Gyhm620 660 Manual

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The specifications and appearance of this product are subject to changes for further improvement
without prior notice.
Please check the latest version of the INSTRUCTIONS from the following Mobile User Guide. You can
also download the PDF from the Mobile User Guide.

Mobile User Guide

When you are outside, you can refer to the instructions from your Android phone or iPhone.
You can view the Mobile User Guide using the browser on your Android phone or iPhone.

Please read the following before getting started:

Thank you for purchasing this JVC product.
Before operating this unit, please read the
instructions carefully to ensure the best
For Customer Use: possible performance.
Enter below the Serial No. which is located In this manual, each model number is
on the body. described without the last letter (U/E) which
Retain this information for future reference. means the shipping destination.
Model No. GY-HM660U/GY-HM620U (U: for USA and Canada, E: for Europe)
Only “U” models (GY-HM660U/GY-HM620U)
Serial No. have been evaluated by UL.
IM 1.00 B5A-1277-00
These are general IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS and certain items may not
apply to all appliances.

1. Read these instructions.
2. Keep these instructions.
3. Heed all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. Do not use this apparatus near water.
6. Clean only with dry cloth.
7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s
8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or
other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
9. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs,
convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
10. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
11. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table
specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus.
When a cart is used, use caution when moving the
cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
12. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when
unused for long periods of time.
13. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as
power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen
into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not
operate normally, or has been dropped.



Safety Precautions This device complies with Part 15 of
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
FOR USA AND CANADA following two conditions: (1) This
device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must
CAUTION accept any interference received,

RISK OF ELECTRIC including interference that may cause

SHOCK undesired operation.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications not
TO REDUCE THE RISK OF approved by JVC could void the
ELECTRIC SHOCK. user’s authority to operate the
DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR equipment. This equipment has been
BACK). tested and found to comply with the
NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS limits for a Class A digital device,
INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
QUALIFIED SERVICE These limits are designed to provide
PERSONNEL. reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is
The lightning flash with operated in a commercial
arrowhead symbol, within environment.
an equilateral triangle is This equipment generates, uses, and
can radiate radio frequency energy
intended to alert the user to
and, if not installed and used in
the presence of uninsulated accordance with the instructions, may
“dangerous voltage” within cause harmful interference to radio
the product’s enclosure that communications. Operation of this
may be of sufficient equipment in a residential area is
magnitude to constitute a likely to cause harmful interference in
risk of electric shock to which case the user will be required
persons. to correct the interference at his own
The exclamation point within .

an equilateral triangle is
intended to alert the user to
the presence of important
operating and maintenance
(servicing) instructions in
the literature accompanying
the appliance.


REFERER A UN AGENT QUALIFIE  The rating plate and safety caution are
EN CAS DE PROBLEME. on the bottom and/or the back of the
main unit.
Le symbole de l’éclair à
 The serial number plate is on the
l’intérieur d’un triangle
bottom of the unit.
équilatéral est destiné à
 The rating information and safety
alerter l’utilisateur sur la
caution of the AC adapter are on its
présence d’une “tension
dangereuse” non isolée dans upper and lower sides.
le boîtier du produit. Cette
tension est suffisante pour REMARQUES :
provoquer l’électrocution de  La plaque d’identification et
personnes. l’avertissement de sécurité se trouvent
Le point d’exclamation à sous l’appareil et/ou au dos.
l’intérieur d’un triangle  La plaque du numéro de série est
équilatéral est destiné à située sur la partie inférieure de
alerter l’utilisateur sur la l’appareil.
présence d’opérations  Les informations d’identification et
d’entretien importantes au l’avertissement de sécurité de
sujet desquelles des l’adaptateur secteur sont situés sur ses
renseignements se trouvent côtés supérieur et inférieur.
dans le manuel
Caution on Replaceable lithium
Ces symboles ne sont battery
utilisés qu’aux Etats-Unis. The battery used in this device may
present a fire or chemical burn hazard if
CAUTION: mistreated.
Do not recharge, disassemble, heat
The mains plug shall remain readily above 100°C (212°F) or incinerate.
operable. Replace battery with Panasonic, Sanyo,
 Remove the mains plug immediately if Sony or Maxell CR2025.
the camera functions abnormally. Danger of explosion or risk of fire if the
battery is incorrectly replaced.
WARNING:  Dispose of used battery promptly.
 Keep away from children.
The battery pack, the camera with
 Do not disassemble and do not dispose
battery installed, and the remote control
with battery installed should not be of in fire.

exposed to excessive heat such as direct

sunlight, fire or the like.

When the equipment is installed in a When using the AC adapter in
cabinet or on a shelf, make sure that it areas other than the USA
has sufficient space on all sides to allow The provided AC adapter features
for ventilation (10 cm (3-15/16") or more automatic voltage selection in the AC
on both sides, on top and at the rear). range from 110 V to 240 V.
Do not block the ventilation holes.


(If the ventilation holes are blocked by a ADAPTER
newspaper, or cloth etc. the heat may not In case of connecting the unit’s power
be able to get out.) cord to an AC wall outlet other than
No naked flame sources, such as lighted American National Standard C73 series
candles, should be placed on the type, use an AC plug adapter called a
apparatus. “Siemens Plug” as shown.
When discarding batteries, For this AC plug adapter, please contact
environmental problems must be the local dealers in your area.
considered and the local rules or laws
Plug Adapter
governing the disposal of these batteries
must be followed strictly.

The apparatus shall not be exposed to

dripping or splashing and that no objects  Remove the AC adapter from the AC
filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be wall outlet when not in use.
placed on the apparatus.  Do not leave dust or metal objects
adhered to the AC wall outlet or AC
adapter (power/DC plug).
Do not point the lens directly into the .

sun. This can cause eye injuries, as well

as lead to the malfunctioning of internal
circuitry. There is also a risk of fire or
electric shock.
The following notes concern possible
physical damage to this unit and to the
Carrying or holding this unit by the LCD
monitor can result in dropping the unit,
or in a malfunction.
Do not use a tripod on unsteady or
unlevel surfaces. It could tip over,
causing serious damage to the unit.
Connecting cables (Audio/Video, etc.) to
this unit and leaving it on top of the TV is
not recommended, as tripping on the
cables will cause the unit to fall, resulting
in damage.

IMPORTANT (for owners in the U.K.) FOR EUROPE
Connection to the mains supply in This equipment is in conformity with the
provisions and protection requirements of
the United Kingdom.
the corresponding European Directives.
DO NOT cut off the mains plug from This equipment is designed for professional
this equipment. video appliances and can be used in the

If the plug fitted is not suitable for the following environments:
power points in your home or the cable is  Controlled EMC environment (for
too short to reach a power point, then example, purpose-built broadcasting or
obtain an appropriate safety approved recording studio), and rural outdoors
extension lead or contact the local environments.
dealers in your area. In order to keep the best performance and
BE SURE to replace the fuse only with furthermore for electromagnetic
an identical approved type, as originally compatibility we recommend to use cables
fitted, and to replace the fuse cover. not exceeding the following lengths:
If nonetheless the mains plug is cut off
be sure to remove the fuse and dispose
Port Cable Length
of the plug immediately, to avoid possible
shock hazard by inadvertent connection Exclusive
DC INPUT 1.8 m
to the mains supply. Cable
If this product is not supplied fitted with a Shielded
mains plug then follow the instructions USB Mini 1.2 m
given below: Exclusive
DO NOT make any connection to the AV OUT 1.4 m
Larger Terminal coded E or Green. Shielded
The wires in the mains lead are coloured HDMI 3m
in accordance with the following code: Exclusive
Blue to N Cable
(Neutral) or Black Coaxial
HD/SD SDI Cable 3m
Brown to L (Live)
or Red Shielded
If these colours do not correspond with Exclusive
the terminal identifications of your plug, HEADPHONE Cable 3m
connect as follows:
Blue wire to terminal coded N (Neutral) AUX 2m
or coloured black.
Brown wire to terminal coded L (Live) or Shielded
TC 1m
coloured Red.
If in doubt — consult a competent The inrush current of this apparatus is
electrician. 4.9 A.

 To prevent shock, do not open the Where there are strong electromagnetic
cabinet. No user serviceable parts waves or magnetism, for example near a
inside. radio or TV transmitter, transformer,
Refer servicing to qualified personnel. motor, etc., the picture and the sound
 When you are not using the AC may be disturbed. In such case, please
adapter for a long period of time, it is keep the apparatus away from the
recommended that you disconnect the sources of the disturbance.
power cord from AC outlet. .

Dear Customer Battery Pack
This apparatus is in conformance with The supplied battery pack is a lithium-ion
the valid European directives and battery. Before using the supplied battery
standards regarding electromagnetic pack or an optional battery pack, be sure
compatibility and electrical safety. to read the following cautions:
 To avoid hazards Terminals

European representative of
JVC KENWOOD Corporation is: ... do not burn.
JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH ... do not short-circuit the
Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 1-11 terminals. Keep it away
61118 Bad Vilbel from metallic objects
GERMANY when not in use.
When transporting, carry the battery in
a plastic bag.
Sehr geehrter Kunde, sehr geehrte ... do not modify or disassemble.
Kundin, dieses Gerät stimmt mit den ... do not expose the battery to
gültigen europäischen Richtlinien und temperatures exceeding 60°C (140°F),
Normen bezüglich elektromagnetischer as this may cause the battery to
Verträglichkeit und elektrischer overheat, explode or catch fire.
Sicherheit überein. ... use only specified chargers.
Die europäische Vertretung für die  To prevent damage and prolong
JVC KENWOOD Corporation ist:
JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH
service life
... do not subject to unnecessary shock.
Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 1-11
... charge within the temperature range
61118 Bad Vilbel
of 10°C to 30°C (50°F to 86°F). Cooler
temperatures require longer charging
time, or in some cases stop charging
at all. Warmer temperatures prevent
CAUTION: complete charging, or in some cases
To avoid electric
stop charging at all.
shock or damage to
... store in a cool, dry place. Extended
the unit, first firmly
exposure to high temperatures will
insert the small end
increase natural discharge and
of the power cord into the AC Adapter
shorten service life.
until it is no longer wobbly, and then plug
... keep a 30% battery level if the
the larger end of the power cord in to an
battery pack is not to be used for a
AC outlet.
long period of time.
... remove from charger or powered unit
FOR EUROPEAN when not in use, as some machines
use current even when switched off.
WARNING ... do not drop or subject to strong
This is a Class A product. In a domestic impact.
environment this product may cause .

radio interference in which case the user

may be required to take adequate

The plastics packaging bags may cause

suffocation when they are covered over the
head. Tear them open, and keep them away
from the reach of infants and children by
ensuring that they are disposed of properly.

o Para Brasil
Informação sobre eliminação de
Este produto não deverá ser eliminado
como lixo doméstico em geral.

Devolva a bateria velha ao comerciante
ou para a rede autorizada, para que seja
devolvida ao fabricante ou importador.
A reciclagem e eliminação de lixo em
uma maneira adequada, ajudarão para
preservar recursos, prevenindo, ao
mesmo tempo, contra efeitos prejudiciais
sobre a nossa saúde e o meio ambiente.

Para Retirar a Bateria Recarregável

Pressione botão e puxe a bateria para fora.

Contents Shooting
Basic Shooting Procedures ............................. 45
Selecting System Definition, File Format and Video
Introduction Format ............................................................. 46
Safety Precautions ............................................ 4 Zoom Operation .............................................. 48
Contents .......................................................... 10 Focus Operation .............................................. 49
Main Features ................................................. 13 Adjusting the Focusing by Face Detection ...... 52

Precautions for Proper Use ............................. 15 Adjusting the Brightness .................................. 53

Operation Modes ............................................. 18 Adjusting the Iris .............................................. 54
Names of Parts ................................................ 20 Setting the Gain ............................................... 55
Side Control Panel ....................................... 22 Setting the Electronic Shutter .......................... 56
SD Slot ......................................................... 23 Setting the ND Filter ........................................ 58
Rear Terminal .............................................. 23 Adjusting the White Balance ............................ 59
LCD Monitor ................................................ 24 Adjusting the Camera Image ........................... 62
Lens Section ................................................ 25 Using the Image Stabilizer ............................... 63
Basic System Diagram .................................... 26 Audio Recording .............................................. 63
Monitoring Audio Sound During Recording Using a
Headphone ...................................................... 65
Settings and Adjustments Before Use ............. 27 Time Code and User’s Bit ................................ 66
Adjusting the Grip Belt ................................. 27 Setting Time Code Generator .......................... 67
Attaching an External Microphone ............... 27 Setting the User’s Bit ....................................... 69
Attaching the Tripod ..................................... 27 Synchronizing Time Code on Another Camera
Attaching the Large Eyecup ......................... 27 ......................................................................... 70
Opening/Closing the Lens Cover ................. 28 Setting Zebra Pattern ...................................... 71
Attaching/Detaching the Hood ..................... 28 Setting Spot Meter ........................................... 72
Power Supply .................................................. 28 Acquiring Positioning Information by GPS a
Using a Battery Pack .................................... 28 ......................................................................... 74
Using AC Power (DC IN Power) ................... 30 Viewing Recorded Videos Immediately (Clip
Power Status Display ...................................... 30 Review) ........................................................... 74
Turning On/Off the Power ................................ 31 Splitting the Clips Freely (Clip Cutter Trig) ....... 75
Initial Settings .................................................. 32 Recording Simultaneously at Two Different
Displays on the LCD Monitor and Viewfinder .. 34 Definitions a ................................................ 76
Display Screen ............................................. 34 Series Rec ....................................................... 76
Status Screen .............................................. 35 Dual Rec .......................................................... 76
USB Mode Screen ....................................... 35 Backup Rec ..................................................... 78
Remote Edit Mode Screen a ................... 35 Special Recording ........................................... 80
Warning Display ........................................... 35 Pre Rec ........................................................ 80
Adjusting the LCD Monitor and Viewfinder ...... 36 Clip Continuous Rec .................................... 80
Adjusting the LCD Monitor ........................... 36 Frame Rec ................................................... 82
Adjusting the Viewfinder .............................. 37 Interval Rec .................................................. 83
Assignment of Functions to User Buttons ........ 38 Variable Frame Rec ..................................... 84
Tally Lamp ....................................................... 38
SD Card ........................................................... 39
Playing Recorded Clips ................................... 85
Usable Cards ............................................... 39
Thumbnail Screen ........................................ 85
Formatting (Initializing) SD Cards ................ 41
Actions ......................................................... 87
Restoring the SD Card ................................. 42
Playing back ................................................ 88
Clips Recorded to SD Cards ........................ 43
Deleting Clips .................................................. 89
Operation Lock Feature ................................... 44
Appending/Deleting OK Mark .......................... 90
Selecting and Performing Operations on Multiple
Clips ................................................................ 91
Selecting Multiple Clips Randomly ............... 91
Selecting Multiple Clips Consecutively ........ 92
Trimming Recorded Clips ................................ 93

Menu Display and Detailed Settings Connecting External Devices
Basic Operations in Menu Screen ................... 94 Loading Clips to the PC ................................. 145
Display and Description of the Menu Screen Connecting External Monitor ......................... 146
..................................................................... 95 Connecting the Headphone ........................... 148
Text Input with Software Keyboard .............. 96 Connecting Wired Remote Control ................ 148
Menu Screen Hierarchical Chart ..................... 97
Camera Function Menu ................................... 98 Connecting to the Network a

User Switch Set Item .................................. 100 Functions of Network Connection a .......... 149
Camera Process Menu .................................. 102 Preparing Network Connection a .............. 149
Detail/Adjust Item ....................................... 105 Operating Environment .............................. 149
White Balance Item .................................... 106 Camera Setup for Network Connection ..... 150
TC/UB Menu ................................................. 107 Connecting via Wireless LAN .................... 150
LCD/VF Menu ................................................ 108 Connecting via Wired LAN ......................... 152
Shooting Assist Item .................................. 108 Connecting via Cellular Adapter ................ 152
Marker Settings Item .................................. 109 Importing Metadata a ............................... 153
Display Settings Item ................................. 110 Preparing Metadata ................................... 153
A/V Set Menu ................................................ 112 Configuring the Server for Downloading .... 153
Video Set Item ........................................... 112 Importing Metadata .................................... 154
Audio Set Item ........................................... 113 Uploading a Recorded Video Clip a ......... 155
System Menu ................................................ 115 Configuring the FTP Server for Uploading . 155
Record Set Item ......................................... 117 Uploading Video Clip ................................. 155
Network/Settings Item a ........................ 122 FTP Resume Feature a ............................ 157
Adding/Editing Frequently Used Menu Items Connecting from a Web Browser a ........... 158
(Favorites Menu) ........................................... 127 Editing Metadata a ................................... 159
Adding Menu Items to Favorites Menu ...... 128 Planning Metadata ..................................... 159
Editing Favorites Menu .............................. 128 Clip Metadata ............................................ 160
Uploading a Recording Clip via a Web Browser
Display/Status Screen a ............................................................... 162
Display Screen in Camera Mode ................... 131 View Remote Feature a ............................ 166
Display Screen in Media Mode ...................... 136 Operating Procedure ................................. 166
Status Screen ................................................ 139 Registering/Deleting Preset Zoom ............. 167
Camera Control Function a ...................... 168
Camera Features
Changing the Settings via a Web Browser a
Marker and Safety Zone Displays (Camera Mode ....................................................................... 170
Only) .............................................................. 140
Changing View Remote Function Settings . 171
Smoothening the Skin Color (Skin Detail
Changing Connection Setup ...................... 171
Function) ....................................................... 140
Changing Metadata Server Settings .......... 172
Color Bar Output ........................................... 140
Changing Clip Server Settings ................... 172
Adjusting Color Matrix ................................... 141
Changing Streaming Settings .................... 172
Configuring Setup Files ................................. 142
Managing the Network Connection Settings File
Saving Setup Files ..................................... 143
a ............................................................... 172
Loading a Setup File .................................. 144
Saving the Connection Settings File .......... 173
Deleting Setup Files ................................... 144
Reading the Connection Settings File ........ 174
Deleting Connection Settings .................... 174
Performing Live Streaming a .................... 175
Setting Distribution ..................................... 176
Starting Distribution ................................... 176
Setting the FEC Matrix ............................... 177

Others Content of this manual
Error Messages and Actions ......................... 178
List of FTP Transfer Errors a ................. 179 Symbols used
List of Live Streaming Error Displays a . 181 Caution : Describes precautions concerning the
Blinking of the Tally Lamp .......................... 181 operation of this product.
Warning Tone ............................................ 182 Memo : Describes reference information, such as
Troubleshooting ............................................ 182 functions and usage restrictions of this

Specifications ................................................ 184 product.

Index ............................................................. 187
A : Indicates the reference page numbers and
reference items.
Software License Agreement ........................ 189 a : Feature available on
Important Notice concerning the Software ..... 190 GY-HM660U/GY-HM660E only.

b : Feature available on
GY-HM620U/GY-HM620E only.

Content of this manual

0 All rights reserved by JVC KENWOOD Corporation.
Unauthorized duplication or reprinting of this
manual, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.
0 Illustrated designs, specifications and other
contents of this manual are subject to change for
improvement without prior notice.
0 AVCHD Progressive and the AVCHD Progressive
logo are trademarks of Panasonic Corporation and
Sony Corporation.
0 XDCAM EX is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
0 SDXC and SDHC logos are trademarks of SD-3C,
0 HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) and
1 are trademarks of HDMI Licensing,
0 QuickTime, Final Cut Pro, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch,
iOS, Mac OS and Safari are trademarks of Apple
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0 Android, Google Chrome and Nexus are
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0 QR Code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave
0 Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of
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0 Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, and Internet
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0 The company name of Fontworks, Fontworks, and
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0 Zixi and the Zixi logo are trademarks of Zixi LCC.
0 Other product and company names included in this
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omitted in this manual.

Main Features QuickTime (MPEG-2 HD/H.264 HD/
File Formats
F12 Sensitivity, High-performance 1/3-
inch Full HD 3CMOS Sensors Inheriting the concept of ProHD memory camera
recorders, this camera recorder can support
This camera recorder is equipped with three 1/3- various file formats, such as AVCHD and
inch 2.07M pixels full HD CMOS sensors. QuickTime (H.264 SD) files, in addition to

It delivers high image quality, high color resolution QuickTime (MPEG-2 HD/H.264 HD) files that can
through processing of individual R, G, B color be directly edited on Apple Final Cut Pro and MP4
signals. 12-bit signal processing and the new DNR files that are most suitable for XDCAM EX
technology removes dark current and optical shot Nonlinear Editing Workflow.
noise without losing S/N and high resolution,
thereby achieving high F12 sensitivity. Two SDHC/SDXC Card Slots for Dual,
Backup and Series Recording
Fujinon 23x Zoom Lens
The most common SDHC/SDXC card recording
It ensures high magnification of 29 mm at wide system is used as the memory card.
ends, and provides high sensitivity across all This ensures reliability and operation at low running
regions with F1.6-3.0. cost.
The zoom ring with zoom ring pin enables zooming Various user friendly recording systems are also
from the wide end to the tele end in 90 degrees. available. These include dual recording of the
Focus and iris control are also possible using same file to two cards, and using REC/STBY to
separate rings. break up video clips in one card while performing
backup recording to the other card.
Small, Lightweight, Stylish, and
Ergonomic Design Diverse Simultaneous Recording
The camera recorder is only 2.5 kg a or 2.4 kg Combinations (HD and SD, HD and
b in operation mode. Proxy Video, etc.) a
It is light and easy to use. Its ergonomic design This camera recorder comes with a convenient
takes into consideration portability and operability proxy video (960x540p, 480x270p MOV) recording
and is easy on the hand during shooting. function for distribution over the network.
With the Dual Rec feature further enhanced, you
JVC’s Proprietary FALCONBRID High- can now record videos in the HD quality on one
Quality Imaging Engine SDHC/SDXC card, while at the same time record
to the other card in the SD or proxy video quality.
The FALCONBRID high-quality imaging engine
omits unnecessary processing through
incorporating camera processing and image
Variable Frame Rec
compression on a single chip. Images from Enables beautiful slow motion and quick motion
imaging devices are compressed and processed image recording such as overcrank and
without any loss thereby achieving high-quality undercrank.
SDI/HDMI Simultaneous Output
MPEG2 and H.264 Codec
Equipped with both [HD/SD SDI] and [HDMI]
FALCONBRID allows users to select MPEG-2 and terminals as digital output.
AVCHD, the most commonly used codec for Non-compressed full HD video signals and audio
professional video, as the recording format. signals can be output to the [HD/SD SDI] and
[HDMI] terminals at the same time.

Auto Focus/Optical Image Stabilizer 35 Mbps High-quality Recording Mode
The camera recorder is equipped with a face This camera recorder is equipped with a 35 Mbps
detection auto focus function that covers the entire mode for the MPEG-2 (MOV, MP4, MXF) and H.
screen. 264 (MOV) file formats to support recording in high
It can switch to manual focus as well. image quality.
A built-in optical image stabilizer feature is also
available. 50 Mbps High-quality Recording Mode

Professional Switch Layout and Various This camera recorder comes with a 50 Mbps mode
in the H.264 format (1920x1080: MOV) to support
Video Parameter Settings high-resolution video recording.
Switches for Gain and White Balance are available
on the side panel to enable quick switching Built-in GPS a
according to the shooting scene.
Image parameters such as gamma and color This camera recorder is equipped with a GPS
matrixes are also available in the menu for function. Position information obtained from the
adjusting preferred tones. GPS satellite can be recorded as metadata during
4-position ND Filter
Diverse Network Functions a
This camera recorder incorporates three types of
ND filters. This camera recorder supports various operations
Adjust the amount of light according to the from a network connected device, such as remote
brightness during shooting by switching the 4- control, viewing, editing of metadata, file transfer to
position ND filter (OFF, 1/4, 1/16, 1/64). FTP server, and live streaming.
Also, with the “Zixi” cloud service supported, which
0.45-inch 1.22M Pixel Color Viewfinder, enables highly-reliable and stable data
transmission, “SMPTE ST2022-1/2” and “RTMP”
3.5-inch 920K Pixel LCD Display
live streaming are possible.
(Equipped with Focus Assist Function)
Application Software Provided
Built-in Stereo Microphone, 2-channel The [JVC ProHD Clip Manager] application
XLR Audio Input (Microphone/Line software is provided for you to copy recorded clips
Switch, Phantom Power Supply) and to Windows or Macintosh computers and for
Mini Jack Input Terminal for Wireless checking the video images. (For MP4 file format)
Microphone Receiver
The disc provided with this camera recorder
This camera recorder is equipped with high- comes with [JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other
performance analog circuits. With the wide application software as well as their user guides.
dynamic range, soft sounds and loud sounds can
be recorded without distortion compared to * For details, refer to the user guides for each
previous models. application software.

Pre Rec Function (Up to 15 Seconds)

and Interval Rec Function

Supports Wired Remote Control

Precautions for Proper Power Saving

Use o When this unit is not in use, be sure to set the

[POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch to
“OFF(CHG)” in order to reduce power
Storage and Usage Locations consumption.
o Allowable ambient temperature and humidity

Be sure to use this unit within the allowable
temperature range of 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to o Turn off the power before performing any
104°F) and a relative humidity of 30 % to 80 %. maintenance.
Using this unit at a temperature or humidity o Wipe the external cabinet of the unit with a soft
outside the allowable ranges could result not cloth. Do not wipe the body with benzene or
only in malfunction but also serious impact on thinner. Doing so may cause the surface to melt
the CMOS elements as small white spots may or turn cloudy. When it is extremely dirty, soak
be generated. Please exercise care during use. the cloth in a solution of neutral detergent, wipe
o Strong electromagnetic waves or magnetism the body with it, and then use a clean cloth to
Noise may appear in the picture or audio and/or remove the detergent.
the colors may be incorrect if this unit is used
near a radio or television transmitting antenna, Rechargeable Battery
in places where strong magnetic fields are
generated by transformers, motors, etc., or near o Be sure to use only the specified batteries.
devices emitting radio waves, such as We do not guarantee the safety and
transceivers or cellular phones. performance of this device if an unspecified
o Use of wireless microphone near this unit battery is used.
When a wireless microphone or wireless o For details, refer to the “INSTRUCTIONS” of the
microphone tuner is used near this unit during battery.
recording, the tuner could pick up noise. o ATTENTION:
o Avoid using or placing this unit in the following The product you have purchased
places. is powered by a rechargeable
0 Places subject to extreme heat or cold battery that is recyclable.
0 Places with excessive dirt or dust Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY for
0 Places with high humidity or moisture information on how to recycle this
0 Places subject to smoke or vapor such as near battery.
a cooking stove
0 Places subject to strong vibrations or unstable
0 In a parked car under direct sunlight or near a
heater for long hours Regular Inspection (Maintenance)
o Do not place this unit at places that are subject o Under normal environment, dust will
to radiation or X-rays, or where corrosive gases accumulate on the camera recorder when it is
occur. used over a long period. Dust may enter the
o Protect this unit from being splashed with water. camera recorder especially if it is used outdoors.
(Especially when shooting in the rain) This may affect the image and sound quality of
o Protect this unit from getting wet when shooting the camera recorder. Check and replace the fan
on a beach. In addition, salt and sand may after every 9000 hours (suggested guideline).
adhere to the body. Be sure to clean the unit after You can check the usage time of the fan in
use. [System] B [System Information] B [Fan Hour].
o Protect this unit against penetration of dust
(A P117 [ Fan Hour ] )
when using it in a place subject to sandy dust.
If the fan is used for more than 9000 hours
without replacement, “Fan Maintenance
Required” will be displayed every time you turn
o Do not drop or hit this unit against a hard object on the power.
when transporting.
Encryption in Network Connection a
o Wireless LAN connections make use of an
encryption function.
This encryption is designed for commercially-
sold equipment, and it cannot be altered.

SDHC/SDXC Cards o Do not use pencils or ballpoint pens to write on
the SD cards. Always use oil-based pens.
o SDHC/SDXC card is referred to as SD card in o If you format (initialize) the SD card, all data
this manual. recorded on the card, including video data and
o This camera recorder saves the recorded setup files, will be deleted.
images and audio sound on the SD card (sold o You are recommended to use cards that are
separately) in the card slot. formatted (initialized) on this camera recorder.
o If the SD card contains files recorded by devices 0 The SD card may be damaged if the camera

other than this camera recorder or files that are recorder is not operated correctly. Formatting
saved from a PC, the recordable time may be (Initializing) the SD card may allow it to operate
shorter or data may not be properly recorded. In correctly.
addition, the remaining space on the card may 0 SD cards that have been formatted (initialized)
not increase even when files are deleted using on other cameras, computers or peripheral
a PC. equipment may not operate correctly. In this
o For details on the combinations of usable SD case, format (initialize) the SD card on this
card and format setting, refer to the following. camera recorder.
(A P39 [Usable Cards] ) o If you want to wipe out all information by
* Using cards other than those from Panasonic, completely erasing the data, we recommend
TOSHIBA or SanDisk may result in recording either using commercially available software
failure or data loss. that is specially designed for that purpose, or by
physically destroying the SD card with a
Handling of SD Cards hammer, etc. When formatting or erasing data
using the camera recorder, only the file
o The status indicator lights up in red when data administration information is changed. The data
on the SD card is being accessed. is not completely erased from the SD card.
Do not remove the SD card during data access o Some commercially available SD cards may be
(such as recording, playback, or formatting). Do harder to be removed from this unit. Remove
not turn off the power or remove the battery and them by hooking onto the groove on the cards.
AC adapter during access either. 0 It will be easier to remove the cards after several
o Do not use or store the SD card in a place that times.
is subject to static electricity or electrical noise. 0 Do not stick any stickers on the cards.
o Do not place the SD card near locations that are
exposed to strong magnetic fields or radio
o Inserting the SD card incorrectly may result in
damage of this unit or the SD card.
o We are not liable for any accidental loss of data .
stored on the SD card. Please back up any o The SD card may pop out when it is being
important data. removed. Be careful not to lose the card.
o Make use of the SD card within the prescribed
conditions of use. GPS a
Do not use it at the following locations.
o The GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites
Places that are subject to direct sunlight, high
are managed by the Department of State of the
humidity or corrosion, places near thermal
U.S., and its precision may be altered
equipment, sandy or dusty places, or in a car
under the sun with the doors and windows
o Perform positioning at an unobstructed location
o Do not bend or drop the SD card, or subject it to with a clear view that is not indoors or blocked
by trees.
strong impact or vibration.
o The time needed for obtaining the position
o Do not splash the SD card with water.
o Do not dismantle or modify the SD card. information may be longer and variation may
o Do not touch the terminals with your hands or also be larger depending on the surrounding
environment and time of day.
with a metal object.
o This camera recorder uses the WGS 84 World
o Do not allow dust, dirt, water, or foreign objects
Geodetic System.
to adhere to the terminals.
o Signal from GPS satellites may be interrupted by
o Do not remove the labels or stick other labels or
communication signal from electronic devices
stickers on the SD cards.
such as mobile phones.

LCD Monitor and Viewfinder o MPEG LA MPEG-2 Patent
o The LCD monitor and viewfinder screen are OTHER THAN PERSONAL USE THAT
manufactured using high-precision technology. COMPLIES WITH THE MPEG-2 STANDARD
Black spots may appear on the LCD monitor and FOR ENCODING VIDEO INFORMATION FOR
viewfinder screen, or red, blue, and/or white PACKAGED MEDIA IS EXPRESSLY
spots may not disappear. However, this is not a PROHIBITED WITHOUT A LICENSE UNDER
malfunction and these spots are not recorded on APPLICABLE PATENTS IN THE MPEG-2

o If you use this unit continuously for a long period AVAILABLE FROM MPEG LA, LLC, 6312 S.
of time, the characters displayed in the WHICH LICENSE IS AVAILABLE FROM MPEG
viewfinder may temporarily remain on the LA, LLC, 6312 S. Fiddlers Green circle, Suite
screen. This is not recorded on the SD card. 400E, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
They will not appear after you turn the power off U.S.A.
and then on again.
o If you use this unit in a cold place, the images Copyright
may appear to lag on the screen, but this is not
a malfunction. Retained images are not o Any recordings made on this camera recorder
recorded on the SD card. that are played back for profit or public preview
o Do not press against the surface with force or may infringe on the rights of the owner of the
subject it to strong impact. Doing so may recordings.
damage or break the screens. Do not use the recordings for purpose other than
o Noise may appear in the viewfinder when personal enjoyment without prior consent from
switching between the live video and playback the owner.
o Due to the characteristic of the viewfinder Others
display device, colors may appear on the
images when you blink your eyes. It does not o Do not insert objects other than the memory card
affect the recorded images, SDI output, or HDMI into the card slot.
output. o Do not block the vent on the unit.
Blocking of the vent causes internal heating and
License Notices may lead to burns and fires.
o Do not turn off the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)]
o MPEG LA AVC switch or remove the power cable during
AVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR o The camera recorder may not show stable
THE PERSONAL USE OF A CONSUMER OR pictures for a few seconds immediately after the
OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT power is turned on, but this is not a malfunction.
RECEIVE REMUNERATION TO o When the video signal output terminals are not
(i) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH in use, put on the covers to prevent damage to
(ii) DECODE AVC VIDEO THAT WAS o Do not drop this unit or subject it to strong impact
ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A or vibration as it is a precision equipment.
PERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WAS o Optical performance of lens
OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER Due to the optical performance of the lens, color
LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. divergence phenomena (magnification
NO LICENSE IS GRANTED OR SHALL BE chromatic aberration) may occur at the
IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONAL periphery of the image. This is not a camera
MPEG LA, L.L.C. SEE o Noise may appear in the image when switching
o If placed on its side, heat release efficiency will
o Use the supplied AC adapter as the power
supply. Do not use the supplied AC adapter on
other devices.
o When the connectors that come with connector
covers are not in use, put on the covers to
prevent damage to the connectors.
o This camera recorder makes use of fonts by
Fontworks Inc.
o This camera recorder makes use of M+FONTS.

Operation Modes
This camera recorder has four operation modes - Camera mode, Media mode, USB mode and Remote
Edit mode.

Camera Mode Media Mode


Press and hold [MODE] [CANCEL]/[MENU/THUMB] Button

Camera Input Thumbnail Display
Normal Playback
[MODE] Trimming Playback
Button Execute
[Trim This Clip]

Exit Trimming Operation [LOLUX/3] Button

Trimming in Progress

Exit/Cancel File Delete Operation (Successful/Failed/Stopped)

File Deletion in Progress
Exit FTP Execute [Delete Clips]
Operation (Actions)
Exit/Cancel FTP Operation (Successful/Failed/Stopped)

Press and hold [MODE] Execute [FTP Upload]

FTP in Progress FTP in Progress

[MODE] Button

Connection disabled on PC USB Connection (When the confirmation to change

to USB mode appears and [Change] is selected)
Connection to PC with
USB Cable USB Mode
(USB Mass Storage Class)

Upon access via a web browser and selecting [Change] on the

[Change to Remote Edit Mode?] screen on the camera or the web browser

Remote Edit Mode

* Selecting a mode other than the Metadata Edit mode via the web browser,
GY-HM660 only or selecting [Exit] on the [Remote Edit Mode] screen






Operation Mode Description
Camera Mode 0 This is the camera shooting mode. The camera recorder starts up in Camera mode
when the power is turned on.
0 Camera images are output on the viewfinder and LCD monitor. When a recordable
SD card is inserted, the camera recorder enters the recording standby mode.
“STBY” appears on the operation mode display area of the LCD monitor and

0 Press the [REC] trigger button to start recording.
Memo :
0 Playback of SD card is not possible in Camera mode. However, you can check the
most recently recorded video clip.
(A P74 [Viewing Recorded Videos Immediately (Clip Review)] )

Media Mode 0 This mode allows you to play back or delete clips recorded on the SD card.
0 When a playable SD card is inserted, the thumbnail or playback screen is displayed
on the viewfinder and LCD monitor.
0 Press the [MODE] selection button to enter Media mode when you are not shooting
in Camera mode. Once the camera recorder is in Media mode, thumbnails of the
selected media slot are displayed.
USB Mode 0 This mode allows you to connect to a PC and transfer the files on an SD card to
the PC.
0 When the camera recorder is connected to a USB cable, the message “Change to
USB Mode?” appears.
Select [Change] and press the Set button to switch to USB mode.
(A P145 [Loading Clips to the PC] )
0 In USB mode, the camera recorder is recognized by the connected PC as a
peripheral drive. (USB mass storage class only)
Disable the connection on the PC and remove the USB cable from the camera
recorder to switch to Camera mode.
(A P145 [Loading Clips to the PC] )
Memo :
0 When a USB cable is connected during recording, the message appears after
recording stops.
0 If playback is in progress, the message appears once the files are closed
automatically, such as when playback stops.
0 Files on the PC cannot be written to the SD card.
Remote Edit 0 This mode enables the list display and editing of the recorded clip data through
Mode a access to the clip list display page via a web browser on a smartphone, tablet
terminal, or PC.
0 When you access via a web browser on a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC, “It
is necessary to change the camera mode to "Remote Edit Mode". Change the
mode.” appears on the web browser. Also, “Change to Remote Edit Mode?” is
displayed on the display screen of the camera unit.
Selecting [Change] on the camera recorder and pressing the Set button switches
to the Remote Edit mode, and enables display of the clip list and editing of the clip
(A P160 [ Clip Metadata ] )
(A P162 [Uploading a Recording Clip via a Web Browser a] )
Memo :
0 If you access via a web browser on devices such as a smartphone, tablet terminal,
or PC while recording is in progress, the message appears after recording stops.
0 If playback is in progress, the message appears once the files are closed
automatically, such as when playback stops.

Names of Parts






1/64 A/B

1/16 KER/6
1/4 PUSH






A Built-in Microphone J [ZOOM SERVO/MANUAL] Zoom Operation

(A P63 [Audio Recording] ) Servo/Manual Switch
B Tally Lamp Set to “SERVO” when using the zoom lever at
(A P38 [Tally Lamp] ) the grip j or the zoom lever at the handle a.
(A P181 [Blinking of the Tally Lamp] ) (A P48 [Zoom Operation] )
C Microphone Holder K Monitor Speaker
(A P27 [Attaching an External Microphone] ) (A P88 [Audio Output during Playback] )
D Microphone Holder Lock Knob L Viewfinder
(A P27 [Attaching an External Microphone] ) (A P36 [Adjusting the LCD Monitor and
E Shoe Viewfinder] )
For mounting separately sold lights and M Visibility Adjustment Lever
accessories. (A P36 [Adjusting the LCD Monitor and
F [FIX/VAR/OFF] Zoom Speed Switch Viewfinder] )
(A P48 [Zoom Operation] ) N Eyecup
For switching the zoom speed of the zoom lever Prevents external light from entering the
a at the handle. viewfinder screen and cameraman’s vision.
(A P27 [Attaching the Large Eyecup] )
G Accessory Mounting Screw Hole
O Battery
H Tripod Mounting Hole
(A P28 [Using a Battery Pack] )
(A P27 [Attaching the Tripod] )
P [x] Headphone Jack (Φ3.5 mm)
I [REC] Record Trigger Button
(A P65 [Monitoring Audio Sound During
Starts/stops recording. Recording Using a Headphone] )
You can also change its function in the menu.
(A P100 [ Front REC ] ) Q [AUX] AUX Input Terminal (Φ3.5 mm)
For connecting to receiver such as wireless
Memo : microphone.
0 This button is interlocked with the [REC] button
R on the grip and the [REC/HOLD] button Z at
the top of the handle.

dc b aZ












R [REC] Record Trigger Button Y [INPUT1/INPUT2] Audio Input Terminal 1, 2

Starts/stops recording. (XLR 3-pin x 2)
Memo : (A P27 [Attaching an External Microphone] )
0 This button is interlocked with the [REC] button Z [REC/HOLD] Record Trigger Button/Lock
I at the bottom of the lens and the [REC/ Switch
HOLD] button Z at the top of the handle. Starts/stops recording.
Set the switch to [HOLD] to lock the [REC]
S [C.REVIEW/7] Clip Review/User 7 Button Trigger button.
For checking the most recently captured Memo :
images. 0 This button is interlocked with the [REC] button
(A P74 [Viewing Recorded Videos
R on the grip and the [REC] button I at the
Immediately (Clip Review)] )
You can also use it as a user button by assigning bottom of the lens.
a specific feature in the menu setting to this 0 The [REC] button R on the grip and the [REC]
button. button I at the bottom of the lens will not be
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User locked.
Buttons] ) a Zoom lever at the Handle
T Zoom Lever at the Grip (A P48 [Using the Zoom Lever at the
To operate zoom servo with the zoom lever at Handle] )
the grip, set the [ZOOM SERVO/MANUAL] b Shoulder Belt Mount (x2)
switch 0 to “SERVO”. For mounting a shoulder belt (sold separately).
(A P48 [Using the Zoom Lever at the Grip] )
Caution :
U [TC] TC Input/Output Terminal 0 Be sure to use a shoulder belt with the strength
(A P66 [Time Code and User’s Bit] ) to withstand the weight of this camera recorder.
V [IN/OUT] TC IN/OUT Selection Switch 0 If the shoulder belt is not properly attached, the
(A P70 [Synchronizing Time Code on camera recorder may fall and cause injuries.
Another Camera] ) Check the instruction manual provided with the
shoulder belt before using.
W Hood Release Button
(A P28 [Attaching/Detaching the Hood] ) c [POWER/CHG] Power/Charging Display Lamp
X External Microphone Cable Clamp (A P28 [Using a Battery Pack] )
(A P27 [Attaching an External Microphone] ) d [BATT. RELEASE] Battery Lock Release Button
(A P29 [Removing the Battery] )

Side Control Panel L [ZEBRA/5] Zebra/User 5 Button
(A P71 [Setting Zebra Pattern] )
UTS R Q P You can also use it as a user button by assigning
a specific feature in the menu setting to this
A (A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User

Buttons] )

1/64 POWER

M [MARKER/6] Marker/User 6 Button


1/16 ON

This button toggles ON/OFF the marker, safety


zone, and center mark displays.



You can also use it as a user button by assigning



a specific feature in the menu setting to this


(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User


Buttons] )
N [MODE] Camera/Media Mode Selection Button
H (A P18 [Operation Modes] )
A [FOCUS AUTO/MANU/∞] Focus Switch O [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] Lock Power ON/OFF
(A P49 [Focus Operation] ) Switch
B [ND FILTER] ND Filter Switch Turns ON/OFF the power.
(A P58 [Setting the ND Filter] ) 0 Hold down the lock button (blue) in the center
to toggle ON/OFF.
C [PUSH AUTO] Focus Push Auto Button 0 When the power is turning OFF, “P.OFF”
(A P50 [One Push Auto Focus] ) appears on the LCD monitor and viewfinder.
D [IRIS] Iris Auto/Manual Selection Button 0 Wait for 5 seconds or more to turn on the
(A P54 [Adjusting the Iris] ) power again.
E [PUSH AUTO] Iris Push Auto Button P Cross-Shaped Button (JKHI)/Set Button (R)
(A P54 [Adjusting the Iris] ) The function changes according to the
operation status of the camera recorder.
F [GAIN] Gain Auto/Manual Selection Button / [L/ o During menu operation (all modes)
M/H] Sensitivity Selection Switch (A P94 [Basic Operations in Menu Screen] )
(A P55 [Setting the Gain] ) Set Button (R) : Confirms menu items
G [WHT BAL] White Balance Auto/Manual and setting values
Cross-shaped Button : Selects menu items
Selection Button / [B/A/PRESET] Selection (JK) and setting values
Switch o During Camera mode
(A P59 [Adjusting the White Balance] ) Shutter operation:
H [SHUTTER] Shutter Speed Auto/Manual Set Button (R) : Shutter ON/OFF
Selection Button Cross-shaped Button : Switches shutter
(A P56 [Setting the Electronic Shutter] ) (JK) speed when shutter
I [y] One Push Auto White Balance Button is ON
Cross-Shaped Button : AE level operation
J [FULL AUTO ON/OFF] Full Auto Switch (HI)
(A P53 [Adjusting the Brightness Memo :
Automatically] ) 0 When [Camera Function] B [AE LEVEL SW] is
(A P61 [Automatic White Balance Mode
(FAW: Fulltime Auto White balance)] ) set to “AE LEVEL/VFR”, the cross-shaped
button (HI) is used to set the number of frames
K [AE LOCK/4] AE Lock/User 4 Button during Variable Frame Rec.
When Gain, Iris, and Shutter are set to “AUTO”, (A P84 [Variable Frame Rec] )
their respective values and the value of white (A P99 [ AE LEVEL SW ] )
balance are locked when the [AE LOCK/4] button
is pressed. Q [LOLUX/3] Low-light Shooting/User 3 Button
You can also use it as a user button by assigning For switching the low-light shooting mode ON
a specific feature in the menu setting to this or OFF.
button. You can also use it as a user button by assigning
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User a specific feature in the menu setting to this
Buttons] ) button.
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Buttons] )

R [OIS/2] Optical Image Stabilizer/User 2 Button Rear Terminal
For switching the image stabilizer feature mode
ON or OFF.
You can also use it as a user button by assigning
a specific feature in the menu setting to this
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Buttons] )

S [FOCUS ASSIST/1] Focus Assist/User 1 Button
For switching the focus assist function ON or BATT.RELEASE


(A P51 [Focus Assist Function] ) DEVICE

You can also use it as a user button by assigning

a specific feature in the menu setting to this





(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User



Buttons] ) G
T [MENU/THUMB] Menu/Thumbnail Button

0 Displays the menu screen during Camera A [DEVICE] USB Mini Terminal
mode. (A P145 [Loading Clips to the PC] )
0 Switches between [Main Menu] and B [AV] AV Output Terminal
[Favorites Menu] when the [MENU/ (A P146 [Connecting External Monitor] )
THUMB] button is pressed and held down
C [HD/SD SDI] SDI Output Terminal (BNC)
while the menu screen is displayed.
(A P94 [Basic Operations in Menu Screen] ) (A P146 [Connecting External Monitor] )
0 Displays the menu screen when the button D [HDMI] HDMI Output Terminal
is pressed during thumbnail display in the (A P146 [Connecting External Monitor] )
Media mode.
0 Stops playback and displays the thumbnail E [HOST] USB Host Terminal a
screen when the button is pressed during For connecting an USB adapter according to
playback screen display in the Media mode. the intended purpose when you are connecting
U [CANCEL] Cancel Button the unit to a network.
Cancels various settings and stops playback. (A P150 [Camera Setup for Network
Connection] )
SD Slot F [REMOTE] Remote Terminal
(A P148 [Connecting Wired Remote Control] )
(A P39 [SD Card] )
G [DC] DC Input Terminal
Input terminal for DC 12 V power supply. For
connecting with the supplied AC adapter.
(A P30 [Using AC Power (DC IN Power)] )



A SD Card Cover
B [SLOT A/B] Card Slot Selection Button
For switching the active card slot during
shooting and playback.
C Card Slot B Status Indicator
D Card Slot A Status Indicator

LCD Monitor F [LCD BRIGHT +/-] LCD Display Brightness
Adjustment Button
A (A P36 [Adjusting the Brightness] )
G [PEAKING +/-] LCD/VF Contour Adjustment
(A P37 [Adjusting the Contour (LCD)] )
(A P37 [Adjusting the Contour (Viewfinder)] )

H [DISPLAY] Display Button
0 Press the [DISPLAY] button to switch to the

display screen during normal screen display


D (when the menu screen is not displayed).



