Field Joint Developments and Compatibility Considerations

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Field Joint Developments and Compatibility Considerations

Technical Report · October 2003

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3 authors, including:

Dilip Tailor Wayne Hodgins

Shawcor PLCAC


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Field Joint Developments and Compatibility Considerations
Dilip Tailor, Wayne Hodgins and Nick Gritis


The selection of appropriate pipeline coatings is carried out by pipeline engineers after
careful analysis of parameters such as pipe diameter, grade of steel, operating pressures and
temperatures, soil and site conditions, construction techniques, backfill materials and
cathodic protection and monitoring programs. New coating products are often considered as
part of this design process. Critical to this consideration is the fact that the main pipeline
coating and the applied field joint coating are subjected to exactly the same stresses during
pipe laying and subsequent in-service conditions. Therefore, the potential use of new
technology must consider the need for the field joint to be compatible with the selected
mainline coating.

This paper describes new developments and trends in our mainline and field joint coatings
industry, and focuses on the important compatibility issues and industry test protocols.


Pipeline coating choices for mainline and field joint protection are diverse. For onshore
applications, mainline coatings are usually selected from a range of options including: single
and dual layer FBE, 3-layer polyethylene (3LPE) and more recently multi-layer
polypropylene coatings. A similarly broad range of field joint coatings exist with the most
widely used technologies being FBE, liquid coatings and heat shrink sleeves.

Selecting field joint systems which mirror the mainline coating represent a very logical and
proven methodology. Field-applied FBE on FBE coatings and 3-layer Heat Shrink Sleeves
on 3LPE systems are prime examples of this approach.

This paper discusses the regional predisposition in coating choices, presents key advantages
and disadvantages and highlights compatibility issues when different technologies are forced
together. A number of industry studies are referenced which investigate aspects of the
compatibility issues such as the fundamental differences in polarity of epoxies and PE which
leads to poor adhesion. Further studies simulating construction and in-service
considerations of coating compatibility are also referenced.


The broad range of options can sometimes complicate the mainline coating selection process.
Over the past 60 years, pipeline coatings have developed from hot asphalt and coal tar
enamels to the highly-engineered polymer coatings of today (Figure 1). Addressing the
demanding requirements of current pipeline projects are high performance coatings such as
3-layer polyethylene (3LPE), single and dual-layer FBE and more recently multi-layer
polypropylene (MLPP) coatings.

Mainline Coating Developments

1940 - Present

3-Layer PE

Fusion Bond Epoxy

Cold-Applied Tapes

2-Layer PE

Coal Tar Enamel













Figure 1. Mainline Coating Developments of the Past 60 Years

Selection of the mainline coating has a definite regional perspective. As an example, in

Europe and the Middle East, the dominant coating choice for large diameter pipelines are
3LPE and MLPP systems. In North America and in the UK, FBE continues to be used,
however multi-layer systems are gaining acceptance (Figure 2).

Over the past two decades, the pipeline community has been on the move. Mergers and
international JVs have resulted in the North American and European pipecoating
philosophies to be promoted/pushed/shoved outside their rooted areas. However, general
tendencies are to stick within one’s comfort level. For pipelines engineered in Europe or in
America, this probably means there’s a preference towards 3LPE or FBE, respectively. On a
global basis, multi-layer systems hold a market share advantage over FBE coatings.

Mainline Coating Use by Region


% of Total M arket
2/3LP E


Aust - NZ

North America

South America

Middle East

North Africa
Europe incl. UK
Source: ShawCor, DuPont

Figure 2. Mainline Coating Use by Geography

Are there compatibility issues in switching a region from one coating to another? Most agree
that 3LPE coatings are more robust than their FBE cousins. Regions with limited
transportation infrastructure, rough handling and construction practices are probably better
suited to 3LPE and MLPP coatings. FBE coatings have been used in North America in part
because the transportation infrastructure and construction techniques are sufficiently
developed to allow the FBE coated pipe to be delivered with minimal damage. Well-
informed engineers are cognizant of these issues and most do their best to select coatings
which are compatible with the regional norms.

Assuming the selected mainline coating is fit for purpose and is compatible with the regional
idiosyncrasies, how does the pipeline engineer select the appropriate field joint coating?
Each different supplier will promote the features and benefits of their unique joint solution.


The field joint coating (FJC) system must not be the weak link in the pipeline chain. As a
minimum, it must provide protection that is equal or better than the mainline coating and to
that end, it must be fully compatible and similar in behavior with the parent coating. Testing
a field joint coating as a stand-alone product is meaningless if the project mainline coating is
not also tested as part of a total coating system.

