HEE Topol Review 2019

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The report discusses preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver digital healthcare of the future. It covers recommendations, technologies, genomics, and ethical considerations.

The top technologies discussed are artificial intelligence, digital health records, telehealth, digital clinical decision support, digital pathology, digital imaging, and digital health apps.

The ethical considerations discussed are patient safety, data governance, respect for human dignity, health inequalities, impact on patients/carers and healthcare professionals, and widening digital participation.

The Topol Review

Preparing the healthcare workforce

to deliver the digital future
An independent report on behalf of the
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
February 2019
Preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future....................................6
Executive summary.....................................................................................................................................9
1.0 Introduction..................................................................................................................................18
1.1 Conducting the review....................................................................................................19
1.2 Principles.................................................................................................................................20
1.3 Gathering the evidence..................................................................................................20
1.4 Prioritising the workforce..............................................................................................20
1.5 Overview of the report...................................................................................................21
2.0 Ethical considerations..............................................................................................................22
2.1 Patient safety.......................................................................................................................22
2.2 Data governance................................................................................................................22
2.3 Respect for human dignity............................................................................................23
2.4 Health inequalities.............................................................................................................23
2.5 Patients and carers............................................................................................................25
2.6 Healthcare professionals................................................................................................25
2.7 Health system.......................................................................................................................25
2.8 Widening Digital Participation....................................................................................25
2.9 Recommendations.............................................................................................................25
3.0 The top digital healthcare technologies impacting the workforce................26
3.1 Top technology descriptions........................................................................................28
3.2 Use cases.................................................................................................................................32
3.3 Future scenarios..................................................................................................................34
3.4 The next 20 years...............................................................................................................36
4.0 Genomics........................................................................................................................................38
4.1 The citizen and the patient...........................................................................................39
4.2 Healthcare professionals................................................................................................40
4.3 Health system.......................................................................................................................41
4.4 Recommendations.............................................................................................................43
Persona: Eddie the bioinformatician...............................................................................................44

5.0 Digital medicine..........................................................................................................................46 9.0 Providing a learning environment for education and training........................74
5.1 The citizen and the patient...........................................................................................47 9.1 A culture of learning........................................................................................................74
5.2 Healthcare professionals................................................................................................48 9.2 Methods of learning.........................................................................................................76
5.3 Health system.......................................................................................................................49 9.3 Supporting educators......................................................................................................77
5.4 Recommendations.............................................................................................................50 9.4 Supporting the whole workforce..............................................................................77
Persona: Tom the nurse..........................................................................................................................51 9.5 Supporting the specialist workforce.......................................................................78
6.0 Artificial intelligence and robotics....................................................................................53 9.6 Educating the future workforce.................................................................................79
6.1 The potential of AI and robotics technologies in healthcare.....................54 9.7 Educational recommendations to support a digitally
6.2 Embedding an infrastructure for AI and robotics.............................................54 enabled health system............................................................................................................80

6.3 The citizen and the patient...........................................................................................55 10.0 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................82

6.4 Healthcare professionals................................................................................................56 References......................................................................................................................................................84

6.5 Health system.......................................................................................................................57 Acknowledgements..................................................................................................................................92

6.6 Recommendations.............................................................................................................58 Appendix 1. Contributors......................................................................................................................93

Persona: Salma the paramedic...........................................................................................................59 Appendix 2. Glossary...............................................................................................................................98

7.0 Healthcare economics, productivity and the gift of time....................................60

7.1 Impact on patients.............................................................................................................61
7.2 Impact on workforce and healthcare system......................................................61
7.3 Potential impact of digital healthcare technologies
on workforce productivity....................................................................................................61
8.0 Organisational development...............................................................................................67
8.1. An open and inclusive innovation culture..........................................................68
8.2. Prioritising people............................................................................................................68
8.3. An agile workforce...........................................................................................................68
8.4. Leadership.............................................................................................................................69
8.5. Establishing effective governance arrangements for digital health....69
8.6 Investment.............................................................................................................................69
8.7 Recommendations.............................................................................................................70
Persona: Sarah the doctor.....................................................................................................................72

4 5
Preparing the healthcare workforce to
deliver the digital future
Letter to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Dear Secretary of State, There are, of course, considerable uncertainties in projecting anything, no less such a
precious part of our lives – our health. There are three noteworthy changes that we
It was a privilege to be asked to lead an independent review to advise on: expect to take hold: a much greater proportion of the population will have their genome
• how technological and other developments (including in genomics, artificial intelligence, sequenced; the empowerment of individuals who will increasingly be generating their own
digital medicine and robotics) are likely to change the roles and functions of clinical staff in all health data with the help of algorithms to interpret that data; and a marked improvement
professions over the next two decades to ensure safer, more productive, more effective and in the speed, accuracy and scalability of medical data interpretation afforded by artificial
more personal care for patients; intelligence, which will provide robust support for all types of clinicians. Taken together,
this will lead to an evolution of the patient-doctor relationship that we hope can be greatly
• what the implications of these changes are for the skills required by the professionals filling these strengthened, along with the alleviation of burnout that currently affects a significant
roles, identifying professions or sub-specialisms where these may be particularly significant; proportion of clinicians.
• the consequences for the selection, curricula, education, training, development and lifelong
learning of current and future National Health Service staff. Ultimately, embracing and implementing these technologies (including genomics)
throughout the NHS, while clearly representing a challenge, is likely to prevent diseases
We are at a unique juncture in the history of medicine, with the convergence of genomics, and their complications, and produce an overall improvement in health outcomes.
biosensors, the electronic patient record and smartphone apps, all superimposed on a digital
infrastructure, with artificial intelligence to make sense of the overwhelming amount of data We offer a number of recommendations for you to consider. These will require early
created. This remarkably powerful set of information technologies provides the capacity to implementation by education providers, as well as by arm’s-length bodies and employers on
understand, from a medical standpoint, the uniqueness of each individual – and the promise to behalf of the NHS, if we are to gain the benefits these digital healthcare technologies offer.
deliver healthcare on a far more rational, efficient and tailored basis.
I would like to personally thank your Department for encouragement, my extraordinary
From late 2017 to the present, our cross-disciplinary team of experts, including clinicians, Review Board and Panels for their expertise and commitment, Health Education England
educators, ethicists, computer scientists, engineers and economists, reviewed the available data and the secretariat for their work on the Review, not forgetting all those who shared
and projected into the future what impact these technologies would have on the NHS workforce insights and experience in response to our call for evidence.
over the next two decades. Such an undertaking with experts from multiple disciplines and a
Yours sincerely
country-wide perspective has not, to our knowledge, been undertaken previously.

The Review has been predicated on the following pre-suppositions:

1. The patient must be considered to be at the centre when assessing and implementing any
new technologies.
Eric Topol, MD
2. There is remarkable potential for digital healthcare technologies to improve accuracy of
Executive VP and Professor, Molecular Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute
diagnoses and treatments, the efficiency of care, and workflow for healthcare professionals, but
Founder and Director, Scripps Research Translational Institute
implementation must only be carried out when there has been robust clinical validation.
3. Patients who are willing to take greater charge of their care using digital tools and algorithms
will be empowered, but this should always be an opt-in choice for them.
February 2019
4. A marked improvement in the patient-clinician relationship is possible, owing to the gift of time
delivered by the introduction of these technologies. This will bring a new emphasis on the nurturing
of the precious inter-human bond, based on trust, clinical presence, empathy and communication.
5. The new medicine as envisioned will require extensive education and training of the clinician
workforce and the public, with cultivation of a cross-disciplinary approach that includes data
scientists, computer scientists, engineers, bioinformaticians, in addition to the traditional mix of
pharmacists, nurses and doctors.

6 7
Executive summary
As people live longer, but also with more long-term conditions,
there is an inexorable increase in the demand for healthcare.
The workforce is also changing: millennials have new expectations and most people seek
a good work-life balance through flexible careers. The NHS Long Term Plan identifies
the need for more healthcare workers to respond to this increasing demand. Digital
healthcare technologies, defined here as genomics, digital medicine, artificial intelligence
(AI) and robotics, should not just be seen as increasing costs, but rather as a new means of
addressing the big healthcare challenges of the 21st century.

The UK has the potential to become a world leader in these healthcare technologies and
this Review anticipates how technological innovation will impact the roles and functions
of healthcare staff over the next two decades. Our review of the evidence leads us to
suggest that these technologies will not replace healthcare professionals, but will enhance
them (‘augment them’), giving them more time to care for patients. Some professions will
be more affected than others, but the impact on patient outcomes should in all cases be
positive. Patients will be empowered to participate more fully in their own care.

This ground-breaking Review has sought expert opinion from across the UK and overseas.
This is the first time that such a wide breadth of expertise has been brought together to
anticipate and debate the impact of technological innovation on the NHS workforce.

With patients placed firmly at the centre of our discussions, this report is the culmination
of an extensive literature review, interviews, expert meetings and roundtables. We had
an overwhelming response to the call for evidence from individuals and organisations,
with responses from hundreds of patient representatives, professional groups, industry,
education, regulators and national bodies.

Within 20 years, 90% of all jobs in the NHS will require some element of digital skills.
Staff will need to be able to navigate a data-rich healthcare environment. All staff will
need digital and genomics literacy. This Review is about both the existing and the future
workforce. We need to tackle differences in the digital literacy of the current workforce
linked to age or place of work.

The next decade presents an opportunity to address data governance and cyber security
concerns, agree ethical frameworks and develop NHS staff/organisations to implement
genomics and digital technologies in the workplace. The complexity of data governance
requirements should not be a reason for inaction. Most importantly, there must be
mechanisms in place to ensure advanced technology does not dehumanise care. While
automation will improve efficiency, it should not replace human interaction.

8 9
This Review proposes three principles to support monitoring is changing the way care is delivered. Almost Digital medicine will require leadership with the As we shift towards whole genome sequencing, genomics
the deployment of digital healthcare technologies 90% of the population regularly use the internet, yet less capability to direct the agenda, which should include will extend beyond rare diseases and cancers, producing
throughout the NHS: than a quarter has so far registered for online services a Board-level member, as well as new senior roles with benefits in prevention and management of common later-
with a GP. The health and care system will need to responsibility for advising boards on digital technologies. onset diseases. It is now possible to make corrections to
1. Patients need to be included as partners and
work with patients to co-create applications of digital The NHS must build skills in data provenance, curation an individual’s DNA that could lead to cures for previously
informed about health technologies, with a particular
technologies which meet their needs. and governance, enhance the understanding of ethical untreatable diseases and deliver targeted therapies. Such an
focus on vulnerable/marginalised groups to ensure
considerations and strengthen the necessary skills to carry intervention may replace some current palliative therapies
equitable access.
Using AI-based technologies, automated image out critical appraisal. in the next 10-20 years, achieving cures and having the
2. The healthcare workforce needs expertise and interpretation in radiology and pathology will lead potential to reduce the costs of chronic treatments.
guidance to evaluate new technologies, using to faster diagnosis, while speech recognition has the Artificial intelligence will be deployed to augment the
processes grounded in real-world evidence. potential to free up more staff time to deliver care. AI will skills of the NHS workforce. Staff will need to understand There is a need to complete the digitisation and integration
transform patient-generated data into clinically useful fully the issues of data validity and accuracy. Early of health and care records if the full benefits of digital
3. The gift of time: wherever possible the adoption of new
information and empower patients to manage their own benefits of AI and robotics will include the automation medicine (earlier diagnosis, personalised care and
technologies should enable staff to gain more time to
health or seek appropriate health support. Patient benefit of mundane repetitive tasks that require little human treatment) are going to be realised for the NHS. An
care, promoting deeper interaction with patients.
should be the driving force behind AI and robotics design, cognitive power, improved robot-assisted surgery and the understanding of how data-driven technologies are best
Genomics, digital medicine and AI will have a major with new products co-developed with patients from optimisation of logistics. deployed to support and improve working practices will
impact on patient care in the future. A number of design to implementation. be part of workforce development. This will make it easier
NHS organisations should invest in their existing to commission digital medicine services, for example,
emerging technologies, including low-cost sequencing
Advances in healthcare technologies and a greater focus workforce to develop specialist skills, including the telemedicine with the aim of improving ease of access and
technology, telemedicine, smartphone apps, biosensors
on prevention, health and wellbeing will bring major assessment and commissioning of genomics and digital decreasing non-attendance rates, or remote monitoring
for remote diagnosis and monitoring, speech recognition
improvements in patient outcomes. However, it is critical technologies. With all new technologies, it is essential with the aim of reducing unplanned hospital admissions.
and automated image interpretation, will be particularly
that the healthcare system prepares to adopt any new to identify future champions early and create networks
important for the healthcare workforce.
technologies in a spirit of equality and fairness. A range to enable collaborative learning. Accredited continuous Advances in mathematics, computing power, cloud
of social determinants affect health outcomes, and professional development (CPD) and flexible on-going computing and algorithm design have accelerated our
What does this mean for patients, carers
digital health technologies should redress not reinforce training and career opportunities, including portfolio ability to analyse, interpret and make decisions using
and the wider community? inequalities, with particular attention given to vulnerable careers in academia or industry, will be important to artificial intelligence. Uneven NHS data quality, gaps in
and marginalised groups. deliver change. NHS Boards should also take responsibility information governance and lack of expertise remain
In the future, many aspects of care will shift closer to the
for effective knowledge management to support major barriers to the adoption of these advances. A
patient’s home, while more specialised care is centralised
into national or regional centres. The NHS has been
An evolving health workforce innovation and change. binding code of conduct and a transparent information
governance framework are required to support the
working towards a less paternalistic relationship between
patients and staff for some time, and digital healthcare
There is a need to raise awareness of genomics and digital Health service leadership to integrate analysis of anonymised patient data by industry, as well as
literacy among the health and social care workforce. The guidance to support the evaluation and purchasing of AI
technologies have the potential to speed up that process, and adopt new technologies
latter requires the development of the skills, attitudes and products. Capability must be developed within the NHS to
to empower individuals to be more informed about their
behaviours that individuals require to become digitally Technological innovation will increasingly shift the balance identify and understand algorithmic bias and ensure that
care, and to allow them to work together with healthcare
competent and confident. The levels of digital literacy, the of care in the NHS towards more centralised highly data does not reflect the bias inherent in social structures,
staff to make treatment decisions.
workforce’s awareness of the required capability, access specialised care and decentralised less specialist care. and reinforce structural discrimination and inequalities.
to training and support, and skills to enable patients This will result in long-term shifts in patterns of need and
Genomics has the potential to transform healthcare with
and citizens to improve health and wellbeing through services. For new digital healthcare technologies to reach To ensure equity in the adoption of any new technologies,
more accurate diagnoses of a broader range of diseases
technology will all need to be improved, as a fundamental their full potential and deliver significantly better patient health economy-led mapping of access, use and impact
with a genetic basis, and to allow patients to know their
shift in the balance of skills in the workforce takes place outcomes without the need to increase resources, the of technology-enabled care will be essential. Patient
likelihood of developing one of these diseases. However,
over the next two decades. This will present new career whole health and care system will need to anticipate and safety should be at the centre of the integration of new
there is a need to develop clear frameworks for healthcare
opportunities for some of the workforce. plan for the future. As it can take up to 10 years to realise technologies. Health leaders will need to work together
staff to use genomic data in a way that safeguards
cost savings, investment in IT systems, hardware, software with regulators to review the regulation and compliance
patient confidentiality, and inspires the support and
Genomics will become integral to all medical specialties. requirements of new digital technologies, alongside cyber
confidence of citizens and the wider community. and connectivity, as well as the training of healthcare staff
While some aspects will remain with highly specialised security and data privacy to ensure transparent, resilient,
and the public, will have to be planned carefully.
professionals, many will become mainstream and robust and legally enforceable governance policies and
Digital medicine is already changing the way people
embedded in routine healthcare delivery. The health practices, and provide evidence-based guarantees of the
interact with healthcare. Telemedicine services include
workforce will play a key role in ensuring that genomic safety of healthcare technologies. We should learn from
telephone triage such as 111 and the ability to have
technologies are efficiently, appropriately and equitably other industries and international examples. Training should
video appointments. Smartphone apps help patients
deployed, so that individuals can understand how be commissioned to develop a cadre of specialists in the
self-manage and order repeat prescriptions. Remote
genetics can affect their health. regulation and assessment of digital technologies.
10 11
In order to bridge the skills gap, the NHS will need to
collaborate with academia and industry, and attract
global technical talent through new apprenticeships and
Masters schemes, for example, expanding the NHS Digital
Academy, and introducing industry exchange networks to
facilitate collaborative working. There is a need to develop
a continuous pipeline of robotics engineers, data scientists
and other technical specialists, who can then be attracted
into the NHS to create the new technological solutions
that will improve care and productivity.

Creating a culture of innovation and learning will be

critical, by cultivating a reputation for training and
support, proactive learning activities, opportunities to
learn and reflect away from the workplace, dissemination
of lessons from early adoption and sharing examples of
best-practice evidence-based initiatives.

This is an exciting time for the NHS to benefit and
capitalise on technological advances. However, we
must learn from previous change projects. Successful
implementation will require investment in people as well
as technology. To engage and support the healthcare
workforce in a rapidly changing and highly technological
workplace, NHS organisations will need to develop a
learning environment in which the workforce is given
every encouragement to learn continuously. We must
better understand the enablers of change and create
a culture of innovation, prioritising people, developing
an agile and empowered workforce, as well as digitally
capable leadership, and effective governance processes
to facilitate the introduction of the new technologies,
supported by long-term investment.

12 13
Recommendations The Digital Medicine The Digital Medicine and AI &
Panel recommends: Robotics Panels recommend:

The Review Board recommends: • The NHS should work with patient and carer
The citizen and the patient • The NHS should create or increase the numbers
organisations to support appropriate patient of clinician, scientist, technologist and knowledge
education. (P2) • NHS online content should be a vital trusted specialist posts with dedicated, accredited time,
The citizen and the patient
source of health information and be resourced with the opportunity of working in partnership
• Local arrangements should be established
• In a similar way to other public health education appropriately. (DM1) with academia and/or the health tech industry to
to provide needs-based targeted education
initiatives, programmes aimed at engaging and design, implement and use digital, AI and robotics
and support through existing patient support • The NHS should expand research and
educating the public about genomics and digital technologies. (DM4/AIR5)
provision, where possible. (HI1) development programmes, working closely with
healthcare technologies should be developed. (P1)
patients to co-create digital technologies and
ensure that emerging technologies meet their
needs. (DM2)

Healthcare professionals
• NHS organisations should invest in their existing
The Genomics Panel recommends:
workforce to develop specialist digital skills, The AI and Robotics
• Capacity should be built within the NHS Genomic
including the assessment and commissioning of Panel recommends:
The citizen and the patient digital technologies, through the Digital Academy,
Medicine Service through support for specialist
• The NHS, in partnership with relevant regulatory continuous professional development (CPD),
healthcare professionals including genomic
bodies, should establish a clear, robust framework sabbaticals and secondments. (DM3) The citizen and the patient
counsellors, clinical scientists and specialists in
by which healthcare professionals use genomic
genomic medicine. (G5) Health system • The NHS should ensure that patients are
data, which safeguards patient confidentiality, and
Health system involved from the beginning in the design and
inspires the support and confidence of citizens and • The NHS, working with regulators, should develop
implementation of AI software for healthcare,
the wider community. (G1) • An attractive career pathway should be developed and commission courses to increase the number
with their needs and preferences reflected in the
for bioinformaticians, including expansion of of specialists in the evaluation and regulation of
Healthcare professionals co-design process. (AIR1)
Higher Specialist Scientist Training for clinical digital technologies. (DM5)
• All healthcare professionals should receive bioinformaticians. (G6) Healthcare professionals
core training in genomic literacy to help them
• A framework for genomic leadership should be • Educational resources should be developed to
understand the basis, benefits and ethical
developed across clinical specialities and primary educate and train all healthcare professionals in:
considerations associated with genomics. (G2)
care settings to encourage and disseminate best- health data provenance, curation, integration and
• Lifelong training should be available to healthcare practice and to simplify patient referral systems. (G7) governance; the ethics of AI and autonomous
professionals with emphasis on continuing support systems/tools; critical appraisal and interpretation
• Academic institutions should ensure genomics and
in this rapidly evolving field, including access to of AI and robotics technologies. (AIR2)
data analytics are prominent in undergraduate
dynamic ‘just-in-time’ digital updates and online
curricula for healthcare professionals, and that there Health system
genomic information resources. (G3)
should be expansion of undergraduate capacity in
• Accredited genomic training for healthcare genomics, bioinformatics and data science. (G8) • The NHS should leverage its global reputation and
professionals should be established in key clinical integrated datasets to attract skilled experts from
specialities to incorporate genomic testing and the global community of data scientists. (AIR3)
genomic counselling into their practice. (G4) • Given the national shortage and competition
for AI specialists, there should be a national
programme of ‘Industry Exchange Networks’ that
would benefit the NHS. (AIR4)