(A P34 [Display Screen] )


0 Switches between [Main Menu] and


E FG H I [Favorites Menu] when the [DISPLAY]

button is pressed while the menu screen is

A LCD Monitor (A P94 [Basic Operations in Menu Screen] )

(A P36 [Adjusting the LCD Monitor and
Viewfinder] ) I [STATUS] Status Screen Display Button
B [MENU/THUMB] Menu/Thumbnail Button Press the [STATUS] button to display the status
screen on the viewfinder and LCD monitor
0 Displays the menu screen during Camera
during normal screen display (when the menu
screen is not displayed).
0 Switches between [Main Menu] and
(A P35 [Status Screen] )
[Favorites Menu] when the [MENU/
THUMB] button is pressed and held down J [MONITOR]/[+/-] Audio Monitor Selection
while the menu screen is displayed. Switch/Volume Adjustment Button
(A P94 [Basic Operations in Menu Screen] ) Switches the audio monitor and adjusts the
0 Displays the menu screen when the button monitor speaker/headphone.
is pressed during thumbnail display in the (A P65 [Monitoring Audio Sound During
Media mode. Recording Using a Headphone] )
0 Stops playback and displays the thumbnail K [INPUT1/INPUT2] Audio Input Signal Selection
screen when the button is pressed during Switch
playback screen display in the Media mode. (A P63 [Audio Recording] )
C LCD Cross-Shaped Button (JKHI)/Set Button L [CH2] CH2 Audio Input Signal Selection Switch
(R) Select the audio input terminal to record to CH2.
The function changes according to the (A P63 [Audio Recording] )
operation status of the camera recorder.
0 During menu operation (all modes) M [CH1] CH1 Audio Input Signal Selection Switch
(A P94 [Basic Operations in Menu Screen] ) (A P63 [Audio Recording] )
Set Button (R) : Confirms menu N [CH1/CH2 AUTO/MANUAL] CH1/CH2 Audio
items and setting Recording Mode Switch
values (A P64 [Adjusting Audio Recording Level] )
Cross-shaped Button : Selects menu
(JK) items and setting
0 During Camera mode
You can also use it as a user button by assigning
a specific feature in the menu setting to this
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Buttons] )
D [CANCEL] Cancel Button
Cancels various settings and stops playback.
E [CH1/CH2] CH1/CH2 Recording Level
Adjustment Knob
(A P63 [Audio Recording] )

Lens Section


A Filter Built-In Screw

0 Transparent or UV filter for lens protection,
or filters for various effects can be installed.
0 Installable filter types: Φ72mmP0.75
Memo :
0 Remove the lens hood when installing the filter.
(A P28 [Attaching/Detaching the Hood] )
B Lens Cover Open/Close Switch
(A P28 [Opening/Closing the Lens Cover] )
C Focus Ring
(A P49 [Focus Operation] )
D Zoom Ring
(A P48 [Zoom Operation] )
To operate zoom with this ring, set the [ZOOM
E Iris Ring
(A P54 [Adjusting the Iris] )
To operate auto iris, press the [IRIS] button on
the side control panel.
(a mark appears on the screen)

Basic System Diagram

Shoulder Belt

Earphone Wireless Microphone Receiver

Microphone GY-HM660 only

[INPUT1]/ Network Adapter

[INPUT2] [x] [TC] [AUX] [HOST]

HDMI Cable

AV Cable
[AV] RCA pin


Standard Package AC Adapter

Remote Control Unit

Carrying Case
USB Cable

Non-linear Editing
Memory Card Card Reader

Settings and Adjustments Attaching the Tripod

Before Use Use the screw hole at the bottom of this camera
(3/8×16UNC, 1/4×20UNC)

Use the screw hole that suits the tripod.

Adjusting the Grip Belt To prevent the camera recorder from falling off,
which may result in injuries or damages, read the
Open the pad and adjust the position of the grip belt “INSTRUCTIONS” of the tripod to be used and
accordingly. make sure that it is securely attached.







HOST o Bottom

Caution :
0 If the grip is loose, the camera recorder may fall
off resulting in injuries or malfunction.

Caution :
Attaching an External Microphone 0 If the camera recorder exceeds the weight limit
You can attach a separately sold microphone to the of the tripod, do not mount it on the tripod.
microphone holder. 0 Use the tripod on a stable surface.
0 To prevent the camera recorder from falling,
attach securely using the rotation prevention
1, 3 hole.
0 Use screws with screw length 5 mm and below.
4 Attaching the Large Eyecup
0 Attach the large eyecup (supplied) to prevent
external light from entering the viewfinder
screen and cameraman’s vision.
5 0 Align and attach to the groove of the eyecup
mounted on the camera recorder.
0 The large eyecup can be attached in any

1 Turn the knob on the microphone holder
counterclockwise to loosen and open the Large Eyecup (supplied)
microphone holder. Eyecup
2 Place the microphone in the microphone
3 Turn the knob on the microphone holder
clockwise to secure the microphone.
4 Connect the microphone cable to the
[INPUT1] or [INPUT2] terminal. .

5 Pin the microphone cable to the clamp. Memo :

6 Perform the settings for the microphone 0 Do not remove the eyecup that is premounted
correctly. on the camera recorder.
(A P63 [Audio Recording] )

Opening/Closing the Lens Cover Detaching the Hood
Use the lens cover open/close switch to open or 0 Remove the hood when attaching a filter,
close the lens cover. teleconverter or wide converter to the front of the
Before shooting, open the lens cover. lens.
When this camera recorder is not in use, close the 0 While pressing the hood release button, turn the
lens cover to protect the lens. hood in the direction of the arrow (anti-
clockwise) to remove it.

Caution : .

0 Do not press against the lens cover with force.

Doing so may damage the lens or the cover.

Attaching/Detaching the Hood

Power Supply
Attaching the Hood To use this camera recorder, you can attach a
battery pack or connect an AC adapter to it.
Align the markings on the camera recorder and (A P28 [Using a Battery Pack] )
hood; turn the hood in the direction of the arrow until (A P30 [Using AC Power (DC IN Power)] )
it is locked.
Caution :
0 Set the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch to
“OFF(CHG)” before changing the power supply
that operates this camera recorder.

Using a Battery Pack

Charging the Battery
Charge the battery immediately after purchase or
when the battery power is running low.
* The battery is not charged when purchased.

2 4


1 ON


1 Hold down the lock button (blue) at the Caution :
center of the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch 0 Do not remove the battery when the [POWER
to set to “OFF(CHG)”. ON/OFF(CHG)] switch is “ON”.
2 Attach the supplied battery. 0 Do not insert or remove the DC cable when the
Slide it in until you hear a click. battery is in use.
0 Leaving the camera recorder unused with the
3 Connect the supplied AC adapter to the battery inside will deplete the battery power
[DC] terminal. even if you set the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)]
Open the cover of the [DC] terminal and connect switch to “OFF(CHG)”. Remove the battery if
as shown in the diagram. you are not using the camera recorder.
4 Connect the AC adapter to a power outlet.

0 The [POWER/CHG] lamp blinks during Estimated Charging and Continuous
charging and will go out after charging is Operating Times
0 Remove the AC adapter after charging is o Charging Time (supplied SSL-JVC50 battery
complete. pack)
Approx. 4 hrs
Memo : * When the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch is set
0 Blinking of the [POWER/CHG] lamp during to “OFF(CHG)”
charging indicates the charge level.
Memo :
[POWER/CHG] Lamp Charge Level 0 If you charge the battery immediately after using
Orange blinking Less than 25 % while the battery is still warm, it may not be fully
(4 times per second) charged.
Orange blinking Less than 50 % 0 For details, refer to the “INSTRUCTIONS” of the
(3 times per second) battery.
Orange blinking Less than 75 %
(2 times per second) o Continuous Operating Time (supplied SSL-
JVC50 battery pack)
Orange blinking Less than 100 % Approx. 3 hrs a
(1 time per second)
Approx. 3 hrs 20 mins b
Light goes out Fully charged
Memo :
0 You can charge the battery even when operating 0 Actual operating times may differ depending on
the camera recorder using the AC adapter.
the age of the battery, charging condition, and
operating environment.
Removing the Battery 0 Operating time is shortened in cold
0 The operating time may shorten when power
2 zoom is used, accessories are connected, or
when the LCD monitor is frequently used.
0 For purchase of spare batteries and battery
charger, please contact the local dealers in your

Precautions for Batteries

0 Store the battery in a cool and dry place when
1 not in use. Do not expose the battery to high

temperatures (such as in a car under direct


OFF sunlight). Failure to do so not only shortens the

battery life but also damages the battery.


0 If the operating time shortens drastically even

after charging, the battery may be reaching the

1 Hold down the lock button (blue) at the end of its life. Replace the battery with a new
center of the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch one.
to set to “OFF(CHG)”.
2 While pressing and holding the [BATT.
RELEASE] button, push up and remove the
battery in the direction of the arrow.

Using AC Power (DC IN Power) Power Status Display
Use the supplied AC adapter to operate the camera
recorder with AC power. Viewfinder Screen and LCD Monitor
The power status is displayed on the display and
menu screens.
Display Description
B 7.4V Currently powered by a battery.
B 100min When the battery power runs out,
POWER C 30% the battery mark appears hollow,
and “RES” (yellow) is displayed.

2 4 RES

Memo :
0 You can set the display using
[LCD/VF] B [Display Settings]

B [Battery].
(A P111 [ Battery ] )

1 Connect the DC cable of the AC adapter to F Acquisition of battery information

the [DC] terminal of the camera recorder. may fail if a genuine battery is not
0 Check that the power switch of the camera used.
recorder is set to “OFF(CHG)”. T An error has occurred during
0 Open the cover of the [DC] terminal and battery charging; the charging
connect as shown in the diagram. function is not working or charging
2 Hold down the lock button (blue) at the has been interrupted.
center of the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch Memo :
to set to “ON”. 0 If the error appears, turn off the
Power will be supplied to the camera recorder. power and remove the battery
then reinsert the battery and
Caution : turn the power on again.
0 Do not insert or remove the DC cable during
recording. G Currently powered by an AC
0 Do not use power supply of high voltage adapter.
fluctuation, containing noise such as ripple, or P Camera recorder battery charging
with insufficient capacity. Q in progress.
R (A P111 [Details on charging
Charging the Built-In Battery S condition] )
0 The date/time and time code data are stored Memo :
using the built-in rechargeable battery. 0 If the supplied battery (or equivalent battery sold
0 When power is connected to the camera separately) is not used, the battery mark which
recorder, the built-in battery always gets indicates the battery level may not appear.
charged. When the power is disconnected, the 0 Operating a device connected to the [HOST]
battery gradually discharges. terminal may disable the charging function. a
0 The battery will be totally discharged if left
unused for 3 months and the date/time and time
Display Screen
code data will be reset. When this happens, set
the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch to “ON” to (A P131 [Display Screen in Camera Mode] )
display the [Initial Setting] screen, then set the (A P136 [Display Screen in Media Mode] )
(A P32 [Initial Settings] ) 282min
00: 00: 00.00

Jan 1 2,2016
12 :34 :56

60 i HQ
5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

Menu Screen
(A P95 [Display and Description of the Menu
Screen] )





Turning Off the Power
Warnings by Lamp and Warning Tone Sets the camera recorder to the recording standby
or stop mode.
Warning status is indicated by tally lamp and
warning tone. 1 Hold down the lock button (blue) at the
0 The tally lamp blinks. center of the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch
0 The warning tone is output from the monitor to set to “OFF(CHG)”.
speaker or [x] terminal. 2 Remove the battery and the power to the
Memo : [DC] terminal (when not in use for a long
0 You can specify whether to turn on the warning time).
tone as well as setting the volume in [A/V Set] B
[Audio Set] B [Alarm Level]. Auto Power Off function
(A P115 [ Alarm Level ] ) When [System] B [Auto Power Off] is set to “On”,
0 If you continue to use the camera recorder while the power turns off automatically when the camera
the power warning is displayed, the camera recorder is not operated for 5 minutes or longer
recorder will stop automatically when the battery while running on battery.
or supplied voltage from the AC adapter (A P116 [ Auto Power Off ] )
becomes lower.
Memo :
Caution :
0 When both the battery and AC adapter are
0 The remaining battery power and time are connected, power from the AC adapter
displayed as they are from the battery connection will be used. As such, the [Auto
information. Accurate data may not be displayed
Power Off] function will not have any effect.
depending on the battery condition. Replace the
battery as soon as possible when the remaining Caution :
battery power and time are low. 0 Do not set the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch
to “OFF(CHG)” during recording. Check that the
operation mode display is “STBY” or “STOP”
before you turn off the power.
Turning On/Off the Power 0 If you have mistakenly set the [POWER ON/
OFF(CHG)] switch to “OFF(CHG)” during
Turning On the Power recording, wait for 5 seconds or more before you
turn on the power again.
1 Hold down the lock button (blue) at the 0 When turning off the power, first set the
center of the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch of the camera
to set to “ON”. recorder to “OFF(CHG)”. Do not remove the
The camera recorder starts up in Camera mode battery or turn off the AC power while the
and is ready for shooting. [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch is set to “ON”.
Memo :
0 The camera recorder always start up in Camera
mode when the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)]
switch is set to “ON”. Use the [MODE] button at
the side of the camera recorder to switch mode.
(A P18 [Operation Modes] )

Initial Settings Memo :
0 The menus and messages on the screen of the
When the power is first turned on, the Initial Setting LCD monitor or viewfinder are displayed in the
screen for performing the initial settings in the selected language.
camera recorder appears.
Set the date/time of the built-in clock in the [Initial
Setting] screen. 2 Select a language using the cross-shaped
All operations are disabled until initial settings are button (JK), and press the Set button (R).
complete. The Initial Setting screen appears.




3 Ensure that the lens cover is closed, and
OFF press the Set button (R).
0 Self-diagnosis starts.


CANCEL 0 A progress bar appears, and “Complete

Diagnosis” appears when the diagnosis is

Memo :
0 It is recommended to use the AC adapter as the
power supply.
0 Be sure to close the lens cover.
1 Hold down the lock button (blue) at the
center of the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch
to set to “ON”.
A language selection screen appears.
0 For U models

Memo :
. 0 It takes about 6 minutes to complete the
diagnosis. During the diagnosis, do not operate
0 For E models or turn off the camera recorder.

4 Press the Set button (R) after confirming Changing the Time after Initial Setting
the exit screen.
The [Initial Setting] screen appears. Setting the Date/Time
0 For U models (A P117 [ Date/Time ] )
1 Select [System] B [Date/Time].
The [Date/Time] screen appears.
2 Set the date and time.
A Move the cursor with the cross-shaped button
(HI) and select the setting item.

B Change the values with the cross-shaped
button (JK).
3 Press the Set button (R) after setting is

0 For E models
The clock is set to 0 seconds of the input date/

Changing the Display Style

You can change the display style of the date/time
on the menu.

Setting the Date Display (Date Style)

(A P111 [ Date Style ] )
The date display can be changed in [LCD/VF] B

Memo : [Display Settings] B [Date Style].

0 The [Initial Setting] screen appears when the
power is turned on for the first time and when the Setting the Time Display (Time Style)
power is turned on after the built-in battery is fully
discharged. (A P111 [ Time Style ] )
0 The configured date/time data is saved in the The time display can be changed in [LCD/VF] B
built-in rechargeable battery even if the power is [Display Settings] B [Time Style].
turned off.
5 Set the time zone and date/time. Date/Time Display in Each Operation
A Move the cursor with the cross-shaped button
(HI) and select the setting item. During Camera mode:
Date/time of the built-in clock is displayed.
B Change the values with the cross-shaped
During Media mode:
button (JK). Shooting date/time of the clip being played back is
6 Press the Set button (R) after setting is displayed.
The clock is set to 0 seconds of the input date/
Memo :
0 The configured date/time data can be displayed
on the LCD monitor and viewfinder and be
recorded to the SD card.
0 The value of the year can be set in the range of
“2000” to “2099”.

Displays on the LCD Display Screen (VF/LCD) in Media Mode
(A P136 [Display Screen in Media Mode] )
Monitor and Viewfinder 0 This is the screen display during clip playback in
Media Mode.
You can display the camera status, media 0 The display switches between three screen
information, zebra pattern, and various markers in types with every press of the [DISPLAY] button.
the video image on the LCD monitor and viewfinder (Display 0 B 1 B 2 B 0)
screen during shooting.
Memo : 1000/2000

0 When [Main Menu] B [A/V Set] B [Video Set]


B [Display On TV] is set to “On”, the display

screen and menu screen are also displayed in
the video image from the video signal output
(A P112 [ Display On TV ] )
Display 0 screen

Display Screen
1000/2000 00: 00: 00.00

Display Screen (VF/LCD) in Camera Mode 60 i HQ

Jan 12, 2016
12 :34 :56

(A P131 [Display Screen in Camera Mode] )

0 The display switches between three screen
types with every press of the [DISPLAY] button.
(Display 0 B 1 B 2 B 0) 4030 20 10 0

0 Press the [STATUS] button to switch to the

Display 1 screen
status screen.
282min 1000/ 2000 00: 00: 00.00
60 i HQ
Jan 1 2, 2016
12 :34 :56
x5 x5

4030 20 10 0

Display 0 screen Display 2 screen


00: 00: 00.00

Jan 12,2016
12 :34 :56

5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

Display 1 screen

282min 00: 00: 00.00

Jan 12,2016
12 :34 :56

60 i HQ
5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

Display 2 screen

Status Screen USB Mode Screen
0 This screen allows you to check the current This screen displays the USB mode.
0 To display the status screen, press the
[STATUS] button in the normal screen.
0 The status display differs according to the
operation mode (two types).
(A P18 [Operation Modes] )
0 Press the [STATUS] button to switch to the
display screen.
0 Press the [MENU/THUMB] button at each status

screen (other than the [Camera 1]/[Camera 2]

screen) to enter the setting screen. Remote Edit Mode Screen a

0 Use the cross-shaped button (HI) to switch
screens as follows: This is a mode for accessing the page for editing
the metadata that is recorded in a clip via a web
browser on devices such as a smartphone, tablet
terminal, or PC.
(A P160 [ Clip Metadata ] )

Warning Display
Warning display is displayed in the display screen
(Camera mode, Media mode).
(A P178 [Error Messages and Actions] )

00: 00: 00.00

Jan 12, 2016

12 :34 : 56

5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

Warning Display Area


* These are screen examples of GY-HM660. The

contents displayed are different depending on the
model and settings.

Adjusting the LCD Monitor Adjusting the LCD Monitor

and Viewfinder 3 LCD BRIGHT PEAKING

You can monitor video images on this camera Tilt 90 degrees

recorder using the viewfinder, LCD monitor, or 2 downward

Normal LCD
Inverted DISPLAY

Tilt 180 degrees
upward 1

1 Open the LCD cover.
2 Incline the LCD monitor to a position that
Displays on the LCD Monitor and enables easy viewing.
Viewfinder Screen (VF) Rotate the LCD monitor to adjust the angle.
0 While the LCD monitor is open, you can
When [LCD/VF] B [LCD + VF] is set to “Off” rotate it 180 degrees upward or 90 degrees
(A P108 [ LCD + VF ] ) 0 Rotating the LCD monitor 180 degrees
LCD Monitor Status LCD Display VF Display upward enables you to see the screen from
LCD closed Normal LCD OFF ON the lens side. To display the image when it is
Inverted LCD ON OFF *
viewed from the opposite direction (mirror
image), perform setting as follows.
LCD opened Normal LCD ON OFF *
Set [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [LCD
Inverted LCD ON OFF *
Mirror] to “Mirror” B Set button (R)
* Turns on when [LCD/VF] B [LCD + VF] is set to (A P108 [ LCD Mirror ] )
“On”. 3 Adjust the brightness, contour, and
Memo : contrast of the LCD monitor.
0 Press and hold the [DISPLAY] button for 2 seconds You can change the angle and brightness of the
to turn ON/OFF the LCD monitor. LCD monitor according to your usage condition.
0 The function to switch between LCD monitor and Changing the brightness of the screen will not
viewfinder displays by pressing the [DISPLAY] affect the recorded images.
button can be canceled by opening/closing or
rotating the LCD monitor. Adjusting the Brightness
0 The viewfinder screen is always displayed when Use the [LCD BRIGHT +/-] button to adjust the
[LCD/VF] B [LCD + VF] is set to “On”. brightness of the LCD monitor.
0 You can display both the LCD monitor and 0 The [+] button brightens the monitor and the
viewfinder screens at the same time by setting [-] button darkens it.
[LCD/VF] B [LCD + VF] to “On”. 0 Press the [+] and [-] buttons simultaneously
(A P108 [ LCD + VF ] ) to return to standard settings.
0 During adjustment, the brightness level is
displayed on the LCD monitor.

ND 1 /64
4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

Adjusting the Contour Caution :
0 A high-definition viewfinder is used on this
Use the [PEAKING +/-] button to adjust the camera recorder in order to provide an accurate
contour of the LCD monitor. focusing environment. Due to the characteristic
(The contour of the viewfinder screen will also of the display device, colors may appear on the
be adjusted at the same time.) images when you blink your eyes. This is not a
0 The [+] button increases contour correction malfunction. It does not affect the recorded
and the [-] button decreases contour images, SDI output, AV output, or HDMI output.
0 Press the [+] and [-] buttons simultaneously 1 Incline the viewfinder vertically to a
to return to standard settings. position that enables easy viewing.

0 During adjustment, the contour level is 2 Turn the visibility adjustment lever to
displayed on the LCD monitor. adjust the visibility.
Turn the visibility adjustment lever to sharpen
ND 1 /64 the image on the viewfinder screen.
0dB 3 Adjust the brightness, contour, and
contrast of the viewfinder screen.
4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

Adjusting the Brightness

Adjusting the Contrast
Use the [VF Bright] menu to adjust the
Use the [LCD Contrast] menu to adjust the brightness of the viewfinder screen.
contrast of the LCD monitor. 0 Adjust using [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [VF
0 Adjust using [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B Bright].
[LCD Contrast]. 0 Increasing the value increases the
0 Increasing the value increases the contrast. brightness. [Setting Values: +10 to -10]
[Setting Values: +10 to -10] (Default value: (Default value: 0)
Adjusting the Contour
Adjusting the Viewfinder Use the [PEAKING +/-] button to adjust the
contour of the viewfinder screen.
You can change the brightness and peaking of the The contour of the LCD monitor will also be
viewfinder screen according to your usage adjusted at the same time.
conditions. (A P37 [Adjusting the Contour] )
Changing the brightness of the screen will not
affect the recorded images. Memo :
0 When [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [LCD + VF] is
set to “Off”, operate after switching to the
viewfinder display by pressing the [DISPLAY]
1 button for 2 seconds or longer.

Adjusting the Contrast
Use the [VF Contrast] menu to adjust the
contrast of the viewfinder screen.
0 Adjust using [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [VF
0 Increasing the value increases the contrast.
[Setting Values: +10 to -10] (Default value:

Displaying in Black and White 1 Assign functions to the buttons from the
You can display the viewfinder screen in black Set items in [Main Menu] B [Camera
and white.
Function] B [User Switch Set] B [USER1]-
0 [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [VF Color] item
B Press Set button (R) B Select “Off” B
KEY▼], [LCD KEY◀].
Press Set button (R).
(A P100 [User Switch Set Item] )
(A P108 [ VF Color ] )
Memo :
0 Operations of the user buttons are interlocked
with the menu settings.
Assignment of Functions

0 When the menu screen is displayed, these

to User Buttons buttons function as the menu operation buttons.
(A P94 [Basic Operations in Menu Screen] )

You can assign functions to the following buttons

and use them as user buttons.
By assigning functions to the buttons, the usability
of the camera recorder can be enhanced. Tally Lamp
Perform settings in the menu items corresponding
to each button. This is the indicator lamp for recording and
Button Menu Item The operation changes according to the menu
[FOCUS ASSIST/1] Button [USER1] settings.
[OIS/2] Button [USER2] The lamp blinks when the battery or remaining
space on the SD card is low. (Camera mode only)
[LOLUX/3] Button [USER3]
* Set using [Main Menu] B [System] B [Tally
[AE LOCK/4] Button [USER4] Lamp].
[ZEBRA/5] Button [USER5] (A P116 [ Tally Lamp ] )
[MARKER/6] Button [USER6]
[C.REVIEW/7] Button [USER7]
LCD Cross-Shaped Button (J) [LCD KEY▲]
LCD Cross-Shaped Button (K) [LCD KEY▼]
LCD Cross-Shaped Button (H) [LCD KEY◀]
LCD Cross-Shaped Button (I) [LCD KEY▶]


Menu Setting Tally Lamp Off On

Functional Warning - J

Caution - o
Recording status Recording - R
Special recording * - R
R : Lights up
J : Blinks four times in 1 second
o : Blinks once in 1 second

* Paused state during special recording ([Clip


. Continuous]).
(A P80 [Clip Continuous Rec] )
Memo :
0 Blinking takes priority over lighting up.

SD Card H.264/HD
H.264/SD H.264/Web
This camera recorder saves the recorded images 1080i/1080p 480i/576i 960p 480p
and audio sound on the SD card (sold separately) 4 GB 9 12 47 130 285
in the card slot.
8 GB 18 25 95 270 580
16 GB 36 50 190 540 1160
Usable Cards 32 GB 72 100 380 1080 2320
Use a Class 6/10 SD card. 64 GB 145 200 760 2160 4720
Memo : 128 GB 290 400 1520 4320 9440
0 Depending on the recording format, SD card

with Class 4 or higher performance can also be (Unit: minute)
(A P46 [Selecting System Definition, File Memo :
Format and Video Format] ) 0 If the SD card contains files recorded by devices
0 To use an SDHC card, set [4GB File other than this camera recorder or files that are
Spanning(SDXC)] to “On”. saved from a PC, the recordable time may be
shorter or data may not be properly recorded.
(A P121 [ 4GB File Spanning(SDXC) ] )
0 The number of clips that can be recorded to one
Caution : SD card on this camera recorder for each file
0 Using cards other than those from Panasonic, format is restricted.
TOSHIBA or SanDisk may result in recording Up to 600 clips can be recorded for the
failure or data loss. “QuickTime” file format and 4000 clips for the
“AVCHD” file format. When the maximum
Estimated Recordable Time of SD Cards number of clips is reached, the remaining space
is displayed as “0 min” regardless of the
The estimated recordable time is only a guide.
estimated recordable time, and no further
Differences may occur depending on the SD card
recording can be made.
in use and the battery condition.
(A P118 [WResolution a, Resolution b] )
(A P119 [ Y Resolution a ] ) Write-Protect Switch on the SD Card
(A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit A Slide the write-protect switch upward to enable
Rate b] ) writing or deleting.
(A P119 [ Y Frame & Bit Rate a ] ) B Slide the write-protect switch downward to
QuickTime/MP4/MXF prevent writing or deleting. (Images in the card
MPEG2/HD are protected.)
720p 1080i 720p/1080i/1080p Write-Protect Switch
4 GB 22 17 12
8 GB 45 35 25
16 GB 90 70 50 A B
32 GB 180 140 100
64 GB 360 280 200
128 GB 720 560 400
(SDXC) Write/Delete Enabled Write/Delete Disabled
(Unit: minute) .

1080p 1080i
4 GB 16 19 25 46 82
8 GB 33 39 50 95 168
16 GB 67 78 100 190 336
32 GB 135 156 200 380 672
64 GB 270 312 400 760 1344
128 GB 540 624 800 1520 2688
(Unit: minute)

Inserting an SD Card Removing the SD Card
This camera recorder comes with two card slots 1 Check that the SD card to be removed is not
(Slot A and B) for video/audio recording and being accessed (status indicator of the
playback. card slot lights up in red).
2 Open the SD card cover.
2 1 3 Push the SD card and remove it from the
4 Close the SD card cover.
Memo :

0 When both slots are inserted with usable SD

2 cards, the previously selected slot is used.
Caution :
0 Data may be lost if you turn off the power of the
camera recorder or remove the SD card when it
is being accessed. All data recorded on the
card, including the file that is being accessed,

may be corrupted. Be sure to check whether the

3 status indicator is lit in green or turned off before
you turn off the power or remove the SD card.
1 Open the SD card cover. 0 If you mistakenly remove the card when it is
being accessed, reinsert the card only after the
2 Insert an SD card with the notched corner status indicator goes off.
pointing up. 0 The SD card may not be recognized if you insert
The status indicator of the card slot to which the and remove the card within a short time. When
card was inserted lights up in red. this happens, remove the card and wait for a few
3 Close the SD card cover. seconds before you reinsert.

Card Slot Status Indicator

The following table shows the respective states of
slot A and B.
Lamp Slot Status
Lights up in The inserted SD card is being
red accessed. (writing/reading data)
Do not turn off the power of the
camera recorder or remove the SD
Lights up in On standby. The inserted SD card
green can be used for recording or
Light goes out 0 SD card is not inserted.
0 An unusable card is inserted.
0 An SD card is inserted but a
different slot is selected.

Switching the SD cards 1 Select [System] B [Media] B [Format
When both card slots are inserted with SD cards, Media].
you can use the [SLOT A/B] button to switch the (A P115 [ Format Media ] )
card to use. 2 Select the slot of the SD card to be
When the memory on an SD card is full during formatted and press the Set button (R).
recording, data recording automatically switches to
the other card.





3 The status of the selected SD card appears.

4 Select [Format] and press the Set button

Memo :
0 The [SLOT A/B] button is disabled during
recording or playback. Cards will not be
switched even if you press the button. 4

Formatting (Initializing) SD Cards


When the following cards are inserted, [!FORMAT] 5 Formatting starts.

appears at the remaining media display area.
Format the card using the camera recorder menu.
0 Unformatted SD cards
0 SD cards formatted under different
* For details of the menu operation, refer to “[Basic
Operations in Menu Screen] (A P 94)”.
Caution :
0 Be sure to format the SD card on this camera
recorder. SD cards formatted on a PC and other .

peripheral equipment cannot be used on this

camera recorder.
0 [!RESTORE] appears at the remaining media
display area when an SD card that requires
restoring is inserted.

6 Formatting is complete. 3 Restoring starts.
When formatting is complete, “Complete” appears
and the camera recorder returns to the [Format
Media] screen.
Memo :
0 During formatting, menu operation is
unavailable but you can start recording.
However, this is only available when a
recordable SD card is inserted in the other slot.
0 Formatting cannot be performed in the following


0 Recording is in progress on the SD card to be 4 Restoring is complete.

formatted. 0 When restoring is complete, “Complete”
0 SD card is not inserted.
0 Write-protect switch of the SD card is set (z
appears and the camera recorder returns to the
[Restore Media] screen.
is displayed).
0 When no media that requires restoring is
Caution : inserted, the camera recorder returns to the
0 If you format the SD card, all data recorded on [Media] menu screen.
the card, including video data and setup files,
will be deleted. Caution :
0 [Restore Media] can only be selected in Camera
mode. However, it cannot be selected while the
Restoring the SD Card camera recorder is recording. Select [Restore
It is necessary to restore the SD card if an Media] in Camera mode when the camera
abnormality occurs to the data in the card due to recorder is not recording.
some reasons. 0 [Restore Media] does not restore the SD card to
Memo : its original states completely. If restoring fails,
0 [!RESTORE] appears at the remaining media replace or format the SD card. Take note that
formatting erases all the information inside the
display area when an SD card that requires
SD card.
restoring is inserted. 0 Restoring cannot be performed in the following
1 Select [System] B [Media] B [Restore 0 Camera recorder is recording in progress.
Media]. 0 SD card is not inserted.
(A P115 [ Restore Media ] ) 0 Write-protect switch of the SD card is set (z

2 Select the SD card to be restored and press is displayed).

the Set button (R).

Clips Recorded to SD Cards 0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set]
B [Record Format] B [WFormat] is set to
Folders in the SD Card “AVCHD”, the clip name generated consists of
Images recorded are sorted into the respective only the Clip Number (5-digit number).
folders according to the menu settings below. (A P118 [WFormat a, Format b] )
* Select which folder to record to from the menu. Example: In the case of QuickTime/MP4
(A P121 [ Recording in DCIM Folder ] )
AB C G 00 01
System Record Folder Clip Number

A number in automatic
HD QuickTime DCIM or PRIVATE/JVC/ ascending order is assigned in
(MPEG2) CQAV* the recording order.
MP4(MPEG2) PRIVATE/JVC/BPAV The Clip Number can be reset in
HD/Web AVCHD PRIVATE/AVCHD Clip Name Prefix (any four alphanumeric characters)
HD/SD/Web QuickTime(H.264) DCIM or PRIVATE/JVC/ This is set to “xxxG” (“xxx” denotes the last 3
CQAVC* digits of the serial number) by default.
ob .

System Format Record Folder * [Clip Set] B [Reset Clip Number]

HD QuickTime DCIM or PRIVATE/JVC/ (A P122 [ Reset Clip Number ] )
(MPEG2) CQAV* Memo :
MP4(MPEG2) PRIVATE/JVC/BPAV 0 Before recording starts, you can set any
AVCHD PRIVATE/AVCHD characters for the clip name prefix by using
HD/SD QuickTime(H.264) DCIM or PRIVATE/JVC/ [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set] B [Clip
CQAVC* Set] B [Clip Name Prefix].
Memo : (A P122 [ Clip Name Prefix ] )
0 When [System] is set to “HD+Web”, web files 0 Changes cannot be made after recording.
(MOV format) will be recorded in the [DCIM]
folder. a Recorded Clips
0 By formatting (initializing) the SD card from the
[Format Media] menu on the camera recorder, 0 The recorded materials may be split into several
files but they can be played back continuously
folders required for recording in the current
on the camera recorder.
[System] settings will be generated. 0 Clips may be recorded across the two SD cards
0 When the [System] settings and in card slots A and B depending on the recording
[QuickTime(MPEG2)] settings are changed, time of the clip.
folders required for recording in those settings 0 When copying videos in MP4 file format to a
will be automatically generated. HDD using a PC, it is recommended to use [JVC
Caution : ProHD Clip Manager Software], which is found
0 When a clip inside the folder is moved or deleted in the supplied disc, to maintain continuity.
using the Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac), Caution :
recording to the SD card may fail if formatting 0 A clip recorded across several cards cannot be
(initializing) of the card is not performed. played back continuously. Continuous playback
is only possible when the recording is made on
Clip (Recorded Data) and Clip Name one card.
0 When recording is stopped, the images, audio
and accompanying data which are recorded
from start to stop are recorded as one “clip” on
the SD card.
0 An 8-character clip name is automatically
generated for the recorded clip.
(“Clip Name Prefix” + “Clip Number”)

Operation Lock Feature Operation lock does not apply to the following
buttons and switches.
0 [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch
You can use this feature to prevent erroneous
camera operation.
0 [ND FILTER] switch
0 TC [IN/OUT] selection switch
0 All switches inside the LCD monitor door
(however, the operation of the [CH1/CH2]
adjustment knob will be locked.)

0 Focus ring
0 Zoom lever at the grip/Zoom lever at the handle/
Zoom ring at the lens section



0 [FIX/VAR/OFF] zoom speed switch
AE LEVEL 0 Iris ring
0 [REC] button (at the top of the handle, on the grip
and at the bottom of the lens)
Memo :
CANCEL 0 The operation lock will also not apply to the
[REC] button at the bottom of the lens if [Camera
Function] B [User Switch Set] B [Front REC] is

1 While in the Camera mode (when the set to “Rec”.

display screen appears), press and hold
the [CANCEL] button for 5 seconds or
0 The operation lock turns on, and an
operation lock icon (r) appears on the
display screen.
00: 00: 00.00

ND 1 /64
4030 20 10 0
P 13000K 1/ 100

0 Press the [CANCEL] button again for 5

seconds or longer to turn off the operation
Memo :
0 The operation lock feature is only valid in the
Camera mode.
(A P18 [Operation Modes] )
0 The power turns off and the operation lock is
0 The [CANCEL] button on the LCD monitor
section cannot be used to turn on/off (“On/Off”)
the operation lock feature.
0 The following remote operations are possible
even when the operation lock feature is turned
on (“On”).
0 Remote operation from the wired remote

control connected to the [REMOTE] terminal.

0 Remote operation of the camera through

access via a browser on devices such as a

smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC.

Basic Shooting 2 Press the [REC] button to start recording to

Procedures the SD card.

This camera recorder has three [REC] buttons.
Any of the [REC] buttons can be used to start/
Preparations stop recording by default.
The tally lamp lights up in red during recording.
0 Zoom Operation
2 (A P48 [Zoom Operation] )
4 0 Adjusting the Focus
(A P49 [Focus Operation] )
Memo :
4 0 If both the slots are loaded with recordable cards
in the factory default, pressing the [REC] button
starts recording only to the media in the selected

1 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set]
B [Slot Mode] is set to “Dual”, recording can be

3 ON

OFF performed simultaneously to the cards in both

the slots.


(A P76 [Dual Rec] )

0 The tally lamp can be turned off in [System] B

1 Supply battery or AC adapter power to the [Tally Lamp].

camera recorder. (A P116 [ Tally Lamp ] )
(A P28 [Power Supply] )
2 Insert an SD card. 3 Check the most recently captured images.
(A P39 [SD Card] ) 0 Press the [C.REVIEW/7] button on the lens
3 Turn on the power of the camera recorder. to activate the Clip Review function. The
Hold down the lock button (blue) at the center of most recently captured images are played
the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch to set to back on the LCD monitor and viewfinder
“ON”. The camera recorder starts up in Camera screen.
mode and is ready for recording. 0 After playback, the camera recorder returns
4 Adjust the angle of the LCD monitor and to standby mode (STBY).
(A P74 [Viewing Recorded Videos
(A P36 [Adjusting the LCD Monitor and Immediately (Clip Review)] )
Viewfinder] ) Memo :
0 [Clip Review] is assigned to [C.REVIEW/7]
Shooting button in factory default.
0 [Clip Review] can also be assigned to other user
1 Configure the video and audio input buttons.
settings. (A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
You have to configure video settings such as Buttons] )
brightness adjustment (iris, gain, shutter) and
white balance adjustment in order to start
shooting. You also have to adjust the audio
input settings and audio recording level for
audio recording.
0 Adjusting the Brightness
(A P53 [Adjusting the Brightness] )
0 Adjusting the White Balance
(A P59 [Adjusting the White Balance] )
0 Adjusting Audio Input Settings and
Recording Level
(A P63 [Audio Recording] )

Selecting System Memo :

Definition, File Format and 0 “MXF(MPEG2)” is not available for selection in

the GY-HM620 series. b
Video Format 0 The available options vary as follows depending
on the [System] setting.
You can select the resolution of the recorded 0 When “HD”, “HD+SD”, or “HD+Web” is set,
videos (HD, SD, or Web), file format for recording/ the options for slot A are:
playback, and the video recording format on this QuickTime(MPEG2), MP4(MPEG2),
camera recorder. MXF(MPEG2), AVCHD, QuickTime(H.264)
Memo : 0 When “SD” or “HD+SD” is set, the available

0 Make a selection in [Main Menu] B [Record option for slot B is:

Format]. QuickTime(H.264)
0 When “HD+Web” is set, the available option

for slot B is:

Selecting a System Definition QuickTime(H.264), AVCHD

The following definitions are available for selection. 0 For “HD”:
0 HD:
Records in HD (High Definition) quality. QuickTime(MPEG2), MP4(MPEG2),
0 SD: AVCHD,QuickTime(H.264)
0 For “SD”:
Records in SD (Standard Definition) quality.
0 Web a : QuickTime(H.264)
Records in resolution (1440x1080, 960x540,
720x480, 720x576, or 480x270) suitable for web Selecting a Video Format
0 Select a [Record Format] from the list of formats.
You can select a definition for the recorded images The selectable [WFrame & Bit Rate]/[YFrame &
from the following items under [System]. Bit Rate] changes according to the settings of
0 HD: [System], [WFormat], and [WResolution].
Records in HD quality for both slots A and B. 0 The recording bit rate (video) is 50 Mbps in
0 SD: “XHQ”, 35 Mbps VBR in “UHQ” and “HQ”, and
Records in SD quality for both slots A and B. 18.3 Mbps (25 Mbps in the case of 1080i) CBR
0 HD+SD a : in “SP”.
Records in HD quality for slot A, and SD quality 0 The recording bit rate (system rate) is as follows
for slot B. when [WFormat]/[YFormat] a or [Format]
(A P76 [Recording Simultaneously at Two b is set to “AVCHD”.
Different Definitions a] ) 0 “HQ” (60p/50p): 28 Mbps VBR
0 HD+Web a : 0 “HQ” (60i/50i): 24 Mbps VBR
Records in HD quality for slot A, and Web quality
0 “SP”: 18 Mbps VBR
for slot B.
0 “LP”: 9 Mbps VBR
(A P76 [Recording Simultaneously at Two
Different Definitions a] ) 0 “EP”: 5 Mbps VBR

Selecting a File Format

Select a file format in [WFormat]/[YFormat] a or
[Format] b.
The following file formats are available for
0 QuickTime(MPEG2):
QuickTime file format (.MOV)
0 MP4(MPEG2):
MP4 file format
0 MXF(MPEG2) a :
MXF (material exchange format)
AVCHD file format
0 QuickTime(H.264):
QuickTime format (.MOV)

List of Formats o When [System] is set to “SD” or “HD+SD”, the
The following is a list of file formats and video options for slot B a are:
formats that can be selected on this camera When [System] is set to “SD” b :
recorder. The video format is fixed as follows according to
o When [System] is set to “HD”, “HD+SD”, or “HD the model.
+Web”, the options for slot A a are: Record Format
When [System] is set to “HD” b : Format Resolution Frame & Remarks
Record Format System Bit Rate
Format Resolution Frame & Bit HD HD HD QuickTime 720 x 480 60i Recordable
(H.264) (U model) using Class 4
Rate +SD +Web
720 x 576 50i
MP4 1920x 60i (HQ), P P P (E model)
(MPEG2) 1080 30p (HQ)
QuickTime 50i (HQ), P - P
(MPEG2) o Options for slot B when [System] is set to “HD
25p (HQ),
MXF 24p (HQ) +Web” a :

a 1440x 60i (HQ), P P P Record Format
1080 60i (SP) (*1) Format Resolution Frame & Remarks
MP4 50i (HQ), P - P Bit Rate
(MPEG2) 50i (SP) (*1) QuickTime 480x270 30p(LP) Recordable
QuickTime 1280x 60p (HQ), P P P (H.264) 25p(LP) using Class 4
(MPEG2) 720 30p (HQ), 24p(LP)
b 60p (SP) (*1)
960 x 540 30p(HQ)
50p (HQ), P - P
25p (HQ),
24p (HQ), 24p(HQ)
50p (SP) (*1) AVCHD 1440 x 60i(LP)
AVCHD 1920x 60p (HQ), P - - 1080 60i(EP)
(*2) 1080 50p (HQ) 50i(LP)
60i (HQ), P P P 50i(EP)
60i (SP) Memo :
50i (HQ), P - P 0 [Frame & Bit Rate] is fixed depending on the
50i (SP)
[Frame & Bit Rate] setting for slot A.
1440x 60i (LP), P P P
1080 60i (EP)
50i (LP), P - P Selecting the Aspect Ratio of SD Videos
50i (EP)
Select an SD video aspect ratio when [System] is
QuickTime 1920x 60p (XHQ), P - - set to “SD” or “HD+SD” a.
(H.264) 1080 50p (XHQ)
You can select “16:9” or “4:3”.
60i (XHQ), P P P
30p (XHQ), Memo :
60i (UHQ), 0 When [System] is set to “HD” or “HD+Web”,
30p (UHQ) aspect ratio is fixed at “16:9”. a
50i (XHQ), P - P
25p (XHQ),
24p (XHQ),
50i (UHQ),
25p (UHQ),
24p (UHQ)
*1 HDV compatible
*2 Recordable using Class 4
Memo :
0 When the MXF file is set to “1280x720”, only
“60p(HQ)” or “50p(HQ)” is selectable. a
0 MXF file cannot be selected. b

Setting the Record Format Menu Using the Zoom Lever at the Grip
1 Display the [Main Menu] B [Record 1 Set the [ZOOM SERVO/MANUAL] switch to
Format] menu. “SERVO”.
2 Set each of the items. 2 Press the zoom lever to zoom.
3 After setting is complete for all items, press 0 The zoom speed changes according to the
the [FOCUS ASSIST/1] button. extent the zoom lever is being pushed.
0 The recording format is switched. 0 Zooms into wide angle and increases the
0 A “Please Wait...” message appears on the angle of view when “W” is pressed.
screen during switching. 0 Zooms into telephoto and decreases the
angle of view when “T” is pressed.
0 A zoom bar appears during zoom operation

Zoom Operation

00:00:00.00 00:00:00.00

Adjusts the angle of view.

Jan 12,2016 Jan 12,2016
12:34:56 12:34:56

Zoom ratio: 1x to 23x (optical zoom only)

12 . 5/ 30f ps 12 . 5/ 30f ps

Zooming can be operated using any of the three

5. f t 5.6
5. f t
ND 1/64 ND 1/64
AE+6 AE+6

levers/rings below.
0dB 0dB
4030 20 10 0
F1.6 4030
4030 20 10 0
P 13000K 1/100 P 13000K 1/100

0 Zoom Lever at the Grip

0 Zoom Lever at the Handle
0 Zoom Ring at the Lens Section:
Functions as a zoom ring when the [ZOOM

SERVO/MANUAL] switch is set to “MANUAL”. Using the Zoom Lever at the Handle
1 Set the [ZOOM SERVO/MANUAL] switch to
2 Set the [FIX/VAR/OFF] zoom speed switch
to “FIX” or “VAR”.

Memo :
0 Setting to “FIX” will allow the zoom operation to
FIX VAR OFF move at the speed set in [Handle Zoom Speed].
0 Set the zoom speed using [Main Menu] B

[Camera Function] B [Handle Zoom Speed].

(A P99 [ Handle Zoom Speed ] )
0 Setting to “VAR” will change the zoom speed
ZOOM according to the pressure applied on the lever.

SERVO MANUAL 3 Press the zoom lever at the handle to zoom.


Memo :
0 When the [FIX/VAR/OFF] zoom speed switch is
set to “OFF”, the zoom lever at the handle
section cannot be used.

Using Zoom Ring at the Lens Section Focus Operation
1 Set the [ZOOM SERVO/MANUAL] switch to
“MANUAL”. Adjusting Focus Manually
You can adjust the preferred angle of view by
turning the zoom ring.

Saving/Recalling Current Zoom

Position (Preset Zoom)
This allows you to register up to three zoom

positions. TIME CODE MANU

1 Assign the “Preset Zoom1”, “Preset

Zoom2”, or “Preset Zoom3” function to any
of the user buttons.

(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Buttons] )
(A P100 [USER1 to USER7, LCD KEY▲, LCD
2 Save the current zoom position. .

0 Press any of the buttons assigned with the

“Preset Zoom1”, “Preset Zoom2”, or “Preset 1 Set the [FOCUS AUTO/MANU/∞] switch to
Zoom3” function for more than 1 second. “MANU”.
0 The current zoom position will be stored. The manual focus icon d appears on the
3 Recall the stored zoom position.
0 Press any of the buttons assigned with the
“Preset Zoom1”, “Preset Zoom2”, or “Preset
00: 00: 00.00

Zoom3” function and release within 1 Jan 12, 2016

12 :34 :56

0 The camera recorder zooms to the stored 5 . 6f t

zoom position.
ND 1 /64
F1. 6
Memo :
4030 20 10 0
P13000K 1/ 100

0 To recall the stored zoom position, set the


[ZOOM SERVO/MANUAL] switch to “SERVO”. Memo :

0 Set the speed for shifting to the preset zoom 0 If [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B
position and the rate of change for starting and [Focus] is set to “Off”, the d icon will not appear.
stopping the preset zoom operation in [Main (A P110 [ Focus ] )
Menu] B [Camera Function] B [Preset Zoom1]
to [Preset Zoom3]. 2 Turn the focus ring to adjust the focus.
(A P101 [Preset Zoom1, Preset Zoom2, Preset
Memo :
Zoom3] )
0 Operating other zoom maneuvers during a 0 Using the Focus Assist or Expanded Focus
zoom position recall will cancel the recall. function makes it easier to focus.
(A P51 [Focus Assist Function] )
(A P51 [Expanded Focus Function] )
0 Pressing the [FOCUS AUTO] button in the
Manual Focus mode activates the One-push
Auto Focus mode, while holding down the
[FOCUS AUTO] button activates the Push Auto
Focus mode.
(A P50 [One Push Auto Focus] )
(A P50 [Setting to Auto Focus Temporarily
(Push Auto Focus)] )

Adjusting Focus Automatically AF Assist Function
Set the [FOCUS AUTO/MANU/∞] switch to To shift the auto focus point during Auto Focus
“AUTO”. (AF), you can turn the focus ring to set the point to
The auto focus icon e appears on the screen. the left, center, right, or near and far directions.
0 Set [Main Menu] B [Camera Function] B [AF
Memo :
0 If [Main Menu] B [Camera Function] B [AF 0 Far/Near:
Assist] is set to “Area” or “Far/Near”, you can turn This option allows you to shift the auto focus
the focus ring to shift the auto focus point while point to near and far directions by turning the
in the automatic focus adjustment mode. focus ring during AF.
(A P99 [ AF Assist ] ) Focus is automatically adjusted to a focus
0 If [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [Display point near the position where the focus ring
Settings] B [Focus] is set to “Off”, the auto focus stops turning.
icon will not appear. 0 Area:

(A P110 [ Focus ] ) Selecting this option displays the icon in


the area.
One Push Auto Focus Turning the focus ring during AF displays the
focus area on the left, center, and right side
While in the Manual Focus mode, pressing the for about 2 seconds. Turning the focus ring
[PUSH AUTO] button (within 1 minute) makes the within 2 seconds allows you to move the
camera recorder focus on the center of the frame orange frame to select the focus area.
automatically. After selecting the area, focus is
Memo : automatically adjusted to a focus point near
0 Face detection does not work during One Push the selected area.
Auto Focus.
0 AF Assist does not function.
00: 00: 00.00

0 When the operation is complete, the camera

recorder returns to the Manual Focus mode
0 One Push Auto Focus functions with emphasis
on the focusing speed. This function is not 0dB

suitable during recording.

