Structural Health Monitoring of Offshore Jackets

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Faculty of Science and Technology

Master’s thesis
Study program/ Specialization: Spring semester, 2016

Constructions and Materials/Offshore Open



Herman Vestli (Writers signature)

Faculty supervisors:

Hirpa G. Lemu and S.A.Sudath C. Siriwardane

External supervisors:

Bjørn Thomas Svendsen and Ole Gabrielsen

Thesis title:

Structural Health Monitoring of Offshore Jackets

Credits (ECTS): 30

Keywords: Pages: 98

Structural Health Monitoring + Enclosure: 5

Jacket structure

Instrumentation Stavanger, 14/06-2016

Integrity assessment

Front page for master thesis

Faculty of Science and Technology
Decision made by the Dean October 30th 2009
The aim of what is reported is to explore how developments within SHM can be applied
as a tool for assessing the structural integrity of offshore jackets. More specifically
develop a proposal for monitoring an existing jacket in a cost-effective manner. New
research has been evaluated with regards to both local and global damage detection
methods. The suitability of combining those two methods is investigated. The work done
in this thesis was primarily based on available articles and conference papers. This
thesis covers a literature survey of SHM in general and for jacket structures, including a
proposed methodology describing how to set up a monitoring system on an offshore
jacket structure. This methodology is thereafter implemented and used to design a
monitoring system for a fictional platform on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

It is concluded that due to increased research there is possible to make more cost
effective and more robust SHM systems in the near future. However, even though there
is an increased research effort in SHM of offshore jacket structures, real experiments
have to be done to verify their applicability. Also, it should be focused on further
development and tests regarding measurement methods and sensor technologies.

This thesis is completed during the spring of 2016 at the Department of Mechanical and
Structural Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Stavanger. The work is
proposed and supported by DNV GL, Stavanger.
During the work of this thesis I have familiarized with NORSOK and ISO standards
relevant to SHM, gained an understanding of different sensor technologies and how SHM
systems may play a major part in the structural integrity management of offshore assets
in the future. These learnings are helpful for me in the future and also hopefully a solid
contribution to the research of future SHM systems for DNV GL.
First I will give a special thanks to my supervisor at DNV GL, Bjørn Thomas Svendsen for
all the valuable discussions and help along the way. I am also very grateful to my
coordinator at the DNV GL office Ole Gabrielsen for giving me the opportunity and
means to write this thesis. Not to forget, I will like to thank the whole team of engineers
at the department of offshore structures for inputs and their sharing of knowledge
during my stay.
At last I will thank my supervisors at UiS, Hirpa G. Lemu and S. A. Sudath C. Siriwardane
for excellent guidance of my work during the semester. Their help and guidance have
been much valuable for me and is something I couldn't be without.

Stavanger, June 2016

Herman Vestli

Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................... ii
Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures................................................................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................................. vii
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms .................................................................................................... viii
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Aim of the Thesis ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 The Scope of Work ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Limitations........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Organization of the Thesis .......................................................................................................... 3
2. Literature Survey of SHM in General .............................................................................................. 4
2.1 SHM Method ..................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 SHM Phases.............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Disciplines Implemented in a SHM System ................................................................. 7
2.2 Important Definitions in the SHM Methodology ................................................................ 8
2.2.1 Local Damage Detection Techniques ............................................................................. 8
2.2.2 Global Damage Detection Techniques........................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Active and Passive Sensing ................................................................................................ 9
2.3 Development of SHM in Different Industries ...................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Civil Engineering ................................................................................................................ 10
2.3.2 Aerospace Industry ........................................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 Discussion ............................................................................................................................. 13
3. Offshore Jacket Platform ................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Available Codes and Standards.............................................................................................. 14
3.2 Jacket Design Concept ............................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Damage Parameters and Failure Modes of an Offshore Jacket Platform .............. 20
3.3.1 Fatigue .................................................................................................................................... 25
3.3.2 Corrosion ............................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.3 Overloading .......................................................................................................................... 28
3.3.4 Other Irregularities............................................................................................................ 29

3.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................................................... 30
4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms............................................................................ 32
4.1 Current Monitoring Situation ................................................................................................. 33
4.2 Summary of Important SHM Projects ................................................................................. 35
4.3 Data Collection ............................................................................................................................. 37
4.3.1 Proven Technology ............................................................................................................ 38
4.3.2 Unproven Technology ...................................................................................................... 43
4.3.3 State of the Art ..................................................................................................................... 47
4.3.4 Sensor Summary ................................................................................................................. 51
4.4 Vibration Based Damage Detection on Offshore Jackets ............................................. 52
4.5 Data Processing Methods ......................................................................................................... 61
4.6 Data Evaluation Models ............................................................................................................ 64
4.7 Main Suppliers of Offshore SHM Technology ................................................................... 65
5. SHM Methodology Proposal for an Offshore Jacket Platform............................................. 68
5.1 Planning phase ............................................................................................................................. 70
5.2 Data Collection Phase ................................................................................................................ 72
5.3 Data Processing Phase .............................................................................................................. 74
5.4 Evaluation Phase ......................................................................................................................... 75
6. Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 77
6.1 Planning Phase ............................................................................................................................. 78
6.2 Monitoring Phase ........................................................................................................................ 79
6.3 Data Processing Phase .............................................................................................................. 84
6.4 Evaluation Phase ......................................................................................................................... 85
6.5 Discussion ...................................................................................................................................... 88
6.5.1 Future Case 1 ....................................................................................................................... 89
6.5.2 Future Case 2 ....................................................................................................................... 91
7. Conclusive Remarks and Recommendations for Further Work ........................................ 92
7.1 Conclusive Remarks ................................................................................................................... 92
7.2 Further Work ................................................................................................................................ 93
8. Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 94
A. Appendix – Overview of Distributors .......................................................................................... 99
B. Appendix – MPN Tables ..................................................................................................................102

Figure ‎1-1: Offshore Jacket .......................................................................................................................... 1
Figure ‎2-1: SHM phases ................................................................................................................................ 5
Figure ‎2-2: SHM disciplines ......................................................................................................................... 7
Figure ‎2-3: Measurement on Bridges ................................................................................................... 11
Figure ‎2-4: Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring .......................................................................... 12
Figure ‎3-1: Governing Hierarchy............................................................................................................ 14
Figure ‎3-2: Bracing patterns of a jacket ............................................................................................... 17
Figure ‎3-3: Types of joints ........................................................................................................................ 18
Figure ‎3-4: Wave spectrum vs. concept collection .......................................................................... 20
Figure ‎3-5: Damages on offshore jacket structures ........................................................................ 21
Figure ‎3-6: Distribution of reported incidents ................................................................................. 22
Figure ‎3-7: Hot spot and nominal stress ............................................................................................. 26
Figure ‎3-8: Electromechanical cell ........................................................................................................ 27
Figure ‎3-9: A, B, C, D: Damages on Jacket ........................................................................................... 30
Figure ‎4-1 A, B, C: Inspection intervals ................................................................................................ 34
Figure ‎4-2: AET system setup .................................................................................................................. 39
Figure ‎4-3: FBG strain sensor .................................................................................................................. 42
Figure ‎4-4: Schematic description of an ER probe .......................................................................... 44
Figure ‎4-5 A, B, C, D: B, C, D and P-scan ............................................................................................... 45
Figure ‎4-6: GWT belt ................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure ‎4-7 A and B: CrackFirst™ sensor and a monopile structure .......................................... 47
Figure ‎4-8: Centralized vs. independent data processing ............................................................ 49
Figure ‎4-9: Components of MEMS ......................................................................................................... 50
Figure ‎4-10: Power spectrum .................................................................................................................. 53
Figure ‎4-11: Fundamental mode shapes ............................................................................................. 54
Figure ‎4-12: A, B, C Illustrations of Different Transforms ............................................................ 63
Figure ‎4-13: The VALLEN product chain ............................................................................................ 66
Figure ‎5-1: Flowchart of the SHM method ......................................................................................... 69
Figure ‎5-2 A, B and C: Effect of data normalization ........................................................................ 74
Figure ‎6-1: Fictional platform from GeniE software ....................................................................... 77
Figure ‎6-2: General system the set-up ................................................................................................. 79
Figure ‎6-3: Jacket overview ...................................................................................................................... 82
Figure ‎6-4: Location of accelerometers ............................................................................................... 82
Figure ‎6-5: Severed member in elevation -71.50 m ....................................................................... 83
Figure ‎6-6: CrackFirst™ location ............................................................................................................ 84
Figure ‎6-7: FMS result presentation ..................................................................................................... 86
Figure ‎6-8: Extracted features in AMSY-6 .......................................................................................... 86
Figure ‎6-9: WSN set-up of FBG sensors ............................................................................................... 89
Figure ‎6-10: Damage localization .......................................................................................................... 90
Figure ‎6-11: Acoustic fingerprinting set-up....................................................................................... 91

Table ‎3-1: ISO, NORSOK and RP’s........................................................................................................... 15
Table ‎3-2: Bottom founded vs. floating structures .......................................................................... 16
Table ‎3-3: Limit States ................................................................................................................................ 20
Table ‎3-4: Damage locations .................................................................................................................... 22
Table ‎3-5: Hazards of an offshore jacket ............................................................................................. 24
Table ‎3-6: Design fatigue factors ............................................................................................................ 25
Table ‎4-1: Monitoring standards and RP ............................................................................................ 32
Table ‎4-2: SHM Projects ............................................................................................................................. 35
Table ‎4-3: Definition of maturity............................................................................................................ 37
Table ‎4-4: Overview of environmental monitoring techniques ................................................. 37
Table ‎4-5: Overview of structural monitoring techniques ........................................................... 38
Table ‎4-6: Frequency ranges vs. application ..................................................................................... 39
Table ‎4-7: Sensor overview ...................................................................................................................... 52
Table ‎4-8: Overview of vibration based damage detection on offshore jackets .................. 60
Table ‎4-9: Data processing algorithms used in SHM of jackets .................................................. 61
Table ‎4-10: Damage detection models ................................................................................................. 65
Table ‎6-1: Instrumentation plan ............................................................................................................ 80
Table ‎6-2: AE sensor.................................................................................................................................... 81
Table ‎6-3: Acceleration sensor ................................................................................................................ 81
Table ‎6-4: Fatigue gauge ............................................................................................................................ 81
Table ‎6-5: Typical sensor data ................................................................................................................ 87
Table ‎A-1: Sensor Distributors ................................................................................................................ 99

AET Acoustic Emission Testing
AIS Artificial Immune System
ALS Accidental Limit State
CF Corrosion Fatigue
CM Condition Monitoring
CMSE Cross-modal Strain Energy
DET Rating Detection
DFF Design Fatigue Factor
DFI Design Fabrication Installation
DFO Documents For Operation
DGN Diagnosis Confidence
EAC Environmentally Assisted Cracking
ER Electrical Resistance
FBG Fiber Bragg Grating
FDD Frequency Domain Decomposition
FEMU Finite Element Modal Updating
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FLS Fatigue Limit State
FM Fracture Mechanics
FMD Flooded Member Detection
FMS Fleet Management System
FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading
FRS Frequency Response Spectrum
FT Fourier Transform
GWT Guided Wave Testing
HE Hydrogen Embrittlement
HSE Health & Safety Executive
IBCM Instrument Based Condition Monitoring
IVHM Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring
LME Liquid Metal Embrittlement
LMS Least Mean Square
LRUT Long Range Ultrasonic Testing
MEMS Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
MESC Modal Strain Energy Change
MSECR Modal Strain Energy Change Ratio
MPN Monitoring Priority Number
MSE Modal Strain Energy
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NCS Norwegian Continental Shelf
NDT Non Destructive Testing
OLM On Line Monitoring

OTC Offshore Technology Conference
PDO Plan for Development and Operation
PGN Prognosis Confidence
PIO Plan for Installation and Operation
PZT Lead Zirconate Titanate
RBI Risk Based Inspection
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
RSF Residual Strength Factor
SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking
SCF Stress Concentration Factor
SEV Severity of Failure
SHM Structural Health Monitoring
SLS Serviceability Limit State
SR Structural Redundancy
STFT Short-Time Fourier Transform
SVD Singular Value Decomposition
TF Transmissibility Function
TLP Tension Leg Platform
ULS Ultimate Limit State
UM Usage Monitoring
UT Ultrasonic Testing
WSN Wireless Sensing Network
WT Wavelet Transform

‎1. Introduction

An increasing number of jacket platforms are passing their assigned lifetime both on the
Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) and other parts of the world. According to the
Norwegian petroleum report of 2013, the average age of the jacket platforms on NCS is
approximately 24 years [1]. Assigned lifetime for a jacket is not an exact age, but the
mean age can approximately be estimated to be 30 years. The reasons for extending the
lifetime of platforms is due to factors like cost savings, increased use of subsea tiebacks
and technology advancements. Such technology advancements are for example within
extended reach drilling. This has led to an increased importance of life extension and
evaluation of the structural integrity. SHM can be considered as a tool for evaluating
structural integrity and remaining lifetime. SHM is defined as the process of
implementing a damage detection strategy for aerospace, civil and mechanical
engineering [2]. Implementing SHM may cause an increase in procurement and
installation cost, but it may in the long term result in a decrease in operational costs and
maintenance. Therefore there has been great attention to the field of SHM in the last
decades. This includes improvements in the sensor robustness, accuracy, efficiency and
lower cost. In addition to evaluating the structural integrity, SHM can be a tool to
optimize design criteria of future structures by calibrating todays design coefficients
based on real historical data.
95% of the offshore platforms in the world are of steel jacket design [3]. Jacket
structures are robust platforms used mainly in shallow waters due to its rigid dynamic
characteristics. Shallow waters are defined as water depth of less than 300 meters. The
jacket is a construction consisting of steel tubes anchored to the seabed with the use of
piles. Figure ‎1-1 is showing a typical jacket platform above sea surface, with visible
tubular joints in the air gap [4]. The jacket is in general designed to withstand
parameters as weight of topside, impact loads, wind loads, loads from current, corrosion
and fatigue. Exposure of these parameters during a design lifetime will affect the
structural integrity of the structure. To ensure safe use, prevent failures and control
further degradation SHM may an important tool.


‎1. Introduction


The aim of what is reported is to explore how developments within SHM can be applied
as a tool for assessing the structural integrity of offshore jackets. More specifically
develop a proposal for monitoring an existing jacket in cost-effective manner.


The scope is to evaluate current technologies in the field of SHM, consider new research
and propose a methodology to create a monitoring plan for offshore jackets. The thesis
includes a case study of a fictional platform on the NCS, where a proposal for an
appropriate cost-effective monitoring plan is developed. The main objectives, as defined
by DNV GL are as follows:

- Perform a literature study on current knowledge of SHM of offshore structures

with emphasis on jackets.
- Study methodologies described in current knowledge, including planning of
monitoring setups, data collection, data analysis and evaluation of structural
- Describe typical failure modes.
- Identify which parameters should be included in the monitoring system.
- Propose suitable sensors for detecting the key parameters (identified in the
bullet item above).
- Evaluate the maturity of various sensors and measurement techniques.
- Explore data processing methodologies and evaluate their suitability.
- Develop a proposal for monitoring of an existing jacket in a cost-effective

The thesis is limited by the following considerations:
- Only considering the design of jacket structures (no topside consideration).
- Evaluation of sensors assessing structural integrity only.

‎1. Introduction


Following this introduction the report is divided into 6 Chapters. Chapter 2 presents a
literature survey of existing knowledge in the field of SHM in general. In addition
fundamental definitions are explained. Underlying knowledge about design concept,
damage parameters and failure modes of the offshore jacket structure are then
explained in Chapter 3. A literature survey of the development of SHM within jacket
structures is presented in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, a proposed methodology based on the
obtained knowledge from Chapter 2, 3 and 4 is presented and explained. Further, a case
study of a fictional platform on the NCS was performed in Chapter 6, testing the
methodology developed in Chapter 5. In Chapter 7, conclusive remarks about the
knowledge obtained in the thesis is presented in addition to recommendations for
further work.

‎2. Literature Survey of SHM in General


The following definitions are based on a review of SHM literature done by Los Alamos
national laboratory in 2001 [2]. SHM is defined as the process of implementing a damage
detection strategy for aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering. Usage monitoring
(UM) is a measure of the inputs and responses of a structure before damage occurs. UM
is done so that regression analysis can be performed, estimating the relationship
between different parameters. Further, the analysis can be used to predict the damage
and deterioration in structural condition. Prognosis is defined as the coupling of
information from SHM, UM, current environmental and operational conditions, previous
component and system level testing, and numerical modelling to estimate the remaining
useful life of the system.
SHM involves observation of a structure by the use of sensors. For instance,
measurement of the dynamic characteristics of a structure can be done. The evaluation
of this data with the use of post processing and damage evaluation models results in an
evaluation of the structural integrity of the structure. Also, permanently mounted
sensors detecting local damage at the specific point of installation is possible to combine
with the former mentioned technique. SHM differ from NDT techniques due to the use of
sensors that are permanently mounted on the object of interest and reports
continuously or periodic as an online monitoring system.
Condition monitoring (CM) is another term not to confuse with SHM. CM is the
implementation of a measurement system for machinery during operation [5]. This
means that CM contains similarities to SHM. In fact in Section ‎5.2 the use of a monitoring
priority number (MPN) which is used in CM was evaluated. It is important to be aware of
that in the NORSOK standards; “condition monitoring” is defined as “a systematic
examination and evaluation of the overall structural condition ensuring that an acceptable
level of structural integrity and safety is maintained”. In other words, condition
monitoring has at least two definitions. In the following, CM is defined as a measurement
system for machinery during operation.

In Figure ‎2-1, the SHM method is broken down in all its significant elements [6]. There
are four different phases. This can be seen as an iterative process where all the phases
are equally relaying on each other. Section ‎2.1.1 elaborates on the different SHM steps.

‎2. Literature Survey of SHM in General

Data collection Data Evaluation

Planning phase processing
phase phase Corrective
Performance of phase Definition of the state actions
measurements Data analysis of the structure



Planning Phase

The planning phase is where the scope of all the SHM phases is to be defined. The
following questions are of major importance in that regard:

- When do we need to monitor?

- Why do we want to monitor?
- What do we want to monitor?
- How do we want to monitor?

This means that it is important to obtain knowledge about the motive and when
monitoring needs to be done. In addition failure modes and monitoring techniques need
to be established. Motives for installing a SHM system is mainly related to reduced cost
and risk. Reduced cost can be a result of the fact that there is no need to use divers or
remote operating vehicles (ROV) when the SHM system is operational. British Petroleum
has stated that they saved cost equal to approximately £50 million on one of their
offshore platforms [2]. By neglecting the use of divers the risk of human lives will
reduce drastically as well. To uncover what is most important to monitor, identification
of critical failure modes needs to be performed. For instance, if fatigue cracks are the
most important failure mode, identification of measurement location can be done by
analysis of the connections with large stress variations.

