CHY-107: Organic Chemistry Even Semester, 2016-17 Instructional Plan L T P: 3-2-0 Credits: 4 No. Topic(s) Reference and Unit 3: Stereochemistry

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CHY-107: Organic Chemistry

Even Semester, 2016-17

L T P: 3-2-0 Credits: 4

Lecture Topic(s) Reference and

No. Chapter
Unit 3 : Stereochemistry
1 Classification of stereoisomers, Optical Isomers: enantiomers and
2 D and L configuration, Absolute configuration (R and S) Projection
3 Absolute configuration (R and S) Projection formulae
4 Stereochemistry of compounds containing one and two asymmetric Ref. 1, Ch. 1, 1-
C-atoms 186
5 Stereochemistry of biphenyls and spiro compounds (Assignment-1)
6 Conformations: Conformations around a C-C bond in acyclic
7 Structure of cycloalkanes, Cyclohexane (non-substituted) and its
8 Geometrical isomerism- Concept, E and Z nomenclature
Unit 1 : Principles of Organic Chemistry
9 Electronic Displacements: Inductive effect, Mesomeric effect
10 Resonance effect- Resonance energy and its significance
Hyperconjugation- concept and consequences
11 Reactive intermediates: Generation, structure and general reactions
of carbocations, carbanions (Assignment-3)
12 Reactive intermediates: Generation, structure and general reactions Ref.4, Ch.6, 89-
of carbocations, carbanions 114
13 free radicals, carbenes (singlet and triplet). Electrophiles and
14 Different types of Organic Reactions. E1 and E2
15 Different types of Organic Reactions SN1 and SN2
16 Mechanism of electrophillic and nucleophilic reactions
respectively (Assignment-4)
Unit 2 : Name Reactions
17 Mechanism of Friedel-Crafts Alkylation Ref. 4, Ch. 33,
18 Mechanism of Friedel-Crafts Acylation 654-682
19 Mechanism of Diels-Alder reaction Ref. 4, Ch 25,
20 Mechanism of Aldol Condensation 517-519
21 Mechanism of Claisen condensation (Assignment-5)

Ref 6, Ch.10,
259-263, 242,
22 Mechanism of Beckmann Reaction Ref 4, Ch 16,
23 Mechanism of Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement, Ref. 4, Ch. 41,
24 Mechanism of Wanger-Meerwin rearrangement reaction 783-784
25 Mechanism of Cannizzaro Ref 4, Ch 6,
26 Mechanism of Oxidation reactions 108-110,
27 Mechanism of Reduction reactions (Assignment-6) Ref 6, Ch 15,
Ref 6, Ch 16,
Unit 4: Heterocyclic compounds
28 Nomenclature of Heterocyclic compounds, aromatic heterocyclic Ref. 2,
compounds Ch.16,794-828
29 structure and importance of biologically significant heterocyclic
compounds: five member- sulphur heterocycles (thiamine)
30 structure and importance of biologically significant heterocyclic
compounds: five member- nitrogen (pyrrole) heterocycles
31 structure and importance of biologically significant heterocyclic
compounds: five member- sulphur heterocycles (thiamine) and Ref. 2,
nitrogen (pyrrole) heterocycles Ch.16,794-828
32 structure and importance of biologically significant heterocyclic Ch 17, 829-834
compounds six member- pyrimidines
33 structure and importance of biologically significant heterocyclic
compounds six member fused ring-Purines
34 structure and importance of biologically significant heterocyclic
compounds six member fused ring - Pyrimidines and
Unit 5 : Drugs
35 Concepts of drugs, pro-drugs, soft drugs and chemotherapeutic
36 classification and nomenclature of drugs, Ref. 7, Ch1, 1-
37 Development of new drugs; procedures followed in drug design 18
(Assignment-9) Ch 31, 897-914
38 Procedures followed in drug design(contd)
39 Theories of drug activity
40 Quantitative structure activity relationship. (Assignment-10)
Reference Books and Monographs
1. P.S. Kalsi “Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism”, 8 th Edition
2. I .L. Finar, “Organic Chemistry” 6th ed., Pearson Education.Volume 2
3. R. Morrison,& T. Boyd,” Organic Chemistry” 6th ed. , Pearson Education.
4. Arun Bahl B. S. Bahl “A textbook of organic chemistry”, S.Chand & Co.
5. J. A. Joule, K. Mills, " Heterocyclic Chemistry” John Wiley & Sons,
6. S. M. Mukherji, S. P. Singh, “Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry” Macmillan.
7. Ashutosh Kar, “Medicinal Chemistry” New Age International Publishers.
CHB-332: Chemistry OF Synthetic Drugs
Even Semester, 2016-17
L T P: 3-2-0 Credits: 4

