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Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

United States Institute of Peace
Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators
The Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators is designed by and for educators to
help develop the next generation of peacebuilders. The two volumes—one
for middle school and one for high school—encompass interactive lessons
introducing peacebuilding themes and skills for students ages 11–13 and
14–18 respectively.

The lessons are organized around three basic ideas within the field of inter-
national conflict management:

• Conflict is an inherent part of the human condition.

• Violent conflict can be prevented.
• There are many ways to be a peacebuilder.

Providing detailed plans for educators new to interactive methods, the les-
sons include handouts, teacher resources, and extension activities geared
toward teaching students about the challenges and importance of global
peacebuilding. These lessons develop students’ skills (such as communica-

Middle School Edition

tion, relationship building, conflict analysis, negotiation, and mediation)
and their capacities to act as peacebuilders in their communities and in the
greater world.

The Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators is a product of the United States

Institute of Peace Global Peacebuilding Center.

For more information, go to www.buildingpeace.org

Peacebuilding Toolkit
for Educators
ISBN 978-1-60127-105-1
United States
Institute of Peace
2301 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20037
www.usip.org 9 781601 271051 Middle School Edition
The United States Institute of Peace would like to thank
the Verizon Foundation for their generous support.

Funding has also been provided by the John D. and

Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Cover art: In 1955, ten years after the bombing of Hiroshima, a 12 year-old Japanese girl named Sadako Sasaki died of
leukemia. While she was hospitalized for her illness, colorful paper cranes arrived as ‘get well’ gifts to patients and Sadako
received some of them. Believing that making cranes would help her to get well, Sadako began folding cranes, creating more
than 1,000 before her death. Today, the story of Sadako has spread around the world, transforming paper cranes into a symbol
for peace. While Sadako’s story has become fictionalized to some extent, children continue to be captured by the message of
peace and Sadako’s desire to live, sending their own 1,000 cranes to the Children’s Memorial in Hiroshima, Japan.

© Moodboard/SuperStock
Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators
Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators
Middle School Lessons

Alison Milofsky, editor

with contributions by

Kristina Berdan
Sarah Bever
Danielle Goldberg
Nora Gordon
Illana Lancaster
Adriana Murphy
Terese Trebilcock


Washington, D.C.
The views expressed in this book are those of the authors alone. They do not necessarily
reflect views of the United States Institute of Peace.

United States Institute of Peace

2301 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037

© 2011 by the Endowment of the United States Institute of Peace. All rights reserved.

First published 2011

To request permission to photocopy or reprint materials for course use, contact the
Copyright Clearance Center at www.copyright.com. For print, electronic media, and all
other subsidiary rights e-mail permissions@usip.org.

Printed in the United States of America

The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American
National Standards for Information Science—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library
Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Peacebuilding toolkit for educators: middle school lessons / Alison Milofsky, editor;
with contributions by Kristina Berdan . . . [et al.].
   p. cm.
  ISBN 978-1-60127-105-1 (alk. paper)
  1.  Peace-building—Study and teaching (Middle school)  2.  Conflict management—
Study and teaching (Middle school)  3.  Peace-building—Study and teaching (Middle
school)—Activity programs.  4.  Conflict management—Study and teaching (Middle
school)—Activity programs.  I.  Milofsky, Alison.  II.  Berdan, Kristina.
  JZ5534.P44 2011
Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators
About the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators................................................................... 7
To the Educator: A Letter of Welcome ................................................................................. 7
Organizing Principles: What are the assumptions on which the toolkit is based?.......... 8
Audience: Who is the toolkit’s intended audience?............................................................. 8
Using the Toolkit: What do you need to know before you start? ...................................... 8
Standards: How do the lessons align with standards?........................................................ 9
Assessment: How do you assess lessons on peacebuilding and conflict?........................ 10
Guidelines for Teaching about Global Peacebuilding.................................................... 10
Why teach global peacebuilding?........................................................................................ 10
Considerations for teaching about global peacebuilding ............................................... 10
About USIP...........................................................................................................................13
Institute Activities.................................................................................................................. 13
About USIP’s Global Peacebuilding Center....................................................................... 13

Section 1: Conflict is an inherent part of the human condition.......... 15

Lesson 1.1  Defining Conflict (Parts 1 and 2).................................................................... 17
Lesson 1.2  Perspectives on Peace (Parts 1 and 2)............................................................. 27

Section 2: Violent conflict can be prevented. .......................................... 37

Lesson 2.1  Observing Conflict........................................................................................... 39
Lesson 2.2  Identifying Conflict Styles............................................................................... 45
Lesson 2.3  Practicing Conflict Analysis............................................................................ 51
Lesson 2.4A  Responding to Conflict: Nonverbal Communication.............................. 59
Lesson 2.4B  Responding to Conflict: Active Listening................................................... 63
Lesson 2.4C Responding to Conflict: Negotiation—Identifying Wants and Needs . .. 69
Lesson 2.4D  Responding to Conflict: Negotiation Role-play........................................ 77
Lesson 2.4E  Responding to Conflict: Mediation ........................................................... 85

Section 3: There are many ways to be a peacebuilder. . ........................ 93

Lesson 3.1  Characteristics of Peacebuilders..................................................................... 95
Lesson 3.2  Peacebuilders in Action . ................................................................................. 99
Lesson 3.3  Organizations Working for Peace................................................................. 105
Lesson 3.4  Making a Difference: Becoming a Peacebuilder......................................... 111
Lesson 3.5  Taking a Step Toward Peacebuilding . ......................................................... 117
Participation Rubric............................................................................................................ 119
Feedback Form . .................................................................................................................. 121
About the Contributors......................................................................................................... 123
About the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

To the Educator: A Letter of Welcome

The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is an independent, nonpartisan
institution established by Congress to increase the nation’s capacity to man-
age international conflict without violence. We do this, in part, by providing
­others with the knowledge, skills, and resources to engage effectively in conflict
management. Educating the public, and particularly younger audiences, about
the challenges and importance of peacebuilding is part of our core mission.

This Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators is designed to support the work of

educators as peacebuilders. We believe that young people have tremendous
capacity, as individuals and as a community, to learn about and contribute to
international conflict management, and that educators can channel students’
energy and enthusiasm in positive ways. We also wish to provide you with
guidance and materials about the complex nature of peacebuilding. We have
created this toolkit and dedicated a section on our Global Peacebuilding Center
website to providing materials and lessons for middle school and high school
students, interactive exercises, and a discussion forum where you can gain input
on the difficult questions that arise in your classroom.

The focus of this toolkit is on peacebuilding because we know that peace-

building must be developed, fostered, and supported. Our goal is to help in
the development of young people as peacebuilders and to raise the visibility
of positive examples of nonviolent conflict management.

The purpose of this toolkit is not to tell students what to think; rather, we
want to encourage students to think critically about the world around them
and their place in it. It is our belief that the skills of peacebuilding presented
in this toolkit are applicable at multiple levels. The tools that peer mediators
use in middle school and high school conflict resolution programs are in many
ways similar to some of the tools used by diplomats and heads of state in in-
ternational peace negotiations. While international conflicts are often far more
complex, the core skills of active listening, relationship building, and working
cooperatively to find mutually agreeable solutions among parties apply at all

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 7

peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition

As you explore this toolkit and experiment with the lessons in your class-
room, please consider providing us with feedback via the survey at the end of
the toolkit or online. As a community of educators, we can continue to develop
and improve upon our lessons based on your practical experience in the

Organizing Principles: What are the assumptions on

which the toolkit is based?
This toolkit is organized around a few basic ideas within the field of interna-
tional conflict management.

1. Conflict is an inherent part of the human condition.

Conflict is natural, and as such, it cannot be eliminated from society.
Conflict is a normal part of everyday life and it is part of living in a thriv-
ing, pluralistic democracy. What makes a democratic society successful
is its ability to deal with conflict, to allow and manage disagreement and
dissent among people.
2. Violent conflict can be prevented.
Conflict becomes problematic when it escalates to violence. But violent
conflict can be prevented. We can teach our students to assert their opinion
while being respectful and open to the ideas of others; to listen with care
and attentiveness; and to act responsibly when faced with conflict. Conflict
need not cross the line to violence. Whether on a personal or an interna-
tional level, managing conflict is possible when parties in conflict with one
another use peacebuilding tools to manage their disagreement.
3. There are many ways to be a peacebuilder.
Peacebuilding is based on knowledge, skills, and attitudes that can be
learned. As such, everyone can be a peacebuilder. But it is a conscious
choice that involves making decisions and taking actions that require effort.

Audience: Who is the toolkit’s intended audience?

The toolkit is designed for a general audience of students in grades 6–8. The
content can be modified for older students and some of the content can be modi-
fied for younger students. Engaging young audiences in conversations about
peace and conflict is important. It is our hope that young students will engage
in these topics and continue to reflect on them as they progress through high
school and move into the world. The lessons have been developed with great
detail to be useful for educators who are new to the methods employed that
engage students in experiential learning and critical thinking. The lessons are
intended for traditional and alternative education settings.

Using the Toolkit: What do you need to know

before you start?
Overview of Lessons
The lessons in the toolkit are interactive and encourage students to work collab-
oratively to understand concepts and solve problems. The lessons are designed
to be detailed enough for a new teacher or a teacher unfamiliar with interactive
or experiential methods to pick them up and use them as intended. The middle
school lessons include teacher direction, guided practice, and independent
practice. The lessons are structured this way to meet the developmental needs

8 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators


of middle school students. At the middle school level, students benefit from
a personal connection in order to develop context for concepts. By model-
ing and then providing students with opportunities to experiment with the
content on their own, teachers can assess who understands the material and
who does not. Students in middle school are learning to take risks. They are
learning what it is like to be in a group and disagree. They are learning to
navigate social dynamics, and modeling by the teacher is crucial in help-
ing them to figure out those dynamics. There is a developmental shift in
middle school, during which students begin to challenge their own values
and norms. Developing independent thinking and action is critical during
this time. Giving students the opportunity to practice independently and in
a group setting, but also with the help of a teacher, builds those skills. The
exit passes and assessment strategies in the middle school lessons provide
students with opportunities to test themselves in a safe environment and also
provide teachers with valuable information about whether students have
met the objectives and answered the essential questions with accuracy. Each
lesson in the toolkit includes the following components:

Rationale: Why use this lesson? This is a statement that identifies the purpose of
the lesson and the relevance of the topics discussed.

Objectives: What does this lesson hope to achieve? The objectives address what
outcomes can be expected as a result of the lesson.

Standards: How does the lesson align with standards? The standards present
themes from the National Council of Social Studies, which have been identified
as core concepts in social studies teaching.

Materials: What do I need to use this lesson? This area highlights the handouts
and additional resources educators will need to gather, as well as any pre-lesson
preparation (e.g., cutting a handout into strips) that needs to occur.

Time: How long will the lesson take? The lessons are developed around a
45-minute class period. The times are for core lesson components, exclusive of
extension activities.

Procedures: How do I put the lesson into practice? The procedures include the
step-by-step process for completing the lessons. In certain lessons, an alternate
strategy may appear which gives a different approach to completing the
process. Special considerations or ideas/concepts to address or highlight are
indicated in the sidebar of each lesson.

Assessment: How can I informally assess student learning? Ideas for assessment
are included, but these are subjective and must reflect the teachers’ requirements
(see p. 10 for a description of how assessment is approached in the toolkit).

Extension activities: What other ways can I engage students on this topic? Each
lesson includes one or more extension activities which provide opportunities to
further explore the topic of the lesson.

Standards: How do the lessons align with standards?

Standards are used to ensure a level of consistency in learning concepts across
classrooms throughout the United States dealing with the same subject matter.
While standards can seem restrictive, the standards outlined by the National
Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) are flexible enough to allow teachers and
schools room to be creative in how they teach content.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 9

peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition

The lessons in the toolkit are aligned with the ten themes outlined by NCSS:

1. Culture
2. Time, Continuity, and Change
3. People, Places, and Environments
4. Individual Development and Identity
5. Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
6. Power, Authority, and Governance
7. Production, Distribution, and Consumption
8. Science, Technology, and Society
9. Global Connections
10. Civic Ideals and Practices

Standards apply specifically to education in the United States but the standards
outlined above can be applied to an international education context. For more
explanation about each standard, visit http://www.socialstudies.org/standards/

Assessment: How do you assess lessons on

peacebuilding and conflict?
The lessons in this guide do not allow for traditional forms of test-like
­assessment. Conversations that involve personal reflection and understanding
multiple perspectives are difficult to assess using quantitative measures. As-
sessment often takes a more subjective form, for example, through a teacher’s
observation of a student’s participation in activities, small group, and whole
class discussions, as well as individual growth. Each lesson offers ideas for as-
sessment, but the decision about how best to assess what students have learned
rests with the individual teacher. In the appendices, you will find a sample Par-
ticipation Rubric which may help in assessing students’ level of engagement.

Guidelines for Teaching about

Global Peacebuilding
Why teach global peacebuilding?
Teaching global peacebuilding is about educating and engaging global citizens
who understand the interconnectedness between their lives and the lives of
people around the world, and who are committed to managing conflict at all
levels. By teaching global peacebuilding, we can communicate to our students
effective strategies for practicing civic engagement and empower them with
skills and an understanding that they have a voice and that even one voice can
make a difference in the world.

Considerations for teaching about global peacebuilding.

While there is no one way to teach peacebuilding, there are a few things to
consider when integrating such complex topics into your curriculum. Many of
these considerations will be familiar as good practices in education, but they
bear reiterating within the context of conflict management.

10 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators


Bridge the local and the global. Make connections to

students’ lives.
Teaching any international issue can be difficult as it may seem very remote
to students. They may think, “How does this relate to me?” or “Why should I
care?” By making connections to students’ own lives, their current lived realities,
we can unearth the inherent connections between what happens locally and
what happens globally. When we build such bridges and connections for our
students, international issues take on a new significance and a greater resonance.

Emphasize multiple perspectives.

Conversations on difficult topics allow us to experience and learn different
perspectives. It is, therefore, important for our students to develop the capacity
to listen to one another and truly hear what each other has to say.

In the process of conversation, disagreement may occur but this provides stu-
dents with an opportunity to clarify their own perspectives and consider how
other people’s views can inform opinions. Disagreement is natural and should
be considered a healthy part of conversation. Learning to manage conflict is
often about effectively dealing with disagreement before it escalates to violence.

Teach dialogue skills.

Debate is a useful educational exercise and has a place in the classroom when
discussing complex topics. However, the process of dialogue can contribute
significantly to the classroom climate, encouraging an open mind and develop-
ing active listening skills. Unlike debate, which concludes with a winner and
involves a process of listening for holes in the opponent’s arguments, dialogue
assumes there is no winner or loser. In the process of dialogue, listening is for
the purpose of enhancing one’s understanding of a topic.

Encourage critical thinking.

We should strive to ensure that all students receive an education that is academ-
ically rigorous, personalized, relevant, and engaging. Critical thinking is just one
of the skills that allows students to:

◆◆ use inductive and deductive reasoning for various situations;

◆◆ analyze how parts of a whole interact to produce overall outcomes;
◆◆ effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs;
◆◆ analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view;
◆◆ synthesize and make connections between information and arguments;
◆◆ interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best information;
◆◆ reflect critically on learning experiences and processes.

Today’s changing world needs critical thinkers, and students must be given a
variety of opportunities to truly engage in lessons, problem solve, and interact
with their peers.

Engage students in interactive lessons using creativity.

The methods used to teach international conflict management focus on interac-
tion between learners. Thus, the lessons in this toolkit use a range of methods

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 11

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including role-play, small group work, experiential activities, and large group
discussion. The toolkit aims to vary instruction to meet a range of student needs
but also to keep students focused and engaged. By using interactive strategies,
we seek to move from the abstract to the concrete, encouraging students to
make decisions about how they will act when faced with conflict and what can
be done to address international conflicts.

Focus on individuals. Translate statistics into people.

Statistics can be very powerful, but when talking about issues that seem incred-
ibly remote to students, we want to get beyond the numbers, humanize the
topic, make it personal and, therefore, more real. For example, when a source
estimates that there are 300,000 child soldiers in thirty countries around the
world (Council on Foreign Relations http://www.cfr.org/human-rights/child-
soldiers-around-world/p9331), we can become overwhelmed by the numbers
and feel that nothing can be done. But when we learn about the experience of
individual child soldiers in Sierra Leone trying to find their families after the
war, we can begin to understand their plight and learn about ways to help
(UN What’s Going on? Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone http://www.un.org/works/

Share real stories.

One of the ways we can present statistics with a human face is by sharing real
stories. It is important that students hear the voices of people whose lives have
been affected by conflict and that they move beyond the abstract to the concrete.
It is also important that students hear stories about what USIP does and how
it engages with the military and civilians in resolving international conflicts.
Stories can create bonds by illustrating shared experiences. A student in a school
in the United States might be surprised to hear the hobbies and interests of a
young person in a conflict zone—surprised because their interests are so similar.
Suddenly, the world becomes smaller. That other person seems less foreign, less
remote. Stories can also help clarify concepts that may otherwise seem elusive,
making the abstract real. At a deeper level, real stories bring home the impact
of international conflict on individual lives by tapping into students’ empathy.
With stories, the answer to the question, “Why should I care?” becomes more
evident. Sharing stories alone will not solve a major international conflict but it
is enough to engage people—one tool in the toolbox of understanding interna-
tional conflict.

Leave students feeling empowered.

Difficult topics like international conflict, which involve human suffering, can
be overwhelming for any individual. Often when students learn about a new
topic, such as an outbreak of unrest in the Middle East or a refugee crisis in
Africa, they receive a wealth of information that leaves them feeling a sense of
despair, that the situation is so much bigger than them, and nothing can be done
to ameliorate the problem. Educators must think carefully about how to assure
students that people around the world care about international issues and are
taking action, and pursuing solutions. These concrete and positive examples can
alleviate the feeling of despair. But, more important, educators must work with
students to leave them feeling empowered, knowing that they, too, can take
action as an individual or as a community of young people, and they can make
a difference.

12 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators


About USIP
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is an independent, nonpartisan,
national institution established and funded by Congress. Its goals are to help:

◆◆ prevent and resolve violent international conflicts;

◆◆ promote postconflict stability and development;
◆◆ increase conflict management capacity, tools, and intellectual capital

The Institute accomplishes this by empowering others with knowledge, skills,

and resources, as well as by directly engaging in peacebuilding efforts around
the globe.

Institute Activities
The Institute approaches its work through four main ways—Think, Act,
Teach, Train.

Think: We generate research and applied analysis of international conflicts

and we identify best practices and develop international conflict management

Act: We use decades of experience working in conflict zones to prevent conflict,

manage it where it occurs, and assist in the transition from war to peace by
using tools and approaches on the ground.

Teach: We engage with students and teachers to think critically about interna-
tional issues and to develop conflict management skills. We introduce a broad
public audience to the challenges and importance of peacebuilding.

Train: We train practitioners in the U.S. and individuals in conflict zones, rang-
ing from civil society leaders to U.N. peacekeepers, on how to use tools and
approaches to prevent and manage international conflict.

About USIP’s Global Peacebuilding Center

The Global Peacebuilding Center encompasses an exhibit space and education
center at the headquarters of the United States Institute of Peace in Washington,
D.C., as well as a virtual destination at a dedicated website. Through the exhib-
its and educational programs offered onsite, and the resources and activities
available online, the Global Peacebuilding Center introduces visitors to core
concepts in peacebuilding, enhancing their understanding of international con-
flicts and nonviolent approaches to manage and resolve them. With a particular
focus on students and educators, the Global Peacebuilding Center contributes
to the development of the next generation of peacebuilders.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 13


Conflict is an inherent part of the human condition.