14 15
The Organisational Development Supporting the educators Specialist workforce and specialist teams will be
Working Group recommends: working at the very forefront of their disciplines, often
Delivering the education and requirements of the NHS
being early adopters of new technologies. Supporting
workforce over the next five years will be challenging.
these individuals and teams will be important for
In order to achieve this:
The citizen and the patient • NHS Boards should take responsibility for effective continued innovation. To support specialists and specialist
knowledge management to enable staff to learn • The NHS and local organisations should support the teams in genomics, digital medicine, AI and robotics:
• NHS organisations must ensure that patients,
from experience (both successes and failures) and development of a cadre of educators and trainers
citizens and staff are involved in the co-design of • For both existing and new roles addressing skills
accelerate the adoption of proven innovations. (OD5) who can lead the educational programme to ensure
transformation projects, particularly in identifying gaps in clinical bioinformatics, digital technologies,
timely upskilling of the NHS workforce. (E3)
how digital healthcare technologies can help • The NHS should strengthen systems to disseminate AI and robotics, the NHS should develop or expand
to improve both patient experience and staff lessons from early adoption and share examples • These organisations also need to put in place both educational programmes (for example, the
productivity. (OD1) of effective, evidence-based technological change systems to identify and develop talented, inspiring Higher Specialist Scientist Training) and attractive
programmes. (OD6) new educators within the workforce. (E4) career pathways. (E9)
Healthcare professionals
• NHS organisations should use validated Education and development of the • The NHS should commission flexible and responsive
• Senior roles should be developed with responsibility frameworks to implement technological solutions training for specialist roles. This may include
whole workforce
to advise on the opportunities offered by digital and ensure staff are trained to use these. (OD7) engaging with industrial learning organisations
healthcare technologies and identify local skills Staff should have the opportunity to access
and developing placements, exchanges and
• The NHS should support collaborations between information about genomics and digital technologies
gaps. (OD2) secondments. (E10)
the NHS and industry aimed at improving the skills adopted by the NHS and develop the necessary skills.
• Healthcare professionals will need to access and talent of healthcare staff. (OD8) • The NHS should work with PSRBs and other bodies
To achieve this, within five years:
training resources and educational programmes in to introduce and strengthen accreditation of newer
• The NHS should work with stakeholders across • HEE should establish a new NHS Digital Education
digital healthcare technologies to assess and build specialist groups. (E11)
sectors to review the regulation and compliance Programme to oversee the implementation of a
their digital readiness. (OD3)
requirements for new digital healthcare technologies, national digital education strategy. The programme Educating the future workforce
Health system including the provision of guidance and training on will complement the Genomics Education
cyber security, data privacy and data anonymisation, Within five years, we need to make sure that the
Programme. (E5)
• Each organisation should assign Board-level education and training for future employees equips them
learning from the experience of other international
responsibility for the safe and effective adoption of • Employers must ensure that support for staff to achieve their full potential as staff in the technology-
healthcare systems. (OD9)
digital healthcare technologies at scale, with a focus to develop and enhance digital literacy is built enhanced NHS. To equip the future workforce:
on clinical outcomes and on promoting effective and into training programmes, career pathways and
• Education providers should ensure genomics, data
consistent staff engagement. (OD4) placements. (E6)
analytics and AI are prominent in undergraduate
• Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies curricula for healthcare professionals. Future
(PSRBs) and practitioners need to identify the healthcare professionals also need to understand the
knowledge, skills, professional attributes and possibilities of digital healthcare technologies and
behaviours needed for healthcare graduates to the ethical and patient safety considerations. (E12)
work in a technologically enabled service, and then
Educational recommendations to support a digitally enabled health system • Education providers must ensure that students gain
work with educators to redesign the curricula for
an appropriate level of digital literacy at the outset of
this purpose. (E7)
their study for their prospective career pathway. (E13)
• Organisations responsible for employing and
Culture of learning • Education providers should both offer opportunities
training must ensure that current and new staff are
NHS organisations will need to develop an expansive learning environment and flexible ways of working that for healthcare students to intercalate in areas such as
supported to reach an appropriate level of digital
encourage a culture of innovation and learning. To do this: engineering or computer science, and equally attract
literacy for their career stage. (E8)
graduates in these areas to begin a career in health,
• NHS organisations will need to: have a strong workplace learning infrastructure; cultivate a reputation to create and implement technological solutions that
for training and support; develop learning activities which are proactive rather than reactive; allow staff improve care and productivity in the NHS. (E14)
dedicated time for development and reflection on their learning outside of clinical duties. (E1)
• Each NHS organisation should adopt a multi-professional learning collaborative approach supporting staff to
learn about genomics and digital technologies. (E2)

16 17
1.1 Conducting the review
1.0 Introduction
In 2017, Mr Jeremy Hunt, former Secretary of State for
Health and Social Care, invited Dr Eric Topol to lead an
On the whole, people in the UK are
independent review to consider and advise on the following:
healthier, wealthier and live longer today
• How technological innovation (genomics, digital
than 30 years ago.2 Yet, in common with medicine, AI and robotics) and other developments are
other healthcare systems, the National likely to change the roles and functions of clinical staff
Health Service (NHS) is having to address in all professions over the next two decades to deliver
more effective and more personal care for patients.
increasing demand in the context of
financial constraints.3 • The implications of these changes for the workforce skills
required, identifying those professions or sub-specialisms
This Review has considered how digital healthcare where the changes may be particularly significant.
technologies, encompassing genomics, digital medicine, • The consequences for the selection, curricula,
artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, could enable the education, training, development and lifelong learning
NHS to meet this challenge. These technologies already of current and future NHS staff.
empower patients to participate actively in their own care,
with a greater focus on wellbeing to prevent disease such Dr Topol appointed a Review Board and three Expert
as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It is also possible Advisory Panels – on genomics, digital medicine, and AI and
to predict individual disease risk and to personalise the robotics. Each was co-chaired by distinguished leaders in
management of long-term conditions such as diabetes the field. Each Panel included a member of the HEE Patient
and asthma.4 Patients are embracing new technology Advisory Forum. A working group focused on organisational
across most aspects of their lives and increasingly expect development. HEE provided the secretariat team to facilitate
their healthcare to be supported by it.5 However, realising the Review (see Appendix 1). Dr Topol said:
this potential depends on the technology being easy
and intuitive to use, meeting a clear need, and being
endorsed by healthcare professionals.

This report brings to life the excitement of the

Extraordinary accomplishments, from dissecting and defining DNA opportunities ahead, presenting case studies from
to creating such pervasive electronic technologies that immediately today’s NHS and scenarios for the future. It addresses
To my knowledge, this is the first
and intimately connect most individuals around the world, have the implications for the education and training needs
of the current and future workforce. It presents a set of time on the planet that such an
unwittingly set up a profound digital disruption in medicine. Until recommendations designed to enable the NHS to harness array of subject matter experts
now we did not have the digital infrastructure to even contemplate technological innovation for the benefit of patients,
has assembled in one room to
such a sea change in medicine. And until now the digital revolution citizens and staff.
focus on the implications of
has barely intersected the medical world. But the emergence of
technological innovation in
powerful tools to digitise human beings with full support of such
healthcare for the education and
infrastructure creates an unparalleled opportunity to inevitably and
development of the workforce.6”
forever change the face of how healthcare is delivered.1”
Dr Eric Topol

18 19
The Review also benefited from the input of experts 1.3 Gathering the evidence Like many other industries, the NHS is not alone in While some technological advances already impact on ways
drawn from many disciplines, including behavioural undergoing such a major change to its service. It is of working, the full potential of many developments are as
science, bioethics, computer science, education and This Review sought out expert opinion from a broad range predicted that 90% of all jobs will require some element yet unknown and will take time to come to fruition. This
medical training, engineering, healthcare science, health of stakeholders. Panels have considered evidence from a of digital skills within 20 years.13 The skills required to ‘time-lag’ provides an opportunity to invest in the necessary
economics, health informatics, knowledge management, desk review of the available literature, one-to-one interviews navigate a data-rich health environment are much sought training and support to allow the current healthcare
medicine, nursing, pharmacy and public health, as well as and meetings with experts, visits and seven round-table after. As a result, there is strong competition to recruit workforce to embrace technological innovation.
members of HEE’s Patient Advisory Forum. events. These events, two of which focused on mental talent with those skills.
health, involved 275 participants, including representatives This Review, therefore, seeks to guide the education
This report complements several major reviews initiated from patients and patient advocacy organisations, For technology to be of maximum value to the NHS, the and training of both the current and future healthcare
to shape thinking on the workforce strategy7 required to professional groups, industry, education, regulators and entire healthcare workforce will need to be supported workforce. While the Review was asked to focus on the
deliver the NHS Long Term Plan.8 other arm’s-length bodies. to work in this technology-enhanced environment. impact of emerging technologies on clinical roles and the
‘Healthcare workforce’ in this report is taken to consequent implications for education and training, many
1.2 Principles HEE published an interim report in June 2018,4 launching encompass scientific, therapeutic and technical disciplines, of the findings will also be relevant to the wider health
an online open call for evidence from individuals and as well as managers and commissioners alongside clinical and social care workforce.4
The Review proposes three principles to guide future organisations with an interest in workforce education and staff. Almost all of the healthcare workforce is likely to
workforce strategy in relation to the implementation of development. This received over 117 submissions, which be affected and should all be offered the opportunity to 1.5 Overview of the report
digital healthcare technologies: were reviewed by the Expert Advisory Panels and the develop a broad scope of digital and genomic literacy.
Review Board. A separate engagement exercise on mental This report is structured as follows: the ethical implications
i) Citizens, patients and carers: Technology offers health provided a supplementary report for the Review Developing the digital and genomic literacy of the existing arising from the use of digital healthcare technologies are
the potential to reshape health and care, empowering Board to consider.11 healthcare workforce is as important as the education and considered in Chapter 2, followed by an overview of the
people, who are willing and able, to become more training of those at the start of their careers. HEE’s workforce technologies anticipated to impact on the NHS workforce
actively engaged in their health. For this to be successful, 1.4 Prioritising the workforce strategy calculates that more than 50 per cent of today’s in Chapter 3. This is followed by a granular review of
patients, carers and the public must be included as workforce will still be working in the service in 15 years’ time the three over-arching technologies – genomics, digital
partners in their own care and education. It is critically On his appointment as Secretary of State for Health and and most are, at best, self-taught in digital technology.7 medicine, and AI and robotics – in Chapters 4, 5 and 6,
important that these technological changes do not Social Care in July 2018, Mr Matt Hancock highlighted respectively, and how they will affect patients, healthcare
exacerbate inequalities in healthcare. Therefore, the NHS three early priorities for the health and social care system: The NHS will be recruiting from a pool of young people professionals and the health system. The potential
should prioritise education for citizens, patients and carers the NHS workforce, technology and prevention. He said: for whom interaction with technology is second nature.14 healthcare economic benefits are highlighted in Chapter
alongside the education of the healthcare workforce. In 2014, England was the first country in the world to 7. The cross-cutting organisational development needs
mandate the teaching of coding to children at primary of the NHS to implement the digital future, including
ii) Evidence: The adoption of digital healthcare and secondary schools, and digital skills are increasingly new leadership development, are outlined in Chapter 8.
technologies should be grounded in compelling real- embedded in the education of school children.15 In Chapter 9, the implications for the current and future
world evidence of clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness, Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills workforce, and their education and training, are reported.
followed by practical knowledge transfer throughout at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Finally, Chapter 10 summarises the main conclusions of
the NHS.9 The workforce needs expertise, standards and  e need to equip all staff across
W Development, said: the Review.
guidance to evaluate technology applications.10 A fit-for- the NHS with the right skills
purpose, legal and ethical governance framework that
patients, public and staff can trust is required.
to constantly innovate and
continuously realise the benefits
iii) The gift of time: Whenever possible, the adoption of that technology will provide.12”
technology should be used to give healthcare staff more
time to care and interact directly with patients. This is critical We have to prepare students
to enhance the patient-clinician relationship, and improve for jobs that have not yet been
the patient experience and patient safety. This is also likely to created, technologies that
improve the wellbeing of the healthcare workforce.
have not yet been invented
and problems that we don’t yet
know will arise.16”

20 21
2.2 Data governance 2.3 Respect for human dignity
2.0 Ethical
considerations It is vitally important that the underlying data on which
many digital healthcare technologies rely are subject to
The capacity of AI technologies to mimic human
behaviours, including emotional responses, raises
transparent, resilient, robust and legally enforceable data concerns that they could be used in care contexts in ways
There are important legal and ethical governance structures, policies and practices.19 Many that might be seen as manipulative or deceptive.22 Users
new and emerging digital healthcare technologies rely should know whether they are communicating with a
implications arising from the use of advanced
critically on the ability to collect, store, access and share person or machine. These concerns reflect a broader
digital and genomic technologies in medical and other health-related data. The quality of the anxiety about the risk that advanced technologies may
healthcare, particularly those concerned with data used to inform these tools, including data gathered lead to de-humanisation of care. There is also the risk
patient safety, data governance, equality and through continuous monitoring and tracking that many that the automation of key aspects of care to deliver
could consider intrusive, must be assured in order to greater efficiency, consistency and reliability might do
fairness, and respect for human dignity.
facilitate their safe and effective use. so at the expense of meaningful human interaction in
the care context.23 Patient and carer involvement in such
2.1 Patient safety For genomic data, the challenges of data governance developments is critical.
are particularly complex due to the biological link with
Care must be taken to ensure that digital healthcare
technologies are used in ways that remain faithful to
relatives, so that an individual’s consent to sharing 2.4 Health inequalities
knowledge via genetic testing and donation of their data
the core ethical principle of medical care: ‘do no harm’.
for specific purposes, such as research, may conflict with the Health inequalities are differences in health status or in
Recent advances in technological innovations have been
preferences of their relatives who share the same variants.20 the distribution of health determinants between different
so significant in terms of both scale and pace that there
population groups.24 A range of social determinants
has not always been the time and opportunity to fully Without a legally enforceable and effective system of impact on ill-health and mortality, including quality of
understand and evaluate their safety and performance. data governance, which the British public regard as education, housing, employment, working conditions
Yet the history of the use of software-driven tools in ethical, respectful of rights, and secure and trustworthy, and welfare. Differences in these contribute to health
healthcare, including those approved by regulators, the promises of digital healthcare technologies could be inequalities.25 Technology-enabled healthcare may bring
provides sobering and ample evidence of the dangers undermined. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights new variants in health determinants.
associated with reliance on new technologies without states that we all have a right to benefit from science.
adequate attention to using them safely.17 Patient safety It is therefore imperative that data sharing should be An individual’s engagement with digital technology plays
training needs to address new risks, including automation responsible and ethical so that we can all benefit in a key role in determining outcomes such as health service
bias where clinicians unquestioningly accept machine meaningful ways from research using these data.21 uptake, including maintenance of health and wellbeing.26
advice instead of maintaining vigilance or validating The failure to address these issues is creating avoidable
that advice.18 Without robust, resilient, reliable and cost pressures on healthcare systems in Europe.27
effective systems for providing trustworthy and evidence-
based guarantees of the safety of digital healthcare Technological innovation in health can help to redress
technologies, there are serious risks that their use might health inequalities, but conversely also has the potential
result in harm to patients. to exacerbate them – driving the first and avoiding
the second is a challenge to the system. The NHS is
founded on a commitment to the principles of equal and
equitable access to healthcare for all UK citizens. Yet the
use of digital healthcare technologies could undermine
these principles by exacerbating inequalities, unless
consideration is given as to how they affect equality and
equity, including the risk that vulnerable groups might
be excluded or exploited.28 Care must also be taken to
attend to bias in the data used to train the algorithms in
clinical AI tools, which inform clinical decision-making.
There is the possibility that otherwise high-quality data
might reflect the bias inherent in social structures and
reinforce existing structural discrimination and inequality.

22 23
2.5 Patients and carers 2.8 Widening Digital Participation
Patients and carers utilise different organisations for the The Widening Digital Participation programme is an
support and help they receive in their lives, from condition- example of how the NHS has collaborated with a charitable
specific support groups to public libraries. Patient education organisation to address the challenges of reducing health
and support is an important part of meeting the new inequalities, engaging with groups at risk of poor health,
clinical needs brought by technology-enabled healthcare. and increasing digital inclusion. The programme focused
Where appropriate, the use of patients’ own devices will on increasing the digital skills, knowledge and confidence
facilitate patient education and may contribute to keeping of those people who experience health inequalities and
patients independent for longer. have been previously excluded from fully participating in
their health and care.31
Carers are already at risk of health inequalities. Many
carers are not receiving formal support in their caring role The programme used networks, training and innovative
and have very little contact with traditional services for approaches to help people improve their digital health
carers.29 Monitoring technology that provides reassurance skills. It achieved scale and reach, with people learning to
or alerts appropriately provides a benefit for both the access health information online for the first time, feeling
carer and the person for which they care.30 more informed about their health and confident about
using online tools to manage their health. Additional
2.6 Healthcare professionals reported benefits to personal wellbeing included feeling
less lonely, feeling happier and gaining improved self-
The workforce will need to assess the level of digital
confidence. There was also a recorded behavioural change
literacy of patients and carers, including the skills to
with people using the internet as their first port of call for
triage a patient or carer, with their consent, by assessing
information instead of health professionals. There were
their capacity and willingness to engage, any barriers to
further identified positive benefits for health professionals,
their use of technology, such as motility skills, access to
including improvement in their skills and adapting the way
computing hardware and connectivity.
that they delivered services.31

2.7 Health system

The successful implementation of technology-enabled 2.9 Recommendations
care requires the system to deliver targeted support across
The Review Board recommends:
health and social care sectors and to deploy it to where and
when the patient may need it. Monitoring access, usage
and outcomes and mapping it to key characteristics, which The citizen and the patient
are markers for inequalities, are essential. • In a similar way to other public health education
initiatives, programmes aimed at engaging and
educating the public about genomics and digital
healthcare technologies should be developed. (P1)
• The NHS should work with patient and carer
organisations to support appropriate patient
education. (P2)
• Local arrangements should be established
to provide needs-based targeted education
and support through existing patient support
provision, where possible. (HI1)

24 25
3.0 The top digital
healthcare technologies Technological advances impacting healthcare and the magnitude of disruption.

impacting the workforce Technology (Digital Medicine, Genomics, AI & Robotics) Proportion of workforce affected
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
In 2016, the Wachter Review concluded
that “it would be reasonable to expect all Telemedicine
Trusts to have achieved a high level of digital 1.

maturity by 2023.32”
Smartphone apps
The current Review strongly supports this ambition.
Responding to our call for evidence, senior leaders Sensors and wearables for
in arm’s-length bodies, regulators and front-line staff 3.
diagnostics and remote monitoring
advised us that further development of the health IT
infrastructure was needed, especially with respect to Reading the genome
interoperability across secondary, primary and social care. 4.
The Review Board is convinced that implementation of Speech recognition and natural
the local health and care record of the future, and of a language processing (NLP)
sustainable infrastructure, are prerequisites for delivering
on the potential of the digital healthcare technologies
Virtual and augmented reality
considered in this Review.33 6.

Genomics, digital medicine, AI and robotics will change Automated image

the roles and functions of clinical staff over the next two 7.
interpretation using AI
decades. To illustrate this, the Expert Advisory Panels
considered which technologies may have the greatest
Interventional and
rehabilitative robotics
impact on the healthcare workforce, with the caveat that
the development of future technologies is predictably
unpredictable. Their findings are summarised below. Predictive analytics using AI
Given the unpredictability, Figure 1 offers a broad outline
Writing the genome
of the timeline over which the NHS may be expected to
adopt each of these technologies at scale. Telemedicine
is an example of a technology already in place, but
with partial and uneven adoption across the NHS. It is
nevertheless likely to be routinely used within a decade. Figure 1: Top 10 digital healthcare technologies and their projected impact on the NHS
By contrast, genome editing (writing the genome) may workforce from 2020 to 2040
have a significant impact on those individuals benefiting
from it (and those services delivering it), but it is not yet in
place and likely to remain the domain of specialist services <20% 20% 50% >=80%
for the foreseeable future. The timeline for the heat Arrow heat map represents the perceived magnitude of
map represents a judgement based on the complexity impact on current models of care and, by inference, on
of embedding and scaling these technologies, including the proportion of workforce affected
capital investment and the interoperability required.

