This document provides a summary of patients in the orthopedic ward from November 29, 2018. It includes the patient room and bed number, treating doctor, patient ID, name, age, diagnosis, admission date, and post-operative day and plan. There are over 60 patients listed with various fractures, spinal conditions, joint replacements and other orthopedic procedures and post-surgical follow ups. The document aims to provide an overview of current orthopedic patients, their diagnoses and stages of treatment.
This document provides a summary of patients in the orthopedic ward from November 29, 2018. It includes the patient room and bed number, treating doctor, patient ID, name, age, diagnosis, admission date, and post-operative day and plan. There are over 60 patients listed with various fractures, spinal conditions, joint replacements and other orthopedic procedures and post-surgical follow ups. The document aims to provide an overview of current orthopedic patients, their diagnoses and stages of treatment.
This document provides a summary of patients in the orthopedic ward from November 29, 2018. It includes the patient room and bed number, treating doctor, patient ID, name, age, diagnosis, admission date, and post-operative day and plan. There are over 60 patients listed with various fractures, spinal conditions, joint replacements and other orthopedic procedures and post-surgical follow ups. The document aims to provide an overview of current orthopedic patients, their diagnoses and stages of treatment.
This document provides a summary of patients in the orthopedic ward from November 29, 2018. It includes the patient room and bed number, treating doctor, patient ID, name, age, diagnosis, admission date, and post-operative day and plan. There are over 60 patients listed with various fractures, spinal conditions, joint replacements and other orthopedic procedures and post-surgical follow ups. The document aims to provide an overview of current orthopedic patients, their diagnoses and stages of treatment.
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RAUDAH 2 K3B2 Dr Saf Busyrayanti 16 Close fraktur radius distal sinistra K4B1 Dr. Saf 1192154 Iqlima Annisa 16 Fraktur kompresi L2 Frankle C MRI Whole spine 1171514 Fazira Post op stabilisasi tendon + POD 8 Mobilisasi K5B2 Dr. Azhar 5 decoprsi ai TB spinal c bertahap K5B3 Dr. Arief 1185679 Syahrul Maulana 12 Neglected fractur femur AD 3 Op hari ini 1181576 Fajar Budiam Post ORIF ai close legekl femur sin POD 6 Mobilisasi K6B3 Dr. Arief 15 bertahap 1191877 Rauzatul jannah Post dehident + neck yat + neglecty POD 6 Cek ulang Hb post K7B3 Dr. Saf 7 ai Open fraktur proximal tibia transfusi dextra K7B6 Dr. Saf 1192218 Annisa mardia 6 CF 1/3 medial femur dextra POD 4 RAUDAH 3 1191322 Suarnawati ali FR. H ar frontal dex + fr. ZMC dex AD 4 K4B1 Dr Zul 45 + Fr ZMC sin +close fr 1/3 medial (D) + CF patella (s) RAUDAH 4 K2B2 Dr. Saf 1191697 Supriyanto 36 CF 1/3 distal ulna sin POD 5 RAUDAH 5 1191585 Syahrul J Close fr femur dextra post deapont POD 6 Rawat luka /hari K1B2 Dr. Saf 60 ORIF 1192549 Fatimah Yahya Necrotic digiti I (S) ec ulkus AD2 POD 1 GV K3B2 Dr. Armia 63 diabetikus ec DM tipe II post amputasi RAUDAH 6 1151852 Saniah Husen Post bipolar arthoplasty ai close POD 7 Mobilisasi K1B1 Dr. Saf 85 femur neck femur (s) bertahap 1139644 Desy Arisandy Posr remove pedicle th 5-8 kiri dan POD 12 K1B2 Dr. Azhar 18 kanan 1190110 Ainirusidah Fraktur humerus 1.3 proksimal AD 20 USG tgl 29-11-18 K1B3 Dr. Ona 45 sinistra + Burst fr lsfrankle L2 K1B4 Dr. Armia 1154625 Hasnaini M. Hasan 84 Leg leght discrepency AD 2 K2B1 Dr. Saf 1191043 Fatimah Ahmad 51 Post orif union Fr tibia dex POD 7 Gv K2B2 Dr. Zul 1191398 Siti Rahmah 88 Cf distal Femur (S) AD 10 957095 Khairiyah Mahmud CF Neck Femur AD POD 2 Post op K2B5 Dr. Armia 49 K3B1 Dr. Armia 1188280 Sukarni sucipto 71 OA knee sinistra AD 4 Post op 1068161 Hj.Yulimar OA Hip dextra POD 6 mobilisasi K3B5 Dr. Saf 64 bertahap 1191874 Mulyana sofyan Post dehident +open fr femur dex AD 4 POD 4 K4B1 Dr. Saf 35 th +op fr tibia sin 1193507 Syufnir Usman Post dehident + secondary