PC Lathe

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Update Lathe PLUS

Handbook III


1.1 [F1]-ON (SETUP-MODE) 43
1.4 [F4]-JOBS (JOB SUB-MENU) 47
1.5 [F5]-EDIT (EDIT SUB-MENU) 47
1.9 [F9]-FILE (FILE SUB-MENU) 48


2.2 [F2]-INS (INSERT POINT) 49
2.3 [F3]-DEL (DELETE POINT) 50
2.4 [F4)-ARC (LINE TO ARC) 50
2.5 [F5]-MOVE (MOVE POINT) 51


3.1 [F1]-MAT (MATERIAL) 53
3.4 [F4]-AXES (AXES SETUP) 58
3.5 [F4]-PC (PC SETUP) 59
3.6 [F3]-MOTOR (MOTOR DATA) 61
3.7 [F4]-T.No (TOOL PALLET) 62
3.9 [F9]-MM/S (FEED-RATES) 68



4.4 [F4]-S.AS (SAVE AS) 71
4.12 [F12]-*NEW* (CLOSE ALL DRAWINGS) 72


5.1 [F1]-TEST (TEST JOB) 73
5.2 [F2]-START (START JOB) 73
5.3 [F3]-SAVE (SAVE JOB) 74
5.4 [F4]-S.AS (SAVE JOB AS) 74
5.9 [F9]-LOAD (LOAD JOB) 75



[C] (CLEAR) 80
[T] (TEXT) 81
[1] TO [9], [0] & [ß] (SELECT DRAWING SHEET) 82









12.0 NOTES 102


Hello and welcome to PCLathe 3.0 Update Lathe PLUS.

I thank you for remaining faithful to the HSE software family and promise to continue
to dedicate my attention to the further development of software for turning and

In this handbook, the update is referred to as LPLUS.

The philosophy of LPLUS is to replace the manual operation of standing at the

machine and turning the hand wheels with a system whereby the preparation is
intuitively done on the computer screen and all machine operations are automatically
controlled by the resulting program. The power of the computer enables operations to
be carried out that would be otherwise very difficult or time consuming. LPLUS
becomes the master of the machine. For example complex contours including tapers,
curves and radii can be turned without effort. Thread cutting, both metric and
imperial, can be accomplished without change gears or gearboxes. In other words,
LPLUS is an extremely versatile and cost effective accessory to your manual lathe.

The drawing functions are very simple and quick to master and use. All functions are
immediately and consistently at hand and it is not necessary to search as with some
WINDOWS programs.

LPLUS is a further development of PCLathe 3.0, intended for the demanding user.
LPLUS is a pure lathe turning program. The update includes simplifications as well
as new innovative features. PCLathe 3.0 stands as always, for an extremely versatile
and powerful CNC machining environment with a user friendly interface.

Lastly, I thank you all for the tips and improvements you have suggested. Without
your support it would not have been possible.

HSE – M. Potthoff

Engelskirchen, March 2003

PS: My acknowledgement to Brian Coode for his work in translating this manual and
software from the original German into English. Should you have any comments
regarding this document, please email me at [email protected]

Introduction to the Program
PCLathe 3.0 update Lathe PLUS is launched in DOS with the file DPLUS.EXE. The
original single program has now been replaced by four executable programs -
LPLUS.EXE (Main program), DREHFAHR.EXE (F2 Start / F3 Contour),
File). The program can only be launched with LPLUS.EXE. If [F2]/[F3], [F5], [F8] or
[F9] is pressed when operating within LPLUS, then LPLUS terminates and the other
corresponding program takes over. Pressing [F10] reloads the original LPLUS
program. To the user the changes are seamless and all data is shared between the
programs as required.

Since the new Update requires a new dongle to function and is a lathe turning
program only without milling capability, the package supplied includes the original
PCLathe 3.0 milling and turning program that will function with all dongles.


As a result of frequent program switching, PCLathe requires approximately 550KB of
free DOS memory (RAM). An example of a possible problem - after starting PCLathe
and then switching into and out of the SYSTEM-Menu an error message is displayed
“Insufficient Free Memory for CHAIN”. Solution: Use the [MEM] command in DOS to
check if the available memory is more than 550KB. If this is not the case, it will be
necessary to make changes within the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to
allocate additional memory resources.

The frequent switching between programs increases hard drive activity. It may be
advantageous to include the command SMARTDRV in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
listing. This command allocates memory in RAM (> 1MB) to provide a cache
(intermediate memory), that buffers the hard drive, thereby reducing access activity.
This results in faster and smoother operation of the program.

What’s new in PCLATHE Update Lathe PLUS Rel. 01?

• JOB-Menu (Automatic processing of many drawings one after the other)

• Multilayer-Capability (many drawings can be processed in parallel)
• Tool management
• Control of automatic Tool-Changers
• Screw/Thread cutting:
-right-hand / left-hand
- metric /Whitworth
• Improved presentation of Material Removal process
• Control of the axes via “Z” and “X“
• Teach-In-Function (Drawing Pointer and Axes move together)
• Operations in the MAIN-Menu can be undone
• Access to sub-directories including create (MD) and delete (RD)
• Access to floppy disk drive A:
• Automatic saving in file @LASTFILE.F3D
• Use of relay for spindle and coolant (on / off)
• Help facility in SYSTEM-Menu
• [F9], [F7]/[F8]/[F9], first letter selects file-names
• [F5], [F2][, new function - introduce bevel at a point (from rel. 02)
• [F5], [F3], new function – introduce radius at a point (from rel. 02)
• Y-Scaling to correct screen aspect ratio in notebook and LCD displays (circles are
• Parallel port address can be set from within LPLUS
• The direction of rotation can be individually set for all axes
• Improved handbook


For the program installation, insert the program disk into the 31/2” floppy drive. If you
are working in WINDOWS, open a DOS window (under WINDOWS programs – DOS
Prompt or Command Prompt). Enter [A: INSTALL] and press [ENTER].
This action will start a batch-file that automatically creates a new sub-directory on the
hard drive called LPLUS and copies the necessary LPLUS Update files into it.

Note New:

The new PCLathe lathe turning Lathe PLUS program file is called LPLUS.EXE. A
version of PCLathe ver. 3.0 is included so that milling operations can also be carried
out with the new dongle. This program replaces the old PCLathe. The data for the
new functions is held in the file LPLUS.INI. This is separate to PCLATHE.INI.

PCLathe is a DOS Program that will normally also run under WINDOWS 3.x or
WINDOWS 95/98. Should you operate with WINDOWS-ME or some other operating
system that does not support MS-DOS, it will be necessary to use a Start-up disk that
includes the MS-DOS system files. When PCLathe is run to control the machine, it
must have 100% of the processor resources available. If, during the machining
operation, the WINDOWS operating system carries out other background tasks (e.g.
file housekeeping or even activation of a screen saver), then it is possible for the
control of the machine to be temporarily interrupted. The cutter feed will stop,
resulting in a spoilt machined surface.
To avoid this problem, WINDOWS 3.x should be first closed or, in the case of
WINDOWS 95/98, the program operated in true MS-DOS-Mode [ALT]+[F4]. Refer to
the sections “PCLathe and WINDOWS” and True DOS Mode”.

Contents of the Installation disk:

LPLUSZIP EXE Program files in zipped form
INSTALL BAT Installation batch-file
README TXT Information relating to the installation
NEW TXT Last minute information

Contents of the LPLUS directory on the hard-drive after un-zipping:

BRUN45 EXE Internal System Module for all programs

LPLUS EXE Update Program
LPLUS-F5 HLP Help-file for LPLUS-Edit-[F5]
LPLUS INI Initiating data file for LPLUS
LPLUS RMP Ramp file for LPLUS
RAMPE ROH Raw data files for the ramp
MAXZEICH INI Initiating file for maximum no. of drawings
PCLATHE EXE PCLathe main program
PCLATHE HLP Key layout for PCLathe
AENDERN HLP Help file for PCLathe Edit-[F5]

ABGLEICH EXE PCLathe setup program (without dongle)
GXCONV HLP Help file for the DXF-Converter
GXCONV INI Initiating file for the DXF-Converter
ERROR LST List of the possible error messages
GEW-GEW D3D Drawing file for thread cutting exercise
GEW-KONT D3D Drawing file for thread cutting exercise
HSE WZW Tool set data from HSE
LEER WZW Tool set data - empty
WEL-AB D3D Drawing file for shaft exercise
WEL-KONT D3D Drawing file for shaft exercise
WEL-NUTE D3D Drawing file for shaft exercise
WEL-PLAN D3D Drawing file for shaft exercise
WELLE D3D Drawing file for shaft exercise
WELLE JOB Job-file for shaft exercise
Various files for PCLathe turning and milling

File suffixes used in the PCLathe environment:

*.EXE Executable Program

*.HLP Help-Files
*.DAT Lathe-Files (old)
*.FRS Mill-Files (Standard Version)
*.F3D Mill-Files (Mill PLUS-Version)
*.CAP Capture-Files
*.PLT HPGL-Plotter-Files
*.DXF DXF-CAD-files
*.KOO Wiecher Profile Co-ordinate-Files
*.INI Program-Initialising-Files.
*.D3D Drawing files for Update Lathe PLUS
*.RMP Ramp data

The Dongle

For the purposes of copyright protection the full program includes an enabling dongle
that must be connected between the printer port connector (LPT1) and the controller
cable. After starting, PCLathe searches up to three times for the dongle during this
time the title screen shows the message “Searching Master DIN”. If it is found, the full
version is enabled and the message “full version” is displayed. If it is not found the
program is restricted to Demo-Mode and the message “demo” is displayed. If the
dongle is not found immediately try again and if after a number of attempts the
message “full version” is not seen, there could be an internal problem with the
computer parallel interface. Refer to the section “Trouble Shooting” at the end of this

All functions are available in Demo-Mode without the dongle, with the exception of
the actual driving/controlling of the stepper motors. This has the following
advantages. For example, PCLathe may be used on other computers to create, run
in demo-mode and save drawings that can later be machined on the main machining
station. We encourage you to copy and share this program with others.

Sub dividing the programs into turning and milling versions results in a modular
concept. You can begin with the simple version for turning and milling. Additional,
special functions can be added as required.

For the professional versions a new dongle will be required. Your old dongle can be
exchanged for the new one.


Professional Version

Dongle Dongle

Professional Version

Lathe-PLUS Mill-PLUS
Dongle Dongle

Standard Version
PCLathe 3.0
(Turning and Milling)



PCLathe is a DOS program. Most PCs run one of the several WINDOWS operating
systems and if a DOS program such as PCLathe is launched from within WINDOWS
it operates under "WINDOWS" DOS. Under "WINDOWS" DOS, it is possible to
create drawings and run simulations with PCLathe and all functions are available with
the exception of [F2]-Start to execute a machining process.

The actual machining process may only be carried out under "TRUE" DOS.
Therefore, before running an output to the machine, close down the computer
and start it in TRUE DOS-mode.

The following assumes that LPLUS has been correctly installed on the hard drive
within the subdirectory C:\LPLUS>.

Drawing and Simulating in WINDOWS

Create an Icon for LPLUS

When working within WINDOWS, it will be found convenient to create an icon (the
small, coloured symbol) on the desktop to simplify launching the program. Proceed
as follows: From the WINDOWS desktop, right click on the mouse. This opens a
context-menu. Left click new. Another menu appears. Left click short-cut. Left click
browse. Using the double left-click function, under browse, select the drive letter C:
and then the working directory C:\LPLUS. Search for the program file PCLATHE.EXE
and left-click it. Click OK. Search for a suitable symbol and click it. Click to accept. (It
is possible to change the name of the icon at a later stage.)

Finally a small cosmetic improvement. If PCLathe is started from the desk top with
the desktop icon and then closed again after a drawing session, the DOS window
remains on the screen. To avoid this annoyance, right-click the PCLathe icon and
left-click properties. Left-click the program tab and the in the selection button, left
click close when ending program. This results in the DOS window closing when the
program is ended.

If the directory has a different name to C:\LPLUS, take this into account.

The process looks more difficult than it really is. The WINDOWS program is quite

Having completed the above, launch the program by double left clicking the newly
created LPLUS icon.


To enter "TRUE" MS DOS-mode there are two possibilities:

• If the computer is switched on and operating under WINDOWS:

Left-click start in the task-bar, then left-click end. A menu appears. One of the
options is to re-start in DOS-mode. Left-click this option. The computer will
shut down and automatically start in TRUE MS DOS-mode.

• If the Computer is switched off:

Switch on the computer and observe the screen. After checking the memory,
BIOS starts to list the installed components. At this point press and hold the
[F8] key. After a short while the MS-DOS start-menu appears. Select
Command Prompt Only. In case you are too late pressing the [F8] key and
WINDOWS starts normally, the first procedure may be used.

If the DOS prompt C:\> appears, everything is in order. If the prompt is

C:\WINDOWS, it is necessary to navigate to C:\LPLUS. Enter [CD..] and then press
[ENTER] to return to the root directory. From the DOS root directory prompt C:\>,
enter [CD LPLUS] and press [ENTER] to move to the LPLUS directory.

Enter [LPLUS] and press [ENTER] to launch the LPLUS program.

A batch file will simplify this process. If you are not sure how to create one, ask a
knowledgeable friend.

If you are not sure whether you are currently operating under true DOS or DOS
under WINDOWS, make the following test:

Press the [ALT] key and hold down. Then press the [TAB] key. If nothing happens
you are in TRUE MS DOS-mode. If another window or small icons appear, you are in

The First Contact with LPLUS

PCLathe has started and you find yourself in the MAIN-Menu (indicated in top left of
screen). The screen displays a blue grid with a 1mm pitch. This grid represents the
size of the material (work-piece). The origin of the drawing, indicated by the small red
cross at the bottom right hand corner of the drawing is fixed and cannot be moved
since it is not necessary. The horizontal broken white line represents turning axis and
the green line is the drawing.

Current Menu Status Line


Program Displays



Function Keys F1 – F10

In the illustration above the shaft is grey. Press [SPACE] to toggle display mode.
The status line provides important information or requests an input. Always keep an
eye on the status line.
The arrows in the illustration right indicate the respective
axis positions. In [F8]-SYSTEM-Menu under [F4]-Axes, it
is possible to re-designate the axis positions Z- and X-.

The tool bit (yellow) represents the drawing pointer.

Press [ENTER] to change it to a cross hair representation. With the cross hairs, it is
possible to recognise if a point is aligned with another or if lines are parallel.

From the origin press [ARROW LEFT] and [ARROW UP] keys to draw a line
diagonally upwards and to the left (positive values). See drawing above.

Note: The convention in this handbook is to indicate values and instructions to be

entered via the key board in square brackets [ ].

Press [h] to display the help screen detailing all relevant keyboard assignments

Above – the help screen.

