TABLE OF CONTENTS Principal’s message About JAYSHREE PERIWAL HIGH SCHOOL About JPHS-MUN Committees General Information and Registration Contact us PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE "MUNning has become extremely popular among students across the globe. It is truly heartening to see young students discuss such grave issues with so much confidence and aplomb. I believe that a Model UN conference hones a student’s talent in public speaking, and edifies the skills of compromise, diplomacy, and negotiations. It helps students to develop a healthy interest in world politics and it develops the leaders of tomorrow. As part of its endeavour to provide a holistic approach to education, high school and college students engage in intellectual deliberation, as an exercise to be more productive and develop strong friendships. Indeed, a Model UN conference enables each student to harness their analytical and problem-solving skills. It instils in participants a deep understanding of the workings of our multination political system as well as ensures the cultivation of students into responsible citizens of the future who are aware of global concerns, equipped with the knowledge to take action to ameliorate our world. As the conference relays the theme ‘Aurea Mediocritas’ to go along with the changing spectrums of the working of the world due to COVID-19, I wish that each delegate in this prestigious conference stands by the belief that adversities can be changed into opportunities. Peaceful protests can accomplish much more than military aggression. Counter the forces of intolerance, advance global citizenship, and forge human solidarity based on Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence. Thank you. Madhu Maini Principal ABOUT JAYSHREE PERIWAL HIGH SCHOOL "I am not going to school just for the academics. I wanted to share ideas, to be around people who are passionate about learning" -Emma Watson. JPHS has been immensely successful in helping students realise this very dream. The most conspicuous thing about it is the inclusivity and the opportunities that it constantly provides. At JPHS, we lay a strong emphasis on basic skills and aim to tap and cater to individual needs of a student. We venerate tradition yet firmly believe that in order to equip students for more productive lives in the changing world; we need to devise a progressive and modern curriculum. Jayshree Periwal High School under the aegis of Jayshree Periwal Group of Schools was founded by Dr. Jayshree Periwal in April 2002. Then called- Step by Step High School, it changed the face of Education not only in Rajasthan but the entire country. The Academic Directors of the school Mr. Ayush Periwal and Mrs. Akriti Periwal constantly herald new ideas and innovations and assimilate them into teaching learning, especially introduction of technology which infuses the classrooms with digital learning tools. Our iconic Chairperson ,Dr. Jayshree Periwal was recently awarded as the most Influential Educationist in India by Asia One and her school as the most Influential Educational Brand. As an iconoclast and a visionary, she exemplifies the age old tradition of ‘thinking big.’ Her story is one of perseverance, passion and hard work. The school keeps pace with the growing demands of time. The pandemic could not create an obstacle between us and our educators. We proved that we know how to rise out of trepidations and unending adversities. The number of activities and achievements remained the same and in fact grew no matter what crisis was trying to impede our development. As an award winning school with consistently high-test scores and a highly competent, dedicated and compassionate faculty, the school is known for its academic excellence. The students have been the top-performers in the CBSE, IITs, NEET, CLAT, and various other competitive exams. Along with a strong academic program, we believe in the flame of consciousness alit in each kid and extent to which it can transform their lives if kindled and nurtured. Alongside academics, creative learning is a must. This year, we are back with a shining event, the JPHS-MUN'22 that will prove how deeply we nurture roots and turn them into blossoming flowers. You will notice the ultimate spirit of diplomacy, professionalism and a lot more fun to be around us. With that spirit in heart, we will strive to achieve the best with you, we will make sure we overtake weaknesses and learn loads! "We rise by lifting others." ABOUT JPHS-MUN The Model United Nations (MUN) is a series of programs run throughout the goal of understanding the United Nations, where students are taught not only to speak but to inspire. MUN is an activity in which students participate as delegates, delegating the role of diplomats of the countries they represent. Delegates debate about the world issues, promoting peace and the work of the United Nations through cooperation and diplomacy. Discussing and dealing with issues, as intense as the ‘Belarusian Border Crisis’ or putting intelligence to ‘technological aspects’ which affects the world community at large, this activity aims to educate participants about current affairs, international events and the United Nations agenda, while at the same time broadening their understanding of politics, diplomacy, and the need for harmonious coexistence. Putting their skills of negotiation and discussion to good use, students come up with solutions to counter various problems faced by the world today. Delegates will discuss and debate upon topics of global interest, using the procedures and practices followed in the United Nations. At JPHS-MUN, we hope to maintain the tradition of an academically centered and intellectually enriching experience for all the delegates. Hoping for all delegates not just to take back awards, but an unforgettable experience of learning and debating. COMMITTEES AND AGENDAS
