Spotlight On Writing - A Teacher's Toolkit of Instant Writing Activities

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The document provides information about a book on writing activities for teachers and discusses writing skills.

The book is a teacher's toolkit providing instant writing activities that can be used in the classroom.

Some of the author's other books mentioned are Spotlight on Language, Spotlight on Spelling, Spotlight on Reading, and Spotlight on Your Inclusive Classroom.

Spotlight on

A teacher’s toolkit of
instant writing activities

Glynis Hannell
First published 2009
by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
© 2009 Glynis Hannell
Typeset in Sabon by
Florence Production Ltd, Stoodleigh, Devon
Printed and bound in Great Britain by
MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin
All rights reserved. The purchase of this copyright material confers
the right on the purchasing institution to photocopy pages which
bear the photocopy icon and copyright line at the bottom of the page.
No other parts of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised
in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now
known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording,
or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission
in writing from the publishers.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN10: 0–415–47308–X (pbk)

ISBN13: 978–0–415–47308–8 (pbk)

1 Introduction 1

2 Using the right words 17

3 Sentence building 34

4 Writing facts and information 51

5 Creative writing 68

6 Writing fluency 85

7 Editing 98
Other books from Routledge by Glynis Hannell

Spotlight on Language: A teacher’s toolkit of instant language activities


Spotlight on Spelling: A teacher’s toolkit of instant spelling activities


Spotlight on Reading: A teacher’s toolkit of instant reading activities


Spotlight on Your Inclusive Classroom: A teacher’s toolkit of instant

inclusive activities

Success with Inclusion: 1001 Teaching strategies and activities that

really work

Dyscalculia: Action plans for successful learning in mathematics


Dyslexia: Action plans for successful learning


Promoting Positive Thinking: Building children’s self-esteem,

self-confidence and optimism


Writing: an essential skill

Written language plays an important part in learning, socialisation and em-
ployment. We write letters and emails to friends, organisations and businesses,
we prepare reports, we keep records, we answer questions and we make
enquiries using written language.
Anyone who can write well can communicate effectively across a broad
range of situations. This opens up opportunities in education, training and
employment that are not so readily available to those who lack confidence
or skills in written communication.

Poor writing skills

In the classroom writing skills are of significant importance. Much pupil
learning is encapsulated in written form. Pupils write assignments, complete
projects, do homework and sit tests and examinations. In every one of these
situations the pupils’ abilities are judged on the basis of what they have
written down. This can seriously disadvantage some pupils whose poor
writing skills can disguise their true level of understanding or competence.
Poor writing skills can also be part of more global difficulties with
language and literacy, and in this case the barriers to success are substantially
increased. Considerable frustration and loss of confidence can result and a
pupil may feel that their deficits are, quite literally, in ‘black and white’ for
all to see.

Your inclusive classroom

An effective classroom writing programme will take into consideration the
needs of pupils who may need individualised materials, explicit teaching
and opportunities for extended practice to build their skills. An inclusive


approach to the teaching of writing delivers a double advantage to pupils.

First, a flexible, inclusive approach will mean that all pupils will receive
appropriate teaching and make the best progress possible. Second, the
advantages of good writing skills will filter into every aspect of the pupils’
lives in school and beyond.
If classroom instruction fails to be sufficiently inclusive or appropriate
to the pupils’ needs, the pupils’ writing skills will fail to develop and the
cycle of disadvantage and negatives increases. However, when success is
experienced, confidence, interest, motivation and enjoyment often follow.
Writing is a complex skill and it follows that many pupils in your
classroom will need a high level of effective, inclusive teaching, over an
extended period of time, in order to be able to reach a reasonable level of

What is ‘writing’?

The difference between spoken and written language

Many pupils think that writing is simply an exact replica of spoken language.
However, as adults we know that skilled written language can be quite
different from spoken language. In comparison to spoken language, written
language usually has:

• a wider, more expressive vocabulary;

• a more careful selection of words;
• more formal vocabulary, with less use of slang, colloquialisms and
so on;
• more abstract language;
• more formal sentence structures;
• better organisation of ideas;
• properly constructed sentences;
• a monologue style in which the writer is the only ‘speaker’;
• a ‘voice’, where the reader is assigned the role of listener (often with
little prior knowledge of the topic assumed);
• regular use of compound sentences;
• stricter adherence to the rules of grammar;
• opportunities for editing, correction and polishing before completion;
• total reliance on the written word (no body language or facial expres-
sions to supplement the message);


• a less spontaneous, more considered use of language;

• a need for correct spelling and punctuation.

The ability to think objectively about written language is part of the

process that is called meta-linguistic awareness. Thinking about writing is
an important part of the writing process. In an inclusive classroom this skill
is explicitly taught and practised.
Once pupils are able to think objectively about their own written
language, they are on the way to becoming writers who can use words
deliberately and skilfully. In turn, this capacity allows them to use written
words as a powerful communication tool, not only producing quality
written language themselves, but being able to read and evaluate written
language that has been produced by other writers.
This book provides you, the teacher, with many activities, all expressly
designed to help all your pupils develop an awareness of how to produce
good written language.

Language difficulties and writing

Although this book is all about developing your pupils’ skills in written
language, it is important to remember that oral language is a crucial
foundation for written work.
Pupils who have delay or difficulty in general language skills will almost
inevitably run into similar difficulties with written language. Their difficul-
ties with oral language may include:

• limited vocabulary;
• difficulties in formulating sentences;
• problems in ‘finding’ words;
• poor organisation of what they want to say.

These limitations in oral language will usually lead to a mirror image of

similar difficulties in written language. A pupil who has a limited oral
vocabulary is likely to use a narrow range of words in their written language.
A pupil who talks in a rambling, poorly organised way will very often
produce written language that lacks organisation and structure.
Conversely, pupils with strong oral language skills, who already have a
wide vocabulary and use language confidently and accurately, will be well
equipped to perform well in written language.
As you will know, the book that you are reading at the moment is called
Spotlight on Writing: A teacher’s toolkit of instant writing activities. If you


are interested in promoting your pupils’ oral language skills as well as their
written language skills, you will find it useful to obtain a copy of a com-
panion book entitled Spotlight on Language: A teacher’s toolkit of instant
language activities, which is aimed at providing foundation work in oral
language. The two books can be used in tandem to provide your pupils with
a language enrichment programme that stretches across both oral and
written language.

Spotlight on Writing: foundations of success

Using the right words

Words are, of course, the essential working materials of written language.
Just as a craftsman such as an artist, engineer, carpenter or chef selects his
materials and uses his tools skilfully towards a goal, so a skilled writer makes
a careful and considered choice of words to obtain a particular result.
An unskilled writer may:

• write whatever words come into his or her head;

• assume that written words are a direct transcript of spoken language;
• rely on a very limited vocabulary of familiar words.

A skilled writer can:

• use words to give very exact information;

• use a range of parts of speech, such as verbs, adverbs and adjectives, as

working tools;

• plan ahead to use particular words when writing;

• think about what they are writing and how they are using words;

• deliberately choose a particular word from a range of alternatives;

• consciously reject some words as poor choices;

• manipulate words to create specific effects.

Chapter 2 gives teachers a range of activities designed to promote pupils’

awareness of the way in which words can be used as working tools in
writing. This helps to develop every pupil’s writing skills.


Sentence building
An unskilled writer will often:

• use words according to a prescribed formula, for example using

worksheets as the basis for writing I see the boy, I see the girl, I see the
dog, I see the pig;
• write one long string of words or phrases, without any structure or
• use a long string of very short sentences;
• use incorrect grammar, for example Ken and Barry is going to work or
Yesterday I go to the park.

A skilled writer will be able to:

• avoid unnecessary repetition;

• use a range of sentence structures according to need;
• integrate several pieces of information into one complex sentence;
• create sentences that are grammatically correct.

Chapter 3 is designed to give your pupils plenty of practice in structuring

sentences correctly. Specific activities are provided to promote the use of
conjunctions, to develop skills in putting words in the right order and to
build well-constructed sentences.

Writing facts and information

There are many forms, or genres, of written language, and each requires
pupils to have a particular skill set. Writing facts and information demands
that pupils can write clearly and succinctly, taking the needs of their readers
into consideration.
Unskilled writers tend to:

• give a list of facts without an attempt to order them in a logical sequence;

• assume the reader has the same knowledge base as the writer, for
example using ‘he’ without letting the reader know who ‘he’ is;
• give every single piece of information on the topic regardless of whether
it fits the question or not;
• write vague statements that do not really highlight the key facts;
• fail to clarify what is fact and what is opinion.


Skilled writers are usually able to:

• organise their information into a logical structure;

• write so that the reader can relate to what is being said;
• write for a specific purpose, editing out irrelevant material;
• clarify what is essential information and give that precedence;
• make a clear distinction between fact and opinion.

Chapter 4 provides pupils with activities that require clear, factual writing
and also, in one instance, an opportunity to make the distinction between
fact and opinion. This chapter also helps to develop very controlled, precise

Creative writing
Creative writing is a genre that challenges some pupils. While they may enjoy
listening to or reading fiction, actually producing their own creative ideas
and using interesting or new language may be very daunting.
Unskilled writers often:

• use a limited vocabulary of basic words;

• find difficulty in thinking of new or imaginative ideas;
• stay with ‘safe’ concrete ideas;
• have difficulty creating a plot that has a beginning, a middle and an end;
• repeat familiar plots over and over again.

Skilled writers can often:

• create an imaginary situation by the skilled use of words;

• think up unusual or interesting ideas;
• take risks and explore new directions each time they write;
• develop a plot that moves logically to an interesting conclusion.

Chapter 5 is focused on creative writing, giving pupils some interesting

‘start-up’ ideas, and promoting the use of more adventurous language.
Some pupils may find it really hard to come up with imaginative ideas and
may find it much easier to think in literal, practical ways. In this chapter,
inclusive activities are aimed at stimulating discussion, brainstorming and


sharing ideas, so that the less imaginative or creative pupils can be inspired
by the more creative ones. The end result is that all pupils can feel com-
fortable at making an attempt at creative, imaginative writing.

Writing fluency
Some pupils have interesting ideas and good language skills and yet they
fail to produce written work that meets expectations. They may write very
slowly and with a lot of effort and yet produce messy and disappointing
work. Writing is a skill that demands very good integration between brain
and hand. Words that are formulated mentally have to be transformed into
physical movements so that they can be written down. For some pupils this
is a difficult and slow process.
There may be some pupils who are anxious about putting their thoughts
down on paper, perhaps fearing that their ideas may seem ‘silly’ or ‘wrong’
when written down. Others are overly worried about correct spelling or
neat handwriting. All these pupils may sacrifice writing fluency for the
security of knowing that what they write is correct.
For both groups, slow, disjointed writing can become something of a
habit, where the pupil is simply not accustomed to writing more fluently.
Although the use of a computer can sometimes alleviate physical writing
difficulties, this is not always the answer. Some pupils find it difficult to
learn to type quickly enough and others are still worried about making
themselves look foolish when they put their own ideas down in print.
Other pupils may experience difficulty in formulating the ideas that they
want to write down, so for them slow writing is part of a bigger picture,
where difficulties producing ideas or words are the cause of the writing
The best writing is often produced by a quick approximation while the
ideas are flowing, followed by a more careful revision of the draft once the
main ideas have been written down.
Chapter 6 has activities designed to foster fluent writing, perhaps by
breaking down one pupil’s habit of slow, cautious writing or by helping
another pupil practise writing skills.

Checking for errors and revising what has been written are essential steps
in completing any written work.
Unskilled writers often:

• believe that writing is complete as soon as it is physically finished;

• believe that a quick check of spelling is the most that is required.


Skilled writers:

• always check their work;

• check for grammatical errors as well as spelling mistakes;
• reorganise the sequence of what they have written if needed;
• rewrite all or part of their work if needed;
• look at the ‘big picture’ and check how well their work meets the set
• try to find ways to improve what they have written;
• cut out irrelevant information or comments.

Chapter 7 contains a series of passages for your pupils to edit and rewrite.
Although there are certainly errors in punctuation and spelling, these
passages also provide you and your pupils with the opportunity to discuss
and work on sentence structure, grammar, expression, word use, order of
information, relevance and so on.
It is always easier to spot mistakes in other people’s work than your own!
Your pupils will learn a lot from working to correct these passages. Working
through the poorly written passages and rewriting will help to develop skills
that pupils can apply to their own work in the future.

Effective, inclusive teaching

Let us briefly look at some of the key elements of effective, inclusive teach-

• Teacher and pupils, talk, explore, discuss and work on writing together.
• There are many opportunities for pupils to learn from each other.
• The teacher provides individual assistance when pupils need this.
• Every pupil can participate in the same type of activity.
• Classroom activities are individualised to meet pupils’ differing skill
• Extra support and scaffolding are given when pupils need them.
• Stereotypes do not limit individual pupils’ opportunities.
• All pupils have the chance to take on new challenges and extend
• Pupils are taught how to think about writing.


• Pupils are taught writing and learning strategies.

• Sub-skills of writing are taught to all pupils.
• Teaching is explicit and focused.
• Understanding is developed through examples, discussion and explana-
• All pupils have sufficient practice to master what they have been taught.
• Mistakes or incorrect answers are viewed as valuable teaching
• Writing activities engage the pupils’ interest.
• Activities offer disadvantaged pupils enrichment as well as skills.

Spotlight on Writing in your inclusive classroom

Differentiated learning materials for inclusion
Each of the activities is presented at three levels of difficulty. Level 1 is the
easiest level, Level 2 intermediate and Level 3 the most difficult. There is
deliberate overlap between the three levels to allow for easy transitions
between one level and the next.
One activity can be used to suit a wide range of pupils within a mixed
ability class. For example, a teacher may use Level 2 for most of the class,
but direct the more able pupils to continue on with Level 3 items, while
their younger or less able classmates work on Level 1 items. All pupils will
be doing exactly the same activity, but at different levels of difficulty.
The gradual increase in difficulty levels and the overlap between levels
helps teachers to provide inclusive activities in their classrooms.

Pupils with language or learning difficulties

Pupils who experience difficulty with writing may benefit from introductory
work on an easier level than some other pupils. This is often sufficient to
prepare them to cope with the more challenging items that follow. The
teacher can make a decision on whether to:

• provide additional teaching support to help the pupil complete the

activity; or
• if the first level is successfully completed, have the pupil progress to the
more difficult levels of the same activity; or
• if the first level has only been completed with assistance, have the pupil
move to a similar activity, but at the same level of difficulty as before,
and provide assistance as required on the new activity.


