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6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

1-4 November 2015

Christchurch, New Zealand

Failure Criteria of MPS Method for Slope Failure

I. Yoshida 1


The MPS (Moving Particle Simulation) method, which is one of particle based method to solve a
governing equation, is combined with DEM method for slope failure simulation. Validity of the
proposed method is discussed through simulations of plane strain compression test and centrifugal
dynamic slope failure experiments. A sinusoidal motion is used as an excitation input to the
shaking table. The height of model slope is 50 cm in 50G, which can be interpreted to be 25 m in
1G. The maximum amplitude of the excitation motion (maximum acceleration) is increased
gradually by 0.1G interval. The slope model collapsed when maximum acceleration of the input
motion is around 0.5G. Simulations of the dynamic centrifuge test are carried out by the developed
MPS-DEM method.


When a slope collapses, many small discontinuities, cracks, are developed at first, and then they
are gradually concentrated to a couple of slip lines, then finally the slope collapses. The
expression of discontinuity is very important in the failure of geo-material. Most of methods
such as FEM (Finite Element Method), MPM (Material Point Method) or SPH (Smoothed
Particle Hydrodynamics), are formulated based on distribution of strain. Since a discontinuity
cannot be expressed in term of strain basically, a special treatment is required in order to model
the discontinuity. DEM (Discrete/Distinct Element Method) is one of the most successful
methods to simulate the slope collapse. Its drawback is, however, the difficulty to determine
model parameters, i.e., values of spring and dashpot to connect each particle. The parameters
need to be determined empirically or by trial-and-error. In addition, theoretically DEM does not
satisfy a wave equation. The MPS (Moving Particle Semi-implicit) method was proposed for
fluid material at first (Koshizuka et al. 1995, 1996), then the MPS method (Moving Particle
Simulation) for elastic body was developed (Chikazawa et al. 2001). The MPS method is derived
mathematically from the wave equation, namely elastic properties are directly used in the
formulation. Most significant feature of the MPS method is that distribution of displacement
instead of strain is used in the formulation like DEM. Failure criteria which is not included in the
original MPS formulation, however, have to be developed in order to use MPS-based method for
slope failure problem.

In this study, the MPS method is combined with DEM, because the formulation of the MPS
method is very close to that of DEM. Failure criteria in DEM is basically simple such as
disconnection of interaction or slip between particles. The failure criteria in the proposed MPS-
DEM method follow that of DEM, namely operation of simple disconnection and slip between
particles based on tensile stress, shear stress and normal stress. The proposed MPS-DEM method
is studied through simulations of plane strain compression test and centrifugal dynamic slope
failure experiments.

Professor, Tokyo City University, Tokyo, Japan, [email protected]
Formulation of MPS for Solid Material

Basic Formulation of MPS Method for Solid Material

Initial and current vector from i to j rij0 , rij are defined by using initial position vector r0 and
current position vector r.

rij0 = r j0 − ri0 ,    rij = r j − ri (1)

MPS method has a degree of freedom with respect to rotation of particle i, θ i . Deformation
vector u ij is obtained by removing the rigid rotation.

cos θ ij − sin θ ij  θi +θ j
uij = rij − Rrij0 , where, R =  , θ ij = (2)
sin θ ij cos θ ij  2

The current deformation vector u ij is decomposed into normal direction uijn (direction of r ij ) and
shear direction uijs (perpendicular to normal direction).

uij ⋅ rij rij

uijn = (3)
rij rij

uijs = uij − uijn (4)

Normal stress σ ijn related to Lame’s constant µ is formulated with normal strain ε ijn .

(µ i + µ j ) uijn c ijn uij ⋅ rij

σ ijn =2 ε ijn = (µ i + µ j ) = (µ i + µ j ) rij , where cijn = (5)
2 rij0 rij0 rij rij

Similarly, shear stress related to Lame’s constant µ is formulated with shear strain.