The field joint coating developments have mirrored the advancements in mainline coatings.
Acceptance of new mainline coatings technologies can be dependent on the development of a
new, cost-effective joint finishing technology. Over the past 10 years, three technologies
have been widely used to protect the field joints: Heat-shrink Sleeves, FBE, and Liquids
(Figure 3).

Field Joint Coatings Development
1940 - Present PP
Hybrid HSS

Hot Melt HSS

Urethane & Epoxy
Mastic HSS
Coal-tar enamel/Asphalt











Figure 3. Field Joint Coating Developments

Some specifiers favor FBE on the joints of FBE mainline coated pipe. The rationale is quite
simple, as in theory; the installed system closely replicates the parent coating. Applying FBE
in the field is the main drawback of this system. Expensive equipment operated by skilled
labor are required to achieve in-field application. Leading pipe-coaters often use very
sophisticated process controls in their plants to produce FBE mainline coatings. However,
given the highly variable construction conditions on the right-of-way, there is some question
whether field-applied FBE can truly duplicate the quality of the mainline.

Two–component liquid epoxy coatings have gained favor with specifiers who previously
preferred field-applied FBE. Recently, liquid epoxies have been formulated in field-friendly
formats with performance properties that generally match those of the parent FBE coating.
Liquid epoxies grapple with a number of field issues such as: cold weather application,
applicator skill, film thickness variability and coating consumption.

On 3LPE coated pipes, the joint coating system selection requires greater engineering
consideration. In these systems, long-term success for the joint coating requires that it must
be compatible with four quite different substrates: steel, FBE primer, co-polymer adhesive
and PE topcoat.


In the two last years, our industry has undertaken a program of tests that carefully examined
at various performance characteristics of leading joint protection systems on 3LPE-coated
pipe. The joint coatings included were two representative liquid epoxies systems, a liquid
coal tar urethane and two heat shrink sleeves (HSS). Independent industry personnel
conducted all sample preparation and coating application in accordance with manufacturers
written instructions for each coating material.

Elongation testing was conducted per Transco Standard CW6 before and after aging at 75°C
for 56 days (Figure 4). In comparing the before and after heat aging results, no significant
change in elongation was noted for the HSS or liquid epoxy coatings. The HSS samples
maintained their excellent break elongation of 500% while the epoxies maintained their 1.5%
elongation. The urethane sample displayed a dramatic drop in elongation from 14.7%
initially to 1.2% after 56 days aging. The researchers hypothesized the loss of plasticizers in
the coal tar urethane may be the cause of this embrittlement during heat aging.

Elongation Testing
with 75°C Heat Aging
Mean Elongation %
0 days 7 days 14 days 28 days 56 days
Epoxy #1 1.39 - 1.64 1.95 1.72
Epoxy #2 1.54 - 2.07 1.84 2.04
Coal Tar Urethane 14.71 3.8 1.26 1.14 1.20
HSS Backing 497 - 494 484 497

Source: Advantica R5579 September 2002

Figure 4. Test Results: Effect of Heat Aging on Coating Elongation

Twenty-eight day, 65°C cathodic disbonding tests were conducted per CW6 (Figure 5). The
two epoxies had better resistance to cathodic disbonding than the coal tar urethane. The HSS
systems, with disbondment of less than 2mm, had displayed significantly better resistance to
cathodic disbondment than the liquids.

Resistance to Cathodic Disbondment

48 Hours at 65ºC 28 Days at 65ºC
Epoxy #1 < 2.5mm < 9.5mm
Epoxy #2 < 2.5mm < 6.5mm
Coal Tar Urethane < 6.0mm 17.0mm
HSS #1 < 1.0mm <1.5mm
HSS #2 < 1.0mm < 1.5mm

1. Tests conducted per Transco CW6
2. Disbonded radius starting from the edge of the pre-damage.

Source: Advantica R5446 August 2002

Figure 5. Test Results: Cathodic Disbondment at 65°C

Flexibility testing at strains of 1.0%, 1.7% and 3.0% was conducted to CW6 at nominal room
temperature (Figure 6). The HSS performance was deemed excellent as both sleeves
exceeded 3.0% strain and remained firmly adhered to the steel and PE substrate after
bending. Because of the brittle nature of the epoxies tested, both epoxies failed at 1.0%
strain and the urethane failed at 1.7% strain. In all cases, the liquid coatings failure occurred
at the critical transition between the PE and the steel.