For example, Carol and Charles have both been given Level 1 of Better verbs
(Activity 2). Carol coped with this quite easily, so the teacher decides that
she can now move on to Levels 2 and 3 of this same activity.
Charles, however, clearly found Level 1 quite challenging, so he is not yet
ready for the more difficult Level 2. Instead, the teacher uses Level 1 of Just
one word (Activity 1) as a teaching tool and spends time talking to Charles
about each item in turn. In doing so, the teacher provides extra scaffolding
and support for Charles.
The teacher might also use this explicit teaching technique the next time
Charles has a similar activity drawn from another publication. The teacher
might also create a similar worksheet based on the curriculum that the class
is following. This provides Charles with fresh learning materials and further
opportunity to work in this area of written language.
A key principle for inclusive teaching is that teachers vary the amount
and style of support given to pupils of varying abilities. For example,
while one pupil may be able to answer a question without any prompts or
hints, another may need the teacher to give more scaffolding and assistance,
such as:

• discussion
• leading questions
• helpful comments, hints or clues
• multiple choice options.

For example, if Josie cannot find a better word than went for the sentence
The horse went into the forest, the teacher can ask ‘Do you think “The
horse trotted into the forest” or “The horse walked into the forest” is best?’
The resultant learning is still valid, but has required more structure to
achieve the end result.

Pupils with advanced development

The more advanced pupils often gain considerable insight into a task by
participating in the easier items, in which the thinking processes and the
strategies used are usually more concrete and overt. For example, in You
can edit! (Activity 20) the strategy of checking for repetition may be more
obvious at the easier levels but readily reapplied at the more difficult levels.
Pupils who have advanced writing development usually thrive on activities
that challenge them. Teachers can readily select a range of activities and/or
levels to provide the bright pupil with individualised activities that will
extend their writing skills. For example, a very advanced six-year-old might
start with Level 2 of the selected activity and even move through to Level
3 if able to do so.


Interactive, inclusive and explicit teaching

Unlike many other pupil workbooks, Spotlight on Writing activities are
intended to be used as explicit teaching materials, and as the basis of
interaction between teacher and pupil(s). Teachers may often find that the
younger and less able pupils benefit from participating in classroom
discussion and attempts at the more difficult levels, classroom interaction
and discussion will give them good models for successful completion of the
activities. This provides an opportunity for the pupils to be challenged and
perhaps to break a stereotype of what they can and cannot do.
Although all the activities in this book have all been presented as written
language activities, classroom discussion is seen as an essential part of the
inclusive learning process. By talking about the tasks, working with the
teacher and bouncing ideas off one another, pupils are well prepared for the
written language aspect of the task once they begin to work individually.
For example, brainstorming ideas for Keep writing (Activity 13) will help
to foster an exchange of ideas and increase the opportunities for all pupils,
with a range of individual differences, to be included in the same learning
activity. Such discussions promote the development of thinking, language,
writing and related learning in all students.
Many activities can be used as the basis for the explicit teaching of a range
of language-related skills. For example, Repairing sentences (1) and (2)
(Activities 7 and 8) are very valuable exercises in sentence building. They
provide the teacher with a good opportunity to teach language skills through
discussion and trial and error attempts at sentence repair.
For example, the class may all be discussing how to repair the written
sentence I was . . . up in the middle of the night by a loud noise. Larry might
suggest that the sentence could be repaired as I was woked up in the middle
of the night by a loud noise, giving the teacher an opportunity to talk about
the verb wake and, with the pupils, to work out that woken is a good fit
for the sentence.
Many of the activities help to build the sub-skills of writing and this assists
the teacher in identifying individual pupils’ areas of difficulty and strength.
For example, Louis may have poor physical writing skills and be easily
stereotyped as having widespread difficulties with written language, but then
prove to be very skilled at editing, showing that his insight into the writing
process is in fact advanced in some ways.
The process of deliberately choosing one word and rejecting another is a
good example of a sub-skill that is explicitly taught in ‘Using the right words’
(Chapter 2) and ‘Editing’ (Chapter 7).
These activities help to extend the writing skills of pupils who, for
whatever reason, have limited skills in using interesting vocabulary in their
own writing.


In some situations, a pupil may be able to cope with an activity orally

but be unable to complete this same activity in writing. If this is the case,
the activity can be treated as an oral language activity in its own right.
Alternatively, the teacher can assist with the recording of the pupil’s oral
responses. In either case, the pupil will have had a useful learning experience
in the use of language but will have had the mode in which the task was
completed individualised to suit his or her particular difficulties.

Writing – a key skill for life

Learning about written language is a lifelong process that not only provides
valuable academic benefits but also can become a source of endless
fascination and delight. Understanding how written language can be
manipulated helps pupils to express themselves in writing. It also helps them
to appreciate the skills and craft of other writers whose work they will
encounter throughout their lives.
A classroom in which writing activities are based on lively discussion,
interesting learning and plenty of fun will ensure that your pupils truly enjoy
learning about writing.

Users’ guide to Spotlight on Writing

Ethical and inclusive teaching

All the reading activities in this book have been carefully written to provide
teachers with ethical, responsible and inclusive teaching materials. Although
the main purpose of each item is to promote the development of your pupils’
writing skills, the materials also promote social responsibility, personal
resourcefulness and thoughtfulness towards others.
The use of language related to popular culture (such as superheroes or
fantasy), the supernatural, specific religious beliefs or inappropriate role
models has been avoided where possible. However, in Mystery and adven-
ture (Activity 15) there are some occasional references to magic, giants, time
machines and so on, simply because of the nature of the writing genre being
introduced. Teachers can use their discretion with regard to these items.

Teachers can draw activities from any chapter, in any order according to
the needs of a particular group of pupils. For example, a teacher may want
to concentrate on ‘Writing fluency’ and so may use several activities from
Chapter 6 in quick succession. Another teacher may be aware that some of
her pupils have limited skills in word use and so may decide to draw on the
activities in ‘Using the right words’ (Chapter 2).


Ease and speed of use

The book is ready for instant teaching. The only preparation required is for
the teacher to preselect the appropriate activity for the class, group or
The activities provide a variety of valuable writing experiences that can
form the basis of a single lesson or series of lessons.
These activities are often quick to do and are ideally suited to short
sessions, in which one or more levels of items can be given to the class as
a whole, or a selected group of pupils as required. Many activities are also
perfect for a quick, intensive burst of writing when there are only a few
minutes to spare.

Teaching notes
The teaching notes at the start of each activity provide teachers with a brief
rationale for the activity and practical teaching hints. In some situations
suggested correct answers, sample answers or guides are provided for the
teacher’s convenience.

Suitability for parents or teaching assistants

Teachers may find that parents will welcome the activities in this book for
fun-based learning at home. The teaching notes help any adult to use the
activity to maximum effect and enable paraprofessionals or even volunteers
(such as parents assisting in a learning support programme) to use the
activities designated by the pupil’s teacher.

Suitability for classroom, small group or individual

The activities in this book all lend themselves to classroom, small group or
individual lessons, in which pupils and teacher work on the items collab-
oratively. The varied nature of the activities allows teachers to select those
that can form the basis of an individualised programme for a particular pupil
or group of pupils with special needs.
All the activities are intended to provide pupils with explicit teaching of
the key sub-skills of writing. As such, they are suitable for pupils with special
needs as well as mainstream pupils. The teacher can adjust the degree of
individual guidance and support according to the needs of the pupils he or
she is working with.


Supplementing a remedial programme

While the book is not intended as a specialist written language programme,
teachers and others working with pupils can use the activities as supple-
mentary work to be done at home and at school.

Emphasis on language
Writing is a high-order form of language and we cannot separate out writing
from other forms of language. You will find that, while many activities
throughout this book do require the pupils to write, many can be adapted
or used as oral language activities. This is particularly useful when working
with pupils with limited writing skills. Being able to complete a task as an
oral language activity is a great foundation for the writing skills that will
come later. It also means that the pupil can be fully included in the classroom
activity, but working with the activity in oral rather than written form.
For example, if eight-year-old Tom is still at a very early stage of writing,
he may well still be able to complete and really benefit from Better verbs
(Activity 2) as an oral language activity. This activity will stand him in good
stead as his writing skills advance.

Emphasis on print not illustrations

Illustrations are not used to support pupils’ reading or writing in this book.
Why is that? The reason is simple. In this book we are helping pupils to use
printed words. We want to encourage the pupils to focus on the print and
to do this we keep illustrations in the background, so that the pupils depend
on the print itself.

Teachers are given permission to copy any activity for use with the pupils
that they teach.
Most of the activities are composed of nine different tasks at each level.
Sometimes it would be unreasonable to ask pupils to do more than one of
the nine tasks suggested, for example there are nine Mystery and adventure
(Activity 15) topics at each level, and clearly pupils will only be able to write
one of the stories in any given lesson time.
In other situations, the teacher may be able to ask the pupils to complete
all nine of the tasks at a particular level. For example, it may be quite realistic
to ask pupils to create nine Similes (Activity 16) in a single lesson time.
Teachers can identify different levels of difficulty, or different volumes of
work. For instance, one pupil may be asked to attempt only Level 1, or the
teacher might circle the specific items in an activity that the pupil is required
to complete. Alternatively, the teacher may set a given number of items to
be completed, for example ‘Choose any six questions from this sheet.’


Teachers of pupils with special needs may find it useful to work through
the activity with the pupil on one worksheet and then use a clean copy of
the worksheet for the pupil to work through the same task again

Making connections
All learning works best if it is connected with other learning. The exchange
and cross-fertilisation of emerging skills that occur within a classroom can
create a powerful network of interlinked learning.
The activities in this book are specifically directed at writing, but teachers
will find that they can create links across the curriculum. For example, the
class may have worked on several ‘Editing’ (Chapter 7) activities and these
skills can be applied to written work from any area of the curriculum. Or
a group of pupils may have worked on Fact or opinion? (Activity 12) and
could use this experience to help sift out what is fact and what is opinion
in science reports that they have written:

Jenny said that she thought that the plant in the water was the best,
but that was just her opinion. Margie said that the plant in the water
was the tallest and had the most leaves and that was fact.

Follow-on activities
The activities are carefully constructed to provide pupils with appropriate
writing activities. Many teachers will find it useful to devise other, similar
activities concerning current classroom topics, using the activities in this
book as a model. For example, ‘Editing’ (Chapter 7) provides practice in
editing written passages. A teacher could easily make up similar passages
to reinforce the skills being taught. The pupils could also, of course, simply
use their own written work as an editing exercise.

Approximate age levels

There are no hard and fast rules about which level of activities should be
given to children of a particular age. The activities are flexible and open to
teachers to use in a variety of ways with a wide range of ages and abilities.
However, the following chart (see p. 16) gives a guide to the approximate
levels usually appropriate for different age ranges and ability levels. This
will vary somewhat according to the type of activity. For example, the
creative writing activities can be very open-ended and so suit a wide range
of age groups and ability levels. Conversely, some of the activities depend
on more specific levels of skill and will be suitable for a narrower range of
pupils who have skills at or around the level required for the particular tasks.


Indication of levels appropriate for given age ranges and ability levels

Age and ability ranges Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

6 to 7 years

average for age group


very advanced

7 to 9 years

significant difficulty

mild difficulty

average for age group


very advanced

9 to 12 years

significant difficulty

mild difficulty

average for age group


very advanced

12 years and above

significant difficulty

mild difficulty

average for age group

usually suitable for age and ability
possibly suitable for age and ability


Using the
right words

Thinking about language and nouns (Activity 4) the pupils are given
phrases such as huge leap or empty house
One of fundamental ‘stepping stones’
and are asked to insert these phrases into
towards good writing is the ability to select
new sentences. This challenges sentence
and use exactly the right word to make your
formulation skills and stimulates the pupils
work precise, interesting and varied. This
to write more complex and interesting
chapter helps all your pupils to develop skills
in using the right words.
This chapter gives pupils practice in the use
Explicit teaching, involving class
discussion, brainstorming and teacher
guidance, will show pupils how to review, • nouns
manipulate and improve their own written • verbs
language by choosing better, more • adjectives
appropriate or more expressive words. • adjective + noun phrases.
All the activities in this chapter focus on Your pupils will certainly be using nouns
teaching pupils to stop and think about word and verbs already in their daily writing. The
use. activities in this chapter help you to teach the
In some activities pupils are asked to think pupils to use more interesting, appropriate or
of appropriate words to fill in gaps, or act as expressive nouns and verbs.
substitutes for words already provided. For If you look at some of your pupils’
example, in Better verbs (Activity 2) the spontaneous writing you may notice that they
pupils have to replace the verb that is given seldom use interesting verbs or adjectives.
with another verb that is more interesting. Other pupils, however, may already be quite
Through these activities pupils are introduced adept at using a range of varied words. The
to the concept of being able to discriminate activities in this chapter are specifically
between words of similar meaning to refine designed to promote every pupil’s confidence
their own written language. and skill in the use of expressive words.
In other activities the pupils are asked to You will often find that, as with all the
use specified words or phrases. This is more activities in this book, the most advantageous
difficult, because pupils have to create way to use the activities is to discuss,
entirely new sentences containing the target brainstorm and teach before you ask your
word or phrase. For example, in Adjectives pupils to write.

Using the right words

Activity 1: Just one word

Teaching notes

Pupils often write as they think, not stopping 2 grandparents

to consider that they could use better words
3 trod, stamped, stepped
to make their writing more succinct. Just one
word alerts pupils to the possibilities of 4 winner
writing more clearly by using fewer words. 5 blinked
The exercise includes both nouns and verbs.
There can be several possible answers. 6 lost
Here are some suggestions. 7 soared
Level 1 8 frightened, terrified
1 kitten 9 escalator
2 forgot
Level 3
3 stood 1 cutlery
4 station 2 submerged
5 baker 3 imitates
6 palace 4 reptile
7 neighbour 5 mare, filly
8 family 6 detective
9 pay 7 dislike, hate

Level 2 8 exhausted
1 rushed, dashed 9 rude

Using the right words

Activity 1

Just one word


Find one word to use in place of the phrase that is

underlined. Write the new sentence out.

