West Java was 1,064,570 vis-
Java Province that were obtained from the records by itors with median 510,471 and deviation standards
Central Bureau of Statistics of West Java Province. Data 1,349,947. The average accommodation visits in West
collected were then processed by using SPPS and ana- Java was 409,004 times per year with median 116,996.50
lyzed. Data analysis was conducted gradually, namely and deviation standard 827,377.752. The average num-
univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. Univariate ber of star hotels in West Java was 8.85 hotels with me-
analysis included frequency distribution of the number dian 3.50 and deviation standard 19.174. The average
of hotels, visits to tourist attractions, accommodation vis- visitors per day in hotels in West Java was 504.08 visitors
its and average visitors per day in districts/cities over every year with median 319 and deviation standard
West Java Province. Bivariate analysis was conducted to 659.281 (Table 1).
determine relation including independent and dependent Bivariate analysis with correlation test obtained that
variables. Statistical test in this analysis used Spearman. accommodation visits, the number of hotels, and average
This analysis would obtain independent variables signif- visitors per day had strong and positive relation with r =
icantly related or not related to dependent variable. 0.069; 0.499; 0.552; and 0.447 respectively. This means
Multivariate analysis was conducted with linear regres- that the more number of visits to tourist attractions, the
sion test consisting of two stages. The first stage was in- more HIV incidence increasing. The more accommoda-
teraction test in aim to exclude variables with p value > tion visits, the more HIV incidence increasing. The more
0.05, then the selection of logistic regression model can- number of hotels, the more HIV incidence increasing.
didates was conducted by including all independent vari- The more average number of visitors per day, the more
ables that met the requirements into the model. HIV incidence increasing. Meanwhile, visits to tourist at-
Insignificant variables were excluded gradually, starting tractions did not have correlation with HIV incidence
from variables with the highest p value, so those vari- (Table 2).
ables would be determined as fit model by considering Based on results of bivariate analysis with Spearman
the best model of two assessments, namely ratio Log like- rank test, there were three variables that met the require-
lihood (p value < 0.05).13 ment to apply multivariate analysis. The requirement to
The location of study was in West Java Province. This involve independent variables in multivariable analysis
study was conducted within 9 months, from January was p value = < 0.25, then variables which met the re-
2015 to October 2015. Population of study was HIV and quirement were the number of hotels, accommodation
AIDS incidence in every district/city in West Java visits, and average visitors per day (Table 2).
Province. Samples in this study were the complete data Furthermore, to determine the dominant variable in-
of HIV and AIDS incidence in district/city in West Java fluential to HIV/AIDS incidence in West Java Province,
Province by taking non-probability sampling using multivariate analysis with linear regression test was then
Exhauting Sampling. Variables in this study consisted of conducted. Linear regression test was done gradually by
independent and dependent variables. Independent vari- backward method until the simplest final model ob-
able consisted of the number of hotels, visits to tourist tained, in which all variables had p-Wald < 0.05, and the
attractions, accommodation visits, and average visitors results of analysis were as presented in Table 3.
per day in district/city over West Java Province. Multivariate analysis was applied to determine the

Table 1. Results of Univariate Analysis

Variable Mean Median SD Min - Max

Visits to tourist attractions 1,064,570 510,471 1,349,947 0-5,645,569

Accommodation visits 409.004 116,996.50 827,377.75 2,400-3513705
Star hotels 8.85 3.50 19.17 0-99
Average visitors per day 504.08 319 659.28 24-3.160