hecting AD 16 POD 5 Mobilisasi K4B2 Dr. Azhar 66 ai ILO bertahap 1100148 Zahliana Dislok femur post orthosplasty post AD 17 POD 16 Mobilisasi K4B3 Dr. Saf 15 THR bertahap 1189044 Mahyuni husein Malunion fr distal radius sin AD 5 POD 3 Mobilisasi K4B4 Dr. Zul 31 berulang K4B5 Dr. Saf Riskana Sarita 34 Implan Failure AD2 K5B2 Dr. Arief 1191585 Zulia abd gani 44 Post amputasi proksimal digiti 3-5 AD 5 POD 5 K5B3 Dr. Azhar 1177112 Lidawati 43 Tumor intramedulla AD 4 POD 1 K5B4 Dr. Saf 1191815 Qurrata aini 18 Cf femur 1/3 dex AD 6 POD 6 Orif hari ini K5B5 Dr. Arief 1187928 Syarifah Dahlia 41 OA Knee sin AD 4 POD 2 K6B1 Dr. Saf 1192135 Nurmi abbas 38 Spinal cord injury frankle c AD 3 Mri whole spine K6B4 Dr. Saf 1191654 Siti Hanizar 43 Post asthoplasty ar Fr Neck Femur s AD 9 POD 6 Fisioterapi 1192184 Ainisyah hamid Close fraktur anterocanter femur AD 5 ORIF Hari ini K6B5 Dr. Saf 83 dekstra RAUDHAH 7 K1B1 Dr. Saf 1191901 Riduan Idris 42 Negleted fr femur AD2 Op hari ini 1192039 Farhan 28 Ckr +cf femur 1/3 ,med dex + op fr AD 6 Op hari ini K1B2 Dr. Saf metatarsal 1,2,3 dex 1102667 Asrus Sabri 26 Union fr femur (D) + Union fr AD 2 Op hari ini K1B3 Dr. Saf clavicula (S) 1187990 Antony Ansori 21 Spinal cord injury dengan francle A AD 43 POD 22 K2B2 Dr. Azhar + trauma tumpul thoraks K2B4 Dr. Ona 1094406 Firman Syahputra 21 Dislokasi hip joint dextra AD 8 K2B5 Dr. Azhar 1189976 Ali Basyah 68 AD 2 1179312 Abdullah S Spinal stenosis L3-L5, L3-L4, AD 4 K3B2 Dr. Azhar Myelopathi 675548 M. Irfan 19 CF Tibia grade III b post ORIF AD34 POD 23 K3B3 Dr. Armia K3B4 Dr. Arief 1140876 M. Jamil 68 Implant Failure Femur (D) AD 28 1187643 T Puteh Hasan Post post stabilisasi + post decom POD K3B5 Dr. Azhar l2-l5 1190728 Toimin Katimin 74 Fraktur neck femur sinistra + post AD4 POD 4 GV POD 4 K4B1 Dr. Zul bipolar arthroplasty 1181525 M. Hasan 85 Close fraktur intertrochanter demur AD 9 K4B2 Dr. Saf dextra 1191729 Arham maulana 20 Open fr tibia fibula+ susp fr AD 8 K4B3 Dr. Saf maxsilafacial K4B4 Dr. Zul 0796900 Kamalul sabri 18 Bipolar hip arthoplasty AD 5 K4B5 Dr. Armia 1096967 Musnariyadi 47 AVN hip sinistra AD 4 K5B1 Dr. Armia 1185679 Eka Saputra 39 Implant failure femur dekstra AD 3 1191876 Abdul jalil ahmad 46 Op fr com femur 1/3 distal dex gr AD 7 POD 7 K5B2 Dr. saf III a 1128181 Edi Erwanto 42 Open fr. Digiti II phalank proksimal AD 2 K5B3 Dr. Armia pedis (D) K6B1 Dr. Ona Ibrahim Nyak Lem Post orif ar AD 2 K6B2 Dr. Saf 1192122 Fairul ihram 20 Fr FEMUR DEX POD 3 K6B4 Dr. saf 1192146 Asnal matondang 60 Spondilitis AD 5 K6B5 Dr. Saf 0652610 Kasmuddin 44 Infected wound post THR sin AD 17 POD 16 ICU D 1192154 Ilyas 53 Cks+SDH ar temporoparietal dex AD 2 +cf femur dex + neglected Cf tibia B3 Dr. Saf fibula isn + fr costae 3,6,7 lateral hemithorak sin + trauma maxilofacial + contusio paru AQSHA 1
K3 Dr. Zul 1190159 Nurhayati 62 OA Knee sin POD 4
K5 Dr. Zul 796348 Syatariah salamah 68 LBP+fr kompresi L2-L3, L3-L4 AD 13
ISO 4 Dr. Arief
M. Yakob 59 Ulkus decubitus ar pedis (S) + DM AD 3 OP emergency ISO 10 Dr. Zul tipe II hari ini AQSHA 2
K1B3 Dr. Saf aminuddin MINA I 1191618 Ambia Fikri 19 Close Fraktur clavivula 1/3 lateral AD 8 Mohon Toleransi K6B1 Dr. Zul sin op dari neuro MINA 2 1191655 Eliyana S 38 open fr tibia 1/3 tengah S post POD 7 Rencana pindah rd K3B2 Dr. Saf debridemant 6 ZAMZAM 1 1169560 Titi Widiani 63 Post stabilisasi posterior + posterior AD 6 POD 5 Gv POD IV K4 Dr. Azhar decompressi ec Spinal lumbal L4-5 ZAMZAM 3 1182014 Siti hawa 72 Post orthoplasty close Fraktur neck AD 7 POD 5 K11 dr Azhar femur sin HCU S 1192142 Radman amanda 28 Ckr+cf clavicula 1/3 tengah dex +fr AD 2 B11 dr saf costae 3,4 hemithoraks dex HCU M B7 dr Saf 1191829 Rasyid husein 82 Close fraktur femur dextra Rencana THR ZAMZAM 4 K6 Dr. Saf 1192133 Harry 36 Fraktur compresi thorakal 12 AD 4 MRI whole spine K14 Dr. Armia 0594537 Fachrurrazy 74 Close fraktur neck femur dextra K15 Dr. Saf 1192133 Soefi Elvirawati 21 Close fraktur humerus AD 3 IGD K1 Dr. Armia 1192490 Marlini 34 Fr Pelvis + fr os ischium sinitra AD 3 K1 Dr. Armia 1192561 Umar Usman 68 Gangren digiti II (S) dd PAD AD 2