Making NHS Data Work For Everyone - 1544639862
Making NHS Data Work For Everyone - 1544639862
Making NHS Data Work For Everyone - 1544639862
Eleonora Harwich
Rose Lasko-Skinner
December 2018
Advisory board
Reform is particularly grateful to the expert advisory board who supported the authors on
this project and provided feedback on the drafts of this paper.
Hugh Harvey, Clinical Lead Kheiron Medical. Dr Harvey is a board-certified radiologist
and clinical academic, trained in the NHS and Europe’s leading cancer research institute,
the ICR, where he was twice awarded Science Writer of the Year. He has worked at
Babylon Health, heading up the regulatory affairs team, gaining world-first CE marking for
an AI-supported triage service. Previously a consultant radiologist at Guys & St Thomas’,
he is now a Royal College of Radiologists informatics committee and AI advisory board
member, the Clinical Lead at Kheiron Medical an AI company focussed on deep learning
in breast cancer, and also co-chair of the government Topol Review into AI in healthcare.
Annemarie Naylor MBE is Director of Policy and Strategy at Future Care Capital
– a national charity that uses the insight gathered through evidence-based research to
advance ideas that will help shape future health and social care policy to deliver better
outcomes for society. She has worked with local authorities throughout England as well
as with the range of central government departments and has developed expertise in
policy and the practice of harnessing tangible and intangible assets for social benefit
whilst working for national third-sector organisations over the course of the past decade.
External reviewers
The authors would also like to thank Dr Natalie Banner, Lead, Understanding Patient
Data; Dr Rupert Dunbar-Rees, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Outcomes Based
Healthcare; Rachel Dunscombe, Chief Executive Officer, NHS Digital Academy; Dr Jon
Fistein, Associate Professor in Clinical Informatics, University of Leeds, Chief Medical
Officer, Private Healthcare Information Network and Leadership and Management Theme
Lead, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine; Dr Ed Fitzgerald, Global
Healthcare Practice Executive, KPMG International; Maxine Mackintosh, PhD student,
Alan Turing Institute; Andrew Morris, Director, Health Data Research UK; Sam Smith,
medConfidential; Dr Harpreet Sood, Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer, NHS
England; Dr Joshua Symons, Director, Big Data & Analytical Unit, Centre for Health Policy
Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial College London for helpful comments on an
earlier draft of this paper.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the 48 individuals and organisations
who kindly agreed to be interviewed as part of the research for this paper and agreed to
be acknowledged:
Mohammad Al-Ubaydli, Founder and CEO, Patients Know Best
George Batchelor, Director, Edge Health
Guy Boersoma, Managing Director, Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science
Chris Boulton, Associate Director of Research and Governance, National Joint Registry
Chris Carrigan, Expert Data Adviser, use MY data
David Champeaux, Cognitive Digital Healthcare Solutions Leader, IPsoft
Andrew Chapman, Digital Health Sector Lead, Digital Catapult
Dr David Churchman, Deputy Head of Licensing & Ventures, Clinical Outcomes Business
Manager, Oxford University Innovation
Dr David Clifton, Associate Professor, Department of Engineering science, Oxford
Prof Mike Denis, Director of Information Strategy, Oxford Academic Health Science
Hanan Drobiner, Director of Sales, MDClone
Rachel Dunscombe, Chief Executive Officer, NHS Digital Academy and Director of Digital
NCA/Salford Royal Group
Saira Ghafur, Lead for Digital Health Policy, Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial
College London
Russell Gundry, Director, 3RDOpinion (has since changed position)
Declan Hadley Digital Lead for Healthy Lancashire and South Cumbria Change
Programme, Lancashire STP
Nasrin Hafezparast, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Outcomes Based
Andreas Haimbock-Ticky, Director, Health and Life Sciences, IBM UKI
Prof Harry Hemingway, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, University College London
Prof Aroon Hingorani, Chair of Genetic Epidemiology, Institute of Cardiovascular Science,
University College London
Dr Julian Huppert, Director of the Intellectual Forum, Jesus College, Cambridge, and
former Chair of the DeepMind Health Independent Review Panel.
Darren Jones MP, Member of the Science and Technology Select Committee
Prof Fred Kemp, Deputy Head of Licensing & Ventures, Life Sciences, Oxford University
Susan Kennedy, Educationalist and Project Director, Health Education England
Rabia T. Khan, PhD, MBA, Associate Director, Strategy and Planning, BenevolentAI (has
since changed position)
David King, Cognitive Healthcare Solutions Architect, IPsoft (UK) Ltd
Dominic King, Health Lead, DeepMind
Norman Lamb MP, Chair, Science and Technology Select Committee
Prof Paul Leeson, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford and Co-
Founder, Ultromics
Lord Mitchell, Member, House of Lords
Prof Andrew Morris, Director, Health Data Research UK
Lord O’Shaughnessy, Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Department of Health and Social
Dr Stephen Pavis, Head of Service, Public Health and Intelligence, NHS Scotland
Nicola Perrin, Lead, Understanding Patient Data (has since changed position)
Dr Navin Ramachandran, Radiology consultant, University College London Hospital
Dr Daniel Ray, Director of Data, NHS Digital
Dr Sobia Raza, Head of Science, PHG Foundation (has since changed position)
Nick Scott-Ram, Director of Strategic and Industry Partnerships, Oxford Academic Health
Science Network
Will Smart, Chief Information Officer, Health and Social Care, NHS England
Reform held two events on the topic of this paper, “Making NHS data work for everyone”.
A panel event on 5 June 20181 and a roundtable event on 24 September at Labour Party
Conference2 under Chatham House Rule. We would like to thank the panellists and
attendees for their contribution to the discussion.
Reform is established as the leading Westminster think tank for public service reform. We
are dedicated to achieving better and smarter public services. Our mission is to set out
ideas that will improve public services for all and deliver value for money.
We work on core sectors such as health and social care, education, home affairs and
justice, and work and pensions. Our work also covers issues that cut across these
sectors, including public service design and delivery and digital public services.
We are determinedly independent and strictly non-party political in our approach.
Reform is a registered charity, the Reform Research Trust, charity no.1103739. This
publication is the property of the Reform Research Trust.
This report was published independently and may not represent the views of our donors
and partners. Reform’s three largest corporate donors in 2017 were Accenture, Hewlett
Packard Enterprise, Baker McKenzie. For a full list of our corporate donors and further
information about Reform’s funding model see our webpage.
The arguments and any errors that remain are the authors’ and the authors’ alone.
1 Reform, ‘Making NHS Data Work for Everyone (Panel Event)’, Webpage, Reform, 5 June 2018.
2 Reform, ‘Labour Party Conference: “Making NHS Data Work for Everyone” (Roundtable Event)’, Webpage, Reform, 24
September 2018.
Executive summary 6
Recommendations 8
Introduction 9
1 Uses of healthcare data 11
1.1 Direct patient care 12
1.2 Secondary uses 13
1.2.1 Uses outside of the NHS 13
1.2.2 Access to data 14
2 The value exchange 15
2.1 Improvement for patients and the healthcare system 16
2.2 Data 17
2.2.1 What does value in data mean? 17
2.2.2 What affects value? 19
2.2.3 How to measure value 22
2.3 Expertise 23
2.4 Wider societal impact 24
3 Keeping society in the loop 25
3.1 Currently not in the loop 26
3.2 Engagement by design 28
4 The healthtech ecosystem 30
4.1 Letting a thousand flowers bloom? 31
4.2 The need for a national strategy 33
4.3 Access to good quality data 36
4.3.1 Digital innovation hubs 38
4.3.2 Synthetic data 39
4.4 Procurement, partnership, or somewhere in between? 40
4.5 Commercial and legal skills 42
Conclusion 44
Appendix 46
Glossary 52
Bibliography 54
Executive summary
This paper focuses on the use of NHS data by private sector companies. It highlights the
different elements that should be considered when the public and private sector partner
to build a product or service based on data – i.e. what each side is bringing to the table. It
looks at the challenges the NHS might face given the types of partnership that are
developing on the ground and recommends a strategic national approach to resolve
some of these issues.
National strategy
It is crucial for the Department of Health and Social Care to ensure that local bodies are
not creating perverse incentives in the system. A commercial model might seem fair at GP
practice or Trust-level but could be detrimental at a national level. For example, a hospital
could receive a financial revenue from a partnership it has engaged in, because of the way
it was structured. This might be fair at a local level, but this increases the risk of some
Trusts becoming richer than others. The paper presents a table of various other
commercial models that could be explored. All models have advantages and
disadvantages, meaning that different models will suit different scenarios. There is no
one-size-fits-all solution. Nevertheless, it is crucial that national policy provides a
framework for the array of possible models that will not have an adverse effect at the
national level.
1 The Office for National Statistics should provide a framework and accounting
standards for measuring and reporting the value of knowledge assets such as
healthcare data.
2 The Department of Health and Social Care should in conjunction with Caldicott
Guardians, NHS organisations and industry representatives ensure that a dialogue
with the public is set at a local level to discuss commercial models. Proportionate
governance models provide an interesting avenue for public and patient engagement
that could be explored.
3 NHS England and NHS Digital should create a register of data sharing agreements
between the NHS and commercial organisations. It should include what type of data
are being shared and a description of the type of partnership model being used. This
would allow for clear understanding of what is happening on the ground and facilitate
public scrutiny.
4 The Department for Health and Social Care in conjunction with the Crown Commercial
Service, Office for Life Sciences and HM Treasury should make sure to include in its
formal review of commercial partnerships, a macroeconomic study of the impact that
different partnership models might have to avoid reinforcing a postcode lottery or
other negative externalities such as exclusive data access.
5 The Department of Health and Social Care should include the results of this
macroeconomic study in a clear national strategy which should seek to optimise the
value of data held by NHS organisations when it is accessed for commercial
purposes. It should consult with all stakeholders including industry, patients and NHS
organisations as to what a fair apportioning of value might be.
6 NHS England should create a ‘Data Quality Service’, with a tiered-fee system
dependent on factors such as company size and global profits, to provide bespoke
reports on data quality at the early stages of a partnership discussion between the
NHS and industry.
7 Procurement rules should include an agreement by digital providers that data
generated within clinical applications should also be freely available for and
interoperable with clinical information at the patient level, either via personal health
records or interchange with appropriate electronic health records.
8 Health Data Research UK in conjunction with NHS England, NHS Digital, the National
Data Guardian should work on developing the appropriate data governance
structures to ensure that Digital Innovation Hubs are safeguarding patient data. This
would include developing audit trails which track how data are used to ensure every
interaction with personal data is auditable, transparent and secure.
9 NHS organisations should offer synthetic datasets, which they can share with private
sector organisations for research and product or service development at the early
stages of the innovation process. This would enable a better understanding of the
commercial value of the innovation and a more informed conversation about the
appropriate type of commercial model that should be developed.