Lecture Topic(s) Reference and

No. Chapter
Unit 1 : General Introduction
1 Definition of a drug, Requirements of an ideal drug,
2 Classification of drugs (based on therapeutic action)
3 Nomenclature of drugs: Generic name, Brand name, Systematic Ref. 10, Ch 1, 1-
name, 12
4 Definition of the following medicinal terms: Pharmacon, Ref. 2, Ch. 1,
Pharmacophore, Prodrug, Half-life, efficiency (Assignment-1) 1-18
5 Definition of the following medicinal terms:, LD50, ED50, Ref.11, Ch 1, 1-
Therapeutic Index, drug toxicity 35
6 Drug addiction, Spurious Drugs, Misbranded Drugs
7 Adulterated Drugs, Pharmacopoeia
8 (Assignment-2)
Unit 1 : CNS Drugs
9 Introduction
10 Classification based on pharmacological actions – xanthine
derivatives, analeptics, misc. CNS stimulants
11 Classification based on pharmacological actions – xanthine
derivatives, analeptics, misc. CNS stimulants(contd.) Ref.2, Chapt.9,
12 CNS –peptides, S-glutamate and blockade of NMDA induced 253-269
responses (Assignment-3)
13 Mechanism of action of selected CNS stimulants
14 Concept of sedation and hypnosis, anaesthesia.
15 Synthesis of Trimethadione, Methylphenidate
16 Synthesis of Phenytoin
17 Mode of Action Barbiturates (Assignment-4)
Unit 2 : Analgesics and Antipyretics
18 Introduction Ref. 2, Ch. 10,
19 Classification – aniline and p-aminophenol analogues 273-297,
20 Salicylic acid analogues
21 Quinoline derivatives
22 Pyrazolones and pyrazolodiones (Assignment-5)
23 Mechanism of action
24 Mechanism of action of selected antipyretic - analgesics
25 Mechanism of action of selected antipyretic – analgesics(contd)
26 synthesis and application of the following drugs- Tramadol
27 synthesis and application of the following drugs- Paracetamol
Unit 4: Anti-inflammatory and Antihistaminic Drugs
28 Mechanism of inflammation and various inflammatory conditions,
29 Synthesis of Aceclofenac and mode of action (Assignment-7)
30 Introduction to histamines, Classification Ref 2, Ch 16,
31 Histamine H1 receptor antagonists 521-542
32 Prevention of Histamine release Ref. 2, Ch 15,
33 Histamine (H2) receptor blockers 483-520,
34 Mechanism of histamine release & its action
35 Synthesis of cetrizine (Assignment-8)
Unit 5 : Anticancer drugs
36 Introduction, cancer causing agents- Environmental Risk Factors,
Hereditary Risk Factors
37 cancer chemotherapy- synthesis of mechloraethamine;
Ref. 2, Chapt.27,
38 cancer chemotherapy- synthesis of mechloraethamine;
Ref 10, Ch 21,
cyclophosphamide; Mephalan (Assignment-9)
39 Recent development in cancer chemotherapy
40 Recent development in cancer chemotherapy; Hormones and
natural products. (Assignment-10)


1. Burger: Medicinal chemistry.

2. A. Kar: Medicinal chemistry (Wiley East).

3. W. O. Foye: Principles of medicinal chemistry.

4. Pharmaceutical manufacturing encyclopedia.

5. R. M. Acheson: An introduction to chemistry of heterocyclic compounds (interscience).

6. Joule and Smith: Heterocyclic chemistry (Van Nostrand).

7. R. K. Bansal: heterocyclic chemistry (Wiley E).

8. L. A. Paquitte: Principals of modern heterocyclic chemistry.

9. M. H. Palamer: The structure and reactions of heterocyclic compounds.

10. Graham L. Patrick : Medicinal Chemistry 4th Ed

11. Gareth Thomas : Medicinal Chemistry 2nd Ed
MCH-229: Chemistry OF Synthetic Drugs
Even Semester, 2016-17
L T P: 3-2-0 Credits: 4