4030 20 10 0
P 13000K 1/ 100

* The icons ( , , and ) change in

Setting to Auto Focus Temporarily conjunction with the orange frame in the focus
(Push Auto Focus) area.
0 The camera recorder will shift to Auto Focus Memo :
mode temporarily and automatically adjusts 0 When [Face Detect] is set, “Area” is not
focus when the [PUSH AUTO] button is pressed selectable.
during shooting in Manual Focus mode.
0 Release the [PUSH AUTO] button to return to
Manual Focus mode.
Memo :
0 Face detection does not work during Push Auto

Adjusting Focus on Far Objects

Slide the [FOCUS AUTO/MANU/∞] switch to “∞”.
0 The ∞ icon is displayed.
0 Release your finger to return to Manual Focus

Focus Assist Function Expanded Focus Function
0 When the [FOCUS ASSIST/1] button is pressed Magnifies the image at the center. Doing so
during shooting, the focused area is displayed enables precise focus to be established easily.
in color. This enables easy and accurate 1 Assign the “Expanded Focus” function to
0 Select the color (blue, red or green) in the menu. any of the user buttons.
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Memo : Buttons] )
0 When [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [Shooting (A P100 [USER1 to USER7, LCD KEY▲, LCD
Assist] B [Focus Assist] B [Type] is set to KEY▶, LCD KEY▼, LCD KEY◀] )
“ACCU-Focus”, the depth of field becomes 2 Press the user button that is assigned with
shallower to enable easier focusing. the “Expanded Focus” function.
(A P108 [ Focus Assist ] ) 0 “EXPANDED” (yellow color) appears on the
0 The “ACCU-Focus” function switches screen, and the center part of the image is
automatically to “Off” after about 10 seconds.

0 Select the display color in [Main Menu] B [LCD/ 0 Pressing the user button again restores the
VF] B [Shooting Assist] B [Focus Assist] B image to the original size.
(A P109 [ Color ] ) 00: 00: 00.00

0 If you use the zebra function and the Focus EXPANDED

Assist function at the same time, it may be
Jan 24,2012
12 :34 : 56

difficult to see the effect of the Focus Assist. In

this case, turn off the zebra function. 5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64

Setting Focus Assist Function to a User Button 4030 20 10 0

F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

You can assign the “Focus Assist” function to a user Memo :

button. 0 To set the operation when the button is pressed,
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User go to [Main Menu] B [Camera Function] B [User
Buttons] ) Switch Set] B [Expanded Focus].
(A P102 [ Expanded Focus ] )
0 This function can be used together with the
Focus Assist function.
0 The magnification ratio varies with the format of
the record signals.
0 Magnifying an image does not alter the size of
the recorded image.
0 This function is unavailable when [Main Menu]
B [System] B [Record Set] B [Record Format]
B [System] is set to “SD”.

Adjusting the Focusing by 1 Assign the “Face Detect” function to any of

Face Detection the user buttons.

(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Buttons] )
This function detects human faces and 2 Focus the camera recorder on a person and
automatically adjusts focus during Auto Focus. press the user button that is assigned with
It can also track moving objects. “Face Detect”.
When several faces are detected, you can select
0 When Face detection is enabled, the face
one to focus on.
detection icon (q) appears.
Memo : 0 When [Main Menu] B [Camera Function]
0 This function can also adjust the brightness B [User Switch Set] B [Face Detect] is set
automatically according to the brightness of the to “AF”, “q e” appears.
face detected. 0 When [Main Menu] B [Camera Function]
(A P101 [ Face Detect ] )
B [User Switch Set] B [Face Detect] is set

to “AF&AE”, “q AE±0” appears.

0 If you select the person nearest to the center
of the screen, an orange frame will appear
on his face.
0 Focus will be automatically adjusted for the
CANCEL selected person.
Detection Frame (Orange)




Memo :
0 If the detection frame does not appear, make
sure that the [FOCUS AUTO/MANU/∞]
selection switch has been set to “AUTO”. And if
[Face Detect] is set to “AF&AE”, set one or more
of the items (Gain, Iris and Electronic Shutter) to
the automatic adjustment mode.
(A P53 [Adjusting the Brightness
Automatically] )
(A P54 [Auto Iris (Automatic Adjustment)
Mode] )
(A P55 [Automatic Gain Mode (Automatic
Gain Adjustment)] )
(A P58 [Automatic Shutter Mode (Automatic
Shutter Adjustment)] )

Selecting Specific Person from Several
Adjusting the Brightness
1 Hold down the user button that is assigned Adjust the brightness using Iris, Gain, Shutter
with “Face Detect”. speed and ND filter according to the brightness of
0 The camera recorder will enter face the object.
selection mode and the face detection icon
(q) will blink. Adjusting the Brightness Automatically
0 An orange frame will appear on the face of
the person nearest to the center of the When the [FULL AUTO] switch is set to “ON”, Iris,
screen. Blue frames will appear on the faces Gain, Shutter speed and ND filter are automatically
of others. adjusted according to the brightness of the object
to maintain optimum brightness.
Detection Frame (Orange)





Detection Frame (Blue) CANCEL OFF


2 Select a specific person. .

0 Use the cross-shaped button (HIJK) to Memo :

select a person. 0 You can use the cross-shaped button (HI) on
0 An orange frame will appear on the face of the side of the camera recorder to set the target
the selected person and focus will be level (brighter/darker) to maintain optimum
automatically adjusted. brightness during automatic adjustment.
(A P98 [ AE Level ] )
Detection Frame (Orange) 0 The convergence speed of the automatic
adjustment for gain, shutter and iris can be set
in the menu.
(A P98 [ AE Speed ] )
0 If one or more of the items (Gain, Iris and
Shutter) have been set to “Auto”, the value of the
corresponding items when the user button that
is assigned “AE Lock” is pressed can be fixed.
(A P101 [ AE Lock ] )
Detection Frame (Blue)
Adjusting the Brightness Manually

3 Press the Set button (R) to confirm the

person for face detection. When the [FULL AUTO] switch is set to “OFF”,
Memo : some or all of the items (Iris, Gain and Shutter
0 Press the [CANCEL] button to cancel the Speed) can be manually adjusted.
selection. (A P54 [Adjusting the Iris] )
0 You can specify the detection sensitivity and the (A P55 [Setting the Gain] )
operation speed after losing sight of the face (A P56 [Setting the Electronic Shutter] )
using [Main Menu] B [Camera Function] B Memo :
[User Switch Set] B [Face Detect] B [Sensitivity] 0 If Iris, Gain and Shutter Speed are manually
and [Hysteresis]. adjusted, the [AE Level] setting is temporarily
(A P101 [ Sensitivity ] ) disabled.
(A P101 [ Hysteresis ] )

Adjusting the Iris Auto Iris (Automatic Adjustment) Mode
Press the [IRIS] button to set to the Auto Iris mode.
You can adjust the aperture of the lens iris manually The iris is automatically adjusted according to the
or automatically according to the brightness of the brightness of the object.
object. The a icon appears on the screen.

00: 00: 00.00

Jan 12, 2016

12 :34 :56

5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
IRIS 4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

Memo :

0 Set the [FULL AUTO] switch on the camera
recorder to “ON” to enter Auto Iris mode
(automatic adjustment mode). The iris is
automatically adjusted according to the
brightness of the object.
In this case, the [IRIS] switch on the camera

recorder is disabled.
0 The iris open/close limit can be set in [Main
Manual Iris (Manual Adjustment) Mode Menu] B [Camera Function] B [Auto Iris Limit
The aperture value (F-number) of the lens can be (OPEN)]/[Auto Iris Limit (CLOSE)] during Auto
set manually. Iris.
(A P99 [ Auto Iris Limit (OPEN) ] )
1 Press the [IRIS] button to set to the Manual (A P99 [ Auto Iris Limit (CLOSE) ] )
Iris mode. 0 You can use the cross-shaped button (HI) on
The a icon on the screen disappears. the side control panel to set the target level
2 Turn the iris ring on the lens to adjust the (brighter/darker) of the auto iris.
iris manually. (A P98 [ AE Level ] )
0 The convergence speed of the auto iris can be
The open F-number of the aperture varies set in the menu.
according to the zoom position. (A P98 [ AE Speed ] )
Wide [W] end : F1.6
Tele [T] end : F3.0
One Push Auto Iris
F-number Description
Decrease The subject appears brighter. When the camera recorder is in Manual Iris mode,
The focused range becomes press the [PUSH AUTO] button to adjust the iris
sharper, while the background is according to the brightness of the object.
blurred to produce a soft image.
Push Auto Iris
Increase The subject appears darker.
Background of image becomes When the camera recorder is in Manual Iris mode,
focused as well. hold down the [PUSH AUTO] button to change to
Memo : Auto Iris mode temporarily. The iris will be
0 Pressing the [PUSH AUTO] button during automatically adjusted according to the brightness
of the object.
Manual Iris mode activates One Push Auto Iris
mode. And holding down the [PUSH AUTO] About the Iris F-number
button activates Push Auto Iris mode.
Blurry effects due to “small aperture diffraction”
may occur when the diameter of the iris becomes
too small. When this phenomenon occurs, the F-
number on the screen turns gray to warn you that
the diffraction F-number of the iris has been
You are recommended to make appropriate use of
ND filters to prevent the F-number from turning

Setting the Gain Automatic Gain Mode (Automatic Gain
This function electrically boosts the light sensitivity 1 Set the [FULL AUTO] switch to “ON”.
when there is insufficient illumination on the object. The a icon appears on the screen.
You can set the gain of the video amplifier
according to the brightness of the object. Select the Memo :
setting mode according to your shooting 0 Set the [FULL AUTO] switch on the camera
conditions. recorder to “ON” to enter the Automatic Gain
mode ([AGC] fixed). The gain of the video
amplifier is automatically set according to the
brightness of the object.
FULL AUTO In this case, the [GAIN] switch on the camera
ON recorder is disabled.
Memo :

0 The upper limit of the gain setting value during
AGC operation can be set in [Main Menu] B
[Camera Function] B [AGC Limit].
(A P99 [ AGC Limit ] )

Manual Gain Mode (Manual Gain

1 Press the [GAIN] button to set to the Manual
Gain mode.
0 The a icon on the screen disappears.
0 Use the [L/M/H] switch to set the gain of the
selected video amplifier.
0 The default positions of the switch are as
[L] : 0dB
[M] : 6dB
[H] : 12dB
Memo :
0 You can change the gain value of each position
in the menu. Increasing the sensitivity causes
the screen to appear grainier.

Setting the Electronic Switching Shutter Speed
When shutter is ON, use the cross-shaped button
Shutter (JK) to set the shutter speed. Shutter speed differs
according to the video format and variable frame
You can change the shutter speed (time for each rate settings.
shooting frame) using the electronic shutter Memo :
function. Electronic shutter can be adjusted 0 To display Shutter in angle (DEG), set [WFrame
manually or automatically. & Bit Rate] to “24p(UHQ)”, “24p(HQ)” or
“25p(HQ)”, and set [Shutter] in [LCD/VF] B
Manual Shutter Mode (Manual Shutter [Display Settings] to “DEG”.
Switching) (A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit
1 Press the [SHUTTER] button to set to the Rate b] )
Manual Shutter mode. (A P111 [ Shutter ] )
0 The a icon on the screen disappears.

0 Use the Set button (R) to switch between the During Modes Other Than Variable Frame Rec
shutter modes and the cross-shaped button
(JK) to switch between the speeds. 720/60p 720/50p
Resolution/ 720/30p 720/25p
Shutter Frame & 1080/60p 1080/50p 1080/24p
Bit Rate 1080/60i 1080/50i
1080/30p 1080/25p
J ON 1/10000
^ ^ 1/4000

1/10000 1/10000 1/1000

FULL AUTO 1/4000 1/4000 1/500
ON 1/2000 1/2000 1/250
1/1000 1/1000 1/120
1/500 1/500 1/100
1/250 1/250 1/60
CANCEL 1/120 1/120 1/54
1/100 1/100 1/50
(Standard) 1/60 1/50 1/48

1/30 1/25 1/24

Switching Shutter Mode

1/15 1/12.5 1/12
K 1/7.5 1/6.25 1/6
Press the Set button (center of the cross-shaped J ON (Upper limit) 1/10227 1/10843
button) to turn ON/OFF the shutter. (Variable)
Memo : Default values 1/60.13 1/50.09 1/48.09
0 When the shutter is ON, “Step” or “Variable” may ~
be selected in [Camera Function] B [Shutter]. K (Lower limit) 1/30.07 1/25.05 1/24.05
“Step” is the factory default.
OFF 1/60 1/50 1/48
(A P98 [ Shutter ] ) .

Memo :
0 The operations of the cross-shaped button
(JK) and Set button (R) are disabled in the
following cases.
0 During clip preview
0 During display of the USB switching

confirmation screen
0 During display of the formatting confirmation

0 When selecting a face using face detection
0 When selecting a photometry area with [Spot

Meter] set to “Manual”

During Variable Frame Rec
Resolution/ 720/30p, 720/24p, 1080/30p, 1080/24p
Shutter Frame & Bit Rate
Frame Rate 60, 30, 15 54, 27 50, 25 48, 24, 12, 6 45, 22.5 40, 20, 10 36, 18 32, 2
J ON ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1/10000
(Step) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1/10000 1/4000
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1/10000 1/4000 1/2000
^ ^ ^ ^ 1/10000 1/4000 1/2000 1/1000
^ ^ ^ 1/10000 1/4000 1/2000 1/1000 1/500
^ ^ 1/10000 1/4000 1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250
^ 1/10000 1/4000 1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120
1/10000 1/4000 1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120 1/100
1/4000 1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120 1/100 1/60
1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120 1/100 1/60 1/54
1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120 1/100 1/60 1/54 1/50

1/500 1/250 1/120 1/100 1/60 1/54 1/50 1/48
1/250 1/120 1/100 1/60 1/54 1/50 1/48 1/45
1/120 1/100 1/60 1/54 1/50 1/48 1/45 1/40
1/100 1/60 1/54 1/50 1/48 1/45 1/40 1/36
(Standard) 1/60 1/54 1/50 1/48 1/45 1/40 1/36 1/32
1/30 1/27 1/25 1/24 1/22.5 1/20 1/18 1/16
1/15 1/13.5 1/12.5 1/12 1/11.25 1/10 1/9 1/8
K 1/7.5 1/6.75 1/6.25 1/6 1/5.625 1/5 1/4.5 1/4
J ON (Upper limit) 1/10227 1/10843 1/10227 1/10843 1/10227 1/10843
(Variable) ~
K (Lower limit) 1/60.13 1/54.10 1/50.09 1/48.09 1/45.07 1/40.07 1/36.05 1/32.04
OFF 1/60 1/54 1/50 1/48 1/45 1/40 1/36 1/32

Resolution/ 1080/25p
Shutter Frame & Bit Rate 720/25p
Frame Rate 50, 25, 12.5 48, 24, 6 45, 22.5 40, 20, 10 36, 18 32, 2
J ON ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1/10000
(Step) ^ ^ ^ ^ 1/10000 1/4000
^ ^ ^ 1/10000 1/4000 1/2000
^ ^ 1/10000 1/4000 1/2000 1/1000
^ 1/10000 1/4000 1/2000 1/1000 1/500
1/10000 1/4000 1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250
1/4000 1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120
1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120 1/100
1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/120 1/100 1/50
1/500 1/250 1/120 1/100 1/50 1/48
1/250 1/120 1/100 1/50 1/48 1/45
1/120 1/100 1/50 1/48 1/45 1/40
1/100 1/50 1/48 1/45 1/40 1/36
(Standard) 1/50 1/48 1/45 1/40 1/36 1/32
1/25 1/24 1/22.5 1/20 1/18 1/16
K 1/12.5 1/12 1/11.25 1/10 1/9 1/8
1/6.25 1/6 1/5.625 1/5 1/4.5 1/4
J ON (Upper limit) 1/10227 1/10843 1/10227 1/10843 1/10227 1/10843
(Variable) ~
K (Lower limit) 1/50.09 1/48.09 1/45.07 1/40.07 1/36.05 1/32.04
OFF 1/50 1/48 1/45 1/40 1/36 1/32

Automatic Shutter Mode (Automatic
Shutter Adjustment) 00: 00: 00.00

1 Press the [SHUTTER] button or set the

Jan 12, 2016
12 :34 : 56

[FULL AUTO] switch to “ON” to enter ND 1 /64

Automatic Shutter mode.
5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64

0 The a icon appears on the screen. AE+6


0 The camera recorder enters the Automatic 4030 20 10 0

F1. 6
1/ 100

Shutter mode. The shutter speed is .

automatically adjusted according to the Memo :
brightness of the object. 0 It is recommended to use the ND filter to set the
Memo : lens aperture to less than F8.
0 Switching of shutter speed with the cross-
shaped button (JK) and switching of shutter ND Filter Warning Display
mode with the Set button (R) are disabled.

In order to adjust the amount of light when you are

0 You can set the controllable range for the
shooting at a relatively bright location, the diameter
Automatic Shutter in [Main Menu] B [Camera
of the iris may become extremely small, causing
Function] B [EEI Limit]. blurry effects to occur as a result.
(A P99 [ EEI Limit ] ) This phenomenon is known as “small aperture
diffraction”. You can make appropriate use of ND
filters to prevent it from occurring.
This unit displays an ND filter warning when
necessary to prompt you to select an appropriate
Setting the ND Filter ND filter.
1 Set [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [Display
Use the ND filter to keep the lens aperture in the
appropriate range. Settings] B [ND Filter] to “On+Assist”.
Switch according to the brightness of the object. (A P110 [ ND Filter ] )
When the position on the switch is changed, the 2 When the iris diameter becomes too small
selected position of the ND filter is displayed on the while adjusting the light intensity, or when
LCD monitor and viewfinder screen. an ND filter is used in a dimly-lit location,
(Display 2 screen) the ND filter display starts blinking.
Memo :
0 When [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [Display
Settings] B [ND Filter] is set to “Off”, the position
of the ND filter will not be displayed.
(A P110 [ ND Filter ] )






Adjusting the White Preset Mode (PRESET)

Balance 0 Two different color temperature settings are

registered on this camera recorder. You can
switch between them using the [y] button.
Adjust the white balance according to the color (Default setting: “3200K” 1 “5600K”)
temperature of the lighting. You can select the 0 Press the [y] button to switch to a different
adjustment mode according to the shooting color temperature.
conditions. (“Preset Temp.” 1 “Alternative Temp.”)
As the color of the light (color temperature) varies
according to the light source, it is necessary to 1 Set the [WHT BAL B/A/PRESET] switch to
readjust the white balance when the main light “PRESET”.
source illuminating the subject changes. 2 Press the [y] button.


Setting the [Preset Temp.] or [Alternative

Temp.] Values
ON You can change both the color temperature
settings in the Preset mode in the menu.

OFF 1 Open the [Preset Temp.] or [Alternative

Temp.] menu.
0 Select [Main Menu] B [Camera Process] B
[White Balance] B [Preset Temp.] and
[Alternative Temp.], and press the Set button
0 The Color Temperature setting screen

Manual White Balance Mode (Manual
1 Press the [WHT BAL] button to set to
Manual White Balance mode.
0 You can select the white balance with the
[WHT BAL B/A/PRESET] selection switch.
0 Use the [WHT BAL B/A/PRESET] selection
switch to select “PRESET” (preset mode),
“A” (memory A mode), or “B” (memory B Color Temperature
mode). Detailed Selection
0 The value assigned to the switch appears on Color Temperature Selection Screen Screen
the screen.

2 Select the color temperature.

Memo : 0 When selecting from a setting value (Color
0 This is fixed at “FAW” when the [FULL AUTO] Temperature Selection screen), use the
switch of the camera recorder is set to “ON”. cross-shaped button (JK) to select the color
[Setting Values: 7500K, 6500K, 5600K,
5200K, 4800K, 4200K, R3200K, 3000K,
0 To select detailed values (Color
Temperature Detailed Selection screen)
0 Press the cross-shaped button (I) to

display the Color Temperature Detailed

Selection screen.
0 Use the cross-shaped button (JK) to

select a color temperature.

[Setting Values: 2300K to 15000K (in
100K increments)]

Memo :
0 Use the cross-shaped button (I) to switch 282min 00: 00: 00.00

between the Color Temperature Selection


screen and the Color Temperature Detailed

Jan 12,2016
12 :34 :56

Selection screen. 1920x1080

White Detection
0 If [White Balance] has been assigned to the user
60 i HQ
5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64 Frame
button, pressing the assigned user button will AE+6
display the Color Temperature Selection 4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
1/ 100

screen. [AWB] Activating

(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User Blinking
Buttons] )
282min 00: 00: 00.00

Memory A Mode (A), Memory B Mode

Jan 12,2016

12 :34 :56

60 i HQ

0 Set to the white balance saved in Memory A or 5 . 6f t

ND 1 /64

Memory B.

0 When the [WHT BAL B/A/PRESET] selection 4030 20 10 0

A 3700K
F1. 6
1/ 100

switch is set to “A” or “B”, press the [y] button Result Display
to execute white balance. The white balance will .
be automatically adjusted and the adjusted Caution :
value will be saved in Memory A or Memory B. 0 Do not use highly reflective objects, such as
1 Prepare the camera recorder. metals. Doing so may result in improper white
balance adjustment.
A Set the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch to “ON”. 0 The Auto White Balance function cannot provide
B Press the [IRIS] button to set to the Auto mode. optimum white balance with an object outside the
adjustment range, for example when it contains
C Set the [FULL AUTO] switch to “OFF”. only a single color or not enough white color.
2 Set the [ND FILTER] switch according to the
lighting. Error Message
(A P58 [Setting the ND Filter] )
3 Set the [WHT BAL B/A/PRESET] selection If the Auto White Balance adjustment is not
correctly completed, one of the following
switch to “A” or “B”. messages will appear for about 3 seconds.
4 Locate a place with similar lighting conditions
Message Status
as the object to be shot, place a white object
near the center of the screen and zoom in to Auto White * NG: Displayed when there is not
fill the screen with white. Object enough white color on the
(*A or B) object, or when the color
5 Press the [y] (Auto White Balance) button. temperature is not suitable.
0 The white detection frame appears when Auto Use another white object and
White Balance is activated. Fill the frame with adjust the white balance
white completely. again.
0 While Auto White Balance is starting up,
Auto White * Error: Displayed when the lighting is
“A< y >” or “B< y >” appears on the screen.
Low Light dark. Increase the lighting
(y mark appears blinking) (*A or B) and adjust the white balance
0 After the correct white balance is obtained, an again.
estimated value of the current color
temperature is displayed. Auto White * Error: Excessive illumination.
Over Light Displayed when the lighting is
(*A or B) too bright. Decrease the
lighting and adjust the white
balance again.

White Paint Adjustment Automatic White Balance Mode (FAW:
You can fine-tune the white balance saved in Fulltime Auto White balance)
Memory A or Memory B. 0 Press the [WHT BAL] button on the side control
1 Select [Main Menu] B [Camera Process] B panel to enter into Automatic White Balance
[White Balance] B [AWB Paint] and press mode.
the Set button (R). 0 “<FAW>” appears on the screen.
The White Paint Adjustment screen appears. 0 Set the [FULL AUTO] switch on the camera
recorder to “ON” to enter Automatic White
Balance mode. An appropriate white balance is
automatically adjusted according to the color
temperature of the lighting on the object.
0 White balance switching with the [WHT BAL
1 B/A/PRESET] selection switch is disabled.

00: 00: 00.00

Jan 12,2016
12 :34 : 56

2 Adjust the R and B values.

5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64

Use the cross-shaped button (JK) to adjust R

F1. 6 FAW
value and (HI) to adjust B value.
4030 20 10 0
FAW 1/ 100

Caution :
0 The accuracy of [FAW] is inferior to that of Auto
White Balance.
0 When the power of the camera recorder is
turned on with the [FAW] mode selected, it takes
about 15 seconds for the colors to stabilize.
Memo :
0 When [Main Menu] B [Camera Function] B [User
3 Press the Set button (R). Switch Set] B [AE Lock] is set to “AE/WB”, the
Returns to the [White Balance] screen. white balance when the user button that is
assigned [AE Lock] is pressed can be fixed.
(A P101 [ AE Lock ] )
0 If [White Balance] has been assigned to the user
R Value button, pressing the assigned user button will
display the FAW Paint Adjustment screen.
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Buttons] )
B Value

Memo :
0 Selecting [y] will usually clear the White Paint
Adjustment value. But when [Main Menu] B
[Camera Process] B [White Balance] B [Clear
Paint After AWB] is set to “Off”, values will not
be cleared even when [y] is selected.
(A P106 [ Clear Paint After AWB ] )
0 If [White Balance] has been assigned to the user
button, pressing the assigned user button will
display the AWB Paint Adjustment screen.
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Buttons] )

FAW Paint Adjustment
Adjusting the Camera
You can fine-adjust the white balance that was
automatically adjusted. Image
1 Select [Main Menu] B [Camera Process] B
[White Balance] B [FAW Paint] and press The picture quality of the camera can be set using
the [Camera Process] menu.
the Set button (R).
The FAW Paint Adjustment screen appears. As the adjustments are shown on the screen, you
can adjust the values while checking the picture
quality on the camera.
0 [Detail]
0 [Master Black]
0 [Black Toe]
0 [Knee]
0 [White Clip]

1 0 [Gamma]
0 [WDR]
0 [White Balance]

0 [Color Matrix]
2 Adjust the R and B values. 0 [Color Gain]
Use the cross-shaped button (JK) to adjust R 0 [Reverse Picture]
value and (HI) to adjust B value. 0 [Shooting Mode]
Memo :
0 For details of the respective items, see the
[Camera Process] menu.
(A P102 [Camera Process Menu] )

3 Press the Set button (R).

Returns to the [White Balance] screen.

R Value

B Value

Using the Image Stabilizer Audio Recording
Reduces blurring of images due to camera shake. You can record audio from the two channels (CH1/
CH2) in synchronization with video images on this
1 Check whether the image stabilizer feature camera recorder.
is turned ON or OFF. Select from the four options below to record the
If the image stabilizer icon (i/j) does not audio.
appear on the screen display, the image 0 Built-in Microphone
stabilizer function is OFF. 0 Microphone connected to [AUX] terminal
0 Microphone connected to [INPUT1] terminal
0 Microphone connected to [INPUT2] terminal
00: 00: 00.00

Jan 12, 2016

12 :34 : 56

5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
4030 20 10 0
P13000K 1/ 100

2 Press the [OIS/2] button to turn ON the


image stabilizer feature (when image

stabilizer feature is OFF).
The image stabilizer feature switches between CH1 CH2 INPUT1 INPUT2

ON and OFF with every press of the [OIS/2]



Use this setting when the camera recorder is
secured, such as when using a tripod. CH1 CH2

0 ON:

Reduces blurring of images due to camera


Memo : Selecting Audio to Be Recorded in Each

0 Select [Main Menu] B [Camera Function] B Channel
[OIS] B [Level] to set the correction level. Select the audio to be recorded in CH1/CH2.
(A P98 [ Level ] ) - Switch Setting Connected Devices
0 Correction by this feature may not be sufficient CH1 INT 0 Built-in Microphone
when camera shake is too strong. 0 Microphone connected to
0 “OIS” is assigned to [OIS/2] button in factory [AUX] terminal
default. INPUT1 Microphone connected to
0 “OIS” can also be assigned to other user [INPUT1] terminal
buttons. CH2 INT 0 Built-in Microphone
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User 0 Microphone connected to
Buttons] ) [AUX] terminal
INPUT1 Microphone connected to
[INPUT1] terminal
INPUT2 Microphone connected to
[INPUT2] terminal
Memo :
0 When “INT” is set, the built-in microphone is
disabled if a microphone is connected to the
[AUX] terminal; audio from the microphone
connected to the [AUX] is recorded.
0 When “INT” is selected, set the reference input
level in [Main Menu] B [A/V Set] B [Audio Set]
B [Int. Mic Gain]/[AUX Gain].
(A P113 [ Int. Mic Gain ] )
(A P113 [ AUX Gain ] )

Setting Input Channel to [INPUT1]/[INPUT2] Adjusting Audio Recording Level
Select the audio to input to [INPUT1] and [INPUT2] You can select to adjust the audio recording levels
terminals with the [INPUT1]/[INPUT2] mode for the two channels (CH1/CH2) manually or
switch. automatically.
Setting Description
[LINE] Use this setting when connecting to
an audio device or other equipment.
The reference input level is +4 dBu.
[MIC] Use this setting when connecting to CH1 CH2

a dynamic microphone.

[MIC+48V] Use this setting when connecting to LC

a microphone (phantom AUTO
microphone) that requires a +48 V
power supply.



Memo :
0 When “MIC” or “MIC+48V” is selected, set the

reference input level in [Main Menu] B [A/V Manual Adjustment Mode (Manual
Set] B [Audio Set] B [Input1 Mic Ref.]/[Input2 Adjustment)
Mic Ref.]. 0 Set the [CH1/CH2 AUTO/MANUAL] switch on
(A P113 [ Input1 Mic Ref. ] )
the camera recorder to “MANUAL” to enter the
(A P113 [ Input2 Mic Ref. ] )
manual adjustment mode, and use the [CH1]/
Caution : [CH2] recording level adjustment knob to set the
0 When connecting a device that does not require recording level.
a +48 V power supply, make sure that it is not 0 You can adjust the level manually during the
set to the “MIC+48V” position. recording, recording standby, and stop modes.
0 When the [INPUT1]/[INPUT2] mode switch is
set to “MIC”, make sure that a microphone is o Setting Input Channel to “INPUT1”/“INPUT2”
connected to the [INPUT1]/[INPUT2] terminal. If 1 Set the [CH1/CH2 AUTO/MANUAL]
you increase the recording level when a
selection switch to “MANUAL” for the
microphone is not connected, noise from the
input terminal may be recorded. channel to be adjusted manually.
0 When a microphone is not connected to the 2 Turn the corresponding [CH1]/[CH2]
[INPUT1]/[INPUT2] terminal, set the [INPUT1]/ recording level adjustment knob to adjust
[INPUT2] mode switch to “LINE” or adjust the the level.
volume with the [CH1]/[CH2] recording level When [Audio Set] B [Limiter] is set to “Off”,
adjustment knob. adjust such that the audio level meter does not
light up at -2 dB even for loud sounds.
(A P113 [ Limiter ] )

00: 00: 00.00

Jan 12,2016
12 :34 :56

5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

4030 20 10 0


o Setting Input Channel to “INT” for Both [CH1] and
Monitoring Audio Sound
1 Set the [CH1 AUTO/MANUAL] selection During Recording Using a
switch to “MANUAL”. Headphone
2 Turn the [CH1] recording level adjustment
knob to adjust the level. You can check the recorded audio using
When the built-in microphone and the [AUX] headphone.
input terminal are used, the recording levels of
[CH1] and [CH2] are interlocked. 1
This is also effective when the [CH1 AUTO/ AUX

MANUAL] selection switch is set to [CH2].

Memo :
0 Select [Limiter], [AGC Response], [AGC Mode],
2 3

or [Int. Mic Separation] in the menu to set the CH1

recording audio.
0 If [Limiter] is set to other than “Off”, the limiter
operates according to the value set. .

(A P113 [ Limiter ] ) 1 Connect the headphone.

0 For the reference level to be recorded to an SD 2 Select the channel to monitor with the
card, set [Main Menu] B [A/V Set] B [Audio
[MONITOR] selection switch.
Set] B [Ref. Level] to “-20dB”, “-18dB”, or
“-12dB”. (common for CH1/CH2) Setting Description
(A P113 [ Ref. Level ] ) [CH1] Outputs the audio recorded in [CH1].
0 The operations of the [CH2] recording level [BOTH] Outputs the audio recorded in
adjustment knob and [CH2 AUTO/MANUAL] [CH1/CH2].
selection switch are disabled. [CH2] Outputs the audio recorded in [CH2].
3 Use the [MONITOR +/-] button to adjust the
Automatic Adjustment Mode
monitor volume.
0 Set the [CH1/CH2 AUTO/MANUAL] selection
switch to “AUTO” or the [FULL AUTO] switch to Memo :
“ON” to enter Automatic Adjustment mode. The 0 Audio during recording is not output from the
audio recording level is set automatically monitor speaker.
according to the input level.
0 Warning tone is output when there is an
0 When the [FULL AUTO] switch is set to “ON”, abnormality in the camera recorder or when the
battery is low.
mode switching with the [CH1/CH2 AUTO/ (A P182 [Warning Tone] )
MANUAL] selection switch is disabled.
Memo : Selecting Audio Output Method When the
0 When [Main Menu] B [A/V Set] B [Audio Set] B [MONITOR] Selection Switch Is Set to “BOTH”
[Limiter] is set to “Off” while in the automatic
When a stereo type earphone jack is connected,
adjustment mode, the limiter operates at
perform the following setting to output stereo
-5 dBFS.
0 If [Limiter] is set to other than “Off”, the limiter
operates according to the value set. 1 Set the [MONITOR] selection switch to
(A P113 [ Limiter ] ) “BOTH”.
0 When [A/V Set] B [Audio Set] B [Audio On FULL 2 Set [Main Menu] B [A/V Set] B [Audio Set]
AUTO] is set to “SW Set”, you can switch the B [Monitor] to “Stereo”.
audio recording mode with the [CH1/CH2 (A P115 [ Monitor ] )
AUTO/MANUAL] selection switch on the
camera recorder even if the [FULL AUTO] Memo :
switch is set to “ON”. 0 You can set the volume of the warning tone in
(A P115 [ Audio On FULL AUTO ] ) [Main Menu] B [A/V Set] B [Audio Set] B [Alarm
Level]. (“Off”/“Low”/“Middle”/“High”)
(A P115 [ Alarm Level ] )

Time Code and User’s Bit Time Code Operation Mode
Set the time code operation in [Main Menu] B [TC/
Time code and user’s bit data are recorded with the UB] B [TC Generator].
video in this camera recorder. (A P107 [ TC Generator ] )
The time code and user’s bit are displayed on the
viewfinder and LCD monitor during playback or Setting Description
recording. (Display screen) Free Run(Ext) This mode synchronizes another
camera recorder connected to the
Displaying Time Code and User’s Bit [TC] terminal. The time code
operates in the run mode at all
The time code and user’s bit are displayed on the times regardless of the recording
viewfinder and LCD monitor during playback or status.
recording. It continues to run even when the
The display differs according to the menu settings. power of the camera recorder is
turned off.

1 Set [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [Display

Settings] B [TC/UB] to settings other than Free Run The time code operates in the run
mode at all times regardless of the
recording status.
(A P111 [ TC/UB ] ) It continues to run even when the
When “TC” or “UB” is selected, time code or power of the camera recorder is
user’s bit data is displayed respectively on the turned off.
display screen. Rec Run The time code operates in the run
mode during recording. It
continues to run in the order of the
F F E E DD 2 0 recorded clips as long as the SD
card is not replaced. If the SD card
00:00:00.00 is removed and recording is made
on another card, time code will be
recorded on the new card from
00: 00: 00.00 where it was left off in the previous
Jan 12, 2016
12 :34 :56
Regen The time code operates in the run
mode during recording. When the
SD card is replaced, the last time
5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64

code recorded on the card is read


and recorded on a new card so that

4030 20 10 0
P13000K 1/ 100

the time code continues in running

Memo : order.
0 Values recorded on the SD card is displayed in (A P67 [Setting Time Code] )
Media mode. Memo :
0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
Set] B [Rec Mode] is set to “Variable Frame”,
“Interval Rec” or “Frame Rec”, and [TC
Generator] is set to “Free Run” or “Free
Run(Ext)”, Rec Run is activated.
0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set]
B [Record Format] B [WFormat]/[YFormat] is
set to “AVCHD”, Pre Rec enters Free Run mode.
(A P118 [WFormat a, Format b] )
(A P119 [ Y Format a ] )

Setting Time Code 2 Select the framing mode for the time code

Generator generator (only when the frame rate setting

is “60” or “30”).
Set using [Main Menu] B [TC/UB] B [Drop
Presetting the Time Code Frame].
(A P107 [ Drop Frame ] )
Time code and user’s bit data generated from the
internal time code generator are recorded.
0 [Drop]:
This section describes how to set [TC/UB] B [TC Sets the run mode of the time code generator
Preset]. to drop frame mode. Use this setting when
placing emphasis on the recording time.
(A P107 [ TC Preset ] ) 0 [Non Drop]:
Memo : Sets the run mode of the time code generator
0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set] to non-drop frame mode. Use this setting
B [Record Format] B [Frame & Bit Rate] is set when placing emphasis on the number of

to “50p”, “50i”, “25p”, or “24p”, “Drop” cannot be frames.
selected. Memo :
(A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit Drop frame/non-drop frame mode
Rate b] ) 0 When the frame rate setting in [Main Menu] B
0 You can configure the setting without accessing [System] B [Record Set] B [Record Format] B
the [TC/UB] menu screen.
[Frame & Bit Rate] is “60p”, “60i”, or “30p”, the
(A P68 [Setting Time Code without Opening
actual number of frames per second is
the Menu] ) approximately 59.94 (29.97). However, the time
code processing standard is “60p”, “60i”, or
Required Settings Before Preset “30p” frames. To make up for the frame number
discrepancy, the drop frame mode (Drop) drops
1 Set [TC/UB] B [TC Generator] to “Rec the 00 frame and 01 frame every minute except
Run” or “Free Run”. for minutes that are multiples of 10. However, in
(A P107 [ TC Generator ] ) the case of “60p”, the 00, 01, 02 and 03 frame
0 [Rec Run]: are dropped.
Preset data in the time code generator 0 The non-drop frame mode (Non Drop) does not
operates in run mode during recording drop frames and ignores the discrepancy with
mode. Set this when recording continuous the actual time.
time code in connecting frames.
0 [Free Run]: Setting Time Code
Time code starts to operate in run mode from
the preset time in the time code generator.



OIS / 2 LOLUX / 3


1 Select [Main Menu] B [TC/UB] B [TC Setting Time Code without Opening the
Preset] and press the Set button (R).
(A P107 [ TC Preset ] )
The [TC Preset] screen appears.





Memo :

0 When [TC/UB] B [TC Generator] is set to

“Regen”, the parameter is displayed as “Regen”

Memo :
and cannot be selected.
0 Settings cannot be made in the following cases.
(A P107 [ TC Generator ] ) 0 [TC/UB] B [TC Generator] has been set to

2 Set the time code (hour, minute, second, “Regen”.

frame). 0 Menu screen is displayed.

Use the cross-shaped button (HI) to place the 0 The camera recorder is not in the Camera

cursor at the item to set, then use the cross- mode.

shaped button (JK) to change the values.
Setting Time Code
1 Set [TC/UB] B [TC Generator] to settings
Cursor other than “Regen”.
(A P107 [ TC Generator ] )
2 Hold down the [MENU/THUMB] button and
press the [FOCUS ASSIST/1] button.
The [TC Preset] setting screen appears.
During non-drop
During drop frame

Memo :
0 Press the [OIS/2] button to reset each digit to “0”.
The cursor moves to the time digit (left).

3 Check the values and press the Set button

During drop frame
0 The time code is set and the screen returns
to [TC/UB]. During non-drop frame
0 To cancel the setting, press the [CANCEL]

3 Set the time code (hour, minute, second,

button. frame).
4 Press the [MENU/THUMB] button. Use the cross-shaped button (HI) to place the
Returns to the normal screen. cursor at the item to set, then use the cross-
shaped button (JK) to change the values.
Memo :
0 Press the [OIS/2] button to reset each digit to “0”.
The cursor moves to the time digit (left).

4 Check the values and press the Set button Setting the User’s Bit
0 The time code is set and the screen returns You can add the date, time or an 8-digit
to the normal screen. hexadecimal number as the user’s bit to the
0 To cancel the setting, press the [CANCEL] recorded image.
Caution :
0 When the camera recorder is switched to Media MENU/THUMB

mode during editing, editing will be canceled

and the screen will close.
0 When editing the time code, operation of the CANCEL

[FOCUS ASSIST/1] and [OIS/2] buttons that are

configured in [Main Menu] B [Camera
Function] B [User Switch Set] is disabled. The

[OIS/2] button functions as the number reset MENU/THUMB

(A P100 [User Switch Set Item] ) OIS / 2 LOLUX / 3


Recording Time Code in Continuation of

the Recorded Time Code on SD Card

This camera recorder is equipped with the time Selecting a Recording Mode
code reader.
Recording date/time information to the user’s
1 Set [TC/UB] B [TC Generator] to “Regen”. bit
0 When the camera recorder enters from
1 Set [Main Menu] B [TC/UB] B [UB Mode] to
recording standby mode to recording mode,
it reads the time code already recorded on “Date” or “Time”, and press the Set button
the SD card and records the new time code (R).
in continuation of that value. (A P107 [ UB Mode ] )
0 The same data as the user’s bit already The date or time information is recorded to the
recorded on the SD card is recorded. user’s bit.
Memo : Memo :
0 When [TC/UB] B [TC Generator] is set to 0 When “Date” or “Time” is set, [Preset] appears
“Regen”, the framing mode of the time code as “-” and cannot be set.
follows the settings in [TC/UB] B [Drop Frame] 0 “Time” is displayed in the 24-hour format.
instead of the clip settings.
(A P107 [ Drop Frame ] )
Presetting the User’s Bit

Recording arbitrary information (8-digit

hexadecimal) to the user’s bit

1 Set [Main Menu] B [TC/UB] B [UB Mode] to Synchronizing Time Code
“Preset”, and press the Set button (R).
(A P107 [ UB Mode ] )
on Another Camera
The [UB Mode] setting screen appears.
This camera recorder is equipped with a time code
input/output terminal ([TC] terminal).
Connect another camera recorder to the [TC]
terminal and synchronize to the time code.
1 Connect the [TC] terminal of the master
device with the [TC] terminal of the slave
1 Set the [TC IN/OUT] switch of the master device
to “OUT”, and the [TC IN/OUT] switch of the
slave device to “IN”.

Memo :
Master Device
0 When [TC/UB] B [TC Generator] is set to
“Regen”, the parameter is displayed as “Regen” [OUT]
and cannot be selected.
(A P107 [ TC Generator ] ) INPUT2


2 Select [Main Menu] B [TC/UB] B “Preset”

and press the Set button (R).

The [Preset] setting screen appears.




3 Use the cross-shaped button (HI) to place



the cursor at the item to set, then use the


cross-shaped button (JK) to change the

values. Slave Device
Numbers between 0 and 9 or alphabets (This Camera Recorder)
between A and F can be specified for the user’s
bit. [IN]


Cursor A






Memo :
0 Press the [OIS/2] button to reset each digit to “0”.
The cursor moves to the left.

4 Check the values and press the Set button

0 The user’s bit is set and the screen returns
to [TC/UB].
0 To cancel the setting, press the [CANCEL]
5 Press the [MENU/THUMB] button.
Returns to the normal screen.

Settings and Operation of the Camera
Setting Zebra Pattern
1 Set to Camera mode. When the luminance level range for displaying
(A P18 [Operation Modes] ) zebra patterns is specified, diagonal lines (zebra
2 Set [TC/UB] B [TC Generator] as follows. pattern) are displayed at areas with the specified
luminance levels during shooting.
0 Slave device:
Select “Free Run(Ext)”.
0 Master device:
Select “Free Run”.
3 Set LCD monitor or viewfinder to Display 1 ZEBRA/5
screen. AE

4 Set the master device and run the time


0 When the built-in time code generator is
synchronized with the external time code
data input, the Z icon on Display 1 screen .

lights up.
0 When time code is not synchronized or time 1 Set the zebra display pattern.
code input is not available, the Z icon goes Select the display pattern in [LCD/VF] B
out. [Shooting Assist] B [Zebra].
2 Specify the brightness (luminance) level
00: 00: 00.00 range for displaying zebra pattern.
Specify the upper and lower limits of the
Jan 24 ,2012
12 :34 : 56
luminance level in [LCD/VF] B [Shooting
Assist] B [Zebra] B [Top] and [Bottom].
5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
Item Settings Options
0dB Top Upper luminance 5% - 100%, Over
4030 20 10 0
1/ 100 limit for displaying (in 5 % increments)
Bottom Lower luminance 0% - 100% (in 5 %
Memo : limit for displaying increments)
0 The built-in time code generator will continue [Zebra]
operation even when the master device is
disconnected after synchronization. 3 Display the zebra pattern.
0 User’s bit will become data in the master device. Press the [ZEBRA/5] button to display the zebra
0 While the [TC] terminal is connected, the time pattern in the specified range.
code may be out of synchronization when the
[A/V Set] B [Video Set] B [HDMI/SDI Out]
setting of the Master device and Slave device is
being changed.
(A P112 [ HDMI/SDI Out ] )

During zebra pattern display, (zebra icon)

is displayed on the display screen in Camera
Memo :
0 “Zebra” is assigned to [ZEBRA/5] button in
factory default.
0 “Zebra” can also be assigned to other user
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Buttons] )

Setting Spot Meter Color of Frame
Item Settings Indicating the
The brightness of the object during shooting is Position
displayed. Max & Min Displays the 0 Max: Green
This function is useful when setting video or stage brightness (%) 0 Min: Yellow
lighting or when specifying camera exposure. and positions of
A cursor indicating the location and the brightness the brightest and
(%) of that location are displayed in the images darkest areas in
shown on the LCD monitor and viewfinder screen. the screen.
0 Zebra patterns display the brightness of output Frames may also
video signals. be stopped at the
(A P71 [Setting Zebra Pattern] ) current positions.
0 This function allows you to check the brightness
Max Displays the Green
of input images from the lens without depending
brightness (%)
on image processing such as gamma curve. The

and position of the

dynamic range of the camera recorder is 400 %
brightest area in
and a brightness range of 0 % to 400 % and
the screen.
above is displayed.
Frames may also
Memo : be stopped at the
0 Spot meter may not be consistent with the zebra current positions.
display range. When [Camera Process] B Min Displays the Yellow
[Gamma] is set to “Cinema”, the 100IRE output brightness (%)
is not consistent with the 100 % display. and position of the
When an object of more than 400 % luminance darkest area in the
is detected, it is displayed as “400 %”. screen. Frame
(A P103 [ Gamma ] ) may also be
stopped at the
current positions.
Manual Displays the Green

brightness (%) of (Blinks in green

the specified when specifying
position. the position)
2 Assign the “Spot Meter” function to any of

the user buttons.

(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
AE LEVEL Buttons] )
3 Press the user button that is assigned with
“Spot Meter”.
The operation switches as below when the
button is pressed.

