Bahasa Inggris II-G

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Bahasa Inggris, II-G

Questions from number 1 to 6 refer to the following narrative

Once upon a time in Pasundan, West Java, there was a man called Kabayan. He was very
poor, so he really wanted to be a rich man. He and his wife decided to go to Mountain Gede to
spend some time for praying, fasting and meditating, so that their wish to become rich might be
One day, in the midst of their meditation, they heard the voice of god calling them.
“Kabayan!”, said the voice. “ I grant you two wishes. Only two. You had better talk it over with your
wife before you make them”.
Kabayan and his wife then had a long discussion about what they should wish for. It
seemed that it was impossible for them to agree. Kabayan wanted to wish a great amount of
money, but his wife thought they should wish for abundant supply of rice. Finally Kabayan became
so annoyed with his wife that he said, “ I wish god would turn you into a monkey !”. Immediately
Kabayan’s wish was granted, and he saw his wife transformed into a monkey before his very eyes.
Kabayan regretted his words very much, then he wished that his wife would become herself
again. His wish was promptly granted. But with these two wishes Kabayan’s chance to ask for
wealth was gone. Therefore he and his wife remained poor till the rest of their life.

1. What is the general idea of the text?

A. Kabayan and his wife wanted to be rich
B. Kabayan wanted to get two wishes
C. Kabayan and his wife were granted two wishes
D. Kabayan and his wife went for meditation

2. What did the voice suggest Kabayan to do before making the wishes?
A. He talked to his family about the wishes
B. He made a list for appropriate wishes
C. He discussed the wishes with his wife
D. He went to Mountain Gede with his wife

3. What made Kabayan become upset to his wife?

A. She could not discuss the wishes
B. She could not agree to his wishes
C. She could not stay in Mountain Gede
D. She could not turn herself into a monkey

4. The main idea of paragraph 3 is …

A. Kabayan was discussing the wishes with his wife.
B. Kabayan and his wife were arguing about the two wishes.
C. Kabayan turned his wife into a monkey.
D. Kabayan’s chance to ask one more wish was rejected.

5. What is the moral lesson that the readers can learn from the story?
A. Husband should be good to his wife
B. Two wishes could bring wealth
C. Greed will bring us to ruin
D. Opportunity might not come twice

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Bahasa Inggris, II-G

6. The communicative purpose of this type of text is…

A. to tell how someone looks like and acts
B. to retell series of past events
C. to amuse the readers and to tell a story
D. to reveal an important case to the readers

Questions from number 7 to 10 refer to the following news item

Jakarta to focus on creating more interactive parks

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 11/27/2011 1:35 PM

Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo says that his administration will focus on creating more interactive
parks to enhance the city’s greenery.

Speaking at the Love Tree Festreeval Parade at city hall on Sunday, he said that creating interactive
parks was more than making green open spaces (RTH), because it required less land.

“We will still create RTH, however the process will be complicated. The amount of land in Jakarta is
also limited. Therefore, we choose to focus on building an interactive garden, as has been
requested by residents,” he said Sunday as quoted by

He said that the limited amount of land to be transformed into green spaces in Jakarta means that it
came down to each individual resident taking creative initiative. Gardens in every house, regardless
of how small they may be, should have some kind of greenery, he said.

Fauzi said he supported the Festreeval activity, in which 1,000 children participated in planting trees,
as it would “foster the love of the environment” in the hearts of people.
Over the last three years the Jakarta administration has added up to 80.89 hectares of open green
spaces in the city. In its 2011-2030 area layout plans, the administration plans that 30 percent of
Jakarta would be open green spaces.

7. What does the news mainly discuss?

A. Interactive garden has been requested by the residents in Jakarta.
B. Jakarta will transform its lands into green places
C. The need of interactive parks to enhance the city’s greenery in Jakarta.
D. The administration of Jakarta supports green open spaces

8. Based on the news, what should the residents of Jakarta do to contribute to providing green
spaces in Jakarta?
A. The residents should contribute to plant the city forest
B. The residents should try to provide a small garden in their house
C. The residents should encourage their children planting trees
D. The residents should join Greenery groups

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9. Based on the news, what will be the purpose of Festreeval activity?