Conflict is often perceived as something negative, but conflict is a natural part of our lives. When it is handled
effectively, it can provide important opportunities for learning and growth. Conflict is the basis on which
democracies are formed. Pluralistic, democratic societies thrive when individuals, groups, and organizations
acknowledge a range of perspectives and can manage differences and disagreements productively. Demo-
cratic societies are generally able to manage such conflict nonviolently because of strong institutions, separa-
tion of powers, rule of law, civil society, a free press, accountability through regular elections, and multiple
opportunities for citizen engagement with the government.

In this section, students will think about what peace and conflict mean to them. They will form their own
definitions after exploring multiple perspectives. The conclusions they draw will create the basis for their
understanding of sections two and three of this toolkit, in which they consider how to manage conflict and
use the many tools in the conflict management toolbox.
Lesson 1.1
Defining Conflict

Before students can begin to think about how to prevent or manage conflict, they
must be able to identify it. This process begins with establishing a definition for
conflict. In this activity, students begin to define conflict and explore various
interpretations of conflict in order to further their understanding of the subject.

1. To consider definitions and interpretations of conflict as a way of forming one’s
own understanding.
2. To consider whether conflict is positive or negative.
3. To explore the role of conflict in our lives.

◆◆ Culture
◆◆ Power, Authority, and Governance
◆◆ Civic Ideals and Practices

Time: Two class periods (Part 1–45 minutes; Part 2–45 minutes)
Materials are listed below but this lesson could be done with black/white board and

Materials for Part 1

❑❑ Sticky notes like Post-It® notes (a different color for each group) or small pieces
of paper
❑❑ Chart paper and markers
❑❑ Tape (to tape up chart paper, if needed, and to tape small pieces of paper if
sticky notes are not available)

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 17

peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition

❑❑ Paragraph Exit Pass Worksheet (or write it on the board)

❑❑ Timer or watch/clock

Materials for Part 2

❑❑ Sticky notes like Post-It® notes (a different color for each group) or small pieces
of paper
❑❑ Chart paper and markers
❑❑ Tape (to tape up chart paper, if needed, and to tape up small pieces of paper if
sticky notes are not available)
❑❑ Quotes on Conflict and Conflict Management Handout (cut into strips)
❑❑ CD player and CD (of your choice, developmentally appropriate)
❑❑ Paragraph Exit Pass Worksheet (or write it on the board)
❑❑ Timer or watch/clock

45 minutes Part 1


I. Essential Questions
1. How can we define conflict?
2. Why might there be multiple definitions of conflict?

II. Motivation/Introduction (10 minutes)

1. Explain to students that you are going to share a list of words that can be
associated with conflict. Share that each statement will begin with “When
I say conflict, you think of . . .” and then a word. Each time you finish the
sentence with a new word, they should clap if students think of that word
very often; snap if they think of the word sometimes; and stay silent if they
do not think of it much at all. Encourage students to look around the room
and listen with each word to be aware of their classmates’ responses. Note
that there are no right or wrong answers for this activity.
2. Start each statement round with, “When I say conflict, you think of . . .”
and use some or all of the following words to finish each sentence: differ-
ence, innocent, hurt, anger, win/lose, decision, normal, disagree, guilty,
unfair, struggle, right, clash, violence, fight, people, learning, wrong, war,
ideas, agreement, against, separate, change, avoid, intervene, help.

When you have finished your sentences, ask for volunteers to finish the
sentence with their own words.
Note: People view conflicts in many differ- 3. Briefly discuss the exercise using some or all of the following questions.
ent ways, though often, we tend to think of ◆◆ Which words had the “loudest” reaction, meaning that many of you
conflict as something that should be avoid- associate conflict with the word? Which words had the “quietest” reac-
ed. Yet, conflict is neither positive nor nega- tion? (write them on the board)
tive by itself; how we choose to respond to
◆◆ Why do you think these words were either frequently associated or
conflict makes it positive or negative. In this
infrequently associated with conflict?
lesson, students will challenge their notions
◆◆ Is a fight different than an argument? Why do conflicts become violent?
of conflict in order to develop the skills and
awareness necessary to r­ espond to conflicts ◆◆ Do you think conflict is always bad or negative? Can it be positive or

in positive and constructive ways. have a good ending?

18 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 1 | Lesson 1.1 | Defining Conflict

◆◆ Can you think of a conflict you experienced that ended up being posi-
Note: The U.S. Institute of Peace focuses
tive and that helped you learn something about yourself or someone
on conflicts beyond U.S. borders. These
conflicts may be interstate (between coun-
tries, e.g., Arab-Israeli conflict) or intrastate
III. Teacher Directed (15 Minutes) (between groups within a country, e.g., the
Lords Resistance Army and the government
1. Divide students into groups of three. See sidebar for grouping suggestions.
in Uganda).
2. Introduce the different levels of conflict: personal, local, national, and
international. Personal—something that directly involved or impacted
you; Local—something that happened in your community, school, state;
National—something that happened in the country; or International—
something that happened in the world.
3. Provide students with an example of each type of conflict.
4. Ask students to think about and share stories about conflict in their lives. GROUPING SUGGESTIONS
They can think personally, locally, nationally, or internationally. Tell them Option 1. Invite students to create a physi-
that while one person is sharing, the rest of the group should listen with- cal expression of how they feel about con-
out interruption and write down key words that run through everyone’s flict. Have them look around the room and
stories. Refer back to the exercise “When I say conflict, you think identify a person who has made a similar
of . . .” for examples. expression. Start clapping slowly and tell
5. Circulate as groups are sharing. them with each clap they should take one
6. Call out “Switch” every two minutes to ensure that every student gets to step closer to their identified classmate/s. If
share. the groups are not the right number, adjust
them accordingly.
7. Distribute sticky notes to each group, with each group getting a different
color. Once the groups are done, tell them to share their lists of key words Option 2. Place a big sign that says conflict
out loud and write each word on a sticky note, writing only one word per in the middle of the room or wear it your-
sticky note. Direct them to stick all of their group’s sticky notes on a piece self to personify conflict. Invite students to
of chart paper. position themselves in relation to the con-
flict according to how they tend to respond
IV. Guided Practice (15 minutes) to conflict. For example, if they don’t like
dealing with it, they can go to the far end of
1. Once all groups have placed their sticky notes on chart paper, have each
the room and turn away from the conflict.
group share their words with the whole class and hang their chart paper on
If they directly address it, they can stand
the wall/board. They can stick the notes directly on the board if you don’t
really close to the conflict. Create groups
have chart paper.
with students according to where they are
2. After all groups have shared, tell them that they are going to write a defini- standing in the room.
tion of conflict using the sticky note words from any of the groups.
3. Tell them that their group needs to decide on their top ten words (as a start)
from any of the sticky notes hanging. Once they have decided on their top
ten, have one representative from each team come to the front and have
Note: USIP’s Peace Terms defines conflict
him or her take their group’s ten sticky notes. There will likely be multiples
as follows: An inevitable aspect of human
of some words. If a group wants a word that has been taken, they can write
interaction, conflict is present when two or
that word on a new sticky note.
more individuals or groups pursue mutu-
4. Tell each group to write their definition of conflict using only the sticky
ally incompatible goals glossary.usip.org.
notes they have selected. They may write transition and conjunction words
between sticky notes (i.e., the, and, if, etc), and they may gather more sticky
notes as they are working, if they need them.

V. Independent Practice (5 minutes)

1. Give time for groups to write their sticky note definitions on chart paper.
2. Once done, hang all of the definitions in the room.
3. To share, each group can read their definition or have the whole class take
a Gallery Walk (a walk around the room) of the definitions.
4. Ask some or all of the following questions:
◆◆ What similarities and differences do you see between the groups’
Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 19
peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition

◆◆Are these differences important? Why?

Extension Activity
5. Have each student put a dot sticker on the definition of conflict they like
Do the same “When You Say Conflict, I Think most or have students verbally identify which definition they like most.
Of . . .” exercise with different words instead
of conflict, such as democracy, global citi-
VI. Homework
zen, human rights, etc.
Distribute the Paragraph Exit Pass Worksheet and tell students that for home-
work they must answer the following question in a paragraph, “Why might
there be multiple definitions of conflict?” The paragraph must contain a topic
sentence, four supporting details and a concluding sentence. Have students
complete the exit pass for homework unless you complete the lesson early, in
which case students can complete it in class.

Participation, group definitions of conflict, Paragraph Exit Pass Worksheet

20 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 1 | Lesson 1.1 | Defining Conflict


Name: ____________________________________________

Exit Pass Question:

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Detail 1 Supporting Detail 2 Supporting Detail 3 Supporting Detail 4

Summary/Concluding Sentence:

Cut here $

Name: ____________________________________________

Exit Pass Question:

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Detail 1 Supporting Detail 2 Supporting Detail 3 Supporting Detail 4

Summary/Concluding Sentence:

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 21

peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition

45 minutes Part 2


I. Essential Questions
1. What can we learn about conflict through the words of others?
2. Does the definition of conflict always remain the same?

II. Motivation/Introduction (1 minute)
Explain to students that people view and understand conflict in different ways.

III. Teacher Directed (5 minutes)

1. Distribute quotes from the Handout: Quotes on Conflict and Conflict
Management—one quote to each student—and give them time to read their
quotes. You may choose to supplement the list with quotes from your own
2. Explain that the goal of this activity is to hear many different quotes about
conflict and to end up with the one that best reflects conflict. In order to do
this, they will be given the chance to share their quotes with classmates.
3. Tell students that when you begin playing music, students should walk
around the room. When the music stops, students should form a group
with two to four people standing near them. Each person in the group
should read his or her quote out loud to the small group. If students hear a
quote they like better than the one that they have, they can ask that person
to trade with them. Make note that students do not have to trade their
quote if they do not want to, but encourage students to share and exchange
in a respectful manner. Students are encouraged to share their opinions
about the quotes within their small group and to listen quietly to others.

When the music starts again, students should move around again and
repeat the same process with different peers.

IV. Guided Practice (15 minutes)

1. Set the timer for five minutes.
2. Play the music, stop, give five minutes for conversations and trading.
3. Repeat one or two more times.

V. Independent Practice (10 minutes)

1. After the final round, gather students in a large circle if you have space.
Otherwise, students can return to their seats.
2. Go around the circle and have everyone share in 30 seconds the quote they
ended up with, what it means to them, and why they chose that quote.
3. Ask students to tape their quote to the sticky note definition of conflict (on
chart paper from the previous lesson) that it best matches.

22 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 1 | Lesson 1.1 | Defining Conflict

VI. Discussion (7 minutes) Note: Conflict by itself is neither good

Lead a discussion with the whole class using some or all of the following nor bad. Each of us as individuals decides
questions: what conflict means to us, and we influence
what happens in a conflict based on how
◆◆ What did you learn from this activity about how different people view we respond to it. Our goal is to learn to
conflict? respond to conflict in a way that does not
◆◆ Is one view and understanding of conflict more correct than another? involve violence and that can change the
◆◆ Why do you think so many quotes exist about conflict? situation for the better.
◆◆ Why might different societies have different views about conflict?

VI. Closure (7 minutes)

1. Handout Paragraph Exit Pass.
2. Have students complete a Paragraph Exit Pass by answering the follow- Extension Activities
ing question in a paragraph, “In what ways has your definition of conflict
1. Connect with the art teacher to have
changed?” Collect the paragraphs as students leave the room or have
students illustrate their quotes.
students complete the exit pass for homework if you do not have time.
2. Have students research the person who
said the quote and identify the context
Assessment: in which the statement was made.

Participation, Paragraph Exit Pass Worksheet 3. Have students find additional quotes on
conflict and share them with the class.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 23

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(cut into strips)

Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. —Ronald Reagan

Aggressive conduct, if allowed to go unchecked and unchallenged, ultimately leads to war. —John F. Kennedy

Today the real test of power is not capacity to make war, but capacity to prevent it. —Anne O’Hare McCormick

You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist. —Indira Gandhi

There should be an honest attempt at the reconciliation of differences before resorting to combat. —Jimmy Carter

If you want to make peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies. —Moshe Dayan

When you negotiate an agreement, you must remember that you are also negotiating a relationship. —Harold Nicolson

A diplomat must use his ears, not his mouth. —Komura Jutaro

Truth springs from argument amongst friends. —David Hume

Don’t be afraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against; not with; the wind. —Hamilton Mabie

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness
only that gives everything its value. —Thomas Paine

Never ascribe to an opponent motives meaner than your own. —John M. Barrie

An eye for an eye makes us all blind. —Mahatma Gandhi

24 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 1 | Lesson 1.1 | Defining Conflict

If war is the violent resolution of conflict, then peace is not the absence of conflict, but rather, the ability to resolve conflict
without violence. — C.T. Lawrence Butler, author of On Conflict and Consensus. A Handbook on Formal Consensus Decision-
making (2000)

Work on developing a cooperative relationship, so when conflict comes, you believe you are allies. —Dean Tjosvold

You can outdistance that which is running after you, but not what is running inside you. —Rwandan Proverb

Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict. —William Ellery Channing

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 25

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Name: ____________________________________________

Exit Pass Question:

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Detail 1 Supporting Detail 2 Supporting Detail 3 Supporting Detail 4

Summary/Concluding Sentence:

Cut here $

Name: ____________________________________________

Exit Pass Question:

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Detail 1 Supporting Detail 2 Supporting Detail 3 Supporting Detail 4

Summary/Concluding Sentence:

26 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

Lesson 1. 2
Perspectives on Peace

Conflict, when managed effectively, can result in a peaceful solution. However,
peace is not static. People must work to build and maintain peace. Like conflict, there
are many perspectives and interpretations of what peace is and what it looks like. In
this lesson, students will explore varying perspectives on peace and begin to develop
their own definition of peace.

1. To generate multiple definitions of peace.
2. To explain how one’s definition of peace is informed by multiple perspectives.
3. To explain that conflict can be a part of a peaceful society and to understand
that peace and conflict can be two sides of the same coin.

◆◆ Culture
◆◆ Individual Development and Identity
◆◆ Power, Authority, and Governance
◆◆ Civic Ideals and Practices

Time: Two class periods (Part 1–45 minutes; Part 2–45 minutes)

Materials for Part 1

❑❑ Markers q Scissors
❑❑ Crayons q Poster board
❑❑ Colored pencils q Glue
❑❑ Reflection Exit Pass Worksheet

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 27

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Materials for Part 2

❑❑ Markers q Glue
❑❑ Crayons q Reflection Exit Pass Worksheet
❑❑ Colored pencils q Paragraph Exit Pass Worksheet
❑❑ Newspapers and news magazines q Drawing Exit Pass Worksheet
❑❑ Scissors q Poem Exit Pass Worksheet
❑❑ Poster board

45 minutes Part 1


I. Essential Questions
1. Is there one way to define peace?
2. How are conflict and peace related?

II. Motivation/Introduction (4 minutes)
1. Ask students to stand if they think there is one definition of peace.
2. Randomly select standing and seated students to explain why they are
standing or seated.

III. Teacher Directed (4 minutes)

1. Distribute a blank piece of paper to each student. Have students write their
name in the top left corner of the paper.
2. Ask each student to write a definition of peace and then turn the paper over.

IV. Guided Practice (15 minutes)

Note: USIP’s Peace Terms defines peace as
follows: The word “peace” evokes complex, 1. Tell students to draw their idea of peace on the other side of the paper u
­ sing
sometimes contradictory, interpretations pictures or symbols. Do not let students use words. Let them know that
and reactions. For some, peace means the they will share their drawings with others who will add to them.
absence of conflict. For others it means 2. Stop them after 30 seconds and have them pass the paper to the person
the end of ­violence or the formal cessation next to them.
of hostilities; for still others, the return to 3. Direct the students to add to what they see on the paper, keeping peace as
resolving conflict by political means. Some the theme.
define peace as the attainment of justice 4. Stop them after 30 seconds and have them pass the paper to the person
and ­social stability; for others it is economic next to them.
well-being and basic freedom. Peacemak- 5. Direct the students to add to what they see on the paper, keeping peace as
ing can be a dynamic process of ending the theme.
conflict through negotiation or media-
6. Repeat this process until everyone gets their own drawing back.
tion. Peace is often unstable, as sources of
conflict are seldom completely resolved or
eliminated. Since conflict is inherent in the Alternative: If you have a large class, you may wish to divide the class
human condition, the striving for peace into groups of 8–10 students and have students pass the paper around in
is particularly strong in times of violent their groups.
conflict. That said, a willingness to accom-
modate perpetrators of violence without V. Independent Practice (10 minutes)
resolving the sources of conflict—some- 1. Ask:
times called “peace at any price”—may lead ◆◆ What happened to your picture? Does it still reflect your initial defini-
to greater conflict later glossary.usip.org. tion of peace?

28 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 1 | Lesson 1.2 | perspectives on peace

2. Direct students to turn their papers over and revise their definition so that
it reflects the revised drawing and now a collective definition of peace. Extension Activity
3. Have each student hold up his/her drawing and read their revised defini- Peace Symbols: Brainstorm symbols that
tion from the back. signify peace (you should have some avail-
able to view, including USIP’s logo). Have

VI. Discussion (10 minutes) students form pairs to discuss what the

symbols mean and have them share the
Lead a discussion using some or all of the following questions: highlights of their discussion aloud. Ask
students where they see these symbols.
◆◆ How did it feel to have others add to your picture and then to rewrite your
Have students design their own peace
symbol using a combination of the more
• Possible answers might include: feeling unhappy that someone
traditional symbols and/or their own peace
changed their ideas, feeling proud that someone built upon their
ideas, feeling anxious about their ideas being changed or about other
students seeing their drawing.
◆◆ What did you notice about the definitions that everyone shared? Were
there any similarities or differences? Share that there are many different
definitions of peace, just as there are many different definitions of conflict.
◆◆ What are the consequences when there are many definitions of a concept?
◆◆ How are peace and conflict related concepts?
◆◆ Can conflict exist in peaceful societies? What examples of conflict within
democratic societies around the world can you think of?

VII. Closure (2 minutes)
Distribute the Reflection Exit Pass Worksheet and have students complete it for
homework unless you have time remaining in class.

Definitions and drawings of peace, participation, Reflection Exit Pass Worksheet

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 29

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Name: __________________________________________

Question 1: How did you feel about having your definition of peace altered?

Question 2: What are the consequences when there are many definitions of a concept?

Cut here $


Name: ____________________________________________

Question 1: How did you feel about having your definition of peace altered?

Question 2: What are the consequences when there are many definitions of a concept?

30 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 1 | Lesson 1.2 | perspectives on peace

Part 2 45 minutes


I. Essential Questions
1. What are the characteristics of a peaceful society?
2. What do you notice about the peace and conflict examples you see in the
3. How are peace and conflict related?

II. Motivation/Introduction (5 minutes)
1. Write the following on the board and have students turn to a partner and
discuss or have them discuss as a whole class:
◆◆ How would you describe a peaceful society?

2. Randomly select students to explain their answers.

III. Teacher Directed (5 minutes)

1. Explain that students will identify examples of peace in stories from
newspapers and then cut those pictures and stories out to make collages on
poster board. Students will also have to choose a caption for their collage
and explain why they chose their caption. Alternatively, students may
use one of their definitions of peace (from the previous activity) as their
2. Divide the class into groups of three to four students.
3. Distribute one poster board and at least two newspapers or news maga-
zines per group.
4. Distribute scissors and glue (enough for each group to complete the

IV. Guided/Independent Practice (20 minutes)

1. Tell students to look through the materials and find examples of peace.
2. Share that when students find an example, they should cut it out of the
3. After students have cut out enough examples to form a collage, students
can glue their cut outs onto the poster board.
4. Tell students that as a group they must decide what the caption for the
collage should be and then explain to the other groups why they chose that
5. Tell students that each group will have one minute to present their caption
and collage to the rest of the class.

