Friends of Allah

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Friends of Allah

Wali, plural awliya, is an arabic word meaning friend. Awliya Allah, therefore, means
Friends of Allah (swt).

Reference to the Friends of Allah (swt) is found in the Quran, Hadith Qudsi & Narrations of
our Holy Prophet (saw).

We would, firstly, like to bring you to the attention of the following authentic hadith which
has been narrated in Abu Daud that Our Holy Prophet (saw) said:

‘O people! Listen, understand and know it well. Allah has servants who are neither Prophets
nor martyrs and whom the Prophets and martyrs yearn to be like, due to their seat and
proximity in relation to Allah....

Our Holy Prophet (saw) then described these people and then read the following Ayah in
which Allah (swt) says in the Qur'an:

"Behold! Verily on the Friends of Allah there is no fear nor shall they grieve"
Quran (Surah10: Verse 62)

Abu Huraira (r.a) also reports a Hadith Qudsi in which our Holy Prophet (saw) informs us
that Allah (swt) said:

'Whosoever acts with enmity towards a Friend of Mine, I will indeed declare war against
[Hadith Qudsi: Bukhari]

We can therefore clearly conclude that the Friends of Allah (swt) are envied by, but are
neither, Prophets or martyrs, who have no fear or grief and are loved & protected by Allah

In the sub menus to this topic we aim to describe their characteristics & purpose and provide
you with enough information for you to be able to recognise a Friend of Allah (swt), visit
him with correct discipline & understand some of the countless blessings entrusted to them.

Who knows, maybe one day, InshAllah, you too will have a desire to strive and become a
Friend of Allah (swt)
Pillars of
A Sufi saint has the following ten pillars firmly established:-

5 External Pillars

Helps his sheikh and the helpers of deen

Possesses a Certificate from his Sheikh
Worships in Solitude and often engages himself in Zikr, Fikr and Muraqabah
Has remained in the company of his Sheikh for some time.
Spends money generously and freely

5 Internal Pillars

Has full knowledge of shariat and tariqat

Fully acts upon this knowledge with truth & sincerity
Maintains a stimulated and insightful intrinsic* self.
Possesses a pure heart free from blemish & constant in the remembrance of Allah
Has attained the nearness or ?Qurb? of Allah

If any one of these are not present then one is not a Kamil Wali

*Batini Ilm
Recognising a Kamil Wali
It is of the utmost importance to be able to recognise a Kamil Wali.

When you come to know of a Kamil wali go and visit him with eagerness. Keep your intentions
free from prejudice and do not go to scrutinise, to debate or endeavour to test him in any way.

Visit him with sincerity and sit respectfully when you arrive at his residence. Observe his
character, manners and qualities from a religious viewpoint.

A genuine Kamil Wali should possess virtues such as those listed in the ?Genuine? column
below and none of those, which are listed in the Impostor column.

Genuine Impostor

Firm in performing their regular five times Some offer their Salaat from time to time.
Salaat on time in congregation Most do not pray at all.

Wear white, green or black turbans on top of Remain bareheaded most of the time.
their topi. Occasionally wear a topi.

Wear only white sunnat Islamic dress Wear silk, gold & fashionable clothes

Maintain a full beard (ie one fist long) Either have a small or shaved beard

Polite and courteous Rude and selfish

Always speak the truth & often stay silent Tell lies and talk excessively

Humble & disciplined Arrogant & insolent

Patient & generous Intolerant & miserly

Fear Allah Fear Creation

Preserve and uphold all shariat laws Violate and defy the laws of shariat

Observe complete purdah from women & Sit happily amongst women & young girls
young girls without purdah

Never ask for money for their own needs Demand money from their mureeds

Possess full knowledge of Islam Possess little or no knowledge of Islam

Concentrate their efforts on bringing the Concentrate their efforts on collecting the
creation back to Allah material wealth of this world

Offer Supplication & taweez free of charge Demand money for making dua or taweez
Never touch women in any way or form Embrace and shake the hands of women

The main experience felt in the presence of a Kamil Wali is that upon seeing him you remember
Allah. Whilst sat in his presence, your heart gains peace & tranquillity and you begin to love
Allah and his rasool Muhammad (Swallallahu-alayhi-wasalam) and forget the worries of this

Faiz: Spiritual Noor

Spiritual Faiz is ultimately light (called Noor in urdu). It is constantly being passed down
from Allah (swt) to His Beloved Prophet (saw) to distribute.