(µ i + µ j ) uijs uij − uijn

σ ijs = 2 ε ijs = ( µ i + µ j ) = (µ i + µ j ) (6)
2 rij0 rij0

The force acting on a particle is calculated separately for normal force (subscript n), shear force
(subscript s) and pressure force (subscript p).

 ∂v i   ∂v i   ∂v i   ∂v i 
ρi   = ρi   + ρi   + ρi   (7)
 ∂t   ∂t  n  ∂t  s  ∂t  p
where v i = is velocity of particle i, ρ is mass density. The term as to normal force (subscript
n) and shear force (subscript s) can be calculated as follows,

(µ )
 ∂v 
ri  i  = 0

2σ ijn
( )
w rij0 =

i +µj
( )
w rij0 c ijn
 ∂t  n ni ni0 2
j ≠i rij0 j ≠i 2 rij rij0

(µ )
2σ ijs
( ) +µj
( )u
 ∂v 
∑ ∑
d 4d
ri  i  = 0
i ij
w rij0 = bijs , where, bijs = w rij0 (9)

 t  s ni j ≠i rij0 n i0 j ≠i 2 rij0

where d is a dimension parameter. In two-dimensional space, the parameter d is 2. Weighting

function w is introduced in order to model the interaction among neighboring particles. In MPS
method, following equation is used as the weighting function.

 re
− 1 (0 < rij0 < re )
 r 0
w ( rij ) =  ij
 0 (re ≤ rij0 )

where r e is influence radius which expresses the distance of particle interaction. n i 0 is particle
number density which can be calculated by the following equation.

n i0 = ∑ w( r )
j ≠i
ij (11)

MPS method proposes use of a constant value for particle number density n i 0 in whole space.
The pressure term is expressed by,

 ∂ν i 
ri  
=− 0 ∑r
2 p ij rij
( )
w rij0 (12)
 ∂t  p ni j ≠i
ij rij

pi + p j
where p ij = , pressure at particle i, p i is obtained by,

p i = −λ i (ε rr )i = −λ i (divu )i = −λ i
uij ⋅ rij
w ( ) = −λ
rij0 i
n i0
c ijn
( )
w rij0 (13)
j ≠i ij rij j ≠i ij

where λ is Lame’s constant.

Angular momentum is not conserved in the discretization process of MPS because of equilibrium
of finite small body, though original differential equation of motion conserves angular
momentum (infinitely small body). Therefore it is necessary to activate torque to cancel the
torque caused by shear stress. Shear stress between particles i and j causes force F ij .

 ∂v ij 
Fij = mi   =
mi 2dσ ijs
w r 0
( )
4m i d m i + m j
w r 0
=( )
4m i d s
b (14)
 ∂t  s r i ni rij r i ni r
0 0 ij 0 ij 2 0 ij
2 0
rij i n i

∂v ij
where, m i (= ρ i D 2 ,D is diameter of particle) is mass of particle i, the term is acceleration
caused by shear stress between i and j. An equal and opposite force acts on particle i and j.
Torque caused by the couple of force is expressed with outer product.

Tij = − rij × Fij (15)

In order to cancel this torque, a half of the torque is given to particle i and j. This procedure is
taken to every particle within the influence distance of particle i.

 ∂ω   mi 
Ii  i  = ∑
 1 
− 2 Tij  = 2d ∑ 

 r ×bs
 ij
) (16)
 ∂t  s
  j ≠i  r i ni r j n 0j
j ≠i 

 ∂θ 
where, ω i  = i  is angular velocity, It is assumed to be ρ i D 4 /6 which is equal to rotary inertia
 ∂t 
of square with length D on a side.

Failure Criteria in Proposed MPS-DEM Method

Failure of material is modelled by simple operations as to maximum shear and tensile stress of
particles like DEM. Mohr-Coulomb criteria gives maximum shear stress τ max .

