Nonlinear Seismic Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction For Analysis of Bridge Systems

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6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

1-4 November 2015

Christchurch, New Zealand

Nonlinear Seismic Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction for Analysis of

Bridge Systems

A. Rahmani 1, M. Taiebat 2, W.D.L. Finn3 and C.E. Ventura4


Bridge designers have adopted simple approximate methods to take into account soil-structure-
interaction (SSI) in dynamic analysis of bridge systems. The most popular one is the
substructuring method in which the response of the foundation soil and its interaction with the pile
foundation and the abutment system are represented by a set of one-dimensional springs and
dashpots. This paper aims to evaluate the substructuring method and to quantify the level of
associated errors for the use in bridge engineering. The baseline data required for the evaluation
process is provided by analyzing a fully-coupled validated continuum model of the instrumented
two-span Meloland Road Overpass. The bridge system is also simulated using the substructuring
method. Results of the two modeling methods are compared for the spectral responses of the
bridge, pier deflections, shear forces and bending moments induced at the pier base, and
longitudinal and transverse forces induced to the abutments. Comparing the obtained results
illustrates several fundamental drawbacks in the substructuring method for predicting the seismic
response of bridge systems.


In past earthquakes, bridge structures have suffered severe damage mainly because of inadequate
seismic design. The bridges could have survived those earthquakes if seismic demands (i.e.,
deflections and induced forces) were appropriately estimated. This indeed requires detailed
numerical modeling of both geotechnical and structural components of the bridge system for
which the nonlinear hysteretic response of soil and structure, and their seismic interaction are
taken into account. Bridge designers have adopted simple approximate ways of including the
effects of soil-structure-interaction (SSI) on the response of a bridge system subjected to
earthquake shakings. The most common practical approach is the substructuring method which
separates the bridge system into two subsystems: the bridge superstructure which typically
includes the bridge deck and the piers, and the substructure which includes the soil-pile group
and embankment-abutment systems. The dynamic stiffness of the substructure system is
computed separately and is incorporated into the structural model of the superstructure to
complete the analysis of the bridge.

Research Assist., Dept. of Civil Eng., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, [email protected]
Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Civil Eng., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, [email protected]
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Civil Eng., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Civil Eng., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, [email protected]
The substructuring method has been widely used in several research studies such as those of
Zhang and Makris (2002), Tongaonkar and Jangid (2003), and Shamsabadi et al. (2010) to
investigate the seismic performance of bridge systems. However, there has been limited
validation of this method (e.g., Zhang and Makris, 2002 and Shamsabadi et al., 2013) where the
results are compared with field measurements or those of full-scale analyses. This paper aims to
comprehensively test how the substructuring method compares with more exact simulation
approaches such as continuum modeling. The adequacy of the continuum modeling method in
simulation of seismic SSI has been demonstrated in several studies such as Finn (2005), Kwon
and Elnashai (2008), Jeremic et al. (2009), Thavaraj et al. (2010), and Rahmani et al. (2014).

For the work presented in this study, the baseline data required for evaluating the substructuring
method is provided by analyzing the ‘validated’ full-scale continuum model of Meloland Road
Overpass (MRO) in California under the two strongest ground motions recorded at the bridge
site: the 1979 Imperial Valley and the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquakes. The bridge system
is then simulated using the substructuring method based on the latest state of engineering
practice in Caltrans (Shamsabadi, 2013). Both continuum and substructure models of MRO and
the corresponding dynamic analyses are created and carried out in the finite element program
OpenSees (McKenna and Fenves, 2001). In the following, the continuum and substructure
models of the MRO are first described, and thereafter, the spectral responses, shear forces,
bending moments and deflections obtained from the two numerical models are compared and

Description of the Meloland Road Overpass (MRO)

2 spans @ 32.0 m = 64 m

Channel03 Channel07 Channel09

8.0 m Embankment: Soft Clay Embankment: Soft Clay

ρ =1.6 (ton/m3) 1V:1.5H 1V:1.5H ρ =1.6 (ton/m3)
Channel02 Channel04
2.0 m Layer 1: Medium Clay ρ =1.5 (ton/m3)

4.0 m Layer 2: Medium Sand ρ =1.9 (ton/m3)

4.0 m Layer 3: Stiff Clay ρ =1.8 (ton/m3)

15.0 m
5.0 m ρ =1.9 (ton/m3)
Layer 4: Medium Sand

5.0 m Layer 5: Stiff Clay ρ =1.8 (ton/m3)

Figure 1: Schematic of the MRO and the channel locations at the site.