Lecture Topic(s) Reference and

No. Chapter
Unit 2: Amino acids, Peptides and Proteins
1 Amino acid: Classification, general methods of preparation
2 properties and reactions of amino acids
3 Peptides: Nomenclature and classification of peptides, peptide
bonds, depsipeptide and peptide alkaloids with examples
4 Peptides : sequences determination, chemical enzymatic and mass Ref. 1, Ch 13,
spectral methods 638-695
5 Modern methods of peptide synthesis with protection and Ref. 1, Ch 13,
deprotection, , solid phase synthesis 638-695
6 combinatorial synthesis, chemistry of oxytocin, self assembly and Ref. 1, Ch 13,
aggregation of peptides 638-695
7 Proteins: biological importance, classification based on structure
and composition, general idea of the peptide linkage and primary
structure of proteins and its determination
8 Sanger and Edman methods; Denaturation and renaturation
Unit 1: Carbohydrates
9 Introduction, stereoisomerism, mutarotation of monosaccharides
10 deoxy sugars, amino sugars, branched chain sugars,
11 methyl ethers and acid derivatives of sugars Ref. 1, Ch 7,
12 Structure, degradation and biological functions of starch 276-353
Ref. 1, Ch 7,
13 Structure, degradation and biological functions of cellulose 276-353
14 Structure, degradation and biological functions of chitin
15 Polysaccarides of industrial and biological importance, dextran,
16 chemistry of silalic acid
17 cell-recognition and blood group substance (Assignment-2)
Unit 4: Nucleic Acids
18 Primary structure of DNA and RNA Ref. 1, Ch 16,
19 Synthesis and reactivity of pyrimidines (thymine, uracil, cytosine) 794-828
and purines – adenine and guanine Ref. 1, Chapt. 9
20 Synthesis and reactivity of purines – adenine and guanine
21 Secondary structure of DNA and RNA, stabilizing forces,
polymorphic nature of DNA
22 multistranded DNA structures, genome sequencing
23 transcription and translation
24 gene expression, chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides - Ref 3, Ch 24 &
Phosphodiester, Phosphotriester (Assignment-3) 25, 1199-1243
Unit 4: Enzymes & Coenzymes
25 Enzymes: Classification, characteristics of enzymes catalysed
26 properties of enzymes wrt specificity, Kinetics and thermodynamics Ref 1, Ch 30,
of enzyme action 826-867
Ref. 2, Ch 12,
27 mechanism of action of chymotrypsin, Enzyme inhibition
28 Cofactors as derived from vitamins; Structure and biological
Ref 3, Ch 27,
functions of coenzyme-A
29 thiamine pyrophosphate, NAD+ and FAD
30 Mechanisms of reactions catalysed by the cofactors
31 Mechanisms of reactions catalysed by the cofactors(Assignment-4)
Unit 5 : Steroids
32 Isolation, nomenclature, structural elucidation with reference to
33 structural elucidation with reference to Cholesterol(contd)
34 Isolation, nomenclature, structural elucidation with reference to
35 Methods for the following conversions Cholesterol 
Progesterone Ref 1, Ch 11,
36 Methods for the following conversions Cholesterol Testosterone 517-605
37 Methods for the following conversions Cholesterol Testosterone

38 Methods for the following conversions Cholesterol Vitamin D

39 Methods for the following conversions Cholesterol Vitamin D
40 Methods for the following conversions Cholesterol Vitamin

References -
1. I .L. Finar, “Organic Chemistry” 6th ed., Pearson Education, Volume II
2. I .L. Finar, “Organic Chemistry” 6th ed., Pearson Education, Volume I
3. Paula Y. Bruce “Organic Chemistry” 7th ed. Pearson Education
4. A.L. Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry, CBS Publishers, Delhi.
5. D. Voet, J.G. Voet & CW Pratt, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
6. H.R. Mahler and E.H. Cordes, Biological Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Harper
and Row Pub., New York.
7. T.C. Bruice and S. Bentkovic, Bioorganic Mechanisms, Vol. I & II, W. A.
Benjamin, New York.
8. H. Dugas and C. Penney, Bioorganic Chemistry: A Chemical Approach
to Enzyme Action, Springer- Verlag, New York.
Term 6


Unit  1:  General   Introduction:  Definition   of   a   drug,   Requirements   of   an   ideal   drug,

Classification   of  drugs  (based  on   therapeutic  action),   Nomenclature  of   drugs:  Generic   name,
Brand   name,   Systematic   name,   Definition   of   the   following   medicinal   terms:   Pharmacon,
Pharmacophore,   Prodrug,   Half­life,   efficiency,   LD50,   ED50,   Therapeutic   Index,   drug   toxicity,
Drug addiction, Spurious Drugs, Misbranded Drugs, Adulterated Drugs, Pharmacopoeia.

