Laplace Transform

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A Coupled Pendulum model considering small

oscillations and its solution by Laplace Transform

M Flores1 , E Valencia2 and H Muñoz3
Tecnolgico de Monterrey, campus Guadalajara
E-mail: 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected],3 [email protected]

Abstract. The study of the motion in pendulums has been of great interest for
mathematicians and physicists due to its simplicity for the analysis of physical
phenomena and therefore many works have been presented with equations modeling
their behavior. In this paper, we present a summary of an investigation related with
previous work in the topic focusing on a particular type of pendulum; the coupled
pendulum, which is composed by two pendulums with the main characteristic of being
attached by a spring. Through this work we show a process to obtain a differential
equation model for the analysis of that system, as well as its main characteristics and
the assumptions taken into account for the resolution of the problem. A solution to the
model using the Laplace Transform is presented. Finally we provide a set of graphics
to observe the differences involved in the movement of the system due to the variation
in the initial conditions.
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1. Introduction

The modelation of physical systems has been since ages a befitting challenge to the
most daring of minds. Intellectual men of the height of Newton and Leibniz have
derived innovative methods throughout the times, that allowed for the expansion of our
knowledge deposit through the resolution of previously unfathomable problems.

1.1. Pendulum behavior

The description of the motion of a pendulum has been of interest to the world of math
due to the fact that its particular properties allow for a clear exhibition of the effects of
the force of gravity and Newtonian principles. Classical modeling of pendulum behavior
includes several basic assumptions that must be noted:

• The weight of the bar, string, or rope from which the mass hangs is
assumed to be negligible. This allows for a full focus in the mass hanging
at one of its ends, which in the case of simple pendulums is considerably more
important for the physical behavior of the system.
• Trigonometric approximations allow for reliable modelling of small
angular displacement. The sine wave function behavior is such that its initial
displacement is approximately equal to a simple linear function with a slope of 1.
This means that for |θ| < 0.3 [4]:
sin(θ) ≈ θ
cos(θ) ≈ 1
• Friction is negligible. Real World pendulum behavior is affected by friction both
between the different materials and the air, and between the materials themselves.
These affects are not taken into account for the current model.
• Pendulum swings occur within a perfect plane. Real world pendulum
movement may sometimes be other than perfectly parallel to a vertical plane.
For the purpose of this problem however, physical motion will be assumed to be
restricted to such plain.
• The pendulum arm can not bend, stretch or compress. As mentioned
before, the mass attached to the end of the arm and its behavior relative to the
interacting forces, are factors of prime importance to the movement description.
The same is not the case for the string or bar from which it hangs.

1.2. Spring behavior

The problem to be examined at this report is not only limited to simple pendulum
motion, but also incorporates such phenomena as that of a spring. The system to be
modelled will be assumed to be in line with the following assumptions:
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• The spring obeys Hooke’s Law. It will be assumed that the spring is stretched
in an amount proportional to the force applied to it, and that such behavior is
consistent throughout its whole amplitude range.
• The spring’s mass and friction are negligible. For the purpose of this work,
both parameters will be assumed to be null or non-existent. This allows for a
simplified the model which predicts system motion reliably, while being simple
enough to be derived without unnecessary complications.
• Perfect rest. Potential energy at the equilibrium position will be exactly zero for
the purpose of the model.

1.3. The model

The following model to be derived will consist of a coupled pendulum- two simple
masses in pendular motion connected by a spring (with a constant k ), assuming small
displacements, like the one showing in Figure 1. A differential equation set will be
obtained and examined for behavioral patterns when initial conditions set both masses
to start from the same angle, the same angle but with opposite signs, and other relevant

Figure 1. Couple pendulum.

2. Results

Assuming the displacements are small, then sin(θ) = θ and cos(θ) = 1. The force in a
spring of a coupled pendulum is:
F = k∆x (1)
In the Figure 2 shows the Free-Body diagram for the m1 .
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Figure 2. In this figure, a free body diagram with the forces acting on mass 1 is

The diagram shows the forces acting in the model. The model is described by the
sum of forces acting in the pendulum and by Newton’s second law, as shown in the
following equations:
d2 x1
m1 = −gθ1 − k (x1 − x2 ) (2)
d2 x2
m2 = −gθ2 + k (x1 − x2 ) (3)
The displacement is given by:
x1 = lθ1 (4)

x2 = lθ2 (5)