10 The Department of Health and Social Care should invest in creating a new
independent unit with legal and business experts to help NHS organisations negotiate
fair and proportionate partnerships. It would ensure that NHS organisations can have
access to consistent and necessary advice in order to negotiate fair partnership with
SMEs. The negotiation of partnerships should be done by this unit on behalf of Trusts
when dealing with Large Enterprise or SMEs whose parent companies are Large
There are many benefits that can emerge from the NHS partnering with the private sector
for the development of healthcare technologies, such as access to better treatments and
increased quality of care.3 However, as highlighted in a recent HMTreasury policy paper on
intangible assets, such as data and intellectual property (IP), the UK does not always have
a good history in optimising the value of public sector knowledge assets. The document
calls for a better understanding of the value of these assets as well as making sure that
the frameworks are in place to ensure that value is accrued by the UK.
The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care’s vision for the creation of a tech-driven
NHS seeks to take a radical approach “to technology across the system” and to lay the
foundations for the UK to become a world leader in healthcare technologies.4 A key theme
developed in the vision is the importance of collaboration and partnerships. The hope is to
create “an ecosystem where developers and vendors continuously compete on quality to
fill each niche”.5 There is a lot of debate around the commercial value of data controlled by
the NHS and how to ensure that partnerships are beneficial to patients, the NHS and
industry.6 Patients have a right to object to data being used for purposes beyond direct
care, which will increase if they do not have confidence in what will happen to data about
them. Protecting patients’ privacy and trust will be crucial.
The NHS “holds millions of electronic medical records on the health of the population from
birth to death”7 as well as extensive administrative datasets capturing, for example, the
number of operations being carried out in the operating theatres of a hospital. This wealth
of information is extremely valuable for the improvement of the quality of care and patient
outcomes.8 There is also an “explosion of health care data” being generated outside of
traditional healthcare settings thanks to the proliferation of smart healthcare devices and
trackers.9 However, the value of healthcare data is often trapped as “different kinds of
individual-patient data reside in disparate, unlinked silos”.10 Interviews carried out for this
paper revealed that accessing, cleaning, validating and linking data, known as data
engineering, represents most of the labour involved in creating data-driven technologies,
such as artificial intelligence, or new treatments that can be discovered through the
analysis of data.
There is a fear that as big tech corporations partner with the NHS they will eclipse SMEs,
further reinforcing their position as monopolists. The Department of Health and Social
Care (DoHSC) has responded to this by launching a draft code of conduct for technology
companies that use NHS data to create products.11 It presents ten broad principles that
are supposed to set the rules of engagement and expected behaviours. It is also currently
conducting a review of commercial models.12 Although this a promising start, there is a
lack of a national strategy and forum to engage with the public on commercial models.
The recent transfer of the Streams App developed for acute kidney injury by DeepMind to
3 Sir John Bell, Life Sciences Industrial Strategy – A Report to the Government from the Life Sciences Sector (HM
Government, 2017); Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able, Report of Session
2017–19 (House of Lords, 2018).
4 Department of Health and Social Care, The Future of Healthcare: Our Vision for Digital, Data and Technology in Health
and Care, 2018.
5 Ibid.
6 Lord Parry Mitchell, ‘Protect Our Valuable NHS Data from Big Tech’, Financial Times, 7 February 2018; Select
Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able, 88–93; Philip Aldrick, ‘If NHS Patient Data Is
Worth £10 Billion, Put It on the Balance Sheet and Save Lives Too’, The Times, 15 June 2018; Philip Aldrick, ‘Data Could
Be a Huge Source of Funding for the NHS and We Are about to Give It Away’, The Times, 3 March 2018; ibid.; Philip
Aldrick, ‘NHS Set to Be Offered a “Fair Share” of Data Profits’, The Times, 5 September 2018; Rebecca Hill, ‘Making
Good Use of NHS Data “Vital for UK Plc”, Says Royal Society’, Public Technology, 26 April 2017.
7 Peter Border, Big Data and Public Health (Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 2014), 1.
8 Michael E. Porter, ‘What Is Value in Health Care?’, New England Journal of Medicine 363, no. 26 (December 2010); The
Office for National Statistics, ‘Quality Adjustment’, in The ONS Productivity Handbook, 2016, 72–79.
9 Joachim Roski, George W. Bo-Linn, and Timothy A. Andrews, ‘Creating Value In Health Care Through Big Data:
Opportunities And Policy Implications’, Health Affairs 33, no. 7 (2014): 1115.
10 Alessandro Blasimme, Effy Vayena, and Ernst Hafen, ‘Democratizing Health Research Through Data Cooperatives’,
Philosophy & Technology 31, no. 3 (September 2018): 473.
11 Department of Health and Social Care, Initial Code of Conduct for Data-Driven Health and Care Technology, Guidance,
12 Ibid.
Making NHS data work for everyone / Introduction
its parent company Google, has sparked up fears around privacy13 and ownership of IP.14
Crucially, it has also brought to forefront the necessity to have a conversation about
commercial access to healthcare data and the type of partnership models that are
developing on the ground.
This paper will focus on the partnerships between NHS and industry when there is use of
data for research and development purposes or to create products and services. It will
highlight the importance of clarifying the NHS’s value proposition and will depict the
current partnership landscape. In the House of Lords report, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing
and Able?, concerns are raised about “the current piecemeal approach taken by NHS
Trusts”.15 There is a lack of an overall strategy considering whether the different
partnership models that are emerging on the ground lead to the best possible at a
national scale.16 In addition, it highlights the importance of engaging with the public on the
issue of commercial models and the use of data about them.
13 Charlotte Jee, ‘Google’s Decision to Absorb DeepMind’s Health Division Has Sparked Privacy Fears’, MIT Technology
Review, 14 November 2018; Madhumita Murgia, ‘DeepMind’s Move to Transfer Health Unit to Google Stirs Data Fears’,
Financial Times, 13 November 2018.
14 Alex Ralph and Philip Aldrick, ‘Google “Poised to Profit” from NHS Patient Records’, The Times, 24 November 2018.
15 Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able, 93.
16 Ibid.
Uses of healthcare data
Making NHS data work for everyone / Uses of healthcare data
The data collected and controlled by NHS organisations is set in the context of a
perpetual evolution.17 New data are being continuously generated by patients and
healthcare organisations through appointment booking systems or the use of X-ray
machines. There are improvements in the quality of data collected within the clinical
setting thanks to the introduction of better scanners or data from trackers. It is not a static
space. However, to produce benefits for the individual and the healthcare system, data
needs to be used and shared.18 This can be done in several ways within the healthcare
ecosystem; and there is robust legislation and guidance safeguarding and regulating what
can be done to healthcare data.19 The primary purpose of data collected by NHS
organisations is direct patient care. The benefits of granting access to data for this
purpose are generally clear: improving the quality of care and the patient experience.
Healthcare data can also be used for other purposes, namely secondary uses. These can
occur within the NHS – for example monitoring population outcomes (e.g. reduction in the
prevalence of diabetes) – or outside the health service, by third-party organisations – like
universities or the private sector. Healthcare data might be used for research purposes by
both universities and commercial organisations.20 Generally speaking, the purpose of
research is to advance knowledge, however, it can sometimes lead to the development of
a product or service (see Figure 1). Data collected and controlled by NHS organisations
can, within clearly specified parameters, be used directly for product or service
development by commercial organisations. There can be clear benefits for the patients
and the healthcare system to use data in this way, however, this type of use is more
contentious in the eyes of the public21 and sometimes rightfully so.22
Making NHS data work for everyone / Uses of healthcare data
is often not the case.26 Healthcare records are siloed by the activities (e.g. radiology,
laboratory, etc.) performed within NHS organisations (e.g. Trusts, GP surgery etc.).27
Having a single consolidated view of a person’s entire healthcare record is the exception
rather than the rule. This is not only the result of how data are collected but also due to
the lack of interoperability of healthcare IT systems – meaning that systems cannot easily
“exchange and use electronic health information” making it difficult to link data together.28
It is important to highlight that individuals can also produce health data outside of the
medical setting using wearables and other type of sensors. Measurements with these
types of device are continuous and not just confined to a single point in time. In addition,
they can be used as a way of gathering data about good health. However, these types of
data are not currently integrated in a systematic way to the patient’s healthcare record.
Making NHS data work for everyone / Uses of healthcare data
Stakeholder objective:
Fundamental research
Applied research
Product development
Publication and
Data access Research Peer review dissemination
of research
Discussions about commercial models arise in the later stages of product development
(see Figure 1). It is important to understand the array of available models that could
benefit patients, the NHS as a whole – and not just parts of its thousands of local and
national organisations – and the private sector.
35 Cliff Saran, ‘NHS Data Not Fit for AI, Lords Select Committee Told’, Webpage,, n.d.
36 Bell, Life Sciences Industrial Strategy – A Report to the Government from the Life Sciences Sector, 56.
37 Wachter, Making IT Work: Harnessing the Power of Health Information Technology to Improve Care in England; Harwich
and Laycock, Thinking on Its Own: AI in the NHS, 29–38; Health Data Research UK, ‘Digital Innovation Hub Programme’,
Webpage, Health Data Research UK, n.d.
38 Bell, Life Sciences Industrial Strategy – A Report to the Government from the Life Sciences Sector, 58.
The value exchange
Making NHS data work for everyone / The value exchange
The DoHSC’s code of conduct for data-driven health and care technology highlights that
partnerships between NHS organisations and the private sector can and should “deliver
benefits to patients, clinicians, industry and the health and care system as a whole.”39 The
private sector could be a helpful partner by bringing its expertise and capabilities for
research or to develop data-driven technologies and services – including the cost of
compliance with standards and regulation for medical devices – as NHS organisations
often do not have the necessary expertise or funds to acquire the skills needed to fully
develop these in-house.40 Despite this the NHS has a lot to bring to the negotiation table
such as medical expertise and data. It is therefore crucial that it understands what its
value proposition is – defined as the “positioning statement that explains what benefit you
provide for who and how you do it uniquely well”.41 A mutually beneficial value exchange
is only possible if there is a discussion and clarity over “what contribution is expected of
each party”.42 The private sector plays an integral role in the provision of healthcare
services in the UK. There are clear advantages for procuring products and services from
the private sector such as CT scanners or other medical equipment. However, as revealed
by interviews carried out for this paper, the value exchange is not always clear, and the
healthcare system lacks people with the commercial skills to engage in these
39 Department of Health and Social Care, Initial Code of Conduct for Data-Driven Health and Care Technology.
40 Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able, p.88.
