A Study On Social Maturity of Adolescent in Sultanpur City

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International Journal of Home Science 2017; 3(2): 278-283

ISSN: 2395-7476
IJHS 2017; 3(2): 278-283
© 2017 IJHS A study on social maturity of adolescent in Sultanpur city
Received: 11-03-2017
Accepted: 12-04-2017
Mishra Astha, Dubey Seema and Kumari Mamta
Mishra Astha
Research Student, Abstract
Department of Child Social maturity is the ability to function in an appropriate responsible manner. Adolescence is the age for
Development Faculty of Home an individual to express mature behavior. Social maturity is the process of establishing a satisfactory
Science, K.N.I.P.S.S. Sultanpur, relationship between individual and his environment. According to cronbach (1953), a socially matured
Uttar Pradesh, India
person is one who commits oneself to socially desirable goal. The study aimed to assess the Social
Maturity of adolescents. Two inter college namely; Stella Marris Convent College and KNIC College
Dubey Seema
Assistant Professor, were selected from Sultanpur city. For the collection of information, 60 sample were selected randomly
Department of Child from that college.60 student were divided into two categories comprising 30 boys and 30 girls. Vineland
Development Faculty of Home social maturity test (1992) developed by Dr. A.J. Malin and Dr. J. Bharath Raj was used in this study.
Science, K.N.I.P.S.S. Sultanpur, The major finding of the study most (66.66%) of the boys respondent had high social maturity and girls
Uttar Pradesh, India sample (70%) of the respondent had high social maturity. As per data girls had high social maturity rather
than boys sample.
Kumari Mamta
Department of Child Keywords: Social maturity, adolescents, behavior, gender
Development Faculty of Home
Science, K.N.I.P.S.S. Sultanpur,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Adolescence is the stage of development which produces a number of social problems for a
person. These problems arise out of adolescent adjustment with social group. The social group
expects him to be socially matured when he becomes an adolescent by establishing more
mature relationship with age mates to achieve socially responsible behavior, develop
intellectual skills and concepts necessary for civil competence and achieves a more
autonomous state. Thus, the social maturation allows detailed perception of social environment
that help adolescent to influence the social circumstances and develop social patterns of social
behavior. A young child can be accepted if he is socially immature but not the adolescent. An
immature adolescent creates problems with his family, peer group and society so it is
necessary for adolescent to acquire more mature pattern of behavior to be accepted by society
and to be socially matured. The social maturity has various aspects of social abilities as self-
sufficiency, occupational activities, communication, self-direction and social participation.
Raj, M. defines social maturity as the level of social skills and awareness that an individual has
achieved relative to particular norms related to an age group. It is a measure of the
development competence of an individual with regard to interpersonal relations, behavior
appropriateness, social problem solving and judgment. Social responsibility, also a sub-trait of
social maturity, defined as "adherence to social rules and role expectations", by Wentzel
(1991) is instrumental in the acquisition of academic knowledge and skills. A few researches
have been conducted on Social Maturity of Adolescents. Every child is unique in it and has its
own pace of growth and development. As the child grows up, his social functioning changes
and continuous till adolescence is that critical period of human development during which
rapid biological, psychological and social changes takes place. This period marks the end of
childhood and sets the foundation of maturity. Adolescence is defined as the period of
transition between childhood to adulthood that involves biological, cognitive and socio-
emotional changes. During this period, parents accept more self-regulation and initiative at the
Mishra Astha
very time that there early teenagers are beginning to experiment with all kinds of risky
Research Student, behaviors. Now a day’s one of the important factor a mass media explosion occurred in the 20
Department of Child century and revolutionized the way people gain information about their world. Such
Development Faculty of Home technological evolution and globalization has presented new challenges to adolescents such as
Science, K.N.I.P.S.S. Sultanpur, brake up of joint family, emergence of dual income and distant relationship families,
Uttar Pradesh, India
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disintegration of families wherein parents have limited time, Pratibha and Vibha Verma, (2015) [7] the term adolescent
energy and knowledge to guide today’s adolescents who comes from Latin word ‘’adolescare’’ which means to ‘’grow
represent a generation of energetic, highly ambitious and at maturity’’. A socially matured person is well accepted by
brilliant individuals. the peers as well as society. So an adolescent has to be
Social Maturity is a term commonly used in two ways like, socially matured. Thus, the social maturity has various aspects
with respect to the behavior that is appropriate to the age of of social abilities as self-sufficiency, occupational activities,
the individual under observation and secondly the behavior communication self-direction and social participation. The
that conforms to the standard and expectations of the adults. social maturity as a term is used commonly in two ways.
Thus Social Maturity permits more detailed perception of the Firstly, in reference to the behaviour that conforms to the