τ max = cij + σ ijn τan φij (17)

where, σ ijn is normal stress between particle i and j, c ij is cohesion, φ ij is shear friction angle.
The subscript ij expresses mean property value of particles i and j. Note that these parameters are
given to each particle, and these parameters are different from macro (total) strength obtained by
compression test of soil material. DEM has the same problem that parameters given to each
particle does not mean macro strength. Therefore calibration analysis is necessary to determine
input (micro) strength parameter to realize specific macro strength.
Inter-particle stress σ ijn can be estimated by the following equation.

uij ⋅ rij cijn

σ ijn = 2µ ij + p ij = 2 µ ij + p ij (18)
rij rij0 rij0

where, µ ij is Lame’s constant, p ij can be obtained by Eq.(13). Shear stress is,

uijs (uij ⋅ rij )rij

τ ijs = 2µ ij , where, uijs = uij − uijn , uijn = (19)
rij0 rij rij

When τ max <| τ ijs |, rotation angles θ iij , θ ijj and initial vector r ij 0 corresponding to particles i, j are
updated as follows such that the condition | τ ijs | = τ max is satisfied.

τ max
rij0 = rij0 − uijs (20)
τ ijs

θ iij = θ i , θ ijj = θ j (21)

The rotation angles θ iij , θ ijj are used in matrix R in Eq.(2) which removes rigid rotation

cos θ i − θ iij
Ri = 
) (
− sin θ i − θ iij  ) (
cos θ j − θ ijj
Rj = 
) ( )
− sin θ j − θ ijj 
 sin θ i − θ i
) (
cos θ i − θ iij  )
 sin θ j − θ j
) ( ) 
cos θ j − θ ijj 

The above mentioned operation with respect to shear stress does not disconnect interaction
between particles. Normal stress is used for the judgment of disconnection of particles. When
inter-particle normal stress σ ijn is less than tensile strength c t (<0), the particles are disconnected.
It is noted that tensile stress is negative.

σ ijn < c t (23)

Disconnection or large deformation causes new contact of a pair of particles. When particles i
and j are judged to be newly contacted by the distance between them, the position vector r ij 0 and
angles θ iij , θ ijj at the contact are memorized. The reaction forces due to Lame’s constant µ ij ,
which are calculated by Eq.(8) and (9), are considered. This operation for new contacted
particles is perfectly same as that of DEM. Please refer to Yoshida (2011) for the detail of the
failure criteria.

Strength parameters are c ij , φ ij and c t in Eq.(17) and (23). These parameters are prepared for two
conditions, i.e., initial and new contact. Initial parameters are given to particles which are
connected in initial condition. New-contact parameters are given to particles when they newly
contact by large deformation. These parameters are illustrated in Figure 1. In the following
numerical study, parameters c ij and c t in new contact particles are assumed to be zero as shown
in the figure.

Compression Test Simulation

Plane strain compression tests of cement-mixed soil are performed. The material is used for a
model of mudstone slope for centrifuge dynamic test, which is described in the following section.
The compression tests are performed under three kinds of confining stress 50, 200 and 500 kPa.
The internal friction angle 14 degree and cohesion 141 kPa are obtained by the tests. Simulations
of these tests are performed by the proposed MPS-DEM method. The simulation procedure is
composed of two steps. In the first step, the confining stress is applied to the horizontal and
vertical direction. In the second step, vertical displacement is given to the upper boundary up to
8% in term of axial strain. The horizontal direction of the upper and lower boundary is fixed
during the second step. In DEM calculation, a model with regularly placed particles like lattice
(grid) generally shows strange behavior because the regularity of the placement affects the
failure behavior strongly. Therefore a packing of particles, which is modelling of the initial
locations of the particles, is very important. The same goes for the proposed MPS-DEM method.
The initial locations are determined by using random numbers such that particles are randomly
distributed, but particle number density is as uniform as possible. The explanation of detailed
procedure is omitted in this paper due to space limitation.