41 Michael Skok, ‘4 Steps To Building A Compelling Value Proposition’, Forbes, 14 June 2013.
42 Department of Health and Social Care, Initial Code of Conduct for Data-Driven Health and Care Technology.
43 Ralph and Aldrick, ‘Google “Poised to Profit” from NHS Patient Records’.
44 Department of Health and Social Care, Initial Code of Conduct for Data-Driven Health and Care Technology.
45 Nehmat Houssami et al., ‘Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Screening: Opportunity or Hype?’, Breast 36
(December 2017); Alejandro Rodriguez-Ruiz et al., ‘Can Radiologists Improve Their Breast Cancer Detection in
Mammography When Using a Deep Learning Based Computer System as Decision Support?’, vol. 10718 (14th
International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI 2018), International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018); Tejal A.
Patel et al., ‘Correlating Mammographic and Pathologic Findings in Clinical Decision Support Using Natural Language
Processing and Data Mining Methods’, Cancer 123, no. 1 (January 2017); L. Hussain et al., ‘Automated Breast Cancer
Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques by Extracting Different Feature Extracting Strategies’ (2018 17th IEEE
International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International
Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE), IEEE, 2018).
46 Connected Health Cities, ‘Connected Yorkshire’, Webpage, Connected Health Cities, 2016.
47 Edge Health, ‘Prediction Tool for Critical Care Bed Occupancy – “Critical Planner”’, Webpage, Edge Health, 18 October
48 Sarah Neville, ‘Bradford Hospital Launches AI Powered Command Centre’, Financial Times, 15 October 2018.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The value exchange
2.2 Data
Data collected and controlled by NHS organisations are often described as ‘a gold
mine’,53 because the NHS is one of the oldest health services of its kind in the world, with
– in theory – a unique national patient identifier.54 Some have argued that these data could
be harnessed to offer an additional revenue stream for the NHS55 or invested into a
sovereign wealth fund for the UK.56 These ideas can be attractive, however, it is important
to remember the financial value of data controlled by the NHS has not yet been
established. Valuing data could allow the Government to better understand the relative
returns from partnerships with the private sector and therefore ensure that it is optimising
the value between patients, the NHS and industry. Several features of data “make them
difficult to value within a traditional balance-sheet accounting framework.”57 Nonetheless,
HM Treasury has recently released a paper on valuation techniques for intangible and
knowledge assets (see Glossary) – like data – which makes a few recommendations on
what should be considered in future guidance.58
Making NHS data work for everyone / The value exchange
value chain exists “whereby the value increases as data are transformed into information,
knowledge and ultimately action”.61 The exact nature of that value might depend on the
type of application and type of data used.62 The nature and amount of value ascribed to a
particular data-driven product or service “always lie in the eye of the beholder”63 (see
Figure 2).
61 Alan Walker and Philippa Westbury, ‘Towards a Successful Data-Enabled Economy: Promoting Trust in Data and
Data-Driven Systems’, in Connecting Debates on the Governance of Data and Its Use, 2017, 40.
62 Ibid.
63 Eric Almquist, John Senior, and Nicolas Bloch, ‘The Elements of Value’, Harvard Business Review, 1 September 2016.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The value exchange
Making NHS data work for everyone / The value exchange
Category Definition
The quality of the data The better the quality of the data, the greater the value.64 This is because of the
accuracy of the insights derived from the data. There are several factors which affect the
quality of healthcare data: integrity, timeliness, validity, completeness and coverage.65
Integrity ensures that data are accurate (e.g. a patient’s date of birth is rightly inputted).
Timeliness ensures that data are recorded at the time of the event or as close to the
event as possible and that a timestamp is added to the “metadata”.66 Validity ensures
that collected data satisfy a set of standards (e.g. making sure that the accepted clinical
coding standards are used when coding a diagnostic or procedure). In the NHS coverage
is reached if data “have been received from all expected data suppliers.”67
In addition, greater quality data can reduce the cost of the data cleaning process. Data
curation is the biggest drain on time when doing research or trying to develop a product
or a service using healthcare data. Several interviewees estimated that about 60 to 70
per cent of the time spent on a project is dedicated to data curation. As highlighted by
Neil Lawrence, professor at the University of Sheffield, there are different levels of data
readiness and stages that need to be passed before data can be analysed by a machine
learning algorithm.68 Data cleaning processes are bespoke to every use and it is an
inevitable process.
The format of data The format of the data will have an impact on its value. Data in a machine-readable
format and accompanied by robust “metadata”69 describing the data content is more
value than information held in paper files. Secondary care (e.g. hospital Trusts) still
heavily relies on paper files.70
The ability to link data The value of a dataset increases when it is linked with another. For example, by
combining different datasets on different disease types, new patterns of comorbidity can
be discovered.71 The capacity to link genomic, clinical and diagnostic, medicines, and
lifestyle data “forms the powerhouse for personalised medicine.”72
The type of data The type of data can have an impact on its value. For example, the value of patient
records can be different to the value of data generated by appointments and booking
systems. The value of personal identifiable data (e.g. data including name, date of birth,
contact details, etc.) can be different from the value of anonymised data (see Appendix
for definition).
Although they are not currently common practice, personal healthcare records might be
more valuable than medical health records. Instead of collecting information through the
silo of healthcare activities (i.e. GP records, lab results, etc.), personal healthcare records
allow for the patient to act as the integrator of the data. The data follows them and is no
longer siloed by activity. Patients are effectively given an active role as data curators and
validators which might have an impact on the quality of this type of data.
The reason for data collection Most data controlled by NHS organisations is primarily collected for the purposes of
direct patient care. It is not collected for other purposes.73 This affects its value for
secondary uses as it might not be the exact type of data needed for research or product/
service development purposes.
Interviews carried out forf this paper highlighted that some research projects include an
entire process of data collection within an NHS setting as a very specific type of data
might be needed for the purposes of research. In several cases, data collected as part of
research projects can become long-term databases which can then be used for clinical
care, such as disease registries or system-level dashboards.
64 Centre for Economics and Business Research, Data on the Balance Sheet, 5.
65 Data Services for Commissioners, Data Quality Guidance for Providers and Commissioners (NHS England, 2016);
Nicole Gray Weiskopf and Chunhua Weng, ‘Methods and Dimensions of Electronic Health Record Data Quality
Assessment: Enabling Reuse for Clinical Research’, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20, no. 1
(January 2013).
66 Walker and Westbury, ‘Towards a Successful Data-Enabled Economy: Promoting Trust in Data and Data-Driven
Systems’, 40.
67 Data Services for Commissioners, Data Quality Guidance for Providers and Commissioners, 6.
68 Neil D. Lawrence, ‘Data Readiness Levels’, ArXiv, May 2017.
69 Walker and Westbury, ‘Towards a Successful Data-Enabled Economy: Promoting Trust in Data and Data-Driven
Systems’, 40.
70 Wachter, Making IT Work: Harnessing the Power of Health Information Technology to Improve Care in England.
71 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Data Science for Health and Care Excellence, 2016.
72 NHS England, Improving Outcomes through Personalised Medicine, 2016, 7.
73 Timmis, Luke Heselwood, and Harwich, Sharing the Benefits: How to Use Data Effectively in the Public Sector, 17.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The value exchange
Category Definition
The quantity of data The quantity of healthcare data has an impact on its value. For example, the value of a
single patient record is different to the value of multiple patient records. This is because
the smaller the sample size the harder it is to find robust results or to develop system-
level products. In the context of machine learning, Posner and Weyl’s research provides
an interesting visualisation of the value of data, showing that it increases with the amount
following a step-wise function.74 More data becomes more valuable as it allows for the
analysis of more complicated and potentially more valuable problems.75
Number of samples
According to Posner and Weyl, the capacity of a machine learning algorithm to solve
issues of varying complexity is dependent on the number of samples available.
Source: Eric A. Posner and E. Glen Weyl, ‘Data as Labor’, in Radical Markets
(Princeton University Press, 2018), 227-228
Currently, trade-offs need to be made between the quality and quantity of data as high-
quality data are a scarce resource.
The actionability of data The contrast in the objectives of the stakeholders highlighted in Figure 1 becomes
apparent when looking at the actionability of data. For example, academic researchers
might produce excellent research, but it might not have immediate, obvious or realistic
real-world applications. However, this type of research might produce value in real-world
applications in an indirect way. By advancing fundamental research, this might in turn
lead to some practical real-world applications. Another example would be the tension
between a data scientist wanting to develop a high-performing model and what might be
realistic for the NHS. For example, if the model is good at finding true positives (i.e. the
proportion of people with a specific condition who are correctly identified as having that
condition by the algorithms) but produces many false positives (i.e. healthy individuals
who are told they have a condition when they do not), it can have severe financial
implications for the NHS.
The ability to produce change on the ground thanks to insights derived from data are
essential to derive value. If the insights provided by the eFI did not lead to action, there
would be no value generated from data in terms of improved patient outcomes. Making
sure that insights are converted into best practice on the ground is not an easy feat.76
The production of new clinical evidence around technologies and medicine “does not
guarantee its implementation”.77
74 75 76 77
74 Eric A. Posner and E. Glen Weyl, ‘Data as Labor’, in Radical Markets (Princeton University Press, 2018), 227.
75 Ibid., 227–28.
76 L. A. Bero et al., ‘Closing the Gap between Research and Practice: An Overview of Systematic Reviews of Interventions
to Promote the Implementation of Research Findings.’, British Medical Journal 317, no. 7156 (August 1998); Mark J.
Johnson and Carl R. May, ‘Promoting Professional Behaviour Change in Healthcare: What Interventions Work, and
Why? A Theory-Led Overview of Systematic Reviews’, BMJ Open 5, no. 9 (September 2015); Stephan U. Dombrowski et
al., ‘Interventions for Sustained Healthcare Professional Behaviour Change: A Protocol for an Overview of Reviews’,
Systematic Reviews 5 (October 2016); Bhupendrasinh F. Chauhan et al., ‘Behavior Change Interventions and Policies
Influencing Primary Healthcare Professionals’ Practice—an Overview of Reviews’, Implementation Science 12 (January
2017); Heather L. Colquhoun et al., ‘Methods for Designing Interventions to Change Healthcare Professionals’
Behaviour: A Systematic Review’, Implementation Science 12, no. 1 (March 2017).
77 Dombrowski et al., ‘Interventions for Sustained Healthcare Professional Behaviour Change: A Protocol for an Overview
of Reviews’, 2.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The value exchange
Figure 4 presents some of the factors which might have an impact on the value of data
from a demand-side perspective. In other words what factors might affect an
organisation’s decision to request data from NHS organisations.
Category Definition
The use of data The same data could have a different value depending on what it is used for and applied
to. Information contained in clinical audits and registries can be both used for monitoring
public health outcomes or by commercial organisations for post-market surveillance. In
addition, data governance might affect what the data might be used for which might have
an impact in its value.78 There can be legislative constraints around what can be done to
The market capitalisation of The value of a publicly traded private sector organisation might affect its willingness to
organisations access different types of data. Organisations with lower market caps, might not be able
to afford the time and cost of accessing and cleaning data, thus affecting their willingness
to incur the costs of accessing the data.
