WWW - Qmscotland.co - Uk: Production of This Poster Was Kindly Sponsored by The Following Organisations

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Cattle Breeds of Great Britain

Aberdeen Angus Ayrshire Bazadaise Beef Shorthorn Belted Galloway British Blonde British Blue

British Charolais British Friesian British Limousin British Simmental British White Brown Swiss Dairy Shorthorn

Devon Dexter Galloway Gloucester Guernsey Hereford Highland

Holstein Jersey Lincoln Red Longhorn Luing Montbeliarde Murray Grey

Red Angus Red Poll Salers South Devon Sussex Welsh Black Whitebred Shorthorn

Production of this poster was kindly sponsored

by the following organisations:
For further information on any of the above breeds,
please contact the British Livestock Genetics
Consortium (BLG). www.britishlivestockgenetics.com www.eblex.org.uk www.dairyco.org.uk www.nationalbeefassociation.com www.hccmpw.org.uk www.qmscotland.co.uk

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