Daily Maamulaat and Wazaaif

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The passage discusses the importance of taking spiritual treatment through Bay'at and daily Wazaaifs to cure spiritual diseases and strengthen one's faith.

Bay'at is a pledge or oath of allegiance to a spiritual guide. Though not obligatory, it is recommended to reform one's spiritual diseases and develop a strong relationship with God. The object and purpose of Bay'at is obligatory on each individual.

Some daily Wazaaifs prescribed include reciting portions of the Quran, repeating dhikr such as 'Laa ilaaha illallaah' and 'Allaah' with the intention of purifying one's heart, and informing one's spiritual guide of one's condition once a month.

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(A short introduction to Bay'at):-

Bay'at is not Fardh; it is Sunnat. However, the object

and purpose of Bay'at is Fardh - Fardh Ain – Actual

Fardh on each individual! And that is the reformation

of one's spiritual diseases and to recognise Allaah 

and have a living relationship with Him. Just like when

we become physically ill, we go to a doctor, take

medicine and treatment, then, in'shaAllah, we get better.

Though, to take treatment for physical ailments is not

Wajib,nor Fardh. It is a sabab - means - and Sunnat.

If a person takes treatment he may get better, he may not.

Even if he gets better he is still going to die, one day.

On death his worldly suffering will come to an end.

On the other hand to take treatment for spiritual ailments,

like wrong and weak Imaan, casting lustful gazes, pride, doing things for name

and fame, anger, backbiting, etc. is Fardh e Ain!

If one follows the treatment, cure is guaranteed, or

Allaah  will grant one complete purity just before

maut. If this treatment is not taken, on death, the

problems don't come to an end, but rather start!

The punishment and suffering in the qabr will

continue till Allah  knows best?! Some sins,

if not forgiven will have to be burnt out in jahannam,

if he died with Imaan, thereafter only will he be allowed

to enter Jannat!
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The general prescription is:

1. Recite at least 3-4 pages, for men and 1/4 para for ladies, of Quraan Sharief daily.

2. Recite 100 times 'Laa ilaaha ilallaah', the 1st time and more or less every tenth time
the full kalema, with Muhammadur Rasulullaah and Durood Sharief (sallallaahu
alaihi wa sallam) with this in mind that with 'laa ilaaha' I am taking out all the dirt
and wrong from my heart and throwing it out, and with 'illalaah' I am putting the
right qualities in my heart.

3. And 100 times 'Allaah' after the 1st time say some words of Allah 's greatness like
'Jalla Jalaalahu' and with this in mind that O Allaah I love You, I need You, You also
love me, come in my heart.

4. Inform about one's condition about once a month, by email. On the information, as
required and when required, more wazaaif will be prescribed which will lead a
person to higher spiritual heights!

Khanqah Akhtari

Website : www. ka.org.za

E-mail : [email protected]

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Daily Wazaaif

Lecture delivered by Hadrat Maulana Abdul Hamid Saheb Daamat Barakaatuhum


A person that recites the following Dua seven times morning and evening, Allah  will
protect him from all worries and depression. Mullah Ali Qari  writes,

‫كفاه هللا ما امهه‬

‫قال مال على قارى رمحه هللا هو الغم الذى يذيب االنسان من امور الدنيا واالخرة‬

It is the worries of the world and hereafter that will melt a person.

According to W.H.O. most people living in first world countries are suffering from
depression. First world countries experience the highest rate of suicides. Hadrat Shah Hakim
Muhammad Akhtar Saheb Daamat Baraakatuhum says, “If Switzerland could manufacture a
watch that is water proof, what is it difficult for Allah  to create a heart that is worry


Every morning and evening, one should recite the last three verses of Surah Hashr (28th Para)
after reciting Ta’awwuz.