Unit   2:   CNS   Drugs:    Classification   based   on   pharmacological   actions,   Concept   of

sedation   and   hypnosis,   anaesthesia.   Synthesis   of   Trimethadione,   Methylphenidate,
Phenytoin. Mode of Action Barbiturates

Unit   3:   Analgesics   and   Antipyretics:  Introduction,   synthesis   and   application   of   the

following drugs­ Tramadol, Paracetamol.

  Unit 4: Anti­inflammatory and Antihistaminic Drugs:  Mechanism of inflammation
and various inflammatory conditions. Synthesis of Aceclofenac. Mechanism of histamine
release & its action, Synthesis of cetrizine  

Unit   5:   Anticancer   drugs:  Introduction,   cancer   causing   agents­   Environmental   Risk   Factors,
Hereditary   Risk   Factors,   cancer   chemotherapy­   synthesis   of   mechloraethamine;
cyclophosphamide;   Mephalan;   Recent   development   in   cancer   chemotherapy;   Hormones   and
natural products.


1. Burger: Medicinal chemistry.

2. A. Kar: Medicinal chemistry (Wiley East).

3. W. O. Foye: Principals of medicinal chemistry.

4. Pharmaceutical manufacturing encyclopedia.

5. R. M. Acheson: An introduction to chemistry of heterocyclic compounds (interscience).

6. Joule and Smith: Heterocyclic chemistry (Van Nostrand).

7. R. K. Bansal: heterocyclic chemistry (Wiley E).

8. L. A. Paquitte: Principals of modern heterocyclic chemistry.
9. M. H. Palamer: The structure and reactions of heterocyclic c
Unit 1: Principles of Organic chemistry: Electronic Displacements: Inductive effect, Mesomeric effect,
Resonance effect- Resonance energy and its significance, Hyperconjugation- concept and consequences,
Reactive intermediates: Generation, structure and general reactions of carbocations, carbanions, free
radicals, carbenes (singlet and triplet). Electrophiles and nucleophiles. Different types of Organic
Reactions. E1 and E2, SN1 and SN2 Mechanism of electrophillic and nucleophilic reactions respectively.

Unit 2: Name Reactions: Mechanism of Friedel-Crafts Acylation and Alkylation, Diels-alder reaction,
Aldol Condensation, Claisen condensation, Beckmann Reaction, Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement,
Wanger- Meerwin rearrangement reacti on, Cannizzaro Oxidati on Reducti on.

Unit 3: Stereochemistry: Classification of stereoisomers, Optical Isomers: enentiomers and

diastereomers, D and L configuration, Absolute configuration (R and S), Projection formulae.
Stereochemistry of compounds containing one and two asymmetric C-atoms. Stereochemistry of
biphenyls and spiro compounds, Conformations: Conformations around a C-C bond in acyclic
compounds. Structure of cycloalkanes, Cyclohexane (non-substituted) and its conformations,
Geometrical isomerism- Concept, E and Z nomenclature.

Unit 4: Heterocyclic compounds: Nomenclature of Heterocyclic compounds, aromatic

heterocyclic compounds, structure and importance of biologically significant heterocyclic
compounds: five member- sulphur heterocycles (thiamine) and nitrogen (pyrrole) heterocycles,
six member- pyrimidines and fused ring-Purines.

Unit 5: Drugs: Concepts of drugs, pro-drugs, soft drugs and chemotherapeutic drugs, classification and
nomenclature of drugs, important terms used in chemistry of drugs. Development of new drugs;
procedures followed in drug design; Theories of drug activity; Quantitative structure activity relationship.