A. To make the children plant trees
B. To make the residents create garden in their house
C. To encourage people to love their environment
D. To encourage residents to support city forest

10. The word “enhance” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ….

A. improve
B. activate
C. support
D. push

Questions from number 11 to 14 refer to the following announcement

The Hesseltine Corporation is moving 60 technical and management- level employees to

their new manufacturing plant in the western United States. Before the move, the company
will prepare employees for the cultural changes they will encounter when moving from urban
Europe to a small town in the American West. The employees and their families will attend
special seminars on the habit of Americans. They will learn about the regional vocabulary
and the daily life. Without this training, even small cultural difference could cause big

11. What important part of the moving process is discussed?

A. Attending cultural seminar
B. Getting the office furnishings
C. Arranging airline tickets
D. Teaching cultural differences

12. Where is the new manufacturing plants?

A. In urban American
B. In Western part of Europe
C. In the western United States
D. In a large town

13. Who will attend the seminars in addition to the employees?

A. The technicians
B. The families
C. The managers
D. The staff

14. The word “encounter “ in the text is closest in meaning to….

A. meet
B. fight
C. bring
D. take
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Bahasa Inggris, II-G

Questions from number 15 to 17 refer to the following memo

From: Mazola Sawarani

Sent : Thursday, June 03, 2011, 9:30 AM

To: All employees

Sub: Vacation

Supervisors must approve any and all vacation periods longer than one week. Approval is not
automatic. If (1) your absence would create a heavy workload for your team, or cause your team
to miss deadline; (2) you fail to give at least one week’s advance notice; (3) there are problems
with your job performance; or (4) you have had other frequent absence, your request could be
denied. In that case please contact the Personnel Review Board.

15. What is the memo about?

A. Work shortage
B. Vacation time
C. Problem in absence
D. Requesting absence

16. If approval is not given, the employee can …

A. contact supervisor
B. stay at work
C. propose new deadline
D. ask the Personnel Review Board

17. The purpose of this memo is….

A. to make supervisors check the vacation of their staff
B. to inform the employees the conditions of asking vacation
C. to warn the employees for not asking vacation
D. to tell the supervisors to make vacation proposal

Questions from number 18 to 19 refer to the following advertisement

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18. Why is the District appropriate for business travelers?

A. There is a good taxi service
B. It is convenient to downtown
C. It is nearby business centre
D. It offers various tour packages

19. The communicative purpose of the text is ….

A. to inform the readers about a place
B. to describe how a place looks like
C. to tell the events in a place
D. to suggest the readers how to stay in a place

Questions from number 20 to 22 refer to the following description

American black bears appear in a variety of colors despite their name. In the eastern part of
their range, most of these bears have shinny black fur, but in the west they grow brown, red, or even
yellow. To the north, the black bear is actually gray or white in color. Even in the same descendant,
both brown and black furred bears may be born.
Black bears are the smallest of all American bears, ranging in length from five to six feet,
weighing from three hundred to five hundred pounds. Their eyes and ears are small and their
eyesight and hearing are not as good as their sense of smell.
Like all bears, the black bear is timid, clumsy, and rarely dangerous, but if attacked, most can
climb trees and cover ground at great speed. When angry or frightened, it is a formidable enemy.
Black bears feed on leaves, herbs, roots, fruits and berries, insects, fish and even larger
animals. One of the most interesting characteristics of bears, including black bears, is their winter
sleep. Unlike squirrels, woodchucks, and many other woodland animals, bears do not actually
hibernate. Although the bears do not eat during the winter months, sustaining itself from body fat, its
temperature remains almost normal, and it breathes regularly four or five times per minute.

20. With what topic is the text primarily concerned?

A. The color of the bear
B. The characteristics of black bears
C. The life of American black bears
D. The appearance of black bears

21. The word “formidable” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to…

A. reluctant
B. intimidating
C. overestimated
D. wild

22. Which one of the following statements is not the description of the black bear?
A. It is the smallest American bear
B. It is born with brown, yellow, red or black fur
C. It is not usually dangerous
D. It is like squirrels and other animals that hibernate
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Questions from number 23 to 26 refer to the following passage

Job trends for the future emphasize careers in sales and marketing. Most of the growth will
come in international sales, high technology, and electronic marketing. Research shows that
overseas sales of high tech equipment and technology will increase 20% in the next decade.
The internet is the primary source for advertising and marketing to these overseas
customers. At the same time, however, successful marketers must find new avenues to increase
consumer awareness of their products. As some clients become inundated by information on the
internet, and as others are still just learning to navigate the Web, the marketers of the future will
have to be inventive.
More traditional sales skills, such as bilingualism and an agreeable character, are still useful.
Willingness to travel is also a plus.