Bend Flexibility Testing

1.0% Strain 1.7% Strain 3.0% Strain
Epoxy #1 Fail Fail Fail
Epoxy #2 Fail Fail Fail
Coal Tar Urethane Pass Fail-Pass Fail
HSS #1 Pass Pass Pass
HSS #2 Pass Pass Pass

1. All tests carried out at 23+/-3°C temperature
2. Failure confirmed using holiday detector
3. Testing per Transco CW6

Source: Advantica R 5435 August 2002

Figure 6. Test Results: Bend Flexibility

Another round of testing focussed on adhesion (per CW6) of these systems to PE after 28 day
50°C water soaking (Figure 7). Quoting the testing staff:

“The liquid coatings exhibited fair/poor initial adhesion to the PE substrate in the as-
applied condition. After water immersion, the liquid coatings exhibited poor

“The HSS exhibited excellent adhesion to the PE substrate in the as-applied condition
and after water immersion. Upon prying, the sleeve adhesive layer peeled in a
cohesive mode, and the adhesive remained firmly adhered to the entire PE substrate.”

Cross-Cut Adhesion Testing (CW6)
Before Immersion After 28 Day 50°C
Water Soak
Epoxy #1 4 5
Epoxy #2 5 5
Coal Tar Urethane 3-4 4-5
HSS #1 1 1
HSS #2 1 1

1. Ratings per CSA Z245.20-98
• #1 to #3 = Pass
• #4 & #5 = Fail
Source: Advantica R 5405 July2002

Figure 7. Test Results: Effect of Water Soaking on Coating Adhesion

From a compatibility stand-point, the adhesion to PE results bear more consideration. As

stated earlier, the 3LPE coating system consists of layers of epoxy primer, a co-polymer
adhesive and PE topcoat. The epoxy provides primary corrosion protection and the outer PE
provides a tough, damage-resistant armor coat. In addition to increasing overall corrosion
protection properties, the primary role of the intermediate adhesive layer is to maximize the
adhesion between the non-polar PE and the polar epoxy.


On a 3LPE coated pipeline, an FBE or liquid coating applied on the PE clearly non-
compatible. While the primary epoxy layer is a common element, the sealing and
mechanical protection offered by the adhesive and the polyethylene is absent.

This non-compatible performance problem has been demonstrated by several studies.

Espiner’s paper provides details of a simulated full scale test program carried out to assess
the performance of a 3-layer PE coating and FBE with respect to damage endured during:
x Backfilling (Impact Test)
x Static load stresses in buried condition (Penetration Test)
x Pipe movements in buried conditions (Abrasion Test)

The test program was thorough in selecting the backfill and bedding aggregate materials with
different hardness and diameters. Four aggregates used were sandstone (softest), limestone,
igneous and quartz (hardest), and the diameters were 5mm, 20mm, 40mm and 100mm. The
tests were done on 914mm pipe with 12.7mm wall thickness, and were devised to provide
practical real-life simulations.

In order to illustrate the differences in behaviors of the two coating types, only the tests
conducted using 20mm diameter aggregates are given here:
Impact Test Fail Pass
Penetration Test Fail Pass
Abrasion Test Fail Pass

These results clearly highlights that if the FBE or a similar liquid epoxy was used on a field
joint of 3LPE coated line, there would be serious damage at the joints. This might be
overcome by the costly practice of using graded backfill aggregates for the joint area.

Espiner’s paper also describes an important observation regarding the impact behavior of
epoxies during the backfilling operation. It states that, “from the impact energy values
quoted by coating manufacturers, it would have been predicted that the 20mm aggregates
(based on weight alone), would not have caused holidays in the FBE coating, when released
from the 3m drop height of the impact chute. Because the large-scale test involves many
impacts, it was thought that these might result in a reduction in coating thickness either by
indentation or abrasion. Thinning of the coating might therefore be expected to result in
lower impact energies”. This phenomenon is likely the result of the brittle nature of the
epoxies as opposed to the “tough” impact absorbing nature of polyethylenes. When “brittle”
materials like epoxies that can get “chipped away” by repeated impacts even by small
aggregates are put on a joint alongside a “tough” 3LPE coating, a clear understanding of the
consequences is required.

Large scale testing and long-term testing are critical to approval of a field joint system for
pipelines designed to have a long service life. While epoxies and HSS have had a proven
track record on FBE coated pipelines, the use of stand-alone epoxies on 3LPE is a new
concept with limited short-term testing. A tremendous risk is introduced in this scenario.
Will the joints meet typical design lifetimes of 30-40 years?


The field joint coating must offer compatible performance to that of the selected mainline
coating. A thorough engineering evaluation will include construction and in-service factors
such as lowering-in forces, backfilling, dynamic and static loadings, coating application
limitations, holiday testing and cathodic protection designs.