‎2. Literature Survey of SHM in General

Data Collection phase

Data collection phase is the actual monitoring process. First, measurement technique
and sensor selection needs to be done. This is followed by identification of specific
sensor locations and evaluation of the amount of sensors needed. Sampling frequency
and sampling period are governing factors for data storage capacity and processing
methods. If the sampling frequency is high, the amount of data to be processed and
stored will increase. Also a consideration needs to be done, evaluating if the
measurement needs to be continuous or be done in periods. Periodic measuring will
decrease the amount of data that needs to be processed and stored, however continuous
measuring is sometimes needed. An example of this is if the aim of the SHM deployment
is to measure fatigue crack growth. In this situation it may be necessary to monitor
continuously to detect changes in the structural characteristics. Also data acquisition
facilities need to be planned and installed. Data normalization is a term used during data
collection. The process of normalizing the data means to separate the monitored signal
changes caused by operational and environmental variations. This is done so that
environmental variations not can be evaluated as a source of damage.

Data Processing phase

Data processing involves using the collected data and to transform this to data that is
possible to understand and evaluate. Several transformations are used, but the most
used transformations are based on a method called Fourier Transform (FT). The
purpose of these methods is basically to transform a data signal retrieved from sensors
from time domain to frequency domain. SHM involves a vast amount of data, but not all
data is valuable for the structural assessment. Therefore the challenge with data
processing is to utilize the most important data. The task of identifying the damage
indicator which is sensitive to damage from the vibration response is needed. This is
called system identification.

Evaluation of Processed Data

The last step is defining the state of the structure by comparing the evaluated data from
the data processing phase to acceptance criteria. Numerical models may be used to
identify and quantify the damage. The methods for damage identification can be
classified in four levels[7].

Level 1: Determination that damage is present in the structure

Level 2: Level 1 plus determination of the geometric location of the damage

Level 3: Level 2 plus quantification of the severity of the damage

Level 4: Level 3 plus prediction of the remaining service life of the structure

‎2. Literature Survey of SHM in General


SHM is a system covering a substantial number of disciplines. Technology within sensing,

power, communication, storage, signal processing and evaluation algorithms is the
fundamentals behind a SHM system [8]. This makes the understanding of SHM systems
to be a challenging task. Subsequently, being dependent on many types of technologies
should be regarded as an advantage. There have been major developments within these
disciplines during the last two decades. A reason for this is the increased focus on
research and reduced cost of technology. Figure ‎2-2 illustrates the disciplines and how
they are correlated in the SHM system [8].

The evolution seen in the cell phone market is a good example of the rapid technology
advancements. In the last twenty years, a cell phone has evolved from just being a phone
to being a smart phone with new technology. State of the art batteries, storage
capabilities and micro-processors are just some of the technologies an average phone
includes today. In this thesis, examples of how the SHM systems are directly influenced
by the technology advancements seen the last decades are given.

Data Aquisition Sensors and Actuators Sensing Technology

Power supply DC Battery and AC Wire Power Technology

SHM system

Data Transmission Cable/RF transmitter

Data Storage Storage devices Storage Technology

Data Processing Filters and amplifiers Signal Processing

Health Evaluation
Data Interpretation Damage Detection Algorithm

‎2. Literature Survey of SHM in General



Structural damage found by typical NDT techniques like visual, acoustic, magnetic field,
strain measurement, eddy current etc., are categorized as local damage techniques. Local
damage techniques are restricted to detect damage at the point the sensor is installed.
These techniques are in some degree effective, but are restricted to find only local
damage on the elements inspected. In addition, the examined element needs to be highly
accessible. Since these sensors only detect damage at their position, the concentration of
sensors or manual inspection points need to be high. This makes it a costly and time
consuming technique. The positive aspect is that the damage is localized when it’s first
detected compared to the global damage measuring technique which needs further
analysis to localize any damage [7]. This is the most used measuring technique in the
offshore industry today.


Global damage detection techniques aim to measure damage by global techniques.

Today the most dominant global damage detection technique is vibration based damage
detection. This technique uses the difference in dynamic characteristics between an
initial state (baseline) and experimental results to detect, quantify or/and localize
damage. Dynamic characteristics can for instance be modal frequencies and mode
shapes. These characteristics can give information of mass, flexibility and damping of the
structure. Initial assumptions can be obtained from early testing from the time the
structure is in an undamaged condition or this can be calculated in a FE-model. The
experimental results are obtained from accelerometers placed on the structure and the
structure is excited by either measurable excitation or natural excitation. The latter
excitation method is called ambient excitation. In contrast with the local measuring
techniques, the vibration based damage detection is not able to quantify and localize
small damage in an effective manner [9]. A thorough summary review of vibration based
damage detection methods were done in 1998 at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
[10]. Here problems, methods and recommendations for future work were explained.
According to this paper global damage are divided into two, linear or nonlinear. Linear
damage is defined as when an initially linear-elastic structure remains linear-elastic
after damage. In these situations the change in dynamic characteristics are due to
material or geometry changes and the structural response can be calculated by using
linear equations of motion. Most of the methods in SHM are based on linear damage
based on reduction in stiffness. Nonlinear damage is occurring when an initially linear
elastic structure is behaving nonlinear after damage. Opening and closing of fatigue
cracks are examples of nonlinear damage. Linear vibration based damage detection can
also be divided further into two types: parametric and non-parametric. Where the
former is model based and the latter is non-model based.
‎2. Literature Survey of SHM in General

The four levels of damage identification explained in Section ‎2.1.1 are used to describe
the extent of damage identification for the different global damage detection
methodologies. It is also the basis for the definition of two other terms in the global
damage measuring methodology. They are the forward problem and backward problem.
The forward problem being the method of detecting damage by the use of a damage
indicator, and is mainly related to level 1. The reverse problem is the method of
evaluating damage severity and location of the damage. Hence, this is related to level 2
and 3. Level 4 is mainly related to fracture mechanics (FM), calculating the remaining
life time based on crack propagation [10].
Historically it seems that the biggest challenge for the vibration based damage detection
has been to find the most adequate damage indicator. Several damage indicators are
proposed, and the ones mainly found in literature are natural frequencies, mode shapes,
change in compliance and modal strain energy change. Those methods among others
have been demonstrated in Section ‎4.4.


Active sensing is defined as measurements done by transmitting energy. On the other

hand, passive sensing is defined as measurements done with only natural source of
energy [11]. The easiest way of explaining the two sensing methods are to use a simple
example. A camera with a flash can be seen as an active sensor. The lens uses the
reflecting energy from the flash to make up an image. On the other hand, a camera
without a flash uses naturally emitted light to make up the same image and therefore is
categorized as a passive sensor.
The most important difference between these two sensing technologies is that active
sensing demands a considerable amount of energy compared to passive sensing. This
means that if the measurement system relies on batteries, the passive sensors would be
preferable. With that being said, the passive sensing relies on receiving natural sources
of energy which is a considerable drawback since this potentially results in collected
data with a considerable amount of noise.


There have been significant advancements of SHM systems in many industries until
today. SHM of offshore jackets is not a new field, but have experienced a renaissance in
the last two decades. Therefore exploring the SHM methodology advancements of other
industries are of importance. In this section, the development within civil engineering
with emphasis on bridge monitoring and the development within aerospace systems are
examined. The reason for this is that bridge monitoring use testing techniques with
relevance to those techniques used on offshore structures. Also the aerospace industry
is examined due to their leading position in SHM throughout history.

‎2. Literature Survey of SHM in General


Within the civil engineering community, there have been significant developments of
SHM since the 80’s [12]. In the past several decades there have been many fatale
highway bridge collapses e.g. Silver Bridge over the Ohio River (1967), Mianus River
Bridge (1983) and Minneapolis Highway Bridge (2007). These accidents have been
important factors for focusing on the structural integrity of the rapidly aging bridges
around the world. There is a huge amount of available information about bridge
monitoring. With relevance to monitoring of offshore structures, it is the global
monitoring techniques that are of importance. Even though the offshore industry started
experimenting with vibration based damage detection early, it seems like the civil
engineering community have been experiencing significant advancements in this field
non-stop since the beginning in the 80’s.
As explained in Section ‎2.2.2, vibration based damage detection is a technique used to
measure the dynamic characteristics of a structure [13]. This is preferably done when
the excitation (input) and the movement (output) is measurable. Due to constant traffic,
it is not possible to measure the excitation on bridges in service. Most of the methods
uses accelerometers which register the dynamic movement of a bridge structure
without artificial loading (unknown input), also called ambient loading. In this way it is
possible to find the modes of the structure, and compare the measured dynamic
characteristics with earlier measurements from when the bridge was new or with a FE-
model. A study was done by Farrar and Jauregi in 1996 comparing vibration based
damage detection methods on the I-40 Bridge in USA [14]. In Section ‎4.4, an example of
how methods such as the compliance change can be used on offshore structures is
Even though global damage techniques such as vibration based damage detection are
most commonly used in civil structures, it is important to note that in the civil
engineering community this type of monitoring is frequently used in combination with
regular inspections using NDT techniques. Strain measurements, temperature
measurement and acoustic emission monitoring are some of the main NDT techniques
used in bridge monitoring [15].
It is observed through literature that long term monitoring of bridges with wireless
sensing networks (WSN) have been used increasingly during the last years due to the
development in sensing, communication and data systems. Figure ‎2-3 show all types of
measurements that are possible to do on a bridge, and with the development within
WSN, it is likely that many large bridges in the future will have instruments for all these
types of measurements [16].

‎2. Literature Survey of SHM in General

Type of

Geometry Loads Deformation Environment

Structure Wind loads Strain Climate

Reinforcement Traffic loads Displacement Chemical





An aircraft can be subjected to severe consequence if something goes wrong with a

critical component. For that reason, the aerospace industry has been a cutting edge
industry in the field of SHM. In addition to the catastrophic consequence of a potential
damage, the aircraft is an object suffering from frequent fatigue loading during take-off,
in-air service, and landing. In addition it is exposed to a highly corrosive environment
[6]. Fatigue loading and corrosive environment are also what offshore structures
frequently are exposed to.
In 1954, the industry faced a game changing incident with the loss of 3 De Havilland
Comet aircrafts in a short period of time due to crack propagation [17]. This helped the
industry focus on fatigue damage in conjunction with pressurized cabins,
simultaneously as fracture mechanics theories were being applied and proved helpful.
An integrated maintenance system was developed for the Boeing 757/767 already in the
1980’s, taking a lead in the use of integrated on-board systems [12].

‎2. Literature Survey of SHM in General

Historically, the assessment of damage on aircrafts were based on number of flight

hours, but with the development of fatigue and load cycle counting methods, it was
possible to relate load cycles with structural damage [18]. In these days, most aircrafts
are equipped with an integrated vehicle health management system (IVHM) recording
hundreds of parameters and feed the information to the on-board aircraft computer. An
IVHM system should include automatic detection, diagnosis, prognosis and mitigation of
unwanted events due to a component failure. Figure ‎2-4 illustrates how General
Electric’s IVHM system looks like in general [19]. The system collects real-time data from
sensors equipped on the aircraft, and these sensors are part of a WSN connected to a
central for data processing and detection of damage. That information will thereafter be
directed to the right department where mitigating measures and maintenance will be

Even though the use of IVHM is highly available and the majority of aircrafts today are
equipped with this system, the system is not reliable enough to avoid regular periodic
inspection. The currently used NDT techniques in the aerospace industry are visual
inspections followed by eddy current, ultrasonic, X-ray etc. The second generation
reusable launch vehicle currently under development at the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) is using a modified IVHM system [20]. This modified
system will emphasize on rapid damage recognition so that it is possible to do quicker
corrective actions. NASA is stating that this system likely will, among other things,
include smart sensors as micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS), diagnostic and
prognostics software for sensors and components, model based reasoning systems for
subsystem and system level managers, advanced on-board and ground-based mission
and maintenance planners [20]. If history repeats itself, the aircraft manufacturers will
use the same systems in some years, as development proceeds.


‎2. Literature Survey of SHM in General


In the civil engineering industry, vibration based damage detection is a frequently used
monitoring technique. In Section ‎4.4 some of the methods developed for civil
engineering is discussed. Numerous papers are written about bridge monitoring using
the combination of vibration based damage detection and WSN. In this area, the offshore
industry has potential to learn from the civil engineering community. The challenge of
offshore structure monitoring is the rough environment and this may be one reason why
especially the WSN is not yet fully developed for offshore platforms.
The aerospace industry is in the front of integrated SHM systems. The advancement in
integrated intelligent monitoring technology on space crafts and aircrafts are of
importance also for other industries. There is a trend of making intelligent monitoring
systems implementing MEMS on structures as well, and this is trending from the aircraft

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform


This chapter contains an overview of the governing standards and recommendations for
design of offshore jacket structures. This is followed by information about concept
selection of offshore structures and essential information about the design of jackets. In
the last section, the damage parameters and failure modes of jackets are investigated
and accounted for.


The governing hierarchy pyramid in Norway is as illustrated in Figure ‎3-1. The
Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) is on top of the hierarchy. This is followed by industry
standards which are giving guidelines on how to fulfil the requirements of the PSA. ISO
standards are general international standards, whilst NORSOK are guidelines developed
specifically for offshore structures on the NCS. On the bottom of the hierarchy are the
recommended practices and company procedures containing proposals for how to
interpret the standards.

Table ‎3-1 lists the standards containing design procedures and assessment of structural
integrity of jacket structures. The NORSOK standards are used in this thesis as
compliment to the ISO standards in addition to recommended practice from DNV GL.

Laws and regulations


Industry standards (NORSOK, ISO, etc.)

Recommended practices, company internal procedures


‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform


Standard Title Content

Petroleum and natural
gas industries — Requirements and recommendations for design of
ISO 19902 [21]
Fixed steel offshore fixed steel offshore structures
Integrity of Offshore
NORSOK N-001 [22] Information of the integrity of offshore structures
Information about principals and guidelines for
Actions and Actions
NORSOK N-003 [23] determination of action affects for the structural
design of offshore structures
Information of the guidelines and requirements for
NORSOK N-004 [24] Design of Steel Structures
design and documentation of offshore steel structures
NORSOK M-101 Structural Steel Requirements for fabrication and inspection of
[25] Fabrication offshore steel structures
DNVGL RP-C203 Fatigue Design of Recommendations for fatigue design based on fatigue
[26] Offshore Steel Structures tests and fracture mechanics


The petroleum industry has invented several innovative structures mainly due to the
challenges related to deep water. It is common practice to divide the offshore structures
into two categories, namely floating and bottom-supported structures. Bottom
supported structures include roughly jackets, jack-ups and compliant towers, while the
floating structures include semi-submersibles, tension leg platforms (TLP’s), spars and
floating production, storage and offloading units (FPSO’s). The concept selection is
dependent on several parameters such as; reservoir size, water depth and type of well

Table ‎3-2 lists the most important differences between the two main offshore structures
categories [28]. With regards to SHM, the major difference between the two concepts is
that bottom supported structures are permanently installed at the production location
(except from the jack-up). This means that there are locations on bottom supported
structures which never can be subjected to manual inspection after installation. The
foundation (e.g. piles) is an example of such a place. In contrast, floating structures can
be towed to shore for thorough maintenance if needed.

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform


Function Bottom-Supported Floating

Payload support Gravity based with foundation Buoyancy
“Rigid” conductors, dry wellhead “Dynamic” risers, wet wellhead
Well access
tree tree
Resisted by strength of structure
Resisted by vessel inertia and
Environmental loads and foundation, compliant
stability, mooring strength
structure inertia
Tubular space frame: fabrication Plate frame displacement hull:
yards ship yards
Wet or dry transport, towing to
Barge (dry) transport and
Installation site and attachment to pre-
launch, piled foundations
installed moorings
Oil industry practices,
Oil industry practices and government petroleum
Regulatory and design practices government petroleum regulations and Coast Guard &
regulations International Maritime

Jacket structures are highly proven structural technology. Usually the platforms are
fabricated onshore and installed offshore by the use of cranes or launch from a barge.
Thereafter the topside is installed by a crane ship, placing the topside upon the jacket
structure at the installation site. The jacket consists of tubular elements making up a
structurally rigid framework, making it suitable for long time production. The different
types of frameworks are illustrated in Figure ‎3-2 [29]. The frameworks consist mainly of
3 different joints:
- X
- Y
- K
Figure ‎3-3 from ISO 19902 [21] is an illustration of the different types of joints and the
force distribution ratio. The main important difference of these joints with regards to
analysis is that they distribute the axial force in a different manner.

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform


‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform


‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform

Offshore jackets are installed with piles on each leg connected to the seabed for safe
foundation and satisfying stability. The piles take up axial force (both tension and
compression) and also lateral loads acting perpendicular to the piles [27]. The main
types of piles are:
- Main and skirt pile configuration
Piles are inserted in the legs of the platform (main pile) and through each skirt pile.
- Clustered pile configuration
Piles are inserted in the seabed around the main legs in pile clusters.
Bucket foundation is an alternative to the pile method. The jacket legs are placed in large
inverted buckets which are penetrated to the seabed.
The jacket concept is normally used in shallow waters with a water depth less than 300
m. The reason for this is mainly for avoiding resonance between the structure and the
periodic wave loads. The jacket will experience bending in the horizontal plane [27].
This problem is described in Figure ‎3-4 were the natural period for the main offshore
structures are placed in the same diagram as the wave spectrum for different significant
wave heights (Hs) [27]. Since the jacket structure is rigid, the natural period is low. The
platform third from the left is a compliant tower which is a concept similar to a jacket
structure. However, the compliant tower has reduced rigid properties resulting in an
increase of the natural period. Equation for the natural period for a fixed steel structure
in surge/sway is shown below [27].

𝑇0 = 2𝜋√ (‎3.1)

Where the stiffness can be expressed as:

𝑘= = 3 (‎3.2)
𝑥 ℎ

Here, 𝐹 is the restoring force corresponding to the displacement 𝑥. 𝐸 is the Young’s

modulus, 𝐼 is the moment of inertia and ℎ is the height of the jacket structure.

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform



Jacket structures are in general designed according to ISO 19902 [21]. The platforms
placed on the NCS can be designed according to NORSOK N-004 [24]. A jacket is
designed according to four limit states; ultimate limit state (ULS), fatigue limit state
(FLS), accidental limit state (ALS) and serviceability limit state (SLS). The limit states are
explained in Table ‎3-3 below [30]:

Limit State Definition

ULS Ultimate resistance for carrying loads
FLS Possibility of failure due to cyclic loading
Failure due to an accidental event or operational
SLS Criteria applicable to normal use or durability

SHM is related to evaluation of structural integrity and to predict remaining service life.
For that reason evaluation of SLS and ALS is not relevant. SLS includes damages that
won’t have any important impact on the integrity of the structure and ALS is scenarios
which is hard to predict and uncontrollable. The important thing in this context is to
compare the measurements to ULS and FLS criteria. Also by using measurements as a
tool to prove conservativism in the industry with regards to design, standardized ULS
and FLS design criteria can be changed [31].

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform

Figure ‎3-5 is a graph showing the different damages that are reported on jacket
structures on the NCS from 1974 until today [32]. The majority of the damages
happened either on the nodes, braces or the jacket legs. In addition some few damages
were related to the conductors and piles which in this thesis are regarded as a part of
the jacket structure. As stated initially in Section ‎3.2, the piles are structural components
that are unavailable for local monitoring.

The graph is based on numbers from the CODAM database made by the governing
regulator on the NCS, PSA [32]. By looking at the damage distribution it is obvious that
there are a majority of reported crack damages. According to the database, most of the
incidents have not reported the cause of the crack damage. The fact that the cause is
mostly unknown for these events leads to believe that fatigue may be the damage
parameter. The reason for this is that fatigue is a result of exposed load cycles over time,
and is not a result of a one-time event.

