Dairy Farming Business Plan
Dairy Farming Business Plan
Dairy Farming Business Plan
Dairy farming is very profitable business in india. In many parts of india be it a rural or
urban dairy farming business has gain its importance and became very popular in terms
of its profit margin. Any cattle farming business when done in proper and in scintifically
manner with effective business plan leads to success. Mostly in every part of india cattle
farmers are having lack of knowledge and also thery are not aware of the latest
methodology and technique due to which they are not succeeding in this business. So I
decided to write this article inorder to practically guide and help those who are novice or
newbie in dairy farming and have keen interest to start dairy farm business in a profitable
So folks, do remember that before stepping into this dairy farming business firstly you
should mentally prepared that you are going to dedicate your full effort and time to this
and special 24×7 attention should be maintained throghout.
Closed housing
Open housing
Open housing are not considered these days as we keep high milk yield animals which
needs extra care. So generally we should use closed housing system.
On the other hand in tail to tail arrangement Feeder or menzer is constructed on either
side of the shed so the cows are fed in tail to tail position.
I prefer Head to Head Arrangement because it costs less as compare to tail to tail
arrangement. In this arrangement feeder or menzer is one in between the shed.
Shed should be in some elevated area to avoid rainfall water to come inside. Special
attention should be given in the flooring. The floor must be made of bricks and cement
with proper inclination so that the urine or excrete can drain easily.
Proper Drainage system should be there to drain the urine on either side of the shed to
avoid the stagnation.
So for shed construction choose area which has proper light and sun with little elevation
from normal ground level. For construction use cement and bricks and asbestos sheet can
be used as the roof of the shed.
Electricity and proper water supply is also needed for the high yield cows such as HF and
jersey fan and cooler is also necessary during summer season.
Fodder Management
Cattle health mainly depends upon the type and nutritional facts of the fodder. High milk
yield cows must be given 1kg of concentrate in 2.5ltr of milk yield. If a cow yields 10 ltrs
of milk then scintifically they should be provide with 4 kg of concentrate with mineral
mixture. In fodder management we should know that there are three types of
fodder what we give to the cattle.
Dry fodder
Green fodder
Concentrate and mineral mixture.
Dry fodder:- Generally the dry fodder constitutes 2/3rd of the supplements. Dry fodder
wheat hay
paddy straw(kutti)
chokar, etc.
Green fodder :- green fodder play vital role in animals health as it provides the essential
nutrients required for good milk yield. We must have surplus area of land preferebly 2
acre for 15 cows for green fodder cultivation.
Green fodder are basically leguminous rabby crops they are gram, barseem,
maize, masoor, etc. They are rich in protein and hence increase the fat
percentage in the milk.
So for ideal food for the 1 cow should be in precise proportion of dry fodder , green fodder
and mineral mixture with concentrate.
Mix kutti, chokar and concentrate like khalli (sarso,badam or teesi) add water in
it and feed them
Generally sarso khalli provides heat and it should be given during winter season
Teesi khalli in summer seasons
Badam khalli can be given any time as it increases fat percentage in the milk
Right breed selection is very much important in the dairy farming. As the profit is totally
dependent on the milk yield of the cow. For breed selection we must take care of the
breed which is adapted to our climatic condition and their milk yielding capability. For this
we suggest the cross breed of Holstein fresian(HF) with Indian sahiwal. Or Jersey
with sahiwal.
Also cross breed of jersey and red sindhi is preferrable for the good milk yield.
Generally breed selection of these cow should be done on the basis of milk yield
production in general 15-20 ltrs of milk yield in a day is preferrable.
Cross breeding technique with artificial insemination (AI) has drastically improved the
quantity of milk production in the country which also increased the per capita milk yield
In general mating or insemination is done after every 3 months of calving. Indian breed
takes approx 30-35 months in reaching maturity phase whereas high yield cows HF or
jersey cross breed reaches maturity at 15-18 months and its ready for mating. Ideally
every 13 months cow should be calving, then only our farm production will grow.
Lactation period should be of 300 days and service period must be of 90-120 days. Rest
must be gestation period i.e 266 days.
After three four attempt of mating if cattle is not conceiving then there is a fertility issue
or may be some genital problems are there so special medicine should be given. Iodine
and mineral mixture supply must be increased to minimize the mineral deficiency.
Pregnant cows should be given special attention and there must be adequate amount of
concentrate and mineral mixture should be given during gestaion period of cows. Just
before 3 month, calving cow should be given challenge feeding i.e giving fodder as
much as they can feed it so that there would be a proper growth of calves and its udder.
Note:- effect of oxitocyn hormone remains for 7-8 minutes in this duration and total milk
should be taken out from the udder otherwise milk secretion becomes difficult.
Within an hour after immediate birth calves must be given mother’s first
milk colostrum,which is rich in protein vitamins and other antibodies. It contains 28% of
solid material generally milk contains 13-14% of solid material. We insist on giving first
milk i.e colostrum just after an hour because at this time calves intestine are porous. The
macro molecule and antibody in the colostrum easily penetrates through calf intestine and
provide a good immunity and immune system to fight with disease and infection. Also
the meconium that is the first stool excretes after colostrum intake.
After 10 days debudding of horn should be done so that it becomes docile in nature. It is
done with hot iron with NaOh and KOH. On regular interval mucous from nose should
remove from towel to reduce the infection.
Vaccination schedule:-
Timely vaccination schedule is very important in order to prevent cattle from deadly
diseases. It provides better immunity and disease resistance to the cattle.