Operating Fundamentals of LPLUS

The drawing is created as if drawing on graph paper. This drawing does not
represent the work piece as in other programs, instead it represents a path. In
machining mode, the lathe tool is made to follow this path exactly. When creating a
drawing in PCLathe, you must think in terms of turning the hand wheels of the

All lines that you draw are started, terminated and joined with points. These points
are the basic elements of the drawing and the drawing therefore comprises a series
of lines that connect these points. All subsequent actions that are carried out in the
drawing are done through the manipulation of the points

PCLathe includes all of the necessary drawing functions to create complex drawings
in the simplest way.

Since the control drive to the motors does not include any feed back (encoders or
linear scales), to achieve a high degree of accuracy all system components must be
correctly installed and setup both mechanically and in the program.

The feed-screw play correction factors for both axes are derived from an alignment
procedure in LPLUS and taken into account during the machining process. The play
correction is optimised for the most used sections of the feed-screws thereby
achieving a high degree of accuracy.

LPLUS and the Keyboard

[INS] / Tool Changer

[TAB] [DEL] left / right


The Function Keys [F1] – [F10]/[F12] together with the [ESC]-Key are to be found
above the keys illustrated in the diagram.

Preparing for the First Drawing

Before commencing a drawing, check through the green highlighted items in the
SYSTEM-Menu. All parameters here are used as defaults when creating the drawing.
If it is later found necessary to change one of these parameters (e.g. feed-rate), it
may be done in [F5]-Edit. Such changes are only valid for the current drawing.

Maatteerriiaall aanndd TTooooll SSeettuupp

Material and tool setup menus are to be found in the [F8]-SYSTEM-Menu. [F1]-
Material and [F8]-Tools. Refer also to the menu plan at the back of this handbook.
Press [ENTER] to accept the program default values or enter new values before
pressing [ENTER].

First decide, constant spindle speed or constant cutting-rate? Enter [s] or [v]. This is
only relevant if electronic speed control is available.

The program then asks for either cutting rate or spindle speed. – Refer to an
engineering handbook table for this information. In the case of constant cutting
speed, LPLUS calculates the required spindle speed dynamically from the cutting
speed and the current diameter at the cutting tip of the tool. The value is displayed in
rpm. If a speed controller is fitted, LPLUS can control the speed so that the process
is carried out automatically at the required constant cutting rate. Otherwise the motor
speed should be manually adjusted to the displayed value.

Now the program requests material length and diameter. These will provide the
dimensions for the grid (that represents the material on the drawing) and assist with

orientation during the drawing process. Change the material length to 20mm - enter
[20] and confirm with [ENTER]. Change the diameter to 12mm - enter [12] and
confirm with [ENTER]. Requests follow for information about a possible hole. Enter
[0] (no hole condition) and confirm with [ENTER]. An additional [ENTER] returns
control back to the SYSTEM-Menu

If you accidentally find yourself in an unwanted menu – no problem – hold down

[ENTER] until you return to the previous menu.

Glloobbaall SSeettttiinnggss

Since these settings are not important for the first drawing, take time later to review
the more detailed explanation in the section “Global Settings”.

TTooooll SSeettttiinnggss

Press [F8]-Tools to enter tool setup. The tool form (or shape) is requested. This
information is required to ensure the correct machining direction in contour-mode
and, in the case of a parting-off tool, a grey line, representing the width of the tool, is
displayed to the right of the tool depiction. With a contour tool, LPLUS correctly
calculates the tool-path, allowing for the radius of the tool. Select tool form [1] and
confirm with [ENTER]. Next enter the width of the tool. Enter [3] and press [ENTER]
for a 3mm wide tool bit.

Raatteess m

Since these are not important for the first drawing, take time later to review the
explanation in the section “Feed-Rates MM/S”.

The First Drawing

Drawing using the [ARROW] keys:

The [ARROW] keys may be used to move the drawing pointer/tool within the drawing
raster. Adjust the step-size to 1.00mm with the [+] and [-] keys and use the [ARROW]
keys to move around in the drawing.

Note that the automatic feed-rate indicator displays a value (v=mm/s) that is
dependent on the current X- and Y- positions. The feed-rates may be found in [F8]-
SYSTEM, [F9]-mm/s. This means that already when drawing, LPLUS notes the
keyboard inputs and calculates the necessary feed-rates
Press [F6)-Screen and the drawing pointer returns back to zero again.

Press [ARROW UP] once and then [ENTER]. The line becomes green and a small
point appears at the tip of the drawing pointer. This point indicates that the line is
already in the memory of the PC. The point counter display on the left of the screen
increments to {Current points = 1}.

The {Abs.Y} now stands at 1 and the diameter at this point is given in {Shaft ∅}. This
shaft dimension is very important when turning since it can be used for comparison
purposes. E.g. having turned a spigot, stop the process with [ESC] at a straight
section and measure the diameter. Compare the result with the indicated {Shaft ∅}
value. In correction mode it is then possible to move the tool to compensate for the

Move the drawing pointer to {abs.X=5.00mm} by pressing [ARROW LEFT] five times.
Press [ENTER] to confirm.

The {abs.X/Y} displays provide absolute data regarding the drawing point position
with respect to the origin (material). The {rel.X/Y} displays indicate relative data with
respect to the last point in the drawing.

Now move the drawing pointer to {Abs.Y=.00} and press [ENTER].

The drawing is thereby complete.

Press [SPACE] to underlay the material structure.

IMPORTANT! It is important to save a drawing during and after its creation.

Nothing is worse than loosing hours of work due to carelessness.

Saving a New Drawing

Press [F9]-File to enter the FILE-Menu (files represent data on the hard drive). Now
press [F4]-S.AS (save as). Enter the new file-name “FIRST”, followed by [ENTER].
Confirm the message in the status line with [SPACE]

When naming drawings, try to select a meaningful name - not Test1, Test2, etc.

Now the drawing is saved under the file-name FIRST.DAT on the hard drive. The
current drawing file name can be seen in {File=} in the display on the left of the

When closing the program, the question “Save current configuration?” must be
answered with [Y]. LPLUS remembers the last drawing (if available).

Display Adjustments

EEnnllaarrggee// R
Reedduuccee PPrreesseennttaattiioonn ((ZZoooom

Press [PAGE UP] to enlarge the drawing display size (zoom in). Press [PAGE
DOWN] to reduce the drawing display size (zoom out). This process can be repeated
until the zoom limits are reached and no further change occurs. Note that when
zooming in, the large blue grid square is 1mm2. The [PAGE DOWN] key may be
repeatedly pressed to reduce the drawing size to the original setting.

Press [F6] to reduce the drawing size to half material diameter.

Moovvee D
wiinngg ((PPaannnniinngg))::

The drawing can be moved in both vertical and horizontal directions (panning). Set
panning mode by pressing [TAB] once. In panning-mode the [ARROW] keys can be
used to move (pan) the drawing in all directions. When the correct position is
reached, panning mode can be cancelled by pressing [TAB] once again.

It is recommended that to save time and frustration, frequent use is made of the
display adjustment features. For example, zoom in to confirm that a point is
accurately positioned to 0.05mm.

Maatteerriiaall U

Use the [SPACE] key at any time to underlay the work piece form in the drawing. In
this mode the point display is switched off and the front profile of the material is
mirrored to present complete profile of the work piece.

Diissppllaayy PPooiinnttss -- oonn // ooffff::

Press [a] to display or hide the points. Hiding the points serves to temporarily reduce
the clutter in the drawing. With point display = on, the shaft diameters are displayed
as small white numbers between turning axis parallel lines. If the line is 0.01mm out
of parallel, the diameter is not displayed although for tapers the angle of the taper is
displayed in degrees. .

Press [h] to overlay the keyboard help.

Closing a Drawing

To close a drawing, press [F9]-File to enter the FILE-Menu. During the first exercises
it is strongly recommended to have a copy of the menu-plan close by to the
keyboard. Press [F1]-Close and confirm the message in the status line with [ENTER]
to remove the drawing file from the working memory (not of course from the hard
drive). LPLUS returns to the starting position. In the status field appears {Drawing

Loading a Drawing

Press again [F9]-File and then [F9]-Load. In the staus line above appears a prompt.
Navigate to the file FIRST.DAT with the [ARROW] keys and press [ENTER] to select
and load the drawing. In the status field {Drawing 1/1} is displayed.

The drawing pointer is positioned at the last point of the drawing. It can be changed
to a cross hair by pressing [ENTER]. This is usefull when checking if specific points
lay on a common line. Repeated pressing of [ENTER] alternates between the
drawing pointer types.

Start the Process

The process can be started by pressing F2]-Start and observed on current drawing
on the screen. Press [ESC] to interrupt the process at any time and make manual
corrections. Always observe the status line.
With [F3]-Contour it is possible to automatically process the contour in the drawing (in
demo-mode simulate the process).

Enter the Same Drawing Using Direct Dimension Input

Firstly close the current drawing. Press [F9]-File to re-enter the FILE-Menu and then
press [F1]-Close. Confirm the questions in the status line with [ENTER] to delete the
current drawing from the program memory.

From the MAIN-Menu, enter [y]. The status line requests a value. Enter [1], [ENTER]
and then press [ENTER] again to confirm the point.
Now enter [x] followed by a value [5], [ENTER] and [ENTER] again to confirm.
To return back to abs. Y=0.00, there are two possibilities:

a) as previously [y], [-1], [ENTER], [ENTER] or,

b) with absolute dimension input – press [ALT] + [y], [0], [ENTER] and the
pointer move directly back to the origin line. [ALT] + [y] means: press
and hold the [ALT] key and at the same time press the [y] key.

The different method of entering data can be combined.

e.g.: [ARROW UP], [y], [.2], [ENTER].

Angles can be entered via the [w] key. If the drawing pointer is positioned at rel.X=0
and Rel.Y=0, the length is requested. Otherwise LPLUS uses the current values of
Rel.X and Rel.Y

See also keyboard help [h].

Move Points

Load the file FIRST.DAT.

From the MAIN-Menu, press [F5]-Edit. At the top left of the display {Menu=Edit}
replaces {Menu=Main}. DPLUS is now in edit-mode. In this exercise, it is required to
change a rectangle to a trapezoid. Ensure that the step-size is 1mm. If not adjust with
the [+] and [-] keys.

Press [CTRL]+[ARROW RIGHT]. The drawing pointer jumps to the first line of the
drawing (Current Point = 1). Press [F5]-Move. There are two possibilities to move the
selected point:

a) [ARROW LEFT] (moves the point 1mm=step-size)

b) [X], [1], [ENTER] (direct dimension input)

When the point is correctly repositioned, press [ENTER] to confirm.

It is recommended to use the direct dimension method via the [X] and [Y] keys when
decimal places are involved - e.g. 12.84mm.

Press [h] to superimpose the keyboard help.

Now return to the start of the drawing. Hold down [CTRL].and press [ARROW LEFT]
repeatedly until the end of the drawing is reached. Press [ARROW LEFT] to move
the last point 1mm to the left and confirm with [ENTER].

Press [F5]-Move again to exit move-mode. Press [SPACE] to underlay the material
form. To ensure that this functions correctly, the material lines must be within the
viewable area of the screen.

Press [F10]-Main to return to the MAIN-Menu.

Save a Drawing under the Same Name

Press [[F9]-File to enter the FILE-Menu. Press [F3]-Save to save the drawing under
the same name, FIRST.DAT, on the hard drive.

Create an Arc

Load the file FIRST.DAT.

Press [F5]-Edit to enter the EDIT-Menu. Press [ARROW RIGHT] once to select
(highlight) the horizontal line.

Press [F4]-Arc. The horizontal line is converted to an arc. The radius of the arc may
be adjusted with the [ARROW] keys. Try for yourself. Decrease the step-size with [-]
to increase the radius setting resolution.

The delta dimension gives the distance between the arc and the horizontal line. Set
the radius to 2mm and confirm with [ENTER].

If necessary, “undo” the arc by pressing [F7]-Undo.

It is possible to create arcs with angles greater than 180°. Use the [F1] and [F2] keys
to select the range. When turning, angles >180°, are rarely encountered.
Lastly the number of points in the arc is determined by the parameter “circle
resolution” in [F8]-System, [F3]-Global.

The Origin

TThhee O
Onnggooiinngg Q

The philosophy adopted by LPLUS is to set the origin as it is done when turning by
hand. First the slides are manually advanced until the tool just touches the work
piece. The sleeves are then set to zero and then, during the turning process, the
hand wheels turned with reference to this “origin.

With the LPLUS program there is no difference. In [F1]-On (setup-mode) the tool is
moved such that it just touches the material. Then by pressing [c] the displays are
zeroed and the new origin is set. The automatic turning process may then
immediately commence.

There is a better and more accurate way of determining the origin using the [n] key to
calibrate the diameter. Commence as described above. Set the tool (cross-slide) one
or two tenths of a millimetre in and with the help of [CTRL] + [X], turn a short section
of shaft 10mm long. After the feed stops at 10mm, switch the lathe motor drive off
and accurately measure the diameter of the turned section. Press [n] and enter the
measured value. In this way an exact relationship exists between the program and
the machine. Lastly move the cross-slide back until the measured diameter of the
shaft coincides with the “shaft diameter” display in the lower left of the screen. The
machine is now accurately positioned at the origin and the process can commence.

In practice it is possible to turn one or two passes, stop the feed, switch off the motor,
accurately measure the shaft diameter and compare it with the display. If there is a
difference, press [k] (for correction) and correct to an accuracy in tenths or even
hundredths of a millimetre. The process may then be continued. Depending on the
accuracy of the machine, the result should be correct. If it is necessary to often
repeat this process, the accuracy of the machine is in doubt.

The Jobs

Whhaatt iiss aa JJoobb??

A job is a collection of drawings that comprise a complete process. LPLUS can

automatically process many drawings sequentially. Each of these drawings can have
the same or a different tool. The tool data is stored in a separate tool-file.

w iiss iitt CCrreeaatteedd??

It is created virtually by its self. The drawings you have manually loaded appear
automatically in a list. This listing of drawings needs only be saved as a job.

w iiss iitt EEddiitteedd??

Only the individual drawings that comprise a job can be edited, e.g. start/contour,
text, tool-no. etc. From the MAIN-Menu, press [F4]-Job then [F5]-Edit.

w iiss aa D
wiinngg AAddddeedd??

Load a drawing thereby adding it to the end of the listing. Inserting a drawing is not
possible. If a drawing is forgotten, all must be reloaded in the correct sequence. This
is not serious since all important settings for roughing, finishing etc. are saved with
each drawing.

w iiss aa D
wiinngg D

Select the drawing that must be deleted. Press [F9]-file to enter the FILE-Menu.
Press [F1]-Close to remove the drawing.

Whhaatt ccaann bbee ddoonnee w
wiitthh aa JJoobb??

It is possible to:

¾ Start
¾ Test
¾ Load
¾ Save
¾ Edit

The Multi-Layer-Technology

Whhaatt iiss TThhaatt??