Damages on jacket structures (NCS 1974-2016)

Number of reported damages

200 130 76 41 39 16 14 12


The majority of the reported cracks were located on the nodes of the jacket structure.
Also, almost all the damages on jacket legs seem to be related to cracks. The majority of
the damages related to dents were reported on the bracings. The reason for that is
mostly due the fact that the bracings are the structural elements vulnerable to denting
by dropped objects. Deflection, external corrosion and scratches have been reported on
all nodes, braces and legs. Marine growth and deformation is not reported on the nodes
and deformation and corrosion protection is not reported on braces. These discoveries
are summarized in Table ‎3-4.

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform


Node Brace Leg Pile
Crack    
Dent  
Scratch   
   
  
Deflection   
Marine growth  
Deformation  

Figure ‎3-6 illustrate the annual distribution of reported incidents. Also here, the
numbers are based on the CODAM data from PSA [32]. When adding up all the reported
incidents from each year, the graph indicates that there was an increase in reported
damages in the 1980’s. The reason for this may be due to the increase of number of
jacket structures on the NCS.
The data from the CODAM database results in some conclusions. It becomes quite clear
that damages from cracks have been the most significant failure mode for offshore jacket
structures throughout history. This results in believing that the cracks are first and
foremost the failure mode which needs special attention and the damage parameter is
most likely fatigue. Also, other damages as dents, scratches and corrosion are failure
modes that need high consideration when designing and monitoring jacket structures.

Reported incidents (NCS 1974-2016)

Number of reported incidents









‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform

NORSOK N-005 lists damage parameters and failure modes that typically are occurring
on jacket structures. The failure modes in NORSOK N-005 can be justified by looking at
the statistics in Figure ‎3-5.

Typical damage parameters on an offshore jacket according to NORSOK N-005[33] are

listed below:
- Fatigue
- Corrosion
- Overloading (e.g. due to change of use)
- Accidental actions
- Other irregularities, such as marine fouling, scouring, etc.
Typical failure modes on an offshore jacket according to NORSOK N-005[33] are listed
- Joint degradation
- Corrosion damage
- Component failure
- Component damage

In addition, ISO 19902 lists these failure modes for ULS [21]:
- Tensile and compressive material yielding of a member’s cross-section
- Buckling of a member and the post-buckling redistribution of internal forces that
can involve local buckling (for open section this includes Euler and lateral torsional
- Local buckling

A thorough investigation of the hazards developing these failure modes were done in a
PhD. work by Gerhard Ersdal at The University of Stavanger [34]. Table ‎3-5 illustrates
the hazards from this paper.

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform


Underlying cause Source of hazard Specific hazard

Insufficient strength Gross error in design, Insufficient design capacity
fabrication, installation Fabrication error
or operation Operational damage
Degradation Subsidence
Fatigue due to:
- global cyclic loading
- local cyclic loading
- vortex induced vibrations
- wave slam
Widespread fatigue
Differential settlement
Excessive load Environment Global overload due to:
- wave and current load
- wave in deck load
- wind load
- unexpected marine growth
- ice and snow loads
- earthquake loads
Local component overload due to:
- wave and current load
- wave in deck load
- wave slam
- vortex induced vibrations
- wind load
- unexpected marine growth
- ice and snow loads
- earthquake loads
Worsening of wave climate
Operation Deck load – weight increase
Unsecured objects – centre of gravity shift
Accidental loads Dropped objects
Ship impact
Fire & heat
Aircraft impact
Iceberg impact
Submarine slide/Seabed slope instability

As seen in Table ‎3-5, the hazards are many and complex. The aim of a SHM system is to
monitor the jacket so that the damage parameters and failure modes are detected before
the structural integrity of the jacket structure is in danger. In the following the damage
parameters from NORSOK N-005 affecting the jacket structure is described further.

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform


Fatigue damage is a result of reduction in strength of a material caused by cyclic loading.

In an offshore environment, the cyclic loadings are mainly caused by waves and wind.
The harsh and relatively consistent environment in the North Sea contributes to lots of
cyclic loading compared to other oceans where there are offshore activities. In
comparison, platforms in the Gulf of Mexico are exposed to a more inconsistent climate
with mainly calm sea, but also hurricanes can occur. The aerospace industry has faced
fatigue problems in a long period of time. In Section 2.4.2 there are given examples of
how especially the crack propagation is an important bi-effect of fatigue loading. Also,
the problems faced by the aerospace industry helped prove the fracture mechanics (FM)
theories used also on offshore structures.

Offshore jackets are designed against fatigue damage, but uncertainties regarding the
actual loading, environmental conditions and material properties make fatigue design a
task filled with assumptions. Design fatigue factors (DFF) with values from 1-10 are
added in the design phase to account for the uncertainty. A high DFF is given for remote
areas where monitoring can be difficult to apply. In Table ‎3-6, the use of DFF is
reproduced as it is seen in NORSOK N-001 [22].

Classification of
Not accessible for
structural Accessible for inspection, maintenance
inspection and
components based and repair, and where inspections or
repair or in the
on damage maintenance is planned
splash zone
Above splash zone
Below splash zone
or internal
10 3 2
Without substantial
3 2 1
According to DNVGL-RP-C203 [26], fatigue analysis during the design phase should be
based on S-N data, which is determined by fatigue testing. Long term data of stress
distribution is obtained by developing an expected stress history for the specific location
of the platform. It is of major importance that this stress history is on the conservative
side. However, the fatigue analysis can also be done based on fracture mechanics if the
S-N data is not long enough for a critical component where a failure may lead to severe
consequence [26].

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform

Fatigue analysis based on S-N data takes use of the Miner’s rule to establish fatigue life
estimation. Here 𝑛𝑖 is expected number of cycles and 𝑁𝑖 is total amount of cycles:
𝐷=∑ (‎3.3)

Fatigue analysis of jackets contains checks of all the locations where there is stress
concentration. The places where the cracks often start are in riveted and welded
connections [35]. On these places, the stress concentration factor (SCF) is high. SCF is
defined as:
𝐻𝑜𝑡 𝑆𝑝𝑜𝑡 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
𝑆𝐶𝐹 = (‎3.4)
𝑁𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
Hot spot stress and nominal stress is defined as the red and yellow region in Figure ‎3-7
below [26]. Hot spot stress is an increase of the nominal stress in a geographic restricted
area around for instance a geometric detail. DNVGL-RP-C203 [26] includes guidelines
for how to calculate these stresses by FE-modelling. This means that by calculating the
SCF, it is possible to localize high criticality areas where a monitoring system should
implement sensors able to detect fatigue cracks.


According to DNVGL-RP-C203 [26], fatigue analysis based on FM is recommended for

use in assessment of acceptable defects, evaluation of acceptance criteria for fabrication
and for planning in-service inspection. How the planning of in-service inspection
intervals is being done is described in Section 4.1. By calculations, FM is a valuable tool
to evaluate if a crack will exceed a crack size resulting in unstable fracture.

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform


Corrosion damage in seawater is called aqueous corrosion and is a result of an

electromechanical process between a cathode and an anode. These two elements are
connected in a medium called electrolyte, and the electrons from the anode will move to
the cathode. Figure ‎3-8 illustrates the electromechanical cell described.
The basic principle is that the iron in a metal will exhibit oxidation in reaction with an
oxidant. In water, the equation will be like (‎3.5), the reactants will be iron, oxygen and
water, and the products are hydrated iron (III) oxide and water [36]. The former
product of the reaction is called rust and is what is observed on a corroded structural
4 𝐹𝑒+3 𝑂2 + 2 𝐻2 𝑂 → 2 𝐹𝑒2 03 ∗ 𝐻2 𝑂 (‎3.5)
The corrosion process results in the material losing strength and the structure losing its
integrity. For a material to corrode, oxygen and water need to be present. Therefore the
most aggressive environment will be just above and below the sea surface on a jacket
platform. The splash zone is thereby an exposed area with regards to corrosion. Pitting
corrosion is the most common type of corrosion and is defined as localized corrosion
leading to small holes in metals.


‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform

In connection with corrosion, environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) is a term in the

field of FM [17]. The EAC can be divided into four separate types:

- Stress corrosion cracking (SCC)

- Hydrogen embrittlement (HE)
- Corrosion fatigue (CF)
- Liquid metal embrittlement (LME)
SCC is a type of corrosion that is driven by an anodic reaction at the crack tip. There is
crack propagation in this manner when the crack tip is consumed by the corrosion
reaction. In other words, there need to be a substantially larger corrosion process in the
crack tip than on other places on the crack, to develop this mechanism.

HE is a mechanism caused by the nature of the hydrogen atom. When large amount of
hydrogen is present near an alloy, the hydrogen atom will (due to their small size) fit in
interstitial sites in a metallic structure. This causes the bond strength between the metal
atoms to be reduced and cracks can occur.

CF is defined as the acceleration of fatigue crack growth due to the combination of

interaction with the environment and applied load [17]. This means that an element
exposed to corrosion will develop cracks after shorter time and lower loads than usual.
The CF mechanism can be accelerated due to cyclic load, time dependent load and/or a
combination of both.
LME is a phenomenon which causes initially ductile metals to have brittle properties.
Tensile stress is in most of the cases needed to have the ductile-brittle transformation.
On the other hand it is discovered that aluminium in contact with liquid gallium, will
make the aluminium brittle without any stress applied.
Prevention of corrosion is common on all offshore structures. It is common practice to
use a sacrificial anode on the elements, which is a material that will corrode instead of
the structural elements due to the electromechanical properties. The materials used for
an anode are typically zink, aluminium or magnesium [37]. The use of these prevention
techniques have reduced the risk of corrosion induced cracks in the offshore industry.


Overloading of the structure can typically occur if there are changes at the topside
loading arrangements. This can be due to new process facilities or other upgrades.
Accidental actions can be scenarios like supply ship collision or other potential collisions
from other structures offshore, e.g. floating living quarters.

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform


Other irregularities, such as marine fouling and scouring can have unfortunate
consequences for the integrity of the jacket structure. Marine fouling is the term used to
describe marine growth on submerged material. This extensive layer on the jacket will
increase the drag force on the legs due to increased friction and diameter of bracings,
resulting in a higher load than intended from waves and current, according to Morison
𝜋 1
𝐹 = 𝐶𝑚  𝐷2 𝑢̇ + 𝐶𝑑 𝐷𝑢|𝑢| ‎3.6)
4 2
Here 𝐶𝑚 and 𝐶𝑑 is the drag and inertia coefficient.  is the density of water, 𝐷 is the
diameter of a cylindrical element and 𝑢 is the velocity of water.
However some structures are fitted with antifouling claddings that have performed
reliably for more than 20 years [21]. Scouring on the other hand, is a form of erosion on
the seabed that potentially can make the foundation unstable. However, this is not the
case for jacket structures with conventional pile foundation because of the stability
driven by axial loading on the legs and the degree of redundancy [38]. With that being
said, scouring can potentially decrease the performance of jacket structures with bucket
foundation. This is because of the suction mechanism between the foundation and the
Figure ‎3-9 illustrates different damages occurring on offshore jacket structures [39-42].
Figure ‎3-9 (A) illustrates a through crack on a tubular joint caused by fatigue. Figure ‎3-9
Figure ‎3-9 (B) illustrates corrosion damage on a jacket structure in the air gap. This is as
stated earlier a critical location for corrosion damage. Figure ‎3-9 (C) is typical buckling
of a tubular member due to overload. The cause of this particular overloading scenario is
unknown. Figure ‎3-9 (D) is a representation of marine fouling on the jacket legs, and is
not directly defined as a structural damage but is a damage parameter resulting in an
increase of drag force around the tubular member.

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform

(A) Fatigue through crack (B) Corrosion

(C) Buckling (D) Marine fouling


In the previous sections the failure modes of a jacket structure are listed and damage
parameters are explained. Due to the use of sacrificial anode, the effect of corrosion
damage on an offshore jacket is relatively easy to control. This is also stated in DNVGL-
RP-C210 [43]. In comparison, the fatigue cracks can be more critical mechanisms due to
uncertainties in crack propagation calculations and that sudden events, such as storms
can result in rupture. Also dents and scratches need special consideration in addition to
piles since they are unavailable during operation.
According to NORSOK N-005 [33], the objectives of condition monitoring for
loadbearing structures are to ensure that an adequate level of structural integrity is
maintained at all times. To accomplish this, the standard states: condition monitoring
shall determine, within a reasonable level of confidence, the existence, extent and
consequence of:

‎3. Offshore Jacket Platform

- degradation or deterioration due to fatigue or other time dependent structural

- corrosion damage
- fabrication or installation
- damage or component weakening due to strength overloading
- damage due to man-made hazards
- excessive deformations
As stated in Section ‎2.1 condition monitoring is defined as SHM and manual periodic
inspections. Therefore the challenge in the context of this thesis is to develop an online
SHM system that can satisfy these standardized criteria for loadbearing structures. The
hypothesis of fatigue as a cause of the crack propagation is strengthened by the fact that
the structures on NCS are exposed to an environment with consistent load cycles.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


This chapter summarizes knowledge obtained from earlier measurements done on
offshore jackets and presents the different sensor technologies and their matureness.
Initially, a table containing standards and recommended practices for monitoring is
presented. This is followed by a general description of how monitoring is done today. A
table containing descriptions and conclusions from earlier SHM projects on offshore
jacket platforms is thereafter presented. Presented next is an assessment of the different
sensor technologies available in literature. An historical overview of influential
contributions to the advancements in vibration based damage detection is presented.
Data processing methods and data evaluation algorithms are evaluated. Finally
distributors of SHM systems that can be deployed on offshore jacket structures are

Table ‎4-1lists the recommended practices, ISO, and NORSOK standards containing
information about monitoring procedures and techniques.

Standard Title Content

Annex A “Inspection methods” covers the most
used inspection methods today, and also
emphasizes on the possibilities of what they call
Instrumentation Based Condition Monitoring
(IBCM). IBCM can be used as an alternative to the
Condition Monitoring of
NORSOK N-005 [33] conventional inspection methods. Annex C “Jacket
Loadbearing Structures
structures” is a normative section of the code,
containing additional requirements which is
specific to the monitoring of offshore jacket

Assessment of
Structural Integrity for
NORSOK N-006 [44] Summary of monitoring programs.
Existing Offshore
Loadbearing Structures
Probabilistic Methods
for Planning of
Recommended practice for the use of probabilistic
DNVGL-RP-C210 [43] Inspection for Fatigue
methods for inspection planning of fatigue damage.
Cracks in Offshore
Condition monitoring
Explanation of procedures that can be used to
ISO 13379 [5] and diagnostics
condition monitoring of machines.
of machines

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


According to NORSOK N-005 [33], “loadbearing structures used in petroleum activities
shall throughout their lifetime comply with relevant national and international
regulations. The loadbearing structures should be inspected, evaluated, assessed and
maintained, in line with this standard and ISO 13819-1 “Offshore structures Part 1: General
requirements”. This means that according to standards, offshore jacket structures are
obliged to have a monitoring program.
Today this is mainly done with periodic manual inspections by the use of varies NDT
techniques applicable by ROV’s but also divers are used. In Table A.1 in Annex A from
NORSOK N-005 [33], the different NDT techniques and specifications are listed. These
techniques are not explained any further in this thesis, because herein the focus is
related to SHM systems and their applicability as an alternative to the NDT techniques
that needs to be performed manually. According to NORSOK N-006 [44] risk based
inspection (RBI) is a model often used to predict the inspection intervals. By taking into
account failure probability and consequence, the risk of each failure mode can be
evaluated and ranked. Hence, RBI is a tool for optimizing the inspection intervals making
the manual inspection method more effectively. An example of one approach to predict
the inspection intervals is to base it on the predicted flaw growth induced by fatigue
damage. Figure ‎4-1 A, B, C illustrates the correlation between crack growth and
inspection intervals [17]. Manual inspection is however expensive and includes risk of
human life, therefore development of SHM systems are of major importance.

Following is an explanation of how the different damage parameters are evaluated today
according to NORSOK N-005 [33]. As stated in Section ‎3.4 corrosion is not an extensive
problem on jacket structures due to the use of cathodic protection. However the
performance of the cathodic protection system is monitored by a ROV. Marine growth is
of importance due to the direct relation to the Morrison equation as explained in
Section ‎3.3.4. The monitoring is mainly performed by a ROV. The fatigue monitoring is
done by various NDT techniques, mainly operated by a ROV. Fatigue assessment
regarding the piles in the foundation of a jacket structure should according to NORSOK
N-006 be based on the number of blows and the energy used during the installation of
the piles. According to DNV GL RP-C210 [43], FM is used to establish crack growth
curves and probabilistic analysis is used to include uncertainties in parameters used for
fatigue damage. Figure ‎4-1 illustrates how the inspection period can be predicted due to
the predicted flaw growth [17]. A structure is normally initially inspected before it is
operational to establish the size of an initial flaw. The lower curve illustrates the actual
crack growth, while the other curve describes the predicted crack growth. During the
service life of the structure the crack growth is inspected to assess the condition of the
crack. The flaw size needs to be within the largest flaw size that might be missed by a
NDT technique (𝑎0 ) and the tolerable flaw size (𝑎𝑡 ). The time it takes for the flaw to
increase in size from 𝑎0 to 𝑎𝑡 is computed and the first inspection need to be within this
‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

time limit. If a new crack size 𝑎1 is detected a new computation is needed to predict the
time it takes for the flaw to increase from 𝑎1 to 𝑎𝑡 . Thereafter a new inspection interval
is predicted within this new time limit.

(A) First inspection interval I1

(B) Second inspeciton I2

(C) Third inspection I3


‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


An extensive effort is done to obtain knowledge of earlier SHM projects. In the following
table, an overview and short description of some of these earlier monitoring projects
prepared for the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) are presented.

Article heading Keywords Description

Measurement of Fatigue Fatigue, Wave Devices, Fatigue assessment on a jacket structure by
Performance of Forties Forties Bravo, Particle looking at the real time relationship between
Bravo [45] Velocity Meter, strain, displacement and wave time histories.
Accelerometers, Strain Conclusions that were drawn:
Gauges 1. The strain response were dependent on
2. Most of the members had a short time
strain amplitude distribution of a Gaussian
nature, whilst the strain cycle distribution
was of Rayleigh distribution.
3. The results could be explained by drag and
inertia coefficients in Morison’s equation.
4. Most of the fatigue damaged happened
during wave heights over 6 m, hence
storms affects fatigue damage
5. In general, the measured characteristics
matched the theoretical calculations.