26 27
3.1 Top technology descriptions The NHS has an important role in providing trusted online greater privacy compared to clinic attendance. As testing 3.1.4 Reading the genome
health information and apps.42 More than 70 apps are becomes increasingly decentralised, there is a need for
3.1.1 Telemedicine currently hosted on the NHS Apps Library, which is a data connectivity to laboratory information systems, The capacity to ‘read’ an individual’s genome and capture
trusted source of health apps. The level of complexity of electronic patient records, and linkage to care and public the variation within it has been gathering pace for the
Telemedicine involves the provision of clinical care from these apps varies from simple apps to maintain physical health services.47 A new generation of smartphone- past two decades. Most clinical applications to date
a distance using telecommunication and information or mental wellbeing to more complex apps to promote connected diagnostic tests are under development, with have relied on partial views of the genome (through
technology, including text, audio and video consultation, self-management, integrated with remote monitoring the ability to utilise in-built sensors and connectivity to link genome-wide arrays or targeted sequencing), but the UK
and is required to deliver the same standard of care by the healthcare workforce. The National Institute for results to online care pathways.48 is pioneering a shift towards implementing full genome
as face-to-face consultations.34 The Royal College of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and NHS England sequence for clinical use. The 100,000 Genomes Project,
• Sensors for self-monitoring: Self-monitoring and
Physicians recently recommended making more use of are currently reviewing the level of evidence for clinical delivered through a landmark partnership between
self-management have been the cornerstone of Type
telephone and video consultations in order to cope with effectiveness required for these apps to be approved. Genomics England and NHS England, has provided a
1 diabetes management for three decades, since the
the demand for new appointments, which has doubled in Clinical effectiveness is defined as “the application of the unique insight into the molecular characterisation of
first finger-prick blood glucose meters became widely
the past decade.35 best knowledge, derived from research, clinical experience rare diseases and cancer.52 The NHS Genomic Medicine
available in the 1980s. The advent of Bluetooth-
and patient preferences to achieve optimum processes Service will provide a national genomic testing service
Within primary care, evidence is accumulating that enabled glucometers linked to smartphones has
and outcomes of care for patients”.43 A proportionate for all specialties throughout England, with the ambition
telemedicine benefits some groups, but at this stage of made self-management easier to integrate into the
approach to determining the extent to which apps are to perform up to five million genomic analyses over the
its development and adoption it can be disruptive to the activities of daily life. In 2018, the US Food and Drug
safe, offer patient satisfaction and provide more efficient next five years.53 This will extend genomic diagnostics
wider health economy.36 Telephone triage is now well Administration approved the first implantable sensor
use of clinical services is the goal. This may not always beyond rare diseases and cancers, producing benefits
established. Online services, whether directly integrated for continuous glucose monitoring.49
require the use of randomised trial evaluations. in prevention and management of common late-onset
into the NHS or delivered via commercial providers, • Wearables for remote vital-sign monitoring: diseases that will produce healthcare benefits for all.
are becoming increasingly popular. Potential benefits Apps, linked to sensors and wearables (see below), are There is an increasing acceptance of the use of Genomics will involve all areas of healthcare and impact
include ease of access for patients37 and the reduction starting to be prescribed as digital therapeutics for self- wearable sensors (including the in-built cameras and the patient’s entire journey, from diagnosis to monitoring
of non-attendance rates,38 although these benefits monitoring and self-management. In parallel with this, accelerometers of smartphones) to track vital signs, and treatment.
have to be balanced against increased service cost and the patient as a consumer of health apps, for example, to such as heart rate and abnormal rhythms, respiratory
demand. Video consultations appear to be well received monitor heart rhythms with smartwatches, is a growing rate, blood oxygen saturation and blood pressure. The falling cost of whole genome sequencing means that
by patients, with the greatest benefits being seen with phenomenon. One of the challenges for the adoption of Elderly patients usually prefer using a computer tablet it will replace other techniques for genome diagnostics
specific patient groups as part of their long-term care.39 digital health in the NHS will be how best to integrate rather than a smartphone because of the larger screen over the next 10-20 years. However, in the short to
Another example of the use of telemedicine is in care these two trends. and keyboard. medium-term while it remains relatively expensive,
homes, where a secure video link between the care home many clinical applications can make use of more limited
• Video cameras for patient monitoring: Hospitals
and a healthcare provider enables direct access to medical 3.1.3. Sensors and wearables for diagnostics and data. Genotyping arrays that allow stratification of
and care homes in which frail and elderly patients with
advice for care home staff and residents.40 remote monitoring individual levels of genetic risk for a host of common
cognitive impairment are being cared for usually have
diseases (through ‘polygenic risk scores’) already cost
3.1.2 Smartphone apps Today an estimated 70-80% of all clinical decisions video cameras installed in patients’ rooms. Computer
well below £100, and, at the same time, generate
rely on the result of a test, typically performed in a vision and machine learning algorithms to analyse
other targeted clinically relevant genetic information (eg
This report is produced at a time when the NHS App centralised NHS pathology lab.44, 45 Advances in sensors video data streams can transform the care of these
pharmacogenetics).54 Recent research has shown that with
is becoming available to all citizens with access to a and wearables are already beginning to bring diagnostics patients, both through early detection of adverse
limited dedicated training, clinicians are able to convey
smartphone.41 The app allows patients to: check their and monitoring ever closer to the patient, including on events such as falls50 and through presenting objective
genetic risk information to their patients and to discuss
symptoms using NHS 111 online and/or the symptom hospital wards, out-patient clinics, A&E, GP surgeries, reports of activity and health data to help healthcare
treatments or lifestyle changes of potential benefit.55
checker on the NHS website; book and manage pharmacies and in the home. Examples include: professionals proactively plan care. Systems have
their appointments at their GP practice; order repeat already demonstrated that nursing staff have more The same sequencing techniques allow us to ‘read’ other
• Point-of-care and self-tests: Advances in sensors
prescriptions; securely view their GP medical record; time for hands-on care where they are needed most.51 genomes of clinical importance, such as those of tumours,
harnessing ultra-sensitive bionanotechnologies will
register as an organ donor; and choose whether the NHS the microbiome and pathogenic bacteria, thus extending
transform the rapid diagnosis of disease at the point-of- • Remote monitoring: The sharing of patient-
uses their data for research and planning. The NHS App the scope of genomic medicine.
care, and could result in earlier diagnosis, faster access to generated data with the healthcare workforce enables
has a secure identification and login process to help keep
treatment, improved antimicrobial stewardship,46 better remote monitoring, but this needs to be integrated
patient data safe, which has been independently tested
health outcomes and disease prevention. New diagnostic within clinical pathways. As digital technologies
against standards set by the National Cyber Security
technologies will support front-line health workers and become more prevalent, there is a risk that a deluge
Centre (NCSC).
also people self-testing at home, where appropriate. HIV of automatically transmitted data will overwhelm
self-tests are already available over the counter, offering healthcare professionals. The application of AI to
generate patient summaries may provide a clinically
useful solution to this problem.

28 29
3.1.5 Speech recognition and natural language The medical applications of VR have been studied since These technologies have clear implications for the 3.1.10 Writing the genome
processing (NLP) the 1990s, with researchers using the immersive effects education and training of the workforce. Specific
of VR to reduce pain and distress for patients receiving training on new robotic platforms will be needed for The advent of powerful genome-editing and synthetic
Smart speakers or voice assistants interpret human speech wound care.62 Since then, studies have explored the surgeons and theatre staff. Planning and fitting processes biology tools holds the promise of benefiting patients
and respond via synthesised voices. Through automated ability of VR to reduce pain in burns,63 manage procedural will be needed for prosthetists and orthotists, while through the ability to ‘write’ as well as read genomic
speech recognition (SR), users may ask their smart speaker pain,64 and distract from acute pain.65 In mental health, physiotherapists and occupational therapists will need to information. CRISPR/Cas9 is a revolutionary specific
questions, control home automation devices, manage VR has also been used with benefits in post-traumatic develop new skills in supporting the patient to achieve gene-editing system that allows specific corrections in
entertainment systems and perform administrative tasks stress disorders,66 anxiety67 and phobic disorders.68 the maximum functional benefit from their prosthesis. an individual’s DNA to be made. Responsibly used, this
by voice command.56 Popular commercial voice assistants brings the potential for cures for previously untreatable
include Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana 3.1.7 Automated image interpretation using AI 3.1.9 Predictive analytics using AI rare diseases, and opportunities to develop entirely new,
and Google Assistant. targeted therapeutic strategies.
Deep learning provides enhanced diagnostics through Predictive analytics and modelling are not new to
Early uptake of SR-based documentation in healthcare automated image interpretation, for example, in healthcare. Clinical risk scores based on statistical Clinical trials are under way across the world exploring
has been slow, possibly due to immature technology and dermatology, radiology, ophthalmology and pathology. regression models have been used for decades. The use the use of gene editing in rare diseases such as
clinically unacceptable error rates.57, 58 With recent advances Digitised medical scans are becoming readily available to of predictive modelling in assessing frailty of old age is haemophilia and cystic fibrosis, and in 2017 the NHS
in SR algorithm design and system performance,59 this train deep learning systems.69 These trained systems will an important example of the need for risk prediction. In approved the use of gene therapy for a rare form of
technology now presents a valuable tool for clinical then reduce the cost and time involved in analysing scans.70 2017, the NHS began to deploy predictive analytics at severe combined immunodeficiency – ADA-SCID.87, 88
documentation – the benefit for the healthcare workforce population level to assist with the proactive identification While the technology has the potential to evolve, it is
to focus on patient interaction and care rather than the Deep learning technologies have already shown expert- and subsequent assessment of older people living with likely to continue to be implemented in highly specialised
computer screen and keyboard is clear. This is likely to have level performance in medical image analysis, for CT frailty. The Electronic Frailty Index uses health data centres, with UK specialists proceeding in step with
a major impact in primary care, as well as outpatients and scans, mammograms, retinal scans and pathology slides. routinely collected in GP record systems, which is available their international colleagues to build best practice from
emergency departments in hospitals. They also show promise in reducing acquisition times to all general practices, and allows local identification of technical, clinical and ethical perspectives.
for MRI scans, and decreasing CT and PET radiation older people at risk of adverse health outcomes and care
An example of an SR application enabled by NLP is a doses. Analysis of images recorded with a smartphone home admission.77 Advances in gene-editing technologies have the potential
mental health triage bot that analyses text and voice camera may allow patients to monitor the progress of to accelerate genomic engineering strategies. These
inputs for emotion and suicidal ideation. Its co-design and skin lesions, aiding early diagnosis of serious lesions and Predictive modelling using machine learning applied may deliver a wider range of personalised treatments
development with NHS mental health staff ensures that providing them with a measure of reassurance when to large, carefully annotated datasets is a more recent such as Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cell therapy,
the bot replicates existing clinical practice and meets NICE lesions are benign.71 advance, for example, personalised treatment algorithms, which uses a patient’s own immune cells (T cell) to
guidelines. The plan is for this open-source software to be patient triage algorithms and risk prediction.78, 79, 80, 81 target specific receptors on cancer cells.89 This therapy
built into the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies 3.1.8 Interventional and rehabilitative robotics Deep learning methods applied to electronic patient has recently been approved for use in specific B-cell
(IAPT) pathway, becoming part of the pan-London IAPT record data have been shown to be capable of accurately lymphomas and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in the UK, with
Robots in healthcare have been designed to address
triage process.60 predicting multiple medical events from multiple centres.82 development focusing on the potential impact on solid
specific procedural technical challenges, for example,
AI can also identify unexpected physiological deterioration organ tumours in the future.90
3.1.6 Virtual and augmented reality surgical robotics. There is some evidence to support
and predict subsequent outcomes for in-hospital
robotic assistance in the performance of abdominal
patients83, 84, 85 and help to predict individual response
Immersive technologies combine computer-generated and orthopaedic surgery.72, 73 Snake robots for reaching
to treatment.86
visual, auditory and other sensory data with the physical peripheral areas in the lungs or for performing
world and present it to the user in such a way as to gastrointestinal surgeries have recently become available,
allow them to interact with the blended environment, expanding the scope of robotics in surgery.74, 75 Robots
typically through a head-mounted display (HMD). This can also automate high-volume repetitive tasks, for
may be in a fully immersed fashion (virtual reality (VR)), example, dispensing in pharmacy.
overlaid or integrated with the physical world (augmented
and mixed reality). Recent developments in computing, Rehabilitative and wearable robots, including prostheses,
optics, and sensors made these technologies widely exoskeletons and brain-machine interfaces will allow
available, affordable and effective. They are both tools for advanced functionality to some patients with physical
the delivery of care and a platform through which care disability. Examples of leading-edge robotic technology
delivery can be taught, where they can have a positive include the manufacturing and fitting of an advanced
impact on learning retention as well as the ability to carry bionic arm based on 3D scanning and printing.76 Finally,
out complex procedures.61 robots can also provide patient support, for example,
pillbots and companion robots.

30 31
3.2 Use cases 3. 4.
Web app – Automatic image interpretation –
Maximising the potential of these technologies could deliver significant improvements in patient care, improved
Online chlamydia Breast cancer screening:
productivity of healthcare staff and reduced costs.
pathway (OCP): Need Roles/functions change
Need Breast screening using mammography • Acting as a blinded reader in
1. 2. has saved many lives. In the UK a double-reading setting, the
Telemedicine – Smartphone apps – Chlamydia, the most common STI in the
the standard is double reading of technology increases turn-
Virtual fracture clinics: Computerised cognitive UK, can be easily treated with antibiotics,
mammograms by two experts, which around time for double-reading
yet has potential serious sequelae if
behavioural therapy (CBT): improves accuracy. However, there is a and potentially reduces the
Need not treated early. Given it is largely
workforce crisis with too few experts number of unnecessary biopsies
There is a large and increasing demand on traditional and Need asymptomatic, active case finding is a
available to meet demand. and missed cancers, freeing up
outdated fracture clinics services. New patients are not seeing priority, yet there have been sustained
Solution radiologists to focus on more
the right consultant for their injury. Additionally, there is Insomnia is a significant public health problem that cuts in sexual health services spending
complex imaging modalities.
significant variation in management plans and suspected over- is highly comorbid with both physical and mental despite a rising demand. A UK software company is helping
imaging with unnecessary follow-up when seen by junior staff. health conditions. First-line recommended treatment Solution radiologists detect breast cancer using Education/training requirements
is CBT for insomnia, lasting longer than four weeks. deep learning. The technology aims • Radiologists and trainees will
Solution The OCP, within an eSexual Health
However, the ability to provide CBT to a large to ease the workload of overstretched be able to enhance their own
Service redesign at Brighton and Sussex University Hospital population is not possible using traditional methods. Clinic, is an automated online clinical screening units by serving as an
consultation model with electronic diagnostic skills through learning
Trust, introducing a virtual fracture clinic for acute fracture independent reader to support
Solution prescribing, partner notification, health from the technology.
and soft tissue injuries in a patient-centred, standardised, breast screening programmes. It also
safe and effective way. This includes a telephone consultation Computerised CBT for insomnia treatment, as a fully promotion and surveillance. This enables potentially increases the accuracy of • They will require critical appraisal
(combining an orthopaedic review and specialist therapist automated, advanced algorithm-driven program self-directed (including self-swabbing) screening by reducing the number skills to work out which patients
input) and self-management through use of online resources, or app being used without any support from a online care integrated within a specialist of false positives and false negatives, the technology should and should
with subsequent appointments only where clinically indicated. human therapist, offers a solution to the problem sexual health service.47 saving valuable NHS resource. not be used for, and to gauge the
Outcome of scalability. CBT is particularly appropriate for Outcome accuracy of the software.
• The virtual fracture clinic model is able to monitor and meet digitisation, given its structured format, emphasis on • The eSexual Health Clinic has been • They will also need to be aware
• The software has received
adherence to fracture clinic guidelines. It has been shown to active participation, and self-monitoring and intra- shown to be safe, feasible and of how to promptly report any
CE marking (Class IIa) and is
be safe with no related serious complications.91,92 session ‘homework’ requirements. acceptable, with the OCP meeting concerns they have over the
undergoing clinical trials in an NHS
Outcome national standards and regulatory Test Bed and across Europe. technology.
• In 2017, over 50% of the 8,000+ new patient fracture clinic requirements.
appointments were via the virtual fracture clinic and discharged Computerised CBT for insomnia has been shown to
after receiving virtual care. This represents a saving for the • Preliminary evidence of clinical
be an effective treatment with effects comparable outcomes is comparable to current
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) of over £700,000.93 to those found for face-to-face therapy.94 5.
care for individuals with chlamydia
Roles/functions change Roles/functions change Roles/functions change
Speech recognition and natural language
• Virtual services provide faster access to specialist
• The clinical workforce (mainly primary care) will • Staff need to acquire skills in processing (NLP) – Mental health triage bot:
orthopaedic review.
need to develop their role as digital prescribers. telephone consultations and Need Roles/functions change
• Consultants review patients within 72 hours of referral and no management to support people
• They will also need to act as data interpreters online and route them into care Patients with acute clinical concerns • Less time-consuming initial
longer see every patient face to face.
to understand the results of the patient’s use of if appropriate, and in monitoring over their mental health often struggle triage needed by frontline
• New patient fracture clinics are now specialist clinics, with the the app. patients remotely via an to access services and get rapid access primary care and community
patient seeing the right consultant for their injury. online interface. to triage and treatment. mental health teams.
Education/training requirements
• New roles for advanced clinical practitioners and senior • Clinical staff need to address the Solution • Cases identified quickly and
• Critical judgement skills in evaluating resources
therapists have been created. likely change in case mix of patients Chatbot technologies that use NLP will safely with appropriate streaming
(risks, benefits and indications for).
attending clinic, as a greater proportion allow individuals to log and monitor of referrals.
Education/training requirements
• Data analysis skills. are likely to be more clinically complex. health information. An NLP-enabled
In-house training is provided to upskill therapists in specialist Education/training requirements
Education/training requirements mental health triage bot has been
areas, such as imaging, acute injury management and • Improved understanding of the regulation of created, which analyses text and • Data derived from the chatbot
digital technologies. digital therapeutics. Understanding of: voice inputs for emotion and suicidal can be used to train clinicians
• how new technologies can fit into the ideation. The open-source software and to improve both the
NHS and how to redesign existing care is to be built into the GP practice technology and service design.
pathways around new technology; Improving Access to Psychological • Critical appraisal skills needed
• the potential for digital health, Therapies (IAPT) pathway.95 to work out which patients the
including the pros and cons, Outcome technology should and should
particularly the potential for widening • AI-powered bot benefits the patient not be used for, and to gauge
health inequalities; through its constant availability the accuracy of the software.
• concepts of health literacy, digital and through negating the need for • Clinicians need to be aware
literacy and eHealth literacy; travel for a triaging consultation. of how to promptly report
• the science of developing online • For clinicians it is estimated that the any concerns they have over
consultations; bot saves approximately one hour of the technology.
• evaluation of complex interventions. their time per service user.

32 33
3.3 Future scenarios

6. 8.
Liquid biopsy: Roles/functions change Interventional robotics:
• Increased liaison with community services. Future technology Roles/functions change
Future technology
Liquid biopsy can identify circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) in • Fewer radiological scans and less aggressive treatments The continuing miniaturisation and sophistication of • AI augmentation will allow the procedure to be performed
the blood or other bodily fluids to detect and monitor cancer.96 as cancer is detected earlier. electronics that can be incorporated in a range of robots is by staff (eg primary care clinicians) who do not require
With sensors expected to improve in accuracy in the next likely to revolutionise how and where invasive procedures the lengthy training or accreditation required for flexible
• Centralised genomic services to analyse and interpret are performed. Currently, most robots in healthcare operate endoscopy procedures.
decade, more widespread use of liquid biopsies to detect and tumour genomic data to compile personalised genetic
monitor cancer is likely.97, 98 with relatively low-level embedded AI. However, as robots
profiling of tumours. • Procedure can be performed by clinicians in the community,
get smaller and smarter, procedures will become less invasive
Liquid biopsy will have transformative potential for patient without the need for anaesthetic cover or support.
Education/training requirements and less painful, need less specialised equipment, and reduce
outcomes, as early detection could reduce cancer mortality Education/training requirements
the requirement for lengthy and expensive operator training.
and reduce the need for aggressive treatment, which is often • All cancers are driven by genetic changes, so
required for advanced stage cancers. understanding the principles of genomics are important Solution • Training in working with the robot and in the clinical
for healthcare professionals in the community. In the UK, colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer appraisal of AI-based automated image interpretation
Potential use in NHS and diagnostics.
by incidence and third in mortality. Colonoscopy procedures are
With wider research evidence, population-based screening • Understanding the technology as a mechanism to detect
fundamental to the management of colorectal cancer. • Training to use the robot should be a short, focused
for ctDNA or other molecular cancer markers may become cancer, and effectively explaining testing to patients.
feasible. Improved cancer survival may result as cancer may be Robotic colonoscopy, under development at the University course, preferably performed at a simulation centre.
• Bioinformaticians and clinical data specialists are of Leeds and next to first-in-human trials, is designed to be
detected prior to spreading to other parts of the body. • Certification/accreditation is required with methods for
integrated into clinical oncology services. painless and extremely easy to perform. The platform is based
The technology may be particularly useful for solid organ annual re-certification.
on an enhanced magnet-driven robotic arm, a camera and
cancers such as ovarian cancer that typically evade detection by
cutting tool attached to a thin tether linked to computers.
conventional screening methods, which can be more invasive.99
AI aids the operator in recognising colorectal cancer and
planning the therapeutic approach.102

7. 9.
Polygenic risk scores: Predictive analytics:
Future technology Roles/functions change
Future technology Roles/functions change
Risk assessment and prognosis are crucial in many areas • As predictive analytics are increasingly used and
Genomic factors play an important but complex role in the • Blood tests could be undertaken as part of routine health-
of medical practice. Predictive analytics, based on machine embedded in the electronic patient record, their use
development of many long-term chronic diseases. checks, in the community, to analyse an individual’s
learning, have recently been shown to provide more accurate will become more ubiquitous. They can be used by
By sequencing markers across the genome, specific genetic genetic risk for complex diseases such as CHD.
predictions than clinical risk scores. An important recent clinicians and nurses to better diagnose the patient at
variants associated with disease can be detected. • Test results provided in an accessible manner to GPs, advance is the AutoPrognosis103 framework, for risk score hand and by healthcare policy makers to enhance and
Polygenic risk scores, used in conjunction with existing nurse practitioners or hospital specialists to discuss with development in varied clinical settings. It can automatically individualise screening programmes, leading to better
demographic and lifestyle scoring may be used to predict patients, at an appropriate time, as part of their routine discover the relevant risk factors and automatically makes allocation of clinical resources.
future risk of diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) care in a manner analogous to their discussion of other design choices on which algorithms to use. This framework
Education/training requirements
in the general population.100 A particular feature of genomic risk factors – an example of ‘mainstreaming’ of genomics. will provide medical clinicians and researchers, with little or
risk scores is that they can be applied much earlier when any no expertise in machine learning, the ability to develop the • Learn how to integrate predictive analytics into the care
Education/training requirements and diagnosis pathway, and interpret predictive results.
preventative measures may be most effective. risk scores needed for their particular situations,
• Understanding genomic testing, and interpreting
Solution Solution • Educate/train clinicians and scientists to use frameworks
polygenic risk scores.
Earlier identification of members of the population who are Predictive analytic based on AutoPrognosis have shown
104 like AutoPrognosis in order to design new predictive
at an increased risk of complex diseases who can then be a 35% improvement in prediction accuracy, compared analytics, which may be useful for a specific clinician or
targeted for more support in lifestyle changes or placed on to existing statistical methods or clinical risk scores, for healthcare organisation.
preventative medication. An example would be earlier and determining whether a cystic fibrosis (CF) patient should be
more cost-effective use of statins to reduce development of referred for a lung transplant.
CHD for those at higher genomic risk.101 The same AutoPrognosis framework was shown to estimate
cardiovascular risk more accurately than current risk scores,
especially for patients with co-morbidities such as diabetes.

