Bulletin For February 3, 2019
Bulletin For February 3, 2019
Bulletin For February 3, 2019
Mary’s Catholic Church
P.O. Box 70 [email protected] Office: (406) 654-1446
Malta, MT 59538 Fr. Cory Sticha - Pastor Fax: (406) 654-1467
Februrary 3, 2019 — Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time www.SaintMarysMalta.org
Mass Schedule
2/4: Malta 8:30 AM: Repose of the soul of Willis McKeon r/b John & Terry McKeon
2/5: Malta 8:30 AM: Tom Golik r/b Lana Fortin
2/6: Malta 8:30 AM: Thanksgivng for prayers answered r/b Sue Kron
2/7: HiLine 10:00 AM: Tom LaBrie r/b Corky & Bonnie LaBrie
2/8: Malta 8:30 AM: Repose of the soul of Jake Phillips r/b Cleo Phillips
2/9: Malta 4:00 PM: Repose of the soul of Jerry Hould r/b John & Terry McKeon
2/10: Dodson 8:30 AM: Andy Beadle r/b Helen DePuydt
Malta 10:00 AM: For the Parishioners
Saco 12:00 PM: Kensley Ann Murri r/b Esther Brosseau
Knights of Columbus # 2124 Parish Council of Catholic Women
Meets First Tuesday of the month Meets Second Sunday of the Month
Weekly Eucharistic Adoration
Every Friday from 9 to 10 AM (following daily Mass)
Confessions: Saturdays Noon 1p.m., 1/2 Baptism: Normally celebrated at weekend
hour before daily Mass (Tues., Weds., and Masses. Parental sessions are required.
Fri.) or by appointment Marriages: Six month couple preparation
Anointing of the Sick: Please contact Fr. period required. Please meet with Fr. Cory
Cory as soon as possible for anointing. before scheduling marriage date.
Please Pray For
Tom Golik, Susan Hofer, Joyce Wright, Bob Bushman, Bonnie Lankford, Dianne Salsbery,
Joyce Donavan, Lindsey Lankford and their newborn child, Marian Holman, Joyce Boos,
Leona Keinenberger, Makayla WilkeHofeldt, Michael Fred Ereaux, C.J. Bishop, Bruce Hould,
Bobby Ereaux, Janeen Brookie, Linda Berg, Myrtle Hould, Jeanie Engebretson, John Murray,
Terry Stiles, Payton Kill Eagle, Mary Kelly, Roberta Pospisil, and those from our area serving
in the military.
For the repose of the souls of Richard McNamara, the Poor Souls in Purgatory, and for comfort
and peace for their families.
Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone can call Dianne Salsbery at 6541443 or 6544675;
Jean Niebur at 6542822. Names will be listed in the bulletin for one month unless specified.
Lay Ministry Announcement
Thank you to all who help out with our full coverage of all ministerial roles, fillin
Sunday Masses in the various ministries of ministers will be found for anyone not
Lector, Extraordinary Minister, Musician, present when the bell is sounded 5 minutes
and Altar Server! before Mass. It's preferred that ministers
arrive 15 minutes before Mass starts, but
There's been some concern about
scheduled ministers showing up at the last we know that's not always possible.
minute before Mass starts. This causes If you're scheduled for a ministry and will
uncertainty if the scheduled minister will not be able to attend, please contact
show up or if a fillin is needed. another minister and find a replacement.
This is a simple courtesy to show to your
Ministers are also asked to perform the
roles of greeting visitors before Mass and fellow ministers.
handing out bulletins at the end of Mass. A Thank you again to all of you! The time
minister can't be a greeter if they show up and effort you put into performing these
at the last second. ministries is greatly appreciated!
To help alleviate the uncertainty and ensure Fr. Cory
Live The Liturgy
No one wants to listen to a prophet, words caught their attention and amazed
especially when the prophet is someone them. After his words sunk in, they were
close to us. We have a hard time accepting infuriated and drove him out of town. Is
that ordinary associations can develop the Jesus simply the son of Joseph to us as
type and depth of wisdom that can not only well, or is he the God who knew us before
positively change lives but profoundly we were formed in the womb? If he is God,
challenge them. To many folks, Jesus was then we need to heed his message and
simply the son of Joseph, even though his change our lives accordingly.
Mass Intentions Please consider having Masses celebrated
for family and friends on special occasions
Mass Intentions: As Catholics, we have a
and anniversaries, as well as those who are
long tradition of having Masses celebrated
in need of prayers. Masses are also
for those we offer up in prayer. The Mass is
encouraged in memory of those loved ones
the ultimate form of prayer, and each Mass
who have died, especially on the
is celebrated for an intention. We ask $10.00
anniversaries of their deaths. Please contact
per mass intention.
Fr. Cory for more information.
Donation Statements for 2018
Thank you to everyone who donated to St. there are a few statements that need to be
Mary's, Sacred Heart, and St. Francis corrected and reprinted before they can be
during 2018! The donation statements have mailed out. Also, it's possible that some
been mailed, and should be arriving in donations were recorded incorrectly and
your mailboxes some time this coming won't show up on the donation statements.
week. Please check over your statements when
2018 saw a major change in tracking they arrive, and let us know if there's
donations, with a new tracking software anything missing. We'll be glad to correct
being implemented across the diocese. The the mistakes and reissue the statements.
process of changing over to this new We're sorry for the inconvenience this may
software has not been without difficulty, so cause, and thank you for your patience!
