Choose Your Own Star Wars Adventure 2 The Empire Strikes Back

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CHOOSE YOUR OWN pouta, uillyou be ablc to
\vUARWARS Once yoube tasted tbe
tart, a.utay from tbe darh sidc of tbe Force?
"'$7'hat you must learn is that the Force is not there
lrirrrl oul ll llrc liorct: is with you in the further adven- to help you, Kenobi might have told you," Vader
Iurcs rrl l,ukc Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo. says. "The Force is there to be used the way you
l,rrrrlt lrx'lllrrlt<'t! collcctor's editions of A New llope and might use any weapon. It is there to serve you. And
llt,l rt t'tt trl' I lta.ledi zrt a bookstore near you!
the way to control it is by using your emotions. Your
own fear and hatred will allow you to access the
greatest amount of power from the Force.
And enjoy more thrilling
Star Wars adventures Now take your lightsaber and attack me!"
on the Internet at: Vader is right about so many things, you rcaliz,c.
You do hate him, and you fear him. You attack.
h ttp : //www.bdd. com/starwars
Vader fights back. Your lightsabers flash and spark.
\7ith all your hate and strength, you swing the
ttp : //
lightsaber down on him. Vader blocks the attack but

staggers backrvard with the Power of your b[ow.

,,,,,, ,Ifl1,,,,,, "Ah, you see!" he says. "You have enough hate to
C 'l'l
make you a powerfi.rl warrior. It is easier for you to
r i s ltt tttk,./i,aturing a special
a use the dark side than the light, isnt it?"
:I, i l) lttrlogt'ttttt, is ct etne-time-
o ttttly, I itttilrtl (ktllt,<-lor's Edition. You must agree. The
You I he dark
dark side gtves you Power
stde gives
that you never knew existed. But if you yield to its
( )r
temptations, what will become of the Rebels .
() and your friends?


Illustrated by PhiI Frank6

RL 5.0


A Bantam S$hrh Book / September l99g

Sfuhrh Books

CHOO.S|:: tam Books,

Original conception of Edwmd pathard
Inteior illrctrations b1 phil Franki

All rights
@, rM, &
@ 1998 fu Lucasflm Ltd.
I would like to gratefully acknowledge the suppoft and
Cour zrt copyigltt @ l99g by Lucufln Ltd. contributions of my agent, Lori Perkins; the team at
Illustrations copyright @ l99g by Bantam Oorbiedoy
tiril noohs for yoang Readzrs. Bantam, especially Diana Capriotti, Karen Meyers, and
No part Beverly Horowitz; Sue Rostoni at Lucasfilm; radio
or mech retrieual scribe Brian Daley; the Jedi Master George Lucas, and
every person whose hard work went into making the
original film; and of course, as always, my wonderful
a couer you sboald b wife, Connie, who knows this stuff even befter than I
uoU and destrqrd"
receiued any paymen do.

ISBN 0-553_48652_7
Pablished imiltaneously in tbe United States and Canada
Bantam Boohs are published
Dell Publithing Groap, Inc.
Boohi'and tbe portrayal ofa
Ofice and in other countries.
Mw York, New Yorh 10036.


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Do not read this book straight through from be-
ginning to end. These pages contain exciting galac-
tic adventures you may have as you and your friends
fight against the evil empire of Emperor Palpatine
and his minion, Darth Vader.
From time to time, you will have to make a
choice. Beware-what looks like the right choice
may lead you to hidden danger and unknown ene-
mies. So think carefully about what you should do.
After you make a decision, follow the instructions to
find out what will happen next to you and your
friends. Every decision you make for yourself will
have immediate consequences for the lives of your
closest friends.
Youte caught in the middle of a battle benareen
good and evil. Courage and honor can lead you to
glorious victory, but the dark side of the Force offers
unimaginable power. you be sffong enough to
make the right choices for yourself and your friends?
Read on and find out.
Good luck!
It's cold. Freezing, in fact. You cant believe that a
planet as frozen as Hoth exists in your universe. You
do not want to go back outside. But you chose this
Iife. . . .
You were born and raised far away on the planet
Thtooine, a dustball where moisture farming is big
business and where rwin suns shine every day. But
you and your best friend, Luke Skywalker, always
wanted to be fighter pilots, not moisture farmers.
You pause for a minute and remember the remark-
able events that changed your life so completely.
Not so long ago, you and Luke had a chance to
taste excitement when you were drawn into the Re-
bellion against the evil Empire. During your adven-
tures, you were joined by the aging Jedi Knight Ben
Kenobi, a young Rebel leader named Princess Leia, a
roguish intergalactic smuggler named Han Solo, and
his first mate, the'Wookiee Chewbacca, as well as a
pair of droids called R2-D2 and C-3PO. \7ith this
mismatched crew, you and Luke helped lead the Re-
bellion to an important victory. Luke himself fired
the blast that destroyed the Death Stat the Empire's
most fearsome weapon.


_ Solo spins, draws his blaster, and fires directly at You take the comlink from Han and speak into it.
Darth Vader. But a blaster cant do a thing rg"irrrt
dark Jedi Master. vader deflects the brast"s #th his" "Rogue TMo," you say, "make sure theret a med
hand, then lifts his arm into the air. The blaster is team standing by. Commander SkFwalker needs im-
torn from Hant grip and flies to Vader,s open hand. mediate treatment."
Stormtroopers rush up behind Han anjgrab him A short time later, you're all back at the base. Luke
and Leia, training theirv apons on Che,vbacca so is in the medlab, and you and Han, finally warm,
the Vookiee doesnt dare make a move. walk over to the command center to see Leia. As you
"I'm r9rry old friend, I had no choice. They ar_ ente! you see her huddled over a bank of sensor
ri".:d right before you did,': Lando says to Han. monitors with General Rieekan and C-3PO. Every-
"Not. as sorry as f am," Han replies. He looks one looks worried.
across the room at you. "you too, kid? Itt just "Leia, what is it?" Han asks. "Is something
a day
full of surprises. And traitors.,, wrong?"
You say nothing. After a few momenrs, Vader or_ "sensors just found an unidentified b[ip," Leia ex-
ders the Rebels taken away. His plan is to lure Luke plains. "'$U'e're tryrng to pin it down."
Skywalker to Cloud Ciry by holding them. He even "I dont like the sound of that," you say.
tortures Han, hoping that Luke willhear his cries of "'We picked *p something outside the base, in
pain through the Force and come to the rescue. you Zone Twelve," General Rieekan explains. "It's defi-
know that Vader is right. The only way to stop Luke nitely metallic, and itt transmitting-somethirg."
from coming is to get the others'off'Clo.rd biry "Pardon me, Princess Leia," Threepio interrupts.
quickly as possible. you hope you and Lando can ", "I am fluent in six million forms of communication.
carry out your plan. This signal is not used by the Rebel Alliance. In fact,
After Hant torrure iy over, you and Lando go to I think it highly probable that it is an Imperial
the cell where he and the others are being held] code."


Boba Fettt ship is docked on a platform not far
away. It doesnt take you long to get there. As you
run onto the platform, you see several stormtroopers
pushing the carbonite-frozen form of Han Solo in
front of them.
"Hold it!" you shout, warning them. It wouldnt
be honorable to shoot them in the back.
They turn, pulling their blasters, and start to fire
at you. You take shelter behind a pillar and return
fire, taking all four stormtroopers down quickly. As
you run toward the block of carbonite, Boba Fett
stomps down the ramp of his ship, his weapon
"Not another step!" he shouts.
You pull your lightsaber out jusr as Fett fires at
you. You block the bolts with it and move closer to
"Leave," he says. "Solot mine. Theret a lot of
money on his head, and I m not giving it up just be-
cause you've got some fancy moves with that toy.
Youte too young to be a Jedi, even if there were any
Jedi Ieft."

OH, REALLY? Go ro PAGE 58.

6 7
over the comlink for final
"No!" you shout. "I'm not leaving you!" Just then the call comes
The wampa swings a mighry clawed paw down at .*..r",iorr. The base is about to fall to Imperial
you. You spin inside the beast's attack and cut deeply escort the last ffansPorts
into its arm, drawing blood. It bellows in pain and the Planet. The walkers
swipes at you again, but you duck and roll and come asy to flY ewaY from the
as been given.
up again a few feet from Luke.
"Pretty good," Luke says as you melt the ice that 5round.
You fly low over Luke' Ht *'vt' you ol-
He's. ob-
pins his feet to the cavern roof. He falls to the
ground with a grunt. the evacuadon order on his helmet
"I've paid attention to your lessons," you say. "i;;Jr'h.rrd
..-fi"f. and plans to walk all the way back!.Y.ou
head back.o b"r. but resolve to wait there
for him'
\7ith a roar, the wampa launches itself across the
no matter what. \7hen he finally walks into
cave at both ofyou.
half frozen but ready to board his X-wing' you
"But itt still your weapon, old friend," you say. "I
think you should hang on to it." there waiting for him.
You toss the lightsaber through the air. It flips over "Just you and me, Luke," you say'"Now, where
Now' wnerc
was it we were supposed to go on this
twice. Luke catches it without even glancing at it.
He's watching the wampa. The ice beast sees you i rk laughs o*i th. tornlittk as you both fire up
throw the weapon but is still heading toward you. your X-wings.
"I think it likes you," Luke says. ' "Y/.'r. ,rJt goittg to rendezvous with the others,
"Either that, or itt mad about that little cut I gave Lieutenant," Luke reveals' "'!V'e're going to
a little
it," you say, joking even though you are terrified. pir"., in the Dagobah System to find a Jedi Master
named Yoda."
"Dagobah?" you say in surprise' "Yoda? \7hat's
this all about?"


a 9
'\7ell, it looks like it worked," Lando says. 'Ac- But Vader has overestimated Luket injuries. In the
cording to Vader, het on his way here right now." moment that he turns to stop your lightsaber, Luke
"You fixed us all real good, Lando," Han says an-
leaps forward. Now he slashes at Vadel cutting
grily. across his chest and through his armor.
"Han," Lando says, "I've got a whole ciry full of Darth Vader falls dead at Luke Slq,'walkert feet.
people to prorect. There was nothing else I could You rise and run to Luke just in time to catch him as
do." he falls, exhausted, next to his opPonent.
"Save it!" Han shouts. He punches Lando, knock-
"You saved my life," he says.
ing him down. "And you mine," you reply. "Now let's go find the
The guards move to grab Han, but Lando waves othets."
them away. But Leia, Chewbacca, and Lando are nowhere to
"Listen, Han, I'm sorry I couldnt do more, but
be found. They have already left aboard rhe Millen-
I ve got my own problems," Lando says. nium Falcon.Aweek later when you finally catch up
The door opens behind Lando and the Cloud to them, they are already planning to go rescue
City security guards. Several srormtroopers enter. Han-still frozen in carbonite-from Boba Fett and
You and your friends are held at blasterpoint and
Jabba the Hutt.
shuffled down a corridor. Lando follows. \7hile Luke and Leia stay behind to help rebuild
"'$7hat's happening, Lando?" Han asks. "Is this
the Rebellion, you join Lando and Chewbacca in
part of your deal?" searching the galaxy for Boba Fett, tracking down
"Not ar all," Lando says, but theret nothing he Hant carbonite-frozen body. 'When you've found
can do. him, you ll call the others, and then it will be time to
You are all brought into a large, dark chamber. In rescue Han Solo.
the center of the room is a hole in the floor. But that is another story.



lo tt
Though it is dark and cold, and you think you can Vader steps forward and slaps you in the face. His
things moving in the shadows insije, glove cuts your cheek.
gather your courage
;; "Pain helps also," Vader says simply. "Now, take
and nter the cave. At first you
cant see- anything, but it seems to grow lighter as your lightsaber and attack me!"
you go farther inside. Then you the sJund of You turn your lightsaber on. It hums to life, glow-
mStal against meral. you turn a corner to see a squad ing as you slash it back and forth in front of you.
of stormtroopers waiting for you with their brasters Vader is right about many things, you realize. You
drawn! hate him, and you fear him. You are angry and in
You have no idea how they got there, but you pull pain. You attack!
your blaster and start firing. Soon you realiz. yo,, ,r. Vader fights back. Your lightsabers flash and spark.
seriously outnumbered and decide ro retreat. you \7ith all your hate and strength, you swing the
turn and run from the cave. lightsaber down on him. Vader blocks the attack,
"'W'hat?" Luke shouts. "'S7-hat is it?,, but actually staggers backward from the power of
But when you - turn around, there are no your blow.
stormftoopers. It was all an illusion. Then itt Luket "Ah, you see!" he says. "You have enough hate to
turn. \Mhile het inside, you ask yoda what caused make you a powerful warrior. It is easier for you to
the illusion. use the dark side of the Force than the light, isnt it?"
"You saw your own fear inside,,, he explains. ,,you You must agree: The dark side gives you power
feared that you would run, and you did. you that you never knew existed. But still it scares you.
learn to overcome your fears." You are determined to learn what you can from
"\[hat will Luke face in rhe cave?,, you ask. Vader and then use it against him somehow without
"Only Luke will know," yoda replies. falling to the dark side.
Each day, though, it gets harder to remember that
you are not really Darth Vadert apprentice. It would
be so easy to give in completely to the dark side.

