More Sorting: Radix Sort Bucket Sort In-Place Sorting How Fast Can We Sort?

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More Sorting

radix sort
bucket sort
in-place sorting
how fast can we sort?

Radix Sort
Unlike other sorting methods, radix sort considers the
structure of the keys
Assume keys are represented in a base M number
system (M = radix), i.e., if M = 2, the keys are
represented in binary

Sorting is done by comparing bits in the same position

Extension to keys that are alphanumeric strings

Radix Exchange Sort
Examine bits from left to right:
1. Sort array with respect to leftmost bit

2. Partition array

recursively sort top subarray, ignoring leftmost bit
recursively sort bottom subarray, ignoring leftmost bit
Time to sort n b-bit numbers: O(b n)
Radix Exchange Sort
How do we do the sort from the previous page? Same idea as
partition in Quicksort.
scan top-down to find key starting with 1;
scan bottom-up to find key starting with 0;
exchange keys;
until scan indices cross;

Radix Exchange Sort

Radix Exchange Sort vs. Quicksort
both partition array
both recursively sort sub-arrays
Method of partitioning
radix exchange divides array based on greater than or
less than 2b-1
quicksort partitions based on greater than or less than
some element of the array
Time complexity
Radix exchange O (bn)
Quicksort average case O (n log n)

Straight Radix Sort
Examines bits from right to left
for k := 0 to b-1
sort the array in a stable way,
looking only at bit k

Note order of these bits after sort.

What is “sort in a stable way”!!!
In a stable sort, the initial relative order of equal keys is
unchanged. For example, observe the first step of the sort from
the previous page:

Note that the relative order of those keys ending with 0 is

unchanged, and the same is true for elements ending in 1
The Algorithm is Correct (right?)
We show that any two keys are in the correct relative order at the
end of the algorithm

Given two keys, let k be the leftmost bit-position where they


At step k the two keys are put in the correct relative order
Because of stability, the successive steps do not change the
relative order of the two keys
For Instance,
Consider a sort on an array with these two keys:

Radix sorting applied to decimal numbers

Straight Radix Sort Time Complexity
for k = 0 to b - 1
sort the array in a stable way, looking only at bit k

Suppose we can perform the stable sort above in O(n) time.

The total time complexity would be
As you might have guessed, we can perform a stable sort based
on the keys’ kth digit in O(n) time.

The method, you ask? Why it’s Bucket Sort, of course.

Bucket Sort

n numbers
Each number {1, 2, 3, ... m}
Time: O (n + m)
For example, m = 3 and our array is:

(note that there are two “2”s and two “1”s)

First, we create M “buckets”

Bucket Sort
Each element of the array is put in one of the m “buckets”

Bucket Sort

Now, pull the elements from

the buckets into the array

At last, the sorted array (sorted

in a stable way):
In-Place Sorting
A sorting algorithm is said to be in-place if
it uses no auxiliary data structures (however, O(1)
auxiliary variables are allowed)
it updates the input sequence only by means of
operations replaceElement and swapElements
Which sorting algorithms seen can be made to
work in place?

Lower Bd. for Comparison Based Sorting
internal node: comparison
external node: permutation
algorithm execution: root-to-leaf path

How Fast Can We Sort?
How Fast Can We Sort?
Proposition: The running time of any
comparison-based algorithm for sorting an n-
element sequence S is (n log n).
Justification: The running time of a
comparison-based sorting algorithm must be
equal to or greater than the depth of the
decision tree T associated with this algorithm.

How Fast Can We Sort? (2)
Each internal node of T is associated with a
comparison that establishes the ordering of two
elements of S.
Each external node of T represents a distinct
permutation of the elements of S.
Hence T must have at least n! external nodes which
again implies T has a height of at least log(n!)
Since n! has at least n/2 terms that are greater than
or equal to n/2, we have: log(n!) (n/2) log(n/2)
Total Time Complexity: (n log n).


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