Appendix - Flash and Storage TK-101,102,103

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Type of storage vessel Cone roof

Pressure 1 atm/101325 N/m2

Temperature 250C

1) Diameter of storage

Volume of production for 5 days operation

Component Density(kg/m3) Volumetric Mass for 5 days Liquid Volume for

Flowrate(m3/hr) operation(kg) 5 days
Lauric acid 880 0.0277 2925.44 3.32437
Myristic acid 862 0.10315 10670.2 12.3784
Palmitic acid 852 0.02117 2164.5 2.54049
Total 18.2433

Assumption, vapor volume, Vv=10% liquid volume(VL).

So, storage volume, Vs = (1.10).VL.
Vs = 20.07 m3

3 4𝑣
Diameter, D = √
= 2.573 m / 8.441 ft

Tank D HR
(ft) Ratio H/D
D<60 0.5
60<D<95 0.4
95<D<175 0.3
D>175 0.25 Hs

so, D<60, H/D = 0.5

2) Height of tank, Hs = 4.22073 ft/1.2865 m
Hr = D/2 tan 𝜃 , Let 𝜃 = 10o
= 0.22681 m
HL = 90% Hs
= 1.15785 m

Minimum Wall thickness

Tank D (ft) Minimum shell plate thickness, (in)

D<50 3/16
50<D<120 4/16
120<D<200 5/16
D>200 6/16

3) Stress of tank

From equation 13.5 and 13.6 (Chem. Eng. Volume 6)

𝜎1,𝜎2 = PD/4t

where, 𝜎1 - the meridian (longitudinal), the stress acting along a meridian

𝜎2 - the circumferential or tangential stress, the stress acting along parallel circles
𝑡 - thickness of cylinder
𝑃 - operating pressure

From the above table, the minimum wall thickness is 3/16 in = 0.005 m

As corrosion being considered,

So, 𝜎1 = PD/2t = 26070824 N/m2

𝜎2 = PD/4t = 130354 N/m2

4) Design of roof

According to code AP1650, the required minimum thickness of self-supported fixed cone roof, t
(Myers, 1997).

for D = 8.4415 ft
t = 8.441467

= 0.1215649 in/3.0877484 mm

Because of the roof thickness is 3.08774841 mm, the thickness of shell wall is also 3.0877484+
corrosion allowance of 2 mm.

so, the overall wall thickness for this tank, tw = 5.08775 mm.

Volume, V = 20.07 m3
Temperature = 25°C
Pressure = 1 atm

from figure 5-61(Ulrich 1984, page 316) ; at V = 20.07 m3

Purcased equipment cost, Cp82(US$) = 3100

Cost Engineering Index, CEI2000 = 476.66

Cost Engineering Index, CEI1982 = 315

so, updated factor, Fu = CEI2000

= 1.51321

Purcased equipment cost, Cp2000 (US$) = Cp82.Fu

= 4690.94
Base bare module contribution, CBM
Material of construction = Stainless Steel - Atmospheric Pressure
from figure 5-61(Ulrich,page 316); Bare Module Factor, FBM = 4.5

so, the cost for cone roof storage tank

CBM = FBM x Cp2000
US$ = 21109.2
RM = 82326


Type of storage vessel Cone roof

Pressure 1 atm/101325 N/m2

Temperature 250C

1) Diameter of storage

Volume of production for 5 days operation

Component Density(kg/m3) Volumetric Mass for 5 days Liquid Volume for

Flowrate(m3/hr) operation(kg) 5 days
Myristic acid 862 0.00052 53.616 0.0622
Palmitic acid 852 4.04447 413507 485.337
Linoleic acid 900 0.02188 2363.4 2.626
Total 488.025

Assumption, vapor volume, Vv=10% liquid volume(VL).