Go ro peae 92. Tunn To PAGE 42.

t2 IB
You stare at Han for a moment, unwilling to cut But it's no use. You're so cold now that your mind
open the beast. is slowing down. Itt becoming hard to think. You
"Get to it," Han orders. "It's going to feel disgust- dimly remember a technician mentioning that ice
ing and smell even worse, bur it'll keep Luke alive crystals in the air make surface communications very
while we set up the emergency shelter." difficult after dark. Itt one of the drawbacks of hav-
You follow his instructions. Even as you cur open ing the base on Hoth.
the dead rauntaun, the other falls over onro the Still, you refuse to give up. You turn in the direc-
snow. You feel sorry for the beasts, but you concen- tion where you believe the base is and begin to
trate on saving Luket life and making sure you and trudge across the ice. After two dozen steps, you fall
Han live to see the morning. for the first time. The second time you fall, you dont
Together you and Han set up rhe emergenry shel- get up again.
ter and move Luke into it. You climb in after him, You lie in the snow, freezing. Your last thoughts
hoping your combined body heat and the sheltert form an apology to Luke. In the morning they Il find
own reserves will keep you warm until morning. You your frozen body. Inside the cave, theyll find only
are exhausted and drained by exposure ro the cold. It Luket bones.
isnt long before you drift off to sleep.



l4 r5
"You think wete going ro trust you now, after "You said you wanted to be around when I made
what you did to Han?" Leia asks angrily. "'We dont a mistake, Princess," Han says. "This could be it!"
need your help, Lando." "I take it back, Han!" Leia cries.
"Leia, listen to him," you urge.
Several smaller asteroids smash into the ship.
"Theret still . . . time," Lando sputters. "Han. . . "I'm going in closer to that big one!" Han says,
Theret still time. . . ro save. . . Han!" pointing out the largest asteroid yet.
"Let him go, Chewie," Leia says. "Closer?" you and Leia shout together.
Chewbacca obeys immediately. Han flies along the surface of the asteroid. The re-
"If youte lying just to save your own skin-" Leia maining TIE fighters are destroyed while trying to
begins, but Lando interrupts her. follow. A moment later, Han spots a cave and de-
'I'm not. Theyte loading Han onto the bounry cides to land the ship inside it to make repairs. You
-hunter Boba
Fett's ship, Slaue 1, out on the erst plai- are all relieved, for the moment, to be protected
form," Lando explains. "Maybe we can catch him." from the asteroids.
"Lett move!" Leia says. She and Chewbacca pick \While the others disembark to repair the Falcon,
up the blasters the stormrroopers dropped and iurn you wait inside with C-3PO. From time to time, the
to go back down the hallway. cavern rumbles around the ship.
..No!" you say. Leia turns to stare ar you angrily.
"'S7'hat?" she asks.
"l'll you explain. "You and Chewbacca get
-back togo,"
the Falcon and scan her for any trackirg J.-
vices. I'll get Han. I'll be back before you knowit."

Fr.rp ro peee 22. HUH? TunX To PAGE 70.

t6 t7
"You do what you have to, Luke," yo,, say, realiz-
A short time later, Yoda uses the Force to raise
ing that Luke wants to meet Vader one-on-one. ,,I,ll your X-wing from the swamp. Luke and Artoo help
go and make sure everyone else gets off Cloud Ciry you repair the ship, and then you take offl Luke
safely." promises to meet up with you and Rogue Squadron
You run down several corridors to catch up with as soon as possible.
the stormtroopers escorring Leia and Chewbacca. You return to the place where Rogue Flight was
There is another man rhere, a government official of supposed to rendezvous after leaving Hoth. You be-
some kind. You dont know whose side he's on, but come Rogue Leader and continue to fight in the Re-
het not wearing handcuffs, so you assume he and his bellion. You strike at Imperial bases, hiding out
men are with the Imperials. wherever possible.
Still, this may be your only chance ro rescue your Eventually you hear about Luke and the others
friends. Itt now or never. You reach out into the and their adventures on Cloud Ciry. You meet them
Force, trying ro remember the things that yoda and on a Rebel space station. Luke never mentions the
Kenobi taught you, and the things you and cave, or what he saw when he went inside, and you
Luke discussed when you were training iogether on never ask. You dont want to know.
Dagobah. You focus your mind and imagine a loud
bang off to the left. THE END
It works! Everybody looks to see what has made
the sound, including rhe srormtroopers. In the midst
of their confusion, /ou fire your blaster and hit two
of the ffoopers. The men go down hard on the floor
in a clatter of armor. The other stormrroopers turn
and begin to fire at you. You return fire and call for
your friends to take cover.


la t9
Lando makes an announcement over the public- You wake in the morning inside the emergency
address system, instructing all residents of Cloud
shelter. Your eyes are closed, and you can hear the
Ciry to evacuate. Not far from the landing bay, a crackle of comlink static. You also hear the sound of
door whooshes open, and out steps Darth Vader. snoring. Itt Luke, right next to you. You sit up,
"Go!" you scream to the others.
*Kid!" thrilled to realize that you're all alive!
Han roars. "You dont have to do this!" "Han!" you say, shaking Solo awake' "Get up!"
"If I dont, nobody gets out," you reply. "Itt the Han stretches and yawns, then suddenly stops in
least I can do."
midstretch. He glances over at you, then Luke, then
Then they're gone, leaving you to face Darth finally laughs.
Vader. The sound of his ragged breathing is enough "'We made it through the night!" he cries.
to terriS, you.
"You should never have betraydd me," he says. His Just then the static crackle of the comlink cuts off
and is replaced by the greatest sound you've ever
voice is chilling as he flicks on his lightsaber. "You
heard-the voice of your rescuer!
could have had such power." "Echo Base, Echo Base, this is Rogue Two."
You turn on your own lightsaber and attack him
The voice belongs to Zev, an X-wing pilot. You re-
right away. Your blades meet and spark. You back up alize he must be flying overhead. Rescue is here! Han
to attack again. But Vader easily avoids your thrust picks up the comlink and speaks.
and brings his own lightsaber across your body. You "Rogue Two, this is Solo," he says. "Do you
collapse on the ground.
Vader turns away, ignoring you now that you have "This is Rogue Two," Zev replies from his X-wing
been defeated. You are beneath his notice. But his
high above. "I hear you. Do you copy?
troopers come in and escort you to a prison cell, ;'Gotch" Ioud and clear, ZeYt" Han replies happily.
where you will spend the next thirry years. "Good morning! Nice of you to drop by."
"I've got your homing beacon on my screen," Zev
Txe END says. "Be right with you."


20 2l
"Iaccept," you say quickly. "I will be your ap- "I'd be crazy to go back to my ship. Lett go!"
prentice." The tunnel shakes again, hit by more fire from the
"Excellent," Vader says. "I can sense that you hate Imperials. Along with Leia, Han, and Threepio, you
me. \7e will use that hatred to make you an unbeat- hurry back to the repair bay. Chewbacca already has
able warrior." the Millenniurn Falconi engines running. You all run
\7hen the Imperials discover no one else on the up the ramp just as stormtroopers break in.
Rebel base, you accompany Vader to his Star De- "H.y, kid, blast those BuIs, will ya?" Han calls
stroyer. He gives you your own lightsaber and begins down to you.
to instruct you in the ways of the Force. You train for You whip out your blaster and fire at the
hours and hours, trying to gain grearer power. you stormtroopers. Suddenly Darth Vader appears in the
try to stay calm and cool, the way Ben Kenobi open doorway. Luckily the ramp starts to rise be-
taught, and not use the dark side, but it isnt easy. neath you. Seconds later, you are strapped into one
The second day after the Rebel evacuation from of the freightert gun seats, firing at Imperial ships as
Hoth, Vader takes you into his private chambers for the Falcon blasts out of Hotht atmosphere. C-3PO
another lesson. keeps trying to tell Han something, but Han ignores
"\7hat you musr learn is that the Force is not there him, determined to get you all out alive. Under fire
to help you, as Kenobi might have told you," Vader from TIE fighters and two Star Destroyers, Han tells
says. "The Force is there to be used, the way you everyone to sit tight-it's time for hyperdrive.
might use any weapon. It is there ro serve you. And But nothing happens.
the way to control it is by using your emotions. Your i'Thatt what I ve been trying to tell you, sir,"
own anger and hatred will allow you ro access the Threepio says. "I noticed earlier that the hyperdrive
greatest amount of power from the Force." motivator was damaged. Itt impossible to go to
in trouble," you say.
"Big trouble," Leia agrees.


FoRqE oN PAGE I I. UH.oHI Tunnr To PAGE 88.
22 2g
"But what about Boba Fett?" Leia asks. "And the Suddenly the wampa throws its weight at you.
stormtroopers?" Luke moves to block the attack, forcing the wampa
Chewbacca roars in agreement. to turn and defend itself by swatting him away. Luke
"I can handle them," you say. You realize that you dodges under its hand to slash at its legs. The beast
mean it. You know you can handle them. You're a roars and reaches for him again, more cautious this
Jedi Knight now. time. Luke takes advantage of the wampa's fear and
"'S7hat about Luke?" Leia asks. with one mighry swipe of his blade chops off the
"tust me on this, Princess," you say. "I've known wampa's hand.
Luke my enrire life. He can take care of himself. The fight has obviously been more than the
Theret nothing we can do for him anyway, excepr wampa bargained for. You watch as it runs deep into
let Vader kill us. I don't think that would help." the cave, roaring in pain and holding on to a stumP
Leia smiles. Then her face grows grave\y serious where its hand used to be.
again. Luke turns off his lightsaber.
"Bring Han back," she says. "Thanks, old friend," you say. "I do believe you
You're gene, running off down the corridor, saved my life."
headed for the east platform and Boba Fett. "You did the same for me," he replies. "Now we've
got to get out of here in case this thing has a mate. I
guess it's time to find out why they call Hoth the ice
"I thought we already knew that," you reply.
Moments after you leave the cave, you feel your
hands, feet, and face going numb. Your thoughts
start to slow down.
"Are we . . . sure this is the right way?" you ask.

TuRnr To PAGE 5. FTuo oUT oN PAGE 82.

24 25
"I'm sorry, Vader, but no," you reply. "No matter "You okay, Han?" you ask.
what happens to me, I would rather be dead than "I will be, kid, thanks to you," Han replies.
end up a cruel, heartless monster like you." fu youre helping him up, the Millenniurn Falcon
Vader stares at you a moment. His breathing appears above and lands on the platform next to
grows louder. Hr". \When the ramp drops, Leia runs out and hugs
"So be it," he growls. "But death would be too Han, then helps him back up into the ship. You join
easy for you. If you will not learn the ways of the them. Soon you are all flying away from Cloud Ciry'
dark side, there are other methods by which you can "\(rhat about Luke?" Han asks.
serve the Empire. I will see to it that you spend the "He's got his X-wing," you say, not wanting to
rest of your life mining spice on the planet Kessel." mention Vader. But Han knows.
"Kessel?" you whisper. "No, please . . ." "So if he's still alive, he'II get awaY on his own,"
But it is too late. -ilZhen the stormtroopers return, Han says.
you are transported to Kessel. The mines are incred- There is silence on board the shiP-
ibly hot and almost completely dark, the air difficult But before you can get too far away, you feel a
to breathe. And you spend the rest of your life there. presence, a familiar voice reaching out to you in the
Yours is a fate worse than death. You glance up at Leia. From the look in her
eyes, you can see that she feels it, too.
Trre Exo "Luke!" the two of you say simultaneously.
"\7hat?" Lando asks, startled.
"Luke!" you say. "Han, we've got to go back for
"You've got it!" Han saYs haPPilY.
"But we dont even know where we're going!"
Lando argues.


