Experiment 2 Refractive Index of Glass Using A Michelson Interferometer Setup

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Experiment 2

Refractive index of Glass using a Michelson Interferometer setup


Division-of-Wavefront Interferometry

Coherent (single-wavelength) light from point sources two different locations in an optical beam could
be combined after having traveled along two different paths. The recombined light exhibits sinusoidal
fringes whose spatial frequency depends on the difference in angle of the light beams when
recombined. The regular variation in relative phase of the light beams results in constructive
interference (when the relative phase difference is 2πn,where n is an integer) and destructive
interference where the relative phase difference is 2πn + π. The centers of the “bright” fringes occur
where the optical paths differ by an integer multiple of λ0.

Fig 1. “Division-of-Wavefront” Interferometry via Young’s Two-Slit Experiment intensity fringes at the observation
plane is D ~ Lλ/d .

Division-of-Amplitude Interferometry

This laboratory will introduce a second class of interferometer where the amplitude of the light is
separated into two (or more) parts at the same point in space via partial reflection by a beam-splitter.
The beam-splitter is the light-dividing element in several types of interferometers. This lab will
demonstrate the action of the Michelson interferometer for coherent light from a laser.

Michelson Interferometer

The Michelson interferometer was used by Michelson when he showed that the velocity of light does
not depend on the direction travelled. The apparatus is shown in Fig. 2 below. Laser light is split into two
beams by the beam-splitter, which is half-silvered on the inside so that light is reflected after being
transmitted through the glass. The two beams emerging from the beam splitter travel perpendicular
paths to mirrors where they are directed back to be recombined at the beam-splitter surface. One
mirror can be tilted by an adjustable mirror and the length of the other path may be changed by a
translatable mirror. For white light sources, a compensator (a plain piece of glass of the same thickness
as the beam-splitter) is placed in the beam that was transmitted by beam-splitter. The light transits the
compensator twice, and thus the path length traveled in glass by light in this arm is identical to that
traveled in glass in the other arm. This equalization of the path length traveled simplifies (somewhat)
the use of the interferometer with a broad-band white-light source. The compensator is not necessary
when a laser is used, because the coherence length is much longer than the path-length difference.

Fixed mirror



Fig 2. Schematic of Michelson interferometer

If the translatable mirror is displaced so that the two beams travel different distances from the beam-
splitter to the mirror(say l1 and l2), then the total optical path of each beam is 2l1 and 2l2.The total
optical path difference is:

OPD =2l1 − 2l2 =2 · ∆l [in metres]

Note that the path length is changed by TWICE the translation distance of the mirror. The OPD may be
scaled to be measured in number of wavelengths of difference simply by dividing by the laser
OPD = 2 · ∆l/λ0 [in wavelengths]

We know that each wavelength corresponds to 2π radians of phase, so the optical phase difference is
the OPD multiplied by 2π radians per wavelength:

OΦD =2π[radians/wavelength]·2 ·∆l/λ0 [wavelengths]

=2π ·2 · ∆l/λ0 [radians]

If the optical phase difference is an integer multiple of 2π (equivalent to saying that the optical path
difference is an integer multiple of λ0), then the light will combine “in phase” and the interference is
constructive; if the optical phase difference is an odd-integer multiple of π, then the light combines “out
of phase” to destructively interfere.

The Michelson interferometer pictured above uses a collimated laser source (more properly called a
Twyman-Green interferometer), and the two beams are positioned so that all points of light are recom-
bined with their exact duplicate in the other path except for (possibly) a time delay if the optical paths
are different). If the optical phase difference of the two beams is 2πn radians, where n is an integer,
then the light at all points recombines in phase and the field should be uniformly “bright”. If the optical
phase difference is (2n +1) π radians, then light at all points recombines “out of phase” and the field
should be uniformly “dark”.

If the collimated light in one path is “tilted” relative to the other before recombining, then the optical
phase difference of the recombined beams varies linearly across the field in exactly the same fashion as
in the Young’s two-slit experiment. In other words, the two beams travel with different wave-vectors k1
and k2 that produce the linear variation in optical phase difference. With the Michelson, we have the
additional “degree of freedom” that allows us to change the optical path difference of the light “at the
center”. As shown in the Fig. 3, if the optical path difference at the center of the observation screen is 0,
then the two beams combine in phase at that point. If one path is lengthened so that the optical phase
difference at the center is π radians, then the light combines “out of phase” to produce a dark fringe at
the center.

Fig 3. Michelson interferometer with collimated light so that one beam is tilted relative to the other. The optical
phase difference varies linearly across the field, producing linear fringes just like Young’s two-slit interference.

Interference of Expanding Spherical Waves: The strict definition of a Michelson interferometer

assumes that the light is an expanding spherical wave from the source. If optical path difference is zero
(same path length in both arms of the interferometer), then the light recombines in phase at all points
to produce a uniformly bright field, as shown on the left of Fig. 4. However, in general the optical path
lengths differ so that the light from the two sources combine at the center with a different phase
difference, as shown on the right of Fig 4.

Fig 4. Michelson interferometer with path differences equal and unequal.

Thus the optical path difference varies more quickly at the edges of the observation plane than at the
center, so the fringe period varies with position. In Fig. 5, the light waves recombine “in phase” at the
center of the observation plane, but the period of the fringes decreases with increasing distance from
the center.


Fig 5. Michelson interferometer with spherical wavefronts traveling different path lengths.


1. Set up the Michelson interferometer as per Fig 2. Demonstrate that you can get circular fringes
on the screen [Note: To magnify the fringes, use the lens provided before the screen).

2. Put in the glass slide mounted on the rotational stage in the fixed mirror beam-path as shown in
Fig 6.
Fixed mirror



Fig 6. Michelson interferometer with glass slide in beam-path.

3. Rotate the angular stage with the glass slide so that the fringes shift. Count the number of
fringes shifted with respect to a cross-mark on the viewing screen as a function of rotation angle
(Note: It may be easier to count fringes a little away from the center of the pattern).

4. Calculate the refractive index ng of the glass slide given that thickness t = 1 mm, wavelength =
650 nm, and

where m is the number of fringes shifted and , the inclincation angle, is defined as the angle of
incidence of the beam onto the face of the glass block, i.e., the angle between the beam and the
normal to the glass surface.

5. Find the value of ng for 20, 30, 40 and 50 fringe shifts. Repeat the angular measurement for each
fringe shift 5-10 times to build up statistics.

6. Also, set up an experiment for measuring coherence length of the laser supplied. Use your
brains – think about coherence length, and see how you could set up the apparatus to provide
you the best opportunity of estimating the coherence length. Note your efforts in detail in your
lab note book. [Hint: Think about coherence length – and try to set the maximum path
difference between the two arms in the interferometer. Note down this path difference where
you can still see fringes.]

Required reading topics

1. Coherence of light sources

2. Uses of Michelson interferometer

Suggested reading topic

1. Scanning Michelson interferometer

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