The MRO is a two-span integral abutment bridge built in 1971 near El Centro, California, US, as
part of Highway 8. The bridge deck has a length of 64.0 m, width of 10.0 m, and thickness of
1.73 m. The box-girder deck has a section composed of four vertical webs, each with a thickness
of 0.2 m. There are no expansion joints along the deck. The abutment is of integral type with no
deck joints and bearings. The pier at the center of the deck is 5.0 m in height above the ground
surface with a diameter of 1.52 m. The embankment soil material is composed of one layer of
medium clay for which cohesion of 20.0 kPa and density of 1.6 ton/m3. The underlying soil is
composed of five layers of clays and silty sands. The clayey layers are located at depths of 0-2.7,
6.0-10.7, and more than 15.0 m below the ground surface with cohesions of 35.9, 76.6, and 86.2
kPa, and densities of 1.5, 1.8, and 1.8 ton/m3, respectively. The in-between layers are silty sands
with friction angle of 33°, and density of 1.9 ton/m3. The bridge is instrumented with 29
accelerometers on the structure and 3 accelerometers at a free-field site. Figure 1 presents the
schematic of the bridge and the location of five sensors on the bridge structure.

Continuum Model of the MRO

The finite element method is used to develop the continuum model of the MRO. This involves
detailed modeling of the foundation soil, the abutment system, the bridge superstructure, the 5x5
pile group underneath the pier and the 7x1 pile group underneath the abutment. Solid eight-node
brick elements are used to model the soil domain and the pile cap. Each node of the solid
elements has three translational degrees of freedom. Four-node shell elements with three
translational and three rotational degrees of freedom at each node are used to model the bridge
deck. The equivalent thickness of 1.2 m is used for bridge deck in order to have similar moment
of inertia to the original section. Nonlinear hysteretic response of the foundation soil and the
bridge pier is taken into account in the analyses. The Pressure dependent multi-yield (PDMY)
and pressure independent multi-yield (PIMY) constitutive models, developed by Yang et al.
(2003), are used to simulate the nonlinear hysteretic response of sandy and clayey layers,
respectively. The uniaxial Kent-Scott-Park model and a one-dimensional J2 plasticity model are
used to account for the nonlinearity of the concrete and the reinforcing steels of the pier,
respectively. Elastic behavior is assigned to the timber piles, the concrete pile cap, the deck, and
the abutment walls because in seismic design of bridge systems these components are capacity-
protected so that damage is not allowed. The continuum model includes a total of 41,177 nodes,
3996 beam-column elements, 1931 shell elements, and 31,844 solid elements representing a soil
domain of 99.0 m long (in direction x), 50.0 m wide (in direction y), and 20.0 m deep (in
direction z). Figure 2 presents the 3D continuum model of the MRO. The nodes at the base of the
mesh are fixed in all directions, and the nodes with equal elevations at the four lateral boundaries
are constrained to have equal displacements. The input ground motions (in the form of
displacement) are applied to the nodes located at the base of model.

99.0 m
20.0 m

.0 m
Left abutment

2 spans @ 32.0 m
Right abutment
15.0 m
18.0 m

7x1 pile group

5x5 pile group

7x1 pile group
Figure 2: Three-dimensional continuum model of the MRO (Rahmani et al., 2014).
The continuum model has been validated in the study of Rahmani et al. (2014) by simulating the
seismic responses of the bridge during the 1979 Imperial Valley and the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah
earthquakes. Further details about the continuum model of the bridge including input material
parameters, input motions, and the validation have been given in Rahmani et al. (2014). The
computational effort required to perform such a large scale nonlinear analysis has been discussed
in detail in Babemzadeh et al. (2014).

Substructure Model of the MRO

Three-dimensional substructure model of the bridge is developed in five consecutive steps:

