LBSPartners Booklet 6S Workplace Organisation

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The key takeaways are that 6S provides a methodology for continuous improvement through organizing and standardizing the workplace. It aims to reduce waste and promote visual management, safety, and a culture of improvement.

The main purpose of implementing 6S is to drive cultural change towards continuous improvement. It aims to introduce structured process improvement and build employee knowledge, commitment, and empowerment.

The six steps of the 6S methodology are: Sort, Set In Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain, and Safety.

6S and Visual

By Maurice O’Brien
About LBSPartners

LBSPartners was founded in Limerick in 2002 to educate and assist

companies in the development of operational excellence through Lean,
Lean-Sigma & 6-Sigma.
We are a hands-on business improvement consulting firm with extensive
Lean and management experience. Our customer base includes SMEs,
Multinationals and Public Sector clients in food, engineering, life sciences,
services and software.
LBSPartners has a proven track record of delivering measurable and
sustainable results to our clients through significant Lean transformations
to hundreds of clients. Projects typically deliver improvements in cost,
quality and customer service.

Published by: LBSPartners,

Nexus Innovation Centre,
Tierney Building,
University of Limerick,
Limerick, Ireland

Copyright © LBSPartners, 2014

All rights reserved.

Publication date: November, 2012

Telephone: +353 (0) 61 518408

e-mail: [email protected]
ISBN: 978-0-9570203-0-6

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or by information storage and retrieval systems, without the written permission of
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6S and Visual Management

Contents Page
What is 6S? 1
Visual management 5
Lean Principles 9
Lean Wastes 15
S1 – Sort 20
S2 – Set-in-order 22
S3 – Shine 24
S4 – Standardise 26
S5 – Sustain 28
S6 – Safety 30
Templates 32
6S and Visual Management

What is 6S?
The 6S process is a series of steps and procedures
which are used to arrange work areas in the best
manner to enhance performance, safety and
Features of 6S
• 6S provides a solid base for all process improvement
• It represents the first step on the Visual Management
• It places work-teams in control of their own areas
• It helps focus on causes and elimination of waste
• It helps establish standards of storage, housekeeping
and visual communication
6S and Visual Management

6S is an acronym for 6 words which describe the

methodology for developing the basis of process

S1 Sort S4 Standardise

S2 Set-in-order S5 Sustain

S3 Shine S6 Safety

Figure 1 The 6S Methodology

6S and Visual Management

What’s the purpose of 6S?

The main purpose of 6S is to drive cultural change within the
organisation; to begin the cultural shift within an
organisation to one of continuous improvement.

6S is concerned with behaviour; successful 6S is concerned

with changing behaviours.

Specifically, implementation of a successful 6S program

serves the following purposes:
• To introduce structured process improvement
• To build knowledge, capability and commitment,
empowering employees in the process
• To provide management with a process that allows them
to confidently allow employees to solve problems

Benefits of 6S
• Increases productivity, saves time, reduces costs;
improves safety, aims to eliminate all kinds of waste.
• Arranges work areas in the best manner to enhance
performance, safety and cleanliness.
• Facilitates the early detection of issues or problems – if
things look right, they generally are. Once the issues are
made obvious, problem solving can begin.
6S and Visual Management

Benefits of 6S
To the employee
• It provides the opportunity to provide creative input
• The workplace is made Cleaner, Safer and Simpler
• It provides a more pleasant workplace
• It increases job satisfaction
• It results in fewer frustrations in work area
• It improves communication
To the organisation
• It is the basis for all process improvement
• It improves quality by reducing defects
• It reduces costs by eliminating wastes
• It improves delivery performance by reducing delays
• It allows for reduced injuries, promoting safety
• Supports the implementation of other Lean initiatives
such as JIT, TPM, Quick Changeover
• It allows for increasing growth through competitive

6S and Visual Management

Visual Management
Visual management is defined as a set of techniques for
creating a visual workplace, embracing visual
communication and control throughout the work

Benefits of Visual Management

• Facilitates employee autonomy
• Serves to eliminate waste
• Fosters continuous improvement
• Allows for quick response & recovery
• Leads to information sharing
• Exposes abnormalities
• Maintains gains
6S and Visual Management

The Visual Management Pyramid

6S/Workplace organisation is at the base of the visual
management pyramid.
The next step on the pyramid is Visual display, which
involves display of information and standards.
The highest level on the Visual management pyramid is
Visual Control, which involves the use of visual signals to
monitor and control production.