1 Lenny was given a baby cat for his birthday.

2 Jane could not remember how to do the puzzle.

3 Dad put his feet on the chair so he could reach

the top shelf.

4 The dog went to the place where the train

stopped to meet his master.

5 The man who bakes the bread has to get up

very early in the morning.

6 The bluebird flew to the building where the king


7 The person who lives next door will look after

the dog for us.

8 My mother, father, brothers and sisters went to

the circus.

9 Larry had to give some money for the ride on

the pony.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 19

Using the right words

Activity 1

Just one word


Find one word to use in place of the phrase that is

underlined. Write the new sentence out.

1 Bob ran quickly to telephone for help.

2 Jenny visited her grandmother and grandfather.

3 The boy put his foot on the snail.

4 The child who came first was given a silver cup.

5 The owl shut her eyes very quickly when the sun
came out.

6 They were not sure where they were.

7 The eagle flew very high in the sky.

8 The chicken was feeling very scared because the

fox was near.

9 Their father met them by the moving staircase.

20 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Using the right words

Activity 1

Just one word


Find one word to use in place of the phrase that is

underlined. Write the new sentence out.

1 They put out all the knives, spoons and forks on

the table.

2 The hippopotamus can stay under the water for

a long time.

3 Our parrot often speaks in just the same way as

the teacher.

4 A crocodile is a type of animal that lays eggs

and is cold-blooded.

5 The girl horse was called Molly.

6 The person who solves difficult crimes said ‘This

is a mystery.’

7 ‘I really do not like drinking sour milk,’ said the

little princess.

8 The animals were so tired that they could go no


9 The monkeys were not well mannered when

they came to tea.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 21

Using the right words

Activity 2: Better verbs

Teaching notes

Pupils, especially those with limited skills, Level 2

may use verbs such as went, said, got and 1 peeped, peered, glanced
so on over and over again in their writing.
2 trotted, galloped
Even though in everyday conversation it is
quite usual to rely on this basic vocabulary 3 shouted, screamed, yelled
of frequently occurring words, Better verbs 4 sipping, slurping, gulping
teaches pupils that, in written language, more
formal, varied and interesting verbs can be 5 pedalling, wobbling, rushing
used to improve their written expression. 6 repair, mend
Discussion, brainstorming and teacher
7 screamed, squealed, shrieked,
guidance are important parts of this activity.
There can be several possible answers.
Here are some suggestions. 8 stretched
9 leaped, sprang, vaulted, hopped
Level 1
1 ran, raced, rushed, strolled, rode
Level 3
1 chew, munch, nibble
2 munching, chewing, nibbling
2 sighed, sobbed, whispered
3 pour, rush, trickle, drip, leak
3 grinning, beaming
4 borrowed, chose
4 rinse, scrub
5 loves, enjoys
5 toss, lob, hurl
6 baked, created 6 swaying, rocking
7 dashed, rushed, chased, tore 7 tugging, hauling, yanking
8 chopped, sliced 8 howling, sobbing, snivelling
9 climbed, leapt 9 crouched, shrank, huddled

Using the right words

Activity 2

Better verbs

Look at the underlined word. Think of a more

interesting word. Write the new sentence out.

1 I went to the park.

2 The sheep was eating the grass.

3 The water will come out of the hole in the


4 Becky got a book from the library.

5 Dad likes gardening.

6 Mum made a big chocolate cake.

7 Sam ran to the shop.

8 The girl cut the fruit into little pieces.

9 The cat got on to the wall.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 23

Using the right words

Activity 2

Better verbs

Look at the underlined word. Think of a more

interesting word. Write the new sentence out.

1 The children looked into the dark room.

2 The horse went into the forest.

3 Mum said ‘Stop! That is very dangerous.’

4 Jon was drinking the hot milk.

5 The clown was going around on a bicycle.

6 Can you help me to fix this broken plate.

7 ‘Help, help!’ she said. ‘I am slipping off the roof.’

8 The gorilla put his arms out to reach the


9 The boy jumped over the gate.

24 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Using the right words

Activity 2

Better verbs

Look at the underlined word. Think of a more

interesting word. Write the new sentence out.

1 The goat started to eat the lady’s straw hat.

2 ‘I am so unhappy,’ he said.

3 You could tell Kate was pleased because she

was smiling.

4 You will have to wash that shirt to get the stain


5 Throw the ball as far as you can.

6 The trees were moving in the strong wind.

7 Grandfather was pulling the dog along on a


8 The child could not stop crying.

9 They bent down behind the hedge so that the

wolf would not see them.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 25

Using the right words

Activity 3: Better adjectives

Teaching notes

Some pupils rely on a very limited range of Level 2

adjectives (or describing words) in their 1 disgusting, foul, revolting, horrible,
writing. This limits their ability to create nauseating
interesting written language. In Better 2 sizzling, boiling, scorching, blistering
adjectives the pupils are asked to substitute a
3 lovely, beautiful, exquisite, charming
new and better word for the one that has
been used. Discussing the options can help all 4 ancient, dilapidated, antique
pupils to understand how written language 5 delighted, overjoyed, thrilled
can be manipulated and improved. 6 hideous, unsightly, repulsive,
There are many possible answers. Here are disgusting
some suggestions. 7 miserable, wretched, glum, fed up
8 filthy, grubby, soiled
Level 1
9 furious, annoyed, outraged
1 huge, enormous, immense, gigantic, vast,
massive, giant
2 delicious, tasty, scrumptious, yummy,
Level 3
delectable 1 unkind, horrid, cruel, wicked
3 interesting, fascinating, remarkable, 2 wealthy, prosperous, affluent
exciting 3 favourite, beloved, treasured, precious,
4 fantastic, fabulous, great, wonderful cherished
5 beautiful, lovely, gorgeous, attractive 4 tiny, minute, miniscule, diminutive
6 delicious, tasty, scrumptious, yummy, 5 impoverished, destitute, underprivileged
delectable 6 challenging, testing, tough, demanding
7 beautiful, lovely, gorgeous, attractive 7 powerful, sturdy, strapping, muscular
8 fragrant, spicy, delicious 8 ill, unwell, ailing
9 soft, silky, warm, smooth 9 gentle, caring, thoughtful

Using the right words

Activity 3

Better adjectives

The adjectives are underlined. Find a better adjective

and write the sentence out again with your new word.

1 Tom was scared of the big dog.

2 ‘This is very nice fruit,’ thought the chimpanzee.

3 My teacher said ‘I like this book because it is


4 ‘Jump into the water, it feels nice,’ said Dad.

5 Paul drew a really cute picture.

6 ‘I love this chocolate cake; it is good,’ said


7 The flowers in grandmother’s garden were


8 There was a very nice smell in the kitchen.

9 The cat’s fur felt very good.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 27

Using the right words

Activity 3

Better adjectives

The adjectives are underlined. Find a better adjective

and write the sentence out again with your new word.

1 The food had mould on it and tasted bad.

2 The steam from the volcano was hot.

3 They walked beside a pretty lake.

4 The clown was riding a very old bicycle.

5 The giraffe was happy that her baby was not


6 The ugly gorilla gave the lady a big hug.

7 The hen was very unhappy because it was


8 They looked at the dirty clothes that the man

was wearing.

9 The tiger was cross when he found he had lost

his stripes.

28 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Using the right words

Activity 3

Better adjectives

The adjectives are underlined. Find a better adjective

and write the sentence out again with your new word.

1 The king was very mean to the poor people in

his country.

2 The man was so rich that he could buy anything

he wanted.

3 The small doll was her best toy.

4 There was a little person coming from the


5 The children in the refugee camp were poor.

6 The mountain climb was difficult in the


7 The horse was so strong that it could pull the

heaviest cart.

8 So many people were sick that the show was


9 Sam was always kind to the other kids in his


From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 29

Using the right words

Activity 4: Adjectives and nouns

Teaching notes

Younger and less able pupils often use few, if 3 The elephant put her enormous feet into
any, adjective–noun phrases as they write. For the bowl of ice cream.
example, a pupil might write Sally put on her
4 There was a lovely smell in the kitchen.
dress. It was blue and not Sally put on her
blue dress. Adjectives and nouns requires 5 Tim heard a terrifying noise.
pupils to place an adjective–noun phrase into
6 The car could not climb up the steep
a sentence. This requires good language and
writing skill and gives your pupils valuable
writing practice. 7 The monkey hid in the narrow space
There are many possible sentences. Here behind the table.
are some suggestions. 8 They could hardly read the faded writing.

Level 1 9 Pam was all alone on the deserted island.

1 Sally put on her blue dress. Level 3

2 The heavy box fell off the table. 1 The children did not eat the scarlet
3 They put on clean clothes before they
went to school. 2 In the bottom of the bag was an ugly
4 Tyler wished that he had a fast car.
3 The captain of the ship called out in a
5 The cat jumped over the high wall.
furious voice.
6 You have to buy new shoes when your
4 They did not dare to go into the empty
old shoes wear out.
7 You can have an exciting ride on a
5 There were handprints on the damp wall.
6 They found a wrecked ship in the bay.
8 Sally had a delicious cake for her
birthday. 7 They put up a curtain to hide the
gruesome scene.
9 The bear jumped into the cold water.
8 The monkeys all screamed when they saw
Level 2 the poisonous snake.
1 The frog made a huge leap from the pond.
9 The rescuers found the exhausted climber
2 All the kids had very dirty hands. in a snow cave.

Using the right words

Activity 4

Adjectives and

Look at these phrases and put each one into a


1 blue dress

2 heavy box

3 clean clothes

4 fast car

5 high wall

6 new shoes

7 exciting ride

8 delicious cake

9 cold water

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 31

Using the right words

Activity 4

Adjectives and

Look at these phrases and put each one into a


1 huge leap

2 dirty hands

3 enormous feet

4 lovely smell

5 terrifying noise

6 steep road

7 narrow space

8 faded writing

9 deserted island

32 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Using the right words

Activity 4

Adjectives and

Look at these phrases and put each one into a


1 scarlet berries

2 ugly toad

3 furious voice

4 empty house

5 damp wall

6 wrecked ship

7 gruesome scene

8 poisonous snake

9 exhausted climber

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 33



From informal to formal written language. Joining words (Activity 5)

language gives all your pupils practice in this important
In spoken language we can often use casual Many pupils rely on a simple format of
structures and informal expression to sentence structure that they use over and over
communicate our ideas. A pupil might say again in their own writing, such as I went to
something like ‘And there was this dog, this the park, I went to school, I went home.
really big dog and and he jumped all over me Learning how to write sentences with new and
and then my sister, she was scared and she varied structures can be a real challenge for
screamed and and Mum came running out some pupils.
real fast.’ Such strings of short, simple phrases Words in order (Activity 6) helps your
or ‘run on sentences’ can get a message across pupils to build skills in writing using a variety
quite effectively when they are spoken. of sentence structures. The pupils have to
However, in written language sentences rearrange the words to create a sentence that
need to be formulated using correct grammar makes sense. This process will help your
and appropriate sentence structure. A written pupils to feel more comfortable using sentence
account of the dog attack (verbally described structures that may not previously have been
above) might read something like this when it part of their own natural way of writing.
is written down: There was a very large dog Your pupils will get extra practice in
jumping all over me. Then my sister screamed formulating sentences in the Repairing
because she was scared. When Mum heard my sentences (1) and (2) activities (Activities 7
sister screaming she ran out of the house as and 8). In these exercises the pupils have to
fast as she could. find one or more words that will ‘repair’ the
Pupils need to acquire several important sentence. The pupils will often have to sift
skills in order to change their own informal, mentally through various, alternative sentence
conversational language into correctly structures until they find words that are a
formulated written language. perfect fit. In doing this they will develop the
The skilled use of joining words enables ability to discriminate between sentences that
pupils to write succinctly and with greater are correctly structured and those that are not.
precision. Joining words such because, then This will help them to manipulate their own
and when can transform a string of phrases written language to create sentences that are
and short, repetitive sentences into well- easy to read, clear and well structured.

Sentence building

Activity 5: Joining words

Teaching notes

Young pupils often use short, simple Level 2

sentences. In order to be able to write 1 once, after, when
longer, more complex and more interesting
2 but
sentences, the pupils will need to be able to
use conjunctions (joining words). 3 before
Joining words gives pupils the 4 than
opportunity to work with longer sentences,
filling in the missing conjunction. This 5 where
helps them to gain skill and confidence in 6 how
handling longer, more complex sentences
7 but
when they write.
Here are some suggested answers. 8 if
9 since
Level 1
1 and
Level 3
1 nor
2 if
2 though
3 or
3 either
4 for
4 whether
5 until
5 while
6 because 6 both
7 so 7 either
8 when 8 although
9 after 9 also

Sentence building

Activity 5

Joining words

Put a joining word into the sentence so that it makes


1 John played with the cat ________ the dog.

2 You can come to my house ________ you want

to see my kitten.

3 Do you like apples ________ do you like pears


4 You can come ________ a ride on my scooter.

5 Here is your drink. Wait ________ it is cool

before you drink it.

6 Be careful with the knife ________ it is very


7 Jenny had lost her pencil ________ she could

not write her name down.

8 It gets dark ________ the sun goes down.

9 The dog ran ________ the cat.

36 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Sentence building

Activity 5

Joining words

Put a joining word into the sentence so that it makes


1 You can come in ________ the floor has dried.

2 I don’t have a hat ________ I do have an


3 Wash your hands ________ you eat your


4 This tree is much bigger ________ the other one.

5 I don’t know ________ I put my library book.

6 Tell me ________ you managed to frighten the

robber away.

7 Tom was very tired ________ he still ran all the

way home.

8 You will win a prize ________ you get the best


9 The lion had not eaten ________ she had been

back with her cubs.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 37

Sentence building

Activity 5

Joining words

Put a joining word into the sentence so that it makes


1 Neither Tahlia ________ Tom heard the sound of

the glass breaking.

2 Joe was the strongest boy even ________ he

was not very tall.

3 Bring ________ a plate of cakes or a box of


4 I am not sure ________ to go to the zoo or the


5 Sit down here ________ I finish off this sewing.

6 The monkey and the zebra were ________ afraid

of the leopard.

7 You can have ________ strawberry ice cream or

banana yoghurt.

8 I will let you watch TV ________ you know you

are supposed to be in bed.