Measured Dynamic Jacket, SHM, Dynamics, Describing the structural system behavior
Behavior of North Sea Morison equation, (dynamic response) of two platforms in the North
Jacket Platforms [46] Environmental Sea.
monitoring Conclusion that were drawn:
1. Strain was wave induced and quasi static.
2. Structure behaves linear before and after
change of mass or stiffness.
3. The soil structure interaction had Coulomb
type damping.
4. Nonlinear wave loading.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

Article heading Keywords Description

Instrumentation of Environmental sensors, Explanation of instrumentation set-up, sensors and
Ekofisk Platforms [47] Jacket, Ekofisk, Strain measurement results on platforms located at the
sensors, Structural Ekofisk complex. Important conclusions that were
repsonse drawn:
1. Ratio between predicted and measured
deck displacements is similar to the
predicted and measured axial stress.
2. The water particle velocity was
overestimated compared when using
Stokes 5th order wave theory.
Dynamic Behaviour of Jacket, Dynamic This paper compares measured response on the
Kvitebjørn Jacket behavior, Kvitebjørn Kvitebjørn platform with predicted response. The
Structure – Numerical platform, Time domain, overall conclusion was that measured response is
Predictions Versus Full- Morison equation less than the calculated response.
scale Measurements
Full Scale Jacket, Dynamic This paper describes a SHM system deployment on
Measurements at behavior, Magnus the Magnus Platform in the North Sea. Conclusions
Magnus [49] Platform, that were drawn:
Accelerometers, Strain 1. Lower natural frequency than estimated
gauges during design.
2. Conservative drag and inertia coefficients
in the Morison equation.
Monitoring Structural AET, Ninian Southern, Description of the use of acoustic emission testing
Integrity of North Sea Jacket, Cost on a jacket in the North Sea. Conclusions that could
Production Platforms by consideration be drawn:
Acoustic Emission [50] 1. The value of AET monitoring was shown
2. Cost benefit
Online Structural Vibration based Description of the use of vibration based
Integrity Monitoring of monitoring, Jacket, monitoring on a offshore jacket in the North Sea.
Fixed Offshore Ninian Southern, Conclusion that could be drawn:
Structures [51] 1. The applicability of vibration based testing
and additional software was illustrated
2. The system set-up was effective to detect
brace severance on a 4-legged jacket

Most of the earlier measurements done on offshore jacket structures was aimed to
assess the accuracy of the structural models used in design and not directly related to
monitoring of jacket structures for damage identification. . In this thesis the monitoring
will be related to structural damage detection and not to obtain knowledge of
environmental loadings for updated design procedures. Even so in the context of this
thesis they contain valuable information about instrumentation set-up and monitoring
The two papers containing information about monitoring techniques used on the Ninian
Southern Platform in the North Sea have been solid contributions to the understanding
of monitoring systems specifically deployed for damage detection purpose. Both
acoustic emission testing (AET) and vibration based damage detection methods are
discussed. The two monitoring technologies are still being used and these reports have
influenced the case study proposal in Chapter ‎6.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


This section addresses the different technologies that are used in the offshore industry
today, technologies from other industries and newly developed concepts. The target is to
assess the suitability for developed technologies used in other industries and new type
of sensors to detect the failure modes of offshore jackets. The techniques are divided in
three different categories defined in Table ‎4-3, in the order of maturity of use in the
offshore industry. Table ‎4-5 lists the structural monitoring techniques that are
elaborated on further in this thesis. The techniques are listed together with their
detection capabilities with the purpose of making an initial overview of the measuring
techniques. Atkins Limited and Mecon Ltd. made a report for the British Health and
Safety Executive (HSE) in 2009 [35]. The report was made during a comprehensive
research about monitoring technologies and contained information about sensors used
overall in the offshore industry, including offshore jackets. The sensor collection in this
section is influenced by that report.

Table ‎4-4 lists the environmental monitoring techniques. These techniques are
important for comparing structural response directly with environmental forces.
However, these types of monitoring techniques are disregarded because they are not
directly related to monitoring of structural integrity.

Maturity Description
Proven technology Used in SHM of jackets today
Unproven technology Used in SHM on other structures
Technology not in broad use in any
State of the art


Response Maturity Techniques Detection capability

Wave height
Wave buoy
Wave direction
Wave height
Environmental Proven Wave radar
Wave period
Current meters Water particle velocity
Anemometers Wind speed

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


Response Maturity Techniques Detection capability

Acoustic emission
testing (AET)
Proven Strain measurement Strain
Accelerometer2) Member severance
Flooded member Member leak
detection (FMD) Through cracks
Electrical resistance
based corrosion Sensors
Ultrasonic testing (UT)
Unproven Cracks
and Guided wave
testing (GWT)
Fatigue gauge Cracks
Acoustic fingerprinting
State of the art Strain
Smart sensors
1) Difficultin a noisy offshore environment
2) When used with a vibration based damage detection method


Acoustic Emission Testing (AET)

AET is in general a mature technology that mainly detects active fatigue cracks and
fatigue initiation, but it can in some cases be used in corrosion detection as well [52].
The technology works in the way that sensors are placed around an element, where they
are detecting acoustic emission caused by deformation/crack growth. The signal
amplitude from crack growth makes the crack propagation relatively easy to measure
with a distance of up to 5 meters between sensors [53]. The acoustic emission
frequencies from such damages are usually in between 150 – 300 kHz, but the sensors
normally samples up to 1 MHz [54, 55]. VALLEN Systeme is a company delivering AET
equipment, including watertight AET sensors. According to their sensor catalogue, the
suitable sensor frequencies are dependent on where the sensors are used. Difference in
the propagation of signals in different materials and the mechanism of the signal source
is the main reasons for the different frequencies needed. Table ‎4-6 is an overview of the
different frequencies vs. application [56] .

Figure ‎4-2 illustrates an AET system detecting crack propagation [52]. The sensors are
placed around the element surrounding the weld in such a way that the acoustic
emission can be detected, and is commonly connected through an amplifier before the
data is fed into an acquisition system processing the result. The last component in a
typical AET system is a workstation displaying the test result.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms



Application 20-100 kHz 100-400 kHz >400 kHz

Corrosion screening of flat bottom storage

Leakage detection in water/oil pipelines 
Hot reheat pipe crack detection 
Integrity testing of pressure vessel 
Partial discharge detection  * 
Integrity testing of metallic structures 
Integrity testing of composite materials 
Integrity testing of concrete structures 
Drying process monitoring of plants/wood 
AE-testing of small specimen 
*When noise is low

A paper from 1992 concerning the use of AET sensors on offshore jacket structures were
discussed in Section ‎4.2 [50]. The conclusion from that paper was that the technology
was suitable for detecting cracks on jacket structures. In 2014 Duthie and Gabriels made
a thorough report on the matureness of AET systems on offshore platforms and a
proposal for installation procedures in conjunction with the European Conference on
Non-Destructive Testing in 2014 [53]. In the report they investigated the applicability of
a SHM system for offshore structures delivered by VALLEN Systeme by using their
product line of AE sensors, AE preamplifiers and AE signal processor in addition to
VALLEN’s own software. This multichannel AE system is called AMSY-6 and according to
their catalogue [52] the system satisfy the standardized requirements for equipment
and verification of operating characteristics of AET.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

To get an understanding of the position and number of sensors required, the report
recommended doing a feasibility study of the platform. The feasibility study needed to
include a noise check and an acoustic survey performed by an acoustic emission
specialist during a visit on the soon to be equipped platform. This is very important for
AET systems, because the data retrieved from these types of sensors can be difficult to
read when a considerable amount of noise is present. Further on, schematic documents
of the platform and photographs from the visit were the basis for the system set up. This
included among other things positioning of the sensors and routing of the cables. Before
the equipment was shipped, it had to undergo a factory acceptance test where the
principle functions were tested. After installation on the platform, the AET system
needed to pass a site acceptance test before monitoring could commence. This test
included the following checks: System response from a repeatable electronic source,
sensor response with the system, remote control of the workstation, data transfer, and
software function checks including alarms.
The workstation was featured with an automatic alarm and warning system that was
initiated at predefined values defined by the acceptance criteria. The warning function
activated on a lower value than the alarm. If the monitoring resulted in a warning,
manual strain measurements was proposed to monitor the stress at the crack tip. This
was due to that crack propagation is dependent on the stress at the crack tip. The
maintenance of the AET system was relatively simple and included only logging on to a
computer even onshore. The paper also stated that there was a sensor self-testing
function within the VALLEN software. This worked in the way that each sensor sent out
a pulse that was received from the remaining sensors.

In the offshore industry today, the AET system is mainly used in high criticality
applications due to the high cost [35]. In history, the cost is mainly due to excessive
wiring and that the interpretation of the signals was needed to be done by an engineer.
The reason for highly qualified signal interpretation is because of complex signal data
including a lot of noise from the sensor due to the harsh environment offshore. The
results from the report from Duthie and Gabriels are indicating that these cost-issues are
no more an obstacle, due to improvements in software, hardware and communication.
Also wiring in the splash zone is not preferable due to wave forces, but an AET system
can potentially be connected to a WSN system. Examples of a using wireless AET
systems for structural monitoring of bridges has been found [57]. This is probably the
solution for the future.
Strain Measurements

This is a technology used to evaluate local loading regimes [35]. This can result in
vertical bending, horizontal bending, torsion, vertical shear force, and longitudinal
compression forces [2]. Strain can be defined as the deformation of a material caused by
the action of stress [17]. The strain is expressed in (‎4.1) where ∆𝐿 is the deformation in
length and 𝐿 is the initial length:
‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

∆𝐿 (‎4.1)
ϵ= 𝐿

There are in general two forms of strain monitoring; dynamic and static. Static tests are
often needed to be done in a laboratory with a test specimen. The operator can apply a
specific load, collect the data and then increase or decrease the load for a new reading.
The dynamic strain measurement on the other hand results in a continuous time-strain
diagram and is performed at the actual structure. The goal of strain monitoring on a
platform is to evaluate a time-strain diagram, therefore the dynamic measurement
technique is needed. It is important to notice that dynamic strain monitoring requires
higher sampling frequencies than the static test. This form of monitoring is possibly the
most common SHM technique, and is used in many industries today, including offshore
structures. The stress-strain relationship resulting from the dynamic measurement can
be used to assess materials during operation. The strain sensor types mainly used today
are electrical strain gauge, piezoelectric strain sensor and optic fibre system [58].
Electrical strain gauge can be divided in two, namely metal foil gauges and vibrating
wire. The former technology measures the change in electrical resistance when a metal
foil is undergoing strain [58]. The foil gauges are common in strain measurement of
offshore platforms [59]. The sensor will detect an increase of the electrical resistance
when the foil increases its length. (‎4.2) express the relationship, where 𝑟 is the specific
resistance, 𝐿 is the element length and 𝐴 is the cross sectional area:
𝑅 = 𝑟𝐴 (‎4.2)
On the other hand, the vibrating wire sensor measures change in frequency of a
vibrating wire when load in the form of tension is applied. Vibrating wire technology is
well known for having a long-time stability. There has also been a significant amount of
vibrating wire sensors used on offshore structures [60]. (‎4.3) express the fundamental
relation behind the sensor technology [61]. Where 𝐹 is the frequency of the string and 𝐿
is the string length whilst 𝑇 and 𝜇 is notations of the string tension and the mass of the

1 𝑇
𝐹= √ (‎4.3)
2𝐿 𝜇

Piezoelectric strain sensors use the properties of piezoelectric materials as lead

zirconate titanate (PZT). The piezoelectric material is a material that produces
electricity when crystals get deformed. According to the Oxford dictionaries, the
definition is: “Electric polarization in a substance (especially certain crystals) resulting
from the application of mechanical stress” [62].
Optical fibre is the technology of light transmission through glass or plastic [63]. One
form of this technology is called fiber bragg grating (FBG). This is a promising
technology which has been given more attention during the past years. The FBG is
exposed to a light source and the gratings will reflect certain wavelengths based on the

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

properties of the gratings. Parameters like strain or temperature will move the gratings
and change the gap between them. Change of the gap between the gratings also leads to
a change in reflected wavelength and this can be converted to a value of strain [58]. A
paper investigating the potential of FBG sensors on offshore jacket structures was found
[64]. The following definitions could be established from this paper. (‎4.4) defines the
bragg wavelength 𝜆𝐵 . Here 𝑛𝑒𝑓𝑓 is the effective refractive index of the fiber core and 𝛬 is
the grating period. Strain affects the grating period and temperature affects the
refractive index [64].

𝜆𝐵 = 2𝑛𝑒𝑓𝑓 𝛬 (‎4.4)
The FBG sensor with the protection layers containing steel and epoxy is illustrated in

Figure ‎4-3 together with an illustration of the reflected wavelength [64]. The paper used
a model of a real four legged jacket platform located in the yellow sea and performed
calibration with static loading followed by a measurement period with dynamic loading.
The conclusions that could be drawn were that the FBG technology was applicable to be
used as acceleration and strain sensors. They proved this by comparing the strain
measurements done by the FBG sensors with a strain gauge, and saw that the FBG
sensor gave the same results. It was a paper from the University of Nankai stating the
disadvantages with the FBG system and elaborated on how the FBG system could be
implemented in a WSN to overcome these. Disadvantages come with the need of a light
source, which leads to a limit in the extent and the flexibility of the fibre cable [65].

It is observed through literature that the FBG sensors are not widely used on offshore
structures, but mostly on civil structures. However, there was found a paper describing a
real set-up of wireless FBG sensors on a jacket structure in China [66]. In this thesis, the
potential of the FBG system will be in focus also for other measuring techniques e.g.
accelerometers. The other strain gauges mentioned are more sensitive to the
environment compared to the FBG sensors. Therefore one challenge with those sensors
is to protect the gauges from the harsh environment offshore. However, research show
that there exist protection techniques of ordinary electrical strain gauges [59] and
examples of successful use of protected sensors in a SHM system [47]. With that being
said, the FBG sensor is superior due to excellent resolution and range, immune to
electro-magnetic interference, water and corrosion resistance, ability to have
distributed sensors, immunity to harsh weather condition and reasonably low cost [67].


‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


These are commonly made of piezoelectric material and register applied accelerative
forces when a structure is moving. There is also use of FBG accelerometers as a fibre
optic alternative to the piezoelectric sensor [64]. The FBG accelerometer has all the
same advantages compared to the piezoelectric sensor, as elaborated on in the strain
sensor section. Accelerometers do not provide any direct knowledge about damage but
can be a tool to find the dynamic characteristics. Further the dynamic characteristics can
be parameters identifying damage. This is discussed further in Section ‎4.4.
Accelerometers are the main sensor used for vibration based damage detection and
therefore there are many examples of its applications on offshore jacket structures from
the 70’s until now.

Flooded Member Detection (FMD)

This is a measurement method dependent on primarily radiographic or ultrasonic

technology. Radiographic technology is the transmission of light (e.g. x-rays or gamma
rays) through a member. Some of the light is absorbed by the member due to density
and material composition, and the passing light will be detected by a detector, making
up a picture of the member inspected [68]. Ultrasonic technology is described in the
section of UT and GWT sensors. According to the flooded member detection catalogue of
Fugro [69], the advantage of the radiographic technology is that it is quicker and more
reliable than the UT technology.
Fugro delivers a FMD system called “SureFlood”, developed by Fugro and The University
of Western Australia. This system relays on radiographic gamma rays, since they as
previously mentioned have concluded that radiographic technology is better than UT
[69]. There is limited information about the use of the SureFlood system.


Electrical Resistance Based Corrosion Sensors
This technology works in the way that an ER probe is equipped with an element freely
exposed to the corrosive environment and a reference element inside the probe [70].
The main purpose is to discover corrosion and the technology is applicable both with
the use of a probe or by connecting a sensor to a WSN making it an online system. The
principle of this method is to detect a decrease in electrical resistance of the material
inspected. The formula for electrical resistance from the definition behind the strain foil
gauge is used again here. As stated in Section‎3.3.2, corrosion results in metal loss which
results in an increase of the electrical resistance according to (‎4.2), no offshore
application is found in literature. Figure ‎4-4 illustrates the schematic description of the
sensor [70].

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


Ultrasonic testing (UT) and Guided Wave Testing (GWT)

UT is a technology similar to AET. Whilst AET systems listen to ultrasonic waves, the UT
both induces and receives the ultrasonic waves. By detecting the time interval between
sending out the signal till it receives the signal as an echo, it is possible to both detect
damage (degree of noise in the received frequency) and also calculate the location of the
damage by calculating distance. The calculation of distance is defined in (‎4.5):
𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 ∙ 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑
𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = (‎4.5)
There are a significant number of different ultrasonic testing types. These types are
respectively called A, B, C, D and P scan. The A scan is a scan in one dimension, whilst the
B, C and D scans are two dimensional scans in different orientations. The B-scan is in
cross sectional view, C-scan is in plan view and D scan is in end view. The P scan
combines B and C scans into a three dimensional picture [71]. The different scans are
illustrated in Figure ‎4-5 [71]. The advantage of using a P scan is that fake data captured
by one scan can be evaluated again by the second scan from another angle, removing any
wrong results. This makes the system more redundant and a remarkable tool for failure

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
F IGURE ‎4 -5 A, B, C, D: B, C, D AND P- SCAN

The GWT system works in the same principle as the widely used UT method, in fact the
GWT system is sometimes called Long Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT). The difference
is that the GWT system does not include any probes. The GWT system is normally a belt
strapped around the element of inspection, as can be seen in Figure ‎4-6 [72].

The design gives the system the ability to do an A-scan in both ways making the range of
measurement increasingly high compared to an UT probe which only measure in the
point where the probe is set. The range of the scan is dependent on the ultrasonic
frequency, where low frequency results in longer range and high frequency results in
shorter range. The decision criterion is based on that low frequency results in lower
sensitivity of the measurement.

The GWT system is mainly used in pipeline inspection, detecting critical corrosion areas
under isolation on the pipe and offshore applicability has been documented [72].
However, there are no papers on the applicability of GWT on jackets structures and little
research on crack detection. In normal conditions it is possible to screen 25 meters each
direction from a transducer. In other words, the total screening length becomes 50
meters, making this a highly effective measuring technique. However, the range of
detection is highly dependent on the quality of the material being screened. As an
example, corrosion will reduce the range because the energy of the screening will be
scattered by the rough surface [72]. GWT using longitudinal waves cannot detect any
longitudinal cracks. However, a torsional wave can in theory detect cracks because of
the shear stresses that will be reflected. The similarity with regards to geometry
between a pipeline and a hollow tubular member are major. Hence, the possibility of
using GWT systems on the tubular elements on the jacket structure for corrosion or
cracks is confirmed. This would be a highly effective damage detection system especially
for monitoring welded connections.
‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


Fatigue Gauge

CrackFirst™ is a fatigue sensor patented in 1990. This is a sensor developed by the

companies TWI Ltd, FMB, Micro Circuit Engineering Ltd, UMIST and Caterpillar. These
days the sensor is licensed by the company called Strainstall, and they are the only ones
who can deliver the system to the end user. According to Strainstall’s catalogue the
CrackFirst™ sensor works in the way that it can evaluate the accumulated lifetime of the
element it is attached to [73]. This is done by analysing the crack growth due to fatigue
of a pre-crack on the material shim placed near a joint of interest. There are twelve
electrical tracks on each side of the pre-crack. Hence, the electrical output of the sensor
will be changed while the crack propagates and breaks the tracks. Figure ‎4-7 (A) is an
illustration of the sensor, showing the pre-crack in the middle [73]. The sensor can be
protected from mechanical damage and corrosion by fitting a sealed enclosure over the
installation area. In the catalogue, it is stated that remote operation is possible by using
a WSN.