Heat shrink sleeves have been widely used in freezing ambient temperatures. Although liquid
products can work well on warm climate FBE lines, they generally do not cure below 10°C.
In North America, techniques have been developed to allow for the application and cure of
liquid epoxies on FBE coated lines in sub-freezing temperatures. Essentially this requires the
bare steel joint to be pre-heated above 65°C prior to applying the epoxy.

Cold weather application poses unique challenges for epoxies on 3LPE. When the
application described above for the FBE is used on 3LPE, the epoxy may cure on the steel
portion, however sufficient pre-heat may not transmit through the PE to affect the cure. A
secondary process would be needed to cure the epoxy on the PE. Physical property changes

within the epoxy alter the corrosion protection benefits as demonstrated in a laboratory

Another practical consideration of incompatibility involves the holiday test. If a different

mainline and field joint coating were used, the holiday detector sweep done along the line
would have to be adjusted at each joint. As an example, typical 3LPE holiday detection is
conducted at over 10,000 Volts. Epoxy coatings require holiday testing at less than 5,000
Volts. The implication is a re-calibration of the holiday test apparatus at each field joint, a
logistics headache which amounts to over 15,000 manual adjustments per 100 kilometers of
pipeline. Not only is this impractical, but there is danger of inadvertently subjecting the
epoxy coating to high voltage required for the 3LPE, and thus causing damage, particularly at
the steel/PE transition.

On lowering-into the ditch, the bend forces must be maintained within the operating limits of
the mainline and field joint coatings. As highlighted in earlier flexibility discussions, epoxies
and HSS have vastly different flexibilities and elongations. Being less tough, epoxies are
more susceptible to damage than HSS.

Another factor to consider during lowering-in is the transition zone stresses. The large
differences in thickness between 3LPE and thin epoxy film create sharp transitions where the
dynamic forces are intensified. Stresses due to the stinger roller during lowering in, or
stresses due to pipe movement during service interacting at these sharp transition zones may
damage the coating, particularly the thin brittle epoxy films. Several labs including Heriot-
Watt University have capability in performing stinger roller testing which simulates these
forces. Given its brittle nature, an epoxy coating may propagate a crack through its cross-
section directly to the steel (Figure 8).

Heat Shrink Sleeves & Liquids

Compatibility with 3LPE Mainline Coating
Heat Shrink Sleeves Mirrors the mainline coating
CrossLinked PE Backing
3 mm thick { Adhesive
Epoxy Primer PE Mainline Coating

FBE Primer
Steel Pipe

Weld Bead

Liquids Crack Propagation through

coating to steel
Liquid Applied Coating
1½- mm
0.75 1.5 thick
mm PE Mainline Coating

FBE Primer

Steel Pipe

Weld Bead

Figure 8. Compatibility Considerations of Coatings onto 3LPE

Some corrosion engineers have concerns about the behavior of the CP currents concentrated
at the joint and the effects on cathodic disbondment. Mortimore has articulated this concern
as follows:

“at normal operating potentials for impressed current systems it is very difficult to
push sufficient current down pinholes in 3LPE, only larger areas of exposed steel can
be protected. Pinholes in thin films of urethane and epoxy will be protected.
However, the CP current will always take the path of least resistance and this can lead
to over application of current at damaged areas of these films which in wet ground
will lead to the development of the osmotic pump effect, undercut and disbondment.”


Epoxy does not have a natural affinity to bond with PE since the epoxy is highly polar, while
the PE is non-polar. This fact has substantial pipe coating cost implications. There would be
a considerable cost savings resulting from the elimination of the expensive adhesive layer if
epoxies did bond to PE. However today, the proven technology does not exist.

The poor adhesion of the epoxy to the PE is now a widely acknowledged problem. Some
manufacturers have proposed exposing the epoxy layer (“FBE toe”) of the 3LPE at the
cutback and overlapping and bonding the field epoxy onto the exposed epoxy. This option
tries to duplicate the epoxy on FBE coated mainline success of North America. However, it
does not mitigate the problems of epoxy film on 3LPE described above. Exposing the epoxy
in the 3LPE coating plant is significant logistical problem that results in a coating cost

While the coated pipe is in storage and during transit, deterioration of the thin FBE toe is a
point of concern. Chalking has been observed with most FBE pipe coatings subjected to UV
light during outdoor storage. The resulting decrease in thickness may be a substantial portion
of the FBE toe thickness and can amount to 50 microns loss per year. Given the thin-film
nature of the FBE toe, water ingress and undercutting of the 3LPE system are also possible.