1 Select one of the following from [Main
Menu] B [Camera Function] B [User Switch
Set] B [Spot Meter].
(A P100 [ Spot Meter ] )

When [Max & Min]/[Max]/[Min] is selected When [Manual] is selected
A The cursors appear according to the setting A The brightness of the cursor position is
when the button is pressed. displayed when the button is pressed.
Green and yellow frames appear, and the
brightness levels of these areas are displayed. 282min

50min Cursor (Green)

Jan 12,2016
282min 00:00:00.00 12:34:56
50min Cursor Brightness
Jan 12,2016
12:34:56 (Green) 5. f t
5.6 Indication
ND 1/64

5.6 f t
5. Brightness Indication 4030
4030 20 10 0
ND 1/64 P 13000K 1/100
4030 20 10 0
P 13000K

B By pressing the button, the cursors and

brightness indication disappear.


B Hold down the button in the state in A, the

positions of the brightest (Max) and darkest 282min

(Min) areas in the screen are automatically 50min

Jan 12,2016

detected with regard to the changes of the 12:34:56

object, and the brightness level of these areas

are displayed.
5.6 f t
ND 1/64
4030 20 10 0
282min 00:00:00.00 P 13000K 1/100
50min Cursor
Jan 12,2016
12:34:56 (Max: Green) .

C Hold down the button in the state in A or B, the

Brightness Indication
5.6 f t
ND 1/64 cursor blinks in green.
0dB Cursor Move the cursor with the cross-shaped button
(Min: Yellow) (JKHI) to specify the position to display the
4030 20 10 0
P 13000K 1/100

. When you decide on the position, press the Set
C Pressing the button in the state in B stops the button (R) to confirm.
automatic position detection. The frames are
fixed at the stopped positions and the
282min 00:00:00.00

brightness levels are displayed.

Jan 12,2016

D By pressing the button, the cursors and Brightness Indication

brightness indication disappear. 5. f t
ND 1/64
282min 00:00:00.00
(Blinks in green)
4030 20 10 0
100min P 13000K 1/100
Jan 12,2016

5. f t
5.6 D Frames are fixed at the stopped positions and
the brightness is displayed.
ND 1/64

Memo :
4030 20 10 0
P 13000K 1/100

0 When moving the cursor position, [Shutter]/[AE


Level] control is disabled.

0 When the brightness is 0 % in the entire screen,
the frame is fixed in the center.
0 If the cursor is outside the “4:3” range, changing
[Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set] B
[Record Format] B [SD Aspect] from “16:9” to
“4:3” restores the cursor to the default position.
(A P119 [ SD Aspect ] )

Acquiring Positioning Display
Positioning Status
Information by GPS a Status
GPS reception Receiving strong
in progress GPS signal. UTC
This camera recorder comes with a built-in GPS .

and positioning
(signal strength:
function. The GPS function is able to record the strong) information can be
positioning information. obtained and
During playback, you can also display the recorded recorded.
information on the playback screen.
(No GPS function is The [GPS] item is
(A P88 [Playing back] )
display) turned off set to “Off”.
1 Set [Main Menu] B [System] B [GPS] to
Memo :
“On”. 0 If positioning cannot be performed after waiting
0 Positioning starts when the H icon on the for several minutes, this means GPS reception
display screen starts blinking. is poor, and there is difficulty in receiving data.

0 After positioning is complete, the H icon Move to an open place with no obstructions.
switches to a solid light and records the Otherwise, GPS information will not be recorded
positioning information during shooting. when shooting is performed.
0 The icon that appears on the screen 0 Signal may not be received depending on
changes according to the condition of signal circumstances such as locations that are
reception from the GPS satellite. indoors or surrounded by tall buildings, or the
0 The GPS function is able to record the geographical conditions.
positioning information. However, the date/ Precision error may occur in the position
time information (atomic clock) can be information depending on the conditions of
recorded only when [Format] is set to reception.
“AVCHD” on the slot to record to. 0 Even when positioning is in progress,
information may be disrupted depending on the
00: 00: 00.00 condition of signal reception.
Jan 1 2, 2016
12 :34 : 56

5 . 6f t

Viewing Recorded Videos

ND 1 /64
0 AE+6

Immediately (Clip Review)

4030 20 10 0
P13000K 1/ 100

Display Positioning Status
Status You can check (review) the last recorded video clip
[GPS] is set to GPS signal cannot on the screen.
“On”, but signal be received. UTC However, the video clip cannot be played back if
and positioning the settings of the camera recorder are different
cannot be

(Yellow) from the video format (Resolution/Frame & Bit

received information cannot
be obtained. Rate/SD Aspect) of the clip.
(A P118 [WResolution a, Resolution b] )
GPS search in UTC information
progress can be obtained, (A P119 [ Y Resolution a ] )

but not positioning (A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit
(Blink) Rate b] )
GPS reception Receiving weak (A P119 [ Y Frame & Bit Rate a ] )
in progress GPS signal. UTC (A P119 [ SD Aspect ] )
(signal strength: and positioning Memo :

weak) information can be 0 To use this function, assign “Clip Review” to any
obtained and of the user buttons. “Clip Review” is assigned to
[C.REVIEW/7] button in factory default.
GPS reception Receiving GPS 0 “Clip Review” can also be assigned to other user
in progress signal. UTC and
(signal strength: positioning

(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User

medium) information can be
obtained and Buttons] )

Splitting the Clips Freely
(Clip Cutter Trig)

You can split the clips freely without having to stop


recording during shooting.

1 Assign the “Clip Cutter Trig” function to


any of the user buttons.
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User



Buttons] )
2 Press the user button that is assigned with
“Clip Cutter Trig” during shooting.
1 Press the button assigned with the “Clip
A clip cut icon (Q) appears on the display
Review” function during standby (“STBY” screen for 3 seconds, and the clip is split.

is displayed).
Playback of the configured section starts. 00: 00: 00.00

Memo : Jan 24,2012

0 The video clip is played back according to the 12 :34 :56

setting in [Main Menu] B [Camera Function] B

[User Switch Set] B [Clip Review]. By default 5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
setting (Last 5sec), the last 5 seconds of the clip AE+6
is played back. 4030 20 10 0
P 13000K
1/ 100
(A P100 [ Clip Review ] ) .

0 When playback is complete, the camera

recorder exits Clip Review and returns to Memo :
“STBY” (recording standby) mode. 0 Clips cannot be split again for a few seconds
after the operation is performed.
Caution : 0 This item cannot be used when [Slot Mode] is
0 During Clip Review, only the [CANCEL] and set to “Backup”.
[REC] buttons are enabled. 0 Available only when [System] is set to “HD” or
Press the [CANCEL] button to cancel clip review “SD”.
and return to “STBY” (recording standby) mode. (A P78 [Backup Rec] )
Press the [REC] button to cancel clip review and 0 This item cannot be used when [Rec Mode] is
enter recording mode. It will take some time to set to a value other than “Normal” or “Pre Rec”.
start recording after the button is pressed. (A P120 [ Rec Mode ] )
0 When the last clip is less than 5 seconds, the
0 The split clips are recorded seamlessly without
whole clip is played back.
0 Only video clips in the currently selected slot can interruptions in the video.
be reviewed.
0 When there are no clips in the selected slot, Clip
Review function is disabled.
0 Clip Review is unavailable when Clip
Continuous Rec is paused (“STBYC”, yellow
text). To operate Clip Review, use the
[CANCEL] button to set to “STBYC” (white text)
(A P80 [Clip Continuous Rec] )
0 Clip Review is unavailable when the camera
recorder is connected to an external equipment
and the equipment is in recording state.
0 Clip Review is unavailable when operating View
Remote via network connection. a
(A P166 [View Remote Feature a] )
0 Clip Review does not function during live
streaming. a
0 Clip Review does not function while the record
trigger is in the REC state.

Recording Dual Rec
Simultaneously at Two 0 If both the slots are loaded with recordable cards
Different Definitions a in the Dual Rec mode ([Slot Mode] is set to
“Dual”), pressing the [REC] button starts
By setting [System] to “HD+SD” or “HD+Web”, you recording simultaneously to the media in both
can record simultaneously at two different the slots.
definitions. 0 The clips recorded to the media in both the slots
0 When HD+SD is selected: are identical, and two clips of the same content
Records a high-definition (HD) file to slot A and can be created only on this camera recorder.
a standard definition (SD) file to slot B at the (A P120 [ Slot Mode ] )
same time.
0 When HD+Web is selected: REC

Records a high-definition (HD) file to slot A and


a low bit-rate web file to slot B at the same time.

Web files can be used as a proxy file for the HD HOLD

Memo :

0 If a recordable SD card is inserted into only one

of the slots, files will only be recorded to that slot. BATT.REL

0 The [Rec Mode] is fixed at “Normal”.



0 Clip Cutter Trig is disabled. DEVIC

0 [Slot Mode] cannot be selected.


0 Clip Review can only be performed for slot A. B REMO


(“No Media” appears if there is no card in slot A


while a card is inserted into slot B.)

0 Playback of web files is only possible from slot

B when “HD+Web” is selected.

Setting to Dual Rec Mode
1 Set [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
Set] B [Slot Mode] to “Dual”.
Series Rec (A P120 [ Slot Mode ] )
“DUAL” appears on the display screen.
0 Series Rec mode is specified in the factory
default. 00: 00: 00.00

([Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set] B [Slot Jan 12, 2016

Mode] is set to “Series”.) DUAL 12 :34 : 56

(A P120 [ Slot Mode ] )

0 If both the slots are loaded with recordable 5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
cards, pressing the [REC] button starts AE+6
recording only to the media in the selected slot. 4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
1/ 100
When the remaining space in the selected .

media runs out, recording continues by

automatically activating the media in the other
0 There is no indication on the display screen
when the Series Rec mode is set.

2 Start recording. Caution :
0 Insert recordable media in both slots, and 0 To perform recording in the Dual Rec mode, it is
press the [REC] button. recommended that you start recording by
0 In the Dual Rec mode, recording to the media making use of two cards with the same capacity
in both slots starts at the same time. and from the formatted state.
0 Both the card slot marks turn red, and the 0 You can combine the use of the Dual Rec mode
status indicators of both the card slots also with a special recording mode. While in the Dual
light up in red. Rec mode, you can also set [Rec Mode] to
“Normal”, “Pre Rec”, “Interval Rec”, “Frame
REC 00: 00: 00.00 Rec”, or “Variable Frame”.
Jan 24 ,2012
(A P80 [Special Recording] )
12 :34 : 56 0 When both slots are inserted with recordable
Lit in red cards, the Dual Rec (simultaneous recording)
5 . 6f t operation can be performed. If a recordable
media is only inserted in one of the slots, you can
ND 1 /64

F1.6 also start recording with one card.
0 In the Dual Rec mode, continuous recording by
4030 20 10 0
P13000K 1/ 100

switching from one slot to another cannot be


3 Stop recording. performed. Continuous recording will not be

0 Press the [REC] button again. performed if a recordable media is inserted in a
0 Recording to both slots stops, and both the slot after recording to the other slot has started.
card slot marks turn white. 0 When recording to one slot is in progress with
0 The same clips are recorded to both cards. the recorder set to the Dual Rec mode, inserting
a recordable media to the other slot does not
00: 00: 00.00 enable the Dual Rec operation. To perform the
Dual Rec operation, stop recording temporarily

(excluding pausing recording in the Clip

Jan 24 ,2012
12 :34 :56

White Continuous Rec mode), and start again.

5 . 6f t 0 When one of the cards is accidentally removed
ND 1 /64
while recording is in progress in the Dual Rec
0dB mode, recording to the card in the other slot will
continue. However, repair of the accidentally
4030 20 10 0
P13000K 1/ 100

removed card by the recovery function may fail.

Memo : 0 If an error occurs on one of the cards while
0 During recording in the Dual Rec mode, both the recording is in progress in the Dual Rec mode,
card slot marks light up in red. recording of the erroneous card stops, while that
0 During recording in the Dual Rec mode to two of the other card continues.
cards with a different amount of remaining
0 Operations on clips recorded in the Dual Rec
space, if the space of one card runs out, mode, such as clip deletion in the Media mode
recording to both slots will stop automatically. or appending of OK marks, can only be
After recording stops, recording automatically performed on the card in the selected slot.
resumes for the card with remaining space.
Although the clips are separated in this case, the
clips can be seamlessly joined by arranging
them on the timeline of the editing software since
they are recorded seamlessly.
0 If the last clip on the cards that are inserted in the
two slots are different from each other, and the
time code operating mode is set to “Regen”, the
Regen mode for the selected card slot will be
enabled in the next recording.

Backup Rec 1 Set [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
Set] B [Slot Mode] to “Backup”.
0 The Backup Rec mode allows you to make use (A P120 [ Slot Mode ] )
of the media in slot B for backup recording by “BACKUP” appears on the display screen.
controlling the starting and stopping of recording
in slot B without using the [REC] button. 00: 00: 00.00

0 Start or stop the recording using [Main Menu] B

[System] B [Record Set] B [Slot Mode] B
Jan 12,2016
BACKUP 12 :34 :56

[Backup Rec] or press the user button that is

assigned with “Backup Trig”. 5 . 6f t

(A P120 [ Slot Mode ] )

ND 1 /64

(A P100 [User Switch Set Item] )

4030 20 10 0
F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

Slot B starts Slot A starts Slot A stops Slot B stops 2 Start backup recording. (Backup recording
recording recording recording recording into slot B)
0 Select “REC” in [Main Menu] B [System] B
[Record Set] B [Slot Mode] B [Backup
Rec] and press the Set button (R).
Slot A Clip 2 (A P120 [ Slot Mode ] )
0 You can also press the user button that is
Slot B Clip 1 Clip 2 Clip 3 assigned with “Backup Trig”.
(A P100 [User Switch Set Item] )
0 Backup recording into slot B starts. (The

Memo :
characters “BACKUP” appear in red.)
0 During the Backup Rec mode (when [Slot 0 The card slot mark of slot B turns red
Mode] is set to “Backup”), you can control (selected state), and the status indicator of
recording to the 2 slots at different timings, and slot B also blinks in red.
backup recording can only be performed on this
camera recorder.
(A P120 [ Slot Mode ] ) 00: 00: 00.00
0 You can record without worrying about missing 100min
the important scenes by setting slot B to be Jan 24 ,2012
12 :34 :56
always recording (backup recording) and using 100min
the [REC] button to start/stop recording of only 50min 5 . 6f t
the required scenes in slot A. ND 1 /64

0 It is recommended to use a media with high


capacity in slot B. 4030 20 10 0

F1. 6
P13000K 1/ 100

Red (selected)

3 Start normal recording (normal recording 5 Stop backup recording.
into slot A) 0 Select [STBY] in [Main Menu] B [System] B
0 Press any of the [REC] buttons. [Record Set] B [Slot Mode] B [Backup
0 Recording into the media in slot A starts. Rec] and press the Set button (R).
(The characters “RREC” appear in red.) (A P120 [ Slot Mode ] )
0 The card icon of slot A turns red (unselected 0 You can also press the user button that is
state), and the status indicator of slot A blinks assigned with “Backup Trig”.
in red. (A P100 [User Switch Set Item] )
0 Recording to slot B stops, and the card slot
Red (not selected) mark of slot B turns white (unselected state).
00: 00: 00.00 0 The characters “BACKUP” changes back to
Jan 24 ,2012
12 :34 :56 0 The status indicator of slot B lights up in
100min green.

5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64 White
4030 20 10 0
F1. 6 00: 00: 00.00
P13000K 1/ 100 100min
Jan 24 ,2012
4 Stop normal recording. 12 :34 :56

0 Press any of the [REC] buttons again. 100min

0 Recording to slot A stops, and the card slot 5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64
mark of slot A turns white (unselected state). AE+6

0 The characters “RREC” (red) changes back

4030 20 10 0
F1. 6

to “STBY” (white).
P13000K 1/ 100

0 The status indicator of slot A goes out.

Memo :
White (not selected) 0 During backup recording, if the space of one
card runs out, recording stops only for the card
00: 00: 00.00
that is full.
50min 0 When recording to both slots is stopped,
recording in the Regen mode will be enabled for
Jan 24 ,2012
12 :34 :56
50min the card slot in which recording started.
5 . 6f t 0 When recording is started in the other slot while
ND 1 /64
AE+6 recording to one slot, the clip being recorded is
F1. 6
split and simultaneous recording to the other
card starts.
4030 20 10 0
P13000K 1/ 100

0 When recording is stopped for either slot A or B
while recording to both slots, the clip on the slot
which is still recording is split.
0 Although the clips are separated during
recording the clips can be seamlessly joined by
arranging them on the timeline of the editing
software since they are recorded seamlessly.
0 Clip Cutter Trig cannot be performed during
backup recording.
(A P75 [Splitting the Clips Freely (Clip Cutter
Trig)] )
0 When [Slot Mode] is set to “Backup”, [Rec
Mode] can only be set to “Normal”.
(A P120 [ Rec Mode ] )

Special Recording 1 Set [Rec Mode] to “Pre Rec”.
(A P120 [ Rec Mode ] )
Besides the normal recording mode, five special 0 Set [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
recording methods are available in this camera Set] B [Rec Mode] to “Pre Rec”.
recorder. They are Pre Rec, Clip Continuous, 0 The display changes (“STBY” B “STBYP”).
Frame Rec, Interval Rec and Variable Frame. 2 Press the [REC] button to start recording in
Select a mode from [Record Set] B [Rec Mode].
Pre Rec mode.
Memo : 0 The display changes (“STBYP” B
0 Set using [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record “RRECP”) and the card slot status indicator
Set] B [Rec Mode]. lights up in red.
(A P120 [ Rec Mode ] ) 0 Press the [REC] button again to pause
recording. The display changes (“RRECP”
B “STBYP”) and the card slot status
Pre Rec indicator lights up in green.

0 By setting the number of seconds in the [Pre Rec Caution :

Time], you can start recording video and audio 0 When the interval between start and stop
before actual recording starts based on the [Pre recording is short, “STBYP” may not be
Rec Time] setting. displayed immediately after recording is
0 When starting actual recording while the camera complete.
recorder is in Recording Standby (STBYP) “RRECP” B “STBYP” (“STBY” blinks in red) B
mode, you can start recording a few seconds “STBYP” is displayed.
earlier based on the [Pre Rec Time] setting. 0 When the SD card becomes full during
0 Using Pre Rec allows you to record a complete recording, recording stops and “STOP” is
event without missing the initial scenes even if displayed.
you start the recording late. 0 Video and audio before the above mentioned
Memo : time may not be recorded after recording starts
0 Pre Rec Time can be set to “5sec”, “10sec”, or in the following cases.
0 Immediately after power on
“15sec” in [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record 0 Immediately after recording stops
Set] B [Rec Mode] B [Pre Rec Time]. 0 Immediately after switching from Media
0 When the frame rate setting in [Main Menu] B mode to Camera mode
[System] B [Record Set] B [Record Format] B 0 Immediately after setting [Rec Mode]
[Frame & Bit Rate] is set to “XHQ”, “15sec” 0 Immediately after the end of Clip Review
cannot be selected. 0 Immediately after changing file format
(A P120 [ Pre Rec Time ] ) 0 Immediately after changing video format

Completed Clip Clip Continuous Rec

(Recorded video and audio)
0 In normal recording, when the recording stops,
the image, audio, and accompanying data from
the start till the end of the recording are recorded
as one “clip” on the SD card.
Recording starts a 0 This mode allows you to consolidate several
number of seconds rounds of “startstop recording” into one clip.
earlier based on the Example:
[Pre Rec Time] setting In normal recording, three clips are generated as
Press [REC] Press [REC] Recording 1, Recording 2, and Recording 3.
(Recording starts) (Recording stops) However, recording in this mode generates only
. one clip.

5 Pause recording.
Press [REC] Press [REC] Press [REC]
0 Press the [REC] button again to pause
(Recording starts) (Recording resumes) (Recording resumes)
recording. The display changes (“RRECC”
Press [REC] Press [REC] Press and hold [REC] B “STBYC” (yellow text)).
(Recording pauses) (Recording pauses) (Recording stops)
0 The card slot status indicator remains lighted
in red.
Recording 1 Recording 2 Recording 3 6 Resume recording. (Recording 3)
0 Press the [REC] button again to resume
recording. The display changes (“STBYC”
Completed Clip (yellow text) B “RRECC”).
(Recorded video and audio) 0 The card slot status indicator remains lighted
in red.
Recording 1 Recording 2 Recording 3 7 Press and hold the [REC] button.
0 Recording stops and the display changes


1 Set “Rec Mode” to “Clip Continuous”. (“RRECC” B “STBYC”). A “clip” is

(A P120 [ Rec Mode ] ) generated.
0 Set [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record 0 The card slot status indicator lights up in
Set] B [Rec Mode] to “Clip Continuous”.
0 The display changes (“STBY” B “STBYC”). 8 Press the [REC] button again.
0 The display changes (“STBYC” B
2 Start recording. (Recording 1) “RRECC”) and the card slot status indicator
0 Press the [REC] button to start recording in lights up in red.
Clip Continuous mode. 0 A new “clip” is generated from here.
0 The display changes (“STBYC” B
“RRECC”) and the card slot status indicator Memo :
lights up in red. 0 The following operations cannot be performed
3 Pause recording. while recording is paused (STBYC, yellow text).
0 Clip Review operation
0 Press the [REC] button again to pause
recording. The display changes (“RRECC” (A P74 [Viewing Recorded Videos Immediately
B “STBYC” (yellow text)). (Clip Review)] )
0 Switching SD card slots
0 The card slot status indicator remains lighted 0 Switching operation mode
in red.
(A P18 [Operation Modes] )
Memo :
Caution :
0 When the [CANCEL] button is pressed while the
0 Do not remove the SD card during recording
camera recorder is paused (STBYC), the (RRECC, red text) or recording pause
display changes (“STBYC” (yellow text) B (STBYC, yellow text).
“STBYC” (blinking yellow text) B “STBYC” 0 To remove the SD card in the “Clip
(white text)), and a “clip” is generated. The card Continuous” mode, press the [CANCEL] button,
slot status indicator lights up in green.
check that “STBYC” (white text) is displayed
4 Resume recording. (Recording 2) and the card slot status indicator lights up in
0 Press the [REC] button again to resume green before you remove the card.
recording. The display changes (“STBYC” 0 When the SD card becomes full during
(yellow text) B “RRECC”). recording, recording stops and “STOP” is
0 The card slot status indicator remains lighted displayed.
in red. 0 When the [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch is
turned off during recording or recording pause,
recording stops and power is cut off after a clip
is generated.

Caution : 1 Set [Rec Mode] to “Frame Rec”.
0 If the power is cut off due to low battery power, 0 Set [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
a proper clip may not be generated. Set] B [Rec Mode] to “Frame Rec”.
(A P120 [ Rec Mode ] )
Frame Rec 0 The display changes (“STBY” B “STBYM”).
In normal recording, when the recording stops, the 2 Set the number of frames to record in [Rec
image and accompanying data from the start till the Frames].
end of the recording are recorded as one “clip” on 0 Set using [Main Menu] B [System] B
the SD card. [Record Set] B [Rec Mode] B [Rec Frames].
In this mode, recording starts with every press of (A P120 [ Rec Frames ] )
the [REC] button, and only the specified number of
frames is recorded. 3 Start recording.
The recording can be written to the media as a 0 Press the [REC] button to record only the
single clip until it is stopped. number of frames specified in [Rec

Memo : Frames] and pause.

0 Audio will not be recorded. 0 The display changes (“STBYM” B “RRECM”
0 Until a specified amount of recordings is B “STBYM” (yellow text)).
accumulated, the file cannot be written to the 0 The card slot status indicator lights up in
media. green.
0 If the specified amount is not reached when 4 Repeat Frame Rec.
recording is stopped, normal recording is 0 Press the [REC] button again to record only
performed and frames are added to the ending the number of frames specified in [Rec
of the clip until the amount is reached. (Padding) Frames] and pause.
0 After the specified number of frames is recorded 0 The display changes (“STBYM” B “RRECM”
and written to the media, recording will be
performed until the same number is B “STBYM” (yellow text)).
accumulated again. 0 Frame Rec continues until the recording is
stopped (step 5).
Press [REC] Press and hold [REC] 5 Press and hold the [REC] button.
(Frame Rec starts) (Frame Rec stops) 0 The card slot status indicator lights up in
Press [REC] Press [REC] green.
Recording resumes Recording resumes
Caution :
0 Do not remove the SD card during recording
Normal recording (“RRECM”, red text) or recording pause
Pause Pause Pause (Padding data) (“STBYM”, yellow text).
Records number of frames specified in [Rec Frames] 0 To remove the SD card during Frame Rec, press
the [CANCEL] button, check that “STBYM”
(white text) is displayed and the card slot status
indicator lights up in green before you remove
Actual clips recorded to the media

the card.
0 When [Main Menu] B [TC/UB] B [TC
. Specific amount of data
Generator] is set to “Free Run” or “Free
Run(Ext)”, the time code will be recorded in “Rec
0 Audio cannot be recorded. A x mark appears
in the audio level meter display.
(A P132 [Audio Level Meter] )

Interval Rec 3 Set the time interval to start recording in
In normal recording, when the recording stops, the [Interval Rec].
image and accompanying data from the start till the Set using [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
end of the recording are recorded as one “clip” on Set] B [Rec Mode] B [Rec Interval].
the SD card. (A P120 [ Rec Interval ] )
In this mode, recording and pause are performed
repeatedly at the specified time interval. Only the 4 Start recording.
specified number of frames is recorded. 0 Press the [REC] button to record only the
The recording can be written to the media as a number of frames specified in [Rec
single clip until it is stopped. Frames] and pause.
Memo : 0 After the specified time in [Rec Interval] has
0 Audio will not be recorded. passed, recording starts again to record only
0 Until a specified amount of recordings is the number of frames specified in [Rec
accumulated, the file will not be written to the Frames] and pause.
0 Interval Rec continues until the recording is

0 After the specified number of frames is recorded stopped.
and written to the media, recording will be The display changes (“STBYN” B “RRECN”
performed until the same number is B “STBYN” (red text) B “RRECN” B
accumulated again. “STBYN” (red text)).
0 If the specified amount is not reached when 0 The card slot status indicator blinks in green.
recording is stopped, normal recording is 5 Press and hold the [REC] button.
performed and frames are added to the ending
of the clip until the amount is reached. (Padding)
0 The card slot status indicator lights up in
0 The display becomes “STBYN”.
Press [REC] Press [REC]
(Interval Rec starts) (Interval Rec stops) Caution :
0 Do not remove the SD card during recording
Recording resumes Recording resumes
(RRECN, red text) or recording pause (STBYN,
[Rec Interval] [Rec Interval] yellow text).
0 To remove the SD card during Interval Rec,
press the [CANCEL] button, check that “STBYN”
(white text) is displayed and the card slot status
Normal recording indicator lights up in green before you remove
the card.
Pause Pause Pause (Padding data)
Records number of frames specified in [Rec Frames] 0 When [Main Menu] B [TC/UB] B [TC
Generator] is set to “Free Run” or “Free
Run(Ext)”, the time code will be recorded in “Rec
Actual clips recorded to the media

0 Audio cannot be recorded. A x mark appears

in the audio level meter display.
Specific amount of data
(A P132 [Audio Level Meter] )
1 Set [Rec Mode] to “Interval Rec”.
0 Set [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
Set] B [Rec Mode] to “Interval Rec”.
(A P120 [ Rec Interval ] )
0 The display changes (“STBY” B “STBYN”).
2 Set the number of frames to record in [Rec
Set using [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
Set] B [Rec Mode] B [Rec Frames].
(A P120 [ Rec Frames ] )

Variable Frame Rec Memo :
Shooting in this mode allows you to obtain smooth 0 When [Main Menu] B [Camera Function] B [AE
slow motion or quick motion videos. LEVEL SW] is set to “AE LEVEL/VFR”, you can
Using different frame rate settings for recording use the cross-shaped button (HI) to select the
and playback, videos captured at normal speed frame rate during Variable Frame Rec. In modes
can be played back more smoothly than those in other than Variable Frame Rec, the cross-
low or high speed playback. shaped button (HI) functions as the AE level
To enable Variable Frame Rec, the following two setting button.
settings are required at the same time. (A P98 [ AE Level ] )
0 [Record Format] B [WResolution]/ 0 If the specified amount is not reached when
[YResolution] is set to “1920x1080” or recording is stopped, normal recording is
performed and frames are added to the ending
“1280x720”. of the clip until the amount is reached. (Padding)
0 [Record Format] B [WFrame & Bit Rate]/
Caution :
[YFrame & Bit Rate] is set to “30p(HQ)”,

0 The shooting frame rate cannot be changed

“24p(UHQ)”, “24p(HQ)” or “25p(HQ)”.
during recording. To change the frame rate, stop
the recording first and perform the change.
Number of Frames that can be Set 0 When [Main Menu] B [TC/UB] B [TC
1 Set [WResolution] and [WFrame & Bit Rate]. Generator] is set to “Free Run” or “Free
(A P118 [WResolution a, Resolution b] ) Run(Ext)”, the time code will be recorded in “Rec
(A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit Run”.
Rate b] ) 0 Audio cannot be recorded. A x mark appears
0 [WResolution]: in the audio level meter display.
Set to “1920x1080” or “1280x720”. (A P132 [Audio Level Meter] )
0 [WFrame & Bit Rate]:
Set to “30p(HQ)”, “24p(UHQ)”, “24p(HQ)” or
2 Set [Rec Mode] to “Variable Frame”.
(A P120 [ Rec Mode ] )
Set [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set] B
[Rec Mode] to “Variable Frame”.
3 Select a recording frame rate from
[WFrame & Bit Rate].
(A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit
Rate b] )
The selectable frame rates are as shown in the
table below.

Frame & Bit

Resolution Selectable Shooting Frame Rate
1920x1080 30p - 30 27, 25, 24, 22.5, 20, 18, 15, 12, 10, 6,
24p 30, 27, 25 24 22.5, 20, 18, 15, 12, 10, 6, 2
25p - 25 24, 22.5, 20, 18, 12.5, 10, 6, 2
1280x720 30p 60, 54, 50, 48, 45, 40, 36, 30 27, 25, 24, 22.5, 20, 18, 15, 12, 10, 6,
32 2
24p 60, 54, 50, 48, 45, 40, 36, 24 22.5, 20, 18, 15, 12, 10, 6, 2
32, 30, 27, 25
25p 50, 48, 45, 40, 36, 32 25 24, 22.5, 20, 18, 12.5, 10, 6, 2
Effect during playback Slow motion Standard Quick motion

Playing Recorded Clips F [OIS/2] Button
0 Switches the selection status of the clip
selected by the cursor.
To play back clips recorded on SD cards, switch to 0 Clips being selected are displayed with
the Media mode. check mark.
Press and hold the [MODE] selection button in
G [LOLUX/3] Button
Camera mode to enter Media mode. A thumbnail
screen of the clips recorded on the SD card is Enters the action selection screen.
displayed. H [DISPLAY] Button
You can play back the selected clip on the Switches between the “Standard Screen” and
thumbnail screen. “Detailed Screen”.
Memo : I [STATUS] Button
0 When an SD card without any clips is inserted, Displays the media information screen.
“No Clips” is displayed.
Thumbnail Screen
Operation Buttons 0 “Standard Screen” and “Detailed Screen” are
Use the operation buttons, on the side control
Use the [DISPLAY] button to switch between the
panel of the camera recorder or the LCD monitor,

to operate the thumbnail screen. screens.
0 Thumbnails are displayed in order of recording
from the oldest to most recent.
A Standard screen



B E 00000357 2016-01-02 02:40:41 G

C E F G .

. A SD Card Information
A [MENU/THUMB] Button 0 Displays the status of the inserted SD card,
0 Displays the menu. selected SD card, write-protect switch, and
0 Press this button to close the menu screen the need for restoring.
0 Use the [SLOT A/B] switch to switch slots.
during menu display and return to the
Clips in slot A and B cannot be displayed at
thumbnail screen.
the same time.
B [CANCEL] (Stop) Button
W z : Write-protect switch of the SD card
Cancels settings and returns to the previous in slot A is set.
screen. S : SD card in slot B needs to be
C Set (Play) Button restored or formatted, or is an
0 Sets the values and items. (Confirm) unsupported SD card.
0 Plays back the selected clip. B Clip Mark
D Cross-Shaped Button (JKHI) Displays the clip information (properties).
Moves the cursor.
0 Switches the OK mark of the clip selected by
the cursor. B D
0 If an OK mark has been appended, it will be C
deleted. Otherwise, an OK mark will be

A OK Mark
Clip is appended with OK mark.

Memo : Memo :
0 Clips appended with OK marks cannot be 0 Dependent on the settings for [Main Menu] B
deleted on the camera recorder. [System] B [Record Set] B [Record Format] B
0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set] [System], [WResolution]/[YResolution], and
B [Record Format] B [WFormat] is set to [WFrame & Bit Rate]/[YFrame & Bit Rate].
“AVCHD”, the OK mark indicates that the clip is (A P117 [ System ] )
protected. (A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit
(A P118 [WFormat a, Format b] ) Rate b] )
0 When [Record Format] B [WFormat] is set to
B Continued From Mark “AVCHD”, you may not be able to play back files
This mark indicates that the current clip is recorded on a camera recorder other than the
continued from another SD card when GY-HM660 and GY-HM620 series.
recording is divided and made on several SD If a file cannot be played back, it will appear in
cards. the thumbnail substitution display 2 described
C Uneditable Mark above.
0 This mark indicates that an OK mark cannot E Clip Name
be appended to or deleted from the clip, and The file name (clip number) of the selected clip
the clip cannot be deleted. is displayed.

0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record F Operation Guide

Set] B [Record Format] B [WFormat] is set 0 Displays a guide for the current operation
to “AVCHD”, clips that are not recorded on buttons.
this camera recorder cannot be edited. 0 The action selection screen is displayed
D Continue Mark when the User 3 ([LOLUX/3]) button is
This mark indicates that recording of the current pressed.
clip is continued to another SD card when (A P87 [Actions] )
recording is divided and made on several SD G Recording Start Time
cards. Displays the recording start time of the clip.
E Check Mark Memo :
0 A green check mark is displayed when the 0 The date/time display is dependent on the [LCD/
clip is selected. VF] B [Display Settings] B [Date Style]/[Time
0 Magenta and gray check marks are Style] settings in the [Main Menu] screen.
displayed in multiple selection mode. (A P111 [ Date Style ] )
(A P91 [Selecting and Performing (A P111 [ Time Style ] )
Operations on Multiple Clips] )
C Cursor H Scroll Bar
Clip to be worked on. Use the cross-shaped 0 Indicates the scroll position.
button (JKHI) to move the cursor. 0 Black space below the scroll bar (white)
indicates that there are more pages.
D Thumbnail Substitution Display 0 When the scroll bar (white) is at the bottom,
A B this indicates the last page.
I Remaining Battery Power
(A P30 [Power Status Display] )
J Number of Clips

0 If none of the clips are selected, the “running

A A clip with corrupted management information. number/total number of clips” of the clip to be
It cannot be played back even if you press the displayed appears.
Set (Play) button. 0 Even if only one clip is selected, the number
B A clip that cannot be played back nor displayed of selected clips in the current slot is
in thumbnail with the current video format displayed.
settings. K Network Connection Icon a
It cannot be played back even if you press the 0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]
Set (Play) button. is set to “On(SDI Off)” or “On(HDMI Off)”, the
network connection status is displayed.
This icon is not displayed when “Off” is
(A P134 [Network Connection Icon a] )

Detailed screen Item Description
* Items that are common with the Standard screen Add OK Mark Appends an OK mark.
will not be described. Refer to “[Standard screen] 0 This Clip:
(A P 85)”. Appends an OK mark to the
clip pointed by the cursor.
0 Selected Clips:
A Appends an OK mark to the
B clips selected (appended
Jan 1, 2016 00:00:19
with check mark).
0 All Clips:
C Appends an OK mark to all
Delete OK Mark Deletes the OK mark.
0 This Clip:
Deletes the OK mark of the

A Thumbnail clip pointed by the cursor.

Thumbnail of the clip selected by the cursor. 0 Selected Clips:
Use the cross-shaped button (HI) to move the Deletes the OK mark of the
cursor. clips selected (appended

B Scroll Mark (DE) with check mark).
0 If there are previous clips, D appears on the 0 All Clips:
left. Deletes the OK mark of all
0 If there are more clips, E appears on the clips.
right. FTP Upload Uploads a clip to the FTP server.
0 The marks will not be displayed if there are a 0 This Clip:
no clips before and after the current clip.
Uploads the clip pointed by
C Metadata the cursor.
Metadata of the clip pointed by the cursor. 0 Selected Clips:
You can use the cross-shaped button (JK) to Uploads the clips selected
scroll. (appended with check
Actions 0 All Clips:
Uploads all clips.
The action selection screen is displayed when the Delete Clips Deletes clip. However, clips with
User 3 ([LOLUX/3]) button is pressed. OK mark cannot be deleted.
You can perform the following operations. 0 This Clip:
Item Description Deletes the clip pointed by
the cursor.
Select All Clips Selects all clips. 0 Selected Clips:
Select OK Selects all clips appended with Deletes the clips selected
Marked OK mark. (appended with check
Select Range Specifies the range when mark).
selecting multiple clips. 0 All Clips:
(A P91 [Selecting Multiple Deletes all clips.
Clips Randomly] ) Trim This Clip Trims the clip pointed by the
Deselect All Clears all clip selections. cursor.

Memo : Audio Output during Playback
0 The object of action is the clip of the current slot 0 You can confirm the playback sound from the
being displayed. monitor speaker, or the headphone connected
0 [Selected Clips] cannot be performed if there are to the [x] terminal. When a headphone is
no selected (appended with check mark) clips. connected to the [x] terminal, sound cannot be
0 [This Clip] cannot be performed if there are more output from the monitor speaker.
than one selected (appended with check mark) (A P148 [Connecting the Headphone] )
clips. 0 Adjust the volume of the monitor speaker and
0 If the write-protect switch of an SD card is set, headphone using the [MONITOR +/-] volume
OK mark cannot be appended or deleted, and adjustment button on the LCD monitor section
the clips cannot be deleted. of the camera recorder.

Time Code Playback

Playing back
Time code or user’s bit recorded on an SD card can
Use the operation buttons on the side control panel be displayed on the LCD monitor and viewfinder.
of the camera recorder to play back.
Memo :
0 The time code is also superimposed on the
video signal output from the [HD/SD SDI] output

0 User’s bit output from the [HD/SD SDI] output
terminal is used as a flag to determine valid
video signals. Therefore, accurate values will
AE LEVEL not be output.
A 0 If a section without time code is played back, the
B time code will stop. However, playback will

Displaying Information during Shooting
A IW Button During playback, pressing the [DISPLAY] button
0 Plays back/pauses the clip pointed by the shows the display screen.
cursor. Pressing the [AE LOCK/4] button switches the
0 You can press the cross-shaped button (HI) display information during shooting between no
to perform frame-by-frame forward playback display, camera information display, and GPS
during pause mode. display.
B S/T Button 0 The GPS display displays information on the
Skips in the reverse or forward direction. recording location of the video being played
O/N Button back only when GPS information has been
During Playback: recorded.
Fast forwards in the reverse or forward The local date/time is displayed.
direction. 0 Camera information display displays only
While paused: information of Gain, Iris, Shutter and White
Frame-by-frame playback in the reverse or Balance that have been recorded.
forward direction.
C o Button
Stops playback. 0dB
F1. 6
1 In the thumbnail screen, move the cursor to 1/ 100
the clip to be played back. AE LOCK/4

Move the cursor to the clip to be played back Hide Camera Information
using the cross-shaped button (JKH I).

2 Press the playback/pause button.


Playback of the selected clip starts.

AE LOCK/4 +139.652172
Oct 30,2016
GPS Display

Memo : Deleting Clips
0 GPS function (recording of GPS information) is
only available on the GY-HM660 series. a
Delete clip.
The GY-HM620 series can only provide the
information display of the video with the
recorded GPS information. b
0 When [System] B [Record Set] B [Record MENU/THUMB

Format] B System is set to “HD+SD” or “HD

+Web”, only SD or web files can be played back
from slot B.

In this case, files up-converted into the HD size

are played back in the simple mode. a
0 Trimming information is displayed while
trimming is in progress. You cannot switch the

display using the [AE LOCK/4] button during this

process. OIS / 2 LOLUX / 3



Memo :
0 Clips appended with OK marks cannot be
deleted on the camera recorder.
0 Read-only clips can be deleted on a PC.

Deleting One Clip

Delete the clip (one clip) pointed by the cursor in
[Delete Clips] B [This Clip] in the menu.
Memo :
0 Clips with OK mark cannot be deleted.

During Thumbnail Screen

1 Move the cursor to the clip to be deleted.
Move the cursor to the clip to be deleted using
the cross-shaped button (JKH I).

2 Press the [LOLUX/3] button.

The action selection screen is displayed.

3 Select [Delete Clips] B [This Clip] and press Appending/Deleting OK
the Set button (R).
A screen to confirm deletion appears. Mark
0 You can append OK marks to the clips for
important scenes.
0 Clips appended with OK marks cannot be
deleted, thus protecting the important clips.
3 0 When the camera recorder is in Media mode,
you can delete the OK marks appended during
recording, or append/delete OK marks after

4 Select [Delete] using the cross-shaped

button (JK), and press the Set button (R). MENU/THUMB

Deleting starts.





During Thumbnail Screen

1 Press the [FOCUS ASSIST/1] button.
0 If the clip does not have an OK mark, an OK
mark will be appended.
0 If the clip is appended with an OK mark, the
OK mark will be deleted.

Selecting and Deleting Multiple Clips

To select and delete multiple clips, refer to
“[Selecting and Performing Operations on Multiple
Clips] (A P 91)”.

Deleting All Clips

Delete all clips that are displayed.
1 Press the [LOLUX/3] button.
The action selection screen is displayed. OK Mark
2 Select [Delete Clips] B [All Clips].
A screen to confirm deletion appears.
3 Select [Delete] and press the Set button .

Deleting starts.
Memo :
0 The time taken to delete clips depends on the
number of clips to be deleted.

During Playback or Pause Screen Selecting Multiple Clips Randomly
1 Press [FOCUS ASSIST/1] button during clip 1 Move the cursor to a clip without check
playback. mark, and press the [OIS/2] button.
0 If the clip does not have an OK mark, an OK A green check mark appears on the clip.
mark will be appended.
0 If the clip is appended with an OK mark, the
OK mark will be deleted.

60i HQ
1000/2000 00:00:00.00
Jan 12,2016

2 Repeat Step 1 to select multiple clips.

0 Multiple clips can be selected.
4030 20 10 0

0 Press the [LOLUX/3] button while the

multiple clips are selected.

1000/2000 OK Mark 0 Appends OK mark together:

[Add OK Mark] B [Selected Clips]

0 Deletes OK mark together:

[Delete OK Mark] B [Selected Clips]

. 0 Uploading selected clips to the FTP server

together a :
Memo :
[FTP Upload] B [Selected Clips]
0 The clip pauses when an OK mark is appended 0 Deletes selected clips together:
or deleted during playback.
[Delete Clips] B [Selected Clips]

Appending/Deleting OK Mark of Memo :

Multiple Clips 0 Selecting clips appended with check mark and
pressing the [OIS/2] button will cancel the
To select and append/delete OK mark for multiple selection.
clips, refer to “[Selecting and Performing 0 If the operation is performed on multiple clips at
Operations on Multiple Clips] (A P 91)”. the same time, a progress bar appears. You can
stop the operation by pressing the Set button (R)
while the operation is in progress. However, it is
not possible to undo operations that are
Selecting and Performing completed.
Operations on Multiple
0 Multiple clips can be selected during thumbnail
screen or playback screen display.
0 After selecting multiple clips, perform
appending/deleting of OK mark, deleting of clips
using the action selection screen.
0 After selecting multiple clips, the selections will
be canceled by the following operations.
0 When [Deselect All] in the action menu is

0 When exiting Media mode from the thumbnail

0 When removing the SD card
0 When switching the slot in use

Selecting Multiple Clips Consecutively 5 Press the Set button (R) to confirm the
1 Press the [LOLUX/3] button. range.
0 The check marks change from magenta to
2 Select “Select Range” in the action green.
selection screen, and press the Set button 0 Pressing the [LOLUX/3] button while the
(R). multiple clips are selected displays the
action selection screen. The following
operations can be performed.
0 Appends OK mark together:

2 [Add OK Mark] B [Selected Clips]

0 Deletes OK mark together:

[Delete OK Mark] B [Selected Clips]

0 Uploading selected clips to the FTP server

together a :
[FTP Upload] B [Selected Clips]
0 Deletes selected clips together:

3 Move the cursor to the beginning (or end)

[Delete Clips] B [Selected Clips]
of the range for multiple selection, and
press the Set button (R). Memo :

4 Move the cursor to the other end of the 0 Selecting clips appended with check mark and
range. pressing the [OIS/2] button will cancel the
0 Magenta check marks appear on the clips selection.
within the range. (Including clips that were 0 If the operation is performed on multiple clips at
already selected.) the same time, a progress bar appears. You can
0 Gray check marks appear on selected clips stop the operation by pressing the Set button (R)
that are outside the range. while the operation is in progress. However, it is
not possible to undo operations that are


Trimming Recorded Clips C Trimming information
W or Y : Indicates the available space
You can extract (trim) the necessary parts of a clip in the storage media (W or Y)
recorded in the SD card. 7 : Indicates the time code of the
The trimmed clip is saved as a new file on the same in point
SD card as the original clip. No changes are made 8 : Indicates the time code of the
to the original clip. out point
9 : Indicates the duration from the
1 Switch to Media mode. in point to the out point
Switch the mode using the [MODE] selection
Memo :
button on the side control panel.
0 The trimmed clip will be saved to the same card
2 Move the cursor to the clip to be trimmed. slot as that of the original clip.
Move the cursor to the clip to be trimmed using 0 [Duration] appears in yellow if the duration is 10
the cross-shaped button (JKH I). minutes or longer. Trimming cannot be
performed in this case.
0 [Duration] appears in yellow if the duration is
2 longer than the recordable time on the storage
media. Trimming cannot be performed in this

0 When trimming starts, the display switches to
the Media Display 2 screen.

5 Specify the in point.

0 Operate buttons such as O/N or S/T

3 Press the [LOLUX/3] button.

to move the video to the in point.
The action selection screen is displayed. (A P88 [Playing back] )
4 Select [Trim This Clip], and press the Set 0 Press the [USER1] button at the point you
button (R). want to start trimming to specify the in point.
Playback of the selected clip starts. 6 Specify the out point.
0 Operate buttons such as O/N or S/T
to move the video to the out point.
(A P88 [Playing back] )
0 Press the [USER2] button at the point you
want to end trimming to specify the out point.
7 Perform trimming.
4 Press the [USER3] button to perform trimming.
Memo :
0 While trimming is in progress, you can press the
1000/ 2000 00: 00: 00.00
[CANCEL] button to return to the thumbnail
60 i HQ
Jan 12,2016 screen.
12 :34 :56 0 While trimming is in progress, you can press the
[DISPLAY] button to switch the display, but the
trimming information is displayed at all times.
0 When trimming the in and out point, the in point
A OUT 0 30min
4030 20 10 0
11: 22: 33.00
11: 23: 44.00 C trimmed may be up to one second before the
specified in point and the out point trimmed may
00: 08: 22


be up to one second behind the specified out

A Guide point.
Operation guide
B Position bar
6 : Current position of the video
7 : Position to start trimming (in point)
8 : Position to end trimming (out point)

Basic Operations in Menu A [MENU/THUMB] Button
0 Displays the menu screen. The [Main
Screen Menu] screen is displayed by default.
0 During normal usage, [Main Menu] is
0 Press the [MENU/THUMB] button on the side displayed if the previous menu operation
control panel of the camera recorder or on the ended at [Main Menu], and [Favorites
LCD monitor to display the menu screen on the Menu] if the previous menu operation ended
LCD monitor and viewfinder. at [Favorites Menu].
0 Various settings for shooting and playback can 0 Press this button to close the menu screen
be configured on the menu screen. during menu display and return to the normal
0 There are two types of menu screens - [Main screen.
Menu] and [Favorites Menu]. 0 Pressing and holding down the button while
0 [Main Menu] contains all the setting items of the the menu is displayed switches the [Main
camera recorder, classified according to Menu] screen to the [Favorites Menu] or vice
functions and uses, while [Favorites Menu] versa.
allows users to customize the menu items freely. B [CANCEL] Button
(A P127 [Adding/Editing Frequently Used
Cancels settings and returns to the previous
Menu Items (Favorites Menu)] ) screen.
0 The operating procedures and main screen
displays are the same for both menus. C Set Button (R)
0 The menu screen can also be displayed on Sets the values and items.
external monitors connected to the video signal D Cross-shaped Button (JKH I)
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

output terminal. J : Moves the cursor upward.