34 35
3.4 The next 20 years The convergence and complementarity of the three major
technologies – genomics, sensors and AI – will enable the
Within the next two decades, the NHS workforce development of virtual medical coaches (see Figure 2).105
will access genomic, anatomical and physiological Integration of these multi-modal data has the potential
information, as well as social, behavioural and to achieve prevention for patients at high risk of a
environmental data. The fusion of genomics, digital particular illness, or at the very least help a person self-
medicine, AI and robotics will enable staff working manage a chronic condition. Similarly, the integration
within an ethical and legal framework to deliver a more and analysis of data from multiple sources, including
holistic approach to personalised healthcare and disease vital-sign data, will underpin real-time remote monitoring
prevention. With wider use of genome sequencing, of patients to pre-empt hospitalisation. The full potential
we are likely to be able to predict which antibiotics are of health monitoring will be realised when individualised
suitable for particular infections. Prescribing decisions models underpin the monitoring algorithms.106 Rather
will be made according to the patient’s or pathogen’s than relying on a concept of the normal derived from
genetic sequence, rather than being based on population- population studies, AI techniques such as deep learning
level guidelines. By combining genotypic information will be used to define normality for an individual, and
with accurate phenotypic data (extracted from wearable hence identify any deviation from it, using that individual’s
sensors, the electronic patient record, or both), we will genomic, anatomical, phenotypic and environmental
be able to prescribe the optimal anti-hypertensive drug to data, and its variations over time.
treat that individual patient’s high blood pressure.
Each of the technologies reviewed in this chapter will
serve a purpose, but the development of synergistic
technologies that create, capture, interpret and integrate
data will provide the fullest picture of an individual’s
or population’s health. This is the ultimate goal of the
next two decades, and the NHS “as the single biggest
integrated healthcare system in the world is uniquely
poised to achieve this”.107

Social, behavioral
Genomics and -omic layers
Immune system Output
Gut microbiome
Physical activity, sleep, nutrition
Medication, alcohol, drugs
Labs, plasma DNA, RNA
Family history
Communication, speech
Cognition, state of mind
All medical history Virtual health guidance
World’s medical literature,
continually updated

Figure 2: The virtual medical coach model with multi-modal data inputs and algorithms to provide
individualised guidance.105

36 37
Other types of genomic tests will extend our ability to 4.1 The citizen and the patient
capture dynamic events relevant to health, including
applications in foetal diagnostics, the early detection, We anticipate that in the foreseeable future and subject
surveillance and molecular characterisation of cancers, to their consent, each individual will have information
the influence of the gut microbiome, and – through derived from their genome sequence available in their
analysis of RNA, protein and metabolomics biomarkers medical record. This will support diverse healthcare
– the evolution of inflammatory and metabolic disease. applications of genomics throughout an individual’s life,
Likewise, the ability to read the genomes of pathogens including the evaluation of disease predisposition, more
such as bacteria and viruses will continue to transform accurate diagnoses and personalised optimisation of
microbiology, supporting more rapid and accurate therapeutic and preventative interventions. Citizens need
diagnostics, optimisation of therapy, surveillance of to be empowered to understand how genomics may
infectious disease outbreaks, and more effective strategies affect their health, to make informed decisions about
for tackling antimicrobial resistance.109 their care, and to recognise the personal and family-
wide implications of the findings that genomics may
The advent of powerful genome-editing and synthetic bring. Initiatives such as Genomics England’s ‘Genomics
biology tools will benefit patients through the ability to Conversation’ are expanding our understanding of
In the foreseeable future, information ‘write’ as well as read genomic information. It is now societal attitudes, aspirations and concerns.
from an individual’s DNA sequence possible to make specific corrections within an individual’s
DNA that could render cures for previously untreatable Genomic data can raise complex issues around risk, ethics,
will become part of their medical
rare diseases and deliver targeted therapies. privacy, insurance, employment and fertility. Robust and
record and used to inform their sustained ethical oversight of genomic data handling
healthcare in many different ways Until now the focus has been on the use of sequence will be needed to maintain public trust and support. We
data to support the diagnosis of rare diseases and to
throughout their life course.” recommend that the NHS, in partnership with relevant
characterise cancers, but the future will bring a broader regulatory bodies, should establish a clear, robust
Sir Nilesh Samani
application of genomics to improve outcomes for patients framework through which healthcare professionals use
across the NHS. The NHS workforce will play an essential genomic data, which safeguards patient confidentiality
role in ensuring that genomic technologies are efficiently, and inspires the support and confidence of citizens and
4.0 Genomics appropriately and equitably deployed. the wider community (G1). Patients and the public need
to be reassured about the impact of predictive genomic
testing on medical insurance and employment. We support
Genomics has the potential to transform The newly created NHS Genomic Medicine Service will the Code on Genetic Testing and Insurance, an agreement
healthcare in the NHS as well as provide a national genomic testing service for all specialties between the Government and the Association of British
and equitable patient access throughout England. Insurers (ABI) on how insurers use genomic information.110
dramatically improve patient outcomes
The ethical framework for genomics should benefit from
in the UK. The world-leading 100,000 The costs of ‘reading’ the genome – through whole genome
collaboration with patient groups and practical support
sequencing and/or other more targeted strategies – are
Genomes Project, delivered through a to ensure a full discussion about the benefits and risks of
projected to decline, enabling accelerated roll-out of these
partnership between Genomics England genomic testing and genomic therapy, and to provide clear
approaches across the NHS. Over the next five years,
guidance to healthcare professionals.
and NHS England, was the first step the ambition is for the NHS to perform up to five million
towards the routine application of whole genomic analyses, extending genetic diagnostics across
diverse specialities, and improving health outcomes well
genome sequencing within the NHS.52, 108
beyond the initial focus on rare diseases and cancers.53
Preventative strategies for many common, late-onset
diseases will be enhanced through improved quantification
of genetic predisposition based on polygenic risk scores.
Genetic diagnostics will enable more efficient targeting of
drugs, maximising efficiency, optimising dose and minimising
side effects. Increasingly, primary bioinformatic analysis and
clinical interpretation of genomic findings will be delivered
through high-throughput automated approaches.

38 39
4.2 Healthcare professionals Furthermore, we recommend that lifelong training should The successful implementation of genomic medicine 4.3 Health system
be available to healthcare professionals with an emphasis within the NHS will also require investment in a variety of
The roll out of genomics across the NHS will have major on continuing support in this rapidly evolving field, specialist healthcare roles. We recommend that capacity Substantial progress in service transformation to deliver
implications for the clinical workforce. The pace of including access to dynamic ‘just-in-time’ digital updates be built within the NHS Genomic Medicine Service genomic medicine has already occurred throughout the
change may differ by speciality but, ultimately, genomics and online genomic information resources (G3). Access through support for specialist healthcare professionals, NHS. The inauguration of the NHS Genomic Medicine
will impact on the practice of most, if not all, health to online ‘just-in-time’ educational training and support including genomic counsellors, clinical scientists and Service will allow all healthcare professionals across
professionals. While some aspects of care, such as will ensure that healthcare professionals are empowered specialists in genomic medicine (G5). For example, clinical England to deliver the benefits of genomics to patients.
the management of rare genetic diseases will remain to apply the latest advances and recommendations in scientists will be needed to support the development
largely within the domain of specialised colleagues, their decisions about testing, as well as to support the and delivery of population-based standardised molecular To support appropriate interpretation and communication
many aspects of genomics, including risk prediction for interpretation and communication of results to patients testing, informatics and clinical interpretation pipelines, of results, relevant guidance for each genomic result
common diseases and pharmacogenetics, will become and their relatives. interacting with other healthcare professionals to ensure should be accessible directly from the standardised
‘mainstream’ and their application embedded in routine that appropriate evidence-based care pathways are reports generated (increasingly through automated
healthcare delivery. As practice in genomics evolves, In many medical specialities, more intensive training implemented. Genetic counselling and clinical genetic processes) by the NHS Genomic Medicine Service, along
individual workforce training needs will depend less will be required to ensure that healthcare professionals services will require sufficient capacity to fulfil both their with signposting to additional ‘just-in-time’ educational
on traditional role demarcations and more on specific – those in training and those who are already in post – existing specialist roles and to diffuse their expertise resources. Facilitated access to specialist genomic support
responsibilities related to ‘real-world’ implementation are equipped to access and interpret complex genomic across the NHS. Counsellors and specialist physicians will services, enabled by digital technology, should empower
based on genomic information. analyses. Obvious examples include oncology, clinical have an extended role in training, provision of referral healthcare professionals to embrace genomics in their
microbiology and paediatrics, though we anticipate much services (for example, via virtual multi-disciplinary team practice. This will be accompanied by an acceleration of
With genomic testing set to become integral to all broader requirements as science and medical practices meetings), support for mainstreaming, and contributions the shift towards multi-disciplinary working, and ‘one-
medical specialities, we recommend that all healthcare evolve. We recommend that accredited genomic training to genomic leadership. They will have a leading role in the stop’ patient evaluation and management.
professionals should receive core training in genomic for healthcare professionals should be established in key development of complex, ethical, patient-led management
literacy to help them understand the basis, benefits clinical specialities to incorporate genomic testing and Delivery of the benefits of genomics is critically dependent
that encompasses an understanding of how genomic data
and ethical considerations associated with genomics genomic counselling into their practice (G4). We envisage on expert computational analysis of biological data across
can lead to a long-term duty of care that extends beyond
(G2). This will ensure that all healthcare professionals these advanced modules being delivered through a the health service. The NHS needs to attract, recruit and
the index cases to their wider families, and a need to
(including those without clinical training, such as care combination of online courses and peer-delivered contact retain talented science, mathematics and computing
convey complex risk and other probabilistic information.
commissioners) are aware of the broad principles of teaching, incorporating contextualised learner-driven graduates to fulfil leadership roles in computational
genomics, including the contribution of genetic variation scenarios. This training must be recognised and accredited genomics, data science and public health informatics
to rare and common diseases, use of genomic testing by the Royal Colleges, the National School of Healthcare (collectively, ‘bioinformatics’). We recommend development
to improve clinical outcomes, genomic counselling, Science and other relevant agencies. Healthcare and implementation of an attractive career pathway
ethics, data security and governance. Healthcare professionals will need to be given the time to train, to for bioinformaticians, including expansion of Higher
professionals should be confident discussing genomic develop new skills (particularly in the communication Specialist Scientist Training for clinical bioinformaticians
testing with patients (including options for research of genomic results), and to incorporate evidence-based (G6). Individuals with these skills will be increasingly
participation), requesting appropriate genomic tests, guidance into their clinical practice. Trainers should also embedded across medical specialities in the NHS, through
interpreting reports, communicating impact and demonstrate their aptitude for high-quality delivery of the appointment of consultant-level bioinformaticians who
risk, and implementing evidence-based changes in learning through formal training and institutional support. can lead research, education and practice within multi-
clinical management. Training in interpretation and professional clinical teams. It will also be vital to support
communication of genomic findings should be available methodological and mechanistic research in the academic
as accessible online modules, with signposting to sector, which uses consented and de-identified NHS data to
further learning, for example, through Health Education advance translational objectives.
England’s Genomics Education Programme. Training
should be acknowledged by relevant professional bodies
responsible for continuing professional development, in
line with the Chief Medical Officer’s recommendation.111

40 41
Clinical leadership builds excellence within multi- To ensure that the future workforce is in a position
disciplinary teams and improves patient outcomes. We to contribute to the implementation of genomics, we 4.4 Recommendations
recommend development of a framework for genomic recommend that academic institutions should ensure
The Genomics Panel recommends:
leadership across clinical specialities and primary care genomics and data informatics are prominent in
settings to encourage and disseminate best practice undergraduate curricula for healthcare professionals,
and to simplify patient referral systems (G7). These and that there should be expansion of undergraduate The citizen and the patient • Capacity should be built within the NHS Genomic
genomic leaders, based within medical or scientific capacity in genomics, bioinformatics and data science Medicine Service through support for specialist
• The NHS, in partnership with relevant regulatory
specialities and primary care environments, will provide (G8). This undergraduate training should focus on core healthcare professionals including genomic
bodies, should establish a clear, robust framework
the link between centralised genomic services, the wider principles and skills, such as the capacity to evaluate counsellors, clinical scientists and specialists in
by which healthcare professionals use genomic
healthcare profession and the patient community, and genomic data and to understand and communicate genomic medicine. (G5)
data, which safeguards patient confidentiality, and
will form facilitative networks to share information and complex issues of probability and risk, which will be part inspires the support and confidence of citizens and Health system
to promote and disseminate collective expertise. These of most, if not all, clinical specialities. Emphasis should the wider community. (G1)
• An attractive career pathway should be developed
networks will need to act at both the national level (for be placed around cross-cutting genomics themes (for
for bioinformaticians, including expansion of
example, to coordinate management of particular rare example, pharmacogenomics) of direct clinical relevance Healthcare professionals
Higher Specialist Scientist Training for clinical
diseases) and locally (for example, to provide support to all graduate prescribers. Investment in undergraduate
• All healthcare professionals should receive bioinformaticians. (G6)
and expertise across a group of primary care practices). education needs to extend beyond clinical training to
core training in genomic literacy to help them
Genomic leaders will have an important role in shaping ensure the future supply of non-clinical scientists with • A framework for genomic leadership should be
understand the basis, benefits and ethical
the informational content of genomic reports, providing a relevant skills, and to equip both groups with a common developed across clinical specialities and primary
considerations associated with genomics. (G2)
platform for rapid referral in non-standard cases (through vocabulary and intellectual framework that will encourage care settings to encourage and disseminate best-
online consultation), remotely attending genomic productive interaction. This will ensure that we have an • Lifelong training should be available to healthcare practice and to simplify patient referral systems. (G7)
multidisciplinary team meetings, providing advice on agile workforce, equipped with skills to appraise and professionals with emphasis on continuing support
• Academic institutions should ensure
communication and ethical questions, and/or consulting facilitate future innovation in the NHS. in this rapidly evolving field, including access to
genomics and data analytics are prominent
on genetic variants relevant to their specialist clinical dynamic ‘just-in-time’ digital updates and online
in undergraduate curricula for healthcare
area. We envisage that genomic leaders will arise from a The NHS needs to ensure that the efficiencies in genomic information resources. (G3)
professionals, and that there should be expansion
variety of professional roles, including physicians in clinical healthcare delivery that result from the introduction of
• Accredited genomic training for healthcare of undergraduate capacity in genomics,
specialities, genomic counsellors, clinical scientists and genomic medicine lead to manifest and tangible benefits
professionals should be established in key clinical bioinformatics and data science. (G8)
primary care practitioners. in the quality and outcomes of care delivered to patients
specialities to incorporate genomic testing and
and the wider community. This will involve a more
genomic counselling into their practice. (G4)
equitable relationship between the patient and their
clinician, recognising that wider access to information
and personal empowerment will result in citizens being
more informed about their health, and who expect shared

The expansion of genomics into medical care will be incremental, but over
the next two decades, their combined effects will transform the practice of
medicine, with substantial consequences for the NHS workforce.”
Professor Mark McCarthy

42 43
Persona: Eddie the bioinformatician
Eddie in 2013, aged 21:

Eddie is a final-year zoology undergraduate. His dissertation involves studying

the phylogenetics of old-world parasites and he has recently learned how to
analyse genetic sequences of insects. His housemates are studying medicine
and physiotherapy. He feels that working within a team environment in the
NHS would suit him. He is interested in genomics and decides to pursue
training as a bioinformatician. Eddie is delighted to be accepted for the post-
graduate NHS clinical scientist training programme in clinical bioinformatics.

Eddie in 2019, aged 27:

Eddie is now a clinical scientist working as a bioinformatician in a Genomic Laboratory

Hub within a large NHS University Hospital Trust. His training programme helped develop
a wide array of skills that have enabled him to respond flexibly to the rapidly changing
needs of the service. His communication and research skills are major assets for his job.

Eddie is excited by the potential of emerging technologies that allow the detection of
molecular disease markers in patients and are affordable enough to be used routinely
in clinical practice. He uses his skills in computational genomics and statistical biology
to work with colleagues in developing improved bioinformatics tools for identifying
complex genetic variants.

He also spends part of his time on the genetic analysis of the data generated from the
100,000 Genomes Project. He is enjoying the opportunity of working at the leading
edge of genomics knowledge and finding new genetic diagnoses in patients with rare
haematological diseases.

Eddie in 2029, aged 37:

Eddie is now a consultant bioinformatician specialising in haematological cancers. He is
an integral member of the team providing a specialist haematology clinical service. His
clinical responsibilities include analysing genomic data from live tumour cells for new
variants that may require a change in medication or more targeted treatment.

He is a lead member of a research group developing new personalised treatments

for rare haematological cancers. His work in evolving new technologies involves
collaborating with clinicians, other healthcare scientists and computer scientists to
develop tools to improve diagnostic accuracy and yield through better integration of
disparate data types.

Eddie also spends time teaching patient groups and primary care physicians in the
community, and curating new educational resources for patients, clinicians and
healthcare scientists. He has recently applied for the role of NHS Regional Dean for
Genomic Education.

