Sample Evaluation Report

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Evaluation Report for the Project: Design, Supply & Installation Including Testing & Commissioning Of CCTV System

for Sohar University Main Campus Phase 1 A. Purpose of the Report

This report aims to advise the Board of Directors of Oman Education and Training Investments Company regarding the evaluation and selection process for the CCTV System for Sohar University Main Campus Phase 1.

B. Background
The CCTV was part of the work scope of the Main Contractor for Phase 1 construction of Sohar University. The main contractor has submitted Material Approval Sheet of suppliers but the contract requires CCTV Consultant. Projects Department had repeatedly asked for consultancy companies from Al Adrak but there was no positive response. With this scenario, it was decided to take away this work scope from Al Adrak and tender it to other consultancy firms specializing in CCTV design and installation works. The tender action was done in January 2012 and participated by 32 companies.

C. Evaluation Process
Upon evaluation of the proposals from 32 companies, Projects Department have noticed that the technical proposals have varying quantities and specifications based on each companys interpretation of the project work scope. From these 32 companies, 8 companies have been shortlisted based on their technical and financial proposals. These companies are as follows: 1. Alkan East Oman 2. Overseas Business Machines 3. Khimji Ramdas 4. Business International Group LLC 5. OHI Electronics 6. Imtac LLC 7. Bahwan IT LLC 8. Johnson Controls

Evaluation Report: Design, Supply & Installation Including Testing & Commissioning Of CCTV System for Sohar University Main Campus Phase 1 May 1, 2013

To narrow down the differences of the proposals from the shortlisted companies, Projects Department has released a list of more specific Design Guidelines provided with Layouts indicating Low, Medium and High Security areas. Their proposals were revised based on these guidelines. From the 8 revised proposals, 4 companies were selected for technical presentation. These 4 companies are as follows with their corresponding financial proposals: 1. Alkan East Oman 2. Khimji Ramdas 3. Bahwan IT LLC 4. Overseas Business Machines From these 4 companies, Alkan East Oman and Khimji Ramdas have been further shortlisted and invited for negotiation meeting to further reduce their financial offers. Alkan East Omans final price is R.O. 167,000.000 while Khimji Ramdas is R.O. 186,212.000.

D. Recommendation
Alkan East Omans Technical Proposal is more specific and very well presented in documents, layouts and during the presentation meeting proper. Their design solution presented has adhered to the guidelines. Khimji Ramdas Technical Proposal is lacking in details and has not addressed much of the p oints in the guideline provided such as reduction of number of cameras. Alkan East Omans Financial Proposal is lowered by nearly R.O. 20,000.000 from Khimji Ramdas Financial Proposal. With the above considerations for the technical and financial proposals of both companies, we recommend to award the contract to Alkan East Oman.

Prepared by:

Mr. Rico A. Quinmo Senior Architect/Project Coordinator

Evaluation Report: Design, Supply & Installation Including Testing & Commissioning Of CCTV System for Sohar University Main Campus Phase 1 May 1, 2013

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