SD = Standard Deviation

Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 2018; 12 (4): 153-158

dominant factor of HIV incidence in West Java. The Discussion

dominant factor was determined by examining standard- Tourism areas in West Java are more risky to get ex-
ized coefficient of each independent variable. In Table 3, posed to HIV infection than non-tourism areas. 9 The
model selection was conducted on all independent vari- prevalence of HIV incidence in West Java continuously
ables that met the requirements included into the model. increases, up to the end of 2014, as many as 5,178 HIV
Insignificant variables were excluded gradually starting cases spread across 26 districts/cities in West Java.
from variable with the highest p value. Based on multi- District/city with the highest number of HIV and AIDS
variate analysis applying the requirement p < 0.25, vari- cases is Bandung City with 653 and 1750 cases, and the
able the average visitors per day (p value = 0.538) was lowest is Purwakarta District with no case found. The
excluded at the first stage of interaction test. In the se - highest prevalence occurs in 7 districts/cities and the low-
cond stage of interaction process, variable the number of est in 19 district/cities in West Java. Most of districts and
hotels was excluded (p value = 0.432). The final stage of cities in West Java belong to regions that have tourist des-
linear regression results obtained variable the accommo- tinations, both natural and artificial tourisms, and avail-
dation visits (p value = 0.000, r = 0.704). By the inde- able accommodations for tourists. Moreover, every dis-
pendent variable with the highest value of standardized trict/city in West Java has supporting facilities, such as
coefficient from the most fit and qualified model, accom- hotels as the transit place for tourists to visit any tourist
modation visit was determined as the dominant factor of destinations.
the increasing HIV incidence in West Java with standard- Related to accommodation problem, hotel is one of
ized coefficient. Multivariate analysis obtained three vari- accommodation types which mostly taken in the world as
ables that became model candidates (p value < 0.25), proven by the highest number of rooms of all accommo-
namely the number of hotels, accommodation visits and dation types are those provided by hotels. Definition of
the average visitors per day. After the interaction test hotel itself is one type of accommodation in which the
was conducted, variable determined as the fit model was building is used partly or entirely to provide lodging serv-
accommodation visits with the equation as follows ice, food and beverages as well as other supporting public
Equation 1. services, and managed commercially.14 Accommodation
visits based on results of this study had a significant rela-
Equation 1.
tion to the prevalence of HIV incidence in West Java
Province. This is because tourists take trips to attracting
places or tourist attractions and will enjoy the atmos-
Table 2. Results of Bivariate Analysis phere of region in aim of refreshing, seeking tranquility
HIV Incidence
and comfort and getting pleasure and happiness by being
Variables in the tourist attraction, by staying temporarily (stay) at
r p Value hotels to enjoy the beauty of the tour. So that, there is a
Visits to tourist attractions 0.069 0.737
tendency to perform sexual transactions and sexual inter-
Accommodation visits -0.499 0.009 course that can be done at the hotels. In addition, hotel
Number of star hotels -0.552 0.003 has the attraction of entertainment venue that have com-
Average visitors per day -0.447 0.022
mercial sex workers.2

Table 3. Results of Multivariate Analysis

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

Model Variable p Value
β SE β

Model 1 Accommodation visits 0.00 0.00 1.93 0.067

The number of hotels 3.46 3.50 0.41 0.033
Average visitors -0.05 0.09 -0.22 0.538
Constants 97.42 32.77 0.007
Model 2 Accommodation visits 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.065
The number of hotels 1.82 2.27 0.22 0.432
Constants 85.20 25.96 0.003
Model 3 Accommodation visits 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.000
Constants 86.79 25.69 0.002

SE = Standard Error

Heriana et al, Determinants of Tourism and HIV/ AIDS Incidence in West Java

Tourism area including tourist accommodation is the tion.