44 45
5.1 The citizen and the patient
Digital medicine is increasingly empowering patients to
manage their own health and wellbeing, transforming
the traditional patient-clinician relationship. The growing
availability of information online means that some
patients research their conditions extensively. However,
Digital technologies have transformed most sectors which the quality of online health information varies widely, and
so the NHS has a vital role to play in providing trusted
affect our daily lives, from communications to transport,
information (DM1). Patients need to be confident that
banking and entertainment, but not yet healthcare. This is now emerging digital technologies are safe and effective.
changing as electronic patient records and online services, as Within NHS programmes of research, development and
well as wearables, smartphones and apps, are beginning to have implementation, patients and end users should be involved
in the co-design of new technologies, including the
a positive impact on the NHS and its workforce.” scoping of the required education and support (DM2).
Professor Lionel Tarassenko
Digital technologies can help empower patients to
manage their own conditions. Diabetes provides a good
example of how digital glucometers and smartphone-
To realise the full benefits of digital medicine, the NHS
5.0 Digital medicine will need to develop senior managers capable of leading
enabled wearable sensors enable self-management of
the condition to be integrated into the activities of daily
on the digital agenda. Time and opportunity to increase life. The NHS workforce needs to embrace a culture of
New digital technologies have the potential Today, there are approximately 1.6 million searches for the digital skills of the current workforce will be required, working with increasingly informed and empowered
health information on the NHS Choices website each as will the ability to attract much needed up-to-date patients. By working with patients to understand their
to transform how the NHS delivers care in digital expertise. Equally, citizens, patients and families
day. It is estimated that 60% of the people who use the personal requirements, healthcare professionals can
the decades to come, for example, through internet to check a medical condition do not then go will have a pivotal role to play. Patient activism, such as provide guidance on how best to self-manage, while also
faster and more reliable diagnosis of infectious on to access a frontline service, reducing pressure on #wearenotwaiting for patients with diabetes, exemplifies recognising that digital technologies are not necessarily
a growing trend in empowered patients demanding and
diseases, empowerment of patients to monitor the NHS. Telemedicine is starting to be used across the suitable for everyone. The adoption of digital health
NHS, offering a more convenient alternative to clinic taking greater control over their own care. Tackling digital products should never be governed by the lack of access
and manage their long-term conditions, exclusion while supporting the workforce to develop new
consultations for patients who find it difficult, prefer not to these technologies (the ‘digital divide’). The NHS
promotion of health and wellbeing through to or do not need to attend regular clinic appointments. skills and practices will be essential to ensure access and and associated organisations increasingly recognise
personalised apps, and the delivery of care The newly created NHS Apps Library contains over 70 adoption across all socio-economic groups. Increased this, with the resulting development of frameworks
apps and offers a trusted source of health apps for patient and public education programmes, as well as and toolkits,112 including the NHS Widening Digital
outside of traditional healthcare settings practical facilitation, will be needed to ensure that digital
patients and the workforce. The new NHS App is due to Participation agenda.113
through remote monitoring. be rolled out in early 2019. By 2021, it will allow people technologies do not increase health inequalities.
to upload data from their wearables and lifestyle apps, Prevention should also be high on the agenda. Targeted
In this Review, digital medicine is defined as digital Regulators will have to ensure the quality, safety and
safely and securely, and consent for those data to be public health campaigns should aim to provide education
products and services that are intended for use in the accuracy of testing, and service managers will need
linked with their health records. on modifiable risk factors, supported by long-term
diagnosis, prevention, monitoring and treatment of a to enforce the required service standards. It will be clinical studies to demonstrate how the use of digital
disease, condition or syndrome. This encompasses a broad essential to build data connectivity into care pathways
Advances in sensor technology and wearables are technologies may help prevent conditions such as obesity
range of technologies: telemedicine, smartphone apps, and electronic health records, within a fit-for-purpose
enabling remote monitoring outside of traditional hospital and hypertension.
wearable devices, software used in clinical settings (such governance framework.
settings. Rapid diagnostic tests are revolutionalising
as e-prescribing), point-of-care tests, and extended reality
access to HIV testing in accident and emergency, primary
technologies (including virtual reality and augmented
care and in the home. Virtual reality, a technology first
reality). Some of these technologies are already having a
developed for gaming, is now being used for a variety
positive impact on clinical practice and healthcare delivery,
of healthcare applications, including mental health and
though adoption is uneven across the NHS.
live streaming of surgical procedures to teach the next
generation of surgeons.

46 47
5.2 Healthcare professionals The current workforce delivering care will need to know 5.3 Health system healthcare graduates to enable them to realise fully the
for whom, where, when and how digital technologies potential of an increasingly digital health service. This will
Almost all areas of the workforce over the next 20 years are able to improve the care pathway and health Some areas of the NHS workforce have been early necessitate the redesign of an agile and forward-looking
will be affected by the adoption of digital technologies outcomes. They will also need to be fully cognisant of adopters of digital technologies, for example, primary undergraduate curriculum for healthcare professionals to
within the NHS and will need to be trained accordingly. At information and clinical governance issues, and be aware care and intensive care. It is important that other services, equip graduates to work in the future NHS. Provision for
the heart of digital transformation is the opportunity to of any ethical implications. The strategy should include such as mental health and acute medicine, should be in extra places in graduate medicine programmes for BSc
improve the quality and efficiency of interactions between prioritising time and space to learn, and appropriate the next wave of adoption of these technologies. Digital graduates with relevant skills, for example, in computer
patients, healthcare professionals and the healthcare forms of CPD, using a combination of face-to-face technologies must be fully integrated into NHS care and science or engineering, and equally the provision of
system. To achieve this ambition requires substantial training, e-learning and virtual/augmented reality. prevention pathways, otherwise their introduction will risk an intercalating BSc for medical students to study
investment in the training of healthcare professionals, fragmentation, duplication and inefficiency of care delivery. engineering and computer science, will help to nurture
as well as the creation of new roles in data science, To address skills gaps in the workforce, the NHS will cross-disciplinary skills.
data security, ethics, human factors and implementation need to establish new education programmes in digital The NHS will need to continue to develop a culture of
science. Investment in current staff should enable healthcare technologies, such as Masters degrees and innovation and learning. Digital leadership has been given NICE has developed an initial version of an evidence
them to develop specialist digital skills, including the apprenticeships. Credentialing may allow staff to broaden the recognition it deserves with the appointment of the standards framework for digital health technologies,
commissioning of digital technologies through continuous and maintain their skills and experience. The specialist first NHS Chief Clinical Information Officer in 2016. The working in close collaboration with NHS England, NHS
professional development (CPD), sabbaticals and workforce will also need to learn new skills, for example, Digital Academy, launched in 2018, provides the first Digital, Public Health England, MedCity and other
secondments (DM3). the commissioning of digital technologies. NHS Digital has national learning programme in change management, stakeholders. These standards have been designed to inform
highlighted the creation of the Federation of Informatics leadership and clinical informatics, with a Postgraduate technology developers and evaluators about which types
Analysis of large datasets extracted from electronic Professionals (Fed-IP) and Faculty of Clinical Informatics Diploma in Digital Health Leadership aimed at Chief of evidence should be expected, taking into account the
patient records integrated across primary and secondary (FCI) as a means to recruit and retain much needed data Clinical Information Officers, Chief Information Officers functions and intended use of the product and its overall
care will lead to improved care, for example, through science specialists within the NHS. and aspiring digital leaders from clinical and non-clinical economic impact. This framework will need to be embedded
greater understanding of the relationship between backgrounds. This flagship programme, currently funded into the curricula for clinical training programmes.
treatment and patient outcomes. The potential of big One of the key requirements we identified during this for three years, needs to be expanded to address skills
data is driving the development of multi-disciplinary Review was the need to grow NHS capability to develop gaps that exist in the wider workforce. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory
collaborations, with clinicians working alongside and assess the effectiveness of digital technologies. Agency’s (MHRA) work on the regulation of digital
computer scientists and engineers. For example, Great This includes the development of critical appraisal skills The NHS Entrepreneur training programme, Innovation technologies is becoming progressively more complex. Its
Ormond Street Hospital Digital Research, Informatics and through knowledge of the standards and the regulatory Accelerator and Test Beds are excellent examples of workforce will have to be trained with the appropriate
Virtual Environments (GOSH DRIVE) provides a physical environment. Clinicians will need the knowledge and skills how time and resources, including commercial skills and knowledge, skills and horizon-scanning capabilities for it
space to enable such collaborations for innovation, to prescribe validated apps and digital products, advise knowledge, can be provided to NHS staff who are keen to continue to be able to provide meaningful regulatory
development and rapid deployment of digital medicine patients on their use and interpret the clinical data that they to be digital innovators. These programmes need to be oversight. Working with regulators such as the MHRA,
within the NHS.114 generate. Mechanisms must also be put in place to enable scaled up and become an accepted part of everyday the NHS should therefore develop and commission
the reporting of safety concerns, as soon as they arise. practice to drive forward improved approaches to patient courses to increase the number of specialists in the
care and deliver increased workforce satisfaction. regulation and assessment of digital technologies (DM5).

To plan for the future workforce over the next two Finally, programmes of research, development and
decades, the NHS will first have to increase the number implementation will be needed to develop and deploy
of clinician, scientist, technologist and knowledge disruptive digital technologies at scale across the NHS.
specialist posts with dedicated, accredited time to keep A key priority should be to increase the flow of research
their skills up to date, and with the opportunity to work talent into the NHS from relevant disciplines. NHS
in partnership with academia and/or the health tech organisations should work more closely with existing
industry on the design, implementation and use of digital, academic centres of excellence, including the Engineering
AI and robotics technologies (AIR5/DM4). Secondly, the and Physical Sciences Research Council’s (EPSRC) Doctoral
NHS will need to partner with professional, statutory Training Centres, and EPSRC Interdisciplinary Research
and regulatory bodies, higher education organisations, Centres (IRCs), EPSRC Centres for Cyber Security, and the
educators and practitioners to identify the knowledge, Alan Turing Institute.
skills, professional attributes and behaviours needed by

48 49
5.4 Recommendations Persona: Tom the nurse
The Digital Medicine
Panel recommends: Tom in 2009, aged 13:

Tom’s mum is a nurse and he would like to follow in her footsteps.

With over 1.2 million staff in The citizen and the patient He is interested in maths and science, but worries that his
England, the NHS is one of the • NHS online content should be a vital trusted
assessment scores will mean that he won’t be able to pursue and
largest employers in the world. progress in a health career. However, he has impressed his teachers
source of health information and be resourced
and peers with his teamwork, leadership and knowledge in school
It is vital that we empower appropriately. (DM1)
technology projects. Tom’s hobbies include sci-fi films and playing
NHS staff and patients to use • The NHS should expand research and video games.
emerging digital technologies, development programmes, working closely with
patients to co-create digital technologies and
including nanosensors and ensure that emerging technologies meet their
Tom in 2019, aged 23:
wearables for early disease needs. (DM2)
diagnosis and monitoring.” Tom left school at 18. He had a few other jobs before following his passion for
Healthcare professionals healthcare and trying a career in nursing. Six months ago he joined the NHS as
Professor Rachel McKendry
• NHS organisations should invest in their existing an Apprentice Nurse, undertaking a Level 6 qualification.
workforce to develop specialist digital skills,
including the assessment and commissioning Tom likes respiratory nursing, and is developing an interest in exploring how digital
of digital technologies, through the Digital healthcare technologies can improve workflow and support patients. He was
Academy, continuous professional development delighted to be accepted to train at one of the NHS Digital Exemplar sites and to
(CPD), sabbaticals and secondments. (DM3) have a Digital Nurse Champion as his mentor.

Health system Tom is excited about discussions of future nursing careers supported by new
educational courses and learning resources, which help build skills with health
New roles data and technologies across healthcare professions. He has signed up to some
• The NHS should create or increase the number of of the new genomics and data science development courses.
clinician, scientist, technologist and knowledge
specialist posts with dedicated, accredited time,
Tom in 2029, aged 33:
with the opportunity of working in partnership
with academia and/or the health tech industry
to design, implement and use digital, AI and Tom works in primary care. He has recently been appointed as a Consultant in
robotics technologies. (AIR5/DM4) Community Respiratory Care and is a partner in a community health centre,
opportunities he would never have considered possible when leaving school.
Regulation and industry
• The NHS, working with regulators, should Tom provides dedicated coaching sessions with newly diagnosed patients with asthma
develop and commission courses to increase or COPD on how smart inhalers, apps and mobile devices can help them monitor and
the number of specialists in the evaluation and optimise their health. He co-designs personal health plans which incorporate genomic
regulation of digital technologies. (DM5) data, individual physiology and the patient’s desired clinical outcomes.

Tom’s multi-professional team receive patient alerts on clinical deterioration and

medication adherence via a safe, AI-augmented remote consultation platform. The
team triage patients promptly, nudge health behaviours and recommend new care
plans where necessary.

Each month, Tom co-leads a two-hour ‘hackathon’ where a variety of collaborators

come together to co-design and co-produce technological solutions for local problems
affecting patient care and service need.

50 51
Just as a microscope proved an invaluable tool in medicine
and biology when it was developed and people learned
6.0 Artificial
how to use it, so AI will prove an invaluable tool as it is
developed and people learn how to use it. It is a multi- intelligence and
purpose tool that can transform healthcare. But for this robotics
to happen, healthcare stakeholders (from patients to
clinicians to policy-makers) need to learn sufficiently The recent Academic Health Sciences
about AI and its capabilities to be able to harness and shape Network (AHSN) state-of-the-nation
this emerging technology for their own benefit.” publication highlighted two of the top
Professor Mihaela van der Schaar five most important enablers of AI in the
NHS as the engagement and education of
healthcare professionals.115
The key determinant of whether the NHS successfully uses
AI and robotics to transform healthcare will be the ability
of the workforce to harness and realise the potential of AI
and robotics.

The NHS should aim to develop a workforce able and willing

to transform it into the world leader in healthcare AI and
robotics. To achieve this, new opportunities must be created
to recruit and retain people with the required technical
skills. Significant changes to the roles and responsibilities of
current and future NHS staff will also be needed.

52 53
6.1 The potential of AI and robotics 6.2 Embedding an infrastructure for AI
technologies in healthcare and robotics
Healthcare is data intensive, combining not only huge Significant barriers to the deployment of AI and robotics
volumes of disparate and complex sources of data, but within the NHS exist, not least NHS data quality, information
also complex classifications and meanings. Advances in governance, and a lack of expertise in AI and robotics.
mathematics, computing power, cloud computing and
algorithm design have accelerated the development of For data-driven and autonomous technologies to flourish
methods that can be used to analyse, interpret and make the following are required:
predictions using these data sources. AI encompasses a • the digitisation and integration of health and care records;
multitude of technologies, including but not limited to
• the provision of a binding ‘code of conduct’ (a core
analysing and discovering patterns in data.
set of ethical principles and commitments) for those
AI has the potential to transform the delivery of designing and implementing data-driven health and
healthcare in the NHS, from streamlining workflow care technologies into the NHS;117
processes to improving the accuracy of diagnosis and • guidance of ‘evidence for effectiveness’ which helps
personalising treatment, as well as helping staff work regulators, commissioners, procurers, managers and
more efficiently and effectively.116 With modern AI, a mix clinicians in the NHS to evaluate, regulate, purchase
of human and artificial intelligences can be deployed and use data-driven technologies.9
across discipline boundaries to generate a greater
There is also the need for specific workforce learning in
collective intelligence.
three key areas:
Robotics encompasses the design, construction, operation • knowledge and skills in data provenance, curation
and application of intelligent machines, and has been and governance;
applied to medicine for more than 30 years. Robot-
• knowledge and understanding of the ethical
assisted surgery is now becoming more common in
considerations in using data-driven and robotic
orthopaedic, laparoscopic and neurosurgical procedures.
technologies for healthcare;
Miniaturisation of electronics to create smaller, smarter 6.3 The citizen and the patient patients to self-monitor conditions presenting with direct
components (high-density batteries, high-performance • critical appraisal of digital healthcare technologies – or translatable visual signs.71 Clinicians and patients will
microcomputing, sensors and actuators) is expanding the understanding how the technology works, including Over the next five to 10 years it is likely that there will be benefit from smarter triage, which will reduce the volume
scope of robotics for healthcare. the statistics underpinning machine learning and its greater public expectation that the NHS will increasingly of clinical workload and free up time for patients with the
outputs, and the potential biases. use AI and robotics technologies in healthcare. Patients greatest and most immediate need.
Currently, most robots in healthcare operate with should be involved from the beginning in the design and
relatively low-level embedded AI. This will change over This knowledge and these skills are essential for implementation of AI software for healthcare, ensuring Rehabilitative and wearable robots, including prostheses,
time, with robots becoming the ‘hardware’ that embeds, the whole NHS workforce. Continuing professional that their needs and preferences are reflected in the co- exoskeletons and brain-machine interfaces, deployed in
for example, machine-learning algorithms to perform a development throughout each individual’s career is design process (AIR1). A fully integrated, digitised and hospitals and in the community will provide advanced
manual or cognitive task. As machines increasingly make essential to reinforce and update learning, complemented remotely accessible health and care record should also functionality to patients with physical disability. As the
decisions, there are ethical, legal and societal questions by deeper dives into specialist training where appropriate. become available within the next decade. This will provide number of AI and robot technologies increases, there
that need to be addressed. the platform for the integration of AI-based technologies is a risk that choice and the pace of change overwhelm
delivering user-friendly, real-time information on personal patients and clinicians. This will require the NHS to provide
A benefit of systematically implementing AI and robotics health data and empowering patients to manage their access to systems, which could be AI-based recommender
in the NHS will be the automation of tasks viewed as own health or seek appropriate health support. systems, to help guide staff and patients as to which
mundane or repetitive that do not require much human technologies to adopt to best assist their specific needs.
cognitive power. Additionally, AI or robotics may automate Some patients are already using AI technologies through
tasks that go beyond human analytical or physical their smartphone to monitor and manage their health. Patient benefit must remain the driving criterion for AI
capabilities. Both of these applications of AI will leave the AI-powered chatbot technologies that use NLP provide and robotics design and use, and the workforce must be
workforce to focus on tasks considered ‘uniquely human’, patient and clinician-friendly interfaces for monitoring confident in their decisions about when and how human
especially human-to-human interaction and care. an individual’s health.60 AI technologies will also allow interaction must take priority over AI-human interaction.

54 55
6.4 Healthcare professionals For clinicians to benefit fully from AI and robotics 6.5 Health system Planning and commissioning of local services will vary,
technologies, four conditions have to be met: time and and autonomy should be preserved to leverage the best
AI and robotics will support clinicians in delivering safer, willingness to adopt new technology; an understanding The recruitment and training of greater numbers of use of workforce numbers and talent in a particular
higher-quality care. Machine learning-enabled early of the technology; well-designed technology meeting user professionals with computer science, data science, region. AI can also be used to monitor and predict
warning systems that alert clinicians to patients at risk of need; and workplace support to maximise the potential of engineering and other relevant expertise is critical to public health trends, analysing data in real time, and
deterioration in the hospital perform better than existing the technology. Clinicians and healthcare scientists who reducing the AI and robotics ‘skills gap’ in the NHS. With the identifying initiatives with positive and negative impacts
clinical risk scores.85 Deep-learning technologies designed are passionate about progressing the adoption of digital current boom in AI and data science industries, graduates on population health. Public health physicians and
for automated image interpretation have already shown healthcare technologies and keen to develop a specialist with expertise in these fields are highly sought by industry epidemiologists with higher-level training in data science
expert-level performance in medical image analysis. interest should be valued and supported to do so. Flexible employers; therefore the NHS needs to be competitive in will be needed to develop effective prevention and
Radiology, pathology and ophthalmology are frequently ongoing training and career opportunities should be made recruiting talent. It should explore innovative options to prediction strategies.
cited as the disciplines most likely to be influenced by available to those clinicians and healthcare scientists. attract global technical talent to design AI and machine
these AI tools, due to the availability of digitised data learning solutions to some of its most pressing clinical and To support local initiatives, skills in horizon scanning
and interoperability standards within those disciplines. There is a need to develop educational resources to operational challenges. It should be possible to leverage the and workforce strategy development will need to be
The spread of digitisation, supported by appropriate educate and train healthcare professionals in: health NHS’ global reputation and integrated datasets to attract strategically allied with an understanding of how health
infrastructure, will lead to AI changing clinical diagnostics, data provenance, curation, integration and governance; skilled experts from the global community of data scientists data and technology are best used to support and
and this will benefit all healthcare professions. the ethics of AI and autonomous systems/tools; and the (AIR3). Through opening up anonymised, well-curated and improve working practices.
critical appraisal and statistical interpretation of AI and ethically governed data platforms, the NHS could offer
AI technologies and automation can also help the NHS robotics technologies (AIR2). Joint learning programmes machine learning competitions as a precursor to clinical
manage the increasing demands on its staff. One of involving components from computer science, robotics testing and implementation.
the game-changing uses of AI will be the automation and engineering should be made available to healthcare
of administrative processes. Currently, between 15 and students at both undergraduate and postgraduate To recruit and retain staff with AI domain knowledge,
70 per cent of a clinician’s working time is spent on levels. These courses could be designed in collaboration the NHS could also make itself an employer of choice
administrative tasks.118 Well-designed AI can reduce with university computer science and engineering by offering flexible jobs and clear career pathways. AI Artificial intelligence is a tool,
administrative burdens, giving clinicians more time for departments, and hosted online. New apprenticeship and specialists working in the NHS should be seen as valued and like any other healthcare
patient-clinician interaction and highlighting the positive Masters schemes relevant to data science, AI and robotics members of clinical or clinically led academic teams
impact of AI technologies. in healthcare should also be developed.119 in which shared learning can enable them to design
tool, NHS professionals must
solutions to clinical and ergonomic problems. Long-term be trained to use it in the right
Other healthcare professionals, such as prosthetists, roles that share time between the NHS and industry/or manner and context with
orthotists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists, academia could be created, helping to attract technical
will require specialist training in personalised treatment confidence. The fundamentals
talent to address the challenges of healthcare, with
and rehabilitation planning. The NHS will need to attract, individuals bringing innovative technical knowledge and of AI and machine learning are
recruit, integrate and develop individuals with the core skills into the NHS throughout their careers. Attracting the based on digital data curation,
STEM knowledge base and skills for robotics – for right talent through a national programme of ‘Industry
example, mechanical engineering.
statistics and probability, and
Exchange Networks’ would benefit the NHS (AIR4).
it is these areas that the NHS
The NHS should increase the overall numbers of clinicians, staff of today will need to
as well as scientists, technologist and knowledge
master in order to benefit from
specialist posts, with dedicated, accredited time to keep
their skills up to date and with the opportunity to work in the tools of tomorrow.”
partnership with academia and/or the health tech industry Dr Hugh Harvey
on the design, implementation and use of digital, AI and
robotics technologies (AIR5/DM4).