The applicability of the sensors on offshore structures is described in a paper by

Faulkner, Cutter and Owens. The paper discusses the use of CrackFirst™ sensors on
offshore wind turbines in the UK [74]. The aim of the monitoring was to uncover the
effect of a design flaw on offshore wind turbines with a monopile type substructure. The
sensors were placed primarily at a grouted connection between the monopile and the
transition piece since it was the design of the grouted connection that had a reported
design failure. Figure ‎4-7 (B) illustrates a monopile wind turbine structure [74].
Concluding remarks about this sensor will be that since they are proved helpful on
offshore wind turbines, these sensors definitely have potential to be applicable on
offshore jackets.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

(A) (B)


Acoustic Fingerprinting
The HSE report “Structural integrity monitoring - Review and appraisal of current
technologies for offshore applications” described a technology that was new in 2009
based on the acoustic method called acoustic fingerprinting [35]. The basic idea was to
transmit acoustic waves into the jacket legs and listen for any abnormalities in the
reflection time of the signals. This made it similar to an AET system, only the acoustic
fingerprinting would be an active technology and not passive as the AET technology.
The strength of the acoustic fingerprinting technology was that both transducers and
receivers could be installed on top of the legs above the water level. For long range
detection, the sensors were designed to couple to longitudinal compression waves. By
placing all the equipment above sea level, it would lead to reduced cost during
installation and operation. This is also something the industry demanded according to
the feedback the industry had given to HSE. HSE made several reports during the
development of the acoustic fingerprinting technology [75, 76]. These reports are the
background for the discussion below.
The aim of the project initiated by the HSE was to develop a damage detection method
using long-range propagation of acoustic signals on offshore jackets. The detected
damage was cracking or flooding of hollow members of the jacket. The project was
divided into two parts. In the first part of the project, the method was tested on a 2D
model made out of polycarbonate material. Preferably there should have been used a
steel model but due to restricted resources the “plastic like” polycarbonate material was
used. The polycarbonate material was chosen due to that the speed of sound in this
material is 1:25 of the speed of sound in steel. This is a modest scaling factor compared
to use of other materials, making the effect of the acoustic waves as realistic as possible
compared to a real jacket structure. Also, the material was chosen due to the fact that

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

damping of the compression waves we want to measure in polycarbonate is higher than

in steel. This made the model able to have higher damping properties in air, then of a rig
of steel would have in water.

The model used was in the dimension 1/100 of the Claymore jacket, located in the North
Sea. There was also developed a numerical model so that it was possible to compare
numerical and experimental results. The second part of the project was similar to part
one, but used a 3D model of the upper half of the Claymore jacket. By testing the method
on a more advanced geometry, the limitations of the method could be explored. The
tests were done with two methods. Method No.1 was called tomographic geometry,
which basically was that the transmitters were placed on the top and the receivers
placed on the bottom. By using this method the signals are actually traveling through the
damaged section. Method No.2 was called reflection geometry, placing both the
transmitters and receivers on the top of the jacket legs.
Results from both the numerical and experimental model were promising. Satisfying
measurement was made when an element of the jacket was exposed to a cut made by
sawing of a member. However, the reports actually concluded that the acoustic
fingerprinting system was more or less a FMD system because it was basically the
flooding of the members that was detected, and not the through cracks. They tested two
different damage detection algorithms, and the successful damage localization algorithm
was something they called least mean square (LMS) imaging method. This method was
built on the principle of process only the earliest-arriving damage event. According to
their result, the tomographic geometry method had limitations regarding localization
vertically. This was explained by the fact that the vertical position of an occurred
damage had a small impact on the time of arrival of the first damage event for
transducers close to the vertical leg that had the damage. The reflection method did not
suffer from this drawback because the time of arrival of damage events was very
sensitive to the vertical position of the damage.
Even though the reflecting geometry method showed more potential than the
tomographic method, it also had some limitations. First and foremost signal stability is
of major importance when using this type of technology. The reports mentions signal
drift as the biggest obstacle during testing on the model. It was stated that most of the
sources of frequency drift in the testing would not occur on a real jacket platform.
However, other sources of frequency drift can occur offshore on a real jacket structure.
The effect of tidal change on the water level and also wave forces on the jacket structure
was mentioned as the biggest contributors to signal drifting offshore. It should definitely
be possible to identify and remove the noise from both tidal effects and wave loads due
to their cyclic and periodic characteristics. Also, frequency drift caused by change of
mass distribution on the topside can occur. On the other hand, the HSE report contained
a proposal for how to also avoid this last source of error. According to available
information there are no examples of further tests done since 2009.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

Smart Sensors

Smart sensor is defined as a sensor that includes these 5 features:

1. On-board microprocessor
2. Sensing Capability
3. Wireless communication
4. Battery powered
5. Low cost
Thorough investigations of the use of smart sensors in SHM have previously been done
[77, 78]. Similarly to the WSN development, smart sensor technology has emerged in the
past years, due to improvements in sensing, communication and data systems. It is
especially the capability of local data processing using micro electro mechanical systems
(MEMS) and automatic communication between the sensors that makes this technology
unique and an important addition to the wireless sensor technology. This makes the
sensors capable of processing data locally, and therefore transmits only important
information to the manned workstation. This makes the final damage evaluation go
quicker because only the data contributing to change in the damage evaluation is
processed. In contrast, the centralized data processing model needs to process all the
collected data from the sensors. As an example, it is stated in a report on the use of
smart sensors from the University of Illinois [77] that two bridges in Hong Kong called
Tsing Ma and Kap Shui Mun produce individually 63 MB of data every hour due to the
high sampling frequency. Use of smart sensors will decrease the CPU effort by filter out
unnecessary data locally with “if-then” decisions. Figure ‎4-8 illustrates the difference of
centralized and local data processing [77]. The dashed lines represent the remaining of
the filtered data.


‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

Figure ‎4-9 illustrates the main components of MEMS; microelectronics, micro sensor,
micro actuator and micro structural elements [77]. Furthermore, by using only wireless
sensors wiring will be unnecessary which may bring the total installation cost
potentially down to an acceptable level. However, the information available from the
studies of smart sensors points out some limitations which are worth mentioning. The
CPU power of the MEMS is limited compared to a normal computer, which slows down
the system and makes it potentially not work as a real time monitoring system, resulting
in a longer response time between when a damage occur to the operator can respond to
the damage. Also, battery power is mentioned as a limitation that needs to be dealt with
in the future. Battery power limits the system to do computational tasks over a certain

According to the paper on smart sensors [78], three different sensors implemented as
smart sensors has a potential for civil structures; Fibre optic sensors, Piezoelectric
sensors and Magnetostrictive sensors (a form of GWT sensor). All of these sensors are
similar to the once mentioned in the above sections, but have the five smart sensor
features implemented. Smart dust is a term often used in association with smart sensors.
The term is describing hundreds or thousands of MEMS connected together in a network.
The ultimate goal is to make the MEMS in the magnitude of just a cubic millimetre and
distribute these onto a structure of interest. However there is a long way before the
technology of making MEMS of that magnitude is available.


actuators MEMS Micro



‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


Table ‎4-7 summarizes relevant information gathered about the sensors assessed in this
thesis. The table is produced in the intent to be a help for getting an overview of the
most applicable sensors for offshore monitoring and their most important parameters.
There are 5 parameters in total.
The first two are regarding structural and electromagnetic noise immunity. Structural
noise is a term for vibration or sound generated by for example wave loads onto the
jacket structure, vibrations from process equipment and disturbance by the rotors of a
helicopter in service close to the platform. Electromagnetic interference is defined as
electromagnetic noise from lightning, solar flares or disturbance from the northern light.
The sensors are given the label low, medium or high according to their immunity against
these two types of noise that can have an impact on the sensors and the gathered
measuring data.

Mounting are configurative characteristics that are important to have knowledge about
when evaluating sensors. The possibility of mounting the sensor on the exterior of the
structure (surface mount) or if it can be embedded into the structure is of importance.
This former option is preferable if the aim is to monitor an existing structure, whilst the
latter mounting technique gives the sensor exceptional protection and is most practical
to use while monitoring a structure which is not yet build.

WSN compatibility is an important function for future measuring. The direction of the
advancement in SHM is clearly to use large WSN systems on structures. Development
within MEMS and smart dust are contributing factors to this view of the future
monitoring systems. The maturity of all the different sensor types is graded either low,
medium or high.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


Structural Electrical on
Technology Sensor noise interference Mounting offshore
immunity immunity jacket
Foil strain Surface-
Low Low N/A* High
gauge mount
Low Medium Embeddable N/A* Low
wire gauge
ER corrosion Surface-
High Low  Low
sensor mount
Fatigue gauge Surface
Low Low  Low
(CrackFirst™) mount
PZT strain Surface-
Low Low  High
sensor mount
AET Low High  Medium
Piezoelectric PZT
acceleration Low Low  High
Acoustic Surface-
Low High  Low
fingerprinting mount
FBG strain
High High mount and  Medium
FBG Surface-
acceleration High High mount and  Medium
sensor embeddable
Ultrasonic GWT High Low  Low
mount (but
Radiographic FMD High High N/A* High
can be


Vibration based damage detection is a vast research area. In this section, the research
evaluated as most important advancements within vibration based damage detection
with respect to offshore jackets are evaluated in a historical perspective.

The oil industry started with vibration based damage detection already in the 70’s [10].
A conference proceeding by Vandiver made for the OTC in Texas in 1975 may be the first
proof of any attempt to measure dynamic response of fixed platforms [79]. In the
beginning, frequency change was used as damage indicator. From Chapter 3, the
equation for the natural period of a jacket is defined in (‎3.1). By converting (‎3.1) to
define the natural frequency instead of natural period, it yields:

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

1 𝑘
𝐹= √ (‎4.6)
2𝜋 𝑚
From (‎4.6) it can be seen that the frequency change is dependent on stiffness and mass,
which both are parameters affected by damage. This made researchers believe that
frequency change could be a suitable measure of damage of a structure. The damage
identification was done by looking at the change of the natural frequencies of the jacket

Figure ‎4-10 is a typical acceleration power spectrum for a jacket structure and this is the
basis for identifying difference in modal frequencies induced by damage [80]. Mainly the
changes in the three fundamental dynamical modes were assessed. According to the
conference proceeding, the reason for evaluating these modes was because they easily
are excited by the ambient loadings of wind and waves on an offshore jacket structure.
The three fundamental dynamical modes consist of two swaying modes along the X- and
Y-axis as well as a torsional mode around the Z-axis. These are illustrated as seen in the
X-Y plane in Figure ‎4-11 .
A change in the frequency spectrum can be obtained by comparing updated
measurements from accelerometers placed on the structure with measurements from
the undamaged structure. However, research showed that there were two problems
with frequency change as an indicator. First and foremost damage in the jacket structure
needed to be highly severe to influence a frequency change. Secondly, factors like marine
growth, equipment noise and change of the jackets center of gravity induced a frequency
change, resulted in fake damage evaluation [10].


‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

To overcome these difficulties of using frequency as a damage indicator for global

damage on offshore jackets, two papers proposed new methodologies including an
alternative damage indicator respectively in 1983 and 1986. The first paper was made
by Rubin and Coppolino for the OTC in Houston, whilst the paper from 1986 was made
by Shahrivar and Bouwkamp from San Jose State University and University of California
[81, 82]. The two papers discussed the use of modal shapes as a measure of damage
instead of frequency on a k-braced jacket structure.


The conclusions that could be drawn from these two papers were that mode shapes was
more sensitive to damage than Eigen frequencies. Numerical examples of this statement
was provided in the paper by Rubin and Coppolino [81]. They concluded that damage
reduced the frequencies by 1-4% and changed the values of normalized modal deck
displacements by 30-100%. Also the effects of marine growth, equipment noise and
change of the jackets center of gravity could be differentiated from damage by
measuring the mode shapes by looking at the normalized components of modal

The results showed that there was a big difference in these parameters when there was
a change in mass and during damage. In addition, the paper by Shahrivar and
Bouwkamp concluded that instrumentation below water surface was not required. It is
important to notice that these two papers only assessed the forward problem of
identifying damage, but not the backward problem of locate and estimate the degree of
A paper written by Kim and Stubbs at the Texas A&M University in 1995 proposed a
modal identification methodology for offshore jackets and also solved the backward
problem [83]. In addition they solved further problems with jacket structures which
were to locate damage:
‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

- with many members

- for which only few mode shapes available ( ≤ 3)
- for which baseline modal responses was not available
- in a dynamic environment of modeling, measurement, and processing
The paper by Kim and Stubbs aimed to solve the three first damage location problems
above. They presented an algorithm for damage localization and severity estimation also
based on mode shapes. Only modal parameters from after the damage had occurred
were available. The fundamentals as defined in [83] is presented in the following. (‎4.7) is
the definition of the damage localization indicator 𝛽𝑖𝑗 for the 𝑗th member and the 𝑖th
𝛽𝑖𝑗 = (‎4.7)
The damage location indication is the ratio between the two parameters 𝐸𝑗 and 𝐸𝑗∗
representing material stiffness properties for the undamaged and damaged member.
Further, the damage severity was based on a change in stiffness denoted α𝑗 for the 𝑗th
𝐸𝑗∗ = 𝐸𝑗 (1 + α𝑗 ) (‎4.8)
The theory was tested in a numerical example of an offshore jacket platform by using FE
software. By looking at the result the proposed theory managed to locate and estimate
the degree of damage, even though the algorithm tended to overestimate the damage.
The overestimation was due to that the elemental stiffness that is one of the parameters
in the material stiffness properties 𝐸𝑗∗ and 𝐸𝑗 was assumed to be similar for the
damaged and undamaged element.
While the offshore industry cut back on research on vibration based damage detection,
new damage indicators were tested in the civil engineering community and also in the
aerospace industry. In 2002, Shi and Law from Hong Kong Polytechnic University and
Zhang from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics proposed a damage
detection and localization method by using modal strain energy change (MSEC) as a
damage indicator [84]. The proposed algorithm was used both on a numerical FE-model
and experimentally with a two story steel frame.

Here the modal strain energy is defined as in [84]. Modal strain energy is the product of
the elemental stiffness matrix and the second power of the mode shape component as
formulized in (‎4.9):
𝑀𝑆𝐸𝑖𝑗 = Ф𝑇𝑖 𝐾𝑗 Ф𝑖 (‎4.9)

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

Where Ф𝑖 is the mode shape component for the 𝑖th mode and 𝐾𝑗 is the stiffness matrix for
the 𝑗th element. The modal strain energy for the damage structure is defined as:
𝑀𝑆𝐸𝑖𝑗𝑑 = Ф𝑇𝑖 𝐾𝑗 Ф𝑑𝑖 (‎4.10)
The undamaged stiffness matrix is used in both equations since the stiffness matrix after
damage is unknown. This is the same simplification as seen in earlier methods as
explained in correlation with (‎4.7) and (‎4.8). From (‎4.9) and (‎4.10) the MSEC can be
derived as the difference:
𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑖𝑗 = Ф𝑇𝑖 𝐾𝑗 Ф𝑑𝑖 − Ф𝑇𝑖 𝐾𝑗 Ф𝑖 (‎4.11)

When the 𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑖𝑗 was established the modal strain energy change ratio (MSECR) for all
the modes could be derived as:
|𝑀𝑆𝐸𝑖𝑗𝑑 − 𝑀𝑆𝐸𝑖𝑗 | (‎4.12)
If more than one of the modes were available, a more certain answer could be obtained.
According to the paper by Shi, Law and Zhang, the elements corresponding to nodal
points of the mode shapes could give wrong indication of the damage localization. The
normalized 𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑅𝑖𝑗 with respect to the largest 𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑅𝑖𝑗 was obtained to overcome this
localization problem:
1 𝑑
|𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑅𝑖𝑗 − 𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑅𝑖𝑗 | (‎4.13)
𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑅𝑗 = ∑

The conclusions made were that MESCR could be a suitable tool for damage detection
and localization due to its sensitivity to damage. With that being said measurement
noise and incomplete measured modes affected the results. However, by using the result
from more than one mode, successful results were obtained. As described later in this
section, this paper influenced research on MESC for offshore platforms as well.

In 2005, Choi from Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Park from Youngsan University
and Stubbs from Texas A&M University introduced a new form of damage indicator [85].
The method utilized the changes in the distribution of the compliance of the structure.
There were earlier studies on using compliance change as a damage indicator, e.g. the
contribution from Pandey and Biswas [86], but that study resulted in a method that
were restricted to only damage localization by using the change in flexibility matrix.
Hence, this paper proposed a method that should both localize and evaluate the damage
severity. The change of compliance of the structure was obtained by using the mode
shapes before and after damage. In (‎4.14) the compliance index 𝛽𝑖𝑗𝑐 for 𝑖th modal vectors
and the 𝑗th element is formulized as in [85]:

𝛽𝑖𝑗𝑐 = (‎4.14)

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

The compliance of element 𝑗 when damaged had occurred was denoted 𝑆𝑗∗ and 𝑆𝑗 the
compliance before damage. The methodology was tested on a simulated simple beam
and a continuous beam. To compare the simulated results, the method was also tested
on an experimental free beam structure. The study continuously compared results to
earlier energy change methods. The substantial conclusion from this study was that the
compliance index method could be used for damage localization and severity estimation.
Other conclusions that were drawn were that the method was accurate and it yielded
less error than existing methods based on energy change. There are no examples of this
method being developed for offshore jacket structures. However the paper is mentioned
in this section as an example of damage indicators used in civil engineering with
potential for application on offshore jacket structures.

Focus on vibration based damage detection on offshore jacket structures was again
initiated in 00’s and now the offshore industry could learn from the developments in
civil engineering and the aerospace industry. In 2006, Hu from University of Rhode
Island, and Wang and Li from Ocean university of China presented Cross-modal Strain
Energy (CMSE) as a new method of damage severity estimation [87]. A paper by Amiri
and Asgarian from Toosi University of Technology together with Ghafooripour from
Islamic Azad University was published in 2009 [88]. This was a paper on damage
detection of offshore platforms by combining the MSEC procedure that was used in the
paper by Shi, Law and Zhang [84] too also include CMSE.
MSEC was used to localize damage and CMSE was used for severity assessment of the
localized damage. MSEC is defined in (‎4.11) and the damage localization procedure is
the same as in the paper by Shi, Law and Zhang. From [88], the CMSE for the 𝑖th mode of
the undamaged structure and 𝑗th mode of the damaged structure was defined as:

𝐶𝑖𝑗 = (𝜙𝑖 )𝑇 𝐾𝜙𝑗𝑑 (‎4.15)

The paper from Amiri, Asgarian and Ghafooripour was according to available literature
the first attempt to use MSEC as a damage indicator for offshore jackets. The paper
concluded that the MSECR accurately obtained the severity of damage and that CMSE
was a good damage severity estimator. However, it was stated that the proposed method
needed further calibration on real structures to be practical on an actual jacket structure.