(A P112 [ Display On TV ] ) K : Moves the cursor downward.
H : Moves back to the previous item.
Operation Buttons I : Moves forward to the next item.
Use the operation buttons on the side control panel E [FOCUS ASSIST/1] Button
of the camera recorder or the buttons on the LCD Adds the selected menu or submenu item to the
monitor to operate the menu. [Favorites Menu].
(A P127 [Adding/Editing Frequently Used
Menu Items (Favorites Menu)] )
A F [OIS/2] Button

Resets settings in the [TC Preset] or [UB
B G Preset] setting screen. This button is disabled
in other screens.

G [DISPLAY] Button
Switches between the [Main Menu] and
[Favorites Menu] screens.






Display and Description of the Menu Changing Setting Values
Screen F
Selecting Menu Items E


F .

E A Menu Item to Change

C Menu item to be changed.
D A list of setting values F appears in a pop-up.
B Operation Guide

A Cursor
Guide for the current operation buttons.
Indicates the selected item. Use the cross-
shaped button (JK) to move the cursor C Setting Values Before Change
Setting values before changing. The
B Menu Item background of the item is displayed in blue.
0 Displays the names of the menu item and
sub-menu. D Scroll Bar

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

0 Menu items with [...] after them indicates that Indicates the scroll position.
there is a sub-menu to access. E Cursor
C Fixed Item Indicates the selected item. Use the cross-
shaped button (JK) to move the cursor
Items that cannot be changed are displayed in
gray and cannot be selected. F List of Setting Values
D Operation Guide 0 A pop-up displaying a list of setting values for
Guide for the current operation buttons. selection.
0 The height of the pop-up depends on the
E Setting Value number of settings available. Use the scroll
Setting values for the menu items. bar D to confirm the current display status.
For menus with sub-menus, values are not
F Scroll Bar
Indicates the scroll position.
G Header
Indicates the current menu type with the line
Blue : [Main Menu] Screen
Green : [Favorites Menu] (Operation
Magenta : [Favorites Menu] (Editing screen)
H Remaining Battery Power
(A P30 [Power Status Display] )
Memo :
0 If the supplied battery (or equivalent battery sold
separately) is not used, the battery mark which
indicates the battery level may not appear.

I Menu Title
Title of the currently displayed menu.

Text Input with Software Keyboard A Character Entry Field
Use the software keyboard to enter the [Setup
0 Field for entering the title.
0 You can enter up to 8 characters for the
File] subname, [Clip Name Prefix], and the settings [Setup File] subname or up to 4 characters
under [Network] B [Settings]. for the [Clip Name Prefix].
Entering a subname B Character Cursor
Select a character using the key cursor D, and
(A P142 [Configuring Setup Files] ) press the Set button (R) to input the selected
A character at the position of the character cursor.
The character cursor moves to the next position
B on the right each time a character is input.
The cursor can be moved using the arrow keys
H C Character Keys
C Use the cross-shaped button (JKHI) to move
the key cursor D to the character you want to
D E D Key Cursor
Indicates the currently selected character or
item. Use the cross-shaped button (JKHI) to
Entering the [Clip Name Prefix] move the cursor.
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

(A P122 [ Clip Name Prefix ] ) E Confirmation Buttons

0 Select [Set]/[Store] and press the Set button
A (R) to confirm the title.
0 Select [Cancel] and press the Set button (R)
on the side control panel of the camera
recorder to abort character input and return
H to the previous screen.
C F [SP] Space Key
Select [SP] and press the Set button (R) on the
side control panel of the camera recorder to
D E enter a space at the current position of the
character cursor B.
G [3 ] Backspace Key
Settings under [Network] B [Settings] Select [3 ] and press the Set button (R) on the
The keyboard displayed varies according to the side control panel of the camera recorder to
settings. delete the character on the left of the character
(A P122 [Network/Settings Item a] ) cursor B.
H Arrow Keys
A Moves the position of the character cursor B.
I Character Switch Button
Switches the character buttons C to the upper
case, lower case, and symbols.


Menu Screen Hierarchical

Main Menu... TC/UB...

Camera Function... TC Generator
Bars TC Preset
Flicker Correction Drop Frame
Flash Band Correction
Shutter LCD/VF...
AE Level Shooting Assist...
AE Speed Marker Settings...
AGC Limit Display Settings...
Auto Iris Limit (OPEN) LCD + VF
Auto Iris Limit (CLOSE) VF Color
EEI Limit VF Bright

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

Smooth Trans VF Contrast
GAIN L LCD Contrast
GAIN M LCD Backlight
A/V Set...
Handle Zoom Speed
Video Set...
AF Speed Audio Set...
AF Assist
User Switch Set... System...
Camera Process... Record Set...
Detail Adjust... Media...
Master Black Setup File...
Black Toe Auto Power Off
Knee Tally Lamp
White Clip GPS a
Gamma Language
WDR Network a Settings...
White Balance... Reset All
Color Matrix Adjust... Date/Time
Color Gain Time Zone
Reverse Picture Reserved
Shooting Mode System Information

Reset Process

Memo :
0 Some menus cannot be set depending on the operating mode or status of the camera recorder. These
items are displayed in gray, and they cannot be selected.
0 Setting value with the R mark is the factory default.

Camera Function Menu Caution :
0 Flash band correction function is not available in
any of the following cases.
Menu screen for specifying operation settings 0 When [Rec Mode] is set to “Variable Frame”
during shooting. 0 When [WFrame & Bit Rate]/[YFrame & Bit
This item can only be selected in the Camera
mode. Rate] is set to “24p”
0 When in the Automatic Shutter mode or when

Bars the shutter is turned on in the Manual Shutter

For setting whether to output color bars. (A P56 [Manual Shutter Mode (Manual Shutter
[Setting Values: On, ROff] Switching)] )
Memo : 0 When [Network] is set to “On(SDI Off)” or

0 The audio test signals (1 kHz) can be output “On(HDMI Off)”

simultaneously with the color bar output. 0 [Flash Band Correction] operates when the
(A P114 [ Test Tone ] ) luminance of the screen varies widely, with or
without flash light. However, depending on the
OIS shooting condition, the flash band correction
may not be fully effective even if there are flash
For setting whether to enable image stabilizer. lights.
When “On” is selected, set the Level. 0 The following symptoms may occur under flash
[Setting Values: On, ROff] light, but these are not malfunctions due to flash
9 Level band correction.
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

0 Moving object appears to be stationary

For setting the level of the image stabilizer. momentarily.
[Setting Values: High, RNormal] 0 A horizontal line appears on the image.

Memo : 0 The [Flash Band Correction] function will be set

0 When “High” is selected, correcting severe to “Off” if the camera recorder switches from the
camera shake may cause the area surrounding Camera mode to another mode, or when the
the image to darken. [POWER ON/OFF(CHG)] switch is set to
Flicker Correction
For setting whether to adjust image flicker that
occurs under a fluorescent light. For specifying shutter-related settings.
[Setting Values: On, ROff] Use this item to set to “Step” (fixed value) or
“Variable” when operating with the cross-shaped
Flash Band Correction button (JK) on the right side.
For reducing the condition of the flash band 0 Variable:
phenomenon, which creates an unnatural image Sets to variable scan. Use this setting such as
with a part of it brightly lit, such as by the camera when shooting a PC monitor.
flash of another still camera. 0 Step:
[Setting Values: On, ROff] Sets to step shutter, which switches the shutter
speed by a fixed value.
[Setting Values: Variable, RStep]

AE Level
For setting the convergence level during AE (Auto
This can also be adjusted using the cross-shaped
button (HI) on the right side.
[Setting Values: -6 to +6 (R0)]

AE Speed
For setting the convergence speed during AE (Auto
[Setting Values: RFast, Middle, Slow]

For setting the maximum gain value of “AGC”, For specifying the operation of the cross-shaped
which electrically boosts the sensitivity level button (HI) on the right side.
according to the brightness automatically. 0 AE LEVEL/VFR:
[Setting Values: 24dB, R18dB, 12dB, 6dB] Sets the number of frames during Variable
Frame Rec, and operates as the AE level setting
Auto Iris Limit (OPEN) button in other cases.
(A P84 [Variable Frame Rec] )
For setting the limit value of the OPEN end when
auto iris is enabled.
0 AE Level:
Operates as the AE level setting button at all
[Setting Values: F5.6, F4, F2.8, F2, RF1.6]
Auto Iris Limit (CLOSE) 0 Disable:
Disables the button.
For setting the limit value of the CLOSE end when [Setting Values: AE LEVEL/VFR, RAE Level,
auto iris is enabled. Disable]
[Setting Values: F11, RF8, F5.6]
Handle Zoom Speed
EEI Limit
This function allows you to set the zoom speed of
For setting the shutter speed control range when the zoom lever at the handle when the [ZOOM FIX/
the Automatic Shutter mode (EEI) is enabled. VAR/OFF] switch is set to “FIX”.
[Setting Values: 4F-stop, R3F-stop, 2F-stop] [Setting Values: 1 to 8 (R 5)]

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

Smooth Trans AF Speed
For setting the shock reduction function, which For setting the AF operation speed.
slows down the sudden change when switching [Setting Values: Fast, RMiddle, Slow]
with the [GAIN] or [WHT BAL] selection switch.
[Setting Values: Fast, Middle, Slow, ROff] AF Assist
Memo : For setting whether to shift the auto focus point
0 However, this function is disabled when the when the focus ring is turned during Auto Focus
[FULL AUTO] switch is set to “ON”, or when (AF).
switching the gain selection switch that was set 0 Area:
to “AGC”. This option allows you to shift the auto focus
point to the left, center, right, or near and far
GAIN L, GAIN M, GAIN H directions by turning the focus ring during AF.
Selecting this option displays the icon in
For setting the gain value of each position on the the area.
[GAIN] selection switch. 0 Far/Near:
This is fixed at “AGC” when the [FULL AUTO] This option allows you to shift the auto focus
switch is set to “ON”. point to near and far directions by turning the
[Setting Values: 24dB, 21dB, 18dB, 15dB, 12dB, focus ring during AF.
9dB, 6dB, 3dB, 0dB, -3dB, -6dB] 0 Off:
(Default values GAIN L: 0dB, GAIN M: 6dB, GAIN Sets the AF Assist function to “Off”.
H: 12dB) [Setting Values: Area, Far/Near, ROff]
Memo : (A P50 [AF Assist Function] )
0 When [Shooting Mode] is set to “Standard”, Memo :
“-3dB” and “-6dB” cannot be selected. 0 This setting is effective only when the [FOCUS]
(A P105 [ Shooting Mode ] ) switch is set to “AUTO”.
0 The manual focus adjustment mode is
temporarily activated by turning the focus ring in
the AF mode. If the focus ring is not operated for
a certain time, the camera recorder returns to the
AF mode.

User Switch Set...

For specifying user button related settings.
(A P100 [User Switch Set Item] )

User Switch Set Item Clip Review
For specifying the operation when any of the
LCD KEY▼, LCD KEY◀ [LCD KEY▼], or [LCD KEY◀] items is set to “Clip
By assigning one of the following functions to each Review”.
of the [FOCUS ASSIST/1], [OIS/2], [LOLUX/3], [AE 0 Last 5sec:
LOCK/4], [ZEBRA/5], [MARKER/6], [C.REVIEW/7] Views about 5 seconds of the clip from the
buttons or the cross-shaped buttons on the LCD ending.
monitor, these buttons can be used to control the 0 Top 5sec:
assigned function (on/off, start, switch). Views about 5 seconds of the clip from the
Set according to the shooting conditions. Usable beginning.
only in the Camera mode. 0 Clip:
[Setting Values: None, Bars, Flash Band, Lolux, AE Views the entire clip.
Lock, Face Detect, OIS, One Push Iris, One Push [Setting Values: RLast 5sec, Top 5sec, Clip]
Focus, Preset Zoom1, Preset Zoom2, Preset Memo :
Zoom3, White Balance, Zebra, Marker, Focus 0 This item is selectable when any of the [USER1]-
Assist, Spot Meter, Expanded Focus, LCD [USER7], [LCD KEY▲], [LCD KEY▶], [LCD
Backlight, Backup Trig, Clip Cutter Trig, OK Mark,
KEY▼], [LCD KEY◀] items is set to “Clip
Clip Review, Load Picture File, Live Streaming

Front REC Spot Meter

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

For setting the function of the [REC] button located For specifying the operation when any of the
below the lens at the front of the unit. [USER1]-[USER7], [LCD KEY▲], [LCD KEY▶],
0 REC: [LCD KEY▼], or [LCD KEY◀] items is set to “Spot
Functions as a record button for starting/ending Meter”.
recording. (A P72 [Setting Spot Meter] )
0 AWB: 0 Max & Min:
When the [WHT BAL B/A/PRESET] selection Displays the brightest and darkest areas of the
switch is set to “A” or “B” in the Manual White image.
Balance mode, it functions as an AWB startup 0 Max:
button. If the [WHT BAL B/A/PRESET] selection Displays the brightest area of the image.
switch is set to “PRESET”, it functions as a 0 Min:
button for switching between two color Displays the darkest area of the image.
temperature settings. 0 Manual:
(A P59 [Manual White Balance Mode (Manual Displays the image brightness at a specified
Switching)] ) position.
0 None: [Setting Values: RMax & Min, Max, Min, Manual]
[Setting Values: RREC, AWB, None]

To increase the sensitivity when in dim
surroundings, set a value in the Lolux mode.
[Setting Values: 36dB, R30dB]

Face Detect AE Lock
For specifying the operation when any of the For specifying the operation when any of the
[USER1]-[USER7], [LCD KEY▲], [LCD KEY▶], [USER1]-[USER7], [LCD KEY▲], [LCD KEY▶],
[LCD KEY▼], or [LCD KEY◀] items is set to “Face [LCD KEY▼], or [LCD KEY◀] items is set to “AE
Detect”. Lock”.
Select the control to track results of face detection. 0 AE:
0 AF&AE: Use this feature to fix a value to the Auto function
Sets auto focus and exposure control for the of Gain, Iris, or Shutter when the user button that
face that is being tracked. is assigned “AE Lock” is pressed.
0 AF: 0 AE/WB:
Sets auto focus for the face that is being tracked. Use this feature to fix a value to White Balance
[Setting Values: RAF&AE, AF] and the Auto function of Gain, Iris, or Shutter
(A P52 [Adjusting the Focusing by Face when the user button that is assigned “AE
Detection] ) Lock” is pressed.
Memo : [Setting Values: RAE, AE/WB]
0 When “AF” is specified, this function will be Memo :
activated only when the [FOCUS] switch is set 0 This feature only works when Iris, Shutter or
to “Auto”. Gain is set to Auto mode.
When “AF&AE” is specified, this function will be 0 “AE Lock” is canceled when the button assigned
activated only when the [FOCUS] switch is set with “AE Lock” is pressed, or when any of the
to “Auto”, or when one or more of the items functions that can be locked is operated

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

(Gain, Iris and Shutter) is set to Auto mode. regardless of the mode (Manual or Auto).

9 Sensitivity Preset Zoom1, Preset Zoom2, Preset Zoom3

For setting the level of ease of face detection. For setting the speed for shifting to the preset zoom
[Setting Values: RHigh, Middle, Low] position and the rate of change for starting and
9 Hysteresis stopping the preset zoom operation of the preset
zoom function assigned to the user button.
For setting the margin to maintain status when the
face that is being tracked is lost. 9 Speed
Set to “Fast” to select another object immediately For setting the speed to shift to the preset zoom
if the face on the screen is lost. position.
Set to “Slow” to operate at the same position for [Setting Values: 1 to 127 (R 64)]
some time even if the face on the screen is lost.
9 Ease In
[Setting Values: Fast, RMiddle, Slow]
For setting the rate of change from the start of the
zoom operation until the predetermined [Speed] is
The larger the setting value, the longer it takes to
reach the value specified in Speed.
[Setting Values: 1 to 10, ROff]
9 Ease Out
For setting the rate of change from the
predetermined [Speed] until the zoom operation
The larger the setting value, the longer it takes
before the operation stops.
[Setting Values: 1 to 10, ROff]

9 Duration
Camera Process Menu
For displaying the zoom operation time calculated
from the setting values of [Speed] and [Ease In]/ Menu screen for adjusting the quality of camera
[Ease Out]. images.
[Displayed Value: ***.* SEC] This item cannot be selected in the Media mode.
Expanded Focus Detail
For specifying the operation when any of the For adjusting the contour (detail) enhancement
[USER1]-[USER7], [LCD KEY▲], [LCD KEY▶], level.
[LCD KEY▼], or [LCD KEY◀] items is set to Increasing the value increases the sharpness of
“Expanded Focus”. the contour.
0 Toggle: [Setting Values: -10 to +10, Off (R0)]
Pressing the button assigned with “Expanded 9 Adjust...
Focus” each time switches the “Expanded
For specifying the detailed settings of the contour
Focus” function to on or off.
0 Momentary: (A P105 [Detail/Adjust Item] )
The “Expanded Focus” function is enabled
during the interval while the button assigned with Memo :
“Expanded Focus” is pressed. 0 This item cannot be selected when [Detail] is set
0 Limited Time: to “Off”.
Activates the timer.
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

During autofocus, the [Expanded Focus] feature Master Black

turns off about 3 seconds after it is turned on.
During manual focus, the [Expanded Focus] For adjusting the pedestal level (master black) that
serves as the reference black.
feature turns off about 3 seconds after you stop
Increasing the value increases the pedestal.
operating the focus ring.
[Setting Values: -50 to +50 (R-3)]
[Setting Values: RToggle, Momentary, Limited
Time] Black Toe
Process the dark areas according to the balance of
bright and dark areas in the image to adjust the
overall balance of contrast.
For altering the gain of dark areas. Adjust this item
according to the condition of the captured video
0 Stretch:
Increases the gain of dark areas in an image to
stretch the signals of these areas only, thereby
showing the contrast between bright and dark
areas more clearly.
Specify the amount of stretch with [Stretch
0 Normal:
Normal condition.
0 Compress:
Compresses the gain of dark areas to increase
the contrast when the entire image appears
bright and contrast is weak. Specify the
compression amount with [Compress Level].
[Setting Values: Stretch, RNormal, Compress]
Memo :
0 When [WDR] is set to other than “Off”, this item
appears as “---” and cannot be selected.

9 Stretch Level 9 Sensitivity
Stretch amount increases when a larger value is For setting the response speed of the “Knee”
specified. operation when [Knee] is set to “Auto”.
[Setting Values: 1 to 5 (R 3)] Set to “Slow” when shooting an object under a
Memo : condition where there is drastic change in the light
0 This item is displayed only when [Black Toe] is intensity.
set to “Stretch”. Otherwise, this item appears as [Setting Values: RFast, Middle, Slow]
“---” and cannot be selected. Memo :
0 When [Knee] is set to “Manual”, or [WDR] is set
9 Compress Level to other than “Off”, this item appears as “---” and
Compression amount increases when a larger cannot be selected.
value is specified.
[Setting Values: 1 to 5 (R 3)] White Clip
Memo : For setting the point to apply white clip for input
0 This item is displayed only when [Black Toe] is video signals with a high luminance level.
set to “Compress”. Otherwise, this item appears 0 108%:
as “---” and cannot be selected. Applies white clip at the point where the
luminance level is 108 %.
0 103%:
Applies white clip at the point where the
For specifying the “Knee” operation, which luminance level is 103 %.

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

compresses video signals beyond a certain level to 0 100%:
show the gradation of the highlighted portion. To Applies white clip at the point where the
check the gradation of a bright area, set to “Manual” luminance level is 100 %. Set to this value when
and adjust the knee point (starting point of knee the system in use limits Y output signals within
operation) manually. 100 %.
0 Manual: [Setting Values: R108%, 103%, 100%]
Enables manual adjustment of knee point using Memo :
[Level]. 0 When [WDR] is set to other than “Off”, this item
0 Auto: appears as “108%” and cannot be selected.
Adjusts the knee point automatically according
to the luminance level.
[Setting Values: Manual, RAuto] Gamma
Memo : For adjusting the gamma curve that determines the
0 When [WDR] is set to other than “Off”, this item gradation expression.
appears as “---” and cannot be selected.
0 Cinema:
Sets to a gamma curve with similar gradation to
9 Level the screen characteristics of movies.
0 Standard:
For setting the starting point (knee point) of knee Sets to a standard gamma curve.
compression when [Knee] is set to “Manual”. [Setting Values: Cinema, RStandard]
[Setting Values: R100.0%,97.5%,95.0%,92.5%, Memo :
90.0%,87.5%,85.0%] 0 When [WDR] is set to other than “Off”, this item
Memo : appears as “---” and cannot be selected.
0 When [Knee] is set to other than “Auto”, or
[WDR] is set to other than “Off”, this item
appears as “---” and cannot be selected.

9 Level Color Matrix
This item can be specified separately when For setting the color matrix.
[Gamma] is set to “Standard” or “Cinema”. 0 Cinema Subdued:
0 Increase the number: Sets to a subdued color matrix that is similar to
Enhances the gradation of black. However, the the screen characteristics of movies.
gradation of bright areas deteriorates. 0 Cinema Vivid:
0 Decrease the number: Sets to a vivid color matrix that is similar to the
Enhances the gradation of bright areas. screen characteristics of movies.
However, the gradation of black deteriorates. 0 Standard:
[Setting Values: -5 to +5 (R 0)] Sets to a standard color matrix.
0 Off:
WDR Sets the color matrix function to Off.
For setting the WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) [Setting Values: Cinema Subdued, Cinema Vivid,
function. RStandard, Off]
When shooting object with wide dynamic range 9 Adjust
due to backlight conditions, this function
compresses the dynamic range while maintaining This item is used to adjust [Color Matrix] to a color
image contrast through providing gradation according to the user’s preference.
compensation to the input video signals. 0 This item is used to adjust [Color Matrix] to a
0 Strong: color according to the user’s preference.
Enhances the effect of gradation compensation 0 The saturation, hue and brightness of the
for object with wide dynamic range due to primary and complementary colors (6 colors in
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

outdoor or strong backlight conditions. total) can be set individually.

0 Natural: 0 The adjusted values of “Standard”, “Cinema
Normal setting for wide dynamic range. Vivid”, and “Cinema Subdued” in [Color Matrix]
0 Weak: can be stored individually.
Reduces the effect of gradation compensation (A P141 [Adjusting Color Matrix] )
compared to the normal setting. [Setting range for Lightness/Saturation: -10 to +10]
0 Off: (roughly ± 10 %)
Sets the wide dynamic range function to “Off”. [Setting range for Hue: -5 to +5] (roughly ± 5°)
[Setting Values: Strong, Natural, Weak, ROff] Memo :
Memo : 0 This item cannot be selected when [Color
0 When [WDR] is set to other than “Off”, [Black Matrix] is set to “Off”.
Toe], [Knee], [Gamma] and [White Clip] cannot
be selected. Color Gain
For adjusting the video signal color level.
White Balance...
Increasing the value deepens the color.
Menu for adjusting white balance. [Setting Values: -50 to +15, Off (R0)]
(A P106 [White Balance Item] ) Memo :
* For details, refer to “[Adjusting the White 0 Images are displayed in black-and-white when
Balance] (A P 59)”. this is set to “Off”.

Reverse Picture
For recording images correctly by setting this item
to “Rotate” when the lens image appears upside
down or laterally inverted.
0 Rotate:
Enables horizontal/vertical inversion of the
0 Off:
Disables horizontal/vertical inversion of the
[Setting Values: Rotate, ROff]

Shooting Mode H Frequency
For switching the settings for image recording on For specifying the correction frequency of the
the camera. horizontal contour. Set this according to the object.
0 Standard: 0 High:
Normal shooting mode. Emphasizes the high frequency range. Use this
This setting is suitable for shooting low-noise when shooting objects with fine patterns.
image quality. 0 Middle:
Use this mode in well lit places. Emphasizes the intermediate frequency range.
0 Extended: 0 Low:
High sensitivity shooting mode. Emphasizes the low frequency range. Use this
This setting enables recording in various when shooting objects with large patterns.
brightness conditions. [Setting Values: High, RMiddle, Low]
Use this mode in places where the lighting is Memo :
difficult to control and the brightness is
0 When [System] under [Record Format] is set to
[Setting Values: RStandard, Extended] “SD”, this item is fixed at “Low”.
0 When [System] under [Record Format] is set to
Reset Process “HD+SD”, this item can be set during HD
Restores all items in the [Camera Process] menu recording, but will be fixed at “Low” during SD
to their default settings. recording. a

Detail/Adjust Item V Frequency

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

For specifying the correction frequency of the
V/H Balance vertical contour. Set this according to the object.
For setting the H/V balance to enhance contour 0 Low:
(detail) in the horizontal (H) or vertical (V) direction. Emphasizes the low frequency range.
0 H+1 to H+4: 0 Middle:
Increasing the value enhances contour in the Emphasizes the intermediate frequency range.
horizontal direction. 0 High:
0 V+1 to V+4: Emphasizes the high frequency range.
Increasing the value enhances contour in the [Setting Values: Low, RMiddle, High]
vertical direction. Memo :
[Setting Values: H+1 to H+4, RNormal, V+1 to V+4] 0 When [System] under [Record Format] is set to
Memo : “SD”, this item is fixed at “Low”.
0 When [System] under [Record Format] is set to (A P117 [ Record Format ] )
“SD”, this item is fixed at “Normal”. 0 When [System] under [Record Format] is set to
0 When [System] under [Record Format] is set to “HD+SD”, this item can be set during HD
“HD+SD”, this item can be set during HD recording, but will be fixed at “Low” during SD
recording, but will be fixed at “Normal” during SD recording. a
recording. 0 “High” cannot be selected under the following
0 When [System] under [Record Format] is set to settings.
0 When [WResolution] is set to “1920x1080”,
“HD+SD”, this item can be set during HD
recording, but will be fixed at “Normal” during SD and [WFrame & Bit Rate] is set to “60i” or
recording. a “50i”
0 When [WResolution] is set to “1440x1080”,

and [WFrame & Bit Rate] is set to “60i” or


Enhancement AWB Paint
Set to “On” to enhance the reproducibility of details. For adjusting the R (red)/B (blue) component in the
[Setting Values: ROn, Off] AWB (Auto White Balance) mode.
For details, refer to “[Adjusting the White Balance]
Skin Detail (A P 59)”.
0 Increase the number:
For turning On/Off the Skin Detail function, which
Strengthens the red/blue.
is used to adjust the contour correction effect of the 0 Decrease the number:
colors captured.
Weakens the red/blue.
Select “On” to soften the detail at areas where skin
[Setting Values: -32 to +32 (R 0)]
tone is detected.
[Setting Values: On, ROff] Memo :
0 This item is selectable when the [WHT BAL]
9 Level
switch on the right of the camera recorder is set
For setting the level of contour correction (degree to “A” or “B”. When “PRESET” is set, this item
of softening) using the Skin Detail function. appears as “---” and cannot be selected.
Decreasing the value increases the level of contour 0 Different values can be specified for “A” and “B”.
correction (degree of softening). 0 After the [y] (Auto White Balance) button is
[Setting Values: -1, R -2, -3] pressed to readjust the white balance while
9 Range [Clear Paint After AWB] is set to “On”, R and B
For adjusting the range of skin tone to trigger the values switch automatically to “0”.
Skin Detail function.
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

Increasing the value increases the range. Clear Paint After AWB
[Setting Values: -5 to +5 (R0)]
For specifying whether to clear the [AWB Paint] (R
value and B value) settings after executing AWB
White Balance Item (Auto White Balance).
0 On:
Preset Temp.
Sets the [AWB Paint] (R value and B value)
For setting the color temperature when the [WHT settings to “0” after executing AWB (Auto White
BAL] switch is set to “PRESET”. Balance).
For details, refer to “[Adjusting the White Balance] 0 Off:
(A P 59)”. Does not change the [AWB Paint] (R value and
B value) settings after executing AWB (Auto
Alternative Temp. White Balance).
[Setting Values: ROn, Off]
For setting the alternative color temperature in the
Preset mode. FAW Paint
When the [WHT BAL] switch is set to “PRESET”,
pressing the [y] button each time switches the For adjusting the R (red)/B (blue) component
color temperature setting in the Preset mode. during FAW (Full Auto White Balance) mode.
([Preset Temp.] 1 [Alternative Temp.]) 0 Increase the number:
For details, refer to “[Adjusting the White Balance] Strengthens the red/blue.
(A P 59)”. 0 Decrease the number:
Weakens the red/blue.
[Setting Values: -32 to +32 (R 0)]

TC/UB Menu 9 Preset
For setting the user’s bit. (Digit by digit)
Menu screen for setting time code and user’s bit. Display : AB CD EF 01
This item cannot be selected in the Media mode, (A P69 [Presetting the User’s Bit] )
or during recording. Memo :
0 When [UB Mode] is set to “Date” or “Time”, this
TC Generator item appears as “---” and preset is disabled.
For setting the operation of the time code.
0 Free Run(Ext): Drop Frame
External time code input will be synchronized
with this and the time code will be recorded. For setting the framing mode of the time code
0 Free Run: generator.
The time code operates in the run mode at all 0 Non Drop:
times regardless of the recording status. It Internal time code generator works in the non-
continues to run even when the power of the drop-frame mode. Use this setting when placing
camera recorder is turned off. emphasis on the number of frames.
0 Rec Run: 0 Drop:
The time code operates in the run mode during Internal time code generator works in the drop-
recording. It continues to run in the order of the frame mode. Use this setting when placing
recorded clips as long as the SD card is not emphasis on the recording time.
replaced. If the SD card is removed and [Setting Values: Non Drop, RDrop]
recording is made on another card, time code Memo :

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

will be recorded on the new card from where it 0 This item can be set only when [Main Menu] B
was left off in the previous card. [System] B [Record Set] B [Record Format] B
0 Regen:
The time code operates in the run mode during [WFrame & Bit Rate] is set to “60p”, “30p”, or
recording. When the SD card is replaced, the “60i”. When the frame rate is “24p”, “Non Drop”
last time code recorded on the card is read and becomes fixed and cannot be selected. When
recorded on a new card so that the time code the frame rate is “50p”, “25p”, or “50i”, this item
continues in running order. appears as “---” and cannot be selected.
[Setting Values: Free Run(Ext), Free Run, RRec (A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit
Run, Regen] Rate b] )
TC Preset
For setting the time code (hour, minute, second,
Display : Drop setting 02:02:25.20
: Non Drop setting 02:02:25:20

UB Mode
For setting the recording mode of the user’s bit.
0 Date:
Records the date.
0 Time:
Records the time.
0 Preset:
Records according to the preset setting.
(A P69 [Setting the User’s Bit] )
[Setting Values: Date, Time, RPreset]
Memo :
0 If UB Mode is set to “Time”, the user’s bit
operates in the 24-hour format even if the LCD
display is in the 12-hour format.

LCD/VF Menu VF Bright
For setting the brightness of the viewfinder screen.
Item for specifying settings related to the LCD Increasing the value increases the brightness.
monitor or viewfinder screen. [Setting Values: -10 to +10 (R 0)]
This menu screen can be used to specify settings
related to the Focus Assist mode, zebra pattern VF Contrast
display, screen size, marker, and safety zone. In For setting the difference in luminance between the
addition, it is also used for selecting whether to darkest and brightness areas in the viewfinder
display characters on the LCD monitor or screen.
viewfinder screen, as well as for adjusting the Increasing the value increases the contrast.
picture quality of the LCD monitor. [Setting Values: -10 to +10 (R 0)]
Shooting Assist... LCD Contrast
Menu for setting the Shooting Assist function. For setting the difference in luminance between the
(A P108 [Shooting Assist Item] ) darkest and brightness areas in the LCD monitor.
Increasing the value increases the contrast.
Marker Settings... [Setting Values: -10 to +10 (R 0)]
For setting items such as the safety zone and
center mark. LCD Backlight
(A P109 [Marker Settings Item] ) For setting the brightness of the LCD monitor
Display Settings...
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

Increasing the value increases the brightness.

For specifying display-related settings. [Setting Values: -1, R 0, +1]
(A P110 [Display Settings Item] )
LCD Mirror
LCD + VF For specifying the image display method when
For selecting a method to switch between the LCD facing the LCD monitor.
monitor and viewfinder screen displays. Select “Mirror” to display the image after laterally
(A P36 [Adjusting the LCD Monitor and inverting it. (Mirror display)
Viewfinder] ) (A P36 [Adjusting the LCD Monitor and
0 On: Viewfinder] )
Displays images on the viewfinder at all times. [Setting Values: Mirror, RNormal]
0 Off: Memo :
Turns off the viewfinder screen display when the 0 The setting of this item is valid only in Camera
LCD monitor is turned on. mode.
[Setting Values: On, ROff] 0 During color bar, menu screen and status
Memo : screen display, the “Mirror” setting is disabled.
0 When [Network] is set to “On”, this item is fixed (A P140 [Color Bar Output] )
at “Off” and cannot be selected.
Shooting Assist Item
VF Color Focus Assist
For selecting whether to display the image on the For setting whether to add color to the contour of
viewfinder screen in color or black-and-white. the focused image upon switching the image to
Select “On” to display in color, and “Off” to display black-and-white.
in black-and-white. [Setting Values: On, ROff]
[Setting Values: ROn, Off]
Memo :
0 The setting of this item is valid only in Camera
0 When this item is set to “Off”, only the captured
images are displayed in black-and-white. The
display and menu screens are displayed in

9 Type Marker Settings Item
For specifying the operation when the [FOCUS For setting the marker and safety zone, which are
ASSIST/1] button is pressed. useful in helping you determine the angle of view
(A P51 [Focus Assist Function] ) for the image according to the shooting purpose.
0 ACCU-Focus: (A P140 [Marker and Safety Zone Displays
Enables the Focus Assist and ACCU-Focus (Camera Mode Only)] )
(forced focus) functions. The depth of field of the Memo :
object becomes shallower to enable easier 0 During Clip Review or when in the Media mode,
focusing. The ACCU-Focus function switches the markers do not appear regardless of the
automatically to “Off” after about 10 seconds. setting.
0 Normal:
Enables only the Focus Assist function. The
focused area is displayed in color to enable
easier focusing. Display color can be specified For setting whether to display marker, safety zone,
with [Color]. and center marks on the screen.
[Setting Values: ACCU-Focus, RNormal] [Setting Values: On, ROff]
9 Color 9 Grid Marker
For setting the display color of the focused area For setting whether to display a 3x3 grid on the
when Focus Assist is activated. screen.
[Setting Values: RBlue, Green, Red] [Setting Values: On, ROff]
Memo :

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

0 When [Grid Marker] is set to “On”, [Aspect
For selecting whether to display zebra patterns at Ratio], [Aspect Marker], and [Safety Zone] do
the bright areas of the subject. not function.
Select “On” to display zebra patterns or “Off” to
hide. 9 Aspect Ratio
[Setting Values: On, ROff]
For selecting the final image aspect ratio to be used
9 Top from the overall angle of view.
[Setting Values: 16:9(+4:3), 2.35:1, 1.85:1, R16:9,
For setting the maximum luminance level for the
zebra pattern display. 1.75:1, 1.66:1, 14:9, 13:9, 4:3, 2.35:1 Center,
[Setting Values: Over, 100% to 5% (in 5% 2.35:1 Top, 1.85:1 Center, 1.85:1 Top]
increments)] (R80%) Memo :
0 When [System] B [Record Set] B [Record
9 Bottom
Format] B [SD Aspect] is set to “4:3”, this item
For setting the minimum luminance level for the is fixed at “4:3” and cannot be selected.
zebra pattern display. (A P119 [ SD Aspect ] )
[Setting Values: 100% to 0% (in 5% increments)]
Memo :
0 The relation between Top and Bottom is such
that Top>Bottom always holds. To maintain this
relation during setting, the setting value is
automatically corrected.

Focus Assist & Zebra

For selecting the operation when [Focus Assist]
and [Zebra] are used simultaneously.
0 Standard: The focus assist outlines will
overlapped the zebra pattern.
0 ALT: The focus assist outlines will not
overlapped the zebra pattern, however, flicker
may occur on the zebra area.
[Setting Values: Standard, RALT]

9 Aspect Marker Display Settings Item
For specifying how boundary markers are to be This menu is used to set the displays on the LCD
used to indicate the parts of an image that are monitor and viewfinder screen.
beyond the range of the aspect ratio selected in
[Aspect Ratio]. Zoom
0 Line+Halftone: For setting the display method of the zoom
Displays the boundary using lines, and areas position.
outside the boundary in halftone. 0 Number:
0 Halftone: Displays the zoom position in numbers (0-99).
Displays areas outside the boundary in halftone. 0 Bar:
0 Line: Displays the zoom position in a bar.
Displays the boundary using lines. 0 Off:
0 Off: Does not display the zoom position.
Hides the boundary markers. [Setting Values: Number, RBar, Off]
[Setting Values: Line+Halftone, Halftone, Line,
ROff] Focus
Memo :
For setting the display method of the approximate
0 When [Aspect Ratio] is set to “16:9” or distance to the subject in focus during manual
“16:9(+4:3)”, this item is fixed at “Off” and cannot focus.
be selected. 0 Feet:
Displays the focus in feet.
9 Safety Zone 0 Meter:
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

For setting the percentage of area that is to be Displays the focus in meters.
deemed as valid area (Safety Zone) within the 0 Off:
boundary of the aspect ratio selected in [Aspect Does not display the focal length during focus.
Ratio]. [Setting Values: Feet, RMeter, Off]
[Setting Values: 95%, 93%, 90%, 88%, 80%, ROff] ND Filter
9 Center Mark
For setting whether to display the filter position.
For specifying whether to display a mark to indicate 0 On+Assist:
the screen center within the aspect ratio selected Displays the current filter position.
in [Aspect Ratio]. If the ND filter setting is inappropriate, the
[Setting Values: ROn, Off] appropriate ND filter to select will appear
0 On:
Displays the current filter position.
0 Off:
Hides the filter position.
[Setting Values: On+Assist, ROn, Off]

Record Format
For setting whether to display the video format
during recording or playback.
[Setting Values: ROn, Off]

Media Remain
For setting whether to display the remaining space
of the recording SD card.
[Setting Values: ROn, Off]
Memo :
0 When the remaining space warning is
displayed, the information appears even when
“Off” is selected.
0 The displayed time is an estimate.

TC/UB Date/Time
For specifying whether to display the time code For specifying whether to display the date and time
(TC) or user’s bit (UB) rate in the display on the LCD in the display on the LCD monitor and viewfinder
monitor and viewfinder screen. screen.
[Setting Values: UB, RTC, Off] [Setting Values: ROn, Off]

Audio Meter Date Style

For specifying whether to display the audio level For setting the date display sequence for display
meter on the LCD monitor and viewfinder screen. on the LCD monitor and viewfinder screen as well
[Setting Values: ROn, Off] as for time stamp recording.
Display examples of the setting values are as
Battery follows.
0 DMY2: 30 Jun 2016
For setting the display of the remaining battery
0 DMY1: 30-06-2016
power in the display on the LCD monitor and
0 MDY2: Jun 30, 2016
viewfinder screen.
0 MDY1: 06-30-2016
The battery information appears only on the
0 YMD: 2016-06-30
Display 2 screen in Camera mode.
[Setting Values: DMY2, DMY1, MDY1, MDY2,
(A P131 [Display 2 screen] )
0 Time: (Default values: MDY2 (U model), DMY1 (E
Displays the remaining battery power in
minutes. (min)
0 Capacity%:

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

Time Style
Displays the remaining battery power in
percentage. (%) For setting the time display for display on the LCD
0 Voltage: monitor and viewfinder screen as well as for time
Displays the current battery voltage in units of stamp recording.
0.1 V. (V) [Setting Values: 24hour, 12hour]
0 Off: (Default values: 12hour (U model), 24hour (E
The remaining battery power is not displayed. model))
[Setting Values: RTime, Capacity%, Voltage, Off]
Memo :
0 The battery mark that appears before the “Time”, For setting the shutter display to be displayed on
“Capacity%” or “Voltage” value changes the LCD monitor and viewfinder screen.
0 DEG:
according to the remaining battery power.
Displays the shutter speed in degrees in the
In addition, the plug mark is added during
same way as film cameras.
0 SEC:
4 S : 10 % and below
Displays the shutter speed in seconds.
D R : 11 % to 30 % [Setting Values: DEG, RSEC]
C Q : 31% to 70 %
B P : 71 % to 100 % Memo :
0 When the remaining battery power is low, “RES” 0 “DEG” is selectable only when [WFrame & Bit
instead of the value is displayed. Rate] is set to “24p” or “25p”.
Replace the battery as soon as possible. When [WFrame & Bit Rate] is set to other values,
0 The remaining battery power and remaining the shutter display setting is fixed at “SEC” and
time are intended as reference values for the cannot be selected.
shooting duration. (A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit
0 The time, capacity or voltage will not be Rate b] )
displayed during charging.

A/V Set Menu 9 HDMI Color
0 For setting the color format of HDMI signals.
Menu screen for video output and audio.
0 This item is selectable only when [HDMI/SDI
Out] is set to “HDMI” or “HDMI+SDI”.
Video Set... [Setting Values: RGB, RAuto]
For specifying video output-related settings. 9 HDMI Enhance
(A P112 [Video Set Item] ) 0 For setting the color range of HDMI signals.
When connecting to a PC monitor, set this to
Audio Set... “On”.
For specifying audio-related settings. 0 This item is selectable only when [HDMI/SDI
(A P113 [Audio Set Item] ) Out] is set to “HDMI” or “HDMI+SDI”.
[Setting Values: On, ROff]
Video Set Item 9 Rec Trigger
Display On TV For setting whether to superimpose trigger signals
in tandem with the [HDMI] terminal, [HD/SD SDI]
For setting whether to display the display and menu
characters on the external monitor. terminal and the [REC] button on the camera body.
[Setting Values: On, ROff] When a compatible device is connected,
recording/stop control signals are output in tandem
HDMI/SDI Out with the operation of the [REC] button.
The record trigger output status to the connected
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

For setting the terminal to output the video. device is indicated by REC B/STBYB on the
[Setting Values: HDMI+SDI, SDI, HDMI, ROff]
display screen.
Memo : 0 HDMI+SDI:
0 When the [Network] setting is set to “On(SDI Superimposes the trigger signals in tandem with
Off)”, “HDMI+SDI” and “SDI” are not selectable. the [HDMI] terminal, [HD/SD SDI] terminal and
And when “On(HDMI Off)” is set, “HDMI+SDI” the [REC] button on the camera body and
and “HDMI” are not selectable. outputs the recording/stop control signals to the
compatible device.
9 Resolution 0 SDI:
Superimposes the trigger signals in tandem with
For selecting the resolution of video output from the the [SDI] terminal as well as the [REC] button on
[HDMI]/[SDI] terminal according to the monitor to
the camera body and outputs the recording/stop
be connected. control signals to the compatible device.
[Setting Values: 576i, 576p, 480i, 480p, 720p, 0 HDMI:
R1080i, 1080p] Superimposes the trigger signals in tandem with
Memo : the [HDMI] terminal as well as the [REC] button
0 When [Main Menu] B [A/V Set] B [Video Set] B on the camera body and outputs the recording/
[HDMI/SDI Out] is set to “HDMI+SDI” or “SDI”, stop control signals to the compatible device.
“1080p” cannot be selected. 0 Off:
0 When [Main Menu] B [A/V Set] B [Video Set] B Does not superimpose the trigger signals.
[Setting Values: ROff, HDMI, SDI, HDMI+SDI]
[HDMI/SDI Out] is set to “HDMI+SDI” or “SDI”,
changing the resolution will cause the camera Memo :
recorder to restart. “Please Wait...” will be 0 Even if REC B/STBYB is displayed on the
displayed. display screen, the compatible device may not
0 The selectable options vary according to the necessarily be recording.
setting in [System]/[WResolution]/[WFrame & 0 When [Main Menu] B [A/V Set] B [Video Set] B
Bit Rate] of [System] B [Record Set] B [Record [HDMI/SDI Out] is set to “Off”, [Rec Trigger] is
Format]. fixed at “Off” and cannot be selected.
0 Cross conversion output is not possible. 0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set]
B [Rec Mode] is set to “Interval Rec”, “Frame
Rec” or “Variable Frame”, [Rec Trigger] is fixed
at “Off” and cannot be selected.
0 Set to “Off” if connecting to a device that does
not support record trigger.

