Plaintiffs Guide Sheet For Protection Orders

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CIVIL DEPARTMENT ROOM 131A (520) 724-3210

Plaintiff's Guide Sheet for Protective Orders - Please Read Carefully

The following information is provided to further explain the protective order process. It is recommended, but not
required, that the Plaintiff carry a copy of the protective order at all times.
1. You can request one of the following types of protective orders:

ORDER OF PROTECTION: An Order of Protection is used for a “family” relationship between you and the Defendant.
This can include any of the following: 1) married now or in the past, 2) live together now or lived together in the past, 3)
parent of a child in common, 4) one of you is pregnant by the other, 5) you are a relative (parent, in-law, brother, sister, or
grandparent), or 6) current or previous romantic or sexual relationship. Also, you must state how an act of
domestic violence was threatened or committed against you within the last year.

INJUNCTION AGAINST HARASSMENT: The Defendant has committed a series of acts (more than one) of harassment
against you in the last year. There is no fee for service of process if the petition arises out of a dating relationship.

INJUNCTION AGAINST WORKPLACE HARASSMENT: This Injunction may be filed by an employer or owner of a
business or operation for the benefit of an employee or the business against a single act or series of acts of harassment.

2. OTHER PROTECTED PERSONS: It is possible that you will be referred to Superior Court if your children are listed as
protected persons in this order. Only a Superior Court Judge can decide child custody or parenting time in a separate action.

3. ONE DEFENDANT: You must list only one defendant per petition. A separate petition must be filed for each defendant.
A copy of your petition and the order will be given to the Defendant and may be used in future judicial proceedings.

4. SERVICE AND EFFECT: This protective order is valid for one year from the date it is served on the Defendant and is
enforceable by law enforcement in any state or tribal nation in the United States. There is no fee for law enforcement service
of an Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment involving a dating relationship.There is a fee to serve an
Injunction Against Harassment not involving a dating relationship or an Injunction Against Workplace Harassment. The court
will instruct you on how service can be made. The cost to serve injunctions varies depending on mileage and number of
attempts. If you cannot afford to hire a process server, you can ask the judge to defer or waive the fee.

5. PROTECTIVE ORDER HEARING: If the Defendant disagrees with this protective order, he/she has the right to request a
hearing, which will be held within 5 to 10 business days after a written request has been filed in the court that issued this
order. If you do not appear at the hearing, your Order may be quashed (dismissed); therefore, you must notify the court of
any change in your contact information to assure you are notified of any hearing dates and times.

6. MODIFYING OR QUASHING (DISMISSING) THIS PROTECTIVE ORDER: Only a judge can modify or quash (dismiss)
this protective order. If you file an action for maternity, paternity, annulment, legal separation, or dissolution against the
Defendant, advise this court at once. Nothing you do can stop, change, or undo this protective order without
the Court's written approval.

7. PLAINTIFF CONTACT: Even if you initiate contact, the Defendant could be arrested for violating this protective order. If
the Defendant does not want you to contact him/her, the Defendant has the right to request a protective
order against you. However, orders are not automatically granted upon request. Legal requirements must be met.

8. LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDBY: If you or the Defendant needs to get personal belongings from the other, you may
request standby from the judge. Standby allows you or the Defendant to return once with a law enforcement officer to obtain
necessary personal belongings from the residence. Neither law enforcement nor this protective order can resolve conflicts
over property, title, furniture, finances, real estate, or other ownership issues.

9. FIREARMS: You may request that the judge order the Defendant not to possess, receive, or purchase firearms
or ammunition.

10. COUNSELING: If requested, counseling for the Defendant can only be ordered at a hearing of which the defendant had
notice and an opportunity to participate.

11. PUBLIC ACCESS: To comply with federal law, no identifying information about you will be published on the Judicial
Branch website (

Effective: June 3, 2013 Page 1 of 2 Adopted by Administrative Directive No. 2013-03

CIVIL DEPARTMENT ROOM 131A (520) 724-3210

Case No. ________________________

Plaintiff's Guide Sheet for Protective Orders - Please Read Carefully


_______________________________________ _________________________________________________
Your Name Your Address

(_____)_________________________________ _____________________________ ___________________

Your Daytime Telephone Number City, State, ZIP Date of Birth

E-mail address (if available) ___________________________________

You may ask the Court to keep your address confidential if the defendant does not know where you live or work.
If checked, the following addresses will be restricted and will not appear on the petition served on the defendant:

Restrict: [ ] home address [ ] work address [ ] other address [ ] school address

Your relationship to the defendant is: (Choose only the FIRSTcategory that applies to your relationship to the defendant.)

[ ] married now or in the past [ ] relative (parent, in-law, brother, sister, grandparent)
[ ] live together now or lived together in the past [ ] romantic or sexual relationship (current or previous)
[ ] parent of a child in common [ ] dating but not a romantic or sexual relationship
[ ] one party is pregnant by the other [ ] other

________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Defendant’s Name Defendant’s Address

(_____)_________________________________ _________________________________________________
Defendant’s Daytime Telephone Number City, State, ZIP

Please provide all information below to the best of your ANIMALS and ORDERS OF PROTECTION – If
knowledge. If you do not know the Defendant’s date of you are requesting an Order of Protection to
birth, an estimated date of birth is acceptable. Please protect yourself, you may also ask the court to
indicate the date of birth is an estimate by checking grant you the custody, care, and control of any
the “Est.” box below. animal owned by you, the defendant, or a minor
child living in your household if you believe that
SEX RACE DOB Est. HT WT the defendant is a danger to the animals. (A.R.S.
§ 13- 3602 (G)(7)) If you are asking the court to
include animals on an Order of Protection,
EYES HAIR SOC SEC NUMBER please write your request on Line 9 of the


Effective: June 3, 2013 Page 2 of 2 Adopted by Administrative Directive No. 2013-03

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