In the original PCLathe program, only one drawing can be loaded, edited and started
at a time. With LPLUS up to 11 drawings can be simultaneously loaded, edited and
started. This is called “multi layer technology“.

The LPLUS philosophy is as follows: There must always be an empty drawing

available. It is not necessary to concern yourself about these empty drawings since
they are automatically created and managed. When LPLUS is launched without
loading an existing drawing (or all drawings are closed), there remains always an
empty drawing sheet. As the first line is confirmed with [ENTER], unnoticed, a second
empty drawing sheet is created. Try it for yourself. On an empty sheet draw a line
without confirming. The status line shows {Drawing 1/1}. Now confirm the line with
[ENTER] and the status line briefly reads {Drawing 1/2} (displayed for approx. 2
The selection of a single drawing sheet is done with the keys [1] to [9] for the sheets
1 -9. [0] selects sheet 10 and [/], sheet 11.

The status line shows the selected sheet in the form {Drawing 2 / 5}. It is only
possible to select other sheets when [F1]-On (setup-mode) is switched off.

All operations carried out are with respect to the current drawing

The current drawing is presented in green whilst the other drawings in the
background are brown. The drawings are processed fully independently from each
other. Only via the job can the drawings be sequentially started and run to the
machine. It is therefore possible to individually test each drawing in advance.

The preset limit for the maximum number of drawings is 8. This limit is dependent on
the memory. The more drawings, the more memory required and the number of
available points per drawing drops. The following table gives an indication of the
relationship between number of drawings and available points for 602KB of free DOS

Number of Drawings Number of available Points per Drawing

2 5400
5 2150
8 1350
11 980

If 8 drawings per job are insufficient, edit the file MAXZEICH.INI. The first number is
the drawing limit. To edit this file using the DOS editor program, from the DOS

prompt, type [EDIT MAXZEICH.INI] and press [ENTER]. Do not include the square
brackets [ ]. This will open the DOS editor program. Save the file before closing the

The Tool Pallet

Whhaatt’’ss iitt ffoorr??

When a job comprises a number of drawings and different tools, the drawings must
be placed in order and the tools grouped and defined.

The required turning tools are listed in a tool-file with the file-name extension .WZW.

Each tool has its own off-set correction information with reference to the first tool in
the list. The list includes a running tool-no, the tool off-set correction factors for the X-
and Y- axes and a tool identification text.

It is feasible to include all of the tools that you own in one tool-file. Alternatively, tools
for a specific process type can be grouped together in one file - e.g. outside turning,
inside turning, … etc... The use of quick change tool holders is virtually mandatory.
During operation it is only necessary to call a particular tool number. LPLUS
automatically corrects for the differences in tool positions.

Press [F9]-System, [F7]-Tool No. for the tool management menu. The number of
tools seen is determined by the value in [F9]-System, [F3]-Global, “How many tools?”
When a tool-file is loaded this value is changed to the number of tools in the file.

LPLUS is also capable of controlling a fully automatic tool-changer. The tool

changers from HSE are provided with tool-pallets each of which would have its own
tool-file. The tool-No. marked on the pallet must correspond with the tool-No. in the

The tool-changer can also be directly indexed with the keys [1] to [8]. [F1]-Start
(MAIN-Menu) must be switched on. Additionally, the tool-changer can be step-
indexed with the [PAGE UP] and [PAGE DOWN] keys (corresponding to Z-axis
control during milling). The index position of the tool-changer is determined by the
program. However the tool-changer must be set at position 1 when starting,
otherwise the tool sequence will be incorrect.

The tool-changer motor must be connected to the Z-axis of the controller.

SSeettttiinngg U
Upp N
w TToooollss::

The first tool should be one that is most often used, e.g. a left hand turning tool. This
tool always has the off-set correction factors – X=0, Y=0.

With the first tool correctly set up and clamped tight in its holder, turn a small amount
of material away from the face of the work piece. The exact amount is not critical.

Press [c] to zero the display, that is, to zero the X-axis. This is very important. Now
turn a small amount away from the outside of the work-piece. The amount is again
not critical. Move the saddle-slide back until the absolute X-value = 0 again. The
absolute Y-value should be the amount removed in the last procedure. Now press [c]
to zero both axes. The tool is thereby calibrated in respect of position (offset
correction = 0, 0)

The next tool must now be considered – a slotting tool with a width of 1mm is used
as an example. This tool is smaller than the left hand tool. Adjust the two axes such
that this tool just touches the previously turned work-piece at the front edge of faced
side. Now press [F8]-System, [F7]-Tool to open the tool-menu.

Ensure that the X- and Y- offset correction values are 0, 0 for tool no. 1. Press [F7]-
Text, enter the tool description “Left hand tool” for tool no. 1. Press [ARROW DOWN]
or simply [ENTER] to move down the list and select tool no. 2. Press [F2]-Get to load
the current absolute X- and Y-axis values into the tool-list. These represent the exact
offset correction values for tool no. 2 - in this example, X=1mm and Y=1mm. Now
return to the MAIN-Menu.

Now clamp the third, 2mm wide parting-off tool in place. Again adjust the two axes
such that this tool just touches the previously turned work-piece as above. Do not on
any account press [c] to zero the axes. Repeat the procedure described above for
tool no. 2. In the example X=-0.30 and Y=-7.77.

The above tool-file is included in the installation package as “HSE.WZW”.

Thread / Screw Cutting

w iiss iitt D

For thread-cutting, a shaft encoder must be attached to the main spindle to provide
the chuck angular position information to LPLUS. The normal output resolution of
these encoders is 100 – 5000 pulses per revolution.

LPLUS processes the encoder data and controls the saddle axis, behaving as a
“virtual” gearbox. The function is identical to engaging a “Norton” gearbox but with no
mechanical gears.

An index pulse occurring once per revolution, always at the same point, ensures that
the thread cutting pass is always started at the correct angular position of the chuck
spindle. This is critical since thread cannot be cut in one pass.

A further advantage of the index pulse is that the machine and control may be
switched off and later switched on again without loosing positional synchronisation.

The thread cutting process begins with the index pulse. From this critical timing point,
each individual encoder pulse is used in the program for the control of the saddle-
axis stepper motor. The angular position of the chuck spindle is thereby continuously
tracked enabling the thread to be cut with great accuracy.

The following threads can be cut:

¾ Right-hand
¾ Left-hand (from version rel. 02)
¾ Metric
¾ Imperial
¾ Any pitch size (up to the maximum pitch)
¾ Any thread depth
¾ Multi-start
¾ Conical
¾ Any combinations of thread types
¾ Operation in START- and in CONTOUR-Modes with finishing

There are two limiting factors:

1. The maximum possible pitch, and

2. The maximum possible chuck speed.

1.) The maximum possible pitch is given by the ratio of steps/mm of the saddle-
axis and steps per revolution of the encoder. A simple example: Saddle-axis =
200 steps, encoder = 1000 steps gives 1000 / 200 = 5. Thus the maximum
pitch is 5mm. It may be considered that increasing the encoder resolution will
increase the maximum pitch. This may be so but will limit the maximum chuck
speed. See 2) below.

2.) The maximum chuck speed that can be used for thread cutting depends on
the resolution of the encoder. Therefore, the higher the resolution, the higher
the frequency that must be processed by LPLUS and the higher the
performance of the system needs to be. Since the thread cutting is performed
without motor ramp (start/stop mode) it is important to have a powerful drive
system on the saddle-axis.

On a lathe (500mm) with STEP5040 and normal motors, it is possible to operate with
chuck speeds up to 300-400 rpm. This appears to be relatively fast.

The thread table, [F8]-System, [F2]-Table, provides a breakdown of the information.

Next to the maximum pitch size, the expected maximum chuck speed is given.

The encoder index pulse is connected to PIN 15, the encoder pulse to PIN 13. The
encoder must be mechanically coupled to the main spindle with a lightweight timing
belt. It remains coupled and always rotates.

When using the setup for the first time, carry out the following test: Switch off the
main drive motor and start the drawing in a thread cutting cycle. The program runs to
the point where it waits for the index pulse. Rotate the chuck slowly by hand and note
when the saddle-slide stepper motor starts to run. Continue rotating the chuck until
the end of the thread is reached. Now the saddle runs backwards to the start of the
thread and the program waits again for the index pulse in preparation for a new
cycle. Continue until all thread cutting passes are complete.

Whilst the thread can be cut in [F1]-Start mode allowing reworking of a completed
thread (e.g. to correct the thread diameter), Contour-mode is normally used. It allows
the roughing to be preset to typically 0.05 - 0.2 mm. The finishing cut feature should
be used and set between 0.00 and 0.02mm.

In the LPLUS DEMO-Version, the thread cutting cycle may be simulated.


Exercise: Thread Cutting

We want to cut a fine thread M22x1. We require two drawings (excluding facing and
parting-off – in this regard see “Exercise: Shaft”). The first drawing turns the shaft to
size (profile) and the second defines the thread cutting cycle.


New Drawing:
Ensure that the drawing sheet is empty. From the MAIN-Menu, press [F9]-File, [F12]-
Cls.A and then [F10]-Back to return to the MAIN-Menu with an empty drawing sheet.

From the MAIN-Menu, press [F8]-System.

Material Setup:
Press [F1]-Material. Set the length to 40mm (for safety 15mm longer than required)
and the diameter to 24mm. Press [F10]-Back to return to the SYSTEM-Menu.

Press [F8]-Tool. Tool type = 1, Width = 12mm. Press [F10]-Back to return to the

Press [F9]-mm/sec. Set all normal feed-rates to 2mm/sec. The fast-feed rates remain
unaltered. Press [F10]-Back to return to the SYSTEM-Menu.

TThhee FFiirrsstt D
wiinngg -- SSccrreew
w SShhaafftt CCoonnttoouurr M
Maacchhiinneedd ttoo SSiizzee::

From the MAIN-Menu:

Set the step-size to 1mm using the [+] and [-] keys. Press and hold [ARROW UP]
until {Shaft = 20mm}. Confirm this point with [ENTER]. It can now be seen that
LPLUS has created a new drawing sheet (No. 2).

Now the bevel – Press [ARROW LEFT] once then [ARROW DOWN] once and
confirm this point with [ENTER]. Now at {Shaft = 22), press and hold down [ARROW
LEFT] until the display shows {Abs.X = 25mm}. Confirm this point with [ENTER].

Lastly, press [ARROW DOWN] once to arrive at Abs.Y = 0 to complete the contour,
confirming with [ENTER].

Press [t] for text and enter “Shaft Contour”.

Now save the drawing. Press [F9]-File, [F4]-S.As and enter the new file-name “THR-

The file “THR-CONT.D3D”.

TThhee SSeeccoonndd D
wiinngg:: TThhrreeaadd CCuuttttiinngg::

Press [3] to open the third drawing sheet. In the status line briefly displays No. 3 / 3.

The tool is different. Therefore press [F8]-System, [F8]-Tool and select tool type 6.
For the pitch, enter 1mm (the request for a pitch value results from selecting a thread
cutting tool). LPLUS recognises that this thread is metric. Imperial thread selection in
TPI is also available. Set the number of starts to 1. The thread-factor must be 0.6134.
The encoder steps are determined by your system.

Press [y1], [ENTER], [ENTER], [x20], [ENTER], [ENTER] and then [y-], [ENTER],
[ENTER]. Done!

The program must now be informed that the horizontal line is a thread. Press [F5]-
Edit and select the horizontal line with [ARROW RIGHT]. Press [F1]-Thread to
convert the line to a thread and then press [F10]-Main to return to the MAIN-Menu.

Press [t] for text and enter “Thread Cutting”.

Now save the drawing. Press [F9]-File, [F4]-S.As and enter the new file-name “THR-

The file “THR-THR.D3D”.

Exercise Shaft

The shaft below is intended as an introductory exercise into multi-layer technology

and tool changing. It requires the deployment of three tools:

1. A left-hand turning tool, width 12mm

2. A grooving tool width 1mm
3. A parting-off tool width 2mm

The aluminium material is 80mm long with a 40mm diameter.


New Drawing:
Ensure that all drawing sheets are empty. From the MAIN-Menu, press [F9]-File,
[F12]-Cls.A. Press [F10]-Back to return to the MAIN-Menu.

From the MAIN-Menu, press [F8]-System.

Material Setup:
Here press [F1]-Material. Set the length to 80mm (For safety 20mm longer than
required) and the diameter to 40mm. Press [F10]-Back to return to the SYSTEM-

Check Global Settings:

Press [F3]-Global. Set the circle resolution to 15, set “How many tools?” to 4. Press
[F10]-Back to return to the SYSTEM-Menu.

Tool Settings:
Press [F8]-Tool. Type = 1, Width = 12mm. Press [F10]-Back to return to the

Press [F9]-mm/sec. Set all normal feed-rates to 2mm/sec. The fast-feed rates remain
unaltered. Press [F10]-Back to return to the SYSTEM-Menu.

TThhee FFiirrsstt D
wiinngg:: FFaaccee EEnndd ooff SShhaafftt::

Press [y20], [ENTER] and again [ENTER] to confirm the point. Set the step-size to
1mm with the [+] and [-] keys and press [ARROW RIGHT]. Confirm with [ENTER].
Now press [y-], [ENTER] and confirm with [ENTER]. To come back to the origin,
press [ARROW LEFT] once and confirm with [ENTER]. In principle the drawing is

All drawings that comprise a job must end at the origin. Otherwise an unwanted
displacement is introduced. This is valid only for the drawings that are run in [F2]-

Now save this drawing. Press [F9]-File, [F4]-S.As and enter the new file-name

When this drawing is dry-run, notice that the retract move is at 2mm/sec. This must
be changed.

Press [F5]-Edit and then press [ARROW RIGHT] to select the vertical line
representing the retract move. Now press [F9]-mm/sec and enter the machines fast-
feed rate e.g. 12mm/sec. Press [F10]-Main to return to the MAIN-Menu.

The changes should be immediately saved. Press [F9]-File and [F3]-Save.

The file “SHFT-FCE.D3D”.

TThhee sseeccoonndd D
wiinngg:: TTuurrnn SShhaafftt CCoonnttoouurr::

The tool and its setting remain the same. Press [2] to load the second drawing. The
status line displays “Drawing No.2 / 2“.

Set the step-size to 1mm using the [+] and [-] keys. Press and hold [ARROW UP]
until {Shaft = 18mm}. Confirm this point with [ENTER]. It can be briefly seen that
LPLUS creates a third drawing.
Now the first bevel. Press [ARROW LEFT] once and [ARROW DOWN] once and
confirm this point with [ENTER]. At the new indicated diameter {Shaft = 20mm}, press
and hold [ARROW LEFT] until the display reads {Abs.X = 18}, then confirm this point
with [ENTER]. Now the second bevel. Press [ARROW LEFT] twice and [ARROW
DOWN] twice so that {Shaft = 32mm}. Press [ENTER] to confirm.