V. More Guided Practice (15 minutes)

1. Have a representative from each group share their collage with the class
and explain their caption.
2. Ask students what they noticed about the collages and captions:
◆◆ What similarities and differences did you notice in the interpretations of
3. To highlight that there can be many interpretations of peace, tell students
that they will engage in a quick visual exercise.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 31

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4. Tell students that you will ask a question and they should move to the left
Extension Activity side of the room for “No” and the right side of the room for “Yes.”
Choose one of the following to complete: 5. Ask:
◆◆ Is peace simply the absence of war?
1) Based on what you have learned about
peace and conflict, answer this question 6. Once everyone has chosen a side, have students in each group discuss
in a paragraph: What is the relationship among themselves why they are standing on their side, and have one
between peace and conflict? The para- representative from each group share with the class.
graph must contain a topic sentence, 7. Think about different conflicts around the world, for example, Iraq,
four supporting details and a conclud- Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo. What might peace mean
ing sentence. to the different groups involved in each of these conflicts? Do you think
peace looks the same to each of these groups? Why or why not?
2) Based on what you have learned about
peace and conflict, draw a diagram or
picture that illustrates the relationship
between peace and conflict. The dia-
gram must have a caption that explains
the relationship between peace and Assessment:
conflict. Collage, caption, participation, Exit Pass Extension Activity

3) Based on what you have learned about

peace and conflict, write a poem that
captures the relationship between
peace and conflict.

32 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 1 | Lesson 1.2 | perspectives on peace


Directions: Based on what you have learned about peace and conflict, answer this question in a paragraph:

What is the relationship between peace and conflict?

Name: ________________________________________

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Detail 1 Supporting Detail 2 Supporting Detail 3 Supporting Detail 4

Summary/Concluding Sentence:

Cut here $


Directions: Based on what you have learned about peace and conflict, answer this question in a paragraph:

What is the relationship between peace and conflict?

Name: ________________________________________

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Detail 1 Supporting Detail 2 Supporting Detail 3 Supporting Detail 4

Summary/Concluding Sentence:

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 33

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Directions: Based on what you have learned about peace and conflict, draw a diagram or picture that illustrates the
relationship between peace and conflict. The diagram must have a caption that explains the relationship between peace
and conflict.

Name: ______________________________________________

Caption: _____________________________________________________________________

34 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 1 | Lesson 1.2 | perspectives on peace


Directions: Based on what you have learned about peace and conflict, write a poem that captures the relationship
between peace and conflict.

Name: ___________________________________________

Title of Poem: _____________________________________________________________________

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 35


Violent conflict can be prevented.

Conflict can be either positive or negative. When it is not managed effectively, conflict can escalate to vio-
lence. But violence is not inevitable. In this section, we present some core concepts and skills relevant to the
prevention of violent conflict. The goal of conflict management is to find nonviolent solutions to a problem,
solutions to which all parties agree. Effective conflict management also strives to build the capacity (via in-
stitutions, processes, laws and rules, as well as skills and tools) of societies, organizations, and individuals to
resolve disputes and address the sources of conflict in ways that are nonviolent and perceived to be equitable.
The process of conflict management, whether at the personal or international level, is dependent upon trust,
relationship building, and working cooperatively to find solutions.

Conflict analysis is the starting point for addressing conflict. It is a process through which you can begin
to understand a conflict in all of its complexity by identifying the various elements, including parties,
issues, relationships, perceptions, definition of the problem, history, roots of the conflict, and structural
impediments to a solution. Once you have analyzed a conflict and are aware of the various perspectives
involved, the process of imagining creative solutions becomes easier. And once you understand the conflict
you can think about how you will approach it. Knowing your conflict style, or how you tend to deal with
conflict, and being able to identify the style of the parties with whom you are in conflict can lead you to
peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition

adjust your behavior in ways that contribute to an effective solution. Another tool for successful conflict
management is effective communication, which includes active listening. When one side does not feel as
though they are being heard, they may be reluctant to communicate with other parties. By using active
listening skills, parties in conflict can build trust in demonstrating that they want to understand the other
party. These are core concepts in our field.

Conflict analysis, conflict styles, and active listening are all skills used in the processes of negotiation,
in which two or more parties are directly engaged in resolving their conflict, and mediation, in which an
impartial third party attempts to assist parties in conflict in finding agreeable solutions. Conflict manage-
ment, whether interpersonal or international, includes a process of communication. An outcome is never
guaranteed. But through the process, relationships can be established that may serve the future needs of all
parties involved.

38 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

Lesson 2.1
Observing Conflict

Conflict analysis is a key process in managing conflict. Through analysis you can
begin to understand a conflict’s complexity. Once you have analyzed a conflict and
are aware of the various perspectives involved, the process of envisioning creative
solutions becomes easier. This activity engages students in simple conflict analysis
by teaching students what to notice when they observe a conflict. Students learn a
more in depth process of conflict analysis in lesson 2.3.

1. To understand the value of analyzing conflicts.
2. To identify elements to look for when observing conflicts.

◆◆ Individual Development and Identity
◆◆ Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
◆◆ Power, Authority, and Governance

Time: One class period (45 minutes)

❑❑ Conflict Role-plays Handout (only for the pairs role-playing)
❑❑ Observing Conflict Worksheet
❑❑ Paragraph Exit Pass Worksheet (optional)

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 39

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45 minutes Procedures

I. Essential Question
What can you observe about conflicts that will help you understand them better
and help prepare you to manage them?

II. Motivation/Introduction (5 minutes)
1. If definitions of conflict are still hanging in the classroom from Lesson
1.1 (Part 1), ask students to get up and move to their preferred definition.
Have one person at each definition read it out loud. If the definitions are
not hanging, ask students what they remember about the definitions of
conflict that they wrote. Share with students that they will begin analyzing
conflicts as a way to understand them better.
2. Select four students ahead of time to act out Role-play 1 and Role-play 2.
Give them time to read the scenarios for understanding. Encourage them to
role-play how a conflict can escalate by name calling, yelling, arguing, etc.,
but remind them that there should be no physical contact or use of force.
Tell them they will have 3 minutes to act out their role-play.
3. While the four students are preparing, ask the class if anyone has a brief
example of a time they observed a conflict. What did they notice?

III. Teacher Directed (5 minutes)

1. Divide the class into seven groups.
2. Distribute the Observing Conflicts Worksheet to everyone and review the
questions. Assign each group one question to answer from the worksheet.
3. Tell the class they are going to observe a role-play closely and answer their
one question.

IV. Guided Practice (15 minutes)

1. Have the first pair of students present Role-Play 1.
2. After the role-play, direct students to answer their one question indepen-
dently by writing the answer on a piece of paper. Have them share answers
with the people in their group. Have each group select a representative to
share with the whole class.
3. In the order of the questions on the worksheet, ask each representative to
share their answer.

V. Independent Practice (15 minutes)

1. Explain that students will now have the opportunity to practice observing
various elements of conflict on their own.
2. Distribute another copy of the Observing Conflicts Worksheet to each
3. Share that they are to watch Role-Play 2 and take notes on the worksheet.
4. Have the second pair of students present Role-Play 2.
5. After students have had time to take notes, pair them up to review their
notes together and complete the worksheet.
6. Once students have finished, call on pairs to share their answers and
discuss any differences of opinion.

40 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.1 | observing conflict

Alternate Ending: You can use a version of “Playback Theater” to address

the last question of the worksheet: “How could the conflict have ended Extension Activity
differently?” Have pairs volunteer to jump into the role of the characters Using students’ homework (Observing
in the second role-play and play back the role-play with their alternate Conflicts Worksheet based on a personal
ending. Then explain that this strategy is a model of peacebuilding that has conflict), have them turn their conflict into
been used throughout the world. Playback theater is a form of improvisa- a conversation, writing in script format, or
tional theater that values personal stories and community building. It is a comic strip, but leaving out the ending.
used internationally in situations of trauma or crisis, as a means of facilitat- Have students exchange their scripts/
ing community dialogue and as a reconciliation process. Playback theater ­comics and have a partner write an ending
has been used with refugee populations and with groups, such as the Dalit, or guess the actual ending.
or untouchables, in India to address discrimination.

VI. Discussion or Optional Exit Pass (5 minutes)

Lead a discussion using some or all of the following questions:

◆◆ Why is understanding or knowing a conflict well important when trying to

find a solution?
◆◆ The worksheet is useful for understanding interpersonal conflicts—
conflicts between two or more people. How do you think observing
conflicts can help you understand a national or international conflict you
have studied? What other questions would you ask to help understand a
larger or more complicated conflict? Share with students that in lesson 2.3
they will look at a more in depth process that will help them understand
more complicated conflicts.

VII. Homework (optional, as preparation for Lesson 2.2)

Think about a conflict you have had with another person and analyze
it using the Observing Conflicts Worksheet. Think specifically about
how you handled it and what you could have done differently.

Participation, Observing Conflicts Worksheet

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 41

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Role-play 1
Student A (playing a young person): Your mother/father is not happy with your grades. She/he thinks you are spending
too much time with your friends and does not like them. She/he wants to take you out of your current school and put
you in a private school so you will focus more on studying. You are very happy in your current school and do not want
to leave your friends to go somewhere new. For you, the issue is not your friends, it’s the amount of homework you have
and the difficulty of the subjects.

Student B (playing a mother/father): Your son/daughter is not doing well at school. You think he/she is wasting too
much time with friends who are also not doing well. You want your child to go to the private school in town where there
is a stronger academic environment and fewer distractions from studying.

Cut here $

Role-play 2
Student A (playing a young person): You are sure your sister/brother has borrowed your favorite T-shirt again. You can’t
find it anywhere in the house.

Student B (playing a young person): You borrowed your sister’s/brother’s T-shirt. She/he wasn’t home, so you couldn’t
ask her. When you get home from school, your sister/brother is there and very angry.

42 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.1 | observing conflict


Directions: Use this worksheet to help you analyze a conflict when you observe it.

1. Describe what happened (the facts).

2. Who was involved?

3. What was the conflict about?

4. What was the problem for person A?

A feels . . .

A needs . . .

5. What was the problem for person B?

B feels. . .

B needs. . .

6. How did the conflict end?

7. How could the conflict have ended differently?

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 43

peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition


Exit Pass Question: What is the value of analyzing a conflict and how can you use this skill in your life?

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Detail 1 Supporting Detail 2 Supporting Detail 3 Supporting Detail 4

Summary/Concluding Sentence:

Cut here $

Exit Pass Question: What is the value of analyzing a conflict and how can you use this skill in your life?

Topic Sentence:

Supporting Detail 1 Supporting Detail 2 Supporting Detail 3 Supporting Detail 4

Summary/Concluding Sentence:

44 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

Lesson 2.2
Identifying Conflict Styles

Knowing how you tend to deal with conflict can be helpful in figuring out what you
might do differently to manage conflict better or to find a more positive outcome.
This activity gives students the opportunity to reflect on how they tend to respond
to conflict and to explore the value of using different conflict styles in different

1. To understand the value of knowing one’s tendencies for dealing with conflict.
2. To understand the value of identifying conflict styles of those with whom you
are in conflict.

◆◆ Individual Development and Identity
◆◆ Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
◆◆ Power, Authority, and Governance
◆◆ Production, Distribution, and Consumption

Time: One class period (45 minutes)

❑❑ What Do You Do When. . . ? Worksheet
❑❑ Conflict Styles Handout

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 45

peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition

45 minutes Procedures

I. Essential Question
Why is it useful to know what conflict style you use most often?

II. Motivation/Introduction (1 minute)
Explain to students that people respond to conflicts in very different ways and
there is no single correct way to respond. Tell students they are going to do an
activity that will help them determine how they tend to respond to conflict.

III. Teacher Directed (12 minutes)

1. Distribute the What Do You Do When. . . ? Worksheet and have students
complete it.
2. Divide the class into five groups and assign each group a number from one
to five, which they will use later.
3. In their groups, have students share what patterns they see on their indi-
vidual worksheets. Do they have a lot of A’s, a lot of C’s, or a few of each
4. Write the five styles by name on the board (Avoidance, Confrontation,
Accommodation, Compromise, Problem Solving). Ask students to
guess which style matches each letter on the What Do You Do When. . . ?
Worksheet (A. Confronting, B. Avoiding, C. Accommodating,
D. Compromising, E. Problem Solving).
5. Have them identify their dominant style by looking at their pattern.
6. Distribute the Conflict Styles Handout and go over the highlights of each

Alternative Strategy: You may choose to introduce the styles by role-

playing a scenario with a student five ways, using a different style each
time and asking the class to describe what they saw.

IV. Guided Practice (22 minutes)

1. Tell students that now they are going to see what the styles look like by
acting them out.
2. Have each student share in their group a conflict they have been involved
with, how they handled it, and how they could have handled the conflict
differently using another style. Then have the group select one of the
conflicts that they shared to act out. (If you are concerned about the nature
of the personal conflicts, you can assign each group one of the scenarios
from the What Do You Do When. . . ? Worksheet.)
3. Randomly assign each group a conflict style and have them act out the
conflict using that style.
4. Give groups time (5–7 minutes) to practice acting out their assigned
5. Have each group present their scenario/conflict. While each group
presents, have the audience identify on the Conflict Styles Handout which
group (1, 2, 3 . . .) is acting out each style and how they know. At the end of
each scenario, have the class share their responses.

46 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.2 | identifying conflict styles

VI. Discussion (10 minutes) Extension Activity

Lead a discussion using some of the following questions:
Have students draw a symbol/cartoon cari-
◆◆ Why might you use different styles with different people in different cature that represents their conflict style.
situations? Ask for examples. Post them in the room and have students
guess the styles based only on the visual
◆◆ Is it possible to use more than one style in a situation, for example, to move
from confrontation to compromise? What might make someone move in
this way? (If you saw more than one style in one of the scenarios presented,
point this out to the group).
◆◆ Is one style best for managing conflicts? (Each style has its place, but gener-
ally when managing conflict, the problem-solving approach leads
to a solution that is agreeable to everyone).
◆◆ Why is it useful to know what conflict style you use most often?
◆◆ How can it be helpful to know someone else’s style?
◆◆ What national and international examples (current or historical) can you
think of in which you have seen people or groups in conflict use these
styles? (Try to relate the styles to the social studies events you have studied
with your students).

What Do You Do When? Worksheet, scenarios in groups, Conflict Styles Handout,
discussion questions, participation

Source for Conflict Styles Grid: K. Thomas, “Conflict and Negotiation Process
in Organizations,” in Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, ed.
M. D. Dunnette and L. M. Hough (Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists
Press, 1992), 660.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 47

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Read the scenarios below and write the letter of the response that most closely matches what you would do in the situa-
tion. You may find that none of the responses reflects exactly how you would respond, so pick the one closest to what you
would do. You can use each letter as many times as you want.

A. Try to convince someone of your point or stand up for what you believe. Address the problem directly.
B. Walk away from the situation, ignore the situation, or deny that there is a problem.
C. Do what others want even if you disagree or if it’s not what you want.
D. Make a quick compromise.
E. Find a solution that makes everyone happy.

____ 1. Your mother wants you to help her clean the house on Saturday night and you want to go out with your friends.

____ 2. Your best friend always borrows your things and never gives them back.

____ 3. Someone is saying bad things about your friend. You’re angry because you know what they are saying
isn’t true.

____ 4. You think your teacher has been unfair in grading your test. You think your grade should be higher.

____ 5. Your friend always wants to copy your homework and it bothers you because it takes you a very long time to
do your assignments.

____ 6. Your friends want to skip school and you don’t know what to do. You want to go to school but you don’t want
your friends to make fun of you.

48 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.2 | identifying conflict styles


Directions: Watch each group act out the scenario with a different conflict style. Match the group to the conflict style in
the first column. Then fill out how you know in the last column.

(1, 2, 3, How Do
4, 5) Conflict Style Behavior Uses Limitations You Know?
Avoiding ◆◆ Leaving a situation ◆◆ When confront- ◆◆ The problem
◆◆ Denying a problem ◆◆ Holding back ing seems may never be
feelings and dangerous resolved.
◆◆ Pretending nothing
is wrong opinions ◆◆ When you need ◆◆ Emotions may
more time to explode later.

Confronting ◆◆ Interrupting/ ◆◆ When immedi- ◆◆ This style can

◆◆ Getting what you taking over ate action is make people
want no matter ◆◆ Ignoring others’ needed defensive and
what feelings and ideas ◆◆ When you can make a
believe in the conflict worse.
◆◆ Some people win, ◆◆ Loud tone of voice
some lose absolute right- ◆◆ This style can
◆◆ Sometimes physical ness of your make it hard
violence action and don’t for others to
see any other express how
choice they feel.

Accommodating ◆◆ Apologizing/ ◆◆ When you think ◆◆ You may work

◆◆ Giving in to saying yes to end you’ve made a hard to please
another person’s the conflict mistake or that others but
point of view ◆◆ Letting others you don’t really never be happy
interrupt or ignore understand the yourself.
◆◆ Paying attention situation
to others’ concerns your feelings, ideas ◆◆ Being nice
and not your own ◆◆ When smooth- doesn’t always
ing over is solve the
important problem.
for keeping a

Compromising ◆◆ Interest is in finding ◆◆ When you need ◆◆ You may fix

◆◆ Each person wins a solution a fast decision the immediate
some and loses ◆◆ Show desire to talk on a small issue conflict but
some about the problem ◆◆ When nothing not the bigger
else works problem.
◆◆ Each person
may not end
up happy.

Problem-Solving ◆◆ Addressing your ◆◆ Can make ◆◆ This requires

◆◆ Finding a solu- feelings, needs, and someone who is time and good
tion that makes wants stubborn move communication
everyone happy ◆◆ Listening to others toward resolv- skills.
ing a problem
◆◆ Looking closely at
the sources of the

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 49

Lesson 2.3
Practicing Conflict Analysis

This activity gives students the opportunity to practice analyzing conflicts using a
more in depth process than in Lesson 2.1. Analyzing conflicts enables us to manage
them more knowledgably and accurately. Conflict analysis can be used to under-
stand all types of conflicts—between individuals, communities, and countries.

1. To understand the various elements of conflict analysis.
2. To understand the value of conflict analysis in managing conflicts.
3. To develop conflict analysis skills.

◆◆ Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
◆◆ Global Connections

Time: Two class periods (Part 1–45 minutes; Part 2–45 minutes)

❑❑ Cross the Line Roles Handout
❑❑ Elements of Conflict Handout
❑❑ Analyzing a Conflict Worksheet (You will need two copies per group, one for
Part 1 and one for Part 2. If possible, save paper by making double-sided
copies of the worksheet.)
❑❑ Newspaper or news magazine articles (one per group of three). BBC.com and
NY Times’ Upfront Magazine are good sources. USIP also has brief descrip-
tions of conflicts at www.usip.org.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 51

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Prior to class, cut the Cross the Line Roles into strips, so you have enough strips to
give each person in the pairs participating in the activity. The observer in the activity
does not get a strip.

45 minutes Part 1


I. Essential Question
Why is it important to understand the process of conflict analysis?

II. Motivation/Introduction (25 minutes)

Tell students they are going to practice solving a problem. Conduct the Cross the
Line activity (see Activity: Cross the Line for directions).