epicenters of demographic and social changes in relation By the number of star attached to hotel as the accom-
to HIV risk, such as sexual transaction, increase in use of modation place, therefore, this will increase visit of
alcohol and other addictive substances, and internal mig- tourists from many regions going to tourist area, then in-
ration.15 Tourists who have taken tours already involve crease the average number of visitors per day coming to
in romantic and sexual meeting from many types of a tourist region.19 Based on data obtained from results of
tourist activities. Sometimes, sexual transaction or study, the average visitors per day coming to a tourist at-
prospects of sexual intercourse during tour in the desti- traction had a significant relation to the prevalence of
nations and tourist accommodation would be the main HIV case in a region. Visitors coming to a tourist attrac-
reasons to decide in selecting tourist destinations.6 Sexual tion generally have a purpose to stay temporarily to enjoy
meeting in tourist accommodation on holiday potentially tourism potential in an area or to attend a work/business
becomes the major cause of morbidity, and the risk is an meeting. The longer the day spent to visit tourist attrac-
increase in sexual disease cases including HIV and most tions, the greater possibility of tourists to enjoy existing
likely to occur among young people and tourists. 16 facilities in the area, including the possibility for tourists
Results of study by Rice et al.,17 in UK shows that the trying sexual business transactions. According to study
great number of adults born in UK obtain HIV infection by Trong T.H.A.O conducted in Northern Tanzania, the
in general HIV-epidemic countries, and in public holiday risk factors of the increasing HIV case prevalence occur
destinations including tourist accommodation. The par- on women who have more than one sexual partner.20
ticular concern is the high proportion of men infected be- This is in line with study by Ramadhani et al.,21 stating
cause of sexual intercourse with commercial sex work- that characteristics of tourism area relates to HIV inci-
ers. dence in South Sulawesi Province with p value 0.019.
Hotel as tourist accommodation has grade called as This is because of the high number of tourists who are
star hotel. The star hotel is a business that uses a building mobile in and out of the tourist area and enjoy the beauty
or partial building provided specifically, and everyone can of the tour by staying temporarily in the hotel around
stay, eat and get services and other facilities by making tourist attractions, so the number of tourist visits in
payment and have met the requirements. Classification tourist area is the cause of spread of HIV/AIDS disease
of star hotels is based on standard requirements and op- due to entertainment vanues that have commercial sex
erational technique assessment. Results of this study workers.22
show a significant relation between availability of star ho- Tourism sector significantly contributes to the econo-
tels in a district/city region and HIV prevalence. my of a country including local government.23 Never-
Ethnographic study in one of hotels in San Fransisco theless, there is a phenomenon emerged from the tourism
finds that based on cultural concept, there are several activity towards environment, socioculture and economy
themes revealed including the meaning of hotel as sup- of community living around the tourist destination. As a
porting community for tourists.18 Tourism area is not on- result of this phenomenon, various negative activities
ly the center of tourist visits, but also as continuously arise, one of which is prostitution activity. Prostitution
growing place of densely populated areas. Because of de- from any perspectives is an illegal activity in Indonesia,
velopment of the region that is tourist destination area, in terms of law, social, and religion.9 Prostitution resulted
this will affect on the great development of hotel, so star from tourism activities is evolving covertly and difficult
hotels are slowly established as one of tourist attractions. to eradicate, even though it has already been a public se-
Moreover, in line with the development of the tourism cret.24
area, entertainment facilities start to arise. These arising The development of prostitution activity is a logical
entertainment facilities are stalls, café around storefront, consequence of the development of tourism activity.
massage place, karaoke place and night club. These en- Diseases because of sexual intercourse nowadays also be-
tertainment facilities become factor for the possibility of come the effect of the development of tourism which con-
sex business transactions or prostitution localization. tains prostitution activity.4 This is due to misleading as-
Tourists visiting to tourist destinations mostly choose ho- sumption that sexual actvities not only generally aim to
tels with many stars than standard class hotel because of create generation, but also to be as procreation (getting
many reasons, such as the large room to stay, comfort, enjoyment and pleasure) as well as entertainment to ful-
hygiene and any other facilities offered by star hotels. The fill biological needs of human.25 For the countermea-
more number of star rate in a hotel, the more facilities sures, effective and efficient policy is needed, however,
provided.14 This includes facilities that let sex business the perspective of the local government concerning
transaction, so that sex transactions will occur between HIV/AID will be very decisive towards the policy.26
customers and the sex workers in star hotels, which af- The prostitution activity that is rampant around
fects on the increasing disease prevalence of HIV infec- tourist destinations cause tourism sector associated with

Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 2018; 12 (4): 153-158

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