8. I .L. Finar, “Organic Chemistry” 6th ed., Pearson Education.
9. R. Morrison,& T. Boyd,” Organic Chemistry” 6th ed. , Pearson Education.
10. Arun Bahl, B. S. Bahl, “A textbook of organic chemistry”, S.Chand &Co.
11. J. A. Joule, K. Mills, " Heterocyclic Chemistry” John Wiley & Sons,
12. S. M. Mukherji, S. P. Singh, “Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry” Macmillan.
(2014-2015 Onwards)
Organic Chemistry (CHY 107)
1 Course No. CHY 107
2 Course Title Chemistry
3 Credits 4
4 Contact Hours (L-T-P) 3-1-0
5 Course Objective  To provide thorough knowledge in organic basics and
stereochemistry of the organic molecules and to make its use
in biomolecules.
 To provide the basics of Chemistry of hetreocyclic molecules
and its utilization in drugs.
6 Course Outcomes Students will be able to understand :
1. Important effects, lectrophiles and nucleophiles as applied to
organic chemistry and reaction intermediates
2. Different types of organic reactions
3. Knowledge of the basic mechanisms of substitution and
elimination (Sn1, Sn2, E1, E2)
4. Important name reactions in organic chemistry
5. draw the three dimensional structures of typical organic
molecules, differentiating between isomers and identical
6. Naming Structures including stereoisomers and geometric
7. Recognize stereochemistry of different chiral and achiral
molecules and be able to apply the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system
to designation of stereochemistry (E/Z or R/S).
8. Recognize conformations in aliphatic and cyclic compounds
9. To outline the role of heterocycles in organic, pharmaceutical
and biological chemistry
10. To explain the methods for the chemical synthesis of simple
heterocycles and their chemical behaviour
11. Important drugs and their classification
12. Outline of Drug discovery

7 Outline Syllabus
7.01 CHY 107.A Unit A
7.02 CHY 107.A1 Unit A Topic 1 Electronic Displacements: Inductive effect,
Mesomeric effect, Resonance effect- Resonance
energy and its significance
7.03 CHY 107.A2 Unit A Topic 2 Electrophiles and nucleophiles Hyperconjugation and
Reactive intermediates: carbocations
7.04 CHY 107.A3 Unit A Topic 3 Reactive intermediates: Carbanions, free radicals,
carbenes (singlet and triplet).
7.05 CHY 107.A4 Unit A Topic 4 Different types of Organic Reactions. E 1 and E2, SN1
and SN2 and mechanism

7.06 CHY 107.B Unit B

7.07 CHY 107.B1 Unit B Topic 1 Mechanism of Friedel-Crafts Acylation and Alkylation
7.08 CHY 107.B2 Unit B Topic 2 Diels-alder reaction, Aldol Condensation
7.09 CHY 107.B3 Unit B Topic 3 Claisen condensation, Beckmann Reaction
7.10 CHY 107.B4 Unit B Topic 4 Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement, Wanger-
Meerwin rearrangement reacti on
7.11 CHY 107.B5 Unit B Topic 5 Cannizzaro Oxidati on Reducti on
7.12 CHY 107.C Unit C
7.13 CHY 107.C1 Unit C Topic 1 Classification of stereoisomers, Optical Isomers:
enentiomers and diastereomers
7.14 CHY 107.C2 Unit C Topic 2 D and L configuration, Absolute configuration (R and
S), Projection formulae
7.15 CHY 107.C3 Unit C Topic 3 Stereochemistry of compounds containing one and
two asymmetric C-atoms
7.16 CHY 107.C3 Unit C Topic 4 Stereochemistry of biphenyls and spiro compounds,
7.17 CHY 107.C4 Unit C Topic 5 Conformations: Conformations around a C-C bond in
acyclic compounds.
7.18 CHY 107.C5 Unit C Topic 6 Structure of cycloalkanes, Cyclohexane (non-
substituted) and its conformations
7.19 CHY 107.C6 Unit C Topic 7 Geometrical isomerism- Concept, E and Z
7.20 CHY 107.D Unit D
7.21 CHY 107.D1 Unit D Topic 1 Nomenclature of Heterocycles, Synthesis and
reactions of furan
7.22 CHY 107.D2 Unit D Topic 2 Synthesis and reactions of thiophene and
7.23 CHY 107.D3 Unit D Topic 3 Synthesis and reactions of Imidazole
7.24 CHY 107.D4 Unit D Topic 4 Synthesis and reactions of Pyrazole
7.25 CHY 107.E Unit E
7.26 CHY 107.E1 Unit E Topic1 Concepts of drugs, pro-drugs, soft drugs and
chemotherapeutic drugs
7.27 CHY 107.E2 Unit E Topic2 Classification and nomenclature of drugs, important
terms used in chemistry of drugs
7.28 CHY 107.E3 Unit E Topic 3 Development of new drugs; procedures followed in
drug design
7.29 CHY 107.E4 Unit E Topic 4 Theories of drug activity; Quantitative structure
activity relationship.