III. Teacher Directed/Guided Practice (20 minutes)

1. Ask students what it means to analyze something and what the purpose
of analyzing something might be, for example, to understand, to be able to
respond, to gain lessons for the future, etc.
2. Distribute the Elements of Conflict Handout to each student and review the
six elements.
3. Distribute one Analyzing a Conflict Handout to each group of three from the
Cross the Line activity.
4. In their groups, have students answer questions to identify the elements of
the conflict they just acted out in Cross the Line.
5. Go over the answers as a whole class, having the observer share his/her
group’s answers.
6. Ask students what conflict styles each group displayed in their situation
(relating back to Lesson 2.2).
7. Share that the process of conflict analysis should be used in all types of
conflict situations, from personal to international. The analysis is more
complex and takes longer for an international conflict, but it is an essential
part of trying to figure out what can be done to manage it.

45 minutes Part 2
I. Independent Practice (35 minutes)
1. Distribute a newspaper or news magazine article about an international
conflict to each group. Be sure to provide a range of articles, so differ-
ent types of conflict can be explored. Distribute one Analyzing a Conflict
Handout to each group.
2. Have students read the articles in their groups and complete the Analyzing
a Conflict Worksheet together. Students should use the Elements of Conflict
Handout to help them answer the questions.

52 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.3 | practicing conflict analysis

3. When all groups are finished, have students summarize their article and
share responses. If the article they have does not provide information that Extension Activity
allows them to answer all of the questions on the worksheet, have them Show students photographs depicting
research the remaining answers for homework. conflicts and have students identify the
level of conflict, i.e. interpersonal,
Alternative: If you have difficulty finding current conflicts for which intergroup, intragroup, etc.
students have enough background context, you can have them analyze a
historical conflict you have studied with them. Analyzing past conflicts
is helpful practice, but it serves a different purpose. Analyzing current
conflicts helps in figuring out how to approach them. Analyzing past
conflicts is useful in determining lessons learned. Students can benefit from
both exercises.

II. Discussion (10 minutes)

Lead a discussion using some or all of the following questions:
◆◆ Which questions are harder to answer? Why?
◆◆ What is the value of analyzing a conflict?
◆◆ How can analyzing a conflict help you figure out ways to approach it?
◆◆ Imagine a complicated international conflict like the conflict in Iraq or
Afghanistan. How can analyzing the conflict help those who want to build
peace in these areas?
◆◆ What might happen if you tried to resolve a conflict without knowing
enough about it?

Cross the Line participation, Analyzing Conflict Worksheet

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 53

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This is a problem-solving exercise that has two key messages. Problem solving is easier to manage when 1) people work
cooperatively rather than competitively and 2) parties in conflict trust one another. The exercise deals with a life in prison
sentence and provides a short timeframe for finding a solution (three minutes to create a sense of urgency and for partici-
pants to feel the stress that conflict can create). You can change the scenario to something more relatable to students, but
be sure to include a sense of urgency. The purpose of the exercise is for students to discover that by working together they
can find a solution that benefits everyone (a win-win solution). Problem solving here is a negotiation strategy.

1. Divide the class into groups of three and have them stand in different places in the room.
2. Ask for one person in each group to be an observer.
3. Have the other two in each group face each other with a line on the floor or a piece of tape dividing them.
4. Provide each student in the pairs with the statements on the Cross the Line Handout.
5. Gather those assigned Student 1 and make sure they understand what they are supposed to do. [Tell them they can
use any strategy except physical violence to accomplish their task. Do not tell them what the other group’s scenario
is. If they ask, “Can I share my scenario?” simply reiterate that they can use any strategy other than physical vio-
lence. The solution becomes achievable when each party shares their scenarios with the other, or full disclosure, but
you do not want to lead students to this; rather, you want them to figure this out on their own.]
6. Do the same with those assigned Student 2.
7. Tell them that they will begin on “Action” and have exactly three minutes to solve the problem.
8. After three minutes, say “Stop” and have all students return to their seats.

Lead a class discussion using some or all of the following questions:

1. How many of you were “saved” at the end of three minutes?

2. What strategies did you use to try to solve the problem?
3. Why were some groups unable to solve the problem? What could you have done differently?
5. How many of you shared your problem with the other person?
6. Have one person in the Student 1 role and one person in the Student 2 role read their scenario. What do you notice
about the scenarios? (They’re exactly the same.) How would sharing your scenario and knowing that you had the
same situation have changed how you approached the conflict?
7. How important was it to trust the person on the other side of the line? Do you think you would share information
with someone you don’t trust?
8. How might the exercise have gone differently if you had tried to work together to find a solution agreeable to both
of you (a win-win solution)? What does the game teach about cooperation versus competition?
9. Share with students that in the next lesson they will learn more about ways to approach conflict. Let students know
that you will return to this activity shortly.

Note: The solution is for both people in the pair to cross the line to the other side and to stay on the other side.

54 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.3 | practicing conflict analysis


Information for Student 1: You will be sentenced to life in prison in exactly three minutes. Your only chance to escape is if
you can get your opponent to cross over to your side and stay there before the time is up. Good luck.

Information for Student 2: You will be sentenced to life in prison in exactly three minutes. Your only chance to escape is if
you can get your opponent to cross over to your side and stay there before the time is up. Good luck.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 55

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Conflicts are often about multiple issues at many levels. Conflict analysis must look at all possible causes.
◆◆ Is it about resources (human resources, land, natural resources, possessions)?
◆◆ Is it about power and political control?
◆◆ Is it about emotional needs—fear, respect, recognition, friendship, love?
◆◆ Is it about values and beliefs?
◆◆ Is it about history?


Parties can include those who are visible, as well as those behind the scenes.
◆◆ Is it an internal conflict—a conflict with oneself?
◆◆ Is it an interpersonal conflict—a conflict between two or more people?
◆◆ Is it an intergroup conflict—a conflict between two or more groups?
◆◆ Is it an intragroup conflict—a conflict within a group?
◆◆ Is it an international conflict—a conflict between two or more nations?
◆◆ Is it a global conflict—a conflict that affects many people and nations in the world?
◆◆ Outside of the people directly involved in the conflict, who has a stake in the outcome?


In some conflicts, the parties know one another and in others they do not. When parties know one another, conflict
management includes rebuilding relationships. When parties do not know one another, establishing a relationship means
making sure all parties act in good faith.
◆◆ Do the parties have equal power?
◆◆ How well do the parties know each other?
◆◆ How much do the parties rely on each other? Do the actions of one party seriously affect the actions of the other?


In conflict, each party has its own story, its own history.
◆◆ How long has the conflict been going on?
◆◆ How often has the conflict come up?
◆◆ How intense is the conflict? Is the conflict life threatening? How does the intensity affect possible solutions to the

Each party may use one or more styles to manage the conflict. It is helpful to identify the styles being used.
◆◆ Confront or compete
◆◆ Accommodate
◆◆ Compromise
◆◆ Problem solve
◆◆ Avoid


It is important to know the impact of prior efforts to manage the conflict.
◆◆ Has this conflict gone on for a long time? What has been the result?
◆◆ Have there been attempts to resolve the conflicts?
◆◆ If so, who made the attempts and what happened? If not, why not?
◆◆ What could be done to resolve the conflict now?
56 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators
SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.3 | practicing conflict analysis


1. Describe the conflict in one sentence.

2. What type of conflict is it? (internal, interpersonal. . .)

3. ISSUES: What are the sources of the conflict? (e.g., resources, values, needs)

4. PARTIES: How many parties (different individuals or groups) are involved in the conflict? List them.

5. RELATIONSHIP: Describe the relationship among the different parties.

6. HISTORY: What is the history of the conflict? How long has the conflict been going on? Is it recurring?
How serious is the conflict?

7. STYLES: How are the parties currently dealing with the conflict?

8. MANAGEMENT: What can the parties do to move toward ending the conflict?

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 57

Lesson 2.4A
Responding to Conflict:
Nonverbal Communication

Research indicates that about 80 percent of our communication is nonverbal. Being
able to communicate effectively means understanding verbal and nonverbal interac-
tions. In this activity, participants experience what it is like to interact without words
to understand the complexity of communication.

1. To develop an awareness of how people communicate without words.
2. To develop nonverbal communication skills.
3. To understand the role of nonverbal communication during conflict.

◆◆ Culture

Time: One class period (45 minutes)

❑❑ When No Means Yes Handout

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 59

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45 minutes Procedures

I. Essential Questions:
1. How can we communicate without words?
2. Why is nonverbal communication important when responding to conflict?

II. Motivation/Introduction (2 minutes)
Review the conflict management concepts introduced in the lessons in Section
2 that you have used to date, including conflict analysis (2.1, 2.3), conflict styles
(2.2), the value of trust (Cross the Line, 2.3), the value of working cooperatively
rather than competitively (Cross the Line, 2.3). Tell students that managing
conflict whether at the personal or international level depends on building and
maintaining trust, working cooperatively, and building relationships. One of
the ways to build relationships is by communicating effectively. Tell students
that they are going to focus on developing communication skills.

III. Teacher Directed/Guided Practice (15 minutes)

1. Explain to students that they will study nonverbal communication—ways
that people communicate without using words. They will begin by arrang-
ing themselves in a line according to the month and day (not year) of their
birth. But, they will do this WITHOUT talking, writing, or using any props.
In other words, students must find another way to communicate. The
Note: Paying attention to your own exercise must be done with the month followed by the day; it will not work
nonverbal communication can help ensure if they arrange themselves by day, then month. The teacher may start the
that you project openness to the person exercise by indicating which end of the classroom is January 1 and which is
with whom you are in conflict. Noting the December 31.
nonverbal communication of others can 2. Give students a moment to think of a strategy to use, and then tell them to
help you identify when someone feels begin. From the moment you say “start,” the class should be completely
uncomfortable and may lead you to adjust silent.
how you interact with them so they feel 3. When the group believes it has accomplished the task, check how well
more secure. they did by having each student in line state their birth month and day
starting with the person closest to January 1 (at the start of the line).
Students who are in the incorrect place should find their correct place in
the line. Once they are in the correct order, have them sit in this order for
remainder of class.
4. Debrief this exercise with the following questions:
◆◆ How did you find your place in line?

◆◆ Was it difficult? Why or why not?

◆◆ What strategies did you use? How well do you think they worked?
Why or why not?
◆◆ What did you do when you tried to communicate with someone who
was using a different system of communication? Share with students
the importance of finding a common language, especially when trying
to manage conflicts.
◆◆ Have any of you ever had an experience when you tried to commu-
nicate with someone, but were misunderstood because of a language
barrier? How did you respond?
◆◆ Why is it important to be aware of how you communicate nonver­bally?
How can it be helpful to pay attention to how others communicate
nonverbally when in a conflict situation?

60 Peacebuilding Toolkits for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4A | responding to conflict: nonverbal communication

IV. Teacher Directed (9 minutes) Extension Activity

1. Tell students that they are going to read an example of miscommunication
Have students create a Top Ten Ways to
over gestures. The story is about a Peace Corps volunteer in Slovakia who
Communicate Nonverbally poster or a
had difficulty with nonverbal communication.
radio advertisement that promotes and
2. Have students locate Slovakia on a map and identify the countries that explains the importance of nonverbal
border it. Ask them what they know about the country/region from his- ­communication.
tory, e.g., WWI and WWII.
3. Divide students into groups of three or four and distribute the When No
Means Yes Handout to each student.

V. Independent Practice (15 minutes)

1. Have students read the story and answer the questions at the bottom of the
handout in their groups.
2. Have groups share their responses.

VI. Discussion (4 minutes)
Lead a discussion using some or all of the following questions:

◆◆ How can nonverbal communication impact negotiations where parties are

from different cultures or countries?
◆◆ How could a peacebuilder prepare him/herself to use nonverbal commu-
nication for a negotiation?

Participation in small group work and large group discussion

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 61

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Lesson 2.4a Handout: When No Means Yes

It’s true that the Peace Corps is the “toughest job you’ll ever love,” but I had no idea it would be the most confusing.
Shortly after arriving at my Peace Corps site in Ruzomberok, Slovakia, I decided to visit another Peace Corps Volunteer
in a neighboring town. My Slovak was ok, having had three months of language and cultural training, but I still relied
on gestures to get around and hadn’t yet learned a lot of slang. I walked into the train station to buy a ticket for the
short ride to Liptovsky Hradok. To buy my ticket, I told the ticket seller where I was going and held up one finger, my
forefinger, to indicate that I wanted one ticket. I was very confused when he gave me two. I shook my head to suggest
there was a mistake and gave one back. I didn’t realize that in Slovakia you hold up your thumb to suggest one. Holding
up your thumb and forefinger means “two.” When I showed my forefinger, he assumed I wanted two tickets. Over the
course of the next two years, I would mistakenly end up with two movie tickets, two bus tickets, and two train tickets on
countless occasions. Old habits die hard.

After I bought my train ticket, I walked out to the platform. I heard some muffled noises from the loud speaker that I
could not understand and hoped the announcement wasn’t anything important. A train arrived a few minutes later, and
I followed the crowd toward it. Before I got on, I asked a woman, “Liptovsky Hradok?” hoping my intonation would
explain what I meant. She nodded and said, “No.” I stepped back and let others board, returning to the platform to wait
for my train. Another train came from the opposite direction and I approached it. Again, I asked someone, “Liptovksy
Hradok?” This time the response was Nie. Now I was confused. Nie means “no” in Slovak, but why had the first woman
said “no”? I went into the train station to look at the train schedule. My train had come and gone. I waited for the next
train to Liptovsky Hradok, got on it, and hoped it would take me where I wanted to go. When I finally reached my
friend’s apartment, I told him what had happened. He said that he had recently learned no is the quick way of saying
Ano (ah-no), which means yes. I thought back to when the woman said no, meaning yes, to me at the first train. She had
smiled and nodded, but I had ignored those gestures because the word sounded so familiar to me. But when I relied on
gestures like my forefinger to indicate one ticket, that had resulted in confusion, as well. Some things made sense to me,
others did not. I wondered if I would ever be able to feel at home in a place where everything seemed upside down.

Note: Words in italics are in Slovak.

Answer the following questions in your groups.

1. What are the sources of the writer’s confusion?

2. What gestures does she assume are universal?
3. What would you do in her situation to try to manage the challenges to nonverbal and verbal communication?
4. How can managing these challenges help prevent conflict?

Biography: Alison Milofsky is a senior program officer at the United States Institute of Peace, where she facilitates
workshops on communication and negotiation skills. She continues to feel at home in Slovakia, 15 years after leav-
ing the Peace Corps. She visits Ruzomberok every summer with her Slovak husband, whom she met there, and her
two children, who speak Slovak and English. She speaks Slovak with her in-laws, but she still occasionally makes the
forefinger-equals-one mistake.

62 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

Lesson 2.4B
Responding to Conflict:
Active Listening

Effective communication consists of both speaking and listening. When trying to
manage a conflict, using active listening allows you to increase your understanding
of the other parties, build trust, and develop or maintain relationships. This activity
gives students the opportunity to identify what active listening is and why it is
important in managing conflicts.

1. To identify key active listening skills.
2. To develop students’ active listening skills.

◆◆ Culture

Time: One class period (45 minutes)

❑❑ Core Principles of Active Listening Handout
❑❑ Abegaz and the Lion Extension Handout

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 63

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45 minutes Procedures

I. Essential Question
How does active listening play a role in responding to conflict?

II. Motivation/Introduction (3 minutes)
Quick Activity: Ask students for situations that require listening. Examples: getting direc-
Lap Sit (10 minutes) tions, helping a person, learning about someone, listening to music for
Use this quick trust building exercise if you entertainment, etc.
have extra time in your lesson one day.

1. Have everyone stand in a circle facing III. Teacher Directed (15 minutes)

their left, so everyone is looking at the 1. Ask two students to act out Scenario 1 (below). Direct the rest of the class to
back of the person in front of them. observe the conversation. Give Student A and Student B their instructions
privately. If you are concerned about whether your students can act out
2. Make sure they are very close to each
listening skills, you can play the role of listener in the scenarios.
other. If they need to get closer, they
can take a step into the circle. This will Scenario 1: Student A
tighten the circle. Talk about what you did over the weekend. Share a lot of details.
Scenario 1: Student B
3. Tell students that when you say “sit,” they
should slowly sit on the lap of the person When your classmate starts to speak, exhibit poor listening skills, such as
behind them. The exercise only works if look at your watch, interrupt, avoid eye contact, look bored or impatient,
everyone sits at the same time. tap your foot or fidget.

4. Have everyone stand and then lead 2. At the end of the conversation, draw a T-Chart (an enlarged capital T, with
a discussion using the following room for writing underneath each side of the horizontal line) on the board
questions. and ask the class to describe what the listener was doing.
3. Record their ideas on the right side of the T-Chart.
◆◆ How did it feel to do this exercise?
4. Ask Student A to describe how he/she felt.
◆◆ Was anyone nervous? Why? How did 5. Ask two students to act out Scenario 2. Direct the rest of the class to
you overcome your nervousness? observe the conversation.
◆◆ What was the role of trust in this Scenario 2: Student A
exercise? What is the role of trust in
Talk about what you plan on doing next weekend. Share a lot of details.
Scenario 2: Student B
When your classmate starts to speak, exhibit good listening skills, such as
nod, smile, show concern, maintain eye contact, restate what he/she says,
ask questions, and encourage.
6. At the end of the conversation, ask the class to describe what the listener
was doing.
7. Record their ideas on the left side of the T-Chart.
8. Ask Student A to describe how he/she felt.

IV. Guided Practice (8 minutes)

1. Ask the class if they can figure out what the headings should be for each
side of the T-Chart.
2. If necessary, coach them. (Left Side: Active/Good Listening Skills; Right
Side: Poor Listening Skills)
3. Distribute the Core Principles of Active Listening Handout and review the
content with students.
4. Ask:
◆◆ Is there anything we should add to the left side of the T-Chart?

64 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4b | responding to conflict: Active Listening

V. Independent Practice (10 minutes) Extension Activity 1

1. Tell the students that they are going to practice using active listening skills
Have students complete the same exercise
with a partner. Brainstorm with the class a few topics that have multiple
but this time they should think of a person-
perspectives and are often discussed or debated in society. Write these on
al conflict they had that was not resolved
the board. Divide the class into pairs, assigning one student, Student A and
or where they were not happy with the out-
the other Student B. Have each student select a topic on which to speak for
come. In pairs have them take turns listen-
two minutes. Instruct students to use active listening skills when they are
ing to each other’s experiences using active
not speaking.
listening skills. The goal of listening in the
2. Have Student A speak on their topic for two minutes while Student B exercise is to understand the conflict, the
listens using active listening skills. perspective of the person sharing with you,
3. After two minutes, have Student A share with Student B what Student B and to build trust by being a good listener.
did well. What active listening skills did Student A notice Student B using? The goal is not to solve the problem.
Allow two minutes for feedback.
4. Have students switch roles: Have Student B speak on their topic for two
minutes while Student A listens using active listening skills.
5. After two minutes, have Student B share with Student A what Student A Extension Activity 2
did well. What active listening skills did Student B notice Student A using? Abegaz and the Lion,
Allow two minutes for feedback. a folk tale from Ethiopia
Introduce the concept of oral tradition and

VI. Discussion (9 minutes) folk tales as ways for communities to share

important lessons from generation to gen-
Lead a whole class discussion using some or all of the following questions: eration. Abegaz and the Lion is a folk tale
from Ethiopia. You can have students read
◆◆ What did it feel like to really be listened to without being interrupted?
the folk tale by distributing the handout,
Does that happen often in your life? Why or why not?
or you can have them listen to a podcast of
◆◆ What made this activity challenging for you?
the folk tale on the Peace Corps website at
◆◆ How can using active listening skills help you to build trust with the http://www.peacecorps.gov/wws/stories/
person to whom you are listening? stories.cfm?psid=66##. This story is just one
◆◆ Why is active listening an important skill for managing conflicts of all example that may be useful in educating
­levels, from personal to international? What might happen in an interna- young people about communication.
tional conflict when parties do not feel heard? Revisit the importance of
trust and building relationships when managing a conflict. Also explain After they read/listen to the story, discuss
that active listening allows you to learn the other person’s perspective the meaning.
instead of assuming you know what they think/mean/want.
1. Abegaz had a big problem. He had to
◆◆ Ask for volunteers to share one core principle of active listening they do confront a lion. How did he do this?
well and one they need to work on. What was his strategy?