If one has joined a sufi order in which the golden chain goes back to our Holy Prophet
(saw) then one can become a recipient of this noor. If one does not do bai'ah or never goes
to meet a Friend of Allah (swt) one can never hope to attain this noor and therefore cannot
hope to acheive much in this life or the next.

Allow us to explain:

Electricity gives "life" to electronic goods. An electric current is either delivered by:

1) Mains High Voltage: Fridge freezer, microwave, PC etc

2) Battery Low Voltage: Mobile phone, mp3 player, walkman, clock, camera etc

Similarly faiz (noor) also gives "life", but in this case it gives life to one's success in this
life and/or the next. There are two types of faiz:

1) Faiz for the World (Dunya Faiz) Low Power:

This helps one to have children if one does not have any, be successful in business, become
rich, famous etc

2) Faiz for one's Religion (Deen Faiz) High Power:

This helps one succeed in being steadfast in performing Prayer, Conforming to Shariah,
Acting upon the Sunnah, Refraining from sinful activities etc

Distribution of Faiz:

A Sheikh can only distribute faiz according to his status. A sheikh is either Incomplete or

i) An incomplete Sheikh is called a Majzoob. He can only distribute Dunya Faiz

ii) A complete Sheikh is called a Kamil Sheikh. There are three ranks of Kamil Sheikhs.
All three can distribute BOTH deen and dunya faiz.

The three ranks are as follows:

1) A Kamil Sheikh: one who is complete

2) A Mukammal Sheikh: one who is perfect
3) An Akmal Sheikh: one who is the most perfect Wali.

The difference is that an Akmal Sheikh, who is at the highest rank, can distribute faiz to the
lower Mukammal & Kamil Sheikhs. So it is often the case that a Kamil sheikh will do
bai'ah to an Akmal Sheikh just for faiz.

Our murshid at is an AKMAL sheikh. We are very very fortunate to have met
an Akmal Friend fo Allah (swt). To learn more about our Murshid please visit the About
Hadhrat Section.
Golden Chain

In sufi terminology, the Golden Chain represents one's spiritual genealogy from one's Sheikh to
the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam).

This is also known as a "Silsila", which literally means "Chain" in Urdu.

One enters into a Silsila when one takes Bai'at (Pledge of allegiance) upon the hands of a Sheikh
whose spiritual genealogy links him to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam),
and is a recipient of Spiritual Faiz.

The following represents our Golden Chain and like all Golden Chains, it begins with our Holy
Prophet (saw)

Naqshbandi Mujaddadi
Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa

12 Rabi al-Awwal 11AH, Madinah al-Munawwarah

Golden Chain of Command Date Of Demise Place of Burial

Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Sayidina Hadhrat
23 Jumaad al-Aakhar, 13AH Madinah al-Munawwarah
Abu Bakr Siddique
Hadhrat Salmaan Farsi Radhiallahu anhu
17 Jumaad al-Aakhar, 35AH Madaa'in (Arabia)
Hadhrat Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abu
24 Jumaad al-Awwal, 107AH Madinah al-Munawwarah
Hadhrat Imam Ja'far Saadiq 24 Rajab al-Murajjab, 148AH Madinah al-Munawwarah

15 Sha'baan al-Mu'azzam,
Hadhrat Bayazeed Bistaami 261AH
Bistaam (Iraq)

10 Muharram al-Haraam,
Hadhrat Abul Hassan Khurqaani 425AH

Hadhrat Abul Qasim Gurgani Gurgaan

Hadhrat Abu Ali Faarmadi 4 Rabi al-Awwal, 477AH Faarmad (Toos)

Hadhrat Yusuf Hamdaani 27 Rajab al-Murajjab, 535AH Maru (Khurasaan)

Hadhrat Abdul Khaliq Ghajdwani 12 Rabi al-Awwal, 575AH Ghajdawan (Bukhara)

Hadhrat Khwaja Aarif Reogari 1 Shawwal, 616AH Reogar (Bukhara)

Hadhrat Mahmood Fughnawi 17 Rabi al-Awwal, 715AH Waabakni (Mawralnahar)

