A Grammar of The Arabic Language Vol 2

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A GRAMMAR al ARABIC LANGUAGE, ‘TRANSLATED. FROM THE GERMAN OF CASPARI, xp Ror WITH ROMBROUS ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. ar W. WRIGHT, LL.D. {ara Puomeson OF skuute OH TAK UANEAMIFY OF cinmaIDOR, THIRD EDITION neviep ay W. ROBERTSON SMITH, {Use rRorewon OF ARAN DX THE URIVERNTY oF ciommmipuy ax M. J. pe GOBJE, ‘Pormeson oF ARABIC 14 THE URIVRRGTY OF LEYDEN. VOLUME 11. WITH A PREFACE AND ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA BY PIERRE CACHIA LIBRAIRIE DU LIBAN BEIRUT LIBRAIRIE DU LIBAN Riad Solh Square - Beirut a Associated companies, rancher representatives CONTENTS. PART THIRD. SYNTAX. 1 THE SEVERAL COMPONENT PARTS OF A ‘New Impression, 1996 A. THE VERB. L vt 1 a 3 3 4 *) aa the Plupert. Subjunct, in two correlative frente ese 3 oe - . 6 » aftor ti oe PC, a 1» In two correlative conditional clauses, after Spee 2 ee eB » alter dag. Tho Imperfect Indicstive . ‘The Tatin and Greek Impertoct, Sali Gide . rinted in Lebat Printed is Labescn ‘The Fatare-Perteot, ial (35) Gf. 9 ‘The Impertoct Sabjenctive . The Jusive, after 5 and Wi. a in two correlative conditional claoen alter Spy ote z ‘Tho Energetic % The Moods. ‘The Subjusctive 5 Tha Baljonnie ober BLS gh oe wf a fa alter Gh, oe » after AS ” ater 3 3 . ater 45 e ater ” 0 prokihivons (vi Dy wine, and — » in the sped of ‘two ‘correlative con. ditional clauses » rr ts i, ae alter LSet, as a negative imperative, with J . ‘The Energia of the Ieperative oe ge eg vel BRRBeees see al “a “2 3 43 conrEnrs, 3, The Government of the Vorb . (0) The Accumtivo 5 (©) Te Objective Component in the Acematve : ‘Two Objective Complements in the Aseustive . ‘The Accusative of the pias, otc, a2 the sbeclute object, GLI Soak. Ccastraction of Mh Sire Ome dt the Subject with the Nomen Actionis ‘Une ot «J withthe Gentiva to expres the Obes: tive Complement of tha-Nomen Actions = Government of the Nomina Agéntis or Pasticiplen. ‘Use of «J with Uhe Genitive to oxpram the Objeo- tive Complement of the Purticipls Cousirdetion of Verbal Adjectives Coasirution of Comparstives snd Superlatives of the form fall. ‘The Aowuatie altar «Vorb which i ender, aa att “5: snr hak de . atter 53, Js, Jas « ater 5 TH). The Voutive 2 ke » after 1G, ota, expressed by the Nominative ” ste ae ee by te Accumtive . . attr Gd oe GHG. nm lter ty : Tie Asctive ater J, wed gt

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