23. What is the general idea of the passage?

A. Internet is the primary source for advertising and marketing
B. Sales and marketing will be the future job trends
C. International sales are growing because of high technology
D. Sales and marketing need willingness to travel

24. What is the communicative purpose of this type of text?

A. To persuade the readers to do something
B. To reveal the readers that something is the important case
C. To show the readers how to get something
D. To entertain the readers with the information

25. Why are the careers mentioned in the article increasing in importance?
A. Companies follow the job trends
B. The careers are marketable
C. High-tech sales are growing
D. Most marketing will occur on the internet

26. The word avenues in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to …

A. tricks
B. ways
C. skills
D. sales

Questions from number 27 to 30 refer to the following discussion

The mobile phone is one of the great inventions in 20th century. We cannot imagine our life
without the mobile phone. It is obviously a truth that using mobile phones gives us enormous
benefits in all aspects. Otherwise, this causes some trouble in a specific situation. In this essay, I will
explain about the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones with some examples to
support my opinion.
At first, I believe that using mobile phone has contributed to making our communication easier
than before. As you know, 30 years ago, all people should grasp a landline phone or go to the public
telephone booth to make a call. In addition to that, 50 years ago, we should post a mail or visit
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someone to communicate. However, in recent times, we can talk with foreigners who live overseas,
whenever we want. Furthermore, we are able to save our time and reduce the business trip
expenditure and avoid traffic jam as well as prevent environmental pollution by the combustion of
the fuel.
In the other side, some people have been suffering from careless using of mobile phones of
others. We can see some rude people who speak loudly in public places, in particular in libraries,
trains and theatres. It makes severe noise and quarrel sometimes. Actually, according to the
previous news, a certain person killed someone with cruel assault because of the reason that he
spoke too loudly in a train. As another example, the camera of mobile phones sometimes disturbs a
person’s privacy. In case of a certain country, the government has legislated to prohibit from taking a
photo in public places such as a swimming pool and a spa.
To conclude, the pros and cons of using mobile phones depend on the way how we can use it
in right or wrong ways. Even though it is only personal stuff, we should always be careful using it.

27. What does the writer intend to discuss?

A. The importance of mobile phone in communication
B. The examples of using mobile phone in daily life
C. The advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phone
D. How to be wise in using mobile phone

28. Which one of the following statements is not the benefits of using mobile phone?
A. People should not necessarily grasp a land line phone to make a call
B. People can communicate each other effectively
C. People can talk as loud as they like as they get a call
D. People can contact overseas friends and colleagues using text messaging

29. One of the facilities in many current mobile phones that the author is worried about people’s
privacy is ….
A. the ringtone
B. the camera
C. the wallpaper
D. the picture

30. It can be inferred from the passage that ….

A. the author does not have mobile phone
B. people tend to use mobile phone carelessly
C. mobile phone gives many benefits
D. mobile phone should be used wisely

Questions from number 31 to 36 refer to the following biography

At the age of sixty-five, Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing a series of novels for young people
based on her early experiences on American frontier. Born in the state of Wisconsin in 1867, she
and her family were rugged pioneers. Seeking better farm land, they went by covered wagon to
Missouri in 1869, then on to Kansas the next year, returning to Wisconsin in 1871, and travelling on
to Minnesota and Iowa before settling permanently in South Dakota in 1879. Because of this
constant moving, Wilder’s early education took place sporadically in a succession of one-room
schools. From age thirteen to sixteen, she attended school more regularly, although she never
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At the age of eighteen, she married Almanzo James Wilder. They bought a small farm in
Ozarks, where they remained for the rest of their lives. Their only daughter, Rose, who had become
a nationally known journalist, encouraged her mother to write. Serving as agent and editor, Rose
negotiated with Harper’s to publish her mother’s first book, Little House in the Big Woods. Seven
more books followed, each chronicling her early life on the plains. Written from the perspective of a
child, they have remained popular with young readers from many nations. Twenty years after her
death in 1957, more than 20 million copies had been sold, and they had been translated into
fourteen languages. In 1974, a weekly television series, “ Little House on the Prairie”, was produced,
based on the stories from the Wilder books.