Hadhrat Khwaja Abu Ali Ramatini 28 Dhul Qa'dah, 715AH Khwaarizm (Bukhara)

Hadhrat Muhammad Baba Samaasi 10 Jumad al-Aakhar, 755AH Samaas (Bukhara)

Hadhrat Syed Ameer Kalaal 11 Jumad al-Aakhar, 772AH Saukhaar (Bukhara)

Hadhrat Syed Baha'uddin Naqshband

2 Rajab al-Murajjab, 791AH Qasr-e-Aarifan (Bukhara)

Hadhrat Alaa'uddin Attaar 20 Rajab al-Murajjab Jafaaniyan (Mawralnahar)

Hadhrat Ya'qoob Charkhi 5 Safar, 851AH Charkh (Bukhara)

Hadhrat Ebeydullah Ahraar 20 Rabi al-Awwal, 895AH Samarqand (Mawralnahar)

Hadhrat Muhammad Zaahid 1 Rabi al-Awwal, 936AH Wakhsh (Malk Hasaar)

Hadhrat Darwesh Muhammad 19 Muharram, 970AH Samarqand (Mawralnahar)

Hadhrat Muhammad Waaqif Akangi 21 Sha'baan, 1008AH Akang (Bukhara)

Hadhrat Baaqi Billaah 25 Jumaad al-Aakhar, 1012AH Delhi (India)

Imam Rabbani,Mujaddid Alf Thani,

Hadhrat Shaykh Ahmad Farooqui 28 Safar, 1034AH Sarhand (India)
Hadhrat Muhammad Ma'soom Farooqui
9 Rabi al-Awwal, 1079AH Sarhand (India)

Hadhrat Sayfuddeen 19 Jumad al-Oola, 1096AH Sarhand (India)

Hadhrat Muhsin Dehlawi India

Hadhrat Noor Muhammad Badyooni 11 Dhul Qa'dah, 1135AH Dehli (India)

Hadhrat Mirza Mazhar Jaan-I-Jaanan
10 Muharram, 1195AH Khanqah Mazharia (India)

Hadhrat Abdullah Shah 22 Safar, 1240AH Khanqah Mazharia (India)

Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Ahmad 1 Shawwal, 1250AH Taunq (India)

Hadhrat Ahmad Sa'eed 20 Rabi al-Awwal, 1277 Madinah Munawwarah

Hadhrat Dawst Muhammad Qandhaari

22 Shawwaal, 1284AH Moosa Zai (Pakistan)

Hadhrat Muhammad Uthmaan

22 Sha'baan, 1314AH Moosa Zai (Pakistan)
Hadhrat Siraaj-ud-deen 26 Rabi al-Awwal, 1333AH Moosa Zai (Pakistan)

Hadhrat Khwajah Fazal Ali Shah 1 Ramadhan al-Mubarak,

Miskinpur (Pakistan)
Qureshi 1354AH

Hadhrat Abdul Ghaffar 8 Shaban, 1384 AH Larkana, (Pakistan)

Hadhrat Muhammad Sardar Ahmad Naqshbandi

Benefits of Faiz &

We have compiled the following true incidents, from our own jamaat, to illustrate the vast
benefits of doing bai'ah and receiving faiz. Please read this article to learn about faiz.

All incidents have been eye witnessed by us personally. These are not mere "stories"
passed on from gossip. These are actual events which have taken place with the persons
involved alive and well. We shall narrate one story in each category so you can get an idea
as to how extensive faiz is, and how it can benefit you, if you join this Golden Chain.



An elderly man once came to Hadhrat Sahib with a "peeling skin" problem, since ten years.
Hadhrat Sahib prayed a few Quranic Ayahs and blew it over some olive oil. Hadhrat then
advised him to apply this oil onto his body everyday and to top the bottle up with more
olive oil before it finished and to contiue using it.

One month later, on the regular 11th night program, he came back and was showing
Hadhrat Sahib and all the mureeds present, how he had been completely cured! He went to
the extent of lifting his lungi and showing his legs to everyone to prove his point!! :) With
such delight he kissed Hadhrat Sahib's hand and said his skin is no longer peeling off and
he became a Mureed with firm conviction that Hadhrat sahib was a Friend of Allah (swt)

Eye sight:

A new mureed, in the home town of Bucheki, asked Hadhrat Sahib to make dua for his son
who was blind since birth. Hadhrat Sahib made dua and asked him to bring some Kohl
(Surma). The mureed did as requested and Hadhrat Sahib prayed a few Quranic Ayahs and
blew over the surma. Hadhrat Sahib then advised the mureed to continue to apply the
surma into his son's eyes.