56 57
6.6 Recommendations
Persona: Salma the paramedic
The AI and Robotics
Salma in 2009, aged 38:
Panel recommends:
Salma is a psychology graduate and worked for various medical charities for
10 years before deciding to pursue a new career. She remained very interested
The citizen and the patient
in working in the healthcare field.
• The NHS should ensure that patients are
involved from the beginning in the design and Following completion of a two-year Level 3 vocational course, she graduated
implementation of AI software for healthcare, with a degree in paramedic science and recently qualified as a paramedic.
with their needs and preferences reflected in the Salma’s training contained very little about how paramedics may benefit from
co-design process. (AIR1) evolving technology throughout their careers.
Healthcare professionals
• Educational resources should be developed to Salma in 2019, aged 48:
educate and train all healthcare professionals in:
health data provenance, curation, integration and Salma, a senior paramedic, is a team leader in a large city. She is frequently
governance; the ethics of AI and autonomous frustrated by the lack of patient information accessible at the scene of
systems/tools; critical appraisal and interpretation an emergency. Furthermore, she would like to be able to provide A&E
of AI and robotics technologies. (AIR2) departments with better real-time information on the patients she is treating,
Health system in advance of their arrival at A&E department, in order to streamline the
handover and treatment process.
• The NHS should leverage its global reputation and
integrated datasets to attract skilled experts from Salma is determined to increase her knowledge and skillset to deploy health
the global community of data scientists. (AIR3) technologies at work. She has researched how digital health tools could improve
• Given the national shortage and competition healthcare, but has yet to see significant change or investment in technology
for AI specialists, there should be a national that improves her working life. Salma participated in the comprehensive
programme of ‘Industry Exchange Networks’ that NHS consultation process aiming to capture workforce opinions on their
would benefit the NHS. (AIR4) competencies and challenges in adoption of technology.

Salma in 2029, aged 58:

Salma has seen her work transformed by the impact of digital technologies. She is
transported in an autonomous ambulance that drives the most efficient route to
an emergency, improving response times. On receiving the patient details, Salma
gains immediate access to the integrated electronic patient record that is projected
onto a digital display, providing information on medical history, allergies and
pharmacogenomics profile.

Salma’s smartwatch and smartphone, enabled with mobile vital signs and an ECG
reader, and AI-augmented ultrasound scanner, facilitate real-time monitoring and
diagnostics. All the data captured are immediately transmitted to the hospital-based
team who, with the help of machine learning algorithms providing decision support,
can advise, plan and prepare any additional treatment prior to the patient’s arrival.

Salma receives regular education and training updates on innovation in clinical

practice hosted within clinical skills hubs, which model how technology and health
data can best be used to improve patient care.

58 59
7.1 Impact on patients The growth of sub-specialism and new workforce groups,
7.0 Healthcare economics, productivity and the for example, highly-skilled interventionists in specialist

gift of time There will be a spectrum of effects depending on the

technologies deployed. Many new apps enable self-
centres for clot removal following a stroke, also reduces
the need for more traditional skillsets. This trend is likely to
monitoring and self-management to lower modifiable continue, and the adoption of digital technologies that focus
Technological solutions successfully being adopted in many sectors of industry and risks of current or possible future disease (see Chapter 5). on earlier identification and management of conditions will
commerce face similar workforce challenges to those of the NHS. Yet the role of technology Polygenic risk scores will soon be used to predict future also shift care from secondary care to primary care.
as a driver of productivity is a matter of much debate. risk of common conditions (see Chapter 4), such as
coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, The wider impact on the health and social care system
prostate cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. This can be summarised as: shifts in the balance of care;
knowledge will encourage some high-risk individuals to centralising highly specialised tasks (as has been seen
adopt risk-lowering lifestyles, go for regular screening in stroke and emergency care) and decentralising less
and take preventative medication, such as statins, where specialist tasks; and long-term shifts in the patterns of
appropriate. With other digital healthcare technologies, need and therefore services.
the effect on patients will be as a result of improved
Technological innovation has been critical to increasing productivity treatment. For example, machine learning applied to 7.3 Potential impact of digital healthcare
growth in the past, but today there is disagreement around the impact medical image analysis (see Chapter 6) has the potential technologies on workforce productivity
current technological innovation is having on the economy.”120 to improve post-stroke care through more accurate
analysis of CT and MRI scans. As a result, patients are The figures in the examples below are high-level
likely to spend more time in better health. estimates based on hypothetical scenarios to illustrate
the potential scale of impact from digital healthcare
The ability of digital technologies to streamline access to technologies on a subset of NHS services, assuming
Developments in robotics and AI systems, as highlighted Taking as exemplars some of the digital healthcare
services and reduce the number of unnecessary visits by that the relevant technology matures and is adopted
in the previous chapter, are making it possible to technologies described in Chapter 3, this Review has
patients to hospitals or GP surgeries cannot be overstated. throughout the NHS in England. Given the uncertain
automate activities that previously could only be done sought to draw out some high-level messages from them
Avoiding just one hospital outpatient appointment has nature and timescale of technological developments,
by humans, and to assist workers with tasks that cannot and highlight lessons that may be learnt. The selected
been estimated to save the patient on average £36 in and the challenge of projecting their impact over 10 to
be fully automated. These systems are used across the exemplar technologies can all be implemented at scale.
time and travel costs, while similar figures for a primary 20 years based on today’s limited available evidence,
UK economy to automate both physical and knowledge-
care appointment are on average £17 per patient.122 The it is stressed that the figures given below are no more
based work. They have the potential to cut costs and
burden of these costs is disproportionately carried by than first-order approximations – they were produced
increase productivity, bringing economic benefits.
those least able to afford them. by blending case study findings with expert opinion,
published evidence and publicly available data. They
7.2 Impact on workforce and nevertheless provide us with an insight into what the
healthcare system future might look like in the decade ahead, and show
the potential that digital healthcare technologies have for
Technologies can be divided into those that augment giving time back to healthcare professionals.
existing care and those that might have the capacity
The pace of adoption will depend on factors such as the nature of the to transform care. With the former, the technology
allows healthcare professionals to deliver better
technology itself, staff costs including training, initial investment care, for example, through improved stratification
required, public perception, and regulation.”121 or personalisation of care. With the latter, care is
transformed as a result of meeting or eliminating a need
that previously could not be managed.

60 61
7.3.1 Telemedicine (Example 1 in Figure 1 – Chapter 3): 7.3.3 Smartphone apps (Example 2 in Figure 1 – Chapter 3): GDm-Health app
Brighton and Sussex University Hospital Trust Virtual Fracture Clinics Conventional gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) provides secure communication between women and
monitoring involves the use of a paper diary and their healthcare team and potentially reduces the need
Virtual fracture clinics, as described in
Annually, there are approximately At least fortnightly visits to a hospital clinic. The GDm-Health app for clinic visits at the same frequency. Women using the
Chapter 3, have been shown to be
effective, improving several key clinical facilitates self-monitoring and tracking of the progression app have been shown to improve their blood glucose
performance parameters and potentially
providing substantial cost-savings for 7.6 million 50% of diabetes by specialist midwives remotely. The app control and require fewer clinic visits.129,130

local Clinical Commissioning Groups

trauma and of fracture clinic There are approximately
(CCGs).123 If these clinics were introduced GDm-Health
Users of the GDm-Health app require up to
orthopaedic outpatient appointments
nationally, they could potentially deliver
very large savings for the NHS. appointments124 could be virtual93,125 80,000 70%
two fewer clinic visits on average
during their pregnancy131
women with GDM in the UK
Virtual fracture clinic If scaled up, this would Equivalent annually to approximately
appointments reduce equate to a time saving Annually, this equates to a maximum of
the total number approximating
of appointments hours of outpatient clinic time 160,000 40,000
needed by
570,000 80
outpatient hours of outpatient consultant diabetologists’

15 %
appointments clinic time time back for clinical care
15-minute outpatient healthcare professionals’
appointments time back for clinical care

7.3.4 Remote monitoring (Example 3 in Figure 1 – Chapter 3): Airedale and Partners
Enhanced Health in Care Homes Vanguard
7.3.2 Smartphone apps (Example 2 in Figure 1 – Chapter 3): myCOPD app
The Airedale Digital Hub provides tele-consultations for the most appropriate care. Figures for 2017 suggest
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a pulmonary rehabilitation to improve self-management between nursing and residential homes and experienced that 90% of consultations resulted in patients remaining
common long-term respiratory condition and one of of COPD. Patients who use the app manage their clinicians, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The hub in their nursing/care home, approximately 38% of GP
the top five causes of death in the UK. myCOPD is an condition more effectively and have fewer unplanned assesses and triages all requests for clinical advice and referrals could be saved, and ambulance conveyances
app that integrates education, symptom reporting and hospital admissions.127 consultation, including GP visits, and refers the patient decreased by up to 40%.132

Around Per year, COPD accounts Users of the myCOPD app saw There are approximately Remote monitoring supported by Annually, the avoided activity is the
a Digital Hub has the potential to equivalent to approximately
for approximately emergency admission rates

reduce by approximately
295,000 prevent approximately
19 %
people in A&E attendances for care home of ambulance hours of A&E
England emergency admissions conveyances, A&E consultation time
alone are
patients annually in the UK
40% attendances and

doctors’ time
diagnosed 880,000 268,000
patients conveyed
hospital admissions back for
clinical care
with COPD128 hospital bed days128
by ambulance Annually, that is approximately
107,000 1,740,000
approximately hours of ambulance time
Not all COPD patients will be able or willing to use the app, for example, those with severe COPD or ambulance

bed days
those who use supplemental oxygen. 250,000 conveyances paramedics’
admissions 133,134 time back for
118,000 clinical care
If 50% of patients with COPD used myCOPD
or an equivalent app, reduced admission rates
84,000 150 17 days 135
3,164 This has to be set against the numbers of Digital
nurses’ time back nurses’ time Hubs which would need to be set up nationally,
for acute exacerbations would equate to a average length
bed days for clinical care 102,000 back for and the number of staff needed to run these
minimum approximate annual saving of of stay admissions clinical care hubs 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

62 63
7.3.5 Speech recognition (Example 5 in Figure 1 – Chapter 3):
South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Accident and Emergency
South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trust A&E department was completed, as well as the quality of documentation.
introduced clinical speech recognition as a way of dealing When compared with handwriting, typing or traditional
with the rising volume of clinical documentation resulting dictation, the technology was found to save three minutes
from increasing patient numbers. The technology improved per patient, freeing up vital time for clinicians in A&E to see
the ease and speed with which clinical documentation and treat patients.136

Each year there are Using a conservative Annually, that equates to approximately
approximately estimate of
400,000 230
24 million hours of A&E A&E doctors’
A&E attendances137 one consultation time time back for
clinical care

63 million minute one

hospital doctors’
outpatient saved per patient
hours of outpatient time back for
attendances138 consultation clinic time clinical care

340 million 5.7 million

hours of GP
GPs’ time back
GP consultations 139
consultation time for clinical care

7.3.6 Automated image interpretation (Example 7 in Figure 1 – Chapter 3):

Diagnostic support in Radiology
Automatic image interpretation using deep Radiologists conservatively Eliminating the need for a
learning for the automated detection of breast spend at least second reader represents a
cancer has been described as a use case in
Chapter 3. The aim is to improve the accuracy
of screening while benefiting the workforce by
eliminating the need for a second reader of the
of their time
reduction in the time spent
mammography scans.140 reviewing images.141 reviewing mammograms.

If we assume that what has been Each year there are approximately
achieved with mammography can
also be applied to a large extent to 41 million
other medical images reviewed by medical images taken and read
radiologists, AI methods such as by the UK NHS workforce of

20 %
deep learning have the potential
to reduce the time radiologists 4,204
spend reviewing images by radiologists.142, 143

Annually, the potential impact of AI technologies on diagnostic radiology equates to the equivalent of approximately

8.2 million 890,000 500

images hours of radiologists’ time back
radiologist time for clinical care

64 65
8.0 Organisational
The NHS is complex, with multiple roles,
functions and needs. Leading change in such
a system can be logistically challenging, even
for straightforward problems.
The challenges associated with introducing digital
healthcare technologies are similar to those of any
major change initiative. Delivering a technological future
requires investment in people, building digital skills and
leadership capabilities, and a change in the organisational
culture. Work is already under way in the NHS on the
Building a Digital Ready Workforce programme, enabling
staff to identify their digital readiness and meet their
training needs (OD3).144

Better recognition of the enablers of change can help

our understanding of the slow and fragmented level of
adoption of digital healthcare technologies in parts of the
NHS. Time is required for the majority of people to accept
the merits of, and adopt, any innovation.145 Time will also
be needed for digitisation to deliver efficiency gains – a
phenomenon known as the ‘productivity paradox’.32

Introducing new technologies to support patient care and

the workforce needs to be seen as change management,
with the technology itself simply the tool to enable
change. Most patient care pathways are multifaceted,
involving staff with deeply held personal, social and
institutional beliefs and practices. To be successful,
technology-based change policies need to acknowledge
and seek to understand these beliefs and practices. This
requires organisations to focus on the following enabling
factors: a culture of innovation; prioritising people; an
agile and empowered workforce; leadership; effective
governance; and investment.

66 67
8.1. An open and inclusive 8.2. Prioritising people 8.4. Leadership 8.5. Establishing effective governance
innovation culture arrangements for digital health
Participatory design principles have led to successful In the digital era, the NHS needs more than ever to
Organisational culture is a major factor affecting the wide-scale IT implementation, for example, the encourage the development of visionary leaders who can Regulation is intended to protect patients and society and
speed and frequency of innovation.146 NHS organisations Government Digital Service (GDS).148 When redesigning effect change across the system through collaborative reduce the risk of harm. Clinicians and patients must be
need to demonstrate agile and dynamic responses to or implementing services, NHS organisations should focus approaches. The NHS Leadership Academy has an able to trust that technologies approved for use in the
innovation with an open, inclusive culture, and with on ‘what matters’ to people. Technological solutions are important role to play here. Change initiatives themselves NHS meet robust standards set by regulators.
a focus on patient safety and quality of service.147 The adopted, diffused and sustained more successfully if the are likely to produce ‘emerging’ leaders, who have the
latter, however, is not an excuse to halt development or patients and healthcare staff using them have built them insight, energy and impetus to drive change. Developing The challenge in regulating digital healthcare technologies
investment in the infrastructure and services needed to together.149 Patients, citizens and staff should therefore leadership talent requires training schemes (including is significant and the regulatory response continues
deliver the digital future. be encouraged to work and learn together to co-design coaching and mentoring) to be available. Digital leaders to evolve. Collaboration between individuals leading
solutions and, where appropriate, co-deliver these (OD1). should be capable of understanding the role of data, change and the regulators is essential to build a
The ‘test and improve’ approach to implementation information, innovation and technology in their local consensus on how a particular technology is regulated.
through prototyping and iterative learning allows Time for staff to learn and work together is likely to require organisation, now and in the future. The collaborative partnership will need to be stretched
timely trialing of innovation and new pathways using increased investment, offset by the longer-term benefits. to include industry when potential solutions to new
real-time feedback. The clinical teams required to Early, effective and sustained staff engagement at all levels, Enabling the NHS to adopt and diffuse digital healthcare regulatory challenges are needed. Regulation should be
adopt technology-enabled change are likely to be non- especially front-line staff, is a pre-requisite for technology- technologies safely, effectively and efficiently at scale an enabler, not a barrier to innovation.
hierarchical, self-organising, multi-disciplinary teams in enabled transformational change to be successful. and across geographies requires Board-level leadership
which colleagues have equal status and responsibility. focused on clinical outcomes and on promoting effective The NHS should work with stakeholders across sectors to
8.3. An agile workforce and consistent staff engagement (OD4).3 review the regulation and compliance requirements for
Effective knowledge management is essential to enable new digital healthcare technologies, including the provision
the spread and adoption of innovation, with lessons The combination of rapid technological advances and the System leaders will need to take a strategic perspective of guidance and training on cyber security, data privacy and
from early adoption shared widely (OD6): an innovation changing healthcare needs of the UK will cause a degree on research and innovation in science and technology, data anonymisation, learning from the experience of other
culture is dependent on a learning culture. The NHS must of disruption, requiring the workforce to be agile. Roles with new senior roles being created to horizon-scan, international healthcare systems (OD9).
build a reputation as a learning organisation that values will become more fluid and role boundaries may blur. advise on the opportunities offered by digital healthcare
and enables the transfer of learning about successes and technologies and identify local skills gaps (OD2). The NHS 8.6 Investment
The entry of millennials into the workforce has already Digital Academy is already supporting the most senior
failures (OD5). This can only happen with the creation of
resulted in changing expectations around work-life leaders. It is clear from our Review that a much greater The benefits of investment in digital technologies are
new senior knowledge management roles.
balance, flexible careers, rewards and incentives, proportion of the workforce will need these enhanced initially seen in improved safety and quality; it can take
Virtual networks and communities of practice will help relationships with employers and the use of technology. leadership skills.151 up to 10 years to realise cost savings.32 Investment in IT
reinforce learning by connecting people interested and With increasing digitisation and digital literacy, the social systems (hardware, software and connectivity) will continue
involved in technology-based innovation. Interested and emotional skillset of the workforce will become NHS organisations should use validated frameworks to to be essential. The NHS will need to invest in training
healthcare staff should be supported to undertake these increasingly important.150 Adoption of innovative implement technological solutions and ensure staff are people with the right professional skills to support this
activities and encouraged to develop new collaborations technologies that automate repetitive and administrative trained to use these (OD7). There are several frameworks change. Clinical staff, patients and the public will need to
to lead future innovation. tasks should also give the workforce more time to make available, including those specifically developed by NHS have confidence that the NHS has effective systems and
use of cognitive skills. England152 and NHS Improving Quality,153 but few focus processes not only to protect patient data, but also to
on technological systems change within the NHS. The enable its ethical use in the development of new methods
Most NHS staff will need a basic knowledge of change NASSS (Non-adoption, Abandonment, and Challenges and algorithms to improve patient outcomes.
management for their own personal development and to the Scale-Up, Spread, and Sustainability) framework
to contribute to the wider system. NHS organisations has been developed to help understand why there is NHS organisations need to give leaders enough time to
will need to recruit people with an appreciation of non-adoption of many technological innovations and to plan, build relationships and evaluate change, and to
technological innovation and skills in implementing change inform the planning and implementation of technology- allow staff time away from clinical work to engage in co-
while managing uncertainty. These staff will need to be focused change projects (see NASSS case study below).154 design, to participate in collaborative peer-networks and
supported to learn from the setbacks that come with any develop leadership skills.
change, technology-related change being no different.

The NHS needs to attract new talent and shape new

career pathways. Opportunities to work together
with academic institutions and industry will become
more common. The scope for mutually beneficial joint
appointments should be explored (OD8).
68 69
8.7 Recommendations
The Organisational Development
Working Group recommends: Case study:
The citizen and the patient • NHS Boards should take responsibility for effective Virtual outpatient clinic development: using the NASSS framework154
knowledge management to enable staff to learn
• NHS organisations must ensure that patients,
from experience (both successes and failures) and
citizens and staff are involved in the co-design of
accelerate the adoption of proven innovations. (OD5) Barts Health NHS Trust and the University of Oxford are working together to develop video-based
transformation projects, particularly in identifying
remote consulting as part of business as usual. The Diabetes service at Barts has been using Skype for
how digital healthcare technologies can help • The NHS should strengthen systems to disseminate
outpatient consultations since 2011 for patients with challenging social circumstances and a history of
to improve both patient experience and staff lessons from early adoption and share examples
missed appointments. Initial studies have shown high acceptance rates among patients with reduced
productivity. (OD1) of effective, evidence-based technological change
‘did not attend’ rates and improved self-management.155, 156 However, extending the service model to
programmes. (OD6)
Healthcare professionals other outpatient clinics across the Trust has proved challenging. A research study157 was undertaken to
• NHS organisations should use validated understand and try to overcome these challenges, focusing on the experience of patients and staff, the
• Senior roles should be developed with responsibility frameworks to implement technological solutions organisational changes needed and the influence of the wider national context.
to advise on the opportunities offered by digital and ensure staff are trained to use these. (OD7)
healthcare technologies and identify local skills The research team applied the NASSS framework to understand and inform the process of
• The NHS should support collaborations between
gaps. (OD2) introducing and scaling up video-based consultations. This framework involves seven interacting
the NHS and industry aimed at improving the skills
• Healthcare professionals will need to access domains: (1) the illness or condition, (2) the technology, (3) the value proposition, (4) individual
and talent of healthcare staff. (OD8)
training resources and educational programmes in adopters (staff and patients), (5) the organisation, (6) the external context, and (7) emergence
• The NHS should work with stakeholders across over time. Complexity in one or more domains makes embedding technology harder. Video-based
digital healthcare technologies to assess and build
sectors to review the regulation and compliance consultations worked best for predictable, low-risk conditions, with dependable, fit-for-purpose
their digital readiness. (OD3)
requirements for new digital healthcare technologies, technology whose use was easily aligned with other organisational processes. Interdependencies
Health system including the provision of guidance and training on across different routines and systems required cross-departmental collaboration and organisational
cyber security, data privacy and data anonymisation, change. A rapidly changing political and economic context with continually emerging technologies
• Each organisation should assign Board-level
learning from the experience of other international required identification and adaptation to these external changes to ensure sustainability. A ‘Video
responsibility for the safe and effective adoption of
healthcare systems. (OD9) Consultation Unit’ was established to horizon-scan and promote knowledge-sharing within the
digital healthcare technologies at scale, with a focus
Trust. The service model is now scaled up to over 15 clinical teams across the Trust.
on clinical outcomes and on promoting effective and
consistent staff engagement. (OD4)

70 71
Persona: Sarah the doctor
Sarah in 2009, aged 26:

Sarah is a paediatric specialist trainee and loves her work. She

has started to use a smartphone in her personal life, but has no
access to mobile technology at work and is frustrated by having
to rely on outmoded technology, especially fax machines, and
time-consuming paper records. Communication with her peers
and multi-professional colleagues is disjointed, and has caused
patient safety incidents.

