Trystn Emmerich Djayapranata - Copy-Paste Your Story From The Plan Into Google Slides

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The rainforest crime

By: trystn emmerich

One day in gotham city, Commissioner Gordon receives some info that a scientist
was kidnapped by the joker. The lab was near the amazon rainforest. He asked
batman to save the scientist and put the joker to jail.
When batman was driving he saw a dark cave. There was an item there but he
couldn't see it well. Batman thinks it is a trap

What should batman do?

Select now:
A. Go in into the dark cave. Does it have traps?
B. Continue to the dark rainforest. What might be lying
Bad ending

Batman continued to the rainforest. He saw a big crocodile. He tried to make a

move but the crocodile was to fast and it ate batman.
He went into the dark cave and found a gun. He continued through the forest and
found a hungry crocodile. He used the gun to shoot the crocodile and continued
There was a river. He called the batputer to bring his boat. A boat dropped out of
nowhere from the sky and continued
He went into the end of the stream. He found a lab. Before he went in he has to
come up with a plan.
He hid behind a plant. He came up with 2 options. But he was worried joker has
some deadly traps inside

What should Batman do?

Select now:
A.bash in and act fast. Does joker has traps set?
B.Sneak in and take your time.but will you have enough time
before joker kills the scientist?
Bad ending
Batman rushed. Joker was smiling because he set traps at the door of the lab. The
first floor was blown up to bits
Batman sneaked in. he saw joker about to kill the scientist. Batman should act
quickly to save the scientist.
Batman climbed up the lab to the last floor where joker is. Joker looked backed at
batman. He rushed to Batman
They has a fight. Joker punches batman accurately. It made batman fall back to
the first floor.
Batman fell. Joker threw a bomb at the first floor. It will detonate at exactly 5

What should batman do?

Select now:
a. Run away from the bomb. While running for 5 seconds will you have
enough time to escape?
B. throw the bomb back to joker. Will it blow up on his face before he kills the
Bad ending
Batman ran away. Which also gives time for joker to kill the scientist. Batman's
mission failed.
Batman threw the bomb back to joker. It exploded him and he fell to the 1st
floor.Batman climbed to rescue the scientist
Suddenly joker pushed a button which blew up the whole place from top to bottom.
Tiles were crumbling. Batman and the scientist needs to run away from the lab
Batman rushed to his boat. He asked the scientist to climb in his boat. But the
scientist said he got a really fast car to escape.

What should batman do?

Select now:
a. Should batman follow the scientist to his car? Is the land safe?
b. Should batman force the scientist to go on his boat? Is the stream safe?
Bad ending
The scientist took batman's boast. Out of nowhere a crocodile came from the
deep. The crocodile looks really angry. He also noticed a bullet sticking to its body.
He also knew that it was the crocodile that he shot near the dark cave.
Batman took the scientists car. They both ran away from the lab. They saw the
open world again.
They both escaped. They saw gotham city. They are safe and batman completed
his mission!
Hope you enjoy my movie. thanks to:
Mr shiefung, for guiding me to make this movie.

God, for having faith on me.

My mom and dad, helping me for final adjustments

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