9 HDMI TC Audio Set Item
For setting whether to superimpose time code to
Input1 Mic Ref.
the [HDMI] terminal.
[Setting Values: On, ROff] For setting the reference input level when the
Memo : [INPUT1] selection switch is set to “MIC” or “MIC
0 When [Main Menu] B [A/V Set] B [Video Set] B +48V”.
[HDMI/SDI Out] is set to “SDI”, [HDMI TC] is [Setting Values: -62dB, -56dB, R-50dB, -44dB,
-38dB, -32dB]
fixed at “Off” and cannot be selected.
0 Set to “Off” if connecting to a device that does Input2 Mic Ref.
not support HDMI TC.
For setting the reference input level when the
[INPUT2] selection switch is set to “MIC” or “MIC
SD Aspect
For setting the style of displaying down-converted [Setting Values: -62dB, -56dB, R-50dB, -44dB,
images on a 4:3 aspect ratio screen. -38dB, -32dB]
0 Side Cut:
Displays image with the left and right sides cut Int. Mic Gain
0 Letter: For setting the sensitivity of the built-in microphone.
[Setting Values: +12dB, +6dB, R0dB]
Displays as a wide image with the top and
bottom blackened. AUX Gain
0 Squeeze:

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

Displays image that is squeezed horizontally. For setting the sensitivity of the [AUX] terminal
[Setting Values: Side Cut, Letter, RSqueeze] input.
Memo : [Setting Values: +12dB, +6dB, R0dB]
0 When [Record Format] B [System] is set to “SD”
Ref. Level
or “HD+SD”, and when [SD Aspect] is set to “4:3”,
this item appears as “---” and cannot be selected. For setting the audio reference level to be recorded
(A P117 [ System ] ) to the SD card. (Applies to both [CH1/CH2].)
[Setting Values: -12dB, -18dB, R-20dB]
SD Set Up Limiter
For selecting whether to add a setup signal to the For setting the limiter operation.
video signal output from the [AV] output terminal. 0 Ref. Level:
Setup signals are added when “7.5%” is selected. Sets “Ref. Level” to the maximum recording
[Setting Values: 7.5%, 0.0%] level.
(Default values: 7.5% (U model), fixed at “0.0%” (E 0 -8dBFS, -5dBFS:
model)) Sets “-8dBFS” or “-5dBFS” to the maximum
Memo : recording level.
0 Depending on the menu settings of the camera 0 Off:
recorder and the condition of the cable Depending on the settings of the [CH1/CH2
connected to it, the setup signal setting may be AUTO/MANUAL] selection switches, the
fixed at “0.0%”. “0.0%” is displayed in gray in this operation may be different as described below.
0 The limiter does not function when
“MANUAL” is set.
0 The limiter functions at -5 dBFS when

“AUTO” is set.
[Setting Values: Ref. Level, -8dBFS, R-5dBFS, Off]

AGC Response
9 Attack Time
Sets the time to activate the limiter.
[Setting Values: Fast, RMiddle, Slow]
9 Decay Time
Sets the time to deactivate the limiter operation.
[Setting Values: Fast, RMiddle, Slow]

AGC Mode Test Tone
For setting whether to link the limiter operation of For specifying whether to output the audio test
[CH1] and [CH2]. signals (1 kHz) during color bar output.
Select “Link” to link or “Separate” to separate. [Setting Values: On, ROff]
[Setting Values: Link, RSeparate]
INPUT1/2 Wind Cut
Memo :
0 Enabled only when both the [AUX] input terminal For selecting whether to cut the low frequencies of
and [INPUT1/INPUT2] input terminal are set to the audio input signals (low-cut) when the [INPUT1/
“LINE” or “MIC”, and CH1/CH2 of the [CH1/CH2 INPUT2] switch is set to “MIC” or “MIC+48V”.
AUTO/MANUAL] switch is set to “AUTO”. Set this item to reduce wind noise from the
0 Both:
XLR Manual Level Enables low-cut on both the [INPUT1] and
For setting whether to link manual audio [INPUT2] terminals.
adjustment operation between [INPUT1] and 0 INPUT2:
[INPUT2] terminals. Enables low-cut on the audio of the [INPUT2]
Select “Link” to link or “Separate” to separate. terminal only.
When this item is set to “Link”, adjust the recording 0 INPUT1:
Enables low-cut on the audio of the [INPUT1]
level using the [CH1] recording level adjustment
terminal only.
knob. 0 Off:
[Setting Values: Link, RSeparate]
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

Disables low-cut.
Memo : [Setting Values: Both, INPUT2, INPUT1, ROff]
0 Enabled only when both the [INPUT1/INPUT2]
input terminals are set to “LINE” or “MIC”, and Int. Mic Wind Cut
both [CH1]/[CH2] of the [CH1/CH2 AUTO/ For selecting whether to cut the low frequencies of
MANUAL] selection switches are set to the audio input signals (low-cut) from the built-in
“MANUAL”. microphone. Set this item to “On” to reduce wind
0 When this item is set to “Link”, [CH2] recording noise from the microphone.
level adjustment knob is disabled. [Setting Values: On, ROff]

Int. Mic Separation
You can correct the characteristic and enhance the
For setting the enhancement level of the stereo sound of the connected microphone using this
effect of the built-in microphone. equalizer setting.
0 1 to 4: For setting the audio frequency from a 5-band
Enhances the stereo effect. Increasing the value equalizer.
increases the stereo effect. 0 Frequency:
0 Effect off: 100Hz, 330Hz, 1kHz, 3.3kHz, 10kHz
Does not enhance the stereo effect. 0 Variable level:
0 Mono: ± 6dB (1dB step)
Sets the built-in microphone to monaural.
[Setting Values: 1 to 4, Effect off, Mono (R2)] Memo :
Memo :
0 Audio will be recorded in the characteristic set
in the equalizer.
0 When any value from 1 to 4 is selected, the 0 Set all bands to “0dB” to bypass the equalizer.
sound quality changes slightly due to the
0 When the equalizer level is set to the + side, the
process of enhancing the stereo effect. This is
audio may be distorted. In this case, reduce the
0 This menu is enabled when the [CH1]/[CH2] recording level in Manual mode.
0 If the values of multiple frequencies are
selection switch is set to “INT”. changed, the specified levels and the actual
levels may be different due to interference
between the frequency bands.
0 This function is enabled only when both
[INPUT1/2 Wind Cut] and [Int. Mic Wind Cut] are
set to “Off”.

Monitor System Menu
For setting the audio sound of the [x] terminal to
stereo or mixed sound when the [MONITOR] This menu screen allows system-related settings.
switch on the LCD monitor is set to “BOTH”. For specifying recording settings, formatting and
0 Mix: restoring of SD card, tally lamp settings, network
Outputs mixed sound (mixed sound of CH1 and settings, date/time, time zone, and other settings.
CH2) to both L and R. It can also be used to reset the menu settings to
0 Stereo: their default values.
Outputs stereo sound (outputs audio sound of
CH1 to L, and CH2 to R). Record Set...
[Setting Values: RMix, Stereo] For specifying recorded video-related settings.
Memo : (A P117 [Record Set Item] )
0 If both CH1 and CH2 are built-in microphones,
stereo sound is output from the [x] terminal Media
regardless of the [Monitor] setting.
9 Format Media

Alarm Level For formatting (initializing) an SD card.

Select a card slot (A or B), select [Format] from
For selecting whether to turn on the warning tone [Cancel]/[Format], and press the Set button (R) to
as well as setting the volume. format (initialize) the card.
The warning tone is output from the monitor (A P41 [Formatting (Initializing) SD Cards] )
speaker or [x] terminal.

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

[Setting Values: RHigh, Middle, Low, Off] 9 Restore Media
For restoring an SD card.
Audio On FULL AUTO Select a card slot (A or B), and press the Set button
For setting whether to enable Auto for audio when (R) to restore the SD card.
[FULL AUTO] is set to “ON”. (A P42 [Restoring the SD Card] )
0 SW Set: Memo :
Sets the audio recording mode following the 0 This item appears only when the SD card needs
[CH1/CH2 AUTO/MANUAL] selection switch to be restored. However, it is not selectable
setting. when recording in Camera mode and during Clip
0 Auto: Review.
Sets audio recording mode to the forced auto
Setup File
[Setting Values: SW Set, RAuto]
This allows you to save the menu settings as well
as the performance results of shutter speed and
It is useful to save settings according to different
shooting conditions.
9 Load File...
Loads the settings.
(A P144 [Loading a Setup File] )
9 Store File...
Saves the settings.
(A P143 [Saving Setup Files] )
9 Delete File...
Deletes the configured file.
(A P144 [Deleting Setup Files] )

Auto Power Off Network a
For setting whether to turn off the power To use the network function, set this item to
automatically when the camera recorder is not “On(SDI Off)” or “On(HDMI Off)”.
operated for more than 5 minutes when the battery 0 On(SDI Off):
is used. This function is valid only when the battery Uses the network function. However, SDI output
is used. is disabled.
[Setting Values: On, ROff] 0 On(HDMI Off):
Memo : Uses the network function. However, HDMI
0 When both the battery and AC adapter are output is disabled.
connected, power from the AC adapter 0 Off:
connection will be used. As such, this function Does not use the network function.
will not have any effect. [Setting Values: On(SDI Off), On(HDMI Off), ROff]
Memo :
Tally Lamp 0 Restriction applies to the following functions
when you are using the network function.
For setting whether to light up the tally lamp during 0 SDI and HDMI cannot be output
recording, when the remaining space warning is simultaneously.
displayed, or during live streaming. 0 [Variable Frame Rate] cannot be selected.
oa 0 [Flash Band Correction] is fixed at “Off”.
0 Rec/Live Streaming:
0 [LCD + VF] is fixed at “Off”.
Lights up during recording or live streaming.
0 Live Streaming:
9 Import Metadata
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

Lights up during live streaming. Does not light

up during recording. For importing metadata from the FTP server.
0 Rec: Memo :
Lights up during recording.
0 Off: 0 This option is not available when [Network] is set
Turns off the indicator. to “Off”.
[Setting Values: Rec/Live Streaming, Live
Streaming, RRec, Off] 9 Settings...
ob For specifying network-related settings.
0 On: (A P122 [Network/Settings Item a] )
Turns on the indicator, indicator blinks.
0 Off: Memo :
Turns off the indicator, indicator does not blink. 0 This option is not available when [Network] is set
[Setting Values: ROn, Off] to “Off”.
Memo :
0 The blinking warning display, such as when the Reset All
remaining battery level is low, is enabled in a Resets all menu settings.
setting other than “Off”.
Memo :
0 [Date/Time] and [Time Zone] cannot be reset.
(A P117 [ Date/Time ] )
For setting the GPS function to On or Off (power (A P117 [ Time Zone ] )
on/off). 0 This item is not selectable when recording in
[Setting Values: On, ROff] Camera mode, during Clip Review, and in Media
Switches between languages in the menu screen.
[Setting Values: REnglish, Français, Español] (U
[Setting Values: REnglish, Français, Deutsch,
Italiano, Español, Pусский] (E model)

Date/Time 9 Fan Hour
For setting the year, month, day, hour, and minute. For displaying the usage time of the internal fan.
Memo : Memo :
0 If the signal reception for GPS satellites allows 0 Under normal environment, dust will
date and time to be set based on the GPS accumulate on the internal fan when the camera
information, you can set the time obtained from recorder is used over a long period. Dust may
the GPS satellite by pressing the [FOCUS enter the camera recorder especially if it is used
ASSIST/1] button. outdoors. This may affect the image and sound
The [FOCUS ASSIST/1] button is grayed out if quality of the camera recorder. Check and
replace the fan after every 9000 hours
information for setting the date and time cannot
(suggested guideline).
be acquired from the GPS satellite. a
0 The display order of the date (year, month, day) 9 Open Source License
follows the setting in [Display Settings] B [Date
Style]. However, the 24-hour format is used for Displays the license for the open source software
used by this camera recorder.
the hour display regardless of the [Time Style]
(A P111 [ Date Style ] ) Record Set Item

Time Zone Record Format

For setting the UTC time difference in units of 30 After setting of all items in the [Record Format]
menu is complete, select [Set] at the bottom of the

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

[Setting Values: UTC-00:30-UTC-12:00, UTC, screen to apply the new settings on the camera
UTC+14:00-UTC+00:30 (in 30 min increments)] recorder and switch the recording format. A
(Default values: UTC-05:00 (U model), UTC (E “Please Wait...” message appears during
model)) switching.
Memo : 9 System
0 If [Date/Time] is already set, the [Date/Time]
For selecting a system definition.
item is automatically adjusted when [Time 0 HD:
Zone] is altered. Records in “HD” (high definition) quality
0 SD:
Reserved Records in “SD” (standard definition) quality
For setting the additional function to “On” or “Off”. 0 HD+SD a:
Records in “HD” (high definition) for slot A, and
9 Reserved 1 to Reserved 16 in “SD” (standard definition) for slot B.
Normally set to “Off”. 0 HD+Web a:
[Setting Values: On, ROff] Records in “HD” (high definition) for slot A, and
in low definition for slot B.
System Information [Setting Values: RHD, SD, HD+SD, HD+Web]
9 Version Caution :
0 The setting value options for each of the
Displays information on the firmware version.
following item vary depending on the setting of
this item.
a : [WFormat], [WResolution], [WFrame & Bit
b : [Format], [Resolution], [Frame & Bit Rate]

9 WFormat a, Format b 9 WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit Rate
For selecting the format of the file to be recorded to b
the SD card in slot A. For selecting the recording frame rate and encoding
a bit rate for the SD card inserted into slot A.
[Setting Values: RQuickTime(MPEG2), The selectable options vary according to the settings
MP4(MPEG2), MXF(MPEG2), AVCHD, of the following items.
QuickTime(H.264)] WResolution WFrame & Bit
b WFormat
a, Rate a,
[Setting Values: RQuickTime(MPEG2), a,
Resolution Frame & Bit Rate
MP4(MPEG2), AVCHD, QuickTime(H.264)] Format b
b b
Memo : 1920x1080 AVCHD [Setting Values:
0 When [System] is set to “HD” or “SD”, the 60p(HQ),
recording file format will be the same for both SD R60i(HQ) (*1),
cards in slots A and B. 50p(HQ),
0 When [System] is set to “SD”, this item is fixed R50i(HQ) (*2),
at “QuickTime(H.264)”. 60i(SP),
9 WResolution a, Resolution b QuickTime(H. [Setting Values:
For selecting the image size to be recorded to the 264) 60p(XHQ),
SD card in slot A. (Horizontal x vertical) 60i(XHQ),
The available options vary according to the 50p(XHQ),
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

[WFormat] a, [Format] b and [System] 50i(XHQ),

settings. 30p(XHQ),
0 When MP4(MPEG2) or QuickTime(MPEG2) is 25p(XHQ),
selected: 24p(XHQ),
[Setting Values: R1920x1080, 1440x1080, R60i(UHQ) (*1),
1280x720] R50i(UHQ) (*2),
0 When MXF(MPEG2) is selected a: 30p(UHQ),
[Setting Values: R1920x1080, 1440x1080, 25p(UHQ),
1280x720] 24p(UHQ)]
0 When AVCHD is selected: Other than [Setting Values:
[Setting Values: R1920x1080, 1440x1080] AVCHD and R60i(HQ) (*1),
0 When QuickTime(H.264) is selected: QuickTime(H. 30p(HQ),
Fixed at “1920x1080” 264) 24p(HQ),
R50i(HQ) (*2),
Memo : 25p(HQ)]
0 When [System] is set to “HD” or “SD”, the
1440x1080 AVCHD [Setting Values:
recording definition will be the same for both SD R60i(LP) (*1),
cards in slots A and B. R50i(LP) (*2),
0 When [System] is set to “SD”, this item is fixed 60i(EP), 50i(EP)]
as follows.
0 U model: Fixed at “720x480” Other than [Setting Values:
0 E model: Fixed at “720x576”
AVCHD R60i(HQ) (*1),
R50i(HQ) (*2),
0 The selectable values of [WFrame & Bit Rate] 60i(SP), 50i(SP)]
a or [Frame & Bit Rate] b vary according
1280x720 MXF(MPEG2) [Setting Values:
to the setting of this item. R60p(HQ) (*1),
R50p(HQ) (*2)]
Other than [Setting Values:
MXF(MPEG2) R60p(HQ) (*1),
a 30p(HQ),
R50p(HQ) (*2),
25p(HQ), 60p(SP),
MPEG2) b
*1 Default value for U model
*2 Default value for E model

Memo : 9 Y Frame & Bit Rate a
0 For details on the combinations of usable For selecting the frame rate and encoding bit rate
[Record Format], refer to the following. of the image to be recorded to the SD card in slot
(A P47 [List of Formats] ) B when [System] is set to “HD+Web” or “HD+SD”.
0 When [System] is set to “SD”, this item is fixed The available options vary according to the
as follows for the different models. [System] and [WFrame & Bit Rate] settings.
0 U model: “60i” 0 When HD+SD is selected:
0 E model: “50i” Fixed at “60i” (U model), “50i” (E model)
0 When [System] is set to “HD” or “SD”, the frame 0 When HD+Web ([YFormat] is set to “AVCHD”)
rate and encoding bit rate for recording to the SD is selected:
cards in slots A and B will be the same. 0 When [WFrame & Bit Rate] is set to “60i”:

“60i(EP)” or “60i(LP)”
9 Y Format a 0 When [WFrame & Bit Rate] is set to “50i”:

For selecting the format of the file to be recorded to “50i(EP)” or “50i(LP)”

the SD card in slot B when [System] is set to “HD 0 When HD+Web ([YFormat] is set to
+Web” or “HD+SD”. “QuickTime(H.264)”) is selected:
The selectable options vary as follows according Fixed at “30p”, “25p”, or “24p”
to the [System] setting. Memo :
0 When “HD+Web” is selected: 0 When [System] is set to “HD” or “SD”, this item
“QuickTime(H.264)” or “AVCHD” is fixed at the same value as [WFrame & Bit
0 When “HD+SD” is selected: Rate].

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

Fixed at “QuickTime(H.264)”
Memo : 9 SD Aspect
0 When “HD+Web” is selected, and [WFrame & For setting the aspect ratio of the recorded image
Bit Rate] is set to “30p”, “25p”, or “24p”, the when [System] is set to “HD+SD” or “SD”.
format is fixed at “QuickTime(H.264)”. [Setting Values: R16:9, 4:3]
Memo :
9 Y Resolution a 0 When [System] is set to “HD” or “HD+Web”, this
For selecting the size of the image to be recorded item is fixed at “16:9”.
to the SD card in slot B when [System] is set to “HD
+Web” or “HD+SD”. (Horizontal x vertical)
The available options vary as follows according to
the [System] and [YFormat] settings.
0 When HD+SD is selected:
“720x480” (U model), “720x576” (E model)
0 When [System] is set to “HD+Web”, and
[YFormat] to “QuickTime(H.264)”:
“960x540” or “480x270”
0 When [System] is set to “HD+Web”, and
[YFormat] to “AVCHD”:
Fixed at “1440x1080”
Memo :
0 When [System] is set to “HD” or “SD”, this item
is fixed at the same value as [WResolution].

Rec Mode 9 Pre Rec Time
0 For selecting the record mode for recording to For setting the pre-recording time when [Rec
the SD card. Mode] is set to “Pre Rec”.
(A P80 [Special Recording] ) [Setting Values: R5sec, 10sec, 15sec]
0 The selectable options vary according to the Memo :
[Record Format] menu settings.
0 When the frame rate setting in [Main Menu] B
No. of Frames for [System] B [Record Set] B [Record Format] B
Format Setting values
Frame & Bit Rate [Frame & Bit Rate] is set to “XHQ”, “15sec”
MP4 30p, 25p, 24p Normal, Pre cannot be selected.
(MPEG2) Rec, Clip
QuickTime Continuous, 9 Rec Frames
(MPEG2) Interval Rec, For setting the number of frames to record when
MXF Frame Rec, [Rec Mode] is set to “Frame Rec” or “Interval Rec”.
(MPEG2) Variable Frame
[Setting Values: R1frame, 3frames, 6frames]
a 60p, 60i, 50p, 50i Normal, Pre
Rec, Clip 9 Rec Interval
MP4 Continuous,
(MPEG2) For setting the recording time interval when [Rec
Interval Rec, Mode] is set to “Interval Rec”.
QuickTime Frame Rec
(MPEG2) [Setting Values: R1sec, 2sec, 5sec, 10sec, 30sec,
b 1min, 2min, 5min, 10min, 30min, 1hour]
AVCHD 60p, 60i, 50p, 50i Normal, Pre
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

9 Variable Frame Rate

Rec, Clip
Continuous, For setting the frame rate during recording when
Interval Rec, [Rec Mode] is set to “Variable Frame”.
Frame Rec The available options vary according to the settings
for [Record Format] B [WResolution]/
QuickTime 60p, 60i, 50p, 50i Normal, Pre
(H.264) Rec, Clip [YResolution] and [WFrame & Bit Rate]/[YFrame
Continuous, & Bit Rate].
Interval Rec, (A P84 [Variable Frame Rec] )
Frame Rec
Slot Mode
30p, 25p, 24p Normal, Pre
Rec, Clip For setting the operation of the card slot.
Continuous, 0 Series:
Interval Rec, Mode that activates the two slots sequentially.
Frame Rec, 0 Dual:
Variable Frame Mode that activates the two slots at the same
Memo :
(A P76 [Dual Rec] )
0 When [Slot Mode] is set to “Backup”, this item is 0 Backup:
fixed at “Normal”. Mode that enables recording to slot B without
0 [Variable Frame Rate] is enabled when using the [REC] button. This item is selectable
[WResolution]/[YResolution] is set to only when [Rec Mode] is set to “Normal”.
“1920x1080” or “1280x720”, and [WFrame & Bit Start or stop the recording using the [Backup
Rate]/[YFrame & Bit Rate] is set to “30p”, “25p” Rec] menu or press the [USER1] to [USER7],
or “24p”. [LCD KEY▲], [LCD KEY▶], [LCD KEY▼], [LCD
KEY◀] button that is assigned with “Backup
(A P78 [Backup Rec] )

Memo : Recording in DCIM Folder
0 When this is set to “Series”, and recordable When “On” is selected, files are recorded to the
media are inserted in both slots, pressing the DCIM folder of the SD card during MOV recording.
[REC] button starts recording only to the card in [Setting Values: ROn, Off]
the selected slot (active slot).
0 When “Series” is selected, and [Record Memo :
Format] B [WFormat] is set to “AVCHD”, the
0 When “Off” is selected, folders containing
clips are recorded over the slots seamlessly recorded clips may not be detectable in the MAC
without interruption in the video. OS environment.
0 When this is set to “Dual”, and recordable media 0 To import clips to a Blu-ray disc & HDD recorder
produced by our company, set this item to “Off”
are inserted in both slots, pressing the [REC]
before recording.
button starts simultaneous recording to the
cards in both slots.
LPCM (QuickTime)
9 Backup Rec For setting the audio recording format of
For starting/stopping backup recording with [REC]/ QuickTime.
[STBY]. [Setting Values: Dual Mono, RStereo]
This item is selectable only when [Slot Mode] is set Memo :
to “Backup”. 0 If the definition of the recorded video is Web,
Memo : recording is performed in “Stereo” regardless of
0 When recording is stopped due to no remaining the setting selected. a

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

space on the media, etc., this item is fixed at
“STOP” and cannot be selected. Time Stamp
For setting whether to display shooting date/time
4GB File Spanning(SDXC) information in the recorded video.
A recording file is automatically split when the size [Setting Values: On, ROff]
exceeds 4 GB, but if an SDXC card is used, you Memo :
can record clips larger than 4 GB by setting this 0 The date/time display style can be changed in
option to “Off”. (Up to a maximum of 64 GB or 4 [LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [Date Style]/
hours) [Time Style].
0 On: (A P111 [ Date Style ] )
Splits a file when it exceeds 4 GB or 30 minutes. (A P111 [ Time Style ] )
0 Off: 0 When the date/time is hidden while the menu
Splits a file when it exceeds 64 GB or 4 hours. screen, status screen or other screen is
[Setting Values: ROn, Off] displayed, the date/time during this period will
Memo : not be recorded to the video. A confirmation
0 To use an SDHC card, set [4GB File screen appears if you try to display the menu
Spanning(SDXC)] to “On”. screen or status screen during recording.
0 This option is only valid if the SD card used for 0 When [System] is set to “HD+Web” or “HD+SD”,
recording is of the SDXC format. the shooting date/time information cannot be
0 During simultaneous recording, such as Dual recorded to the image to be recorded in slot B.
Rec and backup recording, this option is valid a
only when the SD cards in both slots are of the
SDXC format.
0 This option is valid only when [Record Format]
B [WFormat]/[YFormat] is set to
“QuickTime(MPEG2)”, “MXF(MPEG2)”, or
(A P118 [WFormat a, Format b] )
(A P119 [ Y Format a ] )

Clip Set Network/Settings Item a
9 Clip Name Prefix For specifying network-related settings.
The display of the software keyboard for input
For setting the first four characters of the name of varies according to the item you are setting.
the clip file to be recorded to the SD card. (A P96 [Text Input with Software Keyboard] )
Enter any of the 38 characters including alphabets
(upper case), numbers (0 to 9), “_” (underscore), Web
and “-” (hyphen) using the software keyboard.
(A P96 [Text Input with Software Keyboard] ) For setting the functions that make use of the web
[Setting Values: xxxG] (The default value of xxx is browser.
the last three digits of the serial number.) 9 Web Access
Memo : To access via a web browser, set to “On”.
0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set] [Setting Values: ROn, Off]
B [Record Format] B [WFormat] is set to
“AVCHD”, this setting is not reflected in the file 9 Camera Name
name of the clip. For setting the name displayed on the web
However, it is recorded as the display name of browser. Enter not more than 8 characters using
the clip in the thumbnail display. the software keyboard.
0 “-” (hyphen) in the [Clip Name Prefix] will be (Default value: HM660)
replaced with “_” (underscore) only when 9 Login Name (Fixed)
recording clips to the DCIM folder.
The login name is fixed as “prohd”. It cannot be
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

9 Reset Clip Number changed.

For assigning a new number (Clip Number) by 9 Change Password
resetting it (0001). Changes the password for accessing via a web
Select [Reset] and press the Set button (R) to reset browser.
the number. The current password is displayed. Enter a new
When [WFormat] is set to “AVCHD”, the clip password directly.
number is reset to “00000”. Enter not more than 31 characters using the
When other clips exist on the SD card, the smallest software keyboard.
available number is used after reset.
0 Example: Live Streaming Set
If the [Clip Name Prefix] is “ABCD”, and For specifying settings for distributing live video
“ABCD0001” already exists on the SD card, images.
“ABCD0002” will be assigned.
Memo :
Clear Planning Metadata 0 The settings cannot be changed during live
Erases the planning metadata downloaded from 0 Users cannot access this menu in the following
the FTP server. cases.
0 When [Record Format] B [System] is set to

“HD+SD” or “HD+Web”
0 When [Record Format] B [Frame & Bit

Rate] is set to “24p”, “50p” or “60p”

(*“50p” and “60p” are for 1920x1080

9 Live Streaming o Destination Address
For setting details such as the host name and
Starts live distribution when “On” is selected. the IP address of the live distribution destination.
[Setting Values: On, ROff]
* Enter not more than 127 characters using single-
Memo : byte alphanumeric characters (a to z, 0 to 9),
0 “On” cannot be selected if network connection single-byte hyphen [-], or dot [.].
is not established. o Destination URL
0 “On” cannot be selected when FTP is running. For entering the URL of the live distribution
0 Live streaming switches to “Off” when the power destination beginning with “rtmp://”.
is turned off. There is no default value (blank).
9 Server * You can enter up to 191 characters and ASCII
For selecting the server for live streaming.
o Destination Port
[Setting Values: RServer1, Server2, Server3,
Enter the network port number of the live
distribution destination using an integer
Memo : between 1 and 65535.
0 The setting cannot be changed during live When [Type] is set to “MPEG2-TS/UDP”,
streaming (Live Streaming set to “On”). “MPEG2-TS/TCP” or “MPEG2-TS/RTP”, the
default value is “6504”. If “ZIXI” is set, the default
9 Streaming Server value is “2088”.
For setting the server for live streaming. Memo :

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

Memo : 0 When [Type] is set to “MPEG2-TS/RTP”, only
0 The setting cannot be changed during live even numbers from 2 to 65530 can be specified
streaming (Live Streaming set to “On”). for the port number.
0 When [Type] is set to “MPEG2-TS/RTP” and
9 Server1/Server2/Server3/Server4 [SMPTE 2022-1 FEC] is set to “On”, N+2 and N
o Alias +4 port numbers are also used in addition to the
For setting a name to distinguish the settings of specified port number (N).
this camera recorder.
The name set in this item will be displayed in the o Stream ID
[Server] options. For setting the registered stream ID of the live
distribution destination.
* The default value is “Server1/Server2/Server3/ The default value varies with the product model.
* Enter not more than 63 characters.
* You can enter up to 31 characters and ASCII o Stream Key
characters. Enter the stream key specified at the live
o Type transmission destination.
For setting the system to transfer videos for There is no default value (blank).
distribution. * Enter not more than 63 characters.
[Setting Values: RMPEG2-TS/UDP, MPEG2-
RTMP] For setting the [Stream ID] password.
There is no default value (blank).
Memo :
0 Use reception devices that are compatible with * Enter not more than 127 characters. When [Type]
the respective transfer systems. is set to “RTSP/RTP”, enter not more than 31
0 To use the “ZIXI” setting, a dedicated server is characters.
needed separately. o Latency
0 The following items that can be set vary For setting the latency mode.
depending on the setting of this item. [Setting Values: High, Medium, RLow,
Minimun(ZIXI Off)]

o Adaptive Bit Rate 9 Resolution
If “On” is selected, the bit rate setting value of
For setting the resolution of the video image during
live streaming is set to maximum limit, and the
live distribution.
bit rate is changed automatically according to
The camera recorder restarts when the setting is
changes in the network bandwidth.
changed. “Please Wait...” will be displayed.
[Setting Values: On, ROff]
The available options vary according to the settings
Memo : for [WResolution] and [WFrame & Bit Rate] under
0 [Adaptive Bit Rate] is selectable when [Type] is [Record Format].
set to “ZIXI” and [Latency] is set to a value other
No. of
than “Minimun(ZIXI Off)”. Setting values
Frames for
W Resolution
* bit rate is displayed on the status screen only WFrame & (R: default value)
when “On” is set. Bit Rate
1920x1080, 60i, 30p R1920x1080 (*1),
o PCR Jitter 1440x1080 1280x720,
Setting to “Low” reduces to PCR jitter of live 720x480,
streaming. 640x360
[Setting Values: Low, RNormal] 50i, 25p R1920x1080 (*2),
Memo : 1280x720,
0 This item is selectable only when [Type] is set to 720x576,
“MPEG2-TS/UDP”. 640x360
1280x720 60p, 30p 1280x720,
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

o SMPTE 2022-1 FEC 720x480,

Set to “On” to use FEC (Forward Error 640x360
Correction). 50p, 25p 1280x720,
A transmission system that recovers the missing 720x576,
packets in the decoding process without having 640x360
to retransmit the missing packets. 720x480 60i 720x480,
[Setting Values: On, ROff] (U model) 640x360
* The decoder must be compatible with SMPTE 720x576 50i 720x576,
2022-1. (E model) 640x360
o FEC Matrix *1 Default value for U model
For setting the amount of FEC (Forward Error *2 Default value for E model
Correction) overhead for configuring
SMPTE2022-1. Memo :
(A P177 [Setting the FEC Matrix] ) 0 The settings cannot be changed during live
streaming or recording.
Memo : 0 The Aspect Ratio for the live streaming image is
0 This item is selectable only when [SMPTE fixed to “16:9”.
2022-1 FEC] is set to “On”.
9 Frame & Bit Rate
For setting the frame rate and encoding bit rate of
the video image during live distribution.
The available options vary according to the settings
for [Resolution] above, as well as [WFrame & Bit
Rate] under [Record Format].

No. of Frames for Connection Setup
Setting values
WFrame & Bit Resolution For specifying the settings for connecting to the
(R: default value)
Rate network.
60p, 60i, 30p 1920x1080 60i (12.0 M), A [Wizard] screen will appear according to the
R 60i (8.0 M) (*1), adapter connected to the rear [HOST] terminal.
60i (5.0 M), Follow the instructions to perform the setting.
60i (3.0 M) You can Load, Store, and Delete the settings
1280x720 30p (8.0 M), specified on the [Wizard] screen.
30p (5.0 M),
30p (3.0 M), 9 Wizard
30p (1.5 M) A [Wizard] screen appears according to the type of
720x480 60i (8.0 M), adapter that is connected to the rear [HOST]
60i (5.0 M), terminal.
60i (3.0 M), Follow the instructions.
60i (1.5 M),
9 Load
60i (0.8 M),
60i (0.3 M) Loads the settings on the [Wizard] screen.
640x360 30p (3.0 M), (A P174 [Reading the Connection Settings
30p (1.5 M), File] )
30p (0.8 M), 9 Store
30p (0.3 M)
50p, 50i, 25p 1920x1080 50i (12.0 M), Saves the settings on the [Wizard] screen.

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

R 50i (8.0 M) (*2), (A P173 [Saving the Connection Settings File] )
50i (5.0 M), 9 Delete
50i (3.0 M)
Deletes the saved settings.
1280x720 25p (8.0 M),
(A P174 [Deleting Connection Settings] )
25p (5.0 M),
25p (3.0 M), 9 APN
25p (1.5 M)
For specifying APN (Access Point Name).
720x576 50i (8.0 M),
50i (5.0 M), * This item is grayed out and cannot be selected if
50i (3.0 M), APN cannot be set for the adapter attached.
50i (1.5 M), Caution :
50i (0.8 M), 0 The APN setting is written into the cellular
50i (0.3 M) adapter, not this camera recorder.
640x360 25p (3.0 M), Setting a wrong APN may result in
25p (1.5 M), communication failure or expensive bills from
25p (0.8 M), the telecommunications company. Set the APN
25p (0.3 M) correctly.
(A P152 [Connecting via Cellular Adapter] )
*1 Default value for U model
*2 Default value for E model
Metadata Server
Memo :
0 The settings cannot be changed during live For registering the FTP server for importing the
streaming. metadata and the path of the file to be imported.
0 An encoding bit rate exceeding 5.0 Mbps cannot Up to 4 settings can be registered.
be selected when [Type] is set to “MPEG2-
0 An encoding bit rate exceeding 5.0 Mbps cannot
be selected when [Type] is set to “ZIXI” and
[Latency] is set to other than “Low”.
0 An encoding bit rate exceeding 3.0 Mbps cannot
be selected when [Type] is set to “ZIXI” and
[Latency] is set to “Low”, or when [Type] is set to

9 Meta-FTP1 to Meta-FTP4 o PASV Mode
(The name specified in the respective For setting whether to set the communication mode
[Alias] items is displayed) used for file transfer to the passive mode.
Set to “On” if the camera is inside a firewall, and a
o Alias
connection from the FTP server to the camera
For setting a name to distinguish the settings of this cannot be established.
camera recorder. [Setting Values: On, ROff]
The name set in this item will be displayed in the
[Import Metadata] options. Memo :
0 When [Protocol] is set to “SFTP”, this item
* Enter not more than 31 characters.
appears as “---” and cannot be selected.
o Protocol
For setting the protocol of the FTP server to be
connected. Clip Server
0 FTP: For setting the server and directory for uploading
Protocol that does not encrypt the incoming and recorded clips in the SD card to the FTP server.
outgoing data.
0 SFTP: 9 Clip-FTP1 to Clip-FTP4
Protocol that encrypts incoming and outgoing (The name specified in the respective
data using SSH. [Alias] items is displayed)
0 FTPS: o Alias
Protocol that encrypts incoming and outgoing For setting a name to distinguish the settings of this
data using SSL or TLS. It uses an implicit mode camera recorder.
(starts encrypted communication once
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

The name set in this item will appear on the [FTP

connection starts). Upload] action screen of the thumbnail display.
Protocol that encrypts incoming and outgoing * Enter not more than 31 characters.
data using SSL or TLS. It uses an explicit mode o Protocol
(starts encrypted communication after For setting the protocol of the FTP server to be
permission is granted). connected.
[Setting Values: RFTP, SFTP, FTPS, FTPES] 0 FTP:
o Server Protocol that does not encrypt the incoming and
For setting the server name (“”, etc.) outgoing data.
or the IP address (“”, etc.) of the FTP 0 SFTP:
server. Protocol that encrypts incoming and outgoing
* Enter not more than 127 characters using single- data using SSH.
byte alphanumeric characters (a to z, 0 to 9),
single-byte hyphen [-], or dot [.]. Protocol that encrypts incoming and outgoing
data using SSL or TLS. It uses an implicit mode
o Port (starts encrypted communication once
Enter the FTP server port number to use using an connection starts).
integer between 1 and 65535. 0 FTPES:
The default value varies with the Protocol setting. Protocol that encrypts incoming and outgoing
(FTP: 21, SFTP: 22, FTPS: 990, FTPES: 21) data using SSL or TLS. It uses an explicit mode
o File Path (starts encrypted communication after
Enter the path name for the metadata file (“/pub/ permission is granted).
meta.xml”, “/home/user/meta2.xml”, etc.) 0 ZIXI:
Enables stable transmission by reducing jitter
* Enter not more than 127 characters. and packet loss significantly through
o Username communicating via a relay server.
Enter the user name for connecting to the FTP [Setting Values: RFTP, SFTP, FTPS, FTPES, ZIXI]
server. Memo :
* Enter not more than 31 characters. 0 To use the “ZIXI” setting, a dedicated server is
o Password needed separately.
Enter the password for connecting to the FTP 0 If “ZIXI” is set, the resume function is enabled.
* Enter not more than 31 characters.

o Server
For setting the server name (“”, etc.)
or the IP address (“”, etc.) of the FTP Frequently Used Menu
* Enter not more than 127 characters using single-
Items (Favorites Menu)
byte alphanumeric characters (a to z, 0 to 9),
single-byte hyphen [-], or dot [.]. You can select and add/edit frequently used menu
items freely to create a personal menu screen
o Port (Favorites Menu).
Enter the FTP server port number to use using an
integer between 1 and 65535. Memo :
The default value varies with the Protocol setting. 0 [Favorites Menu] is only enabled in the Camera
(FTP: 21, SFTP: 22, FTPS: 990, FTPES: 21, ZIXI: mode. [Favorites Menu] remains unchanged
2088) even when the recording format changes.
o Dir. Path 0 Up to 20 menu items can be added.
Enter the path name for the directory to upload to 0 Added items in [Favorites Menu] will not be reset
(“/pub”, “/home/user”, etc.) even when [Main Menu] B [Reset All] is
* Enter not more than 127 characters. executed.
0 Long descriptive names may be displayed for
o Username
the menu items in [Favorites Menu] to enable
Enter the user name for connecting to the FTP
better understanding.
* Enter not more than 31 characters.

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

o Stream ID
For setting the registered stream ID of the upload DISPLAY

The default value varies with the product model.
* Enter not more than 63 characters.

o Password
Enter the password for connecting to the FTP
* Enter not more than 31 characters. When
[Protocol] is set to “ZIXI”, enter not more than 127
characters. MENU/THUMB

o PASV Mode
For setting whether to set the communication mode FOCUS ASSIST/1 OIS / 2
used for file transfer to the passive mode.
Set to “On” if the camera is inside a firewall, and a CANCEL

connection from the FTP server to the camera

cannot be established. .
[Setting Values: On, ROff]
Memo :
0 When [Protocol] is set to “SFTP” or “ZIXI”, this
item appears as “---” and cannot be selected.

Reset Network
Restores all items in the [Network] menu to their
default settings.

Adding Menu Items to Favorites Menu Editing Favorites Menu
1 Press the [MENU/THUMB] button to open You can delete or change the order of the items
the [Main Menu] screen. added to [Favorites Menu].
2 Select the menu or submenu item to add. Deleting Items from [Favorites Menu]
1 Open the [Favorites Menu] screen.
A Press the [MENU/THUMB] button to open
2 the [Main Menu] screen.
B Press the [DISPLAY] button or press and
hold down the [MENU/THUMB] button to
open the [Favorites Menu] screen.
2 Select [Edit Favorites] and press the Set
button (R) or crossed-shaped button (I).
The header turns magenta and the editing

Memo : mode is activated.

0 Adding items to [Favorites Menu] cannot be
performed in the following cases. [USER1 Add]
is displayed in gray in the operation guide.
0 Selected item is already added to [Favorites

Menu Display and Detailed Settings

0 Number of menu items that can be added (20

items) is exceeded. 2
3 Press the [FOCUS ASSIST/1] button.
A screen to confirm the addition appears.
4 Select [Add] and press the Set button (R).
The selected menu item is added to [Favorites Header
Menu]. (Magenta)

4 .

3 Select the menu or submenu item to delete.

Changing the Order of Items in [Favorites
4 Press the [OIS/2] button.
A delete mark (b) appears at the beginning of
the menu item.




0 When the [OIS/2] button is pressed again while

the menu item with the delete mark (b) is FOCUS ASSIST/1 OIS / 2

selected, the menu item will be excluded from

the items to be deleted and the delete mark (b)


Menu Display and Detailed Settings

5 Press the [FOCUS ASSIST/1] button. 1 Open the [Favorites Menu] screen.
The option menu to exit the [Favorites Menu] Press the [MENU/THUMB] button to open the
editing mode appears. [Favorites Menu] screen.
6 Select [Save & Exit] and press the Set 2 Select [Edit Favorites] and press the Set
button (R). button (R) or crossed-shaped button (I).
The header turns magenta and the editing
mode is activated.


Memo :
0 Deletion is not complete until the changes are
saved with [Save & Exit]. Header
0 To exit the editing mode without deleting any (Magenta)
items, select [Exit without Saving].
0 To return to the editing mode, select [Cancel].

3 Select the menu or submenu item to move 6 Press the [FOCUS ASSIST/1] button.
and press the Set button (R). The option menu to exit the [Favorites Menu]
The moving mode is activated and a position editing mode appears.
selection bar for the move appears. 7 Select [Save & Exit] and press the Set
button (R).

3 7

Memo :
0 Moving is not complete until the changes are
saved with [Save & Exit].
Position 0 To exit the editing mode without saving any
Selection Bar changes, select [Exit without Saving].
Menu Display and Detailed Settings

0 To return to the editing mode, select [Cancel].


4 Select the position to move to with the

cross-shaped button (JK).
Move the position selection bar with the cross-
shaped button (JK) and select a position to
move to.
5 Press the Set button (R).
The selected item moves to the new position.

Display Screen in Camera B Voltage/Battery Power
Displays the current status of the power supply
Mode in use.
(A P30 [Power Status Display] )
Display 0 screen Memo :
0 Displayed in the Display 0 and Display 1 screens
This screen displays the event. It is also used to during warnings only.
display warnings only.
C Remaining Space on Media
g f cb a e Displays the remaining recording time of the SD
282min X cards in slot A and slot B separately.
※1 100min
50min ※2 W : Currently selected slot. (White card)
W z : Write-protect switch of SD card is set.
: SD card cannot be read or
12 . 5/ 30f ps
written to, or restored.
ND 1 /64 W!FORMAT : SD card requires
0 AE+6

P 13000K
1/ 100 W!RESTORE : SD card requires restoring.
HI J 0 When Record Set is set to other than

*1 Appears only during warnings “AVCHD”/“SD”/“Web” with a Class 4 SD card

*2 Appears only during operation inserted.
0 When the SD card is not supported.
0 When an SD card lower than Class 10 is
Display 1 screen
inserted while in the XHQ mode.
g f cba e Z Y W!REC INH :

Display/Status Screen
0 When attempting to record in 50i(HQ)/
282min 00: 00: 00.00 X
※ 100min
50i(SP) to an SD card recorded in
AVCHD60i(HQ)/60i(SP) (or vice versa).
A Jan 12,2016
12 :34 :56 0 When an SDHC card is inserted while [4GB
D 12 . 5/ 30f ps
S File Spanning(SDXC)] is set to “Off”.
5 . 6f t R (A P121 [ 4GB File Spanning(SDXC) ] )
The following icons are displayed during FTP
ND 1 /64
0 AE+6 P
0dB O upload. a
G F1.6
(A P155 [Uploading a Recorded Video Clip
4030 20 10 0
P13000K 1/ 100

HI J K L T M N a] )
* Appears only during warnings Icon Status
FTP transfer is in progress.
Display 2 screen Three images are alternately
displayed, and the arrows

g A d f cb a e Z Y become animated. In this case,

B 282min 00: 00: 00.00 X instead of the recordable time of
C 100min
50min W the SD card, an estimated value
Jan 12,2016
V of the remaining transfer time is
12 :34 :56

12 . 5/ 30f ps
Error has occurred during FTP
30p HQ S
5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64 Q transfer.

0 AE+6
0dB O
G 4030 20 10 0
1/ 100

A OK Mark
Displayed when OK mark has been appended.
(A P90 [Appending/Deleting OK Mark] )

Memo : 0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
0 This item is not displayed when [Main Menu] B Set] B [Rec Mode] is set to “Frame Rec”,
[LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [Media “Interval Rec”, or “Variable Frame”, audio
Remain] is set to “Off”. However, warnings will cannot be recorded and is indicated by the
x mark.
be displayed.
(A P110 [ Media Remain ] )
0 Displayed on the Display 0 and Display 1 4030 20 10 0
screens only in the case of warnings. (When the
remaining time is shorter than 3 minutes)

The icons appear on all display screens in the Memo :

following cases. 0 This item is not displayed when [Main Menu] B
0 When recording is performed to only one of [LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [Audio Meter]
the slots while [Main Menu] B [System] B is set to “Off”.
[Record Set] B [Slot Mode] is set to “Dual”. (A P111 [ Audio Meter ] )
(A P120 [ Slot Mode ] )
0 When recording is performed to only one of
H GPS Mark a
the slots while [Main Menu] B [System] B When [Main Menu] B [System] B [GPS] is set
[Record Set] B [Record Format] B [System] to “On”, the signal reception status is displayed.
is set to “HD+SD” or “HD+Web”. a (A P116 [ GPS a ] )
(A P117 [ System ] ) Memo :
0 The displayed time is an estimate. 0 The display changes according to the signal
reception sensitivity. If signals cannot be
D Variable Frame Rate received, the H mark appears in yellow.
Displayed as xx/yy fps (xx: recording frame rate, 0 This item is not displayed when [GPS] is set to
yy: playback frame rate) only when [Rec Mode] “Off”.
Display/Status Screen

is set to “Variable Frame”.

(A P120 [ Rec Mode ] ) I Volume Operation Indicator
E Resolution Displayed when there are changes made to the
Displays the video image resolution. volume of the headphone, speaker (0 to 15),
and the values of LCD BRIGHT, PEAKING (-10
Memo : to +10).
0 This item is not displayed when [Main Menu] B
[LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [Record 0
Format] is set to “Off”. 12
(A P110 [ Record Format ] ) LCD BRIGHT -10
F Frame Rate/Bit Rate PEAKING 0
Displays the frame rate and bit rate in pairs.

Memo :
Memo : 0 There is no audio output from the speaker in
0 This item is not displayed when [Main Menu] B Camera mode.
[LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [Record
J Flash Band Correction Mark
Format] is set to “Off”.
This item is displayed when [Main Menu] B
(A P110 [ Record Format ] )
[Camera Function] B [Flash Band Correction] is
G Audio Level Meter set to “On”.
0 Displays the audio levels of CH1 and CH2. (A P98 [ Flash Band Correction ] )
0 a appears on the screen when in the Auto K Image Stabilizer Mark
mode. Displayed when the image stabilizer is ON.
i : When [Level] of [OIS] is set to
4030 20 10 0
. j : When [Level] of [OIS] is set to

Memo : P AE Level
0 If image stabilizer is set to “OFF” when the 0 Appears when the AE function is activated,
and [Main Menu] B [Camera Function] B
Display 0 screen is displayed, h appears for 3
[AE Level] is set to a value other than
0 Displayed in the Display 0 screen only when “Normal”.
there is a change. (A P98 [ AE Level ] )
0 When operated while manual operation is
L White Balance Mode disabled, “AE” blinks for about 5 seconds.
Displays the current white balance mode. 0 When face detection is enabled and [Face
(*****K indicates color temperature) Detect] is set to “AF&AE”, q appears on the
A<*****K> : When the white balance is set to left side of “AE”.
Auto A. (A P52 [Adjusting the Focusing by Face
B<*****K> : When the white balance is set to Detection] )
Auto B.
Q ND Filter Position
P<*****K> : When the white balance is set to
Preset. Displays the current ND filter position.
a <FAW> : During Full Auto White Balance Memo :
mode. 0 This item is not displayed when [Main Menu] B
Z <FAW> : When [AE LOCK] is set to “On” [LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [ND Filter] is
during Full Auto White Balance set to “Off”.
mode. (A P110 [ ND Filter ] )
Memo : 0 Displayed in the Display 0 screen only when
0 Displayed in the Display 0 screen only when there is a change.
there is a change.
R Focus Display
M Shutter 0 Displays the approximate distance to the

Display/Status Screen
0 The current shutter speed is displayed when subject in focus during manual focus.
the shutter is set to “On”. 0 e is displayed during Auto Focus.
(A P98 [ Shutter ] ) 0 When face detection is enabled, q appears
0 a is displayed when the [FULL AUTO] switch on the left side of e.
is set to “ON” to enable Full Auto shooting (A P52 [Adjusting the Focusing by Face
mode, or when the [SHUTTER] button is Detection] )
(A P101 [ Face Detect ] )
pressed to enable automatic shutter mode.
0 If [Main Menu] B [Camera Function] B [AF
Memo : Assist] is set to “Area”, the icon appears
0 The variable range of the shutter speed varies
on the left side of e.
according to the video format settings.
(A P99 [ AF Assist ] )
(A P56 [Setting the Electronic Shutter] )
0 Displayed in the Display 0 screen only when Memo :
there is a change. 0 You can specify the display method (Feet/
0 If the shutter speed is not displayed, the shutter Meter) in [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [Display
is OFF. Settings] B [Focus].
N Iris F-Number This item will not be displayed when “Off” is
Displays F-number of the lens iris. selected.
(A P110 [ Focus ] )
O Gain 0 Displayed in the Display 0 screen only when
0 Displays the gain value. there is a change.
0 a is displayed in AGC mode during Manual
shooting. S Zebra pattern
0 Z is displayed when AE LOCK is set to “ON”. During zebra pattern display, (zebra icon)
0 “LUX30” or “LUX36” is displayed when in the is displayed on the display screen in Camera
low-light shooting mode. mode.
Memo : (A P71 [Setting Zebra Pattern] )
0 Displayed in the Display 0 screen only when
there is a change.