31. What is the main topic of the passage ?

A. American pioneer life
B. Children’s literature
C. Wilder’s movie
D. Wilder’s career

32. Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing novels…

A. when she was a child of the frontier
B. right after she married Almanzo
C. when she was a young mother
D. after her sixty- fifth birthday

33. Which one of the following events is not true in the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder?
A. She went west by covered wagon
B. She graduated from one-room school.
C. She lived in Ozarks since her marriage
D. Her daughter worked as a journalist

34. The main idea of the second paragraph is ….

A. the Wilder books were published and popular
B. Wilder’s daughter was the editor of her mother’s books
C. the Wilder books are translated into many languages
D. Laura Ingalls married Almanzo Wilder

35. The word “sporadically” is closest in meaning to ….

A. with great success
B. for a particular time
C. at irregular interval
D. come on stages

36. It can be inferred from the passage that ….

A. Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote scripts for the television series
B. Laura Ingalls Willder started writing in Ozarks
C. Wilder’s daughter made negotiation for her mother’s books
D. the Wilder books have a universal appeal

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Questions from number 37 to 40 refer to the following report

Canada is a constitutional monarch with a parliamentary system of government modeled after

that of Great Britain. The official head of state in Canada is Queen Elizabeth II of Britain, who is
also Queen of Canada. The governor-general is the queen’s personal representative in Canada and
the official head of the Canadian parliament, although with very limited powers.
The federal parliament in Canada consists of the House of Commons and the Senate. The
actual head of government is the prime minister, who is responsible for choosing a cabinet. The
system is referred to as responsible government, which means that cabinet members sit in the
parliament and are directly responsible to it, holding power only as long as a majority of the House
of Common show confidence by voting with them.
The Canadian Senate has 102 members, appointed by the governor-general on the advice of
the prime minister. Their actual function is advisory, although they may make minor changes in bills.
The actual power resides in the House of Common, the members of which are elected directly by
the voters. General election must be held at the end of every five years, but they may be held
whenever issues require it and most parliament members are dissolved before the end of the five-
year term. When a government loses its majority support in general election, a change of
government occurs.

37. What does the text mainly discuss?

A. The relationship between Canada and England
B. The process of general election in Canada
C. The Canadian system of government
D. The power of parliament

38. When does a change of government occur in Canada?

A. When the governor-general decides to appoint a new government
B. When the voters do not return majority support for the government in a general election
C. When the prime minister advises the governor-general to appoint a new government
D. When the House of Common votes for a new government

39. The communicative purpose of a report is …

A. to provide and organize factual information on a specific group or thing or topic
B. to tell the audience how to describe a particular things
C. to help readers to build a visual image of whatever we want to describe
D. to give reason for some phenomenon

40. It can be inferred from the passage that the voters in Canada …
A. choose the prime minister and the Cabinet
B. usually vote in general elections at the end of five years
C. trust their representatives in the House of Common to vote
D. determine when a change of government should occur

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Questions from number 41 to 45 refer to the following passage

Persons of sixty five years old and over already represent 13 percent of the total population of
America, and by 2025 there will be 59 percent of elderly American, representing the population in
this country. Furthermore, the percentage of population over the age of eighty five will increase
from about 1 percent to 5 percent in 2050. This population trend has been referred to as the graying
of America.
To explain this demographic change, we must look to three factors. Fertility, mortality and
immigration in large part influence all demographic trends. The large number of children born after
World War II will increase the pool of elderly between 2010 and 2030. The “baby boom” will become
the “senior boom” sixty – five years later. Although the birth rate is the most dramatic factor, the
decline in the death rate is also significant. Medical advances have influenced life expectancy. For
example, whereas only 40 percent of those Americans born in 1990 had a life expectancy of sixty-
five, today 80 percent are expected to reach the classic retirement age. In addition, immigration has
contributed to the increasing number of elderly. After World War I, a massive immigration of young
adults of child-bearing age occurred. Because the birth rates among this specialized population
were very high, their children, now among elderly, are a significant segment of the older population.