So, storage volume, Vs = (1.10).VL.
Vs = 536.83 m3

3 4𝑣
Diameter, D = √
= 7.695 m / 25.25 ft

Tank D HR
(ft) Ratio H/D
D<60 0.5
60<D<95 0.4
95<D<175 0.3
D>175 0.25 Hs

so, D<60, H/D = 0.5

2) Height of tank, Hs = 12.62 ft/3.85 m
Hr = D/2 tan 𝜃 , Let 𝜃 = 10o
= 0.6783 m
HL = 90% Hs
= 3.463 m

Minimum Wall thickness

Tank D (ft) Minimum shell plate thickness, (in)

D<50 3/16
50<D<120 4/16
120<D<200 5/16
D>200 6/16

3) Stress of tank

From equation 13.5 and 13.6 (Chem. Eng. Volume 6)

𝜎1,𝜎2 = PD/4t

where, 𝜎1 - the meridian (longitudinal), the stress acting along a meridian

𝜎2 - the circumferential or tangential stress, the stress acting along parallel circles
𝑡 - thickness of cylinder
𝑃 - operating pressure

From the above table, the minimum wall thickness is 3/16 in = 0.005 m

As corrosion being considered,

So, 𝜎1 = PD/2t = 26070824 N/m2

𝜎2 = PD/4t = 130354 N/m2

4) Design of roof

According to code AP1650, the required minimum thickness of self-supported fixed cone roof, t
(Myers, 1997).

for D = 25.25629 ft
t = 25.25629

= 0.3635699 in/9.2346 mm

Because of the roof thickness is 9.2346 mm, the thickness of shell wall is also 9.2346 + corrosion
allowance of 2 mm.

so, the overall wall thickness for this tank, tw = 11.2347mm.


Volume, V = 20.07 m3
Temperature = 25°C
Pressure = 1 atm

from figure 5-61(Ulrich 1984, page 316) ; at V = 20.07 m3

Purcased equipment cost, Cp82(US$) = 3100

Cost Engineering Index, CEI2000 = 476.66

Cost Engineering Index, CEI1982 = 315

so, updated factor, Fu = CEI2000

= 1.51321

Purcased equipment cost, Cp2000 (US$) = Cp82.Fu

= 4690.94
Base bare module contribution, CBM
Material of construction = Stainless Steel - Atmospheric Pressure
from figure 5-61(Ulrich,page 316); Bare Module Factor, FBM = 4.5

so, the cost for cone roof storage tank

CBM = FBM x Cp2000
US$ = 129379
RM = 504579


Type of storage vessel Cone roof

Pressure 1 atm/101325 N/m2

Temperature 250C

1) Diameter of storage

Volume of production for 5 days operation

Component Density(kg/m3) Volumetric Mass for 5 days Liquid Volume for

Flowrate(m3/hr) operation(kg) 5 days
Palmitic acid 852 0.16852 17229.5 20.2224
Linoleic acid 900 0.52519 56720.6 63.0229
Linolenic acid 914 0.01422 1559.64 1.70639
Total 84.9517

Assumption, vapor volume, Vv=10% liquid volume(VL).

So, storage volume, Vs = (1.10).VL.
Vs = 93.45 m3

3 4𝑣
Diameter, D = √
= 4.297 m / 14.096 ft

Tank D HR
(ft) Ratio H/D
D<60 0.5
60<D<95 0.4
95<D<175 0.3
D>175 0.25 Hs

so, D<60, H/D = 0.5

2) Height of tank, Hs = 7.048 ft/2.148 m
Hr = D/2 tan 𝜃 , Let 𝜃 = 10o
= 0.379 m
HL = 90% Hs
= 1.933 m

Minimum Wall thickness

Tank D (ft) Minimum shell plate thickness, (in)

D<50 3/16
50<D<120 4/16
120<D<200 5/16
D>200 6/16

3) Stress of tank

From equation 13.5 and 13.6 (Chem. Eng. Volume 6)

𝜎1,𝜎2 = PD/4t

where, 𝜎1 - the meridian (longitudinal), the stress acting along a meridian

𝜎2 - the circumferential or tangential stress, the stress acting along parallel circles
𝑡 - thickness of cylinder
𝑃 - operating pressure