"Luke," you say, "you're so much more skilled
with the Force . . ."
"Just trust in it," he says. "The lightsaber is closer
to you, so we'll will it ro your hands. Cut yourself
down, and then me."
You nod. It's hard to concentrare, but your life and
the life ofyour best friend depend upon it. You reach
out with the Force. You can feel Luke doing the
same. It is as if your minds are working together. You
focus on the lightsaber. It begins to move!A moment
later, it flies from the snow with the sound of crack-
ing ice and comes right to your hand.
\fith the flick of a switch, the lightsaber roars to
life. But the sound has alerted the wampa. You can
hear a roar and the pounding of feet as it tromps
through the cave toward you.
a single slash of the lightsabcr, you cur your-
self free. Quickly you spring to your feet and spin to
free Luke. But it's too late. The wampa ice beast
emerges from the back of the cave.
"Run!" Luke shouts. "Get help!"
You're tempted to do as he says. But if you run,
Luke may die.



2A 29
Youre a good pilot. Good enough to evade some Later, on the main level inside Cloud Ciry, Lando
TIE fighters, and good enough to get out of the as- discusses business. He is the city's baron-
teroid field. But not good enough to do both at administrator, and it isnt an easy job. The Empire's
once! Nobody is-nobody but Han Solo or Luke power and the Rebellion's efforts have led to labor
Slifwalker. and supply problems. During the conversation, you
fu you think of your friends, you reahze how ter- notice that C-3PO has disappeared. He must have
rible it was of you to leave them behind. Especially wandered off you think. Maybe for a cleaning. Af-
now that you're going to be killed despite your es- ter all, you realtze, he hasnt had one since Luke first
cape. A TIE fighter comes in close, firing, and you became his owner back on Tatooine.
dodge the attack, only to put yourself in the path of Only later, after you've all been shown to your
a huge asteroid, bigger than a space station. quarters, does Chewbacca go out to look for Three-
The Millennium Falcon is destroyed, and you pio and come back with what's left of him. Someone
along with it. has smashed the droid to pieces! Chewbacca sets
about trying to put him back together.
Txe Exo Just then, Lando arrives and asks everyone to join
him in the banquet hall.
"I don't know about the rest of you," you say as
you head toward the smell of food, "but I'm hun-
After a moment, Lando says, "Heret the banquet
The others start in, but you hold back a moment.
Something doesnt feel right. Then Chewbacca
pushes you from behind, and you go inside.
Inside the banquet hall stands Darth Vader! By his
side is an armored figure who can only be the noto-
rious intergalactic bounty hunter Boba Fett.


. i .. fi.i-:..-:.-:"-.s#.-iwe

"I had a vision earlier, when I was freezing out You and Luke run, side by side, through Cloud
there on the ice," Luke explains. "Ben Kenobi told City. Darth Vader's presence is so strong that even
me where I had to go to complere my Jedi training. though you are not as attuned to the Force as Luke,
Ben started to train you the same as he did me. I you can sense it now. As you search for Vader, you
thought it was only right that you come along." see Chewbacca and Leia being escorted by guards.
"Thanks, Luke," you say. "Lett get going, before Luke asks you to stay and free thern.
the Empire ruins our chances of meeting this Yoda." "They're still alive," yo, say. "That means they're
Luke laughs again. You leave Hoth, heading across okay for now. Let's take care of Vader-then we'll
the galaxy together to a small, jungle-and-swamp- free them together."
covered planet in the Dagobah System. Luke agrees. A minute later, you quietly enter a
you reach the planet, /ou find it covered in darkened chamber. You can hear Vadert hoarse
a thick layer of clouds. There are no cities or large breathing beneath his black mask.
buildings, but according to your fightert scanners, "Ah, Skywalker. I expected you to come alone,"
there is plenry of life. You and Luke decide to land. Vader says.
But the moment your X-wings hit the cloud layer, all "Luke is never alone," you say. "Even if I weren't
your instruments go dead. here, Ben Kenobi and the Force would be with
"Luke, what is it?" you cry as your ship begins to him."
shake. Vader appears and lunges at you both. You and
"I don't know. Just start your landing program!" Luke each draw and ignite your lightsabers. Vader
Luke shouts. attacks. Together you are able to fight him off even
Seconds later, both ships crash into a foul-smelling drive him back a bit.
swamp. Even as you climb out on your wing, it be- "Obi-\7an taught you well," Vader says. "But you
gins to sink. Luke barely gets R2-D2 out in time, are not Jedi yet."
and your own R2 unit is malfunctioning.


s2 tsB
"I'm sure," Luke replies. You're glad to have him After the long journey to Bespin, /ou land in
along.'W'ith his skill in the Force, you're certain that Cloud Ciry and walk down the ramp from the Fal-
he knows what het talking about. You move on, do- con. A door slides open to reveal several armed
ing your best to just keep walking. Cloud City security men and a tall, handsome, dark-
Luke talks into the comlink on his wrist. skinned man dressed in blue and black with a srylish
"Echo Three to Echo Base, come in," he groans. light blue knee-length cape.
"Itt . . . itt an emergency. Freezing our here . . . "Lando!" Han calls happily.
need help. Please come in, Echo Base." ' "Solo!" Calrissian says. "So it is yot!"
You trudge through the snow, hoping that some- 'fI ve got a bad feeling about this," you mutter.
one will hear Luke and ger ro your location fast Han shushes you.
enough to save you from freezing to death. Calrissian stomps toward Han angrily.
"Echo Three to Echo Base," Luke tries again. "You slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler!"
"Please come in." he snarls at Han. "You've got a lot of guts, coming to
"They're not going to hear you," you tell Luke. Cloud Ciry after what you pulled!"
"Remember what the techs said, about the ice crys- Calrissian takes a swing at Solo, and Han starts to
tals and the cold affecting surface communicarions duck. Then Calrissian breaks into a laugh and pulls
after dark? \Ve're . . . we're not going to make it, FIan toward him in a big hug.
Luke." "Hah!" Calrissian says. "How you doin, you old
Luke stops walking and turns to you. pirate? Itt great to see you! I never thought I'd catch
"Don't give up. Ever," he says. up with you again."
You walk on, but after another few meters, you fall Han introduces you, Leia, and Threepio to Cal-
to the snow. Luke tries to help you up, only to fall rissian. Lando is very friendly to all of you, but es-
himself, Lying in the snow, you realize that you are pecially to Leia.
going to die.


g4 B5
But the tauntaun suddenly falls to the ground "You dont. . . understand!" Lando croaks, barely
with a huge thud. Han swears loudly. You realize, able to speak. "I had. . . no choice."
though your brain is almost numb, that the "You think we're going to trust you now, after
tauntaun is dead. what you did to Han?" Leia asks angrily.
"Only one thing ro do," Han mumbles. "Chewbacca, you're going to kill him!" you shout.
You hear a sound like someone cutting leather. Chewie roars in agreement.
Then you notice rhe most horrible odor you've ever "There's still . . . time," Lando sputters. "Han. . .
smelled. Luke is dragged away from his spot next to
Therek still time . . . to save . . . Han!"
you, and then Han has you under the arms. He "Drop him, Chewie," Leia orders.
slides you into a slimy, stinky hole.
Chewbacca obeys immediately.
But it's warm. After a moment, you realize that "If you're lying just to save your svn 5[[n-" Leia
Han has cut open the dead raunraun and is using its begins, but Lando interrupts her.
body heat to keep you and Luke warm while he sets "I'm not. Theyre loading Han onto Boba Fett's
up an emergency shelter. \7hen he finally moves you ship, Slaue I, out on the east platform," Lando ex-
both into the shelter, you have one last conscious plains. "It's still there."
thought, a hope that his quick thinking can keep all "Lett move!" Leia says. She and Chewbacca pick
three of you from freezing to death.
up blasters the stormtroopers have dropped and turn
Then you drift off to sleep. to go back down the hallway.
"No!" you say. Leia turns to stare at you angrily.
"\7hat?" she asks.
"I'll go," you explain. "You and Chewbacca get
back to the Falcon, make sure the hyperdrive is fixed.
I'll get Han and be back before you know it."
"But what about Boba Fett?" Leia asks. 'And the


B6 97
"Luke will die if we dont head back, Han," you Outside the base, the three of you ride tauntauns,
insist. large, leathery-skinned animals well suited to the
Han glances angrily at you. "Het not going to cold on Hoth. During the day at least. At night,
die!" He drags Luke toward the surviving tauntaun. Hotht surface isnt fit for any living thing, excePt
"Don't just stand there whistling," he barks. "Help perhaps the horrible wampa ice creatures.
me get him up there." You, Luke, and Han split up and spend several
Together you sling Luke over the tauntaunt back. hours planting sensors. After a while, you regroup to
Then you pause, staring at the beast. There's no way check on each othert progress.
both of you can fit up there with Luke. "Have either of you picked up any life readings so
"Listen, Han," you say quickly, "f can try to use far?" Luke asks.
the Force to keep myself warm. Get up there with "All I'm picking up are saddle sores," you mutter,
Luke and I'll follow on foot." shifting uncomfortably on top of your tauntaun.
"I didnt know you could do that," he says. "I came across a carcass. Looked a couple of days
"Neither do I" you admit. "But it's our only old," Han says. "Probably killed by one of those
hope." wampa. They'll go after anything they can find. Lis-
Han gets on the tauntaunt back behind Luke and ten, we've placed all our sensors and I'm cold. I'm
heads toward the base. You tap into the Force as best going back to the base. You two coming?"
you can, tryrng desperately to create warmth from "I saw a meteorite come down not Ar from here,
nothing. and I want to check it out first. It won't take long,"
As fast as you can, you follow Han on the Luke replies.
tauntaun. Your effort warms you, but slowly the cold
"\7hat about you?" Han asks you.
seeps in. Your focus starts to slip. Then you stumble
upon the second tauntaun, dead in the snow, with
Luke and Han pinned under it, unmoving. Your will IF YoU sTIqK WITH LUKE AND TRY TO
to fight the cold gives out. You fall a meter away FIND THE METEORITE, TURN TO PAGE 66.
from Han, and you dont get up again.
"Now hold on," Han says. "I think I've got an
'While Han pilots the ship, you and Chewbacca
try to fix the hyperdrive. A short while later, the ship
is slammed several times. You're afraid itt the Impe-
rials. But no. The Star Destroyers are sdll after you,
but they haven't caught up. The realiry is worse.
Han piloted the ship into an asteroid field!
"Han, what are you doing?" Leia cries.
"The Imperials would have to be crazy to follow
us in here!" Han declares happily.
Another asteroid slams the ship.
"Han, youhe cttzyt" you shout.
"Tiust me!" he replies.
"Sir, the possibiliry of successfully navigating an
asteroid field is-" Threepio begins.
Han turns on him angrily and yells, "Never tell me
the odds!"
You shout for Han to watch out. He swerves the
ship just in time to avoid an enormous asteroid,
hundreds of times larger than the Falcon itself You
can see that the TIE fighters have begun to follow
the ship into the asteroid field, but their pilots arent
as good as Han, and many of them are destroyed.

TuRx ro pase 15.

40 4l
You decide to go with Luke. A short time later, the "I know just where he is," Leia says. "He's hanging
two of you take off in your snowspeeders alongside on to something on the underside of Cloud City.
the other members of Rogue Squadron not involved Het in pain, but het hanging on."
in the evacuation of the planet. You head out over Seconds later, you spot Luke hanging upside down
the iry surface of Hoth. You are amazed by the Im- from what seems to be a weather vane. You and
perial walkers, giant armored gunships with long Lando go to the topside hatch of the Falcon. fu Han
legs walking across the surface of the planet. holds the ship steady, you lower Luke inside. He's
"Listen, Rogue Five," Luke tells you over the com- badly injured, even missing a hand, but youve got
link, "before I forget, I'm glad you came along." him now.
"So am I, Commander," you reply. Soon the ship blasts into hypersPace. In no time,
"Now lett get them!" Luke cries. You pilot your you and the others have rejoined the Rebel Alliance.
snowspeeders down to attack the walkers. Luke is quickly fitted for a new mechanical hand to
The battle is fierce, and the snowspeeders dont do replace the one he lost while battling Vader. The bat-
much more than slow the waikers down. Their tle with the Empire continues.
armor is too tough for your weapons. Several But that is another story.
snowspeeders go down under fire, exploding in the
snow Tne Elvo
Finally, as the fight grows more desperate, your
comlink crackles to life with Luke's voice..
"Lieutenant!" he announces. "I've got an idea! De-
ploy harpoons into the walkers' legs, then fly in a cir-
cle around them, tightening the cable. \(hen you get
it tight enough, release the cable and-"
"And theyll trip!" yov cry, realizing what Luket
plan means. "Luke, youte a genius! That's so crazy it
just might work!"