6S and Visual Management
Visual management - Goals
• The work environment should be spotless, safe and
• Standards should be easy to recognise and abnormal
conditions are quickly identified, enabling speedy
analysis and resolution
• Performance and progress should be readily apparent
to employees
• Mechanisms should be in place to significantly reduce
or remove waste and defects in the process
Visual Display
Visual display involves the exhibition of specific
information relating to the running of a work area in that
area, for example:
• Team, training matrices etc.
• Standard Work Instructions
• Performance information
• Status of current issues
• Schedules for maintenance, calibration & other
support activities
• Product and process information
• Customer requirements information
• Site level display boards
6S and Visual Management

Visual Control
• Visual control is also referred to as “management by
• It goes beyond just simply tracking and displaying
performance information - it serves as a “trigger” for
action e.g. based on monitoring hourly production
tracking charts, control charts etc.
• Gauges & dials are a form of visual control – they are
used to display the current process condition.
• Material can be managed visually by identifying
correct locations, quantities, types and Kanbans.
• Methods of visual control include the use of:
• Andons – lights and boards – used to notify an
operator of a situation where a process is out-of-
control, allowing them to take corrective action.
• Poka Yoke (Error Proofing) – putting measures in
place so that a task can only be performed one
way, the correct way.

When Visual Control is properly in place:

• Anything that doesn’t belong is obvious.
• Anything that is in the wrong place is obvious.
• Anything that is unsafe is obvious.
• Anything that is out of sequence is obvious.
• Too many or too few is obvious.
6S and Visual Management

Lean Principles
Lean Thinking
Lean thinking focuses on each product/service and its
value stream rather than management of firms &
assets. The objective of Lean is to enhance value and
eliminate waste (muda). The following lean principles
define the steps which guide the implementation of
Lean across an organisation.

6S and Visual Management

Figure 2 The Lean Principles

Recognising Value – the 3 attributes of Value:

• Is the end customer willing to pay for it?

• Has some transformation occurred?
• Was it done right the first time?

Value can only be defined by the ultimate customer.

Rethinking value is the key to growth and using freed
up people and assets.

6S and Visual Management

The Lean Concept

Lean thinking involves firstly identifying waste and then
eliminating it. It considers all activities carried on by an
organisation, and sub-divides them into:
• Those which add value to the product or service
• Those which don’t add value but are necessary e.g.
legal, certification etc. (Necessary Non-value adding)
• Those which don’t add value (Waste)

First identify, then eliminate waste.

Value add
Non Value Non Value
Adding - Adding -
Required Waste

Figure 3 The Lean Concept

6S and Visual Management

Value Stream
A Value Stream is the sum of all the activities necessary
to create, order and produce a product or provide a
The Value Stream should be viewed from the Product
perspective. It includes all activities touching the product
both value adding and non-value-adding.

Figure 4 Value Stream Example

In the example above, the total process time is almost

15 minutes (885 seconds), but the time where value is
added is only 35 seconds (or only 3.9% of the total

6S and Visual Management

Examples of Value-add vs. non-value add activities:

Value adding Non-value-add-necessary Non-value-adding

Order entry/management Regulatory requirements Waiting

Procurement of raw Obtaining approvals Sorting

Product design Reading instructions Inspecting/checking

Assembly of products Accounting/payroll Copying

Shipping finished goods to Recording Rework


Each individual piece of work keeps moving i.e. being
continuously worked on with no queues, waiting or

6S and Visual Management

• No one upstream should produce a Product or
Service until the Customer downstream asks for it

• Each activity signals the next activity to begin (‘back

end’ pulls from ‘front end’)

• Pull needs to take place along the whole Value

Stream and therefore requires a sharing of final
Customer demand with all tiers of Suppliers.