‫اعوذ ابهلل السميع العليم من الشيطان الرجيم‬

‫هه َادةِ ُه َو الهر ْمحَ ُن الهرِح ُيم‬َ ‫ب َوالش‬ ِ ‫اَّلل اله ِذي َال إِلَهَ إِهال ُهو َع ِاِل الْغَْي‬
ُ َ ُ‫ُه َو ه‬
‫اَّللِ َع هما يُ ْش ِرُكو َن‬
‫اْلَبه ُار الْ ُمتَ َكِِّبُ ُسْب َحا َن ه‬ْ ‫ُّوس ال هس َال ُم الْ ُم ْؤِم ُن الْ ُم َهْي ِم ُن الْ َع ِز ُيز‬ ِ ِ ‫هو ه‬
ُ ‫ك الْ ُقد‬ ُ ‫اَّللُ الهذي َال إِلَهَ إِهال ُه َو الْ َمل‬ َُ
ِ ْ ‫ض َوُه َو الْ َع ِز ُيز‬
‫اْلَك ُيم‬ ِ
ِ ‫اْلُ ْس ََن يُ َسبِِ ُح لَهُ َما ِِف ال هس َم َاوات َو ْاْل َْر‬ ْ ‫َْسَاء‬ ْ ‫ص ِِوُر لَهُ ْاْل‬ ِ
ُ ‫اْلَال ُق الْبَا ِر‬
َ ‫ئ الْ ُم‬ ْ ُ‫اَّلل‬
‫ُه َو ه‬

‫وكل هللا به سبعني الف ملك يصلون عليه ان يدعون له وان مات ىف ذلك اليوم مات شهيدا‬

Allah appoints 70 000 angels to make Dua (for the reciter of the above Dua) and if one
passes away on that day, he will pass away as a martyr.

If a person receives the Dua of some pious person or one’s parents, how happy wont he be?
By reciting the above Dua, a person gets the Dua of the angels which is full of blessings.
Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Umar Saheb Palanpuri  mentioned on the occasion of a
certain Ijtima, “I do not start my day’s work until I engage 70 000 angels on their duty.

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Protection from all evil

Whoever will recite Surah Ikhlaas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas thrice morning and evening
commencing with Tasmiah (Bismillah) each time, Allah  will suffice such a person. What is
meant by Allah will suffice him? The commentators of Hadith have written,

)‫تكفيك من كل شئ (اى من كل ورد‬

It will suffice one from all Wazaaif.

If a person cannot recite all his Wazaa’if for the day due to his involvement in certain
activities such as travelling etc., then this Wazifa will suffice on behalf of all other Wazaaif.
For example, a person is sometimes rushing in the morning to work and cannot have a
complete breakfast; he will suffice on a banana. Similarly, by reciting the above Wazifa it will
suffice a person, if he does not have sufficient time to recite all his daily Wazaaif. However,
this should not be a daily practice. One should ensure that all the prescribed Wazaaif are

)‫تكفيك من كل شئ (اى من كل شر‬

It will suffice one from all evil.

Nowadays, people complain of Jadu, health problems, robbery, hijackings, crime, etc.
However the biggest enemy is Nafs and Shaytaan. This is, so to say, an insurance policy that
we have taken out, which is 100% Halaal. By reciting the above, no harm will affect the

Dua for protection of one’s Deen, Dunya and family

A person came to Rasulullah  and complained of weakness in regards to his Deen and
health. He also complained of family and financial problems. Rasulullah  caught his hand
and advised him to recite the following Dua thrice daily,

‫بسم هللا على ديَن ونفسى وولدى واهلى وماىل‬

Dua for protection from pride

On one occasion Rasulullah  mentioned that pride enters a person stealthier and more
secretly than the movement of a black ant on a black rock on a pitch black night. When pride
enters a person, then his deeds will be destroyed. Hadrat Abu Bakr  said, in that case we
will all be destroyed, O messenger of Allah . Rasulullah  replied that a person that
recites the following Dua will be protected from all forms of pride, whether it is little or a lot,
minor or major, outward or inward. The dua is as follows,

‫اللهم اىن اعوذ بك ان اشرك بك شيئا واان اعلم استغفرك ملا اعلم‬

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Those that have devoted their lives for the effort of Deen should recite the above Dua
without default. Our efforts of Deen should not be like a person that works on his computer
for six months and instead of saving his work, he errs and presses the delete button and
everything is lost. It shouldn’t be such that the Deeni efforts we carried out throughout our
life is deleted, and we have zero in our book of deeds.

Protection from blindness, insanity, paralysis and leprosy.

Whoever recites the following Dua will be protected from blindness, insanity, paralysis and

‫سبخان هللا العظيم وحبمده ال حول وال قوة اال ابهلل‬

An all-encompassing Dua

A Sahaabi came to Rasulullah  and complained of weakness of memory. Who can make
Dua similar to the Dua of Rasulullah ? Rasulullah made Dua on the plains of Arafaat, Mina,
Muzdallifa, at various instances in the thirteen years of Makkah and ten years of Madinah.
Are we able to make these Dua’s? Rasulullah  taught this Sahaabi a Dua that is all
encompassing whereby he will get all the Duas of Rasulullah  if recited.