42 49
\When the Imperial fleet catches up with the Mil- "Leia. . . help me!" you say. "I dont want to be-
lennium Falcon, your loyalty to your friends de- tray you. But the dark side is so strong!"
mands action. But Vader will execute you if you "Fight it!" she says. "You have to. Vader will use us
betray him now. \7hen Han, Leia, and Chewie es- to trap Luke and then execute us all. YouVe got to
cape, you breathe a sigh of reliefl That is, until you fight it!"
discover that the Empire has hired the meanest, nas- Yo.t,ry hard. Even as you struggle against the dark
tiest bounry hunters from all over the galaxy to find side, Han Solo and Chewbacca begin to stir. They
the ship. wake, and as soon as they see you, they both run to
"My Lord," you say to Vader, '*hy so much ffou- the Falcon and grab sPare blasters.
ble over a few Rebels?" "Han, no!" Leia shouts. "Dont do it. It's the dark
Vader is quiet for a moment. He stares at you. side. It gets inside a person's spirit. Few are strong
"Your old friend Slcywalker is of particular interest enough to resist."
to the Emperor and myself The Force is strong in "Then we should shoot now and ask questions
him. Far stronger than in you. He witl join us, be- later," Solo replies, Iifting his blaster.
come my apprentice along with you. Otherwise he Chewbacca roars, agreeing with Han.
will die. He is too dangerous to go free. Those "\7e owe our old friend this," Leia says, restrain-
friends of his on the Millennium Falcon will serve as ing them.
bait. Once they have been captured, Skywalker will
you say through gritted teeth. It is so
never abandon his friends to death at my hands." hard to fight against the dark side. You joined Vader
You are horrified at Vadert plans but realize that to save your own life. You destroyed any hope Cal-
you can do nothing but wait. \7ait for the moment rissian might have had of holding on to Cloud Ciry.
when your actions might save Luke's life. Or the But this betrayal is different. If you give in to the
lives of the other Rebels with whom you've become dark side now, there will be no way out of the evil for
such good friends. you.


MoRE oN PAGE 99. THE DARK sIDE ox Paoe 57?
44 45
"I'm going to check it out," you say. "I'll call in 'What does it look like? Getting us out of here,"
what I find. In the meantime, we should all assume Lando says.
this thing is the enemy." "Oh, Administrator Calrissian, I knew you were
Leia glances at you. You realize that you have spo- trustworthy!" Threepio says.
ken out of turn. She is in charge, and you should "Not so fast, Threepio," Leia says.
have waited. Suddenly Chewbacca lunges, grabs Lando by the
"You check in with the medlab and make sure throat, and begins to choke him. Threepio yells at
Luke is ready to travel," Leia tells you. "Han, do you Chewbacca to stop.
mind checking this thing out?" "Chewie!" yo, shout. "Stop it!This isnt helping!"
Han laughs. "You're just trying to keep me "You dont. . . understand!" Lando croaks, barely
around, Princess," he says. "But I'11 do it. Strictly able to speak. "I had . . . no choice."
self-interest, of course. As long as me and Chewie "You think we're going to trust you now, after
and the Falcon are stuck here, I want to know whatt what you did to Han?" Leia demands angrily.
going on." "Chewie, youre going to kill him!" you shout.
"Take Chewbacca with you," Leia suggests. Chewbacca roars in agreement.
'You've got to have somebody to keep you out of "Theret sdll . . . time," Lando sputters. "Time . . .

trouble." tosave...Han!"
Finally she turns to Rieekan. "General," she says, "Let him go, Chewie," Leia says.
"prepare for an evacuation. If this is a probe, we're Chewbacca obeys immediately.
going to have to get off this planet fast." "If you're lying.iust to save your own skin-" Leia
begins, but Lando interrupts her.
"I'm not. They're loading Han onto Boba Fett's
ship, Slaue I, out on the east platform," he explains.
"Itt still there."


46 47
Chewbacca roars and attacks the stormtroopers "\Tarmer?" yo* ask. "No, Luke, that means you're
with his huge, handcuffed paws. freezing. Fight it!"
"Help him!" the dark-skinned government man "Dont go to sleep!" Han shouts. "\Thatever you
shouts. His men quickly turn on the stormtroopers. do, stay awake! Come on, give me a sign, kid!"
He must not be on the Empiret side after all. Suddenly Hant tauntaun cries out weakly and
A few seconds later itt over. Leia introduces you to falls over.
Lando Calrissian, who then orders his men to take "\7hat now?" Han snaps. "\7e'11 never make it
the stormtroopers prisoner as he explains that Han back, the three of us on one tauntaun! Grab Luket
has been frozen in carbonite. Then he takes off Iightsaber. Cut my tauntaun open. Get him in there
Chewbacca's handcuffs. C3-PO, strapped to and keep him warm until we can set uP the emer-
Chewiet back in several pieces, has been complain- genq shelter!"
ing all along. You're not sure Hank plan is going to work, but
"Lando, what are you doing?" Leia asks. you also wonder whether you could survive the trek
"'S7hat does it look like?'W'e're all getting out of back to the base on foot.
here," Lando says.
"Oh, Administrator Calrissian, I knew you were
trustworthy!" Threepio says.
"Not so fast, Threepio," Leia says.
Suddenly Chewbacca lunges, grabs Lando by the
throat, and begins to choke him. Threepio yells at
Chewbacca, telling him to stop.
"You dont. . . understand!" Lando croaks, barely
able to speak. "I had . . . no choice."


"Leia, come quickly!" you shout. "It's Han and
Chewie-theyve been attacked!"
The ramp opens and Leia runs out, with Threepio
clanking behind. She looks at them, Iooks at you,
and then, somehow, as if she too has a talent for the
Force, she knows.
"Dont lie," she says grimly. "Just do what you
came here to do."
Suddenly the guilt nearly overwhelms you. The
dark side is strong, but you wonder if your own will
is strong enough to overcome it. These are your
friends, good people fighting the evil Empire. And
riow you're betraying them!


srDE, TURN to pace 48.


TURN ro paqe 52.
Vader lunges at you again. This time, when you
defend yourself Vader reaches out, grabs you with
his powerful grip, and throws you across the cham-
ber. You hit your head as you land and black out.
\7hen you come to, Vader is using the Force to
bombard Luke with huge pieces of metal equipment
and pipes from all over the chamber. You see that
Vader is focused completely on Luke all his power
is being used in the attack. If you leap up and move
toward him quickly enough, before he realizes you
are awake, perhaps you can defeat him.
Only one chance.
You lift your lightsaber from where it has fallen to
the ground. You turn it on. It hums with energy. As
quietly as possible, you creep toward Vader, planning
to slash him in the back. \7ith every ounce of train-
ing Ben and Yoda have given you, you try to use the
Force to keep Vader from sensing your attack. This
is not an honorable way to win, but you will do any-
thing to save Luke's life. He is your best friend.
Just before you swing the lightsaber at Vader, the
Dark Lord turns and slashes at you, then kicks you
to the floor.
"I will deal with you next," he says, his voice chill-
ing you to the bone.


52 5B

You cannot imagine giving up the power of the However, the war against evil is far from over. The
dark side. Rebel Alliance had to abandon its secret base despite
So you send a communication to the nearest Im- its victory when the Imperial starfleet followed the
perial Star Destroyer, and stormtroopers are sent to Millennium Falcon to Yavin 4 and launched an of-
take Han, Leia, and Chewie into custody. fensive that the Rebel fleet could not hope to win.
A week later, Darth Vader calls you to the bridge You are now a member of Rogue Squadron, a di-
of his ship. vision of X-wing fighter pilots hidden at a secret base
'A job well done," Vader says. "Just last night, on the ice planet Hoth. Luke is the squadron leader.
Luke Skfwalker attempted to sneak on board this Luke and the other Rebel leaders have realized that
ship and free his friends. My trap worked perfectly. the Empire will be searching for you all. As part of
Skywalker is now our prisoner. You are to be re- the setup for Hoth securiry, sensors must be hidden
warded for your part in this victory!" all around the Rebel base. Along with Luke and Han
"'$7hat will happen to them now, Master?" you Solo, you volunteered to plant these sensors.
ask. A flicker of your old self still cares about your You are standing in the hangar bay next to Luke
friends. when Han Solo saunters over and interrupts your
"They will be sent to prison in the Imperial Cen- thoughts.
ter, of course," Vader replies. "But don't worry about
"Lett go, folks," he says. "Itt a little early, but
them. You should be more concerned about doing we've got a lot of sensors to place today."
well in your new job."
"I'll get the tauntauns saddled," you say.
"New job?" you ask. "Great!" Han cries sarcastically. "'We can all work
"Yes, Generll," Vader replies. on our suntans. Dont forget the heavy-dury under-
A general!You feel proud, despite having betrayed wear, kids."
Luke and the others. The dark side has claimed you



54 55
A few seconds later, the deck officer returns. "Sir, b's now or neuer, you think. Thpping into the
Commander Slcfwalker hasnt come in the south en- Force, you focus your mind and imagine a loud bang
trance either," he says arxiously. "Nobodyt heard offto the left.
from him since before you came in." It worked! Everybody lool<s to what made the
You and Han stare at each other. "'We have to go sound. You raise your handcuffed hands and bring
after him," you say. them down hard on the back of a stormtrooper. He
Han nods. He turns to the deck officer and asks, goes down in a clatter of armor, and his weapon falls
"Have the techs got those snowspeeders working? close by. The other stormtroopers are turning and
The Falcon's in pieces right now." lifting their blasters to fire at you, but you ignore
"\7e dont have anything that can fly in a Hoth them. You concentrate completely on the fallen
blizzard, sir," the officer replies. "Those winds would blaster, willing it to come to you.
smash you down before you got halfivay 16-" It does!The blaster flies to your hands! Before the
"All right," Han snaps. "Forget it." stormtroopers fire a single shot, you start blasting.
"tuntauns?" you ask. Chewbacca roars and amacl<s as well.
"Tauntauns," Han replies. "Help the lieutenant!" Lando shouts to his men.
"But your tauntauns will freeze before the first A few seconds later, itt over. Lando orders his men
marker!" the deck officer argues. "Even with insu- to take the stormtroopers prisoner. He takes offyour
lated suits on, if you end up on foot, you're dead!" handcuffs, then Leiat, and finally Chewbaccat.
"Maybe," you say. "But if we dont go, Luke will "Lando, what are you doing?" Leia asks.
definitely die out there all alone." "'W'hat does it look like? I'm getting us out of
here," Lando says.
"Oh, Administrator Calrissian, I knew you were
trustworthy!" Threepio says.
"Not so fast, Threepio," Leia says.
Suddenly Chewbacca lunges, and begins to choke
THE coI-o. TuRx to pace 86. HURRY TO PAGE 85.
56 57
At the last second, you cry out: "Please, stop me!" Han. Chewbacca. Princess Leia. If you turn them
Using every ounce of your remaining self-control, in, Vader will use them to get Luke, your best friend
you hold the lightsaber back. Together Han and since childhood.
Chewbacca fire their blasters again. Your reflexes, "No!" you cry out.
tainted by the dirk side, deflect the shots.'With one "Fight it!" Leia says.
last burst of strength, you throw the lightsaber "I'm. . . trying," yo, whisper. "But the dark side
down. Han fires again, hitting you in the shoulder is...strong."
with a blaster bolt, and you fall. Leia rushes toward you. Han tries to stop her, but
"One day,I hope you can forgive me," you say as he is too late. The dark side surges up inside you. It
Han and Chewie help you to your feet and lead you will be so easy to capture them, you think. Then
awaY. Vader will give you even more power, and you will
"So do we," Leia replies. be a servant of evil forever.
You spend the rest of your life as a captive of the "I'm sorry," yo* say weakly.
Rebellion, trying to overcome the taint of the dark You bring up your lightsaber to strike Leia. Han
side. shoots you with his blaster, but you deflect the shot
with the lightsaber. Chewbacca blasts away as well,
Trte Eno but once again, you are too fast for them. You feel
the power of the dark side making you even stronger.
You lift the lightsaber over your head and are about
to slash Leia.