• In the first step, site response analysis is conducted in the free field for both the
foundation soil and the embankment soil profiles in order to determine depth-varying
time histories of displacement and the corresponding maximum displacements. To
minimize the level of approximation in calculating the free-field motions, nonlinear time
history analysis is conducted using advanced nonlinear constitutive models in the
computer program OpenSees (McKenna and Fenves, 2001).
• In the second step, p-y, t-z, and Q-z nonlinear backbone curves are determined along the
pile foundations following the guidelines of American Petroleum Institute (2007). The
guidelines of AASHTO (2013) are used to determine the group reduction factors in order
to account for group effects in the pile groups. The load-deflection backbone curves for
an embedded pile cap are derived following the procedure presented by GEOSPECTRA
(1997). Load-deflection backbone curves representing the interaction between the
embankment and the abutment system are determined following the guidelines of
Caltrans (2013). The lateral secant stiffnesses along the piles at the pile caps, and on top
of the abutments are calculated using the previously determined force-deflection
backbone curves and at the corresponding maximum lateral ground displacements in the
free-field. The vertical secant stiffnesses are derived from the t-z and Q-z curves at a
displacement equal to the settlement of the pile group under the tributary weight of the
deck, the pier, and the pile cap. The settlement of the pile group is computed using the
computer program GROUP v8 (2012).
• In the third step, the 6x6 stiffness and damping matrices that represent the flexibility of
the pile group and the energy dissipation are computed. Both matrices are composed of 6
diagonal elements representing lateral, vertical, rocking, and torsional impedances. There
are also four more off-diagonal elements, which represent the coupling effects between
the lateral displacements and rocking of the foundation. To calculate the 6x6 stiffness
matrix, the secant stiffnesses, obtained in the previous step, are used to create a 3D
numerical model of the 5×5 pile group in the computer program, GROUP. Torsional
stiffness of the system is beyond the scope of this research, and therefore, torsional
stiffness of the piles are not taken into account in the analysis. The damping matrix is
calculated as 𝐶𝐶 = 2𝛽𝛽𝛽𝛽/𝜔𝜔 where 𝛽𝛽is damping ratio, 𝐾𝐾 is the elements of the 6×6 stiffness
matrix of the pile group, and 𝜔𝜔 is the predominant angular frequency of the input motion.
The damping ratio (𝛽𝛽) is approximated to be 25% in both longitudinal and transverse
directions following the study of Lee et al. (2011).
• In the fourth step, a massless finite element model of the 5×5 pile group supported on sets
of linear springs (the secant stiffnesses) is created in OpenSees. The depth-varying time
histories of displacement in the free-field are then applied to the ground nodes of the
springs in the massless pile group.
• In the fifth step, the global model of the bridge is developed as shown in Figure 3. The
model consists of the bridge deck and the pier, which are supported by the equivalent
linear springs and dashpots at the base of the piers and top of the abutments. The
elements and materials used to model the bridge deck and the piers are identical to those
used in the continuum model of MRO. Lumped masses for the pile cap and the abutment
system are assigned at the corresponding bridge supports.

(c) Third step Bridge deck step

(d) Fourth
.0 m
Kinematic input
2 spans @ 32
motion (first step)

Kinematic input
motion (fourth step) x y
Stiffnesses and dampings along the
axes x and y represented by sets of 6x6 stiffness and damping matrices
springs and dashpots represented by sets of springs and dashpots

Figure 3: Three-dimensional substructure model of the MRO.

Results and Discussions

In Figure 4 acceleration response spectra for 5% damping obtained from the substructure model
are compared to those obtained from the continuum model at the five recording locations of the
bridge. The recorded spectral responses are also shown in this Figure. During the El Mayor-
Cucapah earthquake the spectral response is poorly predicted especially at channels 3, 7, and 9.
The spectral response at channel 9 is overestimated by a maximum factor of 2 for the periods in
the range of 0.5 to 1.0 s. The level of difference during the Imperial Valley earthquake is
negligible compared to that during the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake. This is because the
kinematic and inertial interactions between the bridge structure and the embankment are
insignificant in the former event, which is not the case in the latter event.
The maximum displacement of the pier top with respect to the pier base, maximum shear force
and bending moment at the pier base, and maximum force induced at the abutment are obtained
from the continuum and substructure models of the MRO and listed in Table 1. The substructure
model overestimates the pier top maximum displacements, shear forces, and bending moments at
the pier base by factors in the range of 1.5 to 3.0 in the longitudinal and transverse directions,
respectively. For example, maximum bending moments at the pier base was overestimated
during the two events by factors of 2.0 and 3.0, respectively. The maximum force applied to the
abutment in the longitudinal and transverse directions is underestimated by an average factor of
1.5 using the substructuring method.
3 Channel02 Recorded 3 Channel02 Recorded
Continuum model Continuum model
2 Substructure model 2 Substructure model

1 1

0 0
3 Channel03 3 Channel03

2 2

Acceleration response spectrum (g)

Acceleration response spectrum (g)

1 1

0 0
3 Channel04 3 Channel04

2 2

1 1

0 0
3 Channel07 3 Channel07

2 2

1 1

0 0
3 Channel09 3 Channel09

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Period (sec) Period (sec)

(a) (b)
Figure 4: Acceleration response spectra (for 5% damping) of MRO for (a) the 1979
Imperial Valley earthquake, and (b) the 2010 El Mayer-Cucapah earthquake.