• Pull reduces time and waste.

• The ultimate objective is perfection - where every
action and asset creates value for the end customer
• Most of what we do is waste!
• The more layers of waste you remove the more
waste you can see!
• This is not a step change but a path which via a
model of Continuous Improvement.

6S and Visual Management

Lean Wastes
One of the most effective ways to increase a
company’s profitability is to eliminate waste from its
operations. The activities performed by a company
either add value or waste to the production of a
product or a service. Lean thinking classifies waste
under the following categories. To easily remember
these wastes, the mnemonic TIM WOODS is used a

6S and Visual Management

Figure 5 The Lean Wastes

6S and Visual Management

Examples of the Eight Wastes:

Waste Cause
Transport Poor layout
Poor understanding of the process flow
Widely spaced equipment
Inventory Large safety stocks
Unbalanced workloads
Unreliable supplier shipments
Product complexity
Motion Double handling
Poor layout
Inconsistent work methods
Poor workplace organisation and housekeeping
Keeping busy while waiting
Waiting Unbalanced workload
Unplanned maintenance
Long set-up times
Upstream quality problems
Overproduction Unclear goals
Excessive lead times
Overprocessing Customer requirements not clearly defined
Lack of communication
Product changes without process changes
Redundant approvals
Extra copies/information
Defects Weak process control
Poor quality
Deficient planned maintenance
Inadequate training
Customer needs not understood
Skills Culture
Little or no investment in training
Poor morale

6S and Visual Management
How do we get to a 6S State?
• The involvement of employees at all levels of the
organisation is key to a successful 6S
• Ownership for the 6S programme must come from
the top management
• The effort must be applied plant-wide
• All employees must be involved
• The relevant training, communication and
understanding must be in place at all levels
• Encouragement must be provided – all employees
must resolve not to give up when the programme
gets difficult
• Link 6S to the company’s survival path
• The following responsibilities must be considered:
• Participate in implementation
• Give up the old habits – take up the new
• Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
• Maintain the standard through measurement
and support
• Celebrate achievements
• Be aware of the benefits
6S and Visual Management

Incremental benefit of the 6S steps:

Good is 3S - 6S is Great
First phase of LEAN introduction
• Conversion of motion to work
• Neat desks have higher productivity
• Neat work areas produce fewer defects
• Neat work areas will meet deadlines better
“We all like to work in a safe, clean environment”

Is 3S good enough? NO!

As illustrated in the graphic below the full benefit of a
6S program is not accrued until all 6 steps are
implemented and sustained.
Benefits to the business

6S and Visual Management

Sort means that you remove from the workplace all
items that are not needed for the current operation.
Leave only the bare essentials – when in doubt take
it out.

A list is created of those items which are necessary

for the work to be performed and the quantities in
which they are needed. These items will be
organised in the Set-in-order step.
Unnecessary items are removed and disposed of
according to their value to the operation.
Items which cannot immediately be classified as
necessary or not, are labelled with a red tag and
removed to an assigned ‘red tag’ area to await final
6S and Visual Management

Implementation steps

6S and Visual Management

Once the Sort step has been completed and the essential
items have been identified, a suitable location must be
assigned to each item.
• Arrange necessary items in good order so that they are
easily accessible
• Everything should be able to be found and retrieved
within 30 seconds
• There should be a home for everything and everything
should be in its home
• Appropriate labelling should be used, so that anyone
can find items and put them away
• The focus is on eliminating “wastes” such as searching,
difficulty in using items etc.

Set-in-order toolkit
Motion Mapping (6S maps or Spaghetti
Labelling and Signboards
Floor Taping
Colour Coding
Before and After comparisons -
(photographs for example)

6S and Visual Management

Visual Control: We can tell right away whether a

particular operation is proceeding normally or not

Implementation steps

6S and Visual Management

The Shine step involves cleaning your workplace
extensively to eliminate all dirt, grease and dust from
the floor, machines, materials and equipment.
• This will ensure and verify that everything is ready
for use.
• Cleanliness leads to inspection and early detection of
• Shine contributes to improved Morale, Safety,
breakdowns prevention and defect prevention.

