English Plus 1 Unit - 6 - Standard - Test PDF

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Unit 6 test

Listening 4 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple

affirmative form of one of the verbs. (8 marks)
1 1.07 Listen to a radio programme about 1 Zoe _____________ (name / change) her dog Ben.
Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland. Then
complete the summary. Write a word or a 2 I _____________ (travel / invade) to Canada.
number in each gap. (10 marks) 3 She _____________ (cross / discover) a new café
in town.
Edinburgh is a popular city. (1) ______________ million
4 They _____________ (explore / invent) the city.
people visited it last year. Many famous people lived here.
Sean Connery was born in (2) ______________, but he 5 He _____________ (invade / invent) the radio.

moved to (3) ______________. 6 We _____________ (establish / cross) the river in

a boat.
J.K. Rowling invented some ideas for Harry Potter
when she was in a (4) ______________ in Edinburgh. 7 Mathi _____________ (change / discover) the
colour of his hair.
Mary I was queen of Scotland from (5) ______________
8 I _____________ (prefer / establish) the museum
to (6) ______________. There were (7) ______________
to the art gallery.
Scottish queens and more than (8) ______________ kings.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the (9) ______________.
His father was a (10) ______________ in Edinburgh.
Language focus
5 Write sentences or questions and short answers
Vocabulary using the correct form of was or were. (10 marks)
Picasso / from Spain ()
2 Complete the definitions with seven of the
words. (7 marks) Picasso was from Spain.
1 Shakespeare and the Beatles / from the UK ()
actor doctor explorer mechanic scientist ___________________________________________
king queen teacher waitress
2 J.K. Rowling / a farmer ()
1 A _______________ studies science. ___________________________________________
2 An _______________ works in films. 3 Columbus and Vasco de Gama / chefs ()
3 A _______________ is a man. He rules a country. ___________________________________________
4 An _______________ visits new countries. 4 France and England / part of Rome (?)
5 A _______________ helps people in hospital. ___________________________________________
6 A _______________ is a woman. She works in a ____________, they ____________. ()
café or restaurant. 5 Muhammad Ali / a football player (?)
7 A _______________ works with cars. ___________________________________________
____________, he ____________. ()
3 Complete the definitions with the correct form of
the words. (5 marks)
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
1 A _______________ builds houses and other There was or There were. (10 marks)
buildings. (build) 100 years ago …
2 A _______________ plays an instrument. (music) 1 __________________ a café in my town. ()
3 A _______________ writes books. (write) 2 __________________ any parks. ()
4 An _______________ paints or draws. (art) 3 __________________ two shops. ()
5 An _______________ makes new things. (invent) 4 __________________ any cars. ()
5 __________________ a library. ()
Unit 6 test
7 Complete the sentences using the past simple a Early history of the village 
form of the verbs. (16 marks) b Why did they change the name? 
live not listen not play invade c Places with interesting names 
d Popular place names 
1 The Romans _________________ Germany. e What is the village like today? 
2 The boys _________________ football. f Why is one Welsh village unusual? 
3 I _________________ to music last night.
4 They _________________ in a very big house.
10 Complete the questions with the past simple of
not like invent stop not travel
be. Then match the questions 1–5 with the
5 You _________________ the big, dirty city! replies a–e. (10 marks)
1 What _______ Tokyo like? 
6 The bus _________________ at the station.
2 _______ you on your own? 
7 They _________________ a lot of new things.
3 What about the shops? _______ they good? 
8 He _________________ to France.
4 _______ the weather good? 
5 How _______ the exam? 
8 Complete the sentences with time expressions.
(4 marks) a No. I was with my family.
1 Marilyn Monroe died __ __1962. b Yes, it was brilliant. It was really sunny!
2 I lived there two years __ __ __. c Yes, they were amazing.
d It was terrible! The questions were really difficult.
3 We played tennis __ __ __ __ weekend.
e It was a really cool city.
4 He invented it __ __ the sixteenth century.
Reading 11 Complete the sentences with five of the words.
9 Read the text. Then match headings a–f with (5 marks)
paragraphs 1–5. There is one heading that you
ago in today century last the time
do not need. (10 marks)
1 We travelled to the USA ___________ 2008.
BIG NAME, SMALL VILLAGE! 2 This was a popular place in ___________ 1900s.
1 Many British places have got unusual names. In 3 They invaded in the fifth ___________.
England, you can visit Dog Village in the south and 4 It’s a big city ___________.
World’s End in the north! The name of one village
in Scotland has only got two letters: Ae! 5 She visited us about three years ____________.

2 But one village in Wales has got a really difficult 12 Write about the area where you live. Use the
name: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwll- ideas to help you. (5 marks)
llantysiliogogogoch! This is longer than all the
other place names in Europe.
Paragraph 1: What is the name of your area? Is it
3 This Welsh village is very old – Romans lived
big or small? Where is it?
there about 2,000 years ago.
Paragraph 2: Describe one interesting place in your
4 In the 1850s, the name of the village was area. What do you know about its history?
Llanfair, and it was a very quiet place. People in the Paragraph 3: What interesting people lived in your
village wanted more visitors, so they changed the area? What did they do?
name. They invented a more interesting new name,
with 58 letters!
5 Today, 3,000 people live in the village, but Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary
thousands more tourists visit every year. It’s _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10
Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100

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