The relative cost of getting It is important to acknowledge that many healthcare systems in the world are preparing
data elsewhere for data to be shared with private companies for fundamental and applied research
and product/service development. The relative ease and cost with which private sector
organisations will be able to access data in other countries might affect the value of the
UK knowledge asset.
78 Centre for Economics and Business Research, Data on the Balance Sheet, 6.
79 HM Treasury, Getting Smart about Intellectual Property and Other Intangibles in the Public Sector: Budget 2018, 3,6.
80 Ibid., 12.
81 Ibid., 16.
82 Ibid.
83 Walker and Westbury, ‘Towards a Successful Data-Enabled Economy: Promoting Trust in Data and Data-Driven
Systems’, 41.
84 Medicalchain, Medicalchain Whitepaper 2.1, 2018; Datum Foundation Ltd, ‘Datum Returns Data Ownership to
Individuals’, PR Newswire, 2017; Vasilis Gkatzelis, Christina Aperjis, and Bernardo A. Huberman, ‘Pricing Private Data’,
Electronic Markets 25, no. 2 (June 2015); K. T. Pickard, ‘Exploring Markets of Data for Personal Health Information’, in
2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop, 2014.
85 Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able, 88.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The value exchange
health data.86 However, healthcare data from the USA is very different to that held by the
NHS as it is mostly collected for payment purposes and is very fragmented. An interview
carried out for this paper estimated that on average the value of healthcare data can be
approximately estimated at £0.45 per feature (e.g. date of birth, weight…) per individual.
Financial estimates vary widely and the usefulness of this type of ‘market value’ measure
is limited by the various determinants of value described in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Healthcare data could be valued by considering the cost of collection and curation.87
Nevertheless, this type of valuation assumes that the “cost of data collection can be
clearly identified” 88 and would be a gross underestimation of the value that might be
generated from it. Data could be valued “based on a quantification of the earnings and
profits from their use”. 89 This is similar to the method suggested in the Treasury’s report:
“the capitalised net present value of past investment in knowledge generating activities
such as research.”90 Measuring value in this way is difficult because it is complex to
estimate what potential earnings data could generate.
In addition, there are both non-monetary and monetary aspects to value. The non-
monetary value such as increased quality of care and better health and care outcomes for
patients could be measured using traditional instruments such as Quality-Adjusted Life
Year (QALYS), 91 which is a measure of the quality and quantity of life generated by a
healthcare intervention.92
Given all these measurement pitfalls, the Treasury’s report recommends the development
of new standards and approaches for measuring and reporting the value of knowledge
assets.93 It also suggests registering intellectual property assets with the most commercial
potential so that “their value to the UK is maximised”.94
Recommendation 1
The Office for National Statistics should provide a framework and accounting standards
for measuring and reporting the value of knowledge assets such as healthcare data.
The NHS holds a record from cradle to grave of a diverse population. This is a truly unique
asset, which could give the UK a competitive advantage on the global stage.95 As
highlighted, by the House of Lords review on AI, the public are very concerned about
companies “making a profit at the expense of both the NHS and patients”.96 However,
there might be a lack of awareness amongst the public about the key role that the private
sector plays in the provision of goods and services in the NHS. A fair value exchange
should be about optimising the benefits between patients, the NHS and industry.
2.3 Expertise
An important part of the value exchange in the relationship between the public and private
sector is expertise. The NHS can provide medical expertise and the insights needed for
the research and development of data-driven technologies. It can also provide guidance
86 Roche, ‘Roche to Acquire Flatiron Health to Accelerate Industry-Wide Development and Delivery of Breakthrough
Medicines for Patients with Cancer’, Press Release, n.d.
87 Centre for Economics and Business Research, Data on the Balance Sheet, 4.
88 Ibid.
89 Ibid.
90 HM Treasury, Getting Smart about Intellectual Property and Other Intangibles in the Public Sector: Budget 2018, 10.
91 HM Treasury, The Green Book, Central Government Guidance on Appraisal and Evaluation, 2018, 72.
92 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, ‘Glossary’, Webpage, NICE, n.d.
93 HM Treasury, Getting Smart about Intellectual Property and Other Intangibles in the Public Sector: Budget 2018, 30–31.
94 Ibid.
95 Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able, Report of Session 2017–19 (House of
Lords, 2018) p.88; Bell, Life Sciences Industrial Strategy – A Report to the Government from the Life Sciences Sector; ‘A
Revolution in Health Care Is Coming’, p.50, The Economist, 1 February 2018;. Aldrick, ‘Data Could Be a Huge Source of
Funding for the NHS and We Are about to Give It Away’.
96 Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able, 89.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The value exchange
on how to make sense of data that is not primarily collected for the purposes of the
research and development of a data-driven technology. In turn, the private sector lends its
expertise in fields such as data engineering, artificial intelligence or user centred design to
create data-driven technologies. It can also lend its experience and capability in taking a
new product or service through development stages, the required regulation,
accreditation and standards process (see 3rd arrow at the bottom of Figure 1).
Matt Hancock’s vision for the future of the NHS stressed the importance of skills. It raised
the need “to recruit and retain” medical and non-clinical professions.97 Nevertheless, as
highlighted by a few interviews and the research events carried out for this paper, the
private sector is acquiring medical expertise by attracting the NHS workforce with higher
salaries and has been attracting data scientists for a long time. Putting the NHS’s financial
constraints aside, it would impossible for the healthcare system to compete with the
salaries in the private sector. The question of staff retention thus will be a crucial one to
Keeping society
in the loop
Making NHS data work for everyone / Keeping society in the loop
MIT Professor Iyad Rahman has defined the concept of ‘keeping society in the loop’ as
enabling “society to influence and shape decisions about technology and innovation”.102
Although his concept specifically applies to the design of AI systems,103 it is a valuable
concept to explore when looking at the types of partnerships people would deem
acceptable between the NHS and private sector companies in the data-driven
technologies and services industries. Patients are ultimately the producers of that data104
and will also be on the receiving end as consumers of the products or services being
designed.105 Private sector and NHS organisations need to work on earning patients’
trust.106 Patients and the public need to feel comfortable and able to trust that data is not
being exploited107 and that their privacy is safeguarded.108 Building a trustworthy system
will be key to ensuring patients, the NHS and industry can work collaboratively when
using data for research or product and service development purposes.
102 Iyad Rahwan, ‘Society-in-the-Loop’, MIT MEDIA LAB (blog), 12 August 2016.
103 Iyad Rahwan, ‘Society-in-the-Loop: Programming the Algorithmic Social Contract’, Ethics and Information Technology
20, no. 1 (March 2018).
104 Imanol Arrieta Ibarra et al., ‘Should We Treat Data as Labor? Moving Beyond “Free”’, American Economic Association
Papers and Proceedings 1, no. 1 (December 2017); Posner and Weyl, ‘Data as Labor’.
105 Department of Health and Social Care, ‘New Guidance to Help NHS Patients Benefit from Digital Technology’, GOV.UK,
n.d.; Kaela Scott, Data for Public Benefit: Balancing the Risks and Benefits of Data Sharing (Involve, The Carnegie UK
Trust’s, Understanding Patient Data, 2018); Accenture, Digital Consumer Health Engagement 2016 – Global Report,
106 Timmis, Heselwood, and Harwich, Sharing the Benefits: How to Use Data Effectively in the Public Sector; Scott, Data for
Public Benefit: Balancing the Risks and Benefits of Data Sharing; The Caldicott Committee, Report on the Review of
Patient-Identifiable Information (Department of Health, 1997).
107 Nick Couldry and Ulises A. Mejias, ‘Data Colonialism: Rethinking Big Data’s Relation to the Contemporary Subject’,
Television & New Media, September 2018.
108 Alan F. T. Winfield and Marina Jirotka, ‘Ethical Governance Is Essential to Building Trust in Robotics and Artificial
Intelligence Systems’, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 376, no. 2133 (November 2018); Graeme Laurie and Emily Postan, ‘Rhetoric
or Reality: What Is the Legal Status of the Consent Form in Health-Related Research?’, Medical Law Review 21, no. 3
(September 2013).
109 National Data Guardian for Health and Care, Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-Outs.
110 Isabelle Budin-Ljøsne et al., ‘Dynamic Consent: A Potential Solution to Some of the Challenges of Modern Biomedical
Research’, BMC Medical Ethics 18, no. 1 (January 2017); Hawys Williams et al., ‘Dynamic Consent: A Possible Solution
to Improve Patient Confidence and Trust in How Electronic Patient Records Are Used in Medical Research’, JMIR
Medical Informatics 3, no. 1 (13 January 2015).
111 Wellcome Trust, The One-Way Mirror: Public Attitudes to Commercial Access to Health Data.
112 Ibid., 91.
113 Ibid., 97.
114 Ibid., 15.
115 Ibid.
Making NHS data work for everyone / Keeping society in the loop
individuals had with the NHS. In general, those who interacted more with the NHS were
more likely to advocate for data sharing.116 Although, those with severe conditions that are
easily identifiable were also worried about the ramifications of sharing data about them.117
Source: What drives acceptability: in summary, adapted from Ipsos MORI and Wellcome,
The One-way Mirror, 2016.
116 Wellcome Trust, The One-Way Mirror: Public Attitudes to Commercial Access to Health Data.
117 Ibid., 74.
118 Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able; Lord Freyberg, ‘NHS: Healthcare Data
– House of Lords Debate Hansard’, 2018; Pam Carter, Graeme T. Laurie, and Mary Dixon-Woods, ‘The Social Licence
for Research: Why Care.Data Ran into Trouble’, Journal of Medical Ethics, (January 2015); National Data Guardian for
Health and Care, Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-Outs.
119 Budin-Ljøsne et al., ‘Dynamic Consent’; Carter, Laurie, and Dixon-Woods, ‘The Social Licence for Research: Why Care.
Data Ran into Trouble’; Roski, Bo-Linn, and Andrews, ‘Creating Value In Health Care Through Big Data: Opportunities
And Policy Implications’.
120 Carter, Laurie, and Dixon-Woods, ‘The Social Licence for Research: Why Care.Data Ran into Trouble’; Colin Marrs,
‘Care.Data – An In-Depth Check-up on NHS England’s Controversial Bid to Join up Health Data’, Civil Service World, 18
September 2015; Paraskevas Vezyridis and Stephen Timmons, ‘Understanding the Care.Data Conundrum: New
Information Flows for Economic Growth’, Big Data & Society 4, no. 1 (June 2017).
121 Budin-Ljøsne et al., ‘Dynamic Consent’; Carter, Laurie, and Dixon-Woods, ‘The Social Licence for Research: Why Care.
Data Ran into Trouble’; Roski, Bo-Linn, and Andrews, ‘Creating Value In Health Care Through Big Data: Opportunities
And Policy Implications’.