During construction, it is difficult to protect the FBE toe while grit blasting. The FBE toe
layer (50 –150 microns) tends to be considerably thinner than the stand-alone FBE (greater
than 350 microns) coating thickness. Being so thin, it can easily be removed by the blasting.
The biggest danger in following this process is that the edges of PE, the adhesive and
potentially the 3LPE epoxy layer could be exposed to the elements in the ground or water,
when the joint epoxy comes away from the 3LPE. Corrosion can occur as water has a path
of ingress under the 3LPE which would compromise the effective protection of the

There has been extensive research on investigating technologies which may eliminate the
adhesive tie-layer in the 3LPE coatings. This has involved some form of surface modification
to achieve a long-term, stable bond between the PE and the epoxy. Processes involving heat,
light, chemicals and other surface energy alterations have been explored. All of these
methods have proved to be inadequate for use in coating plants and in more-variable field
conditions. Processing options have included highly toxic chemicals or hazardous practices
that are not suitable beyond a controlled lab environment. To-date, no safe, field-adaptable
technology has been demonstrated.


On an FBE coated line, FBE or a liquid coating on the joint provides compatible
performance. A suitable 3-layer heat shrink sleeve is also fully compatible since the primary
epoxy layer provides the similar corrosion protection, and the sleeve can provide superior
mechanical protection to that of the FBE parent coating.

Mainline Coating versus

Shrink Sleeve Cross Sections
Polyolefin Coating Crosslinked Backing
Intermediate Adhesive Adhesive
Epoxy Primer Liquid Epoxy Primer

Role of Intermediate Adhesive: Role of Adhesive in a Sleeve:

To maximize the adhesion between To bond the sleeve to the primed steel
the non-polar polyolefin and polar and mainline coating while bridging
epoxy. transitions and provide corrosion

Figure 9. Cross-sectional Compatibility of 3LPE and Heat-shrink Sleeve

Heat shrink sleeve construction mirrors the 3LPE system with an epoxy primary layer,
adhesive and polyethylene (Figure 9). As a result of their compatibility, ease of application,
reliability and proven track record, HSS are the most common type of pipeline joint
protection used today.


1. 3LPE and FBE are dominant coatings and are selected based on pipeline requirements,
construction conditions and regional preferences.
2. Long-term compatibility of field joint and mainline coatings is the paramount factor in
achieving an effective pipeline coating system.
3. For FBE-coated lines, proven joint protection solutions include liquid epoxies, heat
shrink sleeves and field-applied FBE.
4. Heat shrink sleeves are widely used on 3LPE coated pipelines because of their proven
compatibility and extensive track-record.
5. Because of dissimilar technologies, compatibility of liquid coatings as a joint solution on
3LPE coatings is in question.
6. Compatibility of coating systems should be confirmed by conducting long-term adhesion
testing to the mainline as well as simulating performance during backfill and burial
conditions. Short term tests to qualify coating systems are of limited use.

1. Espiner, R. et. al., “Optimization of Pipeline Coating and Backfill Selection”, NACE
Corrosion 2003
2. Cox, J. W., “Three Layer High Density Polyethylene Exterior Pipeline Coatings: Job
References And Case Histories”, BHR ‘s 14th International Conference on Pipeline
Protection, 2001.
3. Andrenacci, A., et al, “New Developments in Joint Coating and Field Repair
Technology”, NACE Corrosion 1998
4. DIN 30670, “Polyethylene Coatings of Steel Tubes and Fittings, Requirements and
Testing”, 1991, Deutsches Institut für Normung
5. Transco Technical Specification CW6: “The External Protection of Steel Line Pipe and
Fittings using Fusion Bonded Powder and Associated Coating Systems: Part 1 –
Requirements for Coating Materials and Methods of Test.”
6. CSA Standard Z245.20-02, “External Fusion Bond Epoxy Coating for Steel Pipe”,
Canadian Standards Association, Toronto,2002
7. Advantica Technologies Ltd. Test Reports: R5405, R5446, R5435, R5579
8. Mortimore, D., Discussion paper: Coating tests at Heriot-Watt University, Sheffield,
UK, 2001
9. Gaillard, G. et al, “3 Layer Polyoelfin Pipe Coatings”, BHR’s 7th International
Conference on the Internal and External Protection of Pipes, 1987.
10. Specification C210 “Coating of Buried Steel with Rollable and Brushable Coatings” ,
Enbridge Pipelines Inc., Alberta, Canada
11. Tailor, D. et al, New Developments in Joint Protection Systems for Polypropylene
Coated Pipelines”, BHR ‘s 14th International Conference on Pipeline Protection, 2001.


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