‫اللهم اىن اسئلك من خري ما سئلك منه نبيك حممد صلى هللا عليه وسلم واعوذ بك من شر ما استعاذ منه نبيك حممد‬
‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬

O Allah! Verily I ask You of the good which Rasulullah  asked of You, and I seek refuge from
the evil which Your Nabie  sought refuge from.


1. These Duas should be read with sincerity, for the pleasure of Allah .

2. It should be read regularly.

Once there was a Ijtima in Azaadville, during the programme Bhai Abdul Wahhab Saheb fell
asleep. I covered him whilst he was asleep. When he awoke, he enquired as to who had
covered him and on finding out it was me, he gave me a lot of Duas. He then took out a card
and began reciting some Wazaaif. I told him, “You also have some Taweez.” He replied,
“these are the morning and evening Duas that I recite daily.”

The rewards and benefits promised for these Duas are guaranteed. However, we are many
times deprived of these benefits due to our sins. We find a man ill in hospital, but he is busy
flirting with the nurse and watching the TV. These sins deprive us from the benefit of these

For example, a person imports goods from China and he is expecting a profit margin of
500%. However, his paperwork is not in order so the custom officials are not releasing the

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goods. He is unable to sell the goods and accrue any profit. Similarly, sins deprive us of all

Many people feel that we cannot abandon sins in this day and age. This is incorrect. One
should seek forgiveness by making Istighfaar which will cause our sins to decrease. A person
that gets the Taufeeq of Istighfaar will fly towards Allah .

Hadrat Thanwi  has written an incident of a person aged 20-25 that got married. He used
to mess the bed daily with urine. The newly wed wife asked him, “Why are you messing the
bed as you are no longer a kid?” He replied, “I see a dream daily in which Shaytaan takes me
for a long walk. I then have an urge to relieve myself so Shaytaan takes me to an ultra-
hygiene toilet in which I relieve myself.” The wife said, “You know that we are poor and
living a difficult life, why don’t you ask Shaytaan to show you all the treasures, as he is the
leader of the evil Jinn and well aware of where the treasures are kept?” That night he
requested Shaytaan to direct him to all the treasures. Shaytaan showed him a metal trunk
full of treasures, he tried picking it up but it was so heavy that he relieved himself, but this
time leaving stool on the bed. His wife said that this is even worse, you should rather stick to
your old habit.

Hadrat Thanwi  explains the above incident and explains that a person totally detests
urine, stool, etc. However, sins are even worse than urine and stool.

In the Quraan Sharif Allah  states,

ِ‫ني ي َدي ِه وِمن خلْ ِف ِه ََي َفظُونَه ِمن أَم ِر اَّلل‬ ِ ‫لَه مع ِِقب‬
ِ ْ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ ِ ْ َ‫ات ِمن ب‬ ٌ َ َُ ُ
For everyone there are guardian angels in front of him and behind him protecting him from
harm by Allah’s order.

By backbiting the angels flee from a person due to the evil stench that gives off from the
backbiter’s mouth.

In another Hadith Rasulullah  reports,

‫لعن هللا الناظر واملنظور اليها‬

Allah curses the one who looks at (strange women) and the one who is being looked towards
(the women).

The person that cannot protect his gazes is deprived of the benefit of these Wazaaif as well.

In the Quraan Sharif, Allah  states,

ِ ‫ضا ِِبَا َكانُواْ يك‬ ِِ ِ

‫ْسبُو َن‬ َ َ ‫ض الظهالم‬
ً ‫ني بَ ْع‬ َ ‫ك نُ َوِِّل بَ ْع‬
َ ‫َوَك َذل‬
In a like manner, We make some of the oppressors companions of others because of the evil
deeds they perpetrate.

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This verse is quite explicit that Allah  places oppressive rulers upon us due to our sins.
However, Allah  does not derive any enjoyment in punishing us. In the Quraan Sharif Allah
 states,

ِ ِ
‫يما‬ ِ ‫اَّللُ بِ َع َذابِ ُك ْم إِن َش َك ْرُُْت َو َآمنتُ ْم َوَكا َن‬
ً ‫اَّللُ َشاكًرا َعل‬ ِ ‫هما يَ ْف َع ُل‬
Why must Allah  punish you if you are grateful and have Imaan? Allah is all appreciative,
All knowing.

In short, we should totally abandon sins to benefit from these Wazaaif.

May Allah  grant us the Taufeeq to practice. Ameen.

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