122 Wellcome Trust, The One-Way Mirror: Public Attitudes to Commercial Access to Health Data, 9–13.
Making NHS data work for everyone / Keeping society in the loop
Making NHS data work for everyone / Keeping society in the loop
publishing reports with principles for corporate action.133 However, this review panel has
been dismantled since DeepMind transferred the “control of its health subsidiary to its
parent company Google”.134
Proportionate governance offers another alternative to meaningfully engage patients and
the public (see Figure 6). This system-wide change, which is government led, could
include practical ways of assessing and creating bespoke agreements that use public
As highlighted in the British Academy’s work in partnership with the Royal Society on data
governance for the 21st century, access to data as well the governance structures “must
consider who reaps the most benefit from capturing, analysing and acting on different
types of data”.138 Proportionate governance could provide a framework for engaging with
the public and keeping ‘society in the loop’ on the types of commercial models that would
be deemed fair when there is access to data for research and development or for product
or service development. Patient voice and opinion would be included in the governance
model by design. This would ensure that commercial agreements are co-produced
between industry, health experts, public sector leaders and public representatives through
the review process.
Recommendation 2
The Department of Health and Social Care should in conjunction with Caldicott
Guardians, NHS organisations and industry representatives ensure that a dialogue with
the public is set at a local level to discuss commercial models. Proportionate governance
models provide an interesting avenue for public and patient engagement that could be
133 Bromiley OBE et al., DeepMind Health Independent Review Panel Annual Report.
134 Murgia, ‘DeepMind’s Move to Transfer Health Unit to Google Stirs Data Fears’.
135 Information Assurance and Governance Team, ‘About the Panel Public Benefit and Privacy Panel for Health and Social
Care’, Webpage, Information Assurance and Governance Team, 2015.
136 Nayha Sethi and Graeme T. Laurie, ‘Delivering Proportionate Governance in the Era of EHealth’, Medical Law
International 13, no. 2–3 (June 2013).
137 NHS Scotland, Public Benefit and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care: Guiding Principles and Policy for Decision
Making, 1st ed., 2015.
138 British Academy and Royal Society, Data Management and Use: Governance in the 21st Century, 2017, 27.
The healthtech
To create a strong healthtech ecosystem in which a “tech company can…have an equal
opportunity to deliver”,139 whilst safeguarding the NHS’s constitution140 and patients’ trust,
strong guidance and leadership will be needed to make sure the value of healthcare data
is optimised. Efforts have been made by the DoHSC to develop a code of conduct to
ensure that partnerships “deliver benefits to patients, clinicians, industry and the health
and care system as a whole”.141 The DoHSC is also conducting a formal review to assess
“commercial models used in technology partnerships”.142 However, prior to the code of
conduct there was no guidance on what partnerships should look like when there is
access to data to create a product or service. This has led to a lack of clarity as to what is
happening on the ground and a lack of strategic understanding at a national level about
the consequences of the current commercial models developing on the ground.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
The NHS is not a homogenous body,145 it is a highly fragmented system and, as a result,
each Trust has its own protocol for partnerships.146 Partnerships might differ as some
products or services require different types of data. For example, products or services
that support the organisation and management of hospitals may need real-time access to
admin data.147 Other products or services that seek to improve direct patient care might
need access to patient records. Relationships between private sector companies in the
data-driven technology space and NHS organisations can be mostly characterised by
data sharing agreements with no definition of a commercial model involving the NHS and/
or patients (see Figure 7).
There are, however, examples of datasets held by central NHS organisations that can
share data at a national level, with datasets that cover the entire population. For example,
NHS Digital has 12 datasets currently available for external research.148 However, some
interviews carried out for this paper have suggested that most access requests for
datasets held by NHS Digital have been from other NHS Trusts and academic institutions.
In addition, there are also independent data repositories which have been established by
a variety of non-profit actors and funded by research, charity or council funding (see
Figure 8 and Appendix).
Figure 8: UK Biobank
The UK Biobank is a registered charity that was set up in 2006 by the Wellcome Trust, the
Medical Research Council, the Department of Health and Social Care, the Scottish
Government and the Northwest Regional Development Agency, with the aim to be a
major national and international health resource for improving the diagnosis, treatment
and prevention of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, depression and forms of
dementia.149 The data collected thus far has come from 500,000 volunteers between the
ages of 40-69 years and is accessible to any organisation that can prove a research need.
The only contingency is that the research must be made publicly available.
There are benefits to an ‘open access’ model as it offers ‘value back’ to society through
delivering positive externalities such as furthering knowledge and innovation.150 It increases
the opportunities to conduct academic research as well as research and development, thus
potentially leading to better health outcomes and economic growth. The model is based on
a “notion of altruistic donation and the notion that biobanks serve the scientific and public
good”.151 This model is not cost-free and requires finance from often a variety of actors from
government, third sector donors and corporate donors. The UK Biobank receives finance
from government and the Wellcome Trust. In addition, the cost of the cleaning up of UK
Biobank data for pharmaceutical research, for example, has required a number of corporate
sponsors, who will get exclusive rights to the data for the first two years – see Appendix.
However, as highlighted in the Treasury’s discussion paper on the economic value of data,
this ‘open access model’ may not be desirable in every instance.152
The only example known to date of a partnership between the NHS and industry offering
a form of direct ‘financial’ value back to NHS Trusts for product development purposes is
the partnership between Sensyne Health, the University of Oxford and the Oxford
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust,
and Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust (see Figure 9).
145 Wachter, Making IT Work: Harnessing the Power of Health Information Technology to Improve Care in England.
146 Bell, Life Sciences Industrial Strategy – A Report to the Government from the Life Sciences Sector, 58.
147 Ibid., 50; Edge Health, ‘Improving Theatre Productivity with Machine Learning – “Space Finder”’, Webpage, Edge
Health, 2017; Edge Health, ‘Surgical Pathway Demand and Capacity Planning’, Webpage, Edge Health, July 2017.
148 NHS Digital, ‘Data Sets’, Webpage, NHS Digital, n.d.
149 UK Biobank, ‘About’, Webpage, UK Biobank, n.d.
150 Andrew Turner, Clara Dallaire-Fortier, and Madeleine J. Murtagh, ‘Biobank Economics and the “Commercialization
Problem”’, Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science 7, no. 1 (2013).
151 Ibid., 72.
152 HM Treasury, ‘The Economic Value of Data: Discussion Paper’, August 2018, 11.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
The Sensyne example is commendable for sharing equity with the Trusts involved,
meaning the NHS Trusts have a stake in the company and the potential to benefit
financially.158 Nonetheless, it is important to consider the macroeconomic effect of such
153 London Stock Exchange, ‘Sch 1 – Sensyne Health Limited – RNS -’, Webpage, London Stock Exchange, 3 August 2018.
154 Clive Cookson, ‘Drayson Floats Medical AI Group Sensyne Health on Aim’, Financial Times, 14 August 2018.
155 Ibid.
156 Oxford Academic Health Science Network, Oxford AHSN Year 6 Q2 Report (Oxford Academic Health Science Network,
157 ‘Sensyne Health: AI Powered Clinical Solutions’, accessed 6 August 2018.
158 London Stock Exchange, ‘Sch 1 – Sensyne Health Limited – RNS -’.
159 Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able, 93–94.
160 Department of Health and Social Care, The NHS Constitution for England.
161 Sir Robert Naylor, NHS Property and Estates, 2017.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
It is crucial for national bodies to ensure that local bodies are not creating perverse
incentives in the system. A commercial model might seem fair at GP practice or Trust-
level, but on aggregate could be detrimental. Concerns have been raised about these
types of perverse incentives already happening on the ground with certain healthtech
partnerships.165 The code of conduct argues that the “benefits of the partnerships
between technology companies and health and care providers [should be] shared
fairly”.166 However, there seems to be a lack of clarity about whether fairness should be
considered at a micro or macro scale, or both.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
The lack of guidance from central government on the type of appropriate commercial
arrangements in the data-driven space has also been found to be a key challenge by
parts of the private sector. In a recent Academic Health Science Network survey about AI
technologies in health and care, 34 per cent of respondents said the lack of clarity over
‘appropriate business models for AI development and deployment’ was a key factor
affecting AI’s potential.167
All models have advantages and disadvantages, demonstrated by Figure 10, meaning
different models will suit different scenarios. It is therefore impractical to recommend one
model for all circumstances. Nevertheless, it is crucial that national policy provides a
framework for the array of possible models that will not have an adverse effect on the
national level.
Recommendation 3
NHS England and NHS Digital should create a register of data sharing agreements
between the NHS and commercial organisations. It should include what type of data are
being shared and a description of the type of partnership model being used. This would
allow for clear understanding of what is happening on the ground and facilitate public
Recommendation 4
The Department for Health and Social Care in conjunction with the Crown Commercial
Service, Office for Life Sciences and HM Treasury should make sure to include in its formal
review of commercial partnerships, a macroeconomic study of the impact that different
partnership models might have to avoid reinforcing a postcode lottery or other negative
externalities such as exclusive data access.
Recommendation 5
The Department of Health and Social Care should include the results of this
macroeconomic study in a clear national strategy which should seek to optimise the value
of data held by NHS organisations when it is accessed for commercial purposes. It should
consult with all stakeholders including industry, patients and NHS organisations as to
what a fair apportioning of value might be.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
unsuitable for many research questions”.171 Data curation is thus an inevitable part of the
process for secondary uses of NHS data.
Nonetheless, there is a strong case to be made for increasing data quality to provide better
care for patients172 and potentially provide a more solid basis of data quality for secondary
uses. This can be done in various ways such as minimising error at the data collection
point173 and embedding data quality by design.174 The design of electronic health record
systems can have an impact on the quality of data collected.175 IT systems used for data
collection could flag for potential mistakes when data are being entered. Similarly, systems
that have a greater focus on data visualisation “can reveal data quality problems”,176 which
can then be corrected. The use of AI to translate text to clinical code could be explored to
reduce the burden on clinical coders.177
Once data are collected the monitoring of data quality is crucial.178 NHS Digital has a Data
Quality Maturity Index “quarterly publication about data quality in the NHS”.179 It provides
submitters with transparent information about the quality of the data they collect and does
so for specific datasets. Understanding the state of data quality at the early stages of
partnership discussions with commercial organisations is crucial. This will enable
organisations to understand what data engineering capabilities they will need in order to
get the data into an acceptable state for analysis.
Recommendation 6
NHS England should create a ‘Data Quality Service’, with a tiered-fee system dependent
on factors such as company size and global profits, to provide bespoke reports on data
quality at the early stages of a partnership discussion between the NHS and industry.