2. Why do you think he asked the lion

Assessment: directly for a hair instead of trying to
take it? Why did the lion give it to him?
Participation in whole class and paired activities
3. Why did the healer send Abegaz to the
lion? Why are active listening and
effective communication so important
for peacebuilding at the personal and
the international level?

Note: The story of Abegaz and the Lion

ties in very nicely with the lessons that ad-
dress the importance of trust building and
relationship building between individuals
and groups in conflict. It can also be used as
an extension to the Cross the Line exercise
in Lesson 2.3.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 65

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Below are five core principles of active listening.

◆◆ Physical Attention
◆◆ Face the person who is talking.

◆◆ Look them in the eye, if it is culturally appropriate.

◆◆ Notice the speaker’s body language; does it match what he/she is saying?

◆◆ Can you match the speaker’s body language?

◆◆ Try not to do anything else while you are listening.

◆◆ Paraphrasing
◆◆ Show you are listening and understanding what is being said.

◆◆ Check the meaning and your interpretation.

◆◆ Restate basic ideas and facts.

◆◆ Check to make sure your understanding is accurate by saying:

• “It sounds like what you mean is. . . Is that so?”

• “So what happened was. . . Is that correct?”

◆◆ Reflecting
◆◆ Show that you understand how the person feels.

◆◆ Help the person evaluate his or her feelings after hearing them
expressed by someone else.
◆◆ Reflect the speakers feelings by saying:

• “Are you saying that you’re angry/disappointed/glad, because. . . ?”

• “It sounds like you feel. . .”

◆◆ Clarifying questions
◆◆ Help clarify what is said.

◆◆ Get more information.

◆◆ Help the speaker see other points of view.

◆◆ Use a tone of voice that conveys interest.

◆◆ Ask open-ended questions, as opposed to yes/no questions, to elicit more information.

• “Can you explain what you mean by that?”

• “Can you tell me more about that?”

◆◆ Encouragers
◆◆ Show interest by saying:

• “Really?”

• “Is that so?”

66 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4b | responding to conflict: Active Listening

Lesson 2.4B Extension Handout: Abegaz and the Lion, a folk tale

from Ethiopia

Long ago there lived a young man named Abegaz. He was very, very lonely. Abegaz woke one morning and realized that he could
delay the matter no ­longer. He wanted a wife. Since there were no young women of marriageable age in his village, Abegaz decided
to visit a village across the mountainside. Packing up his donkey, he set off in search of a bride.

As Abegaz approached the mountain, he heard the roar of a mighty lioness. Immediately, he jumped off the donkey and ran as fast
as he could. Soon, he found himself on the other side of the mountain, with his scared little donkey trailing him. Out of breath, he sat
down on a rock that overlooked a peaceful green pasture where sheep were grazing. There, in the middle of the pasture, was a lovely
shepherd girl. Abegaz knew instantly that this was the woman he should wed. After introducing himself to her, he asked to meet her
father. Within a week, Abegaz was married to the shepherd girl, whose name was Meseletch.

When Abegaz brought his wife home, he was very pleased. No more threadbare pants, no more dirty dishes to wash. Meseletch was as
useful as she was beautiful, and Abegaz grew fatter and more content each day.

One day, however, after some years, Abegaz arrived home and Meseletch started to scream. He tried to calm her, but she wouldn’t stop.
“Be quiet,” he said, as he put his hand over her mouth. But Meseletch persisted throughout the night, screaming “Aaagh!” in a high-
pitched voice. When the sun rose the next morning, Meseletch’s screams had not quieted. Abegaz knew he had to find a cure quickly,
so he hastened to the house of the healer.

“Something is wrong with my wife,” he told the healer. “She won’t stop screaming. Can you give me some medicine to quiet her?”

“I can help you,” said the healer. “But first I need a special ingredient. I don’t have any lion’s hair left. If you’d like me to make the medi-
cine to cure your wife, you will need to climb the mountain, find the lion, and bring me back a single hair from her tail.”

Abegaz did not relish the idea of meeting the lion. But he could not bear to go home to his screaming wife. Thanking the healer, he set
off for the mountain that he had climbed some years before.

From the foot of the mountain, Abegaz could hear the lion’s roars, but he walked steadily in its direction. At last he spotted the lion
and, crouching down low, came within 10 yards of her. For many hours, Abegaz watched in silence as the lion chased monkeys from
the trees. As he was about to leave, he took a jar of milk from his satchel and placed it in a clearing for the lion.

The next day, Abegaz climbed the mountain once more. This time Abegaz came within a few feet of the lion. Once again he hid behind
a tree, watching as the lion closed her eyes and fell asleep. As he left, he took fruit and cheese from his satchel and placed it at the
sleeping lion’s feet.

On the third day, Abegaz ran up the mountain, carrying a kilo of raw meat. When the lion roared, he said, “Good morning!” and held
out his hands to feed her the meat. From that day, Abegaz and the lion became good friends. He brushed the lion’s tan coat, helped
her chase monkeys, and lay down beside her for afternoon naps.

“May I please take a hair from your tail?” Abegaz asked one day. “My wife needs it.”

The lion graciously agreed and plucked a thick hair from her tail.

“Thank you!” Abegaz called, as he ran down the mountain.

“My pleasure,” roared the lion.

With the hair in hand, Abegaz knocked on the door of the healer.

“I have it,” he said. “I have the hair from the lion’s tail.” Abegaz told the healer of his friendship with the lion. Then he asked, “What must I
do now?” The healer smiled and shook his head, saying, “Abegaz, Abegaz. You have become friends with a lioness, but you still have not
made friends with your wife? Who is a better friend, a lion or a wife? Now go home and treat your wife better than that lion.”

Source: http://www.peacecorps.gov/wws/stories/stories.cfm?psid=66##

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 67

Lesson 2.4C
Responding to Conflict:
Negotiation—Identifying Wants
and Needs

Negotiation is a regular part of everyday life, though it can be difficult to do well.
Negotiation skills are extremely valuable in helping people with both shared and
opposing interests to reach an agreement. In this lesson, students will learn basic
negotiation methods by exploring the difference between positions (what people
want) and interests (what people need). Looking to parties’ interests instead of their
positions can make it possible to find a solution.

1. To define negotiation.
2. To understand the difference between wants and needs and identify them in
various conflicts.
3. To explore and apply basic negotiation methods.

◆◆ Culture
◆◆ Production, Distribution, and Consumption

Time: Two class periods (Part 1–45 minutes; Part 2–45 minutes)

❑❑ The Homework Conflict Role-play Handout (two copies for the role play)
❑❑ Wants and Needs Worksheet (one per person in Part 1 and one per person in
Part 2)
❑❑ Conflict Scenario Role-plays Handout
❑❑ Creating Options Handout
❑❑ Dot stickers (optional)
❑❑ Chart paper

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 69

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45 minutes Part 1

Note: USIP’s Peace Terms defines negotia-
tion as follows: The process of communi- I. Essential Question
cation and bargaining between parties Why is exploring the needs of all parties important in negotiation?
seeking to arrive at a mutually acceptable
outcome on issues of shared concern II. Motivation/Introduction (2 minutes)
Ask students to stand if they have ever had to negotiate something. Explain
that negotiation is a part of everyday life and that we use negotiation in many
Note: Not all conflicts can be negotiated. different situations.
Some conflicts require negotiation as well
as other tools. And sometimes people III. Teacher Directed (15 minutes)
negotiate simply as a way to maintain 1. Direct students to individually write a definition of negotiation on a piece
positions, with no intention of finding a of paper.
collaborative solution. 2. Direct them to move through the room and find a partner. Tell them to
share their definitions and write one definition together that represents
both of their ideas.
3. Direct the pairs to move through the room to find another pair. Tell the
Quick Activity:
pairs to share their definitions and write one new definition together that
Creating Options
represents both pairs’ ideas. Have groups of four write their final definition
This is a quick activity to practice the on chart paper and post it.
brainstorming process, which is helpful in 4. Give each student a dot sticker. Tell them to read all of the posted defini-
generating creative solutions. tions to themselves and put the sticker on their absolute favorite. If you
Procedures don’t have stickers, you can have students raise hands to indicate which
definition they prefer and tally the vote.
1. Ask students:
5. Ask:
a. What does brainstorming mean? How
◆◆ “What did we just do?” Take ideas.
would you describe the process?
6. Share: “We negotiated a definition of negotiation!”
b. How do you think brainstorming can
be used in the process of negotiation? 7. Ask:
◆◆ What skills that we have talked about did you use when sharing/writ-
2. Share with the group the ground rules
ing your definitions?
for brainstorming:
8. Share with students that negotiation is a process of communication that
a. All ideas are encouraged people engage in to find an agreeable solution to a conflict. We have
b. Record all contributions without already worked on a few of the key elements of negotiation: preparation
discussing their merits through conflict analysis, ways to approach relationship/trust building
c. Avoid judging any options through active listening. Now we are going to look at another key element:
d. Avoid focusing on differences between identifying wants and needs.
Explain that often when people are in conflict and want something, they
e. Combine related ideas state what they want as a position or a demand, for example, “I want a
f. Do not attach names to ideas million dollars, “I want you to leave this land,” “I want clean drinking
g. Encourage creativity water.” Demands or wants usually are not flexible, and can make negotiat-
h. Keep the flow going for as long as ing difficult. Needs are usually underlying and often are not even clear
possible to the person making the demand. Exploring the underlying needs and
how to meet these needs is a key skill in managing conflicts. By getting at
3. Divide students into small groups and
the needs or why the person is making the demand (why they want what
distribute the Creating Options Handout
they want), you can often find common ground between parties in conflict,
to each group. Have students brain-
which can open up possibilities for a creative solution.
storm in their groups how they can solve
the problem. If it helps to clarify, you can write the following definitions on the board:
(continued on next page)

70 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4C | responding to conflict: negotiation—identifying wants and needs

Wants: In a negotiation, a want is a statement of demand and is often

4. Have each group share their solutions
not flexible. The party making the demand insists on getting what they and create a master list on the board.
want: “I want land” or “I want $500!” One possible solution is to let some of
Needs: In a negotiation, a need is what lies beneath the demand and the air out of the tires so the truck can
can often be determined by asking why a party is making such a pass through the tunnel. Do not share
demand: “I need to feed my family” or “I need to feel respected.” this solution until the end.
5. If you have time, you can move past the
brainstorming phase to the analysis
IV. Guided Practice (15 minutes)
phase in which people talk about the
1. Select two students to act out the homework scenario and give them the advantages and disadvantages of
Homework Conflict Role-play Handout. Prepare them by reviewing the each idea, as a way of eliminating those
conflict with them, making sure they understand their roles. that won’t work and narrowing the
2. After they have acted out the role-play, ask the class: possibilities.

◆◆ Do you think they solved their conflict effectively? Why or why not? 5. Lead a class discussion using some or all
◆◆ Did you know their needs?
of the following questions.

3. Allow the class to ask the two students anything they want that will help ◆◆ Was it difficult to list options without
them determine the wants and needs of the siblings. Remind them that evaluating or analyzing them as you
asking why someone wants what they want can often get at their needs. went along? If so, why?
4. Distribute the Wants and Needs Worksheet and have students fill in the first ◆◆ Did you have more ideas as a group
three columns on the chart based on the class discussion. than you would have had working
individually? Why?

V. Independent Practice (13 minutes) ◆◆ What is the value of creativity in the

negotiation process?
1. Divide the class into groups of three.
Note: It is often difficult for students to
2. Direct them to solve the problem (the last column on the chart-Action),
avoid commenting, either positively or
reminding them that the key to finding the best course of action is to
negatively, on various ideas. Try to discour-
understand each person’s needs. Refer back to the posted definitions.
age students from doing so. Remind them
Have groups share their solutions.
that after all ideas have been expressed,
3. Discuss some or all of the following questions: they can discuss the merits of each.
◆◆ Why do we often focus only on people’s wants?

◆◆ Why is it sometimes hard to know someone’s needs?

◆◆ How did looking at needs help you think of a solution?

Part 2 45 minutes

I. More Independent Practice (32 minutes)

1. Divide students into pairs and give them one of the three conflict scenarios
from the Conflict Scenario Role-plays Handout to role play. Also distribute
the Wants and Needs Worksheet to each student.
2. Have each student read their role and identify their own wants and needs.
They should write this information under Party 1 on the chart. (5 minutes)
3. Then have each group role play their scenario, trying to determine the
other party’s wants and needs. Remind them to ask the other party why
they want what they want. Have them write this information under
Party 2. (7 minutes)
4. Have them work together to see what they could do to solve their problem
in a way that meets both of their needs. They should put this information
under the Action column. (10 minutes)
5. Have one pair from each conflict scenario present their information to the
group. After each presentation, ask other groups with the same scenario to
add any additional information to the chart. (10 minutes)

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 71

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Extension Activity 1
II. Discussion (13 minutes)
Have students work in pairs to create their Lead a class discussion using some or all of the following questions:
own conflict scenario. Have students pass
◆◆ Two of the scenarios were interpersonal and one was international. Based
their scenario to another individual or pair
on each group’s comments, what similarities and differences did you notice
with the instructions to identify parties,
among the wants and needs in the two types of conflicts?
wants, needs, and actions.
◆◆ Why is exploring needs important in negotiation?
◆◆ How can looking at needs improve your relationship with the people with
whom you are in conflict?
◆◆ Have students think of examples of local, national, and international con-
flicts in which people have stated their wants or demands. How has this
affected the conflict? Try to tie wants and needs into the historical conflicts
Extension Activity 2 you have studied or are studying.
Show USIP’s witness video on Betty
Bigombe and her work negotiating peace
in Uganda (www.buildingpeace.org) or
George Mitchell and his work in Northern Assessment:
Ireland (www.buildingpeace.org). Have
students complete a wants/needs/action Participation, Wants and Needs Worksheet
chart about the conflict in the video. Have
students research the conflicts in the videos
to add information to their charts.

72 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4C | responding to conflict: negotiation—identifying wants and needs


Directions: Read the scenario. Decide who will play each part. Prepare to act in front of the whole class!

Two siblings have assignments to complete for school and both want to use the computer at home. They start arguing over
who should be able to use it. The older sibling has an important essay due the next day. The younger sibling has to email
his/her science group and send materials by a certain time so the other group members can do their part of the project.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 73

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Directions: Fill in the first three columns based on the role play and discussion.

Parties: Who is the Wants: What are the Needs: Why does Action: What could
conflict between? parties demanding? each party want what each side do in
they are demanding? order to get what
What do they need? they need?

Party 1 (name)

Party 2 (name)

74 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4C | responding to conflict: negotiation—identifying wants and needs


Role Play 1: Studying or Practicing

Student A
You are studying for a math test and like to study in complete silence. Your sibling is practicing his/her instrument. You
want your sibling to stop practicing so you can study.

Student B
You are practicing your instrument for a concert tomorrow. Your sibling wants you to stop practicing because he/she
wants to study for a math test in silence.

Role Play 2: Marrying Outside of One’s Culture and Religion

Student A
You want to marry someone who is from another culture and religion. Your parents are very against this and want you to
marry someone from your own culture and religion. You feel it is most important that you marry the person you love.

Student B
Your son/daughter wants to marry someone who is very nice but does not share your culture or religion. You want your
son/daughter to be happy but it is more important that the family maintains your cultural and religious identity.

Role Play 3: The Pampas in Aguala: A fictional case

The Pampas are an indigenous group in the country of Aguala. They believe that the land belongs to those who work it.
They work the land, in other words, they grow food on the land and they eat what they grow. The government of Aguala
wants the Pampas to move to a different part of the country because they would like to convert the land the Pampas are
living on into a site for ecotourism. The Pampas refuse to leave because, as an indigenous group, they have the right to
stay on their land.

Student A
You are a representative of the Pampas, an indigenous group in the country of Aguala and have been asked to meet with
a representative of the government of Aguala. You believe that the land belongs to those who work it. You work the land,
in other words, you grow food on the land and you eat what you grow. The government wants you to move to a different
part of the country because they would like to convert the land you are living on into a site for ecotourism. You refuse
to leave because, as an indigenous group, you have the right to stay on your land. Also, you don’t trust the government
because in the past they have made promises to other indigenous groups that they have failed to keep.

The Pampas are an indigenous group in the country of Aguala. They believe that the land belongs to those who work it.
They work the land, in other words, they grow food on the land and they eat what they grow. The government of Aguala
wants the Pampas to move to a different part of the country because they would like to convert the land the Pampas are
living on into a site for ecotourism. The Pampas refuse to leave because, as an indigenous group, they have the right to
stay on their land.

Student B
You are a representative of the government of Aguala and have asked to meet with a representative of the Pampas who
are an indigenous group in your country. They believe that the land belongs to those who work it. They work the land, in
other words, they grow food on the land and they eat what they grow. You want them to move to a different plot of land
because you would like to convert the land the Pampas are living on into a site for ecotourism. The Pampas refuse to leave
because, as an indigenous group, they have the right to stay on their land.

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Two truck drivers are driving on a highway to deliver a shipment of humanitarian aid (food, water, medical supplies) to a
village that has been devastated by violent conflict. While driving, the drivers pass beneath a bridge. The top of the bridge
is not high enough, so their truck gets stuck and the top of the truck gets badly damaged. Cars slowly begin to back up
behind the truck, and the line is almost 2 kilometers long. One of the truck drivers thinks that they should continue going
forward and force the truck through the tunnel, even if they will damage the top and some of the aid. The other truck
driver thinks that they should reverse, even if the traffic behind will make it very difficult.

◆◆ What else could they do?

76 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

Lesson 2.4D
Responding to Conflict:
Negotiation Role-play

This lesson allows students to practice all of the skills introduced in the toolkit thus
far: conflict analysis, conflict styles, active listening, building relationships/trust,
identifying wants and needs, and using creative problem solving in one exercise.
The scenario is set in Kosovo to get students to think about how these skills can be
used in conflicts that range from personal to international settings. However, the
conflict could occur anywhere. If you feel that providing background on Kosovo will
prove too difficult or time-consuming, you can change the setting to something more
familiar to students.

1. To improve students’ negotiating skills.
2. To apply key negotiation principles and skills in an international conflict setting.

◆◆ Individual Development and Identity
◆◆ Power, Authority, and Governance
◆◆ Global Connections

Time: Two class periods if you do all of the preparation in class (one class
preparation, one class role-play and discussion); one class period if you have
students do their preparation at home and choose not to have them meet in
like-role groups.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 77

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❑❑ Analyzing a Conflict Worksheet
❑❑ Negotiation Preparation Worksheet
❑❑ Negotiation Note-Taking Worksheet
❑❑ Competing for a UNMIK Contract in Kosovo Scenario Handout
❑❑ Competing for a UNMIK Contract in Kosovo Roles Handout
❑❑ Source for background on conflict in Kosovo:

45 minutes Part 1


I. Essential Question:
How are negotiation skills useful in daily life?

II. Motivation (5 minutes)
1. Ask students to share with a partner one skill they have that makes them
an effective negotiator.
2. Ask for volunteers to share their answers with the class.