Time passed by and within a few months the mureed's son gained his eyesight!! The whole
family did bai'ah and the news travelled very far after which many others from his relations
also did bai'ah. The Mureed's son is now over 13 years old and looks completely normal.


A mureed in Lahore called Amir Ali was a very very poor man. He heard of Hadhrat Sahib
and did bai'ah for both religious and worldy benefit. Within three years, from bai'ah, he is
now in a position where he owns a 20 Lakh ( £20,000) business in buffalo and cow food.

Obviously he sticks to Hadhrat Sahib like glue and always offers to take Hadhrat Sahib in
his own vehicles. Even to this day he is the number one transporter for Hadhrat Sahib. So if
you ever go to visit Hadhrat Sahib in Lahore you will surely meet him. If you do, give him
my Salaams!


A couple in Sialkot could not have children. They had been trying for over 15 years. They
heard about Hadhrat and how many others had benefitted so they came over to take bai'ah
in the hope they would be blessed with Children.

Hadhrat gave bai'ah and gave them 9 dry dates on which Hadhrat had recited some Quranic
Ayahs. They were advised how to use them and no sooner had the year ended that they had
their first baby girl!

Ramzaan, the father, came to Bucheki once whilst I was there. I met him and he was in
complete Sunnah. He obviously benefitted from both dunya and deen faiz.


An officer, known as Cheema, worked in Lahore the Special forces. This particular special
forces branch do jobs that the national police simply can't do. They fight, chase and capture
teams of thugs and robbers and take care of essential security of the country.

Before meeting Hadhrat Sahib he had just been promoted to sub-inspector of the special
forces branch. He met Hadhrat Sahib in Lahore at Herbanspura (one of Hadhrat's main
center for tabligh). After having heard the benefits of bai'ah and feeling an attraction
towards Hadhrat he wanted to become a mureed. He was advised to stop taking rishwat if
he wanted to benefit from his Bai'ah. Cheema agreed and took Bai'ah.

Within two months he was astounded to learn he had been promoted yet again to Inspector
of the special forces! He was bewildered & very impressed because he knew that it would
have taken almost two years before he could have reached this position. He told Hadhrat
about this event and was advised that benefits in this world are one of the advantages of
doing bai'ah and it makes the mureed more firm in sticking with his Sheikh.

As you might well expect he his now Hadhrat's right hand man. He is also much more
religious than he was before.

Influence of Black Magic:

As you may all well know, black magic has become a rampant activity in the sub continent.
Its normally used to mae people's lives a misery. All due to jealousy and hatred.

However, by doing bai'ah one is taken under the spiritual protection of the Friends of
Allah. (swt) who are in turn protected by Allah (swt). Those Mureeds that complain of un-
natural occurences etc are usually given Taweez to put around theri necks. The problem is
mostly always resolved within a short while.

Influence of Jinn:

Jinn are also the creation of Allah (swt). Hadhrat Sahib often deals with these Jinns by
asking them to leave politely, which they do because they are absolutely scared of Hadhrat!

They recognise Hadhrat as being an Akmal wali and they NEVER cause a fuss. Some ask
to be burnt alive throgh taweez due to honour but most generally leave.

The Jinns are usually upset beacuse the human subject urinated on their food etc However
some are sent by their human masters through Black Magic and because Hadhrat has the
power to break the magic both the subject and the jinn are released!

Many have become bai'ah by beeing freed from Jinns.


Salaat, Sunnah, Shairah, Qalbi Zikr, Wilayat:

Majority of all mureeds are firm in adhering to their five times Salaat and conforming to
the sunnah with an emphasis on the beard, Imamah, miswak and qalbi zikr. You only need
to look at any of the mureeds to confirm this.


Toooo common to even give you a single story. Any mureed who has a problem with this
is given cardamom on which some Quranic Ayahs have been prayed and blown over by
Hadhrat. The mureed is to chew on them whenever he gets the urge to smoke. Within
weeks the habit of smoking is gone. This method has been effective for thousands of
Mureeds in our jamaat.