Second derivate of equations (4) and (5),

d 2 x1 d2 θ1
=l 2 (6)
dt2 dt
d 2 x2 d2 θ2
=l 2 (7)
dt2 dt
Substituting equations (4), (5), (6) and (7) into equations (2) and (3),
d2 θ1
m1 l = −gθ1 − k (lθ1 − lθ2 ) (8)
d2 θ2
m2 l = −gθ2 + k (lθ1 − lθ2 ) (9)
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d2 θ
Changing the notation dt2
= θ”, and reducing the differential equations that
describe the movement are:
g k
θ1 ” + θ1 + (θ1 − θ2 ) = 0 (10)
l m
g k
θ2 ” + θ2 − (θ1 − θ2 ) = 0 (11)
l m
If ω 2 = gl , κ = m
and the initial condition are θ1 = θ0 , θ2 = ψ0 and θ10 = θ20 = 0.
Now the equations are:
θ1 ” + ω 2 θ1 + κ (θ1 − θ2 ) = 0 (12)

θ2 ” + ω 2 θ2 − κ (θ1 − θ2 ) = 0 (13)

2.1. Solving differential equation using Laplace transform

Applying Laplace transform to the equation system
n o
L θ1 ” + ω 2 θ1 + κ (θ1 − θ2 ) = 0 (14)
n o
L θ2 ” + ω 2 θ2 − κ (θ1 − θ2 ) = 0 (15)

The equations (14) and (15) adopt the following transformation:

s2 Θ1 (s) − sθ0 + ω 2 Θ1 (s) + κΘ1 (s) − κΘ2 = 0 (16)

s2 Θ2 (s) − sψ0 + ω 2 Θ2 (s) − κΘ1 (s) + κΘ2 = 0 (17)

In order to solve the Laplace system we can take (17) and make some algebra to
clear for Θ2 :
sψ0 + κΘ1
Θ2 = (18)
s2 + ω 2 + κ
Now, it is possible substitute equation (19) in (16):
sψ + κΘ1
s2 Θ1 − sθ0 + ω 2 Θ1 + κΘ1 − κ =0 (19)
s2 + ω 2 + κ
From equation (21) to equation (25), there are some algebra process to simplify the
sψ κΘ1
s2 Θ1 − sθ0 + ω 2 Θ1 + κΘ1 − κ 2 2
−κ 2 =0 (20)
s +ω +κ s + ω2 + κ
sψ κΘ1
s2 Θ1 − sθ0 + ω 2 Θ1 + κΘ1 − κ −κ 2 =0 (21)
s2 2
+ω +κ s + ω2 + κ
(s2 + ω 2 + κ) − κ2
Θ1 = sθ0 + (22)
s2 + ω 2 + κ s2 + ω 2 + κ
sθ1 (s2 + ω 2 + κ) + sκψ
Θ1 = (23)
(s2 + ω 2 + κ)2 − κ2
Laplace Transform 6
sθ1 (s2 + ω 2 + κ) + sκψ
Θ1 = (24)
(s2 + ω 2 )2 + 2κ(s2 + ω 2 )
The next equation (26) can be solved by partial fractions
s3 Θ0 + Θ0 sω 2 + Θ0 κs + κψ0 s
Θ1 = (25)
(s2 + ω 2 )(s2 + ω2 + 2κ)
As + B Cs + D
2 2
+ 2 (26)
s +ω s + ω 2 + 2κ
Θ0 + ψ0 Θ0 − ψ0
A= B=0 C= D=0 (27)
2 2
Θ0 + ψ0 s Θ0 ψ0 s
Θ1 = ( ) 2 2
+( ) 2 (28)
2 s +ω 2 s + ω 2 + 2κ
Now it is possible to apply the inverse Laplace to equation (29):
( )
− − Θ0 + ψ0 s Θ0 ψ0 s
L 1 {Θ1 } = L 1 ( ) 2 2
+( ) 2 (29)
2 s +ω 2 s + ω 2 + 2κ
Get the equation of movement for Θ1
! !
θ0 + ψ0 θ0 − ψ0 
θ1 (t) = cos (ω · t) + cos ω 2 + 2κ · t (30)
2 2
Find the equation for Θ2 , if we sum equation (16) and equation (17), we have:
s2 Θ1 + s2 Θ2 − sθ0 − sψ0 + ω 2 Θ1 + ω 2 Θ2 = 0 (31)
In equation (32) and (33), there is a reduction of the equation.
(Θ1 + Θ2 ) s2 + ω 2 = (θ0 + ψ0 ) s (32)

(θ0 + ψ0 ) s
(Θ1 + Θ2 ) = (33)
(s2 + ω 2 )
The next equation can be solved by inverse Laplace
( )
− (θ0 + ψ0 ) s