41. It can be inferred from the passage that the word “gray” in paragraph 1 is a reference to ….
A. the color hair typical of older people
B. the condition of the death rate in America
C. the diversity of colors in the population
D. The dismal outlook for the future because of popular trend

42. The word “pool” in paragraph 2 refers to….

A. a group of people
B. a general direction
C. a negative attitude
D. an increase in influence

43. The word “advances” in paragraph 2 has a synonym in meaning to …

A. development
B. increase
C. contribution
D. expectance

44. The word “massive” in paragraph 2 means…

A. huge
B. many
C. elder
D. increase

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Bahasa Inggris, II-G

45. Which one of the following sentences has correct spelling, capital letter and punctuation?
A. Prince Diponegoro a Javanese prince who opposed the Dutch colonial rule played an
important role in the Java War (1825-1830).
B. When sultan HamengkubuwonoIII died in 1814, Prince Diponegoro was passed over for
the succession to the throne in favor of his younger half brother who was supported by the
C. Dutch colonial rule was becoming unpopular by the local farmers because of tax rises,
crop failures, and by Javanese nobles because the Dutch colonial authorities deprived
them of their right to lease land.
D. De kock claims that he had warned several javanese nobles to tell Diponegoro, he had to
lessen his previous demands or that he would be forced to take other measures.

Question 46 refersto the following dialogue

Man : Will that be cash or charge?

Woman : I want to pay by checks if I may?
Man : Certainly. That’s cash then.
Woman : Cash?
Man : Yes. Both money and checks are considered cash. Only credit cards are charges.
Woman : Oh
Man : Just make the check out to the Family Store
Woman : Okay
Man : And I’ll need two pieces of identification. A driving license and a major credit card.
Woman : Well, here’s my driving license. I don’t have any charge cards, but I do have my
student ID card from my college. Will that be all right?
Man : I think so, I need two numbers. Your student number is on the ID card, isn’t it?
Woman : Yes, it is. Do you need anything else?
Man : Just put your telephone number on the front of the check.
Woman : Okay
Man : Good. Now let me give you your license, your ID card, and your package. And thank
you for shopping at the Family Store
Woman : Thank you

46. What is the purpose of the conversation?

A. To help the woman make a purchase
B. To request the woman’s identification
C. To explain the woman how to use a check
D. To register the woman for a course at the college

47. A student who likes to stay alone and have difficulties in working together with her or his
classmates may experience a ............ problem.
A. physical
B. moral
C. intelligent
D. social

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48. When teaching a procedure text about ‘How to Make Delicious Icecream’, a teacher should be
sure that the students have some adequate knowledge of the concept and use of ..........verbs.
A. present participle
B. transitive
C. intransitive
D. infinitive

49. A student wrote: ‘There are many people stand overthere and the man who standing near the
gate comes from my hometown’. The student obviously still has a difficulty in writing
A. expletive ‘There’
B. present continuous
C. compound sentences
D. complex sentences

50. A student wanted to tell about his friend and he wrote: ‘She is from a wealth family;
unfortunately, she almost never looks health. She once wrote a length letter to me describing
about her physical condition’. The student still has a difficulty in differentiating ......
A. a word functioning as an adjective from that as a noun
B. ‘once’ meaning ‘as soon as’ from ‘once’ meaning ‘ever’
C. an irregular verb from a regular verb
D. a simple present tense from a past tense

Questions from number 51 to 56 refer to the following text

After you decide what kind of car you want, which options you need, and how much you can
afford to spend, you should shop at several dealerships. Buying a car is one of the few purchases
that you will make in the United States that allows for negotiation. In the case of cars, new and used,
the sticker price posted on the window is not fixed, and the car dealer will expect you to bargain. It
has been estimated that fewer than 20 percent of all new car buyers end up paying an amount even
close to the list price.
To save the most money, use the following strategies when you negotiate. In the first place,
don’t mention that you have a car to trade in until you have agreed on a price for the car you want to
buy. If the salespersons know in advance, they may quote you a high price for the trade-in, but the
price of the new car may be adjusted to include the added amount. In addition, buy a car which is
already on the dealer’s lot instead of ordering a car. The dealer has to pay insurance and finance
charges for every car in the inventory and is usually willing to sell one for less money in order to
reduce the overhead expenses. Furthermore, try to buy your new car, just before the next year
models arrive in the fall. Dealers are usually glad to move these cars off their lots to make room for
the new models. If you can’t wait until the fall to buy a car, at least wait until the end of the month,
when dealer is trying to reach a set sales quota in order to earn a bonus from the manufacturer.
Finally don’t mention to the car dealer that you intend to pay cash or use a bank for financing
until the deal is closed. Some dealers will offer a lower price if they believe that they will have the
opportunity to arrange the financing and collect a commission.