social environment which helps adolescents to influence the standards and expectations of the adults and secondly in
social circumstances and develop stable patterns of social reference to the behaviour that is appropriate to the age of the
behavior. Raj defines social maturity as the level of social individual under observation. A comparative study of social
skills and awareness that an individual has achieved relative maturity of adolescent girls in rural and urban areas was
to particular norms related to an age group. It is a measure of undertaken with the objectives to assess social maturity of
the development competence of an individual with regard to adolescent girls and to compare the social maturity of rural
interpersonal relations, behaviour appropriateness, social and urban adolescent girls. One hundred twenty adolescent
problem solving and judgment. Social responsibility, also a girls between age group of 13-16 years from two rural and
sub-trait of social maturity, defined as adherence to social two urban schools were selected randomly. A Dr. Nalini
rules and role expectations. Rao’s Social Maturity Scale was used for to assess social
maturity. Sadashiva (2006) studies on the Adolescent period
Objective is a time of considerable changes in all aspects of functioning.
1) To find out the social maturity level of adolescents. There are three aspects of significant concern during
2) To assess the social maturity with respect to age, gender, adolescence viz., social, educational and nutritional.
family types and location. Significant differences were found between rural and urban
adolescents with respect to development of personality traits
Review of Literature such as self-concept and self-esteem, individual capacities,
Choudhary, P. (2013) [7] Social Maturity is the ability to tender mindedness, shrewdness and internal restraint.
function in an appropriate responsible manner. As Singh, H. and Singh, M. (2015) [23, 24] Social maturity is used
adolescence is the age for an individual to express mature to measure how well a person fits into the actions and
behaviour. Social Maturity is an essential aspect for the expectations of the society. A person is said to be socially
individual as well as society. The present research study was mature if he is skilled, self-directed and has ability to take
undertaken to assess and compare the Social Maturity of stress, communicate, cooperate, tolerate and openness to
Adolescents in relation to their Gender and Locality. The change. Social maturity is very essential for proper
sample consisted of 500 adolescent students studying with adjustment in the society and is very important aspect on
11th and 12th standards from rural, 250(125 female and 125 which the future of the child depend. Socially mature
male) and from Urban, 250 (125 female and 125 male) were individual has the capability to make adjustment with himself
included in this sample. Rao’s Social Maturity scale was used and with his environments and circumstances.
to assess the social maturity. Thus obtained data was analyzed
using means, S.D’s ‘t’-test. The result revealed significant Methods and Materials
gender difference on the basis of social maturity and also Locale of the study
reported that adolescent students belonging to rural area The locale of the present study was confined to the Sultanpur
possess higher social maturity than those belonging to urban city. Sultanpur district is located in Uttar Pradesh.
area. The study has implications for the parents, teachers and
policy makers. Research Design
Kumar, D. (2013) Social maturity means knowing what to do A ‘Descriptive Research design’ was followed to conduct the
and striving for it by following role models to reach the present study. Descriptive studies are one in which
desired level of acceptable socialbehavior. Personality information is collected without changing the environment i-e
comprised of pattern of feelings, thoughts, and activities that Nothing is manipulated. Descriptive research design was used
distinguishes one person from another. In the present study as it is considered to be the best method for collecting
relationship between social maturity and personality senior information which demonstrates relationships and describes
secondary school students is being studies. It was the world as it exists. It was able to seek information on the
hypothesized that there exists no relationship between social current status of the respondents with regard to their Social
maturity and personality of senior secondary school students. maturity
There exists no significant difference between social maturity
and personality of male and female senior secondary school Sample size
students. A sample of 100 (50 male, 50 female) senior The sample of the present study comprised of 60 students in
secondary school students studying in class XII of senior the age range of 12-15 year were randomly selected of these,
secondary schools were selected through simple random there were 30 girls and 30 boys selected for this study.
sampling method. Social maturity scale developed by Dr. R.
P. Srivastava and DPI (Dimensional personality Inventory) Sampling design
by Dr. Mahesh Baraga were used to collect the data. Findings Stratified Random Sampling method was used to collect the
of the study show that there is a positive relationship between sample for this study. Sample comprise of 60 school students
social maturity and personality of senior secondary school including equal number of girls and boys from two colleges
students. There is no significant difference between social such as Stella Marris convent collage Sultanpur (U.P) and
maturity and personality of male and female secondary school KNIC collage Sultanpur (U.P).
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International Journal of Home Science