9 Fred not only broke his glasses, he ________ cut

his knee.

38 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Sentence building

Activity 6: Words in order

Teaching notes

Organising a set of words into a sentence is 3 You can eat carrots cooked or raw.
not always as easy as it seems! In Words in
4 Carpenters can make things out of
order your pupils will sometimes have to
experiment with various sequences of words
to find a sentence that makes sense and 5 Little lambs can be frightened in a storm.
follows the rules of grammar. This helps to
6 It hardly ever rains in the desert.
‘stretch’ the pupils’ capacity to formulate
sentences. In turn these new-found skills in 7 Your hair and your fingernails grow all
sentence building will help to develop your the time.
pupils’ own writing skills. 8 Beth wanted to have a pony ride for her
Some items can have several correct birthday.
solutions. Here are some suggestions.
9 A group of elephants is called a herd.
Level 1
1 The hen laid ten eggs in the nest. Level 3
2 Trees give us shade in the summertime. 1 You need special equipment to climb
3 The little brown horse trotted down the Mount Everest.
road. 2 You can see the moon clearly on a
4 Kenny wished that he could fly. cloudless night.
5 Apples, bananas and oranges are all 3 Some boats have engines and some boats
fruit. have sails.
6 The big bad wolf lived in the forest. 4 The earth is round and circles the sun.
7 If you are sick you have to stay at home. 5 Polar bears live on the ice in the Arctic.
8 You can hear with your ears and see with 6 Maps are useful for showing you the
your eyes. correct route.
9 Crocodiles have very strong teeth.
7 When the telephone rings it means
Level 2 someone is calling you.

1 The tiger has stripes and the leopard has 8 Mark thought that he should offer to help
spots. the teacher.
2 Wool comes from sheep and makes warm 9 Nurses and doctors work in hospitals to
clothes. make sick people better.

Sentence building

Activity 6

Words in order

The words in these sentences are jumbled up. Sort

them out and write the words in the correct order.

1 The ten laid hen eggs in the nest.

2 Give trees us shade in the summertime.

3 The horse down trotted the little brown road.

4 Kenny wished that he fly could.

5 Fruit are all apples, bananas and oranges.

6 The big lived in bad wolf the forest.

7 If you at home are sick you have to stay.

8 You can hear with your eyes and see with your

9 Very crocodiles strong teeth have.

40 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Sentence building

Activity 6

Words in order

The words in these sentences are jumbled up. Sort

them out and write the words in the correct order.

1 The tiger and the leopard has stripes has spots.

2 Wool makes warm clothes comes from sheep


3 Carrots can you cooked or raw eat.

4 Carpenters can out of things wood make.

5 Little frightened in a can storm be lambs.

6 It ever rains in desert the hardly.

7 Your grow hair your fingernails all the time and.

8 Beth to have wanted a birthday pony ride for


9 A herd group of is a elephants called.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 41

Sentence building

Activity 6

Words in order

The words in these sentences are jumbled up. Sort

them out and write the words in the correct order.

1 You climb equipment to need special Mount


2 You clearly can see on a night the moon


3 Some some engines and boats boats have have


4 The circles earth the sun is and round.

5 Polar live bears on in the Arctic ice the.

6 Maps for are useful showing you correct the


7 When telephone you it means the someone rings

is calling.

8 Mark that thought he offer to should the teacher


9 Nurses better and people hospitals doctors to

make work in sick.

42 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Sentence building

Activity 7: Repairing sentences (1)

Teaching notes

Being able to repair a sentence with a missing Level 2

word is an important skill. It helps pupils to 1 will, may
develop an awareness of sentence structures
2 drank
that they probably would not yet use in their
own writing. Repairing sentences (1) gives 3 woken
practice in verbs and verb tense. Copying the 4 swam
complete sentence out helps to build the
pupils’ familiarity with these new structures. 5 make, bake
There may be several appropriate answers. 6 feed
Here are some suggestions. It is good to
7 hid, put, placed
discuss the alternatives with your pupils to
extend their word use and their awareness of 8 sent
how good word choice can improve their 9 stolen, taken
Level 3
Level 1
1 catch, get
1 is
2 rode
2 went
3 risen
3 are
4 was 4 drove, travelled

5 going, hoping 5 grown

6 fell, jumped 6 spoken

7 had, loved 7 kept
8 ran 8 brought, provided
9 found, discovered 9 left, departed

Sentence building

Activity 7

sentences (1)

There is a word missing in each sentence. Write the

sentence out again and fill in the missing word.

1 My cat is indoors but my dog —— in the yard.

2 Yesterday I —— to the zoo with my friend.

3 The cow is in the shed and three little pigs ——

in the yard.

4 I wore nappies when I —— a baby.

5 Tomorrow I am —— to play in the park.

6 Last year I —— out of a tree and hurt

my leg.

7 When I was three I —— a toy bear.

8 My dog chased me and I —— as fast as I could.

9 I lost my shoes but then I —— them in the bin.

44 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Sentence building

Activity 7

sentences (1)

There is a word missing in each sentence. Write the

sentence out again and fill in the missing word.

1 Tomorrow I —— be at school until four o’clock.

2 When I was little I —— milk from a yellow


3 I was —— up in the middle of the night by a

loud noise.

4 Today I will swim in the pool, but yesterday I

—— in the sea.

5 Yesterday I made a cake, and today I might

—— a pie.

6 I fed the pony yesterday and Susan will —— the

pony tomorrow.

7 I did not want my sister to see my surprise so I

—— it under my bed.

8 Polly said she would send one present but she

—— two.

9 The jewels were —— by a thief.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 45

Sentence building

Activity 7

sentences (1)

There is a word missing in each sentence. Write the

sentence out again and fill in the missing word.

1 My cousin has caught a cold, I hope I don’t

—— it too.
2 I —— the black horse as fast as I could to
reach the town before night.
3 We watched sunrise, and after the sun had ——
we started our journey.
4 The coach driver started at dawn and —— all
5 The plant is growing so fast, it has already ——
as tall as the fence.
6 The teacher will speak to you next; she has
already —— to the other class.
7 I might learn how to keep bees; my uncle ——
bees when he was a kid.
8 I will bring a blanket; Tom has already —— a
big tent and some chairs.
9 We are all going home. I will leave later today,
and my sister —— yesterday.

46 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Sentence building

Activity 8: Repairing sentences (2)

Teaching notes

In Repairing sentences (2) the pupils have to 8 make me, make people
find two words that will fit into the sentence. 9 I like, I love, I hate
The task of filling in two words is far more
challenging than finding one word. Pupils Level 2
will need to combine various parts of speech, 1 towards the, around their
such as verbs and prepositions, to complete
the sentences. Copying the complete sentence 2 cared for, fed often, kept warm
out will build the pupils’ familiarity with 3 often fight, are pets, like food
these new structures. This activity really
4 the sea, the ocean, the lake
challenges the pupils’ ability to work with
word order and sentence construction. 5 My mother, My father, The babysitter
Teacher input and support will be important 6 I often, you can
in maximising the benefit that pupils derive
7 very dangerous, taught tricks
from this activity.
There may be several appropriate answers. 8 biggest animals, largest creatures
Here are some suggestions. Discuss the 9 straw and, grass or
options with your pupils to help develop their
ability to see the possibilities in sentence Level 3
construction. 1 lived long, died long
2 should always, need to
Level 1
3 more person, heavy box, small hole
1 jumped over, climbed on, ran into
2 live in, come from 4 look carefully

3 and cows, who live 5 you should, I always

4 will get, may get 6 come out, wake up

5 water them 7 someone wants
6 care for, look after 8 run as
7 made from, built of 9 have enough, have any

Sentence building

Activity 8

sentences (2)

There are two words missing in each sentence. Write

the sentence out again and fill in the missing words.

1 The little dog —— —— the wall.

2 Giraffes are animals that —— —— Africa.

3 A farmer looks after the pigs —— —— on a


4 If it rains I —— —— wet.

5 Plants will die if you do not —— ——.

6 Mother cats —— —— their kittens.

7 Houses can be —— —— wood.

8 Cartoons —— —— laugh.

9 —— —— to eat peanut butter on toast.

48 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Sentence building

Activity 8

sentences (2)

There are two words missing in each sentence. Write

the sentence out again and fill in the missing words.

1 The soldiers marched —— —— castle.

2 Babies need to be —— ——.

3 Cats and dogs —— ——.

4 Boats can go on the river or —— ——.

5 —— —— never lets me stay up late.

6 On the beach —— —— swim or collect


7 Tigers can be —— ——.

8 Whales are the —— —— in the world.

9 Cows eat —— —— hay.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 49

Sentence building

Activity 8

sentences (2)

There are two words missing in each sentence. Write

the sentence out again and fill in the missing words.

1 Dinosaurs —— —— ago.

2 When you go shopping you —— —— take some


3 One —— —— will make the boat sink.

4 You have to —— —— before you cross the


5 In cold weather —— —— wrap up in warm


6 Nocturnal animals —— —— at night.

7 If the phone rings you know that —— —— to

speak to you.

8 In a race you have to —— —— fast as you can.

9 Very poor people do not —— —— money.

50 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009


Writing facts
and information

Sequence and clarity another perspective can be difficult and in

this activity the teacher can highlight the need
Factual writing has its own style and set of to think about what the other person already
conventions. In factual reports, letters and so knows and what they need to be told.
on the writer needs to be able to: In Compare and contrast (Activity 11) the
pupils will need to use words exactly, to give
• provide information clearly and precise explanations of how pairs of words
unambiguously; relate to each other. Once again, this is a
• organise information into a logical good activity to introduce first as a class
sequence; discussion, as all pupils will be able to
• eliminate irrelevant information. contribute and be included. The less able
pupils will really benefit from seeing how
In Step by step (Activity 9) pupils have to ideas can be refined and clarified, while the
describe logical sequences of action. This will more able pupils will be extended and, with
help pupils learn how to think sequentially. teacher guidance, will further develop their
The activity can form the basis of a good thinking and language skills. In turn, this
class brainstorming session in which pupils translates to improvements in writing.
work together to make sure that every step is Finally, this chapter provides an activity to
included in the right place. Those pupils who promote your pupils’ skills in telling the
do not find it easy to think in a step-by-step difference between factual and opinion
way will be helped by hearing how some of writing. In Fact or opinion? (Activity 12)
their peers can sequence their ideas, using pupils are asked to read series of short
verbal markers such as first, then, after that, statements and decide whether each is an
before, at the end and so on. opinion or a statement of fact. Although not
In All they need to know (Activity 10) the often taught as a specific skill, grasping the
pupils need to be able to write with another difference between a stated opinion and a
person’s perspective in mind, making stated fact is a very useful skill, enabling
allowance for the fact that their reader (an pupils to become more discriminating
alien) will know nothing at all about the listeners and readers and more accurate
topic. For some pupils the ability to take on writers.

Writing facts and information

Activity 9: Step by step

Teaching notes

Some types of writing, such as instructions Teachers may find it useful to set small
or factual accounts of a temporal nature, groups of pupils to working collaboratively,
need to follow a very clear sequence of each contributing his or her own ideas and
steps. negotiating to get the sequence of ideas into
In Step by step your pupils are asked to shape. All ability levels can be included and
prepare a writing plan. This could be in contribute, perhaps with the teacher acting as
the form of a flow chart, a sequence of group facilitator.
numbered dot points, headings or short You may like to get the pupils to follow
sentences or a variety of other alternatives. through and actually use their writing plan
In some of the activities a time sheet or diary as the basis for a completed piece of written
sheet might be a useful way to organise the work.
information. Look for a clear and logical sequence of
It is useful to brainstorm the methods that steps. Many pupils tend to leave out
could be used for a writing plan with your important beginning and ending points, so
class. You may find that you can revisit encourage them to include the entire
previous lessons that you have given in sequence, from start to finish.
planning writing and also introduce new You can work out a checklist with your
strategies. Encourage the pupils to think of pupils to help them self-monitor their writing
what is the best way to set out the writing plan. Here is an example of a simple
plan. checklist.

Necessary features Yes

Is there a clear starting point? (For example, Phone vet . . .)

Is every step included?

Are the steps in a logical sequence?

Are possible variations considered? (For example, Washing machine/

no washing machine, when planning how to wash dirty clothes)

Is there a clear end point? (For example, Pour baby’s bathwater away)

Writing facts and information

Activity 9

Step by step

Make a writing plan for each of these. Write down all

the things that you have to do and put them in the
correct order.

1 How to get ready for bed.

2 A day in the life of a teacher.

3 How to clean your teeth.

4 How to plant a tree.

5 How to wrap a present.

6 How to make a glass of milkshake or cordial.

7 How to wash a dog.

8 How to buy a book.

9 How to make a sandcastle.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 53

Writing facts and information

Activity 9

Step by step

Make a writing plan for each of these. Write down all

the things that you have to do and put them in the
correct order.

1 How to go on a journey by train.

2 A day in the life of a bus driver.

3 How to find out what the word ogre means.

4 How to look after a friend who has grazed their


5 How to send a letter to an aunt who lives in

another country.

6 How to find out what is on TV tonight.

7 How to invite a friend over to play.

8 How to buy some new shoes.

9 How to bath a baby.

54 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Writing facts and information

Activity 9

Step by step

Make a writing plan for each of these. Write down all

the things that you have to do and put them in the
correct order.

1 How to organise a sports day at school.

2 A day in the life of a deep sea diver.

3 How to put your clock right after it has stopped.

4 How to wash your dirty clothes and get them

ready to wear.