T Focus Assist Memo :
0 “FOCUS” is displayed when auto focus is 0 You can specify the display method (Number/
activated. Bar) in [LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B “Zoom”.
0 When ACCU-Focus is enabled, “ACCU-
This item will not be displayed when “Off” is
FOCUS” blinks for about 10 seconds while
Focus Assist starts up, after which the (A P110 [ Zoom ] )
“FOCUS” indicator lights up. 0 Displayed in the Display 0 screen only when
0 If recording starts while [ACCU-Focus] is there is a change.
active, [ACCU-Focus] will be forcibly
deactivated. X Network Connection Icon a
(A P108 [ Focus Assist ] ) When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network] is
Memo : set to “On(SDI Off)” or “On(HDMI Off)”, the
0 Displayed in the Display 0 screen only when network connection status is displayed.
there is a change. This icon is not displayed when “Off” is selected.
(A P116 [ Network a ] )
U Luminance Information
Displayed when the Spot Meter function is Icon Status
activated. Connection is not established
(A P72 [Setting Spot Meter] ) (starting up, preparing for

MAX : Maximum luminance (Blink)

MIN : Minimum luminance Connection is not established
V Date/Time Display (preparing for connection)
Displays the current date and time.

Memo : Connection is established
0 The date/time display style can be specified in
Display/Status Screen

[Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B


When a USB adapter different

[Date Style]/[Time Style].
from the connection settings is
(A P111 [ Date Style ] ) .

(A P111 [ Time Style ] )
(No display) When an incompatible USB
0 This item is not displayed when [Main Menu] B
adapter is detected, or when
[LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [Date/Time] is [Network] is set to “Off”
set to “Off”.
(A P111 [ Date/Time ] ) Memo :
0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record Set] 0 When a cellular adapter that supports LTE
B [Time Stamp] is set to “On”, this item is not connection display is in use, “LTE” will appear to
displayed. the left of the above icon when LTE connection
(A P121 [ Time Stamp ] ) is detected.
Y Time Code (I)/User’s Bit (J) Display
W Zoom Display
0 Displays the zoom position. (Zoom bar or 0 Displays the time code (hour: minute:
second: frame) or user’s bit data recorded in
0 The zoom bar will only be displayed for 3 the SD card being played back.
0 Example of time code display:
seconds after the zoom operation is
activated. 00:00:00:00
0 The value will always be displayed. (0 to 99)

* Colon (:) denotes non-drop frames and dot (.)

denotes drop frames.

0 Example of user’s bit display:

F F E E D D 20

Memo : RRECC : Clip Continuous Rec recording
0 You can specify whether to display the time (A P80 [Clip Continuous Rec] )
code, user’s bit, or turn off the display in STBYC : Clip Continuous Rec recording
[LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [TC/UB]. (displayed in pause
This item will not be displayed when “Off” is yellow)
(A P80 [Clip Continuous Rec] )
(A P111 [ TC/UB ] ) STBY N : Interval Rec recording standby
(A P83 [Interval Rec] )
Z Time Code Lock Indicator STBYN : Interval recording pause
When the built-in time code generator is (displayed in
synchronized to the external time code data red)
input during the synchronization of time code RRECN : Interval Rec recording
with another camera recorder, Z lights up. (A P83 [Interval Rec] )
(A P70 [Synchronizing Time Code on Another STBY M : Frame Rec recording standby
Camera] ) (A P82 [Frame Rec] )
a Live streaming mark a RRECM : Frame Rec recording
When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]/ (A P82 [Frame Rec] )
[Settings] B [Live Streaming Set] B [Live STBYM : Frame Rec recording pause
(displayed in
Streaming] is set to “On”, the distribution status
is displayed. (A P82 [Frame Rec] )
(A P123 [ Live Streaming ] ) STOP : Unable to record to the card in
Icon Status the slot
Distribution in progress (good P.OFF : Power OFF
connection quality) d Dual Rec/Backup Rec Display
“DUAL” is displayed in the Dual Rec mode and

Display/Status Screen

“BACKUP” is displayed in the Backup Rec
Distribution in progress (poor
connection quality) mode.

(A P120 [ Slot Mode ] )

Memo :
Connection pending or
connection failed
0 This item is not displayed when [Slot Mode] is
set to “Series”.
0 This item is not displayed when [Main Menu] B

b Event/Warning Display Area [LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [Media
Displays error messages. Remain] is set to “Off”. However, warnings will
(A P178 [Error Messages and Actions] ) be displayed.
(A P110 [ Media Remain ] )
c Media Status
0 Displayed in the Display 0 and Display 1 screens
---- : No card found in the selected
during warnings only. (When the remaining time
is shorter than 3 minutes)
STBY : Recording standby
RREC : Recording e Record Trigger
REVIEW : Clip Review STBY B : When [Rec Trigger] is set to “On”
(A P74 [Viewing Recorded Videos Immediately and recording is stopped
(Clip Review)] ) REC B : When [Rec Trigger] is set to “On”
STBY P : Pre Rec recording standby and recording is in progress
(A P80 [Pre Rec] )
f Expanded focus
RRECP : Pre Rec recording
“EXPANDED” (yellow) is displayed during
(A P80 [Pre Rec] )
expanded focus.
STBY C : Clip Continuous Rec recording
standby g Operation lock
(A P80 [Clip Continuous Rec] ) The r icon appears during operation lock.
(A P44 [Operation Lock Feature] )

Display Screen in Media A Media
0 Displays the media slot (A or B) of the
Mode currently played clip.
0 z appears when the write-protect switch of
the SD card is set.
Media Display 0 Screen
B Voltage/Battery Power
This screen displays the media status or event. It Displays the current status of the power supply
is also used to display warnings only. in use.
(A P30 [Power Status Display] )
Memo :
※ 282min 1000/2000
K 0 Displayed in the Media Display 0 screen during
warnings only.
C Resolution
Displays the video image resolution.
D Frame Rate/Bit Rate
Displays the frame rate and bit rate in pairs.
E Operation Guide
G I Displays a guide for the current operation

* Appears only during warnings F Audio Level Meter
Displays the audio levels of CH1 and CH2.
Media Display 1 Screen

A Q PO N M L 4030 20 10 0
Display/Status Screen

282min 1000/2000 00: 00: 00.00



60 i HQ
Memo :
Jan 12,2016
12 :34 :56 0 This item is not displayed when [Main Menu] B
[LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [Audio Meter]
is set to “Off”.
0 (A P111 [ Audio Meter ] )
F 4030 20 10 0
G Volume Operation Indicator
G I Displayed when there are changes made to the
volume of the headphone, speaker (0 to 15),
and the value of LCD BRIGHT (-10 to +10).
Media Display 2 Screen (A P132 [Volume Operation Indicator] )
A Q PO N M L H Position bar
B Displays the current position in the video.
During trimming, the position bar appears in
282min 1000/2000 00: 00: 00.00
C 1920x1080 K
60 i HQ green, and icons for the in and out points are
J displayed.
Jan 12,2016
12 :34 :56
6 : Current position of the video
E 7 : Position to start trimming
(In point)
8 : Position to end trimming
F 4030 20 10 0 (Out point)


I Information Display K Network Connection Icon a
Use the [AE LOCK/4] button to switch between When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network] is
camera information display, GPS display and set to “On(SDI Off)” or “On(HDMI Off)”, the
turning off the display. network connection status is displayed.
0 The GPS display displays information on the This icon is not displayed when “Off” is selected.
recording location of the video being played (A P116 [ Network a ] )
back only when GPS information has been
recorded. Icon Status
The local date/time is displayed. Connection is not established
0 Camera information display displays only (starting up, preparing for
information of Gain, Iris, Shutter and White connection)

Balance that have been recorded.
Connection is not established
(preparing for connection)
0dB Connection is established
F1. 6
1/ 100 .

When a USB adapter different

Hide Camera Information from the connection settings is
Display detected

(No display) When an incompatible USB
adapter is detected, or when
[Network] is set to “Off”
AE LOCK/4 +139.652172 Memo :
Oct 30,2016
0 When a cellular adapter that supports LTE

Display/Status Screen
connection display is in use, “LTE” will appear to
GPS Display
the left of the above icon when LTE connection
is detected.
Memo : L Time Code (I)/User’s Bit (J) Display
0 Trimming information is displayed while 0 Displays the time code (hour: minute:
trimming is in progress. You cannot switch the second: frame) or user’s bit data recorded in
display using the [AE LOCK/4] button during this the SD card being played back.
process. 0 Example of time code display:
J Date/Time Display 00:00:00:00
Displays the date/time that is recorded on the
currently played SD card. .

Memo : * Colon (:) denotes non-drop frames and dot (.)
0 The date/time display style can be specified in denotes drop frames.
[LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [Date Style]/
[Time Style].
0 Example of user’s bit display:
(A P111 [ Date Style ] ) F F E E D D 20
(A P111 [ Time Style ] )

Memo :
0 You can specify whether to display the time
code, user’s bit, or turn off the display in [TC/UB]
of [Main Menu] B [LCD/VF] B [Display
(A P111 [ TC/UB ] )

M Event/Warning Display Area
Displays error messages.
(A P178 [Error Messages and Actions] )
N Media Status
PLAY : Playing
STILL : Still picture playback mode
FWD * : High-speed playback in the
forward direction (* playback
speed: 5x, 15x, 60x, or 360x)
REV * : High-speed playback in the
reverse direction (* reverse
playback speed: 5x, 15x, 60x, or
STOP : Stop mode
P.OFF : Power OFF
O Check Mark
Displayed when the currently played clip is
P OK Mark
Displayed when OK mark has been appended.
(A P90 [Appending/Deleting OK Mark] )
Q Clip Information
Displays current clip number/total number of
Display/Status Screen

Status Screen Audio Level Screen
For checking audio related information such as
For checking the settings of the camera recorder. microphone volume level.
(A P63 [Audio Recording] )
Camera 1 Screen/Camera 2 Screen
For checking information related to shooting using
the camera recorder.

Video Screen
For checking the settings related to video output.
(A P112 [Video Set Item] )

Display/Status Screen

USER Switch Set Screen Planning Metadata Screen

For checking the status (functions assigned) of the For checking the current planning metadata
user buttons. setting.
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User (A P117 [ Record Format ] )
Buttons] )

Audio Screen Network Screen a

For checking the settings related to audio input. For checking the network-related settings.
(A P113 [Audio Set Item] ) (A P125 [ Wizard ] )


Marker and Safety Zone Smoothening the Skin
Displays (Camera Mode Color (Skin Detail
Only) Function)
The marker and safety zone displays are useful in The Skin Detail function can be used to reduce the
helping you determine the angle of view for the contour enhancement of video signals for only the
image according to the shooting purpose. skin areas so as to produce a smoother skin tone.
The marker is displayed only in the Camera mode.
1 Set [Skin Detail] to “On”.
Displaying the Grid Marker (A P106 [ Skin Detail ] )
Set [Main Menu] B [Camera Process] B
1 Set [LCD/VF] B [Marker Settings] B [Grid
[Detail]/[Adjust] B [Skin Detail] to “On”.
Marker] to “On”.
(A P109 [ Grid Marker ] ) Memo :
A grid that divides the screen into 3x3 is 0 You can specify the adjustment level for the
displayed. contour enhancement of the skin tone in [Main
Menu] B [Camera Process] B [Detail]/[Adjust]
B [Skin Detail]/[Level].
(A P106 [ Level ] )

Color Bar Output


Memo : Color bars can be output on this camera recorder.

0 When [Grid Marker] is set to “On”, [Aspect Memo :
Ratio], [Aspect Marker], and [Safety Zone] do 0 The audio test signals (1 kHz) can be output
Camera Features

not function. simultaneously with the color bar output.

(A P114 [ Test Tone ] )
0 Example of display when [Aspect Ratio] = “4:3”,
[Aspect Marker] = “Line+Halftone”, and [Center To Output the Color Bar Using the Menu
Mark] = “On”
To output color bars, follow the setting procedure
Safety Zone Center Mark below.
1 Set [Camera Function] B [Bars] to “On”.
(A P98 [ Bars ] )
Color bars are output.

To Output the Color Bar Using the User Button

1 Assign the “Bars” function to any of the
user buttons.
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Buttons] )
Aspect Marker 2 Press the user button that is assigned with
Memo :
Color bars are output.
0 You can turn On/Off the safety zone and center
mark displays using [LCD/VF] B [Marker
Settings] B [Aspect Ratio], [Safety Zone], and
[Center Mark].
(A P110 [ Safety Zone ] )

Adjusting Color Matrix 3 Adjust Saturation.
0 Press the cross-shaped button (I) to move
0 The color matrix of the camera recorder can be the cursor to Saturation.
adjusted to a color of the user’s preference. 0 Each of the colors changes in the direction
0 When shooting is performed using multiple indicated by the arrow on the vector scope.
cameras, the colors of the different cameras can 0 Pressing the cross-shaped button (J)
be adjusted, and a color of the user’s preference moves the color outward from the center of
can be set on this camera recorder. the circle on the vector scope.
0 The Saturation, Hue and Lightness of the 0 Pressing the cross-shaped button (K)
primary and complementary colors (6 colors in moves the color toward to the center of the
total) can be set individually. circle on the vector scope.
0 Adjust the color on the vector scope and
waveform monitor using the DSC color chart. Red
R Mg
R Mg
* The adjusted values of “Standard”, “Cinema
Vivid”, and “Cinema Subdued” in [Color Matrix] Y

can be stored individually.


(A P104 [ Color Matrix ] ) G Cy G Cy

1 Select [Camera Process] B [Color Matrix]/ Yellow

R Mg
[Adjust]. I Mg I

(A P104 [ Adjust ] ) Y Y
2 Adjust Hue. B B
0 Select the color using the cross-shaped G Cy
G Cy
button (JK) and confirm using the cross-
shaped button (I). (The cursor moves to Green
Hue.) I Mg I Mg

0 Pressing the cross-shaped button (J) Y YI

rotates the hue in the clockwise direction on B B
the vector scope.

Camera Features
0 Pressing the cross-shaped button (K) G Cy G Cy
rotates the hue in the anti-clockwise

direction on the vector scope. 4 Adjust Lightness.

0 Pressing the cross-shaped button (J)
Red Cyan lightens; and pressing the cross-shaped
button (K) darkens.
I Mg I Mg

0 Press the cross-shaped button (I) to return
the cursor to Hue.
G Cy G Cy

Yellow Blue
I Mg I Mg


G G Cy

Green Magenta
I Mg I Mg

G Cy G Cy

Configuring Setup Files Number of Storable Setup Files
o Picture File
Camera recorder : [CAM1] to [CAM4]
The menu settings can be stored on the camera
recorder or an SD card by saving them as a setup SD slot A : [ W 1 ] to [ W 8 ]
file. SD slot B : [ Y 1 ] to [ Y 8 ]
Loading a saved setup file enables you to o User File/All File
reproduce the appropriate setup state speedily. Camera recorder : [CAM1] to [CAM2]
The following types of setup files are available. SD slot A : [ W 1 ] to [ W 8 ]
o Picture File: SD slot B : [ Y 1 ] to [ Y 8 ]
File that contains image creation settings in
accordance to the shooting conditions ([Camera Compatibility
Process] menu items). o Picture File
o All File: Only Picture File of the GY-HM660 and
File that contains all menu settings, ranging from GY-HM620 series can be loaded.
video format settings to image creation settings o User File/All File
such as device settings and shooting 0 Only User File/All File of the GY-HM660 and
conditions, as well as the contents of the GY-HM620 series can be loaded.
[Favorites Menu]. 0 When User File/All File saved using GY-HM660
o User File: is loaded, functions that only exist on
File that contains settings from All File that are GY-HM660 are ignored.
not included in the [Camera Process] menu
(A P102 [Camera Process Menu] )
Memo :
0 Make use of the [Setup File] menu to save or
load a setup file.
0 The following operations can be performed on
the [Setup File] menu.
0 [Saving Setup Files] (A P 143)
Camera Features

0 [Loading a Setup File] (A P 144)

0 [Deleting Setup Files] (A P 144)

Saving Setup Files 6 Select [Store] and press the Set button (R).
1 Display the [Setup File] menu.
Select [Main Menu] B [System] B [Setup File]
and press the Set button (R).
(A P115 [ Setup File ] )
2 Select [Store File] and press the Set button
(R). 5
3 Select [Picture File], [User File] or [All File],
and press the Set button (R).
The existing files are displayed. 6
4 Select the file to be newly saved (or .

overwritten) using the cross-shaped 7 Save the file.

button (JK), and press the Set button (R). 0 A confirmation screen appears when you
choose to overwrite.
Select [Overwrite] on the confirmation
screen, and press the Set button (R). Saving
4 starts, and “Storing...” appears on the

Memo :
0 Files cannot be written in the following cases.
(Displayed in gray, selection disabled)
0 When the inserted SD card is not supported or

Camera Features
not formatted. (File name appears as “---”.)

0 Saving starts, and “Storing...” appears on the

0 When a write-protected SD card is inserted
screen when the file is newly saved.
(a z mark appears beside the SD card icon).

5 Name the file.

0 Enter the subname using the software
(A P96 [Text Input with Software Keyboard] )
0 You can enter up to 8 characters for the
[Store File]/[Picture File] subname.
Memo :
0 When overwriting an existing file, the subname
of the existing file is displayed. .

0 Select [Cancel] and press the Set button (R), or 8 Saving is complete.
press the [CANCEL] button to return to the After saving of the file is complete, “Complete”
previous screen. appears on the screen, and the menu screen
closes automatically.

Loading a Setup File Deleting Setup Files
1 Display the [Setup File] menu. 1 Display the [Setup File] menu.
Select [Main Menu] B [System] B [Setup File] Select [Main Menu] B [System] B [Setup File]
and press the Set button (R). and press the Set button (R).
(A P115 [ Setup File ] ) (A P115 [ Setup File ] )
2 Select [Load File] and press the Set button 2 Select [Delete File] and press the Set button
(R). (R).
3 Select [Picture File], [User File] or [All File], 3 Select [Picture File], [User File] or [All File],
and press the Set button (R). and press the Set button (R).
The existing files are displayed. The existing files are displayed.
4 Select the file to load using the cross- 4 Select the file to delete using the cross-
shaped button (JK), and press the Set shaped button (JK), and press the Set
button (R). button (R).

4 4

Memo : .

0 When the write-protect switch of the inserted SD Memo :

card is set, a z mark appears beside the SD 0 User File saved on the SD card cannot be
card icon. Setup files can be loaded from an SD deleted.
card even if the write-protect switch is set.
Camera Features

0 Setup files that are completely incompatible will 5 Select [Delete] on the confirmation screen,
not be displayed.
(A P142 [Configuring Setup Files] ) and press the Set button (R).
Deletion starts, and “Deleting...” appears on the
5 Select [Load] on the confirmation screen,
and press the Set button (R).
Loading starts, and “Loading...” appears on the


6 Deletion is complete.
After file deletion is complete, “Complete”
appears on the screen.

6 Reading is complete.
After reading of the file is complete, “Complete”
appears on the screen, and the menu screen
closes automatically.

Loading Clips to the PC 2 Select [Change] using the cross-shaped
button (JK), and press the Set button (R).
0 You can load clips to a PC by connecting the The camera recorder switches to USB mode.
camera recorder to the PC via the USB port.
Doing so enables clips stored in the SD card to
be managed and edited on the PC.
0 Files on the SD card can be managed/edited on
the connected PC in this mode only for USB
mass storage class devices that are recognized 2
by the said PC as a peripheral drive.
Memo :
0 Files cannot be written to the SD card.
0 Make sure to manage/edit files recorded in the

MP4 file format using the (JVC ProHD Clip Memo :

Manager) PC application software in the 0 If recording is in progress, the “Change to USB
supplied disc. Mode?” message appears after recording
0 For details on how to install the application stops.
software, refer to the [User's Guide] of the [JVC 0 If playback is in progress, the camera recorder
ProHD Clip Manager] inside the supplied disc. switches to USB mode after the file closes
automatically, such as when playback stops.
1 Connect the camera recorder to the PC
using a USB cable. Disconnecting
A confirmation message “Change to USB
Mode?” to enable the USB connection appears. 0 Disable the connection on the PC, then remove
the USB cable from the camera recorder.
0 Doing so exits the USB mode and switches the
camera recorder to Camera mode.
Memo :
0 The procedure for disabling the USB connection

varies according to the PC in use. For details,

refer to the “INSTRUCTIONS” of the PC.


Connecting External Devices




When your PC cannot recognize the SD
Connecting External
Confirm and update the OS of your PC.
OS Description 0 To output live or playback video images and
Windows Vista Necessary to update to SP1 audio sound to an external monitor, select the
or higher. output signals from the camera recorder, and
Windows Vista SP1/ Necessary to download the connect using an appropriate cable according to
Windows Vista SP2 update software. the monitor to be used.
(KB975823) 0 Choose the most suitable terminal according to
0 32 bit version the monitor in use.
http:// 0 [HD/SD SDI] terminal: Outputs either the HD-SDI signal or SD-SDI
downloads/en/ signal.
details.aspx? 0 [AV] terminal:
FamilyID=2d1abe01- Outputs composite video and audio signals.
0942-4f8aabb2- 0 [HDMI] terminal:
2ad529de00a1 Outputs HDMI signals.
0 64 bit version Configure the settings in the [A/V Set] menu to
http:// match the monitor to be connected. (A P112 [ HDMI/SDI Out ] )
details.aspx? Memo :
FamilyID=7d54c53f-017c 0 When [Network] is set to “On(HDMI Off)” or
-4ea5- “On(SDI Off)”, either HDMI signal or SDI signal
ae08-34c3452ba315 is output. a
Windows 7 Necessary to download the (A P116 [ Network a ] )
update software. 0 If the [HD/SD SDI] terminal or [HDMI] terminal is
(KB976422) connected, configure the settings in the [A/V
0 32 bit version Set] menu according to the monitor to be
http:// connected. (A P112 [ HDMI/SDI Out ] )
Connecting External Devices

0 64 bit version

Connecting via SDI
0 Digital video signals, together with embedded
(superimposed) audio signals and time code
signals, are output for both the HD-SDI and SD-

Audio (Lch)
SDI signals.
0 User’s bit output from the [HD/SD SDI] output



Audio (Rch)
terminal is used as a flag to determine valid

video signals. Therefore, accurate values will



not be output.


Memo :


0 The sampling frequency for embedded

(superimposed) audio signals is 48 kHz. Time
code of the built-in time generator as well as
playback time code are also output.

Setting the Aspect

0 For setting the mode to convert images with a
16:9 aspect ratio to display on a 4:3 aspect ratio
0 Set using [A/V Set] B [Video Set] B [SD
0 The available modes include “Side Cut”, “Letter”
HDMI (blackened at the top and bottom), and
AV input
“Squeeze” (full size, compressed at the left and
(A P119 [ SD Aspect ] )
Memo :
0 When [Record Format] B [System] is set to “SD”,
* Select the output signal in [A/V Set] B [HDMI/SDI and [SD Aspect] is set to “4:3”, this item cannot be
Out]. selected.
(A P112 [ HDMI/SDI Out ] ) (A P117 [ System ] )

Connecting External Devices

(A P119 [ SD Aspect ] )
* When [Record Format] B [System] is set to “SD”,
only SD-SDI signals are output.
(A P117 [ System ] )
* To display the menu screen or display screen on
an external monitor, set [A/V Set] B [Video Set]
B [Display On TV] to “On”.
(A P112 [ Display On TV ] )

Connecting the Connecting Wired Remote
Headphone Control
0 Audio output from the [x] terminal can be You can operate the functions of this unit with a
selected using [A/V Set] B [Monitor] or the wired remote control.
[MONITOR] selection switch on the camera Memo :
recorder. 0 When the switches of the camera recorder and
(A P115 [ Monitor ] ) remote control unit are operated at the same
0 The different combinations of settings that are time, the switch operation of the remote control
output from the [x] terminal and monitor unit takes priority over that of the camera
speaker are as follows. recorder.
[Monitor] Terminal 1 Connect a wired remote control to the
Switch Speaker *
Settings camera recorder.
Settings L R
[CH1] - CH1 CH1 Connect the wired remote control (sold
separately) to the [REMOTE] terminal of this
[BOTH] [Mix] CH1+CH2 CH1+CH2
camera recorder.
[Stereo] CH1 CH2
[CH2] - CH2 CH2
* Audio is output from the speaker only in Media
mode. Does not output in the Camera mode. INPUT2





Connect the wired

remote control



Caution :
Connecting External Devices


0 Turn off the power of the camera recorder when

connecting a wired remote control.

2 Turn on the power of the camera recorder.


Functions of Network View Remote
You can access via a web browser on devices such
Connection a as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC to check
the live image or remotely control the camera.
0 The network function can be operated by (A P166 [View Remote Feature a] )
connecting one of the following adapters to the
rear [HOST] terminal. Camera Control
0 Wireless LAN adapter You can access via a web browser on devices such
0 Ethernet adapter as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC to remotely
0 Cellular adapter control the camera.
(A P150 [Camera Setup for Network (A P168 [Camera Control Function a] )
Connection] )
0 The network feature comprises web-browser- Live streaming
based functions using devices such as a
By combining with the set top box decoder or PC
smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC, as well as
application that supports live streaming, you can
FTP and live streaming functions that run via
perform audio and video streaming via the network.
thumbnail screens and menu operation.
(A P175 [Performing Live Streaming a] )
List of Functions

Importing Metadata
Preparing Network
You can download a metadata settings file (XML
format) from the FTP server and store metadata in Connection a
the camera recorder.
(A P153 [Importing Metadata a] )
Operating Environment
Uploading Recorded Clips Operation has been verified for the following
You can upload clips recorded in the SD card to a
preset FTP server.
(A P155 [Uploading a Recorded Video Clip
a] ) 0 OS: Windows 7
Memo : Web browser: Internet Explorer 11
0 OS: Mac OSX 10.11
0 Uploading can also be performed via a web Web browser: Safari 9
(A P162 [Uploading a Recording Clip via a Web Smartphone/Tablet Terminal
Browser a] )

Connecting to the Network a

0 OS: iOS9 (iPhone 6)
Web browser: Safari 9
Editing Metadata 0 OS: iOS8 (iPad 3rd generation)
0 Planning Metadata Web browser: Safari 8
You can access the page for editing the camera 0 OS: Android 4.4 (Nexus 7 2013)
recorder’s metadata via a web browser on Web browser: Chrome 44.0
devices such as a smartphone, tablet terminal, 0 OS: Windows 8.1 (Surface)
or PC, and edit the metadata that is to be applied Web browser: Internet Explorer 11
to clips to be recorded.
(A P159 [ Planning Metadata ] )
0 Clip Metadata
You can access the page for editing the
metadata via a web browser on devices such as
a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC, and
display or rewrite the metadata that is recorded
to a clip.
(A P160 [ Clip Metadata ] )

Camera Setup for Network Connection Connecting via Wireless LAN
1 Connect an appropriate adapter according Connection via Access Point
to the intended use to the [HOST] terminal
at the rear of the camera recorder. 1 Perform setting on the camera recorder,
The following adapters can be connected. and start up the [Wizard] screen.
0 Wireless LAN adapter (A P150 [Camera Setup for Network
0 Ethernet adapter Connection] )
0 Cellular adapter 2 [Wireless LAN] appears on the [Wizard]








3 Press the I button to display the [Select

Connection Type] screen.
Connect an appropriate adapter Select “Connect with Access Point”.
Follow the screen instructions to complete

Memo :
setting. Perform setting for the following.
0 Only a network connection adapter can be 0 Mode of connection
connected to the [HOST] terminal. 0 Method of setting
0 Connect or disconnect an adapter only after you * SSID, type of encryption, Passphrase, and
have turned off the power of the camera IP Address setting (“DHCP” or “Manual”) in
recorder. cases other than WPS
0 You can find the latest information on the
compatible adapters at the product page of our
0 Two types of network coverage (WAN and LAN)
are available for each application.
2 Enable the network connection. 3
Connecting to the Network a

Set [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network] to

“On(HDMI Off)” or “On(SDI Off)”.
3 Configure the connection settings.
0 Select [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]/
[Settings] B [Connection Setup] B [Wizard]

4 Setting is complete.
and press the Set button (R).
0 A wizard screen appears according to the After setting is complete, you can access the
type of adapter connected. Follow the camera recorder via a web browser.
instructions on the screen to perform setting. (A P158 [Connecting from a Web Browser
(A P150 [Connecting via Wireless LAN] ) a] )
(A P152 [Connecting via Wired LAN] )
(A P152 [Connecting via Cellular Adapter] )

P2P Connection
You can access the web function of this camera
recorder from devices such as a smartphone,
tablet terminal, or PC.
1 [Wireless LAN] appears on the [Wizard]

4 Select [SSID] from the list of access points

(smartphone, tablet terminal, PC, etc.), and
enter [Passphrase].
0 Display the list of access points in the
wireless connection settings of the
smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC, and
2 Press the I button to display the [Select select “HM660-*****”. (***** are numbers that
Connection Type] screen. vary with the device used.)
Select “P2P”. 0 After the password confirmation screen
appears, enter the [Passphrase] displayed
Follow the screen instructions to complete
setting. on the [Network] screen.
Perform setting for the following.
0 Mode of connection
0 Method of setting
* SSID and Passphrase in cases other than

Connecting to the Network a


Memo :
0 When “WPS” is selected in the [Select Setup
Type] screen, the following steps 3 and 4 are not
3 Set the camera recorder to the Camera .

mode, and display the [Network] (status) 5 Setting is complete.

screen. After setting is complete, you can access the
0 Press the [STATUS] button on the camera camera recorder via a web browser.
recorder to display the status screen. (A P158 [Connecting from a Web Browser
Press the cross-shaped button (HI) to a] )
display the [Network] screen.
0 Check to ensure that the [SSID] and
[Passphrase] that you have set in the wizard
are displayed.

Connecting via Wired LAN Connecting via Cellular Adapter
You can connect a device such as a smartphone, You can make use of the FTP function and live
tablet terminal, or PC directly to the camera streaming function by connecting a cellular adapter
recorder using a cross cable to access the camera to this camera recorder.
recorder’s web functions. Alternatively, you can
also connect using an Ethernet hub. 1 Connect the cellular adapter to the [HOST]
terminal of the camera recorder.
1 Connect the [HOST] terminal on the camera 2 Perform setting on the camera recorder,
recorder to the smartphone, tablet and start up the [Wizard] screen.
terminal, PC, etc. using a cross cable. (A P150 [Camera Setup for Network
2 Perform setting on the camera recorder, Connection] )
and start up the [Wizard] screen. 3 [Cellular] appears on the [Wizard] screen.
(A P150 [Camera Setup for Network
Connection] )
3 [Ethernet] appears on the [Wizard] screen.

4 Press the I button.

Follow the screen instructions to complete

setting. Perform setting for the following.

4 Press the I button to display the [IP 0 Connection phone number
Address Configuration] screen. 0 User name
Follow the screen instructions to complete 0 Password
setting. Perform setting for the following. Caution :
0 IP address setting (DHCP or manual) 0 You can access the web functions via a web
0 IP Address browser on devices such as a smartphone,
0 Subnet Mask tablet terminal, or PC only in a LAN environment.
0 Gateway 0 Note that you may have to pay very high bills in
0 DNS Server the case of pay-per-use contracts. Fixed price
contract is recommended if you are using the
Connecting to the Network a

network function.
0 Note that the use of improper settings may result
in expensive bills from the phone service
provider. Make sure that the setting is correct.
0 To avoid expensive bills due to the roaming
connection, you are recommended to use this
function by disabling the roaming contract.
0 There may be communication even when you
are not using the network function. Remove the
cellular adapter when the function is not in use.
5 Setting is complete.
After setting is complete, you can access the
camera recorder via a web browser.
(A P158 [Connecting from a Web Browser
a] )

Importing Metadata a Configuring the Server for Downloading
For specifying the settings for connecting to the
You can download a metadata settings file (XML FTP server for downloading the metadata (domain
format) from the FTP server and store metadata in name, user name, password, etc.) as well as the
the camera recorder. path of the file to download.
The imported metadata is applied to clips to be 1 Open the [Metadata Server] screen.
Open the [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]/
[Settings] B [Metadata Server] screen.
Preparing Metadata
0 You can record the four metadata types below.
Title1 : ASCII only, max. 63 characters
Title2 : UNICODE, max. 127 bytes
Creator : UNICODE, max. 127 bytes
Description : UNICODE, max. 2047 bytes
0 Metadata makes use of the XML description
0 Edit the
<Title1><Title2><Description><Creator> tag
element using the XML editor. (Indicated by the

2 Register the [Metadata Server].

frames below)
0 Select a server using the cross-shaped
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> button (JK), and press the Set button (R).
<NRT-MetaInterface lastUpdate="2015-01-29T18:06:21+09:00" The server settings screen appears. Perform
xmlns="urn:schemas-proHD:nonRealTimeMetaInterface:ver.1.00" setting for each item.
0 Up to 4 settings can be registered.
<Title1>Title1 sample</Title1> (A P125 [ Metadata Server ] )
<!-- only "en",max63bytes -->
<Title2>Title2 sample</Title2>
<!-- ,max127bytes -->
<Description>Description sample</Description>
<!-- ,max2047bytes -->
<Creator>Creator sample</Creator>
<!-- ,max127bytes -->

Connecting to the Network a


Memo :
0 For details on the registered information, please
consult the network administrator for the server.

Importing Metadata 3 Select [Import] on the confirmation screen,
Download the metadata settings file (XML format) and press the Set button (R).
from the FTP server. Import starts.
After import is complete, the display is restored
1 Select [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]
to the screen before the [Import Metadata]
B [Import Metadata] and press the Set screen appears.
button (R).
The [Import Metadata] screen appears.

2 Select the server for importing the

0 The name that is registered in [Metadata
Server] B [Alias] is displayed.
0 Select a server using the cross-shaped
button (JK), and press the Set button (R).

Memo :
0 You cannot exit the menu or perform recording
2 while import is in progress.
0 If import of the metadata failed, “Import Error!” is
displayed, and a message indicating the cause
of the error appears.
Press the Set button (R) to return to the [Import
Metadata] screen in step 1.
(A P179 [List of FTP Transfer Errors a] )
Connecting to the Network a

0 When “HTTP” is selected in the [Select FTP

Proxy] screen of the network connection setting,
connections to the servers other than “FTP”
protocol cannot be made.
0 If a setting other than “FTP” is specified for
[Protocol], to ensure the safety of the
communication path, a screen appears
prompting you to validate the fingerprint of the
public key and certificate received from the
Check to ensure that the displayed value
coincides with the known value.

Uploading a Recorded 2 Move the cursor to the clip to be uploaded.

Video Clip a Move the cursor to the clip to be uploaded using

the cross-shaped button (JKH I).

Upload clips recorded in the SD card to a preset

FTP server.
Configuring the FTP Server for
For specifying the settings for connecting to the
FTP server to upload recorded clips to (domain
name, user name, password, etc.) as well as the .

directory of the upload destination. 3 Press the [LOLUX/3] button.

1 Open the [Clip Server] screen. The action selection screen is displayed.
Open the [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]/
[Settings] B [Clip Server] screen.

4 Select [FTP Upload] B [This Clip] B server

to upload to, and press the Set button (R).
The status of the transfer process is indicated
. by a progress bar.
2 Register the [Clip Server].
Register the server to upload recorded clips in
the SD card to.
Up to 4 servers can be registered.
(A P126 [ Clip Server ] )
Memo :
0 For details on the registered information, please
consult the network administrator for the server.

Connecting to the Network a


Memo :
Uploading Video Clip 0 The name for the server to upload files to are
indicated using the preset names in [Clip
Upload clips recorded in the SD card to a preset
FTP server. Server] B [Alias].
All playable clips on the thumbnail screen can be 0 To stop uploading, press the Set button (R).
uploaded. Select [Yes] on the confirmation screen, and
press the Set button (R) to stop uploading and
Uploading a Video Clip return to the thumbnail screen.
1 Set the camera recorder to the Media mode.
0 Press and hold the [MODE] selection button
in Camera mode to enter Media mode. A
thumbnail screen of the clips recorded on the
SD card is displayed.
0 You can upload the selected clips on the
thumbnail screen to the FTP server.
(A P85 [Thumbnail Screen] )

5 Upload is complete. Memo :
0 After upload is complete, “Successfully 0 To stop uploading, press the Set button (R).
Completed.” appears on the screen. Select [Yes] on the confirmation screen, and
0 Press the Set button (R) to return to the press the Set button (R) to stop uploading and
thumbnail screen. return to the thumbnail screen.
0 If the file to be uploaded has the same name as
an existing file in the FTP server, an overwrite
confirmation window appears.
0 When “HTTP” is selected in the [Select FTP
Proxy] screen of the network connection setting,
the overwrite confirmation window will not be
displayed and the existing file is overwritten.
5 0 Even after upload has started (FTP transfer in
progress) in step 3, pressing the [MODE] button
switches the camera recorder to the Camera

Selecting and Uploading Multiple Clips mode, allowing you to start shooting.
0 If [Protocol] is set to “SFTP”, “FTPS” or
To select and upload multiple clips, refer to
“FTPES”, to ensure the safety of the
“[Selecting and Performing Operations on Multiple
Clips] (A P 91)”. communication path, a screen appears
prompting you to validate the fingerprint of the
Uploading All Video Clips public key and certificate received from the
1 Press the [LOLUX/3] button. Check to ensure that the displayed value
The action selection screen is displayed. coincides with the known value.
0 Fingerprint is a unique value that varies with
2 Upload the clips.
each public key and certificate.
Select [FTP Upload...] B [All Clips] B server to 0 For details of the fingerprint, please consult
upload to, and press the Set button (R). the administrator of the server to be
(A P126 [ Clip Server ] )
0 When “HTTP” is selected in the [Select FTP
Proxy] screen of the network connection setting,
connections to the servers other than “FTP”
protocol cannot be made.
Connecting to the Network a

3 Upload starts.
The status of the transfer process is indicated
by a progress bar.

4 Upload is complete. FTP Resume Feature a
0 After all clips are uploaded successfully,
“Successfully Completed.” is displayed. When FTP transfer starts and there is a file of the
Press the Set button (R) to return to the same name on the server with a file size smaller
thumbnail screen. than the file to be transferred, the file on the server
0 When clips are not uploaded successfully, will be regarded as an interrupted file during a FTP
the following errors are displayed. transfer. A confirmation screen to resume transfer
(append writing) appears.

Cause of Error

(A P179 [List of FTP Transfer Errors a] )

Memo :
0 If there is an error message or other notifications .

when you switched to the Camera mode while If “Resume” is selected, FTP transfer is carried out
FTP upload is in progress, a 5 icon (yellow) will such that it appends from the position where it was
appear in the remaining media space display interrupted.
area in the Camera mode. When FTP transfer ends normally, “Complete”
You can press the [MODE] button to switch to appears on the screen.
the Media mode and display the above error Memo :
screen. 0 FTP server equipped with resume function is
Follow “[List of FTP Transfer Errorsa] required.
(A P 179)” to clear the error display. 0 If [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]/
[Settings] B [Clip Server] B [Clip-FTP1] B [Clip-
FTP4] B [Protocol] is set to “SFTP”, the resume
function is disabled.
0 If “HTTP” is selected in the [Select FTP Proxy]
screen of the network connection setting, the
resume function is disabled.

Connecting to the Network a

Connecting from a Web 3 Enter the user name and password.

Browser a Enter the user name (prohd) and the password

(initial password: 0000) on the login screen to
display the main page of the camera.
You can access the web functions of this camera
recorder via a web browser on devices such as a
smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC.
Make the necessary preparations for connection in
(A P150 [Connect an appropriate adapter
according to the intended use to the [HOST]
terminal at the rear of the camera recorder.] )
1 Set the camera recorder to the Camera
mode, and display the [Network] (status)
0 Press the [STATUS] button on the camera
recorder to display the status screen.
Press the cross-shaped button (HI) to
display the [Network] screen.
0 Check the displayed [IP Address].

. Memo :
2 Start up the web browser on the terminal 0 The password can be altered in [Main Menu] B
you wish to connect to the camera [System] B [Network]/[Settings] B [Web] B
recorder, and enter the [IP Address] in the [Change Password].
address field. (A P122 [ Change Password ] )
Connecting to the Network a

If “” is displayed in [IP Address],

enter “”.

Editing Metadata a 3 Editing Metadata
A Enter information for the necessary fields.
You can create the metadata to be inserted into a B After input is complete, tap (click) [Save] to
recorded file, or rewrite the metadata of a recorded overwrite the metadata.

Planning Metadata A
You can access the page for editing the camera
recorder’s metadata via a web browser on devices
such as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC, and
edit the metadata that is to be applied to clips to be
1 Access the main page of the camera.
Access the page via a web browser on devices
such as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC.
(A P158 [Connecting from a Web Browser
a] )
2 Tap (click) the [Planning Metadata] tab to
open the [Planning Metadata] screen.

4 Tap (click) [OK] on the confirmation screen.

0 Update of the [Planning Metadata] starts.
0 After update is complete, “Renewal of
planning metadata is succeeded.” is
displayed. Tap (click) [OK].
0 Returns to the screen in step 3.

Connecting to the Network a


Memo :
0 If update failed, “Renewal of planning metadata
is failed.” is displayed.
Tap (click) [Close] to return to the screen of step

Clip Metadata o Switching from a web browser
You can access the page for editing the metadata A You will see a message indicating “It is
via a web browser on devices such as a necessary to change the camera mode to
smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC, and display or "Remote Edit Mode". Change the mode.” on
rewrite the metadata that is recorded to a clip.
the web browser.
1 Access the main page of the camera.
Access the page via a web browser on devices
such as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC. It is necessary to change the camera A
(A P158 [Connecting from a Web Browser
mode to "Remote Edit Mode".
Change the mode.
a] )
2 Display the clip list.
Tap (click) the [Clip List] tab to display the clip Cancel Change B
list. .

B Tap (click) [Change] to switch the camera to

2 the Remote Edit mode.

Remote Edit Mode


o Switching from the camera

A “Change to Remote Edit Mode?” is
displayed on the display screen of the
camera unit.

B Select [Change] and press the Set button

3 Set the camera recorder to the “Remote (R) to switch to the Remote Edit mode.
Edit Mode”.
You can switch to “Remote Edit Mode” from a
web browser or through operation of the
camera. A
Change to
Remote Edit Mode?

Connecting to the Network a


Remote Edit Mode


Memo : 6 Editing the Metadata of Selected Clips
0 When the menu or status is displayed, display A Edit the information for the necessary fields.
of the confirmation screen will be put on hold. 0 If you are using a PC, input using the mouse
0 If the menu is displayed on the camera recorder, and keyboard.
close the menu. 0 If you are using a smartphone or tablet
0 If the status is displayed on the camera recorder, terminal, tap the text input area to display a
close the status display. standard software keyboard on the screen.
0 Pressing the Set button (R) on the camera Enter the information using the displayed
recorder while in the Remote Edit Mode ends keyboard.
the Remote Edit Mode forcibly and switches to B You can tap (click) [OK Mark] to add an OK mark
the Camera mode.
0 When FTP upload via the camera unit is to or delete it from selected clips.
currently in progress, switching to the Remote C After editing is complete, tap (click) [Save] to
Edit mode is disabled. overwrite the metadata.
4 Select the Metadata Edit mode. A B C
Select the [Metadata] tab.
5 Select the clip to rewrite the metadata.
0 A list of the recorded clips appears on the
[Clip List] screen.
0 Tap (click) the clip for which you want to
rewrite the metadata.



Connecting to the Network a


Memo :
0 You can switch the displayed slot using the [Slot
A] and [Slot B] tabs.
0 You can use the [J-30] or [K+30] tab to jump to
the previous or next 30 clips on the list.

7 Tap (click) [OK] on the confirmation screen. Uploading a Recording
0 Update of the metadata starts.
0 After update is complete, “Renewal of clip Clip via a Web Browser
metadata is succeeded.” is displayed. Tap a
(click) [OK].
0 Returns to the screen in step 4. 0 Upload clips recorded in the SD card to a preset
FTP server.
0 You can upload selected clips, all clips, or those
Renewal of clip metadata is appended with an OK mark.

Configuring the FTP Server for

(A P155 [Configuring the FTP Server for
Uploading] )

7 Uploading Video Clips
Memo : 1 Access the main page of the camera.
0 If update failed, “Renewal of clip metadata is Access the page via a web browser on devices
failed.” is displayed. such as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC.
Tap (click) [Close] to return to the screen of step (A P158 [Connecting from a Web Browser
4. a] )
2 Display the clip list.
Tap (click) the [Clip List] tab to display the clip

Connecting to the Network a

3 Set the camera recorder to the “Remote

Edit Mode”.
You can switch to “Remote Edit Mode” from a
web browser or through operation of the

o Switching from a web browser
Memo :
A You will see a message indicating “It is 0 When the menu or status is displayed,
necessary to change the camera mode to display of the confirmation screen will be
"Remote Edit Mode". Change the mode.” on put on hold.
the web browser. 0 If the menu is displayed on the camera
recorder, close the menu.
0 If the status is displayed on the camera
It is necessary to change the camera A recorder, close the status display.
mode to "Remote Edit Mode".
Change the mode.
0 Pressing the Set button (R) on the camera
recorder while in the Remote Edit Mode
ends the Remote Edit Mode forcibly and
switches to the Camera mode.
0 When FTP upload via the camera unit is
Cancel Change

currently in progress, switching to the


B Tap (click) [Change] to switch the camera to Remote Edit mode is disabled.
the Remote Edit mode.
4 Select the Upload mode.
Select the [Upload] tab.
5 Select the clip you want to upload.
0 A list of the recorded clips appears on the
[Clip List] screen.
Remote Edit Mode

0 Tap (click) the clip you want to upload to

select it.
. 0 Clips being selected are indicated by a
o Switching from the camera check mark.
A “Change to Remote Edit Mode?” is Memo :
displayed on the display screen of the 0 You can switch the displayed slot using the [Slot
camera unit. A] and [Slot B] tabs.
B Select [Change] and press the Set button 0 You can use the [J-30] or [K+30] tab to jump to
the previous or next 30 clips on the list.
(R) to switch to the Remote Edit mode.
6 Select the upload operation.
Tap (click) the [Actions] button.
Change to A
Remote Edit Mode?

Connecting to the Network a


Remote Edit Mode


7 Select a method to upload the clips. 8 Select the clip server and start uploading.
0 Upon selecting the server to upoload clips to,
an upload screen appears.

B 8

A Upload all clips

Uploads all the clips in the displayed slots.

Tap (click) to move to the [Clip Server] 0 The status of the transfer process is
screen. indicated by a progress bar.
B Upload OK clips
Uploads all clips in the displayed slots that
are appended with an OK mark.
Tap (click) to move to the [Clip Server]
C Upload selected clips
Uploads the clips you have selected.
Tap (click) to move to the [Clip Server]
D Clear all selection
Clears all clip selection and returns to the
Connecting to the Network a

[Clip List] screen.

Memo : 9 Upload is complete.
0 To stop transfer, tap (click) the [Stop] button. 0 After upload is complete, “Successfully
Completed.” appears on the screen.
Tapping (clicking) [Yes] on the confirmation
screen stops the transfer halfway and brings you
back to the main page. FTP Upload
0 If there already exists a file on the FTP server
with a name identical to the file to be transferred,
a confirmation screen asking to overwrite the file Successfully Completed.
will appear.
However, if “HTTP” is selected in the [Select
FTP Proxy] screen of the network connection Exit 9
settings, an overwrite confirmation screen does
not appear, and the existing file will be

0 When clips are not uploaded successfully,

overwritten directly. the following errors are displayed.
0 After uploading in step 8 has started, other web
browser operations are disabled until uploading
is complete.
FTP Upload

0 After uploading in step 8 has started and upon

shifting to the Media mode by pressing the Failed.
[MODE] selection button, operation from the Internal Error. Cause of
web browser will be disabled. Error
To enable web browser operation, press the
[MODE] selection button again to switch to the

Camera mode. .