The radius is first drawn as a bevel. Press [ARROW DOWN] twice and [ARROW
LEFT] twice and confirm with [ENTER]. Now press [F5]-Edit to select edit-mode. The
last line is selected with the [ARROW] keys. Press [F4]-Arc. A 2mm radius should be
indicated (if not, set using the [ARROW] keys). Confirm with [ENTER]. Press [F10]-
Main to return to the MAIN-Menu. Press and hold down [ARROW LEFT] to draw a
line at 36mm diameter until {Abs.X = 50mm}. Confirm with [ENTER]. Press [ARROW
DOWN] once and confirm with [ENTER] and lastly the bevel – [ARROW DOWN]
once and [ARROW LEFT] once such the end point is at {Abs.Y = 0}. The drawing is
thereby complete.

Now save this drawing. Press [F9]-File, [F4]-S.As and enter the new file-name

The file “SHFT-CNT.D3D”

TThhee TThhiirrdd D
wiinngg:: G
Grroooovvee SShhaafftt::

Press [3] to open the third drawing. “Drawing No. 3 / 3” appears in the status line.
The tool must change. Press [F8]-System, [F8]-Tool select tool type 4, width 1mm.
Set the step-size to 1mm using the [+] and [-] keys. Press and hold [ARROW UP]
until {Shaft = 36mm} and press and hold [ARROW LEFT] until {Abs.X = 31}.
A clearance of 0.5mm is provided between the tool and material during fast-feed

1.) Enter [y-0.5] and then press [ENTER] or,

2.) Set step-size to 0.1mm with the [-] key and press [ARROW DOWN] five times.

Confirm this point with [ENTER]. Note that LPLUS has created a new drawing sheet
(Drawing 4 / 4).
Now the first groove. Enter [y1.5] and press [ENTER] and again [ENTER] to confirm.
And then withdraw. Press [y-] and [ENTER], [ENTER].
Now the second groove. Enter [x10] and [ENTER], [ENTER], [y-], [ENTER], [ENTER]
to create groove and yet again [y-] [ENTER], [ENTER] to draw back the tool.
To return to the origin: Press [c], [ENTER] and then [x], [ENTER], [y], [ENTER] and
confirm with [ENTER].
Most of the moves will be at fast-feed rate. For this reason change all moves to fast-
feed and then the two groove cutting moves are individually set to a very low feed-
rate. Press [F5]-Edit to enter the EDIT-Menu. With any path highlighted, press [F9]-
mm/sec. Set the feed-rate to fast. Answer “Change all paths?” with [y]. Now select
each of the two groove cutting moves in turn and change only them to 0.5mm/sec
with [F9]-mm/sec.
Now save this drawing. Press [F9]-File, [F4]-S.As and enter the new file-name

The file: “SHFT-GRV.D3D”

TThhee FFoorrtthh D
wiinngg:: PPaarrtt--O
Offff SShhaafftt::

Press [4] to open the fourth drawing. “Drawing 4 / 4” appears briefly in the status line.
A parting-off tool is required. In [F8]-System, [F8]-Tool, select tool form 4 and set tool
width to 2mm.

In [F8]-System, [F9]-mm/sec, set the following values:

Saddle-slide forwards = 12
Saddle-slide backwards = 12
Cross-slide forwards = 0.5
Cross-slide backwards = 12

Back in the MAIN-Menu, enter [x62], [ENTER], [ENTER], then [y20], [ENTER]
[ENTER], then [y-], [ENTER], [ENTER] and finally [x-], [ENTER], [ENTER]. Done!

Now save this drawing. Press [F9]-File, [F4]-S.As and enter the new file-name

The file: “SHFT-PO.D3D”

At this point we can try the undo function. Press [F7]-Undo repeatedly until all lines
have been removed. Now press [CTRL] + [F7] (Re-do function) repeatedly until all
lines have been reinstated.

Now browse through the drawings. Press each of the keys [1] to [4].

1 2

3 4

Next, the tools must be setup. See also the sections “The Tool Pallet” and “Tool

Ensure that the tool-file, “HSE.WZW” is loaded. [F8]-System, [F7]-Tools.

From the MAIN-Menu, press [F4]-Jobs. The screen should be as follows:

The names of the files (drawings) that are loaded are already displayed. Now the job
will be completed. From the JOB-Menu, press [F5]-Edit. Enter a text string for each
drawing that best describes the drawing.

Take the other parameters from the following illustration:

Lastly, from the JOB-Menu, press [F4]-S.As, and save the job as “SHAFT”.
This file can be found on your hard disk as “WELLE.JOB”.

1.0 Function Keys in the MAIN-Menu

From here the drawing is created, the out put started and other sub-menus selected.

1.1 [F1]-ON (Setup Mode)

The program is in setup-mode. The stepper motors that control the axes move in
accordance with the [ARROW] keys. The motors can be stopped at any time with the
[ESC] key. The distance moved by the slides is determined by the step-size
(indicated on the left hand side of the display). The step-size can be changed with
the [+] and [-] keys.

A second press of the [F1]-On key will switch this function off. If a joystick is
connected, it operates in parallel with the [ARROW] keys. The lower button interrupts
the motors whilst the upper button resumes operation.

How should the slides move?

[ARROW LEFT] Saddle-slide moves to the left

[ARROW RIGHT] Saddle-slide moves to the right
For Lathes: [ARROW UP] Cross-slide moves towards material
[ARROW DOWN] Cross-slide moves away from material

The slides can also be moved using the [x] and [y] keys. It is therefore possible to
conveniently move a slide, for example, 18.43mm. This is useful when moving to or
from the origin.

If an electronic frequency converter is used to control the speed of the main spindle
motor, this motor is switched on when [F1]-On is pressed. The spindle speed is in
accordance with the settings in the SYSTEM-Menu – either constant cutting speed
(from material diameter) or fixed speed.

Furthermore, pressing [CTRL] + [x] or [y] will move the slides at normal feed-rate.
The distances moved are displayed on the left hand side of the screen.

This function can be used for actual turning (removing material). When the output is
started, [F1]-On remains switched on. The feed-rate for setup-mode is set in [F8]-
System, [F9]-mm/sec. If setup-mode is engaged whilst the chuck is running, keep a
finger over the [ESC] key. It is easy to make a mistake with the step-size setting and
run the tool into the chuck at high speed.

1.2 [F2]-START (Start Output)

The data contained in the drawing is run to the stepper motors. The process can be
interrupted at any time with the [ESC] key.

After pressing [F2]-Start you are asked how many output repeats (or loops) are

The LOOP function can be used to reproduce a drawing in either X- or Y directions.

LOOP in the Y- direction can be used, for example, to turn a shoulder on a shaft, in
the X-direction to turn a series of grooves.

(A) Drawing

(B) LOOP (Drawing X 4)

(C) Result

The display on the left hand side of the screen:

- The picture: The current tool with tool width, diameter or pitch data

- Point: The point that is currently being processed

- Paths: Total number of output repeats (loops)

- Current path: The current repeat loop

- Time: Current running time

Interrupt the output with [ESC]:

If the output is interrupted with the [ESC] key, a choice appears in the status line:

-Yes = [ENTER]: Yes, you want to stop the output.

-No = [n]: No, you don’t want to stop the output.

-correction = [k]: Change the position of the tool with the [ARROW]
The step-size can be changed with the [+] and [-]
keys. Press the [ENTER] key to ignore the
correction. Press [SPACE] to continue the process.
If the process is interrupted as the slide moves
away from the material and a 0.3mm correction is
made in the opposite direction (towards the
material) the slide may not be seen to move. This is
because the screw-play must been taken up before
a slide movement takes place.

Press a key [ENTER], [n] or [k].

After pressing the [ENTER] key to stop the output, you are asked if the axes should
move to the origin. Confirm with [ENTER] if this move is required.

If an electronic frequency converter is used to control the speed of the spindle motor,
this motor is switched on when [F2]-Start is pressed. The spindle speed is in
accordance with the material diameter and cutting speed. The now red highlighted
[F8] and [F9] keys can be used at any time to change the cutting speed that in turn
automatically changes the spindle speed.

After completing the process the run time is displayed in {Time = …}.

Never leave your machine tool unattended when in

1.3 [F3]-Cont (Contour-Mode)

In contour-mode it is possible run any desired contour automatically to the machine.

Before selecting contour-mode, select the tool type in [F8]-System, [F8]-Tool. The
choice of tool type determines the machining direction.

After pressing [F3]-Contour, LPLUS asks “How many contour repeats (loops)?” See
also 1.2 [F2]-Start. Now enter the maximum cut depth. The program calculates how
many paths must be run. Less material is removed than the value given as
maximum. The reason being is that the last path is always run towards the chuck

Never leave your machine tool unattended when in

and, depending on material size, a different depth of cut results. After the cutting
depth value, enter the finishing cut depth. If the error message “Please check the
entry” appears, it is possible that that the finishing cut value is greater than the
roughing cut value.

The last path (finishing) is always performed towards the chuck (unless a left hand
tool is selected). Therefore the amount of material removed is that entered for
finishing cut as described above.

The finishing speed can be found in [F9]-System, [F9]-mm/sec. It is valid for the one
drawing in which this data is saved.

If a contour tool is selected, it can be decided whether after completing the contour, it
is required to part-off or not. If yes, enter the feed-rate for the parting-off operation.

The contour-mode is intended for

complex forms – radii, curves or conical
forms. It can cut and remove material in
two directions by automatically shuttling
the saddle to the left and to the right.
There should be no manually inserted
negative X-points in the drawing. Bright
red lines (in the drawing left) exactly
indicate the position where X is
negative. Despite the red lines, it is
possible to process negative X-points (as requested by many customers). However
we advise you that the actual tool path does not accurately follow the drawing and
some errors are introduced.

Importantly, the last point in the drawing must be at Y=0, otherwise an offset, equal to
the difference from Y=0, is introduced for every loop path.

If an electronic frequency converter is used to control the speed of the spindle motor,
this motor is switched on when [F3]-Contour is pressed. The spindle speed is in
accordance with the material diameter and cutting speed (or set to a fixed value if in
[F8]-System, [F1]-Material a constant speed is selected). The now red highlighted
[F8] and [F9] keys can be used at any time to change the cutting speed that in turn
automatically changes the spindle speed.

When running a drawing in contour-mode a problem occurs whereby the cross-slide

backward (retraction) moves are usually programmed faster than the forward moves.
When the contour tool is processing towards the chuck, this is not a problem.
However when returning back towards the tail stock, the cross-slide feed-rates,
forwards and backwards, are effectively reversed.

For this reason the program automatically sets the cross-slide forwards (in the
drawing backwards) feed-rate on the saddle return path to the normal feed-rate value
in ([F8]-System, [F9]-mm/s), minus 0,01mm/sec.

The subtraction of 0,01mm has the advantage that the program forced changes can
be easily recognised. (e.g. A Y-path forwards at 0.5mm/sec and backwards at
3mm/sec becomes forwards at 0.5mm and backwards at 0.49mm/sec.) A little

See the section “1.2 [F2]-Start” in this handbook for details of the display and
interrupting the program.

1.4 [F4]-Jobs (Job Sub-Menu)

A job comprises a collection of drawings representing a series of operations. Jobs

can be edited in the JOB-Menu. See also the section “Jobs” in this handbook.

1.5 [F5]-Edit (Edit Sub-Menu)

Selects EDIT-Mode. “EDIT” appears in the menu display window. See also the
section “2.0 Function Keys in the EDIT-Menu”. Within EDIT-Menu, the points may be
manipulated in various ways (inserted, moved, deleted etc.), straight lines converted
to arcs, the drawing scaled or the completed work piece viewed.

1.6 [F6]-Screen (Centralise)

Sizes and positions the drawing such that it fits onto the screen. The drawing
pointer/cross-hair cursor moves to the last point of the drawing (the origin). Use the
SCREEN function to adjust your drawing to the size of your screen or to place the
drawing pointer/cross-hair cursor on the last point in your drawing.

1.7 [F7]-Undo (Undo Previous Actions)

In the case of an error, the last lines (points) drawn can be erased. The maximum
number is determined by the setting “maximum no. of backups" in [F8]-System, [F5]-
PC. Press [CTRL] + [F7]-Undo to reinstate. To test the feature, create a simple
drawing comprising of several straight lines. Press [F7] a number times to remove the
last drawn lines and then [CTRL] + [F7] the same number of times to reinstate them.

1.8 [F8]-Syst (System Sub-Menu)

Switches to the SYSTEM-Menu. Here the various system parameters are pre-set
including material size, tool settings and global definitions. These settings provide the
default values/settings when creating a drawing. See also the section “3.0 Function
Keys in the SYSTEM-Menu”

1.9 [F9]-File (File Sub-Menu)

Switches to the FILE-Menu. Here the drawing files can be loaded, saved and
deleted. Other file types (HPGL, DXF, KOO etc.) can also be processed.
See also the section: “4.0 Function Keys in the FILE-Menu”

1.10 F10 End (Terminate Program)

When it is necessary, the program can be terminated here.

If you have created a new drawing without allocating a file name, PCLathe asked if
this drawing has already been saved. If this is not the case and you require to save
the drawing, press [ESC] and in the FILE-Menu save the drawing. If [ENTER] is
pressed, the unsaved data is irrevocably lost.

If a file is already loaded, PCLathe asks if it must be again saved and finally updated.

When asked, “save current configuration”, an affirmative [ENTER] results in the

respective settings - cutter, feed rates etc. and the file-name being saved for use in
the next session.

2.0 Function Keys in the EDIT-Menu

The function keys are now differently allocated. The selected drawing element is
highlighted as a red and white line. When switching to edit-mode, the last line (last
point) in the drawing is highlighted thus.

The line selected can be changed with the [ARROW LEFT] and [ARROW RIGHT]
keys. All operations carried out in edit-mode are with respect to this selected line. All
other key functions perform similarly. See also the section: “6.0 LPLUS Keyboard

2.1 [F2]-Thr or -Displ (Thread or Display)

This key has two functions. If a thread cutting tool is selected in [F8]-System, [F8]-
Tool, “THR” appears. Otherwise “Displ”.

-[F2]-Thr - Thread

Press [F2]-Thr to inform LPLUS that a selected line represents a thread. Internally,
this line (point) is allocated a pause value of -99. The process runs normally up until
this “thread line”. At this point the thread cutting cycle is activated to cut the thread.
Thereafter the process continues normally.

-[F2]-Displ - Display

The work piece is displayed in yellow for improved clarity.

2.2 [F2]-Ins (Insert point)

A new point is inserted into the selected line. This new point can be moved with the
[ARROW] keys. The position is indicated in the display. The [x] and [y] keys together
with a dimensional input can also be used to define the new position. Pressing the [c]
key undoes the move.