COMMITTEE AGENDA UNGA Deliberating the ethics and legalities of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems
UNSC Economic, Environmental and Political Impact of
Widespread Military Bases. Deliberating upon measures to counter UNHCR statelessness with special emphasis on the Belarusian Border Crisis JCC Agenda Classified
LOK SABHA date: 30 Dec, 1967) G20 Deliberation on global economic impacts of unilateral and multilateral Sanctions and SUMMIT embargoes ERROR Classified (Few details regarding the committee would be shared to those registered for it 3 days 404 prior to the conference) IP (10 portfolios-Double Delegation ONLY) COMMITTEE DESCRIPTION UNGA ( DISEC ) : The United Nations General Assembly First Committee (also known as the Disarmament and International Security Committee or DISEC or C1) is one of six main committees at the General Assembly of the United Nations. It deals with disarmament and international security matters. The committee considers all disarmament and international security matters within the scope of the Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any other organ of the United Nations; the general principles of cooperation in the maintenance of international peace and security, For this year’s conference, the committe will be debating on the agenda “Deliberating the ethics and legalities of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems”. The autonomity of weapon systems have put both the international law and human ethical values under questioning, resulting in adverse humanitarian consequences. UNSC: The United Nations Security Council is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations. The UNSC is committed with ensuring international peace and security . The UNSC was founded on 24th October 1945, having their headquarters in New York city, United States .It is the only UN body with the authority to issue binding resolutions on member states. For this year’s conference, the committe will debating on the agenda”Deliberating upon Economic, Environmental and Political impact of Widespread Military Bases.” As every story has two sides , this agenda holds both pros and cons in its story . On one side, ,having a military base of a militant strong power in your country has a plus side as it benefits the economy of the local area and the country as a whole, as a result of the rent that is paid to the country in question and the influx of personnel spending money. But on the other hand it has a downside in case of any negative incidents caused by personnel stationed at these bases tend to get a disproportionate amount of media perception and can negatively influence public opinion. UNHCR: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is a UN agency mandated to aid and protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people, and to assist in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country. This committee was formed on 14 December, 1950 having their Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. During times of displacement, they provide critical emergency assistance in the form of clean water, sanitation and healthcare, as well as shelter, blankets, household goods and sometimes food. They also arrange transport and assistance packages for people who return home, and income generating project for those who resettle. For this year’s conference the committee will debate on the agenda “Deliberating upon measures to counter statelessness with special emphasis on the Belarusian Border Crisis” Since June 2021, thousands of people – mainly from Iraq but also from Syria, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo and several other countries – have been trying to reach the European Union (EU) via Belarus. While Belarus has eased the migration flows, political leaders from Poland and Lithuania have repeatedly accused the Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenka of facilitating migrants and asylum seekers to cross EU borders. In response, EU countries have built fences, significantly increased border patrols and declared a state of emergency along the border areas, which limits independent humanitarian assistance organizations from entering the areas. International Press: Greetings to the future acclaimed journalists and creative cartoonists. We bring to you the International press committee that's going to give you the most thrilling experience ever, if you are there to complete each task assigned on time. The Constitution is simple