5 How to find out the time of the next train at the


6 How to arrange for a surprise party for your


7 How to buy a goldfish.

8 How to make a nesting box for wild birds.

9 How to get ready to leave for a camping trip.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 55

Writing facts and information

Activity 10: All they need to know

Teaching notes

Organising information is an important work with the pupils to show how the ideas
part of skilled writing. Facts need to be can be grouped together and organised to
assembled into a structure that the reader make a coherent piece of written information.
can follow logically from one fact to another. You may find that some obvious pieces of
Similar facts are grouped together, and information are missing, such as Elephants
groups of ideas are placed in a sequence that are animals, because the pupils take this
makes sense. However, the writer also has to information for granted and forget that the
take into account their readers’ background ‘alien’ starts with zero knowledge.
knowledge and particular needs. In All they Mind maps, diagrams, paragraph plans,
need to know the pupils have to imagine flow charts and various other devices can
that they are giving information to an alien, be used to help organise information into a
who will have no prior knowledge of the workable structure. Using such strategies
topic. helps all your pupils to understand how to
The pupils are then asked to draw a plan work in a logical way in planning a piece of
of what they will tell the alien to make sure written work.
they have covered everything the alien needs Encourage the pupils to ask questions
to know. After that, the pupils are then asked themselves, such as:
to write down the information, using their
plan to organise their ideas. • What sort of thing is it? For example, Is it
Brainstorming how to tackle one of the an animal? Is it a plant? Is it a tool?
topics can be a very useful class activity.
• What does it look like? For example,
Suggest a topic and then ask for facts about
How large is it? What shape is it? What
that topic from the pupils. All pupils will be
colour is it?
able to make a contribution: some will
suggest very obvious, concrete pieces of • Where would you find it?
information that may otherwise be
• Does it move? How does it move?
overlooked, while other pupils will think of
more abstract information that helps to • It is useful? Why?
complete the picture.
• What is it made of? How is it made?
At first you will have a collection of
random ideas written on the board. Then • What is special or interesting about it?

Writing facts and information

Activity 10

All they need

to know

Imagine that an alien has come from another planet.

The alien asks you to tell them as much as you can
about these topics. Draw a plan of what you will tell
them to make sure you have covered everything.
Then write down your information.

1 frogs

2 schools

3 elephants

4 cookies

5 television

6 farmers

7 vegetables

8 shoes

9 saucepans

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 57

Writing facts and information

Activity 10

All they need

to know

Imagine that an alien has come from another planet.

The alien asks you to tell them as much as you can
about these topics. Draw a plan of what you will tell
them to make sure you have covered everything.
Then write down your information.

1 zoos

2 airports

3 wheels

4 medicine

5 water

6 hats

7 clocks

8 bicycles

9 trumpets

58 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Writing facts and information

Activity 10

All they need

to know

Imagine that an alien has come from another planet.

The alien asks you to tell them as much as you can
about these topics. Draw a plan of what you will tell
them to make sure you have covered everything.
Then write down your information.

1 sharks

2 pencils

3 doctors

4 bricks

5 shops

6 rivers

7 influenza

8 speedboats

9 human beings

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 59

Writing facts and information

Activity 11: Compare and contrast

Teaching notes

Thinking about the similarities and the pupils to develop their skills in using
differences between two words is a good words such as similar, both, the same, the
exercise. Concept development is an link between or alike. You can also foster the
important part of language and learning, and pupils’ use of category names, for example
being able to isolate the common They are both animals or They are the same
characteristics and points of difference because they are furniture.
between two words will, in itself, be a very When the pupils have to write about
useful activity for your pupils. However, this differences between words, this will involve
can also extend into a very useful and writing about comparisons. For example,
challenging writing activity. pupils may need to include a qualifying word
Pupils need very good control over word such as although or but: One has a flame and
use and sentence structure in order to be able one has a bulb, although they both give you
to complete Compare and contrast light or They are both birds but chickens do
successfully. The main challenge is in not fly.
connecting facts to demonstrate how words Writing about differences will also involve
are alike and then in switching things around the use of comparatives or superlatives. For
to show how the two things differ. example, pupils may write Shoes are stronger
Explanations have to be very clear to make than socks or Mountains are the highest
sense of what the writer is trying to say. landforms.
Work with your pupils to explore the best The pupils may also need to handle
way to explain the similarities and differences negatives as they write about the differences
between the words. Encourage the careful between two words, for example Crocodiles
selection of words to make meaning as are dangerous animals, but frogs are not
precise as possible. Some pupils may need usually dangerous to human beings.
you to segment the task into two sections, This activity can generate very valuable
first by working on similarities alone and, classroom discussion and really help to
when these are complete, going back and develop all the pupils skills in using words
working on differences. This helps to clarify with precision.
the task and make it somewhat easier.
When writing about the similarities There are no teacher’s charts for this
between the two words you can encourage activity.

Writing facts and information

Activity 11

Compare and

Look at these pairs of words. Explain how these things

are alike and how they are different.

1 chicken seagull

2 shoes socks

3 snow rain

4 candle torch

5 eyelash eyebrow

6 turn spin

7 crocodile frog

8 cheese yoghurt

9 umbrella raincoat

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 61

Writing facts and information

Activity 11

Compare and

Look at these pairs of words. Explain how these things

are alike and how they are different.

1 hands paws

2 chair stool

3 plate dish

4 mountain hill

5 string rope

6 bounce jump

7 town city

8 tower lighthouse

9 warm hot

62 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Writing facts and information

Activity 11

Compare and

Look at these pairs of words. Explain how these things

are alike and how they are different.

1 giant ogre

2 knee knuckle

3 mime act

4 sigh cough

5 feast meal

6 bought sold

7 read write

8 bridge tunnel

9 race chase

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 63

Writing facts and information

Activity 12: Fact or opinion?

Teaching notes

Many inexperienced writers tend to write true. An opinion is something that some
opinion as if it is proven fact and do not people think or feel, but it might not be
understand the difference between the two true and not everyone would agree.
types of information. One important element Encourage discussion about how the facts
in writing is to be aware of whether you are could be proved. This is a good introduction
writing proven facts or expressing an to factual writing. Also encourage discussion
opinion. Younger or less able pupils often about how opinions could vary, as this is a
find it difficult to think objectively about good introduction to opinion writing.
their own thinking in this way. Fact or
opinion? will help them to understand that Here are the teacher’s charts of answers.
Explain to the pupils that a fact is
something that everyone would know was

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3


Writing facts and information

Activity 12

Fact or opinion?

Look at these statements. If the statement is a true

fact underline KNOW. If the statement is an opinion
underline THINK.

1 All dogs are cute. THINK KNOW

2 Ice is cold. THINK KNOW

3 Chocolate is delicious. THINK KNOW

4 Yellow socks look weird. THINK KNOW

5 Baby pigs are called piglets. THINK KNOW

6 Children go to school. THINK KNOW

7 Basketball is the best game. THINK KNOW

8 Chickens are friendly. THINK KNOW

9 Ducks can swim. THINK KNOW

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 65

Writing facts and information

Activity 12

Fact or opinion?

Look at these statements. If the statement is a true

fact underline KNOW. If the statement is an opinion
underline THINK.

1 Elephants live in Africa. THINK KNOW

2 Cats are better pets than


3 Cheese biscuits are great. THINK KNOW

4 China cups can sometimes


5 Some dogs wear collars. THINK KNOW

6 Goldfish are boring pets. THINK KNOW

7 Birds make nests in trees. THINK KNOW

8 Strawberry is the best flavour

yoghurt. THINK KNOW

9 The sun sets in the west. THINK KNOW

66 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Writing facts and information

Activity 12

Fact or opinion?

Look at these statements. If the statement is a true

fact underline KNOW. If the statement is an opinion
underline THINK.

1 Coffee comes from coffee


2 Candlelight is better than

electric light. THINK KNOW

3 It is not fair to get a medal

if you lose a race. THINK KNOW

4 The planets circle the sun. THINK KNOW

5 It is good to read comics. THINK KNOW

6 Shoes are sometimes made

of leather. THINK KNOW

7 Spinach tastes good. THINK KNOW

8 The worst weather is when

it rains. THINK KNOW

9 Exercise helps you to keep fit. THINK KNOW

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 67



Ideas and imagery them to break away from anxiety that what
they plan to write sounds ‘silly’. As the
How often do teachers hear ‘But I don’t teacher encourages and values a wide range
know what to write’? The activities in this of ideas and suggestions, these pupils will
chapter will help to stimulate ideas and give come to understand that there are often many
all pupils a good starting point for equally appropriate ways to respond to
interesting, imaginative writing. creative tasks.
Throughout the chapter you will notice In this chapter the pupils have several
that classroom discussion and brainstorming opportunities to pick up a situation and
are suggested as a beginning point to the develop it into an interesting story. For
activities. Why is this? example, in Keep writing (Activity 13) pupils
Pupils vary in their capacity to think are given the beginning of a sentence and
creatively and to use their imaginations. asked to continue writing to turn this
Having a group exchange is a good way to fragment of a sentence into a story.
stimulate creative ideas. The pupils who In Use these words (Activity 14) pupils are
already find it easy will find even more new asked to build a story around a set of words.
ideas emerging as their fellow pupils share The words given provide a ‘skeleton’ on
their thoughts. Pupils who tend to think in a which pupils can build ideas for a story. In
concrete, non-imaginative way will also Mystery and adventure (Activity 15) pupils
benefit from the class discussion, because this are given a summary of a situation and asked
will help to trigger their own imaginations. to write a story around this idea.
Many pupils are at their most comfortable Creative writing also requires interesting
with closed questions (which have ‘right’ or and sometimes unusual choices of images and
‘wrong’ answers). Open-ended tasks that words. In the final activity of this chapter,
need a novel and creative response can make Similes (Activity 16) pupils are asked to
these pupils feel very uncomfortable. create similes of their own. Many pupils
Classroom discussion can provide these never think of using similes in their own
pupils with good role models for creative, creative writing, but it is a simple technique
‘anything goes’ thinking. It also encourages to develop through explicit practice.

Creative writing

Activity 13: Keep writing

Teaching notes

Many pupils find it difficult to think of • The eagle swooped down and picked
creative, imaginative ideas or to visualise a Bertie up in its talons . . .
scene and develop a storyline from this.
The sentences in Keep writing give every
pupil a flying start by setting an interesting Just imagine that you are Bertie, the
scene and triggering some visualisation. eagle has swooped on you and you are
Using ‘what if’ thinking is a significant suddenly lifted high in the air! What
challenge for some pupils. These sentence would it feel like? What would you see?
starters prompt pupils to think ‘What will What would happen next?
happen next?’, which can then lead to
Pupils might suggest something like:
imaginative, creative thinking.
Work with your pupils to encourage them It would feel like flying . . . you could see
to visualise the scene and predict what might everything below you . . . like your house
happen next. Brainstorm before the pupils getting smaller and smaller . . . and then
start to write. Prompt them with questions as the eagle might take you to its nest on
in the three examples below: the mountain top.

• Mike looked into the pet shop window • They peered into the dark cave and
and saw . . . saw . . .
Teacher: Teacher:
Imagine you are looking in the petshop Just think about looking into that dark
window yourself. What could you see? cave. Can you hear or smell anything?
Could Mike have seen something really What can you see? Could someone or
unusual? What do you think Mike will something already be in there?
do next?
Pupils might suggest something like:
Pupils might suggest something like:
It smells like an animal has been there
You could see snakes and tortoises . . . . . . you could see something shining in
there might be a monkey . . . or a kitten the dark . . . there could be a wolf or a
. . . Mike could get the monkey and take bear inside.
it home.

Creative writing

Activity 13

Keep writing

Finish the sentence. Then write the rest of the story.

1 Mike looked into the pet shop window and

saw . . .

2 Mum got the picnic ready and then . . .

3 The lion cub ran, looking for its mother . . .

4 Just as they were all falling asleep they

heard a . . .

5 The two monkeys climbed up the . . .

6 Just as they reached the top of the hill a

huge . . .

7 The carrot just grew and grew and grew

until . . .

8 The wolf smiled sweetly at the hen and said . . .

9 ‘Help, help!’ cried Kelly. ‘I am stuck in . . .

70 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Creative writing

Activity 13

Keep writing

Finish the sentence. Then write the rest of the story.

1 The farm gate was wide open and . . .

2 The teacher looked very stern. ‘I have just found

out that . . .’

3 Becky was amazed when she opened the door.

There stood . . .

4 The frog and the snake stared at each other,

then suddenly . . .

5 The eagle swooped down and picked Bertie

up in its talons . . .

6 Little Georgie was crying very loudly

because . . .

7 It was no good, there was no way out.

The children were . . .

8 They had never seen anything so funny; there

was . . .

9 The king commanded that all the people

should . . .

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 71

Creative writing

Activity 13

Keep writing

Finish the sentence. Then write the rest of the story.

1 It was already getting dark as they rowed

towards the shore . . .

2 Father was very angry because George had . . .

3 They peered into the dark cave and saw . . .

4 The helicopter hovered over the roof and

then . . .

5 The shark swam swiftly through the water

looking for . . .

6 Suddenly there was the sound of trumpets

and . . .

7 As they came nearer they could see that the

boat was . . .

8 ‘Come here little goat,’ said the crocodile.

‘Let me . . .

9 More and more people marched over the bridge

until . . .

72 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Creative writing

Activity 14: Use these words

Teaching notes

Writing a connected story is quite a challenge. • sea mermaid parrot-fish shark

Many pupils start with one good idea. For cave
instance, they might decide ‘I’ll write about Teacher:
a mermaid,’ but then may get stuck and have Where is this story happening? What
trouble generating a storyline. could happen if a shark and a mermaid
In Use these words pupils are given a met? What about parrot-fish; who would
framework of words that will help to develop the parrot-fish be friends with? How does
a storyline. This task is challenging for the cave come into the story?
younger and less able pupils, so classroom
Pupils might suggest something like:
discussion and some individual support may
be needed to produce the best responses from It has to be in the sea and it’s all about
pupils who may find it difficult to generate sea creatures . . . sharks would be
creative ideas or work with language. Level 1 enemies of mermaids, but parrot-fish
has fewer words to make the task easier. would try to protect the mermaid . . .
Talking before writing really helps to the cave could be a safe place for the
generate ideas. Ask questions to start the mermaid.
pupils thinking about possible storylines
that incorporate all the words into a story. • rocks beware lighthouse storm
For example: crash
• bee hive stealing honey bear Do you think this could be an adventure
Teacher: story or a funny story? What is a
What is a beehive? What do the bees lighthouse used for? How does it come
make in the hive? How come a bear gets into this story? What do you think
into the story. What could happen in a happened? Why was there a crash?
story about a bear and some honey?’ Pupils might suggest something like:
Pupils might suggest something like: It’s an adventure story about a shipwreck
A beehive is where the bees make honey . . . the lighthouse is supposed to warn
. . . they have honeycombs and bring the the ships of the rocks . . . but maybe it
nectar back from the flowers . . . some went wrong . . . the crash might be the
bears loves honey . . . they put their waves, or the ship on the rocks.
paws in the hive if they can . . . but in
the story they might get stung.