Heroin. Addictive you say? Absolutely. Take it once and you'll be hooked for life.
However! Faraz, a Mureed in Lahore was on heroin,and even used cocaine for good
measure. He was soo smacked out of his head one night that he was about to die.

Living close to him was one of his neighbours and Hadhrat Sahib's very very close mureed.
He advised Faraz's family that they should take Faraz to Hadhrat Sahib immediately. So in
the dead of night they took Faraz to Bucheki.

Hadhrat Sahib prayed a few Quranic Ayahs and blew over him. At that time Faraz's tounge
was sticking half way out of his mouth and he was on the verge of death. Nevertheless,
morning came and Faraz's conditon got better. As it was miraculous just to see him alive
his family became mureed..

With the use of Prayed Cardamom, in three months Faraz lost his addictiveness to Heroin!

Having been to Lahroe recently I met Faraz. We even worked on building a bathroom for
Hadhrat Sahib at my residence in Pakistan, as he now works in a construction firm. He has
a full beard, is practising the Sunnah and is very much alive and well.

Obviously I was intrigued as to how someone can get off an additicve drug such as heroin.
I asked Hadhrat about it and I was told that to get someone off something addictive you
need to be give something even more addictive, so he was given the love of Allah and
Love of Rasool!


Abbas became a mureed at a very young age. He and his Uncle used to make and sell
alcohol. He lived locally to Hadhrat and would often come to pray at Hadhrat's Dergah.

One day Abbas and his Uncle were about to finish preparing seven bottles of Alcohol.
However, it was time for Salaat, so they came to Hadhrat's place to pray. Having finished
the prayer Hadhrat walked back to his residence. Before closing the door behind him he
called Abbas and said, "Those who sell and those who make alcohol are equal in sin"
Hadhrat then closed the door and went home.

These very words struck the core of Abbas's heart. He made a firm intention, there and
then, that he would never make or sell any alcohol again.

He went straight back and started to smash all the bottles he & his uncle had just prepared.

From that day till now he has never touched alcohol. Instead, Abbas is now a popular naat
Khwaan in our Jamaat.

Surprisingly he has no education, cannot read or write but has still memorised hundreds of
Naats for Meditation! We have recorded some naats and will put them up for you to listen


One woman, called Parveen, in Farookabad was a habitual adultress. She would sleep with
as many as ten men in one day to satisfy her urge. She was a widow and was very poor

Hadhrat Sahib was determined to set things right. So Hadhrat had her called in to work at
the Spritual center in Farookabad to prepare food, clean up etc in return for money.

Within a few weeks at the center, and with full tawajju from Hadhrat, she started to
perform Tahajjud and became heavily engrossed in Religious worship! She was
transformed from an adultress to a humble servant in just a few weeks!


Riyasat Ali is from Sialkot. He and his wife, with the help of other comrades, used to rob
entire villages in Pakistan.They were notorious gangsters. However, Riyasat Ali was
destined for better things.

He met Hadhrat Sahib and became mureed instantly out of love for him. He left his
thieving ways and he & his Wife lived at Hadhrat's Dergah for spiritual faiz for almost 10
years! They were very poor and everything they were given was from Hadhrat's
possession. Riyasat made many poems of love and praise for Hadhrat, during this time, and
many are still recited by mureeds to this day.

After ten years Hadhrat gave him permission to do tabligh in Sialkot and bring people to
the Remembrance of Allah(swt). At this moment in time he is doing tabligh and has
brought thousands of new mureeds into the jamaat. He has also become very very rich
since then.


Four Rana brothers from Farookabad were held in prison on death row for murder. They
were to be hanged for their crimes.

One of their relatives and close Mureed advised Hadhrat of their position and their desire
to be granted pardon for their sins by doing bai'ah.

Hadhrat then met the brothers in jail where they all did bai'ah. Amazingly, it hadn't even
been a few days before they were all pardoned by the court and set free!!!!

This miraculous event made their faith in Hadhrat even more stronger. It doesn't stop there,
this event was then followed by their first ever local election vistory in Farookabad!

As you can see, they truly did benefit from doing bai'ah and gaining faiz. Not only did they
get their life back, they were pardoned for murder and even won local elections!

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