French Navy Signs For 14 New EDA-S

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Operational support for Ground Forces

Operational support for Ground Forces

Adaptable to any type of amphibious ship, NATO or  Operated from NATO

Makassar class, the LCA is designed to efficiently transfer
equipment and troops ashore. or Makassar class well decks
Robust, reliable, with excellent mobility and  High payload capacity
maneuverability, the LCA lands and reembarks Ground
Forces in record time during amphibious assault  Efficient transfer
 Adapted to modern

Land Forces vehicles

 Very shallow water operations


Mothership interface
Operated from NATO well deck ★
Operated from Makassar class well deck ★
Virtual reality docking training ★
Very shallow water operations ★★★
Speed (loaded/unloaded ship) ★
Operational range ★
Amphibious Operations
Photo credits: © Marine Nationale, CNIM, Istock – – October 2018.

Vehicles landing ★★
Civilian logistics ★★
Harbor / beach interface ★★
Deployment of RHIBs / interceptors ★
Beach reconnaissance assistance ★

Length / Width 23 to 29 m / 6.4 m

Draft at full load 1.3 m
Speed at full load / light ship 13 kts / 18 kts
Sea state 5
Normal / Maximum payload 65 t* / 80 t*
Platform area 115 m2*
Range 300 nm
Weapons 3 x 12.7

*29 m long LCA

Headquarters 35, rue de Bassano, 75008 Paris - - [email protected]

Paris, 21 January 2019 PRESS RELEASE


CNIM is to equip the French Navy with 14

new Standard Amphibious Landing Craft
CNIM - in partnership with Socarenam, Mauric and CNN MCO -
has been awarded the contract to replace the French Navy's
landing crafts. Fourteen new Standard Amphibious Landing
Crafts (EDA-S) are to be built over a ten-year period. This contract
reasserts CNIM's status as a key partner to the French Navy and
a European leader in the area of amphibious operations,
supplying the complementary innovative vessels: EDA-S and
EDA-R (already in service in the French Navy, designed by


Next-generation of vessels imagined by CNIM
"Winning this European tender reasserts CNIM's status as
experts in amphibious craft design. CNIM is to replace the
French Navy's existing landing craft with fourteen new
Standard Amphibious Landing Craft, also called EDA-S",
notes Philippe Demigné, a CNIM Board Member.
These vessels will conduct amphibious operations from the
well decks aboard Mistral-class amphibious assault ships
(referred to “force projection and command ships”),
Two EDA-S and an EDA-R in the well deck; top carrying troops, military equipment or vehicles. They will be
view © CNIM able to take part in logistics operations, depending on their
location. They are also designed to evacuate citizens and
recover air-dropped equipment during humanitarian
Eight EDA-S craft will be assigned to the amphibious flotilla
(FLOPHIB) based in Toulon, replacing the existing equipment
transport barges (CTM). The EDA-S and EDA-R* landing craft
will be carried aboard BPC amphibious assault ships.
The other six EDA-S will be deployed overseas, replacing
Two EDA-S and an EDA-R in the well deck;
perspective view from the dock side © CNIM various logistics barges**.
*EDA-R: Fast Amphibious Landing Craft, also designed by CNIM. Four EDA-R
have been in service with the French Navy since 2011.

** based in Djibouti (2), Mayotte (1), Nouméa (1), Fort-de-France (1) and
Kourou (1).

EDA-S exiting the well deck; perspective view

© CNIM Strong fit between the EDA-S and EDA-R
amphibious craft
The EDA-S and EDA-R are complementary in terms of
mission capabilities and speed; they have similar load
capacities*** and are both able to conduct amphibious
operations in very shallow water (<1m deep).
Aboard a force projection and command ship, the French
Navy can sail with either four EDA-S or two EDA-S and an
EDA-R, as required.
*** The EDA-S is designed to carry 65 tonnes in its nominal load
configuration, and has a maximum load of 80 tonnes, equivalent to the
nominal load of the EDA-R.


CNIM, SOCARENAM, MAURIC & CNN MCO - A proven quartet

Reprising a proven industrial framework and harnessing 10 years' experience in the heart of French amphibious
operations with the EDA-R, CNIM will design the EDA-S with support from the engineering consultants Mauric, a partner
from day one. The Socarenam shipyard in Saint-Malo will build and fit out the EDA-S, and CNN MCO will provide
maintenance services. CNIM and CNN MCO joined forces for this contract, "driven by a common goal of making the
French amphibious fleet powerful and effective", notes Philippe Demigné. As a result, the French Navy will have a
single contact regarding through-life support for its EDA-S and EDA-R amphibious ships: CNN MCO.

Ten-year contract
When confirmed, the overall EDA-S programme (including design, production and through-life support) will extend
over a ten-year period. It comprises a firm tranche, covering the design and supply of six EDA-S craft (20 months for
the first two, and 18 months for the following four) and a number of conditional tranches covering the construction
of 8 EDA-S craft
REFERENCE: as well as support services for the whole fleet.
EDA-S 2/3
Press contacts

Agence Gootenberg CNIM

Laurence Colin Nathalie Sablon
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tel.: +33 1 43 59 00 46
Tel.: +33 1 39 30 62 11
Frédérique Vigezzi
[email protected]
Tel.: + 33 1 43 59 29 84


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