Sarah in 2019, aged 36:

Sarah is a paediatric consultant with a specialist interest in metabolic

medicine. She has completed a Masters degree in Medical Education and
modules of the Genomics Education Programme. Sarah observes that
despite schemes like the NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme, adoption of
innovation in the NHS is variable and slow.

Although hospital-wide electronic prescribing and a new electronic patient

record have been introduced, Sarah is still frustrated by needing to use
fax machines and bleeps. She wants to use more streamlined, intelligent
communication with colleagues and patients, which maximises the amount
of time she can spend with patients. However, there are still concerns
in her Trust about the data governance and General Data Protection
Regulation for social media such as WhatsApp. Sarah is encouraging her
Trust Board to be forward-thinking and review some of the NHS Global
Digital Exemplars’ initiatives in health information integration.

Sarah in 2029, aged 46:

Sarah is a consultant with a portfolio career that combines clinical work in paediatrics
with a national coordinating and oversight role within Genomics England.

Most of her patients have their whole genome sequenced at birth, allowing Sarah
a much greater understanding of her patients’ pathology. Sarah’s clinical team
now includes bioinformaticians and computer scientists – who bring expertise and
learning from their secondments in industry. The whole team benefits from access to
integrated, interoperable electronic patient record systems supported by AI technologies.
Machine-learning algorithms process the outputs from wearable sensors that remotely
monitor metabolic markers to predict patient health trajectories and model personal
care plans. As a result, early intervention, followed by personalised treatments, have
markedly improved outcomes in conditions such as diabetes. Furthermore, cloud-
based educational tools provide accessible ‘just-in-time’ learning resources that enable
clinicians, patients and their families to better understand and manage their conditions.

72 73
Educating the current and future NHS workforce is key to enabling
the implementation of the revolutionary changes to healthcare
practice and delivery that technological advancement will bring for
the benefit of patients, carers and citizens.”
Professor Trudie Roberts

9.1 A culture of learning 9.1.2 Openness to collaboration 9.1.3 Effective co-design

9.0 Providing a learning
environment for Key ingredients of the learning culture are: encouraging Multiple human minds working collaboratively can Evidence suggests that the NHS can be resistant to
lifelong learning, openness to collaboration and effective co- synthesise more powerfully.162 This collective intelligence co-design because it is difficult and time-consuming.165

education and training design and a greater understanding of human intelligence. is more profound when synthesised across the boundaries
of different disciplines,163 for example, between the clinical
Demand pressures exacerbate this. However,
incorporating patient participatory design into
9.1.1 Encouraging lifelong learning workforce and computer scientists. This requires effective transformation projects will improve their chances of
Adoption of digital healthcare technologies articulation and reformulation of knowledge, accurate success and could strengthen patient-centered care.
The NHS needs to nurture growth mindsets throughout the estimation of group knowledge, effective listening, mHabitat provides a good example of the benefits of an
requires an effective culture of learning
workforce. Someone with a growth mindset believes that resolution of conflicts and the co-construction of new NHS-hosted team specialising in co-design, engaging with
at every level that enables the workforce intelligence is developed through learning. Self-efficacy is knowledge. The UK’s current education system at the all relevant stakeholders throughout the design process.166
to reframe their knowledge within an key to turning learning into action and onwards towards secondary and tertiary levels does not teach this effectively.164
increasingly technology-driven world. longer-lasting change in behaviour. It involves making 9.1.4 Understanding human intelligence
accurate, evidence-based judgements about current levels Multi-disciplinary team learning will enable staff from
Resistance to change and scepticism about technology of knowledge and understanding, and matching these to across different disciplines to adopt new technologies and We need to prepare the current and future healthcare
are well-recognised barriers to progress158, 159 – both can the levels required. This starts with the recognition that lead to sustainable change (E2). Exemplars already exist. workforce for the AI-enabled health system of the future
be overcome by a motivated and enthused workforce. For change is required. To ensure lifelong learning can happen, The Perfect Patient Pathway Initiative aims to improve by bringing humanity to the machine-patient interface.
sustained and effective adoption, individuals need to see staff require the following: dedicated time outside of their the lives of people with long-term conditions through This includes focusing on the essential human skills that
digital healthcare technology solutions in the context of their normal duties to develop and reflect on their learning; technology by building a learning culture that focuses on AI and computers cannot achieve, such as collaboration,
own clinical practice and of quality improvements in care. learning activities that are proactive rather than reactive; a collaboration with healthcare professionals and shared leadership, reflection, compassion and empathy.167 To
strong workplace learning infrastructure; and a workplace experience with other patients. deliver better healthcare and reduce misconceptions
reputation for training and support (E1). about the role of digital technologies, we need to have
an understanding of what it means to be intelligent.
Motivated staff have belief in their ability to undertake The interwoven intelligence model, including academic,
transformation, perceive it to be important and believe social and meta-intelligence, provides a very useful way of
that they have control over the outcomes.160 The NHS conceptualising intelligence to drive forward education in
lacks receptivity to bottom-up clinical innovations and the 21st century.164 Healthcare educators need to be aware
ideas.161 Participation in initiatives that provide the right of, and adopt, these evolving concepts of intelligence.
motivational environment for learning, such as the Clinical
Entrepreneur Training Programme, should be more
widely supported. These initiatives need to be combined
with organisational encouragement and support for
innovations which benefit workforce learning.

74 75
9.2 Methods of learning TEL has the ability to mature from a generic ‘one-size- 9.3 Supporting educators To ensure the timely upskilling of the NHS workforce,
fits-all’ model to a personalised and adaptive experience a greater investment in educators will be required (E3).
A wide variety of learning methodologies should continue through data analysis of learners, their actions and their Educational leaders and educators, including quality Any member of the workforce could have the ability to
to be employed to support workforce learning through context using AI. The increasing ability to collect data improvement experts, are critical to driving a new learning become a potential educator, regardless of their role,
high-quality, co-created resources and interventions, about a wide range of learning activities, regardless culture. For these leaders to be truly transformational and level or qualifications. For example, a student nurse
including online, ‘bite-sized’, ‘just-in-time’ learning. of the tools or methods used to deliver them, enables deliver on their responsibilities, the NHS needs to support with expertise in certain aspects of digital healthcare
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) can conjure up decision-making by and for individual learners, educators them to embrace culture change. This may include specific technologies may prove an excellent educator. Similarly,
negative ideas of statutory and mandatory training with and organisations. Additionally, digital technologies experiential learning within external companies who are new expertise in the NHS should be engaged in educating
claims of educational benefits over traditional learning will make it possible to track and support life-long engendering the culture the NHS is aiming to achieve. the workforce. For example, data scientists will be needed
often going unsubstantiated. However, it can be useful learning through records, independent of educational Given the pace of change, educators must be reflective in to educate the healthcare workforce in the utilisation of
in providing education at scale within the NHS. Blended establishment, healthcare organisation or portal. Health their approach, not only engaging in ongoing learning, but data as part of their wider role. This approach would also
learning, combining TEL with face-to-face experiences, Education England (HEE) is developing a digital learning developing and adapting their educative practice through serve to promote collaboration between disciplines. NHS
can provide the essential combination of social, emotional platform that fills gaps in provision of learning across the innovative ways to meet new and future challenges. organisations will need to find mechanisms to identify
and physical elements of learning. In time, collaborative NHS. Figure 3 outlines an approach to developing AI for and develop new educators within the workforce (E4).
virtual reality, for example, through holoportation, could education and training. To complete the three essential As champions of digital healthcare technologies,
potentially replicate the face-to-face element. activities (central rectangles), we need to create a virtuous educators will be able to spot and nurture future 9.4 Supporting the whole workforce
cycle of training and engaging educators and developers champions and potential entrepreneurs for the NHS.
in working together. Champions should be encouraged to share their Digital literacy is a vital component for a learning
knowledge and experience. Evidence highlights the workforce. It is defined by HEE as “those digital capabilities
benefits of networks within and across organisations that that fit someone for living, learning, working, participating
enable collaborative and guided learning.169 The primary and thriving in a digital society”. Figure 4 highlights the
care ‘digital nurse champions’ is a good example.170 domains within the HEE Digital Capabilities Framework:

Engage educators and trainers in working with AI developers to build AI

technology that is specifically designed for education and training. Use this to:

Prioritise the
Educate people Tackle Educational
development of our
about AI Challenges using AI
own human intelligence

Train educators and trainers to:

Figure 3: An intelligence approach to AI for education and training

Figure 4: HEE Digital Capabilities Framework171

76 77
The capabilities listed in each of the sectors of Figure 4 and regularly updated, recognising the rate of change 9.6 Educating the future workforce New technological developments are exciting and
represent the skills, attitudes and behaviours which of genomics and digital technologies in the area of filled with promise, yet it is essential that empathy and
individuals require to be digitally competent and healthcare delivery. Healthcare attracts some of the brightest and most compassion are not lost in a drive to embrace new ways of
confident. They also support the development of a committed people who want to make a real difference working. The adoption of digital healthcare technologies
growth mindset and of the skills needed to enable co- Demonstrating appropriate levels of genomics and digital in peoples’ lives. Consequently, supporting and fostering will increasingly emphasise the human qualities essential
design and creation. While release of time away from capability in relation to roles, the needs of patients and the the desire of these future healthcare professionals to lead in clinician-patient relationships. The potential for more
service provision is critical to the success of achieving needs of the service is required at significant touchpoints change in healthcare delivery is vital. efficient ways of working should free up the clinician to
widespread digital literacy, several additional challenges throughout careers. As new ways of working develop, spend more time with the patient, either in face-to-face
need to be overcome: some staff may move into areas of practice for which they The requirement for flexibility and personalisation of learning meetings or remotely.
did not originally train. Building digital capabilities into job should extend to the future workforce who should be
• reducing significant variance in current levels of digital
descriptions, appraisals and CPD will allow for sufficiently able to move away from a one-size-fits-all approach. The Opportunities for inter-professional problem-solving,
literacy;172, 173
dynamic and agile training, and support to keep pace with change towards outcome-based education acknowledges for example, physiotherapists working with engineering
• raising workforce awareness of digital changes in technology, ensuring appropriately skilled staff. that different individuals may learn at different rates, and so students in the area of robotics, can enrich the learning
capabilities required; NHS organisations should ensure that current and new some students may demonstrate the required knowledge, experience and create the right skills for the future
staff are supported to reach an appropriate level of digital skills and behaviours earlier than currently mandated. Hence, workforce. Education providers should offer opportunities
• providing equitable access to support, learning and
literacy for their career stage (E8). while some people could enter the workforce earlier, others for healthcare students to intercalate in areas such as
training with special efforts to engage and support the
may wish to spend time developing the skills needed to lead engineering or computer science and new technologies as
digitally unengaged or unconvinced;
9.5 Supporting the specialist workforce specific technological innovation. they emerge.
• developing appropriate workforce skills and attitudes to
empower patients and citizens to enhance their health As the requirement for existing and new specialist roles 9.6.1 Curricula 9.6.2 Selection
and wellbeing through digital healthcare technologies. expands, including clinical bioinformaticians, digital
technologists, AI and robotics engineers, the NHS will need Healthcare knowledge is growing at such a rate that it is Healthcare students are currently selected on their
Reflections on the Genomics Education Programme highlight to develop career pathways to attract and retain talent (E9). challenging to keep up to date. Access to mobile learning academic credentials and a range of values aligned with
that education has to evolve alongside the new technologies and machine learning means that there is a need to define the aims of the NHS. Educational providers need to ensure
with frequent evaluations and flexible, adaptable and An essential requirement for staff working in specialised what information students need to know, and what that prospective students have or gain additional skills,
empowering curricula.174 Practical, personalised approaches areas of healthcare is the provision of time and support information they need to be aware of but not necessarily including: an appropriate level of digital literacy (E13); an
to enabling reframing of the knowledge and skills needed to ensure their knowledge and skills are kept up to date memorise. Similarly, the challenge for regulators, clinicians understanding of the ethical challenges that the wider
to acquire or expand digital capabilities must be developed. through appropriate CPD. To meet the needs of specialised and educators is to identify what areas currently taught can adoption of genomics and digital technologies will bring; a
HEE should establish a new NHS Digital Education groups, CPD needs to be understood in a much wider be safely omitted from future programmes. capacity for innovation; and an ability to address problems
Programme to oversee the implementation of a national context and be flexible and responsive. Development in an agile and flexible way.
digital education strategy for both the generalist and the opportunities should be offered as tiered-level accredited The routine use of information gathering related to
specialist workforce (E5). The digital literacy framework training where appropriate. Approaches may include patients’ wellbeing will mean that students need to In the future the NHS will need greater numbers of
should be embedded into training programmes, career opportunistic out-of-programme experiences with develop an understanding of health data provenance, professionals with genomics, data science, computer
pathways and placements (E6). industry,176 cross-sector placements, staff exchanges and curation, integration and governance, not only for the science and engineering expertise to fill skills gaps in the
dynamic formal training curricula.151 Training should be care of individual patients, but at a whole population level. NHS. This can be achieved through attracting graduates
Education providers should demonstrate the development team-based and cross-disciplinary where appropriate (E10). Given the advances in genomics, the time allotted to this with these skills to begin a career in health, as well as
of generic digital capabilities in their education and area in curricula is likely to need enhancing. Traditional offering opportunities for healthcare students to intercalate
training provision. Professional and statutory regulatory The accreditation of newer specialist groups needs to clinical skills such as cardiac auscultation may be replaced in these areas (E14).
bodies (PSRBs), practitioners and educators will have be strengthened, for example, working with national by the use of handheld ultrasound devices, yet other
to come together to identify the knowledge, skills, and international bodies such as the Faculty of Clinical skills such as communication, negotiation, collaboration
professional attributes and behaviours needed for new Informatics and the Federation of Informatics Professionals and judgment will become even more important. The
graduates to work in an increasingly technologically who certificate informatics specialists (E11). use of these skills in different contexts, such as online
enabled NHS (E7). For example, new Nursing and consultations, will need to be taught. It is possible that the
Midwifery Council standards highlight an innovative Senior specialist staff should also be provided with concept of professionalism may need to be updated to
approach to workforce training with “more flexibility to appropriate opportunities to develop their leadership take account of new ethical dilemmas that technological
harness new ways of working and embrace technology and management abilities. Specialist digital healthcare advances will bring. Assessment methods will also need to
so they can equip nurses and midwifes of tomorrow”.175 technologies champions will be vital in supporting the change to reflect modern concepts of where knowledge
All PSRBs have gone some way towards identifying the wider workforce to adopt a change mindset and engender might reside – for example, using smart devices in
safe and effective utilisation of new technologies. They a learning culture in their institutions. examinations. Students will need to be able to use and
will need to ensure that their guidance is consistent explain AI, involving ‘the machine as part of the team’ to
benefit patients (E12).
78 79
9.7.2 Supporting the educators Specialist workforce and specialist teams will be
working at the very forefront of their disciplines, often
Delivering the education and requirements of the NHS
being early adopters of new technologies. Supporting
workforce over the next five years will be challenging.
these individuals and teams will be important for
In order to achieve this:
The transformational benefits continued innovation. To support specialists and specialist
• The NHS and local organisations should support the teams in genomics, digital medicine, AI and robotics:
that innovations in science and development of a cadre of educators and trainers
technology, such as artificial who can lead the educational programme to ensure
• For both existing and new roles addressing skills
gaps in clinical bioinformatics, digital technologies,
intelligence, can bring for timely upskilling of the NHS workforce. (E3)
AI and robotics, the NHS should develop or expand
patients and staff require a shift • These organisations also need to put in place both educational programmes (for example, the
to a lifelong learning mindset systems to identify and develop talented, inspiring Higher Specialist Scientist Training) and attractive
new educators within the workforce. (E4) career pathways. (E9)
throughout the NHS. Everyone
must be supported to develop the 9.7.3 Education and development of the • The NHS should commission flexible and responsive
whole workforce training for specialist roles. This may include
mindset, skillset and behaviours
engaging with industrial learning organisations
that will empower the NHS Staff should have the opportunity to access
and developing placements, exchanges and
information about genomics and digital technologies
workforce of the future.” secondments. (E10)
adopted by the NHS and develop the necessary skills.
Professor Rose Luckin To achieve this, within five years: • The NHS should work with PSRBs and other bodies
to introduce and strengthen accreditation of newer
• HEE should establish a new NHS Digital Education
specialist groups. (E11)
Programme to oversee the implementation of a
national digital education strategy. The programme 9.7.4 Educating the future workforce
will complement the Genomics Education
Within five years, we need to make sure that the
Programme. (E5)
education and training for future employees equips them
• Employers must ensure that support for staff to achieve their full potential as staff in the technology-
to develop and enhance digital literacy is built enhanced NHS. To equip the future workforce:
into training programmes, career pathways and
• Education providers should ensure genomics, data
placements. (E6)
analytics and AI are prominent in undergraduate
9.7 Educational recommendations to support a digitally enabled health system • Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies curricula for healthcare professionals. Future
The Review Board recommends: (PSRBs) and practitioners need to identify the healthcare professionals also need to understand the
knowledge, skills, professional attributes and possibilities of digital healthcare technologies and
behaviours needed for healthcare graduates to the ethical and patient safety considerations. (E12)
9.7.1 Culture of learning
work in a technologically enabled service, and then
NHS organisations will need to develop an expansive learning environment and flexible ways of working that • Education providers must ensure that students gain
work with educators to redesign the curricula for
encourage a culture of innovation and learning. To do this: an appropriate level of digital literacy at the outset of
this purpose. (E7)
their study for their prospective career pathway. (E13)
• NHS organisations will need to: have a strong workplace learning infrastructure; cultivate a reputation for • Organisations responsible for employing and
• Education providers should both offer opportunities
training and support; develop learning activities which are proactive rather than reactive; allow staff dedicated training must ensure that current and new staff are
for healthcare students to intercalate in areas such as
time for development and reflection on their learning outside of clinical duties. (E1) supported to reach an appropriate level of digital
engineering or computer science, and equally attract
literacy for their career stage. (E8)
• Each NHS organisation should adopt a multi-professional learning collaborative approach supporting staff to learn graduates in these areas to begin a career in health,
about genomics and digital technologies. (E2) to create and implement technological solutions that
improve care and productivity in the NHS. (E14)

80 81
Where should the focus of education and training be
10.0 Conclusion placed to maximise the opportunities and meet the
challenges ahead? To reap the benefits, the NHS must
The Topol Review Board is pleased to focus on building a digitally ready workforce that is fully
engaged and has the skills and confidence to adopt and
submit this independent report with adapt new technologies in practice and in context. The
recommendations to the Secretary of State service needs leaders who can inspire and implement
for Health and Social Care. sustainable, systemic change. Boards require the expertise
to make informed investment decisions, founded on real-
The Review has shown that opportunities afforded by world evidence of effectiveness, to drive improvement in
the promise of genomics and digital technologies to a data-rich NHS. It is imperative that these improvements
prevent disease, predict the most efficacious treatments, benefit every level of the NHS.
deliver personalised care and invite active participation
in wellbeing and support self-management must not be The greatest challenge is the culture shift in learning and
missed. The widespread adoption of these technologies innovation, with a willingness to embrace technology
has considerable potential to deliver service improvement, for system-wide improvement. An ambitious drive
markedly improve productivity and the accuracy of “towards the NHS becoming the world’s largest learning
diagnoses, and help to ensure a sustainable NHS. organisation”7 is the best way to respond to this
However, if the principle of universal healthcare is not challenge. Recognising that there will be a five-to-seven-
to be eroded, but rather advanced by technology, it is year time lag to full adoption, there is now a window of
important to ensure that everyone in the NHS is included. opportunity in which to strengthen the infrastructure,
upskill the workforce and catalyse the transformation.
As Dr Topol said when the Interim Report was published: There is no time to waste.
“It really will be transformative that eventually… the
patient will be truly at the centre.”178 Good healthcare
relies not only on engaged and active patients, but also on
“staff who know what they are doing, have the time to
do it and treat [patients] with respect and compassion.”7
Motivation, a willingness to learn new behaviours,
developing skills in collaboration and sharing knowledge
are essential for NHS staff to be able to harness advances
in technologies. Digital healthcare technologies offer
the potential to reshape the patient-NHS relationship,
empowering both staff and patients who are willing and
able to become more actively engaged.