indeed, you will be given a task, either writing, interviewing or creating caricatures of the delegates, you will be assigned a deadline, and rest you will have race through on your own. There is never an agenda for IP, it's completely an impromptu effort and declaration, you will be there nominated as the face of your committee, as true IP'sts, you will be expected to provide a clear, honest and sanguine account of the minutiae of your committee, so that any people who has never been there can straightaway form an image as to what happened there! Yes, you heard it right, it’s way too assiduous. BUT! You will enjoy the ride through learning and definitely turn out to be better than before. Surprises await! HISTORIC LOK SABHA: Just a few questions before we delve inside the Historic Lok Sabha, before you seat yourself in those virtual lush leather seats of debate. Do you know about father Stan Swamy? Do you know about the AFSPA, 1958? Do you, as a parliamentarian have any idea about Jaish-e-Mohammad? If you are a true politician and opinion keeper, you cannot miss this controversial yet so important and debatable act. One law, three amendments, born after the POTA and TADA, this is something that has triggered a chill of political and social activism throughout the country and still keeps manifesting in some way or the other! Are you the solution to this problem? Will you make a good debate memorable? If yes, click under and enroll yourself to the Lok sabha, such golden opportunities seldom strike. G20: Bringing the G20, or group of 20 "developing" countries, something that you need to be very careful of. The agenda talks about “Economic Impact of Unilateral and Multilateral Sanctions and Embargoes”. Now all those who love reading economics, who are business minded, will enter straight away. We are bringing to you an interesting opportunity to put forward the economist's view inside you. Discuss the impact of multilateral and bilateral sanctions and embargoes, like the CAATSA or the procurement of S-400 missiles which are the current allusion to a prolific, wholesome discussion. Why not do it with us! JCC: Presenting to you one of our most esteemed and debate-prolific committees . First things first, it is a huge experience that you should definitely not miss. Introducing the agenda ‘White House Control Room Vs. Kremlin Control Centre’, where in we will take you to an amazing journey through the weapono-strategically important Kremlin Centre which used to be the Residence of the Supreme Power in Russia (one of the biggest bastions in Europe till date) and, the White House control room/ Situation Room/ the JFK room (which is the CPU of the White House). Hope you like wriggling through the committee, in case you find any impediment there, our chairs are open to help! ERROR 404: Agenda - classified (details will be shared 3 days prior to the conference.) GENERAL INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION 1. THE MUN WILL BE HELD ON AN ONLINE PLATFORM ON 18TH AND 19TH OF FEBRUARY, 2022 2. THE REGISTRATION FEE PER DELEGATE IS RS.300/- 3. THE MINIMUM DELEGATION SIZE IS 5 4. SCHOOLS ARE REQUESTED TO COMPLETE REGISTRATION BY 5TH OF FEBRUARY , 2022 AT [email protected] 5. THE JPHS MUN SECRETARIAT SHALL SEND OTHER CONFERENCE RELATED DOCUMENTS AND PROVIDE ALL GUIDANCE REQUIRED THEREAFTER . 6. THE CONFERENCE HANDBOOK, WHICH INCLUDES A DETAILED GUIDE TO OUR RULES OF PROCEDURE, CODE OF CONDUCT, DRESS CODE, DOCUMENTATION AND A TENTATIVE CONFERENCE SCHEDULE, SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE, OUR INSTAGRAM PAGE AND OUR FACEBOOK PAGE. 7. BACKGROUND GUIDES, THAT ARE WRITTEN INFORMATIONAL AIDS FOR DELEGATES ON THE AGENDA BEING DISCUSSED, SHALL ALSO BE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE. 8. MODE OF PAYMENT: AFTER RECEIVING A CONFIRMATION EMAIL FROM THE SECRETARIAT, YOU MAY PROCEED FOR THE PAYMENT VIA OUR WEBSITE OR THE BANK DETAILS AS PROVIDED ON THE NEXT SLIDE. 9. REGISTRATION LINKS CAN BE ACCESSED FROM THE WEBSITE ( AWARDS: A] SECRETARY-GENERAL’S BEST DELEGATE AWARD B] BEST DELEGATE C] HIGH COMMENDATION D] SPECIAL MENTION AND VERBAL MENTION THE BEST SCHOOL DELEGATION AWARD This is the recognition award of an entire school's performance. For this reason there are less awards in this section. Awards are commonly split up between size of delegation (small and large), and recognize the outstanding and best delegations. In this way, there will be one winner with the best number of awards and the delegates who delegated and delivered their nation best. FINANCE DETAILS : Once the registration has been made, you are requested to proceed with the payment via following details: BANK ACCOUNT NAME: Jayshree Periwal High School BANK NAME: HDFC Bank BANK A/C NUMBER: Account No. 50100081384081 IFSC CODE: HDFC0003769 MICR : 302240019 CONTACT US Mrs. Sangeeta Joseph (MUN Coordinator) +91 7980633124 [email protected] Mrs.Reena Jolly (Faculty Advisor) +91 99999 87410 [email protected] Mrs. Archana Srivastava (Faculty Advisor) +91 7877328685 [email protected] Ratyansh Garg (Secretary General) +91 7427050294 Gouri Bhatnagar (USG Delegate Affairs) +91 9571377744 Mail ID- [email protected] Instagram ID- @jphs.mun Website-