In addition, the lack of interoperability of IT systems within the NHS creates a situation in
which data are locked into multiple fragmented systems. This can have a negative impact
on direct patient care as records cannot always be rapidly shared in a digital format. In
addition, the difficulty in linking datasets together can put brakes on innovation and limits
patient benefits. NHS Trusts in the North East and North Cumbria, the Darlington Borough
Council, and GP practices under the umbrella of the Connected Health Cities programme
have decided to collaborate in a research project to tackle this problem. They have
managed to link-up data from all the stakeholders and provide it in an anonymised and
pseudo-anonymised form to researchers to develop evidence on optimal planning and
management for urgent care.180 This project could have not been completed without the
linking of datasets.
It is also crucial that when developing data-driven technologies companies ensure that
data generated within those applications are made freely available and interoperable. This
would avoid vendor lock-in situations and promote competition by allowing NHS
organisations to choose different providers.
171 Denis Agniel, Isaac S. Kohane, and Griffin M. Weber, ‘Biases in Electronic Health Record Data Due to Processes within
the Healthcare System: Retrospective Observational Study’, BMJ 361 (April 2018).
172 Tim Yates, ‘Improving Clinical Data Quality: The Digital Health Challenge’, BMJ Quality Blog, 13 December 2016.
173 Amy P. Abernethy et al., ‘Use of Electronic Health Record Data for Quality Reporting’, Journal of Oncology Practice 13,
no. 8 (July 2017): 530–34.
174 Timmis, Heselwood, and Harwich, Sharing the Benefits: How to Use Data Effectively in the Public Sector, 17; Harwich
and Laycock, Thinking on Its Own: AI in the NHS, 31.
175 Wendy Rollason, Kamlesh Khunti, and Simon de Lusignan, ‘Variation in the Recording of Diabetes Diagnostic Data in
Primary Care Computer Systems: Implications for the Quality of Care’, Informatics in Primary Care 17, no. 2 (October
2009); Rui Mendes and Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, ‘Main Barriers for Quality Data Collection in EHR – A Review’,
Conference: HEALTHINF 2011 – Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, January 2011.
176 Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant, and Bradford W Hesse, ‘Improving Healthcare with Interactive Visualization’,
Computer 46, no. 5 (May 2013): 61.
177 Fathom, ‘Fathom – AI to Automate Medical Coding’, Webpage, Fathom, n.d.;, ‘Welcome to Dictate.It’,
Webpage,, n.d.
178 Timmis, Heselwood, and Harwich, Sharing the Benefits: How to Use Data Effectively in the Public Sector, 18.
179 NHS Digital, ‘Data Quality’, Webpage, NHS Digital, 2018.
180 Connected Health Cities, ‘Predictive Modelling for Unplanned Care in the North East and North Cumbria’, Webpage,
Connected Health Cities, 2018.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
Recommendation 7
Procurement rules should include an agreement by digital providers that data generated
within clinical applications should also be freely available for and interoperable with clinical
information at the patient level, either via personal health records or interchange with
appropriate electronic health records.
In the Royal Society and the British Academy’s seminal work on data management and
use in the 21st century, a key concern is the tension between improving public services
through the use of data whilst protecting privacy.181 Risks to patient privacy such as
reidentification can compromise the trustworthiness of private companies and NHS
organisations seeking to use data for research or product development. Ensuring the
auditability, transparency and security of a data access system are not easy feats. Whilst
proving compliance is essential, it might also slow down access to data. A few interviews
for this paper highlighted that there is a reticence within the NHS to share data with
private sector organisations because their objectives are often viewed as antithetical with
the idea of public benefit. This does not need to be the case. The Life Sciences Industrial
Strategy argued that collaboration between NHS and industry can facilitate better care
“for patients through better adoption of innovative treatments and technologies”.182
However, compliance with information governance models is key and clarity over the type
of partnerships and commercial agreements is needed.
Recommendation 8
Health Data Research UK in conjunction with NHS England, NHS Digital and the National
Data Guardian should work on developing the appropriate data governance structures to
ensure that Digital Innovation Hubs are safeguarding patient data. This would include
developing audit trails which track how data are used to ensure every interaction with
personal data is auditable, transparent and secure.
181 British Academy and Royal Society, ‘B: Priorities for Governance’, in Data Management and Use: Governance in the 21st
Century: Priorities for Data Governance: Discussions at the British Academy and Royal Socity Seminar on October 2017,
2017, 5.
182 Bell, Life Sciences Industrial Strategy – A Report to the Government from the Life Sciences Sector, 3.
183 Ibid., 59.
184 Health Data Research UK, ‘Digital Innovation Hub Programme’.
185 Ibid.
186 Health Data Research UK, ‘£37.5m Investment in Digital Innovation Hubs to Tackle Britain’s Biggest Health Challenges’,
Webpage, Health Data Research UK, 16 July 2018.
187 Ibid.
188 Delacroix, ‘Pervasive Data Profiling, Moral Equality and Civic Responsibility’; Sethi and Laurie, ‘Delivering Proportionate
Governance in the Era of EHealth’.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
Recommendation 9
NHS organisations should offer synthetic datasets, which they can share with private
sector organisations for research and product or service development at the early stages
of the innovation process. This would enable a better understanding of the commercial
value of the innovation and a more informed conversation about the appropriate type of
commercial model that should be developed.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
However, there remain some blurred boundaries. It is unclear how a procurement process
could have been triggered in the partnership model presented in Figure 12 if running costs
surpassed £15,000 as the Royal Free would have already been using the product.
It is also important to consider at what stage data are being used for products or services
development, as it will impact whether procurement or partnership is necessary. Some
197 Department of Health and Social Care, Procurement Guide for Commissioners of NHS-Funded Services, 2010.
198 Natasha Lomas, ‘DeepMind Health Inks New Deal with UK’s NHS to Deploy Streams App in Early 2017’, TechCrunch,
21 November 2016.
199 DeepMind Health and Royal Free London NHS Foundation, ‘Redacted: Services Agreement between DeepMind
Technologies Limited and Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust’, Contract, 2016.
200 Sam Shead, ‘Google DeepMind Is Giving the NHS Free Access to Its Patient Monitoring App’, Business Insider, 24 June
201 Information Commissioner’s Office, ‘Royal Free – Google DeepMind Trial Failed to Comply with Data Protection Law’,
Press Release, 3 July 2017.
202 DeepMind Health, ‘Scaling Streams with Google’.
203 Ibid.
204 Jee, ‘Google’s Decision to Absorb DeepMind’s Health Division Has Sparked Privacy Fears’.
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
products or services require data for research and development, while other products or
services that have been created will only rely on data to run i.e. a product or service that
requires the input of live patient data to make real-time decisions. The latter is more suited
to procurement, demonstrated by Figure 11. However, often products will require data at
both stages, meaning that partnerships might eventually need to go through
procurement, once the research and development stage has been finished. In addition,
the Life Sciences Industrial Strategy highlights that NHS procurement processes can
“make it very difficult for SMEs to find a route to market”,205 thus creating an uneven
playing field.
There are, however, more structured innovation processes such as the Small Business
Research Initiative (SBRI) (see Figure 13). It offers a pathway to connect public sector
needs with innovative ideas and solutions from the private sector.206 These are divided by
different sectors, the healthcare SBRI is led by the Academic Health and Sciences
Networks (AHSN) that have been set up to encourage health innovation across the UK.207
Open procurement
Problem Open call Feasibility development
identification to industry testing Pathway testing
& Proof of value
Under this initiative, the NHS can identify a market need and run a competition for
businesses to compete for funding in return for providing solutions to health and care
needs.208 The programme is aimed at SMEs, as it provides vital assistance to smaller
companies in the early stages of creation but is, despite the name, open to all business.209
The advantage of this more structured innovation is that government can have more
control over the products or services created with the private sector, ensuring they cater
to the demands of health and care. Once a product or service has been created, the
public sector has the right to license the subsequent technology, however its IP remains
with the company enabling growth and wealth creation for the UK economy.210 Thus far,
the programme has awarded 211 contracts and managed to bring 22 products to
market. 211
However, there are some disadvantages to the SBRI model. As shown in Figure 13 the
maximum amount of funding is limited, which might constrain the type of innovation being
developed or might necessitate further private finance. In addition, the competition is a
one-off, meaning that most other companies that apply will not be supported in any way
and will most likely not survive post-competition, as highlighted by one of the interviews
for this paper.
205 Bell, Life Sciences Industrial Strategy – A Report to the Government from the Life Sciences Sector, 54.
206 Innovate UK and UK Research and Innovation, ‘SBRI: The Small Business Research Initiative’, Webpage, GOV.UK, 26
September 2018.
207 SBRI Healthcare, ‘About Us’, Webpage, SBRI Healthcare, 2017.
208 Ibid.
209 Ibid.
210 Ibid.
211 Martin Leaver, AHSN Network Impact Report 2017 (The AHSN Network, 2017).
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
The Government has launched the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) to support
UK science and business innovation and help research and product or service
development. Part of this fund makes NHS data available to industry competitors who
can offer product solutions for: early diagnosis and precision medicine, healthy ageing,
and leading-edge healthcare.212 Up to £50 million is available for the creation of Centres of
Excellence for healthcare which will be tailored towards helping SMEs test new products
that use new technologies such as artificial intelligence within the NHS. 213 Alongside the
ISCF, as part of the wider Industrial Strategy in the UK,214 the Government has recently
announced an AI Sector Deal worth £1 billion, £300 million of which comes from private-
sector finance, some of which comes from Japan and Canada.215 The deal puts into
action some of the recommendations in the House of Lords report ‘AI in the UK: ready,
willing and able?’ and is focused on creating the right ecosystem in the UK for a thriving
AI industry.
Partnership models seem to offer more flexibility at the early stages of the innovation
process and might be a way to alleviate some of the concerns around the potentially
ill-fitted nature of current procurement processes for data-driven technologies. However,
there might be a need to clarify the boundaries between some commercial partnerships
and procurement processes. In addition, Figure 12 shows the importance of having the
legal and commercial skills to negotiate a ‘change of control clause’ – a provision in an
agreement giving “a party certain rights in connection with a change in ownership or
management of the other party to the agreement” – in commercial contracts.216
Making NHS data work for everyone / The healthtech ecosystem
At the early stage of partnership discussions, NHS organisations will need to be savvy in
drawing up contracts, applying the most suitable and proportionate models when
negotiating clauses with the private sector.224 There was a near consensus among
interviewees that these frameworks and models will need to be flexible and tailored to a
specific context. These might vary depending on the application and size of the company
as it is crucial that SMEs benefit from a level playing field.