This Review highlights the potential scale of the change,

the new roles likely to be required and the disciplines in
which greater capacity is required. It identifies key areas in
which specialised education and training are needed. To
achieve transformational change through digital healthcare
technologies requires a renewed focus on workforce
development as a continuous and integrated element of
working life, which empowers as well as educates.

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90 91
Acknowledgements Appendix 1 – Contributors
Dr Topol would like to express sincere thanks to all the members of the Board members, Expert Advisory Panel members, secretariat
Review Board who have given their time so freely – an exceptional group of
leaders – and for the remarkable expertise they have brought to this work.
I am grateful to the co-chairs of the three Expert Advisory Panels brought together to advise the Review Board
Review: Professor Mark McCarthy and Professor Nilesh Samani (Genomics Panel), Professor Rachel
Name Role
McKendry and Professor Lionel Tarassenko (Digital Medicine Panel) and Dr Hugh Harvey and
Dr Eric Topol Chair Executive Vice President and Professor, Molecular
Professor Mihaela Van der Schaar (Artificial Intelligence and Robotics). The Review has benefited
Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute; Founder and
from the expertise of fellow Board members: Ms Elizabeth Manero, Professor Trudie Roberts and
Director, Scripps Research Translational Institute
Professor Luke Vale.
Dr Hugh Harvey Co-Chair – Artificial Consultant Academic Radiologist,
I have valued the insights and commitment of all the members of the Expert Advisory Panels, and Intelligence and Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
of the Organisational Development Working Group chaired by Professor Berne Ferry. Robotics Panel
Ms Elizabeth Manero Patient Member of the Health Education England Patient
I am most appreciative of the dedication of all the Board and Panel members who volunteered representative Advisory Forum
their time to be able to share their knowledge and expertise, and who participated so actively in Professor Mark McCarthy Co-Chair – Genomics Robert Turner Professor of Diabetic Medicine; Oxford
the Review. Panel Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
and the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
Thanks to Clever Together for facilitating our call for evidence and to Dr Tom Foley and Dr
James Woollard who led the engagement focused on the mental health workforce. The Board Professor Rachel McKendry Co-Chair – Digital Professor of Biomedical Nanotechnology at University
has benefited from the input and insights of everyone who participated, whether online or by Medicine Panel; College London with a joint position at the London
participating in roundtable discussions. I am most appreciative of the time and commitment of member of editorial Centre for Nanotechnology and Division of Medicine;
everyone who contributed and so informed the thinking of the Review. group Director of i-sense EPSRC IRC
Professor Trudie Roberts Educationalist Professor of Medical Education, University of Leeds
We received strong support from Health Education England, with thanks to Patrick Mitchell, Professor Sir Nilesh Samani Co-Chair – Genomics Professor of Cardiology, University of Leicester;
Regional Director for the South of England and the Senior Responsible Officer for the Review, Panel Honorary Consultant Cardiologist, University Hospitals
to Sue Lacey Bryant, Review Programme Manager, and to the hard-working secretariat team. of Leicester NHS Trust; Medical Director, British Heart
Particular thanks to the Clinical Fellows who supported the Review throughout: Dr Zoe Brummell, Foundation
Dr David Cox, Dr Tahreema Matin, Mrs Henrietta Mbeah-Bankas, Dr Jes Maimaris, Dr Matt Professor Lionel Tarassenko Co-Chair – Digital Professor of Electrical Engineering, Head, Department
Hammerton and Dr Sangeetha Sornalingam. Medicine Panel; of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Editor in Chief
Very special thanks are due to the editorial group, notably to Professor Lionel Tarassenko,
Professor Luke Vale Health Economist Health Foundation Chair in Health Economics,
our Editor in Chief, and to Dr Matt Hammerton, Clinical Fellow, who have each played such
Newcastle University, Chair of the Joint Economic
a significant role in finalising this report. The editorial group also included Professor Rachel
Methods Group of the International Cochrane and
McKendry, Sue Lacey Bryant and Patrick Mitchell.
Campbell Collaborations
Professor Mihaela Van der Schaar Co-Chair – Artificial John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Machine
Intelligence and Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Medicine,
The Health Education England team would like to take the opportunity to thank Dr Eric Topol, who Robotics Panel University of Cambridge
has given his time so freely throughout the year, responding to cross-Atlantic communications with Mr Patrick Mitchell Senior Responsible Regional Director for the South of England, Health
constant and immediate attention, and for his extraordinary expertise in leading this complex and Officer; member of Education England
inspiring Review. editorial group
Mrs Sue Lacey Bryant Review Programme Senior Advisor, Knowledge for Healthcare, Health
Manager; member of Education England
editorial group

92 93
Expert Advisory Panels Mr Phil Hough Patient Subgroup Member of the Health Education England Patient
Representative Advisory Forum
Professor Sir John Bell Subject Matter Regus Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford
Mr Graham Jagger Patient Panel Member of the Health Education England Patient
Representative Advisory Forum
Dr Heather Brown Health Economist Senior Lecturer in Health Economics,
Professor Dame Anne Johnson Subject Matter Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Public
Newcastle University
Expert Health Consultant, University College London
Dr Jamie Brown Behavioural CRUK Principal Research Associate and Deputy
Dr Indra Joshi Subject Matter Digital Health and AI Clinical Lead, NHS England
Psychologist/ Director of Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group,
Scientist University College London
Dr Pearse Keane Subject Matter Consultant Ophthalmologist, Moorfields Eye Hospital
Dr Zoe Brummell Clinical Fellow Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthetics Trainee,
University College London Hospitals
Mrs Susan Kennedy Educationalist Educationalist and Project Lead, Digital Literacy,
Ms Rebecca Burgess-Dawson Subject Matter National Clinical Lead for Mental Health, Health
Technology Enhanced Learning, Health Education
Expert Education England
Professor Mark Caulfield Subject Matter Chief Scientist, Genomics England; Co-Director of the
Professor Neil Lawrence Subject Matter Professor of Machine Learning, Sheffield University
Expert William Harvey Research Institute and Professor of
Clinical Pharmacology, Barts and the London School of
Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London Professor Anneke Lucassen Subject Matter Consultant in Clinical Genetics and Chair British
Expert Society for Genetic Medicine, University of
Professor Patrick Chinnery Subject Matter Head of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences,
Expert University of Cambridge
Professor Rose Luckin Educationalist Professor in Education Based at University College
Professor John Clark Nurse Advisor Chief Nurse, Health Education England – Midlands
London Institute of Education
and East
Dr Jesmeen Maimaris Clinical Fellow Paediatric specialty trainee doctor (ST5) and Clinical
Dr David Cox Clinical Fellow Paediatric Trainee (ST8), National Medical Director’s
Research Fellow, University College London
Clinical Fellow, Health Education England
Dr Tahreema Matin Clinical Fellow National Medical Director’s Clinical Leadership Fellow,
Mr Gareth Davies Patient Subgroup Member of the Health Education England Patient
Post-CCT Clinical Radiology
Representative Advisory Forum
Ms Anna McGuiness Educationalist Deputy Head of Clinical Education, Health Education
Ms Rachel Dunscombe Subject Matter CEO NHS Digital Academy; Visiting Professor
Expert Imperial College
Ms Priscilla McGuire Patient Subgroup Member of the Health Education England Patient
Professor Doug Easton Subject Matter Director of the Centre for Cancer Genetic
Representative Advisory Forum
Expert Epidemiology within the Department of Public Health
and Primary Care, University of Cambridge Dr Peter McMeekin Health Economist Reader in Health Economics, Northumbria University
Professor Sian Ellard Subject Matter Clinical Programme Director, South West NHS Mr Steve McNeice Patient Panel Member of the Health Education England Patient
Expert Genomic Medicine Centre; Professor of Genomic Representative Advisory Forum
Medicine University of Exeter Medical School Professor Anna Middleton Ethicist and Genetic Head of Society and Ethics research, Wellcome
Dr Claire Garnett Behavioural Cancer Research UK, Research Associate University Counsellor Genome Campus, University of Cambridge
Psychologist / College London Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group, Mr Marc Miell Subject Matter Head of School – Pharmacy, Health Education England
Scientist Department of Behavioural Science and Health, Expert (South)
University College London Dr Anneke Seller Educationalist Scientific Director for the Genomics Education
Ms Anna Gill Patient Panel Member of the Health Education England Patient programme, Health Education England
Representative Advisory Forum Mr Will Smart Subject Matter Chief Information Officer for Health and Social Care,
Dr Keith Grimes Subject Matter Clinical Innovation Director, Babylon Health. Expert NHS England
Expert Dr Harpreet Sood Subject Matter Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer, NHS
Dr Matt Hammerton Clinical Fellow; GP Trainee (ST2) Wessex, Clinical Fellow, Health Expert England; GP registrar, University College Hospital,
Member of editorial Education England London
group Dr Laura Ternent Health Economist Senior Lecturer in Health Economics,
Ms Beverley Harden Educationalist AHP Lead and Associate Director of Education & Newcastle University
Quality, Health Education England Professor Pietro Valdastri Subject Matter Director of Robotics, School of Electronic and Electrical
Expert Engineering, Leeds University

94 95
Professor Peter Watkinson Subject Matter Consultant in Intensive Care and Acute Medicine; Ms Emily Hopkins Programme Manager Knowledge management team, Health Education
Expert Associate Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, England
University of Oxford Mrs Henrietta Mbeah-Bankas Project Lead; Topol Project Lead, Health Education England
Professor Alan Winfield Roboethicist Professor of Robot Ethics, University of the West of Clinical Fellow
England, Bristol Mrs Alison McLaren Knowledge Skills and Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Professor Karen Yeung Ethicist Interdisciplinary Professorial Fellow in Law, Ethics and Systems Librarian
Informatics, University of Birmingham Ms Katie Nicholas Knowledge Officer Knowledge management team, Health Education
Ms Monica Olsson Panel Project Lead Strategy Lead, Health Education England
Other subject matter experts
Mrs Alison Potter Stakeholder Technology Enhanced Learning Lead, South Health
Professor Berne Ferry Chair – Head of National School of Healthcare Science, Health Engagement Education England, working across the South West
Organisational Education England Manager
Development Ms Claire Robson Senior Health Education England
Working Group Communications
Dr Tom Foley Mental Health Expert Senior Clinical Lead for Data, NHS Digital Manager
Mr James Freed Subject Matter Chief Information Officer, Health Education England Ms Nicola Skinner Panel Programme Head of Strategy, Health Education England
Expert Manager
Dr Sam Shah Subject Matter Director of Digital Development, NHS England
Dr Sangeetha Sornalingam Clinical Fellow Clinical Fellow, Health Education England; General
Mr Stuart Sutherland Subject Matter Head of Information and Digital Systems, National
Expert School of Healthcare Science, Health Education
Dr James Woollard Mental Health Expert Senior Clinical Fellow Mental Health Technology and
Innovation, NHS England

Secretariat team
Mrs Sue Lacey Bryant Review Programme Senior Advisor, Knowledge for Healthcare, Health
Manager Education England
Ms Nicola Calder Panel Project Lead Professional Lead, Healthcare Science, Health
Education England

Ms Archana Deshmukh Evidence Specialist Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
Ms Lucy Dodkin Project Manager Development Manager - National Workforce
Transformation Team, Health Education England
Mr Matthew Friend Stakeholder Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships Lead, Health
Engagement Education England, working across the south west
Mr Andy Gill Programme Manager Deputy Head of Strategy, Health Education England

Mr George Glod Project Support Topol Review Team, Health Education England
Ms Julie Honsberger Panel Programme Training Programme Manager, Health Education
Manager England

96 97
Appendix 2 – Glossary
CCIO – Chief Clinical Information Officer Digital therapeutics Genotyping
“Provides leadership and management of ICT and “An intervention based on software,” for example, apps “The process of determining which genetic variants an
AI – Artificial Intelligence information development activity to support the safe and or online interventions, “as the key ingredient”, rather individual possesses.” (Taken from 23andMe, 2017)
“Refers to a broad field of science encompassing not efficient design, implementation and use of informatics than drugs. Can also be described in terms of digital customercare.23andme.com/hc/en-us/articles/202904600-
only computer science but also psychology, philosophy, solutions to deliver improvements in the quality and medicine and is sometimes referred to as “digiceuticals.” What-is-the-difference-betweengenotyping-and-sequencing
linguistics and other areas. AI is concerned with getting outcomes of care.” (Taken from the Department of (Taken from McKinsey, 2018 and Farr, 2017)
computers to do tasks that would normally require human Health, n.d.) www.mckinsey.com/industries/pharmaceuticals-and- H
intelligence.” (Stefan van Duin and Naser Bakshi, 2017) www.digitalhealth.net/includes/images/Document_ medical-products/our-insights/exploring-the-potential-of-
Library0365/Chief_Clinical_Information_Officer_job_ digital-therapeutics HEE – Health Education England
artificial-intelligence-defined.html description.pdf The workforce and education body of the NHS in
DNA England.
Augmented reality Clinical bioinformatician Deoxyribonucleic acid is the “the chemical that contains
Works within multi-disciplinary teams to analyse and or ‘encodes’, genetic information. DNA is made up of Hospital at home schemes
“The addition of computer generated output, such as
images or sound, to a person’s view or experience of his communicate genomic data today, and phenotypic data four different chemical bases known as A (adenine), C “Enable patients to stay in their own homes while
or her physical surroundings by means of any of various in the future, in the context of patient care4. (cytosine), G (guanine) and T (thymine).” (Taken from receiving extra care and attention from the ‘hospital at
electronic devices.” (Taken from OED, 2018) (see also the Genomics Education Programme’s Whole Genome home’ team.” (Taken from the Interim Report).
COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Sequencing Glossary, n.d.)
Virtual reality)
“The name of a group of lung conditions that cause Human Factors expert
www.oed.com/view/ Dynamic reporting
breathing difficulties.” (Taken from NHS Choices, 2016) Someone who is knowledgeable about “enhancing
Automatic speech recognition technologies www.nhs.uk/conditions/chronic-obstructive-pulmonary- “A genome report that evolves to maintain relevance to clinical performance through an understanding of the
disease-copd/ the patient’s individual clinical context over his/her life effects of teamwork, tasks, equipment, workspace,
“Concerned with models, algorithms and systems for
course.” (Taken from Vassy et al, 2016) culture and organisation on human behaviour and
automatically transcribing recorded speech into text.”
(Taken from teaching material in the School of Informatics D www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4348325/ abilities and application of that knowledge in clinical
settings.” (Taken from NHS England, n.d.)
at the University of Edinburgh, 2018)
Deep learning G www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/nqb-
Deep learning is a class of machine learning algorithms that: hum-fact-concord.pdf
Genomic biomarkers
B • use a cascade of multiple layers of nonlinear processing
units for feature extraction and transformation. Each “Measurable characteristics that reflect physiological, I
Bionanotechnology successive layer uses the output from the previous layer pharmacological or disease processes… They help deliver
identification of disease genes, genomic signatures for Immersive technologies
“A branch of nanotechnology which uses biological as input;
therapeutic and disease risk scores and gene-environment “A deeply engaging, multisensory, digital experience,
starting materials, utilises biological design or fabrication • learn in supervised (eg classification) and/or
(microbiome) profiles.” (Taken from Guest et al, 2013 and which can be delivered using VR, AR, 360° video, mixed
principles or is applied in medicine or biotechnology.” unsupervised (eg clustering) modes;
the National Institute for Health Research, 2016) reality and other technologies. Formats vary.” (Taken from
(Taken from Norwegian University for Science and
• learn multiple levels of representations that correspond www.guysandstthomasbrc.nihr.ac.uk/research/research- Deloitte, 2018)
Technology, 2015)
to different levels of abstraction; the levels form a themes/genomic-medicine/ https://www2.deloitte.com/insights/us/en/focus/tech-
www.ntnu.edu/physics/bionano hierarchy of concepts. (Adapted from Wikipedia, 2018) trends/2018/immersive-technologies-digital-reality.html
Genomic data
C en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_learning
Information about the genome – “An organism’s
CBT – cognitive behavioural therapy complete genetic material, including both genes that
provide the instructions for producing proteins (2%)
“A talking therapy that can help you manage your
and the noncoding sequences (8%).” (Taken from the
problems by changing the way you think and behave.”
Genomics Education Programme’s Whole Genome
(Taken from NHS Choices, 2016)
Sequencing Glossary, n.d.)

98 99
Machine learning Pathogen and microbiome sequencing TEL – Technology Enhanced Learning
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that Method used to determine the exact sequence of “Uses technology as part of the learning process. That
allows computer systems to learn directly from examples, pathogens – “disease causing organisms” and the human use needs to be effective and appropriate in order to
data and experience. Through enabling computers to microbiome – “a community of trillions of bacteria, enhance the learning of healthcare professionals for the
perform specific tasks intelligently, machine learning archaea, viruses and other microbes that are integral benefit of patients.” (Taken from HEE, 2013).
systems can carry out complex processes by learning from for human physiology, including vitamin production hee.nhs.uk/our-work/technology-enhanced-learning
data, rather than following pre-programmed rules. and helping provide an efficient immune response”.
royalsociety.org/~/media/policy/projects/machine-learning/ (Taken from the Genomic Education Programme’s Whole Telemedicine
publications/machine-learning-report.pdf Genome Sequencing Glossary and Deloitte, 2017) (see “A subset of telehealth (the delivery of healthcare
also Sequencing). from a distance). It includes many subspecialties, such
Modifiable risk factors blogs.deloitte.com/centerforhealthsolutions/12-medical- as telepaediatrics, telepsychiatry, teleradiology and
“Risk factors are conditions that increase your risk of technology-innovations-likely-transform-health-care-2017/ telecardiology… using live videoconferencing systems.”
developing a disease.” If they are modifiable it means It can also include the transmission of data from one
“you can take measures to change them”. Examples Patient-generated data location to another. (Taken from National Leadership and
include “smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, high “Health-related data created, recorded or gathered by or Innovation Agency for Healthcare, n.d.)
cholesterol, excessive alcohol consumption and physical from patients (or family members or other caregivers) to help www.wales.nhs.uk/technologymls/english/faq1.html
inactivity”. (Taken from USCF Health, n.d. and Public address a health concern.” (Taken from HealthIT.gov, 2018)
Health England, 2018) www.healthit.gov/topic/scientific-initiatives/patient- V
www.ucsfhealth.org/education/understanding_your_risk_ generated-health-data
for_heart_disease/ VR – Virtual reality
Phenotypic data “A computer-generated simulation of a lifelike
health-check-programme-to-prevent-cvd Information about the phenotype – “An organism’s environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly
observable physical and biochemical characteristics (in real or physical way by a person, especially by means
N humans, often the observed signs and symptoms of a of a responsive hardware such as a visor with screen or
condition); directly influenced by the genotype (genetic gloves with sensors.” (Taken from OED, 2018) (see also
Natural language processing factors) and/or environment.” (Taken from the Genomics Augmented reality)
“Takes an advanced neural network to parse human Education Programme’s Whole Genome Sequencing www.oed.com/view/
language. When an AI algorithm is trained to interpret Glossary, n.d.). Entry/328583?redirectedFrom=virtual+reality#eid
human communication it is called natural language
processing. This is useful for chat bots and translation S W
services, but it is also represented at the cutting edge by
Sequencing Wearables
AI assistants like Alexa and Siri.” (Tristan Greene, 2017)
A method used to determine the exact sequence of a “Designating or relating to a portable device (now
certain length of DNA. (Taken from 23andME, 2017) especially one incorporating computer technology) that is
customercare.23andme.com/hc/en-us/articles/202904600- designed to be worn on one’s person.” (Taken from OED,
O What-is-the-difference-betweengenotyping-and- 2018 and Deloitte, 2014)
sequencing- www.oed.com/view/
Online care pathway Entry/226610?redirectedFrom=wearables#eid
Smart speakers
Online care pathway, defined as a care pathway in which www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/technology/articles/
all or some elements of care are achieved online, is a “A wireless and smart audio playback device that uses
complex intervention for the mutual decision-making and several types of connectivity for additional functions.
organisation of care processes for a well-defined group Smart speakers have special features to enhance ease of
of patients during a well-defined period. (Adapted from use, connect to multiple types of audio scores and provide
http://e-p-a.org/care-pathways/) additional functionality.” (Margaret Rouse, 2017).

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