A Nite at the Races - THIS WEEK!
It's time once again for A Nite at the Individual ticktets can be purchased at
Races! Join us on Saturday, February 9 First State, First Security, and
at the Tin Cup Bar & Grill at Marian Independence Banks, and tables can be
Hills Golf Course for an evening of fun! purchased by calling Brenda at 406301
Wager on actionpacked, heart pounding 0936. Please purchasae your tickets prior
horse racing! Win prizes, bid on silent to the evening of the event.
auctions, and more! We are also looking for donations of silent
The evening will start at 5:30 PM with a auction items. They can be dropped off on
social hour, followed at 6:30 by a roast the tables in the Knights' Room (next to
pork dinner catered by Alesha Ereaux! the parish hall kitchen).
Tickets are $25 for individuals, $125 for a Hope you plan to join us for this Nite at the
table of 6, and $175 for a table of 8. Races!
Drinking the Spirit
“Drinking the Spirit” is a great opportunity Catholic faith. Please plan
for us to gather as adult Catholics to grow on joining us, spread the
in our Catholic faith and as a community. word, and bring a friend!
Each month we will have a different On Tuesday, February 12 at 7 PM, plan
Catholic topic with a presenter. Questions to join us at the GN Lodge Room (note
and discussions are encouraged. We are change of venue!) for our next Drinking
each responsible for our own "beverages" the Spirit session. Fr. Leo McDowell,
and food. This should be a relaxing and pastor of St. Mary's Parish in Livingston
enjoyable way of learning about the will discuss Anointing of the Sick and the
New to the Parish?
Welcome! We’re glad you will be joining us. If you would like to register with the
parish, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket. You may bring it by
the parish office or send it to us.
Phone number:__________________________________________________________
Email address:__________________________________________________________
You may also use this form for a change of address.
Trivia at Blue Ridge Brewing
Think you're a trivia expert? St. Mary's St. Mary's Parish is sponsoring this evening
Parish and Blue Ridge Brewing is giving of trivia, music, and fun. $5 will buy into
you the chance to prove it! Know a lot two rounds of trivia, with Blue Ridge
about popular music from many eras and Brewing gift certificates available to win in
styles? Show us! each round.
Join us on Thursday, February 7th at Bring your friends and
6:00 PM at Blue Ridge Brewing, 320 S plan for an evening of
1st St E (next to the car wash). trivia fun!
Retrouvaille - A Lifeline for Married Couples
Does your marriage need a tune up? Or course. It begins with a weekend program
even a major overhaul?Sometimes a that can help get your relationship back on
marriage can run along fine and then track. It is an effective program that has
things change. They may need your time worked for thousands of couples and it can
and attention. work for your marriage. For more
Sometimes lines of communication break information about an upcoming
down and they need repair. Sometimes our Retrouvaille Weekend program for couples,
focus moves away from our marriage and contact registration team: at 1800470
family and needs a little redirection. 2230 or visit our website:
Sometimes a fair or average marriage is www.retrouvailleMT.org or
just not enough. Have you ever thought to www.HelpOurMarriage.com
yourself, "How can I make my marriage The next Retrouvaille weekend will be on
better?" If so, Retrouvaille can help. February 2224, 2019, at the Ursuline
Retrouvaille is marriage program for Centre, Great Falls.
couples whose marriage has become off
Gospel Meditation
Today's Gospel is one of tension and No one likes to be reminded of their own
contradiction. We enter the scene at the faults. In the deeply religious Jewish
local synagogue. It is near the beginning of society, nobody wanted to be the unfaithful
Jesus' earthly ministry, and he has returned one. Jesus exposes the sins of the
home to Nazareth for a short while. There, community, and it drives them not to
in the midst of the men who watched him conversion, but to rage. We can consider
grow up and who played with him as a boy our own time. How often, when someone is
in the dusty streets, Jesus proclaims that he contracted, do they quickly resort to anger,
is the fulfillment of the Messianic namecalling, and undermining the
prophecies of Isaiah. The response is reputation of the other? How quickly we
understandably mixed. "All spoke highly of want to destroy! This Sunday, we ought to
him and were amazed at the gracious words consider our own lives. Do we listen to the
that came from his mouth. They also asked, prophetic voices around us, even when they
'Isn't this the son of Joseph?'" threaten to upturn our expectations? If we
hear something difficult, something that
Jesus reminds them none too gently of
reminds us of our own sin, do we accept the
the Israelites' rejection of the prophets
throughout history. Not only did the people opportunity to prayerfully ponder? If we
ignore Elijah and Elisha, but they worked allow ourselves to be open to the prophetic
voices in our own lives, we'll notice that
miracles among the pagans instead. Then
comes the rage. "They rose up, drove him God speaks through the unexpected, if we
out of the town, and led him to the brow of have ears to hear it.
the hill on which their town had been built,
to hurl him down headlong."
Catholic Quotes
"One who has hope lives differently."
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Francis' Universal Intention
For February: Universal – Victims For a
generous welcome to the victims of human
trafficking, enforced prostitution, and
Parish Council
Regina Webb (Malta) Cliff Merriman (KofC) Leona Kienenberger (Dodson)
Charlie Mears (Malta) Wilma Mavencamp (PCCW)
Shawn Bleth (Malta) Tom DePuydt (Saco)