0 If [Protocol] is set to “SFTP”, “FTPS” or (A P179 [List of FTP Transfer Errors a] )

“FTPES”, to ensure the safety of the Memo :
communication path, a screen appears 0 Follow “[List of FTP Transfer Errorsa]
prompting you to validate the fingerprint of the (A P 179)” to clear the error message.
public key and certificate received from the
Check to ensure that the displayed value
coincides with the known value.
0 Fingerprint is a unique value that varies with

each public key and certificate.

0 For details of the fingerprint, please consult

the administrator of the server to be


Connecting to the Network a

(A P126 [ Clip Server ] )
0 When “HTTP” is selected in the [Select FTP
Proxy] screen of the network connection setting,
connections to the servers other than “FTP”
protocol cannot be made.

View Remote Feature a A Page Switch Tab
Tap (click) this tab to move to the [Planning
Metadata], [Clip Metadata], or [Settings]
You can access via a web browser on devices such
as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC to check
the live image and perform the following remote B Live View Screen
control operations. Displays the live images.
0 Start/stop recording Tap a live image to display or hide information
0 Zooming that is displayed on the live image, such as
0 Register/delete preset zoom remaining space on the media and time code.
C [Clear] Button
1 Access the main page of the camera.
Access the page via a web browser on devices Switches to the Delete Preset Zoom Position
such as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC. mode.
(A P158 [Connecting from a Web Browser (A P167 [Registering/Deleting Preset Zoom] )
a] ) (A P168 [Deleting a Preset Zoom] )
2 Tap (click) the [View Remote] tab to open D [Preset] Button
the [View Remote] screen. Switches to the Register Preset Zoom Position
(A P167 [Registering Preset Zoom] )
2 E [A]/[B]/[C] Buttons
Use these buttons to perform preset registration
or delete a preset data.
F Zoom Control
0 Operate the zoom function by dragging the
zoom button along the sliding bar.
0 Tap (click) the [Wide] or [Tele] button to fine-
tune the zoom position.
G Function Lock Button
Locks the functions that have been set on the
[Settings] screen.
(A P171 [Changing View Remote Function
Settings] )
Icon Description

Operating Procedure
Connecting to the Network a

Not locked
A .

H Stop Record Button

HM660 12:54
01:12 54.19
Z 00
B I Start Record Button
J Camera Control Function
(A P168 [Camera Control Function a] )
D 50min
STBY 282min


Registering/Deleting Preset Zoom 4 In the same way, register [B] and [C].
After all three positions A, B and C are
Registering Preset Zoom
registered, the positions of the [A], [B], and [C]
You can register any 3 zoom positions. buttons will be rearranged according to the
1 Set to the Register Preset Zoom mode. order of the registered zoom position from the
Tap (click) the [Preset] button to switch to the
Register Preset Zoom mode.
HM660 12:54
01:12 54.19
Z 00

HM660 12:54
01:12 54.19
Z 00

STBY 282min
STBY 282min

5 Exit the Register Preset Zoom mode.

Tap (click) the [Preset] button to exit the

2 Determine the zoom position.

Register Preset Zoom mode.
Use the zoom control to operate the zoom and
determine a position. Memo :
3 Tap (click) [A]. 0 After registration is complete ([A], [B], and [C]
Position [A] is registered, and position A is buttons are all active), tapping (clicking) each
displayed on the sliding bar of the zoom control. button switches to the corresponding preset
zoom position.
0 This function operates independently of the
preset zoom position on the camera recorder.
HM660 12:54
01:12 54.19
Z 00 (A P49 [Saving/Recalling Current Zoom
Position (Preset Zoom)] )

Connecting to the Network a

STBY 282min

Deleting a Preset Zoom
Camera Control Function
1 Set to the Delete Preset Zoom mode.
When any of positions [A], [B], and [C] are a
registered, tapping (clicking) the [Clear] button You can control the camera by accessing via a web
switches to the Delete Preset Zoom mode. browser on devices such as a smartphone, tablet
terminal, or PC.
You can perform the following operations for each
HM660 12:54
01:12 54.19
19 of the items.
Z 00

50min B
STBY 282min

For performing recording start or recording
pause operation.

2 Tap (click) the [A], [B], or [C] button that

corresponds to the position you want to
0 The position is deleted, and the button is
grayed out.

0 The corresponding zoom position mark on B CAMERA

the sliding bar also disappears. Enables operations related to the camera

HM660 12:54
01:12 54.19
Z 00

Connecting to the Network a

STBY 282min

Grayed out
Position mark

3 Exit the Delete Preset Zoom mode.

Tap (click) the [Clear] button to exit the Delete
Preset Zoom mode.
Memo :
0 The Clip Review function of the camera recorder
is unavailable during View Remote operation.
(A P74 [Viewing Recorded Videos Immediately
(Clip Review)] )

Enables focusing operations.

You can enable or disable the user buttons that
are assigned with a function.

You can show or hide the display and menu
characters on an external monitor as well as
operation of menus, switching the display
screen and status display.

Connecting to the Network a

Enables zooming operations.

Changing the Settings via A View Remote
a Web Browser a Settings for operations on the View Remote.
B Connection Setup
Settings related to the network.
You can change the network-related settings by
You can change the settings for each of the
accessing via a web browser on devices such as a
preset items on the [Wizard] screen of the
smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC.
camera recorder.
1 Access the main page of the camera. C Metadata Server
Access the page via a web browser on devices Settings on the server for importing the
such as a smartphone, tablet terminal, or PC. metadata.
(A P158 [Connecting from a Web Browser Setting can be performed in the same way as
a] ) the Metadata Server menu on the camera
2 Tap (click) the [Settings] tab. recorder.
The latest settings are reflected, regardless of
whether they are specified via the camera
2 recorder or web operation.
D Clip Server
Settings for the server to upload recorded clips
Setting can be performed in the same way as
the [Clip Server] menu on the camera recorder.
The latest settings are reflected, regardless of
whether they are specified via the camera
recorder or web operation.
E Live Streaming
Setting for streaming audio and video via the
The latest settings are reflected, regardless of
whether they are specified via the camera

recorder or web operation.

3 The [Settings] screen appears.
Set each of the items as follows. Memo :
0 Priority is given to menu operation on the
camera recorder.
0 When the menu on the camera recorder is
opened while the [Settings] screen is opened
Connecting to the Network a

using a web browser, a warning appears, after

which the display returns to the main screen.
B 0 While the menu is displayed on the camera
recorder, the [Settings] screen cannot be
opened via the web browser.


Changing View Remote Function Changing Connection Setup
Settings You can change the settings for each of the preset
For performing setting for using the View Remote items on the [Wizard] screen of the camera
function. recorder.
0 If all the items cannot be displayed in a single
page, scroll down to display the remaining
0 Items that cannot be changed are grayed out
A according to the type of adapter connected and
the mode of connection.



A [Camera Name]

A Type of Adapter Connected

0 For setting the name that appears at the top
left of the view screen. B Mode of Wireless LAN Connection
0 Tapping the text input area displays a C [Search Access Point] Button
software keyboard. Tap (click) to display a list of the detected
If you are using a PC, enter using the PC access points.
keyboard. The currently selected access point is indicated
0 By tapping the Go key after input is complete, by a dot mark ( 0 ).
the software keyboard disappears.
B [Restrictions]
For setting the buttons to be disabled on the
View screen while in the locked mode.

Connecting to the Network a

0 [REC]:
For setting whether to disable the Stop
Record button, zoom operation, and camera HM660
control during recording.
Tap (click) each item to switch between
[Unlock] and [Lock].
0 [Except REC]:
For setting whether to disable the record
button, zoom operation, and camera control
in any mode other than the recording mode.
Tap (click) each item to switch between
[Unlock] and [Lock].
C [Save]/[Cancel]
Tap (click) [Save] to save the settings.

Tap (click) [Cancel] to stop setting and return to

the main [Settings] screen.

D Settings on the [Select Setup Type] Screen Changing Metadata Server Settings
You can make direct changes to the FTP server for
importing the metadata set in [Main Menu] B
[System] B [Network]/[Settings] B [Metadata
Server], as well as the path of the file to import.
(A P125 [ Metadata Server ] )

E Changing Clip Server Settings

You can make direct changes to the server and
directory settings that are specified in [Main
Menu] B [System] B [Network]/[Settings] B [Clip
Server] for uploading recorded clips in the SD card

to the FTP server.

E Settings on the [IP Address Configuration] (A P126 [ Clip Server ] )
When “DHCP” is selected, all items will be Changing Streaming Settings
grayed out.
You can make direct changes to settings that are
specified in [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]/
[Settings] B [Live Streaming Set], such as
information on the destination of distribution.
(A P122 [ Live Streaming Set ] )

Managing the Network

Connection Settings File
This camera recorder allows you to save the
network connection settings on the Wizard screen
H to the camera recorder unit.
Loading a saved connecting settings file enables
you to reproduce the appropriate network

F Settings when using cellular adapter

Connecting to the Network a

connection state speedily.

G Settings on the [Select FTP Proxy] Screen
Memo :
H [OK]/[Cancel] Button 0 To save or load the connection settings, go to
After changing of settings is complete, tap [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]/[Settings]
(click) the [OK] button. B [Connection Setup].
On the confirmation screen, tap (click) 0 The following operations can be performed on
[Execute] to change the settings on the camera the [Connection Setup] menu.
recorder and restart the network. 0 [Saving the Connection Settings File]

(A P 173)
0 [Reading the Connection Settings File]

(A P 174)
0 [Deleting Connection Settings] (A P 174)

Number of Storable Setup Files

Camera recorder : [CAM1] to [CAM4]

Saving the Connection Settings File 5 Select [Store] and press the Set button (R).
1 Select [Main Menu] B [System] B
[Network]/[Settings] B [Connection Setup]
and press the Set button (R).
2 Select [Store] and press the Set button (R).

2 .

6 Save the file.

0 A confirmation screen appears when you
choose to overwrite.
Select [Overwrite] on the confirmation
screen, and press the Set button (R). Saving
3 Select the file to be newly saved (or starts, and “Storing...” appears on the
overwritten) using the cross-shaped screen.
button (JK), and press the Set button (R).

3 6

0 Saving starts, and “Storing...” appears on the


screen when the file is newly saved.

4 Name the file.
Enter the subname using the software
(A P96 [Text Input with Software Keyboard] )

Connecting to the Network a

Memo :
0 When overwriting an existing file, the subname
of the existing file is displayed.
0 Select [Cancel] and press the Set button (R), or
press the [CANCEL] button to return to the
previous screen. .

7 Saving is complete.
After saving of the file is complete, “Complete”
appears on the screen, and the menu screen
closes automatically.

Reading the Connection Settings File Deleting Connection Settings

1 Select [Main Menu] B [System] B 1 Select [Main Menu] B [System] B

[Network]/[Settings] B [Connection Setup] [Network]/[Settings] B [Connection Setup]
and press the Set button (R). and press the Set button (R).
2 Select [Load] and press the Set button (R). 2 Select [Delete] and press the Set button

3 Select the file to read using the cross- .

shaped button (JK), and press the Set 3 Select the file to delete using the cross-
button (R). shaped button (JK), and press the Set
button (R).

3 3

4 Select [Load] on the confirmation screen,


and press the Set button (R). 4 Select [Delete] on the confirmation screen,
Loading starts, and “Loading...” appears on the and press the Set button (R).
screen. Deletion starts, and “Deleting...” appears on the
Connecting to the Network a



5 Reading is complete. .

After reading of the file is complete, “Complete” 5 Deletion is complete.

appears on the screen, and the menu screen After file deletion is complete, “Complete”
closes automatically. appears on the screen.

Performing Live Memo :
0 The settings cannot be changed during live
Streaming a streaming.
0 The following constraints apply depending on
By combining with the set top box decoder or PC the setting of [Main Menu] B [System] B
application that supports live streaming, you can [Network]/[Settings] B [Live Streaming Set] B
perform audio and video streaming via the network. [Type].
0 An encoding bit rate exceeding 5.0 Mbps

Supported Formats cannot be selected when [Type] is set to

Video 0 An encoding bit rate exceeding 5.0 Mbps

cannot be selected when [Type] is set to

No. of Frames for
Setting values “ZIXI” and [Latency] is set to other than
WFrame & Bit Resolution
(R: default value) “Low”.
0 An encoding bit rate exceeding 3.0 Mbps
60p, 60i, 30p 1920x1080 60i (12.0 M),
R 60i (8.0 M) (*1), cannot be selected when [Type] is set to
60i (5.0 M), “ZIXI” and [Latency] is set to “Low”, or when
60i (3.0 M) [Type] is set to “RTMP”.
1280x720 30p (8.0 M), (A P123 [ Type ] )
30p (5.0 M), 0 Depending on the type of network adapter used
30p (3.0 M), and the connection, the images and audio
30p (1.5 M) sound during live streaming can be choppy.
720x480 60i (8.0 M),
60i (5.0 M), Audio
60i (3.0 M), AAC
60i (1.5 M),
60i (0.8 M),
60i (0.3 M) Supported Protocols
640x360 30p (3.0 M), MPEG2-TS/UDP
30p (1.5 M), MPEG2-TS/TCP
30p (0.8 M), MPEG2-TS/RTP
30p (0.3 M) RTSP/RTP
50p, 50i, 25p 1920x1080 50i (12.0 M), ZIXI
R 50i (8.0 M) (*2), RTMP
50i (5.0 M),
50i (3.0 M)

Connecting to the Network a

1280x720 25p (8.0 M),
25p (5.0 M),
25p (3.0 M),
25p (1.5 M)
720x576 50i (8.0 M),
50i (5.0 M),
50i (3.0 M),
50i (1.5 M),
50i (0.8 M),
50i (0.3 M)
640x360 25p (3.0 M),
25p (1.5 M),
25p (0.8 M),
25p (0.3 M)
*1 Default value for U model
*2 Default value for E model

Setting Distribution 4 Select the server for live streaming.
1 Set the [Record Format] according to the Select the transmission server in [Main Menu]
resolution and frame rate of the video to be B [System] B [Network]/[Settings] B [Live
distributed. Streaming Set] B [Server].

Settable Resolution during Starting Distribution

Streaming/No. of Frames
1 Perform the necessary setting for the
1920x1080 1280x720
640x360 decoder and PC application.
For details on the settings, please refer to the
1920x 60i,30p 60i 30p 60i 30p “INSTRUCTIONS” of the respective devices
50i,25p 50i 25p 50i 25p and applications.
Memo :
Resolution/No. of Frames

60i 60i 30p 60i 30p

0 If there is an NAT router within the
50i 50i 25p 50i 25p communication path between the camera and
Record Format

the decoder, port forwarding setup is required.

1280x 60p,30p 30p 60i 30p
For details on the settings, please refer to the
“INSTRUCTIONS” of the router in use.
50p,25p 25p 50i 25p
0 The following parameters are required when
60i 60i 30p connecting to this camera recorder using the
Port number: 554
50i 50i 25p Stream ID: stream
576*² 0 Use the following to access via URL.

rtsp://<IP address of the camera recorder>:554/

*1 For U model stream
*2 For E model
2 With the network connection established,
Memo :
set [Live Streaming] to “On”.
0 Live streaming cannot be performed in the (A P149 [Preparing Network Connection a] )
following cases.
0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
0 Set [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]/
[Settings] B [Live Streaming Set] B [Live
Set] B [Record Format] B [System] is set to
Streaming] to “On”.
“HD+SD” or “HD+Web”
0 When [Main Menu] B [System] B [Record
0 The network connection mark appears on
the display screen when a network
Set] B [Record Format] B [WFrame & Bit connection is established.
Rate] is set to “24p”, “50p” or “60p”
Connecting to the Network a

(*“50p” and “60p” are for 1920x1080 282min 00: 00: 00.00

resolution) 100min
Jan 12,2016

2 Set the Resolution and Frame & Bit Rate for

12 :34 :56

the video to be distributed.

60 i HQ

Specify the settings in [Main Menu] B [System]

5 . 6f t
ND 1 /64

B [Network]/[Settings] B [Live Streaming Set]. 4030 20 10 0

F1. 6

(A P122 [ Live Streaming Set ] )

P13000K 1/ 100

3 Specify the distribution protocol and

related items.
Specify the distribution protocol and related
items in [Main Menu] B [System] B [Network]/
[Settings] B [Live Streaming Set] B [Streaming
(A P123 [ Streaming Server ] )

Memo :
0 You can also assign “Live Streaming” to a user
(A P38 [Assignment of Functions to User
Buttons] )
0 You can view the status of distribution on the
LCD monitor.
(A P135 [Live streaming mark a] )
Icon Status
Distribution in progress (good

2 Adjust the L and D values.

connection quality) Use the H/I buttons to adjust the L value, and
Blinks when distribution starts or

(Red) the J/K buttons to adjust the D value.

The amount of FEC overhead changes when
Distribution in progress (poor the L and D values are changed.
connection quality) To restore the L and D values to their default
values, press the [OIS/2] button.

Waiting for connection (during Memo :
RTSP/RTP) or connection failed 0 Setting range
0 4 ≦ L ≦ 20 (Default value: L = 10)
(Yellow) 0 4 ≦ D ≦ 20 (Default value: D = 10)

0 When the 5 icon is displayed, you can view the 0 L × D ≦ 100 (Default value: L×D = 10×10)

details of the error on the [Network] screen of the

3 Press the Set button (R).
status screen.
The screen returns to the streaming server
setting screen.

Cause of Error

(A P181 [List of Live Streaming Error Displays

Connecting to the Network a

a] )

Memo :
Caution :
0 Increasing the amount of FEC overhead
0 Streaming may be interrupted temporarily 24 increases the packet loss resilience but more
hours after the process started. network bandwidth is used.
0 Even with the same amount of overhead,
Setting the FEC Matrix increasing the L value will increase the packet
loss (continuous packet loss) resilience.
Set the amount of FEC (Forward Error Correction)
overhead for configuring SMPTE2022-1.
1 Select [Main Menu] B [System] B
[Network]/[Settings] B [Live Streaming
Set] B [Streaming Server] B [Server1] to
[Server4] B [FEC Matrix] and press the Set
The FEC adjustment screen appears.

Error Messages and Actions
Warning display on the LCD monitor and viewfinder screen, tally lamp indication and warning tone are as
follows according to the error status.
Memo :
0 This camera recorder makes use of a microcomputer. Noise interference from external sources may
prevent it from functioning properly. When this occurs, turn off and on the power of the camera recorder

Error Message Status Action

Turn Power Off Turn Back On System error. Turn off the power, and turn it on
Later * The warning tone sounds and the again.
tally lamp blinks twice every If the error persists, please contact
second. the local dealers in your area.

Fan Stop Detected Please 0 The fan stopped running. Please contact the local dealers in
Turn P.Off 0 The power turns off your area.
automatically after about 1
Fan Maintenance Required Usage time of the fan has exceeded Check the fan and replace
9000 hours. accordingly. For more details,
please contact the local dealers in
your area.
Memo :
0 You can check the usage time of
the fan in [System] B [System
Information] B [Fan Hour].
(A P117 [ Fan Hour ] )

Getting Overheated.  Please 0 The battery has exceeded the 0 Wait until the temperature drops
Turn Power Off. specified temperature. or replace the battery.
0 The power turns off 0 If the error persists, please
automatically after about 15 contact the local dealers in your
second. area.
Rec Inhibited [REC] button is pressed when the Turn off the write-protect switch of
write-protect switch of the SD card the SD card, or insert a recordable
is set. SD card.
(A P39 [SD Card] )

Lost Media Info * 0 Card is removed while recording Restore the card using this camera
is in progress. recorder.
0 Card is removed while (A P42 [Restoring the SD Card] )
formatting is in progress.
0 Card is removed while restoring
is in progress.
0 Card is removed while adding
the OK mark.
0 Card is removed while writing a
setup file.
0 Card is removed while deleting a
(*: A, B)

Error Message Status Action
Record Format Incorrect 0 Video format of the file for Clip Set [WResolution] and [WFrame &
Review is different from the Bit Rate] correctly.
current [WResolution] and (A P118 [WResolution a,
[WFrame & Bit Rate] setting. Resolution b] )
(A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate
a, Frame & Bit Rate b] )
Media Full 0 [REC] button is pressed when Replace the SD card with a new
the media in use has no one.
remaining space.
0 Remaining space ran out during
No Clips No viewable clips are found on the Insert an SD card that contains clips
card for Clip Review. that can be reviewed.
(A P39 [SD Card] )
(A P74 [Viewing Recorded
Videos Immediately (Clip
Review)] )
No Media [REC] button is pressed when an SD Insert an SD card.
card is not inserted. (A P39 [SD Card] )
No Media No SD card is found in Media mode Insert an SD card.
or when the thumbnail screen is (A P39 [SD Card] )
No Clips No clips are found on the inserted Insert an SD card that contains
SD card in Media mode or when the playable clips.
thumbnail screen is displayed. (A P39 [SD Card] )
(A P85 [Playing Recorded
Clips] )
12h Continuation Record The continuous recording time in To continue recording, press the
AVCHD mode exceeds 12 hours [REC] button again.
and recording stops automatically.

List of FTP Transfer Errors a

If the upload of a recorded clip or download of the metadata setup file (XML format) is not successfully
completed, the following errors are displayed.
Error message Status Action
Timeout. Transfer was discontinued due to 0 Execute again.

timeout caused by network 0 Use a different server.
transmission or server failure.
Media Was Removed. SD card is removed while FTP Insert the SD card and execute FTP
transfer is in progress. transfer again.
Adapter Was Removed. The USB network device is Connect the USB network device.
removed while FTP transfer is in
Cannot Connect to Server. Unable to connect to the FTP server. Adjust the Server and Port settings
for [Metadata Server] or [Clip
(A P125 [ Metadata Server ] )
(A P126 [ Clip Server ] )

Error message Status Action
Access Denied. Access is denied. Adjust the Server and Port settings
for [Metadata Server] or [Clip
(A P125 [ Metadata Server ] )
(A P126 [ Clip Server ] )
Invalid Username or Authentication for login to the FTP Adjust the Username and Password
Password. server failed. settings for [Metadata Server] or
[Clip Server].
(A P125 [ Metadata Server ] )
(A P126 [ Clip Server ] )
Invalid Path Was Requested. The path specified for the FTP Adjust the [Clip Server] and [Dir.
server is incorrect. Path] settings for [Metadata
Server] or [File Path].
(A P125 [ Metadata Server ] )
(A P126 [ Clip Server ] )
Server Error. There was an unintended operation Execute again.
of the FTP server. Use a different server.
Invalid Request. A bad request is executed for the Execute again.
FTP server.
Invalid Data Size. Invalid data size, such as a planning Adjust the planning metadata saved
metadata size that exceeds 4 KB. in the [Metadata Server].
(A P159 [ Planning Metadata ] )
Invalid Data Format. The XML format of the planning Adjust the planning metadata saved
metadata is invalid. in the [Metadata Server].
(A P159 [ Planning Metadata ] )
Transfer Error. Transfer failed due to Execute again.
communication failure.
Invalid URL. The path was deemed invalid by the Adjust the Server and Port settings
FTP server. for [Metadata Server] or [Clip
(A P125 [ Metadata Server ] )
(A P126 [ Clip Server ] )
Media Access Error. Reading/writing of the SD card Insert a different SD card.
failed while FTP transfer is in
Internal Error. An internal error has occurred while Adjust the settings and execute
FTP transfer is in progress. again.

Other Error. An unknown error or other errors Adjust the settings and execute
have occurred while FTP transfer is again.
in progress.
Media Read Error. Reading of the SD card failed while Insert a different SD card.
FTP transfer is in progress.

List of Live Streaming Error Displays a
The following error messages are displayed when the live streaming setting is incorrect, or when the
connection is lost during live streaming.
Error message Status Action
Invalid Address 0 The IP address format is 0 Enter the IP address or host
incorrect. name of the destination
0 The domain name cannot be correctly.
converted into the IP address. (A P176 [Setting Distribution] )
Multicast Is Not Supported An IP multicast address was set. Use an IP address that is not a
multicast address.
Cannot Connect to Receiver Establishment of connection with 0 Ensure that the recipient’s
TCP failed. device is set to TCP.
0 Set Type to “MPEG2-TS/UDP”.
(A P176 [Setting Distribution] )
TCP Disconnected TCP connection is lost. Check to ensure that there is no
abnormality in the decoder, or
network connection device and
cables, followed by establishing the
connection again.
Not Enough Bandwidth 0 The communication bandwidth 0 Lower the resolution/picture
is narrower than the average bit quality of the video to be
rate. distributed.
0 The network bandwidth is 0 Consider switching to the use of
insufficient, and packets are a stable network, such as wired
discarded. LAN.
Connection Timeout Timeout for connection via ZIXI. Set [Destination Address] and
[Destination Port] correctly.
(A P176 [Setting Distribution] )
Authorization Failed Authentication of connection via Set [Stream ID] and [Password]
ZIXI failed. correctly.
(A P176 [Setting Distribution] )
Connection Error Connection via “ZIXI” or “RTMP” Check whether a different camera
failed. with an identical stream ID is
0 Set [Destination URL] and
[Stream Key] correctly.
(A P123 [ Destination URL ] )
(A P123 [ Stream Key ] )

Disconnected “ZIXI” or “RTMP” connection is lost. Check whether there is abnormality
with the network connection device,
cables, etc., and try to re-establish
the connection.

Blinking of the Tally Lamp

The tally lamp start blinking when the remaining space on the SD card is running out during recording, or
when the battery power is running low.
Blinking Mode Remaining Battery Power/SD Card Space
Blinks slowly 0 Battery power is low
(once every second) 0 Remaining recording time on SD card is less than 3 minutes (during
0 When a malfunction occurred during live streaming a
Blinks quickly 0 Remaining battery power is almost zero
(2 times per second) 0 Remaining recording time on SD card is zero (during recording)
0 Error on the camera recorder

Warning Tone
0 Warning tone is output from the monitor speaker and [x] terminal when the battery level is low.
0 Warning tone is also output when an error occurs in the camera recorder.
Memo :
0 You can specify whether to turn on the warning tone as well as setting the volume in [A/V Set] B [Audio
Set] B [Alarm Level].
(A P115 [ Alarm Level ] )

Symptom Action
Power does not turn on. 0 Is the AC adapter properly connected?
0 Is the battery charged?
0 Is the power turned on immediately after it is turned off?
Make sure to wait for an interval of at least 5 seconds before turning
on the power again.
Unable to start recording. 0 Is the record trigger button/lock switch on the handle turned on?
0 Is the write-protect switch of the SD card turned on?
Make sure that the write-protect switch is turned off.
(A P39 [Write-Protect Switch on the SD Card] )
0 Is the camera recorder set to the Camera mode?
Use the [MODE] selection button to switch to the Camera mode.
(A P18 [Operation Modes] )
0 Is the SD card inserted compatible with the recording format?
(A P46 [Selecting a Video Format] )
(A P121 [ 4GB File Spanning(SDXC) ] )
Camera image is not output on 0 Is the camera recorder set to the Camera mode?
the LCD monitor and Use the [MODE] selection button to switch to the Camera mode.
viewfinder screen. (A P18 [Operation Modes] )
Playback does not start after 0 Is the selected clip a playable clip?
selecting a clip thumbnail and Playback is not possible if the clip has a different video format setting.
pressing the Set button (R).
No sound during playback. 0 Is the currently played clip recorded in the Variable Frame Rec mode?
(A P84 [Variable Frame Rec] )
Images on the LCD monitor 0 Readjust the brightness of the LCD monitor and viewfinder.
and viewfinder screen appear 0 Is the [ND FILTER] switch set to “1/64”?
dark or blurred. 0 Is the iris closed?
0 Is the shutter speed setting too high?
0 Is the amount of peaking too little? Use the [PEAKING +/-] button to
adjust the contour for the LCD monitor and the viewfinder screen.

(A P36 [Adjusting the LCD Monitor] )

(A P37 [Adjusting the Viewfinder] )
The [CH1/CH2] recording level 0 Is the [CH1/CH2 AUTO/MANUAL] switch set to “AUTO”?
adjustment knob does not 0 Is the [FULL AUTO] switch set to “ON”?
work. Is the [FULL AUTO] switch set to “ON”, and [A/V Set] B [Audio
Set] B [Audio On FULL AUTO] set to “Auto”?
(A P115 [ Audio On FULL AUTO ] )
SD card cannot be initialized 0 Is the write-protect switch of the SD card turned on?
(formatted). Make sure that the write-protect switch is turned off.
(A P39 [Write-Protect Switch on the SD Card] )
Battery alarm appears even 0 Is the battery too old?
after loading a charged

Symptom Action
The time code and user’s bit 0 Even in Camera mode or Media mode, the time code and user’s bit
are not displayed. may not be displayed depending to the type of display.
0 Is [LCD/VF] B [Display Settings] B [TC/UB] set to “Off”? To display
the time code or user’s bit, set it to “TC” or “UB”.
(A P111 [ TC/UB ] )
The date and time are not 0 The date and time are only displayed on the Display 1 and Display 2
displayed. screens in the Camera mode (during shooting).
(A P131 [Display Screen in Camera Mode] )
0 Is [System] B [Record Set] B [Time Stamp] set to “On”? To display
the date and time, set it to “Off”.
(A P121 [ Time Stamp ] )
Incorrect display on the 0 Is the LCD monitor used with [LCD/VF] B [LCD + VF] set to “Off”?
viewfinder. (A P108 [ LCD + VF ] )
The actual recording time is 0 The recordable time may be shorter depending on the shooting
shorter than the estimated conditions or the subject.
The two camera recorders are 0 Is the [TC IN/OUT] switch correctly set?
not synchronized even though (A P70 [Synchronizing Time Code on Another Camera] )
the time codes have been 0 Set [System] B [Record Set] B [Record Format] B [WFrame & Bit
synchronized. (Z on the Slave Rate] such that the two camera recorders have the same frame rate.
device is not displayed.) (A P118 [WFrame & Bit Rate a, Frame & Bit Rate b] )
Cannot connect to wireless 0 Check the mode of connection and method of setting ([SSID] and
LAN. a [Passphrase] in cases other than WPS).
(A P150 [Connecting via Wireless LAN] )
0 Even if the Passphrase is wrong, “Completed the Setup Wizard.
Please Input the Passphrase into Your Device.” may appear at the
browser setting depending on the type of encryption.
Adjust [Passphrase] again.
The View Remote screen turns 0 The network path is congested.
black. Wait a while before refreshing (reloading) the web browser.
The screen flickers.
The screen freezes.
Cannot perform remote
The clips cannot be uploaded 0 Adjust the [Clip Server] settings.
to the FTP server. a (A P126 [ Clip Server ] )
0 The maximum size of the recorded clip is 64 GB.
If a file size limit is set in the FTP server settings, set the size limit to
more than 64 GB.
0 Take necessary action as described in “[List of FTP Transfer
Errorsa] (A P 179)”.
The wireless LAN is 0 The wireless LAN may be disconnected depending on the
disconnected. a environment. Change the usage environment.
0 Connect via wired LAN.
(A P152 [Connecting via Wired LAN] )
GPS signal cannot be 0 Signal reception from GPS satellites may be affected by buildings or
received. a trees.
Perform positioning preferably at an unobstructed location with a clear
The position is not accurate. 0 The precision error may be up to hundreds of meters if the GPS signal
a is weak or reflected off surrounding buildings.
The images and audio sound 0 Depending on the type of network adapter used and the connection,
during live streaming are streaming may not be possible with the encoding bit rate specified.
choppy. a Please reduce the encoding bit rate.

Specifications Item
[TC] terminal

[IN] 1.0 V (p-p) to 4.0 V (p-p) high

General impedance
Item Description [OUT] 2.0 ± 1.0 V (p-p) low impedance
Power DC 12 V
Power Approx. 12 W a Lens Section
consumption Approx. 11 W b
Item Description
(When recording in the factory default
settings using the viewfinder.) Lens Fujinon F1.6, 23x, f=4.1 mm to
94.3 mm
Mass Approx. 2.5 kg (with battery) a
(35 mm conversion: 29 mm to
Approx. 2.4 kg (with battery) b 667 mm)
Allowable 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F) Filter diameter Φ72 mm
Camera Section
Allowable 30 %RH to 80 %RH
operating Item Description
humidity Image pickup 1/3-inch Progressive CMOS
Allowable -20 °C to 50 °C (-4 °F to 122 °F) device
storage Color separation F1.6, 3-color separation prism
temperature prism
Dimensions (W 177.5 mm × 197 mm × 415.5 mm Sync system Internal sync (built-in SSG)
× H × D)
Optical filter OFF, 1/4, 1/16, 1/64
Terminal Section Gain -6dB, -3dB, 0dB, 3dB, 6dB,
9dB, 12dB, 15dB, 18dB, 21dB,
Item Description 24dB, Lolux (30dB, 36dB), AGC
[HD/SD SDI] output terminal (480i or 576i: Electronic 1/4 to 1/10000, EEI
Downconverted; 720p/1080i: embedded audio), shutter
BNC (unbalanced) Variable Frame 2/30-60/30fps, 2/25-50/25fps,
HD-SDI Compliant with SMPTE ST292 Rate 2/24-60/24fps
SD-SDI Compliant with SMPTE ST259 LCD monitor 3.5-inch LCD, 16:9 920K pixels
[HDMI] Output V1.4-compliant Viewfinder 0.45-inch LCOS, 1.22M pixels
Terminal (Type A) (852 x 480 x 3)
[INPUT1/INPUT2] terminal
Storage Section
[MIC] -50 dBu, 3 kK, XLR (balanced),
+48 V output (phantom power Item Description
supply) Supported SDHC/SDXC
[LINE] +4 dBu, 10 kK, XLR (balanced) media

[AUX] terminal -22 dBu, 10 kK, 3.5 mm stereo Slots x2

mini jack (unbalanced)
[AV] terminal 4-pin 3.5 mm mini jack
Video signal 1.0 V (p-p)
Audio signal -8 dBu (during reference level
input), 1 kK (unbalanced)
[x] terminal 3.5 mm mini jack (stereo)
[REMOTE] 2.5 mm mini jack (stereo)
[U] terminal
[DEVICE] Mini USB-B type, USB 2.0,
slave function (mass storage
class) only
[HOST] a USB-A type, USB2.0, network
connection function only

Video/Audio Item Description
HD mode (MOV: H.264)
Item Description
Video QuickTime File Format
Recording time Approx. 25 minutes (8 GB SD recording file
card, 35 Mbps, VBR mode) format
HD mode Video
(MOV/MP4: MPEG-2) b XHQ Mode MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 50 Mbps (Max)
1920x1080/59.94p, 59.94i, 29.97p,
Video QuickTime File Format (For 23.98p, 50p, 50i, 25p
recording file Final Cut Pro)/MP4 File Format/
format MXF File Format a UHQ Mode MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 35 Mbps (Max)
QuickTime File Format (For 1920x1080/59.94i, 29.97p, 23.98p,
Final Cut Pro)/MP4 File Format 50i, 25p
b Audio LPCM 2ch, 48 kHz/16 Bit
Video SD mode (MOV: H.264)
HQ mode MPEG-2 Long GOP VBR, 35 Video QuickTime File Format
Mbps (Max) MP@HL, recording file
1920x1080/59.94i, 29.97p, format
23.98p, 50i, 25p Video MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 8 Mbps
1440x1080/59.94i, 50i 720x480/59.94i (U model only),
1280x720/59.94p, 29.97p, 720x576/50i (E model only)
23.98p, 50p, 25p Audio LPCM 2ch, 48 kHz/16 Bit
SP mode MPEG-2 Long GOP CBR, 18.3 Web mode (MOV: H.264) a
Mbps MP@HL (720p)/25 Mbps
MP@H14 (1080i) Video QuickTime File Format
1440x1080/59.94i, 50i recording file
1280x720/59.94p, 50p format
Audio LPCM 2ch, 48 kHz/16 Bit Video
HD mode (AVCHD) HQ mode MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 3 Mbps
960x540/29.97p, 23.98p, 25p
Video AVCHD File Format
recording file LP mode MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 1.2 Mbps
format 480x270/29.97p, 23.98p, 25p
Video Audio μ-law 2ch, 16 kHz
HQ mode MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 28 Mbps Streaming mode 1920x1080/59.94i, 50i Audio
(Max) a AAC 128 k 12/8/5/3 Mbps
1920x1080/59.94p, 50p 1280x720/29.97p, 25p Audio
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 24 Mbps AAC 128 k 8/5/3/1.5 Mbps
(Max) 720x480/59.94i 720x576/50i
1920x1080/59.94i, 50i Audio AAC 128 k/64 k/32 k
8/5/3/1.5/0.8/0.3 Mbps
SP mode MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 18 Mbps 640x360/29.97p, 25p Audio
(Max) AAC 32 k 3/1.5/0.8/0.3 Mbps
1920x1080/59.94i, 50i
LP mode MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 9 Mbps Others
1440x1080/59.94i, 50i
EP mode MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, 5 Mbps
1440x1080/59.94i, 50i
Audio Dolby Digital 2ch, 48 kHz/16 Bit,
256 kbps

Warranty Card (U model only) 1
Document and Software Disc 1
AC Adapter 1
Power Cord (U model: 1, E model: 2)
Battery 1
Large Eyecup 1

Dimensional Outline Drawing (Unit: mm)





(HOOD) 269.5

* The specifications and appearance of this product are subject to changes for further improvement without
prior notice.

A AC adapter .......................................... 29, 30 L LCD monitor ............................. 17, 30, 34, 36
Access point ............................................ 150 Lens cover ................................................. 28
Action ........................................................ 87 Live streaming ......................................... 175
Aspect ratio ................................................ 47 M Marker display ......................................... 140
Auto power off ........................................... 31 Media mode ................................. 19, 34, 136
B Backup rec ................................................ 78 Menu .............................................. 94, 95, 97
Battery ................................................. 15, 28 Metadata .......................................... 153, 159
Brightness adjustment ............................... 53 N ND filter ...................................................... 58
C Camera mode .............................. 19, 34, 131 Network ........................................... 134, 149
Cellular adapter ....................................... 152 Network operating environment ............... 149
Charging time ............................................ 29 O OK mark .................................................... 90
Clip continuous rec .................................... 80 One push auto focus .................................. 50
Clip cutter trig (splitting clips) ..................... 75
P P2P .......................................................... 151
Clip name ............................................. 43, 86
Picture file ................................................ 142
Clip review ................................................. 74
Picture quality setting ................................. 62
Color bar .................................................. 140
Power .................................................. 30, 31
Color matrix ............................................. 141
Pre rec ....................................................... 80
Computer ................................................. 145
Preset zoom (browser) ............................ 167
Connection settings file ............................ 172
Preset zoom (camera) ............................... 49
Continuous operating time ......................... 29
Push auto focus ......................................... 50
D Deleting clips ............................................. 89
R Recordable time ........................................ 39
Display screen ........................... 34, 131, 136
Remote edit mode ............................... 19, 35
Dual rec ..................................................... 76
Resolution .................................................. 46
E Error message ................................... 60, 178 Restoring SD card ..................................... 42
Expanded focus ......................................... 51
S Safety zone display .................................. 140
External monitor ....................................... 146
SD/SDHC/SDXC card ......................... 16, 39
Eyecup ...................................................... 27
SDI ................................................... 112, 146
F Face detection ........................................... 52 Selecting multiple clips .............................. 91
Favorites menu ........................................ 127 Setting the date/time .................................. 33
FEC matrix ....................................... 124, 177
Setup file .................................................. 142
File format .................................................. 46 Shooting .................................................... 45
Focus ......................................................... 49 Skin detail function ................................... 140
Focus assist ............................................... 51 Software keyboard ..................................... 96
Formatting (initializing) SD cards ............... 41 Spot meter ................................................. 72
Frame rec .................................................. 82 Status screen ..................................... 35, 139
FTP server ................................. 87, 153, 155 Switching shutter mode ............................. 56
G Gain adjustment ........................................ 55 Switching shutter speed ............................ 56
GPS ............................................. 16, 74, 132 T Tally lamp .......................................... 38, 181
H Headphone ........................................ 65, 148 Thumbnail (detailed screen) ...................... 87
I Image stabilizer .......................................... 63 Thumbnail (standard screen) ..................... 85
Initial settings ............................................. 32 Thumbnail screen ...................................... 85
Interval rec ................................................. 83 Time code ...................................... 66, 67, 70
Iris adjustment ........................................... 54 Time code generator ................................. 67
Time code playback ................................... 88

Trimming .................................................... 93
U USB mode ................................... 19, 35, 145
User button ................................................ 38
User’s bit .................................................... 66
V Variable frame rec ..................................... 84
Video format .............................................. 46
View remote ............................................. 166
Viewfinder ................................ 17, 30, 34, 37
W Warning ............................................. 35, 182
Web browser ............................ 158, 162, 170
White balance adjustment ......................... 59
White paint ................................................. 61
Wired LAN ............................................... 152
Wired remote control ............................... 148
Wireless LAN ........................................... 150
Z Zebra pattern ............................................. 71
Zoom ......................................................... 48

Software License Article 4 Right pertaining to the Licensed
Agreement 1. Any and all copyrights and other rights pertaining
to the Licensed Software and related documents
The software embedded in the Product (hereinafter shall belong to the Licensor or the original holder of
the “Licensed Software”) provided by the right who granted to the Licensor the license or
JVC KENWOOD Corporation (hereinafter the sublicense for the Licensed Software (hereinafter
“Licensor”) is copyrighted to or sublicensable by the the “Original Rightholder”), and the User shall not be
Licensor, and this Agreement provides for the terms entitled to any right other than the license granted
and conditions which Users shall follow in order to hereunder, in respect of the Licensed Software and
use the Licensed Software. The User shall use the any related documents.
Licensed Software by agreeing with the terms of this 2. The User shall, whenever the User uses the
Software License Agreement. This Agreement shall Licensed Software, comply with any laws relating to
be deemed completed at the time the User the copyright and other intellectual property rights.
(hereinafter the “User”) initially used the Product in
which the “Licensed Software” is embedded. Article 5 Indemnification of Licensor
The Licensed Software may include the software 1. Neither the Licensor nor the Original Rightholder
which has been licensed to the Licensor directly or shall be liable for any damage incurred by the User
indirectly from any third party. In such case, some or any third party due to the exercise of the license
third parties require the Users to follow their granted to the User under this Agreement, unless
conditions for use separately from this Software otherwise restricted by law.
License Agreement. Such software shall not be 2. The Licensor will offer no guarantee for the
subject to this Agreement, and the Users are urged merchantability, convertibility and consistency with
to read the “[Important Notice concerning the certain objective of the Licensed Software.
Software] (A P 190)” to be provided separately.
Article 6 Liability to Third Party
Article 1 General Provision
If any dispute has arisen with any third party due to
The Licensor shall grant to the User a non-exclusive an infringement upon a copyright, patent or any other
and non-transferable (other than the exceptional intellectual property right that was caused by the
case referred to in Article 3, Paragraph 1) licensed User’s use of the Licensed Software, the User shall
to use the Licensed Software within the country of settle such dispute at the User’s own cost and hold
the User (the country where the User bought the the Licensor and the Original Rightholder harmless
Product (hereinafter the “Country”)). from any inconvenience it may cause.

Article 2 License Article 7 Confidentiality

1. The license granted under this Agreement shall be The User shall keep the confidentiality of such
the right to use the Licensed Software in the Product. portion of the Licensed Software, related documents
2. The User shall not duplicate, copy, modify, add, thereof or any other information to be granted under
translate or otherwise alter, or lease the Licensed this Agreement, as well as the conditions of this
Software and any related documents, whether in Agreement as has not yet entered the public domain,
whole or in part. and shall not disclose or divulge the same to any third
3. The use of the Licensed Software shall be limited party without approval of the Licensor.
to personal purpose, and the Licensed Software
shall not be distributed, licensed or sub-licensed Article 8 Termination
whether it is for commercial purpose or not.
4. The User shall use the Licensed Software In case the User falls under any of the events
according to the directions described in the described in the following items, the Licensor may
operation manual or help file, and is prohibited to use immediately terminate this Agreement or claim that
or duplicate any data in a manner violating the the User compensates for the damage incurred by
Copyright Law or any other laws and regulations by the Licensor due to such event:
applying whole or a part of the Licensed Software. (1) when the User violated any provision of this
Agreement; or
Article 3 Conditions for Grant of License (2) when a petition has been filed against the User
for an attachment, provisional attachment,
1. When the User transfers the Product, it may also provisional disposition or any other compulsory
transfer the license to use the Licensed Software execution.
embedded in the Product (including any related
materials, updates and upgrades) on condition that
no original, copies or related materials continue in
the possession of the User, and that the User shall
cause the transferee to comply with this Software
License Agreement.
2. The User shall not carry out reverse engineering,
disassembling, decompiling or any other code
analysis works in connection with the Licensed

Article 9 Destruction of the Licensed Software The Licensed Software covers those corresponding
If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to the to free software, and, as a condition of distribution of
provision of Article 8, the User shall destroy the the software component in executable format which
Licensed Software, any related documents and is based on the license granted under the GNU
copies thereof within two (2) weeks from such date General Public License or Lesser General Public
of termination. License (hereinafter “GPL/LGPL”), it requires an
availability of the source code for the relevant
Article 10 Export Restriction component. Please refer to the following URL
1. The User shall understand that the Licensed concerning the distribution of the source code;
Software shall be subject to the export restrictions
adopted by the country of User and any other
countries. download/gpl/index.html
2. The User shall agree that the software will be
subject to any and all applicable international and Please note that we are unable to answer any inquiry
domestic laws including the export control regulation relating to the contents, etc. of the source code. In
of the country of User and any other countries, and addition, the Licensed Software includes the
any restrictions concerning the end-users, the use
by end-users and importing countries to be provided software developed or created independently by
by the country of User and any other countries, and JKC and there exists an ownership of JKC in such
any other governmental authorities. software and any accompanying documents, which
3. If the User is an agency of the United States of is protected by the Copyright Law, any international
America (the “Government”), the User acknowledge treaties and other applicable laws. As to matters
Licensor’s representation that the Licensed concerning the handling by JKC of the software
Software is a “Commercial Item” as defined in components, please refer to the “Software License
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) part 2.101(g) Agreement” attached hereto. Please note that any
consisting unpublished “Commercial Computer software component licensed under “EULA” which
Software” as those items are used at FAR part is not subject to “GPL/LGPL”, and those developed
12.212 and is only license the User with the same
use right Licensor grants all commercial end users or created independently by JKC shall not be subject
pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. to the requirement for provision of the source code.
The software component distributed under “GPL/
Article 11 Miscellaneous LGPL” shall be licensed to users without charge,
and, therefore, no warranty is given for such software
1. In the event any part of this Agreement is component, either express or implied, within the
invalidated by operation of law, the residual
provisions shall continue in force. scope of the applicable laws and regulations. Unless
2. Matters not stipulated in this Agreement or any otherwise permitted by applicable laws and
ambiguity or question raised in the construction of regulations or agreed in written form, none of the
this Agreement shall be provided or settled upon owners of the copyright or persons entitled to alter or
good-faith consultation between the Licensor and redistribute the software component under the said
the User. license shall have any liability for any type of damage
3. The Licensor and the User hereby agree that this or loss resulting from the use of or inability to use
Agreement is governed by the laws of Japan, and such software component. For further details of the
any dispute arising from, and relating to the rights conditions of use of such software component or
and obligations under, this Agreement shall be matters required to be complied with, please refer to
submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo
the relevant “GPL/LGPL”.

District Court for its first instance.

Users are urged to read the details for the relevant
license carefully before using the software
component covered by “GPL/LGPL” and embedded
Important Notice in the Product. Since the terms and conditions of
individual licenses are provided by parties other than
concerning the Software JKC, the original English version will be displayed by
the Product.
Software License Attached to the Product :
A Turn on the power.
The Software embedded in the Product is composed B Press the [MENU/THUMB] button.
of several independent software components, and in
each of such individual components (hereinafter the C Select [Main Menu] B [System] B [System
“Licensed Software”), a copyright of either Information] B [Open Source License].
JVC KENWOOD Corporation (hereinafter “JKC”) or
a third party subsists.
The Product uses the software component
designated in the End-User License Agreement that
was executed between JKC and a third party
(hereinafter “EULA”).

GY-HM660U/GY-HM660E / GY-HM620U/GY-HM620E


© 2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation

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