5a 59
"There are still Jedi Knights, bounry hunter," you "Leia has been tryrng to reach you on your com-
say. "The Empire tried to destroy us all, but we have link," you tell him.
"I turned my comlink off," he s s. "I dont want
Boba Fett fires again, and you block the blasts. He to talk to her anymore. It's bad for my disposition."
"'Well, if you had it on," you say, angry with Han,
runs toward you, still firing. You dive on the ground,
roll behind the block of carbonite-knowing Han 'youd know that the Princess is concerned about
cant be hurt inside and pop up on the other side, Luke. Nobody knows where he is."
"'W'hat do you mean, nobody knows?" Han says,
with your blaster in one hand and your lightsaber in
the other. suddenly serious. "He was only a couple of minutes
\7ith your blaster you hit Fett. He goes down behind us when we rode in. That was more than two
hard. hours ago!"
You turn your attention to the carbonite block "My point exacdy," you say.
"Deck officer!" Han yells. "Deck officer!"
and switch on the unit that will release Han. The
carbonite melts. In seconds, Han is lying on the The officer rushes over. "Yes sir, Captain Solo?"
' ground, moaning, as if he's waking up from a night-
"Has Commander Skfwalker come back?" Han
mare. asks sharply.
"Commander Slo/walker hasnt come through the
main shield door. Itt possible he came in through
the south entrance," the deck officer replies.
"Itt possible?" Han yells. "It's possible?"
"'S7hy dont you go and find out?" you suggest to
the officer.
"It'sakeady dark, and getting colder every
minute," Han adds angrily.

TURN ro peae 25. wxEnE's LUKE? LooK ou pace 54.

60 6l
"Luke asked me to make sure you got off Hoth More stormtroopers arrive. You have no choice
safely," you explain. "Is he all right? Luke, I mean. but to run for the landingbay and the Falcon. On
Did the snowspeeders take the walkers down?" the way, Lando stops and hits a button on the pub-
"Most of the walkers were destroyed. Luke is on Iic-address system.
his way back to the transport bay," Leia explains. "Attention, all Cloud Ciry personnel!" he says.
"But I'm not going anywhere. Not yet. Thke Three- "This is Lando Calrissian. The Empire has taken
pio if you want." control of the ciry. I am advising you all to leave be-
"\7ith all due respect, Princess Leia," C-3PO fore more troops arrive."
huffs, "Master Luke ordered me to remain with you Then you're running full speed for the Falcon.
at all times." Along with Lando, Leia, Chewbacca, and the droids,
"'W'e've lost rwo more snowspeeders, Princess," the you reach the ship and take off from Cloud Ciry.
controller reports. But before you get too far away, you feel a pres-
"Recall them a11," Leia orders. "Have the pilots get ence-a familiar voice reaching out to you in the
to their fighters. This is it-prepare to evacuate!" Force. You glance up at Leia. From the look in her
"Leia," you say, more forcefully this time. "\7e eyes, you can see that she feels it, too.
have to go now. Youre too important to the Rebel- "Luke!" the mro of you say simultaneously.
lion to put yourself at any extra risk." "What?" Lando asks, startled.
Suddenly Han appears behind you. "Itt Luke!" you say. "Ve've got to go get him."
"Me and Chewie want to get he Falcon out of "But you said he could-" Lando starts.
here right away. But first we're gonna make sure you "Never mind what I said!" you cry. "Turn this
get on that transport. Arent we, kid?" thing around! got to get him out of there!"
"That's right, Han," you agree. "Princess?" "But we dont even know where we're going!"
Leia shakes her head and smiles at Han. "You Lando argues.
mean you and the'Wookiee actually fixed that flying
bucket of bolts you call a ship?"

Tunn ro pace 88. Go ou To PAGE 62.

"I know just where he is," Leia says. "Somehow he
fell down to the underside of Cloud Ciry. Het in
pain, but het hanging on."
"But he cant hang on much longer, Lando!" you
shout. "Turn around!"
"Okay, okay!" Lando says. Chewbacca roars in ap-
proval as the ship turns back to Cloud Ciry.
Seconds latet you spot Luke hanging upside down
from what seems to be a weather vane. You and
Lando go to the topside hatch of the Falcon. As
Chewbacca holds the ship steady, you lower Luke in-
side. He's badly injured and missing a hand, but
you've got him now.
Soon the ship blasts into hyperspace. In no time,
you and the others rejoin the Rebel Alliance. Even-
tually Luke is fitted for a new mechanical hand.
\While he and Leia stay behind to help rebuild the
Rebellion, /ou join Lando and Chewbacca to search
the galaxy for Boba Fett and Hank carbonite-frozen
body. When you find him, you'll call the others, and
then it will be time to rescue Han Solo.
But that is another story.

Tne Eno
64 65
It isnt long before Han and Chewbacca report "Get outta here, Lando. You too, kid," Han
back to say that they have found and destroyed an growls. "I'm in a world of hurt and I dont need to
Imperial probe droid. Immediately the evacuation be reminded who put me there."
begins. Luke, emerging from the healing fluid of a "Listen, all of you, we're short on time," you snap.
bacta tank, senses the fear and activiry. "That's for sure," Han agrees. "Vader wants us
"'$7hat is it?" he asks. dead."
"The Imperials have found us," you tell him. "You dont know what you're talking about,"
"Thatt going to change things," he says, sighing. Lando argues. "Vader doesnt want you at all. Het
"Rogue Squadron is going to protect the evac after somebody named Skywalker."
ships as they leave the planet. But for now, the ma- "Luke!" Leia gasps.
jority of our forces are on the ground or in "Yes," you say. "You're all bait. Thatt why weve
snowspeeders. The Imperials are sure to use walk- got to get out of here now."
ersr" you say. "Han, are you up to it?" Lando asks, going to his
"No question," Luke agrees. "And we dont have old friend and offering to help him up.
time to waste. I'm going to take command of the "You picked a heck of a time for a jailbreak," FIan
Roguet flying snowspeeders. If you want to join me, says. "Couldnt we have done this before the torture
you can. Otherwise you could help with the evacua- chamber?"
tion. Make sure Leia gets offthe planet safely, maybe "They were watching you too closely, and Lando,
fly one of the X-wings and guard the transport too," you explain. "But we've got to go now!"
ships." The door hisses open, and you blast the
stormtroopers waiting outside. Chewie and Lando
help Han, and Threepio brings up the rear as every-
body runs for the landing b"y.

Tunu To PAGE 7I. GlursK! Tunu ro PAGE 18.

66 67
"I'11 stay with Luke," you say. "No one should At first light, you climb to the top of the gulley
have to frceze alone." and try to get your bearings. Itt hopeless. You have
"Weli, hurry up," Han says. "Looks like a bad
no idea where you are. You spend several days wan-
storm's coming in." dering in the jungle, Iosing track of time. Eventually
Then Han leaves, trotting across the ice on his you come upon a small hut. You realize it must be
tauntaun. You and Luke ride toward the spot where the dwelling of the little alien you and Luke met
Luke saw the meteorite fall. k is growing dark, how- upon landing. 'S7hen
you look inside, the hut is
ever, and soon you won't be able to see a thing. empry, so you sit and wait.
"Tley, Luke," you call as you catch up. "It's getting
After dark, you see the little alien shuffling across
colder by the second. Dont you think we ought to the jungle floor toward you. You j,r-p up, drawing
go back?" your lightsaber.
Your tauntaun starts to stamp its feet nervously. "Stop right there!" you shout. "\(here is my
"I guess you're right. \(e wont be able to see each friend?"
other if it gets any darker," Luke says. "Lett go." The alien looks up at you with its big eyes. It
Then his tauntaun starts to act up, too. shakes its head of thin, brittle white hair and sighs
"All right, baby," Luke chides. "\Ve're going home heavily.
now. Calm down! \ilZhatt goren into you? Do you "Sit down," the alien says. "Gone is young Sky-
smell something?" walker, his friends to save from the Empire."
Theret a sudden roar behind you. You turn as the "\(rhat?" yov cry. "'Without me?"
wampa ice beast slams a huge hand into you, knock- "Search for you he did," the creature says. It comes
ing you from your tauntaun. The last thing you see to stand looking up at you. "Told him not to worry
is the beast slashing Luke's tauntaun with its claws, I did, that train you I would."
then lifting Luke from the snow.


6a 69
Faster than the wink of an eye, Han whips out his "Lando," you whisper. "\(rhat is it?"
blaster and fires two shots at Darth Vader. But, in- "Oh no . . . ," Lando says, then mutters to you,
credibly, Vader raises his hand and deflects the "Itt the carbon-freezing chamber. \7e flash-freeze
deadly attack. Just as quickly, Han's blaster is ripped certain products in carbonite to preserve them.
from his hand and flies across the room-straight Makes them easier to transport. I knew Vader was
into Vadert grasp. planning to use it on this Skywalker person, but now
"\7e would be honored if you would join us," it looks like they're going to test it on Han!"
Vader says, nodding to all of you. "No!" you shout.
Han gives Lando an angry glare. Before you can do anything, Darth Vader enters
"I had no choice," Calrissian says. You stare at the room with Boba Fett.
him. "They arrived right before you did. I'm sorry." "Lord Vader!" Boba Fett says angrily. "'S7hat if
"f'm sorry too, friend," Han snaps, furious at Solo doesrit survive the freezing process? Het of no
Lando. use to me dead!"
Vader turns his head to look at you. You can feel "The Empire will compensate you if he dies,"
that he senses your Jedi training. But you know your Vader replies. "Now stand aside, bounry hunter.
power could catch him off guard should you sud- Guards, put Solo in the chamber!"
denly attack him with it. Chewbacca wails and Leia calls out in horror as
Han is dragged away and dropped into the carbon-
freezing chamber. It takes only a moment. Han is
pulled out of the chamber encased in a huge block of
carbon. Het frozen solid. But the side panel on the
block indicates that Han is still alive!
"Thank goodness," Leia whispers.
"Lord Vade!" a stormtrooper says, "a single
X-wing fighter is approaching Cloud Ciry now."



70 7l
Suddenly you hear fluttering sounds on the hull of Suddenly, in the distance, you hear the sounds of
the ship. On the comlink, you call Han. battle. Snowspeeders fire their blasters. Imperial
"H.y, Han, whatt all that noise out there?" walkers retaliate with thundering explosions.
"Mynocks, kid," Han replies. "Big, nasty, slimy "They're here," Luke says. He looks at you for a
pests who'lI chew the heck out of the power cables if decision.
we dont get them off, Should only take a minute." If you go with Luke and fly a snowspeeder, you
Outside, Han and Chewie start to fire at the can buy the rest of the Rebellion more time to es-
mynocks. Their blasts hit the walls of the cavern. It cape. But if you fly with Rogue Squadron, you will
starts to quake again, as if in reaction to the blasts. actually be protecting the escaping transports, not to
Suddenly you know why. mention Princess Leia, and you may have a better
"This cave is alive!" you shout. Ifyou dont get out chance to survive the evacuation of Hoth yourself.
of the "caye" right away, whatever kind of monster
youre all inside might just swallow you down! You're
tempted to take off now, without waiting for the
others. Every second counts!