In 2010, Hillis from the University of Bath and Courtney from the University of Bristol
published a paper on SHM of jackets using the bicoherence function of ambient vibration
measurements on offshore jackets [89]. This was a methodology that was specifically
developed to find nonlinear fatigue damage. As stated in Section ‎2.2.2 the nonlinear
behavior can occur due to opening and closing of fatigue cracks. The bispectrum is in
other words a method for analysis of nonlinear signals. The paper concluded that the
method could be a tool to show that small damages as low as a 10% stiffness reduction
of a member could be detected. The method was not as affected by change in mass as the

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

methods of frequency change or mode shape change would. The bicoherence theory is
hereby defined as in [89]. A signal 𝑦(𝑡) has a FT:

𝑌(𝜔) = ∫ 𝑦(𝑡) exp[2𝜋𝑗𝑤𝑡] 𝑑𝑡 (‎4.16)

And a power spectrum:

𝑃(𝜔)=E[Y(𝜔)𝑌 ∗ (𝜔)] (‎4.17)

Here * is representing a complex conjugate and E[…] denotes an expectation value

operator. The bispectrum of the signal is then:

𝐵(𝜔1 , 𝜔2 ) = 𝐸[𝑌(𝜔1 𝑌(𝜔2 )𝑌 ∗ (𝜔1 + 𝜔2 )] (‎4.18)

By comparing (‎4.17) and (‎4.18), the nonlinear suitability of the bispectrum becomes
clear. While the power spectrum includes only one frequency 𝜔, the bispectrum is based
on three frequencies: 𝜔1, 𝜔2 and 𝜔1 + 𝜔2 . This makes the bispectrum a tool to evaluate
nonlinear systems. To estimate the degree of coupling between signals the bicoherence
was established as:
|𝐵(𝜔1 , 𝜔2 )|
𝑏(𝜔1 , 𝜔2 ) = (‎4.19)
√𝐸[|𝑌(𝜔1 𝑌(𝜔2 )|2 ]𝐸[|𝑌(𝜔1 𝑌(𝜔2 )|2 ]
The bicoherence function was then used to make scatter diagrams of the acceleration
response for the different damage scenarios. From the plots, damage could be detected
and the damage index showed great applicability to discover damage on a fixed offshore
platform subjected to ambient loading.
After 2010, the focus went from finding alternative damage indicators, to improve the
data processing and evaluation models. In 2011, Mojtahedi from Osaka University and
Lotfollahi, Abbasidoust and Ettefagh from the University of Tabriz developed a SHM
method for offshore jackets using modal updating and modified artificial immune
system (AIS) algorithm [90]. Model updating consists of updating the baseline model
based on experimental output of the structure. The modified AIS algorithm was called
AISWA and a comparison between this method and a method called fuzzy logic damage
detection was done. These methods are explained more in Section ‎4.6 due to their
applicability to process data from both local and global damage detection techniques.
At the 24th international Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference in June 2014, Diao,
Chen, Ren and Sun from Qingdao Technological University published a conference paper
on structural damage alarming on offshore platforms based on the principal components
of the transmissibility function (TF) [91]. TF is defined as the ratio between two
measured responses in the frequency domain. Hence, excitation forces were not
measured and since the acceleration responses were directly used, no FE-model or
modal parameters were needed. A change of structural properties resulted in a change
‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

in TF. The theoretical idea behind this concept is explained below as presented in [91].
Starting with the equation of motion for an excited structure:
𝑀𝑥̈ (𝑡) + 𝐶𝑥̇ (𝑡) + 𝐾𝑥(𝑡) = 𝑓(𝑡) (‎4.20)
Here 𝑀 is the mass matrix, 𝐾 is the stiffness matrix, 𝐶 is the damping matrix and 𝐹(𝑡) is
the excitation force. The displacement vector is denoted 𝑥, so that the first derivative 𝑥̇ is
the velocity and second derivative 𝑥̈ the acceleration.
The response of this developed system can be interpreted with respect to frequency in a
frequency domain by the following equation:

[−𝜔2 𝑀 + 𝑖𝜔𝐶 + 𝐾]𝑋(𝜔) = 𝐹(𝜔) (‎4.21)

Here, 𝑋(𝜔)and 𝐹(𝜔) are the FTs of 𝑥(𝑡) and𝑓(𝑡). By defining 𝐻(𝜔) as the ratio between
the output and the input of the system:
𝑋(𝜔) = 𝐻(𝜔)𝐹(𝜔) (‎4.22)
The frequency response spectrum (FRF) is obtained:
𝐻(𝜔) = [−𝜔2 𝑀 + 𝑖𝜔𝐶 + 𝐾]−1 (‎4.23)
Changes in mass, damping or stiffness will affect the FRF. Damage can have an impact on
mass and stiffness of the structure, making the FRF a tool for assessing damage by
comparing new and old FRF. To evaluate FRF, the excitation forces (input) needs to be
known. When doing ambient measurements (unknown input) it is possible to make use
of the transmissibility function (TF). Therefore an acceleration vector 𝐴(𝜔) is obtained
by performing differential operation on (‎4.21):
𝐴(𝜔) = [−𝜔2 𝐻(𝜔)𝐹(𝜔) ] (‎4.24)
By assuming a single excitation 𝐹𝑘 (𝜔) located in the input degree of freedom k, the TF is
obtained between the acceleration response 𝐴(𝜔) in point 𝑖 and 𝑗.
𝐴𝑖 (𝜔) −𝜔2 𝐻𝑖𝑘 (𝜔){𝐹(𝜔)} 𝐻𝑖𝑘 (𝜔) (‎4.25)
𝑇𝑖𝑗 = = =
𝐴𝑗 (𝜔) −𝜔 2 𝐻𝑗𝑘 (𝜔){𝐹(𝜔)} 𝐻𝑗𝑘 (𝜔)
Here, 𝐻𝑖𝑘 (𝜔) and 𝐻𝑗𝑘 (𝜔) are measured FRFs between output degree of freedom 𝑖 and 𝑗,
whilst 𝑘 is the input degree of freedom. From this it can be seen that TF only depends on
location of the excitation force, but not amplitude. In other words, it is possible by using
TF to identify damage without the unknown input. A statistical procedure was used to
extract the principal components of the TF by doing a principal component analysis
(PCA). The method was tested numerically on a jacket model using FE-modelling
software ANSYS. The paper concludes that this developed method is very suitable for
online SHM. The fact that this method did not need a FEM-model is the main reason for
their conclusion.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

To this date, most of the problems related to vibration based damage detection on
offshore jacket structures have been solved numerically. However, there are no
examples of these methods tested on a large scale offshore jacket structure. When
locating damage in a dynamic environment, measurement and processing uncertainties
is still a challenge. Table ‎4-8 is a summary of the degree of damage identification that
was discussed in Section ‎2.2.2 related to global damage measuring techniques. What
comes very clear from Table ‎4-8 is that at least three vibration based damage detection
methods fully qualify the three first levels of damage detection. None of the vibration
based damage techniques proposed to this date can give a prognosis containing
remaining life estimation (level 4). Further assessment needs to be done based on FM
theory. Strain or fatigue gauges are the two types of gauges that can measure and give
input to the FM theory.

Damage detection method Degree of damage identification Remarks

Not optimal for use on

Frequency change (Vandiver) Level 1
offshore jacket structures

Need to be tested on a real

Mode shape (Rubin and Coppolino) Level 1
jacket structure

Mode shape (Shahrivar and Need to be tested on a real

Level 1
Bouwkamp) jacket structure

Need to be tested on a real

Mode shape (Kim and Stubbs) Level 3
jacket structure

Need to be tested on a real

MSEC (Shi and Law) Level 2
jacket structure

Potentially applicable on
Compliance (Choi, Park and Stubbs) Level 3
offshore jacket platform

Needs to be further
MSEC+CMSE (Amiri, Asgarian and
Level 3 calibrated to be used on a
real structure

Need to be tested on a real

Bicoherence function (Hillis and jacket structure and damage
Level 2
Courtney) localization need to be

Need to be tested on a real

jacket structure and damage
TF (Diao, Chen, Ren and Sun) Level 2
localization need to be

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


Processing of the collected data is an important step in a monitoring system. There is a
variety of processing methods, and the literature survey brought attention to the most
frequently used in addition to some newly developed methods. The objective of this
section is therefore to look at the basics of these which all can be used in SHM systems of
offshore jackets. For additional information regarding these methods, it is referred to
the papers referenced in the following text. Table ‎4-9 includes the processing methods
and their applications. It is clear that most of the methods are related to modal analysis.

Processing Methods Application

Fatigue rainflow cycle counting Fatigue life evaluation
Fourier Transform (FT/FFT) Modal analysis
Short Time Fourier Transform
Modal analysis
Wavelet Transform (WT) Modal analysis

The right method to use relies on the type of sensors that produces the data to be
processed. The fatigue rainflow counting methods are used in correlation with strain
gauges to extract the stress cycles followed by a calculation of the damage by using
Miner’s rule [74]. On the other hand, the FT/FFT, STFT, WT and WPT algorithms from
Table ‎4-9 are used when a conversion to frequency domain is needed. Commonly this is
needed when accelerometers are used during modal analysis.
There are several stress cycle counting techniques. Reservoir counting, range method,
zero-crossing range method, and rainflow counting are those found in literature. During
the monitoring of Forties Bravo platform [45] the range, zero-crossing and rainflow
methods were used and they proved that the rainflow counting was the most
conservative method. According to knowledge obtained from DNV GL, the rainflow
counting is also the most used method. The procedure is to transform variable
amplitudes in an S-N curve to constant amplitudes. This results in for example number
of cycle’s pr. day which is a linear input of the Miner’s rule for evaluating the remaining
fatigue life. Miner’s rule was defined in (‎3.3).
When it comes to the vibration based damage detection, it relies on identifying the
dynamic modal properties by using transformation methods from time domain to
frequency domain. FT or the alternative version fast Fourier transform (FFT) is one of
those transforms and the process is illustrated in Figure ‎4-12 (A) [7]. The function in the
time – amplitude plot gets broken down into its different frequencies, and showed in the
frequency-amplitude plot. This result in a graph that can be easier understood and
evaluated. (‎4.26) and (‎4.27) defines the integrals used to either convert from time to
frequency domain or simply the inverse.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

F(v) = ∫−∞ f(t)e−2πivt dt (‎4.26)
Inverse FT:

f(t) = ∫−∞ F(v)e2πivt dv (‎4.27)
𝑣= [𝐻𝑧] (‎4.28)
And 𝜔 is rad/s.
A crack is typically a structural damage that vibration based damage detection aims to
detect. To detect a crack at a single point, the need of detecting high frequency signals is
introduced. This means that monitoring of higher modes should be done. The STFT was
proposed as a better algorithm to process high frequency signals by dividing the signal
in windows and process one of these windows at a time. STFT analyse the signal in a
constant resolution, and do not take into account the different characteristics of high
and low signals in the processing [7]. Figure ‎4-12 (B) illustrates the windowing
technique and the constant resolution [7]. WT is a relatively new way of analysing the
frequencies, doing processing with different resolution dependent on the signal
characteristics [92]. This means that the WT technique can adjust the resolution on any
frequency interval, hence be able to detect variations in the signal where the other
techniques with constant resolution fail. Figure ‎4-12 (C) illustrates the adjustable
resolution in the WT processing [7].
It is observed trough literature that vibration based damage detection methods with the
aim of monitoring higher modes is limited. Based on the information above regarding
the data processing method, it is obvious that methods for evaluating higher frequencies
have been developed. This means that the data processing methods are a step ahead of
the development of vibration based testing of offshore structures.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms





‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms


The processed data needs to be evaluated so that it is possible to answer the four levels
of data evaluation in a SHM system. As presented in Section ‎2.2.1, these are:
Level 1: Determination that damage is present in the structure

Level 2: Level 1 plus determination of the geometric location of the damage

Level 3: Level 2 plus quantification of the severity of the damage

Level 4: Level 3 plus prediction of the remaining service life of the structure

A quantitative assessment of these four levels can be obtained with models. Typically
these models also recognise and disregard noise in the signals. Numerical models
recognized during the literature survey are listed below:
- Fuzzy logic system
- Artificial immune system (AIS)
- Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
- Statistical
A paper has been made comparing fuzzy logic system and AIS to damage detection on a
jacket model in operational condition [90]. It is observed that these two models can be
used on offshore jacket structures and both models have a high success rate even though
noise is present due to the operational environment offshore. Applications of damage
evaluation models are also found in SHM of other industries. For instance a paper
revising the methods of fuzzy logic and ANN on composite helicopter rotor blades has
been made [93]. Statistical methods have also been recognized in literature. One
example of that is that the statistical damage evaluation method was tested on a bridge
in Switzerland [94]. Following is a general description of the models and Table ‎4-10
summarizes the different positive and negative aspects of each one of them.

Fuzzy logic system is a damage detection and evaluation model which uses values from
0-1 to evaluate if-then rules. This method differs from what is called binary values that
are either of 0 or 1. In other words, the fuzzy logic can present the degree of truth. For
instance, instead of identifying that a cup of coffee can be either empty or full (0 or 1), it
can classify the degree of fullness (or emptiness) in the cup with numbers between 0-1.
This means that the fuzzy logic can make decisions based on detailed knowledge, hence
be a powerful tool in damage evaluation [90, 93].

AIS is a damage detection model based on the human immune system. AIS models are
using learning and memory capabilities to improve its damage detection model. This
means that detailed training of the model is necessary before it can be used. However
the second time a familiar scenario appears, the AIS will have a quick response [90].

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

ANN is a network consisting of artificial neurons. These neurons need to be activated to

send information further. Activation doesn’t get initiated if the weight of the received
signal is low. Hence, the increase of weight induces an increase of the signal strength.
This is the fundamental idea behind ANN. Mathematical functions determine the
activation based on the incoming weighted signals whilst another function computes the
actual output after activation [95].

Statistical damage evaluation uses the difference in the mean values and standard
deviation based on statistical distribution of the received data. A failure will induce a
change in these parameters, making this method able to detect failures in a SHM system.
Based on this, the model is useful for anomalies happening often, however rare
anomalies can be more difficult to address [94].

Model Positive aspects Negative aspects

- Relatively high success
- Lower success rate than
Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) AIS
- Computationally
- Need rule development
lower cost than AIS
- Efficient
- Detailed training of the
- High success rate
Artificial Immune System (AIS) - High efficiency
- Computationally higher
- Efficient
cost than FLS
- Noise immunity
- High success rate - Long training time
Artificial Neural Network
- Efficient needed
- Requires a large amount
Statistical - High success rate of data
- Slow - Not suitable for rare


During the literature survey, these technology suppliers have been recognized:
- Strainstall
These companies can deliver complete SHM systems, from sensors to data processing
facilities which potentially can be used on offshore jacket platforms. In the following an
overview of their systems and applications are discussed.

‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

In addition to local NDT services as for example FMD detection, FUGRO deliver global
structural monitoring systems. They have a product called On Line Monitoring (OLM)
[80]. According to their catalogue this system is said to detect stiffness changes of a fixed
platform by monitoring the change in natural frequency. The dynamic characteristics are
afterwards compared with an agreed acceptance criteria developed by FUGRO for the
customer. There is no further available information about which data processing
methods and damage evaluation algorithms that is used. The background for choosing
change of natural frequency as a damage indicator is not stated. The reason for choosing
frequency change can probably be due to the fact that this system doesn’t aim to localize
damage, only detect. A typical installation includes accelerometers placed in various
locations and a wave-radar to compare the structural response to the wave loading. The
OLM system is installed 30 times and The Ninian Southern Platform on NCS has
continuously been monitored in 20 years.
VALLEN is another system contributor on the market which has specialized in AET
systems [96]. According to their webpage, VALLEN explains their use of the AET
technique due to these factors:
- AET can detect actively growing cracks
- AET can locate hidden and remote flaws
- AET is one of the few NDT techniques that can be used for long-term continuous
The VALLEN system is developed for many industries, and papers assessing the
application of this system on offshore jacket structures are limited. However an example
of the use of their AET system on jacket structures was explained in Section ‎4.3.1. In that
paper the AMSY-6 software was used in addition to VALLEN AE sensors, AE
preamplifiers and AE signal processor. However this was just an experimental approach,
no case studies of the VALLEN AET system used on offshore jacket structures are
available in literature. The whole product chain is presented in Figure ‎4-13 [96].


‎4. Literature Survey – SHM of Jacket Platforms

Strainstall is a supplier of SHM systems for mainly civil structures and case studies on
successful use of their systems are mainly focused on bridges. The product that may
have a potential for the use on offshore jacket structures are the CrackFirst™ fatigue
gauge that was elaborated on in Section ‎4.3.2. According to the webpage of Strainstall
and articles [74, 97] the CrackFirst™ system has proved efficient for measurements on
welded joints exposed to stress cycles on offshore wind platforms in the UK. The
substructure of the wind turbines was monopiles, however the case study is a good
measure of the applicability of the CrackFirst™ fatigue gauge.
HBM delivers a system where they develop the measurement setup, selects and installs
the suitable sensors and cables, operates the measurement system and provides for the
analysis of the measurement data. The applications are mainly related to mechanical
systems. No case studies of their monitoring system tested on jacket structures are
PULSE is a supplier specialized on the offshore industry. They have delivered their
platform integrity systems since 1998 [98]. Their instrument catalogue contains
accelerometers, inclinometers (measuring tilt) and strain gauges. In addition they
deliver wave radar instrumentation for environmental monitoring. Real time software
provides instant integrity information. There is no information available of which type
of data processing methods and damage evaluation algorithms that is used. In
2012/2013 the Valemon jacket in the North Sea was monitored with the use of PULSE
technology. A case study was published illustrating the instrumentation and results.

‎5. SHM Methodology Proposal for an Offshore Jacket Platform


The purpose of this chapter is to develop a general cost effective monitoring
methodology for offshore jacket structures. According to NORSOK N-005 [33] the
detailed condition monitoring programme of loadbearing structures depends on:

- design and maintenance philosophy

- current condition
- capability of the inspection methods available
- intended use of the structure
In the following a flowchart is produced illustrating a proposal for the procedure of
the design and implementation of a SHM system on to a jacket structure. This is
followed by an explanation of the different steps.

‎5. SHM Methodology Proposal for an Offshore Jacket Platform

Planning Establish motivation

Establish project information based on structural
documents and drawings

Perform platform survey

Identify failure modes and locations Feasibility study


Robustness index

Phase Selection of monitoring technique and sensors

Determine environmental monitoring technique

Determine monitoring period and frequency

System set-up

Sensor calibration

Collection of data

Data normalization

Data Processing of
Processing data

Signal transformation

System identification

Evaluation Perform damage

Phase evaluation

All failure
analyzed? Remaining estimation of acceptance criteria

Perform corrective actions



‎5. SHM Methodology Proposal for an Offshore Jacket Platform


Establish Motivation

The first thing any asset owner has to do before considering investing in a SHM system
is to establish a motivation. Throughout history and even today SHM of offshore
structures have been very expensive and according to papers available a relatively small
amount of jackets are equipped with a SHM system globally. This means that the
majority of jackets today use manual monitoring, most likely based on a RBI approach.
By looking at the bigger picture, SHM can result in reduced cost due to its capability to
show proof of allowance to increase the life of the assets. ISO 19902 [21] contains a table
where motives for inspection on a jacket structure are stated:
- Fabrication defects or installation damage.
- Degradation or deterioration of the structure.
- Design uncertainties or errors.
- Environmental or weight overload.
- Accidental events.
- Changes in permanent actions.
- Monitoring of known defects or repair effectiveness.
- Change of ownership.
- Statutory requirements.
- Reuse.

Establish project information based on structural documents and drawings

Before identifying critical failure modes of the structure, collection of data need to be
performed. In NORSOK N-006 Section 5.2 [44], a list of the information that shall be
available for assessment of offshore structures is given. The list is made to count for all
offshore structures therefore the list below is modified to only include the information
needed for a steel jacket platform:

- As built drawings of the structure.

