6 Chapter 2

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This chapter presents the research design and method used, the

environment where the study was conducted, the respondents of the study, the

instruments used to gather the necessary data, the procedure carried out to

gather information,and the techniques to analyse the data.

Research Design

The researchers used Quantitative Method in determining the need of this

application to the people of Miranda Samal Island. This method was necessary in

gathering data from the respondent through the use of Questionnaire form which

will be given for them to answer.

The following schema was used in this study:

Data to be Respondents Tools to Techniques Output of

gathered gather data to analyse the study

*Profile of *People of *Survey *Frequency *Level of

the Miranda Questionnaire Count need of this
respondents Samal Island *Mean application to
*T-Test the people of
Samal Island

Research Environment

Samal is a fourth-class city in the province of Davao del Norte, Davao

Region, Philippines. Its official name is Island Garden City of

Samal (Filipino: Pulong Harding Lungsod ng Samal, Cebuano: Pulong Harding

Dakbayan sa Samal) and it is made up of Samal Island and the smaller Talikud

Island in the Davao Gulf, making it a part of Mindanao island group. It has a

population of 95,874 people according to 2010 census.

Samal is a part of the Metropolitan Davao area and is located two kilometres

away from Davao City, the largest city and the primary economic centre of

Mindanao. The name Samal was derived from the Sama-Bajau peoples, the

natives who were the first inhabitants of the island. The first datuin the island was

Datu Taganiyug, a native of what is now Peñaplata, today the governance center

of the city. In the past, the people of the island name a place about what was the

said place known for. For example, the name Peñaplata was derived from the

word "piña" or pineapple because of the abundance of pineapple in the area.

This, however, is folk etymology as peñaplataliterally means "rock of silver"

in Spanish. Tagpopongan is the first barangay in the island which name was from

the word "tagpo" or meet. It was so called due to the fact that in the fact this

place is chosen by the datus as their meeting place. The word Samal was also

known before because it was commonly used as surname by datus. Abu is the

national costume of the island long time ago.


Respondent of the Study

Stratified random sampling is a probability sampling technique in which

the researcher divides the entire target population into different subgroups, or

strata, and then randomly selects the final subjects proportionally from the

different strata.

The 200 respondents were people of the island selected randomly and

asked to determine the need of this application for them and it was indicated in

the questionnaire.

Research Instrument

The researchers used survey questionnaires to get the needed

information and responses from the respondents. A survey questionnaire targets

in getting a factual opinion from the respondents. It is used in order to gather

specific information to meet a particular need for research information about the

researchers study.

The survey questionnaires are about the need of this application to

Miranda Samal Island. The first part of the questionnaire was composed of the

respondents’ profile. The second part contained questions about said application.


Data Gathering Procedures

This research was conducted to know the need of this application. The

data in this research was gathered using the questionnaire. The researchers

used a descriptive survey under quantitative approach in conducting this study. In

order to respond to the research goals, the researchers designed suitable

questions modified from related research and individual questions. After it was

validated by the evaluators, the questionnaires were distributed to the

respondents. After the respondents answered the questionnaires, the

researchers collected and tabulated the data from the survey and analyzed the


Data Analysis

The data taken from the respondents was carefully examined by the

researchers. The researchers used statistical tools such as frequency count and

weighted mean.The researchers used Frequency countto calculate the number

of respondents according to profile. The researcher used it to group data into

categories and show the number of observations in each category. Also, the

mean or average was used to determine the level of need towards the

application. To calculate the mean, the researchers added up the values of all

the terms and then divided it by the number of terms.

After that, the researchers used T-test to get the significant difference on

the level of need of the respondents towardsthe application when grouped

according to profile. Then, the researchers reviewed and analysed their gathered

data to have the results tabulated and presented.

Range Qualitative Description

4.50 – 5.00 Indicates that the people are very needed the


3.50 - 4.49 Indicates that the people are more thanneeded the


2.50 – 3.49 Indicates that the people are needed the application.

1.50 – 2.49 Indicates that the people are partlyneeded the


1 – 1.49 Indicates that the peopledon’tneed the application.

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