Parameters c ij , φ ij and c t in initial condition for MPS-DEM method are 250 kPa, 10 (degree) and
83 kPa. Those in new-contact condition are 0, 30 (degree) and 0. These strength parameters are
determined by trial and error. The algorithm of the proposed MPS-DEM method is still under
development and the adopted parameters are temporary. The simulated deformations at final step
(axial strain 8%) are shown in Figure 2. The color indicates maximum shear strain. Shear bands
are observed in each case with respect to confining stress, 50, 200 and 500 kPa. The axial stress-
strain relation is shown in Figure 3. Internal friction angle and cohesion are estimated from the
peak deviatoric stress of these three simulation results. The estimated angle and cohesion are 17
degrees and 162 kPa, which are slightly larger than the aforementioned properties obtained by
the actual plane strain compression test.

Shear Stress
cij Initial (1st parameter)
New contact (2nd parameter)
Tensile Compression
ct Normal Stress σ ijn

Figure 1. Strength parameters in proposed MPS-DEM method

(1) 50kPa (2) 200kPa (3) 500kPa

Figure 2. Deformation and shear strain in compression test calculated by the MPS-DEM method
under confining stress 50, 200 and 500 kPa

Figure 3. Stress strain relation calculated by MPS-DEM method

Slope Failure Simulation

A simulation of slope collapse by a centrifugal dynamic test is performed by using the proposed
MPS-DEM method. Outline of the centrifugal test is described here just briefly. The test was
carried out under 50G gravity in order to study the behavior of slope failure (Kitazume et al.,
2006). The slope model for the test is shown in Figure 4. Cement-mixed soil is used to model a
mudstone slope. The height of slope is 50 cm under 50G, which can be converted to be 25 m
under 1G. Teflon sheet and silicon coating are implemented at the boundary between the slope
model and the rigid soil vessel to reduce shear stress to the depth direction (out of plane
direction). A sinusoidal motion shown in Figure 5 is used as an excitation input to the shaking
table after static 50G force is applied to vertical direction. The frequency of the sinusoidal wave
is 1.2Hz. The maximum amplitude of the excitation motion (maximum acceleration) is increased
at 0.1G interval. Figure 5 shows a time history with 0.5G amplitude as an example. The slope
model collapsed by the experiment when maximum acceleration of input motion is around 0.5G.

Figure 6 shows the deformation and distribution of maximum shear strain after 0.4G and 0.5G
excitation calculated by the MPS-DEM method. The slope did not collapse after the excitation of
0.4G, but the potential slip line can be observed clearly from the distribution of residual
maximum shear strain. In the next excitation step, i.e., 0.5G, the slope collapsed as shown in
Figure 6(2). The experiments are performed twice in the same condition. The slope collapsed
around 0.5G in the both experiments. Slip lines observed in the final stage (after collapse) of the
experiments are shown at the top of the figures as red and blue lines. The slip lines above "(1)
after 0.4G excitation" are not the slip lines observed after 0.4G, but after 0.5G excitation in the
experiments (the figures above (1) and (2) are same). They are shown for the discussion. The
residual maximum shear strain, i.e., the potential slip line after 0.4G excitation seems to conform
to the blue slip line in the experiment. The simulated slip line after 0.5G excitation shows very
good agreement with the blue slip line by the experiments.

: point for target


Figure 4. A slope model for centrifugal dynamic test, numbers noted in brackets stand for
size converted in 1G

Figure 5. Time history of input motion, 0.5G

Slip lines after 0.5G excitation
observed in the experiments for

(1) After 0.4G excitation (2) After 0.5G excitation

Figure 6. Slip lines and residual maximum shear strain obtained by MPS-DEM method


The formulation of MPS-DEM method is proposed for dynamic slope failure simulation. The
proposed method can be interpreted as extended DEM, which is derived mathematically from a
wave equation. Failure criteria in the proposed MPS-DEM method follow that of DEM, namely
simple disconnection and slip operation based on shear stress, normal stress and tensile stress.
Collapse simulation of slope due to excitation is performed to demonstrate the applicability of
the proposed method to highly nonlinear failure phenomenon. The simulation result shows very
good agreement, however, discussion on uncertainties involved in strong nonlinear problem is
omitted in this paper. Such uncertainties are one of the important issues to interpret the nonlinear
simulation and experiment results. Please see Yoshida & Ishimaru (2013) for the detail of the
uncertainty problem.


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