L 1 {(Θ1 + Θ2 )} = L 1 (34)
(s2 + ω 2 )
The results are shown in the following equation
! !
θ0 + ψ0 θ0 − ψ0 
cos (ω · t)+ cos ω 2 + 2κ · t +θ2 (t) = (θ0 + ψ0 ) cos (ω · t)(35)
2 2
Get the equation of movement for Θ2
! !
θ0 + ψ0 θ0 − ψ0 
θ2 (t) = cos (ω · t) − cos ω 2 + 2κ · t (36)
2 2
The equation system is given for the following equations
! !
θ0 + ψ0 θ0 − ψ0 
θ1 (t) = cos (ω · t) + cos ω 2 + 2κ · t (37)
2 2
Laplace Transform 7
! !
θ0 + ψ0 θ0 − ψ0 
θ2 (t) = cos (ω · t) − cos ω 2 + 2κ · t (38)
2 2
Come back to the initial parameters ω 2 = gl , κ = k
, to obtain the equation system
for movement in a coupled pendulum:
! ! s 
θ0 + ψ0 g θ0 − ψ0 g k
θ1 (t) = cos · t + cos  + 2 · t (39)
2 l 2 l m
! ! s 
θ0 + ψ0 g θ0 − ψ0 g k
θ2 (t) = cos · t − cos  + 2 · t (40)
2 l 2 l m
Now, for the case when the initial displacement is the same for both pendulums,
the initial condition will be:
θ0 = ψ0 (41)
Then (16) and (17) would be expressed as:
s2 Θ1 (s) − sθ0 + ω 2 Θ1 (s) + κΘ1 (s) − κΘ2 = 0 (42)
s2 Θ2 (s) − sθ0 + ω 2 Θ2 (s) − κΘ1 (s) + κΘ2 = 0 (43)
And equation (25) would be, but with θ0 = ψ0 :
s3 θ0 + θ0 sω 2 + θ0 κs + κθ0 s
Θ1 = (44)
(s2 + ω 2 )(s2 + ω2 + 2κ)
As + B Cs + D
2 2
+ 2 (45)
s +ω s + ω 2 + 2κ
A = θ0 B=0 C = θ0 − θ0 = 0 D=0 (46)
With partial fraction we get:
θ0 s
Θ1 = (47)
s + ω2

And after the Laplace inverse, we have for Θ1 :

θ1 (t) = θ0 cos(ωt) (48)
In order to find the equation for Θ2 we change equation (33) into (49):
(2θ0 ) s
(Θ1 + Θ2 ) = 2 (49)
(s + ω 2 )
We apply Laplace transform and get:
θ2 (t) = 2θ0 cos(ωt) − θ0 cos(ωt) (50)
θ2 (t) = θ0 cos(ωt) (51)
The equation system for movement when θ0 = ψ0 is:
θ1 (t) = θ0 cos(ωt) (52)
θ2 (t) = θ0 cos(ωt) (53)
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3. Discussion

The next set of figures show the behavior of the coupled pendulum at different
conditions, considering the initial displacement, the length of the pendulum, the mass
and the spring force.

Figure 3. In this graphic it can be observed the oscillatory movement that the coupled
pendulum follows when only one pendulum has an initial amplitude (in this case of
5), and the other one is initially at rest (amplitude of 0). Then, at time 0 the first
pendulum begins to oscillate until it reaches an approximated equilibrium, while the
second one presents the opposite behavior, it remains at rest and begins to oscillate to
reach the maximum amplitude.

Figure 4. In this case we plot the equations with the same initial amplitudes used for
the graph of Figure 1, but we change other parameters to observe if a big difference on
the movement would be presented. Arbitrarily, a value of 5 was chosen for length and
mass, and a spring force (k) of 12. Comparing Figure 1 and 2, we can observe that
the behavior of the pendulums remains equal but with different period.
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Figure 5. For the third case we vary the initial amplitudes, both greater than 0 and
different one from another. For pendulum 1 (blue line) we chose 5 and for pendulum 2
(orange line), a value of 3. Here we can see that when pendulum 1 is at its maximum
amplitude, pendulum 2 is at its minimum (or its original amplitude). As amplitude
for pendulum 1 is bigger, it oscillates decreasing but never reaches a zero amplitude,
instead it reaches the initial amplitude for pendulum 2. The opposite happens with
pendulum 2, it oscillates increasing its amplitude until it reaches the value of the
pendulum 1 initial amplitude, because they are attached to the same spring and have
to conserve the potential energy.