Press [ENTER] to accept the new point. The function remains active when pressing
the [ARROW] keys allowing additional points to be inserted. It is possible to press the
[ENTER] key 10 times at the same position to insert 10 superimposed points. The
new points may be later moved to new positions.

Press [F2]-Ins again (or [ESC]) to cancel the function.

The [INS] key is connected in parallel with the [F2] key and either may be used

2.3 [F3]-Del (Delete Point(s)

The current point that defines the selected line is deleted. Other points are not
affected. Repeated pressing of [F2]-Del results in a string of points being deleted.
This is useful when editing arcs.

Note: [F7]-Undo is effective for the last deleted point only.

The [DEL] key is connected in parallel with the [F3] key and either may be used

2.4 [F4]-Arc (Line to Arc)

The selected line is transformed into an arc of a circle.

The radius of the arc can be set with the [ARROW] keys. Pressing [ENTER]
irrevocably confirms the transformation ([F7]-Undo is not effective). The resolution of
the arc is determined by the setting “Circle Resolution” in [F8]-System, [F3]-Global.

Important display information:

Radius in mm

Distance between the selected straight line and the curvature of the arc.

The lowest preset cutter feed-rate is taken for the path of the arc when turning.

Use the SCALE-Function to convert circular to elliptical forms. See the section: “2.6
[F6]- Scale”.

Use the [F1] and [F2] keys to select between subtended angles smaller or larger than
180°. Refer to the two drawings above.

2.5 [F5]-Move (Move Point)

The selected point {current point = …} may be moved with the [ARROW] keys. The
position is indicated in the display. The [x]- and [y]-keys, together with a dimensional
input, can also be used to define the new position.

The [w]-key allows for the selected line, as defined by the point, to be rotated through
a specified angle. The other lines are automatically repositioned accordingly.

Press [ENTER] to confirm the new position. The line remains selected so it is
possible to move the same point again until the correct position is found. Switch the
material-underlay-mode on with [SPACE] to see the operation more clearly.

Use the [b]-key to move the entire drawing (or parts thereof). For example, if the
currently highlighted line is “current point =123”, then all points including 123 and
over will be moved.
If the [CTRL] key is held down whilst pressing the [ARROW] keys, the selected point
can be changed without leaving the move-mode. See also the section: “DPLUS
Keyboard Layout”

If you have moved a point with the [x] or [y] keys, the value(s) remain in the memory.
The next time you make a move with the [x] or [y] keys, it is only necessary to press
[ENTER] to accept them again. It is therefore easy to move, for example, 13 points
12.85mm to the left or upwards.

Note that it is also possible to reverse the direction of the movement with the [-] key
(minus sign).

See also [x] and [y] keys in section Keys 5.0

2.6 F6 SCALE (Scale Drawing)

With the help of the SCALE-Function, the entire drawing can be scaled up or down,
e.g. to match the drawing to another material diameter.

After pressing [F6]-Scale, a horizontal black and white line scaling appears that may
be moved with the [ARROW UP] and [ARROW DOWN] keys.

Initially this line is aligned to the full diameter of the material representing a ratio of
1:1. The scaling line is moved to a specific scaling reference point and set to this
point by pressing [ENTER]. Pressing the [ARROW] keys enables the drawing to be
scaled as required. The [x] and [y] keys may be used to enter mm values directly.

Important display information:

-Factor X: Scaling Factor in saddle-slide direction

-Factor Y: Scaling Factor in cross-slide direction

The size of the change depends on the step-size ([+] and [-] keys).

Press [ESC] to return the drawing to the original scale without leaving scaling-mode.
A further press of the [ESC] key cancels scaling-mode. The [ENTER] key is used to
confirm the new scaling of the drawing.

The SCALE-function may be used to mirror the entire drawing in the X- and/or Y-

2.7 [F7]-Undo (Undo Function)

All recently executed functions and changes made in the EDIT-Menu may be
reversed (undone) with the [F7]-Undo key.

2.8 [F8]-PAUSE (Pause at a Point)

The time in seconds that the program pauses at a particular point.

The pause may be cancelled at any time by pressing any key. The pause time can
also be entered in the millisecond range.

2.9 [F9]-MM/S (Feed-Rate along a Path)

Allows post-editing of the feed-rate along a specific path. If after entering a new
value, the program determines that other paths have the same original feed-rate
value, the program asks if all such paths must be so changed. Press [ENTER] to
confirm. Press [ESC] to validate the change for only the selected line (path).

2.10 [F10]-Main (Return to MAIN-Menu)

Returns control to MAIN-Menu.

3.0 Function Keys in the SYSTEM-Menu

3.1 [F1]-Mat (Material)

Material settings:

-V-Const. = v / N-Const. = n

For each individual drawing within a job, a specific cutting speed mode may be
selected. Enter [v] for constant cutting speed or [n] for constant spindle speed.

-Spindle Speed [n]-Mode

Input in rpm. In principle, the use of constant spindle speed only makes sense when
the lathe is equipped with an electronic motor control. If a speed controller is not
installed, the spindle speed must be manually set to the program indicated value.
The constant speed function is important for thread cutting activities.

-Cutting Speed [v]-Mode

Input in m/min. Use the correct cutting speed for the application. If necessary, look up
the data in a table usually found in engineering text books. The program displays the
spindle speed, dynamically calculated from the cutting speed and the current
diameter of the material. If installed, Lathe PLUS controls the motor speed controller
(HSE Art. Nr. 202 0010) such that the spindle speed always corresponds to the value
calculated by the program.


Input in mm. Length of the raw material from the origin (face) to the chuck jaws.


Input in mm. The material is displayed on the screen as a blue grid. The central axis
of the material is indicated by a horizontal broken white line. The material dimensions
always refer to the raw material and should have rounded off values.
The actual material diameter is set via the [n] key.

-Drilling Diameter (in mm)

The diameter of the hole that is drilled in the material prior to inside turning is defined.
Whilst the hole is useful for orientating purposes, its main function is to provide a
secondary origin for any inside turning and thread cutting operations.

-Length of Drilled Hole (in mm)

If the requirement for a drilled hole is indicated by entering a diameter value, then the
program requests that the length of the hole is entered.

If during an automatic parting-off operation (MAIN-Menu [F2], [F3]), the parting off
tool meets with this hole, it continues a further 0.5mm and then returns to the main

3.2 [F2]-Tab (Thread Cutting Table)

Thread Cutting table:

There are two limiting conditions when thread cutting. Firstly the maximum pitch and
secondly the maximum spindle speed that can be used for thread cutting. See also
“Thread Cutting”.

The maximum pitch values are displayed green on the left of the screen. In the above
example, threads with pitches greater than 5mm can not be cut.

The maximum spindle speed is determined by the maximum feed-rate of the saddle-
slide. The green values are possible, the yellow critical and the red too fast. The
displayed values are intended as a guide and depend on the system. A high
performance controller and motor allow higher operational speeds.

If a thread cutting tool is selected in [F8]-Tool, it is represented in the table.

The remaining data in the table are of lesser importance.

The table is to be used for determining various settings for thread cutting. The data is
not used by the program and therefore cannot upset the program settings.

3.3 [F3]-Global (Global Settings)

Global settings:

-Play take up loop distance in mm:

The play take up loop supplements the play correction function. It is applied when the
tool after moving outwards, away from the turning axis, must carry out a left- or right-
hand cut parallel to the axis.

The play take up loop

ensures that the cross
screw is always held
under tension. The
criterion is that the value
should be a little greater
than the screw play. To
check the operation of this
function a larger value
may be entered, e.g.
To switch off this function
enter 0.

-Arc resolution 1-15.

The resolution of arcs can be preset. This value determines how many points are
used for a given segment of arc.

The arc resolution factor also influences the corner radii as created in the EDIT-

A higher value increases and a lower value decreases the number of points.
Currently, the resolution of an arc cannot be changed once created and confirmed
with [ENTER].

-Scale drawing:

Factor: 1.0 The drawing is created without scaling, i.e. 1 :1

Factor: 2.0 All values entered via the [x] and [y] keys are increased by a factor of 2
Factor: 0.5 All values entered via the [x] and [y] keys are halved

It is thereby possible to correctly scale an existing un-scaled drawing so

that the dimensions become correct.

-Automatic tool changer y/n:

Select between manual and automatic tool changer.

-Tool changer rotates right + steps:

Adjustment for the locking of the tool holder pallet. When indexing, to allow for any
inaccuracies in the mechanism, the pallet is rotated the nominal indexing angle plus
this number of steps to ensure the locking latch clicks in. Thereafter, the pallet moves
a certain number of steps backwards (see below).

- Tool changer rotates left + steps:

The number of steps the tool changer pallet moves backwards against the latch to
ensure it is held under tension.

How many tools?

Limiting the number of tools avoids confusion. It does not make sense to have 4
empty tool holders. A maximum of 11 tools can be set.

The tool pallet capacity must be accurately stated independent of the number
actually loaded. The program automatically calculates the tool indexing angle
(= 360O / number of tool positions).

X(Z)- Safety distance for tool change:

Y(X)- Safety distance for tool change:

To ensure that the tool does not collide with the work piece during tool changing,
respective x- and y safety distances must be entered. The tool moves to this position
(with respect to the origin) before indexing. This feature is valid for both manual and
automatic tool changing.

3.4 [F4]-Axes (Axes Setup)

Setup of the lathe axes.

Saddle axis setup:
Play setup.

The data for all axes (X-, Y-axes and tool changer) can be directly entered in
steps/mm and mm play. Additionally the rotational direction of each of stepper motor
can be reversed by including an [r] it its step/mm line. The inclusion of an [r] does not
influence the operation of the system in any other way.

The alignment procedures, steps/mm and ramp setup, can be called from this menu.
The old ABGLEICH.EXE program is no longer necessary.

The first six lines allow for direct entry of values. They are immediately effective. If
the alignment procedure is carried out, see the section: “8.0 Setting Up the System”,
the resulting new values will overwrite those in the above menu.

Distance and play alignment:

See the section “8.3 Length and Play Calibration”.

Setup motor ramp:

See the section ““8.2 Stepper Motor Ramp”.

Re-allocate saddle-axis letter:

Another alphabet letter can be used to represent the X-axis. The industrial standard
is “Z” for the saddle-axis. If “Z” is selected, all instructions and displays are with
respect to this letter.

Re-allocate cross-axis letter:

Another alphabet letter can be used to represent the Y-axis. The industrial standard
is “X” for the cross-axis. If “X” is selected, all instructions and displays are with
respect to this letter.

3.5 [F5]-PC (PC-Setup)

Parallel port address:

The parallel port address must be set to agree with those in the PC BIOS. If the
address is incorrectly set, LPLUS can only operate in demo-mode. In demo-mode,
the motors will not run although all other functions are available.

The following addresses are valid:

¾ 378=LPT 1
¾ 278=LPT 2
¾ 3BC=LPT 1 for IBM-PCs

Display height as % of screen height:

This parameter enables the drawing to be displayed on the monitor screen with the
correct aspect ratio. The screen resolution of MPLUS is normally 640 pixels in the X-
direction and 350 pixels in the Y- direction.
If the screen displays a rectangular instead of square grid, it indicates that the
resolution of the program is not matched to the resolution of the monitor. This can be
corrected by increasing the Y- resolution by the necessary percentage. The aspect
ratio for the standard VGA 640 X 480 and XGA 800 X 600 is 1.33. To correct the
aspect ratio of these monitors with LPLUS to 1:1, it is necessary to apply a correction
factor of 75%. It is possible to reduce the height by a maximum of 50%.

Alternatively, from the MAIN-Menu, press [CTRL] + [PAGE UP/DOWN] to change the
height up or down in 5% steps to optimise the aspect ratio.

PC Timing Set-up

Since different PCs operate at different speeds, it is necessary to match the timing of
the system to that of the PC. This will result in correct feed-rates being achieved.
See the section “8.1 Timing Setup”.

Delay Frequency

Manual calibration of the feed-rates. If the actual feed-rates do not agree with the
program settings, this value may be changed to correct for the error. Increasing the
value decreases the feed-rate. Decreasing the value increases the feed-rate.

How to check if the feed-rate calibration is correct:

In the SYSTEM-Menu ([F8]-System), press [F9]-MM/S and set the feed-rate for one
axis to 10mm/sec. Move the axis over a distance of 100mm. It should take 10
seconds. Repeat the check but for a distance of 10mm and with the feed-rate set to
1mm/sec. Again 10 seconds should be required.

JOY-STICK alignment:

The slide movements may be controlled with a joystick. If a joystick is installed, it

must be aligned here. See the section: “8.5 Joystick”.

System status:

The resources of the PC are displayed.

See the section “8.6 System Check”.

Maximum number of backups:

As each line is drawn, a back up of the drawing is made to the hard drive. The limit is
to ensure that the hard drive capacity is not exceeded (not a concern with modern
hard drives).

3.6 [F6]-MOTOR (Motor Data)

Parameters for the electronic control of the motor. The program makes available a
digital signal that is converted to a 0-10v motor control voltage by a digital to
analogue converter (HSE-Motor speed controller Art. Nr: 202 0010).

-Electronic control:

Enter [y] if a motor controller is installed, otherwise enter [n].

-Maximum chuck speed:

Depends on the drive gearing and the maximum motor speed. With this value in
conjunction with the cutting speed ([F8]-System, [F1]-Material), it is possible to
modify the regulation characteristics.

If the value is increased the chuck runs slower, if decreased, faster. If the cutting
speed is increased the starting speed of the chuck is higher and vice versa.

Motor run up time:

Value in seconds. The main motor is switched on immediately the program is run.
The drive to the stepper motors is delayed for the period of the “motor run up time” to
allow the chuck to reach operating speed before cutting commences.

-Motor run down time before program continues:

Value in seconds. When the output is completed, the motor is stopped. The program
waits for this period (for the chuck to stop) before continuing.

3.7 [F7]-Tool (Tool Pallet)

This sub-menu allows the tool pallet to be defined. The tool pallet is used for tool
changing. Each tool has a unique tool number, X- and Y- offsets and a text
description. This text appears during tool changing. The first tool always has the
offset values 0,0.

The tool number should be marked on each tool holder. Quick change tool holders
are recommended – it is only necessary to set up the tools once. If more than 11
tools are required, a second tool pallet must be introduced.

The tool numbers should be marked on the tool pallet. A tool file is required for each

The tool pallet file can be saved and re-loaded. Eventually the tool pallet file
becomes part of a job. See the sections: “The Jobs”, “Multi Layer Technology” and
“The Tool Pallet”. The file name extension is .WZW.

Explanation of 1, 2 and 3 in above illustration:

1 Æ The currently loaded tool file
2 Æ The relative position of the current tool
3 Æ The current position of the axes

Navigating in the tool-menu:

Use [ARROW UP] and [ARROW DOWN] to select a tool. Use the function keys [F5]
to [F7] to edit the settings of the currently selected tool. Press [ENTER] to move to
the next tool. At the last tool, pressing [ENTER] returns control to the SYSTEM-
Menu. The current tool is displayed green.