Implementation tips
• Define Target Areas
• Draw map of areas and determine parts, equipment
and space to be inspected/cleaned
• Distribute responsibility for 6S to named individuals
• Create a cleaning schedule to be completed for each
area and identify the people who will complete the
cleaning tasks
• Devote certain times exclusively to cleaning and
inspection e.g. 5 minute “shine”
• Define a minimum standard for each area
• Develop a cleaning checklist
• Establish a minimum requirement for cleanliness

6S and Visual Management

Implementation steps

6S and Visual Management

The Standardise step establishes the platform to maintain
and improve continuously the level of organisation and
readiness in the workplace.
• Not just when the boss is around
• Not just at the beginning of the week for the audit
• Not when visitors are scheduled
• But as a regular function of your daily activities
Make first three S’s “unbreakable” - the state that exists
when S1, S2 and S3 are properly maintained.

The methodology for each of the first three steps needs

to be standardised for the organisation.

Roles and responsibilities need to be clear, and training

completed where necessary. Employees at all levels will
need to know how to apply 6S techniques consistently.

There is only One Right Way to do the work: The

Standard; everybody follows this standard until we have
found a better one.

6S and Visual Management

Implementation steps

6S and Visual Management

Make a habit of properly maintaining correct procedures.
The aim is to build a Continuous Improvement culture
which recognises standards and invests in maintaining
and developing them.
Sustaining – How?
Awareness Recognition
Everyone involved must understand
The efforts of the 6S team must
the 6S steps and the importance of
be recognised by management
sustaining them

Time Satisfaction

Employees Execution of the 6S plan

must be given must be satisfying to
time in their the team members and
work schedules management – the
for 6S related benefits need to be
activities understood and

Support Structure
Needs full and continuing
A structured plan for the 6S must be
support from management in
in place - it must be monitored and
terms of leadership, resources
modified where necessary
and recognition

6S and Visual Management

Implementation tips

6S and Visual Management

Safety must be a primary consideration while
implementing any 6S programme.

Safety is a universal
responsibility for all
! employees in an
On completion of the first 5S’, safety will be enhanced.

Having completed the Sort,

Set-in-order and Shine
steps the working
environment should be free
from clutter and well-
Implementing the 6S steps
should eliminate
all hazards and verify that
suitable control measures
are in place.

6S and Visual Management

Implementation tips
Ensure that:
• All safety equipment is present and is regularly
maintained e.g. fire extinguishers, Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), First Aid kit
• All required signage is in place e.g. exits, hazards
• All trip hazards are eliminated
• All electrical cabling is safely routed
• All equipment and lighting is in working order
• All floor surfaces are in good condition
• All walkways and stairways are clearly marked and free
from material and other obstacles

• Reduced injuries and work-related illnesses
• Cost savings – avoid medical and insurance costs
• Improvements in productivity and morale

• All equipment/lighting in working order
• Clear signage
• Marked walkways cleared of obstructions

6S and Visual Management

A selection of standard forms are presented on the
succeeding pages, to assist in any 6S implementation.
These are listed as follows:
1. Approved material and equipment list – to help
standardise the material and equipment which is
2. Corrective action log – to track actions to
3. 6S Map – to document the current state and
plan/document the improved layout
4. 6S Evaluation form – to facilitate the audit process
5. Daily 6S schedule – to help set out the schedule for
6S activities
6. Problem/Countermeasure sheet – to record
issues/opportunities for improvement and the
measures proposed to resolve the issue or
introduce the improvement
Please note that the original templates are available

6S and Visual Management

1. Approved Material and Equipment List

6S and Visual Management

2. Corrective Action Log

6S and Visual Management

3. 6S map

6S and Visual Management

4. 6S Evaluation Form

6S and Visual Management

5. Daily 6S Schedule

6S and Visual Management

6. Problem/Countermeasure Sheet

Nexus Innovation Centre
Tierney Building
University of Limerick Tel: 061-518408
Castletroy e-mail: [email protected]
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