From the above table, the minimum wall thickness is 3/16 in = 0.005 m

As corrosion being considered,

So, 𝜎1 = PD/2t = 43535598 N/m2

𝜎2 = PD/4t = 21767799 N/m2

4) Design of roof

According to code AP1650, the required minimum thickness of self-supported fixed cone roof, t
(Myers, 1997).

for D = 14.097 ft
t = 14.097

= 0.203 in/5.156 mm

Because of the roof thickness is 5.156 mm, the thickness of shell wall is also 5.156 + corrosion
allowance of 2 mm.

so, the overall wall thickness for this tank, tw = 7.15622 mm.

Volume, V = 93.45 m3
Temperature = 25°C
Pressure = 1 atm

from figure 5-61(Ulrich 1984, page 316) ; at V = 93.45 m3

Purcased equipment cost, Cp82(US$) = 8100

Cost Engineering Index, CEI2000 = 476.66

Cost Engineering Index, CEI1982 = 315

so, updated factor, Fu = CEI2000

= 1.51321

Purcased equipment cost, Cp2000 (US$) = Cp82.Fu

= 12257
Base bare module contribution, CBM
Material of construction = Stainless Steel - Atmospheric Pressure
from figure 5-61(Ulrich,page 316); Bare Module Factor, FBM = 4.5

so, the cost for cone roof storage tank

CBM = FBM x Cp2000
US$ = 55156.4
RM = 215110
Flash tank


Fv = 2431.61 kg/ hr
𝜌v = 0.554 kg/ m3
FL = 8298.63 kg/ hr
𝜌L = 877.68 kg/ m3

(A) Vessel Internal Diameter

Maximum design vapour velocity

Uv = 0.035 [ rL / rv ]

= 1.3930967 m/s

Vapour volumetric flowrate

Fv = mv / (𝜌v x 3600)

= 1.21922 m3/s

Vessel cross-sectional area

Ac = Fv / uv

= 0.87519 m2

Vessel diameter

D = [ (Ac x 4) / p ]

= [ (0.87519 x 4 ) / 3.142 ]

= 1.0556 m

(B) Vessel Height

Disengagement space

Hv = D

= 1.0556 m
Liquid volumetric flowrate

FL = mL / (rL x 3600)

8298.63 Kg m3 1 hr
Hr 877.68 kg 3600 s

= 0.002626441 m3/s

Volume for 10 minutes hold up

0.002626441 m3 600 s

V10 = 1.575865 m3

Liquid depth

hL = V10 / Ac
= 1.5758648
= 1.8006054 m
hf = 0.3 m + ( 1/2 x vessel internal diameter, D)
= 0.3 + ( 1/2 x 1.05555)
= 0.8277729 m

Vessel height

L = hL + hf + hv

= 3.68392 m
Equipment Costing for Flash Tank

Pressure vessel = 0.0005 bar

Vessel height = 3.68392 m

Inside diameter = 1.05555 m
Type of vessel = Vertically oriented
Material of=construction = Stainless steel

Economic data :

CE Index Year 2001, CEI01 = 476.66

CE Index Year 1982, CEI82 = 315

From Figure 5.44 : A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics (Gael D. Ulrich, 1984)

Purchased equipment cost for year 1982, C p, 82 = US$ 9800

From Figure 5.45 : A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics (Gael D. Ulrich, 1984)

Material factor, FM = 4 ( for stainless steel )

Pressure factor, Fp = 1

Pressure factor-material factor product, Fp x FM = 4

From Figure 5-46 : A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics (Gael D. Ulrich, 1984)

Bare module factor, FaBM = 9.5

Bare module cost, CBM = Cp, 82 x FaBM

= 9800 x 9.5
= US$ 93100

UF = Present cost index (2001) / Base cost index (1982)

= 476.66 / 315
= 1.5132063

Updated bare module cost = UF x CBM

= US$ 140880
= RM 549430.1

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