3.7.1 [F1]-On (Move to Position)

If [F1]-Start is pressed and the axis position is not the same as the current tool offset
value, the program asks if this tool is to be moved by its offset values. If [y] is
entered the slides move to this position.

If [F1]-Start is pressed and the axis position is the same as the current tool offset
value, the program moves the slides these values back.

This function is useful either to run a drawing alone (not as a job) or, to check the
tool-offset values.

3.7.2 [F2]-Get (Transfer Axis Position)

The current position of the axes can be transferred as the current tool offset values.
This makes it very easy to set up the tools. See also the section: “The Tool Pallet”.

3.7.3 [F3]-Save (Save Tool File Under Same Name)

The current tool-file is saved to the hard drive under the existing name.

3.7.4 [F4]-S.AS (Save Under New Name)

Here the tool-file can be saved under a new name.

3.7.5 [F5]-POS X (X-Axis Tool Position Correction)

The X-position of the tool may be manually corrected.

3.7.6 [F6]-POS Y (Y-Axis Tool Position Correction)

The Y-position of the tool may be manually corrected.

3.7.7 [F7]-TEXT (Tool-Text)

It is possible add a short text description for each tool. This text is displayed during
tool changing. An example: “Parting-Off Tool 5mm”.

3.7.8 [F7]-Free (Unallocated)

3.7.9 [F9]-Load (Load Tool Data File)

Select the tool-file with the [ARROW] keys and press [ENTER] to load.

3.7.10 [F10]-System (Return to the SYSTEM-Menu)

Returns control to the SYSTEM-Menu.

3.8 [F8]-Tool (Tool Settings)

Tool selection and settings:

- Tool type

Enter the number that describes the tool type.

In general the tool type determines the cutting direction.

(1) Right hand tool

The tool type determines the direction of cut for the drawing. In contour-mode, the
right hand tool cuts in one direction only, towards the chuck.

(2) Left hand tool

The tool type determines the direction of cut for the drawing. In contour-mode, the left
hand tool cuts in one direction only, towards the tailstock.

(3) Contour tool
The drawing is interpreted as a
boundary along which the tool path
runs with an automatically
generated offset determined by the
tool tip radius. The process in
contour-mode is bi-directional.
This means that the contour tool
shuttles left and right, cutting in
both directions. Certain points
must be taken into consideration
as a result of the tool radius
correction technique:

Sharp angles must be avoided

(see the illustrations right)
otherwise a breakout at the peak
will result. If a sharp angle is
required, break the sharpness of
the peak with a small truncation (or
flat) with the aid of an additional
point. The truncation need only be
0.1mm wide to achieve the desired
effect. This modification is
particularly important when
operating in contour-mode. If the
tip is under the zero line by more
than R/2, the path is not correctly
followed and an error results.
The X- and Y- displays appear to
give incorrect readings during
operation. This is because the X-
and Y- values are relative to the
start position.

Before commencing turning, it is

important to arrange the position of
the tool such that its central axis is
outside of the line subtended
across the face of the material.

Another point to be aware of.
When creating an arc, at a
transition from a straight line to
the arc, spurious points can
remain that will cause the tool to
over run and spoil the contour.
Start the output without cutting. If
the tool over runs the contour,
press [F5]-Edit. Select the first
point at the start of the arc and
delete it. Then select the last
point in the arc and delete that
(not the boundary points
between the straight lines and
the arc). Again start the output
without cutting. The problem
should have disappeared. If not,
try a further correction. The
illustrations above refer.

(4) Parting-off Tool
The drawing is interpreted as a path. The process in contour-mode is bi-directional.
This means that cutting occurs in both the forward and return directions.

(5) Inside Turning Tool

When working with the inside turning tool, the drawing is created normally. However
the start point for the output is the lower right corner of the drilled hole, not the lower
right corner of the material (as viewed from the top).

When creating the drawing, ensure that the last point is at abs.y = 0.

Run a simulation via [F3]-Contour to become acquainted with the operation using the
inside turning tool.

If for example the boring bar has a diameter of 12mm, setting the tool width also to
12mm will allow the clearance between the tool bar and the drilled hole to be seen.

Thread Cutting

(6) Outside Thread and (7) Inside Thread

If a thread cutting tool is selected, additional parameters have to be entered as

-Tool Width: Tools 1 - 5

This parameter is only actively used for the contour tool. For the other tools, the
presentation of the tool width is used for visually checking the machining geometry
with the drawing.

-Thread Pitch in mm: Tools 6 & 7

The screw pitch is the distance along the axis of the screw between two adjacent
peaks. If a metric pitch value is entered, the status field on the left hand side displays

- Pitch expressed in Turns per Inch (TPI):

If a Whitworth thread is required, the size in "turns per inch" is entered here. The
equivalent metric value is immediately calculated and displayed as well as the
imperial size (TPI). The status field on the left hand side displays {Whitworth}.

- Number of Thread Starts:

LPLUS supports the cutting of multi-start threads. Enter the number of starts and
everything else is automatically done by LPLUS. One start of the thread is completed
first. The program then divides 360° by the number of starts and uses this offset
angle when cutting the remaining start(s).

- Thread Depth Factor Outside: 0.6134

- Thread Depth Factor Inside: 0.5413

These factors are already available in the program for metric threads. They enable
the length of the flanks to be calculated from the pitch. This means when cutting
normal screws, only the thread depth needs to be considered.

To cut threads with abnormal depths, these values may be calculated by dividing the
depth by the pitch. The values in the program may be simply over written with the
new ones.

- Encoder Steps per Turn:

The encoder resolution must be entered here. If the value is incorrect, the thread
pitch will also be incorrect.

3.9 [F9]-MM/S (Feed-Rates)

-Saddle-slide towards chuck (X in mm/s) :

-Saddle-slide away from chuck (X in mm/s) :
-Cross-side forwards (Y in mm/s) :
-Cross-slide backwards (Y in mm/s) :

These are default values automatically applied to the drawing.

When commencing a new drawing, first set these values. After a little experience with
the program, you will soon know the correct values for steel, aluminium and return
moves on your machine.

When drawing, LPLUS automatically uses these values depending on the drawing
direction. E.g. If a line is drawn from the origin vertically upwards, LPLUS uses the
value for cross-slide forwards.

Note: Post-editing of feed rates may be done in [F5]-Edit (EDIT-Menu)!

Typical feed rates for steel are approx. 0.1 to 1.0 mm/Sec
Typical feed rates for aluminium are approx. 0.8 to 3.0 mm/Sec

- Finishing Feed-Rates (mm/s):

In contour mode, [F3]-Cont, the final pass is carried out at the finishing feed-rate as
entered here.

Fast-feeds values must be set for the following axes:

- Saddle-Slide (mm/s):

- Cross-Slide (mm/s):

- Tool Changer (mm/s):

The values are used by the program in [F1]-On (Setup mode), screw play correction
moves and alignment procedures. They should be set as high as possible consistent
with safe and reliable operation.

Typical fast feed values are 5-15 mm/Sec or higher.

3.10 [F10]-Main (Return to MAIN-Menu)

Returns control to the MAIN-Menu.

4.0 Function Keys in the FILE-Menu

4.1 [F1]-Close (Close LPLUS Drawing File)

Removes the current drawing file from the LPLUS memory (RAM). The file remains
intact on the hard drive. If the current drawing is the last, a clean drawing sheet is
presented in readiness for a new drawing.

IMPORTANT: Changes that have not been saved will be lost irrevocably.

4.2 [F2]-Del (Delete Drawing File from Hard Drive)

Deletes a drawing file from the hard drive.

A drawing deleted with [F2]-Del must be considered irrevocably lost!

The DOS "UNDELETE" function can, depending on circumstances, recover the file
but this should not be depended on.

DPLUS displays a last warning. Confirm with [ENTER] to finally delete the drawing.

4.3 [F3]-SAVE (Save Current Drawing File)

Saves the current drawing under its already existing name to the hard drive. If no
name has been given, it must be saved with [F4]-S.AS.

4.4 [F4]-S.AS (Save As)

Saves the current drawing under a new name that is either entered via the keyboard
or selected from the screen with the [ARROW] keys. Observe the DOS convention.
Do not exceed 8 characters and avoid using the DOS reserved characters. If the file
name already exists, a warning is given and confirmation with [ENTER] is required to
overwrite an existing file.

4.5 [F5]-L.PLT (Import HPGL File)

The HPGL-Import-Function allows drawing files to be imported from other program

sources. HPGL stands for Hewlett Packard Graphics Language. The files have the
file name extension ".PLT".

After creating the drawing in another program (CORELDRAW etc.), select the export
function and ensure that HPGL (or PLT) format is selected. The options, line
thickness and colour are not of importance. Set the destination as [C:\DPLUS] enter
a suitable file name e.g. SHAFT.PLT.

The drawing can of course be re-scaled using the scaling function [F6]-Scale.

4.6 [F6]-L.FRS (FRS File Import)

DXF files available from most drawing programs including AUTO-CAD. They may be
converted to the old .FRS (PCLATHE) format with the GXCONV.EXE utility program
and loaded into LPLUS with this function.

Use the following procedure:

Draw the part in AUTO-CAD and export it as a DXF R12 file. Start the GXCONV.EXE
converter utility program. Note the parameters under [p] and specifically, ensure that
"open DXF chains will be transferred" is set. The converter creates an .FRS file that
may now be loaded.

4.7 [F7]-Free (Unallocated)

4.8 [F8]-L.DAT (PCLathe 3.0 Import)

Since LPLUS uses a different new file format, this function is provided to enable old
PCLathe 3.0 files to be imported.

4.9 [F9]-LOAD (Load Drawing File)

Load a drawing from the hard-drive into the program. The drawing is loaded at the
end of the queue. If sufficient RAM memory is available, another empty drawing
sheet is created.

4.10 [F10]-Main (Back to the MAIN-Menu)

Returns control to the MAIN-Menu.

4.12 [F12]-*NEW* (Removes all Drawings)

All drawings currently loaded in the program memory are closed. A new empty
drawing sheet is presented.

5.0 Function Keys in the JOB-Menu

A job is a compilation of drawings required to complete a process. Jobs can be

edited in the JOB-Menu. See also the section: "The Job".

JOB-Menu current job file current tool file

List of the drawings loaded for the job

5.1 [F1]-TEST (Test Job)

A job is run as in [F2]-Start mode with the difference that the program pauses before
executing a drawing or tool change and waits for a key press. If every thing is in
order, the output may be started in [F2]-Start mode.

5.2 [F2]-START (Start Job)

The job is started and the drawings are processed in order. The tools are changed
and presented in accordance with the data in the drawing- and tool-files. A job can be
interrupted at any time with [ESC].

5.3 [F3]-SAVE (Save Job)

Saves the job under its already existing name to the hard drive. If no name has been
given, it must be saved with [F4]-S.AS.

5.4 [F4]-S.AS (Save As)

Saves the job under a new name that is either entered via the keyboard or selected
from the screen with the [ARROW] keys. Observe the DOS convention. Do not
exceed 8 characters and avoid using the DOS reserved characters. If the file name
already exists, a warning is given and confirmation with [ENTER] is required to
overwrite an existing file.

5.5 [F5]-Edit (Job Edit Sub-Menu)

5.5.1 [F1]-Free (Unallocated)

5.5.4 [F4]-Free (Unallocated)

5.5.5 [F3]-TEXT (Drawing Text)

A text can be added to the current drawing in the same way as in the MAIN-Menu
with [t].

5.5.6 [F6]-Type (Start/Contour)

Press to toggle between start- and contour-modes. In start-mode the output is run
without additional parameters, in contour-mode the output is run with the roughing
and finishing parameters.

5.5.7 [F7]-Rough (Roughing)

If contour-mode is selected with [F6]-Type, [F7]-Rough is used to set the maximum

roughing cut depth.

5.5.8 [F8]-Clean (Cleaning)

If contour-mode is selected with [F6]-Type, [F8]-Clean is used to set the cleaning cut

3.7.9 [F9-T. No. (Tool No.)

Here the tool required for the current drawing is selected. This number refers to the
tool with the corresponding number included in the tool-file.

3.7.10 [F10]-JOB (Return to the JOB-Menu)

Returns control to the JOB-Menu.

5.6 [F6]-Free (Unallocated)

5.7 [F7]-Free (Unallocated)

5.8 [F8]-Free (Unallocated)

5.9 [F9]-Load (Load Job)

Load a job into the program from the hard-drive. All drawings that the job comprises
are then loaded in order. Likewise, the associated tool-file is loaded and made

5.10 [F10]-MAIN (Return to the MAIN-Menu)

Returns control to the MAIN-Menu.

6.0 LPLUS Keyboard Functions

[ARROW] Keys (Drawing or Move Axes)

Drawing Mode:

In the MAIN-Menu, the [ARROW] keys move the drawing pointer in steps determined
by the step-size setting.
In the EDIT-Menu, only [ARROW LEFT] and [ARROW RIGHT] are used to select a
line within the drawing for the purposes editing.

Setup Mode:
In the MAIN-Menu with [F1]-On switched on (setup mode), the [ARROW] keys move
the axes in steps determined by the step-size setting.

[X]- [Y]- and [Z]- Keys (Drawing or Move Axes)

Drawing Mode:
Direct inputs of dimension via the keyboard.
After pressing [[x], [y] or [z] ([z] = tool changer), the status line requests an input in
mm. Enter [x], [12.34], [ENTER] and the drawing pointer moves 12.34mm in the
positive x-direction on the drawing grid. For negative values, use the [-] (minus) key
e.g. [x], [-12.34], [ENTER]. If a dimension has not yet been entered but [ENTER]
pressed, the drawing pointer jumps to the respective x- or y- zero line. If a dimension
has been entered and it is required to zero the drawing pointer, clear the register first
by pressing [c] and then [ENTER].

If a dimension has already been entered, it remains in the register and may be used
repeatedly by pressing [ENTER]. This is useful for quickly moving a series of points,
12.34mm in the following example:

Press [F5]-Move
Press [x]
Enter [12.34]
Press [ENTER]

Start: - press [CTRL] + [ARROW LEFT] (To next point)

-[x] (Value = 12.34 already in the register)
back to the start etc., etc...

Setup Mode:
With [CTRL] + [x] or [CTRL] + [y] the slides may be moved at normal feed-rates. This
is useful for manual turning operations. Note that a [-] reverses the direction of the
value already in the register.

e.g. 50mm at normal feed-rate to the left followed by 50mm at fast feed-rate to the

[CTRL] + [x], [50], [ENTER]Æ saddle moves 50mm to the left at normal feed-rate.
[x], [-], [ENTER] Æ saddle moves 50mm to the right at fast feed-rate.

See also the [-]-Key

Absolute dimensional input is also possible using the [ALT] and [x]- / [y]- keys in
combination. The values entered remain in registers separate to the other modes ([x]
and [y] alone or [CTRL] + [x]/[y]. e.g. [ALT] + [x], [33], [ENTER].