Having an even distribution of commercial skills at Trust-level would be unfeasible as
those skills are a scarce resource within the public sector. They are also a very expensive
resource. The Treasury’s report on knowledge assets recommends the establishment of a
“centre of expertise within government to provide advice and support on the technical,
legal and financial aspects for generating and exploiting knowledge assets.”225
Establishing this centre at a national level would avoid issues around vacant positions at a
local level because attracting that talent is not easy. Nevertheless, when setting up this
‘centre of expertise’ it is important that policy makers are aware of the risk of regulatory
capture – when a regulatory agency advances the concerns of commercial interest
groups rather than acting in the public interest.226
Recommendation 10
The Department of Health and Social Care should invest in creating a new independent
unit with legal and business experts to help NHS organisations negotiate fair and
proportionate partnerships. It would ensure that NHS organisations can have access to
consistent and necessary advice in order to negotiate fair partnership with SMEs. The
negotiation of partnerships should be done by this unit on behalf of Trusts when dealing
with Large Enterprise or SMEs whose parent companies are Large Enterprise.
224 Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able, 90.
225 HM Treasury, Getting Smart about Intellectual Property and Other Intangibles in the Public Sector: Budget 2018, 30.
226 Michael E. Levine and Jennifer L. Forrence, ‘Regulatory Capture, Public Interest, and the Public Agenda: Toward a
Synthesis’, Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 6 (April 1990); Ernesto Dal Bó, ‘Regulatory Capture: A Review’,
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 22, no. 2 (July 2006).
The wealth of data collected and controlled by NHS organisations is extremely valuable
for the improvement of direct patient care and the productivity of the healthcare system.227
States around the world, from Israel228 to South Korea,229 are heavily investing in digital
health programmes as there is huge potential for data-driven innovation in healthcare.230
With one of the oldest national health services in the world, the UK has a uniquely large
and diverse population health-data resource which could give the country a competitive
advantage on the global stage.231
Healthcare data are primarily used for the purposes of patient care but can sometimes be
accessed by organisations outside of the NHS for research and development or product
and service development purposes. Industry access to healthcare data are more
contentious in the eyes of the public than access by academic institutions for example.232
Nevertheless, partnerships with industry are necessary to reap the full benefits of data-
driven innovation.
The DoHSC’s code of conduct for data-driven health and care technology stipulates that
“any benefits from partnerships between technology companies and health and care
providers are shared fairly”.233 However, prior to this code there was no guidance on what
partnerships should look like when there is access to data to create a product or service.
This has meant that Trusts have been independently building partnerships with the private
sector, creating a patchwork on the ground.234
At a national level, there is both a lack of clarity on developments at a local level as well as
a lack of a strategic understanding about the consequences of the current commercial
models. What might seem fair at a local level might lead to a poor outcome on a national
level such as further entrenching healthcare inequalities. In addition, finding the
appropriate ways to engage with patients on the types of commercial models that might
be deemed fair is crucial. Patients need to have trust that their data are being used
ethically for the public benefit whilst preserving their privacy.
As highlighted by the British Academy and Royal Society “societies can act in advance to
create well-founded responses that contribute to bringing the benefits of disruptive
technologies into being.” 235 The DoHSC needs to develop a clear national strategy that
seeks to optimise the value of data held by NHS organisations when it is accessed for
commercial purposes. This will ensure that the value of data held by NHS organisations is
optimised between patients, NHS organisations and industry for public benefit.
227 Bell, Life Sciences Industrial Strategy – A Report to the Government from the Life Sciences Sector; Roski, Bo-Linn, and
Andrews, ‘Creating Value In Health Care Through Big Data: Opportunities And Policy Implications’; Border, Big Data
and Public Health; House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, The Big Data Dilemma – Fourth Report of
Session 2015-16, HC 468 (London: The Stationary Office, 2016); Department of Health and Social Care, The Future of
Healthcare; Harvey, ‘Ready…set…AI — Preparing NHS Medical Imaging Data for the Future’; Harwich and Laycock,
Thinking on Its Own: AI in the NHS.
228 Yaacov Benmeleh, ‘Israel to Invest $275 Million in Digital Health Project’, Bloomberg, 25 March 2018; Rahul Dutta, ‘A Bit
of Israeli Chutzpah — a Way Forward for AI Applications in Healthcare!’, Times of Israel, 28 October 2018; Max Schindler
and Judy Siegel-Itzkovich, ‘Israel to Launch Big Data Health Project amid Privacy Concerns’, Jerusalem Post, 25 March
229 Richard Staines, ‘South Korea Hopes Big Data Will Boost Life Sciences Industry’, Pharmaphorum, 20 February 2018.
230 Bell, Life Sciences Industrial Strategy – A Report to the Government from the Life Sciences Sector; Roski, Bo-Linn, and
Andrews, ‘Creating Value In Health Care Through Big Data: Opportunities And Policy Implications’; Border, Big Data
and Public Health; House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, The Big Data Dilemma – Fourth Report of
Session 2015-16; Department of Health and Social Care, The Future of Healthcare; Harvey, ‘Ready…set…AI —
Preparing NHS Medical Imaging Data for the Future’; Harwich and Laycock, Thinking on Its Own: AI in the NHS.
231 Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able, Report of Session 2017–19 (House of
Lords, 2018) p.88; Bell, Life Sciences Industrial Strategy – A Report to the Government from the Life Sciences Sector; ‘A
Revolution in Health Care Is Coming’, p.50, The Economist, 1 February 2018;. Aldrick, ‘Data Could Be a Huge Source of
Funding for the NHS and We Are about to Give It Away’.
232 Wellcome Trust, The One-Way Mirror: Public Attitudes to Commercial Access to Health Data.
233 Department of Health and Social Care, The Future of Healthcare.
234 Ream et al., Accelerating Artificial Intelligence in Health and Care: Results from a State of the Nation Survey, 6.
235 British Academy and Royal Society, Data Management and Use: Governance in the 21st Century, 27.
Appendix 236 237 238 239 240 241
Summary of research
project or product/
Year Parties involved service Terms of agreement
2015 - DeepMind and Royal The Streams App can alert A redacted version of the ‘Service Agreement’ can be found
present Free NHS Foundation clinicians to acute kidney online:239
Trusts injury in patients “up to 7
>> The Trust is the data controller acquiring data processing
hours earlier”,237 enabling
Has since been rolled services from DeepMind to ‘support direct care of patients’
them to respond faster and
out in Imperial; Tauton
avoid kidney damage. >> DeepMind own all the IP of any product, as well as a licence to
and Somerset; and
use the Trusts’ background IP
Yeovil Trusts. 236
Eventually, it is supposed
to become an AI assistant >> The Trust is entitled to no commercial benefit; it is being supplied
DeepMind has
to help with diagnosis.238 a service, not a product
recently announced
However, it is currently
the App would be >> The App provides ‘direct care’ and therefore there is ‘implied
used to help doctors
scaled up by Google, patient consent’
communicate by sharing
out of the company’s
real-time patient data with >> If DeepMind’s running costs surpass a threshold of £15,000, the
doctors. NHS trust may have to cover extra costs for the service.240
236 DeepMind Health, ‘DeepMind Health and the Royal Free’, Webpage, DeepMind, 2017.
237 Ibid.
238 Jamie Condliffe, ‘Is DeepMind’s Health-Care App a Solution, or a Problem?’, MIT Technology Review, 22 November
239 DeepMind Health and Royal Free London NHS Foundation, ‘Redacted: Services Agreement between DeepMind
Technologies Limited and Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust’.
240 Shead, ‘Google DeepMind is giving the NHS free access to its patient monitoring app.’
241 Aliya Ram, ‘DeepMind Develops AI to Diagnose Eye Diseases’, Financial Times, 4 February 2018.
Making NHS data work for everyone / Appendix
Summary of research
project or product/
Year Parties involved service Terms of agreement
2006 - UK Biobank and The UK Biobank is a major Data are licenced to external organisations who can prove that
present various commercial national and international their research will have a positive impact on health. The terms of
and non-commercial resource open to a such agreements:
actors 242 variety of stakeholders
>> Applicants will be expected to pay for access to the resource
(e.g. universities, private
on a cost-recovery basis, with a fixed charge for managing the
sector). Its aim is to
application review process and a variable charge depending
improve prevention,
on how many samples, tests and/or data are required for the
diagnosis and treatment of
approved research project
life-threatening illnesses.
>> UK Biobank will remain the controller of the database and
The data from various
samples but will have no financial claim over any inventions that
blood, urine, and saliva
are developed by researchers using the resource
samples, and detailed
information from 500,000 >> All users will be required to publish their findings and return
people, is used primarily their results to UK Biobank so that they are available for other
for research.243 researchers to use for health-related research that is in the public
Making NHS data work for everyone / Appendix
Summary of research
project or product/
Year Parties involved service Terms of agreement
2016 - Babylon Health The GP at Hand App is for The App has been commissioned by the NHS Hammersmith and
present patients to seek medical Fulham CCG under a General Medical Services (GMS) contractual
help online. The platform agreement:247
connects GPs with
>> The App is free at the point of access, but patients will need to
patients; so they can either
live within proximity to the GP at Hand’s surgeries or live and
have a consultation over
work in London zones 1-3
the phone or book one
online. This is supposed to >> The App has other restrictions on access e.g. people who are
cut waiting times and save under 16 or with complex needs
GP time.
>> Patient data they collect can be shared back with the NHS
It is also hoped that
>> Data are also kept for Babylon’s own research. They write: “We
the App will be able to
diagnose using AI. The may also retain your data for medical regulatory purposes, as
company claimed that its legally required. On a fully anonymised basis, we may use the
diagnosing systems were data for research purposes and to improve the services we
on par with doctors. 246 deliver to all patients”
>> TheApp is still under trial, and progress in the Hammersmith and
Fulham CCG will be monitored before thinking of scaling-up use
The expansion of the App outside of London was recently blocked
by NHS leaders for safety concerns.248
The App exists outside of the NHS, and here Babylon collects
health data through the App. It also has a relationship with Bupa,
were it charges them £25 per appointment.249
Making NHS data work for everyone / Appendix
250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260
Summary of research
project or product/
Year Parties involved service Terms of agreement
2017 – Sensyne Health, Sensyne Health is a The company has a partnership and a Memorandum of
present University of Oxford healthcare technology Understanding with NHS Trusts – the first being Oxford University
and Oxford Hospital company using AI and Hospital Foundation Trusts and the University of Oxford.
Foundation Trust, data science to develop
The commercial model involves equity shares:
initially – Chelsea and new medicines and
Westminster Hospital improve patient care. >> OxfordUniversity Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, South
NHS Foundation Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust, and Chelsea & Westminster
For example, the GDm-
Trust and South NHS Foundation Trust, have equity shares of 6 per cent, 3.7 per
Health App, which
Warwickshire NHS cent and 3.7 per cent respectively253
is providing digital
Foundation Trust are
therapeutic management >> Itappears that NHS Trusts will own 10 per cent collectively,254 so
now also involved250
for diabetes during it is assumed that each time an NHS Trust joins, the other Trusts’
pregnancy, has been shares reduce in size
particularly successful.
