Bulletin For November 10, 2019
Bulletin For November 10, 2019
Bulletin For November 10, 2019
Mary’s Catholic Church
P.O. Box 70 Office: (406) 654-1446
Malta, MT 59538 Fax: (406) 654-1467
[email protected] www.SaintMarysMalta.org
November 10, 2019 Fr. Cory Sticha - Pastor
Mass Schedule and Intentions
11/11: Malta 8:30 AM:
Special Intentions r/b Lana Fortin
11/12: Malta 8:30 AM:
Lana Fortin r/b Bruce & Darlene Cummings
11/13: Malta 8:30 AM:
Repose of Ed Riggs r/b The Howells
11/14: HiLine 10:00 AM:
Helen DePuydt r/b Bruce & Darlene Cummings
11/15: Malta 8:30 AM:
Poor Souls in Purgatory r/b Lana Fortin
11/16: Malta 11:00 AM (Latin):
Repose of Hans & Cordelia Martin r/b Charlie & Crystal Mears & Family
Malta 4:00 PM:
Special Intentions r/b Lana Fortin
11/17: Dodson 8:30 AM:
Repose of Bernie Keamme r/b Helen DePuydt
Malta 10:00 AM:
For the Parishioners
Saco 12:00 PM:
Repose of Mrs. Gertrude Rathbone r/b Helen DePuydt
Weekly Eucharistic Adoration
Every Friday from 9 to 10 AM (following daily Mass)
Traditional Latin Mass
Every Saturday at 11 AM at St. Mary's
Knights of Columbus # Parish Council of Catholic
2124 Women
Meets First Tuesday of the month Meets Second Sunday of the Month
Daily Scripture Readings
11/10 — ThirtySecond Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 Maccabees 7:12, 914; Psalm 17:1, 56, 8, 15; 2 Thessalonians 2:163:5;
Luke 20:2738 or 20:27, 3438
11/11 — St. Martin of Tours, Bishop (Veterans Day)
Wisdom 1:17; Psalm 139:110; Luke 17:16
11/12 — St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr
Wisdom 2:23—3:9; Psalm 34:23, 1619; Luke 17:710
11/13 — St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin
Wisdom 6:111; Psalm 82:34, 67; Luke 17:1119
11/14 — Thursday of the ThirtySecond Week in Ordinary Time
Wisdom 7:22—8:1; Psalm 119:8991, 130, 135, 175; Luke 17:2025
11/15 — St. Albert the Great, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
Wisdom 13:19; Psalm 19:25; Luke 17:2637
11/16 — St. Margaret of Scotland; St. Gertrude, Virgin
Wisdom 18:1416, 19:69; Psalm 105:23, 3637, 4243; Luke 18:18
11/17 — ThirtyThird Sunday in Ordinary Time
Malachi 3:1920; Psalm 98:59; 2 Thessalonians 3:712; Luke 21:519
Confessions: Saturdays Noon Baptism: Normally celebrated at
1p.m., 1/2 hour before daily Mass weekend Masses. Parental sessions
(Tues., Weds., and Fri.) or by are required.
appointment Marriages: Six month couple
Anointing of the Sick: Please preparation period required. Please
contact Fr. Cory as soon as possible meet with Fr. Cory before scheduling
for anointing. marriage date.
Live The Liturgy
Our God is a God of the living. In message of Jesus Christ reminds us
God, there is no death. While life to carry the hope of resurrection with
certainly presents hardships and has us in all things. We must never lose
its measure of suffering, God does sight of the fact that we are works in
not promise anyone, not even his progress and that what we see and
own Son, a way around it. What He experience here is only the beginning
does promise is His abiding, all of greater marvels to come. This is
sustaining presence as a source of why people like St. Paul and others
courage and hope so that we can of great faith consider their
more gracefully and purposefully sufferings as nothing compared to the
endure it. Our faith in the Gospel glory yet to be revealed.
Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist
We will be having Adult Study on the Contact Crystal Mears at 6541988
"Presence, The Mystery of the or 6547307. There are study guides
Eucharist" Starting at noon on for $5.00 each.
November 5th. There will be 7
Collections Totals For 11/3
11/3 Needed Online
Malta: $996.00 $2721.00 $445.00
Dodson: $32.10 $441.31 $0.00
Saco: $194.00 $441.31 $225.00
Parish Council
Regina Webb (Malta) Cliff Merriman (KofC) Tom DePuydt (Saco)
Charlie Mears (Malta) Wilma Mavencamp Leona Kienenberger
Shawn Bleth (Malta) (PCCW) (Dodson)
Mass Intentions Please consider having Masses
celebrated for family and friends on
As Catholics, we have a long tradition special occasions and anniversaries,
of having Masses celebrated for those as well as those who are in need of
we offer up in prayer. The Mass is the prayers. Masses are also encouraged
ultimate form of prayer, and each in memory of those loved ones who
Mass is celebrated for an intention. have died, especially on the
We ask $10.00 per mass intention. anniversaries of their deaths. Please
contact Fr. Cory for more
Catholic Quotes Pope Francis' Intention
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is For November: Universal: That a
good. 1 Chron 16:34 spirit of dialogue, encounter, and
reconciliation emerge in the Near
East, where diverse religious
communities share their lives
Goal Remaining Past Due
Malta: $24,326.76 $14,482.76 $69,139.37
Dodson: $3,497.83 $1,057.83 $0.00
Saco: $2,726.41 $2,561.41 $0.00
Please Pray For
Dale McNamara, Marion Holman, Roland Marney, Jaden Keeling, Wanda
Brown, Kenny Parisian, Arena Niebur, Scott Waters, Jack Lind, Noel
Emond, Kelly Kussie, Barb Darrah and family, Joyce Wright, Joyce
Donavan, and those from our area serving in the military.