[ENTER] (Positive Confirmation)

Used to confirm the placement of points by loading the co-ordinates into the drawing
program. Observe the ABS and REL x-/y- displays.
Pressing [ENTER] without having drawn a line, toggles the pointer-mode between
drawing pointer and cross hairs.

[SPACE] (Material Display On/Off)

Press to underlay the form of the material as a light grey shape under the drawing to
improve the general presentation.

[+] and [-] (PLUS und MINUS) (Change Step-size)

Values entered may be reversed (+ > -, - > +) with this key. e.g. if the cross-slide has
been moved 5.36mm in, press [y], [-] followed by [ENTER] to move the slide by the
same amount back.

Set the step-size in mm. The range of sizes is - (0.01), (0.1), (1), (10), (100) mm. Use
the [+] and [-] keys to respectively increase and decrease the step-size.

In the EDIT-Menu, the step-size may be reduced to 0.001mm. This is necessary

because for reasons of accuracy, the normal drawing raster of 0.01mm is further

Running the output:
If a drawing is run in [F2]-Start or [F3]-Contour mode, it is possible to over ride the
feed-rate. Press [+] to increase the feed-rate, [-] to reduce it.

[PAGE ↑] and [PAGE ↓] (Zoom)

Press [PAGE ↑] to increase the size of the displayed drawing (zoom in). Press
[PAGE ↓] to decrease it (zoom out). The keys may be pressed and held down. There
is an upper and lower limit to the zoom range.

[ESC] (Interrupt Operation)

Generally used to interrupt an operation or as a negative confirmation.

For correct operation of the [ESC] key, the “Num Lock” function of the
keyboard must be switched off. Check that the ‘Num Lock” light on the
keyboard is not on. Press [NUM LOCK] to toggle the “Num Lock” function off.

[TAB] (Move Display – Panning)

Move the drawing on the screen (panning).

Press [TAB] once to select panning mode. The drawing may be moved in steps on
the screen with the [ARROW] keys. Another press of the [TAB] key deselects
panning mode.

When using functions such as “arc” or “move” in edit-mode, the panning-mode may
be left on and conveniently used.

In panning-mode, pressing [CTRL] + [ARROW] keys increases the panning step-size.

[CTRL] (Supplementary Key)

This key is always used in conjunction with another key to extend its function. If you
work a lot with the program its use will become indispensable. First press and hold
down the [CTRL] key before and whilst pressing the main function key. Refer to the
table below:

MAIN- Menu without [CTRL] with [CTRL]

Move display (panning) Panning step small Panning step large
With [F1]-On: [x]-key Operations at fast feed-rate Operations at normal feed-rate
With [F1]-On: [y]-key Operations at fast feed-rate Operations at normal feed-rate

Move within the drawing One point (line) at a time Ten points (lines) at a time
Move Move point Move function to next point
Arc Set radius Move function to next point
Insert Insert point Move function to next point

[INS] (EDIT-Menu: Insert Points)

A new point is inserted into the selected line. Move the new point with the [ARROW]
keys whilst observing the x- / y-display. Use the [x]- and [y]-keys to directly input the
dimensions. Press [c] to undo the move.
Press [ENTER] to confirm the new point. The function remains active and pressing
the [ENTER] key again enables additional points to be inserted. It is possible to insert
up to ten points superimposed at the same position by repeated pressing of
[ENTER]. These points may subsequently be moved into position.
Press [INS] again (or [ESC]) to switch the “insert” function off.

[DEL] (EDIT-Menu: Delete Points)

The point that defines the current line is deleted. Other points are not affected.
Repeated pressing of [DEL] enables a series of points to be deleted (useful for
deleting radii).

Note: [F7]-Undo will only re-instate the last point.

[W] (Draw with Angles)

Direct input of angles.

Drawing in the MAIN-Menu:

After pressing [w], if the values Rel.X and Rel.Y = 0, LPLUS requests an angle in
degrees. After confirming with [ENTER], the length of the line is requested which
must be entered and confirmed with [ENTER].

If the values Rel.X or Rel.Y ≠ 0, the value is used for defining the length of the line
and the angle is immediately requested.

In EDIT-Menu:
The angle input function is available for moving points.

[C] (Clear)

This function resets the Rel.X and Rel.Y displays in both MAIN-Menu (drawing) and
EDIT-Menu (functions) to zero.

Used to set the display of the “virtual” digital calliper gauge to zero (the display on the
left hand side next to “X” and “Y”).

[H] (Help)

DPLUS keyboard help screen available in MAIN- and EDIT-Menus. Pressing any key
switches help off.

[A] (Display Points)

Pressing [A] toggles point display mode between drawing points visible and invisible.
This allows the clarity or presentation of the drawing display to be improved. If
“display points” = on, the shaft diameters are displayed with small white number in
the centres of lines running parallel to the turning axis. If the diameter is out of
parallel by 0.01mm, this data is not displayed. Also, the angles of tapered sections
are displayed.

[T] (Text)

The [T] key is used to insert free text into the drawing. Always take advantage of this
function to make detailed notes relating to the drawing, process and material. A few
months after creating the drawing, these details are very often forgotten, resulting in
time, tool and material loss.

[B] (Move the Drawing)

In EDIT-Menu, it is possible to move the whole (or part) of the drawing with the [B]
key. If in a drawing comprising 100 points, and you are positioned at point 20, all of
the points 20 to 80 inclusive can be highlighted and moved with the [B] and
[ARROW] keys.

[HOME] (Step Tool Changer)

Only operational in the MAIN-Menu with [F1]-On switched on (setup-mode).

The tool changer may be rotated in steps. The step-size is indicated in the display
and may be changed with the [+] and [-] keys.

[END] (Step Tool Changer)

Only operational in the MAIN-Menu with [F1]-On switched on (setup-mode).

The tool changer may be rotated in steps. The step-size is indicated in the display
and may be changed with the [+] and [-] keys.

[K] (Correction)

If the [ESC] key is pressed during the turning process, LPLUS asked if a correction is

With the [k] key it is then possible to change the tool position without affecting the
displayed positions of X-, Y- and Z-. In effect the hand-wheels can be turned in
controlled steps, without PCLathe being aware.

The tool position can be changed in steps with the [ARROW] keys. The step-size is
selected by pressing the [+] and [-] keys. Pressing the [ENTER] key will confirm the
new position and pressing the [SPACE] key will resume the machining process.

Important: If the machining process is stopped and the correction requires a

movement in the opposite direction, exceed the amount of the required correction
and approach the new position from the “feed” direction. This will avoid an error due
to screw-play.

[N] (New Tool Position -Tool Offset)

See the section: "The Tool Pallet".

Keys [1] - [9], [0] and [ß]

Drawing -mode:
Switch between drawing sheets, e.g. press [3] to jump directly to drawing sheet
no. 3. Press [0] to select drawing sheet No. 10 and [ß] drawing sheet no. 11.

Setup-mode ([F1]-On):
Selects a tool when an automatic tool changer is installed. Ensure that [F1]-On is
switched on (setup-mode).

7.0 LPLUS Program Displays

Abs.X and Abs.Y (Path in mm)

The absolute distance in mm of the drawing pointer from the origin.

Rel.X and Rel.Y (Path in mm)

The relative distance in mm of the drawing pointer from the current point.

V (Feed-rate in mm/s)

Feed-rate in mm/sec of the current path as defined by the current point..

If a slow computer is used, a high feed-rate may be higher than the computer can
support. In this case the indicated speed is the maximum supported and is coloured
red. The maximum speed can be different for each axis depending on the steps/mm.

To demonstrate the above, create a drawing comprising a vertical, a horizontal and a

diagonal line. Press [F5}-Edit, [F9]-mm/s and set the feed-rate to a very high value,
e.g. 78mm/sec. Return to the MAIN-Menu and start the output with [F2]-Start.
Observe the feed-rate indicator.

Angle (Angle in °)

The angle in degrees for the current line.

File (Name of the Current Drawing File)

Name of the drawing file currently loaded into DOS memory (the program). The
drawing file has the DOS extension .D3D.

Current Point (No. of the current Point)

Number of the current point. In edit-mode it makes it easy to see where the selection
is located in the drawing.

Step (Step-size in mm)

In drawing-mode the drawing pointer step-size or, in setup-mode ([F1]-On = on), the
axis move step-size.
Step-size range - (0.01), (0.1), (1), (10), (100) mm. The step-size can be increased
by pressing [+] and decreased by pressing [-]. In edit-mode, the step-size range is
extended down to 0.001mm.

X mm (Indication of the Axis Position)

Distance moved in the X- direction. See the section: “1.2 [F2]-Start”. The indication
may be zeroed with the [c] key.

Y mm (Indication of the Axis Position)

Distance moved in the Y- direction. See the section: “1.2 [F2]-Start”. The indication
may be zeroed with the [c] key.

v mm/s (Indication of the Current Feed-Rate)

Current tool feed-rate for the X- or Y-axis.

8.0 Setting up the System

Before operation with LPUS for the first time there are certain settings that must be

PC Settings

To ensure that the dongle is recognised by LPLUS, the parallel port (LPT)
address(es) must be correctly set:

378 (Hex) for LPT 1, and. 278 (Hex) for LPT 2 (where applicable).

These addresses must be set up in the PC BIOS. If you are unsure how, ask your
dealer or a knowledgeable friend.

In BIOS, next to the address is the mode in which the LPT interface operates.
Important are:


Standard Protocol √
Unidirectional √
Output Only √


If the addresses are correctly set but the program only starts in demo-mode, it is
possible that the microprocessor in the dongle has not correctly initialised. In this
case, remove the dongle from both the PC and controller for a few seconds. Plug it
back in again with the controller under power to reset the microprocessor.

Every dongle supplied by HSE is tested before dispatch.

Tolerances in the signal levels on the LPT interface can cause occasional
malfunctions. If this is a problem, please contact HSE.

Setting up the program:

The following setup procedures must be carried out in order:

¾ 8.1 Computer timing. See [F8]-System, [F5]-PC, Timing.

¾ 8.2 Stepper motor ramp. See [F8]-System, [F4]-Axes, Ramp.

¾ 8.3 Axis - steps/mm. See [F8]-System, [F4]-Axes, length and play adjustment.

¾ 8.4 Screw play. See [F8]-System, [F4]-Axes, length and play alignment.

¾ 8.5 Joystick. See [F8]-System, [F5]-PC, Joystick alignment.

8.1 PC-Timing Setup

Since different PCs operate at different speeds, it is necessary to match the timing of
the system to that of the PC. This will result in correct feed-rates being achieved.

Should certain components of the PC be changed e.g. new mother board, processor,
graphic card, maths processor (386 and 486) or changes made to the stepper motor
(step angle or gearing), it is necessary to repeat the timing set-up procedure

Firstly the pulse timing rate is automatically measured. It is then possible to match it
to the system.

Every computer, as a result of different processing speeds, will produce a maximum

program stepping rate (expressed in mm/sec). This is measured by moving an axis
over a certain distance without correction delays. It is possible that the maximum
feed-rate is limited by the speed of older computers (386 and 486) and not by the
hardware (motor power and slide friction).

Next, a defined delay is introduced into the program and the slide moved over the
same distance. From the difference the program calculates how much correction
delay is required to achieve the correct feed-rate. The process is repeated until the
feed-rate does not change by more than 2%. Normally this procedure is not repeated
more than 5 times

The screen now appears thus:

Maximum Step Frequency (KHz)

Depending on the PC clock speed (486=40MHz to PENTIUM > 2000 MHz) and from
the pulse timing the maximum step-pulse frequency is determined.

Maximum X-Feed-Rate (mm/Sec.)

Maximum Y-Feed-Rate (mm/Sec.)

The maximum X- and Y-feed-rates are calculated from steps/mm of the respective
axis. Halving the step/mm value doubles the possible feed-rate. Doubling the
steps/mm halves the possible feed-rate.

Maximum Processing Frequency (KHz)

This value controls the system speed. If the feed-rate is not correct, it may be
manually set in [F8]-System, [F5]-PC under “delay frequency” See further comments
on this topic below.

Pulse Timing:

The pulse timing defines the timing parameters of the pulse available at the parallel
port. In the old SYNCUTIL-Program it was called “delay frequency”.

Value for 10uSec.

A comparative value that has no meaning for the user.

Time delay after direction pulse before stepping pulse = 1

Low period of step pulse = 2
Time delay after stepping pulse = 3


Clock (step)

1 2 3

For all controllers, use the following values:

- For 1 = 10
- For 2 = 20
- For 3 = 10

The values are in µsec..

8.2 Stepper Motor Ramp

After completing the length and play set-up, the stepper motor ramp set-up must be
done. The ramp determines the way in which the stepper motors are accelerated to
(and decelerated from) the higher feed-rates. From [F8]-System, [F4]-Axes, enter [y]
in command line “Ramp for the Motors = n”, to display the motor ramp set-up

The stepper motor ramp data is initially provided by a “raw data” file (RAMP.RAW).
This data may be modified to suit the specific machine system requirements and
saved by DPLUS as “DPLUS.RMP”.

Explanation of the parameters:

- Start feed-rate of the ramp:

This replaces the old value “braking delay”. It is now expressed direct in
mm/sec. This is the initial rate when the program commences the ramp.
The value is determined by the maximum feed-rate of the system. The
higher this value, the higher the start feed-rate setting. Typical values are
between 2.0 and 4.0 mm/sec.

- Length of the ramp in Steps:

The program proposes a value based on the average of the steps/mm for
the X- and Y-Axes. Typical values are 200 to 400.

- From what feed-rate with ramp:

This setting is new. In the old program the ramp was introduced at step
rates >800Hz (fixed). To prevent the ramp from being used when
machining radii, the pause parameter for the arc segments is set to –1.
Whether the ramp is applied to the motor control or not now depends only
on this value in mm/sec. Typical values are between 4.0 and 8.0 mm/Sec
depending on the system.

The graphical representation below clarifies the meaning of the individual

v (mm/sec.)

15.0 v Fast-feed


Start feed-rate
for the ramp

0 200 400
s (Steps)

Length of the Ramp in steps

If the process is using the ramp during a fast-feed and the [ESC] key is pressed to
stop the output, the braking ramp is run first before the stopping the motors and
requesting conformation to abort the program. This is to prevent loss of step
synchronisation resulting from the motors suddenly stopping.

Interrupting the feed at normal machining feed-rate will always stop the feed

8.3 [F4] Length and Play Calibration

In the command line (Length & Play - Program Set-up = n) enter [y] to enter the
SET-UP-Menu. For all axes the step/mm and spindle-play can be determined with
the aid of the program. To accurately measure the distance moved, this procedure
requires a digital calliper gauge.