>> Each Trust is also offered a “double bottom-line return” which
98 per cent would
recommend it to friends is £5 million worth of shares, as well as a royalty on any product
and family. It has also developed using its data 255
significantly reduced Sensyne was originally known as Drayson Health when it first
caesarean sections. The started in 2017 – it became Sensyne Health only in 2018, when it
company estimates a registered on the London Stock Exchange.
cost saving of £230 per
The company hopes
to become an example
of how a commercial
company can partner with
an NHS organisation.252
2016 – Adler Hey Children’s In 2016 Alder Hey IBM Watson services have been procured through the Technologic
present NHS Foundation announced a new Facilities Council for Adler Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.
Trust, IBM Watson ‘Cognitive Hospital’ which
>> IBM Watson technology is used by the hospital to exploit its own
and Science and would use IBM Watson
data asset, meaning IBM has no need to access NHS data
Technology Facilities technology to harness
Council (STFC) the power of Big Data. 256
>> IBM is contributing £200m, and the government £115m, for
According to IBM, the research into ‘Big Data’ applications259
partnership will improve
>> The Alder Play App collects data to identify patterns such as
the patient experience,
direct care and potentially food queries, but does not collect any personal data other than
create efficiency savings. 257 email addresses. 260
One recent product
development is the Alder
Play App, an AI powered
patient App and webpage.
It allows incoming patients
to ask a chatbot questions
and helps improve
children’s experiences of
hospitals by helping them
earn rewards for visiting
parts of the hospital.258
Making NHS data work for everyone / Appendix
Summary of research
project or product/
Year Parties involved service Terms of agreement
2017 - NHS Digital and Each company will be Data sharing agreements effectively give a third party (e.g.
2018 various commercial using different datasets university or private-sector company) a licence to use the data:
companies such as: for different purposes,
>> Users pay a fee for the licence to cover the cost for NHS Digital,
Northgate Public such as research and
which costs £1,000 for set-up and the first year’s service. There
Services Ltd; Capita; development.
is an Annual Service Charge of £1,000
IQVIA Solutions UK
Ltd; HEALTH IQ Ltd; >> The owner of the licence can sublet this agreement
Method Analytics
>> If
NHS Digital feels that the agreement has been breached, it will
Ltd; Meditrends Ltd;
Lightfoot Solutions; charge the user up to £15,000 for an audit if it is found to have
Harvey Walsh Ltd; breached the terms.
Device Access UK
2012 - Clinical Practice CPRD collects and links A licence to use data is granted by the Independent Scientific
present Research Datalink de-identified patient data Advisory Committee which independently reviews research
(CPRD) from a network of GP requests to access data from CPRD.
practices and other health-
The CPRD has two main types of licences:
related longitudinal data
such as HES controlled >> An Individual Study Licence for one-off study
by NHS Digital. Data are
>> An Unlimited Licence for an annual subscription
provided for research that
will bring about health It has a three-tiered pricing model for:
benefits and medical
advancement. >> Non-commercial customers (academic, government, charity)
>> Commercial mid-tier customers (single entity commercial
organisations), and
>> Commercial multi-affiliate organisations
The price of an Individual Study Licence for most of CPRD’s link
data is £4,000 irrespective of the customer sector. The Individual
Study Licence for primary care data is £15,000, £30,000 or
£60,000 for each tier, respectively. A Multi-Study Licence for
primary care data is approximately 5 times the price of the
Individual Study Licence.
The review process for each licence has multiple stages. The
priority is ensuring the owner of the license is a reputable bona
fide research organisation which is going to use the data to
conduct research for public benefit – it is expected that all
research and results will be published.
The terms of the licence include:
>> Restrictions preventing the owner of the licence from merging the
data with other data sources; transferring the data to third parties
other than as strictly permitted through the customer’s licence;
or selling the data or incorporating it in to a product. Crucially,
however, the results of the research using the data are owned by
the licensee and not further restricted
>> All
CPRD data must be destroyed on the completion of the
study and/or licence term; the data cannot be used to measure
effectiveness of sales or advertising campaigns.
261 For more information, website has a further examples of NHS Digital data release register.
Making NHS data work for everyone / Appendix
Summary of research
project or product/
Year Parties involved service Terms of agreement
2015 - DrDoctor and various An App that helps patients This example follows procurement via the G-Cloud framework.
present health Trusts, such make appointments and Alongside this, it has had to make separate data sharing
as Guy’s Foundation reminders. The Trusts agreements with each Trust, sometimes a costly experience for
Trust262 are expected to make a DrDoctor.
£2.5 million to £3.5 million
return from the App.
Outcomes thus far:
Improve referral-to-
treatment time; increase
attendance by over 15
per cent; reduce non-
attendance by 47 per cent.
2017 - Ultromics263 a spin out Creating new diagnostic The trial agreement:
present from the University aids for cardiologists using
>> Ultromics have access to NHS data across various wards and
of Oxford and now AI.
use data to run algorithms to diagnose heart disease
partnered with 20
Initial findings indicate
NHS hospitals264 >> It has said publicly that whatever diagnostic products it creates
the AI could increase the
would be shared for free with the NHS
accuracy of diagnoses by
80-90 per cent. >> The company have said that the products could potentially save
2002 – National Joint Most companies use The NJR has different costings for different stakeholders. The
present Registry (NJR) and the data to judge the principle of the subscription rate is that ‘you pay what you can’. It
various commercial success of their hip or joint is a cost-recovery model:
companies replacements and other
>> The data comes from the NHS web portal. The NJR will clean
health products/services
and analyse the data – which the NHS will get back for free
associated with joints.267
>> Commercial companies will pay a subscription of £3,500 per
Making NHS data work for everyone / Appendix
Summary of research
project or product/
Year Parties involved service Terms of agreement
2016 - Kheiron Medical, Kheiron Medical, a Kheiron has a partnership with the NHS platformed by grant
present several universities, machine learning company funding and data sharing agreements:
the NHS and seed focused on supporting
>> Grants have been provided by various UK and EU organisations.
funders radiologists to tackle
One example is the NHS England Wave 2 Test Bed project
breast cancer. The
with the East Midlands Radiology Consortium (EMRAD), which
company brings together
Kheiron was awarded in a competition269
experts from academia
(Oxford, Cambridge, >> Kheironis also involved in two out of the five ISCF Centres of
Edinburgh, McGill, KTH, Excellence for AI in digital radiology and pathology
University College London
[UCL] and Imperial Some of these public-sector grants also provide money to the
College), and clinical NHS partner to produce the resources the SME needs to develop
experts.268 products or services
The company has also published on its website that it hopes to
create a commercial strategy with the NHS.270
Spring Skin Analytics Ltd Currently in development, The partnership is platformed by the SBRI healthcare initiative.
2017 and Imperial College the partnership is
>> SkinAnalytics has won competition as part of the ISCF data
Health Partners pioneering two new
to early programme. The funding will help them support the
AHSN271 technologies which
development of two products for the diagnosis of skin cancer.272
should enable cost-
effective population- >> Theproject has thus far received £99,941 from government
based screening for skin funding
cancer. The company
has already built two AI Prior to the partnership, the company had received private funding
melanoma screening tools for a start-up. One product was initially priced at £40 and aimed at
for assessing pigmented families and consumers, rather than medical professionals.273
lesions in primary care The company is also conducting research with 7 NHS hospitals,
and earlier. Some can led by the Royal Free. It is the first prospective study for AI and
be used at home on a melanoma, and the company promises to share the research
personal mobile. The two results in early 2019.274
extra products under
development will be used
in addition to the others.
Anonymised data: data “about individuals but with identifying details removed”.275
Artificial intelligence: any manmade agent (i.e. computer programme or robot) that
exhibits intelligence. Intelligence is defined as an “agent’s ability to achieve goals in a wide
range of environments.”276
Audit trail: a record of everyone who has looked at or changed a record, why and when
they did so and what changes they made.277
Consent (and its different forms): “approval or agreement for something to happen
after consideration. For consent to be legally valid, the individual must be informed, must
have the capacity to make the decision in question and must give consent voluntarily.”278
Explicit Consent: “It can be given in writing or verbally, or conveyed through another
form of communication such as signing.” 279 Implied consent: “applicable only within the
context of direct care of individuals. It refers to instances where the consent of the
individual patient can be implied without having to make any positive action, such as
giving their verbal agreement for a specific aspect of sharing information to proceed.” 280
Data architecture: this is the overall environment of data and includes frameworks,
models, standards, policies, data management, data quality, unstructured data etc.
Data controller: “a person who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons)
determines the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data are, or are
to be, processed.”281
Data-driven technologies: in this paper the term will describe any technology that uses
data as part of its creation and not just or solely as part of its functioning. An example
would be a machine learning algorithm which needs data to be trained on.
Data processor: “any person (other than an employee of the data controller) who
processes the data on behalf of the data controller.”282
Data subject: “an individual who is the subject of personal data”.283
Data standards: the rules by which data are described and recorded. In order to share
data properly, the format and the meaning of the data must be standardised.
Information governance: the way in which organisations management the way
information and data are handled to ensure it is legal, secure, efficient and effective.284
Intangible asset: a “non-monetary asset without a physical substance”. An asset is
defined as “any resource controlled by a company which generate future economic
benefits and has an associated cost or value which can be reliably measured.”285
Knowledge asset: a type of intangible asset. It defines a wide-range of intellectual
resources such as intellectual property (IP), software, data, technological expertise,
organisational know-how, etc.286
275 NHS Digital, ‘How We Look after Information’, Webpage, NHS Digital, 2017.
276 Shane Legg and Marcus Hutter, ‘A Collection of Definitions of Intelligence’, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and
Applications 157 (June 2007): 8.
277 National Data Guardian for Health and Care, Information: To Share or Not to Share? Information Governance Review.
278 Health and Social Care Information Centre, A Guide to Confidentiality in Health and Social Care, 2013, 7.
279 Ibid.
280 Ibid.
281 Information Commissioner’s Office, Guide to Data Protection.
282 Ibid.
283 Ibid.
284 National Data Guardian for Health and Care, Information: To Share or Not to Share? Information Governance Review.
285 Centre for Economics and Business Research, Data on the Balance Sheet, 2.
286 HM Treasury, Getting Smart about Intellectual Property and Other Intangibles in the Public Sector: Budget 2018.
Machine learning: a subset of AI that allows computer systems to learn by analyzing huge
amounts of data and drawing insights from it rather than following pre-programmed rules.287
Metadata: information that describes other data by providing a description of its
content.288 For example, a digital image may include information on its size, resolution,
when the image was created etc.
Personal identifiable data: data “containing details that identify individuals”.289
Pseudonymised data: data “about individuals but with identifying details (such as name
or NHS number) replaced with a unique code.”290
Population/aggregate data: “anonymised information grouped together so that it
doesn’t identify” individuals. 291
287 The Royal Society, Machine Learning: The Power and Promise of Computers That Learn by Example, 2017, 20.
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