- New information on environmental data, if relevant.
- Permanent actions and variable actions.
- Previous and future planned functional requirements.
- Design and fabrication specifications.
- Original corrosion management philosophy.
- Original design assumptions.
- Design, fabrication, transport and installation reports which should include
information about material properties (e.g. material strength elongation properties
and material toughness test values), weld procedure specifications and
qualifications, modifications and weld repairs during fabrication, non-destructive
testing (extent and criteria used), pile driving records (action effects during pile
driving and number of blows).
‎5. SHM Methodology Proposal for an Offshore Jacket Platform

- Weight report that is updated during design life.

- In-service inspection history including information on marine growth, corrosion,
cracks, dents and deflections, scour damages due to frost, impact, erosion/abrasion,
- Information on in-place behaviour including dynamic response (measurements and
- Information and forecast for seabed subsidence
- Information on modifications, repair and strengthening to the structure during
service life.
- Soil conditions, pore pressure and consolidation.
- Slope instability, erosion at pile foundations, differential settlement.
- Experience from similar structures.

Information regarding the technical facilities and installation procedures can be found in
the plan for development and operation (PDO), plan for installation and operation (PIO),
design fabrication installation (DFI) and documents for operation (DFO). According to
NORSOK N-006, the information that is not available should be replaced with
assumptions on the safe side.

Perform Platform Survey

A platform survey described in the paper by Duthie and Gabriels [53] in Section ‎4.3.1 is a
procedure that should be performed before implementation of any type of SHM system.
This survey results in an understanding of how exactly the sensors should be placed, the
amount of sensors needed and routing of cables. Pictures taken from the platform have
to be collected. This visit results in a feasibility document which shall be basis for the
system set-up.

Identify Failure Modes and Locations

It is referred to Section ‎3.3 for identification of failure modes and the respective damage
parameters occurring on a jacket structure. According to NORSOK N-005 [33], to be able
to identify critical locations and key components for the structural integrity of a jacket
structure, ULS analysis with a FE-model is recommended. Critical locations are places
where for example a structural detail with new structural design, or where equipment
recently has been installed. The accident in 1980 at the Alexander Kielland platform in
the North Sea is an example of the importance of monitoring such locations [99]. A
newly installed hydrophone was the cause of the development of fatigue cracks on the
platform leading to platform collapse. Also an ULS analysis is used to locate hotspots
where especially fatigue damage is more likely to occur. According to NORSOK N-006
special care should be taken to the splash zone, because of the high risk of fatigue
damage due to wave loads. Ship collisions may also happen in this area.

‎5. SHM Methodology Proposal for an Offshore Jacket Platform

Robustness Assessment

A nonlinear analysis of the jacket structure should be performed in order to assess the
robustness of the structure [100]. This can be done by a so called pushover analysis. The
nonlinear pushover analysis is done by adding load from waves and gravity to the
structure, and increase the horizontal wave loads until collapse. This analysis is
potentially already done during design of the jacket. The following structural
redundancy index (SR) and residual strength factor (RSF) should be checked:
𝑆𝑅 = (‎5.1)

𝑅𝑆𝐹 = (‎5.2)

The collapse load is denoted 𝐶𝐿𝑖 and 𝐿𝑓𝑖 is the load when first member failure
occurs. 𝐶𝐿𝑑𝑖 and 𝐶𝐿𝑛𝑑 is the collapse load of the 𝑖th member in damaged condition and
the collapse load of the structure in undamaged condition. The SR value indicates the
difference between the overall collapse load of the structure and the load at the first
failed member. Of that reason the SR value is a good measure of the structural
robustness. RSF indicates the reduction in capacity from damaged to undamaged state.
In other words the degree of redundancy and damage tolerance increases with
increased values of SR and RSF.


Selection of Monitoring Technique and Sensor Technology
An assessment on which type of damage identification technique that should be used is
needed. Both local and global monitoring techniques should be used to capture all the
failure modes and obtain redundancy in the monitoring system. More information about
this is described in Section ‎2.2.1 and ‎2.2.2 .
In addition determination of data processing method and evaluation method is critical
so that the data can be properly processed and interpreted. It is referred to Section ‎4.5
and ‎4.6 for different processing and evaluation methods suitable for monitoring of
offshore jackets.
When researching the methodology for implementing monitoring systems for CM in [5]
the applicability of modifying the MPN procedure to be used to compare the different
monitoring techniques was evaluated. However it proved to be an insufficient way to
assess the most suitable techniques because there are so many uncertainties and
alternatives affecting the selection. In addition SHM does not use the amount of sensors
that is used in CM, hence the procedure may be unpractical. The MPN procedure is
described in Appendix B. Table ‎4-7 in Section ‎4.3.4 was developed instead as a guide for

‎5. SHM Methodology Proposal for an Offshore Jacket Platform

selecting the right sensor with regards to noise immunity, mounting configuration, WSN
compatibility and maturity.

Determination of Monitoring Period and Frequency

Determination of sampling frequency and monitoring period is an important step, and is

specific for each sensor. In general high sampling frequency is needed for short time
failures and low sampling frequency for long time damage identification. It is important
to obtain a balance between high enough frequency to avoid aliasing and as low
sampling frequency as possible to avoid unnecessary computational effort.

The sampling periods also needs to be established. It is possible to perform continuous

or periodic monitoring. The data processing capacity needs to be designed with regards
to how much data storage is needed.

System Set-up

System set-up involves installation of sensors, wiring (if needed) and data acquisition
system. It is of high importance to make sure that that the location of the sensor not
becomes a source of crack growth.

Perform System Calibration

After installation on the platform, the system should pass a site acceptance test
described in the paper by Duthie and Gabriels [53] and from the monitoring of Magnus
by Webb and Corr [49]. With reference to what was stated in Section ‎4.3.1, this test shall
include the following checks: system response from a repeatable electronic source (AE-
sensor only), sensor response with the system, remote control of the workstation, data
transfer, and software function checks including alarm and warning functions.

Data Normalization

Data normalization should be performed before processing of the data to extract the
signal data without noise and also account for sensor malfunctioning. Figure ‎5-2
illustrates a signal in time domain with environmental noise (A) and sensor
malfunctioning (B) [94]. When comparing these two with Figure ‎5-2 (C) the importance
of data normalization becomes clear. (‎5.3) is an equation used for data normalization
[94]. Here 𝑥(𝑡) is the signal in time domain, whilst 𝜇 and 𝜎 is the mean and standard
deviation of the signal. By letting the signal data be processed by a data normalization
algorithm an acceptable time history can be obtained.

𝑥(𝑡) − 𝜇
𝑥(𝑡) = (‎5.3)

‎5. SHM Methodology Proposal for an Offshore Jacket Platform

(A) Noise (B) Sensor malfunctioning

(A) Acceptable time history



Signal Transformation

This step is important for the SHM systems. The signal in time domain has to be
transformed to frequency domain with data processing methods. The processing
techniques are described in Section ‎4.5 and their applicability is discussed. The
evaluated processing methods are:

- Fatigue rainflow cycle counting

- Fourier Transform (FT and FFT)
- Short time Fourier transform (STFT)
- Wavelet transform (WT)

‎5. SHM Methodology Proposal for an Offshore Jacket Platform

System Identification

The task of identifying the damage indicator which is sensitive to damage from the
vibration response is needed. This may be the most important process in the SHM
system due to the fact that it is here the structure is defined as damaged or undamaged.


Damage Evaluation

Damage evaluation consists of using the damage evaluation methods described in

Section ‎4.6 to evaluate the damage from the processed sensor data. The vibration based
damage detection is divided in the four levels as described in Section ‎2.1.1. These four
levels were:
Level 1: Determination that damage is present in the structure

Level 2: Level 1 plus determination of the geometric location of the damage

Level 3: Level 2 plus quantification of the severity of the damage

Level 4: Level 3 plus prediction of the remaining service life of the structure

The evaluation techniques described in Section ‎4.6 are:

- Fuzzy logic system

- Artificial immune system (AIS)
- Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
- Statistical
Remaining Estimation of Acceptance Criteria

Identification of acceptance criteria is the process of assessing the acceptance of damage

for the monitored damaged elements on the jacket. This depends on type of element for
instance weld, tubular joint etc. General guidelines are given in NORSOK N-006 [101].

Corrective Actions / Mitigating Measures

Corrective actions are based on the results from the damage evaluation. The corrective
actions can be mitigating measures, or even a decision to decommission the structure.
According to NORSOK N-006 [101], the following mitigating measures for fatigue cracks
can be done:

- reduce loading, e.g. replace members, remove inactive conductors, appurtenances,

marine growth
- reduce stress level by strengthening, e.g. install new members, clamps
- reduce stress concentrations, e.g. by internal grouting of tubular joint
- improve fatigue capacity by improvement methods

‎5. SHM Methodology Proposal for an Offshore Jacket Platform

- perform controlled in-service inspections such that cracks are detected before they
are through the wall thickness such that they can be removed by grind repair

‎6. Case Study

The aim of this chapter is to show the applicability and discuss cost of a SHM system on
a fictional offshore jacket structure on the NCS. The proposed monitoring plan is based
on monitoring techniques and sensors evaluated in Chapter 4 and the methodology
presented in Chapter 5. The result includes:
- Description of sensors
- Description of data processing, evaluation models and their facilities
- An outline of how the data from the monitoring can be used in evaluation of the
structural integrity of the structure

During the literature survey it was recognised that there were a considerable amount of
new research, but a lack of examples where the new measuring methods was used on a
real jacket structure. After thorough consideration it was concluded that the case study
should be divided in two parts. First a monitoring plan with mostly confirmed
applicability on real offshore jacket structures is proposed. In the second part two
alternative set-ups is discussed to show the applicability of new research discovered
during the work of this thesis.
The motive is to describe a SHM system set-up that measures damage parameters and
failure modes of the jacket. With that being said, this is just a theoretical approach and
the instrumentation set-up may have to be changed if it was to be used on a real offshore
jacket structure. Structural details and practical problems that are hard to predict
theoretically are examples of sources that may result in changes to the actual system set-


The platform being assessed in this case study is a fictional platform located on the NCS.
Height of the substructure of the platform is assumed to be 130 m, and the water depth
is 110 m. The platform was installed with clustered pile configuration at each corner leg.

‎6. Case Study


The jacket structure is located on the NCS and is assumed to be halfway into its initial
assigned design life. The proposed SHM system will therefore be adapted to the
structure and no imbedded sensors will be used. The motivation for installing a SHM
system on this jacket can be divided in two:
1. Continuous monitoring of the integrity of the structure
2. Use the data history obtained from the measurement period to calibrate design
calculations to real data from this location
These two parameters will potentially make the asset owners save cost. Dependent on
the result, the monitoring can prove an extension of the initially assigned lifetime. It will
also result in reduced cost on jackets built in the future by potentially decreasing design
factors. It is the first point that will be evaluated in this case study.
When the motivation is developed, information and related documents from the specific
platform is collected and evaluated. Since this is a fictional platform, these documents
cannot be obtained. However, assumptions are made. According to the operational
history of the jacket there is one severed brace in elevation -71.50 m. It is assumed that
cracks are observed as a consequence of fabrication error. No accidents of importance
have occurred during transport or operation. Furthermore no other fabrication failures
have been reported. This means that there is at least one location on the structure that
needs special consideration in addition to locations with high SCF subjected to variable
Due to the assumptions made from the information gathering, it is mainly failure modes
caused by fatigue damage, corrosion and change in flexibility due to reduced pile
performance that is needed to be measured in this context. The reason for this is that
those failure parameters are directly related to degradation of the jacket. In addition the
severed member needs to be monitored so that it is possible to assess the crack
propagation. From Section ‎3.3.1 it is stated that fatigue damage typically accumulates as
cracks in riveted and welded connections. In addition, from Section ‎3.3.2 the location
with highest risk of corrosion damage is in the splash zone. At this point the failure
modes of importance have been established. In addition the general locations of these
failure modes are mapped.

The jacket considered is of bracing pattern Type 6 ref. Figure ‎3-2. This means that the
tubular joints have good shear resistance, which leads to less shear deflections [29].
According to DNVGL-RP-C210 [102], jackets with four legs or more are rather redundant
structures when X-type bracing is used. It is not possible to calculate SR (‎5.1) and RSF
(‎5.2) with the resources available. For simplicity it is assumed that it is possible to
monitor a frequency change with the first three modes.

‎6. Case Study


Figure ‎6-2 is a simplified illustration of the system set-up [27]. The purpose of this
illustration is to obtain an instant overview of the instrumentation on the platform.

1: Anemometer
2: Wave radar
3: Accelerometer
4: Current meter
5: Fatigue gauge
6: Tension cable
7 : AE-sensor



As stated in Section ‎5.2, today both global and local damage detection techniques should
be used to be certain that all the critical failure modes have been accounted for during
monitoring and to obtain redundancy in the monitoring system. A global damage
measuring technique as the vibration based damage detection is capable of monitoring
change in dynamic behaviour of the jacket structure caused by member severance. This
may be fatigue, dents or other parameters affecting the dynamic properties. On the other
hand, the local damage detection technologies evaluated in Section ‎4.3 can monitor the
local cracks and strain.
The global monitoring technique used for this case study is vibration based damage
detection aimed to discover change in the monitored frequency. This method is chosen
because its applicability has been documented on a jacket structure in the North Sea and
it uses software that is available today [51]. Due to relative low cost, robustness and
immunity to harsh weather conditions FBG accelerometers are chosen. Environmental
loads subjected to the jacket structure are important to measure with regards to
uncover conservative design and to compare global response and loads. Therefore two
wave radars in each corner on one side are chosen to be installed on the topside of the
platform. Also, an anemometer is proposed to be located on the flare tower. Finally, a
‎6. Case Study

current meter is installed right below the sea surface on the same side as the wave
radars. This environmental instrumentation set-up is influenced by the set-up used on
the Ekofisk platforms [47].
The local damage detection technologies are chosen to be AE-sensors and fatigue gauges.
The AE-sensors will be used to monitor crack propagation at the severed member. The
fatigue gauges is chosen instead of strain gauges to obtain structural response. The
reason for this is because it is interesting to illustrate and discuss the output coming
from this sensor.
The cost reduction obtained by using a WSN is due to no need of wiring and reduced
installation time. Research on the applicability of WSN for structural vibration
monitoring from 2008 was found [103]. However, water proving and reliability issues
was parameters that needed improvement. In addition, the test was only done on a
model and not on a real jacket structure during operation. Only one monitoring project
using WSN on a real offshore jacket structure was found during the literature study [66].
However, limited information about the set-up was obtained. In addition it has not been
available information about any further experiments with WSN on offshore jacket
structures. There is also no thorough description on the use of wireless AET sensors on
real jacket structures available. Of that reason the following monitoring plan consists of
wired sensors.
Table ‎6-1 is a presentation of the chosen instrumentation. The sampling periods and
frequencies are based on information given in the product catalogues and from the OTC
report of the instrumentation of the Ekofisk platforms [47]. However, it is not certain
that the given sampling frequencies are the most optimal frequencies for their purpose.

Detection Sampling Length of Sampling

Sensor type Comments
capability frequency time series intervals
Wind speed Anemometer 10 Hz 17 minutes 3 hours
Water particle
Current meter 5 Hz 17 minutes 3 hours
Wave radar 5 Hz 17 minutes 3 hours
Deck x- and y-
Accelerometers 200 Hz 60 minutes 3 hours
displacement direction
Fatigue crack AET 1 MHz - Hit based
Fatigue CrackFirst™ N/A* - Continuous
*information not available

Since crack growth is one of the failure modes of concern the sampling intervals are
done periodically with a relatively short time interval. In Table ‎6-2 to Table ‎6-4 the
sensor specifications are listed. The information is taken from available online
information about the sensors [97, 104, 105].

‎6. Case Study


Sensor AET sensor

Product name VS150-WIC-V01
Description VS150-WIC-V01 is a piezoelectric watertight AET sensor with
integrated preamplifier. The sensor is protection rated to be used in
up to 60 bar which equals approximately a water depth of 587 m. The
product can be found in the product catalogue of VALLEN systeme.
The sensor supports automatic sensor testing.

Mounting Surface mounted

No cleaning required


Sensor Accelerometer
Product name FS 65
Description FS 65 is an optical accelerometer based on the FBG technology. It is suitable
for measuring ambient induced vibration of structures. The sensor is IP68
rated. This means that it is watertight but should be placed in a box for
additional protection

Accessories Surface mounted


Sensor Fatigue gauge

Product name CrackFirst™
Description CrackFirst™ is a fatigue gauge with a pre-crack able to predict remaining
fatigue life at welded connections. Only available from Strainstall. The
installation area can be sealed to be protected from corrosion and
mechanical damage.

Mounting Surface mounted

‎6. Case Study

A set-up is based on the platform survey performed in the planning phase. Figure ‎6-3 is
an overview of the jacket with numbered elements. This figure is the basis for the
explanation of the location of the sensors.


The vibration based damage detection set-up used in this case study is influenced by the
instrumentation of Ninian platform in the North Sea [51]. As discussed in Section ‎4.2,
this set-up has proved suitable for detecting member severance on an offshore jacket
structure. Accelerometers are placed on the four corner legs in location 1A, 1B, 4A and
4B on elevation +18.5 m. The set-up is seen in Figure ‎6-4.


‎6. Case Study

AE sensors are placed on the severed member near node 4A in elevation -71.50 m. The
reason for deploying the AE sensors in this location is to monitor potential crack
propagation on the severed member with proven cracks. Four sensors are placed
around the node. The cables from the sensors are collected in a box which is connected
to a tension cable attached to a winch on the topside for simple installation. The use of a
tension cable has been proved to be a suitable and simple solution for this type of
instrumentation set-up [50].


From Section ‎3.3 it is proven by statistics that the majority of the cracks reported on
jacket structures occurs on the nodes. CrackFirst™ fatigue sensors are placed on
reference nodes on the jacket structure, up to 10 mm from the weld in the node [35].
These nodes have to be seen as representative elements for the other nodes on the
jacket. The reason for using these sensors is to get a real time overview of the damage
accumulation. New design details should also be considered instrumented with a
CrackFirst™ fatigue sensor to distinguish any uncertainties in their fatigue life
performance. It is stated that the CrackFirst™ sensor is made for joint class F from BS
7608 [106]. It is also stated that the sensor can be used on joints in the class above and
below F with satisfying result [107]. These classes are E and F2. Unfortunately BS 7608
has not been available from the University library or from DNV GL. However, to
illustrate the capability of this type of sensor it is assumed that it can be fitted to a pair
of reference nodes on the jacket and cables can be installed along the main legs. These
nodes are selected to be 3A in elevation -13.00 m and the joint between A and B in row 4
in elevation -13.00 m. The locations are illustrated in Figure ‎6-6.

‎6. Case Study


Attention is needed in the splash zone. As stated in Section ‎3.3.2, the splash zone is
where corrosion is most likely to occur. To date, it seems like there are no sensors that
easily can be installed in the splash zone for corrosion measurements. According to the
earlier mentioned report which looked at the technology advancements in the field of
integrity assessment for the offshore industry, UT and visual inspection is the methods
that should be deployed in this region [35].

Calibration is needed before the monitoring system can be started. As explained in

Section ‎5.2, system response from a repeatable electronic source (AE-sensor only),
sensor response with the system, remote control of the workstation, data transfer, and
software function checks including alarms need to be performed.


According to [51], software provided by Fugro can be used to identify spectral peaks and
natural frequencies from a response spectra made from signals in periods of one hour.
The kind of data processing method used is not specified. Since the aim is to detect the
three first modes a FFT is suitable. If the aim was to detect higher modes the wavelet
transform would possibly be more suitable due to the adjustable resolution. In addition
to save the former mentioned data, all the raw data is stored. Also backup of the data is
stored onshore in case any information is lost. The software and hardware is installed in
a cabinet in a control room of the platform.

