Oath of A Pharmacy Student

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Junior Pharmacist’s Association – Gamma Chapter


As a pharmacy student, I solemnly commit Through all the ages gone by, to the years
myself to be of service to all mankind that are yet to be.
through Pharmacy. Pharmacy thou stand ever glorious, the
mission of integrity.
I will always show respect for others and use
The hands that shape thy past, the minds
my judgment for the common good.
that made thee last.
I will apply my knowledge, experience and Shall always be our guardian and brightest
skills to be the best of my ability. hope of all men
With voices from our grateful hearts, we hail
I will strive to acquire all the competencies pharmacy!
expected from a professional pharmacist to (2x)
ensure better health outcomes for my With voices from our grateful hearts, we hail
future patients/clients. pharmacy!
I will maintain the highest principles of
moral, ethical and legal conduct. UST HYMN
I will embrace and advocate changes in the God of all Nations
Pharmacy profession that redound to the Merciful Lord of our Restless Being
improvement of patient care. Sweep with your Golden Lilies
This Fountain of Purest Light
I take these vows voluntarily as I prepare my
career in Pharmacy with the full realization Trace with the Sails of the Galleons
of the responsibility with which I am The Dream Beyond our Seeing
entrusted by my family and my university. Touch with the Flame of your Kindness
The Gloom of our Darkest Night
So help me God.
Keep us in Beauty
And Truth and Virtues Impassioned Embrace
Ever your Valiant Legions
Imbued with Unending Grace.

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