Figure 6. Another situation that can be presented in the study of coupled pendulums
is the case where both amplitudes are the same. As it can be observed in this graph,
when this condition appears, both pendulums oscillates in the same way, they are
paired because they have the same equation as we can saw with equations 52 and 53,
and it seems as the equations for simple pendulum.
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Figure 7. When both amplitudes are null, the representation for the pendulum
movement will be as is shown in this graph. Without any initial amplitude, the coupled
pendulum will remain at rest.

Figure 8. In this graphs we can see what happens when both amplitudes have equal
magnitude but different sign. The behavior of their oscillations is the same for both
pendulums, but in opposite direction. That means that the spring will be expanded
and compressed as they moving at the same time.

According with the results obtained from Figure 3 to Figure 8, we can observe
that the oscillations of the pendulums are complementary because of the fact that they
are attached to the same spring. This can be discussed from the equilibrium point of
view, or by the theorem of energy conservation. The coupled pendulums form a system
in which due to the gravity, there are two masses hanging from two ropes, and because
of that, they are allowed two move along the x and y axes, but not in the z direction.
Because of that capability to swing and the fact that a spring is presented, the system
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will have kinetic energy and a potential energy formed by the gravity force and the spring
force. In the graphs presented before we can see that the pendulums oscillates following
a behavior indicating us that they are conserving energy, easily observed in Figure
5. And the way in which the spring is connected make the pendulums to complement
each other and, in the case of the conditions presented in Figure 8, manipulate the
spring in opposite directions. This also can be derived from the equations results, which
implies that the system will have an oscillatory behavior because of the cosine function
implicated and its dependency on the initial conditions for the amplitude, and for the
frequency it will depend on the conditions of the spring constant, length of the cable
and mass, as is shown in Figure 3. That is why our principal scenarios for initial
conditions were: both amplitudes equal and greater than 0, different amplitudes (the
case for one equal to 0, and the case for both greater than 0), and amplitudes of equal
magnitudes but different signs, and the variation in the other parameters will give us
the same behavior but different periods.

4. Conclusion

Pendulums are quite useful not only as thoughts experiments, but also relevant for real
world applications that have had an impact in common life. The primary example of this
is none other than the keeping of time; Galilieo’s study of its properties -mainly the fact
that a pendulum has a constant cycle time- served as a propeller for the use of pendular
motion as the powering mechanism of a clock, instead of otherwise unreliable methods
used in earlier times [3]. Other uses include the grasping of Newtonian principles
of motion -primarily inertia-, the measuring of the effects of gravity, the conclusive
demonstration of the spinning of the Earth, and the mechanical system behind seismic
activity detectors and earthquake resistant buildings[1].
Physical systems such as those derived in this report carry the living image and
signature of the modern sciences -they allow us to observe a behavior, to grasp its
nature, and to make predictions about the system’s future states. One of the insights
which merit further inquiry and research is clearly none other than the fact that initial
conditions have a powerful effect in the behavior of physical systems, and that not all
mathematical functions exhibit similar behaviors when their parameters are shifted -as
it was the case with the aforementioned coupled pendulum system. Nothing could be
more different than a coupled behavior where their exact same amplitude appears to be
that of a single wave (Figure 4) and the phenomena of oscillatory movement where one
pendulum’s amplitude grows smalled while the other grows bigger (Figure 1).
A model can not be fully grasped if different initial condition scenarios have not
been considered. This has practical applications for engineers; sometimes a complex
system can be modeled with simpler algorithms given that we find the right set of
conditions under which such a simpler system can be derived. This is the case with
small oscillations where trigonometric approximations can be used -and this too shall
be the case when a well versed engineer comes to find one day that the large mechanical
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system he is building is not only great, cost-efficient, or effective; it is something still

more glorious -it is a simple mass exhibiting pendular motion


The paper is the result of a week of work by all the team members, that studied and
investigated topics related with pendulums and their physical implications. This team
is part of the Physical and Mathematical Modeling group, within the MCI research
program. All members of the team worked on finding a differential equation model and
its respective solution. Once a suitable model was obtained, the sections in this paper
were filled in the next way:
Background investigation and conclusions: Hector Muñoz. Results: Edgar
Valencia. Graphics and discussions: Mariana Flores.
Also special thanks to our class professors, Dr. Blas Rodrguez and Dr. Francisco
Alvarado for their continuous advisory.


[1] Abel, I. 2017. What Are the Uses of Pendulums?. Sciencing. Retrieved from:
[2] Ballard, J. 2012. The Simple Harmonic Pendulum. PMF Naslovnica. Retrieved from:
[3] Jaebi, I. 2017. Why is a Pendulum Scientifically Important?. Sciencing. Retrieved from:
[4] Rainville, E. D. 1969. Elementary differential equations. New York. The McMillan Company. 3er

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