51. What is the author’s main purpose in writing this passage?

A. To tell the strategies of selling car
B. To offer advice to prospective car buyers
C. To suggest how to choose a car
D. To explain how to finance a car
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52. According to the author, when should a buyer purchase a new car?
A. In December
B. In the fall
C. Near the first of the month
D. At the end of the week
53. The phrasecar in the inventory in paragraph 2 of the passage could best be replaced by…
A. the car that the dealer has to sell
B. the car that the dealer has sold
C. the car that the dealer must sell every month
D. the car that the dealer will order

54. “The dealer has to pay insurance and finance charges for every car in the inventory and is
usually willing to sell one for less money in order to reduce the overhead expenses.” The word
“one” refers to …
A. insurance
B. dealer
C. a car
D. buyer

55. Arrange the following jumbled words into a correct sentence

attend - to – it – an – is – accepted – guest – for – custom – gifts – the – to – the – to –

wedding – when - reception – couple – the – them – invites

A. It is an accepted guest for custom to take the gift to the wedding reception when the couple
invites them to attend
B. To attend the wedding reception, an accepted guest to take the custom gifts when the
couple invites them
C. It is an accepted custom for guest to take the gifts to the wedding reception when the
couple invited them to attend
D. To attend the custom wedding reception, the accepted guest to take the gifts when an
couple invites them to attend

56. Arrange the following procedures into the correct order for withdrawing money from your Bank
1. Enter the amount of withdrawal on the numbered button, and wait for your receipt to be
2. Enter your four-digit identification number on the numbered buttons.
3. Insert your card face up into the card slot on the machine teller.
4. Remove your card from the slot. The drawer will open with receipt and your cash
5. Press the withdrawal button for checking or the button for savings

A. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4
B. 3 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 4

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C. 3 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 4
D. 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 - 4

Questions from number 57 to 60 refer to the following article. Choose the correct word
forms for the blank spaces.

This holiday season, computer retailers hope to increase the …………(57) of notebook PCs
(personal computer). A heavy advertising campaign began this week, with several computer
manufacturers placing ads on TV, radio, newspapers and the internet. The advertising campaign
will continue through the holiday season.

Notebook PCs are gaining popularity because of their ……….(58). They are lighter and smaller than
laptops and much easier to carry around. Although laptop and notebook computers are more
expensive than desktop computers, more and more people are buying them. They are filling a
………..(59) need for mobility.

The trend toward giving electronic items as holiday gifts is also growing. The old-fashioned
approach to holiday celebrations is giving way to the …………….(60) for new technology.

57. A. sales
B. selling
C. sold
D. sell

58. A. convenienty
B. conveniently
C. convenient
D. convenience

59. A. growing
B. growth
C. growed
D. grown

60. A. enthusiast
B. enthusiasm
C. enthusiastic
D. enthusiastically

61. The principles of a learning design can be classified into the following EXCEPT ......
A. analysis of condition
B. development of learning strategy
C. development of learning outcome measurement procedure
D. development of teacher’s teaching competence

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62. When the indicator is To respond an instruction given in a class context, such as ‘close your
book’, ‘open your book’, ‘put down your pen or pencil’ and ‘raise your hand’ by taking an action
suitable with it, an elementary school English teacher may determine the following teaching
strategy to be adopted.
A. Total Physical Response
B. Presentation, Practice, Production
C. Role playing
D. Dramatizing

63. One of the following teaching media can be used by an English teacher to teach fifth graders
how to respond very simple instructions verbally.
A. realia
B. real objects
C. picture series
D. recorded tapes

64. To expose her or his students to regular English uses, an English teacher may most possibly
do the following.
A. Changing her or his classroom into a language-rich classroom
B. Inviting a native speaker of English to visit her or his class regularly
C. Taking her or his students regularly to tourism resorts where they can practise speaking
with native speakers
D. Multiplying the number of currently published books written in English in her or his school

65. To make her or his students accustomed to using the technology of information and
communication, a teacher can ask her or his students to submit their assignments via ........
A. email.
B. facebook.
C. twitter.
D. teleconferencing.