III. Teacher Directed (25 minutes)

1. Tell students that they will have the opportunity to practice their negotiat-
ing skills with a partner in a role-play.
2. Depending on the level of your students’ prior knowledge, review the
conflict in Kosovo. You may wish to use the Conflict Analysis Worksheet to
help them analyze the conflict in Kosovo. The negotiation scenario does
not have enough detail to allow for a thorough conflict analysis (students
can also do this the night before for homework).
3. Distribute the Competing for a UNMIK Contract in Kosovo Scenario Handout
Note: This role-play based on Kosovo is an and review it with the class. Address any questions. (Again, you can
example of an interpersonal conflict taking distribute the scenario the day before and have students review it for
place in a larger conflict. homework in preparation for this lesson.)
4. Remind students of the key elements of negotiation: be prepared (conflict
analysis Lesson 2.3), build a relationship and trust (use active listening
skills Lesson 2.4b), think about how you want to approach the conflict
(what conflict style will you use Lesson 2.2), identify wants and needs
(Lesson 2.4c), look for creative solutions (Lesson 2.4c).
5. Divide students into pairs and assign one person in each pair the role of the
body repair shop owner and the other the engine repair shop owner. Give
students the appropriate role from the Competing for a UNMIK Contract in
Kosovo Roles Handout.

Alternative: Depending on the skill level of your students, you might

choose to have the negotiation occur in groups of four, two body shop
owners and two engine repair shop owners. This allows students to work
together in their roles and during the negotiation they can take breaks to
discuss strategy among themselves.

78 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4D | Responding to Conflict: negotiation role-play

IV. Guided Practice (15 minutes)

Preparation: Have the body repair shop owners meet on one side of the room
and the engine repair shop owners meet on the other side. Have them work
cooperatively to complete the Negotiation Preparation Worksheet.

Part 2 45 minutes


I. Independent Practice (20 minutes)

Have everyone return to their negotiation pairs (or quads) and begin their
negotiation. Give students 20 minutes to negotiate.
Extension Activity
II. Discussion (25 minutes)
Have students research a current inter-
Lead a whole class conversation using some or all of the following questions: national conflict to see what negotiation
◆◆ What were some of the results of your negotiations? efforts have been made. Have them report
◆◆ What strategies/conflict styles did you use? on the processes and share what challenges
◆◆ What were some of the challenges you encountered while negotiating? they see.

◆◆ How were you able to get beyond wants to needs?

◆◆ What did you learn from the role-play that will help you in future
◆◆ Ask students what they know about the negotiation processes
involved in the conflicts they have studied in class? If they have not
studied this aspect of the conflict, have them research it.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 79

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1. Describe the conflict in one sentence.

2. What type of conflict is it? (internal, interpersonal…)

3. ISSUES: What are the sources of the conflict? (e.g., resources, values, needs)

4. PARTIES: How many parties (different individuals or groups) are involved in the conflict? List them.

5. RELATIONSHIP: Describe the relationship among the different parties.

6. HISTORY: What is the history of the conflict? How long has the conflict been going on? Is it recurring? How serious
is the conflict?

7. STYLES: How are the parties currently dealing with the conflict?

8. MANAGEMENT: What can the parties do to move toward ending the conflict?

80 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4D | Responding to Conflict: negotiation role-play



Directions: To prepare for your negotiation, answer the questions below.

What is your goal for the negotiation? What do you want to get out of it?

What are the key issues for you?

What do you want? What are your needs?

What strategy or conflict style will you use as you approach the negotiation?

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Directions: While you are negotiating, try to gain the following information.

What does the other party want?

What does the other party need (why do they want what they want)?

What conflict style are they using (competing, accommodating, avoiding, compromising, problem solving)?

What creative ways to solve the problem can you think of? How can you find common ground between their needs and

82 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4D | Responding to Conflict: negotiation role-play


The place is Kosovo. The time is 2002. Terrible road conditions combined with a huge influx of émigrés returning from
Eastern Europe after the war have resulted in thousands of abandoned cars scattered all along the highways.

Although the economy is starting to revive, farmers on their way to the market place and others are having trouble
picking their way through the twisted hulks. The wrecks are slowing the movement of many actors in the reconstruction
efforts. The United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) has decided they will issue a contract for clean up. A body repair
shop wants and needs this contract as does an engine repair shop. The two shop owners see each other in the UNMIK
office when they go to submit their bids for the contract.

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Body repair shop owner: You are the proprietor of a body repair shop. You have five children and a spouse to support.
Because of the war, many cars have been damaged. While you can bang out crushed doors and bent fenders on most of
the vehicles, some of the damaged frames are beyond repair and you need the parts from the European manufacturer.
You are unable to fill many orders because it is so difficult to get the panels and parts. Your family’s needs are mounting.

You have learned that the United Nations has issued a request for bids to haul away the wrecked and abandoned
cars. This could be your opportunity to find many of the parts you are missing. You have decided to go to the UNMIK
office today to put in your bid for the contract. You heard that there is another person from your area who is seeking the
contract. You recognize him/her when he enters the waiting room. You wish you could dissuade him/her from bidding
on the contract or appeal to him/her because the needs of your family are so great, but you are too proud. You decide you
will try to negotiate and drive some kind of bargain with him/her.

Engine repair shop owner: You are the proprietor of an engine overhaul company. Many cars are in need of repair after
the war, but it is impossible to find parts. You are only able to fix the engines of a few. You need the new parts from the
European manufacturers. You are unable to fill many backorders. You have elderly parents and a family to care for.

You have learned that the United Nations has issued a request for bids to haul away the wrecked and abandoned cars
in your vicinity. This could be your opportunity to find many of the parts you are missing. You have decided to go to
the UNMIK office today to put in your bid for the contract. You heard that there is another person from your area who is
seeking the contract. You recognize him/her when he/she enters the waiting room. You wish you could appeal to him/
her or dissuade him/her from bidding on the contract because the needs of your family are so great, but you are too
proud. You decide to try to negotiate and drive some kind of bargain with him/her.

84 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

Lesson 2.4E
Responding to Conflict:

Mediation has been used as an effective method of alternative dispute resolution
in many contexts, ranging from neighbor disputes to conflicts between nations.
Mediation training provides students with the skills and processes for them to help
others take responsibility for resolving their conflicts, and to find peaceful solutions
to conflicts in their own lives. In this lesson, students will learn about the mediator’s
role as a third party and begin practicing skills to assist parties to negotiate solutions
to their conflict.

1. To understand the role of a mediator in resolving disputes.
2. To identify the basic skills and processes used by effective mediators.
3. To develop basic mediation skills and implement processes.

◆◆ Individual Development and Identity
◆◆ Power, Authority, and Governance
◆◆ Global Connections

Time: Two class periods (Part 1–45 minutes; Part 2–45 minutes)

❑❑ Mediation Process Handout
❑❑ Mediator’s Instructions Handout
❑❑ Mediation Preparation for Disputants Worksheet
❑❑ Mediating Conflict Roles Handout

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45 minutes Part 1


I. Essential Question
What are the differences between negotiation and mediation and when is it
appropriate to use the latter?

II. Motivation (5 minutes)
Ask students to think about a situation in their lives when two people or groups
were having a disagreement, and though they were not part of the conflict, they
tried to help the parties solve it. What skills did they use in order to help solve
the problem? (For example, active listening skills, problem solving, etc.) Invite
students to share their answers.

III. Teacher Directed (25 minutes)

1. Ask students if they have heard of mediation as a conflict resolution
process and if they can define it. Write their responses on the board. Then,
write the following USIP definition of mediation (from Peace Terms):
Mediation is a mode of negotiation in which a mutually acceptable third party
helps the parties to a conflict find a solution that they cannot find by themselves.
Invite a student to read the definition out loud. Ask students what they
think third party and mutually acceptable mean. Explain that third party
refers to someone who is not a party to the conflict, or is outside of the
2. Note that mediators try to be impartial but being impartial doesn’t mean
you don’t have an opinion. Everyone has an opinion. The mediator,
however, is not supposed to share his/her opinion on the situation, so that
parties come to an agreement on their own. Most mediations are voluntary,
meaning everyone, including the mediator, can leave the process at any
time. In interpersonal settings, mediation is confidential but in international
settings this is not always the case. A mediator may choose to use the media
to put pressure on the parties in conflict.
3. Lead students in a dialogue with the following question:
◆◆ Why is it sometimes helpful for someone outside a conflict to help
parties find a solution? Responses can include the following: the parties
are very emotional about the issue, they are uncomfortable dealing with
the issue without someone else present, the parties are no longer com-
municating, or they can’t get past their demands/positions.
4. Explain to students that for many different conflicts, trained mediators
are asked to help others resolve their own conflicts in a peaceful and
constructive way. For example, many schools as well as community centers
offer mediation services to resolve conflicts between families, neighbors,
students, or community members. Mediators can be of any age, includ-
ing students, as long as they’ve been trained in basic mediation skills and
processes. On an international stage, warring countries may turn to notable
peacebuilders, such as diplomats or retired heads of state, to mediate an
international conflict, or conflict between political groups within a country.

86 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4E | responding to conflict: mediation

◆◆ What other people, organizations, or countries can you think of that

have served as mediators in conflict? Extension Activity 1
5. Explain that regardless of whether the conflict is between individuals, Show the USIP witness video of George
groups, or countries, peacebuilders can follow a basic process to mediate Mitchell (www. buildingpeace.org). From
conflict between parties. Distribute the Mediation Process Handout and Mitchell’s comments, have students identify
review each step. the elements of the mediation process and
the skills that he used.

IV. Guided Practice (15 minutes)

1. Share that students will now have a chance to practice a basic mediation.
Inform them that this will be an opportunity for them to practice skills
from their previous lessons: active listening, identifying wants and needs,
and problem solving. Remind them that as a mediator, they must be
conscious of verbal and nonverbal communication to maintain the role of
Extension Activity 2
an impartial third party.
Watch USIP’s Seeds of Peace: Summer
2. Divide the class into groups of three or four. Instruct each group to identify
Camp witness video (www.buildingpeace.
a mediator (or two co-mediators if it is a group of four), and two parties to
org) of an Israeli and a Palestinian engag-
the conflict. If moveable seating is available, instruct them to set up three
ing in conversations facilitated by a third
chairs in front of the room in the shape of a triangle—the two parties in
party. Talk about how organizations, like
conflict sitting side by side facing the mediator. Distribute roles to each
individuals, can serve as a third party. Have
group from the Mediating Conflict Roles Handout. There is no separate sce-
students research Seeds of Peace and share
nario background for students to read, as each role establishes the conflict.
what other conflicts they work on and how.
3. Have students meet in like role groups (all mediators together, all Parties 1
together, and all Parties 2 together) and spend ten minutes preparing
for the mediation. Distribute the Mediator’s Instructions Worksheet to the
mediators. They should use this during the mediation. They can use the
the Mediation Process Handout as well. Distribute the Mediation Preparation
Worksheet to Parties 1 and 2 to complete in their role groups.

Part 2
I. Independent Practice (25 minutes) 45 minutes
Have students return to their mediation triads/quads and give them twenty-
five minutes for the mediation.

II. Discussion (20 minutes)

After the role-plays, lead a group discussion:
◆◆ What was the final result of your mediation? Did you have a chance to
come up with any solutions? If not, what do you think possible solutions
could have been?
◆◆ What was either easy or challenging about being a mediator?
◆◆ For the parties in conflict, what was it like having someone mediate your
◆◆ What skills do you think you already have that are useful as a mediator?
What skills do you feel you need to work on?
◆◆ How can developing mediation skills help you in being everyday
◆◆ How might the mediation be more challenging if the conflict were interna-
tional and involved warring parties? What obstacles might the mediator
have to overcome?

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Below is the basic five-step process for a formal mediation process, though ­elements of these steps could be used to
informally mediate disputes.­

The mediator explains the mediation process and establishes trust and mutual understanding with the parties.
◆◆ Explain the 5 steps of the mediation process to the parties.
◆◆ Establish ground rules (for example, no yelling, cursing, or physical contact, one person talks at a time).
◆◆ Begin the dialogue session.

“I’m going to take a moment to explain the mediation process and my role in it to make sure everyone understands the process.”

1. I am impartial in this process. My job is to listen, ask questions, and clarify what is important. In this case, I won’t give advice,
decide who’s right or wrong, or take sides. As a mediator in this process, I maintain confidentiality, except in cases of abuse or
threats of violence. This mediation is voluntary. We are all here of our free will and can end the process at any time.
2. I will explain the process (what I’m doing now).
3. You will both tell me about the conflict and I will ask questions for clarification.
4. We will define success by developing some criteria against which we can evaluate possible solutions.
5. You will all look for creative solutions.
6. You will evaluate the various solutions to see which meet the criteria we have defined.
7. When you find areas of agreement, we can write them down and everyone can sign it if you like and get a copy.

1.  Exploring Interests (storytelling):

The mediator invites each party to take turns talking about the conflict in their own words (telling their story), asks ques-
tions for clarification, and paraphrases the feelings and issues the parties express to ensure understanding. The purpose
here is to identify needs so parties feel heard.

“At this point, I will ask you both to speak about issues that brought you to mediation. Then I will check to make sure I understand
what everyone has said. I will then ask questions to get a better understanding of what you want to discuss in mediation. Who would
like to begin?”

2. Defining Success (moving from negative statements to positive statements

of needs)
The mediator should recognize the wants, acknowlede the emotions/grievances, and then reframe the needs.
He/she reframes the parties’ statements, going from accusations or concerns to statements of needs. These needs can be
used as criteria to evaluate different options. In this process, the role of the mediator is to find criteria that will lead to a

Example 1
Party: Would you want to play next to this garbage dump?
Mediator: It sounds like you are worried about your safety.
Criteria: Any solution to this problem must provide for your safety.

Example 2
Party 1 to Party 2: This is a waste of my time. You decided what you were going to do before you even got here.
Mediator: It sounds like you want to make sure that when we ask for your input and you give it, you can actually influ-
ence the outcome.
Criteria: The process to negotiate a solution must include all voices. The agreement must reflect input from all parties.

88 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4E | responding to conflict: mediation

3.  Developing Options (brainstorming)

Once issues have been identified and criteria for success have been established (in Example 1, any solution to this problem
must provide for your safety), the mediator can help the parties brainstorm as many options as possible, encouraging

“Now we are moving into the problem solving phase. While earlier you may have been focusing on the past, during the rest of the
mediation we will focus on finding solutions for the future. Starting with the __________ issue, what are some things you could do to
resolve this conflict? Be creative, and think about things that you personally can do. I will write them all down. Please don’t critique or
eliminate others’ ideas as you hear them. You will have a chance to evaluate them to search for agreement later.”

◆◆ Brainstorm and list possible solutions. Write them as an action possibility, using verbs and names. For example:
Personal conflict: Samuel will start a part time job. Intrastate conflict: The North and South will share power in
the government.
◆◆ Encourage parties to reflect on solutions that will improve and define their future relationship. “You’ve both
mentioned needing _____. What can you do together to achieve that?”
Once all the possible solutions are written down, one topic at a time, ask parties to identify which of the solutions
they can both agree to and circle it on the list.

4.  Evaluating and Selecting Options

The mediator then seeks areas of common interest and helps parties negotiate which solutions they would be willing to
accept. For example, for the topic of curfew: Josh will return home by 10 pm on weekdays. Mom will lend Josh the car on week-
ends to drive home in the evenings.

5.  Agreement Testing and Writing

Once parties have identified areas of agreement, in this next phase, before writing a formal agreement for them to sign,
the mediator makes sure the agreement areas are specific and realistic, and satisfy some of the needs of all parties. It is
important to remember, however, that most sustainable agreements will require compromise on all sides.

“At this point, we’ll take the items you’ve agreed to and put them in writing for you to sign if you want.”

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Conflict: You will be mediating a conflict between two bunkmates at summer camp. Party A, Rachel/Richard, and
Party B, Natalie/Nathan are bunkmates who are not getting along. Both want to find a new cabin or a new bunkmate
but this is not possible, as there is no other space available in the camp.

Directions: Start off the mediation with the following introduction. Then, listen to each party’s perspective using active
listening skills to identify their feelings, values, and topics to be resolved in the mediation, and make sure each party feels
heard and understood.

“I’m going to take a moment to explain the mediation process and my role in it to make sure everyone understands the process.”

1. I am impartial in this process. My job is to listen, ask questions, and clarify what is important. In this case, I won’t give advice,
decide who’s right or wrong, or take sides. As a mediator in this process, I maintain confidentiality, except in cases of abuse or
threats of violence. This mediation is voluntary. We are all here of our free will and can end the process at any time.
2. I will explain the process (what I’m doing now).
3. You will both tell me about the conflict and I will ask questions for clarification.
4. We will define success by developing some criteria against which we can evaluate possible solutions.
5. You will all look for creative solutions.
6. You will evaluate the various solutions to see which meet the criteria we have defined.
7. When you find areas of agreement, we can write them down and everyone can sign it if you like and get a copy.

“At this point, I will ask you both to speak about issues that brought you to mediation. Then I will check to make sure I understand
what everyone has said. I will then ask questions to get a better understanding of what you want to discuss in mediation. Who would
like to begin?”

Allow each party to share their perspective without interruption. Then, using the reflective listening chart, seek under-
standing of their views by paraphrasing what they each said, and asking questions to clarify their feelings and determine
the needs which will help you identify the issues to be resolved.

90 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 2 | Lesson 2.4E | responding to conflict: mediation


Directions: To prepare for your mediation, answer the questions below.

What is your objective in the mediation? What do you hope will happen?

What are the key issues for you?

What do you want? What are your needs?

What are you willing to compromise on? What are you definitely not willing to compromise on?

What strategy or conflict style will you use as you approach the mediation?

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Party 1: Rachel/Richard
You are at overnight summer camp and you are having a terrible time. You can’t sleep because your bunkmate reads late
at night and keeps the light on. He/she also throws his/her things everywhere and you are constantly walking over ­
his/her things. You have asked him/her to stop reading and be neater, but he/she doesn’t seem to listen to your requests.
You want to find a new bunkmate in a new cabin, but the camp leader has said there is nowhere to put you since no one
else wants to change. The leader has suggested you speak with your camp counselor and ask him/her to help mediate the
situation. You hesitantly agree.

Party 2: Natalie/Nathan
You are at overnight summer camp and you are having a terrible time. Your bunkmate is always on the phone at night
and this makes it very hard for you to read, which you like to do when you’re going to sleep. Also, whenever you are in
the room, he/she has loud music playing that you don’t like. You’ve asked him/her to turn it down or wear headphones,
but he/she doesn’t always do this. You want to find a new bunkmate in a new cabin, but the camp leader has said there
is nowhere to put you since no one else wants to change. The leader has suggested you speak with your camp counselor
and ask him/her to help mediate the situation. You hesitantly agree.

Party 3: Belinda/Boris the mediator

This is your third year as a camp counselor at this summer camp. You really enjoy how open and friendly everyone is.
You also really like helping the campers work through their problems. You like helping them look for creative solutions
when they seem blocked. You’ve seen a lot of conflicts at the camp over the years and you believe every conflict can have
a happy ending. The camp leader has asked you to mediate a conflict between two bunkmates, both of whom want to
switch to a different cabin.

92 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators


There are many ways to be a peacebuilder.