72 7B
"I'll be back!" yov cry, as you rush from the ice Then Han does the impossible. He actually lands
cave. the Falcon on the rear section of the Imperial Star
At first the wampa runs after you. Then it seems Destroyer's bridge. A short time later, when the De-
to tire of the chase and returns to its cave. It still has stroyer dumps its garbage, Han releases the landing
Luke, after all, and he's a fresh meal. claw and allows the Falcon to float away inside the
Your whole body burns with fear and excitement cloud of trash.
after your narrow escape. But only a minute passes "This is great, Han," you say. "But we've still got
before you start to feel how cold it really is on the to find a safe port to repair the hyperdrive."
surface of Hoth at night. "'$V'e're in the Anoat System," Leia adds. "Not
Your mind races. If you can get help in time, Luke much around here."
may still be saved! You reach for the comlink at your Han is quiet for e moment. Then he says,
belt. Your fingers are so cold that itt hard to grip, "Lando!"
but you finally press the right button and try to call "The Lando System?" Leia asks.
in to the base. "Landot not a system," Han replies. "He's
"Echo Three to Echo Base, come in," you pant. Lando Calrissian. He's a card player, gambler. . . a
"Itt . . . it's an emergency. Freezing out here . . . scoundrel, you'll like him."
Luke captured by wampa. Need help." Calrissian is appareniy an old friend of Han's,
You trudge through the snow, praying that some- from whom Han won the Millennium Falcon in a
one at the base will hear you and get to your location card game. He runs a gas mining operation on
fast enough to save Luke. Cloud Ciqr, a huge floating city. Itt far away, and it
"Echo Three to Echo Base," you try again. "Please will take some time, but the Falcon can make it
come in." there.
"Can you trust this Calrissian?" you ask.
"Of course not," Han says. "But het our only


74 75
You hesitate. If you agree: /ou will live and learn
It's probably suicide, but you have to give your
more about the use of the Force. Even if it is with the
powers a chance. Reaching out into the Force, using
dark side, that training may help you to eventually
it as much as you can, you move swiftly for your
betray Vader and destroy him, maybe even the Em-
lightsaber. It erupts in a line of deadly light as you
pire itself. But if you die, you wont be able to help
leap up onto the table. In three strides, you have
the Rebellion at all, and you'll never see your friends
reached Darth Vader. Before Leia can even shout for
you to stop, you slash at him. He doesnt even have
On the other hand, before he died, Ben warned
his lightsaber drawn.
you and Luke about the dangers of the dark side.
But the instant your lightsaber reaches Vader, his
Darth Vader himself was once a good and noble
own saber flashes to life and stops your blade from
man, but the dark side changed him, tainted him
striking its target.
Then you are face-to-face with Darth Vader, the "I
"Your silence angers me," Vader says. am not a
Dark Lord of the Sith, a powerful Jedi Knight en-
patient man."
slaved by the dark side of the Force. You against him.
One on one.
Of course. . . you lose.
Stormtroopers are summoned to transport you to
the spice mines of Kessel, where you will spend the
rest of your days paylng for your hasry acdons.



TURN ro pace 24.


"'Whoa, that was close," you s "Now what?"
"Now. . . we eat something," Luke says.
Slowly you both nibble on what little rations of
food you have salvaged. Luke looks around ner-
"S7hat is it, Luke?" you ask.
"I dont know," he says. "I justfeellike...feel
like. . ."
"Feel like what, stranger?" a tiny, scratchy voice
comes from behind.
"\7hat the . . . ?" you shout.
A small, wrinkled green alien has appeared behind
you. Its sudden arrival frightens you. You can try to
regain your calm or retreat farther into the jungle to
watch the thing and make sure it isnt hostile.



7A 79
"Perfect timing," Vader replies. "I will go and meet You cant be sure when you'll have such a good
Shfwalker myself. Reset the chamber so itt ready for chance to escape again. But fighting Vader is too
him. He will share Solo's fate. Calrissian, the others much of a risk without backup. You decide to con-
are yours!" sult Leia before you act.
Lando and his Cloud City security people begin to Suddenly a figure appears down the hall. The
escort you back to your chambers, along with several stormtroopers turn and fire. You recognize the new
stormtroopers. '$7ith Vader gone to meet Luke, this arrival immediately.
could be your best chance to escape. You could uy to "Luke, get back!" you shout.
grab one of the guards' weapons. But perhaps you "Itt a ffap!" Leia adds.
should consult with Leia before you act. She always Luke disappears, thanks to your warning. The
has very good ideas. . . . stormtroopers rush you along the corridor again.
"Keep quiet and stay ready," Lando whispers.
"'We'll have to move fast."
"'SThatt that mean?" Leiawhispers back.
Before he can answer, a door to the Ieft slides open
to reveal a Cloud City security team.
"stormtroopers, hold it right there or we fire!" the
head of the team orders. "Hand your weaPons over
The stormtroopers, taken completely by surprise,
surrender their weapons to Lando's men.
Lando takes offyour handcuffs, then Leiat, and fi-
nally Chewbaccas. C-3PO is strapped to Chewiet
TURN to pace 55. "Lando, what are you doing?" Leia asks.

Ir You vtrAIT so YoU qAN PLAN wTTH

ao 8l
You look around. Everyone seems all right. "I'd better help with the evacuation," you tell
"'Well, thatt going to be a problem," Leia says, her Luke. "Princess Leia is too important to the Rebel-
sarcasm obvious. lion, and I'll feel better knowing shet getting,off the
"They must've hit the power generators," you add. planet safely." Luke nods and moves out with the
Leia sighs and looks at Han. "Looks like I m with other pilots who will be flying snowspeeders against
you, flyboy," she says. the Imperial troops that are now landing all over
Han picks up his comlink and contacts the last Hoth. Soon the Rebel Command Center comes un-
transport, which is waiting for Leia. "Tiansport, this der attack, but the defensive shields hold up for the
is Solo," he says. "You'd better take off right away. moment.
The south tunnel's collapsed and we cant get to you. You help load supplies and personnel on board the
I'll get the Princess out of here in the Falcon." transports. '$7hen
when halt
half the
the transports are gone and
"I copy, Solo," the transport pilot replies. "Move the Imperial attaclrs are growing worse, you realize
fast!Youte only one srep ahead of the stormtroopers! itt time to get Leia out. You find her in the Com-
And good luck!" mand Center, barking orders as though she was born
"I get nervous when people start wishing me to command. \U(Ihich, of course, she was.
Iuck," Han grumbles. He turns to you. "\7hat about "Get the wounded aboard the ffansports!" she
you, kid? I know you probably want to get to your shouts. "Consolidate all remaining units in the cen-
X-wing, but if you backrrack, you'll probably run tral defensive arc!"
into stormtroopers.'Want to come with us?" "Yes, Your Highness," the Co'mmand Center con-
troller replies.
"Leia?" you say quietly, not wanting to distract her
'but knowing itt time to get going.
"'S7'hy arent you in an X-wing, Lieutenant?" she
TURN ro pace 21.


e2 AB
"TIE fighters!" Han says angrily. "They waited for Luke turns to stare at the little alien. He takes a
us, and we can't jrr-p to hyperspace in this asteroid step back toward him. Your mouth hangs open as
field!" you look at the creature. Then a ghostly voice rises
Han does some fancy flying, and in moments the from the air around you.
Falcon is out of the asteroid field. He and Chewie "He will learn, Master. Both of them will be great
start preparing the ship for hyperspace. But when
Jedi one day)'
Chewie hits the switch, the hyperdrive makes some "Ben?" you and Luke cry at the same moment.
nasty sounds and just dies. "How?" Luke asla. Then he lool<s at the small
"LJh-oh," Han mumbles.
alien. "Yoda!" he cries. "You're Yoda!"
Chewbacca roars. Han glances down at the ship's
Then it begins. Days of training, of learning about
the Force and about the dark side. "A Jedi," Yoda
"Imperial Star Destroyer, coming straight at us!"
says, "uses the Force for defense, never for attack."
Han says excitedly. After several days, Yoda takes you and Luke to the
'And this is good news?" you ask.
mouth of a dark cave that he says is a realm of the
"It is when we can't jrr-p to hyperspace," Han dark side. A domain of evil. Yoda instructs you both
to enter separately. Such evil emanates from the cave
"You're not making afiy sense, Solo!" Leia cries.
that you are terrified of going inside.
"Sir, I'm afraid I dont understand-" C-3PO be-
"Somebody switch him off if he opens his mouth
again," Han roars. "\Ve're only going to get one
chance. Chewie, ready the landing claw!"
"Landing claw?" you and Leia exclaim.

IF You Go rNTo THE qAvE,



l,vHAT? TuRx ro paae 78. TURN TO PAGE 9(,.
a4 a5
You return to the base with Han. Shortly after you The door slides open again, this time for Lando
reach it, night falls. Outside, the wind whips ice and some Cloud Ciry securiry guards.
across the surface of Hoth, and the temperature has "'Well, look what just slithered in," Leia says an-
dropped so low that the air is barely breathable. grily.
Nothing could survive out there very long. "Listen to me, all of you. \7e're short on time!"
fu you change clothes in your quarters, there is a Lando snaps.
knock at the door. "Get out of here, Lando," Han says.
"Enter!" you ca[. Chewbacca growls in agreement, but Lando wont
The door slides open to reveal Princess Leia on the Ieave.
other side. Behind her, C-3PO and R2-D2 stand in "Shut up and listen!" he says. "Vadert agreed to
the corridor. turn Leia, the lieutenant, and Chewie over to me.
"Princess!" yo, say. "Have you come to join me They have to remain here in Cloud Ciry but at least
for dinner?" theyll be safe."
But even as you ask, you notice that Leia looks "\7hat about Han?" Leia asks.
worried. "Vader's giving him to that bounry hunter, Boba
"Have you seen Luke since you came back in?" she Fett," Lando explains. 'hpparently, Han, you still
asks. owe Jabba the Hutt a lot of money."
"No," you reply. "\7e didnt come back together. "Vadert not going to let us go," you say. "He
He wanted to check out some meteorite he saw wants us all dead."
come down. He's probably with Han." "Youte wrong," Lando insists. "Vader doesn't care
"I've been trying to reach Han, but he doesnt an- about any of you. He's after somebody named Sky-
swer. I havent spoken to anyone whot seen Luke walker."
since this morning," Leia says, with concern. "I have "Of course," you agree. "Itt all a trap for Luke, to
a meeting right now. Could you . . . ?" lead him here."


A short time latet you and Han ride your
tauntauns out of the base into the raging blizzard.
Betrveen the snow and the dark itt hard to see any-
thing. You try to reach out with what little skill in
the Force you have learned.
After three minutes, you cant feel your hands,
feet, or face anymore. Every time you cry out Luket
narne, your throat feels ftozen.
"Luke!" you shout, ignoring the cold.
"Tauntauns arent doing too well," Han tells you.
Het right. The tauntauns are wheezing and slow-
ing down in the cold. They wont survive for long.
"Luke!" Han cries. "Luke!"
Then you sense something to your left. You turn.
Dimly you make out a spot on the ice darker than
the rest. A spot that doesnt move.
"Luke!" you shout.
Both you and Han jump off your tauntauns and
run to Luket side. He's delirious, thinking you or
Han must be his old friend Ben Kenobi.
"Luke. Speak to me, kid," Han says.
"Get him to sit up," you suggest.
"So cold, so cold," Luke mumbles. "'S(i'armer now,
want to go to sleep."
, i1$&


a8 a9
Suddenly the Command Center is rocked by Im- "I don't want to see Calrissian again until all of
perial walker blasts. Sparks fly and lights dim. The this is finished," he says.
defensive shields are taking a beating. Lando starts to struggle, and a stormtrooper steps
"Princess, Imperial stormtroopers have entered the forward quickly and knocks him out. He slumps
base!" the controller shouts. "And all but one of the into your arms. You help the stormtroopers cafiy
transports have evacuated." him off to a cell.
"Leia, that's it," Han insists. (([1'5 6ys1-\rys've got Once you have him locked away, the stormtroop-
to go." ers leave. Calrissian wakes up, groggy.
For a moment Leia pauses. Then she shakes her "Heyl'he says. "Listen, you cant do this. Han's a
head. pain in the neck, but het my friend. And if this Sky-
"Controller, give the evacuation code. All troops walker guy is a friend of yours . . . we just cant let
disengage! Then ger ro the final ffansporr, all tf them walk into this trap."
you!" she orders. She turns to you and Han. "AI1 You pause. Calrissian is right, but you don't yet
right, let's go." have the power to take Vader on. In a moment of
'With C-3PO
clanking behind, you and Han rush honesty you realize that you may never have that
Leia down a corridor. Han has her by the arm, but power. You may have given yourself to the dark side
Leia pulls away. forever and still not have the strength to overcome
"Han, will you kindly stop trying to yank my arm Darth Vader. The thought makes you sick.
off ? Im hurrying!" she snaps.
"Nice, Princess," Han replies. "You try and do
somebody a favor, and what d'you get?"
Before Leia can answer, there is a huge explosion
as the defensive shields are again hit. The whole tun-
nel shakes. The ceiling just ahead of you crashes IF YoU IGNoRE LANDo,s PLEA FoR HELP,
down, blocking yotn way.
"Han! Leia!" you shout. "Are you all right?" TURN To PAGE IOO.