Creative writing

Activity 14

Use these words


Write a story and include all the words in a set.

The words can be in any order.

1 grandmother pet dog asleep

2 beach holiday played shells

3 tree monkey tricks banana

4 forest wolf scared ran

5 farm ducks farmer fox

6 bee hive honey bear

7 pig mud run find

8 lost forest children dark

9 twins train boots visit

74 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Creative writing

Activity 14

Use these words


Write a story and include all the words in a set. The words
can be in any order.

1 dog doughnut shopkeeper chased delicious

2 tree owl secret girl hidden

3 sea mermaid parrot-fish shark cave

4 lion Africa king hunter saved

5 rat tree leaves hidden shadow

6 thin stolen bread king showed

7 hand rope river scared again

8 bear forest tracks turn claws

9 camel sand tent sun lost

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 75

Creative writing

Activity 14

Use these words


Write a story and include all the words in a set. The words
can be in any order.

1 sun pyramid pharaoh tomb river

2 rocks beware lighthouse storm crash

3 king amazed castle dark walls

4 desert camel tent afraid home

5 guitar wandered begged famous music

6 howl sled freezing tracks mist

7 truck chased disguised police siren

8 camp mountain avalanche tumbled searched

9 alarm creatures hunter together warning

76 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Creative writing

Activity 15: Mystery and adventure

Teaching notes

Many pupils love to read stories of mystery – What things would be impossible to do if
and adventure. However, some pupils find it you were a bee?
very hard to come up with ideas for their – What adventures could you have if you
own stories. Pupils may simply retell a story were a bee?
that they have read, or recount something
that they have seen as a cartoon or adventure • Your pet cat is trapped in a cage.
movie. The key is in a giant’s pocket.
Mystery and adventure helps all the pupils Teacher:
to get started on a story by providing them – How did the cat get into the cage?
with a one-line summary of the main idea. – What sort of cat is it? Is it a shy cat,
Often this is all that is needed to stimulate or maybe it is a brave, strong sort of
imaginative ideas and a storyline. cat?
You will find that skilled questioning by
– How do you know the key is in the giant’s
the teacher can really help to get the pupils
started on developing an interesting and
exciting story. Here are some examples of the – What ways can you think of to get the key
sorts of questions that you could use: and rescue the cat?
– How will the giant try to stop you?
• You are given a magic spell that can – How will you succeed?
turn you into a bee.
• You discover a secret map that leads to
– How would the spell work? Would it be
like a magic word? Or would it be
something like clicking your fingers? – How do you discover the map?
– How would you use it? – Are you by yourself or is someone else
going to be in the story too?
– Could you turn yourself back into a
person? How? – What is shown on the map? Does it look
– What would it feel like to turn into a
bee? – What happens when you follow the map?
– What could you do if you were a bee that – Do you find the treasure?
you cannot do now? – What happens next?

Creative writing

Activity 15

Mystery and

Write a story about one of these topics.

1 There is a loud knocking on your window.

2 You find a dinosaur in your garden.

3 You are sitting on the carpet. It gives a shake

and flies into the air.

4 Your cat grows to the size of a horse.

5 You and your friend wake up on a desert island.

6 You are given a magic spell that can turn you

into a bee.

7 There is a weird green light coming from your


8 Your dog has to rescue you from a gang of


9 Your teacher turns into a polar bear.

78 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Creative writing

Activity 15

Mystery and

Write a story about one of these topics.

1 You find a hidden room under an old house.

2 A time machine takes you forward into the next


3 You overhear robbers planning to steal your

neighbour’s dog.

4 If you sit in a special chair you can travel

wherever you like.

5 Your pet cat is trapped in a cage. The key is in a

giant’s pocket.

6 You rescue two children who have fallen into a


7 You become lost in a huge jungle where wild

animals roam.

8 You discover a magic shell that makes your

wishes come true.

9 Your mirror shows you what will happen in the


From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 79

Creative writing

Activity 15

Mystery and

Write a story about one of these topics.

1 You are accidentally locked in the space shuttle

just before take-off.

2 You are kidnapped by a pirate ship.

3 A time machine takes you back in history.

4 There seems to be an invisible hand moving

things in your room.

5 You are a cabin boy on a sailing ship. The ship is

wrecked in a storm.

6 You discover a secret map that leads to treasure.

7 You become lost in an underground passage

deep underground.

8 You see a man fall down a cliff and help to

rescue him.

9 Your dog leads you to a mysterious and deserted


80 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Creative writing

Activity 16: Similes

Teaching notes

Pupils do not always think of using similes in 3 soap, silk, ice

their own writing. However, they are a good 4 mouldy bread, bat’s blood, old socks
way to add interest and originality to a piece
of writing. In Similes the pupils have to focus 5 a cookie in the oven, boiling water, a
on creating their own. Encourage interesting sunbeam
and unusual ideas. 6 marshmallow, fresh bread, a pile
There are many possible responses, but of hay
here are some suggestions. 7 tyres screeching, chalk on a board,
Level 1 murder
1 a tomato, a strawberry, a fire truck 8 a potato, a cookie, my hand
2 a canoe, a bucket, a matchbox 9 jumping over a flea, scratching my nose,
3 glittering gold, silver dust, a soft
pillow Level 3
4 a folded blanket, a shadow, a thief 1 sandpaper, a cactus, tyres on gravel
5 a tree, a giant, a lamppost 2 a beer bottle, mouldy potatoes,
6 a bird’s nest, a carpet of prickles, a pile a grave
of wool 3 a fly in a jar, a cat in a box, a kite in a
7 a doughnut, a piglet, a feather cushion storm

8 a lion, ten dogs, an eagle 4 a volcano, a thunderstorm,

a tornado
9 a bunch of flowers, a paintbox, the inside
of a shell 5 a trumpet, a bear, a silver bell
6 birds in a tree, monkeys, castanets
Level 2
1 my blanket, a jewel, the ocean 7 a dolphin, a pebble, a bubble

2 a racehorse, a greyhound, an Olympic 8 paper, a lily, a slice of bread

winner 9 a waterfall, silk ribbons, a tidal wave

Creative writing

Activity 16


Complete these phrases to make them interesting.

1 Her face was as red as . . .

2 Her shoe was as big as . . .

3 The sand was like . . .

4 The cat was as quiet as . . .

5 Joe was as tall as . . .

6 Her hair looked like . . .

7 The puppy was fatter than . . .

8 Sasha was as brave as . . .

9 The colours were like . . .

82 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Creative writing

Activity 16


Complete these phrases to make them interesting.

1 The sky is as blue as . . .

2 Robert ran like . . .

3 The pavement is as slippery as . . .

4 The taste was worse than . . .

5 I’m as hot as . . .

6 The bed was as soft as . . .

7 The cats’ singing sounded like . . .

8 The hole in her sock was bigger than . . .

9 It was as easy as . . .

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 83

Creative writing

Activity 16


Complete these phrases to make them interesting.

1 His voice was as rough as . . .

2 The cellar smelled like . . .

3 Todd was behaving crazier than . . .

4 His temper was like . . .

5 Last night she sang like . . .

6 The children chattered as if they were . . .

7 In the water she was just like . . .

8 She was as pale as . . .

9 The rain fell like . . .

84 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009


Writing fluency

From thoughts into words to develop. A pupil’s ideas and words may
run ahead of physical writing or typing, so
In order to be able to participate fully in the that the pupil is constantly trying to catch up.
classroom programme, pupils have to be able Sometimes the pupil may be so anxious about
to write fluently. However, younger or less accurate spelling and punctuation that they
able writers frequently have trouble in getting frequently hesitate as they write. In these
their ideas down on paper and this can circumstances the pupil may lose track of
significantly disadvantage them. There are their ideas and fluency is lost.
two main reasons for a lack of writing In Write this down! (Activity 17) pupils are
fluency. given short phrases to write down. Learning
First, there can be difficulties with the to write in phrases, rather than word by
production of the actual language and ideas word, is an important skill that is developed
that are the essential foundations for any in these dictation exercises. In Broken
writing. Throughout this book you will find sentences (Activity 18) the pupils have to
activities designed to promote your pupils’ write dictated sentences quickly using a
ability to generate ideas, formulate sentences framework of keywords. In Writing dash
and organise written language. Without a (Activity 19) the pupils are encouraged to
rapid and easy flow of language and ideas, write fluently, getting a first draft down
pupils will be unable to write smoothly and quickly and confidently without worrying too
at speed. much about spelling or punctuation.
Second, there can be difficulties with the The activities in this chapter will help to
process of transferring language into a build your pupils’ abilities to make that
physical, written form. Even when pupils can important link between their ideas, their
generate ideas and language fluently they may language and their physical written output.
still experience difficulties in ‘getting their Although it is probable that most pupils will
ideas down on paper’. use handwriting to complete these activities,
The skill of transferring internal thoughts there is no reason why typing practice cannot
and language on to paper through the also be given using the same learning
physical act of writing takes time and practice materials.

Writing fluency

Activity 17: Write this down

Teaching notes

Pupils’ writing may be slow or stilted because 7 his own carriage

they are afraid of making mistakes. To write 8 a huge surprise
fluently, pupils have to be confident, versatile
and inventive. In this activity the pupils have 9 so many people
to write down phrases as quickly as they can,
to rehearse the skill of ‘having a go’ at Level 2
whatever words or phrases are needed. 1 a dazzling light
Accuracy is not important; quick
2 the gloomy cave
approximations are quite acceptable for the
purpose of this activity. 3 a loud explosion
On the worksheets the pupils are then told 4 her special place
just to have a guess if they are not sure about
5 a smelly goat
how to spell a word. They can look at the
groups of words first, but must cover them 6 the stolen treasure
up when they write. 7 a lonely pelican
You may prefer not to let your pupils
see the words before they begin to write. 8 the emergency stop
If so, simply omit the last two sentences of 9 huge feather pillow
the instructions on the worksheets and
give pupils a blank sheet of paper to Level 3
write on.
1 a terrible shriek
Here are the teacher’s charts of phrases. 2 sleeping soundly
3 the largest ship
Level 1
1 my blue pen 4 the most amazing sight

2 a small car 5 my favourite aunt

3 the funny boy 6 thousands of invaders

4 one big balloon 7 the ancient pyramid
5 two little ducks 8 a mysterious shadow
6 running fast 9 natural environment

Writing fluency

Activity 17

Write this down


Your teacher will read out some words. Write the

words down as quickly as you can. Just have a guess
if you are not sure about how to spell a word. You can
look at the groups of words first. But cover them up
when you write.

1 my blue pen

2 a small car

3 the funny boy

4 one big balloon

5 two little ducks

6 running fast

7 his own carriage

8 a huge surprise

9 so many people

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 87

Writing fluency

Activity 17

Write this down


Your teacher will read out some words. Write the

words down as quickly as you can. Just have a guess
if you are not sure about how to spell a word. You can
look at the groups of words first. But cover them up
when you write.

1 a dazzling light

2 the gloomy cave

3 a loud explosion

4 her special place

5 a smelly goat

6 the stolen treasure

7 a lonely pelican

8 the emergency stop

9 huge feather pillow

88 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Writing fluency

Activity 17

Write this down


Your teacher will read out some words. Write the

words down as quickly as you can. Just have a guess
if you are not sure about how to spell a word. You can
look at the groups of words first. But cover them up
when you write.

1 a terrible shriek

2 sleeping soundly

3 the largest ship

4 the most amazing sight

5 my favourite aunt

6 thousands of invaders

7 the ancient pyramid

8 a mysterious shadow

9 natural environment

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 89

Writing fluency

Activity 18: Broken sentences

Teaching notes

This activity helps to develop the pupils’ 2 You must beware of wolves in the
ability to ‘hold’ a sentence in their mind as forest.
they write. In the same way that copying 3 Bats live in caves and hunt at night.
notes requires the pupil to read, remember 4 If you jump out of a plane you need a
and write, Broken sentences builds the link parachute.
between copying words and remembering 5 At the circus you will see clowns and
sentences. The vocabulary used is challenging acrobats.
and this helps to develop the pupils’ 6 If you don’t clean your teeth they will
familiarity with new words through copying decay.
them down. 7 When a volcano erupts it throws out ash
The teacher reads out the proper sentence and hot rocks.
while the pupils look at the broken version. 8 The North Pole is covered with snow and
Pupils are then told to write the full sentence. ice all year round.
They can copy the words as they write the 9 An ambulance comes when there has been
sentence. an accident.

Here are the teacher’s charts of the completed Level 3

sentences. 1 Icebergs float in the sea after they have
broken off from glaciers.
Level 1 2 A python is a type of large snake called a
1 The wooden horse was lost in the constrictor.
attic. 3 Long ago humans lived in caves and
2 The puppy rolled in the mud. hunted wild animals.
3 A fly was trapped in a spider’s 4 The person who wins the most races is
web. called a champion.
4 Uncle gave Sam a new red bicycle. 5 Your heart pumps blood around your
5 I saw lots of mice in a nest. body to keep you alive.
6 I like to drink hot chocolate. 6 A tsunami is a huge wave made by an
7 Tortoises go to sleep in winter. earthquake.
8 The firemen put out the fire. 7 The earth is the third planet from the sun;
9 Chickens live on farms and lay Mercury and Venus are nearer.
eggs. 8 The bird-eating tarantula is probably the
biggest spider in the world.
Level 2 9 The sloth is the slowest animal on
1 Jack and his mother bought a present for Earth; it would take a month to walk
father. a mile.

Writing fluency

Activity 18

Broken sentences

Look at these broken sentences. They have lots of little

words missing. Your teacher will read the proper sentence out
so that you can write it down.

1 —— wooden horse —— lost —— —— attic.

2 —— puppy rolled —— —— mud.

3 —— fly —— trapped —— —— spider’s web.

4 Uncle —— Sam —— new —— bicycle.

5 —— —— lots —— mice —— —— nest.

6 —— —— —— drink hot chocolate.

7 Tortoises —— —— sleep —— winter.

8 —— firemen —— out —— fire.

9 Chickens live —— farms —— lay eggs.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 91

Writing fluency

Activity 18

Broken sentences

Look at these broken sentences. They have lots of little

words missing. Your teacher will read the proper sentence out
so that you can write it down.

1 Jack —— —— mother bought —— present —— father.

2 —— must beware —— wolves —— —— forest.