Time of
Disease Animal Vaccine Dose Immunity
Hemorrhagic 6 month
Cattle,Buffalo HS Vaccine 5 ml S/C May-June
septecimia(HS) and 1 year
Black Quarter 6 month
Cattle,Buffalo BQ Vaccine 5ml S/C May-June
(BQ) and 1 year
All species of
Anthrax spore 1ml S/C 1 year May-June
Female cattle
and buffalo Brucella
Brucella 2ml S/C 1 year ———-
calf age 4-8 Vaccine
months only
Cattles and
calves above Theileria
Theileriosis 3 ml S/C I Year ———–
2 month of vaccine
Unfortunately most of the people as well as consultants (of course, more than 99.99% are from Dairy Processing side
& others : Theoretical experts from reading on google.com) place too much importance on climate, housing & shed
It should be noted by entrepreneurs that hardly one in million Dairy farmers use computers & as such no realistic
information on ( Indian) Dairy farming is available on NET nor the subject can be discussed on mails.
* No business breaks even in 1st year. It usually takes 4-5 years. However in dairy farming we can start earning from
Day one since we always buy cows in milking.
* The approximate investment for 100 cow farm is around 1 Lac per animal (amounting to 1 CRORE) which can
roughly be divided into cost of animal, cost of construction & cost of Machinery. It has to be kept in mind that this cost
is Only ONCE & gets depreciated over a period to ZERO.
* The major cost then is daily recurring cost of (balanced) Feed & labour that too labour cost is fixed for ONE year at
least. However the cost of feeding changes daily depending upon the ingredients used.
* Today this (Feeding & labour) cost will not exceed Rs. 20,000/- per day in any part of India. At the same time this
100 cow farm will yield minimum 1000 litres per day which can easily be sold @ Rs. 25,000/- giving us a clear profit of
Rs. 5000/- per day not to mention the cow dung which will be minimum 1500 kgs & is being sold @ Re. 1/- per Kg.
(The milk can be sold easily for Rs. 25/- as it is with high fat & not TONED down )
This clearly shows a 100 cow farm will fetch Rs. 6,500/- per day which is more than 23 lacs per year.
With good manufacturing practices & a Standard Operating Procedure we can easily reduce the daily costs of Feeding
by Rs. 2 - 4000/- which can give us additional profit of minimum 7 Lacs per year.
Dr.Chandrakiran Sant
(Dairy Advisor)
Cattle Nutrition & Management
6 acre land require for fooder
Project report dosn't include financial loan and subsity etc
1- one HF cow give 16 to 20 per liter (some cow give 25 lit. Per day )
16lit.*30 cow=480 lit. Per day
Milk price depend ur area if you want sale own or added milk in co-operative dairy
If you sale own then per litere per milk price =35
Co-operative dairy price depent on fat = ex. 20 to 25 per litere
Cow maintanance(16,42,500)
Water borewell (2,00,000)
Cow shed (3,00,000)
I visited 10 dairy farm after i wrote a report...this business not for youngster city boy because this
business take 24/7 duty and managment....no festival no function...if you have own 5 to 7 acre land
then you can get success in dairyfarm business..
Corporate dairy farm business is risky...afterall start this business before study and visit some
dairyfarm...if somthing wrong then sorry because i just studying 10 dairy...u can study with 50...
Bhargav rabari
Mail me any [email protected]
What Ashwini has said is wrong. First of all, marketing issues don’t arise in Dairy Farming. Formers are
getting decent price for the milk. In my case, ( I am in Karnataka State) I am getting Rs 15/- from Milk
Co-operative society (KMF) and Rs 2 as intensive from Karnataka government. Which totals to Rs 17/-
This price never falls and increasing instead.
If you start your dairy scientifically you can earn money from first day itself. ( It depends. I recommend
starting dairy busines with calves not with cows. If you have a profound knowledge in selecting good
cows and in dairying you can start with cows.)
It is a simple mathematics. Let me explain it.
To start a Dairy the following issues to be considered.
1. Land. Rs.25000/-You said that you want start with 10 cows. Well. Let us prepare your project.
For 10 cows you need 2 acres of land to grow green fodder and corns. Do not think that only
concentrated food will do for cows. It’s a wrong notion. Green fodder and Corn are must for cows. So
you absolutely need 2 acres of Land.
If you possess that much of land, you can save money. If you are not possessing a land, then take the
land on lease or rental basis. Don’t try to purchase the land. The investment will be very high.
In my case Rent amount per acre is Rs.10000 (Ten Thousand) per year. I have taken 5 Acres of land on
rental basis.
Let us assume the same price in your area (it must be lesser. I am put up on the banks of Kaveri, so
the prices are so high) you need 20000 for Land.
For first time cultivation it costs than Rs.5000. (Govt subsidy is available)
4. Cows 4,00,000
If you are starting with everything new it takes minimum of three months to cultivate, to build, to get
ready. Then comes the cost of cows.
You need to buy young healthy and high yielding cows. To make a good profit it is necessary to buy
cows which yield 20ltrs of milk EVERYDAY.
In our Area the cow with the above said quality would cost Rs.40000/-(with Transportation)
And, you keep in this mind, if you are planning to sell MALE CALFs for meat purpose, you
never succeed in your life. You may get profit. But you will vanish. Take it from me, it is an
When a cow takes care of our family, cant we take care of its male calf?
Go ahead. Start the business. Make profits. And, and, please TAKE CARE OF THE ANIMALS.
You are not the one who is feeding them. The Cows are feeding you. And to quote, I am making
Rs.5000 profit per month from one cow. I have 30 cows.