HUnRY ro pace BO. TURN TO PAGE I 05.
90 9t
"No," you say firmly. "I dont want to go in there. 'When you come to, both you and Luke are hang-
I d rather go up against a whole platoon of ing upside down inside a huge cave. Your legs are en-
stormtroopers-even Darth Vader himself-than cased in ice. You cant move them at all. Luket still
go in there. There's something so evil in there. . . I unconscious, and there are nasry bruises on his face
just cant." where the wampa struck him.
Luke looks at you. "'S7'hat?" He's surprised. "But if "Luke, wake up," you whisper. "\7e've got to get
you want to be a Jedi . . ." out of here!"
"Maybe I dont want to be a Jedi badly enough, Luke's eyes flicker open. Quickly he takes in the
old buddy," you say. "Maybe I belong in the cockpit situation. "'W'e havent got much time," he says. "I'm
of an X-wing with the rest of Rogue Squadron. This sure the wampa had the tauntauns for dinner, but
is your destiny, Luke, not mine. You were always that means we're dessert." He reaches to his side for
more of a natural than I was." his lightsaber, but itt gone.
"No shame there is in knowing your limits," Yoda "\(here . . . ?" he says, glancing around.
says. "To the Rebellion you should return." "There!" you shout. Deep in the cave, you hear
the wampa stir.
The lightsaber is stuck in the snow and ice almost
a meter away. \Without it, there's no way you can free
yourselves from the ice fast enough to escape. You
stretch out and try to reach it, but itt too far away-
theret no chance you'll get it.
"The Force," Luke whispers. Deeper in the cave,
but closer than before, the wampa roars once more.
"'S7'e can use the Force, like Ben taught us," Luke in-
sists. "Help me. Together we can grab it."


TURN ro plos I 7. oN PAGE 26?
92 9B
\7hen Luke comes out of the cave, he looks pale. "Han! Leia! Get in here!" you scream.
He tells you that he has failed also but does not re- You fire up the Falcon's engines as Han, Leia, and
veal what he saw inside the cave. After that, you Chewbacca scramble inside. Chewie roats as he hits
never again discuss what happened there. the controls to close the ramp. Time to go.
Later, during a training exercise, Luke cries out "Slide over, kid!" Han snaps. You move. You're a
and holds a hand to his head. good pilot, but Han is the best there is!
"\7hat is it?" you ask. "Look, the cave entrance!" yo* shout.
"I saw a city in the clouds," he says. The open space ahead has begun to grow smaller.
"Hmm," Yoda says. "Friends you have there?" "\7e're inside some kind of beast," Han explains.
Luke nods and turns to you. "It's Han and Leia "If we dont get out of here, itt gonna swallow us
and the others," he says. He looks at Yoda. "They whole. And I dont want to be dessert."
were in pain. \(hat does it mean?" The huge creature's jagged teeth are sweeping
"It is the future you see," Yoda says. down, narrowing your exit. FIan turns the ship side-
"Future?" Luke as[<s. "\7ill they die?" ways. You barely slide through the opening before
"Difficult to tell," Yoda replies. "Always in motion the creature's mouth closes. The thing thrusts for-
is the future." ward, trying to bite at the escaping Falcoru. But itt
"'W'e have to go to them, Luke," you say. too late. Youve made it!
"You act in haste," Yoda says. "AI1 calm, all wis- "Only you, Solo, could pick a monster's stomach
dom, is lost. Decide you must how to serve them to park in," Leia says, smiling, as relieved as you are
best," Yoda explains. "If you leave now, help them to still be alive.
you could. But you would destroy all for which they "Look, I got us out, didnt I?" Han replies, even as
have fought and suffered." he swerves the ship around asteroids fast enough to
"'W'e have to go," Luke says. make you dizzy.
Suddenly an alarm goes off in the cockpit.


94 95
Later that day, Yoda uses his power in the Force to "No!" Vader shouts. "Do not fire. I sense. . .
raise both of your X-wing fighters from the swamp. something in this Rebel. You are a friend of Sky-
\7ith R2-D2t help, you and Luke repair both ships. walkert, arent you? I recognize you from your un-
Soon you launch from Dagobah, with only the Force fortunate visit to our Death Star."
and Luket instincts to lead you to where your If Vader is willing to talk to you, then shooting at
friends are in danger. the stormtroopers would be foolish. You leave your
Eventually you come to the planet Bespin, which blaster where it is.
does, as Luke predicted, have a floating ciry in its at- "Yes," you say. "Luke Skywalker is my friend."
mosphere-Cloud Ciry where they mine gases from "Friends are for the weak," Vader proclaims. "The
the air. Both your fighters are allowed to land. Dis- powerful have only allies and enemies."
embarking, you look around curiously. Then Darth turns to the stormtroopers. "Go after
"Everything seems quiet," you tell Luke. "I dont the others. Bring me any survivors."
see any Imperial troops or ships at all." They do not argue. A moment later, you are alone
"Too quiet," Luke says. "Our friends are here, and with Darth Vader.
so is Vader. I m going to face him, old friend. If I die, "Obi-'Wan Kenobi began your instruction in the
it will be up to you to get the others away safely." Force," Vader says. "As he did for me. But I learned
that the real power of the Force lies in its dark side.
I can teach you all that I know.'S7ill you become my




TURN TO PAGE BI. Tunn ro pace 75.
96 97
"Luke, get to cover!" you shout. "There might be You begin your climb, but it's growing dark and
more of them!" you cant see the handholds. Soon you realrze that
You run off into the jungle, pulling our your youll have to wait until day'ight, or whatever kind
lightsaber. You dont turn it on-if the small alien is of light this planet gets, before trylng to climb the
not alone, /ou dont want to identify your position. treacherous gulley walls. You 1l have to sleep in the
You try to circle around and crawl up a small hill to gulley for the night.
look for Luke. You're fairly certain that he did not During the night, you're awakened by a soft touch
run after you. on your face. You open your eyes to see the thick,
To your surprise, you realize you arent even look- strong strands of a spiderweb close to your face. You
ing at the same clearing. Somehow, while running, try to get up, but something is holding you down!
youve lost your way and your sense of direction. The Then you see it-past the webbing, a huge, knobby
jungle all looks the same. Now you're not sure where spider is trying to build its web around you. You may
you are. be its next meal!You strain against the webbing, but
"Great!" you mutter. "Just great. Luke!" Your it doesnt yield.
shout echoes through the jungle. Fortunately, your hand is webbed close to your
From far away, you're not sure what direction, you hip, where your lightsaber hangs. You grab the
hear Luke calling your name. You start back down lightsaber and flick it on, slashing through enough
the hill, but your foot catches on a thick vine. You of the webbing so that you can break out. The spi-
stumble forward and start to roll. Before you can der notices that you are free and comes in to attack.
stop, you tumble into a deep gulley and fall through You strike her with the lightsaber and kill her in-
vines and branches to the floor twenty feet below. stantly. Then you sit awake until morning to make
As you get to your feet, you stare up at the high sure nothing else sneaks uP on you.
walls of the gulley and rcalize you're going to have to
climb out.

Tunr to paae 97. DAyyN FINALLY COMES ON PAGE 67.

And yet part of you doesnt want to save them.
Part of you doesnt want Luke to become Vadert ap-
prentice. These thoughts disturb and shame you, but
you cant seem to get rid of them. The dark side is
growing in you.
Then the day arrives when Boba Fett, the most
dangerous bounry hunter in the galaxy, reports that
het located the Falcon. According to Boba Fett, the
Falconis on course for Cloud Ciry. It should be sim-
ple for you and Vader to arrive there before them
and lay the perfect trap.
Upon arriving at Cloud Ciry the stormtroopers
drag its baron-administrator, Lando Calrissian, to
see Darth Vader. Calrissian struggles with the storm-
troopers and mutters angrily at Boba Fett.
"Calm down, Calrissian," Vader says. "Ifyou do as
I say, your precious Cloud Ciry will be left alone,
and when we are through, you have my word that
the Empire will not disturb you again."
"f'm not sure I believe your promises, Vader," Cal-
rissian says.
"You have little choice in the matter," Vader an-
swers. "Your friend Captain Solo is coming to seek
your aid. You will do nothing but greet your friend
and then bring him here."

Tunx ro PAGE I I l.

roo tot
You turn your back on Lando and walk out. To "No problem," you say. "I'm sure Han is tinkering
defy Darth Vader would mean your death, and you with the Falcoruagain.I'll see if he knows where Luke
are not prepared to sacrifice your life when you sdll is. "
might be able to help your friends by staying alive. "\7e will accompany yot," C-3PO says.
Less than an hour later, the Millennium Falcon ar- You hurry off while the droids hustle to keep up.
rives at Cloud Ciry. You are in the communications Threepio is constantly complaining, as always, and
center when Han requests permission to land. Artoo beeps angrily at him.
"Now look!" Han barks at the Cloud Ciry con- "Dont you try to blame me, Artoo! I didnt actu-
troller over the comlink. "I'm only going to say this ally ask you to turn on the heating system. I merely
one more time. I do not have a landing permit! I'm commented that it was freezing in the Princesst
trying to reach Lando Calrissian. This is the Millen- chamber," Threepio says.
nium Falcon. Check it out with Lando!" Artoo beeps and tweedles a response.
The controller glances nervously at Vader, then "I really dont know hout we're going to dry out all
replies: "I heard you the first time, sir, and I'm telling her clothes," Threepio says sadly.
you, theret no Calrissian here." As Artoo argues with Threepio, you tune out their
"'S7hat are you talking about?" Han shouts. "It conversation. Soon you enter the hangar. Across the
says on the log that het the administrator there." bay you see Chewbacca on top of the Falcon and
"The log is mistaken," the controller says. Han Solo standing under the ship.
"The log is . . . well, who is the administrator, "You took uhat apart?" Han yells up to Chewie.
then?" Han asks, obviously furious. "\7hat are you doing fine-tuning the hyperdrive
"\7ho is . . . um . . ." The controller fumbles for now? Look at that mess. Are you crazy?"
an answer. "\7hy, I am, sir," he says at last. As Chewbacca growls an angry response, you ap-
Over the comlink, you can hear Leia tell Han, proach Han. He sees you coming with the droids
"There's something very wrong about this." and spins around to confront you.
"Now what?" he barks.


lo2 loB
You realize it would be suicide to challenge Vader. "Lett move!" Leia says. She and Chewbacca pick
Throwing your life away wont help your friends. up blasters the stormtroopers have dropped and turn
You surrender along with Han, Leia, and Chew- to go back down the hallway.
bacca. The four of you are taken to a cell, where you You follow her at a run, and so does Lando. On
find C-3PO's parts. Chewbacca goes about purting the way, you run into R2-D2, who arrived at Cloud
the droid back together as best he can. City with Luke. Now that Luke has gone off to fight
A short time later, stormtroopers come in and Darth Vader, you realize you must bring Artoo with
drag Han out. Yoq try to stop them, but Leia warns you. He follows along as fast as he can. He and
you to stay back. C-3PO bicker as usual, though you know they are
"They have blasters, Lieutenant," she says after glad to see each other again.
Han has been taken. "And they wont hesitate to use UnfortunarcLy, when you arrive at the east Plat-
them if they have to." form, Boba Fettt ship is already taking off. You fire
After a time, the stormtroopers drag Han back uselessly as it flies away.
into the cell. He falls to the floor when they release "I'm sorry Leia," Lando says. "But ifwe move fast,
him. we might be able to catch them. My people have re-
"Han!" Leia shouts. paired the Millennium Falcon."
"\7hat happened?" you ask. "!7hat about Luke?" Leia asks.
Chewbacca roars and even Threepio, only half as- "Leia," you say, "I've known Luke my whole life.
sembled, clucks with worry. Believe me when I say he can take care of himself.
"Trust me on this one," Han replies. "You dont And if he carit, theret nothing we can do against
want to visit Vadert torture chamber." Vader.'W'eve got to help Han."
"Torture?" Leia cries. "Han, why would they tor-
ture you? There's nothing you can tell them."
"I dont know," Han says. "They never even asked
me any questions."