For the repose of the souls of Bob Darrah, Judy Messerly, Linda Berg, Bob
Bushman, Terry Stiles, Jack Munsinger, the Poor Souls in Purgatory, and
for comfort and peace for their families.
Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone can call Dianne
Salsbery at 6541443 or 6544675; Jean Niebur at 6542822. Names will
be listed in the bulletin for one month unless specified.
Ask Fr. Cory
A couple weeks ago, I had a gentleman Coffee and rolls or other breakfasts were a
comment, “This is not the community’s regular feature of Sundays after Mass, but
parish. It’s become Father’s parish.” As I now are sporadic at best. Where are those
think about what he said, maybe he’s right, volunteers willing to put in the time to
but that leads to the question: “Why has it prepare breakfast for the parish, or spend
become Father’s parish instead of the time sharing a meal with their brothers and
community’s parish?” sisters after Mass?
It’s easy to say, “It’s all Father’s fault,” and I remember growing up in other parishes
I will take partial responsibility for the where families were given a month in
current state of the parish. In the time I’ve which they were responsible for cleaning of
been here, there have been times I’ve had the communal areas of the parish, such as
to take actions that weren’t popular and the church, parish hall, and so on. Where
upset people. I’ve said or done the wrong are the families willing to commit to a
things, like most of us have the habit of month to help with cleaning? If we had
doing on a regular basis. I admit my part. enough families doing this, it might be only
once or twice a year for each family.
However, each one of us needs to look at
how we contribute to the parish. If this is to There are constant calls for volunteers with
be the community’s parish, the community religious education, whether to teach or
has to be willing to look at the needs of the provide Wednesday evening meals, or to
parish and take action to meet them. participate in adult education. Where are
the parishioners who desire to pass on their
We’ve had a number of needs in the parish
faith to the youth of the parish? Where are
previously filled by volunteers, and no one
the parishioners who are clamoring to grow
stepped up when those volunteers were
in their own faith? Why are the Wednesday
unavailable or unable to continue. I’ve had
meals, open to the entire parish, so lightly
to take over responsibility for some of
attended and struggle to find volunteers to
them, and others are underfilled or dropped
altogether. Let me cite just a few examples:
These are just a few examples. If
We know that living in Montana means at
parishioners want to once again make this
least two things will happen with certainty:
the community's parish, each individual
the grass will grow in the summer and it’ll
member of the community needs to step up.
snow in the winter. Parishioners used to
This is what stewardship looks like.
mow the lawns and clear the walks, but no
longer do. Where are the families willing to Maybe the gentleman was right, and it's
ensure the grass is kept mowed throughout become Father's parish. In that case, Father
the summer and be at the church at 7 AM to is more than ready to give it back. Is the
clear the walks after a snow? community ready to take it?
Religious Education Happenings
“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” Luke 18:16
Thanksgiving Pope Benedict XVI reminded the faithful in
a Regina Caeli message from 2006, “The
The living and substantial act of
secret of spiritual fruitfulness is union with
thanksgiving is Jesus, in the Eucharist.
God, union that is realized especially in the
American Catholics are called to be a
Eucharist, also rightly called,
thanksgiving people every day of the year.
The very basis of daily worship is to offer
and give thanks back to the One who Thanksgiving is to be an instinctive
created mankind, redeemed it and sustains tendency, observable in everyday, daily life.
it; God, in the blessed Trinity. All we say, Worshipping together at Mass on
do, know or have comes from God. Truly, Thanksgiving is one way to begin, for Jesus
every day is to be a day of thanksgiving. is the living and substantial act of
thanksgiving. A true Thanksgiving can be
The very heart and source of life is
lived on Nov. 28th and on every day of
“eucharistia,” the Greek word meaning
one’s life.