This section focuses on peacebuilders. Our goal is for students to identify with peacebuilders, recognizing
that anyone can be a peacebuilder. While it is easy to view the iconic peacebuilders of our collective history
as exceptional people far different from ourselves, it is important that we humanize and personalize these
role models for young people to understand the characteristics and experiences that have helped these
individuals promote peacebuilding so that they can recognize such qualities in themselves. It is important to
point out that everyone has flaws and weaknesses and faced challenges and made mistakes, including our
most famous peacebuilders. But what is important is how we overcome these challenges and continue to
promote peacebuilding through our words, thoughts, and actions. Another theme of this section is that being
a peacebuilder does not mean tackling huge issues right away. Building peace is something that can take
place in our daily lives and in small ways; even on a personal or local level. In this section, we aim to intro-
duce students to the range of characteristics, actions, and experiences associated with known peacebuilders,
as well as organizations today that bring people together to achieve these goals on a larger scale. Whether as
a student sharing ideas about peace with his or her family and peers, an educator teaching students about
peacebuilding, a news reporter covering the world’s conflicts, or a diplomat negotiating a peace treaty,
students will learn that there are many ways to be a peacebuilder in today’s society, and that they can start
taking steps to build peace right now.
peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition

Preparation: If you have not done Lesson 1.2 Perspectives on Peace, you should complete that lesson with
your students before beginning this section, as it invites students to create definitions of peace. If you have
done that lesson, return to the definitions that students created as a way to segue into the theme that there are
many ways to be a peacebuilder.

94 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

Lesson 3.1
Characteristics of Peacebuilders

It is important for students to be able to identify with and see themselves in famous
peacebuilders, as this can help demystify what it means to be a peacebuilder and
can lead students to the conclusion that they too can make a difference in the world.
In this activity, students begin to explore the diversity of characteristics that can be
identified with peacebuilders, as well as characteristics they may share or wish to

1. To introduce students to peacebuilders and examine how they promote peace.
2. To identify characteristics of peacebuilders.

◆◆ Individual Development and Identity
◆◆ Civic Ideals and Practices

Time: One class period (45 minutes)

❑❑ Internet access or books on peacebuilders
❑❑ What Does it Take to be a Peacebuilder? Handout

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45 minutes Procedures

I. Essential Questions
What does it take to be a peacebuilder?

II. Motivation (5 minutes)
1. Revisit student definitions of peace from Lesson 1.2 or complete the initial
exercise When I Say Conflict, You Think of. . . in Lesson 1.1, using the word
peace instead of conflict.
2. Ask students:
◆◆ Who are the peacebuilders in our world? (past or present)

3. Write students’ responses on the board. If students do not provide an inter-

national selection of peacebuilders, add some peacebuilders from around
the world. See examples of Nobel Peace Prize winners here:

III. Teacher Directed (5 minutes)

1. Divide students into pairs and have each pair select a peacebuilder they
know from the list they generated.
2. Distribute the Handout What Does it Take to Be a Peacebuilder? and review it
with students.

IV. Guided Practice/Independent Practice (25 minutes)

1. Have students complete the worksheet based on what they know.
2. Have groups share with the class and while they are sharing, write on the
board the list of characteristics of a peacebuilder that they mention.
3. Lead a discussion using the following questions:
◆◆ What common characteristics do you notice among these
◆◆ Did you notice differences in the characteristics of peacebuilders from
the United States and peacebuilders from around the world?
◆◆ What do their stories tell you about the different ways of being a
4. Have students turn to the partner they were working with and share the
a. Share a characteristic you think you have that makes you an effective
b. Share a characteristic that you think you need to work on.
5. Ask a few volunteers to share their responses.

V. Discussion (10 minutes)

Lead more discussion using the following questions:

◆◆ How can you develop your characteristics that are not as strong?
◆◆ Based on these activities, what does it mean to be a peacebuilder?
◆◆ Can anyone be a peacebuilder? Can you choose to be a peacebuilder?
◆◆ Is there such a thing as an ideal peacebuilder?

96 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 3 | Lesson 3.1 | characteristics of peacebuilders

Concluding teacher comments:

Extension Activity 1
There are no inherent characteristics that make one a peacebuilder. We can all
Have students research a peacebuilder
learn from the actions of other peacebuilders and develop the skills and knowl-
they have never heard of, using the same
edge to promote peacebuilding in our own way.
questions from the What Does It Take to Be
There is no ideal peacebuilder. We all have areas that we can work on, which a Peacebuilder Handout and present their
provide a good set of specific goals toward which we can all work. Being a findings to the class. One easy guide would
peacebuilder requires continual effort, self-improvement, and self-reflection, no be Nobel Peace Prize winners.
matter what our age or experience. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/

Discussion, words generated

Extension Activity 2
Have students select one of the peacebuild-
ers discussed at the beginning of class. Ask
them to research that peacebuilder and
identify obstacles the peacebuilder faced in
promoting peace. How did they respond?
What characteristics did they have that
helped them overcome adversity?

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Directions: Discuss the following questions about your peacebuilder with your partner. Take notes so that you can share
with another group.

1. Who is your peacebuilder?

2. What acts did your peacebuilder perform that contributed to him/her being associated with peace?

3. What characteristics did your peacebuilder have that you think contributed to his/her success?

4. What challenges did he/she face?

98 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

Lesson 3.2
Peacebuilders in Action

In this activity, students explore peacebuilders in action. Learning from peacebuild-
ers from the past can provide valuable lessons about what we need to know and do
to build peace in the present. Additionally, learning about peacebuilders can leave
students feeling empowered to embrace the role of peacebuilder themselves.

1. To learn about the work of peacebuilders around the world.
2. To identify lessons from the work of peacebuilders which students can apply to
their own lives and efforts to build peace.

◆◆ Individual Development and Identity
◆◆ Civic Ideals and Practices

Time: One class period (45 minutes)

❑❑ Biography sheets about peacebuilders pulled from the Nobel Prize website
http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/ or other sources
❑❑ Information Gathering Sheet for Peacebuilders Worksheet
❑❑ Note-taking Sheet for Peacebuilders Exchange Worksheet
❑❑ Poster board, markers, crayons, colored pencils (optional)

Prior to class, download biographies of peacebuilders who do international work and
attach an Information Gathering Sheet for Peacebuilders Worksheet to each biography. Try
to include an international selection of peacebuilders and individuals with whom the
students are not familiar, i.e., individuals they did not mention in Lesson 3.1. If you

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Edcuators 99

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use the Nobel Peace Prize website, you can combine information from the biogra-
phies and press releases, but you may need to edit for length. If you have a media
specialist, ask them to assist you in securing biographical material that suits your
students’ level.

In the interest of time, you may want to give biographies and note-taking sheets to
students to complete for homework the night before.

45 minutes Procedures

I. Essential Question:
What can we learn from peacebuilders?

II. Motivation (1 minute)
Tell students they are about to meet some real life peacebuilders! They are
going to do this by BECOMING a famous peacebuilder.

III. Teacher Directed (2 minutes)

1. Tell students they will read biographical information about their peace-
builder, BECOME that peacebuilder, and then participate in a gathering
of the International Peacebuilders Exchange, where peacebuilders get
together to share their experiences and help others be more successful at
building peace.
2. Tell students they will have 15 minutes to read about their peacebuilder,
answer some questions about her/him, and then get into character (or they
can do this for homework the night before). They will then have 20 minutes
to meet other peacebuilders and take notes about what they learned about
those people.

IV. Guided Practice (15 minutes)

1. Distribute a biography and attached Information Gathering Sheet for
Peacebuilders Worksheet to each student.
2. Have students read the bio sheet they have been assigned and answer the
questions on their worksheet. Keep students informed of how much time
they have left to take notes about their peacebuilder.

V. Independent Practice (20 minutes)

1. After 20 minutes, hand out the Note-taking Sheet for Peacebuilders Exchange
2. Explain that they will circulate throughout the party to meet four other
peacebuilders and take notes about them.
3. Begin the exchange.

100 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 3 | Lesson 3.2 | peacebuilders in action

VI. Discussion (7 minutes) Extension Activity 1

1. After 20 minutes, end the exchange and have all students take their seats.
Have students create an inspirational post-
2. Lead a discussion using these questions: er about a peacebuilder. Divide students
◆◆ Which peacebuilders had you never heard of before? into groups of three. Have them decide
◆◆ What is one thing you learned about a peacebuilder you met at the on one of the peacebuilders they met at
gathering? the exchange to focus on for this activity.
◆◆ What lessons can we learn from these peacebuilders that will help us Distribute poster board, markers, crayons,
build peace in our lives and in the world? colored pencils, etc. Ask students what
their peacebuilder would say to encourage
◆◆ Having learned about the characteristics and actions of international
others to build peace. Tell them to create an
peacebuilders, can you begin to envision yourself as a peacebuilder?
inspirational poster that shares what their
What would it look like if you were a peacebuilder?
peacebuilder would say. When they are
done, have each group share their poster.

Extension Activity 2
To build upon the activity of becoming a
famous peacebuilder, have students imag-
ine a future where they are now famous
peacebuilders. Have them write a short
news article that profiles and describes who
they are and what they have done in their
life to be identified as a peacebuilder.

Note: If you are visiting the Global

Peacebuilding Center at the United States
Institute of Peace, the Witness Stations
there will enable you to see some of these
peacebuilders in action. Tell your class,
“Let’s meet some of the real people!” and
watch the witness videos. If not visiting
the Global Peacebuilding Center,
consider watching the videos online at

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 101

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Teachers: Attach this sheet to each student’s individual bio sheet.

Prepare for the Peacebuilders Exchange!!!

1. Look at the attached biographical information. Write down your NEW name from the top of the page.

My real name is _______________________ , but now I am ___________________ .

2. Read over the bio sheet and answer the questions below. You will share the answers with other people who want to
learn about you in your peacebuilder role.

a. List three interesting facts about you.

b. With whom did you work to build peace?

c. What strategies did you use to build peace (listening skills, negotiation, mediation, etc.)?

d. What kind of changes were the result of your work?

e. What is the most important thing other people should know about you?

102 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 3 | Lesson 3.2 | peacebuilders in action


Directions: Write at least four pieces of information about four other peacebuilders that you meet during the gathering.
Take notes in the spaces below.

1. Name of the peacebuilder you met: ______________________________________

At least four things you learned about the peacebuilder:

2. Name of the peacebuilder you met _______________________________________

At least four things you learned about the peacebuilder:

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 103

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3. Name of the peacebuilder you met: ______________________________________

At least four things you learned about the peacebuilder:

4. Name of the peacebuilder you met _______________________________________

At least four things you learned about the peacebuilder:

104 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

Lesson 3.3
Organizations Working for Peace

Peacebuilding organizations can be as large as national governments or as small as a
single person. In this lesson, students will explore the history, growth, and activities of
a variety of organizations dedicated to promoting peacebuilding, as well as consider
the potential for all types of organizations to play a positive role in peacebuilding.

1. To identify organizations working to build peace.
2. To learn how students can contribute to the mission of some organizations.

◆◆ Individual Development and Identity
◆◆ Individuals, Groups and Institutions

Time: 1.5 class periods (70 minutes—45 minutes for preparation the first day and
25 minutes for presentations and discussion on the second day)

❑❑ Note-Taking Form for Researching a Peacebuilding Organization Worksheet
❑❑ Creating a Commercial Handout
❑❑ Miscellaneous art supplies that students might need for their commercials
❑❑ Flip Video Camera (optional)
❑❑ TV (optional, only necessary if you film the commercials)

If your students do not have access to the Internet to conduct research in class, you
will have to select organizations for groups to research and print information about
each organization prior to class.

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45 minutes Part 1


Extension Activity 1 I. Essential Questions:

Have students turn their commercial into a 1. How do organizations work as peacebuilders?
print advertisement or poster. 2. Why are organizations important in helping individuals promote peace?

II. Motivation (5 minutes)
1. Tell students that they are going to look beyond individual peacebuilders
and focus on organizations that work for peacebuilding. Ask:
◆◆ What organizations do you know of that build peace?
Extension Activity 2
2. Write student responses on the board. If they have difficulty generating
Have students research an individual who
a list, you can use some of the organizations from the list of Nobel Peace
works for an organization dedicated to
Prize winners. An article listing winners (both people and organiza-
peacebuilding. What is his/her job descrip-
tions) appears at this link: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/articles/
tion? What is his/her academic and profes-
lundestad-review/. Also, the United States Institute of Peace has a compre-
sional background? Interview this person
hensive list of international organizations at this link: http://www.usip.org/
by phone or email to learn more about
what they do and why they chose to do it.
3. Ask students what kind of organizations they have identified: local,
national, international, governmental, nonprofit? What are some of the
differences between these kinds of organizations? Note that governments,
themselves, can work for peace. The U.S. is often a third party engaged
in building peace. Parties in conflict often look to trusted outside govern-
ments to help end conflicts in their region.

III. Teacher Directed (10 minutes)

1. Tell students that when groups work together to prevent or manage
conflicts, they can sometimes reach wider audiences and get more people
engaged because they have the structures in place to do so.
2. Share that in groups of three, students will research a national or an
international organization that works for international peace, e.g. USIP,
U.N., or Peace Links, an international women’s peace education group
founded in 1981, which was a major force in ending the Nuclear Arms race,
and write a commercial about that organization which they will perform in
front of the class. If you have a video camera, you may choose to film the
3. Distribute the Note-Taking Form for Researching a Peacebuilding Organization
Worksheet and the Creating a Commercial Handout. Review both with
4. Divide students into groups of three. Assign each student an international
organization that works for peace or allow them to select their own from
a list you have generated, from the list they generated at the beginning
of class, or from their own research. If students do not have access to the
Internet in class for researching their organization, prior to class you will
need to determine the organizations to be researched and print information
from each organization’s website for students to review. Again, the
United States Institute of Peace has a comprehensive list of international
organizations at the following link: http://www.usip.org/publications/
international-organizations and the Nobel Prize website has information
about organizations that have won the peace prize.

106 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 3 | Lesson 3.3 | organizations working for peace

IV. Guided/Independent Practice (30 minutes)

Circulate as students are researching, writing, and practicing their commercials.

Part 2 25 minutes

Extension Activity 3
Have students think about a current conflict
I. Independent Practice (15 minutes) or social issue, whether locally, nationally,
Have students present their commercials. or internationally. Tell them to imagine that
they are going to start their own non-profit
organization. What is the organization
II. Discussion (10 minutes) called? What is its mission? Who will be
Lead a class discussion using some or all of the following questions: involved? What activities will they do?
Develop a logo for the organization. This
◆◆ What similarities and differences did you notice in the organizations could be done at home individually, or in
represented in the commercials? groups in class.
◆◆ Which organization would you most likely support? Why? How would
you want to support it?
◆◆ Why is it important that we work together in organized groups to build
Extension Activity 4
Have students research the role of the
United States in peacebuilding, both
historically and in recent decades. You can
have them e ­ xplore the role of the United
Assessment: States in negotiating peace in international
Note-taking forms and commercials (You can use the guidelines on the Creating a conflicts (Northern Ireland, Israeli-Palestin-
Commercial Handout to evaluate the commercials.) ian Territories, Balkans, etc.) What influence
does the U.S. have on peace throughout the
world? U.S. historical examples might in-
clude: President Theodore Roosevelt’s me-
diation between Russia and Japan that led
to the Portsmouth Treaty in 1905 (for which
he won the Nobel Peace Prize), the vision
of President Woodrow Wilson for a League
of Nations and then the post–World War II
development of international institutions
such as the United Nations, the World Bank,
and the World Health Organization as well
as international treaties on human rights,
war crimes, and nuclear non-proliferation.
American peacebuilding efforts include the
Marshall Plan, which was a massive effort
to rebuild a devastated Europe after World
War II. Less than fifteen years later, another
peacebuilding effort was announced in the
U.S.: the establishment of the Peace Corps,
an organization that recruits volunteers
who would dedicate themselves to the
progress and peace of developing countries
by teaching and transferring skills in needy
communities around the world. And in
1984, Congress created the United States
Institute of Peace.

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Directions: Research your organization and answer the questions below. When you are finished with the questions, you
can begin to create and rehearse your commercial.

What is the name of the organization? _____________________________________

Why does the organization exist? What is its mission?

How does the organization carry out its mission? What does it do?

What is the organization’s target audience?

What is the history of the organization? How did it get started?

Where is the organization located and where does it do its work?

How can people get involved to support the organization (donate,

volunteer, etc.)?

108 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 3 | Lesson 3.3 | organizations working for peace



Directions Use the following steps to create your commercial about a peace organization.

Step One Select your peace organization. Write its name here.

Name: ________________________________________________________________

Step Two Research your organization using the internet. Take notes on the Note-Taking Form about Peacebuilding
Organizations. Be sure to cover all topics listed on the form.

Step Three From your notes create a 30 second commercial about the organization, using the guidelines below. You
can write the commercial in script form or you can make a story board to illustrate the commercial. To
make a story board, draw a series of squares on a piece of paper and in each square show the action that
is taking place in the commercial. When you look at the squares in order, you see the story that the com-
mercial is telling.


◆◆ The commercial should be 30 seconds or shorter.

◆◆ The commercial should include accurate information that covers ALL of the note-taking topics.

◆◆ The commercial should include all three members of the team.

◆◆ The commercial should be creative in some way (e.g., includes a jingle, is humorous, has props, etc.)

◆◆ The commercial should engage the viewer. At the end of the commercial, the viewer should want to learn more
about the organization and the work it does.

Step Four Once the commercial is written, REHEARSE with the members of the team. Make any props necessary.

Step Five Perform your commercial!

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 109

Lesson 3.4
Making a Difference:
Becoming a Peacebuilder

Peacebuilding is an active process. It is a combination of knowledge, skills, and
intentional behaviors. Being a peacebuilder is not always easy, but having a toolkit
of skills and strategies can facilitate action. This lesson asks students to identify the
consequences and challenges of being a peacebuilder and strategies to overcome
these challenges and promote peacebuilding on a daily basis.

1. To identify the challenges and consequences of being a peacebuilder.
2. To consider ways to overcome these challenges.

◆◆ Individual Development and Identity
◆◆ Civic Ideals and Practices

Time: One class period (45 minutes)

❑❑ Banner that states: It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it.
And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it. —Eleanor Roosevelt
(Consider having the art teacher work with students to create this)
❑❑ Making a Difference: Becoming a Peacebuilder Discussion Director Card Handout
(one for each group)
❑❑ Making a Difference: Becoming a Peacebuilder Note-taker’s Card Worksheet

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Edcuators 111

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45 minutes Procedures

I. Essential Questions
1. How will I be a peacebuilder in daily life?
2. What steps will I take to overcome the challenges to being a peacebuilder
in daily life?

II. Motivation (10 minutes)

1. Ask students:
◆◆ What are some of the many ways you can be a peacebuilder?

2. Brainstorm with the class different conflict situations (local, national, and
international) and ways they can be a peacebuilder in those situations.
Remind students that there are many ways of being a peacebuilder. Exam­
ples include: using inclusive language, helping two friends see each other’s
point of view, challenging assumptions, having a bake sale to support a
country devastated by a natural disaster.

III. Teacher Directed (10 minutes)

1. Place a banner across the board that states (or write on the board),
“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t
enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”—Eleanor Roosevelt.
2. Distribute three sticky notes to each student.
3. Direct them to write three tips for being a peacebuilder in daily life that
anyone could follow.

IV. Guided Practice (7 minutes)

Call students up one at a time and have them read aloud their sticky notes as
they stick them to the board underneath the banner.