‎6. Case Study

Three data analysis tools can be provided by VALLEN. These are called VisualAE,
VisualTR and VisualClass. Their capabilities are explained in the following but for more
detailed information please see the AMSY-6 product catalogue [52]. VisualAE is
software capable of doing data analysis and presentation. VisualTR is software that is
capable of investigating data in detail by the use of FFT or wavelet transform and it
generates training data to the VisualCass software which uses statistical analysis to
discover damages from the signal. For the purpose of this case study, it would save
computational effort and storage needs by introducing a hit based data acquisition.
According to the AMSY-6 catalogue, a hit is defined as when the acoustic emission signal
crosses a pre-defined threshold [52]. This means that processing of data only commence
when a so called hit occurs and ends after the last threshold crossing.


The data from the vibration based damage detection system is presented in Atkins fleet
management system (FMS). FMS is a web based tool used by the operators to evaluate
structural integrity. The system can download data from the monitoring system on the
platform. In Figure ‎6-7 the monitoring data is presented as seen in the FMS software
[51]. The presented data is of a five year measurement for one mode. In Section ‎4.4
parameters affecting the frequency change was stated. From Figure ‎6-7 it is easy to
establish at least three parameters affecting the signal.
Firstly, in the hourly measured frequencies there might be a lot of noise. To reduce noise
three different mean values where used. As seen on top of the frequency plot in
Figure ‎6-7 the mean values are from 4 hours, 24 hours and 28 days. A similar plot is
produced for each of the three first dynamic modes of the jacket structure.
Secondly, the frequency shift is affected by the top side mass changes. A threshold of
predefined min and max values is therefore used. This threshold is represented by the
green area. A frequency shift beyond this threshold will indicate severe damage and
normally not any mass changes in normal operational condition.
Thirdly, there might be instruments on the topside inducing frequencies similar to the
natural frequency of the offshore jacket structure. Such an event is illustrated in the
upper middle of the plot in Figure ‎6-7.
Even though the three former mentioned parameters may affect the structural diagnosis,
it is possible to get an indication of a severed member. In the lower left, a severed brace
that have induced a frequency change is displayed. When a frequency changes beyond
the threshold values, an alarm will be activated. In the case of Figure ‎6-7 there was a 3%
frequency change.

‎6. Case Study


In this case study also the VALLEN AMSY-6 software is used due to its compatibility to
the VALLEN sensors. Also here an automatic warning and alarm signal will initiate at
different levels of signal amplitude. Figure ‎6-8 illustrates the features extracted from a
reading [52]. As in Figure ‎6-7, it is also a predefined threshold which is the base for an
alarm or warning signal if the frequency increases above the threshold. Duration, rise-
time, peak amplitude and threshold crossing counting are the parameters that can be
read from the display. This means that if crack propagation occurs at the severed
member of our jacket, the asset owner will be notified. The notification will be an alarm
or warning message dependent on the amplitude of the AE signal.


‎6. Case Study

From the CrackFirst™ sensors, a real-time S-N presentation can be obtained, making the
asset owners capable of predicting the real-time remaining fatigue life of the reference
nodes on the jacket. Table ‎6-5 is describing the typical sensor data obtained by the
CrackFirst™ sensor [73]. Sensor status is denoted with the numbers 1 or 0. 1 describes
an intact sensor and 0 describe a malfunctioning sensor. The crack length represented
by number of intact tracks is registered on the left and right hand side of the pre-crack.
The accumulated fatigue damage is calculated according to the appropriate joint class of
BS 7608 [106]. The sensor data below is a result of a complete fatigue test from crack
propagation until rupture.

Reading Sensor Crack length Fatigue Crack length Fatigue

status left hand damage right hand Damage
side Class F (%) side Class F (%)
No. of intact No. of intact
tracks tracks
1 1 12 0 12 0
2 1 11 7 12 0
3 1 10 13 11 7
4 1 9 21 10 13
5 1 8 28 9 21
6 1 7 38 8 28
7 1 6 49 7 38
8 1 5 58 6 49
9 1 4 67 5 58
10 1 3 74 4 67
11 1 2 81 3 74
12 1 1 90 2 81
13 1 0 100 1 90
As explained in this section, from the outputs of the different monitoring techniques it is
possible to get a general overview of the structural integrity of the structure. Also, the
AE-sensors give the asset owners the possibility to monitor crack propagation in high
critical areas in real time. However, the splash zone is an area where corrosion will not
be detected with this SHM system. This result in believing that a set-up depending on
mature technology in the offshore industry, is not able to cover all the areas where
regular manual monitoring are focused today.

‎6. Case Study


The proposed monitoring plan consists of a combination of local measuring techniques

and global measuring with the use of vibration based damage detection. The set-up is
partly based on the technology available today in addition to a new fatigue gauge that
can be very effective for real time fatigue life evaluation if more testing is done. It needs
to be confirmed that the fatigue gauge can be used on nodes connecting tubular welded
joints. Also the applicability of the subsurface robustness with regards to corrosion and
pressure need to be tested. Moreover it is shown that accelerometers are not needed to
be installed under the sea surface if the aim is to detect the three first dynamic modes of
the offshore jacket structure. The software and their applications from Fugro and Atkins
are illustrated. The application and installation of AE sensors with the use of VALLEN
products are also proposed to be used on high critical locations. Together the sensors
and software can result in a general assessment of the structural integrity of the jacket

If the robustness of the jacket structure is relatively low, the proposed SHM system can
be suitable for this kind of monitoring situations. However, as stated in Section ‎4.4 using
the frequency change as a damage indicator is not optimal. There are many uncertainties
as for example mass change and other general operational parameters that can affect the
measurements. As seen in Figure ‎6-7 the threshold needs to be comprehensive due to
topside mass change which leads to inaccuracy. In the OTC report where this set-up was
used, it was stated that the accelerometers could detect a severed member if it induced
a frequency change of more than 2% [51]. This means that severed members that induce
a lower frequency change than 2% will be remained undetected. In addition, if this
system was being installed on a jacket with higher redundancy, more modes are going to
be needed to be measured [100]. This results in installation of an increased number of
accelerometers which needs to be installed under the sea surface. It is believed that
when the offshore industry gains more information and can really see the opportunities
of SHM systems, more suppliers will enter the market resulting in higher competition
and lower costs. Even so, an instrumentation set-up based on several instruments below
sea surface should be performed with a WSN to reduce installation cost further.

The monitoring plan that was presented represents how far the technology has come
today. In the following two monitoring plans that are believed to be more cost effective
and robust is presented. The first are using technology which may be used in the near
future and the last being a monitoring plan with technology that represent what SHM
may look like further into the future.

‎6. Case Study


In the following, the potential of an alternative monitoring plan and vibration based
damage detection method is discussed. It is observed through literature that increased
robustness of a jacket structure leads to the necessity of identifying higher order modes
in order to assess failure in secondary elements [100]. To obtain higher order modes
more accelerometers is needed to be distributed on the jacket structure. This means that
accelerometers need to be installed under the sea surface. In Section ‎4.3.1 it is stated
that FBG sensors have high range, is water and corrosion resistant, immune to harsh
weather conditions and have reasonable cost. This results in the belief that the FBG
technology is a suitable option for subsurface monitoring [65]. Connecting FBG sensors
in a wireless network could result in a very robust and cost effective system. Figure ‎6-9
illustrates the main elements in the WSN set-up [65]. Here the FBG sensors are
illustrated and the process of uploading the data to terminals. In this case the terminals
are represented by a central control unit or from terminals as laptops or even phones.
As stated in Section ‎6.2, there are at least one example of this kind of set-up combining
FBG sensors and WSN on an offshore jacket structure in China [66].


The vibration based damage detection method in the proposed monitoring plan in
Section ‎6.2 was restricted to only detect damage. No direct information about location
was obtained. A vibration based damage detection method that may have a potential in
that regard is the methods that aims to calculate the MSEC as stated in Section ‎4.4.
According to the experiments done with this method it has proven to be robust in
locating both single and multiple damages in a structure [88]. The results are even
obtained with different levels of added noise. The disadvantage with this method is that
accelerometers need to be placed in each node of the jacket structure. However by

‎6. Case Study

combining this method with a WSN using FBG sensors, such an installation could
possibly be performed to a reasonable cost.

An instrumentation set-up as explained above will result in an increased amount of data

that needs to be processed. However, in Section ‎4.3.3 it is stated that the FBG sensors
can be used as MEMS. This would result in a localized data processing regime and only
the important data is sent to the centralized computer making the level of computational
effort less. This idea is illustrated in Figure ‎4-8. It is important to be aware of that if the
MEMS technology is introduced, this result in also introducing the problems related to
MEMS. As stated in Section ‎4.3.3 these are related to the limited CPU power which slows
down the system and makes it difficult to obtain a real time monitoring system. Also
limitations with regards to battery power are introduced.


The proposed monitoring plan may result in a real time evaluation of the member
severance of the jacket in addition to their location. Figure ‎6-10 illustrates the
presentation of the MSECR calculations as seen in the article by Shi, Law and Zhang [84].
In this particular scenario both member No.15 and No.16 was severed. This is
represented in Figure ‎6-10 with high MSECR values for those two elements. As a
concluding remark, this kind of set-up may in theory work, but it is important to
remember that these methods have not been tested on real jacket structures so it is
believed to be many uncertainties.

‎6. Case Study


Vibration based testing has its limitations when used in an offshore environment.
Acoustic fingerprinting may not suffer from the mass and operational changes of the
jacket structure and therefore it may be an appropriate replacement as an alternative
global damage detection method. The general functions of the acoustic fingerprinting
are explained in Section ‎4.3.3.

The acoustic fingerprinting technology with the reflecting method had its limitations,
but is absolutely an interesting concept. The idea of doing damage localization below sea
surface by installing equipment above the sea surface is something worth investigating
further due to the cost reduction and all the practical benefits that goes with having the
equipment on the topside. There have not been found further proof of any testing that
indicates that this method is viable on a real jacket structure. According to the last HSE
report the next step is to test the system on a real offshore jacket to assess design of
sensors, optimize signal drift reduction, assess the influence of background noise and
assess the potential of frequency change of topside mass redistribution [76]. Getting
answers to these problems will make it easier to compare the performance of the two
global damage detection methods, namely acoustic fingerprinting and vibration based
damage detection.

Figure ‎6-11 illustrates how the set-up might look like on a leg of a real jacket structure.
In the experimental tests they installed transducers on the main legs. In addition, a PZT
configuration was installed in the same location.


The cost of using an acoustic fingerprinting system is unknown. However the installation
procedure is relatively simple because all the instruments are placed above the splash
zone. Since the sensors are placed above the splash zone, only wiring from the sensors
to the workstation is needed. This information may indicate that the installation cost
will be relatively low. Maintenance cost should also be regarded as low since the sensors
are located at highly available locations.

‎7. Conclusive Remarks and Recommendations for Further Work


A literature study of the SHM methodology in general has been performed, and
important definitions have been explained. Also, SHM in different industries have been
evaluated. The usage and importance of offshore jacket platforms have been described
together with their structural characteristics and failure modes. It is shown that the
failure modes of a jacket are many, but crack propagation caused by fatigue is according
to statistics the most frequent parameter influencing the structural integrity of the
jacket structure. Results from the literature study of SHM for offshore jacket structures
are presented. This includes research of sensor technologies for jacket structures that
are either proven, unproven or state of the art. It is no doubt that there are many
different technologies to choose from, each with different characteristics as shown in
Table ‎4-7. The use of the different sensors is dependent on which failure modes and
damage parameters that the instruments are supposed to monitor and the environment
the sensors are being installed in.

In addition, damage indicators, data processing methods and data evaluation algorithms
was explained and evaluated. A proposed methodology for SHM of jacket structures was
developed. Further the methodology was used on a fictional platform on NCS. A
monitoring plan was developed with a combination of new and proven technology. In
addition, the implementation of two alternative monitoring plans for the future was
discussed. The SHM system can in theory be able to evaluate a satisfying degree of
structural integrity of a jacket structure with the technology available today. However, a
combination of local and global measuring techniques should be used. One area of
concern is the splash zone, which there are no specific sensors developed for evaluating

According to research, acoustic fingerprinting may outperform the vibration based

damage detection techniques. Dynamic characteristics are suitable for damage detection
on a structure with redundancy below a certain level, but for the noisy environment
offshore and the operational conditions with for instance change of topside mass,
acoustic fingerprinting may be more suitable.

The cost related to implementation of a SHM system is discussed. It is most likely the
installation and maintenance cost that differs the cost of the different monitoring
systems. It is believed that when the field of SHM grows and the offshore industry really
see the potential of SHM systems, more suppliers will enter the market resulting in
higher competition and lower costs.

‎7. Conclusive Remarks and Recommendations for Further Work


Based on what is observed throughout the work of this thesis, some recommendations
for further work are given in the following.
- It is quite clear that the proposed vibration based damage detection methods
described in this thesis should be tested on real offshore jacket structures. It is
difficult to evaluate the different techniques and come with recommendations
when the methods are not proved to work sufficiently in the operational
conditions of an offshore jacket structure.
- The CrackFirst™ fatigue sensor should be tested for subsurface applicability and
suitability for welded tubular joints.
- Research effort should be focused on new technology as MEMS and smart dust to
obtain more information about robustness and better data processing
performance for the microprocessor.
- Further testing on the acoustic fingerprinting system to evaluate the suitability in
operational conditions.
- Development of sensors able to detect corrosion damage in the splash zone.

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‎8. Bibliography

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fourth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea, 2014.
[92] N. Cheraghi and F. Taheri, "A Damage Index for Structural Health Monitoring Based on the
Empirical Mode Decomposition," Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, vol. 2, pp.
43-61, 2007.
[93] P. M. Pawar and R. Ganguli, "Genetic Fuzzy System for Online Structural Health Monitoring of
Composite Helicopter Rotor Blades," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 21, pp.
2212-2236, 7// 2007.
[94] A. Cheung, C. Cabrera, P. Sarabandi, K. K. Nair, A. Kiremidjan, and H. Wenzel, "The application
of Statistical Pattern Recognition Methods for Damage Detection to Field Data," Smart
Materials and Structures, 2008.
[95] C. Gershenson. 05/29/2016). Artificial Neural Networks for Beginners. 8. Available:
[96] V. syteme. (2014, 01/02/2016). Structural Health Monitoring Available:
[97] Strainstall. (2016, 07/05/2016). Crackfirst Fatigue Monitoring. Available:
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‎A. Appendix – Overview of Distributors



Sensor Distributor
Vallen Systeme GmbH

Schaeftlarner Weg 26,

82057 Icking, Germany

AET Phone: +4981789674-400

Fax: +4981789674-444
Mail: [email protected]
KYOWA [Foil strain gauge]

3-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8520,

Foil Strain Gauge
Phone: +81-42-485-6714
Fax: +81-42-486-1436

Geokon (Norwegian representative,
Geonor AS) [Arc weldable vibrating wire
strain gage]

Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge

Grinidammen 10
N-1359 Eiksmarka, Norway
Strainstall [CrackFirstTM fatigue

Fisher House
PO Box 4, Barrow-in-Furness
Fatigue Gauge (CrackFirstTM)
Cumbria LA14 1HR, UK

Mail: [email protected]

‎A. Appendix – Overview of Distributors

Sensor Distributor
HBM [Piezoelectric strain]
HBM, Inc.
19 Bartlett Street
Marlborough, MA 01752 USA
Piezoelectric Strain Gauge Phone: 800-578-4260
Fax: 508-485-7480
Mail: [email protected]

FBG Sensor Phone: +47 48 300 700
Metal Samples Company

P.O. Box 8
152 Metal Samples Rd.
Munford, AL 36268
Electrical Resistance based
corrosion Sensors
Phone: (256) 358-5200
Fax: (256) 358-4515
Mail: [email protected]
Fugro TSM (Fugro’s Subsea division)

The TCM department have offices in:

Perth WA 6000
Phone: +61 8 9218 2000
Singapore 509015
Flooded Member Detection Phone: +65 6227 2298
KL, Malaysia 50250
Phone: +603 2166 2433
Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia 98000
Phone: +60 85 662 445
Email: [email protected]

‎A. Appendix – Overview of Distributors

Sensor Distributor

KeyMed House
Stock Road
SS2 5QH Southend-on-Sea, UK
Guided Wave Testing
Phone: +44 (0) 1702616333
Fax: +44 (0) 1702 465677
Email: [email protected]
Acoustic Fingerprinting N/A*
Bosch Sensortec GmbH

Gerhard-Kindler-Strasse 9
72770 Reutlingen, Germany
Smart Sensor System
Phone: +49 7121 35 35900
Email: [email protected]

*Information not available

‎B. Appendix – MPN Tables


MPN is a procedure described in ISO 13379 [5]. The procedure is proposed to assist the
selection of monitoring technologies in correlation to different failure modes. The MPN
number is made up of 4 different parameters. The parameters are explained in the

- Rating detection (DET) indicates the likelihood of the failure mode to be detected
with the selected monitoring technique. This is estimated on a scale from 1 to 5:
1: There is remote likelihood that this failure mode will be detected.
2: There is a low likelihood that this failure mode will be detected.
3: There is a moderate likelihood that this failure mode will be detected.
4: There is a huge likelihood that this failure mode will be detected.
5: It is virtually certain that this failure mode will be detected.

- Severity of failure (SEV) is an indicator ranking the failure modes by risk. This is
estimated on a scale from 1 to 4:
1: Any event which could cause degradation of system performance
function(s) resulting in negligible damage to either system or its
environment, and no damage to life or limb.
2: Any event which degrades system performance function(s) without
appreciable damage to either system or life or limb.
3: Any event which could potentially cause loss of primary system function(s)
resulting in significant damage to the system or its environment, and/or
cause the loss of life or limb
4: Any event which could potentially cause the loss of primary system
function(s) resulting in significant damage to the system or its environment,
and/or cause the loss of life or limb

- Diagnosis confidence (DGN) is an indicator of how well the monitoring technique

can diagnose the failure mode. This is estimated on a scale from 1 to 5:
1: There is a remote likelihood that this failure mode diagnosis will be
2: There is a low likelihood that this failure mode diagnosis will be accurate
3: There is a moderate likelihood that this failure mode diagnosis will be
4: There is a high likelihood that this failure mode diagnosis will be accurate
5: It is virtually certain that this failure mode diagnosis will be accurate

‎B. Appendix – MPN Tables

- Prognosis confidence (PGN) is an indicator of the accuracy of the prognosis from

the monitoring technique. This is estimated in a scale from 1 to 5:
1: There is a remote likelihood that this failure mode prognosis will be
2: There is a low likelihood that this failure mode prognosis will be accurate
3: There is a moderate likelihood that this failure mode prognosis will be
4: There is a high likelihood that this failure mode prognosis will be accurate
5: It is virtually certain that this failure mode prognosis will be accurate

The numbers are multiplied resulting in a MPN number as defined:

𝑀𝑃𝑁 = 𝐷𝐸𝑇 ∙ 𝑆𝐸𝑉 ∙ 𝐷𝐺𝑁 ∙ 𝑃𝐺𝑁 ‎B.1


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