DLL July2 6,2018

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Schools Division Office – Manila

Florentino Torres High School

Juan Luna St.,Tondo, Manila

School Florentino Torres High School Grade Level Gr. X

Daily Lesson Log Teacher MRS. MARIA NIA F. FERUELO Learning Area ICT/CSS
Teaching Dates and Times July 02-06, 2018/ 6:45-1:00 Quarter First

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the session. At the end of the session. At the end of the session, At the end of the session, the At the end of the session, the
The learners will demons- The learners will demons- the Learners shall be able learners shall be able learners demonstrate
trate an understanding of trate an understanding of to apply quality standards to demonstrate an an understanding of one’s
concepts and underlying concepts and underlying
in computer systems understanding of concepts PECs in computer systems
principles in applying principles in applying
quality standard in servicing. and underlying principles in servicing
quality standard in
computer systems servicing. computer systems servicing. applying quality standard in
computer systems servicing.

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate Develop a brand for the Product Identify the benefits of having a good brand.

B. Performance Standards The learners demonstrate and understanding concepts underlying principles in performing computer system servicing that aligns with PECS.

C. Learning Competencies/ Recognize Personal Recognize Personal Recognize Personal

Objectives Develop a brand for the product Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Competencies
Identify the benefits of having Competencies and Skills Competencies and Skills and Skills (PECs) needed in
a good brand. (PECs) needed in computer (PECs) needed in computer computer systems servicing
systems servicing systems servicing

II. CONTENT Work order and standard Faults-- Factory defects,- Recording and reporting Related documents
operating procedures Nonconformity to specifications procedures Service manuals
Specification of materials and Nonconformity to government Parts identification Operations manual
componentsWires, Cables, standards and PECs, - Safety Component - identification
Electrical tape defects
Components-- Resistors,-
CapacitorsIntegrated circuits,


A. References The Internet Teacher made The Internet Teacher made The Internet Teacher made The Internet Teacher made The Internet Teacher made
multimedia presentation multimedia presentation multimedia presentation multimedia presentation multimedia presentation
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide page 6 Curriculum Guide page 6 Curriculum Guide page 6 Curriculum Guide page 6 Curriculum Guide page 6

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials form

Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Books on computer hardware Books on computer hardware Books on computer hardware Books on computer hardware Books on computer hardware


A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review the previous lesson. Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson
presenting the new lesson on the characteristics of on the different strength and on the different strength and on the different strength and
Entrepreneur. weaknesses of an weaknesses of an weaknesses of an
Entrpreneur. Entrpreneur. Entrpreneur.

B. Establishing the purpose for the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
lesson students about the students about the students about the knowledge students about the strength students about the strength
knowledge in computer. knowledge in computer that in computer that aligns in and weaknesses of and weaknesses of
aligns in entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship that aligns entrepreneurship that aligns in
in computer. computer.
C. Presenting examples/instances of The teacher will show The teacher will show The teacher will show The teacher will show The teacher will show
the new lesson pictures of different pictures of different pictures of different pictures of different pictures of different
successful entrepreneurs. successful entrepreneurs. successful entrepreneurs. successful entrepreneurs. successful entrepreneurs.
D. Discussing new concepts and Ask the students about their Ask the students about their Ask the students about their The teacher will process the The teacher will process the
practicing new skills #1 ideas of the picture being ideas of the picture being ideas of the picture being student’s answer to ensure student’s answer to ensure
presented. presented. presented. that they are within the topic that they are within the topic
discussed. discussed.
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher reinforces the The teacher reinforces the The teacher reinforces the The teacher reinforces the The teacher reinforces the
practicing new skills #2 discussions by giving discussions by giving discussions by giving discussions by giving activity discussions with a
additional information about additional information about additional information about that aligns the topic brainstorming activity on
the topic. the topic. the topic. what are the characteristics of
an Entrepreneur.

F. Developing Mastery Call students one by one to Call students one by one to Graded Recitation Graded Recitation The teacher will give a short
share their ideas about PECS share their ideas about PECS objective test to determine the
students’ mastery level.
G. Finding practical application of The teacher ask the learners The teacher ask the learners The teacher ask the learners The teacher ask the learners The teacher ask the learners
concepts and skills in daily to share their real life to share their real life to share their real life to share their real life to share their real life
living situation relative to the situation relative to the situation relative to the situation relative to the situation relative to the
concepts discussed in the concepts discussed in the concepts discussed in the concepts discussed in the concepts discussed in the
class. class. class. class. class.

H. Making generalization and Teacher will discuss the impor- Teacher will discuss the impor- Teacher will discuss the impor-
abstractions about the lesson tance of PECS in field of business tance of PECS in field of business tance of PECS in field of business

I. Evaluating Learning The teacher will give a short The teacher will give a short The teacher will give a short The teacher will give a short The teacher will give a short
quiz. quiz. quiz. quiz. quiz.

J. Additional Activities for Write you knowledge about Write you knowledge about Write you knowledge about Write you knowledge about Write you knowledge about
application or remediation computer. computer. the characteristics of Filipino the characteristics of Filipino the Strength and Weaknesses
Entrepreneur. Entrepreneur of Filipino Entrepreneur


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
by: by:
TeacherIIII, TLE – VOC Master Teacher II, TLE - VOC TLE – VOC., Head Teacher VI

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