TURN To PAGE 85. Tunru To PAGE 6I.

l04 t05
Then you hear it. In the distance, someone is call- "You're right," you tell Lando. "I just cant betray
ing your name. Then Luket name. Too weak to do Luke or the others.'$7hat are we going to do?"
more than roll over, you stare at Luke, whose eyes are "Theret nothing we can do until they get here,"
closed. You worry that he may already be dead. Lando replies. "But once they land, I have a plan."
But Han is coming. You can hear his tauntaunk \7hen he tells you what he has in mind, you smile.
hooves crushing the ice. After a moment, Luke stirs. Finally youre doing the right thing. It feels good.
"Dagobah," he says, the word slurred. "Dago . . . As soon as you leave Lando in his cell, you go to
bah. Ben?" Darth Vader.
Ben? Is Luke hallucinating about Ben? \7ell, at "My Lord, I have spent some time with Calris-
least he is still alive. Then you hear the snort and sian," you say, allowing Vader to think you have tor-
gobble of a tauntaun right next to you. tured Lando. "I believe he is prepared to cooperate
"'W'hoa, girl. Here they are!" Han shouts. with Imperial plans. Cloud City means more to him
"Han?" you say. than any friendship. As does his own life, of course."
"Yeah, yeah, itt me," he says. "'Well done, Lieutenant," Vader says. "Perhaps you
"So cold," Luke mumbles, though his eyes are will be a worthy heir to me after all."
open now. "Han, so cold, but I'm getting warmer \When Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO arrive
now. I think I can sleep." at Cloud Ciry Lando greets them. You stand by in-
"No, Luke. That means youre freezing. Fight it. side the banquet room, where Darth Vader waits.
Dont go to sleep! Dont give up on me now. I didnt Boba Fett, the bounry hunter, is there, too, ready to
drag you rwo kids off Thtooine just to see you die take Han Solo when Vader is done.
here!" Han shouts. the door opens, you hope for the best. If
Then you hear him whisper next to your ear. Han and the others try to fight back, they'll surely be
"Come on, help me here. Tiy to move your legs. killed.
\Weve got to get all three of us onto this tauntaun." "Han!" Leia shouts instantly when she sees Darth
Vader inside the banquet room.

FIaxI THE goLD AND GET TO PAGE 84. Go ro pace 2.

t()6 l07
You take a deep breath to steady yourself. "Luke, "H.y, kid!" Han says happily. "I thought for sure
be careful," you say nervously. "That thing could be you'd bought it back on Hoth! Great to see you!"
dangerous." "You too, FIan," yo, say. "But I dont think youll
"This little gry dangerous?" Luke says. "He be so h"ppy to see me in another minute."
doesnt look too dangerous to me." "\7hat?" Han asks. "I dont get it."
You get a better look at the creature, and you have You pull out your lightsaber and turn it on. Han
to agree with Luke. But still, you want to be careful looks stunned, and Chewbacca roars in surprise and
around any unknown alien life-form. anger. Han reaches for his blaster, but you are too
"Dangerous?" the cteature says. "Only -ywalking fast. You slash at his arm, wounding him but not do-
stick have I." ing any serious damage. Silhen Chewbacca comes
''Well, sneaking up on somebody like that is a after you, you use the Force to render him uncon-
good way to get yourself roasted, Shorry" you say. scious.
"Merely curious am I," the creature says. "\7on- "I am much too powerful to fight, Han," you say.
dering w}ry come here you do." "Just surrender and I wont have to hurt you."
"'S7'e're looking for someone," you explain. "You traitor!" Han says angrily, clutching his
"Found someone you have, I would say, hmmm?" wounded arm. "I never would have expected it."
the alien says with a chuckle. Then he rushes at you. You are forced to knock
"\[e're searching for a great warrior," Luke adds. him out as well. You load both Chewie and Han into
'haah," the alien says, nodding wisely. 'A great your ground transport and return to the hangar
warrior. \7ars not make one great. But still, help you where the Falcon is docked. Han and Chewbacca are
I will." aheady starting to stir, so you have to make this
"'We dorit want your help," Luke says. quick.
"AI1 I want is to get off this mudhole," you add.
"Mudhole!" the alien yells angrily. "My home this
. r,,

And work it does! Soon rwo of the walkers have
gone down in the snow, mosdy undamaged but use-
less until the battle is finished. There are too many
of them, and Luket method of stopping them too
difficult, for a real victory but at least you've slowed
them down long enough for the evacuation.
You hear a scream. Glancing out of the cockpit, you
see that the back of Luket snowspeeder is burning.
You realiz..- that Luket gunner, Dack, is dead.
Dack, Luke is nothing but a moving target.
"Luke, you're out of it!" you shout over the com-
link. "Nothing you can do without a gunner. Get
back to base.'We'[l take it from here!"
But Luke wont listen. A few moments later, het
hit again. This time, his snowspeeder crashes into
the ice and snow of the planet's surface. You fly
around him, trying to see what he's doing. \When
you realize what he has in mind, you think he's crazy.
Luke fires a cable under a walkert belly and uses a
pulley to haul himself up. \iliZith his lightsaber, he
slashes open the bottom of the walker and throws in
some explosives before dropping to the snow. The
walkert legs almost crush him, but he rolls clear.


I to lll
"Tiain me?" you ask, finally crouching so you can "Luke wont be able to stay away," you add.
look directly at the small alien. "'S7'hat training can "This Luket a friend of yours?" Calrissian asks.
you give me?" He sneers at you. "You're just going to set him up to
The little alien sighs again and shrugs. die?"
"If not ready are you, then no training can I offer," His words hurt, and you reply in anger. "'Why is
it says. that any different from what you're planning for
you say, a crazy idea forming in your
"'$U'ait," Han?"
mind. "Dont tell me youte this Yoda that Luke was Calrissiant eyes go wide. He knows you're right.
talking about. The Jedi Master." \flhile he might have gone along with Vadert plan
"Yes," Yoda says. "Luke was difficult to train. Even before, now that he realizes het about to betray his
more difficult will you be." friend, he overcomes his fear of Vader.
So you stay on Dagobah and Yoda trains you to be "Forget it, Vader!" he says. "You can do whatever
a Jedi Knight. Eventually, Luke returns to complete you want with me, but I'm not setting Han up for
his training, and you work with him and Yoda. You '\7hen he
you. gets here, my city controllers wont
are together when Yoda dies. After this, you return to even let him land."
the Rebel Alliance with Luke. As a Jedi Knight, you Vader is quiet, and you know he is angrywith you.
make a powerful opponent in the deadly fight If you hadnt spoken, Calrissian would have cooper-
against the evil Empire. ated.
"Fine," Vader replies. "\7e will proceed without
THE END you, Calrissian. And when Skywalker is finally dead,
you will have the pleasure of dying with the rest of
Solob friends."
Vader turns to you.


tt2 I tB
Suddenly the open space ahead begins to grow "You can say that again, Your Majesticness," Han
smaller. The massive beast is closing its huge mouth, whispers. "'Wete out of here."
preparing to swallow you along with the others. Its "No!" Vader roars. "Get ships out after them im-
jagged teeth sweep down, narrowing your exit. mediately!"
"Come on!" you urge the Falcon. "Right away, Lord Vader!" replies the captain of
You turn the ship sideways and barely slide the stormtroopers.
through the opening before the huge creaturet But a moment later, the captain returns to tell
mouth closes. You fly the ship ar rop speed away Vader that the Falconhas escaped.
from the asteroid, and the thing thrusts forward, try- "Captain," Vader says grimly, then turns and
ing to bite at the Falcon But itt too late. you've points at the controller. "Execute this man. And
made it out! you!" he says, staring down at you. "Find Solo and
Then the horror of what you've just done hits you. the others and bring them to me!"
Guilt weighs heavily on you. You dodge massive as- You cant argue with Vader. You set off searching
teroids, hoping to make it to the edge of the asteroid for your friends in a long-range Imperial ship.
field in one piece. You are bombarded by some of the During your search, /ou use the dark side of the
smaller space rocks. The ships defensive shields hold Force to become a powerful warrior. Finally your
up. Then you are rocked by another impact. This power leads you to a tiny planet overrun by merce-
one isnt an asteroid. You check the scanners and dis- naries, pilots, and traders. You find the Falcon. \With
cover an Imperial Star Destroyer nearby, with a full the Force, you sense that only Leia and C-3PO are
squad of TIE fighters on board. They're after you on board. You know exactly where to find Han. You
now. wait outside a bar for your old friend to emerge.
When he does, with Chewie at his side, you step in
front of them.
Chewie roars a happy greeting, but you feel noth-
ing for your friend. The dark side controls you now.

HURRY ro paae 28. Do wHAT YoU MUsT oN PAGE IOA.

ll4 I t5
"I've got to get back to Rogue Squadron," you say. You are terrified by the idea of being swallowed
"That last transport needs all the prorection we can alive, and if you wait for the others, that's certain to
give it, and I d hate to leave fighters behind. 'We'll happen. You make the hardest decision of your life,
need the firepower." closing the Falcon's ramp.
You all head back the way you came and quickly "Lieutenant!" Threepio cries. "\7hat are you do-
arrive at a fork in the base's tunnel system. One path ing? Captain Solo, the Princess and, Chewbacca-"
leads to the main bay, where the transports and "Shut up, Threepio!" you snap. "I'm saving our
X-wings are being launched. The other leads to the Iives."
*Kid!" Han screams over the comlink, even as the
maintenance bay, where Chewie has the Falconready
for takeoff. Falconstarts to rise on its thrusters. "\ the heck
"Good luck to you, kid," Han says. are you doing?"
"Have faith, Lieutenant," Leia tells you. "Sorry, Han," you reply truthfully. "But I figure
"I will, Princess," you reply. "Mry the Force be it's better for one of us to live than all of us to die!"
with you." "Just drop the ramp! 'We'11 be on in seconds!" Leia
You head toward the main launch bay, and Han shouts into the com. In the background, you can
and Leia go in the other direction. You laugh as you hear Chewbacca roar in anger and alarm.
hear Threepio complaining, calling out to Han and You work the ship's controls and turn the Falcon
Leia to wait up. toward the mouth of the "caye," quickly leaving the
Moments after you've split up, you come to a blast others behind. You turn the comlink offso you dont
door. Before you can hit the controls to open it, the have to hear them screaming at you.
door slides open on its own. Suddenly you find "I'm so sorryr" you whisper.
yourself face-to-face with a squad of stormtroopers. Behind you, C-3PO mutters, "Horrible, simply
In their center stands Darth Vader himself. horrible." Het only a droid, but you cant even face
"Ah," Vader says. "So there are stragglers after all." him after what you've done, so you turn and switch
You stare at Vader. Just being near him sends chills him off.
up your spine. You reach for your blaster. The
stormtroopers move to fire their weapons.

BE READY FoR PAGE 95. Tunnr ro PAGE I12.

r 16 tt7
"I can handle them," you say. You realize that you "Sorry," you mumble.
mean it. You know you can handle them. You're a "Still will I help you find your friend," the alien
Jedi now, at least a Jedi-in-training. says.
You turn to run down the hallway. Lando calls out "Het not our friend. 'S7'e're looking for Yoda, a
to you. Jedi Master. Het supposed to be here on Dagobah,
"Here, kid. You're going to need this," he says. He but I guess I'm . . ." Luke trails off.
throws you your lightsaber. "I made sure Vader "Jedi Master?" the alien repeats. "Jedi you want to
didnt get his hands on ir." be, then? \Why you want to be Jedi?"
"'$7.hat about Luke?'? Leia asks. "Mostly because of my father, I guess," Luke ad-
"Trust me on this, Princess," you say. "I've known mits. "Darth Vader, the man who murdered him,
Luke my entire life. He can rake care of himself. has to be stopped."
Theret nothing we can do for him anyway, excepr Suddenly Luke turns and stomps back to the
let Vader kill us. I dont think that would help." swamP.
Leia smiles. Then her face grows gravely serious "Come on, Lieutenant!" he calls. '\7e've got to get
again. out of here. Let's try to raise at least one of those
"Bring Han back," she says. X-wings from the swamp. It was stupid to come
You're gone, running off down the corridor, here. 'We cant sit around on a swamp planet while
headed for the east wing and Boba Fett. the Empire kills our friends."
Suddenly the alient face seems to change. He
"Icannot teach this one," he says aloud, his voice
sounding different. "This one has no patience, Obi-

TuRx To PAGE 5. FTuo oUT oN PAGE 88.
ENrER rNro rHE lM4^qY.rftmR
#1 EarEN AlrvE
#2 Crrv or rnE Drao
#3 PlnNrr PlacuE
5 #5 Gnosr oF THe JEot
#6 Anvv or TERRoR
IB HIllil.HI'EET UIIUft .fHEE #7 Tnr Bnatru SptoERs
,stnnlllfits mu #8 TuE Swenrvr
tnf:l3oun[t E-] #9 Spone
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r-:.sEitDr #lO THE DooMSDAY Surp
#ll Cloues




+q le a
Shadous of the Empire:
,r .:r .i l.
AJunior Novelization Based on the
Neu.' Yorh Tirues Bestseller


A New tlopc
llt'trrt'tt of tlr frr/i

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