Tools and tests of the study Results and Discussion

Vineland Social maturity scale (1992) Revised by Dr A. J. The obtained data were entered into the master sheet for
Malin and Dr. J. Bharath Raj for school going students of tabulation and statistical processing. The analysis of data was
class VI &XV were used to assess the level of Social organized and presented under the following heads:-
Table 1: To the assess level of Social maturity of the adolescents.
Statistical analysis of data S.no Level of Social maturity Frequency Percent
The data obtained was planned to analyze in terms of the 1 High maturity level 41 68.34%
objective of the study using descriptive & inferential 2 Low maturity level 19 31.66%
statistics. The plan of data analysis was adopted accordingly – Total 60 100%
 The collected data was coded and transformed to master
sheet for statistical analysis. The table no.1 reveals that the maximum no (68.34%) of
 Demographic data was planned to represent in term of respondents were belongs to high maturity level category
frequency and percentage. whereas only (31.66%) respondents were from the low Social
maturity level category.
Percentage (%)
Number of respondents belonging to particular category x100
Total Number of respondent

Table 2: Distribution of Respondents According to age with social maturity.

Level of Social maturity Level of Social maturity
Boys (n=30) Girls (n=30)
S. No Age in Year N N
High Low High Low
F % F % F % F %
1 12-13 13 9 30 4 13.33 17 8 26.66 9 30
2 14-15 17 12 40 5 16.66 13 10 33.33 3 10
Note-F-frequency %- percentage

Table 2 reveals that most of the (30%) in boy sample had high On other hand in girls sample majority (30) percent of the
social maturity and only (13.33) percent had low social respondents had low social maturity and only (26.66) percent
maturity who belong to 12-13 year of age whereas most of the had high social maturity who belong to 12-13 year of age.
(40) percent respondent had high social maturity and (16.66) Whereas most of the (33.33) percent respondent had high
percent respondent had low social maturity who belong to 14- social maturity and (10) percent respondent had low social
15 year of age. maturity who belong to 14-15 year of age.

Fig 2: social maturity with their age.

Table 3: Distribution of Respondents According to gender with social maturity.

Boys (n=30) Girls (n=30) Total (n=30)
S. No. Level of social maturity
F % F % F %
1 High social maturity 20 66.66 21 70 41 68.33
2 Low social maturity 10 33.33 9 30 19 31.66
Note-F-frequency %- percentage

The table shows that in boys sample majority of (66.66%) On other hand in girls sample majority (70%) respondents had
respondents had high social maturity and only (33.33%) high social maturity and only (30%) respondents had low
respondents had low social maturity. who belong to level of social maturity. As per data maximum number (68.33) of
social maturity. respondents had high social maturity level.

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Fig 3: Social maturity with their gender.

Table 4: Distribution of Respondents According to location with social maturity.