66. To actualize the potentials of the students who are good at painting pictures and doing
handicrafts, a teacher can do the following activity.
A. Explaining how to paint pictures and do handicrafts properly and effectively
B. Grouping them in a group and ask them to do a project together
C. Involving them in preparing the teaching and learning media for the class
D. Assigning them to do a project and report the result to the teacher

67. Andi helped his teacher distribute some handouts to his classmates. The teacher would likely
say “.........”
A. It’s really very aweful, Andi.
B. It’s very kind of you, Andi.
C. I’m very proud of you, Andi.
D. It’s really very wonderful to have you, Andi.

68. Having seen all his students answer the questions correctly, a teacher complimented using the
following expressions EXCEPT .........
A. Fabulous!
B. Marvelous!
C. Terrible!
D. Awesome!

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Bahasa Inggris, II-G

69. One of the following aspects should be assessed by a teacher in a group discussion activity.
A. Students’ diligence
B. Students’ persistence
C. Students’ participation
D. Students’ experience

70. The students still have limited number of vocabulary so that they have various problems in
writing. Wanting to do a classroom action research to solve the problem, a teacher formulates
her research title like the following.
A. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Repetoire Using Skimming and Scanning
B. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Repetoire Using Semantic-Mapping Strategy
C. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Repetoire Using SQ3R Strategy
D. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Repetoire Using Role playing Strategy

71. An English teacher emphasizes on the teaching of grammar because she believes that
language components (competence) must be mastered prior to language skills (performance).
His view is in line with the concept of one of the following theories of learning.
A. Behaviourism
B. Cognitivism
C. Constructivism
D. Pragmatism

72. With a basic competence stating Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks tulis fungsional
pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis akurat, lancer dan
berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat, an English teacher may best choose
one of the following approaches to achieve it.
A. Lexical-based approach
B. Process approach
C. Communicative approach
D. Meaning-based approach

73. The principles of developing a school-based curriculum are the following, EXCEPT ..........
A. student-centered
B. adopting the life-long education philosophy
C. teacher-centered
D. meaningful and integrated

74. With an indicator which states Mampu merespon makna tindak tutur yang menyatakan
meminta maaf, an English teacher may formulate the following instructional objective.
A. Students are able to request information for apologizing.
B. Students are able to identify the meaning and function of the expressions of gratitude.
C. Students are able to respond the expressions of apologizing.
D. Students are able to respond expressions showing gratitude.

75. To achieve an instructional objective which states Students are able to write an essay based
on the content of a song they have listened to, an English teacher can determine the following
learning experience.
A. Looking up the difficult words of an English song.
B. Listening to an English song.
C. Analyzing and paraphrasing the content of an English song.
D. Finding the moral value contained in an English song

76. An instructional objective which states Students are able to read speeches of famous figures
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Bahasa Inggris, II-G

with correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress can generate the following learning
A. Analyzing the speeches of famous figures
B. Practising reading speeches of famous figures
C. Interviewing famous figures
D. Analyzing the lives of famous figures

77. With an instructional objective which states Students are able to use interpersonal
expressions to convey feeling of annoyance and anger with distinguishing expressions
conveying different kinds of feeling as the learning experience, an English teacher selects the
material showing interpersonal expressions such as ......
A. “It’s difficult to appreciate ....” and “I regret to announce that ......”
B. “I was so embarrassed .....” and “I am so scared .......”
C. “I’m so disappointed .....” and “I’m sorry I can’t make it.”
D. “I can’t take this anymore.” and “You’re such a pain in my neck!”

78. With an instructional objective which states Students are able to use interpersonal
expressions to convey feeling of pleasure and relief with distinguishing expressions conveying
different kinds of feeling as the learning experience, an English teacher selects the material
showing interpersonal expressions such as ......
A. “It’s difficult to appreciate ....” and “I regret to announce that ......”
B. “Isn’t this great?” and “I’m glad it’s done!”
C. “Please leave me alone.” and “I’m sorry I can’t make it.”
D. “I really feel terrible about it.” and “You have really done nothing!”

79. An English teacher teaching reading to 12th graders and wanting to implement a bottom-up
approach determines the design of the learning materials which include the following EXCEPT
A. use of heading, subheading, and punctuation
B. use of pictures, charts, and diagrams
C. use of symbols
D. use of prior knowledge or schema

80. When the learning objective is Students are able to identify linguistic feeatures of a procedure
or expository text, the teacher can determine the following technique and instrument of
A. Written test – portofolio product
B. Written test – multiple choice test
C. Oral test – project product
D. Oral test – portofolio product

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