V. Independent Practice (10 minutes)

1. Divide students into groups of four. Ask one member of the group to be the
discussion director and one member of the team to be the note-taker.
2. Have the elected discussion directors and note-takers raise their hands
and give them the Discussion Directors Card Handout and Note-taker’s Card
Worksheet, respectively. Review the directions and check for understand-
ing. Share that the groups have fifteen minutes to chat and develop a
human sculpture that they will present to the class in response to the
◆◆ How can you deal with the risks of being a peacebuilder?

A human sculpture (also known as a tableau) is a frozen snapshot of some-

thing, created with bodies. It is often used to test comprehension of ideas by
having small groups of students create one to summarize or capture what
they just learned.

112 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 3 | Lesson 3.4 | making a difference: becoming a peacebuilder

VI. Discussion (8 minutes) Extension Activity 1

1. Have each team share their human sculpture.
Have students research people who took
2. Lead a discussion using some or all of the following questions: risks to build peace, answering the follow-
◆◆ What were the common themes in the sculptures? ing questions: What risks did they face?
◆◆ In what ways is building peace internationally more difficult than How did they overcome these challenges?
building peace in your own community or country? What additional You can refer your students to the witness
challenges do you face when trying to create peace internationally? videos on the Global Peacebuilding Website
◆◆ How can you overcome these additional challenges? at www.buildingpeace.org for possible
individuals to research.
◆◆ What steps will you take as an individual to deal with the challenges
you face while trying to build peace?

Human sculpture Extension Activity 2
Have students create a brochure with the
“Top Ten Tips for Being a Peacebuilder” that
they can share with younger students in
the school.

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 113

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Part One: Lead your group in discussing the following questions. Make sure that everyone participates and that you give
your note-taker enough time to jot down notes.

◆◆ Why might it be difficult to be a peacebuilder? What keeps people from working for peace more frequently?
◆◆ What are the benefits of being a peacebuilder?
◆◆ What are some of the risks involved in being a peacebuilder in your community or internationally? How can you
deal with these risks?
Part Two: When you are done with your discussion, create a human sculpture that somehow reflects a response or re-
sponses to

◆◆ How can you deal with the risks of being a peacebuilder?

Use the notes your note-taker took if necessary. Every group member must be part of the sculpture.

114 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

SECTION 3 | Lesson 3.4 | making a difference: becoming a peacebuilder



Directions: Take notes about each question while your group is talking.

1. Why might it be difficult to be a peacebuilder? What keeps people from working on international conflicts more

2. What are the benefits of being a peacebuilder?

3. What are some of the risks involved in being a peacebuilder in your community or internationally? How can you
deal with these risks?

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 115

Lesson 3.5
Taking a Step Toward Peacebuilding

As a peacebuilder, focusing on a large and abstract goal such as “building world
peace” is far too general and unrealistic. Building peace involves concrete deci-
sions and defined, measurable actions we take every day to promote the ideas and
conditions necessary to build less violent communities. The aim of this lesson is
for students to develop specific and realistic actions they can take to contribute to
peacebuilding locally and globally.

To develop realistic actions students can take to contribute to building peace.

◆◆ Civic Ideals and Practices

❑❑ Index cards
❑❑ 12 2 12 piece of sketch paper
❑❑ 12 2 12 piece of construction paper, foam board, wood, etc.
❑❑ Random found objects and art materials for their stepping-stones (you can
ask students to bring in natural and found objects prior to the lesson).

Time: 1.5 class periods (75 minutes)

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Edcuators 117

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45 minutes Part 1


Extension Activity 1 I. Essential Question

Work with the art teacher to turn their What actions can you take to build peace?
stepping stone creations into real stepping-
stones that can be placed around the II. Motivation (10 minutes)
school. 1. Give each student an index card and ask them to write down their re-
sponse to the following questions:
◆◆ What kind of changes would you like to see in the world to make it
more peaceful? What steps will you take to make this happen?
Extension Activity 2 2. Ask students to share what they wrote.
Have students develop a peacebuilder’s
III. Teacher Directed (5 minutes)
pledge. In small groups, they develop a
pledge of what actions and attitudes they 1. Tell students that now that they’ve talked about the changes they want to
pledge to uphold to actively promote see in the world, they’re going to focus on how to get there.
peacebuilding in the world (these could 2. Give each student a piece of 12 2 12 paper. Share that each student will
be partially taken from the stepping- create a stepping-stone that will become a step toward peacebuilding.
stones). Put the pledges up on the wall This piece of paper will be for sketching their stone. Later they will put
and have students work as a whole class to their sketch on another material. Share that the focus of the stepping-
consolidate their pledges into one pledge stone should be steps/actions that they can take on a daily, monthly, or
statement. Have students raise their hand yearly basis to create the change they want to see in the world. To add
if they agree to all aspects of the pledge. to their stepping-stones, they can use the characteristics they generated
Negotiate changes as necessary until about peacebuilders, a quote made by a peacebuilder, a peacebuilding
everyone agrees. Write the pledge on large organization they learned about, or a tip for becoming a peacebuilder—all
poster board and have all the students discussed in earlier lessons.
sign it. Place the pledge in a visible place in
the classroom to see throughout the year. IV. Guided Practice (20 minutes)
Emphasize that the class is now a commu- 1. Give students time to sketch their idea.
nity of peacebuilders, and that from here
2. Once they are done, have them share their sketch with you, and then give
on, they all pledge to support each other in
them the final piece of construction paper/wood/etc., to draw their sketch.
building peace.

V. Independent Practice (10 minutes)

Students work on their stepping-stones.

30 minutes Part 2

I. Independent Practice Continued (20 minutes)
Students continue to work on their stepping-stones.

II. Closure (10 minutes)

1. Lay out stepping-stones on the floor in a pathway.
2. Have students walk alongside them to see all of the stepping-stones.
3. Close by having each student share one word to describe how they feel
now that they have completed several lessons on conflict management and

118 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators


A. Participation Rubric
Does Not Meet Partially Meets
Standards Objective Objective Meets Objective Exceeds Expectations

◆◆ Student seldom ◆◆ Student sometimes ◆◆ Student consis- ◆◆ Student always takes a

takes an active role takes an active tently takes an voluntary, thoughtful, and
in his/her own role in his/her active role in own active role in his/her learn-
learning. learning, sharing learning. ing, challenging himself/
relevant ideas, and herself on a daily basis.
◆◆ He/she rarely asking appropriate ◆◆ Student partici-
participates and questions. pates regularly in ◆◆ Through participation
asks questions class discussions and inquiry, student
infrequently. ◆◆ Although reluctant and frequently consistently demonstrates a
to take risks, volunteers his/ genuine desire to learn and
◆◆ Student hesitates student contributes her ideas, asks share ideas with classmates
to share ideas or to regularly to class thoughtful ques- and teacher. He/she
take risks, and may discussions. tions, and defends initiates discussions, asks
not always listen opinions. significant questions, para-
to or respect the ◆◆ Student listens to phrases others’ comments
opinions of others. his/her classmates ◆◆ Student listens when making his/her own,
and respects their respectfully to and acts as a leader within
◆◆ Student usually opinions. classmates and is
participates only the group.
willing to share
when called upon. ◆◆ As a result of ideas as a result of ◆◆ Student is willing to take
having completed having completed risks, assert an opinion
◆◆ As a result of assignments, the
assignments assignments. and support it, and listen
student is prepared actively to others.
being incomplete to answer ques- ◆◆ Though never
or missing, tions when called causing disruption ◆◆ Student is always well
student may not upon. to the class, this prepared to contribute
be prepared to student does not to the class as a result of
answer thought- ◆◆ The student may always demon- having thoughtfully com-
fully with detail need occasional strate a consistent pleted assignments, and the
or substance. reminders to commitment to thoroughness of his/her
stay on task, to make the most out work demonstrates the high
◆◆ Student needs make the most of
regular reminders of our class time regard he/she holds for
class time, and to each and every learning.
to stay on task, increase his/her
and a meeting day.
level of commit-
with the teacher ment to the course.
and parent(s)
may be required
to reestablish the
expectations for
Points 1 2 3 4

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 119

APPENDIX | feedback form

B. Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators Feedback Form

Directions: The Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators is intended to be a living document: your experience using the lessons with your
students and the feedback you provide us will enable us to continually develop and improve this resource. Please take a few moments to
share your thoughts below and mail this feedback form to United States Institute of Peace, Global Peacebuilding Center, 2301 Constitu-
tion Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20037. Alternatively, you can complete a feedback form online at www.buildingpeace.org.

Please note: This form is anonymous. However, if you would be willing to communicate with Education staff about your
feedback, please include your e-mail address here:


Grades in which you used the Toolkit lessons: _________________________________________

Subjects in which you used the Toolkit lessons: ________________________________________

How did you hear about the Toolkit? _________________________________________________

1. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), please circle the number which indicates how
you rate the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators overall as a supplement to your curriculum.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), please circle the number which indicates how
engaging the lessons were for your students.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), please circle the number below which indi-
cates how easily you were able to connect the lessons to your content standards.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), please circle the number that indicates how
easy the lesson format was to use.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), please circle the number which indicates how
likely you are to share the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators with your colleagues.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 121

peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition

  6. Which lessons did you find most effective in terms of content or methods? Why?

  7. Which lessons did you find least effective in terms of content or methods? Why?

  8. What modifications did you make to any of the lessons, which you think should be incorporated in future editions of
the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators?

  9. What additional content do you think should be added to the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators?

10. What additional content/resources for students and educators did you access at www.buildingpeace.org to supple-
ment the lessons?

11. Please share concrete examples of how your students benefited from or were impacted by the content and lessons in
the Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators (continue on another sheet, as needed).

122 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

About the Editor
Alison Milofsky is a senior program officer at the United States Institute of
Peace specializing in teacher education and curriculum development at the
secondary level. She works with educators domestically and in conflict zones
to integrate conflict management concepts into the curriculum. Additionally,
she teaches courses on facilitation and dialogue in the Institute’s Academy for
International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding and trains international
police and UN Peacekeepers in communication and negotiation skills. Milof-
sky has facilitated education and training programs in the Middle East, Africa,
Southeast Asia, and Central Asia. She currently teaches dialogue courses on
race and gender for undergraduate students at the University of Maryland.
Milofsky holds a BA from McGill University and a PhD in education policy,
with a specialization in curriculum theory and development, from the Univer-
sity of Maryland.

About the Contributors

Kristina Berdan is a teacher in Baltimore City Schools. She graduated from
Towson University’s master of arts in teaching program after earning her BS
in Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland. She is currently the Teacher-
Director of The Youth Dreamers, Inc., a nonprofit organization created by her
students in 2001 to decrease violence among youth after school through the
creation of a youth-run youth center. She was on the editorial team to produce
Writing for a Change: Boosting Literacy and Learning through Social Action, Jossey-
Bass, 2006. She earned her National Board Certification in 2000, received the
B-More Fund Award in November 2006, and was an Open Society Institute
Community Fellow in 2007. She teaches in the Teaching Artist Institute with
Young Audiences of Maryland and with Towson University’s Arts Integration
Institute. She is a part-time faculty member in the Maryland Institute College of
Art MA in Community Arts Program.

Sarah Bever is the education program manager at Mercy Corps Action Center
to End World Hunger in New York City. She also works as a teaching artist
and professional development coordinator for the International Theater and
Literacy Project in Arusha, Tanzania. Prior to moving to New York, she was a
theater teacher at Herndon High School in Fairfax County. She has an MA in
international education development with a concentration in peace education
and curriculum from Teachers College, Columbia University where she was the
co-director of the Global Initiative for Social Change and the Arts.

Danielle Goldberg is a diversity training specialist and mediator with more

than eight years experience managing international and domestic education
programs, including the Anti-Defamation League’s A WORLD OF DIFFER-
ENCE® Institute and Echoes & Reflections: A Multi-Media Curriculum on the
Holocaust. From 2009–2010, Danielle was an Atlas Corps fellow in Bogotá,
Colombia working with the NGO Give to Colombia to channel international
resources and building public-private alliances in support of innovative social
development projects throughout Colombia. During that time, she also pre-
sented at the 2010 International Institute on Peace Education in Cartagena, Co-
lombia. In addition to working with Voices for Sudan, a coalition of US-based
organizations in the Diaspora devoted to promoting peace and development in
Sudan, she is currently Program Coordinator for Columbia University’s Insti-
tute for the Study of Human Rights coordinating a Peacebuilding Development

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators 123

peacebuilding toolkit for educators | middle school edition

Initiative in Darfur. Goldberg possesses an MA in international peace and con-

flict resolution from American University.

Nora Gordon has been studying and practicing conflict resolution for a decade.
She is the assistant to the ambassador from Afghanistan to the United Nations.
Nora holds a master’s in international affairs with a focus on conflict resolu-
tion from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.
She majored in peace and conflict Studies at UC Berkeley and has worked on
peacebuilding projects in Timor-Leste, Liberia, Rwanda, Brazil, the West Bank,
Syria, the Brazilian Amazon, and New York. In Rwanda she assisted with lead-
ership trainings and helped facilitate dialogue for high-level government and
NGO leaders. Through the Women’s Refugee Commission, Nora designed fa-
cilitation tools in Liberia for job training programs. Nora spent three years co-
ordinating programs for the peace education organization, Brooklyn For Peace.
She spent summer 2009 researching in Timor-Leste with Columbia’s Center for
International Conflict Resolution. With the U.S.-Syria Grassroots Diplomacy
Program, she co-facilitated conflict resolution workshops in Syria.

Illana Lancaster is an assistant professor in the international training and

education program in the School of Education, Training, and Health at Ameri-
can University in Washington, DC. As a Peace Corps Volunteer, she taught
English in a community junior secondary school in Botswana. Her teaching
career includes instructing at Bell Multicultural High School (now Columbia
Heights Education Center), Koc University in Istanbul, Montgomery College in
Maryland, and the University of Maryland. She also has worked as a curricu-
lum specialist focusing on curricula development for English language learn-
ers. Lancaster holds a BA from the University of Virginia, an M.Ed. from The
George Washington University, and a PhD in international education policy
from the University of Maryland. Her current research interests include gender,
urban education, critical race theory, and social-spatial analysis.

In her sixth year of teaching seventh grade social studies and eighth grade eth-
ics at Green Acres School, Adriana Murphy completed her master’s degree
in Private School Leadership from Columbia University Teachers College. She
is dean of the 7/8 Unit and director of service learning. She earned a bachelor’s
degree in history from Bishop’s University in Quebec and a master’s degree in
peace, development, and international conflict management at the Universitat
Jaume I in Spain. A strong proponent of children’s ethical development, she
published two books in two years: Highly Effective Character Education Programs
in Independent Schools and Twenty-One for Teens, Case Studies for Students in
Grades 7–12. Prior to teaching, Murphy observed elections in El Salvador and
Serbia. She also served in the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps
as a Team Leader.

A native of Michigan, Terese Trebilcock received her bachelor’s degree in polit-

ical science, economics minor, from the University of Michigan, and her master
of public policy, international emphasis, also from the University of Michigan.
She has worked as project manager for the Institute of Social Research, as an
Intelligence Officer (political-economic analyst on Latin America) for the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency, and, for the past fourteen years, as a high school social
studies teacher in Baltimore County, Maryland. She sponsors the History Club
and the Hereford Philosophical Society. She has been lucky enough to have
lived overseas, and continues to enjoy traveling, reading, needlework, and her
family. She has been married to her husband, Craig, an immigration attorney
and colonel in the Army’s JAG Corps, for twenty-seven years, and is devoted
to her sons, Aubrey, a junior at the University of Wisconsin, and Joseph, a fresh-
man at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

124 Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

Board of Directors
J. Robinson West (Chair), Chairman, PFC Energy
George E. Moose (Vice Chairman), Adjunct Professor of Practice, The George
Judy Ansley, former Assistant to the President and Deputy Security Advisor
under President George W. Bush
Anne H. Cahn, former Scholar in Residence, American University
Eric Edelman, Hertog Distinguished Practitioner in Residence, Johns Hopkins
University School of Advanced International Studies
Kerry Kennedy, President, Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and
Human Rights
Ikram U. Khan, President, Quality Care Consultants, LLC
Stephen D. Krasner, Graham H. Stuart Professor of International Relations,
Stanford University
John A. Lancaster, former Executive Director, International Council on
Independent Living
Jeremy A. Rabkin, Professor, George Mason School of Law
Judy Van Rest, Executive Vice President, International Republican Institute
Nancy Zirkin, Executive Vice President, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights

Members ex officio
Michael H. Posner, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights,
and Labor
James N. Miller, Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Ann E. Rondeau, Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy; President, National Defense
Richard H. Solomon, President, United States Institute of Peace (nonvoting)

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

United States Institute of Peace
Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators
The Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators is designed by and for educators to
help develop the next generation of peacebuilders. The two volumes—one
for middle school and one for high school—encompass interactive lessons
introducing peacebuilding themes and skills for students ages 11–13 and
14–18 respectively.

The lessons are organized around three basic ideas within the field of inter-
national conflict management:

• Conflict is an inherent part of the human condition.

• Violent conflict can be prevented.
• There are many ways to be a peacebuilder.

Providing detailed plans for educators new to interactive methods, the les-
sons include handouts, teacher resources, and extension activities geared
toward teaching students about the challenges and importance of global
peacebuilding. These lessons develop students’ skills (such as communica-

Middle School Edition

tion, relationship building, conflict analysis, negotiation, and mediation)
and their capacities to act as peacebuilders in their communities and in the
greater world.

The Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators is a product of the United States

Institute of Peace Global Peacebuilding Center.

For more information, go to www.buildingpeace.org

Peacebuilding Toolkit
for Educators
ISBN 978-1-60127-105-1
United States
Institute of Peace
2301 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20037
www.usip.org 9 781601 271051 Middle School Edition
The United States Institute of Peace would like to thank
the Verizon Foundation for their generous support.

Funding has also been provided by the John D. and

Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Cover art: In 1955, ten years after the bombing of Hiroshima, a 12 year-old Japanese girl named Sadako Sasaki died of
leukemia. While she was hospitalized for her illness, colorful paper cranes arrived as ‘get well’ gifts to patients and Sadako
received some of them. Believing that making cranes would help her to get well, Sadako began folding cranes, creating more
than 1,000 before her death. Today, the story of Sadako has spread around the world, transforming paper cranes into a symbol
for peace. While Sadako’s story has become fictionalized to some extent, children continue to be captured by the message of
peace and Sadako’s desire to live, sending their own 1,000 cranes to the Children’s Memorial in Hiroshima, Japan.

© Moodboard/SuperStock

Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators

United States Institute of Peace
Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators
The Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators is designed by and for educators to
help develop the next generation of peacebuilders. The two volumes—one
for middle school and one for high school—encompass interactive lessons
introducing peacebuilding themes and skills for students ages 11–13 and
14–18 respectively.

The lessons are organized around three basic ideas within the field of inter-
national conflict management:

• Conflict is an inherent part of the human condition.

• Violent conflict can be prevented.
• There are many ways to be a peacebuilder.

Providing detailed plans for educators new to interactive methods, the les-
sons include handouts, teacher resources, and extension activities geared
toward teaching students about the challenges and importance of global
peacebuilding. These lessons develop students’ skills (such as communica-

Middle School Edition

tion, relationship building, conflict analysis, negotiation, and mediation)
and their capacities to act as peacebuilders in their communities and in the
greater world.

The Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators is a product of the United States

Institute of Peace Global Peacebuilding Center.

For more information, go to www.buildingpeace.org

Peacebuilding Toolkit
for Educators
ISBN 978-1-60127-105-1
United States
Institute of Peace
2301 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20037
www.usip.org 9 781601 271051 Middle School Edition

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