Level of Social maturity Level of Social maturity
Boys (n=30) Girls (n=30)
S. No. Location N N
High Low High Low
F % F % F % F %
1 Rural 15 9 30 6 20 15 10 33.33 5 16.66
2 Urban 15 11 36.66 4 13.33 15 7 23.33 8 26.66
Note-F-frequency %- percentage

Table 4 reveals that most of the (30%) in boy sample had high On other hand in girls sample majority (33.33) percent of the
social maturity and only (20) percent had low social maturity respondents had high social maturity and only (16.66) percent
who belong to rural area in location. Whereas most of the had low social maturity who belong to rural area in location.
(36.66) percent respondent had high social maturity and Whereas most of the (26.66) percent respondent had low
(13.33) percent respondent had low social maturity who social maturity and (23.33) percent respondent had high social
belong to urban area in location. maturity who belong to urban area in location.

Fig 4: Social maturity with their location.

Table 5: Distribution of Respondents According to their family type.

Level of Social maturity Level of Social maturity
Boys (n=30) Girls (n=30)
S. No. Family Types N N
High Low High Low
F % F % F % F %
1 Joint 11 6 20 5 16.66 16 9 30 7 23.33
2 Nuclear 19 8 26.66 11 36.66 14 8 26.66 6 20
Note-F-frequency %- percentage

Table 5 reveals that most of the (20%) in boy sample had high On other hand in girls sample majority (30) percent of the
social maturity and only (16.66) percent had low social respondents had high social maturity and only (23.33) percent
maturity who belong to joint family. whereas most of the had low social maturity who belong to joint family. Whereas
(36.66) percent respondent had low social maturity and most of the (26.66) percent respondent had high social
(26.66%) percent respondent had high social maturity who maturity and (20) percent respondent had low social maturity
belong to nuclear family. who belong to nuclear family.

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Fig 5: Social maturity with their family type

Table 6: Distribution of Respondents According to their family income.

Level of Social maturity Level of Social maturity
Boys (n=30) Girls (n=30)
S. No Family Income Per month N N
High Income Low Income High Income Low Income
F % F % F % F %
1 25,000 Above 12 7 23.33 5 16.66 9 7 23.33 2 6.66
2 Below15,000 18 11 36.66 7 23.33 21 11 36.66 10 33.33
Note-F-frequency %- percentage

Table 6 reveals that most of the (23.33) in boy sample had On other hand in girls sample majority (26.66) percent of the
high social maturity and only (16.66) percent had low social respondents had high social maturity and only (10) percent
maturity who belong to above income per month. Whereas had low social maturity who belong to above income per
most of the (36.66) percent respondent had high social month. Whereas most of the (33.33) percent respondent had
maturity and (23.33) percent respondent had low social high social maturity and (30) percent respondent had low
maturity who belong to below income per month. social maturity who belong to below income per month.

Fig 6: Social maturity with their family income.

Summary and Conclusion belonged to the rural area in location.

Social Maturity of Adolescent:  The findings show that majority of boys sample (36.66)
 Maximum number of respondents (68.34) percent had percent respondents belonged to the nuclear family
high social maturity only (31.66) percent respondents had having low social maturity and in girls sample (30)
low social maturity. percent respondent belonged to the joint family were
having high social maturity.
Differences between selected variable with their social  The result shows that majority of boy sample (36.66)
maturity. percent respondents had high social maturity who had
 The result revealed that majority of boys sample (40) 15,000 below income per month and in girls sample
percent respondents were from 14-15 year of age and in (33.33) percent respondents had high social maturity
girls sample (33.33) percent respondents were from 14- who had belonged to the 15,000 below income per month
15 year of age.
 The finding shows that maximum number (66.66%) boys Limitation of study
respondent were had high social maturity and (70%) girls Nothing is perfect in this world so this study was limited to-
respondent were had high social maturity. As per data o The sample size was limited.
most of the (68.33%) respondent and high social o The study was conducted in very small area.
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