8 Course Evaluation
8.1 Course work 30
8.11 Homework 10 Assignments, no weight
8.12 Tutorial Best 7 quizzes (based on assignments) in tutorial hours; 30 marks.
8.13 Projects none
8.14 Presentations none
8.2 MTE One(20 Marks)
8.3 End-Term Exam 50 Marks.
9 References
9.1 Text Book Reference:
13. Organic Chemistry V1:6th ed. Finar,I L(2003) Pearson Education,
2. Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism By P S Kalsi
3. Organic Chemistry 6th ed. Morrison,R & Boyd,T.(2003)
Pearson Education, Delhi
9.2 Other references 1.R.M. Acheson: An introduction to chemistry of heterocyclic
compounds (Interscience).
2.L.A. Paquitte: Principals of modern heterocyclic chemistry.
3.M.H. Palamer: The structure and reactions of heterocyclic
4. Burger: Medicinal chemistry
5. W.O. Foye: Principals of medicinal chemistry

Mapping of outcomes vs. Topics

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CHY 107.A
CHY 107.A1 *
CHY 107.A2 *
CHY 107.A3 *
CHY 107.A4 * *
CHY 107.B
CHY 107.B1 *
CHY 107.B2 *
CHY 107.B3 *
CHY 107.B4 *
CHY 107.B5 *
CHY 107.C
CHY 107.C1 *
CHY 107.C2 * *
CHY 107.C3 * *
CHY 107.C4 * *
CHY 107.C5 *
CHY 107.C6 *
CHY 107.D
CHY 107.D1 *
CHY 107.D2 *
CHY 107.D3 *
CHY 107.D4 *
CHY 107.E
CHY 107.E1 *
CHY 107.E2 *
CHY 107.E3 *
CHY 107.E4 *

Unit 1: Carbohydrates: Introduction, stereoisomerism, mutarotation of monosaccharides,
deoxy sugars, amino sugars, branched chain sugars, methyl ethers and acid derivatives of sugars.
General methods of structure and ring size determination with particular reference to maltose,
lactose and sucrose. Structure, degradation and biological functions of starch, cellulose and
chitin. Polysaccarides of industrial and biological importance, dextran, chemistry of silalic acid,
cell-recognition and blood group substance.
Unit 2: Amino acids, Peptides and Proteins: Amino acid: Classification, general methods of
preparation, properties and reactions of amino acids; Peptides: Nomenclature and classification
of peptides, peptide bonds, depsipeptide and peptide alkaloids with examples, sequences
determination, chemical enzymatic and mass spectral methods, Modern methods of peptide
synthesis with protection and deprotection, solid phase synthesis, combinatorial synthesis,
chemistry of oxytocin, self assembly and aggregation of peptides; Proteins: biological
importance, classification based on structure and composition, general idea of the peptide linkage
and primary structure of proteins and its determination; Sanger and Edman methods;
Denaturation and renaturation.
Unit 3: Enzymes & Coenzymes: Enzymes: Classification, characteristics of enzymes catalysed
reactions, properties of enzymes wrt specificity, Kinetics and thermodynamics of enzyme action,
mechanism of action of chymotrypsin, Enzyme inhibition, Cofactors as derived from vitamins;
Structure and biological functions of coenzyme-A, thiamine pyrophosphate, NAD+ and FAD;
Mechanisms of reactions catalysed by the cofactors.
Unit 4: Nucleic Acids: Primary structure of DNA and RNA, Synthesis and reactivity of
pyrimidines (thymine, uracil, cytosine) and purines – adenine and guanine. Secondary structure
of DNA and RNA, stabilizing forces, polymorphic nature of DNA, multistranded DNA
structures, genome sequencing, transcription and translation, gene expression, chemical synthesis
of oligonucleotides - Phosphodiester, Phosphotriester, Phosphoramidite and H-phosphonate
methods including solid phase approach. 
Unit 5: Steroids: Isolation, nomenclature, structural elucidation with special
reference to Cholesterol and ergosterol.
Methods for the following conversions:
Cholesterol  Progesterone, Cholesterol Testosterone, Cholesterol
Vitamin D
1. A.L. Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry, CBS Publishers, Delhi.
2. D. Voet, J.G. Voet & CW Pratt, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. H.R. Mahler and E.H. Cordes, Biological Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Harper
and Row Pub., New York.
4. T.C. Bruice and S. Bentkovic, Bioorganic Mechanisms, Vol. I & II, W. A.
Benjamin, New York.
5. H. Dugas and C. Penney, Bioorganic Chemistry: A Chemical Approach
to Enzyme Action, Springer- Verlag, New York.

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