Figure 5 presents dynamic force-deflection responses at the right abutment and at the pier base in
the transverse direction during both events. The dynamic stiffness is highly overestimated at the
pile cap while it is highly underestimated at the abutments by the substructure method. The
figure also highlights the significant deficiencies of the linear springs and dashpots in
approximating the hysteretic force-deflection responses that includes loading-unloading-
reloading. Similar observation is noted in the longitudinal direction (not presented in this paper).
Table 1: Peak responses of the MRO computed by the continuum and substructure models in the
longitudinal (L) and transverse (T) directions.

Pier top disp.* Shear force** Bending moment** Force at abutment

(m) (MN) (MN.m) (MN)
Model 1979 Imperial Valley Earthquake
Continuum L:0.04, T:0.038 L:3.24, T:2.41 L:7.72, T:7.73 L:3.92, T:2.47
Substructure L:0.08, T:0.13 L:5.1, T:4.8 L:15.0, T:15.0 L:2.67, T:1.76
2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
Continuum L:0.015, T:0.022 L:1.6, T:1.5 L:3.4, T:4.6 L:3.1, T:2.1
Substructure L:0.023, T:0.044 L:3.2, T:4.5 L:10.3, T:15 L:2.1, T:1.3
Relative displacement of the pier top with respect to the pier base.
Shear forces and bending moments that are induced at the base of the bridge pier.

6 6
Abutment, Continuum model Pier base, Continuum model Abutment, Continuum model Pier base, Continuum model

3 3
Force (MN)

Force (MN)

0 0

-3 -3

6 -6
Abutment, Substructure model Pier base, Substructure model Abutment, Substructure model Pier base, Substructure model

3 3
Force (MN)

Force (MN)

0 0

-3 -3

-6 -6
-0.03 0 0.03 -0.03 0 0.03 -0.03 0 0.03 -0.03 0 0.03
Deflection (m) Deflection (m)

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Dynamic force-deflection responses at the right abutment and at the pile cap in the
transverse direction for (a) the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake, and (b) the 2010 El Mayer-
Cucapah earthquake.

The major causes for the observed differences in estimation of accelerations, deflections, forces,
and bending moments stem from many simplifying assumptions in the formulation of the
substructuring method. This is in line with the findings of Finn (2005) where he showed that the
idealization of the soil domain with uncoupled springs and dashpots results in the inability of the
approach to appropriately simulate the kinematic and inertial interactions. Furthermore,
characterization of the spring models is always associated with considerable level of uncertainty.
Although these guidelines are based on the results of static or slow cyclic loading tests, they are
used in practice for seismic problems. This is in spite of the findings of several researchers such
as Murchison and O’Neill (1984), Gazioglu and O’Neill (1984), Finn (2005), and most recently
Choi et al. (2013) and Rahmani et al. (2012) who argued against the validity of these curves and
reported significant levels of error in estimation of static or seismic responses of pile foundations
when API springs are adopted in the analyses.

This study clearly shows that the formulation of the substructuring method lacks representing the
nonlinear hysteretic response of soil. The method uses a constant dynamic stiffness matrix to
represent the flexibility of the foundation system. In reality this stiffness varies at different levels
of deformation. Seismic performance of a structure highly depends on its natural vibration
periods, which in turn depend on the stiffness of the structure at its supports. Therefore, the
modal shapes and the natural vibration periods of the bridge structure in the susbstructure model
would be quite different from those in the continuum model.


This paper aimed to test how results of the substructuring method, which is a simple widely-used
practical method, compare with those from a more exact method, i.e., continuum modeling. To
this end, the seismic performance of the instrumented Meloland Road Overpass under two
earthquake events was simulated using both methods. The results were compared, and it was
shown that the substructure model overestimated the peak displacement of the pier top, the peak
shear forces and bending moments at the pier base by factors in the range of 1.5 to 3.0 in the
longitudinal and transverse directions. This study showed that idealization of the SSI by some
simple equivalent linear springs and dashpots caused inadequate simulation of the foundation
flexibility and energy dissipation.

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