3 Bats live —— caves —— hunt —— night.

4 —— —— jump —— —— —— plane —— need —— parachute.

5 —— —— circus —— —— see clowns —— acrobats.

6 —— —— —— clean your teeth —— —— decay.

7 —— —— volcano erupts —— throws —— ash —— ——


8 —— North Pole —— covered —— snow —— ice all year


9 —— ambulance —— when —— —— —— —— accident.

92 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Writing fluency

Activity 18

Broken sentences

Look at these broken sentences. They have lots of little

words missing. Your teacher will read the proper sentence out
so that you can write it down.

1 Icebergs float —— —— sea after —— —— broken —— ——


2 —— python —— —— type —— large —— called ——


3 Long ago —— lived —— caves —— —— wild animals.

4 —— person —— wins —— most —— —— called ——


5 —— —— —— blood around —— —— to keep —— ——.

6 —— tsunami —— —— huge —— —— —— —— earthquake.

7 —— earth —— —— —— planet from —— ——; Mercury ——

Venus —— ——.

8 —— ——-eating tarantula —— probably the biggest —— ——

—— ——.

9 —— sloth —— —— —— —— on earth; —— —— —— ——
month to walk a mile.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 93

Writing fluency

Activity 19: Writing dash

Teaching notes

Writing dash is a good exercise to develop • No more than 2 minutes per topic or 15
writing fluency. Writing quickly helps to minutes for the whole sheet is usually
develop the automatic link between thinking about right, depending on the pupils’
and writing. This activity helps pupils to abilities.
focus on getting their ideas down, just as • Pupils should keep writing until told to
they are. stop.
Some pupils may find it difficult to
generate ideas of what to write. These pupils • Use a clock or stopwatch to keep track of
will benefit from brainstorming with a group time.
or even the whole class. An open sharing of • Create a sense of urgency, and emphasise
ideas means that all pupils can contribute and the need for speed.
the less confident pupils can see that
• Maybe do a sample ‘writing dash’ yourself
‘anything goes’ as long as it is related to the
on the board to show pupils what is
Pupils are told to write as much as they
can on a topic, as fast as they can until the • Ask the pupils:
teacher tells them to stop. They should be – to write whatever comes into their
told not to worry about spelling or heads;
punctuation at this point, as this can be – to write as fast as they can;
fixed later on. – to keep writing until told to stop;
– to write single words if necessary;
Here are some teacher’s guidelines: – not to worry about neat handwriting;
• Set a time limit for each item or for the – not to worry about spelling or
whole sheet. punctuation.

Writing fluency

Activity 19

Writing dash

Here are some topics to write about. You have to

write as much as you can, as fast as you can. Don’t
worry about spelling or punctuation right now. You can
fix that later. Your teacher will tell you how long you
have and when you should stop writing.

1 hands

2 frogs

3 leaves

4 red

5 chickens

6 school

7 farms

8 boats

9 night-time

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 95

Writing fluency

Activity 19

Writing dash

Here are some topics to write about. You have to

write as much as you can, as fast as you can. Don’t
worry about spelling or punctuation right now. You can
fix that later. Your teacher will tell you how long you
have and when you should stop writing.

1 eggs

2 scissors

3 elephants

4 road signs

5 blue

6 going to sleep

7 refrigerators

8 pancakes

9 summer

96 From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009

Writing fluency

Activity 19

Writing dash

Here are some topics to write about. You have to

write as much as you can, as fast as you can. Don’t
worry about spelling or punctuation right now. You can
fix that later. Your teacher will tell you how long you
have and when you should stop writing.

1 eyes

2 lions

3 feathers

4 yellow

5 waking up

6 newspapers

7 telephones

8 clocks

9 winter

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 97



And finally . . . write. Are the pupils becoming critical

readers of their own work? Can they
Many pupils think that, once spelling and discriminate between good and poor written
punctuation have been checked, their work is expression? Can they identify problems with
edited, polished and complete. However, as the organisation and structure of their own
professional writers will attest, good editing work? Can they recognise and reject
requires a far greater range of skills than repetition? These and other related skills are
simple proofreading and correction of errors the components of good writing that we hope
in spelling and punctuation. A piece of our pupils will gradually understand and put
writing is not complete until it has also been into practice.
checked for interesting, appropriate content, This chapter gives your pupils the
skilled use of words, good organisation of opportunity to edit a range of passages that
ideas, correct grammar and well-structured contain many writing faults. Reading and
sentences. identifying problems in other people’s
The development of skilled writing is a writing is far easier for the pupils than
process that takes many years, perhaps some being critical readers of their own work.
would say a lifetime! At first, pupils naturally However, the skills that are developed will
concentrate on the absolute fundamentals of readily flow through to the pupils’ own
writing, such as forming the letters, getting writing. Discussion between pupils and
words down with correct, or reasonably teacher enhances this process and helps the
approximate, spelling and making sense to pupils to understand just how to edit a
the reader. Gradually their skills develop and piece of work to eliminate a range of
they begin to write more, at a greater speed problems and improve the overall quality
and with more complexity. of the writing.
As teachers we also look for evidence of
emerging craftsmanship in the way our pupils


Editing checklist • Have I used jargon or slang that needs

to be replaced with better words or
• Does this answer the question that was
• Have I put the information in the correct
• Does my writing make sense?
• Are all my sentences well structured?
• Is my work well structured into
• Have I avoided run-on sentences? paragraphs so that it is easy for the reader
to follow?
• Have I used the right verb tense and/or
form? • Do I need to use layout devices such as
headings or tables to make my work
• Do I repeat words or ideas unnecessarily?
• Have I left out any words?
• Is there anything I can do to make this a
• Have I left out any important better piece of writing?
• What do I really like about this work?
• Have I included irrelevant information Can I extend these strengths?
that needs to be edited out?
• Have I fixed my spelling mistakes?
• Is my writing dull; does it need to be
• Have I punctuated correctly?
made more interesting?
• ‘Yes’ to all of these? Then I have
• Have I used a good range of vocabulary
and avoided words that are boring or too


Activity 20: You can edit!

Teaching notes for Level 1

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
Yesterday I went to school. After school I
played in the park. Then I visited the shop
What I did yesterday
and after that I went home. I watched
TV and that was fun. Then I had a shower,
i1 whent2 to school i3 whent4 to the park
and after that I ate a delicious ginger
i5 whent6 to the shop i7 whent8,9 home. i10
watched TV it was good i11 had a shower
it was good i12 had a cookie it was good13
it tasted of ginger.14 The end.

1 Capital ‘I’ needed. 9 Fourth repetition of I went. Need to rewrite to

2 Spelling. avoid so many repetitions.
3 Capital ‘I’ needed. 10 Capital ‘I’ needed.
4 Spelling. 11 Capital ‘I’ needed.
5 Capital ‘I’ needed. 12 Capital ‘I’ needed.
6 Spelling. 13 Third repetition of it was good. Need to rewrite
7 Capital ‘I’ needed. to avoid so many repetitions. Run-on sentence.
8 Spelling. 14 Good information.


Activity 20

You can edit!


Edit and rewrite this passage.

What I did yesterday

i whent to school i whent to the

park i whent to the shop i whent

home. i watched TV it was good

i had a shower it was good i had

a cookie it was good it tasted of

ginger. The end.

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 101


Activity 20: You can edit!

Teaching notes for Level 2

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
I saw some funny clowns at the circus.
I also saw ladies who rode on horses
At the circus
and some acrobats on the high wire. We
laughed and laughed because the clown
At the cicus1 I saw some clarns2 and some
fell in the bucket of water. We had to sit
ladies and some other things.3 We had to
on a bench and that made my legs hurt,
sit on bench things4 and my legs hert.5 We
but I still had a good time.
laffed6 and laffed7 because the clarn8 fell in
the bucket of water.9 I had a good time.10

1 Spelling. 5 Spelling.
2 Spelling. 6 Spelling.
3 Lack of interest: other things should be named 7 Spelling.
properly. 8 Spelling.
4 Poor vocabulary: bench things could be 9 Interesting information.
benches, wooden seats or similar. 10 Good to finish with a final sentence.


Activity 20

You can edit!


Edit and rewrite this passage.

At the circus

At the cicus I saw some clarns and

some ladies and some other things.

We had to sit on bench things and

my legs hert. We laffed and laffed

because the clarn fell in the bucket

of water. I had a good time.

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 103


Activity 20: You can edit!

Teaching notes for Level 3

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
On Monday we went to the library and saw
a video about Africa. The video showed us
Elephants in Africa
how the elephants in Africa are searching
for food, but there is not enough for them
on1 monday2 we go3 to the libree4 and we
to eat. The young elephants are called
saw a video about africa.5 the6 video
calves. We also saw how the older
showed us how the elephants is7 all looking
elephants look after the calves and keep
for food but there is not much food.8 the9
them safe in the middle of the herd. [Omit
big elephants looking10 after the little
reference to story about baseball as this is
elephants. the11 little elepants12 are calffs13
irrelevant to the topic.]
and they is14 little elephants.15 The little
elephants keeps16 in the middle of the
other elephants to keep safe. Mrs Jones
came into the libree17 and told us a story
about baseball18,19

1 Capital letter needed. 12 Spelling.

2 Capital letter needed. 13 Spelling.
3 Should be went not go. 14 Should be are not is.
4 Spelling. 15 Repetition of little elephants in the little
5 Capital letter needed. elepants are calffs and they is little
6 Capital letter needed. elephants.
7 Should be are not is. 16 Should be keep not keeps.
8 Poor sentence structure in looking for food but 17 Spelling.
there is not much food. 18 Irrelevant information for the title of Elephants
9 Capital letter needed. in Africa. Should be deleted.
10 Should be look not looking. 19 Full stop needed.
11 Capital letter needed.


Activity 20

You can edit!


Edit and rewrite this passage.

Elephants in Africa
on monday we go to the libree and
we saw a video about africa. the
video showed us how the elephants
is all looking for food but there is
not much food. the big elephants
looking after the little elephants.
the little elepants are calffs and
they is little elephants. The little
elephants keeps in the middle of the
other elephants to keep safe. Mrs
Jones came into the libree and told
us a story about baseball.

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 105


Activity 21: Spot the mistakes

Teaching notes for Level 1

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
On my birthday I was given lots of great
presents that I liked. My friends came to my
The magic show
house and we saw a magic show. The best
On my birthday I1 a lot of stuff2 and I liked
part was when the magician pulled a rabbit
it.3 On my birthday my frends4 came5 my
out of his hat. The magician also made my
house and we saw a magic show the magic
hat disappear behind a black curtain. So I
man6 made a rabbit come out of a hat I
had a really good birthday.
liked that and it was good and I liked it.7,8
The magic man9 hid my hat, he hidded10,11
it and it was gon.12 And he hidded13 it
behind a certin14 it15, 16 was black. I had a
good birthday.17

1 Word missing: should be received, was given or 8 Poor sentence construction with repetition in
similar. I liked that and it was good and I liked it.
2 Poor vocabulary: stuff is not a good word; 9 Poor vocabulary: magician is better than magic
gifts, presents, treats or similar would be man.
better. 10 Should be hid not hidded.
3 Unclear: it could refer to the birthday or it could 11 Repetition in hid my hat, he hidded it.
refer to the stuff. 12 Spelling.
4 Spelling. 13 Should be hid not hidded.
5 Word missing: my friends came to my house. 14 Spelling.
6 Poor vocabulary: magician is better than magic 15 No indication of what it refers to. It could be the
man. curtain or the hat.
7 Run-on sentence from On my birthday . . . 16 Run-on sentence.
through to . . . and I liked it. 17 Good to have a final sentence.


Activity 21

Spot the

Edit and rewrite this passage.

The magic show

On my birthday I a lot of stuff and I liked

it. On my birthday my frends came my house

and we saw a magic show the magic man

made a rabbit come out of a hat I liked that

and it was good and I liked it. The magic

man hid my hat, he hidded it and it was gon.

And he hidded it behind a certin it was black

I had a good birthday.

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 107


Activity 21: Spot the mistakes

Teaching notes for Level 2

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
Mum baked a cake for my seventh birthday,
but I did not like it because it was a
My birthday
chocolate cake. Mum said ‘Never mind,
wen1,2 it was my brithday3 my Mum a cake4
I will bake you another one.’ After we had
for me and5 I did not like the cake so6 I do
the cake we went to the park and played
not like chocolate cake7 and she said
on the swings and the slippery dip. Then
never8 mind I will make you another cake9
we went home and I went to bed.
We went to park10 on my brithday11 and it
was good12 we play13 on the swings and we
play14 on the slippery dip to.15 Then we
went back home and I went to bed and16 I
was seven.

1 Capital letter needed. 9 Speech marks and full stop needed.

2 Spelling. 10 Missing word: We went to the park.
3 Spelling. 11 Spelling.
4 Word missing: should read Mum made a cake 12 Full stop needed, then capital letter.
. . ., Mum baked a cake or similar. 13 Should be played not play.
5 Here, but would be a better word than and. 14 Should be played not play.
6 Should be because, not so. 15 Should be too not to.
7 Poor sentence construction: the word cake used 16 Could have used a full stop and started a new
three times in the same sentence. sentence, I was seven, or incorporated age in
8 Speech marks and capital letter needed. an earlier sentence.


Activity 21

Spot the

Edit and rewrite this passage.

My birthday

wen it was my brithday my Mum a cake for

me and I did not like the cake so I do not

like chocolate cake and she said never mind I

will make you another cake. We went to park

on my brithday and it was good we play on

the swings and we play on the slippery dip to.

Then we went back home and I went to bed

and I was seven.