We assume that the (ball) feed-screws of most machines are machined to close
tolerances. The digital calliper gauge, unless it is an expensive instrument, will suffer
certain inaccuracies. The measuring set-up on the machine is very critical. The digital
calliper gauge must be accurately mounted on the machine at the correct angle
without play or stress. Since it is not always possible to maintain control over all of
these factors, it is recommended that the step/mm values be calculated from the
motor and machine parameters.
It is a good idea to check the calibration by turning and measuring a work piece

Press [F1]-On (as in the MAIN-Menu) to enter set-up operation. Use the [+] and [-]
keys to select the step-size. Use the [ARROW] keys to move the slides a specific

If during the set-up procedure the slides reach the ends of their travel, the [F1] key
feature can be used to move the slide back.

The set-up procedure is described below in more detail using the X-Axis as an

8.3.2 [F2]-LX (X-Axis Length Calibration Steps/mm)

From the setup-menu press [F2]-LX (Length X). The screen will appear as follows:

Step resolution of the control electronics (for motors = 1.8°) Æ

The first entry is for the step resolution of the control electronics. The parameter is
with respect to stepper-motors with a 1.8° step-angle in full-step mode (all motors
supplied by HSE have 1.8° step angles). This is important since the ultimate
resolution is dependent on the electronic control and the motor. Most controllers
operate in half-step mode i.e. 400 steps per revolution.

Table of Pos. Controller Steps per Revolution

HSE-Elektronic 1 STEP4020 400
Controllers 2 STEP5040 400
3 STEP8060 200-400-800
4 microSTEP400 500-1000-5000-10000

Step angle of motor in full-step drive mode Æ

The next entry is for the step-angle of the motor. It is the step-angle of the motor
when driven by a controller in full-step mode. All motor manufacturers data refers to
the full-step angle

Gear reduction ratio – motor to feed-screw Æ

Enter the step-down ratio of the reduction drive between the stepper motor and the
feed-screw. This reduction is normally accomplished with a timing (toothed) belt and
pulley drive. If there are 20 teeth on the motor pulley and 30 teeth spindle pulley,
enter [1.5]. If the motor is directly coupled to the spindle the value [1] is used. It the
less usual case of a step-up drive e.g. 40 teeth on the motor and 20 teeth on the
spindle, the value becomes [0.5]. (step-down/reduction >1 Step-up <1).

Feed-screw pitch in mm Æ

Lastly the feed-screw pitch is entered. If this parameter is not known use one of the
following methods:

• Use a digital calliper gauge to measure distance between two valleys (or
peaks) on the feed-screw thread.
• Rotate the hand wheel exactly one revolution and measure the distance
moved by the slide.
The screw-pitch is normally a whole number of millimetres (or in the case of an
imperial screw, an exact fraction of an inch).
After completing the above, the actual values are displayed by the program in white
text. The calculated values are displayed in yellow text. It is now asked if it is required
to check the values and for this operation the digital calliper gauge mounted on the
machine is required. Affirm with [y] and the feed-screw rotates (2mm) to take up the
play. The digital calliper gauge is zeroed. The measuring distance is now selected
(the program suggests 100mm). The longer the distance the more accurate the test
however it must not exceed the measuring length of the digital calliper gauge.
After a further confirmation, “start measurement?”, the slide moves the set distance.
The actual distance as measured by the calliper gauge is entered and the program
re-calculates the step/mm value and displays it in red text. See below:

The set-up process can be repeated if necessary. To accept the settings, press
[ESC] and confirm thereby completing the length calibration of this axis. The program
returns to the SET-UP-Menu.

The settings should be re-checked by moving the respective axes several times. The
settings can be further manually optimised if necessary in [F8]-System, [F4]-Axes.

8.4 Feed-Screw Play Compensation

The step/millimetre setup should be completed before attempting the feed-screw play
compensation setup.

From the SET-UP-Menu press [F6] PX (Play X). The screen appears as below.

The current values for play in both steps and millimetres are displayed in white text.
A digital calliper gauge must be mounted on the machine as previously described.
Commence the alignment by moving the slide (2mm) to take up the play. Zero the
digital calliper gauge. For each key press the slide will move 1mm. Press the key
three times. The digital calliper dial should read 1.00, 2.00 and 3.00mm. If there is a
discrepancy the accuracy of the play compensation cannot be better than this
discrepancy. In this case it is recommended to optimise the play compensation using
the practical method described below.

If the digital calliper display is correct, at the next key press, the slide moves 1mm
back. The digital calliper gauge should read 2mm. Enter the actual value via the
keyboard. The new play value is calculated from the new and existing values and
displayed. If this value is accepted, the steps and calculated mm values are
displayed yellow.

To check the correctness, the above procedure may be repeated.

- Check/optimise screw-play with test piece

If after setting up screw-play with the program as described above, and a test piece
is turned similar to the one in the drawing below, the radius should be without steps
or flats. If not, the screw-play correction may be optimised manually. From the MAIN-
Menu, press [F8]-System, [F4]-Manual to enter the play correction menu for the X-
and Y-axes. An example: If the Y-axis play correction is set to 60 steps and the test
piece appears as in the middle drawing, decrease the value by the size of the jump in
the radius profile (measured).

In the drawings below, play correction is only applied to the Y-axis since the X-axis
direction does not change.

Play correction optimised Play in LPLUS too large Play in LPLUS too small

In this example. For 250 steps/mm and a measured play error of 0.08mm, enter:

250 x 0,08 = 20 , 60 – 20 = 40 steps

How much screw play? How many mm do 60 steps represent?

Answer: for 250 steps/mm, 60 / 250 = 0.24 mm“

8.5 Joystick

If a joystick is connected it will be automatically recognised and calibration is


• when first using the joystick

• when changing the zero position of the joystick
• or, when connecting a new joystick.

If the joystick is not recognised by LPLUS, carry out a PC system status check to see
if the games-port is present and active.

8.6 System Check (PC-System Status)

The items that are relevant and important for PCLathe MPLUS are checked and the
results displayed.

DOS-memory (RAM) Æ
The working memory (RAM) available. DOS recognises a maximum of 640 KB

Number of installed parallel ports Æ

Operation with three axes requires only one parallel port. Four-axis operation
requires that two ports are available and 2 must be reported. If a second LPT port
card has been installed but only 1 port reported, check to ensure that it is correctly
enabled in the PC BIOS. The LPT2 card must also be correctly installed and
configured. In case of problems, refer to a qualified person.

Number of installed serial ports Æ

The number of available serial ports is displayed. These are typically used for mouse
or modem connection.

Number of Installed Game ports Æ

The number can only be displayed when a joystick is connected. Should a connected
joystick not be reported, check to ensure that the port is enabled in the PC BIOS.
Also check the games card (older computers only).

Maths coprocessor installed Æ

Older computers (386 and 486) are optionally fitted with a maths coprocessor. These
older computers must be fitted with a maths processor to ensure sufficient processing

Extended memory available Æ

The hard drive buffer utilises RAM above the 640KB occupied by DOS. MPLUS
requires this fast accessible buffer memory to facilitate fast program swapping
associated with menu changes. Direct hard drive access is much too slow and would
result in unacceptably sluggish operation of the program. This extended memory is
accessed by loading the program SMARTDRV.EXE during the booting process

To utilise extended memory include the command line:


as the last command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file (to be found in the root directory).

Current operating system

Either DOS or WINDOWS. Do not run the output to the machine under WINDOWS.
WINDOWS is a multi-tasking operating system that would carry out other activities
whilst running MPLUS. This can result in interruptions to MPLUS that could result in
erratic operation and loss of synchronisation during fast feed operation

11. Safety Notes
Operating any machine tool requires responsibility, experience, and cleanliness. This
applies even more so when using the machine under PC control.

Always think of possible hazards when operating the machine simply with the PC
keyboard in your hand. We recommend that you install an emergency shutdown
switch in a convenient position - especially if you use an electronic regulator for the
drive motor.

It's quite easy to press the wrong button at the wrong time so that the program
activates your machine - or, consider a fault in your PC that does not deactivate the
drive motor although you pressed have pressed [ESC].

Never leave your machine tool unattended when in

I do not accept any responsibility for personal injury or damages to your

machine tool or your parts that may arise from using PCLathe.

17. Conditions


HSE concedes the right to install and use the accompanying demonstration copy of the
PCLathe (THE SOFTWARE) on one or more workstations, either stand-alone or via a
network. The demonstration program may be used simultaneously by more than one
operator. Further, the demonstration version of the program may be copied without restriction
and distributed to third parties, provided this is done without financial gain.


HSE concedes the right to use the accompanying PCLathe program (THE SOFTWARE) as a
full version, on a single workstation only. THE SOFTWARE may not be used on a network or
in any other way that supports multiple workstations.

THE SOFTWARE is and remains the intellectual property of HSE. The full version of THE
SOFTWARE is provided with a dongle to protect against copying. The full version is provided
with technical protection against copying. It is expressly forbidden to either manipulate or
otherwise tamper with the dongle in any way. The handbook and any other documentation
accompanying THE SOFTWARE may not be copied and further distributed with out the
express permission and acknowledgement of HSE. A commercial distribution of the software
and accompanying documentation is specifically forbidden.

The full version of THE SOFTWARE may neither be hired or lent out to third parties, however
the ownership may be temporarily transferred, provided the entire contents of the package,
comprising the latest updated version as well as earlier versions of the software, the dongle
and accompanying documentation, are included. Furthermore, the receiver must be made
aware of the rights and restrictions as detailed in this document. Reverse engineering, de-
compiling and disassembling of the software is not allowed.

Any unresolved conflict arising from this agreement will be adjudicated by the German
Federal (or future European) Court of Appeal, situated in Gumersbach.

HSE guarantees:
(a) that for a time period of 90 days from date of receipt, THE SOFTWARE performs
essentially in accordance with the accompanying handbook, and
(b) that for a time period of one year from date of receipt, the hardware that accompanies the
SOFTWARE, under normal use and correct maintenance, is free of material and
manufacturing defects.
The guarantee in respect of the SOFTWARE is limited to 90 days and the guarantee in
respect of the hardware is limited to 6 months.
Any possible legal warranty or damages claims against the dealer from whom this copy of
THE SOFTWARE was obtained are hereby neither replaced nor restricted

Should, in terms of the aforementioned limited guarantee, the product not meet with the
expectations of the customer, the total liability from HSE is, at their discretion, limited to
a) refund of the price paid for the product, or
b) replacement of the SOFTWARE or, repair of the hardware

The above is subject to the claim on HSE being accompanied by the original proof of
purchase document.
The guarantee specifically excludes problems/damage to the SOFTWARE and hardware due
to accident, misuse or incorrect operation.
In the case of SOFTWARE replacement, HSE continues to guarantee the replaced
SOFTWARE for the remainder of the original guarantee period or, for a period of thirty days,
what ever is the longer.

HSE specifically excludes any further liability in respect of the SOFTWARE, the handbook
and other accompanying documentation.




The relevant accident prevention legislation is to be adhered to and applied:

• to prevent the possibility of an accident occurring

• to recognise situations that could result in an accident
• to apply the necessary accident prevention measures

When milling/machining, it is particularly important to take cognisance of the following:

• Using the appropriate vices (and other clamping/fixing devices) and correctly
securing them to the machine
• Safe storage of cutters and the use of protective devices to prevent injury when
installing the cutters.
• Correct clamping/securing of work pieces and cutters
• Use and positioning of the appropriate machine/cutter guards
• Use of safety glasses to protect against swarf , coolant spray and broken cutter
• Work in accordance with the accepted technical data in respect of cutter speeds,
feed rates, coolant application etc.
• Use of appropriate and safe means to remove swarf. (not by hand!).

Electrical Safety Regulations

Work on the electrical installation associated with the machine, must only be carried out by
qualified personnel who are fully acquainted with the country-specific regulations relating to
electrical safety and electrical installation.

11. LPLUS Keyboard Layout

MAIN- Menu [ARROW] without [CTRL] [ARROW] with [CTRL]

Panning (Move Drawing) Panning (Fine) Panning (Coarse)
[F1-On Move slides in single steps
With [F1]-On: [x]-Key Move x-distance at fast feed-rate Move x-distance at normal feed-rate
With [F1]-On: [y]-Key Move y-distance at fast feed-rate Move y-distance at normal feed-rate
With [F1]-On [ARROW LEFT] Move saddle left in steps
With [F1]-On [ARROW RIGHT] Move saddle right in steps
With [F1]-On [ARROW UP] Move cross-slide in steps
With [F1]-On [ARROW DOWN] Move cross-slide out in steps
With [F1]-On [HOME] Tool changer indexes left
With [F1]-On [END] Tool changer indexes right

Navigate in the Drawing Step one point at a time Step ten points at a time
Move Move point Move to next point
Circle (arc) Set radius Move circle-mode to next point
Insert Insert point Insert at next point

Key: Short description

[F2] – [F10] See menu plan
[ESC] In general, abort action (negative confirmation)
[INS] Insert point
[DEL] Delete point
[ENTER] Confirm action, confirm point (positive confirmation). Select drawing pointer mode
[X], [Y] and [Z] Direct input of dimensions
[ALT] + [X] Absolute input of dimensions in the saddle-slide direction (X-axis)
[ALT] + [Y] Absolute input of dimensions in the cross-slide direction (Y-axis)
. Decimal point when entering values
[B] Move: Part or entire drawing
[+] Increase step-size (decades)
[-] Decrease step-size (decades)
[PAGE UP] Zoom in
[PAGE DOWN] Zoom out
[TAB] Panning-mode - on/off
[W] Angle input (Edit)
[H] Keyboard help screen
[SPACE] Underlay material
[t] Add text to drawing
[a] Display points - on/off
[C] Clear display
[1] – [9], [0] and [ß] Select drawing sheet

[K] Correct the position of the cutter without changing the display
[n] Input new axis position (or shaft diameter)
[+] Increase feed-rate
[-]„ Decrease feed-rate
[1] – [9] Select tool directly

19. Notes:

Products and Demo-Software from our Website

There is always a selection of PCLathe-controlled machine tools available for demonstration in

our show room.

Please contact us for an appointment to allow us plan sufficient time to meet your specific

How to find us:

From the autobahn A4 Cologne (Köln)-Olpe,

Take the exit (Ausfaht) Engelskirchen.

Immediately after the exit turn left.

At the next junction turn left again in the

direction of Ründeroth.

Continue straight on up to a T-junction. Turn

right in the direction of Gummersbach (B55).

In the village of Ründeroth, cross over two

Sets of railway lines.

Oststrasse is a section of the B55 and

Number 13 is a white house on the left
hand side.

Oststrasse 13 PC Control of Machine Tools
D 51766 Engelskirchen

Matthias Potthoff
(State Approved Computer Scientist)

Tel +49 (0) 22 63 - 95 21 70

Fax +49 (0) 22 63 - 95 21 71
D2 : +49 (0) 172 - 938 59 14
Email [email protected]
Web: www.pcdreh.de


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