“thanksgiving” in English. This is where
the word for Eucharist comes from; the Jennifer Miller, Today’s Catholic November
communion offered and received together 15,2017
as one people, one body with Jesus Christ, Dates to remember
at the holy Mass. From the beginning of
Christianity, the holy Mass was also called Nov. 12: Drinking the Spirit 7:00 p.m.
the Eucharist. Stockman Bar Banquet Room. Sheila
Malone will be speaking on the “Family
The American culture, however, Rosary”.
demonstrates a lack of appreciation for the
gifts of God. On the evening of the national Nov. 28: Thanksgiving Day Mass at 10:00
holiday of Thanksgiving, stores open, a.m.
forcing employees to work and Every Tuesday at Noon: Small group
encouraging customers to come buy study, “Presence, The Mystery of the
extreme amounts of things, all in the name Eucharist.” RE Center
of a good price. Instead of finishing
Grandma’s homemade pie with her, sharing Every Thursday at 6:00 p.m.: Trivia at
stories and living gratitude, people can be Blue Ridge Brewery. (Except Thanksgiving
found standing in line or scrolling and Day)
ordering from their phones and computers
buying that which will never feed them.
Everyday Stewardship
Thanksgiving Day Is Coming! not develop in us without effort. In
Thanksgiving will be here before the coming days, we can
you know it, and you will soon be contemplate all those things God has
saying, “Pass me the mashed given us. If it helps, we can create a
potatoes, please.” This November written list and bring it with us to the
holiday has its roots in American Thanksgiving dinner table. The point
history and has grown into a day is that too often we take so many
where we remember all the things gifts for granted, and unless we
for which we are thankful: country, pause and purposely reflect, we miss
family, friends, health, etc. the chance to give thanks. A healthy
Unfortunately, we can find ourselves and hearty heart filled with gratitude
so caught up with travel plans and can make the highs in life that much
buying the perfect turkey or ham that higher and the lows easier to bear.
we let the day pass us by, and all we Increased gratitude will also bring us
can focus on is how much we ate and closer to the source of all those good
who won the day’s football games. gifts, our God.
That’s why it is time NOW to begin So, what will Thanksgiving be like
reflecting daily of all things, great for you this year? You have some
and small, that we are thankful for in time to make it something more than
life. it has been in the past. The choice is
Gratitude is a key characteristic of a yours.
good Everyday Steward, but it does — Tracy Earl Welliver
Gospel Meditation
“Some Saducees, those who deny Church over the hypocrisy of some
that there is a resurrection, came of her members and leaders? Perhaps
forward and put this question to the real question is: “How can a
Jesus …” In this Sunday’s Gospel, place blessed by God and instituted
the Saducees avoid their real by Christ have this evil in it? Can I
question. Is there a resurrection from reconcile with the concept that an
the dead or not? Rather than ask this institution has an admixture of good
question point blank, the Saducees and bad? What do I expect from
try to prove their point through a others, from myself? What
roundabout, unrealistic scenario. responsibility do I have to try and
Jesus cuts straight to the question remedy evil in an institution I’m part
behind the question, citing Scripture of?” Perhaps you’ve wondered about
passages relating to the resurrection. the nature of romantic love, and if
The Saducees are trying to trick God is love, does He really care so
Jesus. While we may not intend to much about the details of this
stump God, our doubts and questions particular scenario? Perhaps the real
may have more in common with the question is: “Can my mind wrap
Saducees than we care to admit. around the concept of a God whose
Doubts are part and parcel of life in a law seems — on the surface, in this
fallen world. Still, there are different situation — to make people
ways we can word our doubts to unhappy? What is the relationship
ourselves, God, and others. When between the moral law and human
we’re struggling, truly struggling, flourishing?” These aren’t easy
about some article of faith, do we questions, but they are more honest
admit it? Or do we cloak it with ones. This week, don’t be afraid of
other, obtuse questions to hide the your deeper questions! Bring them to
nature of our concern? God, to someone you trust, and to
Have you considered leaving the
Please send bulletin announcements to [email protected] by
Thursday evening. Thanks!
Word of Life from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops
“O St. Bakhita, assist all those who
are trapped in a state of slavery;
Intercede with God on their behalf
so that they will be released from
their chains of captivity. ... Provide
comfort to survivors of slavery and
let them look to you as an example
of hope and faith.”
USCCB, “Prayer to St. Josephine
Weekly Reflection from Priests for Life
Terrible Miscalculation killed. Abortion may be a kind of
"The terrible miscalculation of resolution, but it is not the one the
young women is that abortion can woman most deeply longs for, nor
make them "unpregnant," that it will it even preserve her sense of
will restore them to who they were self."
before their crisis. But a woman is Paul Swope, "Abortion: A Failure to
never the same once she is pregnant, Communicate"
whether the child is kept, adopted, or
Trivia at Blue Ridge Brewing
Think you're a trivia expert? St. St. Mary's Parish is sponsoring this
Mary's Parish and Blue Ridge evening of trivia, music, and fun. $5
Brewing is giving you the chance to will buy into two rounds of trivia,
prove it! Know a lot about popular with Blue Ridge Brewing gift
music from many eras and styles? certificates available to win in each
Show us! round.
Join us on Thursday, November Bring your
14th at 6:00 PM at Blue Ridge friends and plan
Brewing, 320 S 1st St E (next to the for an evening
car wash). of trivia fun!