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 109


Activity 21: Spot the mistakes

Teaching notes for Level 3

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
Mum and Dad promised me a surprise for
my birthday. I was very excited. I could
The surprise
hardly wait. The postman came with a
Mum and Dad promised me a surprise for
huge parcel. I thanked him and then I
my birthday. I was very excited. I could
opened the parcel as fast as I could. It
hardly wait. When the postman came and1
was a model aeroplane, which was just
he had a parcel2 and he said here3 is a
what I wanted. ‘Thank you very much,’
parcel for you4 and I said thank5 you for the
I said to Mum and Dad. Then we went
parcel6 and he said7 its8,9 all right10,11 and12
to my uncle’s place and had a party. I had
then I opened the parcel and13 it was a
had a very good birthday.
surpise14,15 and16 I said thank17 you Mum18
thank you Dad.19,20 Then we went to my
uncles21 place and we had a party. I had a
good birthday.22

1 The word and is not needed in this sentence. 11 Dull writing: its all right.
2 An adjective would make a parcel more 12 Another repeat of and.
interesting, for example a huge parcel. 13 Another repeat of and.
3 Speech marks and capital letter needed. 14 Spelling.
4 Speech marks and full stop needed. 15 Dull writing: the writer does not tell the reader
5 Speech marks and capital letter needed. what the surprise was.
6 Speech marks and full stop needed, followed by 16 Another repeat of and.
capital letter. 17 Speech marks and capital letter needed.
7 Repetition in and he said . . . and I said . . . 18 Some sort of punctuation needed.
and he said. 19 Speech marks and full stop needed.
8 Speech marks and capital letter needed. 20 Dull writing: thank you Mum thank you Dad.
9 Should be it’s not its as an abbreviation of 21 Should be uncles’ (two or more uncles’ home)
it is. or uncle’s (one uncle’s home).
10 Speech marks and full stop needed. 22 Good to finish with a final sentence.


Activity 21

Spot the

Edit and rewrite this passage.

The surprise

Mum and Dad promised me a surprise for my

birthday. I was very excited. I could hardly

wait. When the postman came and he had a

parcel and he said here is a parcel for you

and I said thank you for the parcel and he

said its all right and then I opened the parcel

and it was a surpise and I said thank you

Mum thank you Dad. Then we went to my

uncles place and we had a party. I had a

good birthday.

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 111


Activity 22: Make it better!

Teaching notes for Level 1

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
Gather together the bread and the other
ingredients. Use a knife to spread plenty
How to make a cheese and ham
of butter on the bread. Put your cheese
and ham on to one piece of bread. Put the
You got to1 put the bit of bred2,3 on top of
other piece of bread on top. Cut the
the bit of bred.4,5,6 Get the bred7 and get
sandwich and then you can eat it. It will
the other stuff.8 Lots of butter on the bread
be delicious.
with a niff.9,10 Put yor11 chees12 and yor13
tomato14 on the bred.15,16 Then you can eat
yor17 sandwich. Very delicious.18 You have
to cut the sandwich19,20

1 Poor expression: you have to or you should 10 Spelling.

would be better. 11 Spelling.
2 Spelling. 12 Spelling.
3 Poor expression: a slice of bread or a piece of 13 Spelling.
bread would be better. 14 The sandwich was supposed to have cheese and
4 Spelling. ham not tomato.
5 Poor expression: need to use words such as the 15 Spelling.
other slice of bread to show that there are two 16 This is where the second slice of bread should be
slices. put on top of the first slice.
6 Putting the two slices of bread together should 17 Spelling.
come later in the process. 18 Very delicious is not a sentence; it should be
7 Spelling. rewritten with a verb or merged into another
8 A better word than stuff is needed: ingredients sentence.
or things might be better. 19 Cutting the sandwich should come before it is
9 Beginning of sentence needs a pronoun + verb, eaten.
such as you spread or you have to put. 20 A full stop is needed at the end of this sentence.


Activity 22

Make it better!

Edit and rewrite this passage.

How to make a cheese and ham


You got to put the bit of bred on top of the

bit of bred. Get the bred and get the other

stuff. Lots of butter on the bread with a

niff. Put yor chees and yor tomato on the

bred. Then you can eat yor sandwich. Very

delicious. You have to cut the sandwich

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 113


Activity 22: Make it better!

Teaching notes for Level 2

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
There was a little girl called Red Riding
Hood. One day, her Mum said ‘Go and see
Red Riding Hood
grandmother in the wood.’ On the way, Red
The little girl1 name was Red Riding Hood.
Riding Hood met a wolf. The wolf asked her
Her Mum said You2 go to grandmother in
‘Where are you going?’ ‘I am going to
the wood.3 Red Riding Hood look4 at the
grandmother’s house,’ replied Red Riding
wolf and he look5 at Red Riding Hood.
Hood, and the wolf went on his way. At her
War6,7 are you goin8,9,10 I11 am goin12
grandmother’s house, the wolf put on the
to grandmother.13,14,15 The wolf put on
old lady’s dress and bonnet. When Red
grandmother16 dress and Red Riding
Riding Hood arrived, she cried ‘What big
Hood said what17 big teeth18 and the wolf
teeth you have, grandmother!’ Then the
jumped out and Red Riding Hood was so
wolf jumped out of the old lady’s clothes.
terrified19 that she scrimmed20 and
Red Riding Hood was so terrified that she
scrimmed.21 The wolf runned22 away and
screamed and screamed. Her screams were
it was all OK.23
so loud that the wolf ran away and Red
Riding Hood was safe.

1 Should be girl’s not girl. 14 Better to use grandmother’s house than just
2 Speech marks needed. grandmother.
3 Speech marks needed. 15 Needs a phrase such as said Red Riding Hood.
4 Should be looked not look. 16 Should be grandmother’s not grandmother.
5 Should be looked not look. 17 Speech marks and capital letter needed.
6 Speech marks needed. 18 Speech marks needed: could use an exclamation
7 Spelling. mark or a full stop.
8 Spelling. 19 Good word.
9 Needs a question mark and end speech marks. 20 Spelling incorrect but a good word.
10 Needs a phrase such as asked the wolf. 21 Spelling incorrect but a good word.
11 Speech marks needed. 22 Should be ran not runned.
12 Spelling. 23 OK should be replaced with a less colloquial
13 Speech marks needed. phrase.


Activity 22

Make it better!

Edit and rewrite this passage.

Red Riding Hood

The little girl name was Red Riding Hood.

Her Mum said You go to grandmother in the

wood. Red Riding Hood look at the wolf and

he look at Red Riding Hood. War are you

goin I am goin to grandmother. The wolf put

on grandmother dress and Red Riding Hood

said what big teeth and the wolf jumped out

and Red Riding Hood was so terrified that she

scrimmed and scrimmed. The wolf runned

away and it was all OK.

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 115


Activity 22: Make it better!

Teaching notes for Level 3

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
First, you have to find enough paper to
make a book. It is important that the paper
How to make a book
is just the right thickness, not too thin and
First you have to get enough paper for the
not too thick. You will also need to find
book. With1 the paper it2 has to be the right
some card for the covers of the book. Once
paper not to3 thick not to4 skinny.5,6 Covers
you have decided on the size of the book,
for the outside.7 You can decorate8 with
you can cut the paper into pages and then
amazing patterns. Cut all the paper9 and
glue or staple the pages together. After that
then you have the pages for the book. You
you can put the covers on the book. If you
have to think how big the book will be too.10
like, the covers can be decorated with
With11 all the pages you can use glue or
amazing patterns. The book is then ready
staples12 and make the book.13 And14 then
for you to write in.
the book is done and you can write in it.

1 With is not a good way to begin this sentence. 8 What can be decorated?
2 The word it is not needed if the sentence is 9 You would need to work out the size of the book
rewritten correctly, for example The paper has before you cut the pages.
to be . . . 10 This should come before making the covers or
3 Should be too not to. cutting the pages.
4 Should be too not to. 11 It is not good to start a sentence with with.
5 Should be thin not skinny. 12 How are the glue and staples used?
6 This is a clumsy sentence and needs 13 There is no mention of the covers here.
punctuation. See sample rewrite. 14 And is not a good way to start a sentence and
7 This is an incomplete sentence. could be omitted.


Activity 22

Make it better!

Edit and rewrite this passage.

How to make a book

First you have to get enough paper for the

book. With the paper it has to be the right

paper not to thick not to skinny. Covers for

the outside. You can decorate with amazing

patterns. Cut all the paper and then you have

the pages for the book. You have to think

how big the book will be too. With all the

pages you can use glue or staples and make

the book. And then the book is done and you

can write in it.

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 117


Activity 23: What’s wrong?

Teaching notes for Level 1

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
The little boy was playing in the park when
he broke his leg. He went in the ambulance
The accident
to hospital. The doctor took an X-ray of his
the1 boy brok2 his leg and he brok3 his leg4
leg. ‘Oh dear!’ said the doctor. ‘Your leg is
in the park. and5 then he went6 hostipal7
very badly broken. This is an emergency and
with his bad leg in the ambulance.8 The
we must mend it very quickly.’ So the
doctor took a picture9 of his leg and said
doctor mended the boy’s leg as soon as he
it10,11 is brokn12 in pieces I will have to
could and now it is healed.
mend it right away it is an emergency we
must do it quickly.13,14 And15 they did.16
Now it is OK.17

1 Capital letter needed. 9 Poor vocabulary: X-ray is better.

2 Spelling. 10 Speech marks and capital letter needed for
3 Spelling. doctor’s statement.
4 Poor sentence structure: the boy broke his leg 11 Better to replace it with your leg.
and he broke his leg is repetitive. 12 Spelling.
5 Sentence should not start with and, and capital 13 Run-on sentence. See sample rewrite for an
letter needed. alternative.
6 Should be went to hospital. 14 Speech marks and full stop needed.
7 Spelling. 15 Sentence should not start with and.
8 Poor expression: he went with his bad leg in 16 And they did is not a sentence.
the ambulance. 17 Colloquial OK should be avoided.


Activity 23

What’s wrong?

Edit and rewrite this passage.

The accident

the boy brok his leg and he brok his leg in the park.

and then he went hostipal with his bad leg in the

ambulance. The doctor took a picture of his leg and

said it is brokn in pieces I will have to mend it right

away it is an emergency we must do it quickly. And

they did. Now it is OK.

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 119


Activity 23: What’s wrong?

Teaching notes for Level 2

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
In the holidays I went horse riding. I rode a
beautiful black horse and I was allowed to
Holiday horse riding
brush him until his coat shone. I do not
In the holdais1 I went horsriding.2 I brushed
know his name, but maybe he was called
the horse. He was black.3 I do not know his
something like ‘Midnight’ because he was
name.4 I had a ride.5 It was fun.6 Katherine
so black. Katherine and Ben also had a
had a ride. It was fun. Ben had a ride. It
ride. We all had a lot of fun because the
was fun.7 The horse was in the feld.8 The
horse galloped very fast, like a racehorse.
horse galloped very fast like a racehorse.9
On the way home from riding we had a
After we went home.10 We had a burger and
burger and fries and then I went to bed and
fries on the way home.11 I went to bed.12
dreamt that I was riding Midnight at the
Olympic Games.

1 Spelling. 9 Interesting writing: galloped very fast like a

2 Spelling. racehorse.
3 Dull writing. 10 Flat, uninteresting and not connected to the title
4 Dull writing. of Holiday horse riding.
5 Dull writing. 11 Not connected to the title of Holiday horse
6 Dull writing. riding.
7 Too much repetition of had a ride. It was fun. 12 Not connected to the title of Holiday horse
8 Spelling. riding.


Activity 23

What’s wrong?

Edit and rewrite this passage.

Holiday horse riding

In the holdais I went horsriding. I brushed the

horse. He was black. I do not know his name. I had

a ride. It was fun. Katherine had a ride. It was fun.

Ben had a ride. It was fun. The horse was in the

feld. The horse galloped very fast like a racehorse.

After we went home. We had a burger and fries on

the way home. I went to bed.

From: Spotlight on Writing Routledge © Glynis Hannel 2009 121


Activity 23: What’s wrong?

Teaching notes for Level 3

Here are the important editing points in this Sample rewrite

passage, followed by a sample rewrite.
The Olympic Games were first held in
Ancient Greece. Now we have the modern
Our mini Olympics
Olympic Games, which are held in different
At school this week we had a mini
countries such as China, Australia or the
Olympics. I walk1 to the dais and stood on it
USA, once every four years. When the
to get my medal.2 The principle3 opened the
Olympics are on there is usually total
Olympics and we all sang a song. Then we
television coverage. Sailing, ice hockey and
danced with ribbins.4 Then we had a
many other sports are part of the Olympics.
running race. Next I won a medal because
At school this week we had a mini
I won the running race.5 I felt very proud.
Olympics. The principal opened the
We played with tennis racquets.6 We did7
Olympics and we all sang a song and
basketball. Last8 we did archery. We shot
danced with ribbons. Then we had a
baskets and I got one in.9 The Olymoics10
running race. I was very excited. I ran as
is what they did in Greece.11 But now we
fast as I could and won a medal for coming
have them all the time12 and in diffirint13
first. I stood on the dais to receive my
countries like China and that.14 And15 we
medal and felt very proud. We played tennis
have sports like ice hockey and everything16
and we played basketball. We shot balls
in the Olympics. And they are on TV all the
and I got one in. Finally we did archery. We
time.17 And sailing.18
all enjoyed the mini Olympics.

1 Should be walked not walk. 10 Spelling.

2 Out of order in the story: the medal was awarded 11 This information might be better at the start of
after the running race. the passage.
3 Spelling. 12 Inaccurate statement: regularly, every four
4 Spelling. years or frequently would be more accurate.
5 Poor structure: then we had a running race. 13 Spelling.
Next I won a medal because I won the 14 Poor expression: and that could be replaced
running race. with the names of other Olympic host countries.
6 Better to say played tennis than played with 15 Not good to start a sentence with And.
tennis racquets. 16 Poor expression: and everything could be
7 Better to say played basketball than did replaced with examples of other Olympic events.
basketball. 17 Poor expression: see sample rewrite for a better
8 If archery was last it should be last in the version of this sentence.
account of the day. 18 And sailing is not a sentence. The information
9 The sentence about shooting baskets should should be placed with the other examples of
follow the sentence about basketball. Olympic events.


Activity 23

What’s wrong?

Edit and rewrite this passage.

Our mini Olympics

At school this week we had a mini Olympics. I walk

to the dais and stood on it to get my medal. The

principle opened the Olympics and we all sang a

song. Then we danced with ribbins. Then we had a

running race. Next I won a medal because I won

the running race. I felt very proud. We played with

tennis racquets. We did basketball. Lastly we did

archery. We shot baskets and I got one in. The

Olymoics is what they did in Greece. But now we

have them all the time and in diffirint countries like

China and that. And we have sports like ice hockey

and everything in the Olympics. And they are on TV

all the time. And sailing.

From: Spotlight on Writing, Routledge © Glynis Hannell 2009 123

Routledge Education

Spotlight On.... Series
Glynis Hannell
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November 2008: 297x210 128pp
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